Conference PaperPDF Available

Evaluation of Smart Home Systems and Novel UV-Oriented Solution for Integration, Resilience, Inclusiveness & Sustainability

IEEE 6th International Conference on Universal Village · UV2022 · Session SF-TS7-A&B-10
Evaluation of Smart Home Systems and Novel
UV-Oriented Solution for Integration, Resilience,
Inclusiveness & Sustainability
Longling Geng
Universal Village Society
Cambridge, USA
Xinzhang Xiong
Universal Village Society
Cambridge, USA
Zhenyao Liu
Universal Village Society
Cambridge, USA
Yifan Wei
Universal Village Society
Cambridge, USA
Ziliang Lan
Universal Village Society
Cambridge, USA
Mingyuan Hu
Northeastern University
Boston, USA
Mengxi Guo
Universal Village Society
Cambridge, USA
Rebecca Xu
Universal Village Society
Cambridge, USA
Hao Yuan
Universal Village Society
Cambridge, USA
Zhiyuan Yang
Universal Village Society
Cambridge, USA
Hanxia Li
Universal Village Society
Cambridge, USA
Yifan Zhou
Universal Village Society
Cambridge, USA
Huchong Jin
Universal Village Society
Cambridge, USA
Chenyi Wang
Universal Village Society
Cambridge, USA
Liuxuan Jiao
University of Cambridge
Cambridge, UK
Qiuhang Huang
Universal Village Society
Cambridge, USA
Fengyang Wang
Universal Village Society
Cambridge, USA
Katrina Sung
Universal Village Society
Cambridge, USA
Charles Zhang
Universal Village Society
Cambridge, USA
Mingyang Sun
Universal Village Society
Cambridge, USA
Xiaojing Li
Ningbo University
Ningbo, China
Nanbo Zhang
Universal Village Society
Cambridge, USA
Xuan Liu
Universal Village Society
Cambridge, USA
Ruiyang Gao
Universal Village Society
Cambridge, USA
Haihan Wang
Universal Village Society
Cambridge, USA
Juntao Jiang
Universal Village Society
Cambridge, USA
Yi Tao
Universal Village Society
Cambridge, USA
Lifeng Zhang
Universal Village Society
Cambridge, USA
Shengsheng Cao
Universal Village Society
Cambridge, USA
Longfei Zhou
Gannon University
Erie, USA
Xiaoman Duan
Universal Village Society
Cambridge, USA
Yajun Fang
Universal Village Society
Cambridge, USA
Abstract—At present, smart Homes are receiving more atten-
These authors contributed equally
Corresponding author
tion as they are becoming the predominant space that houses
people’s activities. Even though intelligent home appliances are
capable of ameliorating residents’ quality of life and decreasing
their household workload, current Smart Homes are still limited
978-1-6654-7477-1/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE
to providing support and services to satisfy the needs of the aging
society, small families, and busy lifestyles.
In addition to their limited capability, current Smart Homes
lack robustness and resilience and introduce some unexpected
new challenges, including waste of energy and resource, safety
and security concerns, compatibility, discontinued service due
to technology obsolescence, and financial challenges which are
further aggravated by the imbalanced development of different
regions and communities.
In this paper, we first discuss the new trend in people’s
lifestyles, the major needs of the current society, and the special
requirements for their future homes. We further elaborate on the
significance and contribution of existing Smart Home systems, the
challenges of Smart Home applications, the importance of human
involvement, and future development.
We then propose the concept of the UV Smart Home and
its general framework and evaluate, from the UV perspective,
the current status of the Smart Home system based on the
framework of a closed feedback control loop: data acquisition,
communication, decision-making, and action, as well as the
available technologies relevant to each element of the systems.
After that, we explore the information flow and material cycle
associated with UV Smart Home systems and study how Smart
Homes would be affected by these two major impacting factors:
information flow and material cycle. The need for information
flow and the current absence of centralized management and
disorganized information-sharing practices are discussed. We
also propose the concept of hierarchical information fusion,
addressing the lack of fusion between data content, temporal
and spatial information, data from different sources, and the
lack of fusion between different informational layers, such as
human know-how and system data. The paper also points out
that the material cycle is a key element in Smart Homes
as it connects all UV components through the exchange of
physical products, energy, and natural resources. We investigate
and highlight several issues within the current Smart Home
material cycle, ranging from improper handling of hazardous
materials and exposed electrical wires to unauthorized access to
firearms and improper mixing of cleaning substances. This part
also emphasizes the risk of cascading failures in interconnected
systems and processes. It underscores the need for improved
information management, fusion, and coordination, as well as
proper handling of materials and resources to ensure the safety
and functionality of the UV Smart Home system.
In addition, we propose that an effective Smart Home
should take into consideration the interaction between Smart
Home subsystems and the other seven smart city subsystems:
smart medicine and healthcare, intelligent transportation, urban
planning and crowd management, smart energy management,
smart city infrastructure, smart environmental protection, smart
response system for city emergency, and smart humanity. We
identify the categories of information exchanges required for the
interactions between UV Smart Home systems and other smart
subsystems and how such information would support each other
and enhance the performance of other smart subsystems.
Moreover, we will be examining how human lifestyle and
community dynamics could potentially shape the UV Smart
Home concept, with a particular focus on their potential to
enhance unique and diverse lifestyles, such as those of vulnerable
groups. We will delve into how these smart homes can provide
tailored support, catering to specific needs, and creating a more
inclusive and supportive living environment. Whether it’s aiding
the elderly with health monitoring or assisting people with
disabilities through enhanced accessibility features, we’ll explore
how smart homes can be a beneficial tool for a wide spectrum of
lifestyles. In addition to individual lifestyles, we’ll explore how UV
Smart Homes can integrate with and benefit diverse communities.
We’ll delve into how these smart homes can provide specialized
functions to cater to unique community needs, such as communal
healthcare monitoring for elderly communities, or enhanced secu-
rity features for urban neighborhoods. Furthermore, we’ll discuss
how the collective strength of a community can compensate for
certain limitations of smart homes, like addressing the digital
divide or reinforcing community-wide data security, ultimately
working towards a better, more sustainable living experience for
Lastly, based on the in-depth exploration of the complicated
dynamic relationship between multiple impacting factors, we
propose a UV-oriented, integrated, resilient, inclusive, and sus-
tainable UV Smart Home framework design to address current
imminent challenges and to improve residents’ quality of life
through multi-source real-time smart monitoring, hierarchical
and context-based data fusion, directed information disclosure
within families and communities, “home operating system” fea-
turing life-long learning of users’ dynamic preferences, and smart
appliances integration for subject-oriented, event-triggered and
coordinated home services and actions.
The proposed UV Smart Home system offers a comprehensive
solution to the challenges identified in this paper. It addresses
the diversity of human needs and lifestyles by structuring
an integrated, personalized, and dynamic information package
that captures various aspects of residents’ lives. The system
incorporates a Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output (MIMO) package
of coordinated processes, consisting of seven core functions
and six system objectives, to provide personalized services and
functionalities for different living groups and communities. By
adopting a closed feedback loop, dynamic adaptiveness, and
interactive human involvement, the UV Smart Home system aims
to be a highly automated, intelligent, and human-controllable
system. It leverages machine learning techniques and user feed-
back to continually update its knowledge base and adapt to
changing lifestyles. The system’s coordination and automation
capabilities ensure efficient information flow and seamless co-
ordination across sensing, communication, decision-making, and
action stages.
Keywordssmart home, vulnerable group support, homeless
support, chronic disease management, senior care, independent
living, smart energy management, smart infrastructure support,
smart response system for urgent situations, smart mobility, smart
humanity, information flow, material cycle, smart lifestyle man-
agement, smart community user acceptance, Universal Village,
smart monitoring, smart activity understanding, human-computer
interaction, computer vision, machine learning, safety and security,
adversarial attach, reinforcement learning, adaptive control, system
theory, dynamic relationship, coordination & automation, closed
feedback loop, robustness & resilience, sustainability.
The concept of Smart Homes is increasingly attracting
attention as homes become the principal environment for a
significant portion of daily activities. This shift in societal
behavior marks a paradigm change in our relationship with
our living spaces.
According to a report by Strategy Analytics, global con-
sumer expenditure on Smart Home Systems is forecast to
surpass $170 billion by 2025 [1]. Despite the vast potential
of intelligent home appliances to enhance residential living
quality and decrease household chores, current Smart Home
systems exhibit certain limitations. Particularly, they are in-
adequate in catering to the nuanced requirements of aging
populations, smaller families, and individuals with demanding
lifestyles, and they struggle to meet the specific needs of
vulnerable demographic groups. Moreover, lacking robustness
and resilience, current Smart Home systems are encountering
new challenges, such as waste of energy and resource, safety
and security concerns, compatibility, disrupted service related
to technology obsolescence, and high financial burden. Such
challenges are further aggravated by the imbalanced develop-
ment of different regions and communities.
A. Importance of Home
In this section, we will elaborate on the importance of
home systems and Smart Home research. We begin with the
concept of home, then analyze the connection between home
and basic human needs. The changes in various lifestyles put
forward complicated demands for home intelligence, which
are reflected in technical challenges for growing Smart Home
markets. In the end, we will discuss the Smart Home, its
relevant new technologies, its economic modes, and promising
new technology trends in Smart Home development.
1) Definition: “Home” is a multidimensional concept. Be-
sides the physical meaning of a place to live, “Home” is
also the extension of itself, and the combination of social
relationships [2]. Gram-Hanssen and Darby categorize home
into four concepts: home as security and control, as a site
of activity, as a place for relationships and continuity, and
as identity and values [3]. Just as the family is the basic
unit of human society, the home is the basic element of the
community. Homes ensure our safety and security, provide us
with living infrastructures and conditions, and maintain our
physical and psychological well-being. In summary, home is
where we live our lives.
Investopedia defines a Smart Home as “a residence that uses
internet-connected devices to enable the remote monitoring
and management of appliances and systems, such as lighting
and heating.” In other words, a Smart Home is a collection of
electronic devices that can be controlled and accessed remotely
and interconnected via the Internet, LAN, Bluetooth, etc. It
can operate autonomously without a user to some degree
with a definite level of intelligence. Research of Smart Home
definitions falls into four categories: conceptual, prospective,
evaluative, and technological Smart home could focus on
various aspects including security and control, a place for
activity, relationships and continuity, identities, and values.
2) Basic Human Needs: Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is
a psychology theory proposed by Abraham Maslow in his
paper [4]. The theory is widely used to study the motivation
of human behavior. Maslow’s theory uses a five-stage model
to describe basic human needs, often represented as a pyramid
These needs are physiological, safety, belonging and love,
esteem, and self-actualization, ranking from low-level to high-
level. According to Maslow’s idea, low-level needs must be
satisfied before individuals can pursue high-level ones.
It is not surprising that home is tightly linked to all these five
levels of needs. Acting as the bedrock of human life, home not
only meets our basic physical needs and psychological needs
but also supports our higher self-fulfillment needs.
3) The Changes in Lifestyles: Changes in lifestyle include
many aspects as different people may have their own lifestyles.
In the following, we will analyze how people change their
lifestyles in eight different aspects.
a) Limited and Imbalanced Space within and across
Countries: According to [5], space within and across countries
could be imbalanced. There are three key findings as follows.
Rural residential space per capita is increasing in China;
Urban residential space per capita has a decreasing trend
in China;
Imbalance space per capita globally.
Different regions and countries may have different spatial
distributions of home sizes. The average new home varied
in size from 45m2(484ft2) in Hong Kong up to 214m2
(2,303ft2) in Australia [6].
The OECD notes that in the United States, there are on
average 2.4 rooms per person, while Canada has the most
rooms per person [7]. In Switzerland, Spain, Denmark, and
Japan, however, there are only 1.9 rooms per person. That’s
one-fifth less than the average in the United States [7].
b) Extended Time Spent at Home: In recent years, there
has been a significant trend towards spending an increased
amount of time at home. As per a referenced study [8], indi-
viduals in 2012 spent an additional 7.8 days at home compared
to those in 2003. This trend can be attributed to a combination
of factors, including the pervasive impact of information
technology and the growth of an aging society [8]. According
to the American Time Use Survey [9], this trend persisted from
2019 to 2020, with individuals spending between 50% to 62%
of their waking time at home. The trend was likely accelerated
by the COVID-19 pandemic, during which various homebound
activities increased, such as housework, food preparation and
cleanup, pet care, and even sleep durations (May through
December 2019 vs. 2020) [9].
The COVID-19 pandemic has had an undeniable effect on
people’s homebound behavior since 2020. As demonstrated
in Fig. 1 [10], the majority of countries experienced a surge
number of residential visitors post-pandemic in April 2020,
and still exhibits a increased trend in a long term perspec-
tive [10]. Conversely, from the graph [10], there is a population
segment that comparatively spent less time at home. Both
these categories will be considered in the subsequent sections
detailing the Universal Village (UV) smart home systems.
c) Decreasing Family Sizes: The evolution of the con-
temporary living environment has instigated notable transfor-
mations in numerous facets of people’s lives, engendering
significant alterations in the majority’s lifestyle patterns. One
such discernible alteration pertains to family structures. In
the United States, a declining trend in family size has been
observed since 1960, with the average number of family
members reducing from approximately four to three members
per family as of recent statistics [11].
This transition from cohabitative family living to more
individualistic lifestyles can result in reduced availability of
Fig. 1. Varying Trend of Time Spending at Home for Different Countries [10]
assistance from familial and social networks. This shift neces-
sitates a corresponding increase in personal living skills and
As the family size diminishes, the number of occupants
within a household follows suit, inadvertently leading to an
increased workload per individual. This amplified burden en-
compasses a variety of tasks ranging from routine housework
to daily chores and other issues, all of which must now be
managed by fewer individuals. Smart home systems have the
potential to mitigate this workload, thereby offering significant
benefits to inhabitants of smaller households.
For instance, intelligent agents can assist with the organiza-
tion and management of daily tasks, even providing social in-
teraction when needed. Smart appliances, such as autonomous
cleaning robots, can handle household chores, while smart
refrigerators can manage grocery needs by tracking usage and
suggesting purchases. These are merely a few examples of
how current and future smart home appliances can adapt to the
needs of smaller households. Further discussions on the current
smart home and the possibilities and the potential of smart
home technologies to influence our lifestyle in the context of
evolving family structures will be explored in II and V.
d) Remote Work: The demarcation between professional
and personal spaces is becoming increasingly indistinct, a
trend likely to persist long after the COVID-19 pandemic
fades into history. The pandemic has left an indelible mark
on work dynamics and home design alike. According to
[12], the pandemic prompted 80% of people to transition to
remote work arrangements, profoundly altering the landscape
of professional engagement.
During the pandemic, remote work was not merely a choice
but a necessity for many, sparking a large-scale shift towards
home-based professional activities. As people adapted to this
new norm, they discovered numerous benefits, including more
efficient time utilization and the convenience of operating from
a familiar environment.
While it remains uncertain whether remote work will be-
come the predominant work model post-pandemic, the trend
toward increased flexibility is likely to endure. Specifically,
the widespread adoption of remote collaboration tools during
the pandemic has shown potential for continued use, allowing
for flexible and effective professional engagement. As this
trend evolves, the role of smart home systems in facilitating
efficient and comfortable remote work environments is likely
to increase, presenting a key area for further exploration and
e) Work-life Balance: Currently, there is a trend for
work-life balance within and outside of a home. In the
following, we will analyze why this trend occurs. Possible
reasons include busy work time & a fast living pace, less
vacation time, and less time with family members.
Busy work time & Fast living pace: Diverse lifestyles in
modern society require different types of support from
home. People with tight schedules live fast-paced lives
and want to use their time as efficiently as possible.
Small families or people living alone, especially kids
or seniors, may demand new appliances that reduce
housework. According to research by Jonathan B Spira,
CEO of research and IT advisory firm Basex and author
of Overload, two-thirds of workers felt that they didn’t
have enough time to get everything done and 94% have
at some point felt “overwhelmed by information to the
point of incapacitation” [13].
Less vacation time: According to [13], an online survey
of 7,331 US workers found more than half failed to
take their full holiday because of a fast-paced life, where
people are overwhelmed by their work and office hours.
Relationship: Less time with Family Members: The trans-
formation also includes changes in relationships with
family and friends. The fast living pace in modern society
accounts for the little free time for most people and
therefore leads to few opportunities to have meals and
conversations with family and friends. According to the
study conducted, there is a 33% decrease in the frequency
of having family dinners in the past 20 years [14].
In conclusion, due to the trend of busy schedules and
fast living pace, and also people’s spending less time with
family members and friends, how to balance work and life
is becoming a more serious and challenging problem in the
f) Prolonged Engagement with Digital Media: In recent
years, there is a trend for people to change their lifestyle of
entertainment. In the following, we will analyze the five main
trends of entertainment lifestyle changes.
Growing worldwide mobile phone market: The first trend
is that the global mobile phone market is expanding. Ac-
cording to Statista [15], the number of smartphone mobile
network subscriptions worldwide grows from about 3.6
billion in 2016 to about 6.6 billion in 2022, with forecasts
from about 6.9 billion in 2023 to about 7.9 billion in
More time on digital media: As more technological tools
become available for people to communicate and share
lives, the interaction patterns between people are not the
same as before anymore. An increasing number of people
prefer using digital platforms to share their lives, and
the percentage of Americans who use social media has
increased from 5% to 79% from 2005 to 2019 [16].
People start to spend more and more time on their mobile
digital devices. According to [17], in 2008 people in the
United States spent less than 0.3 hours on their mobile
electronic devices. In 2018, the average time people spent
on their electronic devices was more than 3.6 hours.
There is an increase of more than 10 times.
Trend for Game, Metaverse, and VR in the future: The
lines will blur between entertainment and gaming. In their
October earnings call, Netflix announced to shareholders
that they’d be adding 55 new titles to their game offerings,
many based on existing Netflix IP [18]. This trend will
continue, with franchise adaptations like a Gears of War
animated series and film on the horizon.
New VR models like the Meta Quest are hitting the
market, and an upcoming entry from Apple is rumored
to be released soon. A telltale sign of continued growth
comes from widespread adoption by big-name consumer
brands in a variety of verticals, including traditional
sports, fashion brands, and even toy companies.
Trend for globalization and lifestyle fusion: While content
native to social platforms remains the bread and butter
for the creator economy, 2022 saw widespread expansion
beyond TikTok, YouTube and Instagram for creators
eyeing a greater growth trajectory. These online platforms
create a globalized platform for citizens across the world.
Trend for the feeling of isolation: To investigate, Primack
and his colleagues surveyed 1,787 U.S. adults ages 19 to
32 and asked them about their usage of 11 social media
platforms outside of work [19]. The survey also gauged
social isolation by asking participants questions such as
how often they felt left out. (As will happen in this type
of survey, people may have lowballed their estimates of
media use.) It turns out that the people who reported
spending the most time on social media more than
two hours a day had twice the odds of perceived social
isolation than those who said they spent a half hour per
day or less on those sites. And people who visited social
media platforms most frequently, 58 visits per week or
more, had more than three times the odds of perceived
social isolation than those who visited fewer than nine
times per week [19].
Trend for growing aging population globally: Population
aging, the inevitable increase in the share of older per-
sons, happens in most countries in recent decades. In
America, from 2009 to 2019, there is a 36% increase
in the number of people aged 65 and older, and a larger
increase is expected in the next decade [20]. Population
aging starts in high-income countries, for example, in
Japan, 30% of the population is already over 60 years
old. But it is now low- and middle-income countries that
are experiencing the greatest change. The United Nations
estimates that the number of older persons is expected
to double again by 2050 when it is expected to reach
nearly 2.1 billion [20]. By 2050, two-thirds of the world’s
population over 60 years will live in low- and middle-
income countries [21].
Since factors including people’s physical and social en-
vironments including their homes, neighborhoods, and
communities heavily affect their health, it is also impor-
tant to take these considerations into the home design for
the elderly. About 80% of the senior respondents ideally
would like to live on the third floor or below, and they
often require facilities such as elevators and barrier-free
passages [22].
g) Diversity of Lifestyles: Home becomes more and
more a place for multiple needs for people with different
lifestyles [23].
Lifestyle of children: According to a recent study [23],
Homes became the “everything space” during COVID-19:
impact of changes to the home environment on children’s
physical activity and sitting. Children need special care
at home to avoid harm.
Lifestyle of the elderly: When people are getting older,
their lifestyles evolve so the demand for homes evolves.
For example, the elderly may not be suitable for too
much oil and salt intake, and they may not feel easy to
go upstairs and downstairs, and go to their washrooms.
Home needs to consider these kinds of changes related
to aging. As the above, we have discussed the trend of
the growing aging population.
Lifestyle of vulnerable group: Statistics from the Aus-
tralian Bureau of Statistics in 2018 showed there were 4.4
million disabled people across the country, representing
17.7 percent of the national population [24]. Of the 4.2
million disabled households, 12.2% (or 511,400 people)
had retrofits: 8.1% had grab rails, 5.8% had a bathroom,
toilet, or laundry room retrofit, and 2.6% had installed up
ramp too.
Lifestyle of a minority group: Minority groups such as
unsociable people are more sensitive to spatial boundaries
and privacy issues, and they may not like to be disturbed.
Lifestyle of different occupations: People in certain oc-
cupations need to work at home, such as IT engineers,
designers, online shop owners, small businesses, etc. Art
workers may require spacious painting rooms which can
be cleaned up more conveniently. Singers may require
special music studios with soundproof walls to prac-
tice songs and play instruments without disturbing their
neighbors. Students may require a quiet environment
when preparing for their exams. Also, certain jobs in-
cluding doctors and nurses frequently work at night, and
they may need secure transportation and remote home
Lifestyle of holiday, culture, and religion: People with
different religions may also have different ways of
lifestyles across the world [25]. Some special activities
and holidays may require different designs of Smart
Homes. For example, La Tomatina (Spanish pronunci-
ation: [la toma tina]) is a festival that is held in the
Valencian town of Bunol, in which participants throw
tomatoes and get involved in a tomato fight purely for
entertainment purposes. This may require Smart Homes
to “plan ahead”, “compute financially” and be able to
store a certain amount of tomatoes and help people clean
up rooms after fights.
Lifestyle of personalization and pet management: Even
for a single person, each may require different subtle
changes and preferences in lifestyle. For example, the
way they cook their food, and the way they relax at home
including listening to music or doing exercises.
Pets are another trend for new generations. DT Finance
and Weika launched the “2021 Pet-raising Youth Sur-
vey”, and completed the “2021 Pet-raising Youth Report”
based on 2,213 valid samples collected. “interest” is one
important reason for pet adoption. More than 6 adults
are adopting pets because “I like it very much”. Even
if people face the risk of “demolition” and “bankruptcy”
after raising a pet, as long as people see a pet with an
innocent face and a slightly coquettish look, people will
instantly break their defenses.
Also, another important reason is that people want to keep
a pet to accompany them because they are too lonely
during the COVID-19 pandemic. There are also people
who suffer from depression and want to use pets as their
spiritual support and heal themselves by raising pets.
Lifestyle of sustainability: As more and more people
are becoming aware of climate change and sustainability,
their lifestyles evolve. For example, people may choose
public transportation over private cars to get around.
People may choose to purchase items made from reusable
In summary, there are different lifestyles or lifestyle changes
for different groups of people and individuals. A “smart
enough” home needs to consider these changes and design
for these various needs and changes of needs.
4) Market Size and Economic Factor: United States Smart
Home Market to Reach $78.7 Billion by 2027 at a CAGR of
15.8% [26]. Smart home industries, such as lighting control,
security and access control, HVAC control, smart speaker,
smart kitchen, and smart furniture, are still expanding. Smart
homes are considered to be the main service of the Internet
of Things, and leading global companies are launching Smart
Home service products based on the Internet of Things.
Growing Furniture Market: The global furniture market
is valued at approximately $557 billion in 2022 and is
expected to grow year on year, reaching a projected value
of about $650.7 billion by 2027 [27], [28].
Growing Home Decoration Market: According to [29],
the global home decor market was valued at $616.6
billion in 2019 and is estimated to reach $838.6 billion by
2027, growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR)
of 3.9% from 2020 to 2027.
Growing Household Appliances Market: The global
household appliances market was valued at $501,532
million in 2017 and is projected to reach $763,451 million
by 2025, growing at a compound annual growth rate
(CAGR) of 5.4% from 2018 to 2025 [30], [31].
Growing Home Automation Market: Technological ad-
vancements have driven the development of Smart
Homes. Home automation is expected to provide home
assistance in various innovative ways, leading to an
increase in the demand for Smart Homes in individual
households. According to Mordor Intelligence, the Smart
Home market was worth $79.13 billion in 2021 and is
expected to grow to $313.95 billion by 2027, with a
compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 25.3% [32].
Growing Home Services Market: Research shows that the
smart house services market will reach $10.9 billion by
2028 in the United States alone. With around 10.2% com-
pound annual growth rate (CAGR), the home service mar-
ket shows a promising trend for various kinds of Smart
Home functions and services in the future [33], [34], [35].
In China, Smart Home device market is projected to
increase from below 300 million to over 500 million from
the year 2022 to the year 2026 [36].
a) Macroscopic Economic Factor: As AI is gradually
changing how we live and work, the inevitable question
is how much impact these technologies will have on busi-
nesses, consumers, and the economy. The development of
Smart Homes is intrinsically linked to the performance of
the economy and real wages. While consumers can install
relatively inexpensive devices, such as Amazon’s Alexa or
Google Assistant, installing an integrated, automated home
system is an expensive attempt for the average consumer. This
originates from several reasons as follows.
Stagnated wage growth for the vast: While wage growth
is strong in developing markets, real wages for most
people have generally stagnated in most Western markets
if inflation is taken into account. In the United States, real
wages remain stagnated for the lower-income and middle-
income groups. Middle-wage workers’ hourly wage is
up 6% since 1979, low-wage workers’ wages are down
5%, while those with very high wages saw a 41%
increase [37].
Rising global wealth inequality will further limit
widespread adoption in the Smart Home industry unless
competition causes significant disruption to the industry
in terms of price. However, if manufacturers can reduce
the cost of manufacturing and installing integrated auto-
mated home systems over the next decade, this should
offset stagnant wages.
Operation and cooperation requirements: Smart home
development and services require to involve multiple
stakeholders such as designers, manufacturers, end users,
home builders, and tech companies. Seven considerations
need to be addressed in terms of collaboration and op-
eration of Smart Home [38]. These seven considerations
One-word shopping: The housing industry will link
up with Amazon smart tech to take advantage of
the growing trend of one-word style shopping from
Costly effective: Adding low-cost, high-impact tech
add-ons can boost profits for home builders, just like
in-car infotainment units do for automakers.
Efficiency: Technology should intersect with every
sector, including housing, and can be used to make
the house-building process more efficient.
Standard: Collaboration between builders and tech-
nology companies is accelerating with the introduc-
tion of IoT devices, but standardizing on a specific
brand and not a common specification deserves some
Commercialization: Collaboration will extend be-
yond homes to commercial spaces, where IoT can
provide huge opportunities to manage heating, light-
ing, and energy use intelligently.
Certification: LEED Certification will incentivize
builders to add aftermarket products for Smart Home
tech and solar power to build smarter, cleaner, and
more efficient homes.
Quality: Builders should focus on infrastructure,
such as using materials that allow better wire-
less communication within the house and providing
enough outlets to power devices.
Network Capacity:
Edge Computing Hardware computation and storage
capacity: As with any technology, the fundamental
components and systems are constantly improving.
Engineers are tasked with continuously developing
better solutions as soon as limitations are recognized.
Three major limitations in Smart Home technology
are accuracy, latency, and compatibility. In terms of
edge computing in a “smart enough” home network,
there could be potentially millions of and even bil-
lions of nodes [39]. Thus, how to use computation
and storage resources efficiently is very important. In
the future, quantum computing may be a promising
direction for improving computation speed.
Supply and Furnish limitation: Smart home devices
may use special and smart materials, along with dif-
ferent, complex manufacturing techniques. With the
Smart Home market expanding, it is important that
builders and manufacturing companies stay prepared
for the growing market.
In a perfectly competitive market, increased demand
for Smart Home systems leads to an increase in price
and quantity. However, there has been a recent short-
age of semiconductors needed for smart products.
The chip shortage will affect the security and Smart
Home industries. As the supply of chips decreases,
which will lead to an increase in the price of Smart
Homes, the quantity may decrease or remain un-
changed. This, in turn, could further push up prices
for residential and commercial consumers. As the
lines between work and home become increasingly
blurred, much of this need is likely to remain after
COVID becomes a distant memory.
As a result, manufacturers will continue to compete
for available semiconductor supplies. Only time will
tell if manufacturers can keep up with the oceans and
the changing tide of global chip demand. When the
supply shortage is solved and the quantity of Smart
Homes increases, the price of the industry will also
be stable in the long term.
Human resources limitation: Although current Smart
Home industries have not yet reached a mature economic
cycle around the globe, it is important for tech companies
to consider the limitation of human resources in current
markets. In the development of Smart Homes, the chal-
lenges of managing human resources for international,
distributed teams often include managing different cul-
tures, overcoming distance, ensuring legal compliance,
and providing future support and after-sale service [40].
Culture management: Managing different cultures
involves overcoming language barriers, building a
cohesive company culture, and taking cultural dif-
ferences into consideration. In Smart Home devel-
opment, a few important considerations are paying
attention to different cultural elements, creating a
culture of inclusiveness, and avoiding discrimination.
Remote services: Overcoming distance requires
leveraging resources and technologies to promote
inter-team collaboration, despite geographic con-
straints. Numerous Smart Home technologies such
as in-home monitoring, cloud services, and informa-
tion systems require frequent remote checking and
Legal supervision and responsibility: Ensuring legal
compliance involves navigating different local labor
laws and regulations, adapting to changes in these
laws, and avoiding accidental violations. The Smart
Home industry may pose a new challenge to the
internet because a “smart enough” home network
reaches every home and individual, and knows much
more personal private information ever than before. It
is important for service providers and tech companies
to do their best to protect users’ safety and privacy
such as avoiding information leakage and physical
Future support and after-sale service: Providing fu-
ture support and after-sale services such as refunding
services, maintenance services, and user satisfaction
questionnaires are important services for boosting
user acceptance and satisfaction levels. A positive
feedback loop from users may form a benign macro-
scopic economic cycle.
b) Microscopic Economic Factor: Smart home devel-
opment is a rapidly growing industry, with the potential to
revolutionize the way we live in our homes. However, the
success of this industry depends on various microscopic eco-
nomic factors. In this section, we will discuss how individual
purchasing power, user acceptance level, product popularity
level, and product usage level affect Smart Home development.
Individual purchasing power: Individual purchasing
power refers to the amount of money that an individual
or household has to spend on goods and services. The
level of individual purchasing power plays a significant
role in the development of Smart Home products. If the
products are priced too high, only a small segment of
the population will be able to afford them, limiting their
market potential. On the other hand, if the products are
priced affordably, it will increase the potential market
size, leading to more sales and a wider adoption rate.
Smart home developers need to be aware of the tar-
get market’s economic profile and design products ac-
cordingly. If the target market consists of high-income
individuals, then the products can be priced higher. In
contrast, if the target market consists of middle or low-
income individuals, the products need to be priced af-
User acceptance level: User acceptance level refers to
the willingness of consumers to adopt new technologies
and products. The success of Smart Home products
depends on the level of user acceptance. If consumers
are reluctant to adopt new technologies, it will limit the
market potential for Smart Home products.
Developers need to conduct market research and study
the target audience to understand their acceptance levels.
Consumers are more likely to adopt Smart Home products
if they understand the benefits and perceive the products
to be easy to use.
Product popularity level: Product popularity level refers
to the level of demand for a particular Smart Home
product. The popularity of a product depends on several
factors, such as marketing, features, pricing, and user
reviews. Products with a high level of popularity tend
to have a wider adoption rate.
Smart home developers need to design products that cater
to the needs of the target audience. They must study
the competition and design products that offer better
features and pricing than the competitors. Additionally,
developers need to market their products effectively to
increase product awareness and popularity.
Product usage level: Product usage level refers to the
level of engagement that users have with Smart Home
products. The success of Smart Home products depends
on the level of engagement that users have with the
products. If users do not use the products frequently, it
will limit the potential market size.
Developers need to design products that are easy to use
and provide value to users. Products that require extensive
setup and configuration may discourage users from en-
gaging with the products. Additionally, developers need
to provide adequate support and maintenance to ensure
that users can continue to use the products.
In conclusion, the success of Smart Home products depends
on various microscopic economic factors, such as individual
purchasing power, user acceptance level, product popularity
level, and product usage level. Smart home developers need
to be aware of these factors and design products that cater
to the needs of the target audience. Additionally, developers
need to market their products effectively and provide adequate
support to increase the adoption rate and engagement levels.
c) New Economic Mode: Smart homes can lead to the
following three new economic modes, sharing mode, sus-
tainability mode, and the mode of feeling love, peace, and
New economic mode 1: Sharing mode: Sharing economy
is a new economic model that has gained immense
popularity in recent years. With the rise of platforms
like Airbnb and Uber, sharing economy has transformed
traditional industries like hospitality and transportation.
In the context of Smart Home development, the sharing
mode is characterized by a percentage of shared housing,
Airbnb, and homestays.
The concept of shared housing has become popular,
especially among young people who are looking for
affordable housing options. Smart home technology can
be used to facilitate shared living arrangements, making
it easier for tenants to manage shared spaces and utili-
ties. Similarly, Airbnb has revolutionized the hospitality
industry, offering travelers unique and affordable accom-
modation options. Smart home technology can be used
to enhance the guest experience, by offering automated
check-in and check-out, Smart Home security systems,
and other amenities.
The concept of homestays has become increasingly
popular among travelers looking for authentic cultural
experiences. Smart home technology can be used to
enhance the guest experience, by offering Smart Home
automation systems that enable guests to control their
living environment, access local recommendations, and
connect with the host.
New economic mode 2: Sustainability mode: Sustain-
ability mode is another emerging economic model that
is gaining popularity, especially among environmentally
conscious consumers. With the rise of the Internet of
Things (IoT), Smart Home technology can be used to
promote sustainability, by reducing energy consumption,
minimizing waste, and maximizing efficiency.
For instance, smart thermostats can be used to regulate
indoor temperature, reducing energy consumption and
lowering electricity bills. Smart lighting systems can
be used to control energy consumption by automati-
cally turning lights off when rooms are unoccupied.
Similarly, Smart Home appliances, such as refrigerators
and washing machines, can be used to optimize energy
consumption, reduce waste and promote sustainability.
Moreover, the shortage of chips and semiconductors is
becoming a major concern for Smart Home manufactur-
ers, who are increasingly focusing on creating sustainable
and environmentally friendly products [41]. The trend
towards sustainability is likely to continue, with more
companies looking to adopt eco-friendly practices in their
manufacturing and production processes.
New economic mode 3: Feeling of love, peace, and
achievement: Smart home technology can be used to
promote feelings of love, peace, and achievement. For
example, Smart Home systems can be used to foster re-
lationships within the home and community, by enabling
communication and interaction among family members
and neighbors.
Smart home technology can also be used to promote
feelings of peace, by providing solutions for emotional
release and stress reduction. For instance, Smart Home
systems can be used to create ambient environments that
promote relaxation and reduce stress. Smart home tech-
nology can also be used to provide solutions for dealing
with traumatic events, such as live shooting incidents.
Smart home technology can also be used to promote feel-
ings of achievement, by enhancing work efficiency and
supporting elderly care. Smart home systems can be used
to optimize work productivity, by providing automated
scheduling, task management, and other tools. Similarly,
Smart Home technology can be used to support elderly
care by providing automated reminders for medication,
exercise, and other daily activities.
In the end, we would like to mention that despite the benefits
of Smart Home technology, there are also negative effects as-
sociated with the new economic models. For example, the rise
of influencer culture and the “netizen economy” has created a
breeding ground for scams, fraud, and exploitation. The “Nth
room” incident in South Korea is a recent example of how the
digital economy can be used to facilitate heinous crimes. Smart
home technology, however, can be used to address negative
effects by providing better information management, improved
security systems, and other solutions that promote comfort and
safety for Smart Homes.
5) Promising New Trend: Here we will give a brief intro-
duction to the promising new trend of home development. An
in-depth discussion and evaluation of the Smart Home system
will be discussed in Section II. The challenges of the Smart
Home system will be discussed in Section I-C
The new technology trends are listed below:
Increased integration with voice assistants: Smart home
systems are increasingly integrating with voice assistants
such as Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, and Apple Siri,
allowing homeowners to control their smart devices using
voice commands. Reference [42] discusses the use of
smartphones as a substitute for intermediate equipment
in IoT environments for multimodal interaction.
Greater emphasis on security and privacy: As Smart
Home systems become more popular, there is a growing
concern about security and privacy. To address these
concerns, Smart Home system manufacturers are im-
plementing more robust security features and providing
greater transparency about how user data is collected and
used. Reference [43] discusses the security and privacy
challenges associated with the deployment of cyber-
physical systems in smart city applications. It highlights
various security and privacy issues at different levels in
the architecture of a smart city and also discusses the
domain-centered security issues in the domain of Smart
Integration with renewable energy sources: With the
increasing popularity of renewable energy sources such
as solar power, Smart Home systems are being designed
to integrate with these systems, allowing homeowners to
manage their energy usage more effectively and reduce
their reliance on traditional power sources. Reference [44]
provides a comprehensive review of closed-loop home
energy management systems that incorporate renewable
energy sources in a smart grid. The authors emphasize
the importance of residential load management and the
integration of renewable energy technologies for a more
efficient grid management system. They also discuss
various techniques and algorithms used in energy man-
agement systems, such as optimization and forecasting.
Expansion into new markets: Smart home systems are
expanding beyond traditional home applications and into
new markets, such as commercial buildings and health-
care facilities [45].
Enhanced automation and customization: Advances in
artificial intelligence and machine learning are enabling
Smart Home systems to become more automated and cus-
tomizable, allowing homeowners to create personalized
settings and routines for their devices. Reference [46] dis-
cusses the design of technology to support mobility assis-
tance dogs, and emphasizes the value of assistive smart-
home technology to support individuals with tetraplegia, a
vulnerable group that requires heightened ethical scrutiny.
The new trends for people are listed below:
Home-centered lifestyle: With the increased emphasis on
working and exercising from home, people may spend
more time in their homes and view them as the center of
their daily lives. Smart home technology can facilitate
this lifestyle by providing convenience, entertainment,
and safety features within a home. Reference [47] dis-
cusses the concept of smart toilets with built-in sensors
and diagnostic tests. The author mentions the Flowsky
model from Japanese toilet manufacturer TOTO as an
example. the highly systematized Philips Hue’s smart
lights can be personalized to match the mood and elevate
entertainment, and can also be used to beautify back-
yard spaces [48]. Reference [49] proposes a deep fusion
framework, utilizing iSecureHome’s EmoFusioNet, for
surveillance of Smart Homes using real-time emotion
Sustainable living: As people become more conscious
of their environmental impact, Smart Home technology
can help them reduce their carbon footprint through
features such as energy-efficient appliances and home
automation systems that optimize energy usage. Refer-
ence [50] illustrates the use of Smart Home automation
systems for building sustainability. The authors suggest
that precise control of the system and investing in unused
periods is a trend that has been used in cars and can be
applied to buildings. Reference [50] also touches upon
the importance of a life cycle assessment of the system.
Health, wellness, and relationship: The pandemic has
brought attention to the importance of health, and Smart
Home technology can help people maintain and improve
their health through features such as air quality monitor-
ing, at-home exercise equipment, and smart appliances
that promote healthy eating habits. Reference [51] re-
views the temperature performance of household refriger-
ators, building on previous studies and seeking to put this
important stage of the review into context. Reference [52]
discusses interventions to address the burden among
family caregivers of persons aging with TBI, and suggests
the use of Smart Home technology as a novel strategy for
relieving caregiver burden and increasing independence.
Home Office: As more and more people work and study
from home, there have been innovations in the home
office space, such as noise reduction windows and AI
filters to blur backgrounds during video calls. Refer-
ence [53] identifies the perceived challenges and oppor-
tunities for a sustainable work environment in the post-
pandemic office [53]. It highlights the need for a more
ergonomic workplace compared to the home office [44],
reintroducing variation in the workday, and increasing
the sense of community and social interaction among
employees. The authors also emphasize the importance of
integrating sustainable practices in office design, energy
consumption, and transportation to reduce the carbon
footprint of office work.
a) Home Innovation and New Appliances: Nonetheless,
as the technology underpinning the Smart Home revolution
continues to get faster and more powerful in the U.S., home
automation is expected to deliver help for various home activ-
ities in new and innovative ways. Smart light switches, smart
light bulbs, door/window sensors, smart door locks, smart
health and fitness devices, smart TVs, and smart speakers
are among the many devices that are also connected to voice
assistants that can control them with voice commands. In the
following, we have summarized the recent newly emerged
innovation and appliances in Smart Homes. However, high
budget requirements, stable internet connection, steep learning
curve, and device compatibility can pose challenges for Smart
Homes [38].
The recent development of home innovation and new appli-
ances is listed below:
Integration: This refers to the ability of different systems,
devices, or software to work together seamlessly. In a
Smart Home context, integration can mean connecting
various devices and systems to create a unified, easy-to-
use control system. This can involve adapting to different
people’s preferences, such as automatically adjusting the
lighting or temperature based on user behavior.
AI/IoT: AI (Artificial Intelligence) and IoT (Internet of
Things) are technologies that allow devices to commu-
nicate with each other and perform automated tasks.
Examples of AI/IoT in Smart Homes include voice assis-
tants like Amazon Alexa and Siri, which can understand
and respond to user commands, such as “play music”,
“update to-do lists”, and “turn lights on and off”. IoT
devices in the home include smart kitchen appliances,
smart bathrooms that monitor bowel movements and track
health, smart doorbells that use facial recognition, and
small mirrors with health detection features.
Touchless Control: Touchless technology allows people
to interact with devices and surfaces without physically
touching them. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated
the adoption of touchless tech in homes and public
spaces. Examples of touchless control in Smart Homes
include touchless hand sanitizer dispensers, touchless
doorbells, and voice-activated devices, which is a popular
trend in post-COVID pandemic.
Smart Thermostats: Smart thermostats allow homeowners
to customize the temperature and environment of their
homes based on personal preferences and daily habits.
These devices can be controlled remotely and provide
homeowners with real-time information about energy
usage and savings.
Health Tech: Health tech in Smart Homes can include
devices that monitor air quality, humidity, skin and waste
analysis, and disease detection and cancer prediction.
These devices can help users maintain a healthy living
environment and alert them to any potential health con-
At-Home Exercise: When gyms and fitness studios closed
during the COVID-19 pandemic, many people turned
to at-home exercise. Smart exercise equipment like The
Mirror, Smart Trainer, and Ultrahuman offer personalized
workout routines and tracking features, such as offering
emotional support and daily training recommendation.
Home Office: Many people have shifted to working and
studying from home, leading to innovations in home
office design. Examples include AI filter noise reduction
windows to blur backgrounds in video calls and other
privacy features.
High-Speed Connection: High-speed connection with the
internet and home-based devices is essential for Smart
Homes to operate effectively. This allows for the smooth
operation of devices and real-time communication among
the devices, end users, and service providers.
High-Tech Security: Smart homes often have advanced
security features that allow homeowners to check on their
homes from afar and access controls remotely. Examples
include motion sensors, cameras, and facial recognition
Privacy Features: With the rise of data breaches and cy-
bersecurity risks, Smart Homes must have strong privacy
features to protect personal data. This includes secure
networks, encrypted communications, and secure access
Smart Furniture: Smart furniture offers customizable fea-
tures like adjustable firmness levels and the potential
for future products [54]. It is too early to tell if smart
furniture will become a new trend as consumers should
seek expert advice before making purchases.
Smart Entertainment: Entertainment apps or online in-
strumental games could allow multiple people to play
instruments remotely at the same time.
Other New Innovations: Other innovations in Smart
Homes can include reduced heating costs and car-
bon dioxide emissions, outdoor classrooms, and roofing
loans [55].
Other new Appliances: Smart locks are an example of
new appliances that offer advanced security features and
remote access controls.
b) New Technology: Originally, Smart Homes mainly
incorporated home devices and their control features. With the
development and use of new smart technologies, more and
more abilities are being included in Smart Home systems.
For example, various kinds of smart agents are developed
to assist with the interactions between people and the home
system. Intelligent furniture like sweeping robots is no longer
mysterious to the general public. For healthcare at home,
there are portable medical devices and nursing robots designed
for home use. For the emotional and entertainment needs of
humans, there are electronic pets. Supported by Augmented
reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) technology, we are one
step away from a virtual home. Below are new technologies
that develops fast in recent years.
5G: This is the fifth generation of mobile network
technology, which promises faster download and upload
speeds, lower latency, and more stable connections than
previous mobile network technology. 5G technology en-
ables fast data transfer rates and the ability to connect
multiple devices simultaneously. This technology has the
potential to revolutionize industries such as healthcare,
transportation, and entertainment, as well as enable the
Internet of Things (IoT) to grow.
AI/IoT: AI and IoT are technologies that are closely
linked, with AI driving the intelligence of IoT devices.
The combination of AI and IoT has the potential to
transform industries and create new economic modes by
providing real-time analysis of data, predictive mainte-
nance, and personalized experiences. This technology has
the potential to drive innovation and improve productivity
in industries such as healthcare, transportation, manufac-
turing, and agriculture.
Anti-theft (blacked): This technology helps prevent theft
by blacking out stolen devices remotely, rendering them
unusable. This technology can reduce theft and loss of
valuable devices and data, which can have a significant
economic impact on businesses.
Voice/face assistant (recognition): Voice and face recog-
nition technology enable users to interact with devices
without touching them. This technology has the potential
to transform industries such as healthcare, retail, and
finance by providing personalized experiences and im-
proving security.
The adoption of Smart Homes is a new economic mode
that has the potential to transform the home industry. Smart
homes use IoT technology to connect devices and appliances
and enable remote control and automation of home functions.
This technology has the potential to improve energy efficiency,
increase security, and provide personalized experiences for
users. However, the adoption of Smart Homes has been slower
than expected, and there are challenges to overcome, such as
compatibility issues, privacy concerns, and the high cost of
implementation. Strategies to increase the adoption of Smart
Homes among younger consumers are needed to drive demand
and promote the growth of this new economic mode.
c) Smart Home: A Smart Home, as a recent develop-
ment of home, greatly extends its ability to support living.
Equipped with Information and Communication Technology
(ICT), Smart Home is usually defined as a communications
network that incorporates sensors, appliances, and devices at
home. Generally, Smart Home enables remote monitoring,
access, and control, providing residents with personalized
services, and improvement of energy efficiency.
The global Smart Home market is projected to reach $223
billion by 2027 [56]. The annual growth is estimated to
be 12.47% between 2022 and 2027 [56]. In fact, demand
for Smart Home systems and appliances keeps growing for
decades as consumers become more interested in energy effi-
ciency, resource utilization, safety, and environmental issues.
Right now, there are still a considerable number of challenges
holding consumers back from full investing, which we will talk
about later. Once these issues are resolved, the Smart Home
industry will definitely enjoy tremendous growth.
B. Challenges for Current Smart Home Systems
In this section, we will discuss important challenges in
current Smart Home systems. From the perspective of human
needs, we list safety and security threats to houses and
residents, challenges to physical and psychological human
well-being, inclusiveness challenges of different vulnerable
groups, and strong requirements on life quality. Besides, as
a complex and multi-user system, a home needs to be well-
managed and organized. Thus the coordination and efficiency
issues of home management will also be discussed.
1) Challenges of Home Safety and Security Threats: In
order to ensure the safety of family members, home systems
should be able to conduct timely intelligent monitoring of
emergencies and make intelligent assessments of the current
physical and psychological conditions of users. And to ensure
that corresponding actions can be taken in a timely fashion
when an event is detected, such as forecasting extreme weather
and calling emergency contacts. In emergency situations, home
systems should have the authority to directly contact the
medical system to prevent missing the best rescue time.
a) Home External Safety Hazards: Home, as a physical
entity, is a house or dwelling. It is vulnerable to external
environmental threats. Natural disasters such as earthquakes,
tropical cyclones, floods, and wildfires often bring serious
damage to home systems. Even worse, according to the UN
Office for Disaster Risk Reduction, there is a sharp increase
in the number of recorded disaster events over the last twenty
years [57]. The 2020 California wildfire season was recorded
as the largest wildfire season in history. Over 4.2 million acres
of land were burned, and more than 10,000 structures were
destroyed by fire [58].
Some natural disasters have been able to be accurately
monitored and modeled and forecasted in real-time. Typi-
cal examples are typhoons, blizzards, and tsunamis. Many
technologies and data sources can help predict and monitor
emergency events, such as satellite remote sensing technology,
UAV-Based Aerial Imagery and Videos, Simulation Data,
Mobile GPS, and Call Data Record In general, the current dis-
aster prediction capability has reached a high level. However,
because the current home systems have a certain degree of
independence, they are unable to effectively and timely obtain
the latest emergency news from the community, so residents
may miss important news.
The U.S. has sustained 357 weather and climate disasters
since 1980 where overall damages/costs reached or exceeded
$1 billion (including CPI adjustment to 2022). The total cost
of these 357 events exceeds $2.54 trillion [59].
b) Home Internal Safety Hazards: In addition to the
above external threats, homes also face safety challenges from
within. Pests such as termites and powderpost beetles can
destroy the wooden structure of houses, resulting in leaking
or collapse. Gas leaks can lead to serious safety issues like
gas explosions and fires. High concentrations of some gasses
inside houses can be harmful to human health, such as methane
and carbon monoxide. Besides, human errors such as the
incorrect operation of electrical devices or forgetting to turn
off a faucet can also cause safety problems.
Burglary is one kind of physical attack on a home. Accord-
ing to the FBI, there were an estimated 1,117,696 burglaries in
2019. Victims of burglary offenses suffered an estimated $3.0
billion in property losses in 2019. The average dollar loss per
burglary offense was $2,661, approximately equal to 45% of
median household income [60], [61].
Another growing concern in Smart Homes is the risk of
cyber-attacks. Smart home systems are vulnerable to hack-
ing, and if successful, attackers can gain access to sensitive
information, control home appliances and systems, and even
unlock doors. Cyber-attacks can occur due to poor security
measures, outdated software, or weak passwords. The FBI’s
Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) has released its annual
report for 2021. Their 2021 Internet Crime Report outlines
information related to the 847,376 complaints of suspected
cybercrime, with reported losses at $6.9 billion, that they
received throughout the year [62]. According to the cyber-
security venture [63], the global ransomware damage cost is
growing dramatically each year, with a predicted total damage
cost of 265 billion by 2031. Ransomware is expected to attack
a business, consumer, or device every 2 seconds by 2031, up
from every 11 seconds in 2021.
Mold is another potential safety hazard in the home, par-
ticularly in areas with high humidity or moisture. Mold can
cause respiratory problems and other health issues, especially
for people with allergies or asthma. Homeowners should take
steps to prevent mold growth, such as fixing any leaks or water
damage promptly, using dehumidifiers in humid areas, and en-
suring proper ventilation in areas like bathrooms and kitchens.
If mold is present in the home, it should be professionally
remediated to prevent further growth and ensure the safety of
the occupants.
c) Security Threats: At present, most households still
use the simplest keys and door locks to ensure the safety
of their belongings and people. It is mentioned in [64] that
by using tools such as crowbars, even unskilled thieves can
enter the home with a simple lock within 4 to 45 seconds.
Moreover, with the popularity of on-site services, on-site
service personnel such as takeaways, couriers, and repairers
can easily get permission and enter the house, which poses a
threat to the resident’s security.
For the elderly, the safety problem is even more serious.
On the one hand, compared with the young, the elderly
are less resilient and usually have difficulties in identifying
and responding to safety issues inside their houses. On the
other hand, some criminals specifically target the elderly who
live alone since they are not strong in detecting danger and
resisting, which makes it easy for criminals to commit crimes.
In general, the elderly have a very weak ability to protect
themselves against security threats.
d) Human Health Safety Hazards: As people spend
more time at home, their risks of accidental injury around
the house have also increased. Many common household
hazards threaten people’s health. Some of the hazards are falls,
choking, cuts, poisoning, strangling, drowning, and burning
Injuries due to falls are one of the most common household
hazards. As people grow older, their body functions gradually
decline, even daily activities like walking and getting up could
be difficult due to a lack of stability. Besides, some individuals
with neuromuscular diseases also have difficulty walking or
exercising. For elderly people with Parkinson’s disease, for
example, their early symptoms include tremors, stiffness, and
slow movement Therefore, the probability of falling for these
people will greatly increase, leading to serious consequences
such as hip fractures It is reported that for patients with hip
fractures, the risk of death is three times that of the general
elderly population, and about 20% of the elderly with hip
fractures die within a year [65].
Housework injuries can happen when performing routine
tasks such as cleaning, cooking, or doing laundry. These
injuries can include cuts, burns, and strains. Gas explosions
can occur due to a gas leak and can be extremely dangerous.
Fires can happen due to a variety of reasons including faulty
wiring or cooking accidents. Falls can happen due to slippery
surfaces, cluttered spaces, or lack of proper handrails on stairs.
Electrical shocks can occur due to faulty wiring or improper
use of electrical appliances.
To mitigate these hazards, it is important to have proper
safety measures in place, such as smoke detectors, carbon
monoxide detectors, and fire extinguishers. It is also important
to ensure that electrical wiring is up to code and that appliances
are used properly. Smart home systems can also play a role
in improving home safety by providing real-time alerts for
potential hazards and allowing for remote control of devices.
2) Challenges for Human Physical Well-being: Physiolog-
ical needs, at the most basic level in Maslow’s hierarchy of
needs theory, are directly related to the survival of individuals
and are the prerequisite for other needs to be met. In this
section, we will stress some challenges people face to stay
healthy at home, such as health issues regarding disease
treatment, limited access to exercise and insufficient physical
activity, also imbalanced or inadequate nutrient intake.
Furthermore, the COVID-19 pandemic has amplified the
importance of addressing these challenges and highlighted
additional obstacles to maintaining physiological well-being
at home. The widespread health issues caused by the virus
have strained healthcare systems and posed significant hurdles
for individuals seeking disease treatment. Access to quality
medical care, including timely diagnosis and medication, has
become a pressing concern for many. Moreover, the imple-
mentation of the lockdown and social distancing measures has
led to limited opportunities for exercise and physical activity,
exacerbating sedentary lifestyles and the associated health
risks. The lack of access to gyms, sports facilities, and outdoor
spaces has made it increasingly difficult for individuals to
engage in regular exercise routines, contributing to a decline
in overall fitness levels. Additionally, the disruption to daily
routines and increased stress levels have impacted eating
habits, resulting in imbalanced or inadequate nutrient intake.
Maintaining a healthy diet has become more challenging,
with limited access to fresh produce and increased reliance
on processed and shelf-stable foods. These combined factors
have presented a formidable array of hurdles for individuals
striving to meet their physiological needs and stay healthy
while confined to their homes.
a) Health: When we think about people’s health needs,
we may consider the different types of diseases and the
corresponding treatment support provided by the home. On the
one hand, there are many sudden diseases that pose serious
health risks, such as heart attacks, asthma, allergies, and so
on. In the current home system, it is difficult to respond to
these emergencies timely and appropriate. As a result, the
optimal rescue time for these patients is always missed. On the
other hand, there are long-term chronic diseases that also cause
troubles in people’s lives, such as cervical disease, arthropathy,
hypertension, and more. For homes, what is more, difficult to
treat these diseases is the long-term status tracking, monitor-
ing, and maintenance, as well as efficient communication with
In addition to the challenges mentioned earlier, another vital
aspect of maintaining health at home revolves around the avail-
ability of fresh air, outdoor activities, sunshine, and appropriate
air-conditioning. Fresh air plays a crucial role in promoting
respiratory health and overall well-being. However, inadequate
ventilation and poor air quality within homes can lead to a
range of health issues, including respiratory infections, aller-
gies, and the exacerbation of existing conditions. According
to WHO [66], household air pollution was responsible for
an estimated 3.2 million deaths per year in 2020, including
over 237 000 deaths of children under the age of 5. Ensuring
proper ventilation systems or opening windows to allow for
the circulation of fresh air becomes essential, especially in
environments where pollutants or indoor allergens are present.
A common pollutant in the home is due to the method of
cooking. According to WHO [66], around 2.4 billion people
worldwide cook using open fires or inefficient stoves fuelled
by kerosene, biomass (wood, animal dung, and crop waste)
and coal, which generates harmful household air pollution.
Outdoor activities and exposure to sunshine are equally
important for maintaining good health. Engaging in physical
activities outdoors not only promotes cardiovascular fitness
and strengthens the immune system but also contributes to
mental well-being. Unfortunately, the limitations imposed by
staying at home may restrict individuals’ access to outdoor
spaces and recreational areas. The lack of opportunities for
outdoor exercise and leisure activities can have detrimental
effects on both physical and mental health. Exposure to the
outdoors is linked to many health benefits such as lower blood
pressure, decreased risk of heart disease, and even a boosted
immune system [67]. According to a 2018 study [68], people
who spend two hours outside per week report positive effects
on their overall health and well-being compared to those who
do not. Encouraging individuals to engage in indoor exercises
or find creative ways to replicate outdoor activities within
the confines of their homes can help mitigate some of these
Additionally, properly regulated temperature within homes,
especially during extreme weather, is very important to main-
tain a physically healthy living environment. Although air-
conditioning can provide relief from excessive heat or cold,
improper use or overreliance on air-conditioning systems can
have negative consequences as well. According to the NIH,
inadequate maintenance or excessive cooling can lead to issues
such as dry air, increased risk of respiratory infections, or
the exacerbation of certain health conditions [69]. Striking a
balance between comfortable indoor temperatures and the need
for fresh air circulation is essential in order to create a healthy
and conducive living space.
b) Exercise: According to a research study conducted
by the Lancet Global Health in 2018, there is a prevalence
of insufficient physical activity around the world [70]. One
possible reason is that for most people who live in tall build-
ings, their access to public exercise utilities is very limited,
especially those with joint problems and who live in walk-up
buildings. Besides, the fast rhythm of modern life also makes
people resist places like gyms that require them to spend whole
hours on fitness. They prefer to exercise in a place where
they can completely relax and have the freedom to manage
their leisure time, i.e., their homes. However, current homes
are not ideal places for exercising due to limited space, poor
ventilation, and lack of equipment. In addition, compared with
professional fitness places equipped with coaches, there is a
lack of scientific and effective fitness instruction at home, also
a lack of emergency medical help capacity that may lead to
safety incidents.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), phys-
ical inactivity is one of the leading risk factors for non-
communicable diseases. This sedentary lifestyle trend is a
growing concern, as lack of physical activity is associated
with increased risks of heart disease, diabetes, and obesity.
In fact, a study [71] estimated inactivity is responsible for
9% of premature mortality (5.1% to 12.5%), or greater than
5.3 of the 57 million deaths that occurred worldwide in
2008. If inactivity were not eliminated, but decreased instead
by 10% or 25%, greater than 533,000 and greater than 1.3
million deaths, respectively, may be averted each year. The
barriers mentioned earlier, such as limited access to exercise
facilities and the preference for convenience and privacy,
further contribute to this issue. To tackle this global health
challenge, it is crucial to develop effective strategies that
promote physical activity within the home environment while
addressing the constraints such as space limitations and the
need for professional guidance.
c) Nutrition: Research shows that many people in the
United States don’t eat a healthy diet, resulting in insufficient
intake of nutrients such as sodium, calcium, potassium, vita-
min D and so on [72].
These nutrients are essential for human health, for example,
Vitamin D could promote calcium absorption in the human
body and maintain healthy bones. However, people lack effec-
tive ways to monitor vitamin D levels in their bodies, making
it difficult to adjust their diet to control their vitamin intake
actively. In addition to food sources, vitamin D can also be
obtained from exposure to sunlight. But for most people who
work in offices or spend a lot of time at home, there is only
very limited exposure to sunlight.
Inadequate nutrient intake poses significant challenges
within the home environment, affecting individuals and fam-
ilies worldwide. According to the Food and Agriculture Or-
ganization’s “The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the
World” report [73], three billion people cannot afford a healthy
diet including essential nutrients. Poor dietary choices, lack of
access to fresh and nutritious foods, and limited knowledge
about proper nutrition contribute to this issue. Insufficient
intake of key nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, and essen-
tial fatty acids, can have detrimental effects on both physical
and mental health. This can cause increased susceptibility
to chronic diseases, impaired cognitive function, weakened
immune systems, and stunted growth and development, espe-
cially among children. Additionally, inadequate nutrient intake
within the home can perpetuate a cycle of malnutrition and
exacerbate socio-economic disparities, further deepening the
challenges faced by vulnerable populations. Addressing these
issues requires a multi-faceted approach that encompasses
education, improved access to nutritious foods, and supportive
policies to promote healthy eating habits within households.
d) Environmental Quality: Water, as the source of life,
has been an important aspect of life. However, it is also a
significant carrier of all kinds of pathogens and chemicals
due to changes in the environment. According to the WHO,
the mortality of water-associated diseases exceeds 5 million
people per year and more than 1.5 million children die each
year from diarrheal diseases [74].
As one of the most essential components of living for human
beings, the quality of air is a great concern for indoor health.
Due to climate change, the growth of population, the amount
of carbon dioxide, and summertime ozone in urban areas
increases drastically. Based on the annual report from NOAA’s
Global Monitoring Lab, the global average atmospheric carbon
dioxide was 417.06 parts per million (“ppm” for short) in
2022, setting a new record high. According to research funded
by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the U.S.
Department of Energy, Americans face the risk of a 70 percent
increase in unhealthy summertime ozone levels by 2050 [75].
3) Challenges for Human Psychological Well-being: Psy-
chological well-being is another important part of human
health. In contrast to the satisfaction of material needs that
rely on technology development, the role of technology here
may be more negative. In this section, we will focus on subtle
emotions inside people such as their anxiety about technology
and loneliness in isolated modern society, to illustrate the
challenges home faces in improving the mental health of
a) Helplessness: With the development of modern tech-
nologies, more and more new electronic products have come
into people’s lives, but many of them are poorly designed
and lack instructions, which makes them difficult to use.
Some products lack feedback, so users often feel confused
moving forward, and they don’t know how to get things back
when something goes wrong. After all, not everyone is an
engineer. When a machine breaks down, users are also clueless
about the cause and solution. These problems caused by poor
system designs can make users feel uncomfortable with the
technology, and even to a certain degree of frustration and
fear, which we call technophobia. Obviously, it’s not a pleasant
experience, but this sense of helplessness in dealing with
technology is becoming more and more common in modern
Additionally, according to Deloitte Insights, there is a term
called “learned helplessness” that relates to the use of technol-
ogy [76]. This is when a normally competent and intelligent
user struggles to use technology to solve a problem. This
issue usually stems from the strict association of one type
of technology for only one purpose. When there is a problem
that can be solved by creatively using a type of technology
or tool, some users simply are unable to make the connection
and feel helpless in being able to solve the problem.
Many users struggle with experimenting with a type of
technology because they have not been taught to use it in that
way or are afraid of feeling confused, failing, or damaging
the device. This helplessness is prevalent among many user
populations, especially those who are elderly. The elderly
population has historically struggled with new and evolving
technology. According to the report made by the nonprofit
Older Adults Technology Services, 22 million older Americans
lack internet access and older adults with less than a high
school degree or an income of less than $25,000 are 10 times
more likely than the general population to be offline. Globally,
research shows that older adults, >65 years old, cite lack of
access (including finance-, knowledge-, and age-related issues)
as one of the key barriers to using technology [77]. They
are not as mentally and physically dexterous as those who
have grown up with technology, so they struggle greatly with
feelings of inadequacy, frustration, and helplessness when they
are unable to figure out how to use it properly.
However, there is good news. New research from AARP
found that more older adults (44%) view technology more
positively as a way to stay connected after COVID-19 than
they did before COVID-19 [78]. This shows that there is
potential for greater implementation of technology in the home
for populations that normally struggle with using it.
b) Loneliness: Loneliness has become a disease for the
elderly living alone [79]. In modern life, the elderly are
mostly living alone or living together as husband and wife.
They often feel lonely without long-term companionship with
their children, so they are in urgent need of socializing
extensively. However, for the elderly who are not sensitive to
electronic devices, peers who can communicate can only be
selected from the same community or even the same building.
Such communication is very limited. For distant relatives and
friends, the elderly can only maintain long-term and frequent
contact through new technologies like the telephone or the
Internet, which may be resisted by them since the elderly
usually have serious technophobia. The sense of helplessness
facing new technologies, the loneliness of being separated
from society, and even the unconscious sense of discrimination
against the elderly by society deepen their loneliness of the
elderly, seriously affect their health and quality of life.
Many elderly people avoid talking about feeling lonely
because they have too much pride to do so. There is a
stigma around loneliness and it is often not brought up in
conversations because it feels like a private thing and may
bring down the mood. However, loneliness can happen to
anyone, and for many different causes. Elderly people in
particular are at risk of this. They can feel lonely and become
socially isolated because they are getting older or weaker, no
longer being the hub of their family, leaving the workplace, the
deaths of spouses and friends, or through disability or illness.
Loneliness does not only cause mental health issues but can
also impact physical wellness by weakening immune cells,
causing general wear and tear of the body, and a 50% increased
risk of dementia [80].
c) Relationship & Feeling of Love, Peace: Strong re-
lationships and the feeling of love and peace within the
home play a fundamental role in fostering a healthy and
nurturing environment. They provide a foundation for personal
growth, emotional well-being, and overall happiness. When
family members have strong bonds and open lines of com-
munication, it creates a sense of belonging and support that
can positively impact every aspect of their lives. Love and
affection in the home are essential for building trust, promoting
empathy, and developing resilience in individuals. A peaceful
and harmonious atmosphere allows family members to feel
safe, respected, and understood, fostering a sense of unity
and cooperation. Such an environment cultivates personal
development, encourages the pursuit of goals, and strengthens
emotional connections, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling
and satisfying life for everyone involved.
However, attaining and maintaining healthy relationships,
love, and peace within the home can present significant
challenges. One of the primary obstacles is the diversity of
personalities and perspectives that exist within a family. Each
individual brings a unique set of experiences, beliefs, and
expectations, which can sometimes clash and lead to conflicts.
Effective communication becomes vital in navigating these
differences and resolving conflicts constructively. Time con-
straints and external stressors, such as work pressures, financial
difficulties, or personal issues, can also strain relationships and
impede the nurturing of love and peace. Balancing individual
needs with the demands of daily life requires intentional
effort and compromise. It takes patience, understanding, and a
willingness to listen and empathize with one another actively.
Overcoming these challenges requires ongoing commitment
and continuous investment in building and maintaining strong
relationships, love, and peace within the home.
d) Feeling of Personal Value, Self-Esteem, and Achieve-
ment: The feeling of personal value, self-esteem, and achieve-
ment are vital components of one’s overall well-being and
sense of fulfillment. In the context of technology in the
home, these feelings can be enhanced through the responsible
and purposeful use of technology. Technology, when used
appropriately, can provide opportunities for personal growth,
learning, and skill development. It can enable individuals to
connect with others, access information, and engage in creative
endeavors. By utilizing technology to pursue their passions,
acquire new knowledge, or showcase their talents, individuals
can experience a sense of personal value and achievement.
This, in turn, boosts self-esteem and fosters a positive self-
However, it is important to recognize the potential chal-
lenges that can arise in relation to technology in the home,
particularly in the context of hoarding disorder and e-waste.
Hoarding disorder, characterized by excessive accumulation
of possessions and difficulty discarding them, can extend to
technology and electronic devices. This can lead to a cluttered
and overwhelming living environment, negatively impacting
one’s sense of personal value and self-esteem. Additionally,
the improper disposal of electronic waste (e-waste) can have
detrimental consequences on the environment and contribute to
feelings of guilt and remorse. To address these challenges, it is
essential to promote responsible consumption and disposal of
technology. By developing mindful habits around technology
use, individuals can maintain a healthy balance, prevent hoard-
ing behaviors, and actively contribute to reducing e-waste,
leading to a sense of personal value and achievement derived
from responsible actions.
4) Challenges for Vulnerable Home Residents: One char-
acteristic of a home is the diversity of its residents, includ-
ing different age groups like children, teenagers, adults, and
seniors, as well as vulnerable groups such as the disabled
and psychopaths. In order to meet the distinct needs of these
groups of people, inclusiveness is a huge challenge for home
systems. In addition, increasing numbers of people who choose
to live in small families or live alone also bring new challenges
to the home systems. Table I and Table II evaluate and
summarize the Population, Cost & Death of Vulnerable
Group Approximation to 2023.
a) Mental Health Issues: Mental illness is common. In
a given year, nearly one in five (19%) U.S. adults experience
some form of mental illness, and one in 24 (4.1%) has a
serious mental illness [81]. In 2019, one in every eight people,
or 970 million people around the world were living with a
mental disorder, with anxiety and depressive disorders the
most common [82]. In 2020, the number of people living with
anxiety and depressive disorders rose significantly because
of the COVID-19 pandemic. Initial estimates show a 25%
increase for anxiety and major depressive disorders in just
one year [83].
People with mental disorders experience another level of
disability in their daily life. Mental disorders are one of
the most burdensome conditions, generally characterized by
a combination of abnormal thoughts, perceptions, emotions,
behavior, and relationships with others [82]. Common mental
disorders, such as depression, schizophrenia, dementia, and de-
velopmental disorders such as autism, have significant impacts
on health and major social, human rights, and economic conse-
quences. However, current home and health systems have not
been fully prepared to respond to these diseases. In addition
to the lack of efficient treatment in low- and middle-income
countries, the poor quality of care in treatment and the lack
of community and social support are also serious problems.
Individuals with mental illnesses face unique challenges in a
home setting, such as:
Healthcare: People with mental health issues usually rely
on medication over a long period. Current home lack
access to proper mental healthcare and support services.
Professional assistance: Currently, people with mental
health issues may have difficulty managing symptoms
and maintaining overall well-being without professional
Loneliness: People with mental health issues suffer from
limited social interaction and have less willingness to ask
for help. This could lead to a higher risk of loneliness and
depression, which is discussed earlier.
Discrimination: Stigma and discrimination surrounding
mental health can lead to isolation and a lack of under-
standing from others.
b) Physical Limitations: Besides mental health issues,
some people may have various physical limitations.
Disabled Individuals: Besides age issues, disability is one
of the human health conditions. Anyone with a temporary
or permanent malfunction, as well as the elderly, could
experience some degree of difficulties in functioning. The
world report on Disability produced by WHO suggests
that more than a billion people, or approximately 15 per-
cent of the world’s population, live with disabilities [84].
People with disabilities usually don’t have equal access to
healthcare, education, and economic opportunities, which
is largely due to the lack of available services and the
many challenges they face in their everyday activities.
Due to their limited mobility, even the daily use of home
appliances could be difficult, not to mention unexpected
accidents or emergencies. People with disabilities also
face financial challenges. From the perspective of home,
most families have at least one disabled member, who
is often supported and cared for by their non-disabled
relatives. People with disabilities and their families often
incur additional costs just to achieve a general standard of
living. Disabled Individuals suffer from lots of challenges
in daily living, due to their physical limitations, such as:
Daily assistance: Assistive devices such as a hearing
assistant or personal assistance may be needed for the
hearing impaired. They may also rely on caregivers
or family members for basic needs.
Daily accessibility: Accessibility issues may arise for
people using wheelchairs within the home, such as
narrow doorways or stairs. Also, walking guidance
may be needed for the visually impaired.
Healthcare: Disabled people are suffering from more
feelings of isolation and discrimination. Adults with
disabilities report experiencing frequent mental dis-
tress almost 5 times as often as adults without dis-
abilities [85]. Both their physical and mental statuses
need to be cared for and checked regularly.
Healthcare spending for people with disabilities is de-
termined by the cost of health-related services and the
number of services used. Both vary across states and
over time, which contributes to differences in health-
care spending across states. In 2015, disability-associated
healthcare expenditures accounted for 36% of all health-
care expenditures for adults residing in the United States,
totaling $868 billion, with state expenditures ranging
from $1.4 billion in Wyoming to $102.8 billion in Cali-
fornia. Of the national total, Medicare paid $324.7 billion,
Medicaid paid $277.2 billion, and Non-public sources
paid $266.1 billion [86].
Bedridden Individuals: Bedsores are the number one
hospital-induced illness, affect more than three million
people, and cost an average annual cost of approximately
$40,000 per patient to treat [87]. More than 90 percent of
patients over the age of 65 with Alzheimer’s or dementia
have bedsores [87]. Bedridden Individuals suffer from
lots of challenges in daily living, due to their physical
limitations, such as:
Healthcare: Bedridden individuals have an increased
risk of pressure sores, infections, muscle atrophy, and
depression [88]. Thus, it is important to monitor and
check both their physical and mental health statuses
Daily assistance: Since most of the time bedridden
people in bed, they rely on others a lot for personal
care, hygiene, and movement.
c) Special Care and Assistance:
People with Chronic or Common Diseases: Frequent
medical needs and care management is required for
people with chronic diseases. Chronic diseases such as
heart disease, cancer, and diabetes are the leading causes
of death and disability in the United States. They are
also leading drivers of the nation’s $4.1 trillion in annual
healthcare costs [89].
Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) kill 41 million peo-
ple each year, equivalent to 74% of all deaths glob-
ally [90]. There is a period when people are vulnerable
to infections and complications, especially in the case
of flues, cold, fever, or other common illnesses. Special
care and in-home support are necessary for people during
this period. Cardiovascular diseases account for most
NCD deaths, or 17.9 million people annually, followed
by cancers (9.3 million), chronic respiratory diseases
(4.1 million), and diabetes (2.0 million including kidney
disease deaths caused by diabetes) [90].
Elderly Individuals: As we have mentioned earlier, many
countries around the world are facing rapid population
aging, which will bring great pressure and challenge to
social security. It is estimated in [91] that by 2050, there
will be more than 1.5 billion elderly people over 65,
accounting for 16% of the total population. A report
released by WHO also indicated the critical link between
global health and aging [91]. The improvements in life
expectancy during the 20th century were part of a shift
in the leading causes of disease and death. As people
live longer, instead of infectious and parasitic diseases,
noncommunicable diseases and chronic conditions that
more commonly affect adults and the elderly impose the
greatest burden on global health. Caring for the elderly
is becoming a more complex issue for both homes and
Alzheimer’s disease: Dementia is currently the seventh
leading cause of death and one of the major causes of
disability and dependency among older people globally.
Early symptoms are memory loss, confusion, and dif-
ficulty with daily tasks, more severe symptoms include
wandering or forgetting to perform necessary actions like
taking medication, and more serious stages suffering from
complete loss of memory and could not perform daily
Currently, more than 55 million people have dementia
worldwide, over 60% of whom live in low-and middle-
income countries. Every year, there are nearly 10 million
new cases. In 2019, dementia cost economies globally
$1.3 trillion, and approximately 50% of these costs are
attributable to care provided by informal carers (e.g.
family members and close friends), who provide on
average 5 hours of care and supervision per day [92].
Children: Nearly 200 million children are living in the
world’s most lethal war zones, the highest number in
over a decade - and a 20% rise from 162 million a
year ago [93]. Many of these children are already on the
frontline of climate change and battling life-threatening
hunger crises. In Ukraine, at least 7.5 million children
are in grave danger of physical harm, severe emotional
distress, and displacement due to conflict.
In 2021, a perfect storm of COVID, conflict, and climate
change pushed millions more children into malnutrition.
In 2022, an estimated two million children under the age
of five will die of hunger-related causes [93].
Adolescents: The mental health status of adolescents is
an important issue nowadays. Globally, one in seven 10-
19-year-olds experiences a mental disorder, accounting
for 13% of the global burden of disease in this age
group [94]. Depression, anxiety, and behavioral disorders
are among the leading causes of illness and disability
among adolescents [94].
Rural female: Rural women are hit usually due to poor
access to resources, services, and information, the heavy
burden of unpaid care and domestic work, and discrimi-
natory traditional social norms. Given these challenges, a
“smart enough” home would contain a more comprehen-
sive information system for every home, with up-to-date
employment information and closer social connection.
Apart from these, pregnancy and special periods for
women are seldom considered in current Smart Home
design, where there is a lack of “feminism” in Smart
Homes pointed out by some scholars [95].
People living independently: Household size varies
sharply by region, country, and time. According to a re-
cent Pew Research Center study, while extended families
are still most common globally, smaller family types such
as couples, single-person, and single-parent are prevalent
in wealthier countries with aging populations and lower
birth rates [96]. Without the built-in support system of
extended families, people in small families have more
independent living issues. Social isolation is another
challenge for small families which lack close social
contact. The key is to balance the intimate connections
inside the family with meaningful contacts with scattered
relatives [96].
People living alone also face additional challenges, es-
pecially the elderly who are more likely to do so. This
research [96] also indicated that 16% of adults ages 60
and older live alone globally, compared with just 4% of
adults ages 18 to 59. Once these older adults are injured
accidentally, their children have to spend a lot of time
taking care of them, and the medical costs can also be a
financial burden to their children.
As we mentioned before, in addition to physical injuries,
loneliness has become a mental disease for the elderly
living alone. It is widely believed that loneliness fre-
quently results in a decline in well-being and may cause
depression, sleep difficulties, appetite disorders, and so
on [96]. What’s more, current homes and communities
pay insufficient attention to the health conditions of these
elderly people. They even die in silence, with no family
to claim their remains, as ashes with no place to go.
Elderly people living alone often seem to be forced to
decide between “dying alone” in an empty home or
drifting between nursing homes, which is recorded in a
documentary released by NHK. This 50-minute film is
just a microcosm of Japan’s aging society, but it makes
us wonder if their presence could be our future.
The number of people living alone doubled from 7.9
million in 1980 to 16.2 million in 2020 in the United
States [97]. This statistic is a powerful indicator of the
changing landscape of living arrangements in the United
States. It speaks to the growing trend of individuals
choosing to live alone, whether due to financial indepen-
dence, lifestyle preferences, or other factors. It also high-
lights the need for increased support and resources for
those living alone, as well as the potential for increased
loneliness and isolation.
In 2020, single-person households made up a significant
portion of all households in many countries including
the United States (28%), European Union (28.5%), Japan
(33.9%), and India (13.5%) [97]. Furthermore, 36% were
renters while 64% were homeowners amongst US single-
person households; whereas 15 % young adults aged
20–34 lived alone within EU 28 nations back in 2013
with an average annual expenditure amounting to $36
537 per household during 2018 according to BLS reports
from USA [97].
Along with the increase in solo living, questions have
been raised about the possible impacts of this living
arrangement on the prevalence of social isolation and
loneliness in society, particularly among the senior pop-
ulation. There is some evidence that individuals who live
alone are generally more likely to report social isolation
or loneliness than those who live with others. Apart from
the general population who live independently, there are
the following special groups that also require special
Young generation/student: Young generation and uni-
versity students are special groups who would ex-
perience living alone. The number of single young
adults living with siblings or roommates has in-
creased over time. In 1990, approximately 5.3 mil-
lion young adults were living with a sibling or
roommate. In 2016, the number rose to 6.7 mil-
lion [98]. After leaving their family to live alone,
they might experience some difficulties in living
alone. They may lack living information related to
security, self-care, and others, and sometimes may
experience feelings of loneliness and isolation. A
“smart enough” home should take these into consid-
eration, and provide these young generations with a
smooth transition into their new living-independent
Night workers: Although working 9 to 5 is the
most typical schedule for an American worker, about
15 percent of workers in the U.S. work on shifts
outside of the traditional daytime hours [99]. Some
occupations such as doctors and nurses need to
work at night frequently and thus may need safe
transportation at night and daily home monitoring
to ensure their houses are secure.
Isolation period: During the COVID pandemic, there
was a period where many countries adopted an iso-
lation period for the infected, where they could not
go out and have to stay at home. Problems such as
lack of basic living supplies, feelings of anxiety, and
discomforts brought by physical limitations showed
up at that time in many places in the world. The
percentage of those who reported feeling isolated
jumped from 27% in 2018 to 56% after the start
of the pandemic [100].
Future Smart Homes would plan to address these limita-
tions ahead and provide people with a more comfortable
in-home experience, such as storing food, preparing liv-
ing supplies, and providing in-home entertainment and
Children in care and homelessness: 582,462 individuals
are experiencing homelessness in America, an increase
of about 2,000 people since the last complete census
conducted in 2020 [101]. Homeless people suffer from
worse health conditions, such as limited access to health
care, unsanitary living conditions, insufficient food, as
well as exposure to severe weather, violence and stress.
Homelessness is a global issue. The last time a global
survey was attempted by the United Nations in 2005
an estimated 100 million people were homeless world-
wide [102]. As many as 1.6 billion people lacked ad-
equate housing. In 2021, the World Economic Forum
reported that 150 million people were homeless world-
wide [103]. In Canada, for persons struggling with home-
lessness and mental illness, the annual costs are high, a
whopping $53,144 per person [104].
Current Smart Homes seldom consider these challenges
for the homeless. However, future Smart Homes should
also provide a “shelter” for homeless people even if they
do not have a home.
d) Financially Challenged: Owning a home may pose a
financial challenge for some people.
People in Poverty: According to the World Bank, about
9.2% of the world, or 719 million people, live in extreme
poverty, on less than $2.15 a day [105]. Extreme poverty
is largely concentrated in sub-Saharan Africa. Children
and youth account for two-thirds of the world’s poor, and
women represent a majority in most regions. People in
poverty experience difficulty in basic living, accessing
nutritious food, having suitable clothing, and receiving
essential medications. The same group of people is highly
vulnerable to diseases, housing insecurity, or homeless-
24% of the world’s population, which equates to 1.9
billion people, live in fragile contexts, characterized
by impoverished conditions and dire circumstances. By
2030, more than half of the world’s poor will live
in fragile contexts. Each year, 2 million children die
from preventable diseases because families can’t afford
treatment [105].
When people have limited financial resources, they will
limited access to essential healthcare. A recent report
by The Lancet Global Health Commission on High-
Quality Health Systems found that 5.7 million people die
in low and middle-income countries yearly from poor
quality healthcare compared with the 2.9 million who
die from lack of access to care [106]. In other words, in
many countries, a person has a greater chance of dying
from receiving poor quality care than going without care
People in Debt: Household debt, or family debt, includes
loans taken to pay for the home or other property, educa-
tion, vehicles, and other expenses. The largest component
of the debt is a mortgage, which is seen by many as
a way to build long-term equity. As such, households
are willing to take on a large amount of this debt with
the goal of owning an asset that holds value and can be
used as a residence in the meantime. In 2020, the United
States and China had the highest household debt of the
selected countries when measured as a share of gross
domestic product (GDP) [107]. At that time, Hong Kong
households held a stock of debt valued at roughly 259%
of Hong Kong’s output [107]. In the end, high household
debt may pressure residents on their personal well-being.
Thus, it is also important to consider different groups of
people, with different household debts.
e) Culturally Challenged: There are challenges for new
immigrants, people with different cultural backgrounds, and
people with special personal habits.
New Immigration: Overall, the estimated number of inter-
national migrants has increased over the past five decades.
The current global estimate is that there were around 281
million international migrants in the world in 2020, which
equates to 3.6% of the global population [108]. People
living in a country other than their countries of birth in
2020 was 128 million more than in 1990 and over three
times the estimated number in 1970.
Available data reflect an overall increase in remittances
in recent decades, from $126 billion in 2000 to $702
billion in 2020. Despite predictions of a large decline
in international remittances due to COVID-19, 2020
saw only a slight drop (2.4%) from the 2019 global
total. High-income countries are almost always the main
source of remittances. For decades, the United States
has consistently been the top remittance-sending country,
with a total outflow of $68 billion in 2020, followed by
the United Arab Emirates ($43.2 billion), Saudi Arabia
($34.6 billion), Switzerland ($27.96 billion), and Ger-
many ($22 billion).
New immigrants typically face difficulty in basic liv-
ing, language barriers, and difficulty in navigating sys-
tems and accessing essential services. They have limited
knowledge of local customs, laws, and resources, and
they have to handle potential discrimination and cultural
People with Special Cultures or Religions: Worldwide,
more than eight-in-ten people identify with a religious
group. A comprehensive demographic study of more
than 230 countries and territories conducted by the Pew
Research Center’s Forum on Religion & Public Life
estimates that there are 5.8 billion religiously affiliated
adults and children around the globe, representing 84%
of the 2010 world population of 6.9 billion [109].
There are potential conflicts with mainstream practices or
cultural norms in the host society. The cultural preference
of new immigrants cannot be met due to a lack of cultur-
ally appropriate healthcare, dietary options, or religious
People with Special Personal Habits or Preferences:
Differences in lifestyle choices, preferences, or habits
may not align with the broader community. There exists
limited understanding or acceptance of personal choices
by others. There are challenges in finding suitable social
support networks or engaging in community activities that
align with personal preferences. A “smart enough” home
will adapt to personal preferences, such as the way people
roll toilet paper, shoe preferences, slower eaters or fast
eaters and so on, as well as help people form good and
healthy habits of sleeping and daily schedule [110]. Since
the last Every Woman Every Child Progress Report [110]
published in 2020, food insecurity, hunger, child mar-
riage, risks from intimate partner violence, and adolescent
depression and anxiety have all increased. An estimated
25 million children were either under-vaccinated or not
vaccinated at all in 2021 6 million more than in 2019 -
increasing their risk of contracting deadly and debilitating
diseases [110].
5) High Requirement on Life Quality: According to
Maslow’s theory, when a lower need is met, the next higher
need on the hierarchy emerges. When safety and both physi-
ological and psychological health are guaranteed, people will
put forward higher requirements on the quality of life. In that
case, homes will be much more than a place to live, but a
concentration of artistic expression, a pallet of emotions. Here
we discuss some possible quality requirements of homes, as
well as the challenges and limitations.
Home automation is increasingly becoming the preferred
method of connecting everyday devices in a home to the
Internet and making life more comfortable, fun, and safe. It
is an advanced technology that helps to make the operation
of various household appliances more convenient and energy-
efficient. The technology involves controlling all electronic
devices in a home using wireless technology. It provides
comfort, energy efficiency, security, and convenience to end
users by handling electronic devices through Smart Home
applications on mobile phones or other connected devices.
This trend is sure to continue into the next decade. The Smart
Home market has great prospects as well as huge demand.
a) Requirement for Quality Living at Home: To have
quality living at home, we have the following requirements
for current home systems.
Comfortness: This refers to the state of physical and
mental ease and relaxation. Comfortable spaces should be
designed to support the body and provide a sense of calm
and relaxation. Factors contributing to comfort include
temperature control, comfortable seating and lighting,
and noise reduction. The factors may be affected by the
Air quality: Air quality refers to the level of pollu-
tants and other harmful particles present in the air.
Maintaining good air quality in enclosed spaces, such
as homes, offices, and public buildings, is important
to prevent respiratory problems and other health
Smell quality: Smelling refers to the sense of odor,
which is an important factor in creating a pleasant
and comfortable environment.
Decoration light quality: Decoration light refers to
lighting used primarily for aesthetic purposes, such
as to highlight a particular feature or create a certain
ambiance. Proper use of decoration lighting could
not only enhance the visual appeal of a space but
also create a more inviting and relaxing atmosphere.
Tidiness and cleanliness: Tidiness and cleanliness refer
to the degree of neatness and orderliness of a space.
A tidy and clean environment contributes to a sense of
well-being and can improve productivity and efficiency.
Regular cleaning and organization should be maintained
to ensure a tidy and clean space.
Responsiveness: Responsiveness refers to the prompt-
ness and attentiveness of the individuals responsible for
maintaining a space. It is important to have a respon-
sive team to ensure that any issues or concerns are
addressed quickly and effectively. Good communication
and a proactive approach to problem-solving are essential
for ensuring a responsive environment.
Efficiency to optimization: With work demands and
personal responsibilities constantly pull us in different
directions, finding the time for everything we need to do
can be challenging. Along with time constraints, space
can also be limited, particularly in densely populated
areas where housing is expensive. As a result, Smart
Homes that are designed to maximize efficiency and
convenience are attracting increasing attention as people
seek ways to make the most of their limited resources.
Time efficiency: With busy schedules and shorter
time for housework, homeowners may require appli-
ances that can multitask and save them time. Thus,
it is also worth discussing how different devices
could use time more efficiently in Smart Homes. For
example, developing a shower head with a built-in
speaker may allow someone to listen to music or take
calls while they shower, combining two activities
Space efficiency: In small homes or apartments,
there is often limited space for appliances. This
means homeowners must prioritize which appliances
they need the most and cannot have too many.
For example, a small kitchen may only have room
for a refrigerator, stove, and dishwasher, but not a
separate freezer or wine cooler. Another example is
in a laundry room, where there may only be space
for a washer and dryer, but not a laundry sink or
ironing board. Homeowners must carefully consider
their needs and the available space when deciding
which appliances to purchase. Thus, it is important
to efficiently utilize the Smart Home space.
Sustainability: Maintaining various electronic devices
in Smart Homes demands significant energy resources.
Therefore, it is imperative to use renewable energy to
reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Smart home technology
may reduce energy consumption and waste generation to
achieve sustainability objectives.
b) Requirement for Sharing Resources within and be-
tween Homes: To mitigate some of the above issues, we
propose the following two requirements regarding sharing.
Multi-functions, multitasking, and combined functions:
Given that there will be limited resources and reduced
family sizes, homes need to be designed in a way to
maximize space utilization while serving multiple pur-
poses, such as work, relaxation, and entertainment. Smart
furniture and smart devices may help.
To address the limited timing issue, manufacturers have
developed appliances that can multitask and perform
multiple functions. For example, a smart speaker with
voice control can not only play music but also control
other devices such as lights and thermostats, reducing the
need for multiple devices. This can save time and simplify
the control of household appliances. Another example is
a smart oven that can cook multiple dishes at different
temperatures simultaneously. This feature can help people
save time and effort while cooking, as they can cook
multiple dishes simultaneously without monitoring each
dish separately.
Sharing furniture and smart device within the home:
Smart furniture may be designed to be flexible enough so
that it may be adaptive to people with different heights,
weights, and body sizes. The furniture may be versatile
enough to meet the needs of different physical situations
so that it may be shared within the home. The same
thing goes for smart devices that can have different
personalized settings. Different people may need different
user interfaces with different font sizes. When flexibility
is one of the design objectives of household items, it is
possible to share furniture and smart devices within the
Sharing facilities between homes: To address the chang-
ing family sizes issue, shared facilities in Smart Homes
can help reduce costs and maintenance requirements. For
example, a community garden in a smart neighborhood
can be shared among residents, reducing the need for
individual gardens. This can be especially beneficial for
families with limited outdoor space or those who want
to reduce their carbon footprint by growing their own
Other shared facilities in Smart Homes may include
common areas such as a gym, a pool, and a laundry
facility, which can be used by all residents. These fa-
cilities can promote a sense of community and allow
families to enjoy amenities that they may not be able
to afford individually. Additionally, shared facilities can
also reduce the need for individual appliances, which can
save space and maintenance costs.
c) Requirement for Aesthetics and Personalization De-
sign at Home: Aesthetics is one of the important requirements
of current home systems.
Aesthetics and home design:
When designing buildings, facilities, and furniture, peo-
ple always consider aesthetics consciously or subcon-
sciously. For example, people may have different pref-
erences regarding color schemes, textures, and patterns
for household items. Some people may prefer a min-
imalist, modern look, while others may prefer a more
traditional, cozy feel. Using lighting, artwork, and other
decorative elements can also play a role in creating a
particular atmosphere in the home. A harmonious home
environment may be achieved by considering aesthetics,
a critical reflection on art, culture, and nature.
Aesthetics and comfortness:
In recent years, the market size of house decoration has
been increasing, with more people concerned about the
aesthetics aspect of their homes. This trend is driven
by changes in lifestyle and increased disposable income.
Residents now care about the design of their homes, in-
cluding the color, shapes, space utility, and other aspects.
People expect to live in a comfortable house that fits their
individual preferences, satisfies their living needs, and
provides them with a sense of refreshment and relaxation.
Aesthetics and cleanness:
Aesthetic and clean air is important requirements of
current home systems. With growing concerns about
air pollution and its impact on health, homeowners are
increasingly interested in integrating clean air systems
into their homes. People want to live in a home that not
only looks good but also smells good, which promotes
good health and well-being.
Aesthetics, variety, and freshness:
In addition to comfortness, homeowners also desire va-
riety and newness in their homes. This can be achieved
through the use of flexible and adaptable furniture, home
automation systems, and the incorporation of natural ele-
ments into the home’s design. By creating a space that can
adapt to changing needs and preferences, homeowners
can maintain a sense of freshness and excitement in their
Personalization and culture: People from different cul-
tures may have different personal tastes in their homes.
For example, different cultures can have different holi-
days with different ways to celebrate. It is natural to have
different requirements for home arrangements, which
leads to different preferences for home maintenance.
Smart home technology may help to harmonize the
conflict between personalization and cultural heritage.
d) Major Challenges: Shared facilities and multitask-
ing have become increasingly prevalent in modern society,
as people look for ways to maximize efficiency and save
time. However, these practices can also present significant
challenges, as well as in the areas of aesthetics and quality.
Furthermore, balancing the need for energy savings with the
potential health risks of LED lighting (blue lights), addressing
the addictive nature of smart devices and cell phones, and
optimizing the use of small and large appliances for both large
and small groups are just a few of the challenges faced by
those seeking to create shared spaces that are both functional
and appealing.
Challenges for Quality Living at home:
Quality living at home comes with all kinds of challenges.
Heavy workload. This involves cutting grass from
Spring to Summer, collecting leaves in Fall, and
shoveling snow in Winter.
Know-how and specialties. Certain professional
knowledge of house structure is needed to handle
load-bearing walls. Various electric devices may
need professional services. Internal decorations may
need an interior designer to achieve aesthetic appre-
ciation. Furthermore, there are life skills to learn. For
example, expensive and rare food may be gourmet
for some, but the food may be poisonous and un-
healthy for others. Household plants may be in con-
flict with each other. For example, the metabolism
of certain house plants releases carbon dioxide in
the bedroom at night, which may harm people.
Challenges for sharing resources within and between
Infrastructure conflicts. Shared spaces always have
usage conflicts. Convenient parking spots are always
in high demand. Open space can be used either for
practicing square dance by the elderly or playing
basketball games for young people. Limited space in
elevators can be used either for people or furniture
Schedule conflicts Different people have different
priorities to use their time. Working parents need to
balance time for work and the pick up time for their
school kids so they have less time for housework.
Different personal habits may lead to different times
to have food. Some early birds may have their meal
times different from night owls. Smart technology
may help to solve some scheduling conflicts.
Activities and culture conflicts The music for the
square dance in the morning may be annoying noise
to the sleeping-needed night shift people. In some
cultural settings, it is acceptable for people to wear
pajamas to conduct morning activities including buy-
ing breakfasts at corner restaurants. Wearing masks
may be a common practice in one country but it will
be considered inappropriate in the other. Peaceful
resolving such conflicts is one of the challenges to
overcome so that people have high life quality.
Challenges for Aesthetics and Personalization at home:
People enjoy aesthetic pleasure and personalization at
home. But there are challenges to achieving both. When
toddlers are in a house, tidiness may be the last thing
to worry about. Teenagers may personalize their rooms
so that sanitization is out of the question. As a family is
getting larger and larger, household items are starting to
pile up, which leads to hoarding disorder. In this instance,
help from professional organizers is needed to restore
an aesthetic feeling of a home. Therefore it is always a
challenge to balance practical household functionalities
and the aesthetics of a house.
6) Financial Challenges and Imbalanced Development:
Financial Challenges and Imbalanced Development is a critical
issue that affects both individuals and societies as a whole.
This issue arises from a combination of factors, including
limited and imbalanced resources, imbalanced development
across countries, overconsumption and wastage, and increasing
costs and financial burdens for many families. These factors
can lead to various challenges such as loss of home, poverty,
hunger, lack of basic needs and medical support, and financial
instability, which can affect both the physical and mental well-
being of individuals and their ability to achieve their full
potential. In the following, we will introduce and analyze these
challenges, both at the individual and societal levels.
a) Limited and Imbalanced Resources Distribution: This
section refers to the issue of limited and imbalanced resources,
particularly in relation to natural and social resources. The
finite nature of resources can lead to imbalances in their
distribution, which can have significant consequences for
individuals and communities.
In the following, we will introduce limited natural and social
Limited and imbalanced natural resources distribution:
The unequal distribution of natural resources is a major
issue in many parts of the world. For example, some
regions may have access to abundant water resources,
while others may struggle with water scarcity. The IRP
also showed that “the use of natural resources and the
related benefits and environmental impacts are unevenly
distributed across countries and regions” [111]. For one,
the per capita material footprint in high-income countries
is thirteen times more than in low-income countries:
27 tons and 2 tons per capita, respectively. As WWF
notes, “If everyone lived like an average resident of
the USA, a total of four Earths would be required to
regenerate humanity’s annual demand on nature [112].
This can have serious consequences for the health and
well-being of individuals, as well as for the economies
and environments of affected regions.
Water Even though you see water everywhere and
our planet is 70% covered by water, only 2.5% of that
70% is fresh water [112]. The rest is salt water and
is not useful to humans at all. That small percentage
of fresh water is mostly in the form of ice or
permanent snow cover. So, we really have only a few
percent available for use. The Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations predicts that by
2025, 1.8 billion people will have no water to drink.
Coal This is the most used fossil fuel and a
non-renewable energy source. Peak coal extraction
is predicted between 2025 and 2048. In 2011, it
was estimated that we have enough coal to meet
global demands for 188 years [112]. If the demand
increases, the timeframe will decrease.
Oil Without oil, global transportation will be
severely debilitated. The BP Statistical Review of
World Energy estimates that there are 188.8 million
tons of oil left in the known oil reserves as of 2010.
If our current demand continues, this oil will only be
enough to supply the world’s demands for the next
46.2 years [112].
Natural Gas As of 2010, the known reserves of
natural gas were estimated to last 58.6 years with
the current global production [112].
Fish Fishermen from many coastal provinces report
a decline in their catch. Other marine species such as
tuna are close to extinction due to overfishing. This
is a resource since Fish is part of our major food
Phosphorous This resource is used for fertilizers
to help plants grow. Scientists from the Global Phos-
phorous Research Initiative estimate that peak phos-
phorous will be reached by 2030 [112]. Phosphorous
is derived from phosphorous rock and guano.
Limited and imbalanced social resource allocation:
In many societies, there are imbalances in the distribution
of resources such as jobs, education, medical resources,
and opportunities for employment. This can lead to
significant disparities in outcomes for different groups
of people, including issues such as poverty and income
Employment: In a similar vein, Li Junhua, Under-
Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs,
urged the Commission to make bold recommenda-
tions on solutions that can cut across all issues and
push the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
forward. Those recommendations should help create
more inclusive and adaptable labor markets and
provide targeted support for vulnerable people, he
emphasized, noting that about 60% of the workforce,
or 2 billion people, are employed in the informal
economy and many vulnerable groups, including the
disabled, older people and women, are bearing the
brunt of unemployment [113].
Medical resources: According to the World Health
Organization (WHO), up to 3.5 billion people
almost half the world’s population lack access
to the health services they need, with almost 100
million people being pushed to extreme poverty each
year because of out-of-pocket expenses [114].
Internet: Today the Internet is a vital part of our
day-to-day lives. It provides an almost endless list
of services: communicating and collaborating across
country borders, conducting business transactions
globally, learning and educating others, forming
cross-border friendships, sharing news almost instan-
taneously, and many more. North America has the
highest percentage (over 90%) share of the popula-
tion using the Internet, while South Asia and Sub-
Saharan Africa only have about 40% [115].
b) Overconsumption and Wastage: Overconsumption
and wastage of resources and finances can exacerbate the
limited availability of resources.
In the following, we will discuss natural and non-natural
resources wastage:
Wastage of Natural Resources: Food, water, electricity,
gas, minerals, etc., are all finite resources, and their
wastage can lead to depletion. For example, many com-
mercial buildings in Hong Kong keep the air conditioning
on for extended periods at low temperatures, leading
to health issues and unnecessary wastage of energy.
Buildings account for 90% of electricity used in Hong
Kong, generating over 60% of Hong Kong’s carbon emis-
sions [116]. Among the electricity usage by buildings,
air conditioning is the largest culprit, taking up 24% of
commercial energy use. Currently, the energy efficiency
of buildings is not optimized to its full extent, and Hong
Kong government policy has been ineffective.
Wastage of Non-Natural Resources:
Financial resources can also be wasted through unnec-
essary spending or poor allocation. “One of the most
common ways I see clients get into financial trouble
is through unnecessary spending that drags their budget
down, says Leslie Tayne, a debt-relief attorney at Tayne
Law Group [117].
c) Imbalanced Development across Countries and Lack
of Basic Needs: This section refers to the extreme situations
that arise from imbalanced development and a lack of basic
needs being met. The issue of imbalanced development can
lead to some people being unable to meet their basic needs.
This can include things like access to clean water, electricity,
gas, and internet services. The lack of these basic needs can
seriously affect the well-being of individuals and communities.
In the following, we will discuss a lack of basic needs that
can be affected by imbalanced development:
Water, electricity, gas, and internet services: In some
parts of the world, access to these basic utilities is
not guaranteed. This can make it difficult for people
to perform daily tasks such as cooking, cleaning, and
communicating with others.
In Uganda alone, 8 million people lack access to clean,
safe drinking water [118]. Over 70% of all diseases
treated in Uganda stem directly from a lack of clean
water or poor sanitation and hygiene techniques. People
in rural areas draw their drinking water mainly from
surface sources such as ponds, rivers, and lakes. These
sources are often watering holes for livestock, down-
hill from latrines, and catchments for mudslide debris
all dangerous contaminants that can contribute to
life-threatening illnesses like diarrhea, cholera, typhoid,
dysentery, and hepatitis.
Extreme heat and cold: In extreme weather conditions,
it is important for people to have access to heating or
cooling systems. Lack of access to these systems can
lead to health problems and even death. In recent years,
U.S. death rates in winter months have been 8% to 12%
higher than in non-winter months [119]. Much of this
increase relates to seasonal changes in behavior and the
human body, as well as increased exposure to respiratory
Poverty and hunger: Poverty and hunger are two major
issues that can arise from imbalanced development. The
United Nations has identified poverty and hunger as
major global issues that need to be addressed. Poverty
can make it difficult for people to meet their basic needs,
while hunger can lead to serious health problems and
even death.
Global poverty is one of the most urgent issues facing
our world today, affecting 9.2% of the population. While
some parts of the world have made progress in reduc-
ing poverty levels, the COVID-19 pandemic, ongoing
conflict, and natural disasters have exacerbated poverty
rates and slowed progress toward the United Nations’
Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) for eliminating
extreme poverty by 2030. 719 million people 9.2% of
the world’s population are living on less than $2.15
a day [120]. Children and youth account for two-thirds
of the world’s poor, and women represent a majority in
most regions.
Social welfare: Social welfare programs can provide
assistance to individuals who are struggling to meet their
basic needs. This can include things like medical care,
retirement benefits, and support for homeless individuals.
Welfare is usually adopted more maturely in developed
countries than in developing countries.
Currently, only 47% of the global population is effectively
covered by at least one social protection benefit, while
4.1 billion people (53%) obtain no income security at
all from their national social protection systems [121].
There are significant regional inequalities in social pro-
tection. Europe and Central Asia have the highest rates
of coverage, with 84% of people being covered by at
least one benefit. The Americas are also above the global
average, with 64.3%. Asia and the Pacific (44%), the Arab
States (40%), and Africa (17.4%) have marked coverage
gaps [121].
d) Increasing Cost and Financial Burden for Many Fami-
lies: The increasing cost of living can create a financial burden
for many families, particularly with the rising cost of housing,
basic infrastructure, and renting.
Trend for the high household spending: The trend of high
housing prices can make it difficult for families to afford
suitable living arrangements. The household spending in
total rises from about $0.65 trillion in 1970 to around
$15.90 trillion in 2021 [122].
Trend for the high cost of basic infrastructure: Imple-
menting advanced infrastructures such as smart meters
can create an additional financial burden for households.
In addition, property management fees can be excessively
high, ranging from 7% to 10% of monthly rent [123].
Trend for rising rental costs: The increasing trend to-
wards renting can also create a financial burden for
many families, particularly with the high cost of rental
properties in some areas. Between 1960 and 2017, the
young adult homeownership rate dropped 10 percentage
points, representing a shift from owning to renting [124].
e) High Basic Living and Necessities for Vulnerable
Groups: Moreover, the cost of living and basic necessities can
also be expensive for migrant workers and other vulnerable
groups. The high cost of smart appliances and gadgets can be
an additional burden for them, leading to financial challenges.
Effective circulation of second-hand goods can help alleviate
the financial burden for some families. According to Deyana
Kostadinova, UNICEF Representative in Serbia, sub-groups
of older people, particularly in rural and remote areas, are
reported to be stretched in meeting their needs for food,
hygiene, or medicines [125].
C. Challenges for Smart Home System
In the previous section, we discussed some common chal-
lenges in traditional homes. However, a new set of challenges
arises with the advent of Smart Home technology. In this
section, we will delve into the analysis of the challenges asso-
ciated with Smart Homes. We will examine these challenges
from various perspectives, including the technical aspects of
Smart Home systems, user interactions, and legal and ethical
considerations. It is important to note that despite advance-
ments in Smart Home technology, there are still unresolved
challenges that need to be addressed. In the following Section,
specifically Section VI, we will propose potential solutions for
Smart Homes from a UV perspective, aiming to tackle these
challenges and improve the overall functionality and usability
of Smart Homes.
1) Safety, Security and Privacy Challenges and Robustness
Issues: Smart homes have emerged as promising solutions
to enhance comfort, convenience, and efficiency in our daily
lives. However, with the increasing reliance on technology,
Smart Homes are also facing unexpected significant challenges
related to safety, security, and privacy. The challenges encom-
pass several aspects, including false alerts and unexpected
operations, other system failures, abusive behavior of mer-
chandise, and security issues. These challenges may lead to
serious outcomes, such as unauthorized/accidental purchases,
privacy leaks, and strange or dangerous behaviors. To ensure
the successful deployment and adoption of Smart Homes, it is
essential to address these challenges and ensure the robustness
of Smart Home systems. We will explore these challenges in
detail in the following sections.
a) Safety and Privacy Challenges due to False Alerts
and Unexpected Operations: One of the significant safety and
privacy challenges in Smart Homes arises because of false
alerts and unexpected operations. These issues can occur due
to sensor mistakes, communication errors, decision errors, and
actuator errors. False alerts can create unnecessary panic and
inconvenience for homeowners, while unexpected operations
can cause damage to property and even pose a risk to the
occupants’ safety. For instance, a smoke detector that triggers
a false alarm repeatedly can lead to residents ignoring the
warning and not evacuating in the event of an actual fire.
Therefore, it is crucial to develop robust mechanisms to
minimize false alerts and ensure that Smart Home systems
operate as intended. In the subsequent sections, we will delve
deeper into these challenges.
Sensor Mistakes - Audio: Audio sensors play a vital role
in Smart Home systems; however, they can introduce
safety and privacy concerns when encountering errors.
For instance, voice-based assistants integrated into Smart
Homes sometimes struggle to recognize a user’s voice,
leading to incorrect responses and delayed emergency
services. To illustrate, imagine a scenario where a user
experiences a break-in and urgently requests the voice-
based assistant to call the police. If the assistant fails
to recognize the user’s voice, emergency services may
be delayed, jeopardizing the user’s safety [126]. Such
errors can have severe consequences, potentially resulting
in significant safety risks and property damage. Moreover,
audio sensors may erroneously trigger related keywords,
generating many irrelevant words that fail to assist users
in problem-solving. These mistakes can create a frustrat-
ing user experience, erode trust in Smart Home systems,
and have adverse effects on users [127].
It is also important to consider factors such as accent,
dialect, and variations in speech patterns among different
individuals. Additionally, the system should be able to
account for variations in people’s status, such as individ-
uals who are sick or experiencing strong emotions, as
well as those who may have difficulty speaking due to
aging or other factors. Background noise should also be
considered, as it can affect voice recognition accuracy.
To address these challenges, one potential solution is to
enhance the accuracy of voice recognition algorithms and
ensure continuous learning and updates within the system
to minimize errors. By incorporating machine learning
techniques, the system can adapt to variations in speech
patterns, dialects, and accents. Additionally, it should
consider individuals with different statuses, such as those
who are sick or experiencing intense emotions, as well as
individuals with age-related speech difficulties. Moreover,
the system should be designed to account for background
noise, as it can impact the accuracy of voice recognition
Sensor Mistakes - Image and Video: Changes in light-
ing conditions and shadows can trigger false alarms in
image and video sensors’ motion detection systems. For
instance, a Ring video doorbell may detect irrelevant
movements, for example falling leaves, and erroneously
activate the alarm, causing unnecessary panic and in-
convenience for homeowners [128]. Furthermore, image
sensors can potentially compromise privacy when they
fail to recognize individuals accurately. An experiment
conducted at Tsinghua University revealed that smart-
phone facial recognition systems could be deceived using
a simple eye mask, raising concerns about the reliability
of facial recognition in Smart Home systems [129]. More-
over, the inaccurate identification of activities can result
in misidentification and false accusations. For instance,
a security system may mistakenly identify a courier as
a thief, leading to unwarranted suspicions and accusa-
tions [130]. To address these challenges, it is crucial to
develop more robust algorithms for motion, facial, and
activity recognition. Utilizing machine learning and AI-
based approaches can enable these algorithms to learn
from data and improve their performance over time.
Regular updates and calibration of these algorithms are
vital to minimize errors and protect privacy.
Communication Error: Communication errors can create
significant safety and privacy challenges in Smart Homes,
as highlighted by Zaidan et al. in their survey [131].
