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Multi Disease Prediction Model by using Machine Learning and Flask API

Multi Disease Prediction Model by using Machine
Learning and Flask API
Akkem Yaganteeswarudu
Infoshare Systems, Pyramid Softsol Pvt Limited
Hyderabad, India
Abstract-- Many of the existing machine learning models for
health care analysis are concentrating on one disease per
analysis. Like one analysis if for diabetes analysis, one for
cancer analysis, one for skin diseases like that. There is no
common system where one analysis can perform more than one
disease prediction. In this article proposing a system which
used to predict multiple diseases by using Flask API. In this
article used to analyse Diabetes analysis, Diabetes Retinopathy
analysis, Heart disease and breast cancer analysis. Later other
diseases like skin diseases, fever analysis and many more
diseases can be included. To implement multiple disease
analysis used machine learning algorithms, tensorflow and
Flask API. Python pickling is used to save the model behaviour
and python unpickling is used to load the pickle file whenever
required. The importance of this article analysis in while
analysing the diseases all the parameters which causes the
disease is included so it possible to detect the maximum effects
which the disease will cause. For example for diabetes analysis
in many existing systems considered few parameters like age,
sex, bmi, insulin, glucose, blood pressure, diabetes pedigree
function, pregnancies, considered in addition to age, sex, bmi,
insulin, glucose, blood pressure, diabetes pedigree function,
pregnancies included serum creatinine, potassium,
GlasgowComaScale, heart rate/pulse Rate, respiration rate,
body temperature, low density lipoprotein (LDL), high density
lipoprotein (HDL), TG (Triglycerides).
Final models behaviour will be saved as python pickle file.
Flask API is designed. When user accessing this API, the user
has to send the parameters of the disease along with disease
name. Flask API will invoke the corresponding model and
returns the status of the patient. The importance of this
analysis to analyse the maximum diseases, so that to monitor
the patie nt’s conditi on and warn the patients in advance to
decrease mortality ratio.
Keywords-- Flask API, lipoprotein, GlasgowComaScale,
Diabetes, Triglycerides, Mortality
During a lot of analysis over existing systems in health
care analysis considered only one disease at a time. For
example, article [1] is used to analyse diabetes, article [2] is
used to analyse diabetes retinopathy, article [3] is used to
predict heart disease [11]. Maximum articles focus on a
particular disease. When any organization wants to analyse
their patient’s health reports then they have to deploy many
models. The approach in the existing system is useful to
analys e only particular disease. Now a day’s mortality got
increased due to exactly not identifying exact disease. Even
the patient got cured from one disease may be suffering
from another disease. In real life, I faced that situation. My
father got cured from the accident. My father got discharged
from hospital but after a few days he got expired. Internally
suffering from heart issues which is not identified. Like this
many instances observed in many people’s life stories.
Some existing systems used few parameters while
analysing the disease. Due to that may be not possible to
identify the diseases which will be caused due to the effect
of that disease. For example, due to diabetes, there may be
chance of heart disease, neuropath, retinopathy, hearing
loss, and dementia.
In this article considered Diabetes analysis, Diabetes
Retinopathy, heart disease and cancer detection data sets. In
future many other diseases like skin diseases can be
included, fever related diseases and many more. This
analysis is flexible that later included many diseases for
analysis. While adding any new disease analysis to this
existing API, the developer has to add the model file related
to the analysis of the new disease.
When developing new disease the developer have to
prepare python picking to save model behaviour. When
using this Flask API, the developer can load pickled file to
retrieve the model behaviour. When user wants to analyse
the patient’s health condition either then can predict a
particular disease or if the report contains parameters which
are used to predict other diseases then this analysis will
produce maximum identification of relevant diseases.
The aim of this article is used to prevent mortality ratio
increasing day by day by warning the patients in advance
based on their health conditions. Due to many diseases
models and predictions done at one place cost of patient
analysis can be reduced.
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES 2020)
IEEE Conference Record # 48766; IEEE Xplore ISBN: 978-1-7281-5371-1
978-1-7281-5371-1/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE 1242
Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM. Downloaded on July 22,2020 at 01:34:12 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
A. Existing system
Many of existing analysis involved analysing particular
disease. When a user wants to analyse diabetes needs to use
one analysis and same user wants to analyse heart disease
then user has to use one more model. This is a time taking
process. And also if any user having more than one disease
but in existing system if it is able to predict only one disease
then there is a chance of mortality rate increase due to not
able to predict the other disease in advance.
B. Proposed system
In multi disease model prediction, it is possible to
predict more than one disease at a time. So user no need to
traverse many models to predict the diseases. It will reduce
time and also due to predicting multiple diseases at a time
there is a chance of reducing mortality rate.
C. Dataset preparation
For diabetes analysis initially Pima Indian Diabetes
Dataset, the data set which was acquired from a hospital in
Frankfurt, Germany are used. For diabetic retinopathy over
150 GB image data from the UCI machine learning
repository are used. For heart disease analysis Cleveland,
Hungarian and Switzerland heart disease patient’s data sets
are used. And for cancer disease prediction used Breast
Cancer Wisconsin (Diagnostic) Data Set which is available
in machine learning repository. In the current analysis in
addition to those data sets used other live data sets by
visiting corresponding hospitals. The importance of this
analysis is by consulting the doctors collected the necessary
parameters which will cause the disease and also due to that
disease any other disease likely to occur. After doing this
analysis there is a chance of reducing mortality ratio
because if can able to predict the maximum diseases
chances of occurring so that can warn the patients in
advance for treatment
As per industry standards train set and test are prepared.
By using Scikit learn train_test_split method to split the data
as 70 % for training and 30 % for testing are divided.
Example: diabetes_feature_train, diabetes_feature _test,
diabetes_label_train, diabetes_label _test = train_test_split
(diabetes_features, diabetes_label, test_size=0.3,
B. Machine learning and Deep learning
Article main focus is to build a multi disease prediction
model so machine learning and deep learning techniques
used are briefly summarized here. Diabetes analysis, Heart
disease prediction and cancer detection are analysed by
different machine learning and deep learning techniques.
Like logistic regression, Naïve Bayes [13] classification
algorithm, SVM, Decision tree algorithm, Random forest
algorithm and many more algorithms are used to find the
status of the patient. For diabetes analysis, logistic
regression results 92% accuracy, for heart disease
classification Randomforest yield 95% accuracy and for
cancer detection SVM yield 96 % accuracy.
Diabetes retinopathy analysis contains retina images. So
used the python tensorflow library to analyse the images .
The tensorflow convolution neural networks is used for
building the model and tested with the test set. The built
model produced 91 % accuracy.
A. Python pickling for heart disease prediction data set
Once the data set is processed with training set and test
set, best algorithm which producing the highest accuracy is
selected. Model behaviour can be saved by using python
pickling. The python pickle [12] model is used to serialize
or de-serializing the python object structure. Python object
can be pickled and it can be saved on disk. The python
pickle file is a character stream which contains all the
necessary information to reconstruct the object in another
Consider hear.csv is a heart disease csv file. To process
the file and saving it as a pickle file, see the below code
For heart disease model file pickling:
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
import pickle as p
rf = RandomForestClassifier (random_state=x) (X_train, Y_train)
p.dump (rf, open ('final_heartdiseasepred.pickle', 'wb'))
In the above sample code 'final_heartdiseasepred.pickle’, the
pickle file is created.