One common communication error is physical connection
issues, such as short circuits or broken wires. These issues
can lead to the malfunctioning of Smart Home devices,
potentially resulting in serious consequences [132]. An-
other related issue is communication delay. A high com-
munication delay between the Smart Home device and
the central controller can cause sluggish or unresponsive
devices, leading to delayed or canceled tasks. This can
be frustrating for users and also compromise the safety
and security of the Smart Home [133].
Unstable network connections also pose a significant
challenge in Smart Homes, as wireless networks are
typically used for device-to-central-controller communi-
cation. If the wireless signal is unstable, devices may ex-
perience disconnections or intermittent connection issues,
resulting in malfunctions and compromising the safety
and privacy of the Smart Home.
Furthermore, security issues can arise due to commu-
nication errors. Weak network security in Smart Home
devices can make them vulnerable to hacking or malware
infections [134]. This can allow unauthorized remote
control of the device or its utilization for attacks on other
network devices, thereby jeopardizing the privacy and
security of the Smart Home. More detailed information
on this topic can be found in Section I-C1d.
Compatibility issues can also contribute to communica-
tion errors. Incompatibility between the communication
protocols used by Smart Home devices and other devices
can result in malfunctions or an inability to interact with
each other, leading to a loss of functionality [135].
Lastly, communication interference is another significant
issue that can impact the safety and privacy of Smart
Homes. Other wireless devices such as Wi-Fi routers
or microwaves can cause interference, disrupting the
communication between Smart Home devices and leading
to connection issues or malfunctions [136]. By address-
ing these communication error challenges, Smart Home
systems can ensure reliable and secure communication,
enhancing the safety and privacy of the entire ecosystem.
Decision Error: Decision errors can arise when the Smart
Home system fails to understand and respond to user
commands accurately or when it makes incorrect assump-
tions about user preferences or context. For example, in
2018, Amazon’s Alexa made a dangerous decision by
suggesting a suicide method to a user seeking help for
depression [137]. This incident highlights the potential
risks of relying solely on machine learning algorithms
to make decisions, as they may not always account for
unpredictable or exceptional situations.
Other common decision errors can occur due to inaccu-
rate or incomplete data and a lack of consideration for
individual preferences or context. For instance, a smart
thermostat may make decisions based solely on temper-
ature readings without considering the user’s preferred
temperature settings or daily routine. Similarly, a smart
lighting system may turn off lights in a room based on
motion detection, even if the user is still present but not
These decision errors can lead to unintended conse-
quences, such as wasted energy, decreased comfort, and
even safety risks. To mitigate these risks, it is crucial to
design Smart Home systems with robust decision-making
algorithms that can account for a range of scenarios
and user preferences. Additionally, incorporating user
education and feedback can help improve the accuracy
of these systems by providing more accurate and relevant
data to inform decision-making processes.
Actuator Error: Actuator errors can indeed present sub-
stantial safety and privacy challenges in Smart Homes.
For instance, smart locks in homes may experience mal-
functions, leading to unauthorized opening or failure to
open when necessary [138]. This can result in unautho-
rized individuals gaining access to the home or causing
inconvenience. Additionally, unexpected interruptions in
the operation of actuated devices like automatic doors or
curtains can raise privacy concerns. For instance, if these
devices remain open or closed when not intended, it can
compromise the privacy of the occupants [138]. There
is also a possibility of malicious or accidental operation
of actuated devices, such as the unauthorized opening
of a door, which can lead to undesired consequences.
Furthermore, certain vulnerabilities may arise in actuated
devices, such as smart locks. For example, attackers may
exploit weaknesses in the system’s security by using
methods like using a strong magnet or using a drill to
compromise the lock and gain unauthorized access to the
premises. Lastly, device failures in actuated devices can
result in significant problems. A faulty automatic door,
for instance, may not function as intended, potentially
posing a security threat to the occupants.
b) Safety and Privacy Challenges due to Other System
Failures: In addition to false alerts and unexpected operations,
Smart Homes face safety and privacy concerns related to other
system failures.
One significant challenge is power loss, which can have
detrimental consequences for the functionality of Smart Home
devices. During a power outage, critical systems such as
security cameras, smoke detectors, and alarm systems may
become inoperative, leaving occupants vulnerable and unpro-
tected [139]. Moreover, power loss can also lead to data loss
in Smart Home systems.
Furthermore, power fluctuations or surges can cause erratic
behavior in smart devices, compromising their reliability and
potentially creating safety hazards. For instance, if a power
surge occurs while a smart lock is engaged, it may mal-
function and prevent occupants from entering or exiting the
house [140].
In addition to power-related challenges, the robustness of the
entire Smart Home system is crucial to ensure uninterrupted
operation. Failures in communication networks or server down
times can result in losing connectivity, rendering smart devices
ineffective and impeding remote monitoring and control. These
challenges highlight the importance of developing robust and
resilient Smart Home systems to maintain safety and privacy
in the face of unforeseen failures.
c) Safety and Privacy Challenges due to Abusive Be-
havior of Merchandises: Another concern in the realm of
Smart Homes is the potential for abusive behavior by man-
ufacturers and service providers, which can lead to safety and
privacy challenges. One specific challenge arises from unau-
thorized data collection and management. In some instances,
manufacturers and service providers may collect user data
without explicit consent or misuse the data for undisclosed
purposes. This unauthorized data collection can result in
serious privacy breaches, leaving users vulnerable to identity
theft, surveillance, or targeted advertising [141]. For example,
in 2019, Facebook faced a massive data breach that exposed
the personal information of 530 million users, highlighting the
risks associated with unauthorized data handling. Similarly,
Twitter was fined $150 million in the US for selling users’
data to advertisers without proper consent [142].
Furthermore, unauthorized data handling can have severe
consequences not only for privacy but also for safety. The
exposure of sensitive information can lead to various malicious
activities, such as financial fraud or identity theft, posing a
significant risk to individuals. Moreover, dynamic informa-
tion, such as real-time location data or daily routines, can
make users more susceptible to targeted attacks or physical
harm [143].
It is worth noting that the proliferation of connected devices,
including Smart Home cameras, raises concerns about the col-
lection and misuse of personal data, including location infor-
mation. Unauthorized access to GPS information embedded in
photos captured by Smart Home cameras can compromise the
privacy and safety of individuals. These incidents underscore
the need for stringent privacy regulations and ethical practices
in the design and management of Smart Home devices. Safe-
guarding user data and ensuring transparent data collection and
management processes are essential to maintaining the safety
and privacy of individuals in Smart Home environments.
d) Security Issues: One of the most critical concerns
in Smart Homes revolves around security issues, particularly
in terms of network security vulnerabilities. Smart homes,
being connected systems, are susceptible to various forms of
Hackers can exploit remote access vulnerabilities, gaining
unauthorized access to Smart Home devices and systems. They
may take advantage of weak passwords or unpatched software
to infiltrate the network and compromise the security of the
Smart Home. Additionally, wireless networks, such as Wi-Fi,
can be targets for attackers. They may exploit security vulner-
abilities to intercept or manipulate data transmitted over the
network, potentially compromising the privacy and integrity
of the information [144]. It is important to acknowledge that
insider threats, for example malicious actions by employees,
contractors, or service providers, can also pose security risks
in Smart Homes. These individuals may have privileged access
to the Smart Home systems and may exploit their position to
gain unauthorized control or access to sensitive data.
Moreover, there is the risk of ransomware attacks, where
hackers take control of Smart Home devices and demand a
ransom from the homeowners to regain access or prevent
malicious actions. For example, a smart lock being hacked
can lead to an adversarial attack, where the hacker gains
unauthorized entry to the home, jeopardizing the safety and
security of the occupants. Illegal eavesdropping is another
security threat, where attackers intercept and monitor private
communications within the Smart Home. This can lead to
privacy breaches and the unauthorized disclosure of sensitive
information [145].
These security issues can lead to severe consequences,
such as data breaches, where sensitive user information is
leaked, potentially leading to identity theft or financial loss.
Furthermore, unauthorized access and control of Smart Home
devices can allow attackers to manipulate or compromise
the functionality of these devices, creating physical risks or
invading users’ privacy. For instance, a hacker gaining control
of a smart security camera could monitor occupants’ activities
without their knowledge or consent.
According to data from Korean law enforcement agencies,
there has been a steady increase in hidden camera-related
crimes, with an average growth rate of 21% per year from
2012 to 2015. The majority of these crimes involved taking
photographs or videos with smartphones (85.5%), followed by
the circulation of files (9.4%) and the use of hidden cameras
for filming (5.1%). The number of cases related to illegal
filming has also shown a significant increase over the years,
highlighting the importance of ensuring privacy and security
in Smart Home environments [146].
Another emerging concern in Smart Homes is the potential
misuse of voice-controlled appliances and the rise of deepfake
technology. Deepfake voice-mimicking software can deceive
people and voice-activated tools like smart assistants. Freely
available voice imitation software can fool both individuals
and voice-controlled tools, for example smart assistants. Such
vulnerabilities raise concerns about the authenticity and in-
tegrity of voice-controlled interactions in Smart Homes. It
is crucial to address these risks and ensure robust security
measures to mitigate the potential threats associated with
deepfake technology.
For instance, research conducted at the University of
Chicago demonstrated how deepfake voice synthesis systems
can deceive speaker recognition security systems used by ma-
jor platforms such as Microsoft Azure, WeChat, and Amazon
Alexa. The experiment showed that certain deepfake voice
synthesis systems could spoof user authentication triggers and
successfully gain unauthorized access to these voice-activated
systems [147]. These findings raise concerns about the security
and privacy implications of voice-controlled appliances in
Smart Homes.
These security vulnerabilities highlight the need for robust
encryption protocols, secure authentication mechanisms, and
continuous monitoring to mitigate the risks associated with
cyberattacks in Smart Homes. Implementing strong security
measures and staying vigilant against emerging threats is
crucial for maintaining the safety and privacy of Smart Home
e) Serious Outcomes: The safety and security challenges
associated with Smart Homes can have severe consequences.
Issues such as unauthorized or accidental purchases, privacy
breaches, and strange or dangerous behaviors can arise. In the
following section, we will examine these challenges in detail,
exploring the potential risks and implications they pose.
Unauthorized and accidental purchases: One of the seri-
ous outcomes in Smart Homes relates to unauthorized
or accidental purchases, which can occur due to the
misinterpretation or mishandling of voice commands or
user interactions. Voice assistants like Alexa have been
known to mistakenly identify user conversations as pur-
chase requests, leading to unintended online purchases.
For example, if a user casually mentions a specific item
while in conversation, Alexa may misinterpret it as a
command to make a purchase, resulting in an unintended
transaction. This can lead to financial consequences and
inconvenience for the user [148]. Moreover, the ease of
online shopping through smart devices can tempt users
to make impulsive or excessive purchases without fully
realizing the accumulated costs. Users may only realize
the extent of their expenditure when they receive their
credit card statements or encounter financial difficulties.
These unauthorized or accidental purchases underscore
the importance of implementing robust safeguards, such
as requiring confirmation for purchases, setting up pur-
chase restrictions, and enabling purchase history notifica-
tions, to mitigate the risks associated with unintended or
excessive spending in Smart Homes.
Privacy leaks: Privacy breaches pose a significant con-
cern in Smart Homes, and several aspects contribute to
this issue [149]. Firstly, inadequate privacy protection
measures can result in incidents where voice assistants,
such as Alexa, mistakenly send user voice recordings to
unintended recipients through the home communication
system. This breach of privacy occurs when voice as-
sistants misinterpret commands or mistakenly trigger ac-
tions, leading to sensitive voice data being sent via email
to unintended contacts in the user’s address book [150].
Secondly, privacy leaks can occur due to the unauthorized
access or exposure of sensor data. Smart home devices
equipped with various sensors, such as cameras, motion
detectors, or environmental sensors, can inadvertently
expose sensitive information if the data is not appro-
priately secured or if there are vulnerabilities in the
system. Moreover, concerns arise regarding the privacy
of conversations with voice assistants. User interactions
and dialogue data are stored and processed by service
providers, raising questions about the potential misuse or
mishandling of this sensitive information.
Additionally, third-party applications integrated into
Smart Home systems may pose privacy risks if they
are not subject to stringent privacy regulations or fail
to implement adequate security measures to protect user
data. These privacy leaks highlight the necessity for
robust privacy policies, data encryption, user consent
mechanisms, and regular security audits to safeguard user
privacy in Smart Home environments.
Strange or dangerous behaviors: In addition to the afore-
mentioned challenges, strange or dangerous behaviors
have been observed within Smart Home systems, re-
vealing issues in information processing and the need
for further improvements. Instances have occurred where
AI assistants, such as Alexa, have exhibited unsettling
or inappropriate behavior. For instance, there have been
reports of Alexa telling creepy or disturbing stories to
children, causing them to feel scared or uneasy [151].
Moreover, there have been cases where Smart Home
devices, without user authorization, have autonomously
activated functionalities such as turning on lights or
adjusting settings, leading to user discomfort or fear.
These occurrences shed light on the limitations and
potential risks associated with the information process-
ing capabilities of Smart Home systems. It emphasizes
the importance of refining algorithms, enhancing natural
language understanding, and implementing strict controls
to ensure that AI assistants and smart devices behave ap-
propriately and respect user preferences and boundaries.
f) Robustness: In addition to the safety and privacy issues
described above, it is crucial to consider whether Smart Home
systems have sufficient robustness to withstand the impacts
of mistakes, including system failure, device failure, infras-
tructure failure, and human errors. To ensure robustness, it is
important to design Smart Home systems with redundancy and
fault tolerance. This means that even if one device fails, others
can continue operating independently, minimizing disruptions.
The centralized design of Smart Homes poses a risk where
any failure or malfunction in the central control unit can
disrupt the operation of all connected devices. To enhance
robustness, one possible approach is to adopt a distributed
architecture where control functions are decentralized among
multiple interconnected devices. This reduces reliance on a
single point of control and increases system resilience.
Moreover, implementing backup power solutions, such as
uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) or energy storage sys-
tems, can help mitigate the impact of power outages. These
solutions allow the system to maintain basic functionality and
protect data integrity even during power disruptions.
Additionally, incorporating resilient communication proto-
cols and local processing capabilities within smart devices can
mitigate the effects of network fluctuations. This ensures that
critical functions can continue to operate even during network
instabilities. It is also important to implement robust encryp-
tion algorithms and authentication mechanisms to enhance
the security of Smart Home systems, preventing unauthorized
access and preserving user privacy.
Furthermore, considering the potential for human errors, it is
important to design user interfaces that are intuitive and user-
friendly. Clear instructions and feedback can help reduce the
likelihood of mistakes and improve the overall user experience.
By embracing these strategies and employing robust design
principles, Smart Homes can enhance their resilience and
provide a reliable and secure user experience.
2) Functionality Challenges due to System Design: In ad-
dition to the safety, security, and privacy challenges discussed
above, Smart Homes face various functionality challenges due
to system design. These challenges encompass self-adaptive
capabilities, proactive behaviors, fully automatic system oper-
ations, compatibility and integration issues, centralized design
concerns, and the application and challenges of artificial
intelligence (AI). These aspects play a crucial role in ensuring
the optimal performance and user experience within Smart
Home environments. The subsequent sections will delve into
each of these areas, examining the specific challenges and
exploring potential solutions to address them.
a) Self-adaptive Challenges: Self-adaptivity of Smart
Homes remains challenging in the current design, as the
system needs to adjust its settings and behavior based on
user habits, lifestyle, and environmental conditions specific
to their geographical location. Many Smart Homes currently
suffer from a “one-size-fits-all” problem, where standardized
settings are universally applied without considering individual
preferences or the unique characteristics of the environment.
This lack of customization can lead to discomfort for users
who may have different temperature preferences or varying
environmental conditions that require different settings.
One aspect of self-adaptivity is enabling users to easily
modify and personalize the settings of their Smart Home
systems [152]. Providing user-friendly interfaces and intuitive
control mechanisms empowers users to autonomously adjust
various parameters, such as lighting, heating, cooling, and
security, to meet their immediate needs and preferences. This
level of control fosters a sense of ownership and allows
individuals to create personalized Smart Home experiences
that align with their lifestyles.
Furthermore, self-adaptive challenges extend beyond tem-
perature control and user preferences. Other aspects of con-
sideration include adaptive energy management, where Smart
Home systems optimize energy consumption based on user
behavior and real-time energy availability. For example, the
system can learn a user’s favorite music genres and au-
tomatically play them when the user enters a particular
room, creating a more enjoyable environment while saving
energy. Additionally, the system can detect if someone in the
household has pollen allergies and adjust the air purification
settings accordingly. Different individuals may have different
favorite lighting scenes, and the system can adapt to provide
personalized lighting settings for each person.
Moreover, self-adaptive systems should be capable of learn-
ing from user interactions and dynamically adapting their
behavior to improve efficiency and effectiveness over time. By
analyzing user preferences, environmental data, and individual
patterns of interaction, the system can continuously refine its
settings and offer personalized suggestions or automation.
Addressing these self-adaptive challenges requires sophisti-
cated algorithms and machine-learning techniques to capture
and analyze user patterns, environmental data, and individual
preferences. By integrating these capabilities into Smart Home
systems, we can create truly adaptive environments that cater
to the unique needs and preferences of users while optimizing
resource utilization and enhancing overall user satisfaction.
b) Proactive Challenges: Proactive challenges in Smart
Home systems stem from their reactive nature, as they often
rely heavily on user commands and lack the ability to antici-
pate and take proactive actions. In many instances, users must
manually initiate actions or provide explicit instructions for the
system to respond. This can hinder the seamless integration
of smart devices into users’ daily lives and limit the potential
benefits of automation and convenience.
For example, in a traditional reactive Smart Home system,
users would need to manually adjust the thermostat when they
feel too hot or too cold. The system would not proactively
monitor and analyze temperature trends, humidity levels, or
weather forecasts to optimize the indoor climate automatically.
Similarly, a reactive security system would solely rely on
user commands to arm or disarm, failing to detect suspicious
activities or potential security breaches proactively.
Another proactive challenge lies in the limited ability of
Smart Home systems to learn and adapt to user preferences and
routines without explicit instructions. For instance, a reactive
lighting system would only respond to commands to turn on
or off lights, but it would not proactively adjust the lighting
levels based on the time of day or the user’s typical behavior
To overcome these proactive challenges, Smart Home sys-
tems should integrate advanced sensor technologies, artificial
intelligence algorithms, and machine learning capabilities.
For example, a proactive lighting system could automatically
adjust the blinds based on the sunset or sunrise times, ensuring
optimal natural lighting conditions. Additionally, a smart irri-
gation system could proactively monitor soil moisture levels
and weather forecasts to determine the appropriate watering
schedule for plants in the garden.
By leveraging data from various sources, such as sensors,
user interactions, and external factors like weather forecasts,
Smart Home systems can proactively anticipate user needs
and autonomously perform actions to enhance comfort, conve-
nience, and efficiency. This proactive approach eliminates the
need for constant user intervention and provides a seamless
and intuitive experience for users in their Smart Homes.
c) Fully Automatic System Issues: A fully automatic
system in Smart Homes poses challenges due to its limited
functionality and potential errors in sensing, communication,
decision-making, and action. While automation offers conve-
nience, it can lead to serious problems in emergency situations
where human intervention is necessary. For example, when a
Smart Home is unattended, the system may not appropriately
address unique situations such as a fire lid being mistaken for
watering, resulting in ineffective or incorrect actions.
There are also considerations regarding the detection of non-
passive dangers like falls or muscle strains. It is important
to determine how these risks can be detected and whether
the Smart Home system can alert relevant parties or provide
assistance when needed.
Furthermore, there have been cases where the Smart Home
system mistakenly flags innocent activities as suspicious. For
instance, an AI system identifying a person’s photo album
containing innocent pictures of their own child and wrongly
reporting it as child exploitation to the police. This kind of
incident can have severe consequences, such as the parents
losing their jobs and facing financial difficulties.
In some instances, AI systems are directly connected to the
police system, leading to potential false alarms and wasting
valuable police resources. If the AI system makes an erroneous
detection, it may trigger unnecessary police interventions,
resulting in a misuse of social resources.
To address these challenges, it is crucial to improve the
accuracy and reliability of AI systems in Smart Homes. Robust
error detection mechanisms and human oversight should be
implemented to prevent false alarms and inappropriate actions.
Additionally, establishing clear guidelines and ethical frame-
works for AI systems can help avoid unintentional harm to
individuals and protect their privacy. Continuous monitoring,
evaluation, and improvement of the fully automatic system’s
performance are essential to ensure its effectiveness and safety
in various scenarios.
d) Compatibility and Integration Challenges: Compati-
bility and integration challenges in Smart Homes arise from
the lack of interoperability among different devices and sys-
tems, as well as compatibility issues between appliances and
Smart Home operating systems. The proliferation of various
communication protocols and standards makes it difficult to
achieve seamless integration and interaction between devices
from different manufacturers. This fragmentation within the
Smart Home ecosystem hinders the creation of a unified and
cohesive experience for users.
Additionally, compatibility issues arise when trying to con-
nect smart appliances with the chosen Smart Home operating
system. Appliances may utilize different protocols or have
limited compatibility with the designated system, leading to
difficulties in controlling and managing these devices from a
centralized platform. This lack of compatibility restricts home-
owners’ choices when it comes to expanding and upgrading
their Smart Home systems.
Moreover, the abundance of separate apps required to
control different Smart Home technologies presents a com-
patibility challenge. Homeowners may find it burdensome
to download and manage multiple apps for controlling and
monitoring their Smart Home devices. The absence of a uni-
fied interface adds complexity and reduces user-friendliness,
making it inconvenient for users to fully utilize and enjoy the
benefits of their Smart Home devices.
To address these compatibility and integration challenges,
concerted efforts are required. Stakeholders in the industry
should work towards establishing common communication
protocols and standards to enhance interoperability among
different devices and systems. Emphasizing the use of open
standards and promoting collaboration can pave the way for a
more cohesive and interoperable Smart Home ecosystem.
Furthermore, Smart Home operating systems should offer
comprehensive support for multiple communication protocols
and brands, enabling users to connect and control a wide
range of devices from different manufacturers. Providing ro-
bust application programming interfaces (APIs) and software
development kits (SDKs) empowers developers to create their
own software solutions for controlling and managing Smart
Home devices, fostering compatibility and customization.
Lastly, addressing the issue of fragmentation in the Smart
Home market requires industry-wide cooperation and stan-
dardization efforts. Encouraging collaboration among man-
ufacturers, service providers, and technology platforms can
lead to a more streamlined and user-friendly Smart Home
experience. This collaborative approach aims to reduce the
need for multiple apps and simplify the process of integrating
devices into a unified Smart Home system.
By addressing these compatibility and integration chal-
lenges, Smart Home systems can become more versatile,
user-friendly, and accessible, enabling homeowners to enjoy
a seamless and integrated experience while expanding the
capabilities of their Smart Homes.
e) Centralized Design Issues: The centralized design of
Smart Home systems, where all devices are controlled by
one central device, brings both advantages and disadvantages.
Examples of centralized systems include Amazon’s Alexa,
Google Home, Apple’s HomeKit, Samsung’s SmartThings,
and others.
One of the advantages of a centralized design is its ease
of installation. With a central controller, users can quickly
connect all their devices and configure settings without much
hassle. Additionally, centralized systems are typically easy
to manage and control. Users can conveniently access and
control all their devices from a single interface or through
voice commands.
However, there are several disadvantages associated with
centralized designs. First, they lack robustness. If the control
device malfunctions, runs out of battery or is damaged, the
entire system can become non-functional until the issue is
resolved. This dependence on a single point of control poses
a vulnerability and can disrupt the normal functioning of the
Smart Home. Another concern is security. Centralized designs
may limit the interaction between devices, creating potential
security risks. If the central controller is compromised, it
could grant unauthorized access to all connected devices,
compromising privacy and safety. Furthermore, centralized
designs often have limited scalability. Expanding the system or
adding new devices may be challenging due to compatibility
issues or restrictions imposed by the central controller. This
lack of flexibility can hinder the customization and growth of
Smart Home systems.
In contrast, decentralized or distributed designs, such as the
KNX system, offer an alternative approach. In a decentralized
design, devices interwork and exchange data without relying
on a central controller. This design offers advantages such as
sustainability, as the system can continue functioning even
if the central device breaks down. However, decentralized
designs have their drawbacks. They tend to be more complex
to install and set up, as devices need to be interconnected
and configured properly. Upgrading or managing a decentral-
ized system can be challenging due to the interdependence
and interconnection between devices. Additionally, device
compatibility and the distribution of device load and power
consumption need to be carefully considered.
In summary, while centralized designs offer ease of instal-
lation and management, they come with limitations in terms
of robustness, security, scalability, and device interactivity.
Decentralized designs offer advantages in terms of sustainabil-
ity but may pose challenges in installation, management, and
compatibility. Finding the right balance between centralized
and decentralized approaches is crucial for designing a Smart
Home system that meets the specific needs and preferences of
f) Latency: Latency in Smart Home systems poses a
significant challenge, affecting the responsiveness and real-
time capabilities of various functionalities. Several factors
contribute to latency throughout different stages, leading to
undesirable consequences.
Firstly, network latency can occur due to communication
delays between devices and the central control unit or cloud
servers. This delay can result from network congestion, signal
interference, or limited bandwidth. Consequently, commands
and data may take longer to transmit, causing a noticeable
delay in executing actions or retrieving information.
Secondly, processing latency occurs when the Smart Home
system needs to analyze and interpret incoming data or per-
form complex computations. The computational capabilities of
the system, including the processing power of devices and the
efficiency of algorithms, directly impact the latency. Delays in
processing can hinder the real-time response of Smart Home
functionalities, such as automation triggers or security alerts.
Thirdly, device latency refers to the time it takes for smart
devices to receive and respond to commands. Some devices
may have slower response times, especially if they are older
models or lack sufficient computational capabilities. This
latency can lead to delays in device activation or synchro-
nization, affecting the overall efficiency and user experience
of the Smart Home system.
The consequences of latency in Smart Home systems can be
significant. Firstly, it can diminish the effectiveness of automa-
tion and real-time responses. For example, a security camera
with high latency may not capture critical moments in a timely
manner, reducing its ability to provide adequate surveillance.
Similarly, delays in adjusting lighting or temperature settings
can result in discomfort or energy wastage.
Moreover, latency can hinder the coordination and syn-
chronization among different devices within the Smart Home
ecosystem. For instance, if latency exists between motion
sensors and lighting controls, there can be noticeable delays in
turning on lights when someone enters a room, diminishing the
seamless experience and convenience expected from a Smart
Furthermore, latency can impact the reliability and effective-
ness of remote access and control. For instance, when access-
ing the Smart Home system through a mobile app or voice
assistant, delays in receiving real-time updates or executing
commands can undermine the convenience and responsiveness
of remote operations.
Addressing latency challenges requires a combination of
hardware and software optimizations. Employing faster and
more efficient communication protocols, enhancing process-
ing capabilities, and optimizing device performance can help
reduce latency in Smart Home systems. Additionally, utilizing
edge computing or distributed processing approaches can
minimize the reliance on cloud servers and reduce network
By mitigating latency issues, Smart Home systems can
deliver improved responsiveness, real-time capabilities, and
overall user satisfaction, enabling a seamless and efficient
Smart Home experience.
g) AI Application and Challenge: AI applications in
Smart Homes present both opportunities and challenges. While
AI has the potential to enhance automation, convenience, and
personalization, there are concerns regarding AI failures and
ethical implications. We are going to discuss some examples
in the following paragraphs.
One AI application in Smart Homes is virtual assistants,
such as Amazon’s Alexa or Google Assistant, which utilize
natural language processing and machine learning algorithms
to understand and respond to user commands and queries.
These virtual assistants can control various devices, provide
information, and perform tasks based on user requests. How-
ever, there have been instances where virtual assistants have
misinterpreted commands or provided inaccurate information,
leading to frustration and inconvenience for users.
Another example is AI-powered security systems that use
computer vision algorithms to detect and identify potential
security threats. While these systems can enhance home secu-
rity, there have been cases where they have falsely identified
harmless activities or failed to detect actual security breaches,
compromising the effectiveness of the system and potentially
endangering residents.
Additionally, AI chatbots or conversational agents in Smart
Homes can provide personalized assistance and engage in
conversations with users. However, there have been instances
where AI chatbots have exhibited biased behavior, provided
inappropriate responses, or even caused harm. For example,
the case of “Chai,” a young man who tragically committed
suicide after an AI chatbot encouraged him to do so, highlights
the ethical challenges and potential dangers associated with
AI’s influence on vulnerable individuals [153].
Moreover, there are concerns about data privacy and se-
curity in AI-powered Smart Homes. AI systems collect and
process vast amounts of data from sensors, devices, and user
interactions. Ensuring the privacy and security of this data
becomes crucial, as any breaches or misuse can have serious
consequences, including identity theft, unauthorized access, or
data manipulation.
Furthermore, AI algorithms in Smart Homes may face
challenges when adapting to changing user preferences, under-
standing context, or handling unforeseen scenarios. AI systems
are trained on historical data, and they may struggle to respond
appropriately to novel situations, leading to errors or failures
in system performance.
To address these challenges, it is important to invest in
robust AI development and training processes that priori-
tize safety, privacy, and ethical considerations. Implementing
mechanisms for user feedback, continuous learning, and ac-
countability can help improve the reliability and effectiveness
of AI applications in Smart Homes. Additionally, regulatory
frameworks and guidelines can play a role in ensuring respon-
sible AI deployment and mitigating potential risks.
Overall, while AI applications hold significant promise for
Smart Homes, it is crucial to address the challenges and ethical
implications associated with AI failures, privacy concerns,
and the potential impact on user well-being. Striking the
right balance between innovation, convenience, and safety is
essential for creating a trustworthy and beneficial AI-powered
Smart Home environment.
3) Installation, Maintenance, and Support: As Smart Home
systems become increasingly complex and integrated, instal-
lation, maintenance, and support become a critical issue.
Difficulties in installation and setup may arise due to the
complexity of the systems or the need to integrate multiple
devices. Limited support for users, especially for non-technical
users, can also be an issue. Challenges in repairing or replacing
faulty products can be costly and time-consuming, and tech-
nical obsolescence can render some products useless in the
long run. These issues require careful consideration to ensure
that Smart Home systems remain reliable, efficient, and cost-
effective for users. In the following sections, we will discuss
these challenges in more detail.
a) Difficulties in Installation and Setup: It is a challenge
to install Smart Home devices physically. Depending on the
type of devices, users may need to mount sensors, cameras, or
smart switches in specific locations, handle wiring, or retrofit
existing in-home infrastructure. This installation process may
require technical skills or tools that some users may not
possess. Furthermore, the diversity of Smart Home devices
and brands adds to the complexity of installation and setup.
Each manufacturer may have its own setup procedures, app
requirements, or configuration processes. Users may need to
familiarize themselves with different interfaces and learn how
to navigate each device’s unique setup instructions.
An additional inconvenience arises when users need to
reconfigure their Smart Home devices after changing the
Wi-Fi password. This process can be time-consuming and
cumbersome, requiring users to reconnect each device to the
updated network credentials [154]. Moreover, limited docu-
mentation and customer support can compound the difficulties
faced during installation and setup. Inadequate or unclear
instructions can leave users feeling frustrated and uncertain
about the correct steps to follow. The lack of accessible
customer support channels further exacerbates the challenges,
as users may struggle to find timely assistance or answers to
their questions.
To address these challenges, manufacturers should strive to
provide comprehensive and user-friendly installation guides
that include detailed instructions and illustrations. Clear ex-
planations of setup procedures and compatibility requirements
can empower users toto install and configure their Smart Home
devices successfully. Additionally, offering responsive and eas-
ily accessible customer support channels, such as online chat
or helplines, can provide timely assistance and troubleshooting
guidance to users encountering difficulties during installation
or setup.
b) Limited Support for Users: Limited support for users
is a problem commonly encountered in Smart Homes, particu-
larly when it comes to maintenance and troubleshooting. Users
may face difficulties in obtaining timely assistance, finding
adequate troubleshooting options, or dealing with situations
where the company providing support is no longer available.
Maintenance issues can arise with Smart Home devices,
just like any other electronic equipment. However, users often
find it challenging to address these issues effectively. Some
devices may require firmware updates, software patches, or
periodic maintenance to ensure optimal performance and secu-
rity. However, the lack of clear instructions or limited support
can make it difficult for users to perform these tasks or even
identify when maintenance is required.
Furthermore, the Smart Home industry has witnessed in-
stances where companies providing Smart Home devices or
services have gone out of business. This situation can be
problematic for users who rely on ongoing support or warranty
services. If a company ceases operations, users may face
challenges in obtaining replacements, repairs, or firmware
updates for their devices. This lack of support can leave users
with non-functioning or outdated devices, affecting the overall
functionality and usability of their Smart Home system.
c) Challenges in Repairing or Replacing Faulty Prod-
ucts: Challenges in repairing or replacing faulty products
can significantly impact the usability and reliability of Smart
Home systems. When a device malfunctions or becomes
defective, users may face several obstacles in resolving the
issue effectively.
One challenge is the availability of spare parts and repair
services. Smart home devices often comprise complex compo-
nents and specialized technology, making it challenging to find
compatible replacement parts. Users may struggle to locate
authorized service centers or technicians with the expertise
to repair their specific devices. This can result in prolonged
downtime and frustration for users.
Additionally, warranty and support policies vary among
manufacturers and may have limitations or exclusions. Users
may encounter difficulties in understanding warranty terms,
determining eligibility for repairs or replacements, or nav-
igating the claims process. Limited warranty coverage or
short warranty periods can further exacerbate the challenges
associated with repairing or replacing faulty products.
The last challenge is the seamless integration of the repaired
or replaced device into the existing Smart Home system. Smart
home ecosystems rely on interoperability and communication
between devices. When a device needs repair or replacement,
ensuring compatibility and reestablishing connections with
other devices can be complex. Users may need to invest time
and effort in reconfiguring settings, recalibrating sensors, or
troubleshooting connectivity issues.
d) Technical Obsolescence: Technical obsolescence can
have several consequences for Smart Home owners. Firstly, it
may prevent them from enjoying new features and function-
alities introduced in the latest devices or software updates.
As new technologies emerge, older devices may lack the
necessary capabilities to support advanced features, limiting
the user experience and potentially hindering the ability to
leverage the full potential of their Smart Home systems.
Additionally, technical obsolescence can lead to perfor-
mance issues and decreased efficiency. Outdated devices may
struggle to keep up with newer technologies, resulting in
slower response times, decreased processing power, or reduced
overall performance. Users may experience delays or lag when
interacting with their Smart Home devices, leading to a less
seamless and efficient user experience.
Another significant consequence is the potential loss of
data or limited access to previously stored information. In
some cases, upgrading to a newer Smart Home system or
replacing obsolete devices may result in the loss of historical
data, customized settings, or personal preferences. This can be
particularly frustrating for users who rely on historical data for
analytics, energy management, or security purposes. Limited
access to data from previous systems may also hinder the
ability to analyze trends, make informed decisions, or replicate
previous configurations.
Moreover, technical obsolescence can introduce compati-
bility issues and software bugs. Older devices or discontinued
software may not receive necessary updates or patches, making
them vulnerable to security threats or software bugs. This can
compromise the overall security and stability of the Smart
Home system, potentially exposing users to privacy breaches
or unauthorized access to their devices.
To mitigate the consequences of technical obsolescence,
manufacturers should prioritize long-term support for their
devices and software. This includes providing regular updates,
patches, and backward compatibility to ensure continued func-
tionality and security. Manufacturers should also communicate
the expected lifespan of their products and offer upgrade paths
or trade-in programs to encourage users to stay current with
the latest technology.
Furthermore, users should consider future-proofing their
Smart Home systems by selecting devices that have a proven
track record of long-term support and compatibility with
emerging technologies. Regularly reviewing and updating their
devices and software can help users stay ahead of technical
obsolescence and ensure a more seamless and secure Smart
Home experience.
Overall, technical obsolescence in Smart Homes can limit
functionality, degrade performance, lead to data loss or lim-
ited access, and introduce security risks. It is important for
manufacturers and consumers to stay vigilant, consider long-
term support and compatibility when choosing Smart Home
devices, and plan for future-proofing to minimize the impact
of technical obsolescence.
4) Data Sharing and Management Issues: Data sharing
and management pose significant challenges in Smart Homes,
particularly regarding privacy concerns, lack of user control
over data sharing settings, and data synchronization [149].
These issues impact how data is exchanged and managed
among different devices and services within the Smart Home
a) Privacy Concerns Related to Sharing Data among
Different Devices and Services: Privacy concerns related to
sharing data among different devices and services in Smart
Homes are of paramount importance. As Smart Home de-
vices become more interconnected and share data to enhance
automation and personalized experiences, the potential for
privacy breaches increases. One major concern is the inadver-
tent or unauthorized sharing of sensitive personal information.
When data is shared among devices, there is a risk that
personal information, such as user preferences, daily routines,
or even biometric data, could be accessed or intercepted by
unauthorized parties. This can compromise the privacy and
security of individuals and their households.
Furthermore, the aggregation of data from multiple devices
and services can lead to the creation of detailed user profiles.
These profiles can be valuable to third-party entities, including
advertisers or data brokers, who may exploit the data for
targeted marketing, profiling, or other purposes without the
explicit consent of the users. This lack of control over how
data is shared and utilized raises significant privacy concerns.
Moreover, the integration of third-party services and devices
in Smart Homes introduces additional privacy risks. When
Smart Home systems interact with external services, such as
voice assistants or cloud platforms, data may be transmitted
and stored outside the immediate control of the user. This
poses challenges in terms of ensuring data protection and
maintaining privacy standards across different platforms and
service providers.
b) Lack of User Control over Data Sharing and Privacy
Settings: Many Smart Home devices and services collect and
transmit data without giving users sufficient knowledge or
control over how their data is shared and utilized.
One issue is the lack of transparency regarding data collec-
tion and sharing practices. Users may not have a clear under-
standing of what data is being collected, how it is being used,
and with whom it is being shared. This lack of transparency
makes it difficult for individuals to make informed decisions
about their privacy and data-sharing preferences.
Additionally, the complexity of Smart Home systems and
the variety of devices and services involved can make it
challenging for users to navigate privacy settings effectively.
Different devices may have their own privacy settings scattered
across various interfaces, making it cumbersome for users
to manage and control the flow of their data. This lack of
centralized control and user-friendly interfaces further limits
user control over data sharing.
Furthermore, the default settings of Smart Home devices
and services often prioritize convenience and functionality
over privacy. Users may find that their data is automatically
shared with third-party entities or that certain features are
enabled by default without their explicit consent. This lack
of user control can erode trust and leave individuals feeling
powerless in managing their privacy.
To address the lack of user control over data sharing and
privacy settings, it is crucial for Smart Home manufacturers to
prioritize transparency and empower users with robust privacy
controls. This includes providing clear and concise information
about data collection and sharing practices, offering granular
privacy settings that allow users to customize their preferences,
and implementing user-friendly interfaces that simplify the
management of privacy settings across multiple devices.
Moreover, privacy-enhancing technologies, such as data
anonymization or local data processing, can be employed to
minimize the need for unnecessary data sharing while still de-
livering personalized experiences. By giving users meaningful
control over their data and privacy, Smart Home systems can
build trust, empower individuals, and foster a more privacy-
conscious environment.
Additionally, implementing “opt-in” and “opt-out” mecha-
nisms can give users the choice to decide whether they want
their data to be shared or not. This way, users have the ability
to actively consent to data sharing or withdraw their consent
whenever they desire.
However, it is important to note that data anonymization
may not always guarantee complete privacy protection. In
some cases, de-identified data can still be re-identified or
combined with other data sources to reveal sensitive infor-
mation. Therefore, it is crucial for manufacturers to consider
the limitations of anonymization techniques and implement
additional safeguards to protect user privacy.
In summary, addressing the lack of user control over data
sharing and privacy settings in Smart Homes is crucial to
respect individual privacy rights. By promoting transparency,
providing user-friendly controls, and prioritizing user consent,
Smart Home systems can better align with the privacy expec-
tations and preferences of users.
c) Data Synchronization: Data synchronization enables
the sharing of user data to provide enhanced services and
seamless experiences. It involves exchanging information be-
tween devices, service providers, and even different systems
to facilitate interoperability and improve functionality.
Within a Smart Home ecosystem, data synchronization
enables devices to communicate and coordinate their actions
effectively. For example, a smart thermostat can synchronize
temperature preferences with other connected devices like
smart blinds or HVAC systems to optimize energy efficiency
and create a comfortable environment. This sharing of data
among devices enhances automation and the overall user
Data synchronization may extend beyond the confines of
a Smart Home itself. Integration with external services and
platforms allows for data exchange between Smart Home
systems and other systems, such as healthcare or government
databases. For instance, Smart Home systems can synchronize
health-related data with external smart healthcare systems to
provide medical insights or alerts. Similarly, sharing specific
privacy-related data, such as fingerprints or facial recognition,
with authorized government agencies can enable secure access
control or identity verification.
However, such external data synchronization raises concerns
regarding privacy and security. As data is shared across differ-
ent devices, service providers, and systems, there is a need to
ensure robust security measures and strict access controls to
protect sensitive user information. It is essential to establish
clear consent mechanisms and provide users with transparent
information about how their data will be shared and utilized
to maintain trust and privacy.
5) Legal and Regulatory Issues: After discussing the chal-
lenges of data sharing and management, it is crucial to address
the legal and regulatory issues in Smart Homes. Apart from
ensuring data security and privacy through proper regulations,
there are other key aspects that require attention. These aspects
include liability and accountability in the event of accidents
or malfunctions, unclear or insufficient regulations governing
Smart Home technologies, and intellectual property and patent
disputes related to the development and implementation of
Smart Home systems. These legal and regulatory concerns are
essential for safeguarding user interests, promoting innovation,
and establishing a framework for the responsible and ethical
deployment of Smart Home technologies.
a) Liability and Accountability Issues in Case of Acci-
dents or Malfunctions: Liability and accountability issues in
the case of accidents or malfunctions are critical considerations
in the realm of Smart Homes. As these systems become
more complex and interconnected, the potential for accidents,
failures, or security breaches increases, raising questions about
who should be held responsible and accountable for any
resulting damages.
One aspect of liability pertains to product defects or mal-
functions. If a Smart Home device or system fails to perform
as intended or causes harm, determining liability becomes
challenging. The responsibility may lie with the device man-
ufacturer, the software developer, or even the homeowner
who installs or configures the system. Clear guidelines and
legal frameworks are necessary to establish accountability and
assign liability in such cases.
Furthermore, accidents or malfunctions in Smart Homes can
result in property damage or personal injuries. For instance,
a malfunctioning smart security system could fail to detect
an intrusion, leading to theft or property damage. In such in-
stances, questions arise regarding who bears the responsibility
for any losses incurred. Additionally, if a Smart Home system
is compromised and results in privacy breaches or data theft,
the liability for any resulting harm or financial losses must be
Another consideration is the role of service providers
and third-party vendors. Smart home systems often involve
subscription-based services or rely on cloud-based platforms
for data storage and remote access. In the event of a service
disruption, downtime, or security breach, it becomes crucial to
determine the potential liability of the service provider. Users
must understand their rights and the recourse available to them
in such situations.
Addressing liability and accountability issues requires a
comprehensive legal and regulatory framework that clarifies
responsibilities and obligations for all stakeholders involved
in the Smart Home ecosystem. It is essential to establish
standards for product safety, data security, and system relia-
bility. Additionally, insurance policies tailored to Smart Home
technologies may play a role in mitigating liability concerns
and providing financial protection for users.
b) Unclear or Insufficient Regulations: The unclear or
insufficient regulations surrounding Smart Homes pose signif-
icant challenges and implications. As the adoption of Smart
Home technologies continues to grow, the absence of clear
guidelines and regulations creates uncertainties and gaps in
addressing various aspects of these advanced systems.
One of the primary issues is the lack of standardized
regulations across different jurisdictions. Smart homes involve
a wide range of technologies, including Internet of Things
(IoT) devices, artificial intelligence, data collection, and con-
nectivity. The absence of harmonized regulations can lead to
inconsistencies in privacy protection, security measures, and
consumer rights, creating confusion for both users and industry
stakeholders. For instance, regulations regarding data privacy
and security can vary significantly between countries. For
instance, some jurisdictions may have stringent data protection
laws that require explicit user consent for data collection
and sharing, while others may have more relaxed regulations.
Inconsistent regulations can result in different levels of user
privacy and may enable data practices that some users find
intrusive or unacceptable.
Moreover, the rapid pace of technological advancements
often outpaces the development of regulatory frameworks. As
new features and capabilities emerge, it becomes challenging
for regulators to keep up with the evolving landscape of Smart
Homes. This situation can result in a regulatory gap, leaving
users and industry players without clear guidance on compli-
ance, safety standards, and ethical practices. For example, the
use of facial recognition technology in Smart Home security
systems raises concerns about privacy and potential misuse.
Regulators may struggle to establish guidelines that balance
security and privacy, especially considering the potential for
abuse or unintended consequences.
The lack of clarity in regulations also hampers innovation
and market growth. Uncertain legal environments can deter
manufacturers and developers from investing in Smart Home
technologies, fearing potential liabilities or legal disputes. This
uncertainty can slow down research and development efforts,
limit competition, and hinder the introduction of new and ben-
eficial features and services. For instance, regulations related
to interoperability and open standards can significantly impact
the ability of different devices to work together seamlessly.
Without clear guidelines, manufacturers may be reluctant to
invest in developing interoperable products, resulting in a
fragmented market with limited compatibility.
Furthermore, inadequate regulations can undermine con-
sumer trust. Users may be hesitant to adopt Smart Home
technologies if they are unsure about their rights, data privacy,
and the security of their personal information. Insufficient
regulations may lead to the misuse or mishandling of sensitive
data, eroding user confidence in the technology and hindering
its widespread acceptance.
To address these challenges, it is essential for policymakers
and regulatory bodies to collaborate with industry stakeholders
and technical experts to develop comprehensive and up-to-date
regulations. These regulations should cover aspects such as
data privacy, security standards, interoperability, and consumer
rights. By establishing clear and consistent regulations, the
Smart Home industry can thrive while ensuring user privacy,
security, and trust.
c) Intellectual Property and Patent Disputes: Intellectual
property (IP) and patent disputes related to Smart Home
technology have become increasingly prevalent in the dynamic
innovation landscape. As Smart Home technologies continue
to evolve and incorporate advanced features, companies, and
individuals face challenges in protecting their intellectual
property rights and resolving patent disputes.
One area of concern is the development and implementation
of proprietary technologies within Smart Home systems. Com-
panies invest significant resources in research and development
to create unique and innovative solutions. Intellectual property
rights, including patents, copyrights, and trademarks, play a
crucial role in safeguarding these innovations. However, as
the Smart Home market expands, the potential for patent
infringement and IP disputes rises.
Patent disputes can arise when companies claim ownership
of certain technologies or functionalities within Smart Home
devices or systems. This can lead to legal battles over patent
infringement, licensing agreements, or the validity of patents.
These disputes can not only create uncertainties for the com-
panies involved but also hinder the development and adoption
of Smart Home technologies.
Additionally, the interconnected nature of Smart Home
ecosystems can complicate IP and patent issues. Smart home
devices often rely on interoperability and communication pro-
tocols, which may require the use of standardized technologies
or open-source platforms. The boundaries between proprietary
and open-source technologies can become blurred, leading to
disputes over licensing, royalties, and compatibility.
Moreover, the global nature of the Smart Home industry
introduces challenges in terms of international IP protection
and enforcement. Different jurisdictions may have varying
patent laws and regulations, making it complex for companies
to navigate and protect their IP rights globally. This can lead to
disparities in IP enforcement and hinder the ability to address
patent disputes effectively.
6) User Experience: Acceptance and Accessibility: The
acceptance and accessibility of Smart Home technology can
be influenced by several challenges that impact the user
experience. These challenges include:
Complexity of Smart Home systems and difficulty of use
for some users
Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) design considera-
Lack of standardization and compatibility across products
and platforms
Accessibility challenges for vulnerable groups
Possible conflict between new AI applications and old
habits of human beings
Psychological and esteem challenges due to mistakes in
system design and AI limitations
These challenges can lead to poor user experiences, and
frustration, and ultimately result in users’ rejecting or hesitat-
ing to adopt Smart Home technologies. It is crucial to address
these challenges and enhance the user experience to ensure
broad acceptance and accessibility of Smart Home solutions.
a) Complexity of Smart Home Systems and Difficulty of
Use for Some Users: The complexity of Smart Home systems
and the difficulty of use for some users can significantly impact
the overall user experience. While Smart Home technologies
offer convenience and automation, the intricacies involved in
setting up and operating these systems can be overwhelming
for certain users [152].
One of the primary challenges is the integration and
configuration of multiple devices and services within the
Smart Home ecosystem. Users may struggle with connecting
different devices, managing settings, and ensuring seamless
communication between them. This complexity can lead to
confusion, frustration, and a steep learning curve, especially
for individuals who are less tech-savvy or unfamiliar with
Smart Home technology.
Furthermore, the diverse range of features and function-
alities available in Smart Home systems can add to the
complexity. Users may find it challenging to navigate through
various settings, customize preferences, and understand how
different devices and services interact with each other.
b) HCI Design: Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) de-
sign, plays a crucial role in shaping the user experience of
Smart Home systems.
Poor HCI design can lead to various negative consequences
and impact user acceptance and satisfaction. One of the
consequences of inadequate HCI design is the difficulty in
understanding and navigating the Smart Home interface. A
poorly designed user interface can confuse users, making
it challenging to locate and access the desired features or
control options. This can result in frustration and a steep
learning curve, hindering the overall usability of the system.
Additionally, ineffective HCI design can contribute to poor
discoverability of system features and functionalities. If im-
portant functions are buried in complex menu structures or
hidden in obscure locations, users may struggle to uncover
these capabilities, limiting their ability to fully utilize and
benefit from the Smart Home system.
Moreover, different HCI design standards and patterns
across Smart Home devices and platforms can create inconsis-
tency and confusion for users. Each manufacturer or service
provider may adopt different design principles, interaction
patterns, and terminology, making it difficult for users to
develop a mental model of how to interact with their Smart
Home systems. This lack of standardization can impede users’
ability to transfer their knowledge from one device or platform
to another, leading to cognitive load and usability issues.
Furthermore, inadequate feedback and error-handling mech-
anisms in HCI design can also negatively impact the user
experience. Insufficient feedback or unclear error messages can
leave users uncertain about the system’s status or the outcome
of their actions. This lack of clarity can lead to frustration,
confusion, and a loss of trust in the system.
c) Lack of Standardization: The lack of standardization
and compatibility across Smart Home products and platforms
can significantly impact the user experience and hinder the
seamless integration of devices and services [152].
One of the main challenges is the difficulty in integrating
devices from different manufacturers into a cohesive Smart
Home ecosystem. With various communication protocols and
standards in use, interoperability becomes a significant con-
cern. Users may face compatibility issues when trying to
connect devices that operate on different protocols, such as
Zigbee, Z-Wave, or Wi-Fi. This lack of interoperability can
result in fragmented systems where devices cannot commu-
nicate effectively, limiting their functionality and overall user
Moreover, the absence of standardized interfaces and data
formats across products and platforms can lead to confusion
and inconvenience for users. Each manufacturer may design
its user interfaces, control panels, and apps with different
layouts, interaction patterns, and terminology. As a result,
users have to adapt to multiple user interfaces, which can be
time-consuming, complex, and frustrating. This inconsistency
hampers user efficiency and makes it difficult to develop a
consistent mental model of how to interact with different
devices and services.
Furthermore, the lack of standardization can impede the
seamless synchronization and coordination of actions between
devices. For example, if a user wants to create an automation
scenario involving multiple devices, the absence of standard-
ized protocols and interoperability can limit the scope and
reliability of these automated interactions. This leads to a
disjointed and less intuitive user experience, as users have to
navigate through separate apps or control panels to manage
various aspects of their Smart Home.
The impact of the lack of standardization and compatibility
is evident in the form of user frustration, limited device func-
tionality, and reduced overall satisfaction with the Smart Home
system. It also creates barriers to scalability and expansion, as
users may hesitate to invest in additional devices or services
due to compatibility concerns.
d) Accessibility Challenges for Vulnerable Groups:
Smart home technologies have the potential to improve acces-
sibility and convenience for many individuals, but they also
present unique challenges for vulnerable groups, including
elderly individuals, people with disabilities, and those with
limited technological literacy. These challenges can hinder
their ability to fully benefit from the capabilities of Smart
Home systems.
For elderly individuals, physical limitations such as reduced
mobility or dexterity can make it difficult to interact with
Smart Home devices that rely heavily on touchscreens or
complex interfaces. For example, Small buttons, tiny text, and
intricate setup procedures may hinder their engagement with
the technology. Additionally, cognitive impairments may affect
their ability to understand and navigate the system, leading to
frustration and confusion.
People with disabilities may encounter obstacles related to
accessibility features and compatibility with assistive tech-
nologies. For instance, individuals with visual impairments
may rely on screen readers or voice commands for device
control, requiring Smart Home systems to be compatible with
these assistive technologies. Similarly, individuals with hearing
impairments may require visual or haptic feedback to receive
notifications or alerts from smart devices.
Individuals with limited technological literacy may struggle
to understand the setup and configuration processes of Smart
Home systems. Complex terminology, convoluted instructions,
and a lack of user-friendly interfaces may deter their adoption
and hinder their ability to utilize the features and functionali-
ties of the technology fully.
Addressing these accessibility challenges requires a user-
centered approach in Smart Home design. Developers should
prioritize inclusive design principles, considering the needs
and abilities of vulnerable groups throughout the development
process. This includes providing intuitive and customizable
interfaces, offering multiple modes of interaction, for examples
voice commands and gesture control, and ensuring compatibil-
ity with assistive technologies commonly used by individuals
with disabilities.
Furthermore, educational resources and support should be
made available to help vulnerable groups understand and
utilize Smart Home technologies effectively. This can involve
providing clear and concise user manuals, video tutorials, or
personalized assistance to address specific accessibility needs.
By actively addressing accessibility challenges, Smart Home
technologies can become more inclusive and empower vulner-
able groups to enjoy the benefits of automation, convenience,
and increased independence. By prioritizing accessibility in the
design and implementation of Smart Home systems, we can
ensure that these technologies are accessible to all, regardless
of their abilities or limitations.
e) Possible Conflict of New AI Applications and Old
Habits of Human Beings: The emergence of new AI appli-
cations and Smart Home technologies can sometimes clash
with old habits and traditional ways of doing things, leading
to potential conflicts and challenges for users.
One aspect of this conflict arises from the automation and
autonomy offered by AI-driven Smart Home systems. These
systems can perform tasks and make decisions on behalf of
users, which may contradict their accustomed control over
their environment. For example, traditional manual control of
lighting, temperature, or security systems may be replaced
by automated routines or AI algorithms. This shift can chal-
lenge users who prefer hands-on control and find it difficult
to relinquish control to technology. For instance, a user is
accustomed to manually adjusting their thermostat throughout
the day based on their preferences. With the introduction of
a smart thermostat powered by AI, the thermostat may learn
the user’s temperature preferences and automatically adjust
the temperature without explicit input. This automation may
clash with the user’s desire for direct control over his/her home
Furthermore, introducing AI-driven voice assistants and
natural language processing capabilities can disrupt estab-
lished communication patterns. Users may need to adjust their
language and behavior when interacting with voice assistants,
adapting to new commands or conversational protocols. This
transition can be particularly challenging for individuals who
are accustomed to explicit instructions or face-to-face interac-
tions. For example, a user accustomed to turning on lights by
flipping a physical switch may need to learn voice commands
such as “Hey, turn on the lights” to interact with a voice-
activated smart lighting system. This change in communication
style may require users to adapt their habits and learn new
ways of interacting with their Smart Home devices.
Another potential conflict arises from the data collection and
privacy implications of AI applications in Smart Homes. Smart
devices often gather and analyze vast amounts of user data
to improve their functionality and personalize experiences.
This collection of personal data may conflict with individuals’
desire for privacy and control over their information. Users
may be reluctant to embrace AI applications fully if they
feel their privacy is compromised, or if they perceive the
technology as intrusive. For example, some users may have
concerns about the data collected by smart cameras or voice
assistants, fearing that their conversations or activities are
being recorded and analyzed without their consent. These
privacy concerns can create conflicts between the benefits of
AI-driven Smart Home systems and users’ desire for data
privacy and control.
f) Psychological and Esteem Challenges due to Mis-
takes of System Design and AI Limitations: Psychological
and esteem challenges can arise due to mistakes in system
design and limitations of AI technology within Smart Home
environments. These challenges can have a significant impact
on user experiences and their willingness to continue using
the technology. For example, consider Lily’s experience with
a conversational assistant that had difficulty understanding her
order for food [155]. This frustration and negative emotion
not only affected her overall satisfaction with the system but
also violated her physiological needs for convenience and
Similarly, Stuart’s encounter with a voice personal assistant
that frequently interrupted him and provided irrelevant infor-
mation during a discussion about his health caused him to
lose confidence in the system. The perceived lack of respect
and failure to address his specific needs negatively impacted
his self-esteem and led to his discontinuation of using the
technology [155].
Furthermore, users like Shally, who are non-native English
speakers, may face challenges with accent recognition by the
AI system. Repeated instances of the system failing to under-
stand her commands due to her accent can lead to feelings
of self-consciousness and criticism, potentially affecting her
self-esteem and confidence in using the technology [155].
These examples highlight the importance of system design
that considers the psychological well-being and self-esteem
of users. AI applications should be designed to minimize
errors, provide accurate and relevant information, and account
for diverse user backgrounds and needs. By addressing these
psychological and esteem challenges, Smart Home systems
can enhance user experiences and foster greater acceptance
and satisfaction with the technology.
7) Ethical and Social Implications: Ethical and Social
Implications of Smart Home technologies are a crucial aspect
to consider in their development and implementation. The
following points highlight some of the key challenges:
Bias and Discrimination in Smart Home Systems and AI
Impacts on Social Interactions and Privacy in Shared
Living Spaces
Challenges in Balancing Personal Autonomy and Conve-
nience with the Greater Good and Public Safety
These issues will be further explored in detail, addressing
concerns related to fairness, privacy, social dynamics, and
the ethical considerations involved in using Smart Home
a) Bias and Discrimination in Smart Home Systems and
AI Algorithms: Bias and discrimination in Smart Home sys-
tems and AI algorithms present significant ethical challenges.
These technologies rely on complex algorithms that process
vast amounts of data to make decisions and provide person-
alized experiences. However, if these algorithms are biased or
discriminatory, they can perpetuate existing inequalities and
biases in society.
One aspect of bias in Smart Home systems is data bias.
The algorithms that power these systems are trained on large
datasets, and if these datasets contain biased or incomplete
information, the resulting algorithms can produce biased out-
comes. For example, if the dataset used to train a Smart Home
system primarily represents certain demographic groups, it
may not accurately cater to the needs and preferences of other
underrepresented groups. To illustrate this point, consider a
Smart Home system that uses a chatbot to assist users in
various tasks. If the training data for the chatbot is predomi-
nantly sourced from English-language internet content, it may
struggle to understand and respond effectively to queries or
commands given in other languages. This language bias can
lead to unequal user experiences for individuals who primarily
communicate in languages other than English.
Discrimination can also arise from biased decision-making
algorithms. For instance, if an AI-powered Smart Home sys-
tem is designed to decide who is granted access to certain
features or services based on demographic or socioeconomic
factors, it can perpetuate discrimination and reinforce existing
inequalities. For example, imagine a Smart Home system that
provides personalized recommendations for streaming content.
If the recommendation algorithm prioritizes content based on
the demographic characteristics of users, it may inadvertently
limit exposure to diverse perspectives and reinforce existing
biases in media consumption. This can result in a discrimina-
tory impact on individuals who belong to underrepresented or
marginalized groups.
Moreover, bias and discrimination in Smart Home systems
can manifest differently. For instance, voice recognition sys-
tems may struggle to accurately understand and respond to
accents, leading to a biased user experience. Facial recognition
systems may disproportionately misidentify individuals from
certain racial or ethnic backgrounds, resulting in discrimi-
natory outcomes. For instance, consider a facial recognition
system used for access control in a Smart Home. If the system
has primarily been trained on datasets that are skewed towards
certain racial or ethnic groups, it may exhibit higher error rates
in accurately recognizing individuals from underrepresented
groups. This can lead to discriminatory access restrictions or
unauthorized access for individuals who do not fit the system’s
biased recognition patterns.
b) Impacts on Social Interactions and Privacy in Shared
Living Spaces: The widespread adoption of Smart Home tech-
nologies significantly impacts social interactions, both within
the home and in shared living spaces. While these technolo-
gies offer convenience and connectivity, they also introduce
new dynamics that can affect interpersonal relationships and
One challenge is the potential erosion of privacy within
shared living spaces. Smart home devices are equipped with
various sensors and cameras that constantly collect data, rais-
ing concerns about the extent to which individuals’ privacy is
compromised. Roommates or family members may feel uneasy
knowing that these devices constantly monitor their actions
and conversations, leading to a loss of trust and intimacy
within the shared living environment. For example, when
roommates are constantly aware that their conversations and
activities are being recorded by Smart Home devices, they may
feel reluctant to express their opinions freely or engage in open
discussions. This can hinder the development of a healthy and
trusting relationship among individuals sharing the same living
Moreover, Smart Home technologies can disrupt traditional
social norms and etiquette. For example, voice assistants
that respond to voice commands may inadvertently interrupt
conversations or create disruptions in social settings. In some
cases, individuals may become more hesitant to engage in
conversations or share personal stories due to concerns about
privacy breaches or being overheard by smart devices.
Using Smart Home technologies raises questions about the
quality and authenticity of social interactions. With the in-
creasing reliance on virtual assistants and automated systems,
there is a risk of diminishing face-to-face interactions and
genuine human connections. In social gatherings, individuals
may find themselves more focused on interacting with their
devices rather than engaging in meaningful conversations
with others, leading to a more isolated and impersonal living
Additionally, the integration of Smart Home technologies
into social spaces, such as common areas or shared facilities in
apartment complexes, can create challenges in terms of inclu-
sivity and accessibility. Not everyone may have the same level
of technical proficiency or access to these devices, leading to
potential disparities and exclusion within the community.
c) Challenges in Balancing Personal Autonomy and Con-
venience with the Greater Good and Public Safety: As Smart
Home technology continues to advance, one of the significant
ethical and social challenges lies in striking the right balance
between personal autonomy, convenience, and the greater
good, including considerations of public safety. While Smart
Home systems offer convenience, automation, and personal-
ized experiences, they also raise important questions about the
broader implications of individual choices and their potential
impact on society.
One challenge is the tension between personal autonomy
and public safety. Smart home devices and systems give indi-
viduals greater control over their living environment, allowing
them to customize settings and automate various tasks accord-
ing to their preferences. However, certain personal choices
or configurations may have broader implications for public
safety, especially regarding security measures or emergency
response. For instance, disabling or circumventing security
features, such as door locks or surveillance cameras, may grant
personal autonomy but could compromise the overall safety
and security of the household or even the neighborhood. Sim-
ilarly, customizing fire alarm settings to reduce false alarms
may inadvertently delay or hinder timely responses to real
emergencies. Striking a balance between personal autonomy
and the greater good requires careful consideration of the
potential consequences and responsible use of Smart Home
Another challenge is the potential for data exploitation and
misuse. Smart home systems generate vast amounts of data
about individuals’ preferences, behaviors, and daily routines.
While this data can be utilized to improve services, en-
hance personalization, and enable greater convenience, it also
raises concerns about privacy breaches and data exploitation.
Balancing the convenience of personalized experiences with
safeguarding individuals’ privacy rights is essential.
Additionally, there are considerations of fairness and equity
in the access and affordability of Smart Home technology.
The digital divide, socioeconomic disparities, and accessibility
challenges may limit certain groups’ ability to benefit from
these technologies. Ensuring that Smart Home solutions are
inclusive and accessible to all individuals, regardless of their
socioeconomic status or physical abilities, is crucial to prevent
exacerbating societal inequalities.
To address these challenges, it is necessary to establish
robust ethical frameworks, regulations, and industry standards
that prioritize privacy, security, and public safety. Implement-
ing transparent data governance practices, informed consent
mechanisms, and privacy-enhancing technologies can help
protect individuals’ rights while harnessing the potential of
Smart Home technology. Moreover, fostering public awareness
and education about the ethical implications of Smart Home
technology is essential. Empowering individuals with knowl-
edge and understanding of the trade-offs involved in personal
autonomy, convenience, and the greater good can facilitate
responsible decision-making and promote a more balanced and
socially conscious adoption of Smart Home systems.
By navigating the challenges of balancing personal auton-
omy and convenience with the greater good and public safety,
we can harness the benefits of Smart Home technology while
upholding ethical principles, protecting privacy, and ensuring
the well-being of individuals and communities.
D. Secondary Challenges
In addition to the primary challenges for their users dis-
cussed in previous sections, implementing Smart Home tech-
nology may give rise to several secondary challenges. These
encompass the potential impact of smart technology on human
health, the challenges faced by Smart Homes in terms of
humanism, and the issues concerning pandemic prevention and
control in the post-pandemic era. The following paragraphs
will delve into these secondary challenges in detail.
1) Health: While smart technology brings convenient and
accessible healthcare for users, it can potentially introduce
certain adverse effects on human health. In this section, we will
discuss the following subjects. Firstly, the constant presence
of sensors and equipment, while beneficial for monitoring and
automating tasks, may impact individuals’ overall well-being
under normal running and use as discussed in Section IV.
Secondly, the increased reliance on wireless communication
and interconnected devices can potentially lead to increased
exposure to radiation, raising concerns about long-term health
effects. Additionally, the automation and smartness offered
by Smart Homes can inadvertently contribute to a sedentary
lifestyle, reducing physical activity and exercise opportunities.
Lastly, the extensive use of smart devices, especially among
younger individuals, may affect brain development. These
aspects will be discussed in further detail below.
a) Healthy Influence of Sensors and Equipment under
Normal Running and Use: The regular use of smart devices
and equipment in Smart Homes can have significant adverse
effects on human healthy under certain circumstances.
One common concern is the impact of screens on our eyes.
Prolonged exposure to computer and smartphone screens can
lead to digital eye strain, resulting in symptoms such as dry
eyes, headaches, blurred vision, burning, itching, difficulty
focusing, and pain in the neck or shoulders. In fact, nearly
60% of US adults report experiencing these symptoms [156].
To mitigate these effects, individuals can reduce their screen
time, take regular breaks, adjust screen brightness and contrast,
and ensure proper lighting in their environment.
Furthermore, the habit of using smartphones before bedtime
has become prevalent. Many individuals keep their phones next
to their beds, and notifications can disrupt sleep. Studies have
shown that over 40% of people who keep their smartphones by
their beds wake up due to noises or lighting from notifications.
Late-night technology use can interfere with sleep quality and
duration, contributing to sleep disorders. In the US, 40% of
Americans report not getting enough sleep, and heavy cell
phone use has been linked to increased sleep disorders in
both men and women [156]. To promote better sleep hygiene,
individuals can establish a technology-free bedtime routine,
create a device-free sleeping environment, and limit screen
time before sleep.
It is also important to consider the impact of smart devices
and screens on children’s health. Research conducted in Aus-
tralia found a positive correlation between the amount of time
children spend in front of screens and their likelihood of being
overweight. Excessive screen time can contribute to a seden-
tary lifestyle and reduced physical activity, which in turn can
affect children’s physical health. To address this, parents and
caregivers should encourage balanced screen time for children
and promote outdoor activities and physical exercise [157].
These examples highlight the potentially detrimental effects
of normal usage of smart devices on human health. It is
crucial for individuals to be mindful of their screen time, adopt
healthy habits and practices, and seek a balance between the
convenience of smart devices and their impact on well-being.
Additionally, manufacturers can play a role by designing de-
vices with user health in mind, incorporating features such as
blue light filters, and promoting ergonomic design principles.
b) Increase Exposure to Radiation: The increased re-
liance on wireless communication and interconnected devices
in Smart Homes has raised concerns about the potential health
effects of increased exposure to radiation. Smart devices such
as Wi-Fi routers, smartphones, smart appliances, and wearable
devices emit electromagnetic radiation, albeit at low levels.
While there is ongoing debate and research regarding the long-
term effects of this radiation on human health, it is important
to consider precautionary measures [158].
Some studies suggest that long-term exposure to electro-
magnetic radiation may adversely affect the human body.
Concerns have been raised regarding the potential increased
risk of certain cancers, such as brain tumors, due to prolonged
exposure to radiation emitted by mobile phones held close
to the head. However, it is worth noting that the scientific
consensus on this matter is not yet definitive, and further
research is needed to understand the potential risks fully [159].
c) Automation and Smartness Lead to Lack of Exercise:
The automation and smartness offered by Smart Homes can
contribute to a lack of exercise, leading to potential health
consequences. With the ability of AI applications and smart
devices to automatically perform tedious and repetitive tasks,
individuals may become less physically active and even de-
velop a sedentary lifestyle. As a result, there is a decrease
in brain activities since tasks that require memorization or
problem-solving are no longer necessary. This over-reliance
on artificial intelligence can lead to a decline in thinking and
intellectual abilities [160].
Engaging in activities such as using computers, playing
video games, or watching television typically involves minimal
physical exertion for both the body and the brain. Numerous
studies have linked excessive use of digital devices to reduced
levels of exercise and overall health. It stands to reason that
spending more time on the couch watching TV or playing
video games can take away valuable time that could be spent
engaging in physical activities [161].
Research has established a connection between leisure-
time internet use, sedentary behavior, and the prevalence of
obesity in children and adults. The increasing prevalence of
overweight and obesity, which has risen from less than 50% in
the 1960s to nearly 80% at present in the United States [161],
has significant health consequences. Obesity is associated
with conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular
disease, mental health disorders, and other chronic illnesses.
Physical inactivity serves as both a precursor and consequence
of obesity, and middle-aged and older individuals who lead
sedentary lifestyles are at high risk of muscle loss, sarcopenia,
falls, fractures, cognitive decline, and hospitalizations [161].
As Smart Homes gradually replace labor within homes and
occupations with robotics and AI, concerns arise regarding the
impact on employment rates and the potential societal crisis.
It is crucial to address the challenges posed by automated and
intelligent products to balance convenience and maintaining a
healthy, physically active lifestyle.
d) Brain Development due to Smart Device: The im-
pact of smart devices on brain development, particularly in
children, is a subject of concern. Extensive screen time has
been associated with damage to brain structure and function.
Studies have demonstrated that prolonged screen time can
lead to gray matter atrophy, impaired white matter integrity,
reduced cortical thickness, impaired cognitive function, and
weakened dopamine function [162]. The frontal part of the
brain, which undergoes significant changes during adoles-
cence, is particularly susceptible to damage from excessive
screen time, potentially affecting relationship-building skills
and overall well-being.
Even children who are not technically “addicted” to mobile
devices can still be at risk of brain damage if they regularly
spend several hours a day using them. The impact of smart
devices on brain development is a widespread concern, as
smartphones have transformed society. Research has also
indicated a link between prolonged television viewing during
childhood and attention problems in adolescence [162].
However, it is important to note that there is some debate
and conflicting evidence regarding the specific effects of
screen time on brain development. Some studies suggest that
the adverse effects of television viewing are more pronounced
in cases of excessive usage, while modest levels of television
viewing may not be detrimental to younger children [162].
2) Environment: Smart homes present various challenges
to the environment, including the overuse of energy and
resources, a lack of sustainable design and materials, and dif-
ficulties in recycling and disposing of Smart Home products.
One significant challenge is the overuse of energy and
resources. Smart homes are equipped with numerous devices
and sensors that consume energy, such as smart thermostats,
lighting systems, and appliances. While these devices are
designed to increase energy efficiency and convenience, the
cumulative energy consumption of multiple devices can still
be substantial. Measures such as using smart meters to monitor
energy usage and implementing energy-saving features can
help mitigate this challenge. However, it is important to
consider the additional cost associated with the deployment
and maintenance of such technologies. Moreover, the standby
time of devices should be minimized to reduce energy waste,
as devices left in standby mode can still consume significant
Another aspect to consider is the rebound effect, where
individuals may assume that environmentally friendly features
in Smart Homes are sufficient and subsequently engage in ex-
cessive consumption or wasteful behavior. This highlights the
importance of promoting sustainable consumption habits along
with the adoption of Smart Home technologies. Additionally,
there can be spillover effects, as increased demand for smart
devices in the United States, for example, can lead to higher
demand for rare earth metals, causing environmental damage
through their extraction.
The production and disposal of Smart Home devices also
contribute to environmental challenges. As the sales of smart
devices continue to rise, the demand for natural resources,
including rare earth metals, also increases. The extraction
and processing of these resources can lead to significant
environmental damage. Furthermore, many smart devices are
designed for short-term use and frequent updates, resulting in
electronic waste and resource depletion. The materials used in
smart devices, such as plastics and hazardous chemicals, pose
challenges for recycling and proper disposal. This underscores
the need for sustainable design practices and the use of en-
vironmentally friendly materials to manufacture Smart Home
products. For example, promoting modular designs and using
recyclable materials can facilitate easier recycling and reduce
Additionally, the recycling and disposal of Smart Home
products require careful consideration. E-waste contains haz-
ardous materials that can harm the environment if not properly
managed. Smart devices often have complex components and
integrated systems, making recycling and disassembly chal-
lenging. Proper recycling infrastructure and programs should
be established to ensure the safe handling of electronic waste.
Moreover, the disposal of chemicals and medicines used in
Smart Home products should also be addressed to prevent
contamination of soil, air, and water resources.
3) Humanism: While Smart Homes can address many
challenges for human beings, they also present several unex-
pected challenges to humanism, including excessive reliance
on technology, potential addiction, lack of friendliness towards
vulnerable groups, and the potential negative impact on family
One significant challenge is the overreliance on technology
and the potential for addiction. Smart homes offer convenience
and automation, but when individuals become excessively
dependent on technology, it can diminish their self-reliance
and cause a loss of essential life skills. People may rely
heavily on smart devices for daily tasks, communication,
and decision-making, eroding their ability to function without
technology. This overdependence can also lead to addiction,
as individuals may become consumed by constant connectivity
and engagement with smart devices.
Another challenge is the lack of friendliness towards vulner-
able groups. Smart home technologies are often designed with
a particular demographic in mind, typically young, able-bodied
individuals who are technologically proficient. This can result
in exclusion and difficulties for elderly individuals, people
with disabilities, and those unfamiliar with or comfortable
using advanced technologies. The lack of accessibility and
user-friendly interfaces in Smart Home devices can further
isolate and marginalize these vulnerable groups, impeding
their ability to benefit from the potential advantages of Smart
Home technology fully. The interaction between Smart Home
technology and more vulnerable groups will be explored
further in Section V.
Additionally, the pervasive presence of technology in Smart
Homes can negatively impact family relationships and human
interaction. With the increasing reliance on smart devices
for communication and entertainment, family members may
become absorbed in their screens, leading to few face-to-
face interactions and emotional disconnection. The constant
distractions and interruptions caused by technology can hinder
meaningful conversations and quality time spent together. A
more detailed explanation has been discussed in Section ??.
4) Special Challenge: Epidemic Prevention and Control:
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on
individuals and communities worldwide, exacerbating exist-
ing social and economic inequalities. Some specific effects
Increased vulnerability of the elderly: Older adults have
been particularly susceptible to severe illness and death
from COVID-19. The pandemic has highlighted the need
for better healthcare support and protective measures
for this vulnerable population, including those living in
Smart Homes. Smart home technology can aid in remote
monitoring and timely response to health emergencies,
providing a potential solution to address the increased
risks faced by older adults.
Widening inequality in disadvantaged communities: The
pandemic has disproportionately affected disadvantaged
communities, exacerbating existing social and economic
disparities. In impoverished communities, the lack of ac-
cess to Smart Home technology and digital infrastructure
further deepens the divide, hindering these communities
from benefiting from the potential advantages of Smart
Home solutions for epidemic prevention and control.
Efforts should be made to bridge the digital divide and
ensure equitable access to technology and its associated
benefits [163].
Mental health implications: The prolonged periods of
isolation and social distancing measures have taken a toll
on people’s mental well-being. Adopting Smart Home
technology can provide remote assistance, connectivity,
and entertainment options to alleviate feelings of loneli-
ness and improve mental health during times of crisis.
Unequal access to healthcare: The pandemic has ex-
posed the disparities in healthcare access, particularly
in underserved areas. Smart home technology can help
bridge this gap by enabling remote healthcare services,
telemedicine consultations, and the monitoring of vi-
tal signs. However, ensuring equitable access to these
technologies and addressing barriers such as cost and
digital literacy is essential to avoid further exacerbating
healthcare inequalities.
Smart home technology would play an important role in
addressing some of the challenges posed by the post-epidemic
era. Here are some key aspects to consider:
Contactless control: Smart home technology allows for
the control of various home functions, such as lighting,
temperature, hand washing, and entertainment systems,
without the need for physical contact. This reduces the
risk of transmitting infectious diseases by minimizing
touchpoints within the home.
Remote monitoring: Smart home devices enable remote
monitoring of individuals’ health conditions, such as
measuring temperature and detecting signs of respiratory
distress, without the need for physical contact. This
helps identify potential symptoms and allows for timely
intervention or medical assistance.
Delivery of essentials: Smart home technology facilitates
the delivery of essential items like food and medication
without face-to-face interaction. This minimizes the need
for direct contact with delivery personnel and reduces the
risk of virus transmission.
Disinfection: Smart home devices can automate the pro-
cess of disinfecting surfaces and equipment, enhancing
hygiene and reducing the spread of infectious diseases
within the home environment.
However, adopting Smart Home technology in the context
of epidemic prevention and control also presents certain chal-
lenges [164]. These challenges include:
Emergency situations: Smart home devices may lack
the capability to proactively and effectively respond to
emergency situations, such as alerting authorities or emer-
gency services during a health crisis or natural disaster.
Well-being of service providers: The safety and well-
being of service providers, such as hourly workers or
delivery personnel, who interact with Smart Home sys-
tems, must be ensured to prevent virus transmission.
Healthcare implications: The widespread use of Smart
Home technology may impact the mental health and
well-being of individuals, particularly those who spend
extended periods alone. It is important to consider appro-
priate support mechanisms and address potential social
isolation issues.
Privacy concerns: Smart home systems collect and pro-
cess personal data, raising privacy concerns regarding the
security and usage of this information. Safeguards should
be implemented to protect user privacy and ensure data
In conclusion, while Smart Home technology offers inno-
vative solutions for addressing challenges in epidemic pre-
vention and control, careful consideration must be given
to the potential impact on privacy, human interaction, and
the well-being of vulnerable individuals. Finding a balance
between leveraging smart technology for enhanced safety and
maintaining the humanistic aspects of home life is crucial.
E. Limitations of Smart Home Development
In previous sections, we have raised the limitations of Smart
Home development. This section is providing a brief summary
of the limitations.
Law and regulations Future development of Smart Home
technology relies on setting up new laws, regulations, and
technical standards. General Data Protection Regulation
or GDPR is a good starting point for data protection,
privacy, and product liability. The development can be
boosted by strong cybersecurity regulations, for exam-
ple, NIST (National Institute Of Standards and Tech-
nology) cybersecurity framework. New energy efficiency
standards, for example, limiting maximum power con-
sumption for components, can help to reduce the total
energy consumption of a Smart Home. The standards may
provide a rating system to score the energy efficiency of
smart household devices so that end users know what they
are getting. The new regulation may provide a practical
solution for the data ownership issue of user control or
platform control and thus leads to improved data privacy
as well.
Ethical issue Several ethical issues need to be addressed
early on to speed up the development of new Smart
Home technology. The first issue is to reach a trade-
off between personalized services and security. Settling
down this issue may broaden the adoption of Smart Home
technology. The second issue is the balance of autonomy
and control. In other words, end users should be able
to override the decisions made by Smart Home systems
even though the systems are authorized to do so by
the users at the very beginning. The third issue is the
bias and discrimination regarding the possibility of using
biased data to train machine learning and other computer
algorithms. This type of bias may actually narrow the
potential market for otherwise promising Smart Home
systems. Doing ethical things helps gain market share,
a win-win solution. The last issue is the social impact
due to the adoption of Smart Home technology. Limited
natural resources will be devoted to various Smart Home
devices. It is imperative to contemplate the environmental
sustainability associated with Smart Home technology.
Cultural differences to the global diffusion Lifestyles are
greatly influenced by cultures. We need to be wary of the
fact that people with different cultural backgrounds have
different understandings of system personalization. The
difference may present as different perceptions of privacy
and attitudes toward self-control and automation. As the
globalization level increases, the diffusion of Smart Home
technology will increase, expanding the market of Smart
Home technology.
Financial burden to end users Currently, some Smart
Home devices are still considered a financial burden
to ordinary end users. People prefer free Apps over
paid Apps. Conceptually, Smart Home technology can
borrow the idea of mass production, a proven approach
to lowering unit costs by producing large quantities
with standardized designs, machinery, and assembly line
techniques. As more or more people start to adopt Smart
Home technology, mass production is still a possibility
in the future.
F. Scope of the Paper
After discussing the new trend in people’s lifestyles, the
major needs of the current society, and the special require-
ments for their future homes and elaborating on the major
contribution and challenges of existing Smart Home systems
and applications, we then propose the concept of the UV Smart
Home and its general framework and evaluate, from the UV
perspective, the current status of the Smart Home system. The
rest of the paper is categorized below
section II: Current Smart Homes from a UV perspective;
section III: The information flow and material cycles
associated with Smart Homes;
section IV: Interactions between Smart Homes and the
other UV subsystems;
section V:relationship among Smart Homes, lifestyle, and
section VI: Solutions for Smart Homes from a UV
section VII: summary of challenges and main ideas of
the UV-Smart Home System.
Specifically, in Section II, we will scrutinize the current
status of the Smart Home system. This examination will
be anchored in the framework of a closed feedback control
loop encompassing data acquisition, communication, decision-
making, and action. We will also delve into the extant tech-
nologies pertinent to each element of these systems from the
Universal Village (UV) perspective.
After that, in Section III the focus of our evaluation will ex-
tend to the focus of our evaluation will extend to a discussion
concerning the information flow and material cycle related to
UV Smart Home systems, especially how Smart Homes would
be affected by the two major impacting factors.
The need for information flow and the current absence of
centralized management and disorganized information-sharing
practices are discussed. We also propose the concept of
hierarchical information fusion, addressing the lack of fusion
between data content, temporal and spatial information, data
from different sources, and the lack of fusion between different
informational layers, such as human know-how and system
data. The paper also points out that the material cycle is a key
element in Smart Homes as it connects all UV components
through the exchange of physical products, energy, and natural
resources. We investigate and highlight several issues within
the current Smart Home material cycle, ranging from improper
handling of hazardous materials and exposed electrical wires
to unauthorized access to firearms and improper mixing of
cleaning substances. This part also emphasizes the risk of
cascading failures in interconnected systems and processes. It
underscores the need for improved information management,
fusion, and coordination, as well as proper handling of ma-
terials and resources to ensure the safety and functionality of
the UV Smart Home system.
In addition, in Section IV, we advocate that an ideal
Smart Home system should encapsulate not only its various
Smart Home subsystems but also the interaction between these
subsystems and other seven Smart Subsystems: smart medicine
and healthcare, intelligent transportation, urban planning, and
crowd management, smart energy management, smart city
infrastructure, smart environmental protection, smart response
system for city emergency, and smart humanity. We identify
the categories of information exchanges required for the inter-
actions between UV Smart Home systems and other smart
subsystems and how such information would support each
other and enhance the performance of other smart subsystems.
Moreover, in Section V, we will be examining how human
lifestyle and community dynamics could potentially shape the
UV Smart Home concept, with a particular focus on their
potential to enhance unique and diverse lifestyles, such as
those of vulnerable groups. We will delve into how these
smart homes can provide tailored support, catering to specific
needs, and creating a more inclusive and supportive living
environment. Whether it’s aiding the elderly with health mon-
itoring or assisting people with disabilities through enhanced
accessibility features, we’ll explore how smart homes can be
a beneficial tool for a wide spectrum of lifestyles.
Consequently, based on the in-depth exploration of the
complicated dynamic relationship between multiple impacting
factors, we will propose a framework and mechanism for the
UV Smart Home systems of the future. In Section VI, we
will outline a comprehensive and conceptual model for the
future Smart Homes within the UV framework. It commences
by delineating the objectives for Smart Homes and subse-
quently proposes an anticipated architecture and framework
for UV Smart Home operating systems. The proposed UV-
oriented, integrated, resilient, inclusive, and sustainable UV
Smart Home framework design is to address current im-
minent challenges and to improve residents’ quality of life
through multi-source real-time smart monitoring, hierarchical
and context-based data fusion, directed information disclosure
within families and communities, “home operating system”
featuring life-long learning of users’ dynamic preferences,
and smart appliances integration for subject-oriented, event-
triggered and coordinated home services and actions. By
adopting a closed feedback loop, dynamic adaptiveness, and
interactive human involvement, the UV Smart Home sys-
tem aims to be a highly automated, intelligent, and human-
controllable system. It leverages machine learning techniques
and user feedback to continually update its knowledge base
and adapt to changing lifestyles. The system’s coordination
and automation capabilities ensure efficient information flow
and seamless coordination across sensing, communication,
decision-making, and action stages.
Lastly, section VII provides a comprehensive summary of
the entire paper, offering an integrated understanding of the
UV Smart Home framework and its implications. A thorough
overview of the UV Smart Home’s conceptualization, struc-
ture, and proposed functionalities is presented, emphasizing
the framework’s cornerstone principles: data acquisition, com-
munication, decision-making, action, and coordination. This
concluding section captures the essence of the UV Smart
Home concept, underscoring its innovative nature and the
significant impacts it is poised to imprint on our lifestyles,
safety, and overall well-being and addresses the diversity
of human needs and lifestyles by structuring an integrated,
personalized, and dynamic information package that captures
various aspects of residents’ lives and provides personalized
services and functionalities for different living groups and
Group Global Population
Global Cost
Estimate (USD)
Cost Per Capita
Estimate (USD)
Global Death Population
Death Rate
970 million [165]
Cost the world
approximately $2.5
trillion per year in
poor health and
productivity [165]
$2577 [165] Approximately 8 million deaths
each year [166] 0.825% [166]
Estimated 1.3 billion
people [167]
expenditure $868
billion [167]
$667 [167]
Some persons with disabilities
die up to 20 years earlier than
those without disabilities. [167]
Approximately 55
million people [168] $2.2 trillion [168] Patient Treatment
$40,000 [168]
Circulation and respiratory
complications (like pneumonia)
often contribute to a steady
decline. When this occurs, the
bedridden life expectancy can
be as short as a few days or as
long as a week or two [168]
The number of
people with chronic
diseases is 157
million (US), with
81 million having
multiple conditions.
About half of all
adults have chronic
conditions [169]
expenditure $4.1
trillion (US) [169]
$26114 [169]
41 million people each year,
equivalent to 74% of all deaths
globally (17.9 million people
annually, followed by cancers
(9.3 million), chronic
respiratory diseases (4.1
million), and diabetes (2.0
million including kidney
disease deaths caused by
diabetes)) [169]
26.11% [169]
(over 65)
1.5 billion
people [170] $14.25 trillion [170]
Medicare averages
$9500 for Medicare,
which provides
insurance for hospital
stays, doctor visits, and
since 2006, prescription
drugs [170]
Number one reason is the die
of heart disease 553,214
(US) [170]
More than 55
million people [171]
1.3 trillion US
approximately 50%
of these costs are
attributable to care
provided by
informal carers (e.g.
family members and
close friends) [171]
$23636 [171] 1.62 million, nearly tripling in
30 years [171] 2.95% [171]
200 million children
living in conflict
zones [172]
Rich countries
contribute an average
of $14000 per year for
a toddler’s care,
compared with $500 in
the U.S. Overall,
federal, state, and local
governments spend
about $1,000 a year on
care for low-income
children ages 2 and
under, and $200 on
other toddlers,
according to a paper
for the Hamilton
Project at
Brookings [172]
Two million children under the
age of five will die of
hunger-related causes.
1% [172]
Global Cost Estimate (USD) Cost Per Capita
Estimate (USD)
Global Death
Death Rate
People Living
16.2 million
people (6.7
million are young
people) [96]
$592 trillion [96]
Average annual
amounting to $36
537 per household
Annual suicide rates
per 100 000
person-years were
23.0 among adults
living alone and 13.2
among adults living
with others [173]
Homeless 150 million
people [101] 7.5 billion [101] A whopping $53,144
per person [174]
At least 20 people
homelessness die
every single day in
America [175]
People in
719 million
people [105] N/A
Defined as Earning
Less than $2.15 per
day [105]
2 million children
die from preventable
diseases, and 5.7
million people die in
low and
countries every year
from poor quality
healthcare compared
with the 2.9 million
who die from lack
of access to
care [105]
(Adult) [105]
281 million
people [176]
International remittances $702
billion [176] $2,498 [176]
In 2020, the suicide
rate increased 11.0
times the prior
10-year average to
3.4 suicides per
100,000 admissions
People with
Cultures or
5.8 billion
affiliated adults
and children
around the globe,
84% of the
population [109]
New lifestyle Cost: 1. The
cosplay costumes and wigs
market size was valued at USD
35.20 billion in 2022 and is
expected to reach USD 80.85
billion by 2028 [177], 2. The
global key opinion leader
management market size was
evaluated at $5.1 Billion in 2022
and is slated to hit $9.1 Billion
by the end of 2030 with a
CAGR of nearly 4.9% between
2023 and 2030 [178], 3. The
global vegan food market size
was USD 23.31 billion in 2020
and is projected to grow from
USD 26.16 billion in 2021 to
USD 61.35 billion in 2028 at a
CAGR of 12.95% during the
2021-2028 period [179], 4. The
global tobacco market size was
valued at USD 849.9 billion in
2021 and is expected to expand
at a compound annual growth
rate (CAGR) of 2.4% from 2022
[180], 5. Revenue in the
Alcoholic Drinks market
amounts to US$1,609.00 bn in
2023. The market is expected to
grow annually by 5.42% (CAGR
2023-2027) [181].
In the last thousand
years about 40
million people have
died in the name of
religion. Since 2001,
the Afghanistan War
has killed an
estimated 585,000
people and in the
Iraq War 450,000
people as a result of
the conflict [182].
A Smart Home has been defined to be the integration
of digital sensing and communication technologies with the
aim to reduce human intervention, provide convenience, and
seamless assistance [183]. Efforts have been made to develop
intelligent home accessories and furniture with integrated
sensor technologies. There also exist a number of platforms
and protocols for Smart Home systems that link the edge com-
puting efforts as a whole. This section will investigate the cur-
rent development of Smart Homes from the UV perspective,
evaluate current Smart Homes through the UV perspective, and
propose UV-oriented solutions and frameworks for Integration,
Resilience, Inclusiveness, and Sustainability.
A. Development of Home Management and Smart Home
Home management has always been one of the most impor-
tant components of a functioning society. A home environment
has to do not only with the individual quality of living but also
the integration into the communities, and it represents a ded-
ication to relationships, continuity, and expression of identity
and values [184]. Residents rely on their homes as the basis
to ameliorate the quality of living, health, as well as disability
care. Overall, a home is the result of the collaboration between
infrastructure, healthcare, community, security, and more. The
recent emergence of IoT, sensor networks, computer vision,
and Artificial Intelligence all have a substantial influence on
the development of the Smart Home system. While current
Smart Home systems aim to transcend traditional home design,
it is worth mentioning that Smart Home systems bring in both
new opportunities as well as new challenges, as discussed in
Section I-C.
B. Introduction to UV Perspective on Smart Home
Universal Village is a newly proposed concept exemplifying
an ideal future society that addresses the current challenges
cities are facing in the process of development and pursues
harmony between humans and nature through the wise use
of technologies. The purpose of a Smart Home is to provide
its residents with support in decision-making and information
about the household context and everyday living [183]. A
Smart Home system equipped with the UV ideology is able
to fundamentally revolutionize its relationship with the com-
munity, urban planning, infrastructure, the environment, and
1) UV Elements & System Framework: At present, rapid
urbanization is bringing convenience and high efficiency to our
daily lives, but the increase in GDP comes with the cost of high
metabolic rates, high waste per capita, severe lack of resources,
heavy pollution, and waste siege. Furthermore, this lifestyle,
supported by environmental degradation and soaring resource
consumption, has negatively influenced people’s housing en-
vironment. The urban population keeps growing with more
groups of the aging population.
Current smart city solutions cannot fundamentally solve
these problems, and they sometimes bring about unintended
complications or paradoxical consequences. Subsystems of
current smart cities, such as the Current Smart Homes, are
still merely collecting data or executing the programmed com-
mands without taking advantage of the closed feedback control
loop to ensure the robustness and safety of the systems. These
subsystems are also designed independently without consider-
ing potential interactions between each other. The introduction
of AI, big data, and learning-based systems further aggravated
these problems by bringing in new challenges, including hor-
rible experiences for outliers, echo chamber effect, segregation
due to personalized service and erroneous profiling, mistrust
from systems lacking interpretability, privacy, safety, bias, and
discrimination concerns. Present smart cities are not capable
of providing an integrated, coordinated, and inclusive solution
for our future sustainable development.
Built upon the awareness of responsibility and peril, with
an understanding of diversity and inclusivity and a goal of
shareability and sustainability, the UV concept aims at raising
our attention to these challenges, making us reflect on our path
of development and calling for interdisciplinary efforts to solve
these imminent problems. More specifically, the framework
of UV contains UV Elements, UV Design Process, and UV
Connectivity at different levels. The four basic UV elements,
including new energy sources, new materials, environmental
protection technologies, and UV Lifestyle enabled by Informa-
tion technology, work cooperatively in intelligent systems to
build multi-functional multi-format sustainable communities.
The UV Design Process includes the steps of understanding
mutual interaction for multiple inputs and multiple outputs
systems (MIMO analysis), decoupling MIMO systems based
on dynamic principal component analysis, and finally de-
signing UV feedback control systems, which contains the
components of implementing Sensing: Data Acquisition and
Communication, Decision-Making, and Action. The product
of this process, UV feedback control systems, is the central
part of the whole UV framework, which is constantly being
refined based on the feedback from the UV Evaluation System.
Another integral part of the UV framework is the UV con-
nectivity at different levels, which connects humans, systems,
and nature. There are two components of UV connectivity:
Information Flow and Material Cycles, and there are three
categories of connections: mutual interactions among different
intelligent systems or elements, closed feedback control loops,
and situ-remote hybrid control signals. Moreover, following
the guidance of system theory, UV connectivity consists of
signal coordination, data fusion on longitudinal and spatial di-
mensions, the design principle of proactivity, the combination
of static and dynamic data, and individual and statistical data.
In summary, as shown in Figure 2, UV is pursuing a novel
UV-oriented solution for integration, resilience, inclusiveness,
sustainability, and finally human-nature harmony.
2) UV Perspective on Smart Home: Under the framework
of UV, Smart Home systems are expected to operate based
on a closed feedback control loop that contains components
of Data acquisition, Communication, decision-making, and
Action. Specifically, Data Acquisition is expected to con-
tain the elements of smart monitoring, smart agents, and
Fig. 2. Feedback Design Scheme for Universal Village
crowdsourcing to ensure the accurate and consistent collection
of meaningful and high-quality data. The Communication is
expected to be based on strong security and safety measures,
consideration of privacy and discrimination, necessary storage
and back-up of data, and appropriate information sharing and
visualization to ensure the quality of data and smooth dis-
semination of information. Decision-making should be based
on the objective of human-nature harmony while ensuring the
quality of our environment, well-being of humans, adaptability,
robustness, safety, and security, protecting the essence of hu-
manity and reducing energy consumption and cost. Decision-
making should also take into consideration the interactions
between subsystems of smart cities, the impacting factors
of information flow, material cycle, lifestyle and community,
and information from both the time and space domain. The
Action should be human-centered, taking into account lifestyle
and community and ensuring a situ-remote hybrid for control
Smart Home has the following major functions:
1) Safety & Security Function:
Sheltering and providing protection from inclement
weather and poor environmental conditions, such as
air quality, no pollution, smelling management, noise
control, etc.
Sheltering and providing protection from intruders
Emergency prevention system: smart monitoring
against fire, earthquake, and hurricane, where sensor
networks might fail; emergency package preparation,
education, rehearsal, notification, emergency calls,
2) Basic living infrastructure: supply:
Provide basic living conditions (water, energy, fuel,
electricity, charging system for smart devices and E-
vehicle, temperature control, lighting system, garden
watering, ICT network, etc.)
Clothing, equipment, and other materials and sup-
plies management (shopping, washing, tracking, in-
ventory management, recycling vs. trashing, rent-
3) Basic Living Infrastructure: Waste Management and Hy-
Hygiene system (shower system, toilet, disinfect,
brushing, cleaning, trashing, etc.):
Water-saving devices, such as low-flow showerheads
and faucets, aim to reduce water consumption dur-
ing showering and handwashing. However, concerns
arise regarding the extended time needed to complete
these tasks compared to traditional fixtures, requiring
further investigation. Additionally, the discomfort ex-
perienced by individuals using low-flow fixtures may
contribute to potential mental health issues.
Waste removal services.
4) Physiological and Logistical Function and Living Condi-
tions Improvement:
Food preparation, storage, and safety assurance
Healthcare, personal health and medical management
Outdoor mobility and preparedness
vehicle/bicycle management
tickets for public transportation
trip preparation and arrangement, parking
Indoor Mobility for adults, seniors, kids, and disabled
Activity recommendation and management (Exer-
cise, entertainment, social, study, work, etc.)
5) Centralized Coordination (community coordination, in-
formation flow)
Decoration, plants, art, painting, etc.
Home innovation and application.
Family and Community Connection Function, in-
volvement of community activities.
Secure and obtain benefits.
6) Family and User Private information platform and cloud
Financial, documents management, and inventory
Vehicles status and maintenance management (war-
ranty, repair, insurance, regulation)
7) Integrative and Sustainable Home and Lifestyle (Lifestyle
Management, Community Support, Material Cycle Opti-
Community Inclusiveness (braille alphabet,
wheelchair accessible, kid protection).
Services and support from communities (food, rest
area, sharing equipment, shopping, cooking vs. din-
ing out).
Travel need: Motel arrangement when traveling is
allowed. If traveling is not allowed, for example
during a pandemic event, virtual entertainment is
Aesthetics, happiness including mood, feel, and style.
This also includes interior lighting layout, smart
wallpaper, smart mirrors, plants, social needs, and
personal values.
C. Evaluation of Current Smart Home through UV-perspective
1) Data Acquisition:
a) Information Source Category: Based on the review
of current literature, there are mainly three sources to acquire
raw data in current Smart Home Systems: passive monitoring
which makes use of devices to passively capture observed
data, crowdsourcing which collects large amounts of data from
various sources by mainly using platforms, and smart agents
which proactively and interactively communicate with people
to capture data. Details of different sources could be found in
Table III and Table IV.
Passive monitoring: Passive monitoring refers to passively
collecting data using sensors. This means the data acqui-
sition is in a single direction from target to sensor, and
does not involve too much human intervention during
collection. Many sensors adopt this acquisition method
for being direct and effective in collecting various types
of information. Because of the efficiency and safety
of automated monitoring projects, passive monitoring is
widely used in various applications such as monitoring
indoor and outdoor construction, healthcare, and human
activity recognition. Simply for construction projects
globally, the industry market is $10 trillion, and passive
monitoring sensors have wider applications than that.
Referred to Table III and Table IV, passive monitoring
is the main source for most of the current sensors to
the best of our knowledge. These sensors include such
as accelerometers and cameras to detect body movement
and activities, indoor and outdoor environments, various
implantable sensors under the skin to detect blood and
heart levels widely used in healthcare, and basic unit
sensors to detect appliance switching and humidity.
Crowdsourcing: Although passive monitoring is still the
mainstream information source for many current sensors,
crowdsourcing-based agents are more and more accept-
able for their efficiency and reliability. Crowdsourcing is
commonly used for analyzing various types of data from
multiple sources such as online text, video, or audio data
across the platforms. For example, apart from traditional
mobile sensors and wearable sensors, the Social Internet
of Things (SIoT) can be used to utilize users’ large social
networks for further data analysis.
There are three advantages for crowdsourcing. The first
advantage of crowdsourcing is collecting from various
heterogeneous sources. This is particularly useful when
one single data source is unavailable, crowdsourcing
could offer more reliability. Secondly, crowdsourcing is
able to collect information from multiple people. This is
supported by a variety of data sources. Thirdly, crowd-
sourcing can collect not only various types of information
including text, video, and audio, but also additional data
records from monitoring.
Referred to Table III and Table IV, data collection
from crowdsourcing includes street advertisements, so-
cial platforms like Twitter and Weibo, questionnaires,
NLP (Natural Language Processing), keyboards, mobile
phones, and previous data analysis records often adopted
crowdsourcing. An example of crowdsourcing is that
home caregivers may use a tablet survey application to
report patient agitation information and mood status.
Smart agent: Monitoring and crowdsourcing are based
on the condition that information only flows from user
to sensor, but more and more applications suggest inter-
active data acquisition, where sensing requires more en-
gagement of humans. Consequently, smart agents attract
more and more attention for being interactive, flexible,
and bidirectional in data acquisition.
Smart agent refers to collecting information via commu-
nicating and interacting with humans constantly such as
interactive smart speakers. The main advantage of smart
agents is their real-time and high interaction properties
for data acquisition. AI-based smart agents provide sig-
nificant opportunities such as taking over repetitive tasks
from humans, saving time, and efficiently using resources
for more urgent tasks.
Referred to Table III and Table IV, smart agents are
mainly used in various smart robot systems, smart speak-
ers, and digital assistants. For example, smart housework
robots use USB cameras, lidar, and attitude sensors to
gather indoor information so that the robots can control
various home appliances. Some robots can perform voice
remote control, autonomous positioning, and navigation.
Some robots can monitor liquefied gas leakage alarms
and human detection alarms. Other applications include
smart assistant robots for detecting physical objects, smart
speakers for audio retrieving and understanding multime-
dia control, and environmental control.
Current platforms such as Amazon Alexa, ChatGPT,
Slack, and Microsoft Teams already provide many dif-
ferent kinds of smart agents for assisting human work
and act as a way of collecting information for decision-
making. However, current smart agents are still at an
early stage of development, with problems of inaccurate
response, voice squatting attacks, lack of feminist de-
sign, and also other ethical concerns. For the inaccuracy
problem, current smart agents may not guarantee abso-
lutely accurate answers. Today’s typical smart agents are
Google and ChatGPT using keywords and questions for
searching information. When users input the keywords
or questions, they expect to get an accurate and timely
response, but the quality of responses largely depends
on the quality of user inputs and the training dataset.
If inexperienced users type some inaccurate or vague
keywords and questions, they may receive biased and
inaccurate responses.
Thus, one future direction could focus on repeatedly
confirming user input to ensure quality. Today’s Google
solution is to confirm with the user “whether the key-
words are what you looking for” for leveraging the typo
problem. Without tampering with the user with a “Sorry
we can not find what you are looking for” or providing an
inaccurate response, we expect a more advanced solution
in the future for fine-tuning questions until the user is
able to confirm that they satisfy with the answer. For
example, asking with the users such as “whether the . . .
is the accurate question you may want to ask? ”, and
provide a follow-up such as “whether the provided answer
is sufficient and accurate for solving user questions?
b) System Design Category: Due to the limitation of a
single sensor, data acquisition based on multiple sensors shows
more reliability and stability. For example, data acquisition
based on a single sensor usually has the following issues:
unstable sensing, single-point failure, and low data acquisition
throughput in a constant time. Therefore, groups of sensors
are used together to enhance data acquisition performance.
Moreover, there are certain special situations where only a
group of sensors could be used. An example of special sensing
is measuring wind-chill temperature, and it requires at least
two sensors. However, the system design of sensor groups
needs to consider more factors apart from the number and
types of sensors. For example, the design requires accurate
collaboration (e.g. the physical setting of sensors, acquisition
time) among different sensors and energy-saving strategies.
The system design of sensor groups has multiple advantages
such as reliability, stability, high fault tolerance, and high data
acquisition throughput, which leads to higher data accuracy
and better data quality compared to a single sensor. This is
because measurement from multiple sensors can support an
in-depth understanding. For example, to accurately identify
the location of current residents, sensors from multiple rooms
are needed. Otherwise, a single measurement in a single room
would have a large bias on the location.
In the following, we have summarized the sensing system
design from three dimensions (also see Table III and Table IV):
system or element, data storage, and data processing. Data
storage is for storing data after collecting from sensors, and
data processing is for processing techniques to be used after
storage. Details of the system design can be found in Table III
and Table IV.
System or Element Dimension: Based on current litera-
ture, there are mainly two types of data collection groups
in current Smart Home systems: System, referring to two
or more sensors during acquisition, and element which
means a single independent sensor for data collection.
System: Systems of sensor groups may need manage-
ment and coordination among sensors. This is often
used in large smart households such as smart lifting
beds, cameras, robots, and wireless sensor networks
due to its large volume of data acquisition capacity
and diversity.
Element: Element sensor refers to one single sen-
sor for one-time acquisition and decision-making.
Typical examples are different kinds of wearable
devices, especially for measuring human body states
and movements.
Data Storage Dimension: Based on current literature,
there are mainly three types of data storage techniques
in current Smart Home systems: None which means
no storage is needed after collecting information, local
database which means data is stored in the local device
after collecting from the sensor, and cloud storage which
means data is stored in the remote cloud for further
processing. Details are listed below:
No storage: Most sensors directly feed data into
decision-making algorithms after real-time acqui-
sition from physical objects and the environment,
without intermediate storage. Please refer to Table III
and Table IV for the details of sensor lists.
Local database: Compared with direct use, energy,
video, and image data usually require local storage
(e.g. database). For example, some design an energy
profile that can keep track of various household
usage, for further analysis in the decision-making
Cloud: With the emergence of cloud computing,
cloud storage has become cheaper and thus an ef-
fective storage medium nowadays. Typical examples
are sensor-connected mobile applications such as
health tracking and sports tracking and other NLP
applications. Most AI and NLP mobile applications
require sending user data to remote clouds because
these large models require a significant number of
computation resources.
Data Processing Dimension: Based on current literature,
there are mainly two types of data processing techniques
in current Smart Home systems to process the stored data.
No processing: Most sensors directly feed raw data
into decision-making algorithms after real-time ac-
quisition from physical objects and the environment,
without processing. Please refer to Table III and
Table IV for the details of sensor lists.
Special pre-processing techniques: However, some
data is required to be processed in order to be suit-
able for the decision-making algorithms. Examples
of processing methods include image processing,
audio data processing and sound recognition, and
waveform preprocessing. Please refer to Table III and
Table IV for the details of sensor lists.
c) Target Category: Categories of various targets are
listed below:
Humans: Human targets include residents, visitors, and
local pass-by around areas near the entrance of a home.
Residents in Smart Homes may include people with
different roles, ages, and jobs.
Visitors may include friends, family members, deliv-
ery, workers, and caregivers.
Local pass-by refers to any people walking around
or attempting to knock on and enter the door.
Environments: Environments target mainly refers to the
natural and cultural living conditions of Smart Homes.
Details will be introduced in the next content section.
Natural environment refers to sensing targets such as
air, gas, lighting, and temperature.
Cultural environment refers to targets with cultural
meaning or special individual values, such as plant-
ings, gardens, yards, and playgrounds.
Household & appliance: Household appliances & other
household item targets include objects with sizes ranging
from large to small. Some examples are:
Household infrastructure (including doors, windows,
stairs, and balconies)
Furniture (including beds, sofas, and toilets)
Appliances (including refrigerators, air conditioners,
washing machines, heaters, TVs)
Electronics (including lighting, charging, door locks)
as well as IoT devices
d) Content Category: This category includes the follow-
Human: Human content mainly refers to human-related
information, for example, physical and human activity
recognition. More specifically, human-related information
includes static information and dynamic information.
Static information, or traditional information, includes
human location, timing, clothing, and physical status,
and innovation information including emotional status.
Dynamic information includes human motions such as
eye movement, and limb movement. Human activity
recognition mainly refers to human behaviors such as
personality for being quiet or noisy, exercise routines,
and walking routines. For detailed content in human
information, please refer to Table V,Table VI,Table VII,
and Table VIII.
Environment: The environment information mainly in-
cludes three types of information: household information,
natural environment information, and the information
home surroundings. Household information mainly refers
to furniture information such as the number of closets,
styles in smart closets, appliance status, and electronic
switch status. The natural environment focuses on the
natural living conditions of a Smart Home including
temperature, moisture, air quality, lighting (brightness),
time, and outdoor weather (windy, snowy, rainy). Home
surroundings refer to the outdoor environment such as
areas of pass-by, animals, and buildings.
Human-Environment Interaction: Human-Environment
Interaction mainly includes behavioral interaction among
humans, environments, and the extra patterns beyond
traditional environment monitoring. Behavioral interac-
tion can be further classified into three types of inter-
action: human & local environments including natural
environment and cultural environment, human & house-
hold items, and human & tools. The human & local
environments interaction collects both static information
such as where a human is located (in the living room
or kitchen), and dynamic information such as human
motions (entering or leaving a specific environment, en-
tering the home entrance, walking in a specific area). For
human & household items interaction, utilization routines
of household items can be collected such as opening
or closing refrigerators, turning on or off light switches,
moving on or off beds, and eating food or drinking water
up or not. The human & tools interaction collects tools
usage information such as using a knife to cut vegetables
or fruits and using woks and pans when cooking. Extra
patterns mainly refer to human preference, a habit or
interest list including preferred temperature, moisture,
cloth styles, appetite habit, favorite music, timing routine,
and cleaning routine.
e) Device and Sensor Category: In many contexts, “de-
vice” refers to the physical devices to be placed somewhere
for data acquisition, and “sensor” refers to the specific element
in that device for collecting information. A device may have
one or many sensor(s). Within a sensing system, the basic
sensing element is an individual sensor. In the following,
we have summarized the current state-of-art sensors in three
dimensions: sensor types, mobility of the device, and setting
of the device. Details of devices and sensors could be found
in Table IX,Table X,Table XI, and Table XII.