B. Python pickling for diabetes prediction data set
For diabetes model file pickling:
df=pd.read_csv ("diabetes.csv")
x = df.iloc [:, 0:8]
y = df.iloc [:, 8]
x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(x, y,
sv = svm.SVC (kernel='linear') (x_train, y_train)
p.dump (rf, open ('final_diabetes.pickle', 'wb'))
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES 2020)
IEEE Conference Record # 48766; IEEE Xplore ISBN: 978-1-7281-5371-1
978-1-7281-5371-1/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE 1243
Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM. Downloaded on July 22,2020 at 01:34:12 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
C. Diabetes retinopathy prediction and model saving
by tensorflow
Since diabetes retinopathy analysis contains retina
images. So tensorflow model is used to analyse the model
and model behaviour stored in a file
model.compile (loss='categorical_crossentropy',
metrics= ['accuracy']) (X_train, Y_train, epochs=200, validation_data=
(X_valid, Y_valid), verbose=1)
D. Python pickling for cancer prediction data set
from sklearn.svm import SVC
svc_model= SVC () (x_train, y_train)
p.dump (svc, open ('final_cancer.pickle', 'wb'))
A. Loading pickle file to predict the disease
Once the model building is finished and model
behaviour saved as pickle file. In this analysis considered 4
diseases, so 4 pickle files are generated. Before analysing
the disease load the all pickle files in the python script
where the multi diseases analysis takes place
Sample code:
diabetesretinomodelfile='final_cancer.pickle '
heartmodel=p.load (open (heartmodelfile,'rb'))
diabetesmodel=p.load (open (diabetesmodelfile,'rb'))
cancermodel=p.load (open (cancermodelfile, ‘rb'))
retinomodel = load_model (diabetereretino)
B. Data flow
Figure1 represents data flow in analysis. Analysis starts
by pre-processing the data. Pre-processing is required
because, for example a live human being blood pressure
[11] cannot be zero and so on. Those kind of records to be
pre-processed. After pre-processing data set preparation and
model building for the different diseases [13] with available
data sets. All the model behaviours are saved in pickle files.
Flask API designed
Fig. 1. Data flow
Sample code for Heart Disease prediction Flask API:
@app.route ('/heartdiseasecondition', methods= ['POST'])
def heartdiseasecondition():
# Get the required inputs from user filled form
Charset':'UTF-8'} (url, data=j_data, headers=headers)
Once Flask API is designed load the pickle file and return
the patient status to the user.
Once Flask API is designed. Model can be consumed at
front end. Verified by designing sample website
Figure2 shows heart disease input screen. Once user
clicks on get status of heart disease patient it will return
whether patient have heart disease or not
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES 2020)
IEEE Conference Record # 48766; IEEE Xplore ISBN: 978-1-7281-5371-1
978-1-7281-5371-1/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE 1244
Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM. Downloaded on July 22,2020 at 01:34:12 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Fig. 2. Heat disease input screen
Figure 3 represents output of the heart disease
prediction. Once the user enters all details and click on get
heart disease status. Corresponding model will be loaded
and result of heart disease will be shown to the user.
Fig 3: Output of patient status
Multi disease prediction model is used to predict
multiple diseases at a time. Here based on the user input
disease will be predicted. The choice will be given to user.
If the user want to predict particular disease or if the user
don’t enter any disease type then based on user entered
inputs corresponding disease model will be invoked and
predicted. The advantage of multi disease prediction model
in advance can predict the probability of occurrence of
various disease and also can reduce mortality ratio.
Thanks to the Infoshare Systems, pyramid softsol pvt ltd
management for giving me the opportunity to do analysis on
health care domain.
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Akkem Yaganteeswarudu, Finished post-
graduation (M.Tech) in 2012. Started professional career in 2012.
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES 2020)
IEEE Conference Record # 48766; IEEE Xplore ISBN: 978-1-7281-5371-1
978-1-7281-5371-1/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE 1245
Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM. Downloaded on July 22,2020 at 01:34:12 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Worked at Honeywell, ITC InfoTech, Unisys and currently
working at Pyramid Soft Sol as a Data scientist. Having 8+ years
of experience and in Data science having 4+ years of experience.
Published various IEEE papers like preventing suicides of farmers,
Speaking compiler and many more. Having interest in research in
health care domain. Interested to develop health care solutions by
using machine learning and deep learning techniques.
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES 2020)
IEEE Conference Record # 48766; IEEE Xplore ISBN: 978-1-7281-5371-1
978-1-7281-5371-1/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE 1246
Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM. Downloaded on July 22,2020 at 01:34:12 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
... Different MRI techniques generate different images of tissue contrast that offer crucial auxiliary data and enable the segmentation and analysis of tumors and sub-regions. Because of this, it might not be able to identify the diseases that would result from its effects [11]. This makes difficulties in segmenting and classifying MRI images effectively, hence require automated systems [11]. ...
... Because of this, it might not be able to identify the diseases that would result from its effects [11]. This makes difficulties in segmenting and classifying MRI images effectively, hence require automated systems [11]. ...
... Step 4: Every pattern map generated by the new formulation of GBP is separated into non-overlapping sub-blocks, as well as sub-blocks histograms [29] at overall orientations and scales are fused to generate the improved GBP descriptor of the input image specified in Eq. (11), where H ,v,i (i = 1, 2, ..., m) refers to i th sub-block histogram of GBP map with orientation as well as scale v. ...
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... Yaganteeswarudu [10] proposed a flexible multi-disease prediction system that allows for the inclusion of various diseases, such as diabetes, diabetic retinopathy, heart disease, and cancer, into a unified analysis model. This system employs a Flask API to facilitate the prediction process, making it possible to analyze multiple diseases simultaneously. ...
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... It achieved a remarkable 30% reduction in paperwork time after implementing a python Flask solution at a large health insurance company [7].The document has 25% of improvement in matching accuracy for python Flask-based method ,which resulted in higher levels of productivity and customer satisfaction [8].By leveraging python Flask can unlock unprecedented levels of efficiency, accuracy and sophistication in their document entry, and ultimately build innovation in the face of the healthcare industry. ...
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... Consequently, adopting model deployment with MLOps, as outlined in [95], becomes necessary. To facilitate model consumption, the design of an API using Python frameworks, notably Flask, has been considered, drawing insights from various articles [96,97], particularly those focusing on disease classifications involving Flask development and its integration with machine learning models. The selection of Python is motivated by its pre-defined packages, such as Tensorflow and Pandas [95]. ...
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... In recent years, machine learning and deep learning have been applied in various fields as well as in the medical field [13,14] and have helped in Breast Cancer risk prediction and diagnosis [15]. Detection of Cancer and its management [16], Alzheimer's detection [17], classification of brain tumor type using MRI [18], and detection of coronavirus disease [19,20]. ...
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The eyes are the organ of sight and one of the most highly developed sensory organs in our body which covers a larger part of the brain. One of the most common problems that are spreading from kids to adults is an eye disorder which can be defined as abnormal functioning of the eye that can lead to vision disturbance. Examples of major eye problems are cataracts, glaucoma, etc. Artificial Intelligence has helped benefit research in the medical field. Ocular diseases can be detected automatically through Computer Vision and Deep Learning models when high-quality medical eye fundus images are provided to them. Inspired by this, we proposed three deep learning models based on the DenseNet pre-trained model for Ocular Disease Detection. Since the amount of eye scans being performed is rapidly growing at a much faster rate than the interpretation of the scan results, our proposed models could help automate the process thus increasing speed and efficiency. The proposed model performed the detection with an accuracy of 77%, 86%, and 98% for Ocular Disease Detection, Diabetic Retinopathy, and Age-Related Macular Degeneration tasks respectively.
Extended Reality is expanding in healthcare with regard to the quality of vision the operator experiences. On the other hand, machine learning has provided numerous capabilities to enhance user interaction. This paper focuses on using the visualizations of extended reality (XR) methods alongside functionalities provided by intelligent systems. We propose three hypothetical methods for integrating the two fields to provide healthcare solutions. The three use cases of treatment visualization, therapeutic strategies and decision-making are proposed to enhance healthcare. The treatment visualization case uses image segmentation and virtual reality (VR). We segment the medical image that the medical worker visualizes through the VR headset. We propose an adaptive mixed reality system that can change according to the user’s mood for appropriate therapy. Neural models recognize the user’s emotions and adapt the system accordingly. An augmented reality chatbot has been proposed to influence timely decision-making during medical situations. Each case study uses different tools from the other and focuses on a specific healthcare-related solution.