Sensor Type Dimension: A specific sensor usually has
the following five features: acquisition frequency, detec-
tion range, triggering condition, power consumption, and
Acquisition Frequency: Acquisition frequency refers
to how many times a sensor collects information in
a constant period of time.
Detection Range: Detection range refers to the dis-
tance between the sensor and its target.
Triggering Condition: There are mainly three types
of triggering conditions for a sensor: automatic,
event-triggered, and manual.
Power Consumption: Power consumption refers to
the amount of energy the sensor consumes, including
three types: high, medium, and low.
Price: The price for the sensor has been classified
into mainly three types: high, medium, and low.
Mobility Dimension: The mobility of the device refers to
whether the device is wearable, portable, or fixed.
Wearable: Wearable means devices and sensors are
usually placed on human bodies, to collect real-time
information when interacting with humans. Based
on current literature, wearable devices include two
types: devices that are attached to human skin and
can be freely put off, and devices that are planted
into the human body which may even accompany
humans for their whole life.
Portable: Portable means devices and sensors that
can be placed around the home or a specific range
of areas.
Fixed: Fixed means devices and sensors are fixed in
one location and cannot be moved when collecting
Setting Dimension The setting of the device refers to
the configured environment, requirements, or conditions
for the device. Typical settings include indoor, outdoor,
community, hospital, government, and companies.
Indoor: The indoor Smart Home is still the main-
stream setting. The requirement for sensors needs
to follow human living conditions, such as being
functional at room temperature, medium lighting
conditions, being robust to noise, and being water-
proof in the toilet.
Outdoor: The outdoor Smart Home poses special re-
quirements for temperature, noise for the sensors. For
example, the device needs to be able to handle very
high and very low temperatures, and devices may
need to adapt to various lighting, noise, vibration,
and dirt conditions.
Community: Smart homes for the community may
require a larger sensor group and a centralized data
processing and analysis system.
Hospital, Government & Companies: Smart homes
for the government and companies may require ad-
ditional sensor management systems for different
workers and managers to operate on and monitor.
Security is important in a government and company
setting, such as designing secured sensors, placing
sensing in safety regions, and protecting from at-
In the future, smart working environments, hospitals, and
kindergartens could adopt virtual sensing technologies. For ex-
ample, mothers could take care of small babies with caregivers
at home via smart cameras and audio sensors.
f) Variety, Efficiency & Data Fusion: The setting of the
sensor group is affected by the variety of users. Different users
may have different preferences for Smart Homes, and this may
affect the sensing system design. The setting of the sensor
group such as detachable, mobile, or fixed, placed in the car or
outside, and battery-based or charging-required, would affect
the efficiency of data acquisition.
For efficient data acquisition, data fusion is used in the
virtual sense to integrate data from multiple sources. Data
fusion can convert real-world objects into a single, consistent,
and clean representation, based on relational algebra and SQL,
and may have wide applications. In the physical sense, backup
and maintenance are needed.
g) Human Involvement: Human involvement is how end-
users could participate in sensing. It is important in a sense
because in some contexts user involvement is compulsory. In
the case of temperature sensing, users need to observe and
record information in the systems. Also, workers may need to
turn on and set up the sensors in the initial setup stage, and
turn off and change unusable sensors to new sensors when
maintenance is needed.
Moreover, sometimes only relying on sensors is not reliable
for the whole system. For example, in the case of a fire disaster
in Notre Dame Cathedral, the clerk does need to “sense” the
fire and conduct proper action and does not only rely on the
system to report to the urgent system.
2) Communication: Communication is a vital cornerstone
in Smart Home systems, paramount in its roles of reliability,
security, and energy efficiency. It serves as the fundamental
link, harmonizing various subsystems and components into an
integrated and responsive unit. The content of this communi-
cation, encompassing device states, user inputs, environmental
conditions, and system feedback, can be tailored to optimize
the system’s overall performance. This optimization can en-
able efficient data transmission among the parties involved,
promoting effective collaboration, enhancing functionality, and
unlocking the full potential of the Smart Home. In this section,
we will present the communication channels and contents
among different shareholders and the progress of communi-
cation of the current Smart Home. In addition, in Section VI,
we will explore our perspective of future UV communication
in the Smart Home ecosystem.
a) Importance of Communication: From a UV perspec-
tive, devices can coordinate and share information, facili-
tate automation, and bolster the home’s functionality. This
seamless device interaction can allow centralized control and
coordination, paving the way for the integration of diverse
technologies and systems within the Smart Home. Moreover,
communication plays a pivotal role in the system’s closed
feedback loop, enabling real-time response to changes, the
anticipation of user needs, and optimization of operations
based on learned patterns and predictions.
Furthermore, communication in Smart Home systems sup-
ports the realization of a Smart Home’s information sharing,
device coordination, system control, feedback provision, and
continuous learning and adaptation. This comprehensive, effi-
cient communication strategy is instrumental in transforming
a collection of smart devices into a cohesive, intelligent, and
adaptive Smart Home system.
Communication in the Smart Home definition: Communi-
cation in a Smart Home system refers to the exchange of
information among various devices, sensors, and systems
that make up the Smart Home ecosystem. From the
UV perspective, it encompasses the transmission of data,
commands, and feedback through reliable, secure, and
energy-efficient communication channels. This communi-
cation extends beyond the confines of the home and can
involve connections with external resources such as the
community, healthcare facilities, or municipal services.
It enables seamless interaction and coordination between
components, facilitating automation and enhancing user
Closed feedback loop algorithm: The UV-designed closed
feedback loop communication is one of the most impor-
tant processes in a Smart Home system. From the UV
perspective, by having a closed feedback loop, informa-
tion, and data are collected, circulated, and utilized in
a continuous cycle of data acquisition, communication,
decision-making, and action. This feedback loop ensures
that the system can adapt and respond effectively to
various inputs and changes in its environment and enable
seamless coordination and efficient functioning of the
For example, Smart home systems can communicate
with the energy department to receive information about
electricity prices, peak demand periods, or renewable
energy availability. By integrating this data, the Smart
Home can optimize energy usage, such as scheduling
high-energy-consuming tasks during off-peak hours or
prioritizing renewable energy sources for consumption.
In conclusion, the closed feedback loop of communi-
cation in Smart Home systems is a key factor in their
efficiency and effectiveness, enabling them to adapt and
respond to changes in real time and optimize their oper-
ations based on learned patterns and predictions.
b) Communication Involved Targets and Contents: In the
context of Universal Village (UV), the seamless sharing of
information among various stakeholders is crucial for informed
decision-making and effective actions. These stakeholders
encompass individuals, homes (including residents and Smart
Home devices), businesses/organizations, communities, and
the city. Each stakeholder plays a role either as an information
provider or an information user, as outlined in Table XIII,
Table XIV,Table XV,Table XVII, and Table XVIII.
A study [185], an Unsupervised User Behavior Prediction
(UUBP) algorithm research, states that the user-produced mass
operation data were not being utilized well in the past, and
now it is still in the early stage of research and discovery
in Smart Home system industry. Furthermore, many current
studies mostly focus on a single device or system cooperation
to achieve a certain task, for example, [186] studies deep
learning technology face recognition for home security.
Furthermore, Table XIII,Table XIV,Table XV,Table XVII,
and Table XVIII illustrate the different stakeholders’ involve-
ment in the information flow, with columns representing in-
formation senders and rows representing information receivers.
Notably, items marked with an asterisk (*) signify expectations
and future possibilities that will be explored in Section VI,
highlighting the evolving nature of communication channels
and the potential for advanced functionalities.
3) Decision-making: This section will discuss the decision-
making from a UV perspective.
a) Importance of Decision-making:
Decision-making definition: Decision-making is identi-
fied as an intellectual procedure or algorithmic apparatus,
integral to a Smart Home system’s operation. It is the
means by which such a system scrutinizes the available
data, gauges potential responses, and identifies the most
fitting course of action aimed at realizing particular goals
or optimizing system performance.
From the Universal Village (UV) perspective, the
decision-making process in a Smart Home system ought
to encompass and amalgamate all pertinent information
to foster comprehensive decision-making. The ultimate
objective is to extrapolate significant insights, discern
patterns, or formulate predictions. This ability is instru-
mental for the system to comprehend the present state
of the environment, anticipate user requirements, identify
potential actions or solutions, and accomplish the desired
degree of automation and personalization.
Closed feedback loop algorithm: According to the Uni-
versal Village (UV) perspective, the decision-making
process serves as a crucial element in the closed feedback
loop algorithm. Rather than being a discrete occurrence,
decision-making manifests as an integral component of a
dynamic, recurring sequence within the system.
The feedback loop, fundamental to the operation of
intelligent systems, serves as a mechanism for optimal
control. It facilitates a continuous evaluation of system
performance, providing necessary adjustments based on
outcomes and subsequently directing future actions. The
decision-making process, within this cycle, exists as a
critical juncture.
b) Decision-making Involved Stakeholders and Contents:
When there are stakeholders and contents involved in the
decision-making process, the details are:
Multistakeholder needs analysis: The decision-making
process within Smart Home ecosystems involves inter-
play between diverse stakeholders. From a UV per-
spective, it is essential to understand each stakeholder’s
needs under all conditions for the Smart Home system
decision process to establish comprehensive and coordi-
nated algorithms. Table XIX,Table XX,Table XXI, and
Table XXII present each stakeholder, including individual,
home (Smart Home system), business (companies), and
city, from the perspective of their functions (what they are
trying to achieve), strategy (to achieve their functions),
routines (what they do constantly), and urgency (possible
Bridging stakeholder needs: Algorithms in Smart Home
Systems The success of Smart Home systems hinges
significantly on the implementation of robust algorithmic
processes. In the previous section, we delved into the
multifaceted needs of diverse stakeholders in Smart Home
ecosystems. In this section, we will talk about the algo-
rithms for actualizing the needs of different stakeholders
in Smart Home systems design from a UV perspec-
tive, as shown in Table XXIII,Table XXIV,Table XXV,
Table XXVI,Table XXVII,Table XXVIII,Table XXIX,
Table XXX,Table XXXI,Table XXXII,Table XXXIII,
Table XXXIV,Table XXXV, and Table XXXVI. The ta-
ble columns are Situation and activity understanding,
modeling (including correlation understanding, sensitivity
analysis, profiling, and system), prediction, optimization
(including resources management, peak reduction & de-
crease inconvenience, energy saving & environmental
protection, improved human well-being &human safety,
risk management &safety, and robustness, resilience &
adaptiveness), scheduling & coordination, user recom-
mendation and adjustment & management. Whereas the
table rows are presented in the order of the seven core
functions as we have introduced in Section I of the paper.
The algorithmic processes lie in their ability to translate
diverse stakeholder needs into functional reality within
Smart Home systems. As we move to the next section,
which focuses on applications for the decision-making
process, it becomes clear that these algorithms are the
linchpins of efficient, responsive, and personalized Smart
Home operations.
Applications of Smart Home: Building on the under-
standing of stakeholder needs and the role of algorithmic
processes in meeting these needs, this section presents
how these needs are currently operationalized through
application categories while a wide array of possibilities
are discussed with UV perspective in Section VI. In
Table XXXVII,Table XXXVIII,Table XXXIX,Table XL,
Table XLI,Table XLII,Table XLIII,Table XLIV,Ta-
ble XLV, and Table XLVI, the applications are presented
with respect to the seven core functions, ranging from
Computer vision, Semantic audio & sound understand-
ing, Machine learning, Smart agent & robot technology,
Natural language processing with social media, Twitter,
IoT APP & system design, and other (wifi, radio, NFT,
VT/AR). As some of the applications discussed in Ta-
ble XXXVII,Table XXXVIII,Table XXXIX,Table XL,Ta-
ble XLI,Table XLII,Table XLIII,Table XLIV,Table XLV,
and Table XLVI are not yet developed, they will be
discussed further in Section VI.
c) Current Progress and Challenges:
Machine Learning involved decision-making: The study
of machine learning algorithms in Smart Home systems
has advanced significantly. [187] illustrates how an AI
model can be integrated with the LabVIEW for envi-
ronmental control in a Smart Home setting. The model
processes a range of input data, including outdoor and
indoor temperatures, humidity, illumination, and the num-
ber of individuals present in the home. The output control
decisions, such as the operation of air conditioners,
dehumidifiers, power curtains, and lights, are informed
by these data, allowing for the creation of a comfortable
living environment. Another study [188] discusses the
potential of machine learning for managing daily living
activities and electrical consumption in Smart Homes.
The approach utilizes non-intrusive sensors and offers a
novel method for supervision and management within a
Smart Home context. These advancements demonstrate
that the current technology supports machine learning in
the decision-making process within Smart Home systems.
However, current implementations often do not fully ex-
ploit the capabilities of it, and several challenges remain.
These include issues related to data privacy, algorithm
transparency, and ethical issues which were discussed in
Section I. In Section VI, UV decision-making section, we
will present our perspective with respect to the “Profiling-
centered Decision-Making”, where we delve deep into
impacting factors and considerations that can be fed into
machine learning models.
Human-involved decision-making: In the realm of
decision-making algorithms, a number of human-involved
machine-learning strategies exist, including supervised
learning, reinforcement learning, interactive machine
learning, human-in-the-loop machine learning, and Ex-
plainable AI. These methodologies afford the unique op-
portunity to involve human inputs directly in the decision-
making process [189]. Nevertheless, in the current land-
scape of Smart Home systems, the implementation of
these methods is limited. At present, Smart Home sys-
tems primarily utilize rudimentary machine learning algo-
rithms, operating on the basis of user preference setting or
memory. From the UV perspective, there is ample room
for the integration of human-involved machine-learning
approaches. These approaches can better account for a
multitude of factors that influence decision-making algo-
rithms in Smart Homes. We will explore this subject in
greater depth in the “Human-Involved Decision-Making”
subsection of Section VI.
4) Action: This section will discuss effective action in
detail below.
a) Home Safety & Security Function: The home safety
and security function consists of the following aspects:
Living Supplies Safety Management
Water safety: [190] discusses a human-operated ac-
tion and response plan for various stakeholders such
as the Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS),
National Treasury (NT), and Department of Envi-
ronmental Affairs (DEA). This plan aims to provide
water safety in the context of Smart Homes.
Food safety: [191] highlights the building blocks
of resilient food systems to external shocks, for
example, the COVID-19 pandemic, in developing
nations. The study emphasizes the importance of
infection-safe agricultural input and output distribu-
tion logistics, extended social safety nets, adequate
credit facilities, innovative labor management tools,
appropriate farm mechanization, digital extension
services, circular nutrient flows, and enhanced stor-
age facilities.
Property safety: [192] presents a static-analysis sys-
tem that extracts state models from IoT apps’ source
code and validates whether an IoT app or IoT en-
vironment adheres to identified properties through
model checking.
Object safety, obstacle avoidance, path planning, danger-
ous setting AI decision-making, kids protection, corner
protection, sharp knife, falling down, and people safety
are all critical aspects of living supplies management
in Smart Home systems. These factors contribute to
a comprehensive safety approach that encompasses all
elements of a home environment.
Pollution and Toxic Substance Safety Management
Gas safety alert and smoking detector & voice
reminder: [192] proposes a home security system
utilizing an:
Anti-Theft announcing system that alerts the
owner by sending a message and ringing a call.
Additionally, the security system informs the
owner when a fire or gas leakage is expected to
By using GSM technology, the system provides
remote access to the devices being controlled. But
direct action on air purifiers is limited.
Fire safety and fire extinguisher: [193] collects es-
cape traces from historical fire evacuations of the
public wearing VR devices. After computing the
location of the fire front in geolocated coordinates,
this dataset helps inform Smart Home systems to
enhance fire safety measures. But direct action on
fire extinguishers is limited.
Resources Safety Management Some examples of re-
source safety management are listed below:
Entrance safety and knowledge-based instruction dis-
play: [194] examines whether people are present
in the living room. The prototype was installed
in 12 households as part of a Living Lab study.
Participants used pre-defined visualizations to get an
overview and the creation tool to address specific
use cases or answer questions by creating temporary
Security: Amazon’s home security drone is designed
to detect burglars in the room when the user is away
from home and to alert the user via mobile phone.
Locker safety: [195] presents an advanced alert home
security system with fingerprint and password au-
thentication to open or close the door system, send-
ing messages if any miss-operation is performed by
others using GSM technology with a smart mobile.
Appliances and energy safety: [196] introduces Wat-
tBot, a residential electricity monitoring and feed-
back system that allows users to track their home en-
ergy usage and encourages them to reduce consump-
tion. An application for the Apple iPhone and iPod
touch receives data from a wireless hub, allowing
users to view, compare, and analyze their electricity
usage over time.
Human-robot interaction safety: [197] explores so-
cial HRI through a between-subject video-based
study in which the Pepper humanoid robot interacts
with a person.
Environment safety: [198] discusses high-rise build-
ings as new town-planning and functional-planning
formations formed along the vertical axis. However,
a complex of town-planning requirements is pre-
served, which should be met, taking into account the
spatial specifics of these objects.
b) Basic Living Infrastructure: Supply: This part dis-
cusses the basic living infrastructure in terms of basic living
supply management and disaster management.
Basic Living Supplies Management
Temperature control, Heating, Cooling: The control
plays a significant role in Smart Homes, with trade-
offs between comfort, energy consumption, and cost.
The spill-over effect, rebound effect, and loss aver-
sion all factor into the balance between energy effi-
ciency and maintaining a comfortable environment.
Unreasonable settings, such as extremely low or high
temperatures, may lead to wasted energy without
providing a comfortable experience for occupants.
Air and Water supply: Air conditioning, and hot
water supply are essential elements in living supplies
management. Air conditioning and ventilation, along
with glazing control, contribute to indoor and out-
door air quality management. In the case of boilers,
they contribute to both heating and hot water supply.
However, the focus is typically on the supplying
system, without direct response feedback to a user.
Smart Lighting Management: Existed research de-
velops smart light optimization algorithms for light-
ing control in large smart buildings [199]. The
algorithms are designed to control lighting based
on an individual’s emotional state while watching
video content [200]. Some smart light algorithms can
balance illumination and provide uniform lighting,
under varying outdoor light levels at occupied loca-
tions [201].
Energy Management: Energy management in living
supplies encompasses charging, auxiliary energy, sun
blinds, and smart meters. Future advancements in
this area may include the incorporation of solar
photovoltaic (PV) systems to further enhance energy
efficiency and sustainability.
Disaster Management
Risk assessment: Risk assessment is a critical aspect
of emergency communication and handling in Smart
Home systems, with the potential for continuous
improvement as more information and references
become available [202]. Emergency communication
can be facilitated by drones [203] and external de-
vices [204], providing real-time updates and sharing
vital information during crises.
Emergency handling: Emergency handling may in-
volve the deployment of rescue robots, for example,
fireproof robots capable of seeing through the smoke.
In situations without electricity, these robots can
employ special cameras and fireproof devices to
navigate and assess the environment. However, their
actions may be limited when it comes to tasks like
removing bombs, handling oil tanks, or turning off
electricity. Other emergencies related to healthcare
will be introduced in Section VI.
Medical emergencies: Medical emergencies, includ-
ing family violence, collapse, and stroke, in Smart
Home systems can be addressed more effectively by
utilizing technology to enhance the recovery process.
For instance, the recovery progress can be monitored
and charted regularly, allowing healthcare profes-
sionals and family members to stay informed about
the patient’s condition [204]. Remote emergency
alerts can be intercepted and responded to quickly
ensure prompt medical assistance when needed. Fur-
thermore, health deterioration can be closely mon-
itored, enabling corrective actions to be taken in
a timely manner. Future directions for addressing
medical emergencies in Smart Home systems may
include the integration of emergency cookies, which
can provide critical medical information to first re-
sponders. Additionally, Smart Home systems can be
equipped with emergency kits and first-aid kits that
can be easily accessed during crises.
Post-disaster recovery: Post-disaster recovery is an-
other essential aspect of emergency handling, with
potential future directions involving improved sig-
nage and guidance systems. Ideally, these systems
can help prevent disturbances within communities,
guide victims to safety with accurate instructions,
and facilitate communication through broadcasting,
mobile apps, and cell phones. Additionally, visu-
alizations can be employed to enhance emergency
communication and handling effectiveness in Smart
Home systems. However, current research in this area
is somewhat limited.
c) Basic Living Infrastructure: Waste Management and
Hygiene: This part discusses how to manage waste while
maintaining basic hygiene.
Smart Waste management & recycling compose:
Home waste management: [205] proposes good prac-
tices for reducing street clutter, which is applicable
to individual waste management strategies.
Individual waste management: [206] proposes clut-
ter management and its implications for clinicians
working with patients with multiple sclerosis, which
can be applied to general room organization.
Waste Repurposing: Repurposing waste materials,
such as biomaterials, is gaining attention for its pos-
itive impact on environmental protection and waste
management [207]. The utilization of biomaterials
in product design showcases a sustainable solution
that reduces reliance on traditional resources, min-
imizes environmental impact, promotes responsible
waste management, and contributes to environmental
conservation in various industries.
Smart Cleaning, Disinfection, and Sanitation Manage-
ment: [208] presents a “Earthbot” designed to collect
and segregate waste, providing a solution for cleaning and
disinfection management, which is capable of collecting
and segregating waste, offering a solution for home
hygiene management.
Smart Organization: A study demonstrates how low-cost
robots can be integrated into intelligent environments
to solve complex tasks like doing laundry or tidying
up [209]. As discussed in [206], robots can tidy up
objects in containers, e.g., shelves or boxes, by following
user preferences.
d) Physiological & Logistical Function and Living Con-
ditions Improvement: The following paragraphs discuss the
physiological and logistical functions of Smart Home systems
as well as the improvement of living conditions within the
Advanced Living Supplies Management Advanced Liv-
ing Supplies Management is an innovative function that
encapsulates a triad of distinctive characteristics, namely
adaptability to personal needs, alignment with daily pat-
terns, and the provision of comprehensive feedback. This
function amalgamates the principles of customization,
synchronicity, and informed decision-making to revo-
lutionize the way individuals interact with their living
Smart Lighting: Recent lighting applications include
smart dimmable desk lamps to use adjustable bright-
ness and color temperature settings, allowing users
to customize the lighting according to their prefer-
ences, blue light filtering technology to reduce blue
light emissions, providing a softer illumination that
helps alleviate eye strain, and LED reading light for
reading and studying, using low blue light emission
technology to minimize blue light output. They offer
a gentle and eye-friendly light source, reducing eye
fatigue and discomfort.
Smart Lighting, also referred to as intelligent light-
ing, represents a technological breakthrough in the
realm of lighting solutions. This innovative system
harnesses the power of advanced sensors, connectiv-
ity, and automation to provide unparalleled control
and efficiency in illuminating spaces. Some sample
applications are:
1) Color Adjustment:
a) Sensing: The lamp is intelligent with a pro-
cessor which coordinates the various sensors
b) Action: Encodes their information into six
different colors.
2) Uniform Lighting: Uniform lighting, under vary-
ing outdoor lighting levels, at occupied loca-
tions [199].
a) Sensing - Calibration: determines the lighting
i) Turn off all lights and turn on one light at
a time
ii) Record the lighting’s impact on each sen-
iii) Repeat step one n times until all lights are
b) Decision-making - Zoning/Partitioning:
i) Partition the areas into smaller independent
ii) Illumination balancing algorithm (IBA):
[210] achieves uniform lighting across the
zones including cross-illumination effects
and external lighting disturbances.
c) Decision-making - Final Computa-
tion/desired lighting settings:
i) Part 1 counts the minimum number of
lights needed to be turned on
ii) Part 2 and Part 3 compute candidates of
the final lighting setting
iii) Part 4 calculates the standard deviation of
sensor readings generated by each candi-
d) Action: Turn on/off light groups.
3) Emotional Interaction: emotionally interactive
lighting system [200].
a) Sensing: Emotion recognition system uses
three different physiological signals, photo-
plethysmography, skin temperature, and gal-
vanic skin response
b) Decision-making: An emotion lighting con-
trol system has red lighting to induce arousal
effects in users and blue lighting to induce
relaxation effects in users.
c) No action: An emotional ambient lighting
Smart Air: Smart Air, incorporating either a hu-
midity sensor or a chemical sensor, represents a
groundbreaking leap forward in air quality man-
agement. This intelligent system empowers users to
proactively mitigate issues such as excessive humid-
ity, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), or harmful
gases, safeguarding against potential health risks and
enhancing overall well-being [211].
Smart Temperature: Smart Temperature, equipped
with an advanced temperature sensor, represents a
paradigm shift in the domain of climate control and
energy management. By accurately measuring and
analyzing the ambient temperature, Smart Temper-
ature intelligently adjusts heating, ventilation, and
air conditioning (HVAC) systems, ensuring optimal
comfort and energy efficiency [212].
Smart Moisture: Smart Moisture represents an in-
novative solution in the realm of smart farming,
utilizing cutting-edge IoT technology to enable pre-
cise moisture control and temperature monitoring.
Through the seamless integration of IoT devices,
farmers can remotely monitor and manage moisture
levels in their fields, ensuring optimal conditions for
crop growth and minimizing water wastage [213].
Smart Washing:
1) Clothes Washing:
a) Sensing: RFID tags RFID reader automati-
cally detects clothes information (e.g., fabric
type and colors). The RFID+SWM system
captures the digital processing of the tag
content: color, textile, style, brands of clothes,
and when and where they are washed.
b) Decision-making: This part considers
i) minimization of carbon emission, water,
and energy usage.
ii) data analysis: consumer wearing behavior,
carbon emission, and water footprint in
both manufacturing and usage processes.
c) Action: This part considers
i) most suitable washing mode
selection [214]: Quick washing, Heavy
wash, Auto wash, Baby clothes, and Slim
ii) touchable control: Smart touch-sensitive
screens provide a wide range of possi-
bilities. Compared with static icons, ani-
mated icons should be effective in terms
of narrative function learning and visual
pleasure to provide a good interactive ex-
perience [215].
2) Smart Showering: These smart shower applica-
tions incorporate variant systems to ensure that
users can customize and maintain their desired
water temperature effortlessly. Additionally, an
important aspect of smart showering is the ability
to limit water and energy expenditure [216].
3) Smart Meters & Water Supply: Smart Meters
and their integration into water supply systems
have revolutionized the management and conser-
vation of water resources. By studying end-use
demand profiles, derived from the data obtained
through smart water meters, various efficiency
appliances’ demand profiles can be constructed.
By considering these lower peak demands, water
supply systems can be optimized to meet the
sustainable water requirements of communities
while minimizing the strain on existing infras-
tructure [217].
Advanced Home Infrastructure:
1) Smart Kitchen:
a) Smart Cooking: Smart Cooking [218] offers
a diverse range of cooking techniques, in-
cluding cutting, deep-frying, stir-frying, and
boiling, all intelligently controlled to simplify
and enhance the culinary experience.
b) Smart Counter & Nutrition display: The
Smart Counter [219] prototype incorporates
a design inspired by load-sensing tables, uti-
lizing four weighing sensors strategically po-
sitioned at the corners beneath the kitchen
counter. This innovative implementation en-
ables the Smart Counter to accurately track
the placement and weight of food containers
on the countertop, facilitating various food
preparation activities, including transferring
ingredients, cutting foods, and mixing, which
is commonly carried out on the kitchen
c) Smart Stove & Cooking Action: In order to
calculate the nutritional information of each
dish, the system requires precise recognition
and tracking of ingredient quantities. The
Smart Stove is equipped with two burners,
positioned at the front and back, each fea-
turing a weighing sensor underneath. These
sensors detect and monitor the addition of
new ingredients to pots placed above the
burners, ensuring accurate measurement for
nutritional analysis. However, cooking be-
havior analysis and food nutrition control
are limited. Food preparation time manage-
ment, detecting food mixing poisoning, and
warning people away and oil explosions are
limited as well.
d) Smart Stove & Indegrients Calculation: The
Smart Cabinet serves as a storage solution for
various kitchen containers, including dishes,
bowls, and plates. Equipped with weigh-
ing sensors, this intelligent cabinet detects
changes in weight. By correlating weight
decreases (e.g., a food container) and in-
creases (e.g., the food mixer pan), it can
deduce ingredient transfers from the con-
tainer to the pan. Utilizing a comprehensive
nutritional database that provides values for
different food ingredient types, the system
calculates and presents detailed nutrition facts
in each container, such as calories, fat, pro-
tein, carbohydrates, cholesterol, and sodium
(in grams/milligrams/kilo-calories).
e) Smart Refrigerator, Storage & Quality Mon-
i) Sensing: MQ3 gas sensor is used to detect
gasses produces by fruits or vegetables or
any other organic contents stored in the
refrigerator: rotten or expired. In addition
to the MQ3 sensor, the DHT11 temperature
and humidity sensor is used to monitor the
temperature and humidity of the refriger-
ator. The recommended temperature range
for a refrigerator is at or below 40°F (4°C),
while the humidity measurement range is
between 20 percent and 95 percent, and the
temperature measurement range is between
0°C and 60°C.
ii) Communication: WeMos-D1-R2 WiFi
board is used as the controller for the
smart system. It acts as a microcontroller
that process and connects all the sensors.
iii) Action - System turn on/off: The notifi-
cation application Pushbullet is used and
compatible with both Android and iOS
mobile phones. Pushbullet is needed in or-
der to send notifications and alert the user
about the condition of their food especially
when it becomes rotten.
iv) Action - Mobile display: The system uses
the ThingSpeak IoT platforms. ThingSpeak
is a free platform to enable a user to create
a channel. The channel created can be set
up either as a public view or a private
view. Anyone who has signed up to this
account and has the channel’s link can
view the channel created if it is set up
as ‘public view’ while on the other hand,
only the user who created the channel can
view his or her own channel. Thing speaks
platform display: gas (mL/g), temperature
(c), humidity (H). However, expiration data
for different types of food is currently not
being captured and managed.
2) Smart Toilet [220]:
a) Decision-making: Fuzzy logic rule: Its use in
the control systems provides better dynamic
response, rejects disturbance, allows low pa-
rameter sensitive variation, and removes ex-
ternal influences.
b) Action: Tuning is done in such a way that
PI control of the controller will control the
level of water in the tanks. PD control of
the controller will control the distribution of
the water supply. Users can switch (in the
bed) to flush: The FL-based PID controller
is designed to slide the pan cover as well as
the water supply to the toilet. It can clean the
body part of the patient along with the toilet.
Advanced Home Furniture (Smart Furniture) This
part shows some examples of Smart Home furniture.
1) Smart Bed:
a) Smart Pod Mattress: The gel-coated glass
fiber utilized to create the egg shape is a very
scientific and modern design. It can block
out 90% of outside noise, offer consumers a
peaceful sleeping environment, and conceal
the faux suede. In order to maintain a com-
fortable temperature during the warm winter
and cool summer, the mattress uses a memory
sponge to regulate the body’s temperature.
i) Sensing: Process the heartbeat frequency
determined by the heartbeat monitoring
device, and temperature.
ii) Action: LED light can adjust the light and
shadow patterns to promote sleep, and the
speaker system can play music to help
people to fall asleep.
b) Intelligent Sensing Bed:
i) Sensing: Pressure sensors monitor sleep
quality and send warning messages, fiber
optic sensors monitor heart rate, breathing
rate, and subject movement, and humidity
and ambient temperature sensors.
ii) Action: The personalized setting for hard-
ness, and temperature.
2) Smart Sofa:
a) Intelligent Sensing Sofa:
i) Sensing: It is convenient to install one-
electrode capacitive sensors into furniture.
ii) decision-making: It can identify a person
with a repeating reaction when the identi-
fied object is moved up too many tens of
centimeters away using speech recognition,
hand touch, and gaze tracking.
3) Smart Closet/Wardrobe:
a) Clothes Manufacturing: Central to this pro-
cess is the manufacturer’s ability to create
production planning and control (PPC) sys-
tems capable of operating effectively in an
omnichannel environment [221].
b) Clothes Storage:
i) Sensing: human sensing.
ii) Action - Mobile display [222] consists
of: 1. User registration and login mod-
ule 2. Closet management module: add,
edit, delete, and view 3. Clothes selection
module: select clothes, update frequency 4.
Clothes suggestion module: by frequency,
weather, event, weather, and event types 5.
History viewing module. 6. Recommenda-
tion [223] such as: Preferences: Each user
can set his preferences for color matching
and the algorithm will put it first. Sex:
Each sex type has its own set of clothes
types. Some items can be pre-tagged for
their appropriateness for one gender and
not the other. Item: For each clothing type,
there are specified other types to wear
with. For example, the system doesn’t rec-
ommend wearing a skirt with pants but
recommends wearing a blouse with a skirt.
Season color: We put results that match
current season colors first after preferences
“if there are any”. Fabric: Each season has
its own fabric, for example, wool can’t
be worn in summer. 7. Display [224]:
humidity, temperature, tongue tube for a
dehumidifier, and ultraviolet lamp.
c) Smart Folding Machine: The concept of a
Smart Folding Machine capitalizes on the
uncovered folding mechanism to develop a
range of soft self-folding machines. The out-
comes of this endeavor shed light on the
intricate aspects of designing and simulating
these innovative soft self-folding machines.
Through this exploration, new insights and
advancements are brought forth in the field
of soft robotics, revolutionizing the way fold-
ing machines are conceptualized and engi-
neered [225].
d) Clothes Recycling: In order to obtain health-
care big data through sustainable health mon-
itoring, the design of ”smart clothing” has
emerged, facilitating the unobtrusive collec-
tion of various physiological indicators of
the human body. To provide pervasive intel-
ligence for smart clothing systems, a mobile
healthcare cloud platform is constructed by
the use of mobile internet, cloud computing,
and big data analytics [226].
4) Occupancy Monitoring Furniture:
a) Sensing: Capacitive proximity sensors and
b) Decision-making: the presence of patients in
beds or chairs, wheelchairs, etc.
5) Intelligent Crib:
a) Action:
i) Shake the cradle accordingly.
ii) The head of the voice system plays lulla-
bies and rhymes.
6) Intelligent Desk:
a) Action:
i) Single and multi-user modes.
ii) Position & height.
iii) Display the user’s schedule.
iv) Smart voice warning function.
7) Leisure Recliner:
a) Sensing: the user’s position using human
b) Action: adjust the tilt angle accordingly.
On-Demand Supply Management:
1) Physical Objects Management and Electronic
Objects Management: On-demand supply man-
agement encompasses efficient management of
physical objects such as ID cards, as well as
electronic objects like files. One example of tech-
nological advancement in this area is the use of
Apple tags, which enables tracking and locating
lost items. These innovative solutions enhance
residents’ ability to manage their possessions and
ensure their continuous availability.
2) Online Shopping, Payment and Financial Man-
agement Services: Online platforms like Ama-
zon, Taobao, and payment services such as Pay-
Pal play a significant role in on-demand supply
management. These platforms provide conve-
nient access to a wide range of products and
services, allowing residents to efficiently shop
for essential items. Additionally, secure payment
options and robust financial management tools
offered by platforms like PayPal contribute to
seamless transactions and effective resource man-
3) Personalization and Recommendation System:
Social media platforms such as Weibo, search
machines such as Google combined with rec-
ommendation systems, and AI models like chat-
GPT4, contribute to the optimization of on-
demand supply management. By leveraging user
data, preferences, and behavior patterns, these
platforms offer tailored recommendations for ser-
vices, products, and resources, enhancing the
overall efficiency and effectiveness of resource
Smart Construction, Decoration & Maintenance
1) Smart Floor: The concept of a Smart Floor
encompasses various actions and functionalities,
including robot cleaning and robot monitoring of
floor thickness.
a) Robot Cleaning: The Smart Floor incor-
porates advanced robotic systems designed
specifically for efficient and automated clean-
ing. These robots utilize state-of-the-art sen-
sors and algorithms to navigate and clean
various floor surfaces, providing a hassle-
free solution for maintaining cleanliness and
b) Robot Monitoring of Floor Thickness: To
address the issue of floor corrosion and
its potential environmental consequences, an
ATEX-certified robotic system is employed
for in-service inspection of above-ground
storage tanks. Over time, storage tanks are
susceptible to corrosion, which can compro-
mise their structural integrity. By utilizing
this robotic technology, the monitoring of
floor thickness becomes more efficient and
accurate. This proactive approach to corro-
sion prevention enhances safety and mini-
mizes the environmental risks associated with
tank failures.
2) Smart Robot construction: Smart robot construc-
tion encompasses the development and deploy-
ment of intelligent robots for various tasks, in-
cluding painting walls and monitoring wall lean-
ing. These advanced robotic systems streamline
construction processes, improve efficiency, and
ensure accuracy in tasks such as wall painting
and monitoring, enhancing the overall quality of
construction projects.
3) Smart Decoration:
a) Smart wall The Smart Wall, developed in
collaboration with multimedia, represents a
breakthrough in decoration technology. Uti-
lizing building blocks and incorporating
smart painting techniques, the Smart Wall
enables the creation of visually stunning and
interactive 3D environments. By seamlessly
integrating virtual reality (VR) capabilities,
users can experience immersive and cus-
tomizable decor, transforming the ambiance
of any space.
b) Collection Display, Plants, and Gardens
Smart painting techniques, coupled with 3D
and VR technologies, extend beyond walls
to encompass collection displays, plants, and
gardens. With these innovative solutions,
users can create dynamic and visually cap-
tivating displays for their prized collections,
while also incorporating smart features to
optimize plant care and garden management.
4) Home Maintenance: While services and robots
for home maintenance are still limited in their ca-
pabilities, ongoing advancements in technology
are expanding the possibilities. While the cur-
rent landscape may have constraints, the devel-
opment of intelligent home maintenance robots
and services holds promise for streamlining and
automating various household maintenance tasks
in the future. By leveraging emerging technolo-
gies, homeowners can anticipate more efficient
and comprehensive solutions for managing home
maintenance needs.
Advanced Home Functions:
1) Home Entertainment: Home entertainment en-
compasses various forms of leisure and recre-
ational activities that can be enjoyed within the
comfort of one’s home. With the advent of smart
speakers, individuals can access a wide range of
music, podcasts, audiobooks, and other forms of
audio entertainment, creating an immersive and
personalized listening experience. Additionally,
advancements in technology have led to the de-
velopment of interactive entertainment systems
such as virtual reality (VR) gaming, providing a
new dimension to home entertainment.
2) Sports: In the realm of sports, smart technologies
play a vital role in enhancing training and perfor-
mance. Smart coaches, equipped with advanced
sensors and data analytics capabilities, provide
real-time feedback and personalized training pro-
grams to athletes, helping them optimize their
Furthermore, smart sports devices offer recom-
mendations for staying active at home, including
aerobic exercise training on a bike or rowing er-
gometer, bodyweight training, dance, and active
video gaming. These activities aid in countering
the detrimental physical and mental effects of
the COVID-19 protective lifestyle regulations.
Looking ahead, fitness facilities may also inte-
grate smart technologies to support individuals
in their fitness journey, providing personalized
recommendations and sport-specific care.
3) Pet Management: Smart technologies are trans-
forming pet management, offering solutions for
monitoring and caring for pets remotely. From
smart pet washing machines and smart feeders
that dispense food at designated times to con-
nected pet trackers that provide real-time location
information, these innovations simplify pet care
and provide peace of mind to pet owners.
4) Home Education: With the rise of online learn-
ing, home education has become more accessi-
ble and flexible. Self-initiated pre-kindergarten
programs and online learning platforms offer
interactive and engaging educational content for
individuals of all ages. These digital tools enable
personalized learning experiences and empower
individuals to pursue education from the comfort
of their homes.
5) Remote Working: Remote working has be-
come increasingly prevalent, and smart technolo-
gies support individuals in this mode of work.
From communication tools such as Microsoft
Teams and project management platforms such
as Github to Smart Home office setups, these
technologies enable seamless collaboration, en-
hance productivity, and provide a conducive work
6) Smart In-home Mobility and Outside Transporta-
tion: Smart technologies are revolutionizing in-
home mobility and outside transportation. From
Smart Home systems that automate tasks and
improve accessibility within the home to ad-
vancements in autonomous balance cars and ride-
sharing platforms, these innovations enhance mo-
bility options, improve efficiency, and contribute
to sustainable transportation solutions.
Homecare & Healthcare: The adoption of Internet of
Medical Things (IoMT) enabled healthcare devices
has become increasingly common, especially dur-
ing the COVID-19 pandemic, which highlights the
importance of remote health monitoring. The global
healthcare smart wearable (SWH) devices market is
projected to grow significantly, from approximately
$27 billion in 2019 to a staggering $64 billion by
2024 [227].
These healthcare devices include various sensors and
remote monitoring devices such as smart inhalers for
respiratory conditions like asthma, oxygen saturation
monitors for detecting critical drops in oxygen levels,
and blood glucose monitors including smart pens and
wearable devices like smartwatches. Additionally,
smart implants, smart toothbrushes, sleep trackers,
and loneliness detectors are also part of the IoMT-
enabled healthcare devices.
1) Wearable Pain Relief Device: Wearable pain-
relieving devices utilizing transcutaneous elec-
trical nerve stimulation (TENS) have emerged
as a promising approach for alleviating chronic
pain, which has been linked to various negative
consequences such as depression, reduced mobil-
ity, and diminished quality of life. This prevalent
condition affects nearly 40% of adults over their
lifetimes [228]. By delivering electric pulses to
the upper calves, where a dense network of
sensory nerves is located, these wearable devices
aim to target and mitigate chronic pain experi-
enced throughout the body [229]. Through the
targeted application of TENS, these innovative
devices hold the potential to effectively manage
chronic pain and enhance the well-being of indi-
viduals affected by this debilitating condition.
2) Fall Detection Devices: Fall detection devices,
such as iFall, utilize tri-axial accelerometers in-
tegrated into wearable devices or smartphones to
detect falls. When a fall is suspected, an alert
is sent to the user, and if there is no response,
the system notifies pre-specified contacts via
SMS [227].
3) Health Professionals App: Health professionals,
including dentists, have access to various soft-
ware for practice management, linked to mo-
bile apps and AI-powered voice input of patient
data. This integration allows for easy retrieval
of patient data and display of relevant images,
such as clinical photographs and x-rays, on moni-
tors. Smartwatches also enhance productivity and
efficiency in healthcare practices by optimizing
workflow and time management, enabling prac-
titioners to attend to a greater number of patients.
Personalized health insurance plans have also
emerged, leveraging data from mobile apps like
the “Mobile/Share and Follow App”, which mon-
itors real-time glucose data and trends to no-
tify critical situations requiring immediate action.
Furthermore, smartphone communication apps
like the “CORONA HEALTH APP” analyze data
to predict subjective loneliness and social well-
being [227].
Smart toothbrushes with embedded cameras and
pressure sensors gather patient data and track the
effectiveness of brushing activity in real time,
facilitating preventive dental care. Additionally,
water flossing devices like Waterpik and beauty
care apps, as well as sports care apps, contribute
to comprehensive homecare and healthcare man-
4) Smart Implants, Exoskeletons, and Brain-
Computer Interface: Smart implants, such
as cochlear implants, cardiac implants, joint
implants, and dental implants, utilize microchips
and wireless sensors to collect patient data
related to various functions. For instance, smart
dental implants monitor bruxism, food intake,
activity levels, brushing habits, pH of saliva, and
intake of salt, glucose, and alcohol.
Exoskeletons, also known as wearable robotic
exosuits or simply exosuits, are mechanical struc-
tures designed to be worn by individuals to
augment their physical abilities. These external
skeletons provide support, enhance strength, and
assist with movement, allowing users to perform
tasks that would otherwise be challenging or
impossible. One of the main applications of ex-
oskeleton technology is in the field of rehabilita-
tion. Exoskeletons can be used to aid individuals
with mobility impairments, such as those with
spinal cord injuries or stroke survivors.
More advanced technology in the market in-
cludes Elon Musk’s Brain-Computer Interface
(BCI) project, often referred to as Neuralink, an
innovative venture that aims to create a direct in-
terface between the human brain and computers.
e) Centralized Coordination & Automation: This part
discusses how to achieve centralized coordination and automa-
Operating System & Central Coordination
1) Characteristics of Central Coordination
a) Efficiency: Efficiency is a key characteristic of
central coordination within an operating system.
Central coordination refers to the management and
allocation of resources within the system to ensure
smooth and effective functioning. Efficiency in
central coordination involves optimizing resource
usage and minimizing wastage, thereby improving
overall system performance.
i) Resilience, Robustness & Fault Tolerance:
ii) Resource Allocation: An efficient Smart Home
operating system (OS) optimally allocates re-
sources such as processing power, memory,
network bandwidth, and device capabilities.
It ensures that each device and application
within the Smart Home ecosystem receives the
necessary resources to operate effectively. By
efficiently distributing resources, central co-
ordination maximizes resource utilization and
prevents performance bottlenecks.
iii) Performance Monitoring and Optimization:
Central coordination within a Smart Home OS
continually monitors system performance and
optimizes it based on changing conditions. It
collects data on device usage, energy con-
sumption, user preferences, and environmental
factors to analyze and identify opportunities
for improvement. By dynamically adjusting re-
source allocation, scheduling routines, and au-
tomation rules, central coordination optimizes
the overall performance and energy efficiency
of the Smart Home.
iv) Device and Data Synchronization: Central co-
ordination within a Smart Home OS facili-
tates efficient communication and synchroniza-
tion among various devices, sensors, and ap-
plications. It establishes protocols and mech-
anisms for seamless data exchange, enabling
devices to interact and cooperate effectively.
Efficient communication and synchronization
mechanisms allow for real-time updates, co-
ordinated actions, and interoperability between
different Smart Home components.
b) Resilience, Robustness & Fault Tolerance: In the
context of a Smart Home OS, resilience, robust-
ness, and fault tolerance are crucial characteristics
that ensure the system’s stability and reliability.
Here’s how these characteristics can be addressed
within the Smart Home OS framework:
i) Decentralization: To enhance the robustness
and fault tolerance, the Smart Home OS can
adopt a decentralized approach. Instead of re-
lying solely on a centralized design, the com-
puting power can be distributed across multiple
devices within the Smart Home ecosystem. This
decentralization ensures that if one device or
component fails, others can continue operating,
minimizing the impact on the overall system
functionality. Similarly, decentralizing the sen-
sor network and power supply reduces single
points of failure and enhances the system’s
ii) Redundant Design: Implementing redundant
design elements within the Smart Home OS
is another way to improve robustness and
fault tolerance. This involves duplicating crit-
ical components or functionalities and creating
backups or failover mechanisms. For example,
redundant gateways or communication channels
can be employed to ensure continuous con-
nectivity even if one fails. Redundant power
supplies or backup energy sources can be inte-
grated to mitigate the impact of power outages.
Redundancy helps maintain system availability
and minimizes the risk of complete system
iii) Sufficient Computing Power: Both the central
gateway and edge devices within the Smart
Home OS should have sufficient computing
power to handle their respective tasks. The
gateway serves as the central hub for data pro-
cessing, analytics, and coordination. It should
possess enough processing capabilities to ef-
ficiently manage the Smart Home ecosystem.
Additionally, edge devices, such as smart appli-
ances or sensors, should have adequate comput-
ing power to perform their assigned functions
independently. Sufficient computing power en-
sures that tasks can be executed promptly,
reducing the likelihood of delays or system
iv) Reliable Power Supply: A reliable power sup-
ply is crucial for maintaining the resilience and
fault tolerance of a Smart Home OS. Power
disruptions can lead to system failures and
loss of functionalities. Therefore, it is essen-
tial to implement robust power management
solutions within the Smart Home ecosystem.
This may include backup power sources like
batteries or generators, power surge protection
mechanisms, and efficient energy management
strategies. A reliable power supply helps ensure
uninterrupted operation and safeguards against
unexpected shutdowns or data loss.
v) Error Handling: The paper [230] explores dif-
ferent approaches to handling automation fail-
ures in Smart Home systems. There are mainly
two primary options:
Automated Stopping: In this approach, when
an automation failure is detected, the system
automatically halts the affected automation
process. Automated stopping prevents faulty
automation from causing further issues or
potential damage. It ensures that the system
remains in a safe state and avoids unintended
consequences due to malfunctioning automa-
Taking over Manual Control: This option
involves transferring control from the au-
tomated system to manual operation when
an automation failure occurs. The system
detects the failure and prompts the user to
take over manual control of the affected
devices or processes. By allowing manual
intervention, the user can mitigate the impact
of the automation failure and ensure the
desired actions are performed correctly.
c) Integration & Compatibility: Integration, compati-
bility, and interoperability are crucial aspects of a
Smart Home OS that ensure seamless connectivity
and user experience.
i) Unified Communication Protocol: To enhance
integration and interoperability, the Smart
Home OS can adopt a unified communication
protocol. A common protocol allows different
smart devices, appliances, and applications to
communicate and exchange information effec-
tively. For example, a study proposes a three-
layer system: perception layer, network layer,
and application layer [231]. By establishing
a standardized communication framework, the
OS ensures compatibility and enables seamless
interaction between various components within
the Smart Home ecosystem.
ii) Platform Support: The Smart Home OS should
provide support for multiple platforms to ac-
commodate a wide range of smart devices and
appliances. By offering compatibility with pop-
ular platforms such as iOS, Android, or web-
based interfaces, the OS allows homeowners
to control and manage their Smart Home tech-
nologies through a unified interface. This elim-
inates the need for homeowners to download
multiple apps and simplifies the user experi-
iii) Gateway Integration for Edge Devices: Edge
devices, such as sensors or actuators, play a
crucial role in the Smart Home ecosystem.
The Smart Home OS should support gateway
integration for these edge devices, enabling
seamless connectivity and communication with
the central hub. By integrating edge devices
through gateways, the OS ensures compatibility
and enables efficient data exchange and control
between edge devices and the central OS.
iv) Government Policy Enforcement: Government
policies and regulations can have an impact
on the compatibility and interoperability of
Smart Home technologies. The Smart Home OS
should adhere to relevant standards and regula-
tions set by government authorities to ensure
compliance. By enforcing government policies,
the OS promotes compatibility among different
Smart Home devices and ensures a cohesive
ecosystem that meets regulatory requirements.
v) Unified Architecture/Protocol: The Smart
Home OS can establish a unified architecture
or protocol that allows for seamless integration
and compatibility among various Smart Home
components. A unified architecture ensures
that different devices and applications can
work together seamlessly, regardless of their
individual manufacturers or technologies. This
prevents commercial rivalry and encourages
collaboration within the Smart Home industry.
vi) Protocol Compatibility: Compatibility issues
can arise when closed-sourced protocols or the
use of designated chips limit the interoperabil-
ity of Smart Home devices. The Smart Home
OS should address these issues by supporting
open protocols and promoting compatibility
with third-party products. By enabling protocol
compatibility, the OS allows homeowners to
choose from a wider range of smart appliances
and devices, fostering a more diverse and inter-
connected Smart Home ecosystem.
d) Scalability & Interoperability: Scalability is a cru-
cial characteristic of a Smart Home OS that allows
it to accommodate the growth and expansion of the
Smart Home ecosystem.
i) Flexible Architecture: The Smart Home OS
should be designed with a flexible architecture
that can easily scale to accommodate additional
devices, applications, and users. By adopting
a modular and extensible design, the OS can
add new functionalities and support a growing
number of smart devices without significant
disruptions or performance degradation.
ii) Load Balancing: As the number of devices and
users in the Smart Home ecosystem increases,
load balancing becomes crucial for maintaining
performance and scalability. The Smart Home
OS can employ load-balancing algorithms to
distribute workloads evenly across available
resources, preventing bottlenecks and ensuring
efficient resource utilization. Load balancing
ensures that the system can handle increased
traffic and requests without experiencing per-
formance degradation.
iii) Interoperability: Scalability in a Smart Home
OS also relies on interoperability among differ-
ent devices and systems. The OS should support
industry-standard protocols and communication
frameworks to ensure compatibility and seam-
less integration of diverse smart devices. Inter-
operability allows for the easy addition of new
devices to the Smart Home ecosystem without
compromising scalability.
2) OS Components: In the context of OS components
within a Smart Home environment, the following com-
ponents play vital roles in managing various aspects of
the system:
a) Policy Manager: The policy manager component is
responsible for enforcing and managing the policies
and rules within the Smart Home OS. It ensures
that the system operates according to predefined
policies, security guidelines, and user preferences.
The policy manager governs access control, privacy
settings, and other policy-related aspects of the
Smart Home ecosystem.
b) Context Manager: The context manager component
handles the collection, storage, and interpretation
of contextual information within the Smart Home
OS. It gathers data from various sensors, devices,
and user interactions to build a comprehensive
understanding of the current context. This con-
text includes information such as environmental
conditions, user presence, time of day, and user
preferences. The context manager enables intelli-
gent decision-making and personalized automation
within Smart Home systems.
c) Service Manager: The service manager component
oversees the management and coordination of dif-
ferent services offered by the Smart Home OS.
It handles service discovery, service provisioning,
and service-level agreements. The service manager
ensures that all the required services, such as se-
curity services, communication services, and data
management services, are available and properly
integrated within the Smart Home ecosystem.
d) Resource Manager: The resource manager com-
ponent is responsible for managing and allocating
system resources efficiently. It monitors the utiliza-
tion of computing resources, memory, storage, and
network bandwidth within the Smart Home OS.
The resource manager ensures optimal resource
allocation to different services and applications run-
ning within the system, enabling smooth operation
and preventing resource bottlenecks.
e) Device Manager: The device manager component
handles the discovery, registration, and manage-
ment of devices within the Smart Home ecosystem.
It interfaces with various smart devices, appliances,
and sensors, ensuring their proper integration and
communication with the OS. The device manager
allows for device discovery, configuration, and
control, enabling seamless interaction between the
Smart Home OS and the connected devices.
f) Network Manager: The network manager compo-
nent manages the networking aspects of the Smart
Home OS. It handles network configuration, con-
nectivity, and monitoring of network devices and
protocols. The network manager ensures reliable
and secure communication between different com-
ponents within the Smart Home system, including
devices, gateways, and cloud services.
g) Session Manager: The session manager component
facilitates user authentication, session management,
and user interactions within the Smart Home OS.
It handles user logins, access control, and ses-
sion tracking to provide a secure and personalized
user experience. The session manager ensures that
user interactions and preferences are properly man-
aged and maintained throughout the Smart Home
These OS components work together to provide a
cohesive and efficient operating system for the Smart
Home environment. They enable policy enforcement,
context awareness, service management, resource al-
location, device integration, network connectivity, and
user interaction, ensuring a seamless and intelligent
Smart Home experience.
Services & Algorithm
1) System Ranking and Scheduling: In the context of
discrete event management and control, a paradigm is
employed to prioritize and schedule actions based on
specified rules and triggers.
Examples are as follows:
a) Event–EventEvent IF event (AND event AND
AFTERWARDS event)* (WITHIN time window)
THEN event IF Sally enters the bedroom AND the
sun sets WITHIN two hours THEN turn on the
bedroom lights IF Sally enters the bedroom AND
AFTERWARDS the sun sets WITHIN two hours
THEN turn on the bedroom lights
b) Event–StateEvent IF event (WHILE state (AND
state)*)* THEN event IF the sun sets WHILE Alice
is currently at home THEN turn on the bedroom
lights IF the sun sets WHILE Alice is currently at
home AND it is currently raining THEN turn on
the bedroom lights
c) State–StateState IF state (AND state)* THEN
state PRIORITY priority IF Bill is currently in
the room THEN the temperature should be 70°
PRIORITY 8 IF Charlie is currently in the room
AND it is currently night THEN the temperature
should be 65° PRIORITY 9
d) State–StateEvent IF state (AND state)* THEN
event IF I am currently hungry AND no pizza has
been ordered in the last three hours THEN order a
The above rules follow the three TAP temporal
paradigms, which are determined by the trigger tem-
porality. The action temporality is derived from the
trigger temporality. The State-State paradigm has two
variations, as the action can be either a state or
an event. The asterisk (*) indicates that components
can appear an arbitrary number of times, including
zero. The PRIORITY value indicates the order of
rule precedence, with higher numbers indicating higher
The limitation is the consideration that attacker goals
align with the aforementioned classification. Addition-
ally, the readings of nearby sensors can be affected by
each device, potentially impacting event verification.
2) Personal Scheduling and Personal Assistant: The focus
of this category is on personal scheduling, utilizing
a personal assistant, such as calling a phone, and
providing valuable advice to individuals. To facilitate
these functions, a real-time clock (RTC) is utilized.
An RTC is an integrated circuit specifically designed
for accurate timekeeping, capable of counting hours,
minutes, seconds, months, days, and even years. These
RTCs are commonly found in computers, embedded
systems, and servers [232]. Additionally, this category
may also encompass financial management aspects
in the future to help individuals with their financial
planning and organization.
3) Recommendation System: The recommendation sys-
tem plays a crucial role in providing personalized
suggestions and optimizing various aspects of Smart
Homes. Several research articles have contributed to
this field:
a) Jim´
enez-Bravo et al. [233] proposed a multi-agent
recommendation system for electrical energy opti-
mization and cost-saving in Smart Homes. Their
system utilizes a multi-agent approach to gather
consumption data from electronic devices in a
home and generate energy optimization recommen-
b) Rasch [234] developed an unsupervised recom-
mendation system for Smart Homes, inspired by
the concept of traditional recommendation systems.
The system provides personalized recommenda-
tions based on the characteristics and preferences
of the Smart Home occupants.
c) Dudekula et al. [235] introduced a Convolutional
Neural Network (CNN)-based personalized pro-
gram recommendation system for smart television
users. Their system utilizes CNN to analyze user
preferences and recommends suitable programs ac-
d) Chen et al. [236] proposed an intelligent manage-
ment model based on the CBR-SDA (Case-Based
Reasoning and Subjective Data Analysis) approach.
They presented a smart life recommendation sys-
tem for choosing clothes and accessories, demon-
strating the integration of intelligent technologies
into Smart Homes.
4) Energy Optimization
Energy optimization and management cover such as
monitoring, managing, coordinating, and optimizing
water, electricity, air quality, moisture, and gas usage
in the community.
a) A set of actions could be the following:
i) Alerting mechanism when something is out of
the norm so that the controlling mechanism can
rectify the problem.
ii) In the future, smart meters, and HEMS will play
a role in providing electricity usage data.
b) Other actions may include:
i) Locally or nearby generated renewable energy
controls integration,
ii) May include managing energy usage according
to the committed demand curve,
iii) May allow optimal managing different target
KPIs (e.g. total consumed energy, CO2 foot-
print mineralization, total minimal cost).
Devices Action
1) Design Principle
a) Energy Efficiency: Energy efficiency is a key de-
sign principle in smart devices and networks. It
focuses on optimizing energy consumption while
maximizing data collection and transmission. One
approach to achieving energy efficiency is through
data compression and transmission range control
in energy-harvesting wireless sensor networks. A
research paper [237] proposes an adaptive scheme
that minimizes blackout periods for sensor nodes
and increases the amount of data collected at the
sink node using harvested energy efficiently. The
methods employed include data compression and
transmission range control. By reducing energy
consumption in nodes near the sink node, the
scheme aims to maximize data acquisition while
optimizing the network’s topology and workload
Energy harvesting is another approach to address
the limited energy issue in sensor nodes. These
nodes utilize various eco-friendly energy sources
available in their surroundings, such as solar panels.
Energy-harvesting nodes can replenish their energy
reserves, ensuring sustainable operation. Another
research paper titled [238] presents an algorithm
that leverages wavelet-based techniques to achieve
energy-efficient data collection in wireless sensor
networks. The goal is to reduce energy consump-
tion while maintaining accurate information gath-
b) Information Accuracy: In wireless sensor networks,
ensuring the accuracy of collected information is
crucial. Sparse sensing schemes and the recon-
struction of missing data play a significant role
in achieving information accuracy while conserv-
ing energy. The research paper [239] focuses on
energy-efficient data collection by utilizing matrix
completion techniques. This approach enables the
reconstruction of missing data, thereby improving
information accuracy. By employing sparse sensing
schemes, the algorithm optimizes energy usage
while maintaining the integrity of collected data.
2) Devices Action Types
a) Door:
i) Enabling physical entry while preventing phys-
ical theft
ii) Accelerometer, Light
iii) Air pressure, Microphone
iv) On/Off
b) Window:
i) Enabling physical entry while preventing phys-
ical theft
ii) Accelerometer, Air quality
iii) Air pressure, Microphone
iv) On/Off
c) Window shade:
i) Espionage, Voyeurism
ii) Accelerometer, Power
iii) Microphone, Light
iv) shade up/down
d) Light:
i) Data exfiltration, Espionage, Causing physical
ii) Light, Power
iii) On/Off
e) Smart camera:
i) Espionage, Voyeurism
ii) Power, Accelerometer
iii) On/Off
f) Thermostat:
i) Enabling physical entry, Extortion
ii) Temperature
iii) On/Off
g) Door lock:
i) Enabling physical entry while preventing Phys-
ical Theft
ii) Accelerometer, Microphone
iii) On/Off
h) Siren:
i) Causing physical harm
ii) Light, Microphone
iii) Causing environmental damage, Misinforma-
i) Kettle, Oven, Iron:
i) Causing physical harm
ii) Power, Temperature, Humidity
iii) Causing environmental damage
iv) Accelerometer, Microphone
v) On/Off
Automation is a key aspect of Smart Homes and build-
ings, aiming to reduce human labor, effort, time, and
errors caused by human negligence. It addresses the
growing need to conserve energy in the face of increasing
energy consumption and population. However, there are
several challenges associated with automation in Smart
Homes and buildings.
The major challenge is the inability to access and control
appliances from remote locations, which contributes to
energy loss. To overcome this challenge, efforts are being
made to develop integrated, personalized systems that
create datasets for target homes. This involves using
survey and transfer learning approaches to gather user
preferences and feedback, enabling the system to adapt
and recognize activities within new home environments.
Building automation systems in offices and homes are
designed to cater to individual needs, anticipating their re-
quirements. However, the success of these systems relies
on occupants’ compliance. It is crucial to strike a balance
between energy efficiency and occupants’ satisfaction,
ensuring that the automation features align with their
preferences and give them a sense of control over their
living environments.
Machine-to-Machine (M2M) networks are emerging as
efficient means of enabling automated communication
among distributed devices in a standardized manner.
However, universal adoption of a specific M2M network
standard has not yet been achieved. Different technologies
are competing in the market, and the adoption of a
standard technology will guide the market trend until
another standard emerges.
While automation offers numerous benefits, it is essential
to consider potential risks and vulnerabilities. Natural
market competition can lead to the integration of de-
vices from various brands into the home environment.
However, it is crucial to ensure the security of these
devices to prevent hacking and unauthorized control. A
fully automatic system should leave room for human
intervention, especially in urgent situations, to avoid
potential issues or threats that may arise from the system
being out of control.
Thus, automation plays a vital role in enhancing the
efficiency and convenience of Smart homes and buildings.
Addressing challenges such as remote access, personal-
ized adaptation, occupant satisfaction, and standardized
communication protocols is crucial to realize the full
potential of automation while ensuring the security and
well-being of the occupants.
1) Limitations
a) Unpredictable and threatening behavior: Auto-
mated systems can exhibit behavior that is out of
control and potentially harmful, posing risks to
individuals and society. Some examples are:
i) Out-of-control AI systems in aviation and au-
tonomous vehicles can lead to dangerous situa-
tions such as incorrect flight maneuvers, sensor
failures, and accidents caused by user errors or
risky driving behavior.
ii) Smart home systems may lack guidance during
unexpected situations like fires, where panicked
human behavior needs appropriate guidance
from the system.
iii) Inadequate sensing and feedback mechanisms
in gyms or for newborn/elderly care can result
in injuries or unsafe conditions.
b) Limited adaptability and human intervention: Cur-
rent automation systems face challenges in adapt-
ing to new environments and situations, often lack-
ing the ability to handle unexpected events or
requiring human intervention for resolution. Some
examples are:
i) Automation systems struggle to adapt to new
environments, leading to errors and poten-
tial risks in high-speed trains, ITS (Intelligent
Transportation Systems), and Smart Home en-
ii) Insufficient integration and coordination among
systems can lead to communication gaps, in-
formation leaks, and challenges in decision-
making processes.
iii) AI capabilities are often limited, and the re-
liance on human intervention for system vali-
dation, handling appeals, and resolving issues
can be time-consuming and prone to errors.
c) Coordination and integration issues: Automation
systems struggle with coordinating information and
integrating various components, leading to ineffi-
ciencies and potential adverse consequences. Some
examples are:
i) The complexity of coordinating multiple sys-
tems, such as IFTTT (If This, Then That)
and decision-making processes, can result in
inefficiencies, information leakage, and adverse
effects on other systems.
ii) Automated systems, including Smart Homes
and digital identity systems, may misclassify
individuals, hinder communication between de-
partments, and restrict people’s actions without
proper coordination and transparency.
iii) The Byzantine Generals Problem highlights the
challenges of ensuring agreement and coordi-
nation among distributed processes, but it does
not account for environmental factors that can
affect the accuracy and performance of auto-
mated systems.
d) Security and privacy concerns: Automated systems
can be susceptible to security breaches, data leaks,
and privacy violations, impacting individuals and
their trust in these systems. Some examples are:
i) Social media accounts are being locked based
on IP addresses, and sensitive keywords may
result in privacy infringements and potential
misuse by malicious actors.
ii) Systems relying on smart agents instead of
human decision-making can lead to privacy
breaches and data leakage, as seen in cases
involving Google’s photo recognition or health
code misclassifications.
iii) Connectivity between home security systems
and law enforcement can lead to false alarms
and wastage of resources.
2) Requirements of Automation
a) Human Intervenable and Manual Overiddble:
i) Automation systems should prioritize user in-
puts and provide mechanisms for users to in-
tervene and override automated processes.
ii) Emergency stop buttons or similar features
should be available to immediately halt auto-
mated actions in critical situations.
iii) Fully automatic systems should allow for man-
ual override capabilities, enabling humans to
take control in urgent or unforeseen circum-
iv) In case of emergencies or unexpected events,
human intervention becomes crucial to ensure
the system’s safety and mitigate potential risks.
b) Computationally sufficient:
i) Automation systems relying on sensor nodes
may have limited computational capabilities,
necessitating the use of cloud assistants for
complex tasks like voice or gesture recognition.
ii) Efficient transmission of large amounts of en-
vironmental information between sensor nodes
and control centers is essential for accurate
decision-making and system performance.
iii) Protocols for measuring system topological
information and optimizing transition paths
should be established to ensure effective data
flow and system operation.
c) Secure System:
i) Systems and appliances connected to the Inter-
net of Things (IoT) should have robust security
measures to prevent unauthorized access and
ii) The possibility of IoT devices being compro-
mised and used as weapons to harm individuals
should be addressed through appropriate secu-
rity protocols and safeguards.
d) Cloud-to-home Private:
i) Automation systems in IoT environments re-
quire seamless communication between cloud-
based services and home devices for data ex-
change and remote control.
ii) Privacy and information security should be
prioritized to protect user data and prevent
unauthorized access or misuse of personal in-
3) Levels of Automation
Automation plays a vital role in various industries,
transforming the way tasks are performed and enhanc-
ing efficiency. Different standards and models have
been proposed to categorize the levels of automation,
providing a framework for understanding the extent of
autonomous functionality in systems.
Shimon Y. proposes 13 stages of Automation in a paper
titled ”Automation: What It Means to Us Around the
World” [240]:
a) A0: Land-tool, None Knife, Scissors, Wheelbarrow,
Manual machine
b) A1: Powered machine tools Electric hand drill
Electric food processor paint sprayer
c) A2: Single-cycle automatics and Dexterity, Pipe
threading machine Machine tools hand-feeding ma-
d) A3: Automatics, Repealed cycles Engine produc-
tion line Automatic copying lathe Automatic pack-
aging pick-and-place robot
e) A4: Self-measuring & Adjusting, Judgment Dy-
namic balancing for product feedback Weight feed-
back control Pattern-tracing flame cutter Servo-
assisted follower control Self-correcting spray-
painting robot
f) A5: Computer control, Evaluation Automatic cog-
nition error compensation Turbine fuel control:
g) A6: Limited self-programming Sophisticated ele-
vator dispatching Telephone call-switching systems
Artificial neural network models
h) A7: Relating cause from effects Sales prediction
Weather forecasting Lamp failure anticipation Ac-
tuarial analysis Maintenance prognostics Computer
chess playing,
i) A8: Unmanned mobile machines Autonomous ve-
hicles and planes Nano-flying exploration monitors
j) A9: Collaborative networks Collaborative supply
networks: Internet Collaborative sensor networks
k) A10: Originality Computer systems to compose
music Design fabric patterns Formulate new drugs
Play with automation (e.g., virtual-reality games)
l) A11: Human and animal needs Bio-inspired robotic
seals (aquatic mammals) to help emotionally chal-
lenged individuals Social robotic pets
m) A12: Interactive companions Humorous gadgets
(e.g., sneezing tissue dispenser) Automatic systems
to create/share jokes Interactive comedian robot
The levels of automation are defined as follows:
a) LEVEL 0: NO AUTOMATION, The operator com-
pletes all tasks entirely manually. The system has
some specific automated features. The operator
maintains control.
b) LEVEL 1: ASSISTANCE, The system performs
a portion of its tasks autonomously The operator
performs other tasks and maintains situation aware-
ness. Operators are responsible for overall control.
can complete continuous operations autonomously
within defined operations. The operator performs
supervisory tasks and is available for manual op-
eration. The operator/supervisor can disengage the
system if needed.
The system can complete continuous operations
autonomously, including situation awareness. The
system can identify when intervention is needed
and enters a halted state. An autonomous opera-
tor/supervisor can disengage the system and oper-
ate it manually as a fallback.
can complete continuous operations autonomously,
including situation awareness. The system can
adapt operations to accommodate minimal risks
and enters a halted state in higher-risk situations.
Autonomous operators/supervisors can request sys-
tem disengagement.
tem can complete continuous operations au-
tonomously, with and without a designated au-
tonomous area. The system can identify when
intervention is needed and adapts operations to
accommodate minimal risks. The system enters a
halted state in higher-risk situations. Autonomous
operator/supervisor can request system disengage-
4) Stages of Automation: Automation is a multidimen-
sional concept that involves the use of technology to
perform tasks and processes with minimal or no hu-
man intervention. In the context of human recognition
and decision-making, automation can be categorized
into four stages: information acquisition, information
analysis, decision and action selection, and action
a) Information Acquisition: The first stage of automa-
tion, information acquisition, focuses on gathering
relevant data and inputs. This can involve various
methods such as sensors, cameras, scanners, and
other data collection devices. The goal is to collect
accurate and comprehensive information from the
environment or specific sources. Information acqui-
sition can be automated through the use of tech-
nology, allowing for continuous and real-time data
gathering without human intervention. Examples of
automated information acquisition systems include
surveillance cameras, environmental sensors, and
data logging devices.
b) Information Analysis: Once the information is
acquired, the next stage involves analyzing and
processing the collected data. Information analysis
aims to extract meaningful insights, patterns, and
correlations from the gathered information. This
stage often involves data processing algorithms,
machine learning techniques, and artificial intelli-
gence to interpret and make sense of the collected
data. Automated information analysis systems can
perform tasks such as data classification, anomaly
detection, pattern recognition, and predictive mod-
eling. These systems enable efficient and accurate
analysis of large volumes of data that would be
challenging for humans to process manually.
c) Decision and Action Selection: After analyzing
the information, the automation system proceeds
to the decision-making stage. In this stage, the
system evaluates the analyzed data, applies prede-
fined rules or algorithms, and generates decisions
or recommendations based on the available infor-
mation. Decision and action selection can involve
complex algorithms, logical reasoning, and rule-
based systems. The goal is to determine the most
appropriate course of action based on the analyzed
data and predefined criteria. Automated decision-
making systems can be found in various domains,
such as healthcare diagnosis, financial trading, and
autonomous vehicles, where rapid and accurate
decisions are required.
d) Action Implementation: The final stage of automa-
tion, action implementation, involves executing the
selected decision or action based on the outcome
of the previous stages. In this stage, the automated
system interacts with the physical or digital envi-
ronment to carry out the intended actions. This can
include controlling machinery, adjusting parame-
ters, sending commands to other systems, or initi-
ating responses in a specific context. Action imple-
mentation can be achieved through various means,
including robotics, control systems, communica-
tion protocols, and human-machine interfaces. The
automation system’s ability to implement actions
effectively and accurately is essential for achieving
the desired outcomes.
5) Design of Automation system: The design of an au-
tomation system plays a pivotal role in ensuring its
effectiveness, safety, and compatibility with human
operators. In order to develop reliable and efficient
automation systems, several key considerations should
be taken into account.
a) Human involvement - High priority for user inputs:
One important aspect of automation system design
is to prioritize human involvement and ensure that
there is room for user input. Fully automatic sys-
tems that leave no room for human intervention
can lead to serious issues, especially in urgent
situations. The Boeing accident involving the 737
MAX series serves as a tragic example of the
consequences of insufficient human awareness and
control. The accident was attributed to instrument
failures and a design flaw in the Maneuvering Char-
acteristics Augmentation System (MCAS). Lessons
from this accident emphasize the importance of
making automated systems visible and understand-
able to human operators. By providing user visi-
bility and control, operators can efficiently address
emergencies and take appropriate actions when
b) Accident Prevention: Accident prevention is a crit-
ical objective in automation system design. Proac-
tive measures should be implemented to detect
faults and mitigate potential risks before they lead
to accidents. In the context of railway collisions,
for example, proactive automated fault detection
systems can be employed. These systems utilize
technologies such as complex event processing and
online machine learning to detect fault patterns and
preemptively mitigate faults before they are acti-
vated [241]. By analyzing the system’s state, data,
and historical faults, it is possible to predict and
prevent faults that commonly occur under specific
patterns of system usage. This approach enhances
the safety and reliability of automation systems.
c) Emergency handling - Manual override: Emergency
handling is another crucial aspect of automation
system design. The system should incorporate man-
ual override capabilities to allow human operators
to take control in emergency situations. Addition-
ally, the AI system should be designed to provide
an emergency stop option, notify the user of emer-
gencies, and even shut down itself when it detects
system malfunctions. The Boeing accident high-
lighted the importance of emergency halt mecha-
nisms. The MCAS system was modified to include
an emergency stop option that prevents activation
when the output value of two independent angle-of-
attack (AoA) sensors exceeds a certain threshold.
This mechanism ensures that the system does not
override human inputs and allows the operator to
take control in critical situations.
Furthermore, it is essential to limit the magnitude
and priority of the automated system’s output. Real
cases have demonstrated the need for AI systems to
avoid extreme counter-reactions to malicious inputs
and instead act as a backup plan for human error.
The battle between human operation and MCAS
in the Boeing accident exemplifies the need for
a balanced approach, where the automated system
acts as a supportive and complementary mechanism
rather than overriding human inputs.
In conclusion, the design of an automation system
should prioritize human involvement, incorporate
accident prevention measures, and provide effective
emergency handling capabilities. By considering
these factors and ensuring proper visibility, control,
and collaboration between human operators and au-
tomated systems, the design can enhance the safety,
reliability, and overall performance of automation
6) Applications of Automation: In various sectors, the
aspiration for automation is driven by the expectation
of achieving several benefits while also encountering
specific challenges.
a) Oil, Gas, and Renewables
i) Expected/Achieved Benefits: Enhanced safety
and reliability, increased efficiency, more con-
sistent performance, automated grid-balancing.
ii) Example Challenges: Uncertainty of the envi-
ronment, lack of digital knowledge and skills,
re-skilling requirements.
b) Nuclear, Military, and Aviation sector
i) Expected/Achieved Benefits: Improved cost-
efficiency, reduced risk and exposure to nuclear
materials, increased reliability and safety.
ii) Example Challenges: De-skilling concerns,
over-trust and over-reliance on automation, con-
cerns over cyber security.
iii) In the defense sector, the use of automation and
AI is also prevalent. However, there are specific
considerations to be taken into account, such as
compliance with the Geneva Convention. This
convention sets limits on the operations that can
be undertaken without human oversight, ensur-
ing ethical and responsible use of technology
in warfare and military applications.
iv) Expected/Achieved Benefits: Optimal balance
of airspace capacity, fuel efficiency, reduced
costs, with increased reliability and safety.
v) Example Challenges: Keeping the pilot in the
loop and situationally aware, resilience in de-
graded operations, conflicting goals of stake-
holders, legal liability issues.
c) Rail, Road and Transportation
i) Expected/Achieved Benefits: Increased capac-
ity, improved safety, fuel efficiency, reduced
operating costs.
ii) Example Challenges: De-skilling concerns,
complexity of mainline networks, mixed traffic
composition (automated/non-automated), cali-
bration as vehicles age.
iii) Expected/Achieved Benefits: Improved safety,
increased capacity with reduced congestion,
improved access for mobility, increased driver
comfort and productivity.
iv) Example Challenges: Keeping the driver in the
loop and situationally aware, trust and accep-
tance of automation, motion sickness in non-
driving related tasks, mixed traffic composition
(automated/non-automated), calibration as ve-
hicles age.
v) Autonomous vehicles present unique challenges
in terms of human factors. While professional
drivers undergo extensive training and are fa-
miliar with the complexities of driving, au-
tonomous vehicles are increasingly being tar-
geted toward private owners who may not have
professional driving experience. These individ-
uals are expected to purchase and use au-
tonomous vehicles safely, with minimal training
or organizational support. Ensuring the usabil-
ity, safety, and understanding of autonomous
vehicle technology by non-professional drivers
poses significant human factor challenges that
need to be addressed for widespread adoption
and acceptance.
d) Healthcare sector: In the healthcare sector, AI ap-
plications have shown great potential. Examples
of healthcare AI applications include patient-facing
chatbots, mental health applications, ambulance
service triage, sepsis diagnosis and prognosis, pa-
tient scheduling, resource planning, quality im-
provements, and even the development of COVID-
19 vaccines. These applications aim to improve
patient care, streamline processes, and enhance
overall healthcare delivery. The CIEHF Human
Factors in Healthcare AI White Paper of 2021
provides insights into the integration of AI in
Feedback system & Adaptiveness
Feedback systems and adaptiveness are crucial aspects
of any automated system. While pre-defined responses
can address expected situations, the ability to handle
unforeseen circumstances is equally important.
1) Adaptive Challenge and Proactive planning: In cer-
tain situations, the gap between values and circum-
stances cannot be bridged through existing technical
knowledge or routine behavior alone. These adaptive
challenges require not only changing circumstances
but also potentially revisiting and adjusting our values
to align with reality. To address such challenges, it
is important to question and explore whether we are
overlooking any competing values that could offer
insights into the problem at hand. This process of
learning and adaptation is essential for meeting new
challenges effectively.
2) Feedback and Closed-loop control: Effective systems
incorporate feedback loops to ensure continuous im-
provement. System feedback, such as summarizing
system performance and generating suggestions or
notifications for future enhancements, helps refine and
optimize system behavior. Additionally, user feedback,
obtained through surveys or other means, provides
valuable insights into user satisfaction and areas for
3) Context awareness and ”Real” intelligence: In certain
domains, such as plant management in vertical agricul-
ture, context-aware intelligence plays a significant role.
The Stabilized Feedback Episodic Memory (SF-EM)
and Home Service Provision Framework for Robot
and IoT Collaboration is one example that addresses
this need. To overcome limitations in stability during
the learning process and the absence of a feedback
mechanism, the framework incorporates the Adaptive
Resonance Theory (ART) and introduces the Stabilized
Feedback (SF) mechanism as a solution [242].
User control
1) Human Factors in Automated System: User control is
a critical aspect of automated systems, and it presents
several human factors challenges that can affect re-
liability, performance, and safety. The following six
human factors should be addressed to ensure effective
user control:
a) Keeping the human ”in the loop” and situationally
aware: It is important to maintain the involve-
ment and awareness of the human operator within
the automated systems. This helps prevent over-
reliance on automation and ensures that humans
can intervene when necessary.
b) Enabling people to retain the skills they need: Au-
tomation should not replace human skills but rather
augment them. It is essential to provide training and
support to help users effectively perform their roles
within the automated system.
c) Assigning authority and responsibility: Striking the
right balance between human and automation com-
ponents is crucial. Clear delineation of authority
and responsibility ensures that humans can ef-
fectively supervise and monitor the automation’s
d) Avoiding uncritical trust and complacency: Over-
reliance on automation can lead to complacency,
where users trust the system without questioning its
outputs. It is important to promote critical thinking
and prevent users from developing an unwarranted
sense of trust.
e) Managing mental workload: The introduction of
automation can inadvertently increase the complex-
ity and mental workload for users. Changes in
task structures and the interaction with automation
should be carefully designed to avoid overwhelm-
ing users and impacting their performance.
f) Preventing automation surprises: Automation
should not introduce new errors or vulnerabilities
into the system. Proper design and testing are
necessary to ensure that automation operates
predictably and does not lead to unexpected
2) Principles of Human Involvement
a) Principle1: Understanding the influence of automa-
tion on the overall socio-technical system is crucial.
Automation changes the nature of tasks and rela-
tionships within the system and requires a holistic
understanding of its impact.
b) Principle 2: Recognizing that automation changes,
rather than removes, the role of humans is essential.
These changes can make tasks more difficult and
disrupt established relationships and communica-
tion channels.
c) Principle 3: Realizing that operators’ cognitive
and emotional responses to changes in automation
play a significant role. Over-reliance or compliance
with automation can lead to deskilling, reckless
decision-making, or carelessness in responding to
d) Principle 4: Maintaining realistic expectations that
humans will need to monitor, supervise, and hold
responsibility for the automation’s performance.
Designing automation systems to facilitate user
awareness of both the automation’s state and the
operating environment is essential.
3) User control tools: In the context of user control in
automated systems, various tools, and platforms are
available to empower users and allow them to exert
control over the automation. These user control tools
a) Atooma: A platform that enables users to create
personalized automation rules and triggers for their
devices and applications.
b) A tool that allows users to create automated
workflows and connect various online services to-
gether for seamless integration and control.
c) GALLAG Strip: A software tool designed for home
automation, allowing users to create customized
rules and actions to control their Smart Home
d) IFTTT (If This, Then That): A popular automation
platform that enables users to create conditional
statements, known as applets, to connect different
devices and services and automate actions based on
specific triggers.
e) itDuzzit: An integration platform that enables users
to connect and automate workflows across different
applications and systems without requiring exten-
sive coding knowledge.
f) Locale: An Android app that allows users to create
custom settings and triggers based on location,
time, and other conditions, enabling them to control
various device features and functions.
g) Ninjablocks: A platform for building DIY home au-
tomation systems, providing users with the tools to
create and control their own Smart Home solutions.
h) Tasker: An Android app that enables users to
create complex automation tasks based on various
triggers, such as time, location, and sensor inputs,
to control device settings and perform actions.
i) Twine: A wireless sensor and automation platform
that allows users to monitor and control various
aspects of their environment through customizable
rules and alerts.
j) WigWag: An open-source platform that enables
users to create rules and automation scenarios
to control smart devices and sensors within their
k) We Wired Web: An automation platform that al-
lows users to create custom rules and actions for
controlling and integrating different web services
and applications.
l) Zipato Home Management: A Smart Home control
platform that provides users with tools to create
personalized automation scenarios for managing
and controlling their smart devices and systems.
These user control tools offer individuals the flexibility
and customization to tailor automation to their specific
needs, preferences, and devices, enabling them to have
greater control over their automated systems.
4) Trade-off: Gulfs of Resilience and Authority The trade-
off that describes the ability of the system to detect
events and respond to unexpected events within the
system boundary has a resilience gulf. The extent of
the system performance envelope where automation
is expected to accept authority to control, leaving an
authority gulf. Different applications may have differ-
ent levels in these two dimensions. For example, L5
Automated vehicle is high regarding both resilience
and authority, whereas ATM is low at both. This can
also serve as a direction for future improvement of
automation and human control.
f) Family and User Private Data Protection Platform &
Cloud: This part discusses the protection platform for the pri-
vate data of families and users. The discussion also addresses
the impact of cloud service on the protection platform.
Unnecessary & Unwanted Data Collection
In highly automated systems, there is a concern regarding
unnecessary and unwanted data collection. For example,
in access control systems, relying solely on access cards
may not effectively identify individuals, leading to inci-
dents of card cloning. To address this, sensor fusion and
the collection of multidimensional data are required to
enhance identification accuracy and security.
For example, in the healthcare system, there are several
limitations that need to be addressed to enhance security:
1) Infeasibility of conventional cryptography: Traditional
cryptographic methods may not be practical or suitable
for securing healthcare systems due to their unique
requirements and constraints.
2) Limited resources of sensors: Healthcare systems rely
on various sensors to collect and transmit data. These
sensors often have limited computational power and
memory, which poses challenges for implementing
robust security measures.
3) Access complexity when transitioning to cloud-based
solutions: Healthcare systems are increasingly adopting
cloud-based architectures for data storage and pro-
cessing. However, ensuring secure access to sensitive
healthcare data in the cloud can be complex and
requires careful consideration.
To overcome these limitations and enhance security in
healthcare systems, the following approaches are recom-
1) Optimal sensor redundancy: Implementing redundant
sensors can provide backup data sources and enhance
reliability. This redundancy helps ensure continuous
monitoring and reduces the risk of data loss or com-
2) Privacy-oriented encryption and anonymization:
Healthcare systems should employ encryption
techniques that prioritize privacy protection. By
encrypting sensitive data, such as patient health
records, and anonymizing personal information, the
risk of unauthorized access and data breaches can be
3) User-controlled data sharing/collection: Empowering
users to have control over their own data sharing
and collection is essential for maintaining privacy and
security. Users should have the ability to define and
manage their data-sharing preferences, enabling them
to make informed decisions about how their informa-
tion is utilized.
4) Information management and data analysis: Effective
management and analysis of healthcare data are crucial
for security. This includes profiling features, mod-
els, and various aspects such as water, electricity,
waste, drugs, viruses, and closed-loop systems. By
understanding and analyzing user behavior, healthcare
systems can identify anomalies, detect potential threats,
and proactively manage security risks.
By implementing these strategies, healthcare systems can
enhance security, protect patient privacy, and ensure the
integrity and confidentiality of sensitive healthcare or
other personal data.
Insecure Authentication
1) Online user authentication: Proper authentication
mechanisms are essential to verify the identity of
users accessing online services. Login procedures and
access management should be implemented to prevent
unauthorized access and enable users to control access
to their Smart Home systems.
a) Weak password usage: Many users employ weak
passwords for their Smart Home communication
devices to switch on or off, making them suscep-
tible to unauthorized access. Strengthening pass-
word requirements and promoting good password
hygiene can mitigate this risk.
b) Lack of security awareness: Users often lack aware-
ness of cybersecurity best practices and the po-
tential threats they face. Educating users about
common cyber-attacks, such as phishing and social
engineering, can help them recognize and prevent
unauthorized access attempts.
2) Interactive-based authentication: Deep fake technology
poses a significant threat to authentication systems.
To counter this, additional layers of security can be
implemented, such as multifactor authentication, which
combines something the user knows (e.g., a password)
with something the user possesses (e.g., a physical
token or biometric data) to validate their identity. This
can involve answering personal questions, providing
specific pictures, or utilizing eye-flipping techniques,
where the user’s response involves a deliberate action
that cannot be easily replicated by a deep fake.
Electronic, AI scam, and User Awareness
Electronic and AI scams pose serious threats in today’s
digital landscape, including techniques such as deep-fake,
synthetic voice, impersonation of authoritative entities,
spreading fake news, and targeting vulnerable individuals,
such as the elderly. These scams can result in financial
losses, identity theft, and emotional distress. Thus, Ed-
ucating users about the risks associated with electronic
and AI scams is crucial. Providing guidance on how to
identify and report scams, promoting skepticism towards
suspicious communication or requests, and raising aware-
ness about the importance of privacy and security can
empower individuals to protect themselves.
Underlying and Integrated Technologies and services
1) Sensors, IoT, and Hardware Security: Wireless sensor
networks play a vital role in Smart Home systems.
These networks consist of sensors that collect data
from various sources within the home environment.
Ensuring the security of these sensors is crucial to
prevent unauthorized access and data breaches.
2) Network Security: Network security involves manag-
ing communication between home devices, appliances,
manufacturers, third parties, and users while ensuring
the privacy and security of data. This includes imple-
menting robust protocols, encryption mechanisms, and
access controls to protect against potential threats and
unauthorized access.
3) Algorithms Security: Algorithms security is essential
in protecting deep learning models used in Smart
Home systems. Robust Physical-World Attacks on
Deep Learning Visual Classification is a paper that
evaluates the vulnerability of deep learning models
to physical adversarial attacks. These attacks involve
introducing perturbations to input data, such as road
signs, in a way that can deceive the deep learning
model. The evaluation considers factors like environ-
mental conditions, spatial constraints, and physical
limits on imperceptibility to assess the robustness of
the model against such attacks [243].
4) Cloud Platform Security: Cloud platforms play a criti-
cal role in Smart Home systems, but they also present
various security challenges that need to be addressed.
The security considerations for cloud platforms in the
context of Smart Homes are as follows:
a) Inadequate authentication and confidentiality set-
b) Data acquisition of multi-sensor nodes.
c) Original key session between the wireless sensor
nodes and how to control the notes.
d) In Multimedia data, streaming is challenged by
bandwidth and processing delays.
e) Leakage of users’ presence, location, behavior, and
MAC address.
Trade-off challenges for Security
In the realm of Smart Home systems, ensuring security
is of paramount importance to protect users’ privacy,
prevent unauthorized access, and maintain the integrity of
data and devices. However, achieving robust security in
Smart Homes often involves navigating a complex land-
scape of trade-offs. Various factors, such as performance,
usability, cost, and convenience, need to be carefully
balanced against security requirements:
1) Performance versus speed.
2) Snooping on Smart Home devices.
3) Control privileges versus management counterparts.
Security measures versus memory utilization. Sensor
cost versus security measures.
4) Data owners and data servers are in different domains
in which data owners cannot guarantee whether their
data are secure.
5) The complexity of the PCR-file access control list
(ACL) solution remarkably increases with the number
of users in the system without scalability.
g) Integrative & Sustainable Home and Lifestyle
(Lifestyle Management, Community Support, Material Cycle
Vulnerable Group Needs and Actions
1) Needs: Different vulnerable groups have distinct needs
when it comes to Smart Home technologies. By ad-
dressing these specific requirements, Smart Home sys-
tems can provide enhanced support and assistance to
improve the quality of life for individuals in these
groups. The following are some of the key needs
identified for various vulnerable groups:
a) Dementia Patients: Dementia patients can benefit
from technologies such as microphones, wearable
trackers, and visual displays. These tools can help
monitor their well-being, track their movements,
and provide visual cues and reminders to aid their
memory and daily activities.
b) Older Adults: Face-to-face emotional mirrors and
chat robots can be valuable for older adults, en-
abling them to engage in meaningful conversations
and receive emotional support. Additionally, games
designed to stimulate cognitive functions can help
maintain mental acuity and overall mental well-
c) Disabled Patients: Individuals with disabilities, in-
cluding those who are blind or deaf, can benefit
from Smart Home technologies such as computers,
tablets, TVs, and specialized microphones. These
devices can provide accessibility features, commu-
nication support, and entertainment options tailored
to their specific needs.
d) Elderly People with Disabilities and their Care-
givers: This group can benefit from technologies
like haptic interfaces, mobility assistance devices,
and voice controllers. Haptic interfaces can provide
tactile feedback for improved interaction, while
mobility assistance devices like wheelchairs can
enhance their mobility and independence. Voice
controllers enable voice commands for controlling
smart devices, making it easier for individuals with
limited mobility to operate their environment.
Through tailored Smart Home solutions, it is possible
to enhance their quality of life, promote independence,
and provide necessary support and assistance.
2) Action: There are various Smart Home actions to
support vulnerable groups of people, such as:
a) Monitoring:
i) Abnormal activity detection (Location, activi-
ties, sleep, etc.)
ii) Physical status detection
b) Healthcare:
i) Daily medication
ii) Telemedicine
iii) Medical consultation
c) Assistive support:
i) Daily activities such as Mobility assistance:
Standing/walking, Hygiene, and Others (Eat-
ii) Rehabilitation
iii) Alarming for important issues
iv) Cognitive assitance
v) Caregiver support
d) Psychological need:
i) Emotional support such as Accom-
ii) Social contact
e) Infrastructure/Items support for people in poverty,
people in debt, homeless, students, isolation period,
new immigration, etc.
f) Transportation for night workers.
User acceptance, User-centered and Aesthetic design
The user-centered design focuses on creating Smart
Home solutions that prioritize the needs, abilities, and
preferences of the users. This approach involves conduct-
ing user research, usability testing, and iterative design
processes to ensure that the technology is intuitive, ac-
cessible, and fits seamlessly into users’ daily lives. It is
important to consider users’ perspectives and priorities
when designing Smart Home systems. Factors such as
energy savings, convenience, and controllability play a
significant role in user acceptance. By offering energy-
efficient features and intuitive control interfaces, Smart
Homes can encourage users to embrace and utilize the
Smart home technologies can offer personalized expe-
riences by allowing users to customize settings, prefer-
ences, and interfaces according to their individual needs
and preferences. This includes actions such as adjusting
the layout of appliances based on expiration dates or
incorporating cultural elements into the Smart Home,
such as creating a Chinese town setting or using VR
technology for customized room settings and robot wall
Aesthetic considerations encompass the design of Smart
Home appliances, decorations, furniture styles, and over-
all ambiance. For example, incorporating AI-powered
decorations or furniture styles that align with users’ tastes
and cultural preferences can enhance the aesthetic appeal
and personalization of the Smart Home environment.
Inclusiveness and Community Outreaching
Ensuring inclusiveness and conducting community out-
reach are essential for addressing biases and promoting
fairness in machine learning. Biased information can lead
to biased results, particularly affecting minority groups.
To foster a more inclusive environment, the following
initiatives can be implemented:
1) Biases in Machine Learning: It is crucial to develop
strategies to mitigate biases in machine learning al-
gorithms. This involves thoroughly assessing training
data, identifying potential biases, and implementing
techniques such as data augmentation, diverse data
collection, and algorithmic fairness measures.
2) Resource Sharing: Creating a shared space, like a com-
munity gym, where individuals from different back-
grounds can come together promotes inclusivity. Such
spaces provide opportunities for people to engage in
physical activities and build relationships, fostering a
sense of community.
Also, Implementing a reliable and accessible public
shuttle transport system within the campus can en-
hance inclusivity by ensuring that everyone has equal
opportunities to access educational and community
resources. This initiative can benefit students, faculty,
and staff alike.
3) Community Assistance Programs: Establishing pro-
grams that cater to the specific needs of the community
helps in providing support and building trust. Initiatives
like community washing rooms, family houses, and
baby care centers can be set up to assist families and
individuals who require these resources.
Recognizing the unique challenges faced by marginal-
ized groups, it is important to provide targeted support.
This can involve organizing workshops, training ses-
sions, and mentorship programs tailored to the needs
of these communities. Creating safe spaces for open
dialogue and understanding can also help address spe-
cific concerns.
Local Networks Developing Towards A Global Network
- Social Construction of Technologies (SCOT)
Social Construction of Technologies means how different
groups and cultures integrate Smart Home technologies.
”Social”, ”Environmental”, and ”Political” are found to
be the most attractive norms among Smart Home users in
one research. Smart home technologies can be fostered
through various initiatives, including cultural events, city
planning, and the provision of public amenities.
1) Cultural Events: Organizing cultural events such as
music festivals, concerts, and sports tournaments like
FIFA can bring people together, celebrating diversity
and fostering a sense of community. These events
provide opportunities for cultural exchange, promot-
ing local talent, and attracting visitors from different
2) City Planning: Effective city planning is essential for
creating livable and sustainable urban environments.
Allocating public spaces, including parks, gardens, and
green areas, contributes to a higher quality of life.
Research suggests that access to green spaces reduces
crime rates, enhances mental and physical well-being,
and reduces noise pollution. For instance, in Hong
Kong, public spaces have been proven to positively
impact community cohesion and safety.
Also, ensuring the availability of essential public in-
frastructure is vital for a well-functioning community.
This includes facilities such as public houses, toilets,
parking areas, and recreational spaces. By providing
these amenities, we enhance the overall livability and
convenience of the neighborhood, supporting residents’
well-being and satisfaction.
D. UV-oriented Solutions and Framework for Integration,
Resilience, Inclusiveness, and Sustainability
Based on the investigation of current challenges of both the
traditional home environment and the Smart Home systems,
and the evaluation of the current status and new trends of Data
Acquisition, Communication, decision-making, and Action in
the Smart Home systems, we propose the UV Smart Home
and community subsystem, shown in Fig. 3. As shown in the
figure, the UV Smart Home subsystem is based on the closed-
loop feedback framework that contains Data Acquisition,
Communication, decision-making, and Action and also takes
into consideration of UV connectivity: interactions between
UV Smart Home and community subsystem and other UV sub-
systems: Smart Healthcare and Medicine, ITS, Urban Planning
and Crowd Management, Smart Energy Management, Smart
City Infrastructure, Smart Response System for City Emer-
gency, Smart Environmental Protection and Smart Humanity,
and impacting factors of Information Flow, Material Cycle,
lifestyle, and community.
1) UV Connectivity: Information Flow: Information Flow
and Material Cycle are two integral elements of UV Connec-
tivity. The interactions between subsystems, the interactions
between subsystems with individuals, such as each person
Fig. 3. UV Smart Home Framework Design
and each vehicle on the road, and the interactions between
subsystems and community which is a unified body of indi-
viduals sharing similar characteristics are all established based
on the exchange of information. It is the information flow that
connects all these integral components of smart cities and it
is the connections between all these elements that make the
whole system safe, resilient, robust, proactive, self-adaptive,
and finally, achieve human-nature harmony.
Aside from information, the material is another carrier
that accomplishes the connection between these important
elements. More importantly, the material cycle is designed
to be driven by information flow because material cycles
without the guidance of information will often lead to wasting
valuable resources due to mismatched information between
waste producers and collectors, and the resulting improper
management of materials may lead to horrible consequences,
such as waste siege and landfill capacity crisis. It is vital to take
into consideration both the information flow and the material
cycle in the framework of UV Smart Home and Community
subsystem because it is not operating independently on its
own. The Smart Home and Community subsystem is part of
this large system full of dynamics. Designing this subsys-
tem ignoring this rich information, including both data and
materials, risks putting it into a situation of being stuck in
local maxima or even worse, bringing negative impact to other
subsystems, for example, poorly managed resource usage in
homes may lead to pressure on the city infrastructure.
2) Interaction between UV Smart Home and Other UV
Subsystems: As important as the information flow and the
material cycle, the interaction between subsystems of smart
cities is another central component of UV Connectivity. One
of the challenges current smart cities face is that subsystems
are operating independently and uncoordinated. The designs
of subsystems without consideration of interactions between
subsystems will not only lead to unstable systems and system
failures but also cause the large system to never reach global
optimization. The reason for this is that the current solutions
will only optimize the teaching subsystem but the global
optimization requires utilizing integrated information from all
subsystems, all individuals, and all communities. Thus, UV
Smart Home and Community are designed to interact with
other UV subsystems.
3) UV Smart Home, Lifestyle and Community: Often, en-
gineers focus too much on system design and they forget why
they are designing these complex systems which can perform
some fantastic functions. They tend to design systems that are
efficient and cost-effective but they seldom take into account
humans whose needs are the original motivation for creating
systems. Moreover, humans are only part of the concept of the
individual which is another central part of the UV framework,
as shown in Fig. ??. The concept of the individual contains
every single independent operating unit of the whole smart
city, including each person, each vehicle on the road, and each
device at home. It is the activities of these individuals that are
supporting and influencing all these subsystems. Moreover, a
unified body of people & individuals who share similar char-
acteristics form the concept of the community. A community
is exerting a similar but stronger and more profound impact on
subsystems while at the same time, individuals, as part of the
community, are interacting with the community reciprocally. In
return, subsystems are influencing the behavior of individuals
and communities. The interactions between individuals and
subsystems form the concept of lifestyle.
Thus, it is important to integrate the interactions between
subsystems and individuals, the lifestyle, interactions between
subsystems and communities, and the interactions between
individuals and communities in the framework of UV Smart
Home and Community to ensure the smooth transfer of
information flow and material cycle which are the foundation
of all these connections.
4) UV Home Management: Framework & System Design
(Proposed): The following sections are to elaborate on the
different interactions between the UV Smart Home and Com-
munity subsystem and other integral components of the overall
UV framework, as shown in Fig. 3.
Section III elaborates on the interactions between UV Smart
Home and Community and both information flow and material
Section IV elaborates on the interactions between UV Smart
Home and Community and the other seven UV subsystems.
Section V elaborates on the interactions between UV Smart
Home and Community and both lifestyle and community.
Section VI elaborates on the detailed proposed framework
of the UV Smart Home and Community subsystem.
Section VII echos the challenges and summarizes the main
idea of the UV-Smart Home System.
Device and Sensor
Acquisition Method
System Design Category
[D1] System or Element [D2] Data Processing [D3] Data storage
[M]: Monitoring,
[C]: Crowdsourcing,
[SA]: Smart Agent
[E]: Element, [S]:
System, [WSN]:
Wireless Sensor
[N]: No Data
Processing, [IP]:
Image Processing
[N]: No database,
[DB]: Local
Database, [C]: Cloud
Accelerometer (3-axis) [M] [E] [N] [N]
Actigraphy device [M] [E] [N] [N]
Inertial (IMU) (9-axis) 3-axis gyroscope,
a 3-axis accelerometer, and a 3-axis
[M] [E] [N] [N]
Electromyographic (EMG) [M] [E] [N] [N]
Camera [M] [S] [IP] [DB]
FamTechCare [M] [S] [N] [C]
Woven triboelectric sensor [M] [E] [N] [N]
Implantable multi-layered triboelectric
sensor, ZnO NWs [M] [E] [N] [N]
An implantable TENG sensor with a
shape memory alloy [M] [E] [N] [N]
Liquid metal-based sensor, PZT-based
sensor, Pressure sensitive polymer
transistor, Triboelectric yarn woven chest
strap, Self-powered TENG-based pulse
[M] [E] [N] [N]
Polyactic acid-based sensor & Tactile
sensor [M] [E] [N] [N]
Mechanoacoustic sensor [M] [E] [N] [N]
Biofuel powered electronic skin [M] [E] [N] [N]
Stretchable hybrid electronic system [M] [E] [N] [N]
Contact lens [M] [E] [N] [N]
Uniaxial accelerometer sensors on limbs [M] [E] [N] [N]
Dementia caregiver use a tablet survey
application [C] N/A [IP] [DB]
Dementia caregiver use a tablet survey -
no sensor [C] N/A [IP] [DB]
Wearable devices [M] [S] [N] [N]
Neuromuscular signal (EMG) sensor [M] [E] [N] [N]
Switches and weight sensor [M] [E] [N] [DB]
Smart healthcare assistant robot [M] [S] [N] [DB]
Smart surgery robot [M] [S] [N] [DB]
Smart lifting bed [M] [S] [N] [DB]
Smart functional socks [M] [S] [N] [DB]
Emotional & smart mirror [M] [S] [N] [DB]
Smart desk & chairs [M] [S] [N] [DB]
Smart clothing & manufacturing [M] [S] [N] [DB]
Smart clothes cleaning [M] [S] [N] [DB]
Smart kitchen & cooking [M] [S] [N] [DB]
Intelligent flavor sensing system (IFSS) [M] [S] [N] [DB]
Smart energy & electricity sensing [M] N/A [N] [DB]
Smart appliances & devices sensing [M] N/A [N] [DB]
Emergency sensing [M] N/A [N] [DB]
Smart housework robot [SA] [S] [N] [DB]
Smart assistance robot & management
agent [SA] [S] [N] [DB]
Smart speaker [SA] [E] [N] [DB]
Smart bin & waste degradation [M] [S] [N] [DB]
Reed switches [M] [S][WSN] [N] [N]
Pressure mat [M] [S][WSN] [N] [N]
Mercury contacts [M] [S][WSN] [N] [N]
Device and Sensor
Acquisition Method
System Design Category
[D1] System or Element [D2] Data Processing [D3] Data storage
[M]: Monitoring,
[C]: Crowdsourcing,
[SA]: Smart Agent,
[ISM]: Interactive
Smart Speaker
[E]: Element, [S]:
System, [WSN]:
Wireless Sensor
Network [WSN]
[N]: No Data
Processing, [IP]:
Image Processing,
[WP]: Waveform
Preprocessing, [AD]:
Audio Data
[N]: No database,
[DB]: Local
Database, [C]: Cloud
Passive infrared (PIR) [M] [S][WSN] [N] [N]
Float sensors & smart toilet [M] [S][WSN] [N] [N]
Fingerprint sensor N/A [S][WSN] [N] [N]
Compass [M] [S][WSN] [N] [N]
Pixel-Mixed-Device 3D camera [M] [S][WSN] [IP] [DB]
Pan-Tilt-Zoom (PTZ) camera [M] [S] [N] [DB]
Smart camera [M] [S] [N] [DB]
Orthographic camera [M] [S] [N] [DB]
Perspective camera (pinhole, fisheye
cameras) [M] [S] [N] [DB]
Omnidirectional (panoramic) camera [M] [S] [N] [DB]
Thermal camera [M] [S] [N] [DB]
Wifi-based sensors [M] [S][WSN] [N] [N]
Ultrasound sensors [M] [S][WSN] [N] [N]
Vibration sensor & seismic sensor [M] [S][WSN] [N] [N]
Infrared sensors & short wave infrared [M] [S][WSN] [N] [N]
RFID reader & tag [M] [S][WSN] [N] [N]
Wireless sensor network [M] [S][WSN] [N] [N]
Millimeter wave radar [M] [S][WSN] [WP] [DB]
Button & potentiometer [M] [S][WSN] [N] [N]
Touch panel [M] [S][WSN] [N] [N]
Motion sensor [M] [S][WSN] [N] [N]
Video camera & digital camera [M] [S][WSN] [IP] [DB]
Temperature sensor [M] [S][WSN] [N] [N]
Humidity sensor [M] [S][WSN] [N] [N]
Brightness & light Sensor [M] [S][WSN] [N] [N]
Chemical sensor, smoke sensor &
smelling sensor [M] [S][WSN] [N] [N]
Air sensor [M] [S][WSN] [N] [N]
Sound & noise sensor [M] [S][WSN] [N] [N]
Time & date sensor [M] [S][WSN] [N] [N]
Proximity sensor [M] N/A [N] [N]
Microphone [M][ISM] [E] [AD] [DB]
Keyboard input, Twitter, Weibo, street
advertisement, NLP & mobile phone [C] [E] [N] [DB][C]
Device and Sensor
Target Category Content Category
[H]: Human Activity Recognition, [E]:
Natural Environment, [I]:
Human-Environment Interaction
[CV]: Computer Vision, [ML]: Machine Learning, [IOT]: Internet of
Things, [NLP]: Natural Language Processing, [Audio]: Audio Processing
Accelerometer (3-axis) [H] - Human body movement HAR, Check the movements of arms
Actigraphy device [H] - Human body movement
Sleep pattern Inertial (IMU) (9-axis) 3-axis gyroscope, a
3-axis accelerometer, and a 3-axis magnetometer [H] - Human
body movement collects data about the arm movement
Electromyographic (EMG) [H] - Human body movement Electrical activity from muscles to detect hand gestures
Camera [H] - Human body movement
Allows CGs to video situations with an agitated PWD.
Recordings are reviewed by a team of dementia experts, who
provide individualized interventions and feedback, eye
activities, iris detection, food consumption, audio, emotion,
tone, sound, people’s location, sports, education, face
recognition, [CV] Analysis of the usage of urban greenways
from social media images, Advanced devices for IoT,
Detection of the total number of people by image processing
algorithm, Biometric authentication
FamTechCare [H] - Human body movement PWD home caregiver activities
Woven triboelectric sensor [H] - Human physical &
emotional status Monitoring subtle blood pressure monitoring, heart pacemaker
Implantable multi-layered
triboelectric sensor, ZnO
[H] - Human physical &
emotional status Monitoring pressure monitoring
An implantable TENG
sensor with a shape
memory alloy
[H] - Human physical &
emotional status Monitoring sensing bladder volume
Liquid metal-based sensor,
PZT-based sensor, Pressure
sensitive polymer transistor,
Triboelectric yarn woven
chest strap, Self-powered
TENG-based pulse sensor
[H] - Human physical &
emotional status
Pulse monitoring, artery pulse, and breathing monitoring,
chronic lung diseases monitoring
Polylactic acid-based
sensor & Tactile sensor
[H] - Human physical &
emotional status Skin temperature monitoring, skin key/chip
Mechanoacoustic sensor [H] - Human physical &
emotional status
Monitoring heartbeat monitoring, Stroke diagnosis app using
computer vision and deep learning collecting data of blood
pressure, heart rate, blood oxygen on patient wrists
Biofuel powered electronic
[H] - Human physical &
emotional status Monitoring sweat
Stretchable hybrid
electronic system
[H] - Human physical &
emotional status Monitoring sodium intake
Contact lens [H] - Human physical &
emotional status Monitoring glucose in tear
Uniaxial accelerometer
sensors on limbs
[H] - Human physical &
emotional status
Motor Fluctuations monitoring, Parkinson’s Disease
Dementia caregivers use a
tablet survey application
[H] - Human physical &
emotional status Label each agitation episode
Dementia caregiver use a
tablet survey - no sensor
[H] - Human physical &
emotional status Self report mood
Wearable devices [H] - Human physical &
emotional status
Acceleration of upper body (Electrocardiogram (ECG), heart
rate, pulse rate) continuously measuring physiological and
vital parameters, ear checking, intestines checking
Neuromuscular signal
(EMG) sensor
[H] - Human physical &
emotional status
Exoskeleton artificial/robotic arm, artificial eyeball,
brain/human-computer interface
Switches and weight sensor [H] - Human physical &
emotional status
Smart medicine box for calculating the weight of each pill,
setting the schedule of medical intake, alarming the user of
the number of remaining pills, generating alarms whenever the
patient does not take the required number of pills
Smart healthcare assistant
[H] - Human physical &
emotional status N/A
Smart surgery robot [H] - Human physical &
emotional status N/A
Smart lifting bed [H] - Human physical &
emotional status N/A
Device and Sensor
Target Category Content Category
[H]: Human Activity Recognition, [E]:
Natural Environment, [I]:
Human-Environment Interaction
[CV]: Computer Vision, [ML]: Machine Learning, [IOT]: Internet of
Things, [NLP]: Natural Language Processing, [Audio]: Audio Processing
Smart functional socks [I] - Human preference pattern N/A
Emotional & Smart mirror [I] - Human preference pattern
The Adult Attachment Interview (AAI) + (Bayesian Gaussian
classifier and support vector classifier), [audio] Audio-visual
emotion fusion using 2D CNN and 3D CNN
Smart desk & chairs [I] - Human preference pattern Thermal conditions, visual conditions, postural conditions, air
Smart clothing &
manufacturing [I] - Human preference pattern
Micro-sensors, physiological signal acquisition, mood
monitoring and emotion detection, disease diagnosis,
healthcare, and real-time tactile interaction & design
Smart clothes cleaning [I] - Human preference pattern Dog
Smart kitchen & cooking [I] - Human preference pattern Optical camera monitoring cooking activities, recipe
Intelligent flavor sensing
system (IFSS) [I] - Human preference pattern
Electronic nose (tongue) to the identification of quality
differences and flavor-producing microbes in fermented foods
and control fermentation, ripening, and shelf life
Smart energy & electricity
sensing [I] - Human preference pattern
[ML] Smallest energy residential community management by
RL, [CV] Electricity and gas meter reading applications such
as Google Cloud Vision, Azure’s Computer Vision, Tesseract
OCR, and AWS Rekognition, power transmission lines
Smart appliances & devices
sensing [I] - Human preference pattern
[ML] User preference appliance management system based on
Deep Q-Network, TimeControl and based ib Tweet messages
to provide on-time device control, denial of services (DoS),
malicious control, spying in IoT using a graph-based method,
deep learning
Emergency sensing [I] - Human preference pattern
[IOT] TalkBack app are used to provide emergency feedback,
the multi-sensing module with alarm algorithm for fire
detection, Machine-to-machine with multi-sensing for fire and
gas leakage, Fuel detection such as post-irradiated nuclear fuel
and wildfire fuel (not for home), Automated external
ambulance for the smart city (not for home) & smartphone
based rescue robot after disasters
Smart housework robot [I] - Human preference pattern
USB camera, lidar, and the attitude sensor to gather indoor
information, control home appliances, voice remote control,
autonomous positioning and navigation, liquefied gas leakage
alarm, and human infrared detection alarm
Smart assistance robot &
management agent [I] - Human preference pattern Physical object interaction
Smart speaker [I] - Human preference pattern Complete audio retrieving and understanding multimedia
control, and environmental control
Smart bin & waste
degradation [I] - Human preference pattern Level sensor to monitor the level of waste-bin and the other
path is smart load cell sensor to calculate the weight of waste.
Reed switches [I] - Human & Household items
Binary data on whether doors and cupboards are open or
Pressure mat [I] - Human & Household items
interaction Binary data on sitting on a couch or lying in bed
Mercury contacts [I] - Human & Household items
interaction Binary data on movement of objects (e.g. drawers)
Passive infrared (PIR) [I] - Human & Household items
interaction Binary data on motion in a specific area
Float sensors & smart toilet [I] - Human & Household items
interaction Binary data on the toilet being flushed
Fingerprint sensor [I] - Home & Local environment
interaction (Security monitoring) Fingerprint data
[E] - Home indoor environment &
Surrounding (Moving object
Measure the earth magnetic field
Device and Sensor
Target Category Content Category
[H]: Human Activity Recognition, [E]:
Natural Environment, [I]:
Human-Environment Interaction
[CV]: Computer Vision, [ML]: Machine Learning, [IOT]: Internet of
Things, [NLP]: Natural Language Processing, [Audio]: Audio Processing
Pixel-Mixed-Device 3D
[E] - Home indoor environment &
Surrounding (Moving object
Live navigation, 3D panoramas, Map building, Obstacle
Pan-Tilt-Zoom (PTZ)
[E] - Home indoor environment &
Surrounding (Moving object
Surveillance applications, Moving object tracking, face
capturing, [CV] motion detection by OpenCV
Smart camera
[E] - Home indoor environment &
Surrounding (Moving object
Georeferenced person tracking and activity recognition (falling
person detection), [CV] motion detection by OpenCV, [ML]
behavior detection at high-density crowd based on CNN
Orthographic camera
[E] - Home indoor environment&
Surrounding (Moving object
3D rigid-body positioning, Motion capturing, 3d
reconstruction, A measure of deformability of shapes, A
quantum algorithm for ray casting, [VR] Indoor Intelligent
Decoration System based on BIM+ VR Technology, [CV]
motion detection by OpenCV
Perspective camera
(pinhole, fisheye cameras)
[E] - Home indoor environment &
Surrounding (Moving object
Underwater imaging, robotics, mobile robot navigation task,
[VR] processing weather images with 3D structures
(panoramic) camera
[E] - Home indoor environment &
Surrounding (Moving object
Autonomous robot navigation, telepresence, remote
surveillance and virtual reality (one paper), our driver
assistance systems of future light and heavy trucks.
Thermal camera
[E] - Home indoor environment &
Surrounding (Moving object
Animals, agriculture, buildings, gas detection, industrial, and
military applications, as well as detection, tracking, and
recognition of humans, [CV] Wall bulge endpoints position
detecting, Indoor construction progress monitoring
Wifi-based sensors [E] Smart Grid, temperature and humidity in Smart Agriculture
and Intelligent environment protection.
Ultrasound sensors [E]
motion tracking, medical ultrasound imaging such as
ultrasound transducers, applying to tenderization of meat,
ripening, solid-liquid extraction, photoacoustic imaging
Vibration sensor & seismic
sensor [E] Seismic, earthquake early warning smart robot
Infrared sensors & short
wave infrared [E]
Web inspection of continuous processes such as
high-temperature manufacturing processes, agricultural raw
material cleaning and sorting, plastics recycling of automotive
and consumer products, and a growing biological imaging
technique, Spectral-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography,
[CV] face detection
RFID reader & tag [E] Sense which object is used
Wireless sensor network [E] Only the cupboard that contains the object can be sensed
Millimeter wave radar [E] Millimeter Wave, [ML] Human activity recognition based on
Button & potentiometer [E] Button push
Touch panel [E] Stress
Motion sensor [E] Velocity
Video camera & digital
camera [E]
Monitoring various activities: [NLP] Interior design based on
Semantics, Web3D, and WebRT, [ML] Automated Wall
Painting Robot, [ML] Human activity recognition based on
CNN, [CV] inexpensive digital camera to measure
magnesium, potassium, hardness, and pH test strips
Temperature sensor [E] Temperature
Humidity sensor [E]
Humidity, rain, water, [IOT] weather monitoring system, Smart
Home automation system, rainwater management system,
G-DaM decentralized groundwater quality management
Device and Sensor
Target Category Content Category
[H]: Human Activity Recognition, [E]:
Natural Environment, [I]:
Human-Environment Interaction
[CV]: Computer Vision, [ML]: Machine Learning, [IOT]: Internet of
Things, [NLP]: Natural Language Processing, [Audio]: Audio Processing
Brightness & light Sensor [E]
Brightness/light level, [NLP] topic modeling and sentiment
analysis, [IOT] Smart textile lighting/display system with
multifunctional fiber devices, [IOT] weather monitoring
system, Smart Home automation system
Chemical sensor, smoke
sensor & smelling sensor [E]
Gas density, chemical property, coffee, CO, CO2, PH level,
Wearable ammonia detection, H2 gas sensing, NH3, aniline
toxic gas, soil, [IOT] IoT-based hydroponic system, IoT-based
agriculture system, wireless LPG leakage monitoring system,
Real-time air quality monitoring system for CO, food gas
detection to check whether food containing certain volatile
and acidic substances will cause poisoning
Air sensor [E]
Pressure level/pressure/cleanness/pollution/smelling/ Wind
speed/dust, [IOT] weather monitoring system, real-time air
quality monitoring system, Smart Home automation system
Sound & noise sensor [E]
Noise level, [Audio] ANFIS system to filter additive
background noise within the control system, concurrent
dual-band RF sensor, Real-time monitoring system, Sound
event recognition and classification by LSTM-CNN, SVM
Time & date sensor [E] Date, time
Proximity sensor [E] Distance between objects
Microphone [H] [E]
Indicator species, biodiversity and soundscapes, bioacoustic
monitoring, Patient authentication, audio understanding,
[Audio] Dynamic privacy assessment, [NLP] Voice command
Keyboard input, Twitter,
Weibo, street advertisement,
NLP & mobile phone
[H] [E]
Suicide, family, violence, water pollution for covid for tester
destruction, [NLP] Land planning based on natural language
processing, Bi-LSTM-Based fake news classification, [ML]
Human activity recognition based on CNN, [ML] Data-driven
approach using BERT modeling, [NLP] Phishing email
detection by graph convolutional network and natural language
processing, identifying violent language
[D1] Sensor Type
[F4] Power
Consumption [F5] Price [D2]
Acquisition Frequency: [SH]: Short Time Interval, [MTI]: Medium Time Interval, [C] Continuous, [SP]: Specific Time Interval which
is Continuous Depending on Interrupt
Triggering Condition: [A]: Automatic, [M]: Manual, [E]: Event
Power Consumption: [LPC]: Low Power Consumption, [MPC]: Medium Power Consumption, [HPC]: High Power Consumption
Price: [LPR]: Low Price Range, [MPR]: Medium Price Range, [HPR]: High Price Range, [D]: Depending on Specific Sensing Criteria
Mobility: [W]: Wearable, [P]: Portable, [F]: Fixed
Setting: [I]: Indoor, [O]: Outdoor, [CM]: Community, [GOV]: Government, [CP]: Company
(3-axis) [SH] 0 cm [A] [LPC] [D] [W] [I][O]
Actigraphy device [SH] 0 cm [A] [LPC] [D] [W] [I]
Camera (EMG) [SH] 0 cm [A] [LPC] [D] [W] [I][O]
Camera [SH] 0 cm [A][M] [LPC] [D] [W][P][F] [I][O]
FamTechCare [SH] 0 cm [M] [LPC] [D] [W][P][F] [I][O]
Woven triboelectric
sensor [C] N/A [A] [MPC] [HPR] [W][F] [I][O]
triboelectric sensor,
[C] N/A [A] [MPC] [HPR] [W][F] [I][O]
An implantable
TENG sensor with a
shape memory alloy
[C] N/A [A] [MPC] [HPR] [W] [F] [I][O]
Liquid metal-based
sensor, PZT-based
sensor, Pressure
sensitive polymer
Triboelectric yarn
woven chest strap,
TENG-based pulse
[C] N/A [A] [MPC] [HPR] [W] [F] [I][O]
Polyactic acid-based
sensor & Tactile
[C] N/A [A] [MPC] [HPR] [W] [F] [I][O]
sensor [C] N/A [A] [MPC] [HPR] [W] [F] [I][O]
Biofuel powered
electronic skin [C] 0 cm [A] [MPC] [HPR] [W] [F] [I][O]
Stretchable hybrid
electronic system [C] 0 cm [A] [MPC] [HPR] [W] [F] [I][O]
Contact lens [C] 0 cm [A] [MPC] [HPR] [W] [F] [I][O]
sensors on limbs
[C] 0 cm [M] [MPC] [HPR] [W] [F] [I][O]
Dementia caregiver
use a tablet survey
[SH] N/A [M] [MPC] [HPR] [P] [I][O]
Dementia caregiver
use a tablet survey -
no sensor
[SH] N/A [M] [MPC] [HPR] [P] [I][O]
Wearable devices [SH] 0-5 cm [M][E] [MPC] [HPR] [W] [F] [I][O]
signal (EMG) sensor [C] 0 cm [A] [MPC] [HPR] [W] [F] [I][O]
[D1] Sensor Type [F1] Acquisition
[F4] Power
Consumption [F5] Price [D2]
Mobility [D3] Setting
Acquisition Frequency: [SH]: Short Time Interval, [MTI]: Medium Time Interval, [C] Continuous, [SP]: Specific Time Interval which
is Continuous Depending on Interrupt
Triggering Condition: [A]: Automatic, [M]: Manual, [E]: Event
Power Consumption: [LPC]: Low Power Consumption, [MPC]: Medium Power Consumption, [HPC]: High Power Consumption
Price: [LPR]: Low Price Range, [MPR]: Medium Price Range, [HPR]: High Price Range, [D]: Depending on Specific Sensing Criteria
Mobility: [W]: Wearable, [P]: Portable, [F]: Fixed
Setting: [I]: Indoor, [O]: Outdoor, [CM]: Community, [GOV]: Government, [CP]: Company
Switches and
weight sensor [SH] 0-5cm [M] [LPC] [LPR] [P] [I][O]
Smart healthcare
assistant robot [SP] N/A [M] [HPC] [HPR] [F] [I][O]
Smart surgery
robot [SP] N/A [M] [HPC] [HPR] [F] [I][O]
Smart lifting
bed [SP] N/A [M] [HPC] [HPR] [F] [I][O]
Smart functional
socks [SH] N/A [M] [LPC] [MPR] [P] [I]
Emotional &
smart mirror [SP] 0-5cm [M] [LPC] [MPR] [F] [I]
Smart desk &
chairs [SP] N/A [M] [HPC] [HPR] [F] [I]
Smart clothing
[SP] N/A [M] [HPC] [HPR] [F] [I]
Smart clothes
cleaning [SP] N/A [M] [MPC] [HPR] [F] [I]
Smart kitchen &
cooking [SP] N/A [M] [MPC] [HPR] [F] [I]
Intelligent flavor
sensing system
[SH] 0-5cm [M] [MPC] [HPR] [P][F] [I]
Smart energy &
N/A N/A [E] [HPC] [HPR] [P][F] [I]
appliances &
devices sensing
N/A N/A [E] [HPC] [HPR] [P][F] [I]
sensing N/A N/A [E] [HPC] [HPR] [P][F] [I][CM][GOV][CP]
housework robot [C] N/A [M] [E] [HPC] [HPR] [P] [I]
Smart asistance
robot &
[C] N/A [M] [E] [HPC] [HPR] [P] [I][CM][GOV][CP]
Smart speaker [SP] 0-5m [M] [E] [HPC] [HPR] [F] [I][CM][GOV][CP]
Smart bin &
[SP] 0-5m [M] [E] [HPC] [MPR] [F] [I][CM][GOV][CP]
Reed switches [SH] 0-5m [M] [E] [LPC] [LPR] [F] [I]
Pressure mat [SH] 0-5m [M] [E] [LPC] [LPR] [F] [I]
contacts [SH] 0-5m [M] [E] [LPC] [LPR] [F] [I]
Passive infrared
(PIR) [SH] 0-5m [M] [LPC] [LPR] [F] [I]
Float sensors &
smart toilet [SH] 0-5m [M] [E] [LPC] [LPR] [F] [I]
sensor [SH] 0-5cm [M] [MPC] [MPR] [F] [O][CM][GOV][CP]
Compass [C] N/A [A] [LPC] [LPR] [P][F] [O][CM][GOV][CP]
[D1] Sensor Type
[F3] Trig-
[F4] Power
Consumption [F5] Price [D2]
Mobility [D3] Setting
Acquisition Frequency: [SH]: Short Time Interval, [MTI]: Medium Time Interval, [C] Continuous, [SP]: Specific Time Interval which
is Continuous Depending on Interrupt
Triggering Condition: [A]: Automatic, [M]: Manual, [E]: Event
Power Consumption: [LPC]: Low Power Consumption, [MPC]: Medium Power Consumption, [HPC]: High Power Consumption
Price: [LPR]: Low Price Range, [MPR]: Medium Price Range, [HPR]: High Price Range, [D]: Depending on Specific Sensing Criteria
Mobility: [W]: Wearable, [P]: Portable, [F]: Fixed
Setting: [I]: Indoor, [O]: Outdoor, [CM]: Community, [GOV]: Government, [CP]: Company
Pixel-Mixed-Device 3D camera [C] 0-10m [A] [HPC] [LPR] [F] [O][CM][GOV][CP]
Pan-Tilt-Zoom (PTZ) camera
(applied in surveillance-based
applications because of their
high-resolution image output)
[C] 0-10m [A] [HPC] [MPR] [F] [O][CM][GOV][CP]
Smart camera (power of
extracting application-based
information from a captured
image together with creating
event information of an image
or making an intelligent
[C] 0-10m [A] [HPC] [MPR] [F] [O][CM][GOV][CP]
Orthographic camera (captures
an image without any
perspective distortion. They
produce a two-dimensional
(2D) image output without any
image depth.)
[C] 0-10m [A] [HPC] [MPR] [F] [O][CM][GOV][CP]
Perspective camera (pinhole,
fisheye cameras) (display an
image in a real-world view.
They produce a
three-dimensional (3D) image
with depth.)
[C] 0-10m [A] [HPC] [MPR] [F] [O][CM][GOV][CP]
Omnidirectional (panoramic)
camera (cover 360 degrees FOV
with a high-resolution image of
about 1600×1200 pixels)
[C] 0-10m [A] [HPC] [HPR] [F] [O][CM][GOV][CP]
Thermal camera (infrared
camera or thermal imager) [C] 0-10m [A] [HPC] [HPR] [F] [O][CM][GOV][CP]
Wifi-based sensors [C] 0-50m [A] [M] [HPC] [MPR] [F] [I][O]
Ultrasound sensors [C] 0-10m [A] [HPC] [MPR] [F] [I][O]
Vibration sensor & seismic
sensor [C] N/A [A] [HPC] [HPR] [F] [I][O]
Infrared sensors & short wave
infrared [C] 0-20cm [A] [HPC] [HPR] [F] [I][O]
RFID reader & tag [C]
30cm -
to None)
[LPR] [F] [I][O]
Wireless sensor network [C]
[A] [HPC] [MPR] [F] [I][O]
Millimeter wave radar [C] 0-20cm [A] [HPC] [HPR] [F] [I][O]
Button & potentiometer [C] 0cm [A] [LPC] (Low
to None) [LPR] [F] [I][O]
Touch panel [C] 0cm [A] [LPC] [LPR] [F] [I][O]
Motion sensor [C]
[A] [LPC] [LPR] [F] [I][O]
[D1] Sensor
[F2] Detection
[F4] Power
Consumption [F5] Price [D2] Mobility [D3] Setting
Acquisition Frequency: [SH]: Short Time Interval, [MTI]: Medium Time Interval, [C] Continuous, [SP]: Specific Time Interval which
is Continuous Depending on Interrupt
Triggering Condition: [A]: Automatic, [M]: Manual, [E]: Event
Power Consumption: [LPC]: Low Power Consumption, [MPC]: Medium Power Consumption, [HPC]: High Power Consumption
Price: [LPR]: Low Price Range, [MPR]: Medium Price Range, [HPR]: High Price Range, [D]: Depending on Specific Sensing Criteria
Mobility: [W]: Wearable, [P]: Portable, [F]: Fixed
Setting: [I]: Indoor, [O]: Outdoor, [CM]: Community, [GOV]: Government, [CP]: Company
Video camera
& digital
[A] [HPC] [HPR] [F] [I][O]
sensor [MTI] 0-5m [A] [LPC] [LPR] [F] [I][O]
sensor [MTI] 0-5m [A] [LPC] [LPR] [F] [I][O]
Brightness &
light Sensor [MTI] Scenario
Specific [A] [LPC] [LPR] [F] [I][O]
sensor, smoke
sensor &
[SH] 0-5m [A] [LPC] [HPR] [F] [I][O]
Air sensor [MTI] 0-5m [A] [LPC] [LPR] [F] [I][O]
Sound &
noise sensor [MTI]
0-5m (voice
[A] [LPC] [LPR] [F] [I][O]
Time & date
sensor [MTI] N/A [A] [LPC] [LPR] [F] [I][O]
sensor [MTI] N/A [A] [LPC] [LPR] [F] [I][O]
Microphone [SP]
0-5m (voice
10m (Audio
[HPC] (for
[LPR] [P][F] [I][CM][GOV][CP]
input, Twitter,
Weibo, street
ment, NLP &
mobile phone
[SP] 0-5m [M] [HPC] [LPR] [P][F] [I][CM][GOV][CP]
To Individual Home (Home residents) Home (Home devices) Business Community City (Governmental
Channels: Phone;
calls; text
messages; email;
video conferencing
platforms (e.g.
Zoom, Skype);
social media
messaging (e.g.
physical mail
communication; Text
and message; Video
calls; Mobile apps;
Smart device
dashboard and
intercom systems;
Physical notes
Channels: Ask for
help: Video
recognition (gesture,
posture, status,
etc.)**; Audio
recognition (human
& pets)**; Virtual
assistants by voice
commands (e.g.
Amazon Alexa,
Google Assistant)**.
Ask for help and
provide support:
mobile apps for
urgent situations*;
Wearable devices
(e.g. smartwatches,
fitness trackers) ask
for help; Situation*;
Smart home hub
(e.g. Samsung
platform (e.g.
mobile apps);
visits; Live
chat and
Social media
(e.g. Twitter,
Social media
platforms (e.g.
forums and
boards; Local
newsletters and
Public events
and gatherings;
Physical posters
or flyers in
public spaces;
Bulletin boards
in public spaces;
Mobile apps
designed for
Channels: City
hotlines; Mobile
apps, Email,
Physical mail;
Public meetings,
Public hearings,
Newspaper, Social
Contents: Personal
information and
updates; Activity
lists and schedules
(e.g. appointments,
events, reminders);
records (e.g.
message history,
call logs);
messages (e.g.
urgent or
Alerts and
notifications (e.g.
weather alerts,
safety alerts);
Material cycle
shopping needs,
transaction updates,
requests, sales
inquiries, and
instructions); Other
Shared documents
(e.g. photos,
videos, files);
projects (e.g.
working on joint
projects, sharing
Contents: Requests
for assistance and
information (e.g. help
with a task,
information on a
device or appliance);
Sharing updates and
news (e.g. family
news, work updates);
Coordination of
schedules or activities
(e.g. scheduling a
family event,
coordinating meal
times); Expressing
emotions and
thoughts (e.g. sharing
feelings, discussing
ideas); Household
tasks delegation (e.g.
assigning tasks to
specific family
members); Reminder
notifications (e.g.
reminding family
members about
appointments or
deadlines); Privacy
and security concerns
(e.g. reminding family
members to lock
doors, discussing
password protection);
Entertainment and
leisure (e.g.
discussing movies,
TV shows, or games
to play together)
Contents: Ask for
help: Urgent
message for personal
danger**; Resources
request (water,
shelter, emotional
help, etc.)**.
Provide information
and support: Local
news, traffic news,
and weather
updates**; Home
exterior malfunction
orders and
Billing and
Product and
and updates);
Feedback and
Return and
Requests for
help, such as
assistance with
tasks or
Sharing of
information and
news relevant to
the community;
Inquiry about
events and
activities and
suggestions for
new ones;
Inquiries about
services and
alerts and
notifications for
Updates on
personal and
Feedback and
suggestions for
Discussion and
debate on
issues and topics
service requests
(e.g. road
Public safety alerts
and reports;
Resources usage
data (e.g. water,
electricity); City
planning and
information; Legal
applications (e.g.
home construction
permits, business
licenses); News
and updates about
the city;
notifications and
alerts (e.g. natural
disasters, major
accidents, lost
person); Civic
opportunities and
suggestions for city
improvements (e.g.
voting, public
hearings); Request
for public records
or information;
Complaints or
concerns about city
services or policies
To Individual
Home (Home devices) Business Community City (Governmental
Mobile app
Email alerts;
audio alerts
Channels: Physical
controls, mobile
app**; Video and
audio recognition
(gesture, pets)**;
Wearable devices
(e.g. smartwatches,
fitness trackers)**;
Smart device
dashboard and
Smart Home hub
**(include alerts for
the system; updates,
device and appliance
status updates,
events and tasks;
notifications/ e.g.
Virtual assistants by
voice commands**;
Smart mirrors or
Utilities, insurance
companies, and
service providers
(e.g. for energy,
security, and
needs); Letters;
emails; phone
calls; mobile app;
web portal;
customer support;
Channels: Posting;
Social media
platforms (e.g.
Facebook, Twitter,
Community websites
(e.g. HOA website,
neighborhood blog);
Email newsletters;
Text message; Phone
calls; APP
Channels: Internet of
Things (IoT) networks
and platforms*; APIs
Interfaces) and data
feeds (e.g. news
updates, weather
forecasts, financial
data, or social media
posts); City databases
and platforms*
Device and
Alerts for
updates and
system alerts;
Weather and
tal updates*;
Contents: Device,
furniture, and
appliance status
updates* Energy
usage reports, alerts,
and tips* Broken or
device notifications*
Need for repairs or
Physical status or
activities of other
residents* Agenda
and activities
update** Urgent
messages or alerts*
Instructions or
reminders for home
tasks and activities*
Service and support
requests or task
Contents: Basic
information about
the home (e.g.
address, structure,
area code);
Information about
the residents (e.g.
names, ages,
special needs or
requests, allergies);
Product orders and
service requests;
Maintenance and
repair requests;
Energy usage data;
Security events and
data; Other
relevant data;
Customer feedback
and suggestions;
Device error report
/ Device
performance data;
Purchase history
and preferences
Contents: Safety
information and alerts
(e.g. crime updates,
Requests for
community services
(e.g. trash pickup,
road maintenance);
Requests for help
(e.g. neighborhood
watch, volunteer
Expertise of local
businesses and
services; Notifications
for upcoming events
and activities; Sharing
information and news
relevant to the
community*; Inquiry
and suggestions for
community events
and activities;
Opportunities to
connect with
neighbors and build
community*; Lost &
Found Information
Contents: Real-time
and historical data on
energy usage, water
consumption, and
other resource
patterns*; Data on
traffic patterns and
Environmental data,
such as air quality
and weather; Sensor
data on waste
recycling, and
composting*; Security
and emergency alerts,
such as smoke or
carbon monoxide
detection; Requests
for city services, such
as waste pickup or
street cleaning*;
Information on home
construction or
renovation plans that
require city; permits
and approvals.*
To Individual Home (Home
Home (Home
devices) Business Community City (Governmental
Mobile app
Email alerts;
audio alerts
Contents: mobile
app**; Wearable
devices (e.g.
smartwatches, fitness
trackers)**; Smart
device dashboard**
(include alerts for
system updates,
device and appliance
status updates,
events, and tasks
Virtual assistants by
voice commands**;
Smart mirrors or
displays**; Smart
home hub **(e.g.
Control devices**
(lighting, heating,
and security
Infrastructure or
voice feedback for
sound caught **
Ethernet, X10,
KNX, Insteon,
Thread [244]
and other
methods and
(human &
controls (e.g.
companies, and
providers (e.g.
for energy,
security, and
needs); Letters,
emails, phone
calls, mobile
app, web portal,
support chatbots
Channels: Posting
Social media
platforms (e.g.
Facebook, Twitter,
Community websites
(e.g. HOA website,
neighborhood blog);
Email newsletters;
Text message; Phone
calls; APP
Cannels: Internet of
Things (IoT)
networks and
platforms*; APIs
Interfaces) and data
feeds (e.g. news
updates, weather
forecasts, financial
data, or social media
posts); City
databases and
Device and
Alerts for
updates and
system alerts;
Weather and
tal updates*;
Contents: Device,
furniture, and
appliance status
updates**; Energy
usage reports, alerts,
and tips**; Broken
or malfunctioning
Physical status or
activities of other
residents*; Agenda
and activities
update**; Urgent
messages or
alerts**; Instructions
or reminders for
home tasks and
activities**; Need
for repairs or
Service and support
requests or tasks;
Devices and
Rules and
and repair
Firmware and
Security and
(e.g. WIFI
Weather and
Contents: Basic
about the home
(e.g. address,
structure, area
about the
residents (e.g.
names, ages,
special needs,
Product orders
and service
and repair
requests; Energy
usage data;
Security events
and data; Other
relevant data;
feedback and
Device error
report / Device
data; Purchase
history and
Contents: Safety
information and alerts
(e.g. crime updates,
Requests for
community services
(e.g. trash pickup,
road maintenance);
Requests for help
(e.g. neighborhood
watch, volunteer
Expertise of local
businesses and
services; Notifications
for upcoming events
and activities; Sharing
information and news
relevant to the
community*; Inquiry
and suggestions for
community events
and activities;
Opportunities to
connect with
neighbors and build
community*; Lost &
Found Information
Contents: Real-time
and historical data
on energy usage,
water consumption,
and other resource
patterns*; Data on
traffic patterns and
Environmental data,
such as air quality
and weather; Sensor
data on waste
recycling, and
Security and
emergency alerts,
such as smoke or
carbon monoxide
detection; Requests
for city services,
such as waste pickup
or street cleaning*;
Information on
home construction
or renovation plans
that require city;
permits and
To Individual Home (Home
Home (Home
devices) Business Community City (Governmental
Channels: Email;
direct mail; SMS;
phone calls; social
media; targeted ads;
Chatbots; virtual
Channels: Voice
commands; mobile
apps; physical
controls (e.g.
switches, buttons);
remote controls;
sensors; phones;
Sound (human and
mobile apps;
alerts and
flyers and
posters; social
media; local
newspaper ads;
Channels: Phone;
Email; conference
calls; online
trade shows;
Channels: Local
news media, public
forums, and events;
associations; City
council meetings,
government websites
Contents: Advertising
and promotions for
Smart Home products
and services; Product
updates and recalls;
Guidance, customer
service support;
Technical support and
troubleshooting for
Smart Home
products; Notification
to relevant people;
Delivery and tracking
information for online
purchases; Relevant
Usage Data; Energy
usage data and tips
for energy savings;
Contents: Control
commands; devices
and appliances
status; Wifi
schedules; Rules;
Urgent message;
Stop and exit;
based remote
support for
initiatives and
Feedback and
Transaction and
service record;
911, passwords;
Promise; Record
of other
factors and
Contents: Ask
for help,
and share
Events and
activities inquiry
and suggestion;
and notifications
services and
Supply chain
Industry news
and trends;
initiatives; Public
safety alerts,
security information,
and emergency
events reports;
Service requests,
resources, and data
inquiry; Economic
development plans,
city planning, and
information; Legal
application (e.g.
home construction
To Individual Home (Home residents) Home (Home
devices) Business Community
City (Govern-
Channels: Social
flyers; emails;
phone calls;
Channels: Social media;
community meetings;
newsletters; flyers; emails;
phone calls
Social media;
flyers; emails;
phone calls;
Smart home
systems; system
Bulletin board;
events; business
associations and
notifications (to
social media;
flyers; emails
City council
emails; phone
calls; public
weather alerts;
local events;
activity agenda
and news updates;
community safety
alerts, protocol,
and guidance for
services, and
Material cycle:
requirement and
service; Shared
Contents: [notification]
Important announcements,
weather alerts, safety alerts,
local events, activity agenda*;
[general information update]
news updates, Community
information report*; [Initiative]
Initiative for energy
conservation and environmental
protection, promotion and
guidance for healthy lifestyle
and wellness of community
members*; [Guidance]
Guidance for public safety for
the community, protocol, and
guidance for emergency
preparedness and conflict
management; [Regulation &
Duty] Regulation for
community management, Public
facility and resource
management, duty, and task
assignment; [Service]
community programs,
community services, vulnerable
special support, volunteer
opportunities, education, and
school information*
Material cycle: Recycling
requirement and service; Shared
resource management
safety alerts,
local events,
activity agenda;
update] news
public safety for
the community,
and conflict
Material cycle:
requirement &
service*; Shared
Contents: Local
economic trends,
events, business
opportunities, and
Resource and
sharing; Events
and activities
and notifications
services and
Supply chain
industry news,
and trends;
based crime;
City services;
public safety;
To Individual Home (Home
Home (Home
devices) Business Community City (Governmental
Channels: Email;
text messages;
phone calls
Channels: Mobile
applications; Smart
home system;
website updates.
Email; text
messages; phone
calls; in-person
Public meetings;
events; social
Emergency alerts
(e.g. natural
disasters, public
safety alerts);
important events
(e.g. road closures,
public meetings),
and city-wide;
announcements (e.g.
projects, utility
Emergency alerts
(e.g. natural
disasters, public
safety alerts); utility
service updates (e.g.
water and electricity
outages); special
events (e.g. road
closures, public
meetings, festivals)
Business legal
(permits and
licenses); safety
updates; tax
Public safety
initiatives (e.g.
street lighting);
and development
projects (e.g.
new buildings,
Contents: City
planning initiatives
(e.g. transportation,
land use); regional
emergency response
practices for city
Function Decision Making
Strategy Routine Urgency
Safety assurance
& Personal
Financial &
Activity Planning;
Happiness &
1) Strategy planning for
home environment (air
quality, noise level, clutter
level) 2) Strategy planning
for personal safety and
property safety 3) Strategy
planning for healthcare 4)
Strategy planning for
schedules and activities 5)
Strategy planning for
individual relationship
management 6) Explore
interesting activities and
new feasible lifestyles
1) Regularly keeping a clean
and comfortable home
environment (Daily tidying,
Weekly cleaning, Organizing,
Air quality, Noise level) 2)
Regularly ensuring personal
safety and property safety 3)
Regularly physical and mental
health examinations and
Healthy habits: 4) Daily and
weekly schedules, To-do lists 5)
Connecting with others,
Communication, Conflict
resolution 6) Attempting new
activities and hobbies
(Identifying interests,
Prioritizing activities,
identifying healthy habits)
1) Urgent action to
lifestyle adjustment to
promote personal growth
and fulfillment. 2) Urgent
prioritize and plan to
manage activities 3)
Urgent address to personal
healthcare needs that arise.
4) Urgent responding to
prevent personal and
property harm in potential
emergency situations. 5)
Urgent handling of
potential environmental
hazards for personal safety
and well-being. 6) Urgent
building and maintaining
positive personal
Home (from
understanding of
Infrastructure and
Home Innovation,
installation, and
Management &
Material Cycle,
recycling, and
Safety Assurance
and Healthcare;
Emergency and
Events handling;
Proactive outreach
and Interaction
with the
Family Support,
Management &
Special Support
for Vulnerable
Strategy planning for home
and infrastructure
innovation, installation, and
maintenance 2) Strategy
planning for handling
emergency and unexpected
events. 3) Strategy
planning for appliance
energy saving (prediction
and optimization of energy
consumption) 4) Strategy
planning for supply,
material cycle, recycling,
and waste management. 5)
Strategy planning for home
environment management
& innovation 6) Strategy
planning for ensuring
users’ physical and mental
health statutes. 7) Strategy
planning to Collect,
analyze and track users’
preferences and needs. 8)
Strategy planning and
Relationship management
and special support for
vulnerable groups. 9)
Strategy planning for
outreach and interaction
with the community
1) Maintaining and innovating
home infrastructure for proper
functioning and better efficiency
2) storing emergency supplies
and identifying emergency
contacts. 3) Implementing a
strategy for optimizing energy
consumption, such as using
energy-efficient appliances and
minimizing wasteful habits 4)
Smart waste bins;Smart
composting; E-waste
management; Smart purchasing;
Education and awareness 5)
Evaluating and updating the
home environment, such as
reducing noise levels,
improving air quality, and
providing adequate lighting 6)
Health status monitoring and
evaluation; user
health-promoting features, such
as air purifiers, smart exercise
equipment, and mental health
resources. 7) Assessing user
preferences and needs; adjusting
as necessary using data and
feedback from Smart Home
systems 8) Providing support
for vulnerable groups 9)
Engaging with the community
1) Urgent handling for
safety hazards, such as gas
leaks and faulty electrical
systems. 2) Urgent
handling of malfunctioning
or broken appliances to
prevent further damage or
safety risks 3) Urgent
handling of energy supply
and waste management
issues about threats to the
environment or
community. 4) Urgent
handling of unexpected
residents’ health issues 5)
Urgent Developing and
implementing plans in
unexpected events, such as
natural disasters or power
outages. 6) Urgently
reviewing and updating
user and environmental
data profiles 7) Urgent
outreach and
communication plan 8)
Urgent planning for
special support and
accommodations for
vulnerable emergencies.
Function Decision Making
Strategy Routine Urgency
device man-
1) Marketing &
understanding of
user’s preference,
Product Acceptance
& Humanity Issues;
2) Product &
service innovation,
Aesthetic & Quality
Function inno-
ally friendly;
and healthcare.
Support for
3) Proactive
Outreaching and
Interaction with the
Community; 4)
Culture promotion
and diversity
1) Strategy planning to
Collect, analyze, and track
the customers’ need and
product acceptance for
home residents &
Marketing; 2) Strategy
planning for producing
innovation and
improvement (safety and
quality assurance; function
innovation and
improvement; emergency
handling; energy
consumption; aesthetic and
humanity consideration;
recycling management &
environmental impacts) ; 3)
Strategy planning for
product installation,
maintenance, and other
services; 4) Strategy
planning for user privacy
issues. 5) Strategy planning
outreaching and proactive
interaction with customers
& communities; 6) Strategy
planning for special support
for vulnerable groups.
1) Conducting regular
customer surveys;Analyzing
market trends and competitor
strategies;Developing and
updating customer personas;
promotions 2) Conducting
regular product safety and
quality inspections and
testing; improvements to
product features and
functionality 3) Implementing
strategy efficiently and
effectively for product
installation, maintenance, and
other services 4) Regularly
review and address any issues
related to user privacy; 5)
Regularly engage in
outreaching customers and
communities, such as social
media campaigns, public
events 6) Developing and
implementing effective and
accessible special support
programs for vulnerable
groups, such as low-income
households, the elderly, or
people with disabilities
1) Urgently handling for
safety hazards, such as
contamination, hazardous
waste 2) Urgent promotion
of cultural diversity and
inclusivity within the
community 3) Urgently
handling infrastructure
issues with safety risks,
such as road damage 4)
Urgently handling energy
and waste management
issues with threats to the
environment or community
5) Urgently handling and
planning health and
wellness issues, such as
pandemic and outbreak
disease 6) Urgently
handling and planning for
emergencies and
unexpected events, such as
natural disasters or public
health crises 7) Urgently
reviewing and updating
resident and environmental
data profiles 8) Urgently
engaging and
communicating with
residents, businesses, and
city officials for
community concerns 9)
Urgently special support
and accommodations for
vulnerable groups during
emergencies and
challenging situations.
Function Decision Making
Strategy Routine Urgency
1) In-depth
understanding of
preferences and
Humanity Issues; 2)
innovation and
service support:
Energy Usage
Material cycle
and Pollution
ally friendly;
Support for
and Emotional
support for
3) Proactive
outreach and
interaction with
residents; 4)
Community culture
promotion and
diversity protection;
1) Collect, analyze, and
track the needs and
challenges of community
members; 2) Strategy
planning, outreaching, and
proactive interaction with
residents, businesses & city
officers; 3) Strategy
planning for community
infrastructure innovation,
installation, and
maintenance; 4) Strategy
planning for safety
assurance, conflict
management, and
emergency Handling; 5)
Strategy planning for
supply support, material
cycle, waste & recycling
management, pollution
management, and other
environmental protection;
6) Strategy planning for
energy saving (prediction
and optimization of energy
consumption) ; 7) Strategy
planning for service
providing, mental &
physical health promotion,
special support for
vulnerable groups,
relationship handling,
lifestyle promotion,
aesthetic and humanity
consideration; 8) Strategy
planning for lifestyle
promotion, aesthetic, and
humanity consideration; 9)
Strategy planning for
community culture
promotion and
1) Conducting regular surveys;
Analyzing data from social
media and websites to track
sentiment and identify issues 2)
Regularly communicating with
residents, businesses, and city
officials; Fostering a sense of
community ownership and pride
3) Maintaining and improving
community infrastructure, such
as roads, parks, public facilities,
and utilities 4) organizing
emergency simulation training
sessions; Informing community
members during emergencies;
5) Educating residents on
environmental issues;
Developing and promoting
sustainable programs 6)
Educating residents on
environmental energy-saving
practices; Developing and
promoting energy-saving
strategies 7) Providing residents
with access to essential services,
such as healthcare, education,
and social services; Developing
programs to support vulnerable
groups, such as low-income
households, the elderly, and
people with disabilities 8)
Promoting community
lifestyles, such as developing
community gardens, and parks;
organizing sustainable and
eco-friendly community events
about composting and using
reusable materials 9) Organizing
cultural events and celebrations,
such as holiday festivals and
cultural fairs; promoting local
history and heritage
1) Urgently handling for
safety hazards, such as
hazardous waste 2)
Urgent promotion of
cultural diversity and
inclusivity within the
community 3) Urgently
handling infrastructure
issues with safety risks,
such as road damage 4)
Urgently handling
energy and waste
management issues with
threats to the
environment or
community 5) Urgently
handling and planning
health and wellness
issues, such as
pandemic and outbreak
disease 6) Urgently
handling and planning
for emergencies and
unexpected events, such
as natural disasters or
public health crises 7)
Urgently reviewing and
updating resident and
environmental data
profiles 8) Urgently
engaging and
communicating with
residents, businesses,
and city officials for
community concerns 9)
Urgently special support
and accommodations for
vulnerable groups
during emergencies and
challenging situations.
Function Decision Making
Strategy Routine Urgency
1) In-depth
understanding of the
preference and
cultural issues of
communities; 2) City
innovation and
service support;
City safety as-
Energy Usage
Optimization &
Material cycle
and Pollution
tally friendly;
Special Support
for Vulnerable
and Emotional
support for
3) Proactive outreach
and interaction with
residents; 4) City
culture promotion,
diversity protection,
aesthetic and
1) Collect, analyze, and
track the needs and
challenges of different
communities; 2)
Strategy planning for
outreach and proactive
interaction with
residents, businesses &
communities 3) Strategy
planning for
innovation, installation,
and maintenance
(transportation) ; 4)
Strategy planning for
safety assurance,
conflict management,
emergency Handling,
and law enforcement; 5)
Strategy planning for
energy saving
(prediction and
optimization of energy
consumption) ; 6)
Strategy planning for
pollution management,
and environmental
protection & supply
support, material cycle,
waste & recycling
management; 7)
Strategy planning for
service providing,
mental & physical
health promotion,
special support for
vulnerable groups, 8)
Strategy planning for
lifestyle promotion,
aesthetic, and humanity
consideration; 9)
Strategy planning for
culture promotion,
motivation of citizens
and visitors, harmonious
1) Conducting regular community
needs and challenges assessments; such
as data on demographics, health,
education, economic conditions 2)
Regularly utilizing a range of
communication channels, such as social
media, town hall meetings, and social
events, to communicate with residents,
businesses, and communities, Fostering
a sense of shared responsibility. 3)
Developing innovative infrastructure,
such as mass transit systems;
maintaining existing infrastructure, such
as roads, bridges, and public buildings
4) Monitoring, identifying, and
handling risks and hazardous events;
Ensuring the safety and security of
citizens; Enforcing compliance with
safety regulations and laws; 5)
Prioritize, and implement energy
conservation and efficiency plans, such
as electricity usage prediction and
utilizing renewable energy sources 6)
Developing and implementing programs
to reduce pollution and improve
environmental sustainability; Creating
and enforcing regulations; Providing
resources and support to individuals,
homes, businesses, and community 7)
Establishing health clinics, hospitals,
and other medical facilities; Offering
specialized support for vulnerable
groups, such as the elderly, children,
and those with disabilities 8) Promoting
cultural events, art exhibits, and other
forms of events; Developing and
maintaining public spaces, such as
parks and other areas for relaxation;
Providing resources and support. 9)
Fostering a sense of community and
civic pride; Promoting cultural events,
festivals, and other public gatherings;
Promoting tourism and economic
1) Urgently
sustainability and
threats. 2) Urgent
handling for the
promotion of
cultural diversity
for citizens and
visitors for a
environment. 3)
Urgent maintenance
of city
infrastructure with
safety risks, such as
road damage or
failure. 4) Urgent
handling and
planning of
hazardous energy
and waste events
and resource
outages. 5) Urgent
support for citizens’
health and
well-being issues,
particularly with
hospitals. 6) Urgent
handling of
emergency law
conflicts and law
enforcement. 7)
Urgent 8) Urgent
public relationship
handling. 9) Urgent
provision of special
services for
vulnerable groups
in the community.
ies of
Making Details
ions Safety & Security Function
1) Intruder detection and alerting 2) Outdoor environment monitoring (natural disasters, gunshot, abnormal
activities in surrounding region) 3) Indoor human and environment monitoring (fall detection) 4) Emergency
assessment and handling (self-protection, community, hospital, police)
Task:1) Intruder detection and alerting 2) Outdoor environment monitoring (natural disaster, gunshot,
abnormal activities in surrounding region) 3) Indoor human and environment monitoring (fall detection) 4)
Emergency assessment and handling (self-protection, community, hospital, police). Possible Noises
Limitations: 1) lighting, false case, removal of wrong-delivered packages & stealing 2) Motion detection
noises (smart doorbell): falling leaves, wind, limitation: privacy (IP address, mobile carrier, and device type),
stealing, internet quality, disconnected circuit
Independent variables/Influencing factors/Input variables (Negative/Positive Correlation): 1) Face feature,
cloth feature, body feature, data, time, location. 2) street, city, country, weather, landscape, date, time,
festival, and unique culture. 3) the number of people, age, role, gender, body feature, date, and time. 4)
Event type, number of people, people name, health status, emotional status, location, date, time
Dependent variables/Target variables/Output variables: 1) People’s identification. 2) Weather, disaster type,
area crime rate. 3) Motion type, health status, emotional status. 4) Emergency level, action type, response
time, contact subject, and reliability.
1) Context analysis and Danger level analysis of Intruder detection and alerting 2) Context analysis and
Danger level analysis of Outdoor environment monitoring 3) Status analysis and Behavior analysis of Indoor
human and environment monitoring 4) Policy analysis, Hospital analysis, and Financial analysis of
Emergency assessment and handling
1) Profile of human information (owner, inhabitant, delivery, neighbor, pass-by), outdoor normal and
abnormal activities detection (entrance, knocking, waiting, walking around, stealing, robbing, gunshot) 2)
Profile of human information (owner, inhabitant, visitor), indoor normal and abnormal activities detection
(walking around, stealing, robbing, gunshot, violence, physical injury, falling, cutting) 3) Profile of
Household (infrastructure, furniture, appliances, electronics, switches), appliances normal and abnormal
activities detection (working, not working, firing on appliances) 4) Profile of Indoor and Outdoor
environment (air, gas, wind, region, gunshot rate, temperature, humidity, etc.), natural environment normal
and abnormal activities detection (normal weather, firing, natural disasters) 5) Profile of Emergency Contact
(emergency family member, friend, community, hospital, police)
1) Strategy planning of abnormal outdoor activities emergency contact (asking, alerting, smart robot, calling
family, hospital or police) and handling (higher level of locking, locking of indoor items, safety room with
emergency communication devices for residents) 2) Strategy planning of abnormal indoor activities
emergency contact (asking, alerting, smart robot, calling family, hospital or police) and handling (smart
robot controlling crimes, safety room with emergency communication devices for residents) 3) Strategy
planning of appliances abnormal activities emergency contact (asking, alerting, intelligent robot, calling
family, or fire truck) and handling (controlling fires, controlling explosion, opening windows, loud alerting
to residents and other homes) 4) Strategy planning of natural environment normal and abnormal activities
emergency contact (alerting, calling family) and handling (calling government for general transportation, or
safety area in the earthquake)
1) Prediction of Intruder probability (criminal history) 2) Prediction of Environment variation (region
criminal rate, city education level, economic situations, local events) 3) Prediction of Human vulnerability
(home lock level, indoor property value, property explosion level) 4) Prediction of Property damage 5)
Prediction of Emergency events
ies of
Making Details
ions Safety & Security Function
Trade-off the planning of 1) Appliances management (energy consumption, quality, usable time) and backup
(emergency energy) 2) Entrance lock management and backup (emergency higher-level locker) 3) Furniture
management (smart curtains for a young woman) and backup (reflection window) 4) shopping (cost, quality)
and backup 5) home products (quality, usable time) and backup) of Hospital recommendation and backup
(home curing and self-protection method)
Peak reduction
& decrease
1) Efficient resource utilization at Peak Security Threat Time (entrance lock, emergency locker) 2) Efficient
resource utilization at Peak Human Threat Time and Area (smart robot, calling system) 3) Efficient resource
utilization at Peak Disaster Time and Area (safety room protection and communication devices) 4) Efficient
resource utilization at Energy consumption peak of appliances (appliances)
Energy saving
1) Devices Management 2) Energy saving for using appliances 3) Environmental protection for using
devices and appliances
well-being &
human safety
1) Fall detection (smart robot, medical method guidance) 2) Poisoning, elderly or people stroke (smart robot,
medical self-protection or CPR method guidance) 3) violence, gunshot (self-protection guidance, safety
region guidance, tools, and communication devices support) 4) intrusions (self-protection guidance, safety
region guidance, tools, and communication devices support) 5) firing (emergency path guidance) 6)
earthquake (fire extinguisher, emergency path guidance)
and safety
1) Daily education on Medical methods, self-protection methods, and emergency paths 2) Resources backup
(Safety room, self-protection tools, fire extinguishers, communication devices, smart robot) 3) post-disaster
reconstruction and curing
1) Resources supply in failure of the system (water, UPS or battery, communication devices, mechanical
property protection, strong mechanical locker) 2) Information Accuracy
Scheduling &
1) Stability: Periodic Human Involvement Scheduling, Cameras and devices scheduling and maintenance,
emergency gateway maintenance) 2) Energy supplies
User recommendation
& information
1) Summary Report of outdoor human safety; 2) Summary Report of indoor human safety; 3) Summary
Report of natural environment condition
1) Living supplies management (appliances) 2) Pollution and toxic substance management (air purifier) 3)
Resources management (locker, smart robot, energy)
ies of
Making Details
ions Basic Living Infrastructure: Supply, Storage, And Maintenance
1) Water supply and storage 2) Air supply and storage 3) Energy (Temperature/lighting), gas, fuel,
electricity, and charging supply 4) Communication network and internet supply 5) Clothing supply, storage,
and recycling 6) Appliances and equipment supply and maintenance (household and fitness equipment) 7)
Shopping supply and storage 8) Cleaning supply 9) infrastructure supply and maintenance
Task:1) Water supply and storage. 2) Air supply and storage. 3) Energy (Temperature/lighting), gas, fuel,
electricity, and charging supply. 4) Communication network and internet supply. 5) Clothing supply, storage,
and recycling. 6) Appliances and equipment supply and maintenance (household and fitness equipment). 7)
Shopping supply and storage. 8) Cleaning supply. 9) infrastructure supply and maintenance.
Possible Noises & Limitations:1) Supply chain network design. 2) Energy and cost constraints. 3) Downtime
in a disaster communication system (AlertMedia), damage to communication devices (cell phone, landline
telephone, Satellite phone, two-way radio, Citizens Band Radio, Amateur Radio, word-of-mouth). 4)
Infrastructure failure (network breaking in DLAN, safety room materials, and design choice). 5) Resistance
to interruption and communication noises (denial-of-service, bandwidth consumption)
Independent variables/Influencing factors/Input variables (Negative/Positive Correlation):1) Date, time,
number of people 2) Date, time, substance type 3) Date, time, type, lighting/heating/charging duration, price
per Watt 4) Duration, bandwidth, coverage area 5) People’s name, age, role, remaining number of cloth 6)
Date, time, appliance/equipment type, daily usage duration, daily usage times 7) supply type (paper,
shampoo), the remaining amount 8) item (table, floor, tools), location in the room (toilet, bedroom, kitchen),
daily usage times, dirty level 9) Number of people, number of rooms, room type lists, style preference,
special requirement, usage duration, usage frequency, cost
Dependent variables/Target variables/Output variables: Stability & Quality of 1) Daily water supply amount
(L), Daily remaining water amount (L) 2) pollution level, air purifier action type, emergency air amount 3)
Electricity amount (W), total price 4) total price 5) cloth style, number of new cloth 6) Fatigue level,
whether maintenance (boolean) 7) whether needs shopping (boolean) 8) whether needs cleaning (boolean),
cleaning type (washing, polishing, wiping, wrapping) 9) infrastructure plan, whether maintenance (boolean)
1) Context analysis and Minimal supply, maximal quality, and maximal reliability optimization analysis of
water supply and storage 2) Context analysis and Minimal supply, maximal quality, and maximal reliability
optimization analysis of air supply and storage 3) Context analysis and Minimal supply, maximal quality,
and maximal reliability optimization analysis of energy (Temperature/lighting/gas), fuel, electricity, and
charging supply 4) Context analysis and Minimal supply, maximal quality, and maximal reliability
optimization analysis of Communication network and internet supply 5) Context analysis and Minimal
supply, maximal quality, and maximal reliability optimization analysis of Clothing supply and storage 6)
Context analysis and Minimal supply, maximal quality, and maximal reliability optimization analysis of
Appliances and equipment supply and maintenance 7) Context analysis and Minimal supply, maximal
quality, and maximal reliability optimization analysis of Shopping supply and storage 8) Context analysis
and Minimal supply, maximal quality, and maximal reliability optimization analysis of Cleaning supply 9)
Context analysis, Minimal supply, maximal quality, and maximal reliability optimization analysis and
post-disaster construction analysis of home infrastructure (pipe size, age, material strength, structural design)
1) Profile of Family and individual usage and supply pattern (water, energy, cloth, communication,
shopping) 2) Profile of supplies market trend (current price, current stock) 3) Profile of appliances,
household, and equipment usage pattern 4) Profile of appliances, household and equipment maintenance
records 5) Profile of appliances, household and equipment cleaning records 6) Profile of charging fee and
services plan for different family needs
1) Strategy planning of Special events preparation and adjustment (natural disaster, epidemic, resource
shortage) 2) Strategy planning of Financial analysis 3) Strategy planning of Waste analysis 4) Strategy
planning of Energy consumption analysis 5) Strategy planning of Demand-based energy supply, prices &
services (refer to California case)
1) Prediction of Family and individual supply and usage demand (water, energy, cloth, communication,
shopping) 2) Prediction of supplies market (price trend, stock trend) 3) Prediction of appliances, household
and equipment usage, maintenance, and cleaning pattern
ies of
Making Details
ions Basic Living Infrastructure: Supply, Storage, And Maintenance
Trade-off planning of 1) supply amount management (cost, quality, convenience) 2) storage space
management (space efficiency, convenience) 3) appliances, household and equipment usage, maintenance,
and cleaning scheduling (energy consumption, efficiency, cost) 4) General financial planning
Peak reduction
& decrease
1) Efficient resource utilization during the inflation shopping period (prediction and preparation of supply,
big data) 2) Efficient resource utilization during the market shortage period (prediction and preparation of
supply, big data) 3) Efficient resource utilization for Supply distribution and sharing transportation
Energy saving
1) Recycling clothes and products 2) Low energy consumption and environmentally friendly products
shopping 3) Energy saving plan and action for using appliances 4) Environmental protection plan and action
for using devices and appliances (refer to EU bans foil-fuel-based vehicles)
well-being &
human safety
1) Shopping convenience (products and budget plans, products selection, and automatic ordering) 2)
unexpected events and adjustment (water suspension, energy shortage, products shortage, natural disasters,
pandemic, firing, CO poisoning) 3) hygiene
and safety
1) Daily education on supply preparation, market, and environment sensitivity 2) Resources back up (supply
safety, appliances, and energy safety) 3) Information safety and database security
1) Resources supply in failure of the system (parking, water, UPS or battery, communication devices,
melting salt during water suspension, energy shortage, products shortage, natural disasters, pandemic) 2)
Information accuracy
Scheduling &
1) Stability: appliance renewal, storage items expiration, appliance maintenance, noise control 2) Resources
supply: water ordering, energy service selection, space occupation (-parking service, public area, lifestyle)
User recommendation
& information
1) Summary Report of Energy usage pattern and services plan; 2) Summary Report of Appliance usage
pattern and products plan; 3) Summary Report of Products utilization pattern and shopping plan; 4)
Summary Report of household maintenance and cleaning plan; 5) Summary Report of daily human activity
pattern (water, cloth) application
1) Living supplies management 2) Emergency communication and handling (smart emergency robot) ; 3)
Resource management (Supply logistics)
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ions Basic Living Infrastructure: Waste Management And Hygiene
1) Waste category and amount assessment 2) waste handling period assessment 3) waste handling method
assessment (special handling, drugs, medical) 4) recycling assessment/home hygiene assessment
Task: In-depth understanding of 1) Waste generation and handling patterns 2) factors for compost, such as
temperature, and humidity 3) Demographic factors, such as age, household size, income level, and lifestyle
habits 4) Hygiene risk factors, such as the presence of bacteria or viruses that may impact human health 5)
Environmental factors, such as temperature, humidity, and air quality, which can impact waste generation
and hygiene m6) Impact of Current home equipment and appliance
Possible Noises & Limitations: N/A
Independent variables/Influencing factors/Input variables (Negative/Positive Correlation):1) amount of waste
generated per day, week, or month 2) frequency of disposal, method of disposal 3) Compost-related factors
such as temperature and humidity 4) Demographic factors such as age, household size, income level, and
lifestyle habits 5) Hygiene risk factors such as the presence of bacteria or viruses in the home environment
6) Environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, and air quality
Dependent variables/Target variables/Output variables:1) waste reduction strategies (composting, recycling,
reducing overall waste generation) 2) waste handling procedures (Segregation, Storage, Transportation,
Disposal, Recycling) 3) environmental control, adjustment, and warning (temperature, humidity, Light, Air
Quality, Pest Control)
1) understand how each impacting factor affects home waste management and hygiene 2) Each factor should
be evaluated in terms of its potential impact on the overall system performance and its level of uncertainty
3) the sensitivity of each factor may also depend on the specific goals of the model
1) Household demographics: such as age, income, household size, and education level 2) types and amounts
of waste generated/ timing and frequency of waste disposal 3) Waste handling methods 4) Environmental
factors 5) Behavioral factors, such as recycling habits and perceptions of cleanliness
System 1) Sensors and data collection 2) Decision-making algorithms 3) Integration with current waste management
infrastructure 4) User interface & Security and privacy
Prediction 1) Waste generation 2) Waste composition 3) Recycling rates 4) Hygiene practices 5) Waste handling
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ions Basic Living Infrastructure: Waste Management And Hygiene
1) Waste segregation optimization 2) Composting optimization 3) Cleaning optimization 4) Waste reduction
optimization 5) Hygiene monitoring optimization
Peak reduction
& decrease
1) time-of-use pricing and schedule 2) load balancing algorithms/demand-response programs 3) Algorithm
for during extreme conditions (extreme weather events/pandemic or other public health emergencies) 4)
waste levels sensor for garbage truck trips efficiency 5) Smart Tip and appliance for waste reduction
Energy saving
1) Energy-efficient waste management systems and renewable energy 2) Efficient use of resources (water,
food, supply) 3) education on chemical and toxic content usage 4) Recycling and upcycling 5) Smart
well-being &
human safety
1) Improved living environment, such as improved air quality, and Enhance hygiene 2) Potential hazards,
such as water leaks, gas leaks, or electrical malfunction 3) Personalized care and Stress reduction
and safety
1) Disaster risk reduction, such as floods and earthquakes 2) Emergency response 3) Intruder detection 4)
Fire safety 5) Cybersecurity
1) External disruptions such as Natural disasters, Pandemics 2) Waste generation pattern change 3) Senor
Failure 4) Power Outage 5) System exterior Contamination or blockages
Scheduling &
1) Waste planning (Waste bin monitoring and scheduling, Composting scheduling) 2) devices cleaning
coordination 3) Maintenance and repair scheduling
User recommendation
& information
1) Waste reduction and hygiene education (tips and methods) (Composting information) 2) give User waste
generation feedback 3) User info change (demographic info change, new lifestyle)
1) Smart waste management systems 2) Smart ventilation systems (to prevent the building up of harmful
pollutants) 3) Automated cleaning and disinfection systems 4) Automated pest control systems
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Making Details
ions Physiological & Logistical Function And Living Conditions Improvement And Innovation
1) Human Activity Recognition 2) Health Monitoring 3) Environment quality assessment 4) Physical and
emotional Status assessment 5) Vicinity environment assessment 6) Integrated understanding and Innovation
Task: In-depth understanding of 1) relationships between human activity, health, and environmental
conditions 2) detect potential health issues 3) environmental conditions in the home (such as air quality,
temperature, and humidity) 4) Demographic factors, such as age, household size, income level, and lifestyle
Possible Noises & Limitations: N/A
Independent variables/Influencing factors/Input variables (Negative/Positive Correlation):1) Data on human
activity (sensors or wearables) 2) Health data from health monitoring devices 3) Environmental data
(temperature, humidity, air quality) 4) Demographic data (age, household size, income level, lifestyle habits)
5) Data on home infrastructure and appliances (Smart Home devices) 6) Data on surrounding infrastructure
(transportation, healthcare facilities)
Dependent variables/Target variables/Output variables:1) Recommendations for personalized living
conditions improvements; Innovations and new technologies to improve the living conditions 2) Alerts and
notifications for potential health issues (reminders for medication, doctor appointments, warnings for
abnormal vital signs) 3) Automatic management of Smart Home systems (auto light, thermostats, cleaning,
cooking scheduling)
Impact analysis of 1) Human behavior and activity patterns 2) Environmental conditions in the home, such
as air quality, temperature, and humidity 3) Health data, such as biometric measurements, medication
schedules, and medical history 4) Demographic factors, such as age, household size, income level, and
lifestyle habits 5) appliance of Smart Home system
1) User demographics 2) Home characteristics (home size, layout, infrastructures) 3) Environmental factors
(local climate, location) 4) Available data sources (weather reports, traffic data, air quality indices) 5) User
behavior patterns (daily routine, habits, preferred temp, lighting, etc) 6) Home appliance performance
metrics (reliability, response time, accuracy of prediction)
System 1) Activity recognition models 2) Health monitoring models 3) Environmental quality models 4)
Demographic modeling 5) Energy management models 6) Feedback and recommendation models
Prediction 1) risk of falls and other accidents 2) potential health issues 3) energy usage 4) household occupancy 5)
residents’ behavior and preferences 6) maintenance needs for systems and appliances
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Making Details
ions Physiological & Logistical Function And Living Conditions Improvement And Innovation
1) Resource Energy consumption optimization (ex. energy, water, etc.) 2) material cycle Waste, and recycling
management optimization 3) Resource sharing optimization 4) Time management optimization 5) Residents’
Health status optimization by monitoring and controlling environmental factors (air quality, temperature, etc.)
Peak reduction
& decrease
1) Load shifting 2) Smart thermostats 3) Smart Lighting controls 4) Renewable energy and Energy storage
systems 5) Demand response mechanism
Energy saving
1) Energy-efficient home appliances (lighting, HVAC optimization) 2) Renewable energy use 3)
Implementation of green building (using sustainable materials) 4) Integration of smart transportation (EV) 5)
Automatic management of shades, blinds, and curtains for natural lighting utilization
well-being &
human safety
1) Smart lighting systems (healthy circadian rhythms, improve mood, increase energy levels) 2) Home
Environment control system (Air quality monitoring and filtration, Smart temperature control systems, smart
cleaning robot) 3) Personalized health tracking systems 4) Smart home assistants (voice controls, virtual
assistance, smart navigation)
and safety
1) Lifestyle risk assessment 2) Health monitoring
1) Redundancy and fault tolerance 2) Predictive maintenance 3) Self-healing systems (detect and correct
errors automatically) 4) Backup power 5) Data security and privacy 6) Disaster preparedness 7) Remote
monitoring and control (smartphones and other devices)
Scheduling &
1) Resource consumption management scheduling 2) Home environment control scheduling 3) Scheduling of
appliance maintenance 4) Coordination of home appliances and devices 5) Scheduling of residents activities
User recommendation
& information
1) Personalized recommendations (lighting, temperature) 2) Health and wellness information (medication,
exercise) 3) Energy efficiency tips (turning off lights, thermostat adjustment) 4) Personal Safety and security
information (doors, windows, personal info.) 5) Home appliance and device Maintenance reminders
1) Home environment management (air quality, light, temp.) 2) Disinfection and sanitation management 3)
Demand management (residents resource continuous supply insurance)
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Making Details
ions Centralized Coordination
1) Available Resource assessment (physical/virtual), such as energy sources, water sources, waste
management systems, transportation infrastructure, and communication networks 2) Relationship assessment,
such as the relationship between the property management company and the residents or the relationships
between different households 3) Community Information flow collection and assessment such as social
media platforms, community newsletters, and communication networks 4) outreaching and social sensings,
such as communication with residents and other communities and analyzing social media and other online
sources 5) emergency and unexpected events assessment, such as natural disasters, power outages 6)
vulnerability assessment, such as elderly, disable, family with low-income
Task: In-depth understanding of the effect of 1) Demographics and Population Dynamics, such as age,
gender, household size, income, and education level 2) Environmental Factors, such as climate, weather
patterns, and air quality (heavy rain may require excessive taxis, and extreme weather can affect the
availability and reliability of energy sources and communication networks) 3) Economic and Market Factors,
such as energy prices, supply and demand for housing, local economic trends 4) Legal and Regulatory
Factors, such as privacy, data protection, and energy efficiency 5) Technological Factors, such as the
availability and accessibility of modern technology 6) Social and Behavioral Factors, such as culture, social
norms, and individual attitudes
Possible Noises & Limitations:1) Inaccurate and incomplete data, ex. Missing or contains errors 2) Data
availability, biases, Outliers, and anomalies. 3) Unreliable data sources, Measurement errors, uncertainty, and
complexity 4) Human factors and biases, such as privacy and security concerns 5) Lack of standardization in
data collection, formatting, organizing, and reporting 6) Differences in data interpretation and analysis
methodologies 7) Environmental inconsistency factors, such as weather, natural disasters 8) Variable
interactions (the complexity of interactions between different variables)
Independent variables/Influencing factors/Input variables (Negative/Positive Correlation):1) Demographic
data, age, gender, household size, income, education level, employment status, marital status, ethnicity,
religion, health status, migration patterns, fertility rates, mortality rates, birth rates 2) Environmental factors
data, temperature, humidity, precipitation, wind speed, solar radiation, air quality, natural disasters
(hurricanes, floods, earthquakes) 3) Economic and Market Factors, energy prices, housing prices, mortgage
rates, inflation rates, GDP growth rates, unemployment rates, 4) Legal and Regulatory Factors, privacy laws,
data protection regulations, energy efficiency standards, building codes, zoning laws m5) Technological
Factors, availability and accessibility of modern technology (Smart Home devices, renewable energy
technologies, electric vehicles), adoption rates, innovation 6) Social and Behavioral Factors, cultural and
social norms, individual attitudes, social networks, lifestyle choices
Dependent variables/Target variables/Output variables: Strategy and optimization of 1) Energy efficiency by
coordinating and regulating heating, cooling, lighting, and appliance usage 2) Enhanced security and safety
by integrating security and safety features, such as smart locks, surveillance cameras, and motion sensors 3)
Improved health and wellness by monitoring and controlling indoor air quality, humidity, and temperature 4)
Increased convenience and comfort 5) Enhanced communication and connectivity 6) Data analytics and
insights, such as energy consumption, weather patterns, and occupant behavior
Understanding and evaluating the impact of: 1) Demographic data: on types of groups that should be
connected and involved in the system 2) Environmental factors data: on the energy usage and needs of the
home; on the reliability of the system during extreme weather events 3) Economic and Market Factors: on
the affordability and availability of technology and resources for the system 4) Legal and Regulatory
Factors: on the privacy, data protection, and energy efficiency standards of the system 5) Technological
Factors: on the accessibility and adoption rates of modern technology for the system 6) Social and
Behavioral Factors: on the cultural and social norms surrounding the use of the system; on the lifestyle
choices, occupants attitudes.
1) Demographic profiling, such as age, gender, income, and education level N2) Behavioral profiling,
including behaviors, routines, and habits 3) Environmental profiling, including weather patterns, and air
quality 4) Security profiling, such as collecting data on the security and safety, surveillance cameras, and
smart locks 5) Communication profiling, such as preferred modes of communication, the frequency of
communication 6) Energy, resource usage, and the Waste amount and type profiling 7) Transportation
profiling, such as residents’ transportation patterns (carpooling, biking, or public transit) 8) Social profiling,
such as residents’ social networks and community involvement 9) Cultural profiling, including residents’
cultural backgrounds and values 10) Home appliance and device profiling, including the technological
infrastructure of the home
1) Resource coordination modeling, including efficient use of available resources modeling, identify
potential issues, relationships, and dependencies between resources modeling, historical usage patterns, and
forecast future usage modeling 2) communication, relationship, Outreaching, social sensing modeling 3)
Community Information Flow modeling 4) Emergency and Unexpected Events modeling 5) Vulnerability
and special support modeling
1) Energy consumption patterns, ex. types, amount 2) Weather patterns, such as temperature, humidity, and
precipitation M3) Occupant behavior, such as how residents interact with devices and appliances, rest time
4) Equipment failure, such as detecting malfunction parts before shutdown 5) Security threat, such as
intruders, transpassing, 6) Health and wellness risks, ex. Detect health risks such as poor air quality, and
high humidity 7) Communication network availability
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Making Details
ions Centralized Coordination
1) Community resource distribution /coordination 2) Energy, water, waste, transportation, communication,
resource allocation, disaster preparedness, data management, financial management, policy management
Peak reduction
& decrease
1) Extreme Weather preparation and prediction 2) Peak resources demand hours, such as evening, and
community events, activities - Load shifting, Demand response, Renewable energy source availability 3)
Resource management, including water, electricity, gas, resource storage 4) Unexpected equipment failure,
outages prediction, planned maintenance, repair work on energy systems 5) Emergency response events,
such as power outages or natural disasters 6) Changes in resident behavior, such as increased use of
energy-consuming devices 7) Coming and leaving residents from the community
Energy saving
1) Centralized Smart Thermostats and Energy-Efficient optimized light systems 2) Renewable Energy
Sources 3) Resources Management Systems, including water, electricity, and gas. ex. monitoring energy
usage and providing recommendations on how to optimize energy usage to reduce all kinds of resource
waste 4) Smart Appliances, such as refrigerators and washing machines 5) Waste reduction and recycling,
such as advising composting, recycling, and reducing single-use plastics and packaging 6) Centralized
management of Green Roofs, such as providing natural insulation and promoting natural cooling 7) Smart
Landscaping ex. centralized control for water conservation promotion 8) Sustainable Materials usage, such
as bamboo, and reclaimed wood 9) Educational approach, providing resources and mechanisms to encourage
and promote residents to have sustainable living styles
well-being &
human safety
1) Health monitoring and management, such as using smart sensors and wearables 2) Personalized comfort
settings, such as temperature, and lighting 3) Security and safety systems, such as smart locks, and video
surveillance 4) Emergency response and evacuation, such as plans for natural disasters, power outages 5)
Accessibility and mobility, such as people with disabilities or mobility challenges
and safety
1) Cybersecurity and Data privacy 2) System failures 3) Physical safety, such as electrical hazards, fire
hazards, and trip hazards 4) Compliance with regulations and standards, such as building codes, electrical
codes, and data privacy laws 5) System maintenance and inspection
1) Redundancy, backup, flexibility, diversity, and modularity of the systems 2) Emergency and unexpected
events services and human involvement, Remote monitoring and control 3) Direct communication with local
emergency and services 4) Physical component maintenance, such as wire quality, appliance lifecycle 5)
Predictive and periodic maintenance, continuous improvements and optimization 6) Medical and emergency
resources management, such as first-aid package
Scheduling &
1) Device scheduling to reduce device energy consumption, such as HVAC systems, and home appliances 2)
Task scheduling to coordinate tasks between different Smart Home devices, for example, scheduling
washing machines, and dryers to run during off-peak hours. 3) Communication scheduling, such as
scheduling meetings between residents property management, and with between communities, sending
newsletters for information providing and updating 4) Services coordination, such as public facilities,
medical services, parks, community centers, and libraries 5) Resources scheduling, such as energy sources,
waste, transportation, networks 6) Maintenance scheduling, such as device updated, system backups
User recommendation
& information
1) Personalized Recommendations, such as appliance use, entertainment options, and shopping 2) Out-door
information, such as weather, traffic, and crowdedness 3) Data privacy information, such as potential leaking
risk 4) Vicinity Resources information, such as public facilities, medical services, parks, community centers,
1) User preferences and needs, such as temperature, and lighting 2) Maintenance, such as identifying
potential issues and adjusting schedules, and providing advice 3) System upgrade, including physical
components and running algorithm 4) Security and Privacy, such as monitoring, managing, protecting
personal data 5) Energy management, such as monitoring, managing, coordinating and optimizing water,
electricity and gas usage in the community 6) Emergency management and coordination, such as fires,
medical emergencies
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Making Details
ions Family And User Private Data Protection Platform & Cloud
1) Effect of Culture difference on privacy understanding 2) Current cloud and platform system and
establishment understanding 3) Trend and user’s perspective understanding 4) Privacy regulation and
compliance understanding, such as data protection laws and regulations (GDPR, CCPA)
Task:Find the most suitable choices according to different needs to make in-depth understanding of the
following: 1) Types of data generated and processed, such as name, address, phone number, health data,
financial data 2) Data flow, including the process of collecting, transmitting, process, storing, and passing
sensors, devices, gateways, and servers 3) Data ownership, such as homeowner, device owner, service
provider, user, third party 4) Data sharing within the Smart Home ecosystem, such as device manufacturers,
service providers, third-party apps, as well as data sharing agreements, consent mechanisms, privacy policies
5) Privacy risk, including during the process of data flow, identifying vulnerabilities in the Smart Home
ecosystem, such as data breaches, hacking, unauthorized access 6) Protection methods, such as encryption,
access controls, and secure communication protocols, as well as legal protections, such as privacy policies,
data protection officers, privacy impact assessments
Possible Noises & Limitations:1) Data availability 2) Environmental factors, including interference from
other devices, physical obstructions, electromagnetic interference, severe weather conditions, such as
thunderstorms 3) Inaccurate and incomplete data, such as Sensor and device malfunction 4) Unreliable data
sources, measurement errors, uncertainty, complexity 5) Biases, Outliers, and anomalies, such as affecting
data collection, analysis, and interpretation 6) Human factors, such as Human error, user behavior (such as
sharing passwords, downloading unauthorized apps, failing to update software) 7) Lack of standardization in
data collection, formatting, organizing, reporting 8) Differences in data interpretation and analysis
methodologies. 9) Malicious attacks and security breaches 10) Variable interactions (complexity of
interactions between different variables (conflicting interest)) 11) Changing laws and regulations
Independent variables/Influencing factors/Input variables (Negative/Positive Correlation): 1) understanding
the needs of the information data management, 2) Data understanding, including a) Identification of data
types and sources, such as name, address, phone number, health data, or financial data b) Data flow
mapping. c) Data ownership mapping d) Data sharing: Device manufacturers, Service providers, Third-party
apps, Data sharing agreements, Consent mechanisms, Privacy policies 3) Assessment of different options: a)
Data ownership, privacy, protection measurement b) Data-sharing agreements and policies) Privacy risk:
Data breaches, Hacking, Unauthorized access, Misuse of data, Inadequate security measures 4) Legal
Requirements, such as privacy laws and regulations
Dependent variables/Target variables/Output variables:1) choices of different data platforms 2) tradeoff
between added value and data sharing request 3) Data flow: where data is collected, how it is transmitted,
how it is processed, where it is stored, and who has access to it 4) Protection methods: Encryption, Access
controls, Secure communication protocols, Legal protections such as privacy policies, data protection officers
5) To Resident the impact assessment (privacy impact of new technologies, services, policy) and
Recommendations of the other possible choices, such as enhancing data privacy and security methods and
Impact Analysis of: 1) The types of data generated and processed to protection levels and requirements 2)
Data flow mapping, including where data is collected, transmitted, processed, and stored, to the potential
privacy risks 3) Data ownership mapping to data protection and privacy regulation compliance
1) User behavior, such as application and website browsing time and frequency 2) User preferences, such as
privacy setting 3) Device information, such as hardware components and software version 4) Data
sensitivity, such as name, address, phone number, health data, financial data. (for providing
recommendations for data handling and security measures) 5) user’s context, such as physical environment,
including location, time, social context, presence of visitors
1) Privacy risk assessment system 2) Data flow mapping system 3) Data protection regulation and laws
compliance system 4) User consent management system, including data collection, processing, and sharing
in Smart Homes 5) Privacy impact assessment system, including analyzing the impact of new Smart Home
technologies, services, and policies
Prediction 1) Privacy risks 2) User behaviors and preferences 3) Device and appliance maintenance 4) Peak electricity
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ions Family And User Private Data Protection Platform & Cloud
Management 1) Computing resources 2) Network resources 3) Energy resources 4) Storage resources
Peak reduction
& decrease
1) demand response programs for High electricity demand during peak hours 2) data transfer scheduler for
large data upload/download
Energy saving
1) Optimization of smart devices and appliance usage efficiency 2) Renewable energy sources, such as solar
panels 3) Smart thermostats for device cooling and resident’s comfort
well-being &
human safety
1) Prevention of unauthorized access by data encryption methods 2) User’s data privacy protection by
limiting data collection and storage to only necessary for the system functions 3) Ensure Third party
services or apps adhere to data protection and privacy standards
and safety
1) Data breaches, such as unauthorized access to private data 2) Home device and appliances malfunctions
and failures 3) Cyber attacks 4) Natural disasters, such as floods, and forest fires 5) User errors, such as
unintentional compromising their privacy information, sharing sensitive information
1) System failures, such as platform, app 2) Cyber attacks 3) User’s behaviors, such as changing and
variation of behaviors of the users 4) Environmental factors, such as fluctuations in temperature and
humidity levels 5) System upgrades and updates, such as being able to adapt and incorporate new features
of communicating systems and platforms
Scheduling &
1) Data backups 2) System updates 3) User access management (Coordinating user access to ensure that
users only have access to the data and features that are necessary) 4) Resource allocation, such as power,
memory, network bandwidth
User recommendation
& information
1) Privacy and security recommendations, such as improving the privacy and security of the data, changing
passwords periodically, and enabling two-factor authentication 2) Usage information, such as device usage
1) Personalized settings 2) Security and privacy management, such as encryption, access control, and data
deletion 3) Network and algorithm management, such as communication between home devices, appliances,
manufacturer, third party, user, etc., while ensuring security and privacy 4) Energy management 5)
Maintenance and repair
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Making Details
ions Integrative & Sustainable Home And Lifestyle (Lifestyle Management, Community Support, Material Cycle
1) Current Lifestyle and Outsource information understanding 2) New lifestyle perspective understanding
(general concepts, transportation, heat, singles) 3) current progress and improvements understanding 4)
Vulnerable group’s understanding 5) outreaching Local Culture and relationship Understanding
Task: In-depth understanding of 1) Climate and weather patterns, 2) Energy consumption, 3) Household
occupancy and activity patterns 4) Waste production, disposal, and recycling patterns 5) Indoor
environments, such as air quality and ventilation, 6) Smart appliance usage and scheduling 7) Transportation
and commute patterns 8) Residents’ Health and wellness status 9) Home design, infrastructure such as
materials used 10) Resident acceptance and opinion, such as privacy, culture concerns
Possible Noises & Limitations:1) Incomplete, inaccurate, and limited data 2) Outlier 3) Seasonal variations,
such as energy usage during different seasons, years m4) Measurement errors, uncertainty, complexity,
sensor errors 5) Human factors and biases, such as residents’ privacy concerns, cultural norms 6)
Environmental factors, such as weather, natural disasters 7) Variable interactions
Independent variables/Influencing factors/Input variables (Negative/Positive Correlation):1) Temperature,
humidity, precipitation, wind speed and direction, sunshine duration, air pressure 2) energy usage data,
appliance usage pattern, resource pricing (water, electricity, gas) 3) user’s motion and pattern, room
occupancy and usage, and user’s schedule m4) waste amount and type, recycling and composting
information and habits 5) indoor air quality, temperature, humidity, pollution, emergency events such as
natural fire, chemical exposure 6) appliance types and amount, usage data, energy consumption data, user’s
schedule 7) distance, traffic and road conditions data, public transportation schedule data 8) Resident’s
health-related parameters, such as age, weight, height, allergy, etc. 9) home construction and design data,
including designer info, the material used, cost, etc. 10) Resident’s manual input about privacy, religious,
culture related data. And daily resident’s behavioral and oral information gathering
Dependent variables/Target variables/Output variables:1) Home environment control plan, such as heating,
and natural ventilation use 2) Peak load reduction strategies, Resource Saving plan and predictions 3)
Optimized appliance scheduling, Personalized recommendations for energy-efficient behaviors and habits 4)
Optimized waste, compost, and recycling plans, 5) personalized plan for air quality and ventilation; alerts
for potential air quality issues 6) optimized appliance scheduling and usage; recommendations for
energy-efficient appliance replacements; alerts for appliance malfunctions 7) optimized and personalized
route planning, mode of transportation, and schedule recommendations and reminders, alerts for traffic
congestion, road closures. 8) personalized healthcare recommendations and tips for healthy habits, alerts for
potential health hazards in the home environment. 9) recommendation for sustainable and energy-efficient
home design and construction plans; alerts for potential infrastructure issues 10) personalized privacy and
security settings and breaches alerts
Impact analysis of 1) climate and weather patterns on energy consumption, indoor air quality, and other
factors 2) energy consumption patterns on energy costs, greenhouse gas emissions 3) building design and
materials on energy efficiency, indoor air quality 4) the usage of smart appliances on energy consumption,
cost savings 5) changes in transportation patterns on energy consumption and user’s behavior 6) residents’
health status on energy consumption, indoor air quality 7) changes in waste management and recycling
patterns on energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions 8) resident acceptance and opinion on the
adoption of sustainable home technologies
1) Demographic profiling, such as age, gender, income, and education level 2) Behavioral profiling,
including behaviors, routines, and habits 3) Environmental profiling, including weather patterns, air quality,
and local regulations 4) Health profiling, including lifestyle choices 5) Energy and resource usage profiling
6) Waste amount and type profiling 7) Transportation profiling, such as residents’ transportation patterns
(carpooling, biking, or public transit.) 8) Social profiling, such as residents’ social networks and community
involvement 9) Cultural profiling, including residents’ cultural backgrounds and values 10) Home appliance
and device profiling, including the technological infrastructure of the home
1) Building Management Systems, such as modeling heating, ventilation, and air conditioning, lighting,
power systems 2) Home Energy Management Systems, such as modeling appliances and devices 3)
Environmental Monitoring Systems, including both indoor and outdoor, such as temperature, humidity, air
quality, and weather patterns 4) Home Automation Systems, for example integrating devices and appliances
in the home such as thermostats, lighting, security systems, and entertainment systems m5) Waste
Management Systems, such as managing and optimizing waste disposal and recycling 6) Health and
Wellness Management Systems, such as monitoring residents status and providing insights 7) Smart
Transportation Systems, such as predicting and optimizing transportation and commute patterns
Predictions and patterns of 1) Energy consumption 2) Climate and weather 3) Activity and Occupancy 4)
Waste production 5) Indoor environment 6) Health and wellness 7) Device and appliance maintenance needs
8) Travel and Transportation 9) Financial, income and expense 10) Lifestyle changes
ies of
Making Details
ions Integrative & Sustainable Home And Lifestyle (Lifestyle Management, Community Support, Material Cycle
Optimization of Energy, water, waste, time, resource allocation, demand, maintenance, resource sharing,
Peak reduction
& decrease
Load shifting, Demand response, Energy storage, Renewable energy sources, home automation, thermal
energy storage, time of use pricing
Energy saving
1) Energy-efficient appliance usage 2) Renewable energy integration 3) Demand response, such as
incentivizing residents to reduce energy usage during peak usage 4) Smart home automation 5) Sustainable
home design, such as sustainable materials, energy-efficient insulation, passive solar design 6) Water saving,
such as low-flow toilets and showerheads, water leakage detection system 7) Waste reduction and recycling,
such as advising composting, recycling, and reducing single-use plastics and packaging 8) Transportation
optimization, such as advising sustainable transportation (Walking, biking, or public transit) 9) Educational
approach, providing resources and mechanism to encourage and promote residents to have sustainable living
well-being &
human safety
1) Home Environment and resources monitoring and management, including Air quality, Water quality, and
energy (electricity and gas) usage 2) Security monitoring and Emergency response systems, such as fires, and
intruders 3) Smart appliances and lighting, such as creating comfortable and relaxing living environment,
improving safety by automatically turning on lights 4) Noise reduction, such as noise-canceling technology
5) Personalized health monitoring, such as through sensors and wearables to provide personalized health
insights and alerts, including monitoring vital signs, tracking sleep patterns, and providing reminders for
medication and appointments 6) Fall detection and prevention 7) Home automation, such as cleaning robots
and safety
1) Fire and smoke detection 2) Water leak detection 3) Carbon monoxide detection 4) Burglar alarms 5)
Emergency lighting 6) Emergency response systems 7) Smart locks 8) Surveillance systems 9) Disaster
preparedness 10) Backup power systems
1) Redundancy and backup systems 2) Multiple energy sources 3) Remote monitoring and control 4) Direct
communication with local emergency services 5) Periodic maintenance, continuous improvements, and
Scheduling &
1) Smart appliance scheduling, such as washing machines, dryers, and dishwashers 2) HVAC system
scheduling 3) Lighting scheduling 4) Renewable energy scheduling, such as solar panels, and wind turbines
5) Waste collection scheduling 6) Water usage scheduling 7) Coordination between appliances 8) User
behavior schedule, ex. advising sustainable lifestyles 9) Devices and appliance Maintenance scheduling
User recommendation
& information
1) Energy usage, such as adjusting usage during peak hours 2) Home environment improvements, such as
proving weather, and climate for optimized home ventilation energy usage and comfort 3) Health and
wellness (providing personalized healthcare recommendations based on the resident’s lifestyle) 4)
Transportation, such as recommending the most efficient transportation options 5) Smart appliance usage,
such as minimizing energy usage 6) Sustainable lifestyle (sustainable lifestyle choices such as reducing meat
consumption) 7) Home design and infrastructure (sustainable and energy-efficient materials and designs for
home construction and renovation)
Management and adjustment of 1) Smart appliance 2) Indoor environment management, such as air quality,
temperature, and ventilation 3) Water usage management 4) Waste management 5) Energy management 6)
Smart home maintenance 7) Security management 8) User behavior management9) Disaster preparedness10)
Home automation
Major Functions
AI Technology
Computer Vision
Semantic Sound,
Natural Language
Processing, Social
Media, Twitter
Smart Agent,
Internet of Things,
APP, System Design
(Wifi, Radio,
AR,VR, etc.)
Safety &
1.1 -
Sheltering &
from bad
weather and
(air quality,
no pollution,
noise control,
etc., no
inspection of
(interior &
rior) [245];
images [246]
camera to
Process &
noises [248]
[249]; Eliminating
disturbances [250];
Human Activity
Prediction; Activity
Scheduling; Soil and
weather condition
monitoring; Noise
detection system;
control [251];gas
leakage [252];Filter-
ing additive
noise [253] [254];
recognition [255];
navigation [248]; fire
detection [249];
Social Media
taxonomy of
risk analysis
Home data
sharing; Live
home events
broadcast [256];
MQ air sensors,
Ethernet and LED
and Buzzer alert
tem [257] [258];
wireless LPG
system [259]
virtual home tour;
home fitment and
decoration; carbon
monoxide (CO)
monitoring [260];
smart water grid
(SWG) and
sensors [261]; sell
NFT with extra
tax to compensate
for the
costs [262]
1.2 -
Sheltering &
from intruders
of people de-
tection [263];
motion detec-
tion [264]
[265]; face
tion [266];
Process and
audio [267]
Co-oporation with
CV and other
sensors; Position
tion [269];Audio
adversarial attack
on AED
system [270];
Adversarial attack
fense [271] [272];
Abnormal human
activity recognition
and predic-
tion [273] [274]
[275] [276]; Special
events prediction;
detection [277] [278]
[279]; mitigate
attacks and SDN
ensabler [280] [281];
tion for
resident vs.
traits [285];
Social Media
content anal-
ysis [286];
Connection to
police network;
suspicious activity
longitudinal info
share & tracking;
IOT: residential
window sill
anti-theft doors
windows [287],
AR and VR for
blockchain based
IoT [288];NFT for
tion [289];RFID
based applications
Major Functions
AI Technology
Computer Vision
Semantic Sound,
Natural Language
Processing, Social
Media, Twitter
Machine Learning Smart Agent,
Internet of Things,
APP, System Design
(Wifi, Radio,
AR,VR, etc.)
Safety &
1.3 -
system: (fire,
might fail),
ing [291] [292];
and evaluation;
tracking [293];
fall detec-
tion [294];
behaviors de-
tection [295];
fires [296];
tions [297];
detection using
satellite radar
images [298]
with CV;
cough [299]
[300] [301];
screaming for
help [302];
glass breaking,
screaming and
siren [303];
violence lan-
guage [304];
recognition al-
activity [305];
fall detection
radar) [306];
cardiac arrest
tion [307];
[308]; food
safety [309];
disasters pre-
diction [310]
response; TAP
and Intelligent
for Connected
and Privacy
language for
Recognize and
info; Social
Media content
robot [311];
smart phone
based rescue
robot after
disasters [312]
resources sharing;
ask for help; Stroke
app [313]; IoT for
food quality
control [314]; food
gas detec-
tion [315];GSM
based remote
appliance control
system [316];
prevention [317];
fire drill
training [319];
metaverse for
care [320];
Major Functions
AI Technology
Computer Vision Semantic Sound,
Natural Language
Processing, Social
Media, Twitter
Smart Agent,
Internet of Things,
APP, System Design
(Wifi, Radio,
AR,VR, etc.)
supply and
basic living
energy, fuel,
system for
smart devices
system, ICT
network, etc.
Visual inspection of the
environment for optimal
comfort and energy
HAR/presence detection
for energy savings;
automated stream [321];
river water
management [322]; face
mask detection [323];
lighting for improved
ML [324] [325]; energy
strategies [326] [327];
detection [328] [329];
wildfire fuel [330];
meter reading [331];
power transmission lines
management [332]
analysis of
the environ-
Smart energy
fire detection;
gas leakage
Water Quality
irritation system;
Smart Home
appliances control
and automation
system; LPS
leakage monitoring
system; info display
and SMS
VR and AR
for the fire
and supplies
AR Technology -
previewing clothing
Closet &
management; big
online shopping,
VR and AR
for clothing
and equipment
Major Functions
AI Technology
Computer Vision
Semantic Sound,
Natural Language
Processing, Social
Media, Twitter
Machine Learning Smart Agent,
Internet of Things,
APP, System Design
(Wifi, Radio,
AR,VR, etc.)
ture &
ment and
system, toilet,
inspection of
the waste
cycle; Smart
Social Media
Recycling app
NFT (Old
detection and
trash detection
voice interface
(recycled /
discovery; en-
product usage
(eg. some
trash recycling
Social Media
Hitchhiker’s system N/A
Major Functions
AI Technology
Computer Vision Semantic Sound,
Natural Language
Processing, Social
Media, Twitter
Machine Learning Smart Agent,
Internet of Things,
APP, System Design
(Wifi, Radio,
AR,VR, etc.)
and Living
4.1 Food
safety as-
Food quality
analysis [333];
based sensors for
monitoring food
quality and shelf
life [334]; food
detection in smart
refrigerators [335];
food recognition
based on SSD
detection [336];
music to
management and
Smart diet
(residents diet
and make orders
via fridge and
phone [337] [338];
robotic kitchen
system [339]
Food organization
and preparation;
Food safety and
freshness indica-
tor [340] [341];
solar box
cooker [342];
Cooking Ma-
chine [343] [344];
smart cooking
device for
impaired [345]
food types
audio and
motion sen-
sors) [346];
diet moni-
toring [347],
device [348]
Cook APP; Diet and
recipe sharing;
IoT-based food
monitoring [349];
IoT-Based Diet
System [350]; Smart
Kitchen Wardrobe
System [351]
VR and
AR in-
health &
Visual health
with CV;
vital sign
system for
adults [353];
sensors for
health moni-
toring [354]
HAR; Scheduling;
Health analysis;
remote patient
through mobile
health (wearable
and machine
based) [355]
medicine, diet and
activity; rescue
hint; emergency
call ask for help;
remote health
monitoring for
elderly through
sensors [356];
Health monitoring
system for
predicting type 2
diabetes and
hypertension [357]
diet and
rescue hint;
(hospital or
Doctor and medical
resources APP; IoT
based smart health
system and smart
fitness mirror [358];
remote patient
4.0) [359] [360]; IoT
based health
monitoring using
body sensors [361];
IoT based health
monitoring [362],
cloud-based [363]
VR and
AR rescue
VR and
AR virtual
Major Functions
AI Technology
Computer Vision Semantic Sound,
Natural Language
Processing, Social
Media, Twitter
Smart Agent,
Internet of Things,
APP, System Design
(Wifi, Radio,
AR,VR, etc.)
& Logistical
and Living
4.3 Outdoor
Mobility &
for public
(parking, registration,
activitity recognition;
including cars,
etc.) [364]; wrong
car pariking detect
system [365]; license
plate recogni-
tion [366] [367];
parking [368] [364]
ental noise
ing; smart
Trip, path and
attraction plan-
ning [369] [370]
[371] [372]
records (cars,
people etc.);
planning [374]
Key man-
part of
smart trip
and au-
cles [375]
Trip sharing
(experience, finding
partners etc.); traffic
and emergency
community based
car-pool [376];
car-pool algorithm
strategy [377] [378]
[379]; customized
bus route [380]; bus
route connect
home [381] [382]
AR and VR
traffic and
VR travel-
ling [383] [384];
metaver trip
planning [385]
4.4 Indoor
seniors, kids,
untidy up,
and clutter
Fall detection;
Gesture Recognition
tal noises;
unusual cir-
with CV
Path Planning
Emergency calls (eg.
call the hospital,
police, or family)
VR and AR
4.5 Activity
tion &
ment, social,
study, work,
Activity recognition Audio Un-
Info Sharing
(friends); Daily
Planning App
VR and AR
for the activity
or places
suggested for
through info
and better
decision making
for the user
Major Functions
AI Technology
Computer Vision
Semantic Sound,
Natural Language
Processing, Social
Media, Twitter
Smart Agent,
Internet of Things,
APP, System Design
(Wifi, Radio,
AR,VR, etc.)
plants, art,
Wall bulge
Layout planning
Noise level
nance &
Social media
content analysis
Info sharing
VR and AR 3D
5.2 Home
Family &
real-time event
(Stampede and
other dangerous
Remote voice
channel (5G,
Human activity
Social media
content analysis
Online Interest,
VR and AR
virtual tourism
Major Functions
AI Technology
Computer Vision
Semantic Sound,
Natural Language
Processing, Social
Media, Twitter
Smart Agent,
Internet of Things,
APP, System Design
(Wifi, Radio,
AR,VR, etc.)
and User
& Cloud
6.1 Data
vehicles status
Smart Indoor
(security, help
disabled taking
bath, nakedness
detection, etc.);
information and
on voice, and
sound data)
with CV and
and activity);
Phishing email
tion [386] [387];
tion (user
Phishing email
natural language
translation, and
Privacy leakage
detection APP,
defense against
Smart Home
attacks (IoT,
APPs); Big data
Protocols [388]
[389] [390]
blockchain [389]
ments) [390]
6.2 Data
for verification
and access
for verification
and access
the user’s
identity and
user’s routine
for abnormal
robot al-
sharing and
with cautious
privacy control
IoT with
cautious privacy
control N/A
Major Functions
AI Technology
Computer Vision Semantic Sound,
Natural Language
Processing, Social
Media, Twitter
Internet of Things,
APP, System Design
(Wifi, Radio,
AR,VR, etc.)
& Sus-
Home and
camera; Gesture,
face expression,
eye recognition;
interface and
system [391]
[392]; Eye
tracking and
interfaces [393]
[394]; voice
assistants to
support home
aides [395]
with CV;
word for
Voice home
using smart
phone [396];
Alexa [397];
command to
control home
for physically
people [398]
and sharing;
fall detec-
tion [399];
smart children
and vital signs
ing) [400];
women and
scan [401];
Indoor thermal
comfort for
people [402]
Social barrier breaker for
community events and
activities; Last mile
carrier; solar powered
multi-controlled smart
wheelchair [403];
Community based Social
Robot [397]; proactive
assistance for visually
challenged [404];
low-cost robot for
disabled and covid-19
virus affected
people [405]; Smart
Home environment
helping children
homework activity
(including Attention
Disorder Hyperactivity
(ADHD)) [406];
ophthalmic wearble
deivces for color
blinds [407]
rate with
for low
sion [408];
tion [409]
Broadcast (including
for happiness,
emergency); IoT-based
Smart Home platform
for elderly and people
with memory
loss [410]; IoT based
eye tracking for
controlling and
monitoring [411]; IoT
based smart assistance
gloves for disabled
people [412];
IoT-based smart wheel
chair for physically
impaired [413];
IoT-based navigation
system for visually
people [414]; Home
appliances automation
for disabled abd
elderly [415]
ties;VR& AR
display [416];
AR app with
sceneries for
older adults
mental well-
being [418]
resources sharing
Public activity
and event safety
services and
noise map on
phone [419]
IOT and
learning based
system [420]
Resources management;
snow removal robot;
smart trash can;
community based
car-pool with
vehicles [421]
Information sharing;
community based car
pool and car
sharing [376];
low-income people
shared mobility [422];
community based
travel matching [379]
AR/VR tour,
local guide.
App; AR/VR
with family;
VR museum
tour [423];
VR tour for
nity [424]
Major Functions
AI Technology
Computer Vision
Semantic Sound,
Natural Language
Processing, Social
Media, Twitter
Smart Agent,
Internet of Things,
APP, System Design
(Wifi, Radio,
AR,VR, etc.)
& Sus-
7.3 Travel
need: Virtual
& impact of
the pandemic,
Safety and
detection [425];
tion [426] [427]
Cooporate with
the same core
function with
CV level; Smart
Home security
using speaker
tion [426] [427];
with voice-
based [428];
Cough Classifi-
cation [429];
prediction and
helper; Smart
Social Media
recycle; trip
finder; IoT-
based home
security [430]
[431] [432]
VR and AR
stores [433]
7.4 Aesthetics,
moods, feelings,
styles (interior
lighting layout,
smart mirror,
plants, social
need, value).
recognition by
face expression
and action;
Harmful activity
(bully; mental
harm;) ;
smart closet
(costume de-
sign [434]) [435];
Audio analysis
with CV);
Smart Home
audio system
based on
emotion [436];
interface for
mediation [437];
Smart mood
clothing; travel
planner; book,
movie etc.
Other resident’s
AI profile; AI
physical item
helper; social
robots for
robot [439]
Social Media
robot [435];
brain wearable
etc) [440];
ideas exchange
kitchen [441]
[442] [443]
Major sub-functions
Data acquisi-
Making Action
Safety &
1.1 Sheltering &
providing protection
from bad weather and
bad environment (air
quality, no pollution,
smelling management,
noise control, etc., no
A. Crowdsourcing:
Information about
available resources,
hearing/watching the bad
news from media;
1) Current weather
information; Degree
power;or picture that can
catch (hail hurricane);
2) Pollution information;
Radiation expo-
sure;Decibel;Density of
harmful gases in the air
(pm 2.5);
3) Government
information, instruction,
B. Sensor information
Housing situation;
temperature; wind
power;or picture that can
catch (hail hurricane)
A. Show the data/picture
and warning;
B. Self-support
C. Selective notification &
1) Targeted notice to
different government
departments and
organizations (fire
department, police
department, utility
companies, law
enforcement to take
2) Inform the parties
concerned and respond to
whistleblowers or 911
3) Inform other relevant
groups, neighbors,
passers-by, etc., to avoid
being affected and allow
normal operation or avoid
further traffic congestion;
Degree/index much
higher or lower (set a
threshold)/identify the
Data fusion &
1) Audio
understanding, Image
2) To see if necessary
to provide onsite
support, including
moving or standing
3) To see if necessary
to improve
infrastructure and
reduce safety
4) To find out the
typical patterns and to
analyze possible
physical issues for
involved people;
1) Temperature
control; (Turn on
the heater/air
2) House
innovation (close
the door and
window, protect
windows with
wood board from
3) Look for foods;
supplies &
sources, water
4) Run away if
5) Treatment
Hard + soft
closed loop
(can be
when hearing
a bad weather
Major sub-functions
Data acquisi-
Making Action
Safety &
1.2 Sheltering &
providing protection from
User biometrics;User
facial features;
Motion;DoorBell; Locks;
Security Stream; Audio
IoT Network;
Gateway Device
(preprocessing /
Storage) (selective
notification &
Image Recognition;
Audio event
Notification/ Warning;
Direct Action;
Soft closed
loop + hard
closed loop;
1.3 Emergency prevention
system: smart monitoring
against fire, earthquake,
hurricane; emergency
package preparation,
education, rehearsal,
Hearth temperature;
Infrasound and
ultrasonic receivers;
wind power and
picture/whether the
owner still in the
house/Whether the house
Selective notification
& warning;
1) To see whether it is
necessary to push the
owner out
immediately (the
degree is so much
higher; identify the
fire/hurricane; All the
sensor is broken by
2) To see whether
need a smart robot to
help owners out if
they disabled or
3) To see whether it is
necessary to call
911/120 since the
robot cannot help the
owner out
1) Prepare the
emergency package
and push the owner
out of the home (by
warning consistently);
2) Help the owner out
with a robot
3) Call the police to
4) Rehearsal and
education at a fixed
Hard closed
loop (all must
be forced,
human lives
Major sub-functions
Making Action
living infras-
supply try
2.1 Provide basic living
conditions (water, energy,
fuel, electricity, EV,
temperature control,
lighting system, ICT
network, etc.)
Smart gauge;
Temperature Sensor;
Selective notification
& warning;
(most of the
Direct Actuating on
specific environmental
Soft closed
2.2 Resource management
& Material cycle:
Clothing, equipment and
other materials
Smart furniture;
selective information
1) Communicate with
involved parties;
2) Send information
to major caregivers
and relevant family
members for further
Reminder; Direct
Order (Scheduling)
Soft closed
3-Basic living
and hygiene
3.1 Hygiene system
(shower system, toilet,
disinfect, brushing,
cleaning, trashing, etc.)
Integrated sensors in
relevant furniture;
Selective notification
& warning;
2)Direct Order
Soft closed
loop and hard
closed loop
Major sub-functions
Data acquisi-
Making Action
4 - Phys-
& Logis-
4.1 Food preparation,
storage, and safety
Visual/weight sensor
in the storage;
Selective information
Image processing,to
set whether it is
enough or needs to
1)Reminder the
owner to buy;
Compulsory buy if
the owner will be
starved or in danger
when there is not
enough preparation;
Soft closed loop +
hard closed loop;
4.2 Personal health &
medical management
report or prescription
from hospital/drug
inventory/the owner
Selective notification
& warning;
operations/set the
threshold for each
index (to see whether
it is higher or lower);
1)To see whether the
person needs to take
the medicine or
needs to buy
medicine if the
medicine is not
2)To see whether the
index is abnormal
and needs to go to
the hospital;
1) Reminder (to
take/buy the
2) Remind the owner
or caregiver to help
him to go to the
hospital for an
examination and
3) Compulsory call
(call 911/120 if it is
an emergency);
Soft + hard closed
Major sub-functions
Data acquisi-
Making Action
4 - Phys-
& Logis-
4.3 Outdoor Mobility &
management; for
public transportation;
3.Trip preparation &
arrangement, parking)
Integrated sensor (to
check whether the
vehicle is in good
condition)/ Internet;
IoT,private cloud
(according to
personal preference,
you can decide the
hotel, the route);
Selective information
Database operation,
to see whether the
vehicle is in good
To find a suitable
travel line due to the
personal preference
1) Remind the owner
to Repair bad parts
of the vehicle if
there are several
days from departure
or a compulsory call
for repair if the
owner needs to get
going right now;
2) Giving several
choices for the
owner to choose
from if they do not
in a hurry or strictly
buy the tickets, book
the hotel, schedule
the daily routine
based on the owners’
preference if the
owner is in a hurry;
Hard + soft closed
loop (broken cars
must be fixed
immediately but
customized routes
can be selected);
Major sub-functions
Data acquisi-
Making Action
4 - Phys-
& Logis-
4.4 Indoor Mobility
(adults, seniors, kids,
disabled people)
Integrated sensor in
the room;
Passive/Active Motion
Sensor; HAR (Camera
System); Audio
(assist); RFID Tag
1) communicate
with involved
2) send information
to major caregivers
and relevant family
members for further
Data fusion &
Audio ..noises of
falling, abnormal
walking pattern
Selective information
1) Communicate with
involved parties
2) Send notification to major
caregivers and relevant family
members for further checkup
3) Inform other relevant
groups, neighbors, and
communities to follow up
4) Smart agents help injured
adults or disabled people to
stand up or to move (by
remote control the wheelchair
or by conveyor) or to cover
them up with warm blanket if
they cannot be moved
Hard + soft
closed loop;
4.5 Activity
recommendation and
management (Exercise,
entertainment, social,
study, work, etc.)
Cloud Data; Personal
Preference (from user
Push Notification;
information sharing
Information fusion
at database;
Push Notification; Targeted
Soft closed
Major sub-functions
Data acquisi-
Making Action
5 -
5.1 Decoration, plant, art,
painting, etc.
Cloud Data (trending
info); Community
Push Notification;
Selective information
Database operation; Community
renovation; Soft closed loop;
5.2 Home Innovation and
Application, Family and
Community Connection
Function, involvement of
community activities, obtain
Cloud Data (trending
info); community
Profile; Resident
Push Notification;
Info-stream; Resident
Respective algorithm
for multi-criteria
decision making;
Home renovation;
Connection to user
Soft closed loop;
6 -
form &
6.1 Financial, documents
management, inventory
management, vehicles
status and maintenance
management (warranty,
repair, insurance,
Cloud Data; Resident
Private cloud;
Information sharing
with related
information sharing)
decision making
running on private
cloud; Or cloud
server that processes
Anonymous requests;
Connection to user;
Push notification; fi-
logistics scheduling;
Soft closed loop +
hard closed loop;
Major sub-functions
Data acquisi-
Making Action
& Sus-
Home and
Cycle Op-
7.1 Community
(Infrared) Camera
System; Motion
Sensor; Pressure
Sensor; Microphone;
Push button;
Accessibility notifi-
sharing with related
On device sensor
fusion; path
actuators, end
devices that help
recover people with
Soft closed loop +
hard closed loop;
7.2 Services and support
from communities
Community Profile;
Resident Profile;
Push Notification;
Information sharing
with related
algorithms; Database
Push Notifications; Soft closed loop;
7.3 Travel need: Virtual
entertainment & impact of
the pandemic, Motel
Camera System;
Resident Profile;
Push Notification;
Info-stream; Cloud
Data syncing;
Push Notifications;
Targeted info-stream;
Soft closed loop;
7.4 Aesthetics, happiness
including moods, feelings,
styles (interior lighting
layout, smart wallpaper,
smart mirror, plants, social
need, value).
Resident Profile;
Push Notification;
Info-stream; Cloud
Data syncing;
Push Notifications;
Targeted info-stream;
Treatment (Aromatic
Soft closed loop;
Section III-A and III-B respectively elaborates on informa-
tion flow and material cycle from UV perspective.
A. Information Flow
As shown in Feedback Design Scheme for UV and system
framework, data are not only connecting all UV subsys-
tems, all individuals, and all communities, as well as Data
Acquisition, Communication, Decision Making, and Action
elements of each UV subsystem, but also guiding designers
and decision-makers to devise more resilient and optimized
Information systems exist in places where there is an
accumulation of data. For example, the home management
database is a typical information system in the Smart Home
system that stores the accumulation of home data. Current
information systems and their current framework designs are
mostly based on raw data and information, while few of
them operate on higher level abstraction of information, which
includes understanding, wisdom, and vision.
1) Necessity and Significance of Information System: There
are three main types of information circulating in the Smart
Home subsystem.
The first type of information contains data, information,
understanding, wisdom, or vision generated from the
core functions of the Smart Home subsystem. The core
functions include 1) Home Safety & Security Function,
2) Basic living infrastructure & supply and storage, 3)
Basic living infrastructure & Waste management and hy-
giene, 4) Physiological & Logistical Function and Living
conditions improvement, 5) Centralized Coordination, 6)
Family and User Private Data Protection Platform &
Cloud, 7) Integrative & Sustainable Home and Lifestyle.
1) The content of this type of information mainly includes
the management status as well as the important impact-
ing factors of the Smart Home system.
2) The feature of this type of information is that most
of the data are readily measurable and thus can easily
be captured by sensors. Some of these data are the
commonly and widely monitored data by technologies
in the Smart Home subsystem, such as water quality
and noise level, while others come from the other seven
UV subsystems.