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Background Lowering insulin resistance and dyslipidaemia may not only enhance glycaemic control but also preserve the β-cell function, reducing the overall risk of developing type 2 diabetes (T2D). The current study was aimed to evaluate the effects of curcumin and/or long-chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCn-3PUFA) supplementation on glycaemic control and blood lipid levels in individuals at high risk of developing T2D. Methods This was a 2 × 2 factorial, randomised, double-blinded, placebo-controlled study. Participants were allocated to either double placebo (PL) or curcumin plus placebo matching for LCn-3PUFA (CC), or LCn-3PUFA plus placebo matching for curcumin (FO), or curcumin plus LCn-3PUFA (CC-FO) for twelve weeks. Primary outcome of the trial was glycaemic indices (HbA1C, fasting glucose and insulin). Insulin resistance and sensitivity is measured using homeostatic model assessment model. Results A total of sixty-four participants (PL, n = 16; CC, n = 15; FO, n = 17, CC-FO, n = 16) were included in the final analysis. Post-intervention, HbA1c and fasting glucose remained unchanged across all the groups. Insulin sensitivity was significantly improved in the CC supplemented group (32.7 ± 10.3%) compared to PL (P = 0.009). FO and CC-FO tended to improve insulin sensitivity by 14.6 ± 8.5% and 8.8 ± 7.7% respectively, but the difference did not reach significance. Triglyceride levels were further increased in the PL (26.9 ± 7.4%), however, CC and CC-FO supplementation reduced the triglycerides, FO resulted in the greatest reduction in triglycerides (− 16.4 ± 4.5%, P < 0.001). Conclusion Reduction in insulin resistance and triglycerides by curcumin and LCn-3PUFA appears to be attractive strategies for lowering the risk of developing T2D. However, this study failed to demonstrate complimentary benefits of curcumin and LCn-3PUFA on glycaemic control. Trail registration ACTRN12615000559516.
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Background: Heart failure (HF) is a progressive chronic disease affecting 6.5 million Americans and over 15 million individuals globally. Patients with HF are required to engage in complex self-care behaviors. Although the advancements in medicine have enabled people with HF to live longer, they often have poor health-related quality of life and experience severe and frequent symptoms that limit several aspects of their lives. Mobile phone apps have not only created new and interactive ways of communication between patients and health care providers but also provide a platform to enhance adherence to self-care management. Objective: The aim of this pilot study was to test the feasibility of a newly developed mobile app (HeartMapp) in improving self-care behaviors and quality of life of patients with HF and to calculate effect sizes for sample size calculation for a larger study. Methods: This was a pilot feasibility randomized controlled trial. Participants were enrolled in the hospital before discharge and followed at home for 30 days. The intervention group used HeartMapp (n=9), whereas the control group (n=9) received HF education. These apps were downloaded onto their mobile phones for daily use. Results: A total of 72% (13/18) participants completed the study; the mean age of the participants was 53 (SD 4.02) years, 56% (10/18) were females, 61% (11/18) lived alone, 33% (6/18) were African Americans, and 61% (11/18) used mobile phone to get health information. The mean engagement with HeartMapp was 78%. Results were promising with a trend that participants in the HeartMapp group had a significant mean score change on self-care management (8.7 vs 2.3; t3.38=11, P=.01), self-care confidence (6.7 vs 1.8; t2.53=11, P=.28), and HF knowledge (3 vs -0.66; t2.37=11, P=.04. Depression improved among both groups, more so in the control group (-1.14 vs -5.17; t1.97=11, P=.07). Quality of life declined among both groups, more so in the control group (2.14 vs 9.0; t-1.43=11, P=.18). Conclusions: The trends demonstrated in this pilot feasibility study warrant further exploration on the use of HeartMapp to improve HF outcomes. Trial registration: Pilot study, no funding from National agencies, hence not registered.
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Medical imaging techniques have widely been in use in the diagnosis and detection of breast cancer. The drawback of applying these techniques is the large time consumption in the manual diagnosis of each image pattern by a professional radiologist. Automated classifiers could substantially upgrade the diagnosis process, in terms of both accuracy and time requirement by distinguishing benign and malignant patterns automatically. Neural network (NN) plays an important role in this respect, especially in the application of breast cancer detection. Despite the large number of publications that describe the utilization of NN in various medical techniques, only a few reviews are available that guide the development of these algorithms to enhance the detection techniques with respect to specificity and sensitivity. The purpose of this review is to analyze the contents of recently published literature with special attention to techniques and states of the art of NN in medical imaging. We discuss the usage of NN in four different medical imaging applications to show that NN is not restricted to few areas of medicine. Types of NN used, along with the various types of feeding data, have been reviewed. We also address hybrid NN adaptation in breast cancer detection.
The challenges of diabetes treatment are to prevent or delay microangiopathic complications and macrovascular disease. Early, effective and sustained glycaemic control is advocated by all diabetes guidelines to mitigate the risks of prolonged hyperglycaemia. The post-hoc analyses of the large randomised glucose intervention trials and the long-term results of these trials have shown clearly that intensive glycaemic control may have more favourable cardiovascular effects when initiated earlier in the course of diabetes, particularly among in patients without cardiovascular disease. Based on the intervention trials a haemoglobin A1c level of less than 7.0% (<53 mmol/mol) is a generally accepted target to reduce microvascular disease and should be initiated early in the course of the diabetes. However, haemoglobin A1c targets should be individualised. Achieving a good glycaemic control without detrimental effect and preferably with benefit to the cardiovascular system and to renal function is an important challenge. When targeting a tight glycaemic control, avoidance of hypoglycaemia is crucial particularly in patients with coronary artery disease and in patients with heart failure. The cardiovascular outcomes trials performed to test the cardiovascular safety of the new glucose-lowering therapies offer compelling evidence in favour of the role of these drugs for cardiovascular prevention. Thus, both the glycaemic target and the choice of therapies should now be defined on an individual basis.
Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the co-administration of vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acid on clinical, metabolic and genetic parameters in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Methods: This randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled clinical trial was conducted on 60 subjects, aged 18-40 years old with PCOS. Subjects were randomly allocated to take either 50,000 IU vitamin D every 2 weeks plus 2000 mg/day omega-3 fatty acid from fish oil (n = 30) or placebo (n = 30) for 12 weeks. Gene expression analysis of inflammatory cytokines was conducted on peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of PCOS women using RT-PCR method. Results: Vitamin D and omega -3 fatty acid co-supplementation significantly decreased serum total testosterone levels (-0.2 ± 0.5 vs. + 0.1 ± 0.4 ng/mL, P = 0.02) compared with the placebo. In addition, vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acid co-supplementation resulted in a significant improvement in beck depression inventory (-1.4 ± 1.6 vs. -0.5 ± 0.6, P = 0.01), general health questionnaire scores (-4.5 ± 4.3 vs. -1.9 ± 2.3, P = 0.005) and depression anxiety and stress scale scores (-5.0 ± 5.1 vs. -2.3 ± 3.5, P = 0.01) compared with the placebo. Additionally, vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acid co-administration significantly decreased serum high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) (-1.2 ± 1.9 vs. + 0.1 ± 0.7 mg/L, P = 0.001) and malondialdehyde (MDA) levels (-0.4 ± 0.4 vs. + 0.2 ± 0.6 µmol/L, P < 0.001), and significantly increased plasma total antioxidant capacity (TAC) levels (+ 114.6 ± 122.2 vs. -2.4 ± 168.2 mmol/L, P = 0.003) compared with the placebo. Results of RT-PCR demonstrated that vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acid co-supplementation significantly downregulated gene expression of interleukin-1 (IL-1) (P = 0.03), and upregulated vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) (P = 0.004) in PBMCs of subjects with PCOS, when compared with placebo. Conclusions: Overall, the co-administration of vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acid for 12 weeks had beneficial effects on mental health parameters, serum total testosterone, hs-CRP, plasma TAC and MDA levels, and gene expression of IL-1 and VEGF among women with PCOS.
Web Harmony Search Algorithm (HAS) is commonly called as meta-heuristic algorithm influenced by musicians to perform the spontaneous process. This algorithm was designed to find the best harmony among the individual note played by each musician. Harmony Search (HS) cannot only consider discontinuous function it can also reflect continuous function. The main pro of HS is that it does not possess the feature of distinction and local optima. Harmony Search (HS) has a function of both continuous variable and discrete variable; Harmony Search (HS) is a unique stochastic derivative which is enforced to discrete function. In this paper, we survey some of the recent research works related to harmony search. The focus of this paper related to techniques and algorithms of Harmony Search.