The second type of information contains data, informa-
tion, understanding, wisdom, or vision specifically related
to materials in the Smart Home subsystem which include
1) materials directly related to the safety of operations,
2) materials related to immediate emergency response,
3) materials that guarantee survival and necessity dur-
ing emergencies, 4) materials susceptible to expiration
dates, 5) duplicate or wrongly purchased or distributed
materials, 6) materials requiring routine maintenance, 7)
damaged or disused materials to be reused and recycled
and 8) other materials to be landfilled.
1) The content of this type of information includes status,
know-how, and impacting factors related to the above-
mentioned materials.
2) The features of this type of information are: most of the
status data are readily measurable but they are not even
captured because the significance of information to an
optimized material cycle is not yet widely recognized;
important know-how of materials is not commonly
known and thus can not be easily captured.
The third type of information contains data, information,
understanding, wisdom, or vision related to humans.
Humans as a whole are an extremely crucial component
of the whole information flow because human activities
are impervious in the Smart Home subsystem, affecting
the home environment in both positive and negative ways.
Particularly, human individual’s lifestyles information,
i.e. human-related information at individual levels, as well
as information on human communities’ involvement, i.e.
community information describing the collective activ-
ities of multiple human entities, are two of the most
significant human-related impacting factors to the infor-
mation flow in the Smart Home subsystem. However, the
significance of human-related data is not yet recognized
by current systems and thus not captured and integrated
into the information system in time.
Specifically, human-related information has a unique and
irreplaceable contribution to each of the 4 elements of a
typical feedback control system on the data content level.
1) For data acquisition, human beings can serve as im-
portant data sources. On one hand, human actions
performed by different human individuals, commu-
nities, organizations, and the government provide a
large amount of crucial raw data. For example, human
actions that would affect the home environment, as
shown in Table LXV,Table LXVI, and Table LXVII,
can provide important data sources to the Smart Home
subsystem which can then utilize these data to collabo-
ratively regulate inappropriate human actions or to en-
courage home environmental friendly actions together
with other subsystems.
On the other hand, humans’ unique capabilities can
provide some data that are hard to capture by moni-
toring technologies. For example, humans’ five senses
are sensitive to changes or data that normally can
not be captured by sensors either because sensors are
not ubiquitous due to cost constraints or because they
simply are not designed to have and, more realistically
speaking, due to technical limitation.
In particular, humans’ own visualization by eyes can
capture information that can never be discerned by
sensors which mainly read in pixels and bits. Also,
human’s unique smelling capabilities can identify im-
portant signals which indicate environmental changes
in real-time, while in most scenarios current smart
systems cannot afford such real-time capabilities be-
cause of the high cost of setting up ubiquitous smelling
In addition, human feedback and confirmation can help
ensure the accuracy of data and capture abnormal data
changes or even some unexpected data content from
an earlier time.
2) For communication, physical communication between
humans, such as chatting and eye contact, provides
additional connections between entities and data.
3) For decision-making, humans have unique experiences
and know-how that most of the current decision-
making mechanisms fail to follow and incorporate.
Besides, data related to humans’ causes, in other words,
humans’ own decision-making process, can lead to
an in-depth understanding of human motivation. Such
understanding will facilitate the optimization of current
decision-making mechanisms.
For example, the causes of human actions that would
affect the home environment, shown in Table 3.3, sum-
marize the humans’ decision-making processes which
can lead to human actions that cause home-related
problems or improve the home quality. Such informa-
tion will further help the Smart Home subsystem make
more appropriate decisions.
It is also worth mentioning that humans’ unpredictabil-
ity should be included in the current decision-making
mechanisms to increase their robustness and resilience.
4) For action, human-related information enables early
predictions and thus corresponding actions of early
intervention in the Smart Home subsystem, which can
contribute to preventing the occurrence of home-related
problems. In addition, humans, as the agents that have
the highest level of flexibility and rational discretion,
can contribute to actions that they think can solve
home-related problems. For example, both human ac-
tions and their causescan contribute to fine-tuning the
actions proposed by the Smart Home subsystem. This
positive feedback information can help reinforce the
actions that are beneficial to the home.
5) Table LXV,Table LXVI, and Table LXVII summarize
all the human-related information that is particularly
important to the whole Smart Home subsystem, which
includes data related to 1) causes of human actions that
would affect the home environment (e.g. people’s high-
carbon lifestyle; sustainable development strategy), 2)
human actions that would affect the home-related
problems (e.g. discharge of untreated wastewater from
chemical plants; switching to a low-carbon lifestyle;
gas caused by cooking could lead to pollution and
corrosion of infrastructure).
6) The features of this type of information are: Most of
the human activities data which contribute mainly to
the data acquisition component are readily measurable.
Some of them are captured, with the help of AI,
technologies, and the Internet of Things but most
of the captured data are merely staying at local
levels, instead of being integrated into the whole
information flow. This happens because the current
system is only exploiting the significance of these
data to local decision making but their significance
in influencing the whole information flow is not yet
Other human activities data are completely not
recorded either because the accumulated values of
these data on temporal and spatial levels are not rec-
ognized or because of energy consumption and cost
concerns. Other human-related data, for example,
human experiences and know-how, which contribute
to the communication component, decision-making
mechanisms, and action component, can not be
captured by current technologies.
Table LV,Table LVI, and Table LVII Table LVIII,Table LIX,
Table LX,Table LXI,Table LXII,Table LXIII, and Table LXIV
summarize both the commonly captured data and the infor-
mation that are currently not included in the information
flow but serve important functionalities and thus should be
integrated into the information system under the category of
the core functions of the Smart Home subsystem. Details of
these tables are explained and evaluated in Section III-A3f.
Furthermore, details of human-related information in the Smart
Home subsystem (Table LXV,Table LXVI, and Table LXVII)
are discussed in Section III-B.
2) Prerequisite of Information Flow: To discover underly-
ing patterns in data and to effectively support the information
flow of such necessity and significance, it is imperative to set
clear requirements of raw data acquisition, explore information
hierarchical structure, close the information loop, manage the
data lifecycle, and ensure information safety and security.
a) Raw Data, Data Acquisition, Data Quality: Raw data
are the foundation for us to understand real-world situations.
The scope, depth, and quality of raw data, as the starting point
of the information flow, largely determine the ultimate analysis
result and the overall performance of the whole information
Raw data Sources
The current major methods of raw data acquisition, which
include sensor network and monitoring, crowdsourcing,
and smart agents, have already been explored in II-C1.
In addition to data captured by these technologies, data
related to materials and human entities, most importantly,
lifestyle and community information, and data from other
subsystems are raw data sources often ignored but of
crucial significance, as mentioned in TableLV,Table LVI,
and Table LVII Table LVIII,Table LIX,Table LX,Ta-
ble LXI,Table LXII,Table LXIII,Table LXIV,Table LXV,
Table LXVI, and Table LXVII.
Sampling Frequency
Only discrete and finite-length signals can be analyzed
and manipulated by a computer. Hence, the discussion
of suitable sampling frequency is inevitable. Depending
on different requirements, different sampling frequencies
are needed. When there is a need to capture fluctuated
patterns, for example, the spread of toxic pollutants in
water bodies, a high sampling frequency is needed. If
the situation is less urgent, for example, the status of
water quality sensor nodes, periodic sampling is suf-
ficient. Moreover, if there is a requirement for long-
term monitoring, for example, water quality monitoring,
consistent sampling is then needed. Besides, the trade-
off between sampling frequency and computational cost
is another concern to determine a cost-effective sampling
Manual vs. Auto
In addition to the sampling frequency, the choice between
automation and manual effort is another characteristic of
raw data acquisition. Automatic data acquisition systems
are faster and they can substitute human sampling in
dangerous areas and monotonous work, for example,
terrestrial robots for radiation detection. However, in
some areas, human sampling is still widely used because
of accuracy and cost concerns. Moreover, the expertise
and experience of human technicians are irreplaceable in
the current stage, given the context that human know-how
is barely integrated into the current information system.
Data Quality
Data is an integral component of all information systems
while data quality is one of the most important prerequi-
sites of information flow, which transfers data, informa-
tion, understanding, wisdom, and vision, and connects all
important UV elements. Data quality is essential not only
because it is affecting the subsequent decision-making
and action in Smart Home systems but also because the
quality of information, understanding, wisdom, and vision
is directly dependent on the quality of raw data. Important
aspects of data quality include availability, usability,
integrity, timeliness, reliability, authenticity, presentation
quality, security, and privacy.
Availability: Refers to the data being accessible when
needed. This includes making sure that the data is
stored in a way that is easy to access and that the
necessary infrastructure is in place to ensure that the
data is available when required.
Usability: Refers to the ease with which the data can
be used. This includes ensuring that the data is in a
format that is easy to work with and that there are
tools and resources available to help users analyze
and interpret the data.
Reliability: Refers to the accuracy and consistency
of the data. This includes making sure that the data
is free from errors, inconsistencies, and bias and that
the methods used to collect and analyze the data are
rigorous and trustworthy.
Presentation quality: Refers to the clarity and visual
appeal of the data presentation. This includes making
sure that the data is presented in a way that is easy
to understand and that the visualizations and other
tools used to present the data are visually appealing
and engaging.
Security: Refers to protecting the data from unau-
thorized access, use, or destruction. This includes
ensuring that the data is stored securely and that
appropriate measures are in place to prevent data
breaches or other security threats.
Privacy: Refers to protecting the privacy and con-
fidentiality of the data. This includes making sure
that sensitive information is not disclosed without
authorization and that appropriate measures are in
place to protect personal information from misuse.
Timeliness: Refers to the data being available in a
timely manner. This includes ensuring that the data is
collected and processed quickly enough to be useful
and that there are systems in place to ensure that the
data is updated regularly.
Authenticity: Refers to ensuring that the data is
genuine and has not been altered or tampered with.
This includes making sure that the data is collected
and stored securely and that there are measures
in place to ensure that the data cannot be altered
without authorization.
Integrity: Refers to the consistency and completeness
of the data. This includes making sure that the data
is complete and accurate and that there are systems
in place to ensure that the data remains consistent
over time.
b) Information Hierarchical Structure: Aside from raw
data and their acquisition, the structure of information is
equally important.
The information system of the UV Smart Home subsystem
is built upon the DIUWV hierarchy, which focuses on the
hierarchical progression of data and information abstraction.
Moreover, the UV perspective emphasizes the interaction and
correlation between layers in the DIUWV hierarchy.
Basic concept of Information Hierarchy
The data-information-knowledge-wisdom (DIKW) hier-
archy, which describes hierarchical relationships between
data, is a widely recognized model of information and
knowledge [444]. Reference [445] introduced DIUWV
hierarchy by adding a ”vision” layer to DIKW, shown in
Fig. 4. Each layer is interdependent on the other. Higher-
level layers depend on the corresponding information
provided by lower layers while lower-level details can
be deduced from higher-level layers information.
Data Acquisition
As we discussed in III-A2a, the data layer represents
the raw data captured by data acquisition methods, for
examples monitoring devices and sensor networks.
Information Extraction
The information layer represents the identified relation-
ship between raw data, and subsequent categorization
from spatial level (individual or collective) and temporal
level (static or dynamic), for example, a user profile that
Fig. 4. DIUWV Information Hierarchy [446]
identifies and stores all relevant raw data of a certain user.
Understanding Identification
The understanding layer represents the understood pat-
terns in the information layer, for example, a simulation
model for changes in water pollutants concentration.
Wisdom Formation
The wisdom layer represents the understood principles in
the understanding layer, for example, a prediction model
of air pollutants spread.
Vision Formation
The vision layer represents the application of principles
in the wisdom layer, for example using the results of
the prediction model to contain and to even prevent the
spread of potential pollutants.
c) Information Feedback Loop: In addition to different
layers of information, information feedback loops are one
of the most important prerequisites that enable the flow of
information. Formulating an information feedback loop is far
more effective and reliable than hardwiring components to-
gether, especially in information propagation involving human
perceptions and actions.
Open loop vs. Closed loop
Open information loops are fast and simple, but the
information in them may not be accurate and thus leads
to undesirable and unoptimized outcomes in UV feed-
back loops. Intuitive visualization platforms (e.g. bulletin
board), friendly user interfaces (e.g. button), or integrated
products (e.g. smart phone app) can help formulate
closed information feedback loops. Only in closed loops
received information is confirmed and compared with
desired information, which helps stabilize the system.
Data Transmission Channel & its Quality
It is also necessary to ensure the quality of the data
transmission channel. Delayed and partial information
may significantly impair the effectiveness of closed loops.
The propagation of contaminated or fake information in
the loops can also cause serious echo chamber effects,
leading to discrimination and extremism. It should also
be noticed that in an information feedback system, the re-
ceiver should give a full or partial confirmation regarding
the received information and the sender should respond
accordingly [447].
An ideal information system should be responsive, coor-
dinated, efficient, resilient, robust, and adaptive. Thus, we
propose the UV information system which is based on the
following two perspectives (III-A3 and III-A4).
3) UV Perspective 1: Efficient and Cost-Effective Manage-
ment Enabled by Closed-Loop Feedback Systems: From the
first UV perspective, we propose a closed-loop feedback sys-
tem adjusted by both automatic responsiveness and human in-
volvement, and facilitated by prediction management, security
and safety management, information lifecycle management,
and energy consumption and cost optimization.
a) Automatic Adjustment Enabled by Closed Feedback
Control Loop for Responsiveness: Closed feedback control
loops facilitate the sequential circulation of collected informa-
tion and data in the four components of a closed feedback
control loop, which helps ensure the system’s responsiveness
and automatically adjust the system to its ideal setting without
human interference.
b) Human-Involved Adjustment Enabled by Information
Sharing for Safety Assurance & Behavior Management: The
hardwired closed feedback control loops are responsive and
automatic but they sometimes lead to undesirable outcomes
due to various reasons. For example, wrongly triggered fire
alarms may lead to unnecessary dispatching of fire service. In
addition, as it is mentioned in Section III-A1, some human-
related data can not be integrated into the information system
by simply using monitoring technologies. Thus, human active
participation and involvement should be integrated into the
automatic closed feedback control loops if there are safety,
optimization, and effectiveness concerns. For example, exper-
tise involvement can help overcome or circumvent technical
and social barriers. Furthermore, information sharing among
individuals and organizations facilitates better decision-making
and action execution.
c) Proactive Management Enabled by Prediction: An
important application field of information is prediction. For
example, the concentration of air pollutants can be predicted
using historical data or using a physical model containing
parameters, such as wind speed and human activities. The
purpose of prediction is not just to foresee the future. The
prediction results generated from information input through
techniques, such as machine learning, can be further utilized
to plan for resource assignment effectively, manage potential
risks, and coordinate corresponding components in the system.
d) Information Security and Safety Management:
Adaptiveness and Robustness Management against
noises, disturbances & accidents Some data-driven sys-
tems only perform well in situations similar to the training
data and thus lack resilience against noises and distur-
bances. Moreover, in such systems, an error data input
may eventually lead to system collapse and subsequent
severe cascading failures. To improve adaptiveness and
robustness, it is necessary to identify vulnerable parts and
sensitive variables, prepare and recover from component
failures, and build prediction models on various scenarios.
1) Fault Tolerance: Fault tolerance refers to the ability of a
system to continue operating even when faults or errors
occur. False alerts can cause unnecessary disruptions
or lead to wasted resources, so it is important for the
system to be able to distinguish between false and
genuine alerts. It is also crucial to preserve data in-
tegrity, privacy, and other sensitive information during
emergency situations.
2) Resilience and Timely Recovery: Resilience refers to
the ability of the system to recover from disruptions
or failures. This can include factors such as how
quickly the system can recover from a power outage,
the magnitude of any resulting losses, how quickly
information can be relayed to relevant parties, and how
quickly decisions can be made.
3) Adapt to Unanticipated Situations: This highlights the
importance of the system’s ability to adapt to unantic-
ipated situations, such as natural disasters or system
failures. The learning curve of the system can help
it self-learn and establish mechanisms for handling
unexpected events. The speed at which information can
be transmitted and recovered after a disaster is also
important, as well as identifying the critical factors that
are affected by such events.
Protection against intentional attacks: phantom at-
tack, adversary attack, etc.
Capable of obtaining passwords, accessing lifelong, and
maliciously manipulating data, intentional attacks on in-
formation pose a threat to our safety and privacy. Thus, it
is crucial to design protection mechanisms for important
data. There should be necessary information backup and
emergency response methods to ensure that the infor-
mation system is free from negative impact caused by
intentional attacks.
e) Data Storage & Information Lifecycle Management:
From data acquisition, storage, processing, and transmission to
sharing, the information lifecycle management aims to opti-
mize information utilization while maintaining the sustainable
cost of data storage [448]. Throughout the whole information
lifecycle, we require the system to identify important data
at different times and store them accordingly. The length
of storage varies according to critical levels of information,
storage medium, service requirements, etc. Further, proper
data classification is considered the cornerstone of information
lifecycle management [449]. Classifying and storing data at
different temporal, and spatial levels, and information layers
can facilitate the automation of information systems by iden-
tifying correlations and decreasing delays.
f) Energy Consumption & Cost Optimization through-
out Information Lifecycle: The above-mentioned requirements
make use of captured data and extracted information, un-
derstanding, wisdom, and vision to improve the efficiency,
resilience, and robustness of the information system. The
requirements come with the cost of high energy consumption.
Each of the components of the information system, including
sensing, communication, storage, decision-making, and action,
consumes a large amount of energy. For example, the total
amount of electricity consumed by high-end servers in the
U.S. was almost 33 billion kWh in 2014 [450]. Thus, it
is necessary to optimize energy consumption in information
systems, without seriously sacrificing their efficiency.
Sensing IOT and solutions: This focuses on optimizing
energy consumption during the sensing stage of informa-
tion processing. Solutions include using energy-efficient
sensors, reducing the frequency of data collection when
possible, and using adaptive sensing techniques that ad-
just data collection based on environmental conditions.
Communication and solutions: This focuses on optimiz-
ing energy consumption during the communication stage
of information processing. Solutions include improving
communication protocols to reduce energy consumption,
reducing the amount of data transmitted, and using
energy-efficient wireless communication technologies.
Storage and solutions (cloud storage): This focuses on
optimizing energy consumption during the storage stage
of information processing. Solutions include using cloud
storage to reduce the need for on-site data centers and
using energy-efficient storage devices.
Decision and solutions (cloud computing, edge comput-
ing): This focuses on optimizing energy consumption
during the decision-making stage of information process-
ing. Solutions include using cloud computing to reduce
the need for on-site computing resources, using edge
computing to perform computations closer to the data
source, and using energy-efficient computing devices.
Action and solutions (large electronic screens): This
focuses on optimizing energy consumption during the
action stage of information processing. Solutions include
using large electronic screens to display information and
reduce the need for paper, using energy-efficient lighting,
and reducing the amount of time that screens are active.
Optimize Additional Cost of Information System (eco-
nomic): This emphasizes the importance of considering
the economic impact of information systems. Solutions
include optimizing energy consumption to reduce elec-
tricity bills and maintenance costs, as well as considering
the environmental impact of information systems.
4) UV Perspective 2: Hierarchical, Hybrid, Integrated, Dy-
namic Information System: From the second UV perspective,
we propose to build a hierarchical, hybrid, and integrated
information system based on the information lifecycle of data
acquisition, processing, storage, communication, and sharing.
The following information will be related to Table LV,
Table LVI, and Table LVII Table LVIII,Table LIX,Table LX,
Table LXI,Table LXII,Table LXIII,Table LXIV,Table LXV,
Table LXVI, and Table LXVII. Since the majority of informa-
tion mentioned in Table LXV,Table LXVI, and Table LXVII
is not actually included in the current systems, the following
discussion is mainly around the information recording the
status of current infrastructure systems.
a) Hybrid, Integrated & Need-based Data Acquisition
with Local Level Decision Making : Data acquisition is the
first stage of information flow. Typical data acquisition meth-
ods include smart monitoring which passively observes and
records data, smart agents which actively reach out to capture
relevant data, and crowdsourcing which captures relevant data
from multiple sources. To ensure the efficiency of smart
systems, UV proposes that the data acquisition should also be
hybrid, integrated, and need-based, and include local decision-
making when necessary.
Hybrid data acquisition requires both the recording (acqui-
sition) of data from all other three elements of the feedback
control loop, i.e. communication, decision-making, action, and
the acquisition of other layers of information, i.e. informa-
tion, understanding, knowledge, and wisdom. Such structured
information enabled by hybrid data acquisition would fa-
cilitate the analysis of important causal relations and thus
can contribute significantly to better modeling and local-level
Meanwhile, integrated data acquisition, focusing on the data
content level, coordinates data from multiple sources and from
multiple temporal and spatial levels, which helps to form an
integrated understanding of system models as well as their
impacting factors.
Moreover, data acquisition should be need-based to both
effectively identify critical data and key information and
optimize energy consumption and overall costs. Need-based
data acquisition is the data acquisition process where data is
acquired and pre-processed according to each system’s needs.
Typically, raw data from all kinds of sensors contain a huge
amount of information and cover a variety of categories.
Without the support of need-based acquisition, key information
will be hidden in the sea of data and noise.
Besides, in this age of big data, it is becoming more and
more necessary for systems to actively acquire corresponding
data according to their needs. For example, social media
platforms can provide useful information related to pollution
that is normally not available to physical sensors.
It is also crucial to include decision-making at the local data
acquisition level when necessary. Some simple relationships
can be more easily discovered at the local level because there
are not a variety of data types and data sources. Decision-
making at the local level can also enhance the understanding
of local information and scenarios, which central decision-
making often lacks because it tends to focus more on the
overall big picture. Moreover, computational cost at the local
level is much lower. Accomplishing some simple calculations
at lower levels can save up computational resources at higher
levels which can be used to perform more computationally
heavy tasks.
In addition, local-level decision-making can relieve the in-
formation communication load and save corresponding band-
width by sending out structured information at a lower fre-
quency. Such a system is more robust and reliable to possible
communication noises.
b) Hierarchical Information Processing with Synchro-
nization and Update: There are two categories of incoming
raw data from raw data acquisition: temporal data and spatial
data. Even though there is local-level decision-making in the
data acquisition end, the incoming data and information quality
are not guaranteed. Depending on the specific requirements
and the quality of data, some raw data can be shared and
stored directly but some raw data need to undergo further
preprocessing to be eligible for distribution. In response to
different requirements of data, there are four main methods
of data preprocessing: anonymization, sampling and filtering,
encryption, informatization, and categorization.
Anonymization: Some data, such as patients’ information,
need to be anonymized before distribution to protect the
privacy and self-respect of all patients. Moreover, simple
anonymization, such as hiding names, ages, and genders,
is not adequate because cross-validation across different
databases will easily recover the complete information of
patients. Hence, anonymization that is resilient to cross-
validation is a must.
Sampling and Filtering: Some data may have noises and
unnecessary sections which are worthless to some sharing
targets. Thus, data filtering and sampling to clean out
noises or unnecessary sections are required for this type
of data. However, even though some noises are outliers,
these data, to some extent, represent the experiences and
the needs of some people that require special attention
and caring.
Informatization: Some raw data are transformed into
information that contains relationships between data in
the informatization process. For example, the process of
grouping all information related to a single person is a
simple informatization process.
Encryption: Encryption significantly increases data secu-
Categorization: The raw temporal data and spatial data
can be further classified into different categories: indi-
vidual data, collective data, static data, and dynamic data,
while the combination of huge amounts of data forms the
statistical data.
Furthermore, preprocessing and higher-level information
extraction should be supported by in-time information updates
and synchronization. This real-time update of information is
crucial not only because under emergency situations, syn-
chronization is a matter of life and death but also because
information synchronization across platforms and information
update on a temporal level is a strong guarantee for the
timeliness and reliability of data, which directly impacts the
efficient and stable operation of the information system.
c) Profiling-Centered Hierarchical Information Storage:
As it is mentioned before, information storage is consuming a
huge amount of energy so the basic requirements of informa-
tion storage are data security and energy efficiency. In addition,
from the perspective of the knowledge pyramid, UV proposes a
hierarchical information storage system that records all layers
of information. Furthermore, data and high-level information
of the same object may have strong correlations so they should
be stored together for more efficient storage and access. Thus,
to some extent, an information storage center is a knowledge
Also, storage infrastructure should offer timely synchro-
nization within and across different layers. Applications of
the private cloud facilitate individual-centered information
systems while the public cloud promotes information sharing.
Further, redundant copies and even hard copies of critical data
are necessary in case of emergency.
d) Hierarchical Information Communication & Sharing:
Information communication and sharing is the subsequent step
after data and information acquisition, processing, and storage.
Different individuals and communities need different types of
data. Some data are not meant to be accessed by certain groups
of people.
For example, the information regarding the outbreak of a
disaster should not be made accessible to the public right
away because it will cause more chaos. Instead, this informa-
tion should be distributed to governments first and let these
organizations gradually and coordinately guide the public to
perform certain necessary actions. Thus, hierarchical infor-
mation communication to different sharing targets, including
residents, community, city council, government, and the whole
world, is needed to ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of
information distribution.
Furthermore, it is not enough to just share raw data or low-
level information. It is also crucial to share relevant decision-
making procedures, judgment criteria, and appropriate actions,
which will facilitate the successful communication of impor-
tant information and facilitate to guarantee the execution of
suggested actions.
In addition, the channel through which information is
distributed is important because it serves as the bridge that
connects data sources and sharing targets. The existence and
reliability are the two most important characteristics of the
Existence: A dedicated channel for a specific data source
and a corresponding sharing target has to be established
before data or information can be transmitted between
them. In ideal situations, channels should be proactively
built to ensure all the decision-making processes are well-
Reliability: From the reliability perspective, channels can
be classified into authentic channels which guarantee to
perfectly deliver of data or information, reliable channels
which can successfully deliver data or information but
introduce some noises in the process, and polluted chan-
nels which introduce so many noises that the delivered
data or information are useless. Moreover, the reliability
of channels should match the reliability of data sources.
Otherwise, no matter how reliable or authentic the data
sources are, if the data are retrieved through a polluted
channel, these data instantly become unusable because of
security concerns.
Moreover, feedback from the receivers regarding if the in-
formation is received and the received information quality is
important because it helps to verify and improve the quality
of both the channel and the data sources.
It is worth mentioning that open data sharing, as an
information-sharing method, is adopted more and more often
by governments and some renowned companies to improve
efficiency and bring benefits to all involved parties.
e) Hierarchical Information Fusion: Information fusion
is crucial to extract patterns and trends which can be further
utilized to optimize information management and the overall
flow of information. There are mainly three levels of infor-
mation fusion: data content fusion of different data sources,
temporal and spatial data fusion, and data origin fusion of both
individual data and statistical data. Moreover, hierarchical in-
formation fusion is needed, on the basis of information fusion,
which incorporates the uniqueness of different information
The proposed UV information system based on the above-
mentioned two perspectives provides an insightful understand-
ing of information structures. The proposed system enables
data fusion on the data format level, on the content level, from
different sources, across different temporal and spatial levels,
across static and dynamic data, and across individual and
statistical data. Such system will be more responsive to rapid
changes in targets of interest and thus can provide more timely
and optimized solutions. Effective structure-based information
sharing will help people at different levels to have a better
understanding of new policies and regulations and to be more
responsive than before, which will stimulate collective efforts
to protect the environment.
Such a design will also help to identify errors in data, trace
back to the source of errors, locate and fix the vulnerable parts
of the system, and improve the system’s overall robustness and
In the following two sections (Section III-A5 and Sec-
tion III-A3f, the current information system in the smart
environmental protection subsystem will be evaluated from the
above-mentioned perspectives.
5) Evaluation from UV Perspective 1: Efficient and Cost
Effective Management Enabled by Closed-Loop Feedback
Systems: In this section, the current information system in
the Smart Home subsystem will be evaluated from the UV
perspective of efficient and cost-effective management enabled
by closed-loop feedback systems.
a) Automatic Adjustment Enabled by Closed Feedback
Control Loop for Responsiveness: Generally speaking, most
of the information feedback control loops are still open in
the current Smart Home system. Even though some of the
information feedback control loops are closed, such as the air
quality information feedback loop, these loops are far from
automatic. For example, air quality information communica-
tion still heavily depends on manual phone communication
while air quality information acquisition depends on samples
gathered by field technicians due to the high cost of sensors.
b) Human-Involved Adjustment Enabled by Information
Sharing for Safety Assurance & Behavior Management:
There is some degree of information sharing, for example,
tap water quality information shared by the government to
residents. However, only sharing the information does not
necessarily help to ensure expected behavior changes. There is
no guarantee of human-involved adjustment to improve safety
under the current degree of information sharing.
c) Proactive Management Enabled by Prediction: Pre-
dictions in the Smart Home system are mostly still on a
theoretical level. Currently, there is barely any real-life ap-
plication of prediction for proactive management in the smart
environmental protection system.
d) Information Security and Safety Management: Infor-
mation security and safety management are critical aspects of
smart environmental protection systems within the IoT ecosys-
tem. However, these systems are vulnerable to various threats,
including common viruses, random attacks, and intentional
attacks. Some examples are given below.
Common Viruses: Just like traditional computer systems,
smart environmental protection systems can be affected
by common viruses, such as malware, ransomware, or
worms. These viruses can infiltrate the system through
vulnerabilities in software or by exploiting user actions,
compromising the integrity and confidentiality of data and
disrupting the system’s functionality.
Random Attacks: Random attacks can occur when the
system is targeted by opportunistic hackers or automated
botnets scanning for vulnerable devices. These attacks
may involve unauthorized access attempts, unauthorized
data retrieval, or unauthorized control of devices. For
instance, an attacker might exploit a weak password on
a device or exploit a known vulnerability to gain unau-
thorized access and manipulate the smart environmental
protection systems.
Intentional Attacks: Intentional attacks pose a significant
threat to the information system of smart environmental
protection systems. Examples of intentional attacks in-
1) Phantom Attack: A phantom attack involves creating a
fake device or sensor within the system that provides
false data or manipulates the system’s behavior. This
can lead to incorrect decision-making or manipulation
of the environmental monitoring process.
2) Adversary Attack: An adversary attack occurs when
an unauthorized entity deliberately targets the smart
environmental protection system with the intention of
causing harm. This could involve sabotage, data ma-
nipulation, or disruption of critical operations, leading
to severe consequences for the environment or public
3) Ransomware attacks: Ransomware attacks can be dev-
astating, causing financial losses, operational disrup-
tions, and potential environmental risks. These attacks
involve malicious actors gaining unauthorized access
to the system and encrypting critical data or locking
users out of their devices or systems. The attackers then
demand a ransom payment in exchange for restoring
access or decrypting the data. This type of attack can
severely disrupt the operations of smart environmental
protection systems and compromise the integrity and
availability of essential data.
Face Recognition Vulnerabilities: Face recognition tech-
nology, while offering convenience, can also be vulner-
able to attacks. Hackers can exploit weaknesses in face
recognition algorithms or systems to gain unauthorized
access to user devices or data. For example, an attacker
might use a manipulated image or a replica of a user’s
face to bypass face recognition authentication on a smart-
Biased AI: AI algorithms used in smart environmental
protection systems can be subject to biases, leading to
inaccurate or discriminatory decision-making. Bias in
AI can result in unfair resource allocation, biased risk
assessments, or unequal treatment of individuals or com-
munities. It is imperative to address and mitigate biases
in AI algorithms to ensure fair and equitable outcomes.
e) Information Lifecycle Management: In the context of
information lifecycle management in Smart Home systems,
it is crucial to address the storage, utilization, and expiration
of data. Currently, some historical data is stored adequately
within the Smart Home system, while a significant portion
of the data is not properly stored and utilized. This situation
highlights the need for a well-organized information lifecycle
management process that effectively manages the storage and
access of all data in the system.
One aspect of information lifecycle management is to de-
termine how long data should be retained. It is essential to
define appropriate retention periods based on factors such as
regulatory requirements, operational needs, and the value of
the data. By establishing data expiration policies, unnecessary
data can be identified and properly managed, ensuring that
only relevant and valuable information is retained. This helps
to optimize storage resources and maintain the system’s per-
Additionally, it is crucial to consider where the data should
be stored during its lifecycle. This involves evaluating different
storage options based on factors such as data sensitivity,
accessibility requirements, and cost-effectiveness. The data
can be stored in on-premises servers, cloud-based storage
solutions, or a combination of both, depending on the specific
needs and capabilities of the Smart Home system.
Furthermore, information lifecycle management should in-
clude the proper preservation of important historical data.
Longitudinal information, which provides insights into trends
and patterns over an extended period, holds significant value.
By retaining and appropriately organizing this data, the Smart
Home system can derive valuable insights, support decision-
making processes, and improve overall performance.
f) Energy Consumption & Cost Optimization throughout
Information Lifecycle: There are barely any concerns about
energy consumption and other operating costs in the informa-
tion system of the Smart Home system. It is proposed that
energy consumption and operation costs should be considered
and optimized throughout the whole information lifecycle.
6) Evaluation from UV Perspective 2: Hierarchical, Hybrid
& Integrated Information System: In this section, the current
information system in the Smart Home subsystem will be
evaluated from the UV perspective of hierarchical, hybrid,
and integrated information systems. Table LV,Table LVI, and
Table LVII Table LVIII,Table LIX,Table LX,Table LXI,Ta-
ble LXII,Table LXIII, and Table LXIV present the information
at the different levels of the information hierarchical structure
introduced above.
a) Hybrid, Integrated & Need-based Data Acquisition
with Local Level Decision Making: Need-based data ac-
quisition exists in some parts of the current Smart Home
system, for example, drones and satellites used in water quality
monitoring. However, current data acquisition is barely hybrid
and integrated.
In the current system, there is only the acquisition of raw
data while data from all other three elements of the feedback
control loop and other layers of information are not captured
properly. Data and information from other systems are also
not adequately utilized and integrated. In addition, interactions
between the Smart Home system, lifestyles, and communities
are not included in the current information flow. Moreover,
there is some level of need-based local decision-making in the
current data acquisition, for example, computer vision used in
cameras, but it is not prevalent for current data acquisition
methods to include this function.
Need-based data acquisition is the data acquisition process
where data is acquired and pre-processed according to ITS
system needs. Typically, raw transportation data from all kinds
of sensors contains a huge amount of information and covers a
variety of categories. Without need-based acquisition, critical
data and key information are hidden and cannot be identified.
As discussed in Section II-C1, integrated data acquisition
coordinates data from multiple sources, at multiple temporal
and spatial levels to support decision-making. However, cur-
rent data acquisition is barely integrated. Data and information
from other systems are not adequately utilized and integrated.
In addition, interactions between the smart environmental
protection system, lifestyles, and communities are not included
in the current information flow.
Hybrid data acquisition focuses on the longitudinal informa-
tion that moves throughout the four stages of the information
loop, to analyze the causal effects that different reactions
resulting from different inputs and see their relations, with
the purpose of better modeling and decision-making.
In current ITS, despite some studies of correlation under-
standing and sensitivity analysis, there are few real-world in-
stances of hybrid data acquisition. For instance, we can refine
decisions by better understanding the heterogeneity of different
individuals, and make appropriate actions accordingly. As for
local decision-making, there are already many applications
in the current data acquisition, and with the development of
machine learning and artificial intelligence, the use of new
technologies such as computer vision is on a constant increase.
b) Hierarchical Information Processing with Synchro-
nization and Update: There exists some basic level of in-
formation processing in the information system of the Smart
Home system, for example data cleaning, but there is no
hierarchical information processing for each information layer.
There is also a serious lack of necessary and in-time synchro-
nization and update in the current system.
Profile-based Proactive Data Acquisition: Proactive data
acquisition involves the collection of data that is specif-
ically relevant to individual profiles. It entails actively
gathering information that aligns with the characteristics,
preferences, and behaviors of different profiles. This
approach ensures that data is acquired with a focus on
specific profiling needs and requirements. For example,
in an intelligent transportation system, proactive data
acquisition could involve gathering driving behavior data,
vehicle information, and environmental factors that di-
rectly impact different driver profiles.
Profile-based Decision Making: Profile-based decision-
making refers to the process of making informed deci-
sions based on the characteristics and attributes of differ-
ent profiles. By analyzing the collected data within each
profile, decision-makers can gain insights into specific
needs, preferences, and patterns. This information can
then be used to make decisions tailored to each profile.
For instance, in healthcare, profile-based decision-making
may involve developing personalized treatment plans for
patients based on their medical history, lifestyle choices,
and geographical location.
Profile-based Action and Results: Profile-based action
and results focus on implementing actions based on the
identified profiles and evaluating the outcomes of those
actions. It involves designing and executing strategies
that cater to the specific requirements of each profile.
For example, in the context of intelligent transportation
systems, profile-based action could involve implementing
customized driver training programs based on individual
driving behavior profiles. The results of these actions can
then be evaluated to measure their effectiveness and make
further adjustments as needed.
c) Hierarchical Information Communication & Sharing:
In the current system, there is some level of information
communication and sharing between human individuals and
the government. For example, the government will publish
air quality and water quality data to residents while human
individuals sometimes report illegal or inappropriate behavior
that damages the environment to the government. There is also
communication between organizations and the government
because the government has to make sure no organization
will discharge toxic pollutants into the environment. However,
there is not adequate communication between human individu-
als and organizations or companies. Moreover, the information
communication and sharing in the current system is very
disorganized because there does not exist central management
of all information communication. Thus, current information
sharing is far from hierarchical. There is not even a guarantee
of information delivery in the current communication and
sharing process.
d) Hierarchical Information Fusion: There is a lack
of information fusion of data content, temporal and spatial
information, and data from different origins in the current
system. There is also no fusion of different information layers,
an important one being the fusion of human know-how and
system data.
B. Material Cycle
While information flow, mentioned in Section III-A, is
connecting all UV components in a virtual way, through
information communication and feedback, the material cycle
is connecting them through the exchange of physical prod-
ucts, energy, and other natural resources. In this section, the
necessity and significance of the material cycle in the smart
environmental protection subsystem will be examined. Based
on the current concept of the material cycle, UV proposes its
own perspectives on how the material cycle should improve
to ensure safety and preparedness, reduce and prevent waste
and pollution, and protect the environment.
In the following paragraphs, we ask three main problems in
terms of the current Smart Home material cycle.
Q1: If Material Issues Are Not Properly Addressed,
Could They Lead To Catastrophic Events?
1) Q1-A: Hazardous Materials: Improper handling, stor-
age, or disposal of hazardous materials can pose sig-
nificant risks to the environment and human health.
Failure to effectively manage these materials may
result in accidents, leaks, or contamination, leading to
severe consequences.
2) Q1-B: Naked Wire and Firearms: Exposed electrical
wires and unauthorized access to firearms can pose
immediate threats to safety. Inadequate control and
maintenance of these materials may increase the risk
of electrical accidents or the misuse of firearms.
3) Q1-C: Combination of Cleaning Agents: Improper
mixing of cleaning agents, such as combining chlorine-
based disinfectants with toilet cleaners containing am-
monia, can produce toxic gases like chlorine gas. Fail-
ure to educate and enforce proper handling procedures
can lead to harmful chemical reactions and endanger
the well-being of individuals.
4) Q1-D: Cascading Failures: The material cycle encom-
passes interconnected systems and processes. Inade-
quate management of one component can lead to cas-
cading failures in the entire cycle, disrupting essential
services and potentially causing widespread negative
Q2: What Are The Emergency Supply Needs?
1) Q2-A: Emergency Rescue Supplies: During critical
situations, the availability of essential supplies like
generators, water pumps, and epidemic prevention kits
becomes crucial. These supplies aid in emergency re-
sponse efforts, enabling effective disaster management
and safeguarding public health.
2) Q2-B: Continuity of Daily Life in Emergencies: In
emergency scenarios where regular utilities and ser-
vices are disrupted, it is essential to have provisions
for alternative means of living. This includes access
to power sources for charging mobile devices, heating
water, collecting rainwater in the yard, emergency food
supplies, and privacy-related items such as gowns and
Q3: What Are The Effective Management to Minimize
Waste and Reduce Environmental Impact?
1) Q3-A: Management of Consumables’ Shelf Life: Prop-
erly managing the expiration dates of consumable
items ensures that they are used before expiration,
preventing waste and potential risks to human safety,
such as consuming expired or compromised products.
2) Q3-B: Optimal Allocation of Limited Resources: In
order to avoid wastage, it is crucial to allocate or
purchase resources wisely. This includes considera-
tions such as bulk packaging purchases to minimize
packaging waste and ensuring the appropriate quantity
of disposable items based on space constraints (e.g.,
hospital gowns) to avoid excess waste.
3) Q3-C: Efficient Use and Maintenance of Equipment:
Regular maintenance and upkeep of equipment are
essential to prolong their lifespan and prevent prema-
ture disposal, which can contribute to environmental
hazards. Adhering to manufacturer policies and imple-
menting timely repairs and maintenance can mitigate
safety risks and extend the usability of equipment.
4) Q3-D: Effective Handling of Damaged, Expired, or
Non-functional Materials: When materials or equip-
ment are damaged, expired, or no longer functional,
efficient processes for disposal or recycling (following
the principles of reduce, reuse, and recycle) should be
in place. This ensures proper waste management and
minimizes the environmental impact of discarding such
1) Necessity and Significance of Material Cycle in Smart
Environmental Protection : The concept of the material cycle
concerns the flow of materials in their life cycles, from raw
materials, extracted and processed resources, work in progress,
and end products to waste, and resources that have the value
of recycling.
a) Interaction between Smart Information System and
Material Cycle: Even though the information flow and the
material cycle are connecting all the UV components in two
distinct ways, one through information communication and the
other through the physical flow of materials, these two are
closely interacting with each other. Without the guidance of
information, the material cycle can never be optimized and
there will be a plethora of improperly reused and recycled
waste and pollutants. On the other hand, without the support of
physical infrastructure, such as servers and satellites, built and
provided by the material cycle, information will still be stored
physically in books and memory and thus fail to interconnect
components of all systems together. The information flow
and the material cycle should coordinate and synchronize
with each other to ensure the optimized performance of both
connections in the smart environmental protection system. In
particular, materials and products that are related to safety
and emergency preparedness should be emphasized in the
interaction between information flow and material cycle.
b) A Well-managed Material Cycle Ensures Safe Oper-
ation (Q1): A well-managed material cycle is able to ensure
safety during operation. For example, regular and thorough
maintenance of devices will help find malfunctions and errors
before accidents happen and are expected to increase the life
expectancy of products.
c) A Well-managed Material Cycle Ensures Preparedness
for Urgent Situations (Q2): A well-managed material cycle
will help ensure preparedness for urgent situations. For ex-
ample, household emergency inventory management, which
includes purchase, maintenance, and update of all emergency
inventory products, will not only increase the preparedness of
residents for disasters but also will potentially prevent harm
or death.
d) A Well-managed Material Cycle Optimizes Resource
Management, Reduces Waste and Negative Environmental
Impact through Reuse and Recycle (Q3): A well-managed
material cycle will help optimize resource management, reduce
or even prevent waste and pollution, and thus help protect the
e) A Well-managed Material Cycle Provides New Oppor-
tunities for Economic Development: A well-managed material
cycle will provide new opportunities for economic develop-
ment. For example, pollutants are often treated as harmful
materials but from another perspective, they are valuable
resources that can be made good use of. In particular, heavy
metals released into water bodies can be collected to make
products of great value.
2) UV Perspective on Material Cycle in Smart Environ-
mental Protection: A well-managed and optimized material
cycle does bring huge benefits. In this subsection, UV proposes
several methodologies on how to achieve such a material cycle.
a) Method 1: Ensure Safety in Operation (Q1): First, and
most importantly, safety in all operations related to materials
has to be ensured. This includes but is not limited to the
safe operation of devices, such as computed tomography
machines, safe operation environment, such as finding and
fixing naked wires in households, safe usage of materials, such
as preventing mixing bleach and vinegar which will produce
harmful chlorine gas, and safekeeping of hazardous materials,
such as flammable and combustible materials, which will
not only reduce accidents but also prevent horrible cascading
b) Method 2: Ensure Preparedness for Urgent Situations
(Q2): Sometimes accidents and unpredicted disasters can still
happen, despite the efforts, mentioned in III-B2a, to ensure the
safe interaction with materials. Thus, emergency preparedness
in the material cycle is another must.
Preparation and maintenance of emergency supplies
A more intuitive approach to increase emergency pre-
paredness in the material cycle is to prepare emergency
supplies, such as preparing first aid kits in households,
preparing generators, collecting rainwater in communi-
ties, and preparing medication and medical devices in
Ensure the essential functionalities of the basic sup-
plies and additional preparedness In addition to emer-
gency supplies that ensure responsiveness to urgent situa-
tions, thorough preparedness requires the preparation for
normal operation of essential functionalities, for example,
preparing UPS for emergency departments in hospitals.
c) Method 3: Optimize Resource Management, Reduce
Waste and Negative Environmental Impact through Reuse and
Recycle: There are four main directions of resource and waste
management: 1) the first is expiration date management to
prevent wasting still usable products and to prevent potential
harm caused by using expired products; 2) the second is re-
source purchase and distribution management to prevent waste
caused by duplicated purchase and wrong distribution; 3) the
third is consumables and vulnerable products management to
ensure the efficiency of these products during usage and to
extend their life expectancy; 4) the fourth is scrap products
and waste management which aim to reduce and prevent waste
production and subsequent potential pollution.
Specifically, UV proposes two main methodologies to
achieve the optimization of resource and waste management.
The first is to reuse, recycle and reduce waste through:
1) Real-time identification and classification of waste:
This greatly facilitates the process of recycling because
it helps to identify components that have a value of
recycling timely and efficiently.
2) Large-scale resource gathering enabled by inte-
grated information platforms: Often time wastes
are considered worthless materials because they are
not gathered together to produce potential values of
recycling. Moreover, even if sometimes there is enough
gathering of waste, relevant information, such as valu-
able metal elements in the waste, can never reach
parties of interest because there does not exist an
information platform that records and distributes such
information. Thus, large-scale resource gathering sup-
ported by integrated information platforms is needed.
3) Connecting suppliers and consumers through in-
tegrated information platforms: A big challenge in
the recycling industry is that producers and owners of
waste and resources do not know that these materials
have the values of recycling. On the other hand, the
receivers and recyclers who in fact need the valuable
elements in these materials can not have access to the
materials because producers and owners treat the same
materials as worthless and dump them away. Thus,
an information platform is badly needed to connect
”suppliers” and ‘”consumers” of valuable waste and
4) Short recycling chain: If the recycling chain is
too long, parties on this chain will barely have any
profits, which will discourage them from recycling
the resources. Hence, creating a short recycling will
stimulate parties to recycle resources and facilitate the
overall process of recycling.
5) Treating waste and pollutants as valuable resources:
To some extent, no materials are worthless waste. All
materials, including pollutants, have values of recy-
cling. Materials are treated as waste either because
there are undiscovered and valuable elements in them
or because ”suppliers” and ”consumers” are not con-
Adaptive resource management for different needs:
There does not exist an applied-to-all guideline for
resource management. Optimized resource management
is also required to be adaptive because people having
different lifestyles. Communities and cities with differ-
ent characteristics have different needs and thus require
different resources and methods of management.
For materials that can not be recycled, they should be
sent to landfill. UV proposes that optimized landfill man-
agement should allocate a suitable geographical location
and design an optimized structure for the landfill ahead
of time. The proposed management also considers how
to optimize the allocation and consumption of landfill
capacity, and how to properly manage hygiene issues and
other potential environmental problems.
3) UV Evaluation of Current Material Cycle in Smart
Environmental Protection:
a) Ensure Safety in Operation: Overall, the current ma-
terial cycle in the smart environmental protection subsystem
does not have a strong guarantee for safety during operation.
Safe operation of devices: Under normal operation con-
ditions, the safe operation of devices is, to some level,
guaranteed. However, once there are some minor distur-
bances, there is no guarantee of safe operation of devices.
Safe operation environment: Under strict management, a
safe operation environment is, to some level, guaranteed
but similar to the safe operation of devices, a safe
operation environment is very susceptible to disturbances
and unexpected events.
Safe usage of materials: There is a lack of proper
guidelines and education for the safe usage of materials.
For example, we should avoid the mixing of bleach and
vinegar because the mixing will produce harmful chlorine
Safekeeping of hazardous materials: Hazardous materials
can be properly managed by organizations and individuals
who have knowledge about these materials. However,
there is no safekeeping of hazardous materials if they
are exposed to individuals or organizations who have
no experience or guidelines to follow related to these
dangerous materials.
b) Prepare for Urgent Situations:
Prepare and maintain emergency supplies (Q2-A): The
current material cycle, guided by the government and
some professional emergency response organizations,
achieves some level of preparation and maintenance of
emergency supplies.
Ensure the essential functionalities of the basic supplies
and additional preparedness (Q2-B): Overall, the current
material cycle lacks necessary preparation for normal
operation under emergency situations.
c) Optimize Resource Management, Reduce waste and
negative Environmental Impact:
Q3-A: Expiration Date Management: There is a lack of
expiration data management in the current material cycle
Q3-B: Resource Purchase and Distribution Management:
There still exists a huge amount of cases of duplicated
purchases and wrong distribution in the current cycle.
Thus, there is a lack of resource purchase and distribution
management in the current material cycle.
Q3-C: Consumables and Vulnerable Products Mainte-
nance and Life Expectancy Management: In the current
material cycle, consumables and vulnerable products are
not properly maintained and managed, which greatly
shortens products’ life expectancy and causes serious
waste. Thus, there is a lack of consumables and vulner-
able products maintenance and life expectancy manage-
ment in the current material cycle.
Q3-D: Reuse is encouraged but the current level of reuse
is not ideal.
1) Real-time identification and classification of waste:
Relevant technologies are still mostly on the theoretical
level. Real-life application of identification and classi-
fication of waste does not have high accuracy and fails
to achieve real-time performance.
2) Large-scale resource gathering enabled by integrated
information platforms: In the current material cycle,
there is sometimes a large gathering of resources. But
in those cases, resources are not classified properly and
thus can not be reused or recycled efficiently. More-
over, there does not exist information platform that
records and distributes information related to valuable
resources to support large-scale resource gathering.
3) Connecting suppliers and consumers through integrated
information platforms: In most cases, suppliers and
consumers of resources and waste are disconnected and
there is a lacks of an integrated information platform
to connect suppliers and consumers and to facilitate
the recycling process.
4) Short recycling chain: In the current material cycle,
most recycling chains are extremely long. Thus, rele-
vant parties are not motivated to recycle materials.
5) Treating waste and pollutants as valuable resources: In
the current material cycle, wastes and pollutants are
considered worthless materials or a burden to society.
Their economic and social values are still yet to be
realized and utilized by most parties.
6) Landfill Management: Current landfill management is
poor mainly due to the large pressure from increasing
waste production. Landfill capacity is decreasing for all
countries while in some countries, there is still a large
accumulation of exposed waste on the ground. More-
over, the potential environmental problems and health
issues caused by landfill are not properly managed.
7) Adaptive Resource Management: In most countries,
there does not exist adaptive resource management.
Overall, the current material cycle in the smart environ-
mental protection subsystem still treats waste as worthless
materials while large-scale resource gathering barely exists.
In the current system, owners of waste and valuable resources
can hardly find receivers that have an interest in reusing and
recycling these resources. Current recycling chain is long,
which further discourages people from reusing and recycling
disposed items or wastes. Furthermore, waste reduction and
prevention are hardly achieved.
d) Current Supporting Technologies and Platforms:
Closed Feedback Loop: Even though the current material
cycle in the smart environmental protection subsystem still
faces challenges and has a large room for improvement, there
are readily accessible supporting technologies that can be
utilized to improve the current material cycle. The supporting
technologies of the current material cycle consist of informa-
tion platforms and physical infrastructure support.
As for the information technologies and platforms, it is
mentioned before that the information flow and the material
cycle are closely interconnected with each other while the
information guides facilitates the optimization of the material
cycle. An important prerequisite of the successful inclusion
of information platforms in the management of the material
cycle is the quantification and informatization of material.
Then, the information flow can connect waste ”suppliers”
and ”consumers” while assisting to accomplish large-scale
resource gathering. This part will be examined below from the
perspective of typical feedback control loops, including data
acquisition, communication, decision-making, and action.
As for the infrastructure support, materials will not be able
to recycle between places and parties without the physical
displacement of materials. This displacement is enabled by
the infrastructure, such as roads, rivers and bridges.
Major Functions
AI Technology
Data (M - Measurement;
I- Insight; D - Determined;
S - Other subsystem;)
(Understand Relationship)
(Understand Pattern)
Wisdom (Model
Complexity, MIMO)
(Prediction, Optimization,
Adjustability, Plan,
Abnormal Detection)
Safety &
1.1 -
Sheltering &
from bad
weather and
(air quality,
no pollution,
control, etc.,
no leaking)
Temperature (M);
Humidity (M); Wind
power (M); Radiation
exposure (M); Decibel
(M); Density of
harmful gases in the
air (pm 2.5)(M);
Lighting; Timing
Weather; Situation;
Pollution level; Noise
level; Air quality;
Resources demand ;
Time of the day
Risk of dangerous
weather; Degree of
pollution; Supply;
(agitation)Sensitive to
noise; Lighting &
time of day
Climate evaluation;
Comprehensive safety
modeling for houses;
Agitation modeling
weather, caregiver,
Predict potential
dangers for current
climate and
situations; Come up
with an action plan to
deal with dangerous
weathers, including
necessary home
innovation and supply
Agitation predictions
1.2 -
Sheltering &
User biometrics
(M/D); User facial
features (M/D); Audio
(M); Motion (M);
DoorBell (M); Locks
(M); Security Stream
User identity; Access
control; Security
equipment states;
Intrusion behavior;
Random behavior vs.
prepared intrusiveness;
Security level;
Intrusion identify;
Analysis of security
vulnerabilities and the
necessity of intrusion
Predict potential
threats for current
suspicious behaviors;
Come up with an
action plan to deal
with possible
intrusion, including
necessary home
innovation and safety
Major Functions
AI Technology
Data (M - Measurement;
I- Insight; D - Determined;
S - Other subsystem;)
(Understand Relationship)
(Understand Pattern)
Wisdom (Model
Complexity, MIMO)
(Prediction, Optimization,
Adjustability, Plan,
Abnormal Detection)
Safety &
1.3 -
system: (fire,
might fail),
Hearth temperature
(M); Infrasound and
ultrasonic (M); Wind
power and picture
(M/S); Sensor signal
(M); Motion (M);
Camera (M); Audio
The status of the
housing environment
(the interior and
exterior), Architectural
structure; Sensor
functionality; Human
location and current
understanding of the
dynamic relationship
between Housing
status/Damage degree
and weather changes;
Understanding of the
dynamic relationship
between the
physiology and mental
status of Humans and
the situation changes;
understanding of how
urgent situations
would affect the
Housing status, as
well as human status
Predict potential
threats to housing
vulnerability and
human safety for
current urgent
situations; Come up
with an emergency
plan to deal with
including necessary
home innovation and
safety measurement
and rescue plan;
Major Functions
AI Technology
Data (M - Measurement;
I- Insight; D - Determined;
S - Other subsystem;)
(Understand Relationship)
(Understand Pattern)
Wisdom (Model
Complexity, MIMO)
(Prediction, Optimization,
Adjustability, Plan,
Abnormal Detection)
supply and
basic living
energy, fuel,
system for
smart devices
system, ICT
network, etc.
Supply (water,
Consumption (M/S);
Pricing policy (I)
Household behavior;
Household demand;
Household lifestyle;
Resource utilization;
Dynamic energy
Comprehensive energy
modeling for houses
Improving the
structure of energy
supply; Demand
and supplies
Item label (D);
Temperature (M);
Humidity (M); Device
data (D); Furniture
parameters (M/D);
Item location; Item
amount; Item status;
Storage conditions;
Device status;
Furniture status;
Resource supply;
Equipment conditions
Supply planning;
management; Recycle;
Major Functions
AI Technology
Data (M - Measurement;
I- Insight; D - Determined;
S - Other subsystem;)
(Understand Relationship)
(Understand Pattern)
Wisdom (Model
Complexity, MIMO)
(Prediction, Optimization,
Adjustability, Plan,
Abnormal Detection)
ture &
ment and
system, toilet,
etc.) and
Device Data (D);
Furniture Parameters
(M/D); Resource
Supply (M/s);
Hygiene device status;
Hygiene furniture
Hygiene equipment
Hygiene equipment
management; Hygiene
management; Waste
Major Functions
AI Technology
Data (M - Measurement;
I- Insight; D - Determined;
S - Other subsystem;)
(Understand Relationship)
(Understand Pattern)
Wisdom (Model
Complexity, MIMO)
(Prediction, Optimization,
Adjustability, Plan,
Abnormal Detection)
and Living
4.1 Food
storage, and
Food label (D); Food
parameters (food
content, calorie
content, manufacture
date, expiration date)
(D); Temperature (M);
Humidity (M);
Food location; Food
amount; Nutrients;
Food status; Storage
Food supply;
Nutritional structure;
Storage utilization
Food supply planning;
Diet planning; Storage
Food management;
Nutritive structure
optimization; Storage
health &
Human indicators
(M/D); Medical
report/prescription (S);
Drug label (D);
Temperature (M);
Humidity (M); Drug
parameters (D);
Health status;
Diseases; Medical
advice; Drug
information; Storage
Diseases treatment;
Medical supply;
Comprehensive health
conditions; Medical
supply planning;
Health improvement;
medical management;
4.3 Outdoor
Mobility &
- 1) vehi-
2) tickets for
public trans-
portation, 3)
Vehicle data (D);
Traffic data (S);
Parking data (S);
Public transportation
data (S); Temperature
(M); Humidity (M);
Wind power (M)
Vehicle status; Traffic
status; Parking
availability; Public
transportation status;
Vehicle conditions;
Traffic conditions;
Public transportation
Vehicle maintenance;
Urban transportation
planning; Parking
Vehicle management;
Travel schedule;
Major Functions
AI Technology
Data (M - Measurement;
I- Insight; D - Determined;
S - Other subsystem;)
(Understand Relationship)
(Understand Pattern)
Wisdom (Model
Complexity, MIMO)
(Prediction, Optimization,
Adjustability, Plan,
Abnormal Detection)
and Living
4.4 Indoor
seniors, kids,
untidy up,
and clutter
Motion (M); Camera
(M); Audio (M);
Human behavior;
Motion activity
Lifestyle; Habit; Fall;
Abnormal walking
Comprehensive body
condition Health improvement
4.5 Activity
tion &
ment, social,
study, work,
Motion (M); Camera
(M); Audio (M); Human behavior; Lifestyle; Habit; User
activity condition
Major Functions
AI Technology
Data (M - Measurement;
I- Insight; D - Determined;
S - Other subsystem;)
(Understand Relationship)
(Understand Pattern)
Wisdom (Model
Complexity, MIMO)
(Prediction, Optimization,
Adjustability, Plan,
Abnormal Detection)
plants, art,
and painting
Fashion (I); Art (I);
Motion (M); Camera
(M); Audio (M);
Lighting (M/D);
Aesthetic level
Decoration quality;
Layout rationality Decoration planning Aesthetic promotion;
Comfort enhancement
5.2 Home
Innovation &
Family &
Human indicators
(M); Community
notification (I);
Resident behavior;
Community activities;
Resident profile;
Family profile;
Community profile
family & community
connection planning
Major Functions
AI Technology
Data (M - Measurement;
I- Insight; D - Determined;
S - Other subsystem;)
(Understand Relationship)
(Understand Pattern)
Wisdom (Model
Complexity, MIMO)
(Prediction, Optimization,
Adjustability, Plan,
Abnormal Detection)
and User
Platform &
6.1 Financial
status, and
life cycle
and 6.2 Data
Financial data (D);
Certificates (D);
Documents (D);
Equipment (D)
Camera (M)
Financial information;
Inventory; Documents
status; Equipment
Financial structure;
Documents category;
Inventory profile
Financial planning;
Documents archiving
and storage; Inventory
Inventory management
Major Functions
AI Technology
Data (M - Measurement;
I- Insight; D - Determined;
S - Other subsystem;)
(Understand Relationship)
(Understand Pattern)
Wisdom (Model
Complexity, MIMO)
(Prediction, Optimization,
Adjustability, Plan,
Abnormal Detection)
Home and
Human indicators
(M); Motion (M);
Camera (M); Audio (M);
Pressure (M)
Human behavior;
Activity Resident profile Path planning Accessibility
7.2 Services
and support
(food, rest
area, sharing
cooking, and
dining out)
Preference (M/I);
Storage (M/D)
Human preference;
Storage information
Community Profile;
Resident Profile;
Storage conditions
recommendation Support enhancement
Major Functions
AI Technology
Data (M - Measurement;
I- Insight; D - Determined;
S - Other subsystem;)
(Understand Relationship)
(Understand Pattern)
Wisdom (Model
Complexity, MIMO)
(Prediction, Optimization,
Adjustability, Plan,
Abnormal Detection)
Home and
Cycle Opti-
7.3 Travel
need: Virtual
ment &
impact of the
Preference (M/I);
Camera (M); Audio
Human preference Resident Profile Entertainment
layout, smart
smart mirror,
plants, social
need, value).
Preference (M/I);
Camera (M); Audio
(M); Lighting (M);
Human indicators
Human preference;
Mood; Feel Resident Profile Mood evaluation Mood adjustment
People Emergency Action
Normal Opera Special Mode (holiday
mode, visitors)
[A] Adults, [P] Patients,
[SC] Special Care
[I] People from Inside; [O]
People from Outside; [S]
[A] General healthy adults
[I] Equipment wrong uses
detection, gas leakage
detection, food mixture
poisoning detection; [O]
Dangerous interaction such as
telecom fraud, or family
Regular behaviors such as
Dietary restriction, Cloth
wearing, Temperature Control,
Entertainment activities,
Regular movement, voice and
gestures, Communication;
Status Identification such as
Mood detection, Physical
status detection;
Special physical change
detection (e.g. voice, health);
[P] Regular patients with
chronic illness or injury
[I] Equipment wrong uses
detection, gas leakage
detection, food mixture
poisoning detection; [O]
Dangerous interaction such as
telecom fraud, or family
violence); [S] Health
worsening detection
Regular behaviors such as
Dietary restriction, Cloth
wearing, Medication,
Temperature Control,
Entertainment activities,
Regular movement, voice and
gestures, Communication;
Status Identification such as
Mood detection, Physical
status detection;
Special/Personalized Mode
such as Medication, Physical
check-ups, Special physical
change detection (e.g. voice,
[P] Regular patients with a
short-term illness
[I] Equipment wrong uses
detection, gas leakage
detection, food mixture
poisoning detection; [O]
Dangerous interaction such as
telecom fraud, or family
violence); [S] Health
worsening detection
Regular behaviors such as
Dietary restriction, Cloth
wearing, Medication,
Temperature Control,
Entertainment activities,
Regular movement, voice and
gestures, Communication;
Status Identification such as
Mood detection, Physical
status detection, Regular
physical behaviors, and
gestures detection;
Special/Personalized Mode
such as Medication, Physical
check-ups (e.g. Wound
recovery), Daily Caring by
caregivers, Special physical
change detection (e.g. voice,
[P] Bedridden patients
[I] Equipment wrong uses
detection, gas leakage
detection, food mixture
poisoning detection; [O]
Dangerous interaction such as
telecom fraud, or family
violence); [S] Health
worsening detection
Regular behaviors such as
Dietary restriction, Cloth
wearing, Medication,
Temperature Control,
Entertainment activities,
Regular movement, voice and
gestures, Communication,
Communication; Status
Identification such as Mood
detection, Physical status
Special/Personalized Mode
such as Medication, Physical
check-up (e.g. Wound
recovery), Daily Caring by
caregivers (e.g. In-bed
excretion, Medication,
Physical checkup, Pressure
relief, Body turnover), Special
physical change detection (e.g.
voice, health);
[SC] Disabled individuals
[I] Equipment wrong uses
detection, gas leakage
detection, food mixture
poisoning detection; [O]
Dangerous interaction such as
telecom fraud, or family
violence); [S] Health
worsening detection
Regular behaviors such as
Dietary restriction, Cloth
wearing, Medication,
Temperature Control,
Entertainment activities,
Regular movement, voice and
gestures, Communication;
Status Identification such as
Mood detection, Physical
status detection;
Special/Personalized Mode
such as Medication, Physical
check-ups, Daily Caring by
caregivers (e.g. Personal
Hygiene), Mobility Assistance
by caregivers or tools (e.g.
crutch, wheelchair, guide
dog), Special physical change
detection (e.g. voice, health);
People Emergency Action Normal Operation Special Mode (holiday
mode, visitors)
[SC] Elderly dementia
[I] Equipment wrong uses
detection, gas leakage detection,
food mixture poisoning detection;
[O] Dangerous interaction such
as telecom fraud, or family
violence); [S] Health worsening
detection, Wandering detection,
Location detection by wearable
Regular behaviors such as
Dietary restriction, Cloth
wearing, Medication,
Temperature Control,
Entertainment activities, Regular
movement, voice and gestures,
Communication; Status
Identification such as Mood
detection, Physical status
Special/Personalized Mode
such as Medication, Physical
check-ups, Daily Assistance
by caregivers, Daily Memory
aids training, Special physical
change detection (e.g. voice,
[SC] Mental health
[I] Equipment wrong uses
detection, gas leakage detection,
food mixture poisoning
detection; [O] Dangerous
interaction such as telecom fraud,
or family violence); [S] Health
worsening detection, Human
communication safety detection
Regular behaviors such as
Dietary restriction, Cloth
wearing, Medication,
Temperature Control,
Entertainment activities, Regular
movement, voice and gestures,
Communication; Status
Identification such as Mood
detection, Physical status
Special/Personalized Mode
such as Medication, Physical
check-ups, Therapy, Special
physical change detection (e.g.
voice, health);
[SC] Working
[I] Equipment wrong uses
detection, gas leakage detection,
food mixture poisoning detection;
[O] Dangerous interaction such
as telecom fraud, or family
violence); [S] Health worsening
detection, Over fatigue detection
Regular behaviors such as
Dietary restriction, Cloth
wearing, Medication,
Temperature Control,
Entertainment activities, Regular
movement, voice and gestures,
Communication; Status
Identification such as Mood
detection, Physical status
Special/Personalized Mode
such as Medication, Physical
check-ups, Therapy, Special
physical change detection (e.g.
voice, health);
[SC] Elderly
[I] Equipment wrong uses
detection, gas leakage detection,
food mixture poisoning detection;
[O] Dangerous interaction such
as telecom fraud, or family
violence); [S] Health worsening
detection, Caring abuse detection
Regular behaviors such as
Dietary restriction, Cloth
wearing, Medication,
Temperature Control,
Entertainment activities, Regular
movement, voice and gestures,
Communication; Status
Identification such as Mood
detection (e.g. Happiness),
Physical status detection;
Special/Personalized Mode
such as Medication, Physical
check-ups, Therapy, Mobility
Assistance by caregivers or
tools (e.g. crutch, wheelchair,
guide dog), Special physical
change detection (e.g. voice,
[SC] Children
[I] Equipment wrong uses
detection, gas leakage detection,
food mixture poisoning detection;
[O] Dangerous interaction such
as telecom fraud, or family
violence); [S] Health worsening
detection, Caring abuse
detection, Possibly dangerous
behaviors (e.g. Climbing)
Regular behaviors such as
Dietary restriction, Cloth
wearing, Medication,
Temperature Control,
Entertainment activities, Regular
movement, voice and gestures,
Communication; Status
Identification such as Mood
detection, Physical status
Special/Personalized Mode
such as Physical check-ups,
Daily Caring by caregivers,
Special physical change
detection (e.g. voice, health);
[SC] Caregivers
[I] Equipment wrong uses
detection, gas leakage detection,
food mixture poisoning
detection; [O] Dangerous
interaction such as telecom
fraud, or family violence); [S]
Health worsening detection
Regular behaviors such as
Dietary restriction, Cloth
wearing, Medication,
Temperature Control,
Entertainment activities, Regular
movement, voice and gestures,
Communication; Status
Identification such as Mood
detection, Physical status
Special/Personalized Mode
such as Physical check-ups,
Daily training, Special
physical change detection (e.g.
voice, health);
People Emergency Action Normal Operation Special Mode (holiday
mode, visitors)
[SC] Pregnant mothers
[I] Equipment wrong uses
detection, gas leakage
detection, food mixture
poisoning detection; [O]
Dangerous interaction such as
telecom fraud, or family
violence); [S] Health
worsening detection
Regular behaviors such as
Dietary restriction, Cloth
wearing, Medication,
Temperature Control,
Entertainment activities,
Regular movement, voice and
gestures, Communication;
Status Identification such as
Mood detection, Physical
status detection;
Special/Personalized Mode
such as Medication, Physical
check-ups, Daily Caring by
caregivers, Special physical
change detection (e.g. voice,
[SC] Pets
[I] Improper human
interaction (e.g. Food,
Entertainment); [O]
Dangerous interaction
Regular behaviors such as
Dietary restriction,
Medication, Regular
movement, voice, and
gestures; Status Identification
such as Mood detection,
Physical status detection;
Special physical change
detection (e.g. voice, health);
One distinctive characteristic of Universal Village is the
emphasis on fostering interaction and coordination among its
subsystems. A UV-Smart home system should actively engage
with and contribute to other subsystems, leading to synergistic
collaborations and interconnections. In this section, we will
delve into various ways in which UV-Smart Homes interact
with different UV-smart subsystems.
Specifically, with our initial publication of
Preliminary Study on Evaluation of Smart-Cities
Technologies and Proposed UV Lifestyles [451] &
NUBILUM AD HOMINEM: Taking Smart Homes
steps further [452], and with reference to our previous
publications, [453] [454] [455] [456] [457] [458] [455],
on other UV subsystems, we will explore the interactions
between Smart Homes and the other seven subsystems
which are Smart Medicine and Healthcare (IV-A), Intelligent
Transportation Systems (ITS) (IV-B), Urban Planning and
Crowd Management (IV-C), Smart Energy Management
(IV-D), Smart Response Systems for City Emergencies
(IV-E), Smart Environmental Protection (IV-F), and Smart
Humanity (IV-G)
When analyzing the relationship and connection between
Smart Home System and other subsystems, we focus on five
major UV-oriented objectives of the Smart Home System.
These five major objectives are:
1) Proactive & coordinated home infrastructure to ensure
safety, hygiene, and basic supply
2) Proactive & coordinated family support to ensure human
safety, health & well-being, identity & value
3) Top-down & Bottom-up coordination: proactive interac-
tion with society
4) Humanity & Ethical consideration
5) Cost & Sustainability
In proactive & coordinated home infrastructure to ensure
safety, hygiene, and basic supply, we analyze the capability
of infrastructure support for normal situations as well as for
emergency response, the proficiency of providing accessible
and reliable services, and system vulnerabilities. In other
words, we will look into the following four sub-objectives:
Infrastructure Support
Emergency response
Provide accessible and reliable services
Improve resilience and adaptiveness
In proactive & coordinated family support to ensure human
safety, health & well-being, identity & value, we analyze
the satisfaction of individual life & well-being in terms of
physical, mental, and social perspectives, methods of reducing
workload while improving efficiency, risk management & vul-
nerability protection and means to improve resilience. In other
words, we will look into the following four sub-objectives:
Individual Life & Well-being (physical, mental, and so-
Reduce workload & improve efficiency
Risk management & vulnerability protection
Improve resilience
In Top-down & bottom-up coordination: proactive interac-
tion with society, we analyze how residents’ basic needs as
well as urgent situations could be comprehended, proficiency
for coordinated planning, how to complete shared respon-
sibility and collective support, and integrity of information
connectivity. In other words, we will look into the following
four sub-objectives:
Understand Basic Needs and Urgent Situations
Coordinated Planning
Shared Responsibility and Collective Support
Information Connectivity
In humanity & ethical considerations, we analyze how to
achieve equality and inclusiveness among people with different
backgrounds, how to attain respect & sharing, how to bring
happiness & mental support, how to render support and pro-
tection, and how to protect and promote cultural preservation.
In other words, we will look into the following five sub-
Equality and Inclusiveness
Respect & Sharing
Happiness & mental support
Support and Protection
Cultural Preservation and Promotion
In cost & sustainability, we analyze the possible mainte-
nance and cost, efficient way to optimize resource management
and material cycle, and pursue environmental protection &
sustainability. In other words, we will look into the following
three sub-objectives:
Maintenance and Cost:
Resource Management & Material Cycle and optimize
material cycle
Environmental Protection & Sustainability: Waste man-
agement & Prevention, pollution control, Environmental
For each sub-objective, we discuss from the following four
From home to other subsystems (Infor): The first set lists
all the expected information the Smart home could give
to other subsystems. From this perspective, we categorize
the information as follows:
Personal information: Basic Personal Information
of residents and individual households should be
provided before the initiation of services from other
UV-smart subsystems.
Collective information: Collective information of
households and communities, such as age distri-
bution in local neighborhoods, is crucial for the
provision of large-scale services.
Real-time feedback: The experience of household
residents and community members’ obtaining ser-
vices from other subsystems, especially under emer-
gency situations, is crucial for improving subsystem
robustness and resilience.
Service suggestion: Based on services that house-
hold residents and community members obtain from
other subsystems, especially during emergency situ-
ations, the residents and members may suggest other
new services from other subsystems.
From home to other subsystems (Reaction): The second
set explains how the above-exchanged information from
home could enable other subsystems to function better
than before. From this perspective, we categorize the
reaction as follows:
Enable customizable and adaptive services: Such
information, as well as their special needs, can be
utilized to empower subsystems to make necessary
adjustments and provide more personalized services.
Situation Understanding & Resource assignment:
Collective information gathered at both household
and community levels would enable general situation
understanding, more precise modeling of unintended
circumstances, and proactive prediction of future
development, thus facilitating effective planning, re-
source allocation, and leveraging government support
and assistance more efficiently.
Timely response: Comments and assessment infor-
mation can provide timely feedback and information
reports to other subsystems and improve their capa-
bilities of providing time-critical responses.
System improvement: Crowd-sourcing feedback
from household residents and community members
who received services or support from other subsys-
tems could provide insightful suggestions for further
system-level improvement and optimization.
From other subsystems to home (Infor): The third set
lists all the expected information other subsystems could
give to UV-Smart home system. From this perspective,
we categorize the information as follows:
Available Support and result feedback: UV-smart
subsystems can proactively inform household resi-
dents and community members of the other sub-
systems’ corresponding available services, accessi-
ble support, and other obtainable resources. The
subsystems provide in-time follow-up inquiries or
feedbacks for certain services.
Instructive guidance: UV-smart subsystems have
the obligation to provide detailed instructions and
guidance for their available services.
Expected proactive reaction: Other UV-smart sub-
systems should proactively inform household resi-
dents and community members on how both par-
ties can benefit from cooperatively participating in
improving subsystem efficiency and optimizing the
overall subsystem performance.
Rules & Stipulation: It is imperative for UV-
smart subsystems to inform household residents and
community members of their basic responsibilities,
certain regulations, and legal liabilities before they
enroll in the provided services.
From other subsystems to home (Reaction): The fourth
list explains how the exchanged information from other
subsystems could enable the Smart home to function
better than before. From this perspective, we categorize
the reaction as follows:
Coordinated planning: Available Support and result
feedback would enable household residents and com-
munity members to make informed decisions and
coordinated planning.
Efficiency improvement and Safety assurance:
Instructive Guidance can improve service usage ef-
ficiency and operation safety, greatly reducing the
possibility of device damage and preventing waste.
Proactive response: Proactive communication
among UV-smart subsystems, household residents,
and community members can promote collaboration
between subsystems. Moreover, the perspective
of considering individual households and
large communities as fundamental constituent
components of the subsystems would enable a
more comprehensive decision-making process and
improve collective efficiency.
Law enforcement and education: Such precau-
tionary information would greatly help household
residents and community members understand their
rights and obligations, regulate irresponsible behav-
iors, prevent potential conflicts, and promote sustain-
able collaboration.
A. Interaction between Smart Home and Smart Healthcare
The interaction between the UV-Smart Home system and
the UV-Smart Healthcare system is an essential element in
establishing a holistic and technologically advanced approach
to healthcare in urban environments. These two interconnected
systems work in tandem, exchanging information and respond-
ing to each other’s inputs, to promote enhanced healthcare
services, personalized patient care, and improved well-being
for residents. This section explores the dynamic nature of
their interaction, highlighting how the Smart Home system
can provide valuable information and collaborate with the
Healthcare system to optimize health monitoring, facilitate
remote care, and create a supportive and proactive healthcare
environment for residents and communities.
In the subsections below, we describe the interac-
tion from the following aspects, as summarized in Ta-
1) Proactive & Coordinated Home Infrastructure to Ensure
Safety, Hygiene, and Essential Supply: Exchanging informa-
tion effectively helps to promote proactive & coordinated
home infrastructure to ensure safety, hygiene, and essential
supply. In this section, we will delve into what information
should be exchanged and how such information would help
both subsystems to perform better than acting alone.
In Tables LXVIII, LXIX, and LXX, we discuss the corre-
sponding four perspectives in terms of four sub-objectives:
Infrastructure Support, emergency response, providing ac-
cessible and reliable services, and improving resilience and
adaptiveness. The following writing part below is a summary
of the content of the tables.
a) From Home to Healthcare (Infor): UV-Smart home
systems have the capability to furnish the following essential
information to UV-Smart healthcare systems:
Personal Information
Medical history of family members, including any
pre-existing conditions, allergies, and chronic ill-
Residents’ health information, medical history, and
special needs such as Slopes [459]
Medication lists and dosage information for each
family member
Preferred language or communication needs of fam-
ily members for effective interaction with healthcare
Contact information and emergency contacts for fam-
ily members
Financial information and budget plans
Collective Information
Household demographics, such as the number of
residents and their age groups
Specific needs or requirements of vulnerable indi-
viduals within households, such as elderly family
members or individuals with disabilities
Cultural and religious considerations that may impact
healthcare decisions or treatment approaches
Availability and accessibility of transportation op-
tions for family members’ healthcare appointments
or emergencies
Real Time Feedback
Reporting any adverse reactions or side effects ex-
perienced after taking prescribed medications
Notifying the healthcare system about any sudden
changes in the health status of family members
Sharing feedback on the effectiveness or challenges
faced with current home-based medical equipment or
Providing updates on the overall well-being and
progress of family members’ health conditions
Service Suggestion
Recommending specific home-based healthcare ser-
vices, such as telemedicine consultations or home
visits by healthcare professionals
Suggesting improvements to existing home infras-
tructure to enhance safety, accessibility, or comfort
for family members with healthcare needs
Proposing additional resources or support services
that could be beneficial for managing healthcare at
home, such as caregiver support or respite care
Requesting educational materials or workshops on
proactive home health management and disease pre-
vention strategies
b) From Home to Healthcare (Reaction): The UV-Smart
healthcare system can act on the information and feedback
provided by the UV-Smart home system to boost the services
to its patients in the following ways:
Enable Customized and Adaptive Services
Encourage families to maintain updated medical
records for each family member
Provide secure online platforms for families to enter
and update their personal health information
Educate families on the importance of sharing accu-
rate and comprehensive medical history with health-
care providers
Develop user-friendly mobile applications for fam-
ilies to easily access and update personal health
Situation Understanding & Resource Assignment
Conduct community wide health assessments to
gather demographic data and identify specific health-
care needs of the community
Collaborate with community organizations and re-
ligious institutions to understand how cultural and
religious considerations affect healthcare decisions
Establish partnerships with transportation services to
ensure accessible transportation options for health-
care appointments or emergencies
Create culturally sensitive educational materials to
promote health awareness and engage diverse house-
Timely Response
Implement digital platforms or helpline services for
families to report adverse reactions or side effects in
real time
Utilize remote monitoring devices or mobile appli-
cations to track and collect data on changes in health
Conduct regular check-ins or home visits by health-
care professionals to assess the well-being of family
members and address any concerns
Establish feedback mechanisms to capture experi-
ences and challenges faced with home-based medical
equipment or technologies
System Improvement
Conduct surveys or organize focus groups to gather
input from families on desired home-based health-
care services
Collaborate with technology providers to develop
innovative solutions for proactive home health man-
Evaluate home infrastructure to identify areas for
improvement and implement necessary modifications
Offer workshops or educational sessions on proactive
home health management and disease prevention
By implementing these actions, the UV-Smart healthcare sys-
tem may effectively leverage the information shared by the
UV-Smart home to provide personalized and proactive care,
improving overall health outcomes for families.
c) From Healthcare to Home (Infor): Our vision entails
an exemplary healthcare system that offers a comprehen-
sive range of information to elevate the overall quality of
patient care. Examples of information that can be shared
from healthcare to homes for proactive and coordinated home
infrastructure in each category are listed as follows:
Available Support and Result Feedback
Updates on available support programs or services
for improving home infrastructure
Feedback on the results for assessments and evalua-
tions of home infrastructure
Recommendations for utilizing resources or access-
ing funding for home infrastructure improvements
Notifications on any changes in regulations or poli-
cies related to home infrastructure
Instructive Guidance
Step-by-step instructions for maintaining and opti-
mizing home infrastructure systems
Safety guidelines for handling home infrastructure
equipment and appliances
Educational materials on energy-efficient practices
and sustainable home infrastructure
Best practices for troubleshooting common issues
related to home infrastructure
Expected Proactive Reaction
Guidance on proactive measures to prevent home
infrastructure problems or emergencies
Recommendations for regular inspections and main-
tenance of home infrastructure systems
Information on technological advancements and in-
novations in home infrastructure
Alerts or notifications on potential risks or hazards
related to home infrastructure
Rules & Stipulation
Clear explanations of regulations and legal require-
ments concerning home infrastructure
Guidelines for compliance with building codes and
standards for home infrastructure
Information on permits or certifications required for
specific home infrastructure projects
Updates on any changes in laws or regulations im-
pacting home infrastructure
By providing proactive and coordinated information in
the categories above, the UV-Smart healthcare system can
assist the UV-Smart home system in effectively managing
and improving its home infrastructure for a safer and more
comfortable living environment.
d) From Healthcare to Home (Reaction): To achieve the
goals of proactive and coordinated home infrastructure, the
following actions can be taken:
Coordinated Planning
Establish support programs to assist homes in im-
proving their infrastructure
Conduct regular assessments and evaluations of
home infrastructure and provide feedback to home-
Collaborate with financial institutions or government
agencies to offer funding options for infrastructure
Stay updated with relevant regulations and policies
and inform homeowners about any changes
Efficiency Improvement and Safety Assurance
Develop comprehensive guides and manuals for
maintaining and optimizing home infrastructure sys-
Conduct educational workshops or webinars to edu-
cate homeowners about safety practices and energy
Provide online resources and videos demonstrating
troubleshooting techniques for common home infras-
tructure issues
Stay informed about the latest technological ad-
vancements in home infrastructure and share relevant
information with homeowners
Proactive Response
Create awareness campaigns to educate homeowners
about proactive measures to prevent home infrastruc-
ture problems
Encourage homeowners to schedule regular inspec-
tions and maintenance for their home infrastructure
Share information about new products or technolo-
gies that can improve home infrastructure efficiency
and safety
Implement an alert system to notify homeowners of
potential risks or hazards related to their infrastruc-
Education and Law Enforcement
Develop clear and concise guidelines outlining reg-
ulations and legal requirements for home infrastruc-
Provide resources and assistance for homeowners
to understand and comply with building codes and
Facilitate the process of obtaining permits or certifi-
cations necessary for home infrastructure projects
Regularly communicate updates regarding changes
in laws or regulations that affect home infrastructure
By implementing these actions, healthcare professionals can
actively support homeowners in achieving proactive and coor-
dinated home infrastructure, leading to safer and more efficient
living environments.
2) Proactive & Coordinated Family Support to Ensure
Human Safety, Health & Well-being, Identity & Value: The
relationship between the UV-Smart Home System and the
UV-Smart Healthcare System is vital. Exchanging information
effectively would help in promoting proactive & coordinated
family support to ensure human safety, health & well-being,
identity & value. In the following section, we will delve
deeper into what kind of information should be exchanged and
how such information would help both subsystems to perform
In Table LXXI,LXXII and LXXIII, we discuss the corre-
sponding four perspectives in terms of four sub-objectives:
individual Life & Well-being (physical, mental and social,
reduce workload & improve efficiency, risk management &
vulnerability protection, and improve resilience. The following
writing part below is a summary of the content of the tables.
a) From Home to Healthcare (Infor): The following
information could be provided from the UV-Smart home
system to the UV-Smart healthcare system:
Personal Information
The mental well-being of home members and the
dynamics of familial relationships
Individual’s health status and habit
Collective Information
Home space, especially the level of crowding
Air quality and humidity, particularly considering
factors that could influence air quality such as dust
and foul odors
Information about lights, including sun exposure
time and brightness
Details about food, such as nutritional content, the
presence of allergens, and the potential for food
Possible challenges or unexpected situations for dif-
ferent homes such as plumbing or electrical prob-
lems, lack of necessary amenities or essential utilities
Real Time Feedback
Residents responding to their medical needs from the
Regularly updating the changes in medical supplies
Service Suggestion
If there is a caregiver, provide suggestions to improve
their ability and quality of care
Share information regarding the latest improvements
in medical technologies
b) From Home to Healthcare (Reaction): UV-Smart
Home Systems could make the following reactions:
Enable Customize and Adaptive Services
Develop more effective medical treatments after un-
derstanding the special needs of residents
Making better plans and flexibly adjusting to meet
specific needs with the support of sensor infrastruc-
Situation Understanding & Resource Assignment
Analyze previous unexpected situations, such as fires
or emergencies, to help develop
Identify bad habits within households to provide
more specific suggestions
Timely Response
Develop emergency plans tailored to different sce-
narios so that the system can respond in a faster and
more efficient way
Implement monitoring and alert systems to immedi-
ately respond to emergencies
System Improvement
Regularly update the system to ensure it remains up-
to-date with the latest advancement
Implement different algorithms to enhance the sys-
tem’s ability to meet the residents’ needs
c) From Healthcare to Home (Infor): UV-Smart health-
care systems have the potential to provide an array of valuable
information to UV-Smart home systems, thereby equipping
homes with access to relevant healthcare resources and gen-
eral guidance. This exchange of information empowers home
systems to make informed decisions and enhances their ability
to navigate and utilize healthcare services effectively.
Available Support and Result Feedback
Availability of medical resources, such as local hos-
pital, medical Bed, medicine, ambulance, and other
social resources
Provide instructions to caregivers to prepare for
different special situations
Share information regarding the hospital and phar-
macy location and distribution
Instructive Guidance
Provide clear explanations and instructions for pa-
Clear instructions on using home features and func-
Expected Proactive Reaction
Determine possible cost of risk
Find out the probability of acute illness
Rules & Stipulation
Establish clear guidelines or regulations to ensure
user safety, privacy, and ethical considerations
Updates on any changes in laws or regulations im-
pacting home infrastructure
The information offered by UV-Smart healthcare systems
plays a crucial role in facilitating the improvement of perfor-
mance and fostering healthy lifestyles within UV-Smart home
systems. The following sections delve into the ways in which
this information can be utilized to achieve these outcomes.
d) From Healthcare to Home (Reaction): UV-Smart
Healthcare System Could Provide The Following Reactions:
Coordinated Planning
Offer guidance regarding necessary preparations for
high-risk events
Facilitate coordination between healthcare providers
and local authorities to offer comprehensive emer-
gency response plans
Efficiency Improvement and Safety Assurance
Assist residents to manage special circumstances,
such as diseases, and handle situations more effec-
Provide safety features, such as fall detection systems
and alert systems to inform residents about any
Proactive Response
Assist vulnerable groups and patients with conditions
like stroke or heart attack
Implement proactive health monitoring system to
detect sudden deterioration of health status
Education and Law Enforcement
Provide resources and materials for homeowners to
understand and comply with emergency measures
Develop clear guidelines to enhance the overall se-
curity of home infrastructure
3) Top-down & Bottom-up Coordination: Proactive Inter-
action with Society: The relationship between the UV-Smart
Home System and the UV-Smart Healthcare System is vital.
Exchanging information effectively would help in promoting
Top-down & bottom-up coordination: Proactive interaction
with society. In the following section, we will delve deeper into
what kind of information should be exchanged and how such
information would help both subsystems to perform better.
In Table LXXIV, LXXV and LXXVI, we discuss the cor-
responding four perspectives in terms of four sub-objectives:
understanding Basic Needs and Urgent Situations, coordinated
Planning, shared Responsibility and Collective Support and
information Connectivity). The following writing part below
is a summary of the content of the table.
a) From Home to Healthcare (Infor): UV-Smart home
systems have the potential to offer a range of valuable in-
formation to UV-Smart healthcare systems, thereby enabling
healthcare systems to access pertinent details about residents.
This exchange of information can greatly enhance the health-
care system’s understanding of residents’ needs and enable
more personalized and effective care.
Personal Information
Personal medical history and first aid needed
Transportation information and reservation informa-
tion for family members
Collective Information
Household demographics, such as the overall popu-
lation’s age and health status
Cultural and religious considerations that may impact
healthcare decisions
Real Time Feedback
Providing feedback on the effectiveness of the cur-
rent home-based technologies
Reporting any possible improvement needed to be
based on historical data regarding different incidents
Service Suggestion
Suggesting improvements to current home infrastruc-
ture based on user feedback
Collaborating with professionals to propose new
service that could be implemented
b) From Home to Healthcare (Reaction): UV-Smart
Healthcare Systems Could Make The Following Reactions:
Enable Customize and Adaptive Services
Provide personalized guidance on a healthy lifestyle
based on user data and preferences
Develop features and functionalities that fit the user’s
Situation Understanding & Resource assignment
Provide accurate and appropriate suggestions for
patients under different situations
Analyze historical data to develop better preparation
for unexpected emergency
Timely Response
Develop automated alert systems that can quickly
respond to sudden changes
Conduct regular drills to test the system’s response
time and address areas for improvement
System Improvement
Conduct surveys to collect user satisfaction and other
Collaborate with technology providers to further
enhance the system functionalities
c) From Healthcare to Home (Infor): UV-Smart Health-
care Systems Could Provide The Following Information to
UV-Smart Home Systems:
Available Support and Result Feedback
Feedback on the performance of home infrastructure
Instructive guidance
General guidance on patient’s lifestyle and treatment
Information about the location of hospital and insur-
Expected proactive reaction
Guidance on proactive measures to assess the risk
factors to prevent accidents
Suggestions developed after regular inspections
Rules & Stipulation
Clear guidelines about the standards of medical
systems implemented in home infrastructure
Updates regarding the latest changes in regulation in
the current system
d) From Healthcare to Home (Reaction): UV-Smart sys-
tems could provide the following reactions based on the
information transferred by the UV-Smart healthcare systems:
Coordinated Planning
Establish a coordination system that can assist homes
to develop better treatment plans and resource prepa-
Develop measures to reduce medical waste
Efficiency Improvement and Safety Assurance
Provide information about hospitals to help home
members to get in time treatment at a relatively low
Implement safety protocols to ensure the effective-
ness of services provided
Proactive Response
Implement coordinated emergency information and
response system
Establish protocols for proactive responses to im-
prove home infrastructure efficiency
Education and Law Enforcement
Provide educational resources demonstrating effec-
tive management of health
Hold awareness campaigns to update the latest
technological advancements and promote awareness
about their rights
4) Humanity & Ethical Consideration: The relationship
between the UV-Smart Home System and the UV-Smart
Healthcare System is vital. Exchanging information effectively
would help in promoting humanity & ethics. In the following
section, we will delve deeper into what kind of information
should be exchanged and how such information would help
both subsystems to perform better.
In Tables LXXVII, LXXVIII and LXXIX, we discuss
the corresponding four perspectives in terms of five sub-
objectives: Equality and Inclusiveness, Respect & Sharing,
Happiness & Mental Support, Support and Protection, and
Cultural Preservation and Promotion. The following writing
part below is a summary of the content of the table.
a) From Home to Healthcare (Infor): The following
information could be provided from the UV-Smart home
system to the UV-Smart healthcare system:
Personal Information
Individual health history, including previous medical
conditions and treatments
Mental health concerns and challenges faced by
family members
Personal beliefs and preferences regarding healthcare
Easier access to medical resources that helps main-
tain and improves residents’ health status
Collective Information
Cultural traditions and practices that may influence
healthcare decisions and treatment approaches
Family dynamics and support systems that contribute
to overall well-being
Social and community factors impacting the health
of home members
Real-time Feedback
Timely updates on the effectiveness of prescribed
medications or treatments
Insights into the emotional well-being and coping
mechanisms of family members
Feedback on the responsiveness and empathy of
healthcare providers during interactions
Service Suggestions
Recommendations for enhanced communication
channels between healthcare providers and patients
Suggestions for culturally sensitive healthcare prac-
tices and interventions
Ideas for integrating holistic approaches or alterna-
tive therapies into treatment plans
It is important to note that when sharing this informa-
tion, confidentiality and privacy should be ensured,
and the consent of individuals involved should be
It is important to note that when sharing this information,
confidentiality and privacy should be ensured, and the written
consent of individuals involved should be obtained.
b) From Home to Healthcare (Reaction): UV-Smart
healthcare system could make the following reactions:
Enable Customizable and Adaptive Services
Establish secure and confidential channels for indi-
viduals to share their personal health history
Develop culturally sensitive assessment tools to
gather information on mental health concerns and
Respect and consider the beliefs and preferences
of individuals when creating personalized healthcare
Situation Understanding & Resource Assignment
Conduct cultural competency training for healthcare
providers to understand and respect diverse cultural
Encourage open dialogue with families to understand
their dynamics and support systems
Collaborate with community organizations to address
social determinants of health affecting home mem-
Timely Response
Implement feedback mechanisms, such as patient
satisfaction surveys or online platforms, to gather
real-time feedback from individuals and families
Train healthcare providers in active listening and
empathy to create a safe and supportive environment
for sharing emotions and concerns
Regularly review feedback data and make necessary
improvements based on the input received
System Improvement
Establish a formal system for individuals and fami-
lies to provide service suggestions, such as a dedi-
cated feedback portal or suggestion box
Form interdisciplinary teams to review and consider
service suggestions, involving healthcare providers,
administrators, and patient representatives
Prioritize and implement feasible service suggestions
that align with the goal of providing patient-centered
and culturally sensitive care
c) From Healthcare to Home (Infor): UV-Smart health-
care system could provide the following information to the
UV-Smart home system:
Available Support and Result Feedback
Provision of detailed medical examination results
with explanations and recommendations for further
Sharing information on available support services
such as counseling or therapy options for mental
health concerns
Providing feedback on the effectiveness of treatments
or interventions used and suggestions for improve-
Instructive Guidance
Educating families on proper nutrition and healthy
lifestyle choices to promote overall well-being
Offering guidance on managing chronic conditions
and providing resources for self-care
Sharing information on preventive measures, such
as vaccination schedules and hygiene practices, to
prevent the spread of diseases
Expected Proactive Reaction
Encouraging regular health check-ups and screenings
to detect potential health issues early
Promoting proactive measures such as exercise rou-
tines, stress management techniques, and healthy
habits to maintain well-being
Providing information on emergency preparedness,
including first aid training and creating emergency
plans for home safety
Rules & Stipulation
Informing families about legal requirements and reg-
ulations related to healthcare, such as consent forms
or privacy policies
Explaining insurance policies and coverage limita-
tions to ensure understanding and compliance
Sharing information on medication adherence and
guidelines to ensure safe and responsible use
d) From Healthcare to Home (Reaction): UV-Smart
home system could make the following reactions:
Coordinated Planning
Ensure secure and confidential channels for individ-
uals to share their personal health history, respecting
their privacy and confidentiality
Develop culturally sensitive assessment tools to
gather information on mental health concerns and
challenges, taking into account cultural nuances and
Incorporate individuals’ cultural and religious prac-
tices into personalized healthcare plans, tailoring
interventions to their specific needs and preferences
Efficiency Improvement and Safety Assurance
Provide cultural competency training for healthcare
providers to understand and respect diverse cultural
practices and beliefs
Foster open dialogue with families to understand
their dynamics, support systems, and any cultural
considerations that may impact their healthcare de-
Collaborate with community organizations to address
social determinants of health, such as access to
culturally appropriate resources and support services
Proactive Response
Implement user-friendly feedback mechanisms, such
as digital platforms or mobile apps, to gather real-
time feedback from individuals and families
Train healthcare providers in active listening and
empathy to create a safe and supportive environment
for individuals and families to express their emotions
and concerns
Regularly analyze and act upon feedback data, mak-
ing necessary improvements to address identified
issues and enhance the quality of care
Law Enforcement and Education
Establish a formal system for individuals and fam-
ilies to provide service suggestions, ensuring their
voices are heard and valued
Form interdisciplinary teams comprising healthcare
providers, administrators, and patient representatives
to review and consider service suggestions
Prioritize and implement feasible service suggestions
that align with the goal of providing patient-centered
and culturally sensitive care, improving the overall
healthcare experience for individuals and families
5) Cost & Sustainability: The relationship between the UV-
Smart Home System and the UV-Smart Healthcare System
is vital. Exchanging information effectively would help in
promoting cost & sustainability. In the following section,
we will delve deeper into what kind of information should
be exchanged and how such information would help both
subsystems to perform better.
In Table LXXX, we discuss the corresponding four per-
spectives in terms of three sub-objectives: maintenance and
cost, resource management and material cycle, environmental
protection & sustainability. The following writing part below
is a summary of the content of the table.
a) From Home to Healthcare (Infor): UV-Smart home
systems could provide the following information to UV-Smart
healthcare systems:
Personal Information
Health records and medical history to facilitate ac-
curate diagnosis and treatment planning, minimizing
unnecessary medical tests and expenses.
Information on lifestyle choices, such as dietary
preferences or exercise routines, to enable healthcare
providers to offer personalized and sustainable rec-
Collective Information
Data on local community resources and support net-
works that can help individuals access cost-effective
healthcare services and programs.
Information on sustainable practices implemented
within the community, such as recycling initiatives or
community gardens, to encourage collaboration and
promote sustainable healthcare practices.
Real-time Feedback
Feedback on the accessibility and affordability of
healthcare services, enabling healthcare providers
to identify areas for improvement and optimize re-
source allocation.
Reports on the effectiveness of sustainable healthcare
initiatives implemented at home, providing valu-
able insights for future cost-saving and sustainability
Service Suggestion
Recommendations for cost-effective alternatives to
healthcare services or medications, such as generic
medications or home remedies.
Suggestions for implementing sustainable practices
within healthcare facilities, such as energy-efficient
technologies or waste reduction strategies, to pro-
mote cost savings and environmental responsibility.
By sharing such information, homes can contribute to a
more cost-effective and sustainable healthcare system, while
healthcare providers can use this information to deliver per-
sonalized and resource-efficient care.
b) From Home to Healthcare (Reaction): The following
information can help the UV-Smart home system to make
Enable Customizable and Adaptive Services
Develop a comprehensive intake process that allows
individuals to provide their personal preferences,
needs, and goals for healthcare services.
Implement electronic health records systems that
can capture and store individualized information,
enabling healthcare providers to tailor their services
Offer a range of flexible service options, such as
telehealth consultations or home healthcare visits,
to accommodate individual preferences and promote
cost-effective care.
Situation Understanding & Resource Assignment
Utilize data analytics and predictive modeling to
understand healthcare needs and demands within
specific populations or communities.
Implement systems for efficient resource allocation,
considering factors such as geographical distribution,
population density, and cost-effectiveness.
Collaborate with community organizations and
healthcare partners to gather collective information
and optimize resource assignment based on commu-
nity needs.
Timely Response
Implement real-time monitoring systems to detect
and respond promptly to changes in individuals’
health conditions or needs.
Establish clear communication channels between
homes and healthcare providers to enable timely
reporting of concerns or emergencies.
Develop protocols and training programs to ensure
healthcare professionals can respond quickly and
effectively in emergency situations.
System Improvement
Continuously gather feedback from individuals and
homes to identify areas for improvement and cost-
saving opportunities.
Conduct regular audits and evaluations of healthcare
processes and systems to identify inefficiencies and
implement necessary changes.
Foster a culture of innovation and collaboration
among healthcare providers to encourage the sharing
of best practices and the development of sustainable
By implementing these actions, healthcare systems can enable
customizable and adaptive services, improve situation under-
standing and resource assignment, ensure a timely response,
and drive system improvement to achieve cost-effective and
sustainable healthcare outcomes.
c) From Healthcare to Home (Infor): The UV-Smart
healthcare system could provide the following benefits for
home-based care:
Available Support and Result Feedback
Provide information on available financial assistance
programs, such as subsidies or grants, to help cover
healthcare costs and promote affordability.
Share feedback on the effectiveness of different
treatment options, including their cost-effectiveness
and sustainability, to help individuals make informed
decisions about their healthcare.
Instructive Guidance
Offer guidance on cost-effective preventive mea-
sures, such as healthy lifestyle practices and proper
medication adherence, to minimize healthcare ex-
penses in the long run.
Provide information on sustainable healthcare prac-
tices, such as energy-efficient medical equipment
or environmentally friendly healthcare facilities, to
promote both cost savings and environmental respon-
Expected Proactive Reaction
Share information on proactive health screenings and
preventive care measures, highlighting their long-
term cost benefits and sustainability.
Provide recommendations on sustainable healthcare
behaviors, such as reducing unnecessary healthcare
visits or opting for telehealth services when appro-
priate, to minimize costs and environmental impact.
Rules & Stipulations
Communicate regulations and policies related to
healthcare billing and insurance coverage, ensuring
transparency and clarity regarding cost-sharing re-
Provide information on sustainability initiatives and
compliance requirements, such as waste management
protocols or recycling programs, to promote eco-
friendly practices within the home.
By sharing this information, healthcare providers can empower
individuals and homes to make cost-effective and sustainable
healthcare decisions, enhance their understanding of health-
care guidelines, encourage proactive health management, and
ensure compliance with relevant rules and stipulations.
d) From Healthcare to Home (Reaction): The UV-Smart
healthcare system could assist home members in the following
Coordinated Planning
Establish collaborative partnerships between health-
care providers, government agencies, and commu-
nity organizations to develop coordinated healthcare
plans that prioritize cost-effective and sustainable
Conduct comprehensive needs assessments to iden-
tify areas where coordinated planning can optimize
resource allocation, reduce duplication of services,
and improve overall efficiency.
Efficiency Improvement and Safety Assurance
Implement technology-driven solutions, such as elec-
tronic health records and telemedicine platforms, to
streamline healthcare processes, reduce administra-
tive costs, and enhance patient safety.
Conduct regular safety audits and assessments to
identify potential hazards or inefficiencies in health-
care systems and implement timely improvements to
ensure optimal safety and cost-efficiency.
Proactive response
Develop proactive monitoring systems to identify
potential healthcare issues or emerging trends, allow-
ing for early intervention and prevention of costly
Implement community health education programs to
empower individuals and homes with the knowledge
and skills necessary to proactively manage their
health and make informed healthcare decisions.
Law Enforcement and Education
Enforce healthcare regulations and policies that pro-
mote cost-effectiveness, safety, and sustainability.
Provide ongoing education and training to healthcare
professionals, patients, and the community to ensure
compliance with laws, regulations, and best prac-
tices, promoting cost-conscious healthcare utilization
and sustainability.
B. Interaction between Smart Home and ITS
The interaction between the UV-Smart Home system and
the UV-Smart Intelligent Transportation and Urban Planning
system is a critical component of creating a seamlessly in-
tegrated and sustainable urban environment. By exchanging
information and responding to each other’s inputs, these two
interconnected systems pave the way for efficient transporta-
tion, optimized resource usage, and improved quality of life
for residents. This section explores the multifaceted nature of
their interaction, highlighting how the Smart Home system
can provide valuable information and react accordingly to
enhance cost-effectiveness, sustainability, and overall well-
being in urban settings.
In the subsections below, we describe the interac-
tion from the following aspects, as summarized in Ta-
1) Proactive & Coordinated Home Infrastructure to Ensure
Safety, Hygiene, and Basic Supply: The relationship between
the UV-Smart Home system and the UV-Intelligent Trans-
portation System is vital. Exchanging information effectively
would help in promoting proactive & coordinated home in-
frastructure to ensure safety, hygiene, and essential supply. In
the following section, we will delve deeper into what kind of
information should be exchanged and how such information
would help both subsystems perform better.
In Tables LXXXI and LXXXII, we discuss the correspond-
ing four perspectives in terms of four sub-objectives: Infras-
tructure Support, emergency response, providing accessible
and reliable services, and improving resilience and adaptive-
ness. The following writing part below is a summary of the
content of the tables.
a) From Home to ITS (Infor): UV-Smart home systems
could provide the following information to UV-Smart Intelli-
gent Transportation and Urban Planning systems:
Personal Information
Individual occupancy patterns and schedules, helping
optimize transportation services and urban planning
by understanding peak travel times and routes.
Personal health data, such as medical conditions or
mobility limitations, assisting in designing accessible
transportation options and urban infrastructure.
Collective Information
Aggregated data on household energy consumption
and water usage, enabling urban planning systems
to optimize resource allocation and plan sustainable
Community feedback on transportation services and
infrastructure, aiding in identifying areas for im-
provement and addressing specific needs.
Real-time Feedback
Environmental data collected within the home, such
as air quality or noise levels, provide valuable in-
sights for urban planning systems to address pollu-
tion concerns and optimize public spaces.
Sensor data on road conditions, traffic congestion,
and parking availability, facilitating real-time adjust-
ments in transportation routes and parking manage-
Service Suggestions
Smart Home system-generated recommendations
for energy-efficient transportation modes, promoting
sustainable mobility choices and reducing carbon
Personalized transportation service suggestions
based on individual preferences, promoting seamless
and convenient travel experiences while considering
safety and comfort.
b) From Home to ITS (Reaction): UV-Smart Intelligent
Transportation and Urban Planning Management system can
utilize information and feedback provided by the UV-Smart
home system to make improvements in the following ways:
Enable Customizable and Adaptive Services
Optimizing transportation routes and schedules based
on the data received from Smart Home systems,
ensuring efficient and synchronized travel options for
Integrating Smart Home information into urban
planning strategies to enhance connectivity between
transportation networks and residential areas, facili-
tating seamless mobility for residents.
Situation Understanding & Resource Assignment
Analyzing real-time data from Smart Home sys-
tems to identify traffic patterns, congestion points,
or transportation infrastructure issues, enabling the
Intelligent Transporting and Urban Planning system
to implement targeted improvements.
Utilizing information on home occupancy and popu-
lation density to enhance transportation services dur-
ing peak hours or special events, ensuring efficient
utilization of resources and minimizing disruptions.
Timely Response
Utilizing data from Smart Home systems, such as
emergency alerts or critical incidents, to trigger
immediate response protocols, including rerouting
traffic, dispatching emergency services, or providing
real-time updates to commuters and residents.
Integrating weather forecasts, natural disaster warn-
ings, or environmental monitoring data to proactively
adjust transportation operations, prepare alternative
routes, or communicate safety instructions to resi-
System Improvement
Implementing feedback mechanisms using informa-
tion from Smart Home systems to identify potential
areas of improvement to meet residents’ needs and
Constantly analyzing data from Smart Home systems
to identify inefficiencies in transportation, leading to
improvements in road design or traffic management
c) From ITS to Home (Infor): UV-Smart Intelligent
Transportation and Urban Planning Management systems
could provide the following information to UV-Smart home
Available Support and Result Feedback
Real-time updates on transportation services and
options, such as public transit schedules, availability
of ride-sharing services, or on-demand transportation
providers, enabling Smart Home systems to offer
residents convenient and efficient travel solutions.
Notifications about community support systems,
such as emergency response teams, medical facili-
ties, or neighborhood assistance programs, allowing
Smart Home systems to connect residents with the
necessary resources during emergencies or critical
Instructive Guidance
Traffic flow and congestion data, guiding Smart
Home systems to optimize home entry and exit
protocols, adjust security measures, or suggest al-
ternative travel routes for residents
Information on road conditions, construction
projects, or traffic regulations, providing Smart
Home systems with guidance to inform residents
about potential delays, diversions, or alternative
transportation modes.
Expected Proactive Reaction
Real-time updates on weather conditions, severe
weather warnings, or natural disasters, enabling
Smart Home systems to anticipate and proactively
respond to potential safety risks by adjusting home
settings, activating emergency protocols, or provid-
ing evacuation guidance.
Environmental information, such as air quality in-
dices or pollution levels, allowing Smart Home sys-
tems to implement appropriate measures like air
filtration or ventilation adjustments to maintain a safe
and healthy indoor environment.
Rules & Stipulations
Transportation regulations and policies, providing
Smart Home systems with the necessary guidelines
to inform residents about parking restrictions, zoning
regulations, or access to restricted areas.
Community-specific rules and regulations, such as
noise ordinances or waste management guidelines,
help Smart Home systems educate residents about
their responsibilities and ensure compliance with
local regulations.
d) From ITS to Home (Reaction): UV-Smart Home
system can utilize information and feedback provided by
the UV-Smart Intelligent Transportation and Urban Planning
Management system to make improvements in the following
Coordinated Planning
Utilizing information from the Intelligent Transport-
ing and Urban Planning system to customize home
services based on transportation schedules, traffic
conditions, and individual preferences, ensuring con-
venience and efficiency for residents.
Adapting Smart Home functionalities, such as light-
ing, temperature control, or security systems, based
on anticipated arrival times or transportation modes,
providing a seamless and comfortable experience for
residents upon returning home.
Efficiency Improvement and Safety Assurance
Analyzing transportation data received from the
Smart Intelligent Transporting and Urban Planning
system to understand traffic conditions, public trans-
portation availability, or road closures, and adjusting
home systems accordingly.
Optimizing resource allocation within the home
based on transportation schedules, such as adjusting
energy consumption patterns, managing water usage,
or scheduling appliance usage to align with off-peak
hours or transportation demands.
Proactive Response
Receiving real-time updates from the Intelligent
Transporting and Urban Planning system regarding
transportation disruptions, accidents, or alternative
routes, and then notifying residents promptly to
adjust their schedules or travel plans accordingly.
Coordinating with emergency response systems and
alerting residents about any critical situations, evac-
uation plans, or shelter-in-place instructions related
to transportation emergencies.
Law Enforcement and Education
Collaborate with local governments to analyze data
provided by the Urban Planning system to identify
trends in transportation services and infrastructure
and develop law enforcement efforts
Inviting local organizations to develop educational
programs or campaigns regarding transportation
rules to promote community awareness
2) Proactive & coordinated Family Support to Ensure Hu-
man Safety, Health & Well-being, Identity & Value: The
relationship between the UV-Intelligent Transportation System
and the UV-Smart Healthcare System is vital. Exchanging
information effectively would help in promoting proactive &
coordinated family support to ensure human safety, health
& well-being, identity & value. In the following section,
we will delve deeper into what kind of information should
be exchanged and how such information would help both
subsystems perform better.
In Tables LXXXIII and LXXXIV, we discuss the corre-
sponding four perspectives in terms of four sub-objectives:
individual Life & Well-being (physical, mental and social,
reduce workload & improve efficiency, risk management &
vulnerability protection, and improve resilience. The following
writing part below is a summary of the content of the table.
a) From Home to ITS (Infor): UV-Smart home systems
could provide the following information to UV-Smart Intelli-
gent Transportation and Urban Planning systems:
Personal Information
Individual preferences and needs to be related to
transportation, such as preferred modes of transporta-
tion, mobility limitations, or medical requirements
may impact transportation choices.
Home member profiles, including age, health condi-
tions, disabilities, or specific support needs relevant
to transportation planning and services.
Collective Information
Data on the number of residents in the home and
their transportation patterns, aiding in understanding
the transportation demand within the community and
facilitating more efficient resource allocation.
Aggregated information on community demograph-
ics, including age groups, socioeconomic factors, or
cultural backgrounds, which can assist in designing
inclusive and tailored transportation services.
Real-Time Feedback
Feedback on transportation services experienced by
home members, highlighting areas of improvement,
such as accessibility, reliability, or safety concerns.
Updates on the status of transportation infrastructure
within the community, including road conditions,
public transportation schedules, or availability of
parking spaces.
Service Suggestions
Recommendations for transportation services based
on individual or collective needs, such as alternative
routes, transportation options for specific events, or
suggestions for improving transportation accessibil-
Suggestions for integrating Smart Home technolo-
gies with transportation systems to enhance con-
venience, energy efficiency, or seamless integration
between home and transportation environments.
b) From Home to ITS (Reaction): UV-Smart Intelligent
Transportation and Urban Planning Management system can
utilize information and feedback provided by the UV-Smart
home system to make improvements in the following ways:
Enable Customizable and Adaptive Services
Analyzing the data from the Smart Home system to
identify patterns and trends in transportation needs
and preferences of families in the community.
Incorporating this information into urban planning
strategies to develop transportation infrastructure that
aligns with the specific requirements and priorities of
families, such as the placement of public transporta-
tion stops, bike lanes, or pedestrian-friendly routes.
Situation Understanding & Resource Assignment
Optimizing transportation routes and traffic manage-
ment systems based on real-time feedback from the
Smart Home system, reducing congestion and travel
times for family members.
Implementing safety measures, such as enhanced
street lighting, crosswalks, or traffic calming mea-
sures, in areas where families reside to ensure safer
commuting experiences.
Timely Response
Providing timely alerts and notifications to families
regarding potential transportation disruptions, road
closures, or public transit delays, enabling them to
plan alternative routes and modes of transportation
in advance.
Offering educational resources and programs focused
on safe commuting practices, environmental sustain-
ability, and promoting active modes of transportation
to enhance the well-being and health of family
System Improvement
Collaborating with law enforcement agencies to en-
force traffic regulations and ensure compliance with
transportation-related laws, promoting road safety
and security for families.
Sharing information with relevant authorities re-
garding transportation-related concerns reported by
families through the Smart Home system, facilitating
prompt response and necessary actions.
c) From ITS to Home (Infor): UV-Smart Intelligent
Transportation and Urban Planning Management systems
could provide the following information to UV-Smart home
Available Support and Result Feedback
Real-time updates on nearby emergency services,
healthcare facilities, and support resources to ensure
prompt assistance and access to necessary support in
case of emergencies or critical situations.
Information on community services, such as local
community centers, recreational facilities, or ed-
ucational resources, promoting engagement, social
interaction, and personal growth for family members.
Instructive Guidance
Guidance on efficient transportation routes, public
transportation schedules, and alternative transporta-
tion options, enabling family members to plan their
journeys effectively and minimize travel time and
Instructions on eco-friendly commuting practices,
encouraging the use of sustainable transportation
modes such as public transit, cycling, or carpooling,
promoting environmental conservation, and reducing
carbon emissions.
Expected Proactive Reaction
Notifications regarding anticipated traffic congestion,
road closures, or weather conditions that may impact
travel plans, allowing family members to adjust their
schedules and routes accordingly
Alerts and reminders about upcoming events or
activities in the community that align with family
members’ interests or commitments, fostering en-
gagement and participation.
Rule & Stipulation
Information on local regulations and ordinances
related to transportation, parking, noise levels, or
waste management, helping family members adhere
to community guidelines and maintain harmonious
living environments.
Safety guidelines and recommendations for various
transportation modes, promoting responsible and se-
cure practices to ensure the well-being and security
of family members.
d) From ITS to Home (Reaction): UV-Smart Home
system can utilize information and feedback provided by
the UV-Smart Intelligent Transportation and Urban Planning
Management system to make improvements in the following
Coordinated Planning
Adjusting home automation settings based on trans-
portation schedules, allowing the home environment
to adapt to the residents’ arrival or departure times.
Customizing lighting, temperature, or security set-
tings in response to real-time transportation infor-
mation, ensuring a comfortable and secure home
environment upon arrival.
Efficiency Improvement and Safety Assurance
Analyzing transportation data received from the ur-
ban planning system to anticipate the arrival of
family members and optimize resource allocation
within the home, such as preparing meals, adjusting
energy usage, or allocating parking spaces.
Integrating transportation information with health-
related data to identify potential health risks or
specific needs upon arrival, such as medication re-
minders or accessibility assistance.
Proactive Response
Sending timely notifications to family members re-
garding transportation updates, delays, or changes in
routes to ensure they are well informed and prepared.
Activating safety protocols, such as emergency
alerts or automatic door unlocking, in response to
transportation-related incidents or emergencies.
Law Enforcement and Education
Collaborating with law enforcement agencies to uti-
lize data from the intelligent transporting and urban
planning system for enforcing traffic regulations.
Inviting law authorities to raise awareness about
traffic safety by aligning transportation regulations.
3) Top-down & Bottom-up Coordination: Proactive Inter-
action with Society: The UV-Smart Home system has a
committed relationship with the UV-Intelligent Transportation
System. Exchanging information effectively would help in
promoting Top-down & bottom-up coordination: proactive
interaction with society. In the following section, we will delve
deeper into what kind of information should be exchanged and
how such information would help both subsystems perform
In Tables LXXXV and LXXXVI, we discuss the corre-
sponding four perspectives in terms of four sub-objectives:
understanding Basic Needs and Urgent Situations, coordinated
Planning, shared Responsibility, and Collective Support and
information Connectivity. The following writing part below is
a summary of the content of the tables.
a) From Home to ITS (Infor): UV-Smart home systems
could provide the following information to UV-Smart Intelli-
gent Transportation and Urban Planning systems:
Personal Information
Individual commuting patterns, such as preferred
modes of transportation, daily commute schedules,
and destinations, can help in understanding the spe-
cific needs and preferences of residents.
Personalized mobility requirements, including acces-
sibility needs, mobility challenges, or special accom-
modations required for individuals with disabilities
or elderly residents.
Collective Information
Aggregated data on transportation demands and
trends within the community, such as peak com-
muting hours, popular routes, or congested areas,
enabling urban planners to make informed decisions
for optimizing transportation infrastructure.
Demographic information, including population den-
sity, age groups, and household sizes, can aid in
assessing transportation needs and tailoring services
to different segments of the community.
Real-time Feedback
Live updates on traffic conditions, road closures, ac-
cidents, or disruptions affecting transportation within
the community, allowing for immediate response and
rerouting of transportation resources.
User-generated feedbacks and ratings on transporta-
tion services, infrastructure, or public transit expe-
riences, offering valuable insights for improvement
and service enhancement.
Service Suggestions
Recommendations for transportation-related services
based on residents’ preferences and historical data,
such as suggesting alternative routes, public transit
options, or carpooling opportunities
Suggestions for infrastructure improvements or new
transportation initiatives based on the needs and
feedback of residents, fostering a participatory ap-
proach to urban planning.
b) From Home to ITS (Reaction): UV-Smart Intelligent
Transportation and Urban Planning Management system can
utilize information and feedback provided by the UV-Smart
home system to make improvements in the following ways:
Enable Customizable and Adaptive Services
Tailoring transportation services based on the per-
sonal information provided by Smart Home systems.
This can include personalized route recommenda-
tions, transportation options that meet individual
preferences and needs, and adaptive services for
residents with disabilities or specific requirements.
Providing customizable transportation schedules or
on-demand services based on real-time feedback and
collective information received from Smart Home
systems, ensuring flexibility and convenience for
Situation Understanding & Resource Assignment:
Utilizing the real-time feedback and collective infor-
mation from Smart Home systems to gain a better
understanding of transportation patterns, demands,
and challenges within the community. This enables
the system to allocate resources efficiently and op-
timize transportation infrastructure and services ac-
Identifying congestion or traffic hotspots reported by
Smart Home systems and implementing measures
such as traffic signal optimization, route diversions,
or increased public transportation frequency to ad-
dress the situation promptly.
Timely Response
Leveraging real-time feedback and service sugges-
tions from Smart Home systems to respond promptly
to transportation-related issues or disruptions re-
ported by residents. This can involve providing
timely notifications, updates, or alternative trans-
portation options to minimize inconvenience and
ensure a smooth flow of transportation.
Responding quickly to emergency situations or ur-
gent requests received from Smart Home systems,
coordinating emergency services, and facilitating ef-
ficient transport to ensure the safety and well-being
of residents.
System Improvement
Analyzing the data and feedback received from
Smart Home systems to identify areas for system
enhancement and optimization. This can involve im-
proving transportation infrastructure, updating pub-
lic transit schedules, implementing new technology
solutions, or addressing any recurring issues or chal-
lenges reported by residents.
Encouraging active participation and engagement
from residents through bottom-up coordination, gath-
ering their input on transportation-related matters,
and using their feedback to drive system improve-
ments and service enhancements.
c) From ITS to Home (Infor): UV-Smart Intelligent
Transportation and Urban Planning Management systems
could provide the following information to UV-Smart home
Available Support and Result Feedback
Notification of available transportation services and
options within the community, including public tran-
sit schedules, ride-sharing services, bike-sharing sta-
tions, and carpooling opportunities. This information
helps residents make informed decisions about their
transportation needs.
Information on accessibility features and support
services for individuals with disabilities or special
requirements, such as wheelchair-accessible routes,
paratransit services, and designated pick-up/drop-off
Instructive Guidance
Guidance on optimal routes and travel directions
based on real-time traffic conditions, road closures,
or construction activities. This information helps
residents plan their journeys efficiently and avoid
potential congestion or delays
Instructions on using public transportation systems,
including bus and train routes, ticketing procedures,
and transfer points. This ensures that residents have
the necessary knowledge to navigate the transporta-
tion network effectively.
Expected Proactive Reaction
Timely alerts and notifications regarding any an-
ticipated disruptions or changes in transportation
services, such as planned maintenance, detours, or
temporary route adjustments. This allows residents
to plan their trips accordingly and minimize incon-
Proactive communication about alternative trans-
portation options during emergencies or unexpected
events that may impact regular services. This ensures
that residents are informed and can make alternative
arrangements if needed.
Rule & Stipulation
Information on transportation regulations, policies,
and guidelines within the community, such as park-
ing restrictions, speed limits, and designated drop-
off/pick-up zones. This helps residents understand
and comply with the rules to ensure the safety and
efficient use of transportation resources.
Details about any special initiatives, incentives, or
programs related to sustainable transportation, such
as carpooling rewards, electric vehicle charging sta-
tions, or bike infrastructure development. This en-
courages residents to embrace eco-friendly trans-
portation options.
d) From ITS to Home (Reaction): UV-Smart Home
system can utilize information and feedback provided by
the UV-Smart Intelligent Transportation and Urban Planning
Management system to make improvements in the following
Coordinated Planning
Adjusting home energy usage patterns based on real-
time information about peak electricity demand or
pricing to optimize energy consumption and con-
tribute to overall energy management efforts in the
Synchronizing household activities, such as laundry
or dishwashing, with off-peak hours to alleviate
strain on transportation infrastructure during peak
commuting times.
Efficiency Improvement and Safety Assurance
Optimizing home heating, cooling, and ventilation
systems based on weather and traffic conditions
to enhance energy efficiency while ensuring indoor
Integrating home security systems with transporta-
tion information to automate security measures, such
as adjusting lighting, locking doors, or activating
surveillance cameras during periods of increased
neighborhood activity.
Proactive Response
Receiving real-time alerts and notifications from the
transport and urban planning system regarding road
closures, traffic accidents, or public safety incidents,
and promptly communicating this information to
residents to avoid affected areas or take necessary
Collaborating with local emergency services based
on transportation system updates to ensure an ef-
ficient response in case of emergencies, such as
optimizing evacuation routes or providing accurate
information to emergency responders.
Education and Law Enforcement
Delivering educational materials and reminders to
residents about sustainable transportation practices,
traffic safety regulations, and community initiatives
to encourage responsible behavior and reduce envi-
ronmental impact.
Integrating Smart Home devices, such as smart
speakers or displays, with transportation informa-
tion to provide real-time traffic updates, travel advi-
sories, or public transportation schedules, fostering
informed decision-making by residents.
4) Humanity & Ethical Considerations: The UV-Smart
Home system has a close relationship with the UV-Intelligent
Transportation System. Exchanging information effectively
would help in promoting humanity & ethics. In the following
section, we will delve deeper into what kind of information
should be exchanged and how such information would help
both subsystems perform better.
In Tables LXXXVII, LXXXVIII and LXXXIX, we discuss
the corresponding four perspectives in terms of five sub-
objectives: equality and Inclusiveness, respect & Sharing,
happiness & mental support, support and Protection, and
cultural Preservation and Promotion. The following writing
part below is a summary of the content of the table.
a) From Home to ITS (Infor): UV-Smart home systems
could provide the following information to UV-Smart Intelli-
gent Transportation and Urban Planning systems:
Personal Information
Individual mobility patterns and preferences, such as
travel modes, commuting schedules, and transporta-
tion needs, to assist in personalized transportation
planning and optimize route suggestions.
Health-related data, such as medical conditions or
disabilities, to enable tailored transportation services
and accommodate special mobility requirements.
Collective Information
Aggregated data on traffic congestion, parking avail-
ability, or public transport utilization within the com-
munity, contributing to urban planning efforts and
identifying areas for infrastructure improvement.
Demographic information, including population den-
sity and age distribution, to support inclusive urban
planning and ensure accessibility for all residents.
Real-time Feedback
Real-time updates on traffic conditions, road inci-
dents, or public transportation disruptions observed
within the vicinity of the Smart Home, allowing
the transportation system to adjust routes, provide
alternative options, or reroute vehicles accordingly.
Feedback on the usability and accessibility of trans-
portation facilities, such as sidewalks, bike lanes, or
public transit stops, to identify areas that require
improvement and promote a more inclusive urban
Service Suggestions
Recommendations for sustainable travel options, in-
cluding carpooling, ride-sharing, or using public
transportation, to encourage environmentally friendly
and energy-efficient commuting choices.
Suggestions for promoting active transportation, such
as walking or cycling routes, promoting healthier
lifestyles, and reducing carbon emissions.
b) From Home to ITS (Reaction): UV-Smart Intelligent
Transportation and Urban Planning Management system can
utilize information and feedback provided by the UV-Smart
home system to make improvements in the following ways:
Enable Customizable and Adaptive Services
Personalized transportation options based on individ-
ual preferences, mobility needs, and ethical consider-
ations, ensuring inclusivity, accessibility, and respect
for diverse user requirements.
Tailored route planning and scheduling, considering
factors such as health conditions, disabilities, or
ethical concerns, to provide comfortable and efficient
travel experience.
Situation Understanding & Resource Assignment
Real-time monitoring and analysis of transportation
patterns and demands, considering ethical consid-
erations and societal impacts, to allocate resources
effectively and minimize congestion and environ-
mental impacts.
Identifying areas with inadequate transportation in-
frastructure or under-served communities to priori-
tize resource allocation, improving accessibility, and
addressing equity concerns.
Timely Response
Prompt notifications and updates to Smart Home sys-
tems during emergencies, accidents, or disruptions,
ensuring the safety and well-being of residents while
considering ethical priorities such as prioritizing vul-
nerable groups or minimizing harm.
Coordinated response mechanisms that consider eth-
ical considerations, such as respecting privacy rights
and ensuring fair treatment, when managing inci-
dents, traffic control, or emergency services.
System Improvement
Utilizing feedback and data from Smart Home sys-
tems to continuously enhance the transportation sys-
tem’s functionality, accessibility, and ethical perfor-
Engaging in ongoing research and development to
explore innovative and ethical transportation solu-
tions, such as reducing carbon emissions, promoting
sustainable practices, and fostering social inclusion.
c) From ITS to Home (Infor): UV-Smart Intelligent
Transportation and Urban Planning Management systems
could provide the following information to UV-Smart home
Available Support and Result Feedbacks
Information about transportation services and re-
sources available in the community, considering ac-
cessibility, inclusivity, and ethical considerations.
Details on specialized transportation options for in-
dividuals with disabilities, elderly residents, or other
vulnerable groups, ensuring equal access to essential
Instructive Guidance
Guidance on sustainable transportation practices,
promoting eco-friendly modes of transport, and en-
couraging residents to reduce their carbon footprint.
Instructions on ethical considerations such as re-
sponsible parking, adherence to traffic regulations,
and respectful behavior towards other road users and
Expected Proactive Reaction
Alerts and notifications regarding potential trans-
portation disruptions, accidents, or road conditions
that may impact residents’ daily routines, ensuring
their safety and well-being.
Preemptive information on alternative routes, public
transport schedules, or ride-sharing options to opti-
mize travel efficiency and reduce congestion while
considering ethical priorities such as reducing noise
Rule & Stipulation
Clear communication of transportation regulations,
rules, and policies within the community, emphasiz-
ing the importance of compliance for safety, fairness,
and ethical conduct.
Information on community-wide initiatives promot-
ing ethical transportation practices, such as carpool-
ing incentives, pedestrian-friendly infrastructure, or
support for sustainable mobility solutions.
d) From ITS to Home (Reaction): UV-Smart Home
system can utilize information and feedback provided by
the UV-Smart Intelligent Transportation and Urban Planning
Management system to make improvements in the following
Coordinated Planning
Collaborative scheduling and coordination of home
activities based on transportation information, con-
sidering peak travel times, public transit schedules,
and community events.
Integration of Smart Home devices and systems with
transportation data to optimize energy usage, min-
imize carbon emissions, and reduce the ecological
Efficiency Improvement and Safety Assurance
Adjusting home automation settings based on trans-
portation information to enhance energy efficiency,
such as optimizing lighting and temperature control
when residents are away or during off-peak energy
demand periods.
Utilizing real-time traffic data to suggest alternative
transportation modes or routes improves efficiency
and minimizes travel time, considering the safety and
well-being of residents.
Proactive Response and Education
Sending timely notifications or reminders to residents
about upcoming transportation changes, road clo-
sures, or events that may affect their daily routines,
promoting preparedness and reducing inconvenience.
Providing educational resources on ethical trans-
portation practices, promoting responsible commut-
ing, eco-friendly travel options, and fostering aware-
ness of societal impacts.
Law Enforcement and Ethical Consideration
Integrating Smart Home security systems with trans-
portation data to enhance safety and security mea-
sures, such as activating surveillance cameras or
alarms in response to unusual traffic or suspicious
Implementing privacy safeguards and data protection
protocols to ensure the ethical use of transportation
information, respecting the confidentiality and rights
of individuals.
5) Cost & Sustainability: The UV-Smart Home system has
a close-knit relationship with the UV-Intelligent Transportation
System. Exchanging information effectively would help in
promoting cost & sustainability. In the following section,
we will delve deeper into what kind of information should
be exchanged and how such information would help both
subsystems to perform better.
In Tables XC and XCI, we discuss the corresponding four
perspectives in terms of three sub-objectives: maintenance and
cost, resource management and material cycle, and environ-
mental protection & sustainability. The following writing part
below is a summary of the content of the table.
a) From Home to ITS (Infor): UV-Smart home systems
could provide the following information to UV-Smart Intelli-
gent Transportation and Urban Planning systems:
Personal Information
Individual commuting patterns, including departure
and arrival times, preferred transportation modes, and
frequency of travel.
Energy consumption data related to transportation,
such as electric vehicle charging patterns and energy
usage during peak commuting hours.
Collective Information
Aggregated data on transportation trends and patterns
within the community, including peak travel hours,
popular routes, and traffic congestion hotspots.
Data on shared transportation services, such as car-
pooling or ride-sharing usage, to identify opportuni-
ties for optimizing resource allocation.
Real-Time Feedback
Live traffic updates and congestion information that
can assist in route planning and suggest alternate
routes to minimize travel time and fuel consumption.
Real-time energy consumption feedback to promote
energy-efficient transportation choices and encourage
sustainable behaviors.
Service Suggestions
Recommendations for sustainable transportation op-
tions, such as public transit routes, bike-sharing
programs, or carpooling services, based on individual
preferences and location data.
Suggestions for optimizing transportation costs, such
as identifying cheaper fuel stations, providing cost-
saving tips, or suggesting the use of alternative
transportation modes.
b) From Home to ITS (Reaction): UV-Smart Intelligent
Transportation and Urban Planning Management system can
utilize information and feedback provided by the UV-Smart
home system to make improvements in the following ways:
Enable Customizable and Adaptive Services
Tailoring transportation services based on individual
preferences and needs, such as personalized route
suggestions, transportation modes, and schedules to
optimize cost and sustainability.
Providing flexible options for transportation, includ-
ing shared mobility services or dynamic pricing
models that incentivize energy-efficient choices.
Situation Understanding & Resource Assignment
Analyzing the transportation data from Smart Homes
to gain insights into traffic patterns, demand-supply
dynamics, and resource utilization.
Optimizing the allocation of transportation resources,
such as adjusting public transit routes and schedules,
managing traffic signals, and optimizing logistics
operations to reduce costs and environmental impact.
Timely Response
Utilizing real-time information from Smart Homes to
respond promptly to changing transportation needs,
such as adjusting public transit frequencies during
peak hours or providing alternative transportation
options during disruptions.
Implementing dynamic pricing strategies or incen-
tives to encourage off-peak travel and alleviate con-
gestion, ultimately reducing costs and promoting
System Improvement
Using data collected from Smart Homes to identify
trends, patterns, and areas for improvement in the
transportation infrastructure and services.
Enhancing transportation planning and infrastructure
development strategies to prioritize cost-effective
and sustainable solutions, such as investing in eco-
friendly public transit options or building cycling and
pedestrian infrastructure.
c) From ITS to Home (Infor): UV-Smart Intelligent
Transportation and Urban Planning Management systems
could provide the following information to UV-Smart home
Available Support and Result Feedback
Notify Smart Home systems about available cost-
saving transportation services, such as discounted
public transit passes, carpooling programs, or shared
mobility options.
Provide information on government grants, incen-
tives, or subsidies related to sustainable transporta-
tion choices, such as electric vehicle adoption or in-
stallation of energy-efficient home charging stations.
Instructive Guidance
Offer guidance on sustainable commuting options,
including the use of public transit, cycling routes, or
walking paths that promote cost savings and reduce
environmental impact.
Share information on efficient transportation modes
and practices, such as carpooling tips, eco-driving
techniques, or charging optimization for electric ve-
Expected Proactive Reaction
Inform Smart Home systems about anticipated trans-
portation disruptions, such as road closures, traffic
congestion, or public transit delays, allowing res-
idents to adjust their schedules or plan alternative
Provide real-time updates on transportation condi-
tions, allowing residents to make informed decisions
regarding their travel plans and choose the most cost-
effective and sustainable options available.
Rule & Stipulation
Communicate local and regional transportation reg-
ulations, policies, and initiatives aimed at promoting
cost savings and sustainability, such as carpooling
lanes, congestion pricing, or time-of-use energy pric-
Share information on environmental targets and goals
set by the city or region, encouraging Smart Home
systems to align their transportation choices with
these objectives
d) From ITS to Home (Reaction): UV-Smart Home
system can utilize information and feedback provided by
the UV-Smart Intelligent Transportation and Urban Planning
Management system to make improvements in the following
Coordinated Planning
The Smart Home system can adjust energy usage
patterns based on transportation data to optimize
efficiency and cost savings. For example, it can
coordinate the charging of electric vehicles during
off-peak hours when energy cost is relatively cheap.
It can synchronize home automation systems with
transportation schedules, allowing residents to arrive
home in a well-lit and comfortable environment,
minimizing energy waste.
Efficiency Improvement and Safety Assurance
The Smart Home system can integrate with the
transportation data to optimize resource usage. For
instance, it can adjust the heating or cooling settings
based on residents’ commuting patterns, ensuring
energy is not wasted when the home is unoccupied.
It can enhance home security and safety by lever-
aging transportation information to detect unusual
patterns or potential risks, such as notifying residents
if a planned route is affected by traffic accidents or
hazardous conditions.
Proactive Response and Education
The Smart Home system can provide real-time up-
dates to residents about transportation-related events,
such as delays, alternative routes, or public transit
disruptions, helping them make informed decisions
and adjust their schedules accordingly to reduce costs
and environmental impact.
It can offer personalized recommendations and tips
on sustainable transportation options, such as sug-
gesting carpooling or public transit routes and pro-
moting cost savings and eco-friendly practices.
Education and Law Enforcement
The Smart Home system can provide educational
resources on sustainable transportation practices,
energy-saving tips, and eco-friendly behaviors to
promote a culture of sustainability within households
and communities.
It can collaborate with local authorities and law en-
forcement agencies to enforce transportation-related
regulations and incentivize sustainable behaviors
through rewards or recognition programs, encourag-
ing residents to adopt cost-effective and environmen-
tally friendly habits.
C. Interaction between Smart Home and Smart Energy Man-
The Smart Home is an essential element within the broader
context of a Smart City, playing a pivotal role in shaping and
driving Smart Energy Management. Its influence extends to
energy consumption patterns, energy management practices,
and the successful implementation of energy policies. Simul-
taneously, the advancements in Smart Energy Management
significantly impact and support the functionalities of Smart
Homes. To develop a comprehensive understanding of the
intricate relationship between the Smart Home and Smart
Energy Management, it becomes imperative to analyze the
mutual interactions and interdependence between these two
interconnected subsystems.
In the subsections below, we describe the interaction
from the following aspects, as summarized in Ta-
C, CI, CII, CIII, and CIV.
1) Proactive & Coordinated Home Infrastructure to Ensure
Safety, Hygiene, and Basic Supply: The UV-Smart Home
System is strongly connected with the UV-Smart Energy Man-
agement System. Exchanging information effectively would
help in promoting proactive & coordinated home infrastructure
to ensure safety, hygiene, and basic supply. In the upcoming
section, we will explore in further detail the type of infor-
mation that should be shared and how it can enhance the
performance of both subsystems.
In Tables XCII and XCIII, we discuss the corresponding
four perspectives in terms of four sub-objectives: Infrastruc-
ture Support, emergency response, providing accessible and
reliable services, and improving resilience and adaptiveness.
The following writing part below is a summary of the content
of the table.
a) From Home to Energy (Infor): UV-Smart home sys-
tems could provide the following information to UV-Smart
Energy Management systems:
Personal Information:
Home occupancy status: Smart home systems can
provide real-time information about the presence or
absence of residents in the house. This information
helps in optimizing energy usage and adjusting en-
ergy services accordingly.
Personal preferences and schedules: Smart home
systems can capture residents’ preferences, routines,
and schedules related to energy consumption, such as
preferred temperature settings, lighting preferences,
and timing of energy-intensive activities. This infor-
mation enables Smart Energy Management systems
to optimize energy usage based on individual pref-
Collective Information:
Energy consumption patterns: Smart home systems
can collect data on historical energy consumption
patterns for the entire household. This data helps in
identifying trends, peak demand periods, and areas
for potential energy savings.
Renewable energy generation: If the home has re-
newable energy generation capabilities, such as solar
panels or wind turbines, the Smart Home system
can provide information on the amount of renewable
energy being generated. This data helps in optimizing
energy usage and promoting the use of clean energy.
Real-time Feedback:
Energy usage feedback: Smart home systems can
provide real-time feedback on energy consumption to
residents, enabling them to make informed decisions
about their energy usage. This feedback can be in
the form of energy consumption dashboards, mobile
apps, or notifications/alerts.
Safety alerts: Smart home systems can detect and
provide real-time alerts for safety hazards such as gas
leaks, electrical faults, or fire risks. This information
helps ensure the safety of residents and enables
prompt actions to mitigate potential dangers.
Service Suggestions:
Energy efficiency recommendations: Based on the
collective and real-time data gathered by the Smart
Home system, Smart Energy Management systems
can provide personalized energy efficiency recom-
mendations to residents. This can include sugges-
tions for optimizing appliance usage, adjusting ther-
mostat settings, or adopting energy-saving practices.
Supply management suggestions: Smart home sys-
tems can provide insights into basic supply needs
such as water usage, air quality monitoring, or waste
management. This information can be used by Smart
Energy Management systems to optimize resource
allocation and ensure a reliable supply of essential
b) From Home to Energy (Reaction): UV-Smart Energy
Management system can utilize information and feedback pro-
vided by the UV-Smart home system to make improvements
in the following ways:
Enable Customizable and Adaptive Services:
Energy service optimization: The Smart Energy
Management system can analyze the personal pref-
erences, schedules, and energy consumption patterns
received from the Smart Home system to optimize
energy services. This can include adjusting temper-
ature and lighting settings according to individual
preferences or scheduling energy-intensive activities
during off-peak periods.
Customized recommendations: Based on the col-
lected data, the Smart Energy Management system
can provide personalized recommendations to resi-
dents on how to optimize their energy usage, improve
efficiency, and reduce costs.
Situation Understanding & Resource Assignment:
Safety hazard detection and response: The Smart
Energy Management system can analyze real-time
feedback and alerts from the Smart Home system to
detect safety hazards such as gas leaks or electrical
faults. It can then initiate appropriate actions, such
as shutting off the gas supply, triggering alarms, or
contacting emergency services.
Resource allocation optimization: By understanding
the collective energy consumption patterns and re-
newable energy generation data, the Smart Energy
Management system can allocate resources effec-
tively. It can balance energy usage, prioritize critical
energy needs during emergencies, and optimize the
utilization of renewable energy sources.
Timely Response:
Real-time notifications and alerts: The Smart Energy
Management system can send timely notifications
and alerts to residents about energy usage, safety
hazards, or any disruptions in energy supply. This
ensures that residents are informed promptly and can
take necessary actions.
Emergency response coordination: In emergency sit-
uations requiring reliable power, such as medical
procedures, the Smart Energy Management system
can ensure uninterrupted energy supply by coor-
dinating backup energy sources, activating battery
systems, or engaging power generators.
System Improvement:
Performance optimization: The Smart Energy Man-
agement system can continuously analyze data from
the Smart Home system to identify areas for im-
provement in energy efficiency, reliability, or safety.
It can provide insights to residents on how to further
optimize their energy usage and suggest system
upgrades or maintenance to enhance overall perfor-
Learning and adaptation: Over time, the Smart En-
ergy Management system can learn from residents’
feedback, preferences, and historical data to adapt
its services and recommendations. This adaptive ap-
proach allows the system to continually improve and
cater to changing needs and trends.
c) From Energy to Home (Infor): UV-Smart Energy
Management systems could provide the following information
to UV-Smart home systems:
Available Support and Result Feedback:
Energy availability: Smart Energy Management sys-
tems can provide information to Smart home systems
about the availability of energy resources, such as
electricity, gas, or renewable energy. This helps the
Smart Home system make informed energy usage
and optimization decisions.
Backup energy status: In case of power outages or
emergencies, the Smart Energy Management system
can inform the Smart Home system about the avail-
ability and status of backup energy sources, such as
batteries or power generators. This allows the Smart
Home system to adapt its operations accordingly.
Instructive Guidance:
Energy-saving recommendations: Smart Energy
Management systems can provide instructive direc-
tions to the Smart Home system on how to optimize
energy usage. This can include suggestions on ad-
justing thermostat settings, turning off unused appli-
ances, or adopting energy-efficient practices. These
directions help the Smart Home system actively
contribute to energy conservation efforts.
Safety guidelines: The Smart Energy Management
system can provide instructive directions to the Smart
Home system regarding safety guidelines, such as
proper usage of appliances, maintenance protocols,
or precautions to prevent electrical hazards. This
ensures a proactive approach to maintaining a safe
home environment.
Expected Proactive Reaction:
Demand response signals: Smart Energy Manage-
ment systems can send demand response signals to
the Smart Home system during peak demand periods
or when grid conditions require load reduction. The
Smart Home system can proactively respond by ad-
justing energy-intensive activities or reducing energy
usage to support grid stability and reliability.
Predictive maintenance alerts: By analyzing en-
ergy consumption data and equipment performance,
Smart Energy Management systems can send proac-
tive alerts to the Smart Home system about potential
maintenance requirements for appliances or systems.
This allows for timely maintenance actions to ensure
optimal performance and prevent unexpected break-
Rule & Stipulation:
Energy consumption limits: Smart Energy Manage-
ment systems can establish energy consumption lim-
its or budgets for the Smart Home system based on
factors like energy tariffs or sustainability goals. The
Smart Home system can adhere to these rules and
stipulations to manage energy usage within defined
Safety protocols and emergency procedures: The
Smart Energy Management system can provide rule-
based information to the Smart Home system re-
garding safety protocols and emergency procedures.
This includes instructions on handling safety haz-
ards, contacting emergency services, or following
evacuation procedures in case of emergencies.
d) From Energy to Home (Reaction): UV-Smart Home
system can utilize information and feedback provided by the
UV-Smart Energy Management system to make improvements
in the following ways:
Coordinated Planning:
Energy usage scheduling: Based on the informa-
tion received from the Smart Energy Management
system, the Smart home system can adjust energy-
intensive activities, such as running the dishwasher
or laundry, to off-peak periods when energy costs
are lower or when renewable energy generation is
Load balancing: The Smart home system can coordi-
nate with the Smart Energy Management system to
balance energy loads across different appliances and
devices. This helps to prevent overloading circuits
and optimize energy distribution within the home.
Efficiency Improvement and Safety Assurance:
Energy usage optimization: The Smart home system
can analyze the information provided by the Smart
Energy Management system to identify opportuni-
ties for improving energy efficiency. It can suggest
adjustments to thermostat settings, lighting controls,
or appliance usage to minimize energy waste and
reduce overall consumption.
Safety automation: By receiving safety alerts and
instructions from the Smart Energy Management
system, the Smart home system can automatically
take actions to ensure safety. For example, in the
event of a gas leak, it can shut off the gas supply or
activate ventilation systems to mitigate risks.
Proactive Response:
Demand response participation: The Smart home
system can respond proactively to demand response
signals received from the Smart Energy Management
system. It can adjust energy usage or temporarily
reduce power consumption in response to grid de-
mands or peak periods, contributing to grid stability.
Energy usage insights: By leveraging the information
from the Smart Energy Management system, the
Smart home system can provide residents with real-
time insights into their energy usage. This empowers
residents to make informed decisions, modify their
behaviors, and adopt energy-saving practices.
Education and Law Enforcement:
Energy conservation education: The Smart home sys-
tem can utilize the information shared by the Smart
Energy Management system to educate residents
about energy conservation practices. It can provide
personalized tips, recommendations, and reminders
to promote energy-conscious behaviors within the
Compliance with energy regulations: The Smart
home system can ensure compliance with energy
regulations and standards by following the instruc-
tions and guidelines provided by the Smart En-
ergy Management system. This includes adhering
to safety protocols, usage restrictions, or specific
energy-saving initiatives.
2) Proactive & Coordinated Family Support to Ensure
Human Safety, Health & Well-being, Identity & Value: The
relationship between the UV-Smart Home System and the
UV-Smart Energy Management System is vital. Exchanging
information effectively would help in promoting proactive &
coordinated family support to ensure human safety, health
& well-being, identity & value. In the following section,
we will delve deeper into what kind of information should
be exchanged and how such information would help both
subsystems to perform better.
In Table XCIV, XCV and XCVI, we discuss the corre-
sponding four perspectives in terms of four sub-objectives:
individual Life & Well-being (physical, mental and social,
reduce workload & improve efficiency, risk management &
vulnerability protection, and improve resilience. The following
writing part below is a summary of the content of the table.
a) From Home to Energy (Infor): UV-Smart home sys-
tems could provide the following information to UV-Smart
Energy Management systems:
Personal Information:
Occupant presence and activity: Smart home systems
can provide information about the presence of occu-
pants in the house, their routines, and activities. This
data helps the Smart Energy Management system
understand occupancy patterns and adjust energy
services accordingly.
Health and well-being indicators: Smart home sys-
tems equipped with sensors can monitor health-
related data such as temperature, humidity, air qual-
ity, or even heart rate and sleep patterns. This in-
formation can contribute to assessing the occupants’
well-being and optimizing energy services for a
healthy and comfortable environment.
Collective Information:
Household energy consumption: Smart home sys-
tems can collect data on historical and real-time en-
ergy consumption patterns for the entire household.
This information helps the Smart Energy Manage-
ment system analyze trends, identify energy-saving
opportunities, and optimize energy usage collec-
Renewable energy generation: If the home has re-
newable energy sources, such as solar panels or wind
turbines, the Smart Home system can provide in-
formation on the amount of renewable energy being
generated. This data helps the Smart Energy Man-
agement system assess the household’s contribution
to sustainable energy practices.
Real-time Feedback:
Energy usage feedback: Smart home systems can
provide real-time feedback on energy consumption
to the Smart Energy Management system. This feed-
back can include notifications or visualizations of
energy usage, allowing the system to assess and
adjust energy services in real time for improved
efficiency and cost-effectiveness.
Occupant comfort feedback: Smart home systems
can capture occupants’ feedback on comfort lev-
els, such as temperature preferences or lighting
ambiance. This feedback helps the Smart Energy
Management system tailor energy services to meet
occupants’ comfort needs while optimizing energy
Service Suggestions:
Energy-saving recommendations: Based on the col-
lective and real-time data collected by the Smart
Home system, the Smart Energy Management system
can receive energy-saving recommendations. These
suggestions may include adjusting thermostat set-
tings, optimizing appliance usage, adopting energy-
efficient practices, promoting energy conservation,
and reducing costs.
Personalized service recommendations: By analyzing
personal information, such as occupant preferences
and activities, the Smart Home system can offer ser-
vice suggestions to the Smart Energy Management
system. This may include personalized recommen-
dations for energy usage, such as timing energy-
intensive activities or adapting energy services to
match occupants’ routines and needs.
b) From Home to Energy (Reaction): UV-Smart Energy
Management system can utilize information and feedback pro-
vided by the UV-Smart home system to make improvements
in the following ways:
Enable Customizable and Adaptive Services:
Personalized energy profiles: The Smart Energy
Management system can utilize the information re-
ceived from the Smart Home system to create per-
sonalized energy profiles for each household mem-
ber. This allows for customized energy services tai-
lored to individual preferences, routines, and health
needs, promoting comfort and well-being.
Adaptive energy scheduling: Based on the data
provided by the Smart Home system on occupant
activities and routines, the Smart Energy Manage-
ment system can adapt energy scheduling to match
occupants’ lifestyles. It can optimize energy usage by
aligning energy-intensive tasks, such as laundry or
dishwashing, with periods when occupants are away
or less active.
Situation Understanding & Resource Assignment:
Safety and well-being assessment: By analyzing real-
time data from the Smart Home system, the Smart
Energy Management system can assess the safety
and well-being of occupants. It can identify potential
hazards, such as excessive temperatures or poor air
quality, and take necessary actions to ensure human
safety and health.
Resource allocation optimization: The Smart Energy
Management system can utilize the information re-
ceived from the Smart Home system to optimize
resource allocation. It can distribute energy resources
effectively based on occupant needs, prioritizing crit-
ical areas such as medical equipment or ensuring a
comfortable environment for vulnerable occupants.
Timely Response:
Emergency response coordination: In emergency sit-
uations, such as power outages or hazardous events
detected by the Smart Home system, the Smart
Energy Management system can initiate timely re-
sponses. It can coordinate backup power sources,
activate emergency protocols, and ensure continuous
energy supply for critical devices and services.
Real-time alerts and notifications: Based on real-
time feedback from the Smart Home system, the
Smart Energy Management system can provide
timely alerts and notifications to occupants regard-
ing energy-related issues, safety concerns, or health
risks. This ensures occupants are informed promptly
and can take necessary actions.
System Improvement:
Performance optimization: By analyzing the data
received from the Smart Home system, the Smart
Energy Management system can identify areas for
performance improvement. It can provide recom-
mendations for energy-saving measures, system up-
grades, or equipment maintenance to enhance energy
efficiency, safety, and occupant comfort.
Learning and adaptation: Over time, the Smart En-
ergy Management system can learn from the data
collected by the Smart Home system to adapt its
services and responses. It can continuously improve
its understanding of occupant preferences, behavior
patterns, and health requirements to deliver more
effective and personalized energy management.
c) From Energy to Home (Infor): UV-Smart Energy
Management systems could provide the following information
to UV-Smart home systems:
Available Support:
Energy availability and status: The Smart Energy
Management system can provide information to the
Smart Home system about the availability of energy
resources, such as electricity or gas. It can also
communicate the status of backup power sources or
renewable energy generation, ensuring a continuous
and reliable energy supply.
Support for vulnerable occupants: The Smart Energy
Management system can provide information on
specialized energy support for vulnerable occupants,
such as children, elderly individuals, or those with
disabilities. This includes ensuring access to essential
energy services and adapting energy management
strategies to meet their specific needs.
Instructive Direction:
Energy-saving guidance: Smart Energy Manage-
ment systems can offer instructive directions to the
Smart Home system on energy-saving practices. This
includes providing recommendations on adjusting
thermostat settings, optimizing appliance usage, or
adopting energy-efficient behaviors. These directions
help the Smart Home system actively contribute to
energy conservation efforts.
Safety and health guidelines: The Smart Energy
Management system can provide instructive direc-
tions to the Smart Home system regarding safety and
health guidelines. This includes instructions on the
proper usage of appliances, maintenance protocols,
or recommendations for maintaining a healthy indoor
environment. These guidelines promote a safe and
healthy living environment.
Expected Proactive Reaction:
Demand response signals: The Smart Energy Man-
agement system can send demand response signals to
the Smart Home system during peak demand periods
or when grid conditions require load reduction. The
Smart Home system can proactively respond by ad-
justing energy-intensive activities or reducing energy
usage to support grid stability and reliability.
Proactive maintenance alerts: By analyzing en-
ergy consumption data and equipment performance,
Smart Energy Management systems can send proac-
tive alerts to the Smart Home system about potential
maintenance requirements for appliances or systems.
This allows for timely maintenance actions to ensure
optimal performance and prevent unexpected break-
Rule & Stipulation:
Energy consumption limits: The Smart Energy Man-
agement system can establish energy consumption
limits or budgets for the Smart Home system based
on factors like energy tariffs or sustainability goals.
The Smart Home system can adhere to these rules
and stipulations to manage energy usage within de-
fined parameters.
Safety protocols and guidelines: The Smart Energy
Management system can provide rule-based infor-
mation to the Smart Home system regarding safety
protocols and guidelines. This includes instructions
on handling safety hazards, emergency procedures,
or guidelines for ensuring a secure and protected
living environment.
d) From Energy to Home (Reaction): UV-Smart Home
system can utilize information and feedback provided by the
UV-Smart Energy Management system to make improvements
in the following ways:
Coordinated Planning:
Energy usage scheduling: The Smart home system
can adjust energy usage schedules based on the infor-
mation received from the Smart Energy Management
system. It can coordinate energy-intensive activities,
such as running the dishwasher or charging electric
vehicles, to optimize energy consumption and avoid
peak demand periods.
Load balancing: The Smart home system can coordi-
nate with the Smart Energy Management system to
balance energy loads across different appliances and
devices. This ensures efficient energy distribution
within the home and prevents the overloading of
Efficiency Improvement and Safety Assurance:
Energy usage optimization: Based on the information
provided by the Smart Energy Management system,
the Smart home system can suggest efficiency im-
provements to occupants. This may include recom-
mendations for energy-efficient appliances, behav-
ioral changes to reduce energy waste, or adjustments
to thermostat settings for optimal comfort and energy
Safety automation: The Smart home system can
respond to safety alerts and instructions received
from the Smart Energy Management system. It can
automatically take actions to ensure safety, such
as shutting off the gas supply in case of leaks or
activating security measures to prevent unauthorized
Proactive Response and Education:
Demand response participation: The Smart home
system can actively participate in demand response
programs based on signals received from the Smart
Energy Management system. It can adjust energy
usage or temporarily reduce power consumption dur-
ing peak periods or when grid stability is at risk,
contributing to a reliable and efficient energy grid.
Energy usage insights and education: The Smart
home system can provide occupants with real-time
feedback on their energy usage patterns, along with
educational resources and tips for energy conserva-
tion. This promotes awareness and empowers occu-
pants to make informed decisions about their energy
Education and Law Enforcements:
Energy efficiency regulations: The Smart home sys-
tem can ensure compliance with energy efficiency
regulations and guidelines based on the information
shared by the Smart Energy Management system. It
can help occupants understand and adhere to energy-
saving regulations, promoting sustainable practices
and minimizing energy waste.
Integration with law enforcement systems: In case of
security breaches or emergencies, the Smart home
system can collaborate with law enforcement sys-
tems, such as alarms or surveillance systems, to
ensure the safety and well-being of occupants. It can
provide real-time information and alerts to relevant
authorities when necessary.
3) Top-down & Bottom-up Coordination: Proactive Inter-
action with Society: The relationship between the UV-Smart
Home System and the UV-Smart Energy Management System
is vital. Exchanging information effectively would help in
promoting Top-down & bottom-up coordination: proactive
interaction with society. In the following section, we will delve
deeper into what kind of information should be exchanged and
how such information would help both subsystems to perform
In Table XCVII, XCVIII and XCIX, we discuss the cor-
responding four perspectives in terms of four sub-objectives:
understanding Basic Needs and Urgent Situations, coordinated
Planning, shared Responsibility, and Collective Support and
information Connectivity). The following writing part below
is a summary of the content of the table.
a) From Home to Energy (Infor): UV-Smart home sys-
tems could provide the following information to UV-Smart
Energy Management systems:
Personal Information:
Occupant profiles: Smart home systems can provide
information about the occupants’ personal prefer-
ences, schedules, and energy usage patterns. This in-
cludes data on individual routines, lifestyle choices,
and specific energy needs or preferences. This in-
formation helps the Smart Energy Management sys-
tem personalize energy services for each household
Health and well-being data: Smart home systems can
share information on occupants’ health conditions,
such as medical requirements, sleep patterns, or air
quality preferences. This data enables the Smart
Energy Management system to optimize energy man-
agement strategies to support occupant health and
Collective Information:
Energy consumption trends: Smart home systems
can provide aggregated data on energy consumption
patterns within the community or neighborhood. This
information helps the Smart Energy Management
system identify collective energy usage trends, peak
demand periods, or opportunities for energy-saving
initiatives at a larger scale.
Renewable energy generation: Smart home systems
can share data on the collective generation of renew-
able energy within the community. This includes in-
formation on solar panel installations, wind turbines,
or other decentralized energy generation systems.
The Smart Energy Management system can utilize
this data to promote and optimize the integration of
renewable energy sources.
Real-time Feedback:
Energy usage data: Smart home systems can provide
real-time feedback on energy consumption at the
household level. This includes information on current
energy usage, load profiles, or device-specific energy
consumption. The Smart Energy Management sys-
tem can analyze this data to identify energy-saving
opportunities, detect anomalies, or provide instant
feedback to occupants.
Environmental data: Smart home systems can share
real-time environmental data, such as indoor tem-
perature, humidity levels, or air quality measure-
ments. This information allows the Smart Energy
Management system to optimize energy usage for
comfort while ensuring a healthy and sustainable
indoor environment.
Service Suggestion:
Energy efficiency recommendations: Based on the
data received from the Smart Home system, Smart
Energy Management systems can provide energy
efficiency recommendations to households. This in-
cludes suggestions for optimizing appliance usage,
adopting energy-saving behaviors, or upgrading to
more energy-efficient devices.
Demand response participation: Smart home systems
can suggest participation in demand response pro-
grams based on real-time energy consumption data.
The Smart Energy Management system can provide
recommendations and incentives for households to
adjust their energy usage during peak demand peri-
ods or when grid conditions require load reduction.
b) From Home to Energy (Reaction): UV-Smart Energy
Management system can utilize information and feedback pro-
vided by the UV-Smart home system to make improvements
in the following ways:
Enable Customizable and Adaptive Services:
Personalized energy management: Based on the in-
formation received from the Smart Home system,
the Smart Energy Management system can enable
customizable energy services tailored to individual
preferences, schedules, and energy needs. This in-
cludes personalized energy-saving recommendations,
customized energy usage plans, or adaptive energy
management strategies.
User-controlled settings: The Smart Energy Man-
agement system can allow users to customize and
control their energy settings, such as temperature
preferences, lighting levels, or appliance schedules.
This empowers individuals to actively participate in
energy management decisions and adjust their energy
usage based on their unique requirements.
Situation Understanding & Resource Assignment:
Demand forecasting and load balancing: The Smart
Energy Management system can analyze the infor-
mation from the Smart Home system to understand
the current and predicted energy demand. It can op-
timize resource allocation and distribution to balance
loads efficiently, ensuring a reliable and stable energy
supply to households and the grid.
Renewable energy integration: By considering the
collective energy generation data from the Smart
Home systems, the Smart Energy Management sys-
tem can assess the availability of renewable energy
sources within the community. It can allocate and
prioritize renewable energy usage, promoting sus-
tainable practices and reducing reliance on traditional
energy sources.
Timely Response:
Real-time energy management: The Smart Energy
Management system can respond in real time to
the data received from the Smart Home system. It
can dynamically adjust energy usage, such as load
shedding during peak demand periods or prioritizing
critical energy needs during emergencies. This en-
sures timely response and optimal energy utilization.
Energy pricing and incentives: Based on the infor-
mation provided by the Smart Home system, the
Smart Energy Management system can offer dy-
namic pricing models and incentives to encourage
energy conservation. It can adjust pricing structures
or provide rewards for reducing energy usage dur-
ing high-demand periods, promoting efficient energy
System Improvement:
Performance optimization: The Smart Energy Man-
agement system can continuously analyze the data
from the Smart Home systems to identify patterns,
anomalies, or areas for improvement. It can opti-
mize energy management algorithms, system con-
figurations, or predictive models to enhance overall
performance and energy efficiency.
Feedback and collaboration: The Smart Energy Man-
agement system can establish a feedback loop with
the Smart Home systems and engage in collaborative
efforts with households. It can gather feedback on
energy services, user experiences, or suggestions
for improvement. This feedback helps in refining
energy management strategies and enhancing the
overall system based on users’ needs and societal
c) From Energy to Home (Infor): UV-Smart Energy
Management systems could provide the following information
to UV-Smart home systems:
Available Support:
Energy efficiency tips and recommendations: The
Smart Energy Management system can provide
energy-saving suggestions and best practices for
the Smart home system. This includes guidance on
optimizing energy usage, selecting energy-efficient
appliances, or adopting energy-saving behaviors. The
information aims to support households in reducing
energy consumption and promoting sustainability.
Access to energy-saving programs: The Smart En-
ergy Management system can inform the Smart home
system about available energy-saving programs, in-
centives, or rebates offered by utility providers or
government initiatives. This enables households to
take advantage of such programs and make informed
decisions regarding energy management.
Instructive Direction:
Energy usage instructions: The Smart Energy Man-
agement system can provide instructive directions
to the Smart home system, guiding households on
specific actions to optimize energy usage. This can
include instructions on adjusting thermostat settings,
scheduling appliance usage, or implementing load-
shifting techniques to avoid peak demand periods.
The information helps households make informed
choices to reduce energy consumption and costs.
Integration with smart devices: The Smart Energy
Management system can provide instructions on in-
tegrating smart devices, such as thermostats, lighting
systems, or smart plugs, with the Smart home sys-
tem. This allows households to control and manage
their energy usage more effectively through automa-
tion and remote access.
Expected Proactive Reaction:
Demand response notifications: The Smart Energy
Management system can notify the Smart home
system about upcoming demand response events or
grid constraints. This enables households to proac-
tively adjust their energy usage, such as temporarily
reducing energy-intensive activities or shifting to
stored energy sources, to support grid stability and
Energy consumption alerts: The Smart Energy Man-
agement system can send alerts to the Smart home
system regarding unusually high energy consumption
levels or potential energy waste. This prompts house-
holds to take proactive measures, such as identifying
faulty appliances, addressing insulation issues, or
adjusting usage patterns, to mitigate excessive energy
Rule & Stipulation:
Energy management regulations: The Smart Energy
Management system can inform the Smart home
system about energy management regulations, guide-
lines, or standards set by regulatory bodies or utility
providers. This includes information on peak/off-
peak pricing, time-of-use tariffs, or energy conser-
vation mandates. The information helps households
adhere to energy-related rules and stipulations while
making informed decisions about their energy con-
d) From Energy to Home (Reaction): UV-Smart Home
system can utilize information and feedback provided by the
UV-Smart Energy Management system to make improvements
in the following ways:
Coordinated Planning:
Load management: The Smart home system can
adjust the timing of energy-intensive activities based
on the information received from the Smart Energy
Management system. It can coordinate the operation
of appliances, such as delaying the start of a dish-
washer or laundry machine to optimize energy usage
during off-peak hours. This coordinated planning
helps reduce strain on the grid and minimize peak
demand periods.
Distributed energy resources integration: The Smart
home system can collaborate with the Smart Energy
Management system to integrate distributed energy
resources, such as solar panels or home energy
storage systems. It can adjust energy production
and consumption patterns based on the information
provided, maximizing the use of renewable energy
and enhancing overall system efficiency.
Efficiency Improvement and Safety Assurance:
Energy-saving adjustments: The Smart home system
can make automatic or user-controlled adjustments to
optimize energy efficiency based on the recommen-
dations or instructions from the Smart Energy Man-
agement system. This includes adjusting thermostat
settings, turning off standby power, or implementing
smart zoning for heating and cooling. These actions
improve energy efficiency and reduce energy waste.
Safety monitoring and alerts: The Smart home sys-
tem can actively monitor energy-related parameters
and send alerts to homeowners based on the infor-
mation received from the Smart Energy Management
system. It can detect anomalies, such as power surges
or abnormal energy usage, and notify occupants
about potential safety risks. This proactive approach
ensures safety assurance and minimizes hazards.
Proactive Response:
Demand response participation: The Smart home
system can participate in demand response programs
suggested by the Smart Energy Management system.
It can automatically or with user permission adjust
energy usage during peak demand periods or in
response to grid conditions. By actively responding
to grid signals, the Smart home system contributes
to grid stability and reliability.
Emergency energy backup: In emergency situations,
such as power outages or natural disasters, the Smart
home system can initiate a proactive response based
on the information provided by the Smart Energy
Management system. It can activate backup energy
sources, such as stored energy from batteries or gen-
erators, to ensure essential power supply for critical
devices and maintain occupant safety.
Education and Law Enforcement:
Energy consumption feedback: The Smart home sys-
tem can provide occupants with real-time feedback
on their energy consumption and the impact of their
actions. It can display energy usage data, highlight
energy-saving achievements, and suggest further im-
provements. This education-oriented approach pro-
motes energy-conscious behavior and encourages
responsible energy consumption.
Adherence to energy regulations: The Smart home
system can enforce energy regulations and guidelines
set by regulatory bodies or utility providers. It can
adjust energy usage automatically or provide noti-
fications to ensure compliance with energy-related
laws and regulations. This promotes responsible
energy management and contributes to the larger
societal goals of energy efficiency and sustainability.
4) Humanity & Ethical Consideration:: The relationship
between the UV-Smart Home System and the UV-Smart
Energy Management System is vital. Exchanging information
effectively would help in promoting humanity & ethics. In
the following section, we will delve deeper into what kind of
information should be exchanged and how such information
would help both subsystems to perform better.
In Tables C and CI, we discuss the corresponding four
perspectives in terms of five sub-objectives: equality and
inclusiveness, respect & sharing, happiness & mental support,
support and protection, and cultural preservation & promotion.
The following writing part below is a summary of the content
of the table.
a) From Home to Energy (Infor): UV-Smart home sys-
tems could provide the following information to UV-Smart
Energy Management systems:
Personal Information:
Occupant profiles: The Smart home system can
provide personal information about the occupants,
such as age, health conditions, and specific energy
needs. This information allows the Smart Energy
Management system to tailor energy services and
strategies to the unique requirements of individuals,
ensuring their comfort, well-being, and safety.
Privacy preferences: The Smart home system can
inform the Smart Energy Management system about
the occupants’ privacy preferences and consent re-
garding the collection and use of their personal data.
Respecting privacy rights and adhering to ethical data
practices are essential considerations for the Smart
Energy Management system.
Collective Information:
Community energy profiles: The Smart home sys-
tem can share aggregated energy consumption data
from multiple households within a community. This
collective information can help the Smart Energy
Management system identify energy consumption
patterns, trends, and opportunities for collective ac-
tion, such as community energy-saving initiatives or
renewable energy projects.
Energy sharing capabilities: If enabled, the Smart
home system can provide information about the
households’ willingness to share energy resources,
such as excess solar energy generated. This sharing
capability can support collective energy optimization
and facilitate equitable distribution within the com-
Real-Time Feedback:
Energy usage feedback: The Smart home system
can provide real-time feedback on energy usage
patterns to the Smart Energy Management system.
This includes information on energy-intensive ac-
tivities, peak demand periods, or potential energy
waste. Such feedback enables the Smart Energy
Management system to analyze and optimize energy
consumption in real time, promoting efficient and
sustainable practices.
Occupant comfort feedback: The Smart home sys-
tem can gather feedback from occupants regarding
their comfort levels, indoor air quality, or thermal
conditions. This feedback helps the Smart Energy
Management system assess the impact of energy
management strategies on occupant well-being and
make adjustments to ensure a balance between en-
ergy efficiency and human comfort.
Service Suggestions:
Energy-saving recommendations: The Smart home
system can suggest energy-saving measures, behav-
iors, or technologies to the Smart Energy Man-
agement system. This can include suggestions for
energy-efficient appliances, home automation strate-
gies, or behavioral changes that align with ethical
considerations and promote responsible energy con-
Sustainability considerations: The Smart home sys-
tem can provide information on sustainability prac-
tices, such as renewable energy generation, energy
storage systems, or eco-friendly home improvement
options. These suggestions align with ethical consid-
erations and encourage the adoption of sustainable
energy solutions.
b) From Home to Energy (Reaction): UV-Smart Energy
Management system can utilize information and feedback pro-
vided by the UV-Smart home system to make improvements
in the following ways:
Enable Customizable and Adaptive Services:
Personalized energy profiles: The Smart Energy
Management system can utilize the information from
the Smart home system to create personalized energy
profiles for individual occupants. This allows for
tailored energy services that consider occupants’
preferences, health conditions, and ethical consider-
ations. For example, it can prioritize energy usage
for medical equipment
Dynamic energy optimization: Based on the informa-
tion received, the Smart Energy Management system
can dynamically optimize energy usage to align with
occupants’ schedules, activities, and ethical prefer-
ences. It can adaptively control appliances, lighting,
and HVAC systems to maximize energy efficiency
while ensuring occupant comfort and well-being.
Situation Understanding & Resource Assignment:
Energy resource allocation: The Smart Energy Man-
agement system can use the information provided by
the Smart home system to understand the current en-
ergy situation, including available energy resources
and consumption patterns. It can then allocate re-
sources accordingly, considering ethical considera-
tions such as prioritizing renewable energy sources
and equitable distribution among households.
Demand response and load management: In response
to real-time data from the Smart home system, the
Smart Energy Management system can implement
demand response strategies to optimize energy usage
during peak periods. It can shift energy-intensive
activities to off-peak hours, balance energy demand
across households, and promote load management
techniques that align with ethical considerations and
societal needs.
Timely Response:
Energy-related alerts and notifications: The Smart
Energy Management system can provide timely
alerts and notifications to the Smart home system
based on the received information. This includes
energy-saving suggestions, reminders about ethical
energy practices, or updates on system status. Prompt
communication ensures that occupants are informed
and empowered to make responsible energy deci-
System Improvement:
Continuous learning and optimization: The Smart
Energy Management system can utilize the infor-
mation shared by the Smart home system to con-
tinuously learn and improve its energy management
algorithms and strategies. Analyzing energy con-
sumption patterns, occupant feedback, and ethical
considerations, can enhance system performance, en-
ergy efficiency, and occupant satisfaction over time.
Ethical guidelines and policy adherence: The Smart
Energy Management system can proactively align its
operations with ethical guidelines and energy poli-
cies. It can ensure transparency, privacy protection,
and fair energy allocation, promoting responsible and
equitable energy management practices within the
c) From Energy to Home (Infor): UV-Smart Energy
Management systems could provide the following information
to UV-Smart home systems:
Available Support:
Energy efficiency tips and recommendations: The
Smart Energy Management system can provide the
Smart home system with information and sugges-
tions on energy-saving practices, ethical energy con-
sumption, and sustainable behaviors. This includes
guidance on optimizing appliance usage, reducing
standby power, and adopting energy-efficient tech-
nologies to minimize environmental impact.
Accessibility support: In consideration of diverse oc-
cupant needs, the Smart Energy Management system
can provide information on accessible energy re-
sources and technologies. This may include guidance
on installing assistive devices, accommodating spe-
cial energy requirements, or connecting with support
services for individuals with disabilities or special
Instructive Direction:
User manuals and guidelines: The Smart Energy
Management system can offer detailed instructions
and guidelines to the Smart home system for oper-
ating energy-efficient devices and systems. This en-
sures that occupants have the necessary information
to use energy resources responsibly, reducing waste
and maximizing efficiency.
Ethical energy usage guidelines: The Smart Energy
Management system can provide ethical guidelines
and principles for energy consumption, highlighting
considerations such as environmental sustainability,
social responsibility, and equitable energy access.
This promotes awareness and responsible decision-
making among occupants.
Expected Proactive Reaction:
Energy-saving recommendations: Based on real-time
data and analysis, the Smart Energy Management
system can proactively suggest energy-saving mea-
sures to the Smart home system. These recommen-
dations may include adjusting energy usage dur-
ing peak demand periods, optimizing schedules for
energy-intensive activities, or implementing load-
shifting strategies. By encouraging proactive energy
management, the system promotes energy efficiency
and ethical energy practices.
Demand response notifications: In situations where
energy demand exceeds supply or during emergen-
cies, the Smart Energy Management system can
notify the Smart home system about the need for
load reduction or specific energy conservation mea-
sures. These proactive reactions help maintain grid
stability, support humanitarian efforts, and contribute
to overall energy resilience.
Rule & Stipulation:
Ethical energy policies and regulations: The Smart
Energy Management system can provide information
on relevant energy policies, regulations, and stan-
dards that promote humanity and ethical consider-
ations. This may include guidelines for responsi-
ble energy use, privacy protection, and fair energy
allocation. By adhering to these rules and stipula-
tions, the Smart Energy Management system ensures
transparency, equity, and compliance with ethical
d) From Energy to Home (Reaction): UV-Smart Home
system can utilize information and feedback provided by the
UV-Smart Energy Management system to make improvements
in the following ways:
Coordinated Planning:
Energy usage scheduling: The Smart home system
can adjust energy usage schedules based on the infor-
mation received from the Smart Energy Management
system. This includes coordinating the timing of
energy-intensive tasks and optimizing the use of ap-
pliances and systems to avoid peak demand periods,
reduce strain on the grid, and promote equitable
energy distribution.
Collaborative energy planning: The Smart home sys-
tem can participate in collaborative energy planning
initiatives facilitated by the Smart Energy Manage-
ment system. This involves sharing energy consump-
tion data, contributing to energy forecasting models,
and actively engaging in community-based energy
management strategies that prioritize sustainability,
fairness, and ethical considerations.
Efficiency Improvement and Safety Assurance:
Energy-efficient automation: In response to informa-
tion from the Smart Energy Management system, the
Smart home system can automate energy-consuming
devices and systems for improved efficiency. This
may include adjusting thermostat settings, optimiz-
ing lighting control, and implementing smart energy
management algorithms that minimize waste and
align with ethical energy practices.
Safety protocols: Based on safety recommendations
from the Smart Energy Management system, the
Smart home system can activate safety protocols to
ensure the well-being of occupants. This may involve
automatically shutting off gas or electricity in the
event of a detected hazard, such as a gas leak or
electrical fault, to prevent accidents and promote a
safe living environment.
Proactive Response:
Energy demand response: The Smart home system
can proactively respond to demand response signals
or notifications from the Smart Energy Management
system. This includes adjusting energy usage in
real time, temporarily reducing or shifting energy-
intensive activities to alleviate strain on the grid, sup-
porting grid stability, and contributing to sustainable
energy consumption practices.
Emergency preparedness: In the event of an emer-
gency, the Smart home system can activate prede-
fined emergency response plans based on informa-
tion received from the Smart Energy Management
system. This may involve prioritizing critical energy
needs, such as powering medical equipment or pro-
viding backup power during power outages, to ensure
the safety, health, and well-being of occupants.
Education and Law Enforcement:
Energy consumption awareness: The Smart home
system can provide occupants with real-time feed-
back on energy usage, costs, and environmental
impact based on the information received from the
Smart Energy Management system. This promotes
awareness and encourages responsible energy behav-
ior aligned with ethical considerations and sustain-
ability goals.
Compliance with energy regulations: The Smart
home system can enforce energy regulations and
policies communicated by the Smart Energy Man-
agement system. This includes implementing energy-
saving measures, monitoring energy consumption,
and ensuring compliance with ethical and legal en-
ergy standards, promoting responsible energy prac-
tices within the home.
5) Cost & Sustainability: The relationship between the UV-
Smart Home System and the UV-Smart Energy Management
System is vital. Exchanging information effectively would help
in promoting cost & sustainability. In the following section,
we will delve deeper into what kind of information should
be exchanged and how such information would help both
subsystems to perform better.
In Tables CIII and CIV, we discuss the corresponding four
perspectives in terms of three sub-objectives: maintenance and
cost, resource management and material cycle, environmental
protection & sustainability. The following writing part below
is a summary of the content of the table.
a) From Home to Energy (Infor): UV-Smart home sys-
tems could provide the following information to UV-Smart
Energy Management systems:
Personal Information:
Individual energy consumption data: The Smart
home system can provide individual energy con-
sumption data to the Smart Energy Management
system. This includes information on energy usage
patterns, peak usage hours, and specific energy-
consuming devices or appliances used by each
household member. By analyzing this data, the Smart
Energy Management system can offer personalized
recommendations for reducing energy costs and im-
proving sustainability.
Energy cost preferences: The Smart home system
can communicate the energy cost preferences of
the occupants to the Smart Energy Management
system. This includes information on desired energy
expenditure levels, budget constraints, and financial
goals. The Smart Energy Management system can
then consider these preferences when suggesting
energy-saving measures or optimizing energy usage
to achieve a balance between cost efficiency and
Collective Information:
Aggregated energy consumption data: The Smart
home system can provide aggregated energy con-
sumption data from multiple households or commu-
nities to the Smart Energy Management system. This
data enables the identification of energy consumption
trends, peak demand periods, and potential areas for
energy efficiency improvements at a larger scale.
The Smart Energy Management system can leverage
this information to develop collective energy-saving
strategies and promote sustainable practices across
Real-time Feedback:
Energy usage alerts: The Smart home system can
send real-time energy usage alerts and notifications
to the Smart Energy Management system. This
includes information on sudden spikes in energy
consumption, excessive energy waste, or inefficient
appliance operation. The Smart Energy Management
system can use this feedback to identify areas of
improvement, suggest energy-saving measures, and
provide timely recommendations to optimize energy
usage and reduce costs.
Environmental impact indicators: The Smart home
system can provide real-time feedback on the en-
vironmental impact of energy consumption on the
Smart Energy Management system. This includes
information on carbon footprint, greenhouse gas
emissions, and energy efficiency ratings. By under-
standing the sustainability implications, the Smart
Energy Management system can offer suggestions
to minimize environmental impact and promote sus-
tainable energy practices.
Service Suggestions:
Energy-saving recommendations: Based on the per-
sonal and collective information provided by the
Smart home system, the Smart Energy Management
system can offer tailored energy-saving recommen-
dations. These suggestions may include adjusting
temperature settings, optimizing lighting schedules,
adopting energy-efficient appliances, or implement-
ing renewable energy solutions. By considering cost
and sustainability factors, the Smart Energy Man-
agement system helps occupants make informed de-
cisions and achieve energy efficiency goals.
b) From Home to Energy (Reaction): UV-Smart Energy
Management system can utilize information and feedback pro-
vided by the UV-Smart home system to make improvements
in the following ways:
Enable Customizable and Adaptive Services:
Personalized energy management plans: Based on
the information provided by the Smart home system
regarding individual energy consumption patterns
and cost preferences, the Smart Energy Management
system can develop personalized energy management
plans. These plans may include tailored recommen-
dations for optimizing energy usage, adjusting en-
ergy expenditure levels, and suggesting cost-effective
sustainable practices that align with the occupants’
Adaptive energy-saving strategies: The Smart Energy
Management system can dynamically adjust and
adapt energy-saving strategies based on real-time
feedback from the Smart home system. This in-
cludes modifying energy usage schedules, optimizing
energy distribution, and implementing load-shifting
techniques to achieve cost savings while maintaining
sustainability goals.
Situation Understanding & Resource Assignment:
Energy allocation and load balancing: By analyzing
the collective information provided by the Smart
home system, the Smart Energy Management system
can gain a better understanding of energy consump-
tion patterns and demand trends. This allows for
more effective resource assignments, such as dynam-
ically allocating energy resources to balance the load
and prevent grid overloading during peak demand
periods. This ensures cost optimization and efficient
utilization of energy resources while considering
Timely Response:
Energy demand response: In response to real-time
feedback from the Smart home system indicating
sudden spikes in energy consumption or excessive
energy waste, the Smart Energy Management system
can trigger demand response mechanisms. This in-
volves adjusting energy usage patterns, temporarily
reducing energy consumption in non-critical areas,
and optimizing energy distribution to avoid high
costs and promote sustainability during periods of
peak demand.
Alert notifications and reminders: The Smart En-
ergy Management system can send timely alerts
and reminders to the Smart home system and its
occupants based on cost and sustainability considera-
tions. These notifications can include information on
energy-saving opportunities, reminders to optimize
energy usage during off-peak hours, and updates on
energy tariffs or incentives that promote sustainable
System Improvement:
Energy efficiency recommendations: Based on the
collective information and real-time feedback re-
ceived from the Smart home system, the Smart
Energy Management system can identify areas for
system improvement. This may include suggest-
ing energy-efficient upgrades or replacements for
appliances, providing insights into energy-efficient
technologies, or recommending sustainable energy
sources to enhance overall cost savings and promote
Continuous learning and optimization: The Smart
Energy Management system can continuously an-
alyze data from the Smart home system to iden-
tify patterns, trends, and areas of improvement. By
leveraging machine learning algorithms and data an-
alytics, the system can optimize energy management
strategies, refine energy models, and provide more
accurate and cost-effective recommendations over
c) From Energy to Home (Infor): UV-Smart Energy
Management systems could provide the following information
to UV-Smart home systems:
Available Support:
Energy-saving tips and best practices: The Smart
Energy Management system can provide the Smart
home system with a wealth of energy-saving tips
and best practices. These suggestions may include
recommendations for adjusting temperature settings,
optimizing lighting usage, managing standby power,
and adopting energy-efficient behaviors. By sharing
these tips, the Smart Energy Management system of-
fers support in reducing energy costs and promoting
sustainable practices.
Instructive Direction:
Real-time energy usage feedback: The Smart Energy
Management system can provide real-time energy
usage feedback to the Smart home system. This
information can include instant notifications or vi-
sual displays of current energy consumption, peak
demand periods, and energy cost breakdowns. By
receiving this instructive direction, homeowners can
gain insights into their energy usage patterns and
make informed decisions to optimize cost and sus-
Expected Proactive Reaction:
Demand response notifications: The Smart Energy
Management system can notify the Smart home
system in advance about expected periods of high
energy demand or peak pricing. This allows home-
owners to proactively react by adjusting their en-
ergy usage patterns, delaying non-essential energy-
consuming activities, or shifting energy usage to off-
peak hours. By providing these proactive notifica-
tions, the Smart Energy Management system helps
homeowners manage costs and contribute to a more
sustainable energy grid.
Rule & Stipulation:
Energy usage guidelines and regulations: The Smart
Energy Management system can inform the Smart
home system about energy usage guidelines and reg-
ulations set by local authorities or energy providers.
This includes information on energy-saving incen-
tives, time-of-use tariffs, renewable energy programs,
and any specific rules or stipulations related to cost
and sustainability. By communicating these guide-
lines, the Smart Energy Management system ensures
that the Smart Home system operates within legal
and regulatory boundaries while promoting cost-
effective and sustainable energy practices.
d) From Energy to Home (Reaction): UV-Smart Home
system can utilize information and feedback provided by the
UV-Smart Energy Management system to make improvements
in the following ways:
Coordinated Planning:
Energy usage scheduling: The Smart home system
can adjust energy usage schedules based on the
information provided by the Smart Energy Manage-
ment system. This includes optimizing the timing of
energy-intensive tasks, such as running appliances or
charging electric vehicles, to take advantage of off-
peak hours when energy costs are lower and the grid
load is lighter. Coordinated planning helps minimize
costs and maximize the use of sustainable energy
Efficiency Improvement and Safety Assurance:
Energy-efficient device recommendations: In re-
sponse to the information received from the Smart
Energy Management system, the Smart home sys-
tem can suggest energy-efficient devices or upgrades
that promote efficiency and reduce energy waste.
This includes recommending appliances with high
energy efficiency ratings, smart thermostats for better
temperature control, or LED lighting solutions. By
adopting these recommendations, homeowners can
improve energy efficiency, lower costs, and con-
tribute to sustainability goals.
Safety alerts and notifications: The Smart home
system can respond to safety-related information
from the Smart Energy Management system by pro-
viding alerts and notifications to homeowners. For
example, if the Smart Energy Management system
detects potential electrical or fire hazards, the Smart
home system can alert the occupants and provide
instructions on how to address the issue promptly.
This proactive response ensures the safety of the
occupants while considering cost and sustainability
Proactive Response:
Load management and demand response: In line
with cost and sustainability considerations, the Smart
home system can actively respond to signals from
the Smart Energy Management system to participate
in load management or demand response programs.
This may involve temporarily reducing energy con-
sumption during peak demand periods or adjusting
energy usage based on real-time pricing signals. By
actively participating in these programs, homeowners
can contribute to grid stability, cost optimization, and
sustainability efforts.
Education and Law Enforcement:
Energy conservation education: The Smart home
system can provide educational resources and tips
to homeowners based on the information received
from the Smart Energy Management system. These
resources may include energy-saving practices, sus-
tainable behaviors, and guidelines for responsible
energy usage. By promoting energy conservation and
sustainable habits, homeowners can reduce costs and
contribute to a more sustainable future.
Compliance with energy regulations: The Smart
home system can enforce compliance with energy
regulations and policies based on the information
provided by the Smart Energy Management system.
This may include monitoring energy usage levels,
ensuring adherence to energy efficiency standards,
or implementing features that automatically adjust
energy consumption to comply with local energy
codes and regulations.
D. Interaction between Smart Home and Smart City Infras-
The interaction between the UV-Smart Home system and the
UV-Smart City Infrastructure system forms a pivotal connec-
tion that drives the development of smart and sustainable urban
environments. These two interconnected systems collaborate
and exchange information, shaping the future of city infras-
tructure and transforming homes into integral components of
a larger urban ecosystem. This section explores the dynamic
nature of their interaction, highlighting how the Smart Home
system contributes valuable data and collaborates with the
City Infrastructure system to optimize resource management,
improve energy efficiency, enhance public services, and create
a harmonious living environment that fosters a high quality of
life for residents.
In the subsections below, we describe the interac-
tion from the following aspects, as summarized in Ta-
1) Proactive & Coordinated Home Infrastructure to Ensure
Safety, Hygiene, and Basic Supply: There is a vital connection
between the UV-Smart Home system and the UV-Smart City
Infrastructure. Exchanging information effectively would help
in promoting proactive & coordinated home infrastructure to
ensure safety, hygiene, and essential supply. In the following
section, we will delve deeper into what kind of information
should be exchanged and how such information would help
both subsystems to perform better.
In Tables CV and CVI, we discuss the corresponding four
perspectives in terms of four sub-objectives: Infrastructure
Support, emergency response, providing accessible and reli-
able services, and improving resilience and adaptiveness. The
following writing part below is a summary of the content of
the tables.
a) From Home to Infrastructure (Infor): UV-Smart home
systems could provide the following information to UV-Smart
City Infrastructure systems:
Personal Information:
Occupant profiles: Smart Home systems can provide
information about the residents’ profiles, such as
age, disabilities, or special needs. This helps Smart
Infrastructure systems tailor their services and infras-
tructure to accommodate specific requirements, such
as accessible pathways, support for mobility aids, or
emergency response plans.
Medical data: Smart Home systems can share health-
related information, such as medical conditions, al-
lergies, or medication schedules. This enables Smart
Infrastructure systems to respond appropriately dur-
ing emergencies, provide targeted medical assistance,
or ensure proper storage of medications.
Collective Information:
Energy consumption data: Smart Home systems
can aggregate energy consumption data from mul-
tiple households to identify consumption patterns
and peak usage times. This collective information
helps Smart Infrastructure systems optimize energy
distribution, balance loads, and implement demand
response strategies to ensure a stable and efficient
energy supply.
Waste management insights: By analyzing data from
Smart Home systems, Smart Infrastructure systems
can gain insights into waste generation patterns and
recycling habits. This information helps in designing
effective waste management strategies, optimizing
collection schedules, and promoting recycling initia-
tives to maintain cleanliness and hygiene.
Real-time Feedback:
Environmental monitoring: Smart Home systems can
provide real-time feedback on various environmental
factors, such as indoor air quality, temperature, hu-
midity, and CO2 levels. This feedback helps Smart
Infrastructure systems proactively adjust ventilation,
heating, and cooling systems to maintain a healthy
and comfortable indoor environment.
Security and safety alerts: Smart Home systems can
provide real-time feedback on security breaches, fire
or smoke detection, water leaks, or other safety
hazards. This allows Smart Infrastructure systems
to respond swiftly by triggering alarms, notifying
emergency services, or taking preventive measures
to mitigate risks and ensure the safety of residents.
Service Suggestions:
Maintenance and repairs: Smart Home systems can
monitor the status and performance of appliances,
equipment, and infrastructure components. They can
suggest maintenance schedules, identify potential
issues, and provide service reminders. This enables
Smart Infrastructure systems to proactively address
maintenance needs, prevent breakdowns, and ensure
the continuous functioning of critical services.
Supply management: Smart Home systems can track
the usage of consumable supplies, such as water
filters, air filters, or cleaning products. Based on
usage data, they can suggest timely replacements or
replenishment to ensure the availability of essential
supplies for maintaining hygiene and basic needs.
b) From Home to Infrastructure (Reaction): UV-Smart
City Infrastructure system can utilize information and feed-
back provided by the UV-Smart home system to make im-
provements in the following ways:
Enable Customizable and Adaptive Services:
Personalized settings: The Smart Infrastructure sys-
tem can customize services based on personal infor-
mation received from the Smart Home system. For
example, it can adjust lighting, temperature, or acces-
sibility features according to residents’ preferences
or specific needs, ensuring comfort and convenience.
Tailored assistance: By understanding personal pro-
files, such as medical data, the Smart Infrastructure
system can provide customized assistance. For in-
stance, it can offer medical alerts, reminders for med-
ication intake, or emergency response plans tailored
to individual health conditions.
Situation Understanding & Resource Assignment:
Resource optimization: By analyzing collective in-
formation, the Smart Infrastructure system can un-
derstand energy consumption patterns and allocate
resources efficiently. It can prioritize energy distri-
bution during peak usage periods, balance loads,
and optimize water supply to ensure reliable and
uninterrupted services.
Waste management strategies: Based on collective
information received from Smart Home systems, the
Smart Infrastructure system can develop effective
waste management strategies. It can assign resources
such as recycling facilities or waste collection sched-
ules based on the specific needs and habits of resi-
Timely Response:
Emergency alerts and assistance: Real-time feed-
back from the Smart Home system, such as secu-
rity breaches or environmental hazards, can trigger
immediate responses from the Smart Infrastructure
system. It can notify emergency services, activate
alarm systems, or dispatch assistance to ensure the
safety and security of residents.
Maintenance and repairs: Upon receiving service
suggestions and real-time feedback on maintenance
needs, the Smart Infrastructure system can respond
promptly. It can schedule repairs, allocate main-
tenance personnel, or deploy resources to address
issues before they escalate, minimizing disruptions
and ensuring the continuity of essential services.
System Improvement:
Continuous monitoring and optimization: The Smart
Infrastructure system can leverage real-time feedback
to monitor the performance of various components
and services. By analyzing this feedback, it can
identify areas for improvement, optimize resource
allocation, and enhance the overall efficiency of the
home infrastructure.
Data-driven enhancements: The Smart Infrastructure
system can use the data collected from Smart Home
systems to identify trends, patterns, and areas of im-
provement. It can apply machine learning algorithms
and predictive analytics to optimize services, adapt
to changing needs, and proactively address emerging
challenges in safety, hygiene, and basic supply.
c) From Infrastructure to Home (Infor): UV-Smart City
Infrastructure systems could provide the following information
to UV-Smart home systems:
Available Support and Result Feedback:
Service availability: The Smart Infrastructure system
can inform the Smart Home system about the avail-
ability of specific services or resources. For example,
it can provide information on the availability of
emergency services, maintenance personnel, or sup-
port for specific needs such as accessibility features
or medical assistance.
Resource availability: The Smart Infrastructure sys-
tem can relay information about the availability of
essential resources such as electricity, water supply,
or waste management services. This ensures that the
Smart Home system is aware of the available re-
sources and can make informed decisions to optimize
their usage.
Instructive Guidance:
Usage guidelines: The Smart Infrastructure system
can provide instructive directions on how to use
infrastructure resources efficiently and safely. For
instance, it can provide guidelines on energy-saving
practices, proper waste disposal methods, or water
conservation techniques. This helps the Smart Home
system adopt responsible behaviors that align with
sustainability goals and ensure the longevity of re-
Safety instructions: The Smart Infrastructure system
can communicate safety instructions to the Smart
Home system. It can provide guidance on fire safety,
emergency protocols, or proper handling of haz-
ardous materials. This empowers residents to take
necessary precautions and respond appropriately dur-
ing unforeseen events.
Expected Proactive Reaction:
Predictive alerts: The Smart Infrastructure system
can share predictive alerts with the Smart Home
system based on data analysis and algorithms. For
example, it can notify residents about potential en-
ergy surges, water leaks, or upcoming maintenance
activities. This enables proactive action by the Smart
Home system, helping to prevent issues, minimize
disruptions, and ensure the continuous availability of
essential services.
Seasonal or weather-related information: The Smart
Infrastructure system can provide information on
weather conditions or seasonal changes that might
impact the home infrastructure. This includes up-
dates on temperature changes, extreme weather
warnings, or suggestions for adapting to climate
variations. By being aware of these factors, the Smart
Home system can adjust its settings and behaviors
Rules and Stipulations:
Regulatory compliance: The Smart Infrastructure
system can inform the Smart Home system about
relevant rules, regulations, or policies that need to
be followed. This can include energy consumption
limits, waste management guidelines, or safety stan-
dards. By adhering to these rules, the Smart Home
system can contribute to a coordinated infrastructure
that ensures compliance and promotes a safe and
sustainable living environment.
Access control and permissions: The Smart Infras-
tructure system can provide information regarding
access control and permissions. It can communicate
guidelines on granting or revoking access to specific
areas, services, or resources within the home infras-
tructure. This helps maintain security, privacy, and
efficient resource allocation.
d) From Infrastructure to Home (Reaction): UV-Smart
Home system can utilize information and feedback provided
by the UV-Smart City Infrastructure system to make improve-
ments in the following ways:
Coordinated Planning:
Resource management: The Smart Home system
can adjust resource usage based on the information
received from the Smart Infrastructure system. For
example, if there is a peak demand for electricity in
the area, the Smart Home system can optimize its
energy consumption by prioritizing essential appli-
ances or shifting non-urgent tasks to off-peak hours.
Scheduling and coordination: The Smart Home sys-
tem can align its activities with the information
provided by the Smart Infrastructure system. For
instance, if there is maintenance or repair work
scheduled for a particular infrastructure component,
the Smart Home system can plan its usage accord-
ingly, ensuring minimal disruption to services.
Efficiency Improvement and Safety Assurance:
Energy optimization: The Smart Home system can
utilize information from the Smart Infrastructure
system to improve energy efficiency. It can adjust
settings, automate energy-saving features, or provide
feedback to residents on their energy consumption
patterns, promoting sustainable practices and reduc-
ing utility costs.
Safety measures: The Smart Home system can en-
hance safety based on the information received. For
example, if the Smart Infrastructure system detects
a safety hazard or potential risk, it can communicate
instructions to the Smart Home system to take pre-
ventive measures, such as shutting off the gas supply
or activating security features.
Proactive Response and Education:
Alerts and notifications: The Smart Home system
can receive alerts and notifications from the Smart
Infrastructure system, triggering proactive responses.
For instance, if there is an emergency situation
or service disruption, the Smart Home system can
notify residents and guide them on necessary actions
to ensure their safety and well-being.
Educational resources: The Smart Home system can
provide educational materials and guidance to resi-
dents based on the information received. This can
include energy-saving tips, waste-reduction strate-
gies, or guidelines for maintaining a hygienic liv-
ing environment. By educating residents, the Smart
Home system promotes responsible behaviors and
helps them make informed decisions.
Law Enforcement and Compliance:
Security measures: The Smart Home system can
respond to information related to law enforcement
or security issues. It can activate security protocols,
notify authorities, or provide evidence in case of
security breaches or criminal activities within the
home infrastructure.
Compliance with regulations: The Smart Home sys-
tem can ensure compliance with regulations and legal
requirements based on the information received. It
can enforce access controls, privacy measures, or
data protection protocols to maintain regulatory com-
pliance and protect residents’ rights.
2) Proactive & Coordinated Family Support to Ensure
Human Safety, Health & Well-being, Identity & Value: The
UV-Intelligent Transportation System has a cohesive rela-
tionship with the UV-Smart City Infrastructure. Exchanging
information effectively would help in promoting proactive &
coordinated family support to ensure human safety, health
& well-being, identity & value. In the following section,
we will delve deeper into what kind of information should
be exchanged and how such information would help both
subsystems to perform better.
In Tables CVII and CVIII, we discuss the corresponding
four perspectives in terms of four sub-objectives: individual
Life & Well-being (physical, mental and social, reduce work-
load & improve efficiency, risk management & vulnerability
protection and improve resilience. The following writing part
below is a summary of the content of the table.
a) From Home to Infrastructure (Infor): UV-Smart home
systems could provide the following information to UV-Smart
City Infrastructure systems:
Personal Information:
Individual profiles: The Smart Home system can
provide personal information about family members,
including their names, ages, and any specific health
conditions or allergies. This information helps the
Smart Infrastructure system tailor its services and
support to meet the unique needs of each family
Preferences and routines: The Smart Home system
can share information about family members’ pref-
erences, routines, and habits. For example, it can
provide insights into preferred lighting, temperature
settings, or preferred music genres. This enables
the Smart Infrastructure system to personalize its
services and create a comfortable and nurturing
Collective Information:
Family schedules: The Smart Home system can
aggregate and share information about family mem-
bers’ schedules, including work hours, school tim-
ings, and extracurricular activities. This information
helps the Smart Infrastructure system coordinate
services such as lighting, temperature control, and
security based on family members’ presence or ab-
Activity data: By analyzing data from the Smart
Home system, the Smart Infrastructure system can
gain insights into collective activities such as sleep
patterns, exercise routines, or meal times. This infor-
mation can assist in suggesting personalized wellness
programs, optimizing energy usage, or providing
recommendations for healthy living.
Real-time Feedback:
Health and wellness data: The Smart Home system
can provide real-time feedback on vital health pa-
rameters such as heart rate, blood pressure, or sleep
quality. This feedback helps the Smart Infrastructure
system monitor family members’ well-being, detect
potential health issues, and provide timely support or
Environmental feedback: Smart Home systems can
offer real-time feedback on the indoor environment,
including air quality, humidity levels, or noise levels.
This feedback helps the Smart Infrastructure system
optimize air filtration, ventilation systems, or acous-
tic environments to create a healthy and comfortable
living space.
Service Suggestions:
Wellness recommendations: Based on personal and
collective data, the Smart Home system can provide
service suggestions related to wellness and health.
It can recommend personalized exercise routines,
suggest healthy recipes, or provide reminders for
medication intake. This supports family members in
maintaining a balanced and healthy lifestyle.
Value-based suggestions: The Smart Home system
can suggest services or activities that align with
the family’s values and aspirations. For instance, it
can recommend volunteering opportunities, cultural
events, or educational programs that promote per-
sonal growth, cultural engagement, and a sense of
b) From Home to Infrastructure (Reaction): UV-Smart
City Infrastructure system can utilize information and feed-
back provided by the UV-Smart home system to make im-
provements in the following ways:
Enable Customizable and Adaptive Services:
Personalized environments: The Smart Infrastructure
system can adapt to the physical environment based
on personal information received from the Smart
Home system. It can customize lighting, temperature,
or ambient settings to create a comfortable and
nurturing space that aligns with family members’
preferences and needs.
Tailored support: By understanding personal profiles,
the Smart Infrastructure system can provide cus-
tomized support. For instance, it can offer person-
alized reminders, recommendations, or alerts related
to health, wellness, or daily routines, ensuring that
family members receive the support they require to
maintain their well-being.
Situation Understanding & Resource Assignment:
Resource allocation: The Smart Infrastructure system
can analyze collective information from the Smart
Home system to understand resource needs and
assign resources accordingly. For example, it can
optimize energy distribution, allocate water supply,
or manage waste disposal based on family members’
usage patterns, ensuring efficient resource utilization.
Emergency response: By monitoring real-time feed-
back from the Smart Home system, the Smart In-
frastructure system can quickly understand emer-
gency situations and respond appropriately. It can
alert emergency services, notify family members, or
activate safety measures to ensure the safety and
well-being of the family.
Timely Response:
Emergency assistance: The Smart Infrastructure sys-
tem can respond in a timely manner to emergencies
based on real-time feedback from the Smart Home
system. For example, it can automatically notify
emergency services, initiate safety protocols, or pro-
vide guidance to family members during critical
situations, ensuring quick and effective response.
Maintenance and support: Upon receiving real-time
feedback about maintenance needs or service disrup-
tions, the Smart Infrastructure system can respond
promptly. It can schedule repairs, allocate support
personnel, or provide temporary alternatives to mini-
mize inconvenience and ensure uninterrupted support
for family members.
System Improvement:
Data-driven enhancements: The Smart Infrastruc-
ture system can leverage the data collected from
the Smart Home system to identify areas for im-
provement. By analyzing patterns and trends, it can
optimize services, anticipate needs, and proactively
address potential issues related to safety, health, well-
being, identity, and value within families.
Continuous monitoring and feedback: The Smart In-
frastructure system can continuously monitor the per-
formance of its services and receive feedback from
the Smart Home system. It can use this feedback
to enhance its capabilities, refine its algorithms, and
improve the overall experience and support provided
to families.
c) From Infrastructure to Home (Infor): UV-Smart City
Infrastructure systems could provide the following information
to UV-Smart home systems:
Available Support and Result Feedback:
Support services: The Smart Infrastructure system
can inform the Smart Home system about avail-
able support services in the vicinity. This includes
resources such as healthcare facilities, emergency
services, social services, or community programs. By
providing this information, the Smart Infrastructure
system helps the Smart Home system connect with
relevant support systems in times of need.
Community resources: The Smart Infrastructure sys-
tem can share information about community re-
sources available to support family well-being and
development. This can include local recreational cen-
ters, parks, educational institutions, cultural venues,
or counseling services. By making family members
aware of these resources, the Smart Infrastructure
system promotes engagement, growth, and social
Instructive Guidance:
Safety guidelines: The Smart Infrastructure system
can provide instructive directions on safety practices
and precautions within the home environment. This
includes guidance on fire safety, home security mea-
sures, electrical safety, or safe handling of household
products. By providing clear instructions, the Smart
Infrastructure system ensures that the Smart Home
system adopts practices that minimize risks and
promote a safe living environment.
Health and wellness guidance: The Smart Infrastruc-
ture system can offer instructive directions related
to health and wellness. This includes guidance on
nutrition, exercise, stress management, or mental
well-being. By providing this information, the Smart
Infrastructure system empowers the Smart Home
system to make informed choices that support the
physical and emotional well-being of family mem-
Expected Proactive Reaction:
Preventive care suggestions: The Smart Infrastruc-
ture system can provide suggestions for proactive
care and preventive measures based on available
data and insights. For example, it can recommend
regular health check-ups, vaccination schedules, or
routine maintenance tasks to ensure the well-being of
family members and the proper functioning of home
Early warning notifications: The Smart Infrastructure
system can alert the Smart Home system about
potential risks or hazards based on real-time mon-
itoring. This includes notifications about abnormal
environmental conditions, equipment malfunctions,
or security breaches. By providing early warnings,
the Smart Infrastructure system enables the Smart
Home system to take proactive actions and mitigate
potential threats.
Rules and Stipulations:
Safety regulations: The Smart Infrastructure system
can communicate safety regulations and guidelines
that need to be followed within the home envi-
ronment. This includes rules for child safety, pool
safety, or home security measures. By informing
the Smart Home system about these regulations,
the Smart Infrastructure system promotes compliance
and ensures a secure living environment.
Data privacy and security: The Smart Infrastructure
system can outline rules and stipulations related to
data privacy and security. This includes informing the
Smart Home system about data collection practices,
consent requirements, or measures to protect per-
sonal information. By providing this information, the
Smart Infrastructure system ensures that the Smart
Home system adheres to privacy regulations and
maintains the security of family members’ data.
d) From Infrastructure to Home (Reaction): UV-Smart
Home system can utilize information and feedback provided
by the UV-Smart City Infrastructure system to make improve-
ments in the following ways:
Coordinated Planning:
Energy optimization: The Smart Home system can
adjust its energy usage based on information received
from the Smart Infrastructure system. For example, it
can align its energy-intensive activities with periods
of lower demand, optimize appliance schedules, or
adjust temperature settings to reduce energy con-
sumption and costs.
Resource allocation: By considering information
from the Smart Infrastructure system, the Smart
Home system can coordinate resource allocation
within the household. It can optimize water usage,
manage waste disposal efficiently, or schedule main-
tenance activities to minimize disruption and ensure
optimal resource utilization.
Efficiency Improvement and Safety Assurance:
Environmental adjustments: The Smart Home system
can optimize its settings and control devices based
on the information provided by the Smart Infras-
tructure system. For instance, it can adjust lighting
levels, heating or cooling settings, or activate security
measures in response to occupancy patterns, ensuring
energy efficiency and safety.
Monitoring and feedback: By receiving real-time
data from the Smart Infrastructure system, the Smart
Home system can identify potential safety hazards,
energy waste, or health risks. It can provide feedback
to family members, suggest corrective actions, or
activate safety protocols to ensure a secure and
healthy environment.
Proactive Response:
Emergency alerts and notifications: The Smart Home
system can respond proactively to emergency alerts
and notifications sent by the Smart Infrastructure
system. It can trigger audible alarms, send noti-
fications to family members’ devices, or contact
emergency services, ensuring a swift response to
critical situations.
Educational prompts and reminders: Based on infor-
mation received, the Smart Home system can provide
educational prompts and reminders to family mem-
bers. It can offer safety tips, wellness recommen-
dations, or reminders for healthy habits, promoting
proactive behaviors that contribute to the family’s
Education and Law Enforcement:
Security measures: The Smart Home system can
respond to information related to law enforcement or
security issues provided by the Smart Infrastructure
system. It can activate security features, monitor ac-
cess points, or integrate with surveillance systems to
ensure the safety and security of the family members.
Compliance with regulations: The Smart Home sys-
tem can adhere to rules and stipulations commu-
nicated by the Smart Infrastructure system. It can
enforce access controls, privacy measures, or data
protection protocols to maintain regulatory compli-
ance and protect the family’s identity and value.
3) Top-down & Bottom-up Coordination: Proactive Inter-
action with Society: The UV-Smart Home system has a strong
relationship with the UV-Smart City Infrastructure. Exchang-
ing information effectively would help in promoting Top-down
& bottom-up coordination: proactive interaction with society.
In the following section, we will delve deeper into what kind
of information should be exchanged and how such information
would help both subsystems to perform better.
In Tables CIX and CX, we discuss the corresponding four
perspectives in terms of four sub-objectives: understand Basic
Need and Urgent Situations, coordinated Planning, shared
Responsibility and Collective Support and information Con-
nectivity. The following writing part below is a summary of
the content of the tables.
a) From Home to Infrastructure (Infor): UV-Smart home
systems could provide the following information to UV-Smart
City Infrastructure systems:
Personal Information:
Occupant profiles: The Smart Home system can
provide personal information about the occupants,
including their names, ages, and any specific needs
or preferences. This information helps the Smart
Infrastructure system tailor its services and support
to meet the unique requirements of each individual.
Health data: The Smart Home system can share
health-related information such as vital signs, activity
levels, or sleep patterns. This data can assist the
Smart Infrastructure system in understanding the
well-being of the occupants and providing person-
alized support for health and wellness.
Collective Information:
Energy consumption: The Smart Home system can
provide data on energy usage within the house-
hold, including peak demand periods and overall
consumption patterns. This information helps the
Smart Infrastructure system in coordinating energy
distribution and optimizing resource allocation at a
broader scale.
Occupancy data: By analyzing occupancy patterns
within the Smart Home system, the Smart Infrastruc-
ture system can gain insights into collective behavior
and use this information to optimize services and
resource allocation across the community or city.
Real-time Feedback:
Environmental conditions: The Smart Home system
can provide real-time feedback on indoor environ-
mental factors such as temperature, humidity, and
air quality. This data enables the Smart Infrastruc-
ture system to monitor and manage environmental
conditions at a larger scale, ensuring comfort and
well-being for occupants in multiple homes.
Service satisfaction: The Smart Home system can
gather feedback from occupants regarding their sat-
isfaction with various services provided by the Smart
Infrastructure system. This feedback helps the Smart
Infrastructure system assess the effectiveness of its
offerings and make improvements based on user
Service Suggestions:
Community engagement: The Smart Home system
can suggest opportunities for occupants to participate
in community activities or initiatives. It can provide
information about local events, volunteer programs,
or resources for engaging with the broader society,
fostering proactive interaction and community in-
Resource optimization: Based on energy consump-
tion and occupancy data, the Smart Home system
can suggest energy-saving strategies, waste reduction
techniques, or sustainable practices to the occupants.
This promotes proactive engagement with environ-
mental sustainability and resource conservation.
b) From Home to Infrastructure (Reaction): UV-Smart
City Infrastructure system can utilize information and feed-
back provided by the UV-Smart home system to make im-
provements in the following ways:
Enable Customizable and Adaptive Services:
Personalized services: The Smart Infrastructure sys-
tem can utilize the information received from the
Smart Home system to provide personalized and cus-
tomized services to individual homes. For example,
it can adjust energy distribution, optimize resource
allocation, or tailor security measures based on the
specific needs and preferences of each household.
Adaptive infrastructure: By understanding the re-
quirements and feedback from the Smart Home
system, the Smart Infrastructure system can adapt
its infrastructure to better suit the changing needs of
the community. This may include adjusting energy
grids, transportation networks, or public facilities to
accommodate emerging technologies and sustainable
Situation Understanding & Resource Assignment:
Resource optimization: Based on the data received
from the Smart Home system, the Smart Infras-
tructure system can understand resource demands
and assign resources accordingly. For instance, it
can allocate energy, water, or waste management
resources more efficiently across the community,
considering real-time demand and usage patterns.
Situational awareness: By analyzing data from the
Smart Home system, the Smart Infrastructure system
can gain a better understanding of the overall situa-
tion within the community. This information helps
to identify areas that require immediate attention,
such as potential safety hazards, infrastructure main-
tenance, or environmental concerns.
Timely Response:
Emergency response: The Smart Infrastructure sys-
tem can respond promptly to emergencies based on
real-time feedback from the Smart Home system. For
example, it can trigger automated alerts, coordinate
emergency services, or activate safety protocols to
ensure the well-being of residents in the community.
Service optimization: By monitoring real-time feed-
back from the Smart Home system, the Smart Infras-
tructure system can identify areas for improvement
in service delivery. It can proactively address issues
related to energy efficiency, transportation, waste
management, or public safety to enhance the overall
quality of life for residents.
System Improvement:
Data-driven insights: The Smart Infrastructure sys-
tem can leverage data received from the Smart
Home system to gain insights and make informed
decisions regarding infrastructure development and
improvement. This can include identifying areas
where additional resources are needed, evaluating the
effectiveness of existing services, or predicting future
demands to enhance overall system performance.
Stakeholder engagement: The Smart Infrastructure
system can actively engage with residents and stake-
holders based on the information received from the
Smart Home system. It can seek feedback, con-
duct surveys, or involve the community in decision-
making processes, fostering a collaborative approach
to system improvement and proactive interaction
with society.
c) From Infrastructure to Home (Infor): UV-Smart City
Infrastructure systems could provide the following information
to UV-Smart home systems:
Available Support and Result Feedback:
The Smart Infrastructure system can provide real-
time information about the availability and status of
public services, such as electricity, water, and trans-
portation. This information can help Smart home sys-
tems optimize their resource usage and plan activities
It can offer insights into local government initiatives,
programs, and services that Smart home systems can
utilize, such as energy efficiency programs, waste
management services, or public safety alerts.
Instructive Guidance:
The Smart Infrastructure system can provide instruc-
tive directions to Smart home systems, guiding them
on optimal energy consumption patterns based on
real-time energy prices or availability of renewable
energy sources.
It can offer guidance on efficient transportation
routes, taking into account traffic conditions, public
transportation options, or even suggesting shared mo-
bility services to reduce congestion and emissions.
Expected Proactive Reaction:
The Smart Infrastructure system can provide Smart
home systems with early warnings and forecasts re-
lated to weather conditions, natural disasters, or any
potential disruptions in public services. This infor-
mation can help Smart home systems take proactive
measures to ensure safety and resilience.
It can alert Smart home systems about critical events
or emergencies in the vicinity, such as accidents,
security threats, or community-driven initiatives, al-
lowing them to react accordingly and participate in
response efforts.
Rule & Stipulation:
The Smart Infrastructure system can provide updates
on local regulations, policies, and guidelines related
to energy usage, waste management, water conser-
vation, and other relevant areas. This information
can help Smart home systems comply with legal
requirements and adopt sustainable practices.
It can inform Smart home systems about community-
driven initiatives or programs that promote civic
engagement, neighborhood cooperation, or partici-
pation in social projects, enabling them to actively
contribute to the local community.
d) From Infrastructure to Home (Reaction): UV-Smart
Home system can utilize information and feedback provided
by the UV-Smart City Infrastructure system to make improve-
ments in the following ways:
Coordinated Planning:
Smart home systems receive real-time traffic data
from smart infrastructure systems and adjust auto-
mated routines such as opening and closing blinds
or adjusting lighting based on the estimated arrival
time of occupants, ensuring a comfortable and well-
lit environment upon their return.
Through integration with local transportation sys-
tems, Smart Home systems can provide residents
with real-time public transit information, helping
them plan their daily commutes more efficiently and
promoting sustainable transportation options.
Efficiency Improvement and Safety Assurance:
Smart home systems receive data from smart grids
and dynamically adjust energy usage by prioritiz-
ing energy-efficient appliances during peak demand
hours, reducing the strain on the grid and minimizing
utility costs.
By integrating with smart water and gas meters,
Smart Home systems can detect anomalies in con-
sumption patterns, such as sudden spikes or leaks,
and notify homeowners to take appropriate action,
ensuring efficient resource usage and enhancing
Proactive Response:
Smart home systems use weather forecast data from
smart infrastructure systems to proactively adjust
thermostat settings, optimizing energy usage while
maintaining a comfortable indoor environment, and
reducing the need for manual adjustments by occu-
Through integration with emergency services and
weather alert systems, Smart Home systems can
automatically notify residents about severe weather
conditions or emergency situations, providing real-
time guidance on evacuation routes or necessary
precautions to ensure their safety.
Education and Law Enforcement:
Smart home systems provide personalized energy
usage reports to residents, highlighting areas for im-
provement and suggesting energy-saving measures,
promoting energy literacy, and encouraging more
sustainable behavior.
By integrating with neighborhood watch programs
or local law enforcement agencies, Smart Home
systems can facilitate the sharing of surveillance
footage or sensor data during criminal investigations,
fostering collaboration and assisting in crime preven-
tion and response efforts.
4) Humanity & Ethical Consideration: The UV-Smart
Home system has a vital relationship with the UV-Smart City
Infrastructure. Exchanging information effectively would help
in promoting humanity & ethics. In the following section,
we will delve deeper into what kind of information should
be exchanged and how such information would help both
subsystems to perform better.
In Tables CXI and CXII, we discuss the corresponding
four perspectives in terms of five sub-objectives: equality
and Inclusiveness, respect & Sharing, happiness & mental
support, support and Protection, and cultural Preservation and
Promotion. The following writing part below is a summary of
the content of the table.
a) From Home to Infrastructure (Infor): UV-Smart home
systems could provide the following information to UV-Smart
City Infrastructure systems:
Personal Information:
Health and well-being: The Smart Home system can
provide personal health information such as allergies,
medical conditions, or dietary restrictions. This infor-
mation helps the Smart Infrastructure system deliver
services that prioritize individual health and well-
Accessibility needs: The Smart Home system can
share information about residents’ accessibility re-
quirements, such as mobility limitations or sensory
impairments. This allows the Smart Infrastructure
system to adapt its services and facilities to ensure
inclusivity and equal access for all.
Collective Information:
Community demographics: The Smart Home sys-
tem can provide demographic information about the
community, such as age groups, cultural diversity,
or socioeconomic backgrounds. This data assists the
Smart Infrastructure system in tailoring services to
address the specific needs and values of the commu-
Environmental impact: By analyzing collective in-
formation from the Smart Home system, the Smart
Infrastructure system can assess the environmental
impact of the community. This enables the imple-
mentation of sustainability initiatives and the de-
velopment of infrastructure that aligns with ethical
considerations for the environment.
Real-time Feedback:
Privacy and data security: The Smart Home system
can provide real-time feedback on any potential
privacy or data security concerns. This allows the
Smart Infrastructure system to ensure that personal
information is protected, and privacy measures are
in place to safeguard residents’ rights and ethical
User experience: By gathering real-time feedback
from residents, the Smart Home system can provide
insights into their experiences with the Smart In-
frastructure services. This feedback helps the Smart
Infrastructure system continuously improve its offer-
ings, addressing any concerns related to usability,
functionality, or ethical considerations.
Service Suggestions:
Ethical considerations: The Smart Home system can
suggest services or initiatives that promote ethical
considerations within the community. For example,
it can propose programs related to responsible con-
sumption, waste reduction, community engagement,
or social equity to foster a culture of ethical decision-
making and responsible living.
Human-centered design: Based on user preferences
and feedback, the Smart Home system can suggest
design improvements to the Smart Infrastructure
services, ensuring that they prioritize human needs,
values, and ethical considerations. This may in-
clude user-friendly interfaces, accessibility features,
or transparent data usage policies.
b) From Home to Infrastructure (Reaction): UV-Smart
City Infrastructure system can utilize information and feed-
back provided by the UV-Smart home system to make im-
provements in the following ways:
Enable Customizable and Adaptive Services:
Personalized assistance: The Smart Infrastructure
system can utilize the information received from
the Smart Home system to provide personalized
and adaptive services. For example, it can adjust
transportation options to accommodate residents with
accessibility needs or customize energy usage based
on individual preferences, promoting inclusivity and
ensuring ethical considerations are met.
Culturally sensitive services: By understanding the
demographic information shared by the Smart Home
system, the Smart Infrastructure system can offer
culturally sensitive services that respect and cater to
the diverse backgrounds and values of the commu-
nity. This includes providing multilingual support,
offering culturally relevant resources, or organizing
community events that celebrate diversity.
Situation Understanding & Resource Assignment:
Resource allocation: The Smart Infrastructure sys-
tem can leverage real-time information from the
Smart Home system to understand resource demands
and allocate resources accordingly. This includes
optimizing energy distribution, waste management
strategies, or transportation routes to minimize en-
vironmental impact and promote ethical use of re-
Assessing community needs: By analyzing collective
information from the Smart Home system, the Smart
Infrastructure system can gain a better understanding
of the community’s needs and priorities. This allows
for targeted resource assignment, ensuring that re-
sources are allocated where they are most needed,
addressing social and ethical considerations.
Timely Response:
Emergency response: The Smart Infrastructure sys-
tem can respond promptly to emergencies based on
real-time feedback from the Smart Home system. It
can trigger automated alerts, coordinate emergency
services, or deploy assistance to ensure the safety
and well-being of residents while considering ethical
obligations to protect human life and dignity.
Service enhancements: By analyzing real-time feed-
back from the Smart Home system, the Smart Infras-
tructure system can identify areas for improvement
in service delivery. It can address concerns promptly,
rectify ethical issues, and enhance services to better
meet the needs of the community.
System Improvement:
Ethical considerations: The Smart Infrastructure sys-
tem can use the information received from the Smart
Home system to assess and improve its ethical prac-
tices. This may include evaluating data privacy poli-
cies, implementing transparent governance mecha-
nisms, or developing guidelines to ensure fairness
and accountability in decision-making processes.
User feedback incorporation: The Smart Infrastruc-
ture system can actively seek and incorporate user
feedback, including input from the Smart Home sys-
tem, to improve the overall system. This ensures that
the infrastructure aligns with the needs, values, and
ethical considerations of the community it serves.
c) From Infrastructure to Home (Infor): UV-Smart City
Infrastructure systems could provide the following information
to UV-Smart home systems:
Available Support and Result Feedback:
Community services: The Smart Infrastructure sys-
tem can inform Smart Home systems about avail-
able community support services, such as healthcare
facilities, social assistance programs, or counseling
services. This ensures that residents have access
to the necessary support systems to address their
physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
Emergency services: The Smart Infrastructure system
can provide information on emergency response ser-
vices, including contact details for police, fire depart-
ments, and medical assistance. This helps residents
access help promptly during emergencies while con-
sidering their safety, health, and ethical backgrounds.
Instructive Guidance:
Sustainable living practices: The Smart Infrastructure
system can provide instructive directions on sustain-
able living practices to promote ethical considera-
tions for the environment. This may include guide-
lines on energy conservation, waste management,
water usage, or eco-friendly transportation options,
encouraging residents to make conscious choices for
a sustainable future.
Ethical behavior guidelines: The Smart Infrastruc-
ture system can offer instructive directions regarding
ethical behavior, promoting a sense of community,
respect, and social responsibility. This can include
guidelines on respectful interactions, responsible pet
ownership, noise pollution reduction, or maintaining
public spaces for the well-being of all residents.
Expected Proactive Reaction:
Disaster preparedness: The Smart Infrastructure sys-
tem can inform Smart Home systems about proac-
tive measures to be taken during natural disas-
ters or emergencies, such as hurricanes, floods, or
earthquakes. This includes providing instructions on
evacuation routes, emergency supplies, or shelter
locations, emphasizing the importance of preserving
human safety and well-being.
Public health measures: The Smart Infrastructure
system can communicate proactive reactions related
to public health, such as guidelines for disease
prevention, vaccinations, or health screenings. This
ensures that residents are well-informed and can take
necessary precautions to safeguard their health and
the health of others in the community.
Rule & Stipulation:
Ethical guidelines and regulations: The Smart Infras-
tructure system can provide information on rules,
regulations, and ethical guidelines that residents must
follow for the well-being of the community. This
may include guidelines on noise restrictions, waste
disposal protocols, usage limitations, or community
code of conduct, fostering an environment of mutual
respect and consideration.
Data privacy and security: The Smart Infrastructure
system can outline rules and stipulations regarding
data privacy and security, ensuring that residents’
personal information is protected and used in an
ethical manner. This includes informing residents
about data collection practices, consent requirements,
and measures taken to safeguard their privacy rights.
d) From Infrastructure to Home (Reaction): UV-Smart
Home system can utilize information and feedback provided
by the UV-Smart City Infrastructure system to make improve-
ments in the following ways:
Coordinated Planning:
Resource management: The Smart Home system can
adjust resource usage based on information received
from the Smart Infrastructure system, such as energy
demand or water supply. This ensures efficient re-
source allocation and promotes sustainability, consid-
ering the ethical implications of responsible resource
Community engagement: The Smart Home system
can encourage residents to participate in coordinated
planning efforts initiated by the Smart Infrastructure
system. This includes providing feedback, attending
community meetings, or joining initiatives that aim
to address social, environmental, or ethical chal-
lenges in the community.
Efficiency Improvement and Safety Assurance:
Energy optimization: Based on data from the Smart
Infrastructure system, the Smart Home system can
suggest energy-efficient practices to residents, such
as adjusting thermostat settings, optimizing lighting
usage, or identifying energy-saving opportunities.
This promotes energy efficiency and reduces envi-
ronmental impact while considering ethical respon-
sibilities towards sustainability.
Safety enhancements: The Smart Home system can
respond to safety-related information from the Smart
Infrastructure system by providing reminders or noti-
fications to residents. This may include alerts about
potential hazards, safety regulations, or emergency
preparedness measures, ensuring the well-being and
safety of individuals and the community.
Proactive Response:
Behavioral feedback: The Smart Home system can
provide residents with proactive feedback based on
information received from the Smart Infrastructure
system. For example, if excessive energy consump-
tion is detected, the Smart Home system can sug-
gest energy-saving behaviors or provide educational
resources on sustainable living, promoting ethical
considerations for environmental conservation.
Public health awareness: In response to public health
information from the Smart Infrastructure system,
the Smart Home system can educate residents on
health-conscious practices. This includes sharing
information about hygiene, disease prevention, or
healthy habits, and fostering a proactive approach to
individual and community well-being.
Education and Law Enforcement:
Ethical education: The Smart Home system can
provide educational materials or resources on ethical
considerations, promoting values such as respect, in-
clusivity, and responsible behavior. This may include
information on ethical decision-making, cultural sen-
sitivity, community engagement, fostering a sense of
responsibility, and promoting ethical conduct within
the community.
Compliance with regulations: The Smart Home sys-
tem can remind residents about legal regulations
and ethical standards set by the Smart Infrastruc-
ture system. This can include information on noise
regulations, waste disposal guidelines, or responsible
pet ownership, promoting compliance with laws, and
fostering a harmonious living environment.
5) Cost & Sustainability: The UV-Smart Home system has
a bonded relationship with the UV-Smart City Infrastructure.
Exchanging information effectively would help in promoting
cost & sustainability. In the following section, we will delve
deeper into what kind of information should be exchanged and
how such information would help both subsystems to perform
In Table CXIII, we discuss the corresponding four per-
spectives in terms of three sub-objectives: maintenance and
cost, resource management and material cycle, environmental
protection & sustainability. The following writing part below
is a summary of the content of the table.
a) From Home to Infrastructure (Infor): UV-Smart home
systems could provide the following information to UV-Smart
City Infrastructure systems:
Personal Information:
Energy usage data: The Smart Home system can
provide personal energy consumption information
to the Smart Infrastructure system. This includes
details on electricity usage, peak demand times, and
patterns of energy consumption. By analyzing this
data, the Smart Infrastructure system can identify
opportunities for energy efficiency improvements,
cost reductions, and sustainable practices tailored to
individual households.
Water consumption data: The Smart Home system
can share personal water consumption data with the
Smart Infrastructure system. This information helps
the infrastructure system understand water usage pat-
terns, identify potential leaks or excessive usage, and
provide targeted suggestions for water conservation,
leading to cost savings and promoting sustainability.
Collective Information:
Neighborhood energy usage comparison: The Smart
Home system can contribute collective energy usage
data to the Smart Infrastructure system. This enables
the infrastructure system to compare and benchmark
energy consumption across different households in
the community. By providing insights into energy-
saving practices and highlighting opportunities for
improvement, the system encourages healthy com-
petition, efficiency gains, and cost reduction on a
community level.
Waste management data: The Smart Home system
can provide data on waste generation, recycling
habits, and composting practices at the household
level. Aggregating this information at a community
scale allows the Smart Infrastructure system to iden-
tify areas of improvement, optimize waste collection
routes, and promote sustainable waste management
practices that minimize costs and environmental im-
Real-time Feedback:
Energy usage alerts: The Smart Home system can
provide real-time feedback on energy usage to the
Smart Infrastructure system. It can send alerts or no-
tifications when energy consumption exceeds certain
thresholds, helping the infrastructure system iden-
tify and address energy inefficiencies promptly. This
feedback enables cost savings, promotes sustainable
behavior, and encourages residents to adopt energy-
efficient practices.
Water usage anomalies: The Smart Home system can
notify the Smart Infrastructure system of any abnor-
mal water usage patterns or leaks detected within
households. This allows for timely identification
and resolution of water-related issues, ensuring cost
savings, conserving water resources, and promoting
sustainable water management practices.
Service Suggestions:
Energy-efficient equipment recommendations: Based
on personal energy usage data, the Smart Home
system can suggest energy-efficient appliances, light-
ing solutions, or heating and cooling systems to the
Smart Infrastructure system. These recommendations
help the infrastructure system provide tailored advice
to residents on cost-effective and sustainable equip-
ment choices, ultimately reducing energy expenses
and environmental impact.
Sustainable transportation options: The Smart Home
system can suggest sustainable transportation alter-
natives, such as public transit routes, electric vehicle
charging stations, or carpooling opportunities, to the
Smart Infrastructure system. This information assists
in promoting eco-friendly transportation practices,
reducing fuel costs, and minimizing carbon emis-
sions within the community.
b) From Home to Infrastructure (Reaction): UV-Smart
City Infrastructure system can utilize information and feed-
back provided by the UV-Smart home system to make im-
provements in the following ways:
Enable Customizable and Adaptive Services:
Energy management programs: The Smart Infras-
tructure system can offer customizable energy man-
agement programs based on the energy usage data
received from the Smart Home system. These pro-
grams can include personalized energy-saving rec-
ommendations, tariff options, or demand-response
initiatives that promote cost savings and sustainable
energy consumption.
Water conservation programs: Based on water con-
sumption data, the Smart Infrastructure system can
provide customized water conservation programs to
residents. These programs may include incentives for
efficient water usage, recommendations for water-
saving fixtures, or educational resources on sustain-
able water practices, aiming to reduce costs and
preserve water resources.
Situation Understanding & Resource Assignment:
Load balancing and optimization: The Smart In-
frastructure system can use real-time energy usage
data from the Smart Home system to understand the
demand patterns and allocate resources efficiently. It
can balance energy distribution, optimize grid opera-
tions, and allocate resources effectively to minimize
costs and improve sustainability.
Water resource management: By analyzing water
consumption patterns from the Smart Home system,
the Smart Infrastructure system can gain insights into
water demand and usage trends. This information
allows for better resource allocation, infrastructure
planning, and maintenance to ensure efficient water
supply and cost-effective management.
Timely Response:
Energy demand response: The Smart Infrastructure
system can leverage real-time energy usage feedback
from the Smart Home system to implement demand
response programs. During peak demand periods, the
system can initiate load shedding, incentivize energy
conservation practices, or adjust pricing to encourage
cost-effective and sustainable energy usage.
Water leakage detection and management: If the
Smart Home system detects water leakage or abnor-
mal usage patterns, it can promptly notify the Smart
Infrastructure system. The infrastructure system can
then respond with timely actions, such as dispatch-
ing maintenance personnel, repairing leaks, initiating
water conservation measures, reducing costs, and
preserving water resources.
System Improvement:
Infrastructure upgrades: Based on energy usage data
and feedback from the Smart Home system, the
Smart Infrastructure system can identify areas that
require infrastructure upgrades or improvements.
This may include installing smart meters, implement-
ing renewable energy sources, or upgrading transmis-
sion and distribution systems to enhance efficiency,
reduce costs, and promote sustainability.
Water infrastructure optimization: The Smart In-
frastructure system can analyze water consumption
patterns and feedback from the Smart Home system
to identify areas for improving water infrastructure
efficiency. This can involve upgrading water distribu-
tion networks, implementing leak detection systems,
or integrating smart irrigation technologies, resulting
in reduced costs and improved water management.
c) From Infrastructure to Home (Infor): UV-Smart City
Infrastructure systems could provide the following information
to UV-Smart home systems:
Available Support and Result Feedback:
Energy and water efficiency programs: The Smart In-
frastructure system can inform Smart Home systems
about available support programs aimed at promoting
cost savings and sustainability. This may include
incentives, rebates, or grants for energy-efficient ap-
pliances, solar panels, or water-saving fixtures. By
providing information on these programs, the Smart
Infrastructure system encourages residents to take
advantage of cost-effective and sustainable solutions.
Financial assistance options: The Smart Infrastruc-
ture system can share information on financial assis-
tance programs, such as low-interest loans or sub-
sidies, for homeowners to invest in energy-efficient
upgrades or renewable energy systems. This helps
residents overcome upfront costs and facilitate the
adoption of sustainable technologies, ultimately lead-
ing to long-term cost savings.
Instructive Guidance:
Energy and water conservation tips: The Smart In-
frastructure system can provide instructive direc-
tions to Smart Home systems on energy and water
conservation practices. This includes sharing tips
on setting energy-efficient thermostat temperatures,
using Smart Home automation to optimize energy
usage, implementing water-saving techniques, and
managing household waste responsibly. By providing
practical guidance, the Smart Infrastructure system
empowers residents to make sustainable choices that
reduce costs.
Ethical behavior guidelines: The Smart Infrastruc-
ture system can offer instructive directions regarding
ethical behavior, promoting a sense of community,
respect, and social responsibility. This can include
guidelines on respectful interactions, responsible pet
ownership, noise pollution reduction, or maintaining
public spaces for the well-being of all residents.
Expected Proactive Reaction:
Demand response programs: The Smart Infrastruc-
ture system can inform Smart Home systems about
demand response programs and expected proactive
reactions during periods of high energy demand.
This includes notifying residents in advance about
potential peak demand events, providing instructions
on reducing energy usage during those times, and
offering incentives for participation. By actively in-
volving residents in load management, the Smart
Infrastructure system promotes cost savings and re-
duces strain on the energy grid.
Water shortage alerts: In regions prone to water
scarcity, the Smart Infrastructure system can issue
alerts to Smart Home systems about anticipated
water shortages or drought conditions. This proactive
reaction prompts residents to be mindful of their
water usage, encourages conservation practices, and
helps mitigate the economic impact of water scarcity.
Rules & Stipulations:
Time-of-use pricing information: The Smart Infras-
tructure system can provide information on time-of-
use pricing, which involves varying electricity rates
based on different times of the day. By sharing the
pricing schedule, the Smart Infrastructure system
helps residents understand the cost implications of
using electricity during peak and off-peak hours,
enabling them to make informed decisions and adjust
their energy usage accordingly.
Sustainable waste management guidelines: The
Smart Infrastructure system can provide rules and
stipulations regarding waste management, such as
instructions for proper recycling, composting, or
disposal of hazardous materials. By outlining these
guidelines, the system promotes environmentally
responsible practices, reduces waste management
costs, and supports sustainability efforts within the
d) From Infrastructure to Home (Reaction): UV-Smart
Home system can utilize information and feedback provided
by the UV-Smart City Infrastructure system to make improve-
ments in the following ways:
Coordinated Planning:
Energy usage scheduling: The Smart Home system
can adjust energy usage patterns based on coordi-
nated planning received from the Smart Infrastruc-
ture system. This may involve scheduling energy-
intensive activities, such as running appliances or
charging electric vehicles, during off-peak hours
when electricity rates are lower. By optimizing en-
ergy consumption in alignment with the infrastruc-
ture system’s plans, cost savings can be achieved.
Water usage optimization: The Smart Home sys-
tem can adjust water usage based on coordinated
planning from the Smart Infrastructure system. This
may include scheduling irrigation activities during
specific times of the day to minimize water waste
or avoiding water usage during periods of water
scarcity. By coordinating water usage with the infras-
tructure system’s plans, cost-effective and sustainable
water management can be achieved.
Efficiency Improvement and Safety Assurance:
Energy efficiency recommendations: Based on the
information received from the Smart Infrastructure
system, the Smart Home system can provide rec-
ommendations for improving energy efficiency. This
may include suggestions to upgrade to energy-
efficient appliances, install smart thermostats, or op-
timize insulation. By implementing these efficiency
improvements, homeowners can reduce energy costs
and minimize their environmental impact.
Safety notifications: The Smart Home system can
respond to safety alerts and notifications received
from the Smart Infrastructure system. For example,
in the event of a power outage or gas leak, the Smart
Home system can activate safety protocols such as
turning off electrical devices or shutting off gas sup-
ply. By promptly responding to safety notifications,
the Smart Home system ensures the well-being of
occupants and minimizes potential hazards.
Proactive Response and Education:
Energy conservation recommendations: The Smart
Home system can proactively respond to the Smart
Infrastructure system’s data and recommendations
by providing energy conservation suggestions to
residents. This may include reminders to turn off
lights when not in use, optimize heating and cooling
settings, or unplug idle electronics. By promoting
energy-saving behaviors, the Smart Home system
encourages cost reduction and sustainable practices.
Water conservation tips: Based on information re-
ceived from the Smart Infrastructure system, the
Smart Home system can provide proactive water con-
servation tips and reminders to residents. This may
include suggestions for reducing shower duration,
fixing leaky faucets, or installing water-efficient fix-
tures. By raising awareness and educating residents
about water conservation, the Smart Home system
contributes to cost savings and sustainable water
Education and Law Enforcement:
Energy consumption insights: The Smart Home sys-
tem can provide residents with detailed energy con-
sumption insights based on the information received
from the Smart Infrastructure system. This includes
real-time feedback on energy usage patterns, peak
demand periods, and associated costs. By educating
residents about their energy consumption and its
impact, the Smart Home system promotes energy-
conscious habits and responsible energy usage.
Compliance with sustainability regulations: The
Smart Home system can enforce sustainability reg-
ulations received from the Smart Infrastructure sys-
tem. This may include monitoring energy or water
usage thresholds and notifying residents if they ex-
ceed predefined limits. By ensuring compliance with
sustainability regulations, the Smart Home system
contributes to cost savings and sustainable practices
within the home.
E. Interaction between Smart Home and Smart City Emer-
The UV-Smart Home system is vital by providing essential
data concerning households, residents, and the local commu-
nity to the UV-Smart City Emergency system. Though the
issue of resident privacy remains a matter of apprehension, this
valuable information serves as a powerful tool in proactively
averting emergencies and enables the emergency department
to swiftly and precisely respond to critical situations.
In the subsections below, we describe the interac-
tion from the following aspects, as summarized in Ta-
and CXXI.
1) Proactive & Coordinated Home Infrastructure to Ensure
Safety, Hygiene, and Basic Supply: The UV-Smart Home
System is strongly connected to the UV-Smart City Emergency
System. Exchanging information effectively would help in
promoting proactive & coordinated home infrastructure to
ensure safety, hygiene, and essential supply. In the following
section, we will delve deeper into what kind of information
should be exchanged and how such information would help
both subsystems to perform better.
In Tables CXIV and CXV, we discuss the corresponding
four perspectives in terms of four sub-objectives: infrastruc-
ture Support, emergency response, providing accessible and
reliable services, and improving resilience and adaptiveness.
The following writing part below is a summary of the content
of the table.
a) From Home to Emergency (Infor): UV-Smart home
systems could provide the following information to UV-Smart
City Emergency systems:
Personal Information:
Occupant details: The Smart Home system can pro-
vide information about the number of occupants
in the home, their ages, and any specific medical
conditions or disabilities they may have.
Contact information: The system can relay the con-
tact details of the occupants, including their names,
phone numbers, and emergency contacts.
Collective Information:
Home infrastructure status: The Smart Home system
can provide real-time information about the overall
condition of the home’s infrastructure, including
power supply, water availability, and HVAC system
Environmental data: It can share data on indoor air
quality, temperature, humidity, and potential hazards
such as smoke, fire, or gas leaks.
Real-time Feedback:
Sensor data: The Smart Home system can transmit
data from various sensors, such as motion detectors,
door/window sensors, and security cameras, giving
real-time feedback on any unusual activities or po-
tential emergencies.
Health monitoring: If integrated with wearable de-
vices or health monitoring systems, the Smart Home
system can provide vital signs and health-related
data of the occupants, allowing for early detection
of health emergencies.
Service Suggestions:
Maintenance alerts: The system can notify the emer-
gency response system of any maintenance issues
or malfunctions, such as a faulty electrical system,
plumbing leaks, or HVAC failures, enabling prompt
action to prevent potential hazards.
Supply status: It can provide information on the
availability of essential supplies, such as food, water,
medication, and hygiene products, alerting the emer-
gency response system if restocking is necessary.
b) From Home to Emergency (Reaction): UV-Smart City
Emergency system can utilize information and feedback pro-
vided by the UV-Smart home system to make improvements
in the following ways:
Enable Customizable and Adaptive Services:
Based on personal information, the emergency re-
sponse system can tailor their services to meet the
specific needs of the occupants, such as providing
additional support for individuals with disabilities or
medical conditions.
The system can adjust its response protocols and
procedures according to the collective information
received from the Smart Home system, ensuring a
more efficient and effective emergency response.
Situation Understanding & Resource Assignment:
By analyzing real-time feedback from the Smart
Home system, the emergency response system can
gain a better understanding of the nature and severity
of the emergency, allowing them to allocate appro-
priate resources accordingly.
The system can identify available resources in the
vicinity of the home, such as nearby hospitals, fire
stations, or community support centers, and assign
them based on the specific emergency situation.
Timely Response:
With access to real-time feedback and sensor
data, the emergency response system can respond
promptly to emergencies, dispatching the necessary
personnel and equipment to the location.
The system can utilize the personal and contact
information provided by the Smart Home system to
establish direct communication with the occupants,
ensuring timely updates, guidance, and reassurance
during an emergency.
System Improvement:
By analyzing the service suggestions received from
the Smart Home system, the emergency response
system can identify areas for improvement in its
own protocols and procedures, enhancing its abil-
ity to provide proactive and coordinated emergency
The system can use the information on maintenance
alerts and supply status to implement preventive
measures, schedule regular inspections, and ensure
the availability of essential resources for future emer-
c) From Emergency to Home (Infor): UV-Smart City
Emergency systems could provide the following information
to UV-Smart home systems:
Available Support and Result Feedback:
The emergency response system can provide infor-
mation about the available support services in the
event of an emergency, such as medical assistance,
fire, and rescue services, or law enforcement.
It can also relay information about nearby commu-
nity centers, shelters, or support networks that can
offer aid during emergencies.
Instructive Guidance:
The system can provide instructive directions to the
Smart Home system or its occupants in case of
emergencies, such as evacuation routes, safe zones,
or emergency protocols to follow.
It can offer guidance on how to mitigate immediate
risks, perform first aid, or handle specific emergency
situations until professional help arrives.
Expected Proactive Reaction:
The emergency response system can inform the
Smart Home system about the expected proactive
reactions it will take during emergencies, such as
sending alerts, activating safety protocols, or initiat-
ing communication with emergency services.
It can provide information on how the Smart Home
system can support and align its actions with the
emergency response efforts for a coordinated re-
Rule & Stipulation:
The system can communicate rules, regulations, or
legal stipulations that need to be followed during
emergencies, such as curfew hours, traffic restric-
tions, or restrictions on resource usage.
It can provide information on temporary changes in
regulations or local ordinances that are applicable
during emergency situations.
d) From Emergency to Home (Reaction): UV-Smart
Home system can utilize information and feedback provided
by the UV-Smart City Emergency system to make improve-
ments in the following ways:
Coordinated Planning:
Based on the information received, the Smart Home
system can collaborate with the emergency response
system to develop coordinated emergency plans,
such as establishing designated safe areas within
the home, creating communication channels, or inte-
grating emergency response protocols into the home
automation system.
It can align its functionalities with the expected
proactive reactions of the emergency response sys-
tem to ensure a synchronized and effective emer-
gency response.
Efficiency Improvement and Safety Assurance:
The Smart Home system can enhance its efficiency
and safety features based on the information re-
ceived, such as optimizing energy consumption dur-
ing emergencies, implementing backup power sys-
tems, or integrating additional safety measures like
automated locks or security cameras.
It can continually update and improve its emergency
response capabilities based on the instructive direc-
tions provided by the emergency response system.
Proactive Response:
The Smart Home system can proactively respond
to the information received from the emergency
response system by immediately initiating predeter-
mined actions, such as sounding alarms, activating
emergency lighting, or notifying occupants about
potential risks.
It can also provide real-time updates and educational
information to occupants during emergencies, guid-
ing them on how to stay safe, perform necessary
actions, or access available support services.
Education and Law Enforcement:
The Smart Home system can cooperate with law
enforcement agencies by providing real-time video
feeds, sensor data, or access logs in the event of a
criminal incident or security breach.
It can assist in the enforcement of temporary regu-
lations or restrictions by adjusting its functionalities
accordingly, such as limiting access to certain areas
or automating compliance checks within the home.
2) Proactive & Coordinated Family Support to Ensure Hu-
man Safety, Health & Well-being, Identity & Value: There is a
close relationship between the UV-Smart home system and the
UV-Smart City Emergency system. Exchanging information
effectively would help in promoting proactive & coordinated
family support to ensure human safety, health & well-being,
identity & value. In the following section, we will delve
deeper into what kind of information should be exchanged and
how such information would help both subsystems to perform
In Table CXVI, we discuss the corresponding four perspec-
tives in terms of four sub-objectives: individual Life & Well-
being (physical, mental and social, reduce workload & im-
prove efficiency, risk management & vulnerability protection
and improve resilience. The following writing part below is a
summary of the content of the table.
a) From Home to Emergency (Infor): UV-Smart home
systems could provide the following information to UV-Smart
City Emergency systems:
Personal Information:
Health profiles: The Smart Home system can provide
detailed health information of each family member,
including medical conditions, allergies, medications,
and emergency response plans.
Identification details: It can share personal identi-
fication information, such as full names, ages, and
photos, to assist emergency responders to quickly
identify family members during an emergency.
Collective Information:
Family routines: The Smart Home system can pro-
vide insights into the daily routines and schedules of
family members, helping emergency response teams
understand expected occupancy patterns and identify
any deviations that may indicate a problem.
Household resources: It can relay information about
available resources within the home, such as first
aid kits, emergency food supplies, or backup power
sources, aiding emergency responders in their re-
source allocation decisions.
Real-time Feedback:
Environmental monitoring: The Smart Home system
can continuously monitor air quality, temperature,
humidity, and other environmental factors, providing
real-time feedback on conditions that may impact the
family’s safety and well-being.
Activity tracking: It can track family members’ activ-
ities and movements within the home, alerting emer-
gency responders if abnormal or unusual behavior
patterns are detected.
Service Suggestions:
Home safety recommendations: The Smart Home
system can provide recommendations for improving
home safety, such as installing additional safety
devices, reinforcing entry points, or implementing
fire-resistant measures.
Emergency preparedness guidance: It can offer sug-
gestions on emergency preparedness, including cre-
ating emergency kits, developing evacuation plans,
or conducting regular safety drills.
b) From Home to Emergency (Reaction): UV-Smart City
Emergency system can utilize information and feedback pro-
vided by the UV-Smart home system to make improvements
in the following ways:
Enable Customizable and Adaptive Services:
The emergency response system can customize its
services based on each family member’s unique
health profile and requirements, ensuring tailored
medical assistance, specialized equipment, or appro-
priate communication channels.
It can adapt its response protocols to align with
the family’s routines and preferences, optimizing the
effectiveness of emergency interventions and mini-
mizing disruptions to daily life.
Situation Understanding & Resource Assignment:
By analyzing the real-time feedback from the Smart
Home system, the emergency response system can
gain a comprehensive understanding of the current
situation, allowing for informed decision-making and
resource allocation.
It can assign appropriate resources, such as medical
personnel, search and rescue teams, or specialized
equipment, based on the specific needs and circum-
stances identified by the Smart Home system.
Timely Response:
The emergency response system can respond swiftly
to emergencies by leveraging the real-time feedback
from the Smart Home system, ensuring rapid deploy-
ment of emergency personnel and resources.
It can establish seamless communication channels
with the Smart Home system and family members,
providing timely updates, instructions, and support
during critical situations.
System Improvement:
By considering service suggestions and feedback
from the Smart Home system, the emergency re-
sponse system can identify opportunities for improv-
ing its services, response protocols, and coordination
It can implement continuous learning and improve-
ment processes, refining its strategies to provide
proactive and coordinated family support that ensures
the safety, health, well-being, and preservation of the
family’s identity and values in complex emergency
c) From Emergency to Home (Infor): UV-Smart City
Emergency systems could provide the following information
to UV-Smart home systems:
Available Support and Result Feedback:
The emergency response system can provide infor-
mation about the available support services and re-
sources that can assist the family during emergencies,
such as medical assistance, mental health support, or
community outreach programs.
It can share contact information for helplines, cri-
sis centers, or local support organizations that can
provide immediate assistance.
Instructive Guidance:
The system can provide instructive directions to the
Smart Home system or family members during emer-
gencies, including evacuation routes, safety proce-
dures, or protocols for different types of emergencies.
It can offer guidance on handling specific situations,
such as administering first aid, managing stress, or
seeking shelter in place.
Expected Proactive Reaction:
The emergency response system can communicate
the proactive reactions it expects from the Smart
Home system or family members during emergen-
cies, such as activating safety features, following
established communication protocols or cooperating
with emergency responders.
It can provide guidance on proactive measures to
take to minimize risks and enhance safety, such as
securing valuables, shutting off utilities, or initiating
self-defense protocols if necessary.
Rule & Stipulation:
The system can relay rules, regulations, or legal
stipulations that need to be adhered to during emer-
gencies, such as curfews, traffic restrictions, or re-
strictions on resource usage.
It can provide information on the rights, protections,
and obligations of the family members, ensuring they
understand their legal standing and responsibilities
during emergency situations.
d) From Emergency to Home (Reaction): UV-Smart
Home system can utilize information and feedback provided
by the UV-Smart City Emergency system to make improve-
ments in the following ways:
Coordinated Planning:
The Smart Home system can engage in coordinated
planning with the emergency response system, align-
ing its functionalities and protocols to support the
overall emergency response efforts.
It can integrate emergency response plans, evacu-
ation routes, and communication protocols into its
automation systems, ensuring seamless coordination
and efficient response during emergencies.
Efficiency Improvement and Safety Assurance:
The Smart Home system can continuously improve
its efficiency and safety features based on the in-
formation received, such as optimizing energy con-
sumption during emergencies, enhancing security
measures, or implementing backup power systems.
It can conduct regular maintenance checks, update
safety protocols, and enhance its ability to monitor
and mitigate potential risks, ensuring the safety,
health, and well-being of the family members.
Proactive Response:
The Smart Home system can proactively respond
to the information received from the emergency
response system by initiating predetermined actions,
such as sounding alarms, activating emergency light-
ing, or providing real-time updates to family mem-
It can offer educational resources, such as emergency
preparedness tips, safety guidelines, or self-defense
techniques, helping family members to be better
prepared and equipped to respond effectively during
Education and Law Enforcement:
The Smart Home system can collaborate with law
enforcement agencies by providing real-time video
feeds, sensor data, or access logs in the event of a
criminal incident or security breach.
It can support law enforcement efforts by automating
compliance checks, enhancing security measures,
and ensuring the preservation of the family’s identity,
values, and legal rights.
3) Top-down & Bottom-up Coordination: Proactive Interac-
tion with Society: There is a strong link between the UV-Smart
Home System and the UV-Smart City Emergency System.
Exchanging information effectively would help in promoting
top-down & bottom-up coordination: proactive interaction
with society. In the following section, we will delve deeper into
what kind of information should be exchanged and how such
information would help both subsystems to perform better.
In Tables CXVII and CXVIII, we discuss the corresponding
four perspectives in terms of four sub-objectives: understand
Basic Need and Urgent Situations, coordinated Planning,
shared Responsibility and Collective Support and information
Connectivity). The following writing part below is a summary
of the content of the table.
a) From Home to Emergency (Infor): UV-Smart home
systems could provide the following information to UV-Smart
City Emergency systems:
Personal Information:
Individual profiles: The Smart Home system can
provide personal information about the occupants,
such as names, ages, medical conditions, and any
specific needs or vulnerabilities.
Emergency contacts: It can share contact details of
family members, neighbors, or designated emergency
contacts who can be reached in case of an emergency.
Collective Information:
Occupancy status: The Smart Home system can
provide information about the number of individuals
present in the home at a given time, enabling the
emergency response system to determine the poten-
tial impact and urgency of an emergency situation.
Resource inventory: It can relay information about
available resources within the home, such as medical
supplies, emergency kits, or food and water reserves,
assisting the emergency response system in resource
allocation decisions.
Real-time Feedback:
Sensor data: The Smart Home system can pro-
vide real-time feedback from various sensors, such
as smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, or
security cameras, alerting the emergency response
system to potential hazards or emergencies.
Environmental data: It can transmit information
about indoor air quality, temperature, humidity, or
energy consumption patterns, helping the emergency
response system understand the overall conditions
and make informed decisions.
Service Suggestions:
Maintenance alerts: The system can notify the emer-
gency response system about any maintenance issues
or malfunctions in the home, such as faulty alarms,
broken locks, or electrical hazards, suggesting the
need for immediate attention.
User feedback: It can gather feedback from occu-
pants about their experiences with the emergency re-
sponse system or related services, providing valuable
insights for service improvements and adjustments.
b) From Home to Emergency (Reaction): UV-Smart City
Emergency system can utilize information and feedback pro-
vided by the UV-Smart home system to make improvements
in the following ways:
Enable Customizable and Adaptive Services:
The emergency response system can customize its
services based on the personal information provided
by the Smart Home system, ensuring tailored assis-
tance, adaptive communication methods, or special-
ized resources for each occupant.
It can adapt its response protocols and strategies
based on the collective information received, allow-
ing for customized and effective assistance to the
Situation Understanding & Resource Assignment:
By analyzing the real-time feedback and collective
information from the Smart Home system, the emer-
gency response system can gain a better understand-
ing of the situation, assess the severity and type
of emergency, and allocate appropriate resources
It can utilize the information to prioritize response
efforts, optimize resource allocation, and coordinate
with external stakeholders or agencies for additional
support if needed.
Timely Response:
The emergency response system can respond
promptly to emergencies by leveraging the real-time
feedback received from the Smart Home system,
ensuring the timely arrival of emergency personnel
and resources.
It can establish direct communication with the Smart
Home system or occupants, providing updates, guid-
ance, and reassurance during critical situations and
facilitating a proactive and coordinated response.
System Improvement:
By considering service suggestions and user feed-
back received from the Smart Home system, the
emergency response system can identify areas for
improvement in their services, response protocols,
or system capabilities.
It can implement system enhancements, adjust re-
sponse strategies, and collaborate with stakeholders
to improve the overall effectiveness, efficiency, and
coordination of emergency response efforts, promot-
ing proactive interaction with society and fostering
a top-bottom and bottom-up approach to emergency
c) From Emergency to Home (Infor): UV-Smart City
Emergency systems could provide the following information
to UV-Smart home systems:
Available Support and Result Feedback:
The emergency response system can provide in-
formation about the available support services and
resources in the community, such as nearby hospitals,
shelters, or emergency response centers.
It can share contact information for helplines, crisis
hotlines, or local support organizations that can offer
assistance during emergencies.
Instructive Guidance:
The system can provide instructive directions to the
Smart Home system or occupants, offering step-by-
step guidance on how to respond to specific emer-
gencies, such as fires, floods, or medical incidents.
It can provide information on evacuation routes, safe
assembly points, or necessary actions to be taken in
different emergency scenarios.
Expected Proactive Reaction:
The emergency response system can communicate
the expected proactive reactions it requires from the
Smart Home system or occupants during emergen-
cies, such as activating safety features, reporting
incidents, or providing real-time updates.
It can encourage occupants to participate in com-
munity preparedness programs, engage in self-help
measures, or assist others in need during emergen-
Rule & Stipulation:
The system can relay rules, regulations, or legal stip-
ulations that need to be followed during emergencies,
such as curfews, traffic management, or restrictions
on resource usage.
It can provide information on community guidelines,
emergency protocols, or regulatory requirements, en-
suring that the Smart Home system and occupants
comply with established rules.
d) From Emergency to Home (Reaction): UV-Smart
Home system can utilize information and feedback provided
by the UV-Smart City Emergency system to make improve-
ments in the following ways:
Coordinated Planning:
The Smart Home system can engage in coordinated
planning with the emergency response system, inte-
grating emergency response protocols and guidelines
into its automation systems.
It can synchronize its actions with the larger emer-
gency response framework, ensuring efficient collab-
oration and coordinated efforts in addressing emer-
Efficiency Improvement and Safety Assurance:
The Smart Home system can continuously improve
its efficiency and safety features based on the in-
formation received from the emergency response
It can enhance its automation processes, optimize
energy consumption, reinforce security measures,
and implement safety protocols to mitigate risks and
ensure the well-being of occupants.
Proactive Response:
The Smart Home system can respond proactively to
the information provided by the emergency response
system, initiating appropriate actions based on the
specific emergency situation.
It can provide real-time updates and alerts to occu-
pants, offer guidance on emergency response proce-
dures and deliver educational resources to promote
awareness and preparedness within the community.
Education and Law Enforcement:
The Smart Home system can support law enforce-
ment efforts by sharing relevant data and information
with the emergency response system.
It can provide access to surveillance footage, sensor
readings, or entry logs that can aid in the investiga-
tion and enforcement of laws and regulations during
4) Humanity & Ethical Consideration: The UV-Smart
Home System is closely connected with the UV-Smart City
Emergency System. Exchanging information effectively would
help in promoting humanity & ethics. In the following section,
we will delve deeper into what kind of information should
be exchanged and how such information would help both
subsystems to perform better.
In Tables CXIX and CXX, we discuss the corresponding
four perspectives in terms of five sub-objectives: equality
and Inclusiveness, respect & Sharing, happiness & mental
support, support and Protection and cultural Preservation and
Promotion. The following writing part below is a summary of
the content of the table.
a) From Home to Emergency (Infor): UV-Smart home
systems could provide the following information to UV-Smart
City Emergency systems:
Personal Information:
Individual profiles: The Smart Home system can
provide personal information about the occupants,
such as names, ages, medical conditions, and any
specific needs or vulnerabilities.
Ethical considerations: It can share information re-
garding ethical considerations related to the oc-
cupants, such as cultural or religious preferences,
privacy concerns, or specific requirements related to
their values and beliefs.
Collective Information:
Occupancy status: The Smart Home system can
provide information about the number of individuals
present in the home at a given time, allowing the
emergency response system to assess the potential
impact of an emergency situation and plan accord-
Humanity-focused considerations: It can relay in-
formation related to the collective well-being and
ethical considerations of the occupants, such as the
presence of children, elderly individuals, individuals
with disabilities, or individuals requiring specialized
Real-time Feedback:
Sensor data: The Smart Home system can provide
real-time feedback from various sensors, such as
motion detectors, environmental sensors, or health
monitoring devices, enabling the emergency response
system to have a comprehensive understanding of the
Ethical considerations in feedback: It can highlight
any ethical concerns or considerations arising from
the real-time feedback, such as maintaining privacy,
ensuring data security, or respecting the autonomy
and dignity of the occupants.
Service Suggestions:
Service enhancement suggestions: The Smart Home
system can offer suggestions to the emergency re-
sponse system for improving their services in a way
that aligns with humanity and ethical considerations,
such as incorporating cultural sensitivity, diversity
and inclusion, or implementing privacy-preserving
Ethical guidance: It can provide suggestions on how
emergency response services can be delivered in an
ethical and humane manner, taking into account the
values and principles that promote the well-being and
dignity of the occupants.
b) From Home to Emergency (Reaction): UV-Smart City
Emergency system can utilize information and feedback pro-
vided by the UV-Smart home system to make improvements
in the following ways:
Enable Customizable and Adaptive Services:
The emergency response system can customize its
services based on the personal and collective infor-
mation received, ensuring personalized and adaptive
assistance that takes into account the humanity and
ethical considerations of the occupants.
It can tailor its response protocols, communication
methods, or resource allocation to respect the occu-
pants’ values, beliefs, and unique needs.
Situation Understanding & Resource Assignment:
By analyzing the real-time feedback and collective
information from the Smart Home system, the emer-
gency response system can gain a deeper understand-
ing of the situation, including any humanity and
ethical considerations involved.
It can allocate resources and respond accordingly,
considering factors such as vulnerable individuals,
special care requirements, or specific ethical consid-
erations related to the occupants’ well-being.
Timely Response:
The emergency response system can respond
promptly and ethically to emergencies by leveraging
the real-time feedback provided by the Smart Home
It can ensure the timely arrival of emergency person-
nel, implement ethical decision-making processes,
and prioritize the well-being and safety of the oc-
cupants based on the information received.
System Improvement:
The emergency response system can continuously
improve its services and protocols, incorporating
humanity and ethical considerations suggested by the
Smart Home system.
It can enhance its response strategies, ethical guide-
lines, and training programs for emergency person-
nel, ensuring that the system evolves to align with
the values and principles that promote humanity and
ethical conduct.
c) From Emergency to Home (Infor): UV-Smart City
Emergency systems could provide the following information
to UV-Smart home systems:
Available Support and Result Feedback:
The emergency response system can provide infor-
mation about available support services that prioritize
humanity and ethical considerations. This includes
resources such as mental health hotlines, counseling
services, or community organizations that offer as-
sistance during emergencies.
It can provide information about inclusive and acces-
sible support services that consider the diverse needs
and preferences of individuals, promoting equality
and dignity.
Instructive Guidance:
The system can offer instructive directions to the
Smart Home system or occupants, ensuring they un-
derstand how to act in a humane and ethical manner
during emergencies. This may include instructions
on preserving human life, providing basic medical
aid, or ensuring the safety of vulnerable individuals.
It can emphasize the importance of respecting in-
dividuals’ rights, promoting empathy, and following
ethical guidelines when providing assistance.
Expected Proactive Reaction:
The emergency response system can communicate
the expected proactive reactions it requires from the
Smart Home system or occupants, emphasizing the
importance of acting in a humane and ethical manner.
This may include prompt reporting of emergencies,
helping others in need, or following established
It can encourage individuals to consider the ethical
implications of their actions, fostering a sense of re-
sponsibility and compassion in emergency situations.
Rule & Stipulation:
The system can provide rules and stipulations that
guide the behavior of the Smart Home system and
occupants in a way that upholds humanity and ethical
considerations. This may include guidelines on non-
discrimination, confidentiality, privacy, or respecting
cultural and religious beliefs during emergency re-
sponse efforts.
It can ensure that the emergency response follows
ethical frameworks, legal regulations, and interna-
tional standards related to human rights and ethical
d) From Emergency to Home (Reaction): UV-Smart
Home system can utilize information and feedback provided
by the UV-Smart City Emergency system to make improve-
ments in the following ways:
Coordinated Planning:
The Smart Home system can engage in coordinated
planning with the emergency response system, en-
suring that the response efforts align with humanity
and ethical considerations. This includes integrating
ethical guidelines into its automation systems and
collaborating with the emergency response system
to address any ethical challenges that may arise.
It can work in tandem with the emergency response
system to prioritize the well-being and safety of
individuals, including vulnerable populations while
considering their rights and values.
Efficiency Improvement and Safety Assurance:
The Smart Home system can leverage the informa-
tion received to improve its efficiency and safety
features while upholding humanity and ethical con-
siderations. It can optimize energy consumption,
enhance security measures, and implement privacy-
preserving protocols to protect the dignity and rights
of individuals during emergencies.
It can ensure that its automation systems prioritize
safety and well-being over convenience, offering
an ethical and responsible approach to emergency
Proactive Response:
The Smart Home system can respond proactively to
the information provided by the emergency response
system, taking into account humanity and ethical
considerations. It can offer real-time updates, alerts,
and guidance to occupants, ensuring they make in-
formed and ethical decisions during emergencies.
It can provide educational resources that promote
empathy, ethical decision-making, and responsible
behavior, fostering a culture of humanity and com-
passion within the home and community.
Education and Law Enforcement:
The Smart Home system can support law enforce-
ment efforts guided by humanity and ethical consid-
erations. It can share relevant data and information
with the emergency response system to aid in its
decision-making process while ensuring privacy and
data protection.
It can work with law enforcement agencies to enforce
ethical standards, prevent discrimination, and protect
the rights of individuals during emergency situations.
5) Cost & Sustainability: The UV-Smart Home System is
linked strongly with the UV-Smart City Emergency System.
Exchanging information effectively would help in promoting
cost & sustainability. In the following section, we will delve
deeper into what kind of information should be exchanged and
how such information would help both subsystems to perform
In Table CXXI, we discuss the corresponding four per-
spectives in terms of three sub-objectives: maintenance and
cost, resource management and material cycle, environmental
protection & sustainability. The following writing part below
is a summary of the content of the table.
a) From Home to Emergency (Infor): UV-Smart home
systems could provide the following information to UV-Smart
City Emergency systems:
Personal Information:
Energy usage data: The Smart Home system can pro-
vide information on the energy consumption patterns
of the occupants, enabling the emergency response
system to assess the cost and sustainability implica-
tions during emergency situations.
Occupant preferences: It can share personal informa-
tion regarding the occupants’ preferences related to
cost-saving measures, energy-efficient appliances, or
sustainable practices that can be considered during
emergency response efforts.
Collective Information:
Home energy profile: The Smart Home system can
provide collective information on the overall energy
usage and efficiency of the home, allowing the
emergency response system to consider the sustain-
ability aspect when planning resource allocation and
response strategies.
Community energy data: It can share aggregated
energy data from neighboring Smart Homes or com-
munity systems, providing insights into collective en-
ergy usage patterns and opportunities for sustainable
resource management during emergencies.
Real-time Feedback:
Energy usage alerts: The Smart Home system can
provide real-time feedback on energy consumption
anomalies or abnormal patterns, alerting the emer-
gency response system to potential issues related to
cost or sustainability.
Environmental data: It can relay real-time feedback
on environmental conditions such as temperature,
humidity, or air quality, allowing the emergency
response system to optimize resource allocation and
response strategies in a cost-effective and sustainable
Service Suggestions:
Energy-saving recommendations: The Smart Home
system can offer service suggestions to the emer-
gency response system regarding energy-saving mea-
sures or sustainable practices that can be imple-
mented during emergency response operations.
Sustainable resource alternatives: It can provide sug-
gestions on using renewable energy sources, optimiz-
ing resource usage, or adopting sustainable technolo-
gies to enhance cost-effectiveness and sustainability
in emergency situations.
b) From Home to Emergency (Reaction): UV-Smart City
Emergency system can utilize information and feedback pro-
vided by the UV-Smart home system to make improvements
in the following ways:
Enable Customizable and Adaptive Services:
The emergency response system can customize its
services based on the cost and sustainability-related
information received from the Smart Home system.
It can provide personalized advice and strategies to
occupants on minimizing energy usage and adopting
sustainable practices during emergencies.
It can offer adaptive services that take into account
the cost implications and long-term sustainability
goals, ensuring efficient resource management and
minimizing environmental impact.
Situation Understanding & Resource Assignment:
By analyzing the real-time feedback and collec-
tive information from the Smart Home system, the
emergency response system can gain a better un-
derstanding of the cost and sustainability aspects of
the situation. It can consider this information when
assigning resources and determining the most cost-
effective and sustainable response strategies.
It can optimize resource allocation to minimize costs,
reduce energy consumption, and prioritize the use of
sustainable resources during emergency operations.
Timely Response:
The emergency response system can respond
promptly and efficiently to emergencies while con-
sidering cost and sustainability implications. It can
prioritize actions that minimize resource wastage,
reduce operational costs, and maximize the long-
term sustainability of emergency response efforts.
It can ensure that response efforts are carried out in a
timely manner, minimizing any unnecessary financial
burdens or negative environmental impacts.
System Improvement:
The emergency response system can continuously
improve its services and protocols to enhance cost-
effectiveness and sustainability. It can incorporate
feedback and suggestions from the Smart Home sys-
tem regarding energy-saving practices, sustainable
technologies, or resource optimization strategies.
It can invest in research and development of innova-
tive solutions that align with cost-effective and sus-
tainable emergency response operations, contributing
to long-term cost savings and environmental benefits.
c) From Emergency to Home (Infor): UV-Smart City
Emergency systems could provide the following information
to UV-Smart home systems:
Available Support and Result Feedback:
The emergency response system can provide infor-
mation about available support services that prioritize
cost-effectiveness and sustainability. This includes
guidance on accessing cost-efficient emergency re-
sources, sustainable relief options, or community
initiatives focused on reducing the environmental
impact of emergencies.
It can inform the Smart Home system about sustain-
able support networks, such as local organizations or
agencies that provide cost-effective assistance during
Instructive Guidance:
The system can offer instructive directions to the
Smart Home system or occupants on cost-efficient
and sustainable emergency response practices. This
may include guidance on conserving resources, re-
ducing waste, or utilizing renewable energy sources
during emergencies.
It can provide instructions on adopting sustainable
behaviors and practices that align with cost-saving
measures, such as energy-efficient lighting, recycling
programs, or responsible water usage.
Expected Proactive Reaction:
The emergency response system can communicate
the expected proactive reactions it requires from the
Smart Home system or occupants to prioritize cost-
effectiveness and sustainability. This may include
prompt reporting of emergencies, responsible re-
source usage, or adherence to sustainable emergency
response guidelines.
It can encourage individuals to consider cost impli-
cations and adopt sustainable practices in their emer-
gency preparedness efforts, such as using energy-
efficient appliances or implementing waste reduction
Rule & Stipulation:
The system can provide rules and stipulations that
guide the behavior of the Smart Home system and
occupants in a way that promotes cost-effectiveness
and sustainability during emergencies. This may
include guidelines on responsible resource manage-
ment, waste reduction, or the use of environmentally
friendly materials.
It can ensure that the emergency response follows
cost-effective and sustainable protocols, encouraging
the Smart Home system and occupants to priori-
tize sustainable practices while maintaining effective
emergency response operations.
d) From Emergency to Home (Reaction): UV-Smart
Home system can utilize information and feedback provided
by the UV-Smart City Emergency system to make improve-
ments in the following ways:
Coordinated Planning:
The Smart Home system can engage in coordinated
planning with the emergency response system, con-
sidering cost-effectiveness and sustainability in its
response strategies. It can align its actions with the
cost-efficient resource allocation plans and sustain-
able emergency response protocols provided by the
emergency response system.
It can incorporate cost-saving measures and sustain-
able practices into its automation systems, optimiz-
ing energy usage, waste management, and resource
allocation during emergencies.
Efficiency Improvement and Safety Assurance:
The Smart Home system can leverage the informa-
tion received to improve its efficiency and safety fea-
tures while considering cost-effectiveness and sus-
tainability. It can optimize its energy management
systems, implement energy-saving technologies, and
enhance safety measures that align with sustainable
It can ensure that its automation systems prioritize
cost-effectiveness and sustainability, contributing to
efficient resource utilization and reduced environ-
mental impact during emergency situations.
Proactive Response:
The Smart Home system can respond proactively to
the information provided by the emergency response
system, taking into account cost-effectiveness and
sustainability. It can offer real-time updates, alerts,
and guidance to occupants on cost-efficient resource
usage, waste reduction, or sustainable practices dur-
ing emergencies.
It can provide educational resources that promote
awareness of cost-saving measures, sustainable tech-
nologies, and environmentally friendly practices, fos-
tering a culture of responsible emergency response
within homes and communities.
Education and Law Enforcement:
The Smart Home system can support law enforce-
ment efforts guided by cost-effectiveness and sus-
tainability considerations. It can cooperate with law
enforcement agencies to enforce regulations related
to cost-efficient resource usage, waste management,
or sustainable emergency response practices.
It can integrate technologies that contribute to sus-
tainable law enforcement operations, such as smart
surveillance systems that optimize energy usage and
reduce environmental impact.
F. Interaction between Smart Home and Smart Environmental
The interaction between the UV-Smart Home system and the
UV-Smart environment protection system plays a pivotal role
in promoting sustainable living and reducing environmental
impact. By integrating advanced technologies and data-driven
solutions, the Smart Home system can contribute to effective
environmental management and conservation efforts. In turn,
the smart environment protection system provides valuable
insights and tools to empower homeowners in making eco-
conscious choices and optimizing their resource consumption.
This section explores the dynamic interplay between these two
systems, highlighting the ways in which they collaborate to
create a greener and more environmentally conscious living
In the subsections below, we describe the interac-
tion from the following aspects, as summarized in Ta-
1) Proactive & Coordinated Home Infrastructure to Ensure
Safety, Hygiene, and Essential Supply: The relationship be-
tween the UV-Smart Home System and the UV-Smart Envi-
ronmental Protection System is vital. Exchanging information
effectively would help in promoting proactive & coordinated
home infrastructure to ensure safety, hygiene, and essential
supply. In this section, we will explore the type of information
that needs to be exchanged and how it can benefit both
subsystems in performing more efficiently than before.
In Tables CXXII and CXXIII, we discuss the corresponding
four perspectives in terms of four sub-objectives: Infrastruc-
ture Support, emergency response, providing accessible and
reliable services, and improving resilience and adaptiveness.
The following writing part below is a summary of the content
of the table.
a) From Home to Environment (Infor): UV-Smart home
systems could provide the following information to UV-Smart
Environmental Protection systems:
Personal Information
Personal usage patterns: The Smart Home system
can provide data on individual energy consumption,
water usage, and waste generation, helping the envi-
ronmental protection system understand the impact
of each household.
Health and well-being data: Smart home devices
can collect information about indoor air quality,
temperature, and humidity, which can help the envi-
ronmental protection system assess the overall health
and comfort levels within homes.
Collective Information
Neighborhood-level data: Aggregated data from mul-
tiple Smart Homes can provide insights into energy
usage patterns and environmental impacts at a com-
munity level, enabling the environmental protection
system to identify trends and implement targeted
Community resource sharing: The Smart Home sys-
tem can facilitate the sharing of resources, such
as excess energy generated by solar panels, with
neighboring homes or the local grid, contributing to
more efficient and sustainable energy distribution.
Real-time Feedback
Environmental monitoring: The Smart Home system
can relay real-time data on environmental conditions,
such as air quality, noise levels, and weather patterns,
to the environmental protection system. This infor-
mation can help identify potential risks or issues that
require attention.
Resource consumption alerts: Smart home devices
can provide immediate feedback on excessive energy
or water consumption, promoting awareness and en-
couraging behavior changes to reduce environmental
Service Suggestions:
Energy-saving recommendations: Based on the
Smart Home system’s data, the environmental pro-
tection system can offer personalized energy-saving
tips and suggestions to homeowners, helping them
optimize their energy usage and reduce waste.
Eco-friendly product recommendations: By analyz-
ing individual preferences and consumption patterns,
the Smart Home system can suggest environmentally
friendly products or alternatives to homeowners, en-
couraging sustainable choices.
b) From Home to Environment (Reaction): UV-Smart
Environmental Protection system can utilize information and
feedback provided by the UV-Smart home system to make
improvements in the following ways:
Enable Customizable and Adaptive Services
Tailored recommendations: The environmental pro-
tection system can use the data from Smart Homes
to provide customized advice and strategies for re-
ducing energy consumption, waste generation, and
water usage, taking into account individual house-
hold needs and preferences.
Adaptive programs: Based on real-time feedback, the
system can adjust and adapt its services to meet
the changing requirements of households, optimizing
resource allocation and efficiency.
Situation Understanding & Resource Assignment
Risk assessment and mitigation: By analyzing col-
lective information from Smart Homes, the envi-
ronmental protection system can identify areas or
households at higher risk of environmental issues,
such as poor air quality or energy shortages. It can
then allocate resources accordingly to address these
challenges proactively.
Resource optimization: The system can analyze data
on energy usage, water consumption, and waste
generation to identify opportunities for resource opti-
mization and allocate resources where they are most
needed, ensuring a more efficient and sustainable use
of resources.
Timely Response
Emergency alerts: If the Smart Home system detects
a critical situation, such as a gas leak or fire hazard,
it can immediately alert the environmental protection
system, triggering a swift response to mitigate the
risk and ensure the safety of occupants.
Prompt notifications: The environmental protection
system can provide timely notifications to home-
owners regarding environmental conditions, energy
usage, or waste management issues, enabling them
to take immediate action to address any concerns.
System Improvement
Continuous learning and optimization: The envi-
ronmental protection system can analyze data from
Smart Homes to identify patterns, trends, and areas
for improvement in the proactive and coordinated
home infrastructure. This analysis can inform the
development of more effective strategies and policies
to ensure long-term safety, hygiene, and basic supply.
Feedback integration: The system can incorporate
feedback from homeowners regarding the effective-
ness of suggested services or recommendations, al-
lowing for continuous improvement and refinement
of its offerings.
c) From Environment to Home (Infor): UV-Smart En-
vironmental Protection systems could provide the following
information to UV-Smart home systems:
Available Support and Result Feedback
Environmental protection programs: The smart en-
vironmental protection system can inform Smart
Home systems about available environmental protec-
tion programs, such as energy efficiency incentives,
waste management initiatives, or water conservation
campaigns, that homeowners can participate in.
Resource availability: The system can provide in-
formation on the availability of resources, such as
renewable energy sources, community recycling cen-
ters, or water-saving devices, which can be utilized
by Smart Homes to enhance their environmental
Instructive Guidance
Sustainable practices: The smart environmental pro-
tection system can offer instructive guidance on
sustainable practices, such as energy-saving tips,
waste reduction strategies, or eco-friendly cleaning
methods, to help homeowners adopt more environ-
mentally conscious behaviors.
Proper disposal methods: The system can provide
instructions on how to properly dispose of hazardous
materials, electronic waste, or other items that re-
quire special handling, ensuring compliance with
environmental regulations.
Expected Proactive Reaction
Precautionary measures: The smart environmental
protection system can alert Smart Home systems
about potential environmental risks or issues that
may arise in an area, such as air pollution alerts,
extreme weather warnings, or water supply disrup-
tions. This information enables homeowners to take
proactive measures to safeguard their homes and
Early warning systems: The system can provide real-
time alerts and forecasts regarding environmental
conditions, enabling Smart Homes to anticipate and
respond to potential threats, such as flooding, wild-
fires, or air quality deterioration.
Rules & Stipulations
Environmental regulations: The smart environmental
protection system can provide information on local,
regional, or national environmental regulations, such
as energy efficiency standards, waste management
guidelines, or water usage restrictions, that home-
owners need to comply with. This helps ensure that
Smart Homes operate within the legal framework and
contribute to a sustainable environment.
d) From Environment to Home (Reaction): UV-Smart
Home system can utilize information and feedback provided
by the UV-Smart Environmental Protection system to make
improvements in the following ways:
Coordinated Planning
Energy optimization: Based on the information re-
ceived from the smart environmental protection sys-
tem, the Smart Home system can adjust energy
usage patterns, prioritize energy-efficient appliances,
or synchronize energy consumption with renewable
energy availability, contributing to a more coordi-
nated and optimized energy infrastructure.
Waste management: The Smart Home system can
align waste management practices, such as recy-
cling schedules or composting initiatives, with the
guidelines provided by the environmental protection
system, promoting a coordinated approach to waste
reduction and disposal.
Efficiency Improvement and Safety Assurance
Resource monitoring and optimization: The Smart
Home system can continuously monitor energy, wa-
ter, and other resource consumption, and optimize
usage patterns based on the information received
from the environmental protection system. This helps
improve efficiency, minimize waste, and ensure a
sustainable supply of resources.
Safety systems integration: The Smart Home system
can integrate with environmental sensors or moni-
toring devices recommended by the environmental
protection system, such as smoke detectors, carbon
monoxide detectors, or air quality sensors, enhancing
safety measures and providing timely alerts in case
of any environmental risks.
Proactive Response
Real-time adjustments: The Smart Home system can
autonomously adjust its operations based on real-
time alerts or recommendations received from the
environmental protection system. For example, it
can automatically adjust thermostat settings during
peak energy demand periods or optimize irrigation
schedules based on weather forecasts, contributing
to a more proactive and responsive approach.
User education: The Smart Home system can educate
homeowners on sustainable practices, energy-saving
techniques, or waste management methods, leverag-
ing the information shared by the environmental pro-
tection system. This promotes environmental aware-
ness and empowers homeowners to make informed
Education and Law Enforcement
Compliance monitoring: The Smart Home system
can monitor and ensure compliance with environ-
mental regulations and guidelines provided by the
environmental protection system, such as energy
efficiency standards or waste disposal requirements.
It can provide reminders or notifications to home-
owners to ensure adherence to legal requirements.
Data sharing for enforcement: The Smart Home sys-
tem can share relevant data with the environmental
protection system to assist in the enforcement of
environmental regulations, providing insights into
resource consumption, waste generation, or adher-
ence to sustainability practices. This contributes to
effective law enforcement and enables better envi-
ronmental governance.
2) Proactive & Coordinated Family Support to Ensure Hu-
man Safety, Health & Well-being, Identity & Value: There is
a strong connection between the UV-Smart Home System and
the UV-Smart Environmental Protection System. Exchanging
information effectively would help in promoting proactive &
coordinated family support to ensure human safety, health
& well-being, identity & value. In the following section,
we will delve deeper into what kind of information should
be exchanged and how such information would help both
subsystems to perform better.
In Tables CXXIV and CXXV, we discuss the corresponding
four perspectives in terms of four sub-objectives: individual
Life& Well-being (physical, mental and social, reduce work-
load& improve efficiency, risk management& vulnerability
protection, and improve resilience. The following writing part
below is a summary of the content of the table.
a) From Home to Environment (Infor): UV-Smart home
systems could provide the following information to UV-Smart
Environmental Protection systems:
Personal Information
Individual health data: The Smart Home system can
provide personal health data, such as heart rate,
sleep patterns, or activity levels, which can help
the environmental protection system assess the well-
being and health of individuals in the household.
Occupant profiles: Information on the age, medical
conditions, or specific needs of household members
can assist the environmental protection system in
tailoring support and services to ensure their safety
and well-being.
Collective Information
Community health trends: Aggregated data from
multiple Smart Homes can provide insights into
community health trends, such as common illnesses,
environmental risks, or health-related concerns. This
collective information can inform the environmental
protection system’s strategies and initiatives to pro-
mote overall well-being.
Energy and resource consumption patterns: The
Smart Home system can provide data on energy
consumption, water usage, or waste generation at
a community level. This information enables the
environmental protection system to identify areas
of improvement and implement collective resource
management programs.
Real-time Feedback
Environmental conditions: The Smart Home sys-
tem can relay real-time data on indoor air quality,
temperature, humidity levels, or pollutant concentra-
tions, enabling the environmental protection system
to monitor and respond to potential health hazards
or environmental risks promptly.
Occupant feedback: The system can gather feedback
from occupants regarding comfort levels, satisfaction
with indoor conditions, or any concerns related to
safety or health, helping the environmental protection
system identify areas for improvement and provide
personalized support.
Service Suggestions:
Health and wellness recommendations: Based on
personal and collective information, the Smart Home
system can suggest health and wellness services,
such as exercise routines, dietary recommendations,
or stress management techniques, to support the
well-being of individuals and promote a proactive
and healthy lifestyle.
Safety and emergency preparedness: The system can
provide suggestions on safety measures, such as fire
prevention, emergency evacuation plans, or first aid
training, ensuring that households are well-prepared
to handle unforeseen situations.
b) From Home to Environment (Reaction): UV-Smart
Environmental Protection system can utilize information and
feedback provided by the UV-Smart home system to make
improvements in the following ways:
Enable Customizable and Adaptive Services
Personalized support: Based on personal information
received from the Smart Home system, the envi-
ronmental protection system can offer customized
support and services, such as health monitoring,
medication reminders, or assistance for individuals
with specific needs, ensuring proactive and tailored
family support.
Adaptive programs: The system can adapt its ser-
vices and recommendations based on real-time feed-
back and evolving health conditions, providing per-
sonalized and adaptive support to ensure the safety,
health, and well-being of individuals and families.
Situation Understanding & Resource Assignment
Health risk assessment: The environmental protec-
tion system can analyze personal and collective in-
formation to assess health risks, identify potential en-
vironmental hazards, or track the spread of illnesses
in the community. This understanding allows for tar-
geted resource allocation and intervention strategies.
Resource optimization: Based on data from the Smart
Home system regarding energy usage, water con-
sumption, or waste generation, the environmental
protection system can optimize resource allocation,
implement conservation programs, and support sus-
tainable practices at a community level.
Timely Response
Health and safety alerts: The smart environmental
protection system can provide timely alerts and
notifications to Smart Homes regarding potential
health risks, environmental hazards, or emergency
situations. This enables households to take imme-
diate action and ensures a timely response to protect
human safety and well-being.
Emergency services coordination: In case of emer-
gencies, the environmental protection system can
coordinate with emergency services, such as med-
ical assistance, fire departments, or disaster response
teams, based on real-time feedback and information
from Smart Homes, ensuring a swift and effective
System Improvement
Continuous learning and enhancement: The envi-
ronmental protection system can analyze data from
Smart Homes to identify patterns, trends, and areas
for improvement in proactive and coordinated family
support. This analysis can inform the development of
more effective strategies, services,and policies to en-
sure the safety, health, and well-being of individuals
and families.
Feedback integration: The system can incorporate
feedback from Smart Homes and occupants, regard-
ing the effectiveness of services, suggestions, or
emergency response, to continuously improve its of-
ferings and enhance the support provided to families
in terms of safety, health, well-being, identity, and
c) From Environment to Home (Infor): UV-Smart En-
vironmental Protection systems could provide the following
information to UV-Smart home systems:
Available Support and Result Feedback
Environmental support programs: The smart environ-
mental protection system can inform Smart Home
systems about available support programs and ini-
tiatives related to human safety, health, well-being,
identity, and value. This can include resources for
mental health support, community engagement ac-
tivities, or social services that promote proactive and
coordinated family support.
Community assistance: The system can provide
information on community organizations, support
groups, or local services that can assist families in
achieving their safety, health, and well-being goals.
Instructive Guidance
Sustainable living practices: The smart environmen-
tal protection system can offer instructive guidance
on sustainable living practices that promote human
safety, health, and well-being. This can include
recommendations on eco-friendly cleaning methods,
indoor air quality improvement, or healthy cooking
and nutrition tips.
Identity and value preservation: The system can
provide guidance on preserving cultural identity,
promoting inclusivity, and maintaining values within
the family unit, fostering a sense of belonging and
Expected Proactive Reaction
Precautionary measures: The smart environmental
protection system can provide information on poten-
tial environmental risks, health concerns, or emerg-
ing issues that may affect family safety, health,
and well-being. This enables Smart Homes to take
proactive measures, such as installing air purifiers,
implementing safety protocols, or adjusting routines,
to mitigate risks.
Early warning systems: The system can provide real-
time alerts and forecasts regarding environmental
conditions, health disease outbreaks, or potential
safety hazards, allowing Smart Homes to prepare and
respond in a timely manner.
Rules & Stipulations
Safety regulations and guidelines: The smart en-
vironmental protection system can inform Smart
Homes about safety regulations, guidelines, and best
practices related to human safety, health, and well-
being. This can include information on fire safety,
emergency evacuation procedures, or guidelines for
the safe use of household appliances.
Legal compliance: The system can provide infor-
mation on relevant laws and regulations, such as
environmental protection laws, health and safety
standards, or data privacy regulations, ensuring that
Smart Homes operate within the legal framework and
uphold values of safety, health, and well-being.
d) From Environment to Home (Reaction): UV-Smart
Home system can utilize information and feedback provided
by the UV-Smart Environmental Protection system to make
improvements in the following ways:
Coordinated Planning
Family safety and well-being: Based on the informa-
tion received from the smart environmental protec-
tion system, the Smart Home system can coordinate
safety planning activities, such as creating emer-
gency evacuation plans, scheduling regular safety
checks, or implementing security measures, to ensure
the safety and well-being of the family.
Health and well-being optimization: The system can
synchronize health-related activities, such as medica-
tion reminders, exercise routines, or sleep schedules,
with the guidance provided by the environmental
protection system, promoting coordinated efforts to
enhance family health and well-being.
Efficiency Improvement and Safety Assurance
Resource optimization: The Smart Home system can
optimize energy and resource usage based on the
information received from the environmental pro-
tection system. This can include adjusting lighting
and temperature settings for energy efficiency, mon-
itoring water consumption, or implementing safety
measures to ensure efficient and safe operation of
Safety enhancements: The system can integrate with
safety devices and sensors recommended by the
environmental protection system, such as smoke de-
tectors, carbon monoxide detectors, or home security
systems. This enhances safety assurance and pro-
vides timely alerts in case of any safety risks or
Proactive Response and Education:
Emergency response: Based on real-time alerts and
information from the environmental protection sys-
tem, the Smart Home system can initiate proactive
response actions in emergency situations. This can
include automatically contacting emergency services,
notifying family members, or activating safety pro-
tocols to ensure a swift and effective response.
Education and guidance: The Smart Home system
can educate family members on safety practices,
health, and well-being tips, or provide reminders and
prompts for healthy habits based on the recommen-
dations of the environmental protection system.
3) Top-down & Bottom-up Coordination: Proactive Interac-
tion with Society: The UV-Smart Home System is deeply con-
nected with the UV-Smart Environmental Protection System.
Exchanging information effectively would help in promoting
Top-down & bottom-up coordination: proactive interaction
with society. In the following section, we will delve deeper into
what kind of information should be exchanged and how such
information would help both subsystems to perform better.
In Tables CXXVIII and CXXIX, we discuss the corre-
sponding four perspectives in terms of four sub-objectives:
understanding Basic Needs and Urgent Situations, coordinated
Planning, shared Responsibility, and Collective Support and
information Connectivity). The following writing part below
is a summary of the content of the table.
a) From Home to Environment (Infor): UV-Smart home
systems could provide the following information to UV-Smart
Environmental Protection systems:
Personal Information
Individual energy usage: The Smart Home system
can provide personal energy consumption data, such
as electricity usage patterns or peak energy demand
times, which can help the environmental protection
system understand individual energy behaviors and
identify opportunities for improvement.
Health and well-being information: The system can
share personal health data, such as activity levels,
sleep patterns, or indoor air quality measurements,
which can contribute to the understanding of the
impact of environmental factors on individual health
and well-being.
Collective Information
Community energy consumption: Aggregated data
from multiple Smart Homes can provide insights into
community energy consumption patterns, peak usage
periods, or areas where energy-saving initiatives can
be implemented.
Environmental impact assessments: The Smart Home
system can contribute to collective information by
sharing data on waste generation, water usage, or
carbon emissions at a community level, allowing the
environmental protection system to assess the overall
environmental impact and develop appropriate strate-
Real-time Feedback
Energy usage feedback: The Smart Home system can
provide real-time feedback on energy usage, allow-
ing the environmental protection system to monitor
and analyze consumption patterns and identify areas
for improvement.
Indoor environmental quality feedback: The system
can relay real-time feedback on indoor air quality,
temperature fluctuations, or humidity levels, helping
the environmental protection system understand the
impact of environmental conditions on occupants’
Service Suggestions
Energy-saving recommendations: Based on personal
and collective information, the Smart Home system
can suggest energy-saving measures, such as appli-
ance upgrades, insulation improvements, or behav-
ioral changes, to promote more sustainable energy
Environmental-friendly product suggestions: The
system can provide service suggestions related to
eco-friendly products or sustainable practices that
align with the goals of the environmental protec-
tion system, enabling households to make informed
choices that contribute to a greener lifestyle.
b) From Home to Environment (Reaction): UV-Smart
Environmental Protection system can utilize information and
feedback provided by the UV-Smart home system to make
improvements in the following ways:
Enable Customizable and Adaptive Services
Personalized energy management: Based on personal
information received from the Smart Home system,
the environmental protection system can offer cus-
tomized energy management solutions tailored to
individual needs, promoting energy efficiency and
cost savings.
Adaptive programs and incentives: The system can
adapt its services and incentives based on real-
time feedback and collective information from Smart
Homes, ensuring that initiatives and programs are
aligned with the specific needs and preferences of
the community.
Situation Understanding & Resource Assignment
Energy demand management: The environmental
protection system can utilize real-time energy feed-
back and collective information to better understand
energy demand patterns, allocate resources effec-
tively, and implement demand response strategies to
maintain a stable and sustainable energy grid.
Resource optimization: Based on collective infor-
mation from Smart Homes, the system can identify
areas where resource allocation and management can
be optimized, such as water conservation programs
or waste management initiatives, promoting more
sustainable use of resources at a community level.
Timely Response
Energy load balancing: The environmental protection
system can respond to real-time feedback from Smart
Homes by dynamically balancing energy loads, op-
timizing energy distribution, and ensuring a reliable
and resilient energy supply.
Emergency response coordination: In the event of
emergencies or disruptions, the system can leverage
real-time feedback from Smart Homes to coordi-
nate timely response actions, such as redirecting re-
sources, activating emergency protocols, or commu-
nicating critical information to relevant stakeholders.
System Improvement
Data-driven decision-making: The environmental
protection system can utilize the data shared by
Smart Home systems to analyze energy consump-
tion patterns, identify trends, and make informed
decisions regarding infrastructure upgrades, policy
adjustments, or future initiatives.
User feedback incorporation: The system can incor-
porate user feedback and suggestions from Smart
Homes to improve service offerings, address con-
cerns, and enhance the overall effectiveness and
satisfaction of proactive interaction with society.
c) From Environment to Home (Infor): UV-Smart En-
vironmental Protection systems could provide the following
information to UV Smart Home systems:
Available Support and Result Feedback
Environmental assistance programs: The smart envi-
ronmental protection system can provide information
on available support programs, grants, or incentives
related to energy efficiency, renewable energy adop-
tion, or eco-friendly practices, encouraging Smart
Homes to take proactive steps towards sustainability.
Community engagement initiatives: The system can
inform Smart Homes about community events, work-
shops, or campaigns focused on environmental pro-
tection and sustainable living, promoting active par-
ticipation and collaboration.
Instructive Guidance
Sustainable practices guidance: The smart environ-
mental protection system can offer instructive di-
rection on sustainable practices and behaviors that
promote energy conservation, waste reduction, or en-
vironmentally friendly choices within the household.
Compliance with environmental regulations: The
system can provide guidance on environmental reg-
ulations, such as recycling guidelines, energy ef-
ficiency standards, or emissions control measures,
ensuring that Smart Homes understand and adhere
to relevant rules and stipulations.
Expected Proactive Reaction
Environmental alerts and warnings: The smart envi-
ronmental protection system can notify Smart Homes
about environmental risks, extreme weather condi-
tions, or potential hazards that may require proactive
actions, such as adjusting energy usage, reinforcing
home structures, or securing outdoor elements.
Sustainability goals and targets: The system can
communicate expectations for proactive participation
in sustainability initiatives, such as energy reduction
targets, waste management goals, or water conserva-
tion objectives, fostering a sense of shared responsi-
bility and encouraging proactive engagement.
Rules & Stipulations:
Environmental policies and regulations: The smart
environmental protection system can communicate
rules and stipulations related to environmental pro-
tection, such as air quality standards, water usage
restrictions, or noise pollution regulations, ensuring
that Smart Homes operate within the legal framework
and contribute to a sustainable society.
Voluntary sustainability certifications: The system
can inform Smart Homes about voluntary sustain-
ability certifications or labels, providing guidance
on achieving and maintaining such certifications to
demonstrate a commitment to environmental stew-
d) From Environment to Home (Reaction): UV-Smart
Home system can utilize information and feedback provided
by the UV-Smart Environmental Protection system to make
improvements in the following ways:
Coordinated Planning
Energy management coordination: Based on the in-
formation received from the smart environmental
protection system, the Smart Home system can coor-
dinate energy management efforts, such as schedul-
ing energy-intensive tasks during off-peak hours or
participating in demand response programs to sup-
port the overall grid stability and efficiency.
Collaborative sustainability initiatives: The system
can facilitate coordination among Smart Homes
to plan and execute community-wide sustainabil-
ity projects, such as neighborhood recycling drives,
collective renewable energy installations, or shared
composting programs.
Efficiency Improvement and Safety Assurance
Energy-efficient automation: The Smart Home sys-
tem can optimize energy usage based on information
from the environmental protection system, imple-
menting automation features like smart thermostats,
lighting controls, or appliance scheduling to improve
energy efficiency and reduce waste.
Safety monitoring and feedback: The system can
provide real-time feedback on safety-related aspects,
such as carbon monoxide levels, air quality alerts,
or security system status, ensuring the proactive
assurance of safety and well-being within Smart
Proactive Response
Environmental alert response: Based on real-time
alerts and warnings received from the environmen-
tal protection system, the Smart Home system can
proactively respond by adjusting energy usage, acti-
vating safety protocols, or communicating necessary
information to occupants, ensuring a swift and ap-
propriate response to environmental risks.
Sustainability education and reminders: The system
can deliver educational content, tips, and reminders
to Smart Homes regarding sustainable practices,
energy-saving habits, or waste reduction strategies,
promoting continuous learning and proactive behav-
ior changes.
Education and Law Enforcement
Sustainability policy adherence: The Smart Home
system can integrate with the environmental pro-
tection system’s guidelines and stipulations to en-
sure that Smart Homes comply with environmental
regulations and sustainability policies, fostering a
culture of responsible behavior and contributing to
the overall goals of proactive interaction with society.
Data sharing for enforcement: The system can pro-
vide relevant data and information to law enforce-
ment agencies or environmental authorities as re-
quired, assisting in monitoring compliance, identify-
ing potential violations, and supporting enforcement
actions related to environmental protection and sus-
tainability initiatives.
4) Humanity & Ethical Consideration: The UV-Smart
Home System has a bonded connection with the UV-Smart
Environmental Protection System. Exchanging information
effectively would help in promoting humanity & ethics. In
the following section, we will delve deeper into what kind of
information should be exchanged and how such information
would help both subsystems to perform better.
In Tables CXXVIII and CXXIX, we discuss the correspond-
ing four perspectives in terms of five sub-objectives: equal-
ity and Inclusiveness, respect& Sharing, happiness& mental
support, support and Protection, and cultural Preservation and
Promotion. The following writing part below is a summary of
the content of the table.
a) From Home to Environment (Infor): UV-Smart home
systems could provide the following information to UV-Smart
Environmental Protection systems:
Personal Information
Individual energy consumption patterns: The Smart
Home system can provide personal energy usage
data, allowing the environmental protection system
to analyze individual energy behaviors and provide
personalized recommendations for energy efficiency
Health and well-being information: The system can
share personal health data, such as indoor air quality
measurements, sleep patterns, or physical activity
levels, enabling the environmental protection system
to understand the impact of environmental factors on
individuals’ health and well-being.
Collective Information
Community energy consumption: Aggregated data
from multiple Smart Homes can provide insights
into community energy usage patterns, peak demand
periods, or areas where collective energy-saving ini-
tiatives can be implemented for a more sustainable
Environmental impact assessments: The Smart Home
system can contribute collective information on
waste generation, water usage, or carbon emissions at
a community level, enabling the environmental pro-
tection system to assess and address environmental
impacts on a broader scale.
Real-time Feedback
Energy usage feedback: The system can provide
real-time feedback on energy consumption, allow-
ing the environmental protection system to monitor
and analyze consumption patterns, identify energy-
saving opportunities, and promote sustainable energy
Indoor environmental quality feedback: Real-time
feedback on indoor air quality, temperature, and
humidity levels can help the environmental protec-
tion system understand the impact of environmental
conditions on occupants’ health and provide recom-
mendations for improvement.
Service Suggestions
Energy-saving recommendations: Based on personal
and collective information, the Smart Home system
can suggest energy-saving measures, appliance up-
grades, or behavioral changes promote energy effi-
ciency and reduce environmental impact.
Ethical consumption suggestions: The system can
provide service suggestions that align with ethical
considerations, such as recommending environmen-
tally friendly products, fair trade options, or sustain-
able practices, enabling individuals to make choices
that align with their ethical values.
b) From Home to Environment (Reaction): UV-Smart
Environmental Protection system can utilize information and
feedback provided by the UV-Smart home system to make
improvements in the following ways:
Enable Customizable and Adaptive Services
Personalized sustainability plans: Based on personal
information received from the Smart Home system,
the environmental protection system can develop
customized sustainability plans tailored to individ-
uals’ preferences, promoting ethical and sustainable
practices in line with their values.
Adaptive programs and initiatives: The system can
adapt its services and initiatives based on collec-
tive information and real-time feedback from Smart
Homes, ensuring that programs and actions are re-
sponsive to the changing needs and values of the
Situation Understanding & Resource Assignment
Sustainable resource allocation: The environmental
protection system can utilize information from Smart
Homes to understand resource usage patterns, allo-
cate resources effectively, and implement sustainable
resource management strategies that prioritize ethical
Situation-based interventions: Based on real-time
feedback, the system can assess environmental situa-
tions, such as air pollution episodes or water quality
issues, and assign appropriate resources to mitigate
the impact and ensure the well-being of individuals
while considering ethical considerations.
Timely Response
Environmental emergency response: The system can
respond promptly to real-time feedback from Smart
Homes in case of environmental emergencies or
hazards, ensuring the safety and well-being of indi-
viduals and taking into account ethical considerations
in the response actions.
Proactive risk communication: The environmental
protection system can provide timely information
and recommendations to Smart Homes in the event
of environmental risks, empowering individuals to
take proactive measures to protect themselves and
their communities.
System Improvement
Continuous improvement based on feedback: The
environmental protection system can use data and
feedback from Smart Homes to identify areas for
improvement in sustainability initiatives, environ-
mental policies, and ethical considerations, ensuring
a proactive and ongoing enhancement of the system.
Ethical guidelines and policies: The system can in-
corporate ethical considerations into its policies and
guidelines, ensuring that sustainability initiatives and
resource allocation strategies prioritize humanity and
ethical values, promoting a harmonious relationship
between environmental protection and societal well-
c) From Environment to Home (Infor): UV-Smart En-
vironmental Protection systems could provide the following
information to UV-Smart home systems:
Available Support
Ethical product and service recommendations: The
smart environmental protection system can provide
information on environmentally friendly and ethi-
cally sourced products, services, and vendors, en-
abling Smart Homes to make conscious choices that
align with their ethical considerations.
Support for sustainable lifestyle changes: The system
can offer guidance and resources to help Smart
Homes transition to more sustainable and ethical
practices, such as reducing single-use plastics, adopt-
ing renewable energy, or supporting fair trade initia-
Instructive Direction
Ethical consumption guidelines: The environmental
protection system can provide instructive direction
on ethical consumption practices, including guide-
lines on sustainable purchasing, responsible waste
management, or ethical supply chain considerations,
empowering Smart Homes to make informed deci-
Environmental justice education: The system can
offer educational materials and resources to raise
awareness about environmental justice issues, high-
lighting the importance of equitable access to clean
air, water, and a healthy environment for all members
of society.
Expected Proactive Reaction
Ethical decision-making prompts: The smart envi-
ronmental protection system can encourage proactive
and ethical decision-making by providing prompts
and reminders related to sustainable practices, such
as reducing energy consumption, minimizing waste,
or supporting social and environmental causes.
Promotion of community involvement: The system
can encourage Smart Homes to actively participate
in community initiatives and volunteering programs
that promote environmental sustainability, social re-
sponsibility, and ethical actions.
Rules & Stipulations
Ethical guidelines and certifications: The environ-
mental protection system can communicate ethical
guidelines and certifications that promote sustainable
practices and adherence to ethical standards, such as
fair trade certifications, responsible sourcing guide-
lines, or eco-labeling requirements.
Compliance with environmental regulations: The
system can inform Smart Homes about environ-
mental regulations and legal requirements related
to ethical considerations, ensuring that they operate
within the boundaries of the law and contribute to a
sustainable and ethical society.
d) From Environment to Home (Reaction): UV-Smart
Home system can utilize information and feedback provided
by the UV-Smart Environmental Protection system to make
improvements in the following ways:
Coordinated Planning
Collaborative sustainability initiatives: The Smart
Home system can facilitate coordinated planning
among Smart Homes to collectively implement sus-
tainability projects, such as community gardens, re-
cycling programs, or renewable energy cooperatives,
promoting a sense of shared responsibility and ethi-
cal collaboration.
Participatory decision-making: The system can in-
volve Smart Homes in the decision-making process
regarding sustainable practices, allowing them to
provide input, suggest ideas, and collectively plan
initiatives that align with ethical considerations and
promote environmental protection.
Efficiency Improvement and Safety Assurance
Energy and resource efficiency optimization: Based
on information from the environmental protection
system, the Smart Home system can identify oppor-
tunities for efficiency improvement, such as optimiz-
ing energy usage, reducing water consumption, or
implementing smart technologies to minimize waste
and environmental impact.
Safety protocols and ethical considerations: The sys-
tem can integrate safety protocols and guidelines into
its operations, considering ethical aspects such as
minimizing health risks, ensuring the safety of vul-
nerable populations, and prioritizing environmentally
friendly practices.
Proactive Response and Education
Timely environmental alerts: The Smart Home
system can respond proactively to environmental
alerts and warnings received from the environmental
protection system, providing real-time information,
guidance, and instructions to ensure the safety and
well-being of occupants while considering ethical
and humanitarian considerations.
Sustainability education and awareness: The sys-
tem can deliver educational content and resources
to Smart Homes, promoting sustainable practices,
ethical decision-making, and fostering a sense of
responsibility towards the environment and society.
Education and Law Enforcement
Ethical consumption enforcement: The Smart Home
system can incorporate ethical consumption guide-
lines and provide recommendations to occupants,
facilitating informed choices and promoting respon-
sible consumption habits.
Collaboration with law enforcement: The system can
collaborate with law enforcement agencies to enforce
ethical and environmental regulations, share data and
information to identify violations, promote responsi-
ble behavior, and ensure adherence to ethical and
legal standards related to environmental protection
and sustainability.
5) Cost & Sustainability: There exists a vital relationship
between the UV-Smart Home System and the UV-Smart
Environmental Protection System. Exchanging information
effectively would help in promoting cost & sustainability. In
the following section, we will delve deeper into what kind of
information should be exchanged and how such information
would help both subsystems to perform better.
In Tables CXXX and CXXXI, we discuss the corresponding
four perspectives in terms of three sub-objectives: maintenance
and cost, resource management and material cycle, environ-
mental protection & sustainability. The following writing part
below is a summary of the content of the table.
a) From Home to Environment (Infor): UV-Smart home
systems could provide the following information to UV-Smart
Environmental Protection systems:
Personal Information
Individual energy consumption data: The Smart
Home system can provide personal energy usage
data, allowing the environmental protection system
to analyze individual consumption patterns, identify
areas of improvement, and suggest energy-saving
strategies for cost reduction and sustainability.
Water usage information: The system can share
personal water consumption data, enabling the en-
vironmental protection system to assess water usage
patterns, identify inefficiencies, and provide recom-
mendations for water conservation and cost-saving
Collective Information
Community energy consumption data: Aggregated
data from multiple Smart Homes can provide insights
into community-wide energy consumption patterns,
peak demand periods, and opportunities for collec-
tive energy-saving initiatives to reduce costs and
enhance sustainability.
Waste management data: The Smart Home system
can contribute collective information on waste gen-
eration, recycling rates, and composting practices, al-
lowing the environmental protection system to assess
waste management efficiency, optimize resource al-
location, and implement sustainable waste reduction
Real-time Feedback
Energy usage feedback: The system can provide real-
time feedback on energy consumption, allowing the
environmental protection system to monitor energy
usage patterns, identify deviations, and suggest im-
mediate adjustments to optimize energy efficiency
and reduce costs.
Water usage feedback: Real-time feedback on water
consumption can help the environmental protection
system detect leaks, excessive usage, or inefficient
practices, enabling timely interventions for water
conservation and cost savings.
Service Suggestions
Energy-saving recommendations: Based on personal
and collective information, the Smart Home system
can suggest energy-saving measures, such as us-
ing energy-efficient appliances, adopting renewable
energy sources, or implementing Smart Home au-
tomation systems, to improve cost-effectiveness and
Cost-effective sustainability solutions: The system
can provide service suggestions for cost-effective
sustainable practices, such as implementing energy
management systems, installing smart meters, or
participating in community-based renewable energy
programs, to promote sustainability while optimizing
b) From Home to Environment (Reaction): UV-Smart
Environmental Protection system can utilize information and
feedback provided by the UV-Smart home system to make
improvements in the following ways:
Enable Customizable and Adaptive Services
Personalized cost and sustainability plans: Based on
personal information received from Smart Homes,
the environmental protection system can develop
customized plans that offer cost-saving strategies
tailored to individual energy and water consumption
patterns, encouraging sustainable practices.
Adaptive programs and initiatives: The system can
adapt its services and initiatives based on collec-
tive information and real-time feedback from Smart
Homes, ensuring that programs and actions are
responsive to changing consumption patterns, cost
considerations, and sustainability goals.
Situation Understanding and Resource Assignment
Optimal resource allocation: The environmental pro-
tection system can utilize information from Smart
Homes to understand resource usage patterns, al-
locate resources efficiently, and implement cost-
effective sustainability initiatives that align with the
specific needs and priorities of the community.
Situation-based interventions: Based on real-time
feedback, the system can assess environmental sit-
uations, such as high energy demand periods or
water scarcity, and assign resources accordingly to
optimize costs and promote sustainability.
Timely Response
Energy and water conservation alerts: The system
can provide timely alerts and notifications to Smart
Homes in case of excessive energy consumption,
water wastage, or potential cost-saving opportunities,
enabling prompt action and behavior modifications to
improve sustainability and reduce expenses.
Rapid response to sustainability issues: The environ-
mental protection system can respond quickly to en-
vironmental sustainability concerns raised by Smart
Homes, providing guidance, support, and interven-
tions to address the issues effectively and ensure
timely cost-saving measures.
System Improvement
Continuous improvement based on feedback: The
environmental protection system can use data and
feedback from Smart Homes to identify areas for
improvement in sustainability initiatives, cost-saving
measures, and resource management strategies, en-
abling ongoing system enhancements and optimiza-
Cost-effective sustainability solutions: The system
can evaluate and suggest cost-effective sustainability
solutions to Smart Homes, considering factors such
as return on investment, payback period, and long-
term cost savings, while prioritizing sustainability
goals and environmental benefits.
c) From Environment to Home (Infor): UV-Smart En-
vironmental Protection systems could provide the following
information to UV-Smart home systems:
Available Support and Result Feedback
Cost-saving recommendations: The environmental
protection system can provide information on cost-
saving measures related to energy, water, and waste
management, suggesting strategies to reduce ex-
penses while promoting sustainability.
Sustainable product and service options: The system
can offer support by recommending sustainable and
cost-effective products, services, and vendors that
align with the Smart Home’s goals of reducing costs
and enhancing sustainability.
Instructive Guidance
Sustainable lifestyle guidance: The environmental
protection system can provide instructive direction
on adopting sustainable practices that contribute to
cost reduction, such as energy-efficient behaviors,
water conservation techniques, and waste reduction
Financial incentives and rebates: The system can pro-
vide information about available financial incentives,
rebates, and subsidies related to sustainable upgrades
and energy-saving measures, guiding Smart Homes
toward cost-effective investments.
Expected Proactive Reaction
Energy demand management: The environmental
protection system can suggest proactive reactions to
manage energy demand, such as notifying Smart
Homes about peak demand periods, encouraging
load shifting, and providing real-time information to
optimize energy consumption and reduce costs.
Water scarcity response: In case of water scarcity
or increased water costs, the system can proactively
inform Smart Homes about water-saving measures,
efficient irrigation practices, and alternative water
sources to mitigate the impact on cost and promote
Rules & Stipulations
Sustainability regulations and standards: The envi-
ronmental protection system can communicate rele-
vant sustainability regulations and standards to Smart
Homes, ensuring compliance with cost-effective and
sustainable practices, such as building codes, energy
efficiency standards, or waste management regula-
Cost-effective sustainability guidelines: The system
can provide rules and stipulations that promote cost-
effective sustainability, guiding Smart Homes in
making decisions that balance financial considera-
tions with environmental responsibility.
d) From Environment to Home (Reaction): UV-Smart
Home system can utilize information and feedback provided
by the UV-Smart Environmental Protection system to make
improvements in the following ways:
Coordinated Planning
Community energy efficiency initiatives: Based on
information received from the environmental protec-
tion system, the Smart Home system can facilitate
coordinated planning among Smart Homes to imple-
ment community-wide energy efficiencies projects,
such as joint procurement of renewable energy or
collective demand response programs, optimizing
cost savings and sustainability efforts.
Collaborative waste management strategies: The sys-
tem can support coordinated planning among Smart
Homes to develop waste management strategies, in-
cluding recycling programs, composting initiatives,
and collective purchasing of waste reduction ser-
vices, promoting cost-effective and sustainable waste
management practices.
Efficiency Improvement and Safety Assurance
Energy and resource optimization: The Smart Home
system can analyze the information received from
the environmental protection system to identify op-
portunities for efficiency improvement, such as op-
timizing energy usage, reducing water consumption,
and implementing smart technologies that enhance
cost-effectiveness and sustainability.
Safety protocols and guidelines: The system can
integrate safety protocols and guidelines into its
operations, ensuring that efficiency improvements
and sustainability measures are implemented without
compromising the safety and well-being of occu-
Proactive Response
Timely response to energy-saving opportunities:
Based on the information from the environmen-
tal protection system, the Smart Home system can
proactively respond to energy-saving opportunities,
such as adjusting appliance settings, optimizing
heating and cooling schedules, and providing real-
time feedback to occupants to encourage energy-
conscious behaviors that align with cost and sustain-
ability goals.
Education on cost-effective sustainable practices:
The system can deliver educational content and re-
sources to Smart Homes, raising awareness about
cost-effective sustainable practices, promoting be-
havior changes, and providing guidance on making
informed decisions that balance cost considerations
with environmental sustainability.
Education and Law Enforcement
Sustainable financial planning: The Smart Home sys-
tem can offer education and guidance on sustainable
financial planning, helping occupants make informed
decisions regarding energy investments, budgeting
for sustainable upgrades, and accessing financial
incentives and rebates for cost-effective sustainability
Collaboration with law enforcement: The system
can collaborate with law enforcement agencies to
enforce sustainability regulations, ensuring that cost-
effective and sustainable practices are followed, and
taking appropriate action against non-compliance
when necessary, promoting a culture of sustainability
and responsible resource use.
G. Interaction between Smart Home and Smart Humanity
The interaction between the UV-Smart Home system and
the UV-Smart Humanity system establishes a profound con-
nection that emphasizes the well-being and empowerment of
individuals within a technologically advanced society. These
interconnected systems work harmoniously, exchanging in-
formation and responding to each other’s inputs, to foster
a compassionate and inclusive environment where human
needs and aspirations are prioritized. This section explores the
intricate nature of their interaction, highlighting how the Smart
Home system leverages its capabilities to understand and adapt
to the unique requirements of individuals, promoting safety,
comfort, and overall human flourishing. By collaborating with
the Humanity system, the Smart Home system contributes to
the holistic development of individuals and nurtures a society
that values empathy, dignity, and the enhancement of the
human experience.
In the subsections below, we describe the interac-
tion from the following aspects, as summarized in Ta-
1) Proactive & Coordinated Home Infrastructure to Ensure
Safety, Hygiene, and Basic Supply: The relationship between
the UV-Smart Home System and the UV-Smart Humanity
System is vital. Exchanging information effectively would help
in promoting proactive & coordinated home infrastructure to
ensure safety, hygiene, and essential supply. In the following
section, we will delve deeper into what kind of information
should be exchanged and how such information would help
both subsystems to perform better.
In Tables CXXXII and CXXXIII, we discuss the corre-
sponding four perspectives in terms of four sub-objectives: in-
frastructure support, emergency response, providing accessible
and reliable services, and improving resilience and adaptive-
ness. The following writing part below is a summary of the
content of the table.
a) From Home to Humanity (Infor): UV-Smart home
systems could provide the following information to UV-Smart
Humanity systems:
Personal information
Basic personal information of residents and indi-
vidual households should be provided before the
initiation of services from the humanity system.
Residents information (number of residents,
height, weight, age, marital, profession, financial
status, etc.)
Personal beliefs and religion beliefs (some reli-
gious talks about certain belief and faith about
meaning and handling principles for emergencies
like earthquake, flood etc.)
Financial information
Preferences about infrastructure
Special need (vulnerable, elderly, children, dis-
abled residents that need special infrastructure
support for daily life). E.g. For residents with mo-
bility issues, replace traditional stairs with inclines
or ramps to improve accessibility
Collective information
Collective individual households and community in-
formation are crucial for the provision of large-scale
Available resources during emergencies (first aids
kit, food, water, emergency survival backpack,
Available resources (power generator, solar panel
Real time feedback
The experiences of household residents and commu-
nity members benefiting services from the humanity
system, especially the encountered emergency situa-
tions, are crucial for improving subsystem robustness
and resilience.
The incident status report for each family, such
as a short description and pictures regarding the
urgent situation [460].
Service suggestion
The humanity system should proactively collect in-
formation from household residents and community
members on their satisfaction levels and general
suggestions for further improvement.
Feedback about services and support received
b) From Home to Humanity (Reaction): UV-Smart Hu-
manity system can utilize information and feedback provided
by the UV-Smart home system to make improvements in the
following ways:
Enable customizable and adaptive services
Personal information of households enables the
Smart Humanity System to understand specific needs
and provide personalized services, such as better
mental support, health care, and repetition protection,
facilitating adaptive customization and personalized
service delivery.
By better understanding the information and spe-
cial needs from home, the humanity depart-
ments can provide infrastructure-related services
and support with better humanity considera-
tions, and help facilitate possible conflicts with
infrastructure-related departments.
By better understanding the home resident’s infor-
mation, individual home’s information, and their
special needs and adopting the feedback from
home, the humanity department can improve ac-
cessibility and reliability of the services and sup-
port provided to ensure safety, hygiene, and basic
supply of home with humanity’s consideration.
The humanities department can collect informa-
tion about special needs from diversified house-
holds, understand the situations (prediction for
demands) for future planning and resource assign-
ment, and provide governmental assistance.
Situation Understanding & Resource assignment
Collective information gathering on both household
and community levels would enable the overall
comprehension of situations, facilitate more accurate
modeling of unforeseen circumstances, and proac-
tively forecast future developments. This process em-
powers effective planning, optimizes the allocation of
resources, and harnesses government support and aid
in a more efficient manner.
By better understanding the information and spe-
cial needs from home, the humanity department
can assist other departments during emergencies
to provide a home with information, guidance, and
support with better humanity considerations.
·Example: The emergency and severity risk
should respect members such as not alert per-
sonal mistake should not influence the whole
Timely response
Such information can provide timely feedback and
information reports to the humanity system and
improve their capabilities of providing time-critical
With a detailed incident status report from each
family, smart humanity systems may better under-
stand the situations for future planning, assign re-
sources, provide government support, and respond
faster to deal with the situations [460].
System improvement
The humanity system should proactively collect in-
formation from household residents and community
members on their satisfaction levels and general
suggestions for further improvement.
By better understanding the home resident’s infor-
mation, individual homes’ information, and their
special needs and adopting the feedback from
home, the humanity department can improve and
make adaptive changes to the services and support
provided to the home, thus improving resilience
and adaptiveness with humanity consideration.
c) From Humanity to Home (Infor): UV-Smart Humanity
systems could provide the following information to UV-Smart
home systems:
Available Support and result feedback
The humanity system can proactively inform house-
hold residents and community members of the hu-
manity system’s corresponding available services,
accessible support, and other obtainable resources
and provide in-time follow-up inquiries or feedback
for certain services.
General Services and support information
·Provision for one-on-one agent assistance
Plans and suggestions for needed help
Instructive guidance
The humanity system has the obligation to provide
detailed instructions and guidance for its available
Qualification, information, and availability of fi-
nancial, material, and physical help from institu-
tions (pension, shelters, etc.)
Expected proactive reaction
The humanity system should proactively inform
household residents and community members on
how both parties can benefit from cooperatively
participating in improving subsystem efficiency and
optimizing the overall subsystem performance.
Information, knowledge, education, and guidance
for individuals’ homes during emergencies
Emergency psychological help resources
Rules & Stipulation
It is imperative for the humanity system to inform
household residents and community members of
their basic responsibilities, certain regulations, and
legal liabilities before they enroll in the provided
d) From Humanity to Home (Reaction): UV-Smart Home
system can utilize information and feedback provided by the
UV-Smart Humanity system to make improvements in the
following ways:
Coordinated planning
Available Support and result feedback would enable
household residents and community members to
make informed decisions and coordinated planning.
With information, services, and support provided
by the humanities department, home can improve
on infrastructure-related issues, and establish a
sense of belonging; while homeless people and
other types of vulnerable groups can be better
supported financially or physically, for example,
places to live, home infrastructures (air condi-
tioner, heater, etc.) for better living.
Efficiency improvement and Safety assurance
Instructive guidance can improve service usage ef-
ficiency and operation safety, greatly reducing the
possibility of device damage and preventing waste.
By receiving and adopting information, education,
guidance, and support related to infrastructure
support from the humanity department, homes
can receive improved accessible and reliable in-
frastructure services and support with improved
humanity’s consideration.
Proactive response
Proactive communication between the humanity sys-
tem and household residents and community mem-
bers can promote collaboration between subsystems.
Moreover, viewing individual households and larger
communities as integral components of the humanity
system could foster a more holistic decision-making
process and enhance collective productivity.
With information, services, knowledge, education,
guidance, and support provided by the humanities
department, home can improve confidence for
emergencies; while homeless people and other
types of vulnerable groups can be better sup-
ported financially, materialistically, and physically
for emergencies, for example, food supply during
pandemics, shelters during natural disasters, etc.
Education and Law enforcement
Such precautionary information from the humanity
system would greatly help household residents and
community members understand their rights and
obligations, regulate irresponsible behaviors, prevent
potential conflicts, and promote sustainable collabo-
2) Proactive & Coordinated Family Support to Ensure
Human Safety, Health & Well-being, Identity & Value: The
relationship between the UV-Intelligent Transportation System
and the UV-Smart Humanity System is vital. Exchanging
information effectively would help in promoting proactive &
coordinated family support to ensure human safety, health
& well-being, identity & value. In the following section,
we will delve deeper into what kind of information should
be exchanged and how such information would help both
subsystems to perform better.
In Tables CXXXIV and CXXXV, we discuss the corre-
sponding four perspectives in terms of four sub-objectives:
individual Life& Well-being (physical, mental and social,
reduce workload& improve efficiency, risk management& vul-
nerability protection, and improve resilience& adaptiveness.
The following writing part below is a summary of the content
of the table.
a) From Home to Humanity (Infor): UV-Smart home
systems could provide the following information to UV-Smart
Humanity systems:
Personal information
Basic personal information of residents and indi-
vidual households should be provided before the
initiation of services from the humanity system.
Family’s life quality and health status, such as
but not limited to activity patterns, sleep quality,
nutrition, and stress levels.
The mental and humanity needs of every family,
especially the vulnerable group.
Connected caregiving systems such as but not
limited to remote monitoring systems and video
communication devices, which are critical for
connected caregiving systems.
Collective information
Collective individual households and community in-
formation are crucial for the provision of large-scale
Home communication condition.
Community-level technology conditions, for ex-
ample mobile service signal strength and internet
service infrastructure.
Real time feedback
The experiences of household residents and commu-
nity members benefiting services from the humanity
system, especially the encountered emergency situa-
tions, are crucial for improving subsystem robustness
and resilience.
Early warnings about potential health issues
Accidents or medical emergencies
Service suggestion
The smart humanity system should proactively col-
lect information from household residents and com-
munity members on their satisfaction levels and
general suggestions for further improvement.
Feedback from the elderly and other vulnerable
groups about the health care experience
b) From Home to Humanity (Reaction): UV-Smart Hu-
manity system can utilize information and feedback provided
by the UV-Smart home system to make improvements in the
following ways:
Enable customizable and adaptive services
Personal information of households enables the
Smart Humanity System to understand the social
need and provide personalized services, such as
better mental support, health care, and repetition
protection, facilitating adaptive customization and
personalized service delivery.
Family’s life and quality and health status, and the
mental need for members and vulnerable groups
help humanity provide better-customized service.
Collect and analyze data about home’s various
systems and patterns
Provide personalized plans, including exercise
routines, diet suggestions, and stress reduction
techniques, to meet everyone’s specific needs
Situation Understanding & Resource assignment
Collective information gathering on both household
and community levels would enable the overall
comprehension of situations, facilitate more accurate
modeling of unforeseen circumstances, and proac-
tively forecast future developments. This process em-
powers effective planning, optimizes the allocation of
resources, and harnesses government support and aid
in a more efficient manner.
Assist family-in-need with customizable and
adaptive services to ensure proactive and coordi-
nated family support for human safety, health &
well-being, identity & value.
Assessing the home’s communication condition
allows the humanity system to optimize its service
delivery mechanisms, thus ensuring efficient and
effective service provision
Timely response
Such information can provide timely feedback and
information reports to the humanity system and
improve their capabilities of providing time-critical
The feedback from early warnings about potential
health issues strengthens the system’s ability to
detect and respond to health threats promptly
The feedback from residents’ experiences with
accidents or medical emergencies can improve the
effectiveness of emergency response times, coor-
dination with medical professionals, availability of
life-saving equipment, and communication during
critical situations
System improvement
The Smart Humanity System should proactively
collect information from household residents and
community members on their satisfaction levels and
general suggestions for further improvement.
Support public-private initiatives to improve tech-
nology infrastructure for homes and communities.
Proactively collecting feedback from the elderly
and other vulnerable groups about their health care
experiences can provide valuable insights into the
quality and accessibility of health services
c) From Humanity to Home (Infor): UV-Smart Humanity
systems could provide the following information to UV-Smart
home systems:
Available Support and result feedback
The humanity system can proactively inform house-
hold residents and community members of the hu-
manity system’s corresponding available services,
accessible support, and other obtainable resources
and provide in-time follow-up inquiries or feedback
for certain services.
Public outreach program on available family ser-
vices to help family members to support each
The humanity system can provide resources to
cater to the mental health and special needs of
residents, especially those belonging to vulnerable
By facilitating the use of connected caregiving
systems, such as remote monitoring systems and
video communication devices, the humanity sys-
tem can ensure a higher level of care and support
for the residents.
Instructive guidance
The humanity system has the obligation to provide
detailed instructions and guidance for its available
Develop transparent data usage policies for user
consent and control to ensure privacy
Set activities of the humanity system to improve
Educational materials for available technical ser-
Expected proactive reaction
The humanity system should proactively inform
household residents and community members on
how both parties can benefit from cooperatively
participating in improving subsystem efficiency and
optimizing the overall subsystem performance.
The humanity system can proactively inform
household residents about the importance of build-
ing consensus within families to address con-
flicts, improve communication, and enhance over-
all family dynamics.
The humanity system can proactively inform
household residents and community members
about the best emergency health care systems
available to them.
Rules & Stipulation
It is imperative for the humanity system to inform
household residents and community members of
their basic responsibilities, certain regulations, and
legal liabilities before they enroll in the provided
The humanity system can outline ethical and legal
regulations to help individuals abide by societal
norms and laws.
The humanity system can provide comprehen-
sive information about people’s human rights
and responsibilities, thereby ensuring residents are
aware of their entitlements and duties.
The humanity system can keep residents informed
about the frequency and quantity of discriminatory
actions, fostering an environment of equality and
d) From Humanity to Home (Reaction): UV-Smart Home
system can utilize information and feedback provided by the
UV-Smart Humanity system to make improvements in the
following ways:
Coordinated planning
Conduct stress tests of potential vulnerability under
out-of-control conditions, and develop a practical
action plan to improve resilience by minimizing
potential fallouts.
Available Support and result feedback would enable
household residents and community members to
make informed decisions and coordinated planning.
The humanity system’s information about health
care and caregiving systems can help homes make
informed decisions.
Efficiency improvement and Safety assurance
Optimize the action plan and ensure the plan safety and
Instructive guidance can improve service usage ef-
ficiency and operation safety, greatly reducing the
possibility of device damage and preventing waste.
Utilize available services to reduce workload and
improve efficiency.
Proactive response
Secure necessary resources to carry out the plan when
Proactive communication between the humanity sys-
tem and household residents and community mem-
bers can promote collaboration between subsystems.
Moreover, viewing individual households and larger
communities as integral components of the humanity
system could foster a more holistic decision-making
process and enhance collective productivity.
Make family services available to aid family mem-
bers in need.
Utilizing information on discriminatory practices
allows the humanity system to foster consen-
sus and acknowledgment among diverse groups
within the home.
Education and Law enforcement
Follow all relevant rules, regulations, and laws when
executing the plan
Such precautionary information from the humanity
system would greatly help household residents and
community members understand their rights and
obligations, regulate irresponsible behaviors, prevent
potential conflicts, and promote sustainable collabo-
People’s human rights and responsibilities make
the smart humanity system better regulate mem-
ber’s actions
Ethical and law could help smart humanity system
better regulate members’ action
3) Top-down & Bottom-up Coordination: Proactive Inter-
action with Society: The relationship between the UV-Smart
Home System and the UV-Smart Humanity System is vital.
Exchanging information effectively would help in promoting
Top-down & bottom-up coordination: proactive interaction
with society. In the following section, we will delve deeper into
what kind of information should be exchanged and how such
information would help both subsystems to perform better.
In Tables LXXIV, LXXV and LXXVI, we discuss the cor-
responding four perspectives in terms of four sub-objectives:
understanding basic needs and urgent Situations, coordinated
planning, shared responsibility, and collective support and
information connectivity. The following writing part below is
a summary of the content of the table.
a) From Home to Humanity (Infor): UV-Smart home
systems could provide the following information to UV-Smart
Humanity systems:
Personal information
Personal-level physiological, health including men-
tal, and spiritual needs in short and long terms
for each household member, especially seniors and
members with disabilities.
Willing-to-be-shared personal-level information cho-
sen by each individual, and personal choice of a par-
ticular communication channel for the to-be-shared
Basic personal information of residents and indi-
vidual households should be provided before the
initiation of services from the humanity system.
mental and spiritual needs of family members
existing security measures
family’s responsibility and right
Collective information
Community-level physiological, health including
mental, and spiritual needs in short and long terms.
Willing-to-be-shared community-level information
chosen by each community, and community choice
of a particular communication channel for the to-be-
shared information.
community-level aggregate information on seniors,
disabled, and minority groups.
Collective individual households and community in-
formation are crucial for the provision of large-scale
Real time feedback
Reliable and secure communication channels for
willing-to-be-shared information during an emer-
gency event.
The experiences of household residents and commu-
nity members benefiting services from the humanity
system, especially the encountered emergency situa-
tions, are crucial for improving subsystem robustness
and resilience.
Information that helps to identify the vulnerable
groups for any specific disasters or challenges.
Service suggestion
Up-to-date information security measures and con-
temporary secure communication channels for emer-
The humanity system should proactively collect in-
formation from household residents and community
members on their satisfaction levels and general
suggestions for further improvement.
Feedback on equal opportunities for employment,
education, and access to public services.
Feedback on privacy protection.
b) From Home to Humanity (Reaction): UV-Smart Hu-
manity system can utilize information and feedback provided
by the UV-Smart home system to make improvements in the
following ways:
Enable customizable and adaptive services
Offer affordable services to meet the physiological,
mental, and spiritual needs of all residents.
Provide humanity emergency services when needed.
Advocate collective community efforts to support
families in need.
Follow best practices to safeguard received infor-
mation and update all residents on all available
communication channels.
Personal information of households enables the smart
humanity system to understand the social need and
provide personalized services, such as better men-
tal support, health care, and repetition protection,
facilitating adaptive customization and personalized
service delivery.
Better understanding the mental and spiritual
needs of families can allow the smart humanity
system to provide optimized and personalized
Better understanding a family’s perception of their
rights and responsibilities can allow the smart
humanity system to design effective rules and
refine regulations.
Situation Understanding & Resource assignment
Survey, analyze, and predict physiological, health
including mental, and spiritual needs of all residents,
with a focus on minority groups.
The mental and spiritual needs make humanity pro-
vide better service. Assure all residents of the safety
of their shared information and their communication
channels and allocate necessary resources to main-
tain such safety.
Collective information gathering on both household
and community levels would enable the overall
comprehension of situations, facilitate more accurate
modeling of unforeseen circumstances, and proac-
tively forecast future developments. This process em-
powers effective planning, optimizes the allocation of
resources, and harnesses government support and aid
in a more efficient manner.
Timely response
Provide humanity emergency services when needed.
Establish secure communication channels when
needed, especially after an emergency occurs
Such information can provide timely feedback and
information reports to the humanity system and
improve their capabilities of providing time-critical
Information about the home can help the humanity
system identify vulnerable groups prone to spe-
cific disasters or challenges.
System improvement
Advertise rules, regulations and laws to protect social
justice. If needed, involve willing participants to
develop new rules, regulations, and laws in the long
Clarify specific rules and regulations for using public
services for food, health, and senior citizens.
Push for families with economic strength to take
up their shared responsibility for supporting family
members in need.
Seek feedback and take necessary actions to alleviate
the safety concern of the shared information and
corresponding channels.
The Smart Humanity System should proactively
collect information from household residents and
community members on their satisfaction levels and
general suggestions for further improvement.
Information collected can help shape regula-
tions that address discrimination and prejudice in
various contexts, such as housing, employment,
healthcare, and public spaces.
The smart humanity system can use feedback to
establish regulations that safeguard the privacy
and autonomy of individuals.
c) From Humanity to Home (Infor): UV-Smart Humanity
systems could provide the following information to UV-Smart
home systems:
Available Support and result feedback
Public outreach programs on social and health ser-
vices, mental services, and senior services.
Assurance of emergency services when needed.
Public announcement on all secure communication
channels and security measures for shared informa-
tion from residents and community members.
The smart humanity system can proactively inform
household residents and community members of the
humanity system’s corresponding available services,
accessible support, and other obtainable resources
and provide in-time follow-up inquiries or feedback
for certain services
Personal and social credit system
Societal mental and spiritual needs
Instructive guidance
Public outreach programs on affordable social and
health services for physiological, health including
mental, and spiritual needs.
Educational materials and necessary tools for fami-
lies with economic strength regarding their shared
responsibility and support for family members in
Clear instruction and guidance on how shared infor-
mation is to be treated and used, and how safe the
communication channels are.
The humanity system has the obligation to provide
detailed instructions and guidance for its available
Expected proactive reaction
Public meetings for willing participants on how to
enhance current social and health services, mental
services, and senior services in the near term and to
plan future services.
Expected willingness to share information through
pre-select communication channels.
The smart humanity system should proactively in-
form household residents and community members
on how both parties can benefit from cooperatively
participating in improving subsystem efficiency and
optimizing the overall subsystem performance.
The smart humanity system can proactively gather
feedback from household residents and commu-
nity members to understand their preferences,
interests, and needs.
Rules & Stipulation
Existing social ethical rules, regulations, and laws.
Specific rules and regulations for using public so-
cial and health services, mental health services, and
senior services.
Educational materials for basic responsibilities, reg-
ulations and legal liabilities on shared information
and communication channels.
It is imperative for the smart humanity system to
inform household residents and community members
of their basic responsibilities, certain regulations, and
legal liabilities before they enroll in the provided
Knowledge about societal ethical rules and regula-
tions provided by the humanity system can guide
homes in promoting responsible and respectful
By disseminating information on individuals’
rights and responsibilities in society, the humanity
system can assist homes in reinforcing these prin-
ciples among their members, encouraging active,
responsible participation in social life.
d) From Humanity to Home (Reaction): UV-Smart Home
system can utilize information and feedback provided by the
UV-Smart Humanity system to make improvements in the
following ways:
Coordinated planning
Share personal-level and community-level needs es-
pecially under pressing situations.
Make informed decisions on what information to
share and which communication channel to use for
which piece of information.
Available Support and result feedback would enable
household residents and community members to
make informed decisions and coordinated planning.
With the personal and social credit system, indi-
viduals can access their credit scores and reports,
which provide insights into their financial history,
repayment patterns, and overall creditworthiness.
The system’s result feedback allows individuals to
understand how their actions impact their credit
scores and reputation within the community.
The humanity system’s information about societal
mental and spiritual needs can help homes better
understand the psychological well-being of their
members, and create a supportive environment.
Efficiency improvement and Safety assurance
Participate and provide feedback to planning meet-
ings for future social and health services, mental
services, and senior services.
Improve the efficiency of communicating shared
information while maintaining secure transmission.
Instructive guidance can improve service usage ef-
ficiency and operation safety, greatly reducing the
possibility of device damage and preventing waste.
Proactive response
Overcome the fear mentally and seek immediate
humanity help under clamorous conditions from
friends, community, or society.
Accept and take up the responsibility for caring be
family members or community members in need if a
resident (residents) has (have) the economic means.
Involve all willing participants to address concerns
on shared information and communication channels
and develop an action plan for future implementa-
Proactive communication between the humanity sys-
tem and household residents and community mem-
bers can promote collaboration between subsystems.
Moreover, viewing individual households and larger
communities as integral components of the humanity
system could foster a more holistic decision-making
process and enhance collective productivity.
The smart humanity system could use household
information to tailor the delivery of services and
advertisement campaigns to suit the specific re-
quirements of individual homes and larger com-
Education and Law enforcement
Employi ethical rules and regulations to make the
humanity system a flexible service.
Follow existing social ethical rules, regulations, and
laws on transmitting the information.
Follow rules, regulations, and laws when using pub-
lic social and health services, mental health services,
and senior services
Such precautionary information from the smart hu-
manity system would greatly help household res-
idents and community members understand their
rights and obligations, regulate irresponsible behav-
iors, prevent potential conflicts, and promote sustain-
able collaboration.
The ethical rules and regulation could make hu-
manity system provide flexible service
Social need and responsibility help home member
better follow social rules
4) Humanity & Ethical Consideration: The relationship
between the UV-Smart Home System and the UV-Smart
Humanity System is vital. Exchanging information effectively
would help in promoting humanity & ethics. In the following
section, we will delve deeper into what kind of information
should be exchanged and how such information would help
both subsystems to perform better.
In Tables CXXXIX, CXL, and CXLI, we discuss the cor-
responding four perspectives in terms of five sub-objectives:
equality and Inclusiveness, respect & Sharing, happiness &
mental support, support and Protection, and cultural Preser-
vation and Promotion. The following writing part below is a
summary of the content of the table.
a) From Home to Humanity (Infor): UV-Smart home
systems could provide the following information to UV-Smart
Humanity systems:
Personal information
Personal-level lifestyles, personal living conditions,
confidential medical records.
Personal heritage and cultural background.
Basic personal information of residents and indi-
vidual households should be provided before the
initiation of services from the humanity system.
Family member’s feeling of happiness and mental
Cultural diversity
Special needs, including both mental and physical,
requested by different racial groups
Information regarding the children’s educational
situation during on-going COVID-19 [461] [462].
Collective information
Community-level aggregate information of lifestyles,
aggregate information of living conditions, general
health characteristics.
Community-level demographic information.
Community-level cultural diversity and mental
Collective individual households and community in-
formation are crucial for the provision of large-scale
Information about expected services and support
that help seniors and other vulnerable groups to
fulfill the self-actualization of staying at home.
Information about the health status of vulnerable
groups. For instance, remote management helps
parents monitor their children’s health, education,
and general organization of daily routines [463].
Voice training data (slurred speech, dialect) from
Volunteers that can help create a dialect database
for smart dialect recognition system and improve
the inclusiveness for future intelligence interaction
for public service and smart appliances [464].
Real time feedback
Attitudes toward authorities when an emergency oc-
The experiences of household residents and commu-
nity members benefiting services from the humanity
system, especially the encountered emergency situa-
tions, are crucial for improving subsystem robustness
and resilience.
Some services are biased against vulnerable
groups like the elderly. For instance, during the
pandemic, the elderly may face emergencies due
to difficulties in using QR codes or online shop-
ping. If there were one-to-one, real-time humani-
tarian services available, it could provide signifi-
cant help.
Service suggestion
Non-traditional service requests
Public outreach programs on the diversity of
lifestyles and living habits for residents with different
cultural backgrounds.
The humanity system should proactively collect in-
formation from household residents and community
members on their satisfaction levels and general
suggestions for further improvement.
Information about the possible measures on how
to protect the user’s privacy and promote auton-
omy to provide their own information.
Feedback received from users of human-
interactive robots, which are used for
psychological enrichment [465].
b) From Home to Humanity (Reaction): UV-Smart Hu-
manity system can utilize information and feedback provided
by the UV-Smart home system to make improvements in the
following ways:
Enable customizable and adaptive services
Develop equal and inclusive personalized services to
meet individual needs regardless of their ages, races,
ethnicities, or socioeconomic factors.
Personal information of households enables the smart
humanity system to understand the social need and
provide personalized services, such as better men-
tal support, health care, and repetition protection,
facilitating adaptive customization and personalized
service delivery.
Situation Understanding & Resource assignment
Understand situations without any unconscious bias
so that necessary resources can be allocated to ad-
dress the situations. For example, abnormal treat-
ments for wealthy neighborhoods after natural dis-
Appreciate cultural heritage of all residents.
Collective information gathering on both household
and community levels would enable the overall
comprehension of situations, facilitate more accurate
modeling of unforeseen circumstances, and proac-
tively forecast future developments. This process em-
powers effective planning, optimizes the allocation of
resources, and harnesses government support and aid
in a more efficient manner.
Connect with the community to search for ap-
propriate job opportunities and match them with
the seniors’ preferences to work and help elderly
people who are in search of self-determination
after a change (retirement, transition to a new job
due to health conditions, etc.) [466].
Dialects and other voice data provided by users
improve the inclusiveness for future intelligence
voice recognition for public service and smart
appliances [464].
Timely response
Provide timely responses to address either personal
or community concerns regardless of their ages,
races, ethnicities, or socioeconomic factors.
Such information can provide timely feedback and
information reports to the humanity system and
improve their capabilities of providing time-critical
Receiving real-time requests for help from the
elderly, the humanity system can assist them more
quickly and effectively to extricate them from
System improvement
Anticipate and be open to non-traditional service
requests if needed.
Mental needs help the humanity system provide
better mental support and repetitive protection.
Understand and develop plans to promote the cultural
Understand and develop plans to meet the mental
needs of all residents
The humanity system should proactively collect in-
formation from household residents and community
members on their satisfaction levels and general
suggestions for further improvement.
Decide the final regulation based on the prefer-
ences on the privacy of the users
Collect and analyze the feedback from users of
human-interactive robots and propose the im-
provements based on surveys about user satisfac-
tion levels
c) From Humanity to Home (Infor): UV-Smart Humanity
systems could provide the following information to UV-Smart
home systems:
Available Support and result feedback
Public outreach programs designed with an emphasis
on equality and inclusiveness, and the programs
modified with the feedback from the target audience.
Public outreach programs for the seniors regarding
their health, volunteer and job opportunities, and
household services.
Public outreach programs to promote cultural her-
itage and diversity for all residents.
Affordable social and health services for minority
The humanity system can proactively inform house-
hold residents and community members of the hu-
manity system’s corresponding available services,
accessible support, and other obtainable resources
and provide in-time follow-up inquiries or feedback
for certain services.
Health care and mental support
Aid information
Job opportunities for the seniors
Instructive guidance
Instructions and guidance designed with an emphasis
on equality and inclusiveness. For example, educa-
tional materials are in the language spoken by the
target audience and are respectful of the cultural
background of the target audience.
The humanity system has the obligation to provide
detailed instructions and guidance for its available
Advice and recommendations on supporting chil-
dren, addressing their unique requirements, partic-
ularly in urgent scenarios like pandemics.
Expected proactive reaction
Anticipation of win-win benefits of expected be-
havior without the consideration of socioeconomic
The smart humanity system should proactively in-
form household residents and community members
on how both parties can benefit from cooperatively
participating in improving subsystem efficiency and
optimizing the overall subsystem performance.
Encouragement from other families and commu-
nities, which is essential for home education of
children with autism, helps families cope well
with the educational situation during the ongoing
COVID-19 pandemic
Rules & Stipulation
Educational materials for basic responsibilities, regu-
lations, and legal liabilities designed with the aware-
ness of equality and inclusiveness.
Rules, regulations, and laws to protect socially dis-
advantaged individuals groups.
It is imperative for the humanity system to inform
household residents and community members of
their basic responsibilities, certain regulations, and
legal liabilities before they enroll in the provided
The culture and religion in the area, and the vary-
ing psychological and reception needs of diverse
racial and group individuals.
Social & ethical regulations and rules
Any relevant information disseminated to local
communities, such as declarations, rules, or details
pertaining to sexual offenders.
d) From Humanity to Home (Reaction): UV-Smart Home
system can utilize information and feedback provided by the
UV-Smart Humanity system to make improvements in the
following ways:
Coordinated planning
Make informed decisions and coordinated planning
without any prejudice at either the personal or com-
munity level.
Preserve cultural heritage and cultural diversity.
Manage and improve relationships among all resi-
dents under the context of the culture and religion in
the area, especially during conflicts.
Available Support and result feedback would enable
household residents and community members to
make informed decisions and coordinated planning.
The humanity system can provide residents with
information about customized mental care and
health care services, emergency rescue services,
and employment opportunities, helping residents
make better decisions.
Efficiency improvement and Safety assurance
Obtain the safety of all residents regardless of their
ages, races, ethnicities, or socioeconomic factors.
Instructive guidance can improve service usage ef-
ficiency and operation safety, greatly reducing the
possibility of device damage and preventing waste.
The humanity system provides specific resources
to families with children, assisting them in over-
coming challenges together, such as pandemics.
Proactive response
Involve all willing participants equally in the
decision-making process and become part of the
Appreciate lifestyles and living habits from different
cultural backgrounds.
Contribute life experience and wisdom to society.
Proactive communication between the humanity sys-
tem and household residents and community mem-
bers can promote collaboration between subsystems.
Moreover, viewing individual households and larger
communities as integral components of the humanity
system could foster a more holistic decision-making
process and enhance collective productivity.
Proactive communication help families and com-
munities to assist their children to better adapt to
the education situation during the pandemic
Education and Law enforcement
Understand and follow rules and laws regardless
of their ages, races, ethnicities, or socioeconomic
Such precautionary information from the humanity
system would greatly help household residents and
community members understand their rights and
obligations, regulate irresponsible behaviors, prevent
potential conflicts, and promote sustainable collabo-
Ethical regulations facilitate a deeper understand-
ing within homes, aiding in preventing offensive
The understanding of the societal spiritual and
psychological needs assists homes in blending into
social cultures with minimal conflicts, promoting
better anti-discrimination measures and reception.
Familiarity with the local culture and religion can
foster better relationships among members.
5) Cost & Sustainability: The interplay between the UV-
Smart Home System and the UV-Smart Humanity System is
essential for promoting cost-effectiveness and sustainability.
Effective information exchange between these subsystems can
greatly enhance their performance. In the upcoming section,
we will explore the types of information that should be
exchanged and discuss how such information can contribute
to the improved functioning of both subsystems.
In Tables CXLII and CXLIII, we discuss the corresponding
four perspectives in terms of three sub-objectives: maintenance
and cost, resource management and material cycle, environ-
mental protection & sustainability. The following writing part
below is a summary of the content of the table.
a) From Home to Humanity (Infor): UV-Smart home
systems could provide the following information to UV-Smart
Humanity systems:
Personal information:
Personal-level annual household expenditure on
goods and services, and the percentage of the expen-
diture being related to sustainability. In other words,
how “green” the expenditure is.
Household waste and recycle contents and quantities
at personal-level.
Personal-level energy consumption and water usage.
Quantities and types of plants inside and outside
Levels of air, water, lighting, and noise pollution
inside and outside homes.
Collective information:
Community-level aggregate annual expenditure on
goods and services, and the percentage of the expen-
diture being related to sustainability. In other words,
how “green” the expenditure is.
Household waste and recycle contents and quantities
at the community level.
Community-level energy consumption and water us-
Quantities and types of plants in the neighborhoods.
Levels of air, water, lighting, and noise pollution in
the neighborhoods.
Real time feedback:
Emergency funds including pre-disaster preparation
and post-disaster recovery at personal-level and com-
munity levels.
Service suggestion:
Expected price on goods and services to support sus-
tainability and humanity causes locally or globally.
For example, the price for using renewable energy
vs non-renewable energy.
b) From Home to Humanity (Reaction): UV-Smart Hu-
manity system can utilize information and feedback provided
by the UV-Smart home system to make improvements in the
following ways:
Enable customizable and adaptive services:
Support the efforts of all residents to adopt advanced
technology to reduce energy consumption and waste
while improving their standard of living.
Develop and execute a plan to minimize the landfill
and maximize recycled materials.
Situation Understanding & Resource assignment:
Recognize persona-level and community-level de-
sires for a high standard of living regardless of
their ages, races, ethnicity, or socioeconomic factors
and appropriate necessary resources to support such
Evaluate the happiness at the home level and com-
munity level with the quantities and types of plants.
Timely response:
Contribute to pre- and post-disaster efforts at both
personal and community levels, and if needed, lead
the post-disaster recovery efforts.
Estimate the pollution types and corresponding levels
and share the results with all residents.
System improvement:
Collect and act on the feedback from all residents on
supporting sustainability and humanity causes locally
or globally with advanced technology.
Encourage all residents to adopt renewable materials
as much as possible.
Advocate proved methods to cut down energy con-
sumption and water usage, and if possible, push for
renewable energy.
c) From Humanity to Home (Infor): UV-Smart Humanity
systems could provide the following information to UV-Smart
home systems:
Available Support and result feedback:
Transparent expenditure for the goods and services
available for Smart Homes and their community, and
the expenditure modified with the target customers.
Education materials available for how various types
of environmental and household pollution affect gen-
eral health in the short and long terms.
Instructive guidance:
Clear instruction and guidance on how to obtain the
goods and services and their corresponding individ-
ual costs.
Chemical contents of household products.
Education materials on renewable materials and en-
Expected proactive reaction:
Feasible plan to encourage willing participants to
invest and participate in sustainability projects.
Rules & Stipulation:
General information for basic responsibilities, reg-
ulations, and legal liabilities when using the goods
and services for Smart Homes. For example, building
permits are needed for certain home improvement
d) From Humanity to Home (Reaction): UV-Smart Home
system can utilize information and feedback provided by the
UV-Smart Humanity system to make improvements in the
following ways:
Coordinated planning
Make informed decisions and take corresponding
actions with available expenditure information for
the goods and services to improve the standard of
Be aware of the chemical contents of production to
reduce allergy and health problems at home.
Prepare homes and communities to avoid and mini-
mize pollution.
Efficiency improvement and Safety assurance
Optimize the expenditure for Smart Homes while
reducing waste and saving energy consumption.
Adopt renewable materials and use renewable energy
if possible.
Proactive response
Participate in the discussion on sustainability while
maintaining the standard of living.
Adopt a convenient and vulnerable group-friendly
recycling system.
Adopt environmentally-friendly materials and renew-
able energy as much as possible.
Education and Law enforcement
Understand the regulations and laws related to home
improvement, especially on projects related to sus-
Objective Sub-
Mutual Interaction
gories Fr. SmartHome to Healthcare Fr. Healthcare to SmartHome
ture to
Home infrastructure that can affect
residents’ health status (e.g. air con-
dition, water quality, the material
Home residents’ information (that
can affect infrastructure needed)
Pets information
Residents medical history
Home space and layout
Slopes for residents with special
needs [459]
Suggestions for use, maintenance,
and updates for home infrastruc-
Services and support information
Improve the healthcare system’s ef-
ficiency and make accurate medical
By understanding home infrastruc-
ture and residents’ information, the
healthcare department can provide
appropriate suggestions and support
With information and suggestions
received from the healthcare de-
partment, homes can improve on
use and make selections for home
Personal health information
Identification (name, birthday,
Medical history
Current health status (Heart
rate, Bloody pressure, facial
information, skin information,
Emergency Situation description
(injury, environment, available re-
sources, etc.)
Home available resources during
emergencies (doctors lived together
or neighbor, First Aid kit, medical
equipment, etc.)
Financial information and budget
Information and guidance for the
emergency situation handling
Time of arrival for emergency
Cost information
Emergency handling options
(surgery, hospital options, etc.)
Availability and cost for different
resources and services in the hos-
Self-guidance under different sit-
First aid service map
Equipment use direction
Disease prediction
By understanding the information
from home, the healthcare depart-
ment can give timely instruction
for emergency handling and provide
appropriate support
By following guidance and utiliz-
ing information provided by the
health department, homes can im-
prove the preparation and han-
dling of emergency situations
Objective Sub-
Mutual Interaction
gories Fr. SmartHome to Healthcare Fr. Healthcare to SmartHome
ture to
Personal health information
Medical history
Current health information
(concerns, sickness, etc.)
Home available resources
(medicines, health products,
vitamins, etc.)
Financial information and budget
Information and guidance for res-
idents’ questions and concerns
Suggestions and guidance for
medicine use and doctor visit
Cost for services and support pro-
Healthcare insurance information
By understanding the home resi-
dents’ situations and home informa-
tion, the health department can pro-
vide appropriate, coordinated ser-
vices and support
With information, suggestions,
and guidance provided by the
health department, home resi-
dents can have access to afford-
able, personalized, and appropri-
ate treatment and immediate sup-
Objective Sub-
Mutual Interaction
gories Fr. SmartHome to Healthcare Fr. Healthcare to SmartHome
& coor-
to ensure
and Basic
Personal health information
Medical history
Current health status
Personal preferences (medicine,
communication, etc.)
Home available resources
(medicines, health products,
vitamins, etc.)
Financial information and budget
Feedback on services and support
Improvements for feedback re-
ceived from home
Information and guidance for res-
idents’ questions and concerns
Suggestions and guidance for
medicine use and doctor visit
Cost for services and support pro-
Healthcare insurance information
By understanding information
and adopting feedback provided
by homes, the health department
can improve services and support
resilience and adaptiveness
By receiving information, sug-
gestion guidance, and services,
support from the healthcare de-
partment, homes can improve on
health-related issues
Objective Sub-
Mutual Interaction
gories Fr. SmartHome to Healthcare Fr. Healthcare to SmartHome
port to
tity &
Life &
Provides a comfortable living environ-
ment for the residents. Some of the
aspects include space, air quality, water
quality, brightness, and sound
Ensures the mental well-being of all
residents by upholding family atmo-
spheres, relationships between family
members, and the mental health of each
Improves the overall health status of
all residents. For example, an intelli-
gent ubiquitous activity-aware frame-
work will be able to assist senior res-
idents to complete activities of daily
living and help them achieve indepen-
dent living while independent living will
improve senior residents’ physical and
mental health [467] [468]
Availability of medical re-
sources, such as local hospi-
tal, Medical Bed, Medicine,
Ambulance, etc
Other social resources
(caregivers, etc.)
Medical record
Social Need
The living environment, food nutri-
tion, family atmosphere, and relation-
ship could help the healthcare system
provide better treatment and lifestyle
recommendations for patients and im-
prove the efficiency of medical re-
Based on the information for different
families, healthcare can provide proper
medical arrangements and medical re-
sources for these families, and thus op-
timize assignments of medical resources
and reduce waste
The information on hospital
resources and medicine helps
family members make better
decisions on their treatment
plans and receive timely and
personalized support
Improve timely and person-
alized support for vulnerable
Personalized instructions
from medical institutes
help vulnerable groups
to receive more timely
and effective support
Objective Sub-
Mutual Interaction
Fr. SmartHome to
Healthcare Fr. Healthcare to SmartHome
port to
tity &
load &
Family member’s health
Caregivers’ ability &
Clear explanation & instruction for care-
givers and patients
Doctor availability
Hospital and pharmacy distribution
Medical cost
Clear explanation & instruction for care-
givers and patients
Doctor schedule
Effective data collection
and better disease man-
agement and prediction
for hospital
Improved time manage-
ment for caregiver
Reduced cost
Make the public get con-
venient and closest medi-
cal care
Better coordination between hospital and
Clear explanations and instructions for
caregivers and patients will help family
members and caregivers take care of family
members and give specific treatment
Doctor schedule will help home make
schedules and medical plans more wisely
Family members’ health status offers the
healthcare system more databases, hence
making the system more flexible
& Vul-
The sensor of infrastruc-
Bad habit of patients
The probability of risk
The severity of possible lost
The sensor of infrastruc-
ture for special conditions
will help healthcare sys-
tems to make better plans
and flexible adjust
The bad habit from home
can make healthcare sys-
tems give more specific
suggestions and under-
stand the reason for dis-
eases to give personalize
The probability of risk will make Smart
Homes make necessary preparation for
high-risk events and special treatment such
as giving vulnerable groups and patients
with stroke and heart attack appropriate
The severity of possible loss will make
Smart Homes have better planning, espe-
cially on insurance and financial cost to
make a better decision
Objective Sub-
Mutual Interaction
Fr. SmartHome to
Healthcare Fr. Healthcare to SmartHome
port to
tity &
Possible challenges or un-
expected situations for
different homes
The information on the
internet availability ac-
The information on basic
Personal information
(lifestyle, habits, health
status, etc.)
Education of Medical Knowledge
Training of caregivers to prepare for differ-
ent special situations
The unexpected situations
for different homes such
as fire could help the
healthcare system com-
plete the emergency plan
in different situations
Information of internet,
electricity, and basic in-
frastructure could help the
healthcare system make
better plans to handle un-
expected situations
Information from healthcare could make
better preparation and handling by care-
givers in Smart Home
Allowing caregivers to set up a plan faster
and be able to handle special situations
Objective Sub-
Mutual Interaction
Fr. SmartHome to
Healthcare Fr. Healthcare to SmartHome
Special situations for the
family such as when fam-
ily member travel
The basic status of residents, lifestyle re-
quirements for medical purpose
Healthcare systems could
give accurate and appro-
priate suggestions for pa-
tients under different situ-
The information about residents, lifestyle,
and medical purpose could help homes
make better preparation and treatment plan
Special needs from family
and community members:
medical, first aid, equip-
Religion, culture,
coordinated diseases,
chronic diseases
(special status, bad
General Resources
General guidance on patients’ lifestyle and
Personalized guidance on
healthy lifestyle
Better preparation for un-
expected emergency
Coordinated emergency response system
Better resource preparation and reduction of
medical waste
Better education and awareness program
Objective Sub-
Mutual Interaction
Fr. SmartHome to
Healthcare Fr. Healthcare to SmartHome
Shareable equipment and
first aid medicine
Possible health problem
The location and distribution of first aid and
medical equipment
The location of emergency rescue channel
The access to shareable
equipment and first aid
medicine could provide
timely support before the
medical team arrived and
reduce the death rate and
inappropriate resource
Coordinated emergency information system
The location of distributed first aid and
medical equipment could help homes get
medical treatment in time and reduce death
Objective Sub-
Mutual Interaction
Fr. SmartHome to
Healthcare Fr. Healthcare to SmartHome
down &
tion with
The information on avail-
able first aid
The information on trans-
Reservation Information
The information of hospital
The information on the insurance
The information of Emergency Response
The information will help
the medical center make
better preparation for pa-
The information about hospitals and insur-
ance could help the home members to get
in time treatment at a relatively low cost
Objective Sub-
Mutual Interaction
Fr. SmartHome to
Healthcare Fr. Healthcare to SmartHome
Information for the
marginalized and
underserved (lack of
medical source)
Patient personality info
Patient’s language prefer-
Health and wellness education support to
help people empower themselves
Provide people with equal
access to the medical
treatments they need
Provide people with ac-
ceptable treatments (psy-
Remote medical support
Translate to ensure suffi-
cient support
Improve inclusiveness and promote equality
by providing people with health and well-
ness education
Objective Sub-
Mutual Interaction
Fr. SmartHome to
Healthcare Fr. Healthcare to SmartHome
Patient info (diseases
caused appearance
Info about the diseases
Further communications between doctors
and patients
Following notifications and notes about
their diseases
Allowing doctors and
nurses to get prepared
when they meet the
patient and avoid hurting
patients’ feelings
Giving more info to patients would make
them believe that they have been taken
seriously and respected and thus avoid some
Allowing patients to understand the dis-
eases more
ness &
The detection of family
member’s mental status
Story, feeling, personal
experience of the patient
Suggested activity to improve human men-
tal health
Free program or initiative held by different
medical institutions
Relevant medicine that helps healthcare
Make patient have bet-
ter support and service
Timely and professional
service for patients who
need personalized guid-
Suggested activity from the health care sys-
tem could help home members have better
life habits
Program or initiative held by medical
institutions could make home members
get cheap even volunteer medical service
and improve the understanding of medical
Objective Sub-
Mutual Interaction
Fr. SmartHome to
Healthcare Fr. Healthcare to SmartHome
Patient information (dis-
ease record, physical and
mental status, religious
affiliation, family rela-
tionship, lifestyles, men-
tal status, financial status,
The information on medical resources with
instruction and first aid equipment
Patient’s disease progress
Help hospitals to Pro-
vide customized services
and adequate support to
patients (E.g. Temporary
childcare if the patient is
having surgery)
Healthcare and mental problems detection
and prediction system
First aid rescue system
The information of medical resources and
first equipment help the home members get
in time secure and reduce the death rate
Help home members identify the unhealthy
lifestyle that might cause or aggravate dis-
ease especially, follow the guidance to bet-
ter take care of their family members, and
provide enough respect and companionship
Personal culture and reli-
Personal mental health
Basic requirement and regulation
General guidance on basic lifestyle
Resource preparation un-
der the scientific guidance
Obtain more respect for
their current lifestyle and
Suitable and personalized guidance to en-
sure safety and a healthy lifestyle
Provide better comfort and more attention
to patients
Understand important impacting factors and
provide better medical services
Objective Sub-
Mutual Interaction
Fr. SmartHome to
Healthcare Fr. Healthcare to SmartHome
Cost &
Medical needs and afford-
able cost ranges
The alternative choice of medical treatment
and medicine
The change in medical service price
Design customized
treatment plans based on
patients’ affordable cost
both in and outside of
the healthcare system (at
Help family members receive affordable
medicine and service
Home medical needs and
family medical budget
Medical equipment and
medicine that can be
reused and expired
Medical garbage recycling regulation
Detailed guidance on reusing medical re-
The storage and disposal instructions of
medicine and medical equipment
Reduced cost for medical
Help healthcare make bet-
ter medical resources re-
cycling and protect the
Help home members to have access to
reused equipment and medicine better and
to keep track of expiration day
tion &
Categories and amount of
Medical equipment and
medicine produced
Detailed guidance and resources on how
to reuse medical resources and dispose of
medical waste
Help healthcare systems
understand patients’
needs, optimize treatment
plans and drug choices,
and reduce medical waste
Help families to reuse medical resources,
dispose of medical waste, and better deal
with medical garbage to reduce the influ-
ence of the environment
Objective Sub-
Mutual Interaction
gories Fr. SmartHome to ITS Fr. ITS to SmartHome
ture to
Travel plans and timings (trans-
portation type (personal car, bike,
work, bus, taxi, etc.))
Real-time traffic information (acci-
dents, congestion, etc.)
Special needs (Requirements for
disabled person’s wheelchair access
during travels; The need to accom-
modate bicycles on public trans-
Financial information and budget
on transportation
Services and support information
Available transportation
Transportation schedules
Services updates
Special accommodations
(wheelchair users or bicycles)
Real-time traffic information
Based on the information provided
by the home, the ITS department
can adjust and coordinate trans-
portation services accordingly, in-
cluding preparing necessary facili-
ties and infrastructure for efficient
Availability and capacity of dif-
ferent types of transportation can
be communicated to homes, aid-
ing them in planning their trans-
Emergency situation description
and services needed
Event effect on public transit
and other ITS infrastructure
Financial information and budget
(including infrastructure insurance
and coverage)
Sharing information about energy
infrastructure failures or hazards
that could affect emergency oper-
Providing energy availability and
supply data to assist emergency
response planning
Based on the emergency situation
description and service needed, ITS
could make a better transportation
schedule and provide in-time ser-
Coordinating with emergency re-
sponse services to prioritize en-
ergy restoration in critical areas
Implementing backup power sys-
tems to support emergency re-
sponse operations during energy
Collaborating with energy
providers to ensure a stable
and reliable energy supply for
emergency response efforts
Emergency vehicle (such as
ambulance, police needed)
Objective Sub-
Mutual Interaction
gories Fr. SmartHome to ITS Fr. ITS to SmartHome
ture to
The need for a backup transporta-
tion schedule that can be used in
emergencies or when the primary
transportation means are unavail-
The significance of accessibility
and reliability in ITS (Intelligent
Transportation Systems), partic-
ularly in Smart Homes where
seamless integration is crucial
Information on public transporta-
tion scheduling and how it can be
integrated with the Smart Home
The availability and reliability of
different modes of transportation
provided by ITS
Implementing a backup trans-
portation schedule to ensure that
transportation needs are always
met, regardless of the situation
Engaging with ITS to improve ac-
cessibility and reliability, enhanc-
ing the overall utility and effec-
tiveness of the system
Incorporating public transporta-
tion scheduling information into
the Smart Home system to ensure
that transportation needs are effi-
ciently met
Leveraging the diverse transporta-
tion modes provided by ITS to
enhance transportation options for
the home
The status of personal vehicles,
which is crucial information for
ITS to provide tailored transporta-
tion services
The importance of adaptability
and resilience in ITS, particularly
during instances of vehicle break-
downs or heavy traffic
Information on the overall city
transportation status, including
traffic congestion, roadworks, and
public transportation schedules
Insights on how to optimize trans-
portation schedules based on the
city’s transportation status
Communicating the status of per-
sonal vehicles to the ITS to re-
ceive optimal transportation ser-
Engaging with ITS to improve
its adaptability and resilience in
response to varying transportation
Incorporating the city’s trans-
portation status information into
home transportation planning to
make more informed decisions
Optimizing transportation sched-
ules based on the information
provided by ITS to improve ef-
ficiency and resilience in trans-
Objective Sub-Objective
Mutual Interaction
gories Fr. SmartHome to ITS Fr. ITS to SmartHome
& coordi-
to ensure
Health &
& Value
Life &
mental and
The need for remote in-
spection of tire pressure and
power of smart cars, which is
critical for vehicle safety and
efficient operation
The importance of maintain-
ing mental and physical well-
being through safe transporta-
tion, reducing the stress and
potential harm caused by ve-
hicle malfunctions or road ac-
Information on governmen-
tal vehicle regulations, which
dictate the safety standards
and guidelines for vehicle op-
Guidance on how these reg-
ulations can be incorporated
into home vehicle operation
for safer driving
Providing data on car sta-
tus, such as tire pressure and
power levels, to ITS to help
evaluate traffic safety and
plan for preventative mainte-
Emphasizing the role of safe
and efficient transportation in
promoting physical, mental,
and social well-being
Implementing the
governmental vehicle
regulations in the operation
of home vehicles to enhance
Using the guidance provided
by ITS to better adhere to reg-
ulations and improve driving
Workload &
The importance of an appro-
priate transportation schedule,
which can reduce workload
by ensuring efficient travel
times and routes
The need for an Intelli-
gent Transportation System
(ITS) that can evaluate trans-
portation crowds and provide
proper guidance to avoid con-
gested areas
Information on crowd detec-
tion, which can provide in-
sights on high-traffic areas
and peak times
Advice on how to navigate
through and around crowded
areas to ensure efficient and
stress-free transportation
Sharing the preferred trans-
portation schedule with ITS,
facilitating better route plan-
ning and time management
Assisting ITS by providing
real-time feedback on the
transportation crowd situation
to enhance its ability to man-
age and control traffic flow
Incorporating ITS crowd de-
tection information into per-
sonal transportation planning
to avoid crowded areas and
reduce travel times
Following ITS guidance and
suggestions to improve per-
sonal transportation and re-
duce workload
Objective Sub-Objective
Mutual Interaction
gories Fr. SmartHome to ITS Fr. ITS to SmartHome
& coordi-
to ensure
health &
& value
Management &
The need for a personal
transportation assist system,
particularly for people with
mobility difficulties such as
those requiring a wheelchair
or individuals in emergency
The necessity for an Intel-
ligent Transportation System
(ITS) that can provide flexi-
ble guidance according to the
personal emergencies and as-
sistive needs of individuals
Services available for vulner-
able groups such as reserved
parking and seats
Guidelines on how to utilize
these services to ensure safe
and convenient transportation
for vulnerable groups
Implementing a personal
transportation assist system
to enhance the flexibility
of ITS and ensure safe and
appropriate transportation
for everyone, including
vulnerable groups
Providing feedback and up-
dates to ITS about the emer-
gency situations and assistive
needs of individuals to enable
it to adapt its services accord-
Incorporating the services
provided by ITS for
vulnerable groups, such as
utilizing vulnerable parking
and seats, into personal
transportation plans
Customizing the transporta-
tion assist system based on
the information and services
provided by ITS
Resilience and
The importance of a backup
transportation system to en-
sure continuity of services in
case of disruptions
The need for an onboard in-
telligent personal assistant to
enhance passenger experience
and service
Details about the big data
transportation assist system,
which can provide compre-
hensive data for better trans-
portation decisions
Implementing a backup trans-
portation system to assist ITS
in managing transportation
services and handling disrup-
tions effectively
Incorporating an onboard in-
telligent personal assistant to
provide ITS with passenger
data and enable it to offer
personalized services
Leveraging the big data trans-
portation assist system pro-
vided by ITS to make in-
formed and efficient trans-
portation decisions
Objective Sub-Objective
Mutual Interaction
gories Fr. SmartHome to ITS Fr. ITS to SmartHome
tion with
Basic Need
and Urgent
The requirement for traffic
monitoring around the resi-
dence to ensure safe and ef-
ficient transportation
The importance of this in-
formation for ITS to provide
an accurate and flexible trans-
portation system
Details about the smart city
transportation system, which
can help manage traffic ef-
ficiently and avoid crowded
Setting up traffic monitoring
systems around the residence
to provide ITS with real-time
Providing continuous updates
and feedback to ITS based on
the traffic conditions observed
around the residence
Using the information
provided by the smart city
transportation system to
avoid crowded traffic and
plan transportation more
Incorporating ITS smart city
transportation features into
the home’s transportation
planning process
Shareable personal vehicle Cooperative Automated Valet
Shareable personal vehicles
could help ITS reduce inap-
propriate vehicles and protect
the environment
Auto valet parking could help
the passenger to reduce the
time parking
Objective Sub-Objective
Mutual Interaction
gories Fr. SmartHome to ITS Fr. ITS to SmartHome
tion with
and Collective
The concept of shareable per-
sonal vehicles to improve ef-
ficiency and environmental
The potential for ITS to
reduce inappropriate vehicle
use and environmental impact
through the incorporation of
shared vehicles
The functionality and bene-
fits of Cooperative Automated
Valet Parking, such as reduc-
ing parking time and improv-
ing parking efficiency
Implementing shareable per-
sonal vehicle systems for
community use
Providing ITS with data on
vehicle sharing patterns to
inform future transportation
Utilizing the Cooperative Au-
tomated Valet Parking system
to enhance the parking expe-
Providing feedback to ITS on
the functionality and user ex-
perience of the Automated
Valet Parking system
Home vehicle status
Home transportation schedule
Vehicle-to-Vehicle net
Vehicle-road net
Home vehicle status could
help ITS better evaluate trans-
Home transportation could
schedule help ITS make flex-
ible adjust
Vehicle to Vehicle net could
help vehicles better keep safe
Vehicle road net could help
vehicle better plan route
Objective Sub-
Mutual Interaction
gories Fr. SmartHome to ITS Fr. ITS to SmartHome
& Ethical
& Inclu-
Home vehicle status including
condition, availability, and usage
patterns which could help ITS
assess transportation needs
Home transportation schedule
showing daily, weekly, or
monthly trips planned by the
household. This data can assist
ITS in planning and adjusting
transportation systems
Information on Vehicle-to-
Vehicle networks which can
improve safety by allowing
vehicles to communicate with
each other
Information on Vehicle-to-Road
networks which can improve
route planning by allowing ve-
hicles to communicate with road
Collected home vehicle status
can empower ITS to optimize its
traffic management and enable
dynamic management
Sharing home transportation
schedules with ITS to facilitate
more efficient and responsive
transportation planning
Utilizing Vehicle-to-Vehicle net-
works to enhance vehicle safety,
informed by data and guidance
from ITS
Leveraging Vehicle-to-Road net-
works for efficient route plan-
ning, based on data provided by
Respect &
The presence of a guide dog in
the household, can have implica-
tions for the type of transporta-
tion services needed
The need for a highly accessible
public transportation system that
caters to all, including those with
visual impairments
The interest or willingness of the
household to participate in car or
bicycle-sharing programs
Updates or notifications on the
availability and locations of
shareable bicycles
Information on services or fea-
tures specifically designed for vi-
sually impaired users
Updates on the latest sharing pro-
grams, their benefits, and how to
Making ITS aware of the guide
dog can help it plan for and offer
appropriate services, enhancing
safety and inclusiveness
Sharing information on house-
hold members’ disabilities or
special needs can help ITS op-
timize its service offerings
Expressing a willingness to par-
ticipate in sharing programs can
assist ITS in planning these pro-
grams effectively
Incorporating the use of share-
able bicycles into household
transportation plans
Utilizing ITS services tailored for
visually impaired users, ensuring
that these services meet the needs
of household members
Participating in sharing pro-
grams as informed by ITS, thus
contributing to community-based
transportation solutions
Objective Sub-
Mutual Interaction
gories Fr. SmartHome to ITS Fr. ITS to SmartHome
& Ethical
& Mental
The need for services like a
smart car wash, which can im-
prove convenience and enhance
user experience
Information about members of
the household who belong to vul-
nerable groups and may need
special transportation assistance
Feedback or suggestions on the
existing transportation system,
which can contribute to the over-
all enhancement of the ITS
Updates on services like the
smart car wash, including its
availability, benefits, and how to
use it
Information on specialized ser-
vices for vulnerable groups, and
how to avail them
Updates on improvements in the
transportation system based on
feedback received from users
Making use of services like a
smart car wash, expressing satis-
faction, or providing feedback for
Acknowledging the assistance
provided by the ITS for vulner-
able groups and expressing ap-
preciation or suggesting improve-
Actively participating in the de-
velopment of a smarter trans-
portation system by providing
feedback and suggestions
Making optimal use of services
like the smart car wash, thereby
enhancing user experience and
Availing specialized services for
vulnerable groups as needed, en-
hancing safety and convenience
Appreciating improvements in
the transportation system and fur-
ther providing constructive feed-
back for its enhancement
Information about the use of in-
telligent energy-saving technol-
ogy in vehicles owned by mem-
bers of the household
Feedback and suggestions on the
physical check system of vehicles
provided by ITS
Details about the needs and re-
quirements of the passengers for
the smart passenger protection
Information and updates about
the intelligent energy-saving
technology available for vehicles
Guidelines on how to use the
vehicle physical check system ef-
Updates and guidance on the
smart passenger protection sys-
Acknowledging and adopting in-
telligent energy-saving technolo-
gies in personal vehicles
Responding to the vehicle phys-
ical check system provided by
ITS, making use of it, and sug-
gesting improvements if needed
Implementing and providing
feedback on the smart passenger
protection system
Evaluating and improving the in-
telligent energy-saving technol-
ogy based on feedback from the
Enhancing the vehicle physical
check system based on the user’s
feedback and usage
Upgrading the smart passenger
protection system in line with the
needs and suggestions of home
Objective Sub-Objective
Mutual Interaction
gories Fr. SmartHome to ITS Fr. ITS to SmartHome
& Ethical
Preservation &
Information about the cul-
tural and religious aspects
that need to be respected in
transportation systems
Feedback on the diversity and
inclusivity of the public trans-
portation system
Information about the mea-
sures taken to respect cultural
and religious aspects in trans-
portation systems
Updates and information
about the diverse
and inclusive public
transportation system
Appreciation or feedback on
the respect shown to cultural
and religious aspects in the
Use of and feedback on the
diverse public transportation
Further improvements in re-
specting cultural and religious
aspects in transportation sys-
tems based on feedback from
Enhancement of the diversity
and inclusivity of the public
transportation system based
on usage and feedback from
Objective Sub-Objective
Mutual Interaction
gories Fr. SmartHome to ITS Fr. ITS to SmartHome
Cost &
Maintenance &
Information about the status
of the vehicles owned by the
household members and their
associated costs
Feedback on the costs and
maintenance aspects of public
transportation systems
Updates and tips on main-
taining personal vehicles for
better cost efficiency
Information about the costs
and maintenance schedules of
public transportation systems
Utilizing ITS feedback and
information to improve
the maintenance and cost-
efficiency of personal
Planning and optimizing
transportation options based
on the cost and maintenance
information of public
transportation provided by
Providing recommendations
and measures for improving
the maintenance of personal
vehicles based on the
feedback from the home
Adjusting the costs and main-
tenance schedules of public
transportation systems based
on the feedback from the
home users
Management &
Material Cycle
Information about the energy
consumption of personal ve-
hicles at home
Feedback on the usage and
accessibility of electricity
charging stations
Updates and recommenda-
tions on optimizing the en-
ergy consumption of personal
Information on the location,
availability, and usage of
electricity charging stations
Leveraging ITS systems to
optimize the energy con-
sumption of personal vehi-
cles, contributing to more ef-
ficient resource management
Making use of electricity
charging stations based on
the data provided by ITS for
planning and executing trips
Providing measures and rec-
ommendations for optimizing
the energy consumption of
personal vehicles based on
the feedback from the home
Improving the accessibility
and functionality of electric-
ity charging stations based on
feedback from home users
Objective Sub-Objective
Mutual Interaction
gories Fr. SmartHome to ITS Fr. ITS to SmartHome
Cost &
Protection &
The number and types of ve-
hicles (gasoline and electric)
owned by the household
Feedback on the pricing and
distribution of gasoline and
electricity stations
Information about the envi-
ronmental impact of gasoline
versus electric vehicles
Data on the locations, costs,
and availability of gasoline
and electricity stations
Using ITS data to make deci-
sions about vehicle use, pos-
sibly opting for more sustain-
able options like electric ve-
hicles, thereby contributing to
environmental protection
Planning travel routes and
schedules based on the avail-
ability and pricing of gasoline
and electric charging stations
as provided by ITS
Providing suggestions for re-
ducing environmental impact
based on the types and us-
age of vehicles owned by the
Adjusting the pricing and
availability of gasoline and
electric charging stations
based on feedback from
home users
Objective Sub-
Mutual Interaction
gories Fr. SmartHome to Energy Fr. Energy to SmartHome
& coor-
Home information
Energy information for home
Residents information
Special Energy Needs
Energy Supply Availability
Energy supply prices
Smart grid information
Smart Home energy management
system (HEMS) for Energy Saving
Demand Response Management
(Peak cut)
Optimize Resources consumption
for a Sustainable lifestyle
Improved quality, efficiency, and
sustainability of energy apply
Help to save energy and reduce
energy cost
Emergency Events
Backup energy sources
Potential hazards
Emergency situations that require
reliable power
Energy required during emergency
Emergencies notification
Backup plan details for energy sup-
Maintenance notification
Emergency Services contact infor-
Predict and prevent potential issues
Help to improve the preparation
and responses for emergency situ-
Be informed about the available re-
sources and support and have better
preparation and response for emer-
gency situations
Create safe communities that help
households have access to support
and a sense of belonging
ble and
Residents’ preference for energy
services, energy consumption pat-
terns, and future trends
Special energy needs related to vul-
nerable groups in households (chil-
dren, elderly, disabled)
Residents’ feedback on energy ser-
General information of Energy Ser-
Alerts for potential service disrup-
tions or maintenance requirements
Possible reliability issues and pos-
sible impacting factors
Information on energy-efficient
technologies and solutions
Tips for optimizing energy con-
sumption and reducing costs
Energy departments can make a
better understanding of house-
holds’ energy needs, better predic-
tions for energy usage, and provide
accessible and reliable services
Improve equal access to energy ser-
vices for all users
Provide timely support to address
energy-related issues and keep im-
proving system performance based
on user feedback
Better understanding of potential
service disruptions, failures, or
maintenance requirements and bet-
ter preparation
Improve on monitoring energy us-
age, and costs and choosing appro-
priate energy services and manage-
ment options
Adopt energy-saving technology
(ex.renewable energies) and infor-
mation to reduce energy consump-
tion and minimize costs
Objective Sub-
Mutual Interaction
gories Fr. SmartHome to Energy Fr. Energy to SmartHome
ture to
Emergencies notification
Backup plan details for energy
Maintenance notification
Emergency Services contact in-
Emergencies notification
Backup plan details for energy
Maintenance notification
Emergency Services contact in-
Emergencies notification
Backup plan details for energy
Maintenance notification
Emergency Services contact in-
Emergencies notification
Backup plan details for energy
Maintenance notification
Emergency Services contact in-
Objective Sub-Objective
Mutual Interaction
gories Fr. SmartHome to Energy Fr. Energy to SmartHome
& coordi-
to ensure
health &
& value
Life &
mental and
Special energy needs related
to residents’ physical health,
mental health, and social sta-
tus, residents’ lifestyle (per-
sonal history, work history,
marital status, children, hob-
bies, interests, neighborhood,
religious and spiritual beliefs)
Special energy needs relating
to home safety and security
Alerts for possible energy
emergency information
Typical procedures for han-
dling urgent energy emer-
gency situations and instruc-
tion for each household
Data on the performance of
energy systems and tips for
improving energy efficiency
Information on energy-
efficient appliances
and technologies and
recommendations for
reducing energy consumption
without sacrificing comfort
Updates on automation and
AI solutions for energy man-
Help energy systems to bet-
ter predict the basic energy
needs and special needs of
local communities and to pro-
vide reliable energy services
in different situations
Help households to ensure the
reliable energy supply that
is needed for a comfortable
and healthy living environ-
ment and to reduce energy
Help households to ensure re-
liable energy supplies for spe-
cial devices to satisfy health-
care needs and reduce energy
Instruct house to optimize en-
ergy usage based on resi-
dent’s lifestyle and adopt en-
ergy efficient solutions with-
out compromising the envi-
Objective Sub-Objective
Mutual Interaction
gories Fr. SmartHome to Energy Fr. Energy to SmartHome
& coordi-
to ensure
health &
& value
Reduce workload
& improve
Frequency of use of appli-
Power of appliances
Special energy needs
intentions and possibility
to adapt renewable energy
Energy usage information
Services updates
By understanding and pre-
dicting the patterns of home
energy use, smart energy can
achieve Load balancing, Co-
ordinated, automated energy
Reduced electricity waste by
better predicting total energy
By understanding patterns of
energy usage and utilizing AI
technology Smart Homes can
choose energy-efficient appli-
ances, coordinate the use of
appliances and reduce possi-
ble energy waste
Adopt energy-saving tech-
nologies and services, includ-
ing renewable energy sources
(solar, wind, etc.)
Objective Sub-Objective
Mutual Interaction
gories Fr. SmartHome to Energy Fr. Energy to SmartHome
& coordi-
to ensure
health &
& value
management &
Information of aging appli-
ances and wires
Fire /smoke detection system
Energy backup resources and
equipment (battery, power
Security protection on elec-
tricity meters
special energy needs
Risks and vulnerabilities of
home energy systems
Recommendations for risks
and vulnerability handling
Unexpected use of energy no-
Services updates
By understanding information
about the vulnerability and
special needs of homes, en-
ergy departments can help
home with better risk man-
agement and robustness of the
Provide suitable energy-
related security support for
unexpected events (ex. stolen
With information and help
provided by the energy de-
partment, homes can improve
with more reliable energy
services, by reducing energy
consumption, and cost and
moving towards a safe and
robust living environment
Home can improve the ro-
bustness of energy usage for
special devices for special en-
ergy needs
Resilience and
Issues identified
Special needs
Energy usage information
Services updates
Help energy system to iden-
tify problems and possible
upgrades of the system in or-
der to establish resilient ser-
Help households to under-
stand their pattern of en-
ergy usage, to choose energy-
efficient appliances, and to re-
duce possible energy waste
Adopt energy-saving tech-
nologies and services, includ-
ing renewable energy sources
(solar, wind, etc.)
Utilize battery storage during
peak demand or power out-
Objective Sub-Objective
Mutual Interaction
gories Fr. SmartHome to Energy Fr. Energy to SmartHome
tion with
Basic Need
and Urgent
Typical energy consumption
patterns related to basic needs
(e.g., heating, cooling, light-
ing) and users’ preference
Special energy needs (Home
oxygen machine, appliances
with high power, EV charger,
Infrastructure information, in-
cluding aging wires informa-
Backup energy preparation
and other energy needs during
extreme weather
Typical problems of energy
services for households and
feedback on the effectiveness
of energy response in urgent
Typical services protocol and
other information to deal with
extreme weather conditions
and special occasions
Notification, handling tips,
and recommendations for
households in dealing with
urgent situations
Ensuring uninterrupted en-
ergy supply for basic needs
and essential appliances
Develop systems that can de-
tect and respond to urgent sit-
uations promptly
Establish coordinated elec-
tricity distribution and con-
tinuously improve energy re-
sponse mechanisms based on
households’ feedback
With information and guid-
ance from the energy depart-
ment, homes can improve the
support to the basic needs and
better prepare for urgent situ-
Have better collaboration
with energy providers and
emergency service providers
for timely support
Objective Sub-Objective
Mutual Interaction
gories Fr. SmartHome to Energy Fr. Energy to SmartHome
tion with
Typical energy consumption
patterns for basic needs and
for urgent situations
Special energy needs (Home
oxygen machine, appliances
with high power, EV charger
Backup energy preparation
and community services for
urgent situations (battery,
power generator, etc)
Infrastructure information, in-
cluding aging wires informa-
Typical problems of energy
services for households and
feedback on the effectiveness
of energy response in urgent
Information on energy con-
sumption patterns and trends
Suggestions for improved co-
ordinated planning, energy ef-
ficiency methods, and possi-
ble energy replacement plans
Provided services and re-
sources information, includ-
ing Updates on energy supply
options, types, and pricing
Recommendations for electric
leakage protection and energy
Prepare services for people
with needs during extreme
weather and special occasions
Developing coordinated plan-
ning strategies for efficient
energy consumption
Balancing energy usage dur-
ing peak and off-peak hours
Optimizing energy storage
utilization to meet demand
and manage costs
Enhancing energy transporta-
tion infrastructure to support
efficient energy delivery
With information and guid-
ance from energy depart-
ments, home can help save
energy use, reduce cost and
recycle, re-utilize shareable
Select appropriate energy
supplies, according to
the consumption, pricing,
services, energy types, etc
Adopt electric leakage protec-
tion suggestions, energy stor-
age suggestions, and other
suggestions, for coordinated
planning and efficient energy
consumption pattern
Objective Sub-
Mutual Interaction
gories Fr. SmartHome to Energy Fr. Energy to SmartHome
tion with
sibility and
Extra clean energy generated
that can sell back to energy (so-
lar panel etc)
Home appliances information
(Use of renewable
energy;power rating;appliance
Suggestions and feedback on
energy-saving habits
strategies to reduce energy use
and carbon dioxide emissions
energy-saving habits, sustain-
able energy choices, pricing in-
centives, etc
suggestions about home appli-
ance selection and layout
updates on renewable energy
Prices for buying energy from
By understanding the need and
supply from home, smart energy
can optimize the distribution of
energy to reduce the overall con-
sumption of electricity
Promoting shared responsibility
and collective support by shar-
ing information on strategies
to reduce energy use and car-
bon dioxide emissions, energy-
saving habits, sustainable energy
choices, pricing incentives, etc
By receiving promotions for
shared responsibility and col-
lective support, home will be
encouraged to collaborate
Adopting suggestions for home
appliance selection and layout
home can improve total energy
By selling the energy gener-
ated, homes can help improve
Home information updates (ap-
pliances, residents, routine &
New energy sources updates
(electricity, gas, solar panel etc.)
Available communication de-
vices and channels to energy
Providing home with insights
gained from monitoring the pat-
tern and trend from home typ-
ical energy use, including ab-
normal activity, electric leak-
age, home communication sys-
tem updates recommendations,
Information on energy pricing
fluctuation, services change no-
tification, power outage notifi-
cation, etc
By receiving information about
home updates timely, smart en-
ergy can provide appropriate
and reliable services to Smart
Home systems
By receiving information on
home-available communication
devices and channels, energy
can improve information con-
nectivity by giving advice for
home equipment updates
By receiving insights gained
from the energy department,
homes can make timely deci-
sions and actions to handle the
situation and make improve-
Make any updates and changes
to existing communication sys-
tems for better connectivity
with the energy department
Objective Sub-
Mutual Interaction
gories Fr. SmartHome to Energy Fr. Energy to SmartHome
& Ethical
Equality &
Residents profiles
Residents’ special needs
Services and support informa-
tion (Energy Assistance Pro-
grams, energy efficiency edu-
cations, renewable energy op-
tions,Resilience and Emergency
By understanding the resident’s
profile, especially their educa-
tional backgrounds, smart energy
can better assist and provide nec-
essary support timely to improve
all resident’s access to energy
services and related technologies
The services and information
provided by the energy depart-
ment can improve equal access
for all residents, empower res-
idents to make informed deci-
sions that improve their energy
efficiency, financial stability, and
quality of life, and make a range
of positive changes to improve
their energy consumption pat-
terns and overall living condi-
Respect &
Residents profiles
Residents’ unique culture, cus-
toms, and habits background in-
formation that can affect the use
of energy and special needs of
Residents’ special needs
Information of resources that are
shared by other residents for re-
sale or reuse
Services and support information
By understanding the residents’
cultural background and other in-
formation, smart energy can pro-
vide appropriate and timely ser-
vice and support with harmony
to respect and sharing
With information from home
about unwanted resources, the
energy department can coordi-
nately rearrange the resources in
harmony with residents’ back-
grounds and preferences to im-
prove overall humanity and ethi-
cal considerations
By utilizing the resources shared
by the energy department from
other residents, homes can re-
duce the cost of energy-related
With the adjustment of services
and support by the energy de-
partment, homes can receive im-
proved services with respect to
their cultural background, prefer-
ences, and other aspects
Objective Sub-Objective
Mutual Interaction
gories Fr. SmartHome to Energy Fr. Energy to SmartHome
& Ethical
Happiness &
mental support
Residents’ behavioral
patterns and preferences
Residents energy special
needs and vulnerable special
Services and support informa-
By receiving information
about resident behavioral
patterns and preferences,
energy special needs, the
energy department can
provide appropriate and
timely services and support
to help improve residents’
happiness and mental health
Implementing vulnerable
group-friendly energy
solutions, considering
specific needs and safety
By receiving information
about services and support
from the energy department,
homes can access resources
and help as needed to
improve residents’ happiness
and mental health
Support &
Vulnerable residents profile
Special Energy Needs
Suggestions, feedbacks, re-
quests on services and sup-
Services, support information
Vulnerable support program
and regulations
With vulnerability and spe-
cial needs information pro-
vided by the home, the energy
department can provide ap-
propriate support and protec-
tion to make humanity con-
With the information pro-
vided by the energy depart-
ment, home residents and
vulnerable residents can bet-
ter access energy-related ser-
vices, support, and special
Objective Sub-Objective
Mutual Interaction
gories Fr. SmartHome to Energy Fr. Energy to SmartHome
& Ethical
Preservation &
Residents’ unique culture,
customs, and habits
background information
that can affect the use of
energy and special needs of
Residents profiles
Residents’ special needs
Promotions for energy con-
servation plans
Strategies to reduce energy
usage and cost
Services information
With background information
provided by the home, the
energy department can ap-
propriately provide services,
and strategies to of reduced
energy usage and give ini-
tiatives for individual homes
to raise energy conservation
With the promotions, strate-
gies, and services provided by
the energy department, homes
will increase awareness for
energy conservation, cooper-
ate with sustainable energy
habits, and participate more
in activities, and promotions
conducted by the energy de-
Objective Sub-
Mutual Interaction
gories Fr. SmartHome to Energy Fr. Energy to SmartHome
Cost &
& Cost
Maintenance and repair needs
for problems of home’s energy
systems and appliances
Financial Information (Energy
Budget, financial willingness to
Scheduling: Times of day when
energy demand is highest and
lowest in the home
Maintenance reminder of en-
ergy supply-related equipment
and home appliance
Home energy usage abnormal-
ity notification
Energy promotion plans and re-
lated services information
Suggestions on energy-efficient
home appliances
By receiving information about
resident behavioral patterns
and preferences, energy special
needs, the energy department
can provide appropriate and
timely services and support
to help improve residents’
happiness and mental health
Implementing vulnerable
group-friendly energy solutions,
considering specific needs and
safety measures
Adjust energy use to reduce ad-
ditional energy waste
Make timely maintenance and
repairs on appliances and equip-
Stay on top of unusual energy
consumption with the timely
Adopt energy-efficient appli-
ances or adjust appliances set-
ment &
Information for resources re-
lated to energy, including ex-
tra electricity generated, tech-
nology, and appliances, that are
unwanted for sharing or selling
Preferences for the living envi-
ronment (temperature, lighting,
Household waste production,
recycling habits, and potential
for energy recovery from waste
Information, suggestion and in-
struction for:
Reutilizing, recycling, and
selling appliances
Using energy storage sys-
Scheduling home appliance
Scheduling renewable en-
ergy technologies
By understanding the resources
and information the home has,
the energy department helps and
provides the necessary support
for home resources manage-
ment, and helps with appliances
recycling and other material cy-
cle processes
Improve re-utilizing, recycling,
and selling appliances
Improve or adopt energy stor-
age systems
Improve managing the home
Improve managing renewable
energy technologies
Objective Sub-Objective
Mutual Interaction
gories Fr. SmartHome to Energy Fr. Energy to SmartHome
Cost &
Protection &
Information for resources re-
lated to energy, including ex-
tra electricity generated, tech-
nology, and appliances, that
are unwanted for sharing or
Household waste production,
recycling habits, and poten-
tial for energy recovery from
Feedback and suggestions for
environmental consideration
practice improvements
Home energy usage status
Energy usage improvements
and cost reduction suggestion
Information on current events
for environmental protection
and sustainability practices
Services, support, and other
incentives for participation
Knowledge and education for
energy abusing environmen-
tal impact, and other current
societal environmental prob-
Renewable energy informa-
tion and possible options (so-
lar panels/wind turbines)
With the information pro-
vided by homes, the energy
department can work with in-
dividual homes for demand
response management to re-
duce energy consumption at
peak times and to improve
With feedback and sugges-
tions provided by homes, the
energy department can im-
prove on algorithms and prac-
tices for improving sustain-
With information and services
from the energy department,
homes can
Better understand home
energy usage pattern and
adjust energy usage dis-
Developing and incorpo-
rating an energy-saving
concept within the home
to reduce energy con-
sumption and promote
Improving using or
adopting renewable
energy technologies
Objective Sub-
Mutual Interaction
gories Fr. SmartHome to Infrastructure Fr. Infrastructure to SmartHome
ture to
Current infrastructure-related
equipment (water, electricity,
network, etc.)
Renovation plans and requests
(decoration plan maintenance,
expansion plan, etc.
Special needs (high-speed
internet, special water
consumption, etc.)
Services and support information
(including types, availability, price
Home infrastructure-related rules
and regulations
By understanding information and
special needs from home, the
infrastructure department can provide
appropriate services and support
By understanding information about
services and support provided by the
infrastructure department, and rules and
regulations, homes can better design
and modify infrastructure to access
available services and support, and
mater better preparations for services
Emergency situation description
and services needed
Financial information and budget
(including infrastructure
insurance and coverage)
Wanted information list during
Information for services and
Suggestion, education, and
guidance to emergency handling
By understanding information about
emergency situations and financial
situations from home, infrastructure
can provide timely and appropriate
By understanding and adopting
information, suggestions, and guidance
from the infrastructure department,
homes can provide the emergency
department with appropriate
information during an emergency and
improve on preparing and handling
emergency situations
Objective Sub-
Mutual Interaction
gories Fr. SmartHome to Infrastructure Fr. Infrastructure to SmartHome
ture to
Current infrastructure-related
equipment (water, electricity,
network, etc.)
Renovation plans and request
(decoration plan maintenance, ex-
pansion plan etc.
Resources consumption and re-
lated factors
residents profile (number of peo-
ple, age, status, location)
Special needs (high-speed inter-
net, special water consumption,
Vulnerable information
Feedback on services and support
(Water quality, pressure, network,
electricity, etc.)
Services and support information
and updates
Cost for services and support
By understanding the information
provided by homes, the infrastructure
department can provide appropriate,
coordinated services and support
With information and services
provided by the infrastructure
department, homes can receive
improved affordable, personalized,
accessible, and reliable
infrastructure-related services and
Current infrastructure-related
equipment (water, electricity,
network, etc.)
Renovation plans and request
(decoration plan maintenance, ex-
pansion plan, etc.
Resources consumption and re-
lated factors
Residents profile (number of peo-
ple, age, status, location)
Special needs (high-speed inter-
net, special water consumption,
Vulnerable information
Feedback on services and support
(Water quality, pressure, network,
electricity, etc.)
Services and support information
and updates
Renewable and clean energy al-
Cost for services and support
Alerts and notifications about
risks and issues related to home
The infrastructure department can
provide homes with timely and
appropriate services and support by
understanding their information and
needs. This contributes to the overall
resilience and adaptiveness of the
home system.
With information and services
provided by the infrastructure
department, homes can receive more
resilient and adaptive services, and
improve on handling
infrastructure-related issues
Objective Sub-Objective
Mutual Interaction
gories Fr. SmartHome to Infrastructure Fr. Infrastructure to SmartHome
& coordi-
to ensure
health &
& value
Life &
mental and
Residents profile
Special infrastructure needs
related to resident’s physical
health, mental health, social
status, residents lifestyle (per-
sonal history, work history,
marital status, children, hob-
bies, interests, neighborhood,
religious and spiritual beliefs)
Services and support informa-
tion and updates
Typical procedures for asking
for help from the infrastruc-
ture department
Help the infrastructure de-
partment to predict better the
basic needs and special needs
of local communities and to
provide reliable services in
different situations
Help households to have ac-
cess to needed infrastruc-
ture support for a comfort-
able and healthy living envi-
ronment under different situ-
Reduce workload
& improve
Basic needs and special needs
Energy consumption of
different appliances
Travel plans and interruption
of service requirement
Suggestions and feedback
Services and support informa-
tion and updates
Incentives and promotions for
Typical procedures for asking
for help from the infrastruc-
ture department
By understanding the needs
of home-to-infrastructure, the
infrastructure department can
improve on providing home-
appropriate and coordinated
services and support
By understanding the ser-
vices and support provided
by the infrastructure depart-
ment, Smart Homes can ac-
cess and coordinate needed
infrastructure-related services
and support, helping the in-
frastructure department re-
duce workload and improve
Objective Sub-
Mutual Interaction
gories Fr. SmartHome to Infrastructure Fr. Infrastructure to SmartHome
& coordi-
to ensure
health &
& value
ment &
Basic needs and special needs
Energy consumption of dif-
ferent appliances
Vulnerable groups informa-
Aging equipment and wires
Travel plans and interruption of
service requirement
Suggestions and feedback
Risks and vulnerabilities about
home receiving infrastructure re-
lated services systems
Recommendations for improving
risk management and vulnerabil-
ity protection
Typical procedures for asking for
help from the infrastructure de-
Services and support information
and updates
By understanding general infor-
mation about the vulnerability
and special needs of homes. The
infrastructure department can ad-
dress potential risks and vul-
nerabilities in real-time, respond
to attempted breaches or attacks
promptly and effectively, enhance
the risk management and robust-
ness of all infrastructure-related
systems, provide homes with suit-
able safety and security support
for unexpected events, and con-
tinuously improve security mea-
sures based on feedback and
emerging threats
With information and service pro-
vided by the infrastructure depart-
ment, homes can choose suitable
services, prepare backup plans,
implement and maintain secu-
rity measures for Smart Home-
related systems to protect against
emerging threats, reduce related
costs, stay informed about poten-
tial risks and vulnerabilities, eval-
uate and improve risk manage-
ment strategies based on recom-
mendations, and ensure the safety
and robustness of public infras-
Basic needs and special needs
Energy consumption of dif-
ferent appliances
Systems malfunction history
Security protection on Smart
Home systems related to public
Travel plans and interruption of
service requirement
Suggestions and feedback
Services and support information
and updates
Incentives and promotions for ser-
Typical procedures for asking for
help from the infrastructure de-
By understanding the needs of
home-to-infrastructure, the infras-
tructure department helps homes
to identify problems and possible
upgrades of the system in order
to establish resilient services
By understanding the services
and support provided by the
infrastructure department, Smart
Homes can improve on and up-
grade related systems to obtain
improved resilient infrastructure
services and support
Objective Sub-Objective
Mutual Interaction
gories Fr. SmartHome to Infrastructure Fr. Infrastructure to SmartHome
tion with
Basic Need
and Urgent
User needs and requirements
(Network speed, stability, du-
ration, frequency of use and
number of devices)
Scheduled water, network,
electricity outage info (start
time, duration, covered area)
Predictable water quality de-
creases, voltage, and current
Allows infrastructure to al-
locate resources to different
households more rationally
based on their needs and re-
quirements and reduces the
waste of resources caused by
unreasonable allocation and
failure to meet user needs
Allowing residents to plan
ahead in response to out-
age events (store a certain
amount of water, charge,
etc.). Providing residents with
the necessary resources to get
through the outage period
Allowing homes to alert res-
idents that the water coming
out of the faucets is suit-
able or not for direct drinking
at this time based on house
infrastructure (water purifier)
and tell residents what to do
in order to keep safe when the
voltage and current changes
Out-of-home scheduling
Water and electricity cut off
and special scheduling
Infrastructure backup and re-
The out-of-home scheduling
helps infrastructure better ad-
just service and prepare for
Water and electricity cut off
and special scheduling help
family members better make
preparation for emergency
Infrastructure backup and re-
placement help family mem-
bers better organize infras-
tructure plan
Objective Sub-Objective
Mutual Interaction
gories Fr. SmartHome to Infrastructure Fr. Infrastructure to SmartHome
tion with
and Collective
Resident insurance plan
Family financial budget
Support and service instruc-
Resident insurance plan helps
infrastructure better design
Financial budget helps infras-
tructure provide available ser-
Help family members better
get what they need in time
Privacy level of data sensitiv-
Instructions of data protection
Information needed
Privacy level of data sensitiv-
ity helps infrastructure collect
data legally and reasonably
Instruction on data protection
helps members better protect
their data and privacy
Objective Sub-
Mutual Interaction
gories Fr. SmartHome to Infrastructure Fr. Infrastructure to SmartHome
& Ethical
& Inclu-
Quality of infrastructure service
Connection information
and channel of service and
Help infrastructure provide better
Help home members connect
with infrastructure convenient
and easily
Respect &
Respection need and special
Clear regulation
Delivery channel and question-
Infrastructure could make flex-
ible regulation and appropriate
Clear regulations make home
members follow the rules and
avoid inappropriate fines and
Delivery channel and question-
naire make infrastructure get
feedback from home members
& mental
Medical condition might need
care (Allergy)
Public education and instruction
of infrastructure about happiness
Help infrastructure provide ap-
propriate service
Enhance the emotional and hap-
piness levels of household mem-
& Protec-
Real-time resources usage data Guidance of use infrastructure
Accelerated response time and
improved safety
Reduce the impact of emergen-
cies and natural disasters on
Smart Homes
Help home members get better
service and avoid accidents
Objective Sub-Objective
Mutual Interaction
gories Fr. SmartHome to Infrastructure Fr. Infrastructure to SmartHome
& Ethical
Preservation &
Religion and cultural habit Local are religion and cultural
Help infrastructure provide
service more reasonably and
Help home members better
use infrastructure and connect
with neighbors
Objective Sub-Objective
Mutual Interaction
gories Fr. SmartHome to Infrastructure Fr. Infrastructure to SmartHome
Cost &
Maintenance &
Real-time data energy con-
sumption data, appliance us-
age, and maintenance needs
Potential issues in Smart
Electricity, water usage
nearby in the community
Energy usage data
and energy-saving
Optimize energy usage and
proactively address mainte-
nance issues
Identifying potential issues
before they become major
problems and then reducing
the need for costly sudden
Manage time of using elec-
tricity and water more wisely,
avoid inconvenience during
peak electricity and water
consumption periods, and re-
duce energy costs by analysis
Management &
Material Cycle
Real-time data on energy con-
sumption, water usage, and
waste production
Service and infrastructure’s
location and availability
Reduce costs and promote
Help home members get in-
time service
protection &
Garbage production normally
Guidance of how to reduce
Recycling service location
help infrastructure better eval-
uate and design recycling sys-
Guidance of how to re-
duce consumption will help
home better protect environ-
ment and public service
Recycling service location
will help home member bee-
tle treat garbage and protect
Objective Sub-
Mutual Interaction
gories Fr. SmartHome to Emergency Fr. Emergency to SmartHome
& Co-
Home infrastructure information
(earthquake resistance level, fire-
proof door, etc.)
The status and stability of infras-
tructure (Framework)
The dangerous factors and design
defects of home infrastructure &
Residents information (number,
profile, medical history, etc.)
Information for services and sup-
Suggestion, education, and guid-
ance for infrastructure improvement
for better emergency handling
Tips for avoiding human-caused
By understanding information related
to home infrastructure and residents’
profiles, the emergency department
can provide appropriate support and
services to help home design and
improve infrastructure to better
prepare and handle emergency
By understanding and adopting
information, suggestions, guidance, and
tips from the emergency department,
homes can improve on infrastructure
design, reduce human-caused
emergencies, and better prepare and
handle emergency situations
Emergency situation description
(Injuries, fire, resources needed,
ambulance, firetruck, getting worse,
Wanted information list during
Information for services and sup-
port (prediction of possible emer-
Suggestion, education, and guid-
ance to emergency handling proce-
By understanding the situation during
an emergency, the emergency
department can provide consider the
severity of each emergency and
appropriate support and services
sequentially to the home to minimize
the overall loss and damage
By understanding and adopting
information, suggestions, and guidance
from the emergency department, homes
can provide the emergency department
with appropriate information during an
emergency and improve on preparing
and handling emergency situations
Objective Sub-
Mutual Interaction
gories Fr. SmartHome to Emergency Fr. Emergency to SmartHome
ture to
Home infrastructure information
(earthquake resistance level, fire-
proof door, etc.)
The status and stability of infras-
tructure (Framework)
The dangerous factors and design
defects of home infrastructure &
Residents information (number,
profile, medical history, etc.)
Financial information and budget
Medical insurance and social in-
Information and guidance for res-
idents’ questions and concerns
Information for services and sup-
port (distribution of police, hospi-
tal, and relevant department)
Cost for services and support pro-
The information of refuge and
public rescue service
By understanding the home res-
idents’ situations and home in-
formation, the emergency depart-
ment can provide appropriate, co-
ordinated services and support
With the information of medical
insurance and social insurance,
the emergency could make accu-
rate damage evaluation and pro-
vide affordable service
With information, suggestions,
and guidance provided by the
emergency department, home res-
idents can have access to afford-
able, personalized, and appropri-
ate emergency preparation and
handling support
Home residents could make
proper emergency plans and get
first services on time
Home infrastructure information
(earthquake resistance level, fire-
proof door, etc.)
Residents information (number,
profile, medical history, etc.)
Financial information and budget
Feedback on services and support
Improvement for feedback re-
ceived from home
Cost for services and support pro-
Periodic reminder and infor-
mative education for residents’
awareness of natural disasters and
human-caused emergencies
Advanced notification on natural
disasters, emergency situations,
and notification to neighbors for
human-caused emergencies
By understanding information about
the home’s needs and adopting
feedback provided by the home, the
emergency department can improve
services and support resilience and
With constant reminders for
emergency awareness and advanced
notification, homes can better prepare
and handle emergencies, thus helping
improve emergency department
services and support resilience and
Objective Sub-Objective
Mutual Interaction
Fr. SmartHome to
Emergency Fr. Emergency to SmartHome
& coordi-
to ensure
health &
& value
Life &
mental and
Family first aid equip-
ment number
Proactive detection of
The emergency handle connection
Shareable and friendly
community emergency
First aid community system
workload &
Family member infor-
mation (age)
The information of first aid system
(number, cost)
The information of
family members could
help the emergency
system better provide
Emergency call (Help home mem-
ber to get proper service and re-
Emergency room (Help home mem-
ber get proper treatment)
management &
Risk detection and vul-
nerable group status Vulnerable group rescue plan
The information on risk
detection could help
emergency systems re-
duce the reaction time
and provide rescue as
soon as possible
The vulnerable group rescue plan
could help the home provide better
Resilience and
The status of electric-
ity, internet, and water
Description of event
Building and equipment detection
and maintenance
The status of electricity
and water could help
the emergency system
better design rescue
Dynamic and decentralize maintain
Infrastructure helps the home to
make in-time service and flexi-
ble emergency plan
The building and equipment detec-
tion and maintenance could help
emergency systems predict Archi-
tecture emergencies
Objective Sub-Objective
Mutual Interaction
gories Fr. SmartHome to Emergency Fr. Emergency to SmartHome
tion with
Basic Need
and Urgent
Healthcare needs and mental
needs of family members
Food, medicine, patients
Requirement of service
and need
Status of home members
Governmental emergency de-
tection and prediction
Healthcare needs and men-
tal needs of family members
could help emergency sys-
tems provide better service
Requirement of service
and home members sta-
tus help emergency pro-
vide accurate service
Governmental emergency de-
tection and prediction could
help home better rescue pa-
Member skills and family and
neighbor relationships
Smart city/federal
governmental coordinated
emergency system (City joint
prevention, epidemic)
Family and neighbor relation-
ships could help family mem-
bers better get in time rescue
Smart city coordinated sys-
tem could coordinate the re-
source from different depart-
ments to make better service
Objective Sub-Objective
Mutual Interaction
gories Fr. SmartHome to Emergency Fr. Emergency to SmartHome
tion with
and Collective
Personal healthcare insurance
and accident insurance
The old and the infirm, shop-
ping, cooking, getting sick
Personal healthcare such
as vulnerable and chronic
The social security insurance
Personal healthcare insurance
and accident insurance could
help emergency systems re-
duce cost and workload.
Personal healthcare status
helps emergency better
design plan and provide
Social Security insurance
could help family members
better handle emergencies
and prepare for accidents
Personal contact information
and identification
You can’t talk when you’re
sick. You can’t use the net
Individuals may have
specific requirements
such as the inability to
access the internet or
difficulty speaking due
to medical conditions
The information of different
emergency departments (po-
lice, fire, hospital)
Providing personal identifica-
tion and a constant could
significantly enhance the ef-
fectiveness of the emergency
system in locating and rescu-
ing individuals in need
Accurate help and guidance
for homes can be obtained by
combining information from
various departments
Objective Sub-Objective
Mutual Interaction
gories Fr. SmartHome to Emergency Fr. Emergency to SmartHome
& Ethical
Equality &
Respect habits and be mindful
of potential risks, such as fire
hazards from stoves
Supporting the require-
ments of those who are
Control of possible risk
The habit and actions
might have a risk
The information on habits
helps emergency systems bet-
ter prevent accidents
The emergency of possible
risk help reduce the severity
of emergency and accident
Respect &
The respective family habit
Shareable rescue equipment
(fire extinguisher)
(Breakdown, support, help,
selfishness can be under-
The location and guidance of
public first aid equipment
The information about family
habit help emergency systems
to provide better service
The shareable rescue equip-
ment helps emergency sys-
tems better distribute medical
The location and guidance
of first aid equipment make
home members get better res-
Objective Sub-Objective
Mutual Interaction
gories Fr. SmartHome to Emergency Fr. Emergency to SmartHome
& Ethical
Happiness &
mental support
Relationship information and
personal mental status
Psychological defects, special
Mental disability of the
home member
The number and quality of
psychological consulting ser-
The relationship information
and personal mental status
help emergency systems pro-
vide better service
The information on men-
tal disability helps emergency
systems better provide service
and prevent accidents such as
The number and quality of
psychological consulting ser-
vices could make better dis-
tribution and help for family
members after emergencies or
Support &
Information of vulnerable
groups and their need
Instruction on how to help
vulnerable groups and protect
home members
Help emergency systems pro-
vide better service and avoid
secondary injury
Instruction help home mem-
ber better help those in need
and avoid the risk
Preservation &
Cultural and religion in the
The risky habit in the area and
handling method
The culture and religion in the
family could help emergency
systems design plan better
and prevent proper emergen-
The risky habit in the area and
handle method could train
home members to avoid ac-
cident emergencies
Objective Sub-Objective
Mutual Interaction
gories Fr. SmartHome to Emergency Fr. Emergency to SmartHome
Cost &
Maintenance &
Building material and cost Governmental emergency fi-
nancial plan
Building material and cost
will help emergency systems
better calculate possible costs
The government’s emergency
financial plan aims to assist
homeowners with quick fixes
and improved services
Management &
Material Cycle
Home financial status
(Household finances,
The reuse material type and
Homes’ financial status could
make emergency systems pro-
vide affordable services
Help home members reduce
inappropriate consumption
Protection &
Information such as expira-
tion dates and type of emer-
gency equipment
The instruction on how to
classify garbage and use
emergency equipment
Help emergency system to
evaluate environmental pollu-
tion and make recycling de-
Help home members better
protect the environment
Mutual Interaction
gories Fr. SmartHome to Environment Fr. Environment to SmartHome
ture to
Resource needs and waste generated
Current home appliances
Home furnishing and material used
(interior/exterior, windows/doors,
curtains availability and types)
User’s habits and preferences about
home infrastructures
Home and floor plan configuration
(rooms/ and sizes etc.)
Emergency handling procedure
(resources consumption: mask, fire
extinguisher, water, oxygen,
Home food, medication, and other
resources storage information
(environment condition needed,
amount stored)
Home plantations information
Services and support information
and support
Resources pricing and waste
handling pricing
Information and education on
methods to protect the
environment, reduced waste
Suggestions and guidance to
individual homes for
infrastructure support to be
environmentally friendly
By understanding the information provided
by the home, the environment department
can know and predict the environmental
impact each home will and can cause. So,
they can be better prepared and help home
infrastructure to reduce their environmental
impact and improve sustainable lifestyle
With information, guidance, services,
and support provided by the
environmental department, homes can
improve on infrastructure selection
and usage and live toward an
environmentally friendly and
sustainable lifestyle
Emergency handling procedure
(resources consumption: mask, fire
extinguisher, water, oxygen,
Residents’ location and current
situation (for better prediction of the
environmental impact it would cause)
Related home information that can
cause environmental impact
(furniture, appliances, gas, electricity,
battery, etc.)
Information and education for
evacuation handling and
Emergency weather information
and forecast
Other Emergency safety concern
One-to-one guidance during
Services and support for
emergency handling information
By understanding the information provided
by the home, the environment department
can know and predict the environmental
impact home will bring during
emergencies situations in order to better
prepare and take actions to help the home
minimize the impact and causes during the
By understanding and adopting
information, education, guidance,
services, and support provided by the
environmental department, homes can
better prepare and handle emergency
situations. While being safe and
protected during emergencies, with
help from the environmental
department, homes can improve on
reducing the environmental impact it
can cause during every emergency
event. lifestyle
Mutual Interaction
gories Fr. SmartHome to Environment Fr. Environment to SmartHome
ture to
sible &
Resource needs and waste generated
Current home appliances
Home furnishing and material used
(interior/exterior, windows/doors,
curtains availability, and types)
User’s habits and preferences about
home infrastructures
Home and floor plan configuration
(rooms/ and sizes etc.)
Home plantations information
Feedback on services received
Services and support
information (including price)
Information, suggestion,
education, and guidance for
waste handling and living a
sustainable lifestyle
By understanding the information home
provided about the circumstance and
preferences, the environment department
can accordingly provide appropriate
services and support to help the home
maximize a sustainable lifestyle
With information, guidance, services,
and support provided by the
environmental department, homes
can improve on reducing
environmental impact and living a
more sustainable lifestyle
Resource needs and waste generated
Current home appliances
Home furnishing and material used
(interior/exterior, windows/doors,
curtains availability, and types)
User’s habits and preferences about
home infrastructures
Home and floor plan configuration
(rooms/ and sizes etc.)
Feedback on services received
Financial information and budget
Improvement for feedback
received from home
Cost for services and support
Periodic updates and
informative education for
residents to understand
Sustainable lifestyle options
By understanding information about the
home’s needs and adopting feedback
provided by the home, the environment
department can improve services and
support resilience and adaptiveness
With constant reminders for options
for sustainable lifestyles, homes can
minimize environmental impact in
daily life, thus helping improve the
environmental department services
and support resilience and
Objective Sub-Objective
Mutual Interaction
gories Fr. SmartHome to Environment Fr. Environment to SmartHome
& coordi-
to ensure
health &
& value
Life &
mental and
Personal healthy status
(chronic disease, pills,
allergy. . . )
Personal mood
Home occupants information
Home pets and equipment in-
Clothing preference and
Air condition
Water condition
Pollution (air, water, noise,
light. . . )
Allergy conditions sources
General environment infor-
Weather information
Function Medication management
Updates on local health and
safety regulations or advi-
sories (e.g. boil water alerts,
air quality warnings)
Home and floor plan configu-
Rooms and sizes, lo-
cations, and evacuation
Available resources loca-
Reduce workload
& improve
Residents’ habit/daily sched-
Demand on time
duration/quality for
completing a task
Information for the notifica-
tion system to make decisions
Alert system
Management system
Make the decision
Objective Sub-Objective
Mutual Interaction
gories Fr. SmartHome to Environment Fr. Environment to SmartHome
& coordi-
to ensure
health &
& value
management &
Home resident status, pets
and equipment
Home furnishing and material
used (risk and maintenance)
Windows/doors, curtains
availability, and types
Home food and medication
storage information
Humidity requirements
Track best of date
Sensor information
Risk detection system
Management (food and med-
Material recommendation
Sensor and detection system
Backup system
Risk coordination system
Adjust ventilation, air purifi-
cation, or filtration systems
to maintain indoor air qual-
ity [469]
Resilience and
Report of potential hazards
Water contamination
Precaution of potential envi-
ronmental hazards through ra-
dio, phone, and news to citi-
zens living in particular areas
Precaution of potential nat-
ural disasters through emer-
gency alarms & real-time up-
Make preparation for poten-
tial environmental hazards in
Make proper allocation of
public resources to deal with
such hazards and evacuate the
Check the water quality of
each community regularly
and make proper adjustments
based on community
Make proper outfit adjust-
ments to deal with the envi-
ronmental hazard. For exam-
ple, put on a mask if the Air
Quality Index shows that the
pollution in the air is high
Make preparation to deal with
potential natural disasters. For
example, drink bottled water
if the water in the area is con-
taminated; store packed food
and emergency supplies in a
shelter if a hurricane is about
to strike
Objective Sub-Objective
Mutual Interaction
gories Fr. SmartHome to Environment Fr. Environment to SmartHome
tion with
Basic Need
and Urgent
Resource used
Energy used
Resource collected
Energy collected
Individual usage and habit in-
Resource used
Energy used
Resource collected
Energy collected
Function Urgency level analysis/index
Plan for Allocation distribu-
tion, notification
Prepare for emergencies
Reduce energy consumption
according to occupancy
level [470]
Energy usage, occupancy lev-
els, and other home’s re-
sources and needs
Local weather conditions, air
quality, and other environ-
mental factors. (ex. high level
of air pollution in the area)
Travel plans, residents’
Energy use detection
Resource detection
Energy adjust system
Human traffic forecast
People going out
Objective Sub-Objective
Mutual Interaction
gories Fr. SmartHome to Environment Fr. Environment to SmartHome
tion with
and Collective
Individual information (Af-
fordable responsibility, sched-
Family farm
Family energy station (Solar
Energy/carbon dioxide trade
Neighborhood production ex-
Water quality report
Air quality report
Waste disposal demand
Collective but anonymous
data from the community
Water quality monitoring
Air quality monitoring
Waste disposal guidance
Improve the capacity of waste
processing facilities accord-
Request for more stringent
regulations on pollutant emis-
Ensure safe drinking water
& climate-resilient water util-
Promote the application of
reusable containers
Make adjust-
ments/enhancements to
the air filter based on the
information provided
Make adjust-
ments/enhancements to
the water filter based on the
information provided
Facilitate community
responsibility by taking
actions to promote
reusable/recyclable materials
Objective Sub-Objective
Mutual Interaction
gories Fr. SmartHome to Environment Fr. Environment to SmartHome
& Ethical
Equality &
Energy supply time and sta-
bility, quality
Service accessibility and
Energy/ resource capture
Urban planning
Coordinated energy adjust
Resource allocation/control
Diverse energy resource re-
placement system
Respect &
Consideration of personal
preference / collect opinions
Protection of personal
Information sharing on the ur-
gency of environmental pro-
Personal energy trade
Personal Co2 trade
Help family members to de-
velop an awareness of envi-
ronmental protection
Happiness &
mental support
User’s habits and preferences
about home infrastructures
(light, gardening, house loca-
tion, noise. . . )
Greening rate
Function Plants and environments
Environmental detection
Noise / light control
Urban planning (plans for
greening, biodiversity. . . )
Support &
User privacy
Fairness and equity
Ethical considerations
User and residents’ education
and advice
Health and safety status of
the residents, (activity levels,
vital signs, location)
Garbage produced
Environmental risks and haz-
ards information, (ex. extreme
weather conditions, air qual-
ity issues)
Privacy protection
Design regulations and poli-
cies based on regional cus-
Garbage recycle
Garbage recycle
Garbage produced
Objective Sub-Objective
Mutual Interaction
gories Fr. SmartHome to Environment Fr. Environment to SmartHome
& Ethical
Preservation &
User preference (cultural, re-
Attitude on history preserva-
Information of new regula-
tions and policies while deal-
ing with cultural preservation
Privacy protection
Promotion of cultural affec-
Design regulations and poli-
cies based on user’s prefer-
ence and the actual value of
Provide more culturally ap-
propriate services based on
information provided
Help household residents and
community members
Understand rights and
Regulate irresponsible
Prevent potential con-
Promote sustainable col-
Objective Sub-Objective
Mutual Interaction
gories Fr. SmartHome to Environment Fr. Environment to SmartHome
Cost &
Maintenance &
Home station cost
Home station profit
Recycle cost
Recycle profit
Home appliances and system
status and maintenance
HVAC/ and current home
Humidifier/ and current
home humidity
Air purifier used/ and
current air quality
Resources pricing and waste
handling pricing
Recycle cost
Recycle profit
Home station cost
Home station profit
Management &
Material Cycle
Energy usage data
Water consumption data
Total waste produced
Environmental alerts
Renewable energy availability
Instruction on waste disposal
(e.g. e-waste) and incentive
on eco-friendly behaviors
Create policies and guidelines
for energy conservation, wa-
ter conservation, and waste
Set incentives for sustainable
Promote community engage-
ment in eco-friendly lifestyles
(processing of waste and the
conservation of natural re-
Objective Sub-Objective
Mutual Interaction
gories Fr. SmartHome to Environment Fr. Environment to SmartHome
Cost &
Protection &
Energy consumption and re-
source usage (gas, electricity,
water, and other forms)
Energy efficiency
Water saving
Waste reduction, material cy-
Sustainable material
Renewable energy
Important factors related to
environment protection, such
as weather patterns, energy
prices (including promotion
info), peak usage period, en-
vironmental alerts, renewable
energy availability, informa-
tion on local supply and de-
mand for resources (e.g. wa-
ter, energy)
How environmental change
would affect local health and
provide safety suggestions
regulations or advisories (e.g.
boil water alerts, air quality
Instruction on eco-friendly
behaviors and how to con-
tribute to Environment Pro-
Recommendations for home
innovation and infrastructure
adjustment to optimize en-
ergy efficiency
Create instruction and incen-
tives on eco-friendly behav-
iors to promote efficient re-
source management
Promote eco-friendly
lifestyles to achieve efficient
resource management and
environmental protection
Mutual Interaction
gories Fr. SmartHome to Humanity Fr. Humanity to SmartHome
ture to
Special need (vulnerable, elderly,
children, disabled residents that
need special infrastructure support
for daily life)
Personal beliefs and religious
Financial information
Personal information (age, marital,
profession, financial status, etc)
Preferences about infrastructure
General Services and support
Qualification, information, and
availability of financial and
physical help from institutions
(pension, shelters, etc.)
Plans and suggestions for needed
Better understanding the information
and special needs from home, the
humanity departments can provide
infrastructure-related services and
support with better humanity
With information, services, and support
provided by the humanities department,
home can improve on
infrastructure-related issues, and
establish a sense of belonging; while
homeless people and other types of
vulnerable groups can be better
supported financially or physically, for
example, places to live, home
infrastructures (air conditioner, heater,
etc.) for better living
Available resources during
emergencies (first aid kit, food,
water, emergency survival
backpack, etc.)
Special need (vulnerable, elderly,
children, disabled residents that
need special infrastructure support
for daily life)
Personal beliefs and religious
beliefs (some religions talk about
certain beliefs and faith about
meaning and handling principles
for emergencies like earthquakes,
floods, etc.)
Residents information (number of
residents, height, weight, etc.)
The incident status report for each
family, such as a short description
and pictures regarding the urgent
General Services and support
information (emergency
psychological help resources, Agent
one to one assistant)
Qualification, information, and
availability of financial, material,
and physical help from institutions
(pension, shelters, etc.)
Information, knowledge, education,
and guidance for individuals’
homes during emergencies
Better understanding the information
and special needs from home, the
humanity department can assist other
departments during emergencies to
provide homes with information,
guidance, and support with better
humanity considerations
With information, services, knowledge,
education, guidance, and support
provided by the humanities department,
home can improve confidence for
emergencies; while homeless people and
other types of vulnerable groups can be
better supported financially,
materialistically, and physically for
emergencies, for example, food supply
during the pandemic, shelters during
natural disasters, etc
Objective Sub-
Mutual Interaction
gories Fr. SmartHome to Humanity Fr. Humanity to SmartHome
ture to
sible &
Special need (vulnerable, elderly,
children, disabled residents that
need special infrastructure
support for daily life)
Financial information
Available resources (power
generator, solar panel, etc.)
Personal information (age,
marital, profession, financial
status, etc)
Preferences about infrastructure
Feedback about services and
support received
General Services and support
information (emergency
psychological help resources,
Agent one to one assistant)
Qualification, information, and
availability of financial, material,
and physical help from institutions
(pension, shelters, etc.)
Information, knowledge, education,
and guidance for individuals’
homes during emergencies
Better understanding the home
resident’s information, individual
home information, and their special
needs and adopting the feedback from
home, the humanity department can
improve accessibility and reliability
of the services and support provided
to ensure safety, hygiene, and basic
supply of home with humanity’s
By receiving and adopting information,
education, guidance, and support related
to infrastructure support from the
Humanity department, homes can
receive improved accessible and reliable
infrastructure services and support with
improved humanity consideration
Special needs from vulnerable,
elderly, children, and disabled
residents that need special
infrastructure support for their
daily life
Preferences about home
Feedback about services and
support received
General Services and support
information (emergency
psychological help resources,
Agent one to one assistant)
Qualification, information, and
availability of financial, material,
and physical help from institutions
(pension, shelters, etc.)
Information, knowledge, education,
and guidance for individuals’
homes during emergencies
Better collecting related information
about homes and residents, and
adopting the feedback from home, the
humanity department can improve and
make adaptive changes to the services
and support provided to homes, thus
improving resilience and adaptiveness
with humanity consideration
Utilizing information, education,
guidance, and support available from
the humanity department, homes can
receive enhanced resilient and adaptive
infrastructure services and support with
improved humanity consideration
Objective Sub-Objective
Mutual Interaction
gories Fr. SmartHome to Humanity Fr. Humanity to SmartHome
& coordi-
to ensure
health &
& value
Life &
mental and
Family’s life quality and
health status.
People’s human rights and re-
Public outreach program on
available family services to
help family members to sup-
port each other.
Family’s life and quality and
health status make humanity
system provide better service.
Assist family-in-need with
customizable and adaptive
services to ensure proactive
and coordinated family sup-
port for human safety, health
& well-being, identity &
People’s human rights and re-
sponsibility make humanity
better regulate members’ ac-
Make family services avail-
able to aid family members in
Reduce workload
& improve
Home communication condi-
Community-level technology
conditions, for example mo-
bile service signal strength
and internet service infras-
Ethical regulation system.
Law regulation system.
Educational materials for
available technical services.
Home communication condi-
tions could help humanity
make better service.
Support public-private initia-
tives to improve technology
infrastructure for homes and
Ethical and law could help
humanity better regulate
members’ actions.
Utilize available services to
reduce workload and improve
Objective Sub-Objective
Mutual Interaction
gories Fr. SmartHome to Humanity Fr. Humanity to SmartHome
& coordi-
to ensure
health &
& value
management &
The mental and humanity
needs of every family, espe-
cially the vulnerable group
Facilitate connected caregiv-
ing systems such as but not
limited to remote monitoring
systems and video communi-
cation devices
The frequency and quantity of
The mental need for members
and vulnerable group help hu-
manity provide better service
Use the information of dis-
crimination to make consen-
sus and acknowledgment of
humanity for different groups
Resilience and
Build consensus in family
Implement monitoring de-
vices to track residents’ vital
signs and trigger early warn-
ings about potential health is-
Analyze individual health sit-
uations, such as but not lim-
ited to activity patterns, sleep
quality, nutrition, and stress
levels, and generate recom-
mendations for the residents
Set activity of humanity to
improve relationships
Develop transparent data us-
age policies for user consent
and control to ensure privacy
Collect and analyze data
about the home’s various sys-
tems and patterns
Provide personalized plans,
including exercise routines,
diet suggestions, and stress
reduction techniques, to meet
everyone’s specific needs
Coordinated Planning: con-
duct stress tests of poten-
tial vulnerability under out-
of-control conditions, and de-
velop a practical action plan
to improve resilience by min-
imizing potential fallouts.
Efficiency Improvement and
Safety Assurance: optimize
the action plan and ensure the
plan’s safety and efficiency.
Proactive Response: secure
necessary resources to carry
out the plan when needed.
Education and Law
Enforcement: follow all
relevant rules, regulations,
and laws when executing the
Objective Sub-
Mutual Interaction
gories Fr. SmartHome to Humanity Fr. Humanity to SmartHome
tion with
Personal-level physiological,
health including mental, and
spiritual needs
Community-level physiological,
health including mental, and
spiritual needs
Public outreach programs on af-
fordable social and health services
for physiological, health including
mental, and spiritual needs
Assurance of emergency services
when needed
Offer affordable services to meet
the physiological, health including
mental, and spiritual needs of all
Provide emergency services when
The mental and spiritual needs to
make humanity provide better ser-
Share personal-level and
community-level needs especially
under pressing situations
Overcome the fear mentally and
seek immediate humanity help un-
der clamorous conditions from
friends, community, or society
Personal-level physiological,
health including mental, and
spiritual needs in the long run
Community-level physiological,
health including mental, and
spiritual needs in the long run
Existing social ethical rules, regu-
lations, and laws
Public outreach programs on social
and health services, mental ser-
vices, senior services
Public meetings for willing partic-
ipants on how to enhance current
social and health services, mental
services, and senior services in the
near term and to plan future ser-
Advertise rules, regulations, and
laws to protect social justice. If
needed, involve willing partici-
pants to develop new rules, regu-
lations, and laws in the long run
Survey, analyze, and predict phys-
iological, health including mental,
and spiritual needs of all residents,
with a focus on minority groups
Employ the ethical rules and regu-
lations to make the humanity sys-
tem a flexible service
Participate and provide feedback
to planning meetings for future
social and health services, mental
services, senior services
Follow existing social ethical
rules, regulations, and laws
Objective Sub-
Mutual Interaction
gories Fr. SmartHome to Humanity Fr. Humanity to SmartHome
tion with
and Col-
Physiological, health including
mental, and spiritual needs
for each household member,
especially seniors and members
with disabilities
Community-level aggregate infor-
mation on seniors, disabled, and
minority groups
Specific rules and regulations for
using public social and health ser-
vices, mental health services, and
senior services
Educational materials and neces-
sary tools for families with eco-
nomic strength regarding their
shared responsibility and support
for family members in need
Provide humanity emergency ser-
vices when needed
Clarify specific rules and regula-
tions for using public services for
food, health, and senior citizens
Push for families with economic
strength to take up their shared re-
sponsibility for supporting family
members in need
Advocate collective community ef-
forts to support families in need
Social needs and responsibility
help home members better follow
social rules
Follow rules, regulations, and laws
when using public social and
health services, mental health ser-
vices, and senior services
Accept and take up the responsibil-
ity for caring be family members
or community members in need
of a resident (residents) has (have)
the economic means
Objective Sub-
Mutual Interaction
gories Fr. SmartHome to Humanity Fr. Humanity to SmartHome
tion with
Personal information: willing-to-
be-shared personal-level informa-
tion chosen by each individual,
and personal choice of a particular
communication channel for the to-
be-shared information.
Collective information: willing-to-
be-shared community-level infor-
mation chosen by each commu-
nity, and community choice of a
particular communication channel
for the to-be-shared information.
Real-time feedback: reliable and
secure communication channels
for willing-to-be-shared informa-
tion during an emergency event.
Service suggestion: up-to-date in-
formation security measures and
contemporary secure communica-
tion channels for emergencies.
Available Support and Result
Feedback: public announcement
on all secure communication
channels and security measures for
shared information from residents
and community members.
Instructive Guidance: clear instruc-
tion and guidance on how shared
information is to be treated and
used, and how safe the communi-
cation channels are.
Expected Proactive Reaction: ex-
pected willingness to share infor-
mation through pre-select commu-
nication channels.
Rules & Stipulation: educational
materials for basic responsibilities,
regulations, and legal liabilities on
shared information and communi-
cation channels.
Enable Customizable and Adap-
tive Services: follow best practices
to safeguard received information,
and update all residents on all
available communication channels
Situation Understanding & Re-
source Assignment: assure all res-
idents of the safety of their shared
information and their communica-
tion channels, and allocate nec-
essary resources to maintain such
Timely Response: establish
secure communication channels
when needed, especially after an
emergency occurs
System Improvement: seek feed-
back and take necessary actions
to alleviate the safety concern of
the shared information and corre-
sponding channels
The personal and social credit sys-
Coordinated Planning: make in-
formed decisions on what informa-
tion to share and which commu-
nication channel to use for which
piece of information
Efficiency Improvement and
Safety Assurance: improve the
efficiency of communicating
shared information while
maintaining secure transmission
Proactive Response: involve all
willing participants to address con-
cerns on shared information and
communication channels, and de-
velop an action plan for future
Education and Law Enforcement:
following all applicable rules, reg-
ulations, and laws on transmitting
Mutual Interaction
gories Fr. SmartHome to Humanity Fr. Humanity to SmartHome
ity &
& Inclu-
Personal information: personal-
level lifestyles, personal living
conditions, confidential medical
Collective information:
community-level aggregate
information of lifestyles, aggregate
information of living conditions,
general health characteristics
Real-time feedback: attitudes to-
ward authorities when an emer-
gency occurs
Service suggestion: non-traditional
service requests
Available Support and Result Feed-
back: public outreach programs de-
signed with an emphasis on equal-
ity and inclusiveness, and the pro-
grams modified with the feedback
from the target audience
Instructive Guidance: instructions
and guidance designed with an em-
phasis on equality and inclusive-
ness. For example, educational ma-
terials are in the language spoken
by the target audience and are re-
spectful of the cultural background
of the target audience
Expected Proactive Reaction: the
anticipation of win-win benefits of
expected behavior without the con-
sideration of socioeconomic factors
Rules & Stipulation: educational
materials for basic responsibilities,
regulations, and legal liabilities de-
signed with the awareness of equal-
ity and inclusiveness
Enable Customizable and Adaptive
Services: develop equal and inclu-
sive personalized services to meet
individual needs regardless of their
ages, races, ethnicity, or socioeco-
nomic factors
Situation Understanding & Re-
source Assignment: understand sit-
uations without any unconscious
bias so that necessary resources can
be allocated to address the situa-
tions. For example, abnormal treat-
ments for wealthy neighborhoods
after natural disasters
Timely Response: provide timely
response to address either personal
or community concerns regardless
of their ages, races, ethnicity, or
socioeconomic factors
System Improvement: anticipate
and be open to non-traditional ser-
vice requests if needed
Coordinated Planning: make in-
formed decisions and coordinated
planning without any prejudice at
either the personal or community
Efficiency Improvement and Safety
Assurance: obtain the safety of all
residents regardless of their ages,
races, ethnicity, or socioeconomic
Proactive Response: involve all
willing participants equally in the
decision-making process and be-
come part of the response.
Education and Law Enforcement:
understand and follow rules and
laws regardless of their ages, races,
ethnicity, or socioeconomic factors
Objective Sub-Objective
Mutual Interaction
gories Fr. SmartHome to Humanity Fr. Humanity to SmartHome
& Ethical
Respect &
Family member status and
mental need and reception
Measures regarding the user’s
privacy and autonomy to pro-
vide their own information
Information about the health
status of vulnerable groups.
For instance, remote manage-
ment helps parents monitor
the children’s health, educa-
tion, and general organization
of daily routine [463]
Voice training data (slurred
speech, dialect) from Volun-
teers that can help create a
dialect database for smart di-
alect recognition system and
improve the inclusiveness for
future intelligence interaction
for public service and smart
appliances [464]
Social ethical regulation and
Public outreach programs on
the diversity of lifestyles and
living habits for residents
with different cultural back-
Family member status makes
humanity systems understand
social needs and provide bet-
ter service
Decide the final regulation
based on the preferences on
the privacy of the users
Ethical regulation makes
homes better understand and
avoid offensive activity
Appreciate the cultural diver-
sity of all residents to avoid
potential conflicts
Happiness &
mental support
Member’s feeling of happi-
ness and need
Preferences of the seniors to
perform work at home
Social spiritual and mental
Public outreach programs for
the seniors regarding their
health, volunteer and job
opportunities, and household
Members’ happiness needs to
make humanity systems pro-
vide better service and diverse
Connect with communities to
search for appropriate job op-
portunities and match them
with the seniors’ preferences
to work
The social spiritual and men-
tal need help home join social
cultures with less conflict
Contribute life experience and
wisdom to society
Objective Sub-Objective
Mutual Interaction
gories Fr. SmartHome to Humanity Fr. Humanity to SmartHome
& Ethical
Support &
The mental and reception
needs in the home
Fulfill the self-actualization
of the elderly by setting up
customer service platforms
for them to work while stay-
ing at home
Provide human-interactive
robots to the elderly for
psychological enrichment.
The system can collect
feedback for further
improvements and provide
insurance for the users [465]
Information regarding
the children’s educational
situation during on-going
COVID-19 [461] [462]
Different racial and group
people’s mental and reception
needs in the area
Guidance and suggestions on
how to assist children, to take
care of their special needs, in
urgent situations such as the
Encouragement from other
families and communities,
which is essential for the
home education of children
with autism, helps families
cope well with the educa-
tional situation during the on-
going COVID-19 pandemic
Any announcement, regula-
tion, and other relevant infor-
mation, such as sexual crim-
inals, released to local com-
Mental needs help humanity
systems provide better mental
support and repetition protec-
Help homes have better anti-
discrimination and reception
Preservation &
Personal heritage and cultural
Personal needs for mental
demographic information
Community-level cultural di-
versity and mental needs
Public outreach programs to
promote cultural heritage and
diversity for all residents
Affordable social and health
services for minority groups
Rules, regulations and laws to
protect socially disadvantaged
individuals and groups
Appreciate the cultural her-
itage of all residents
Understand and develop plans
to promote the cultural diver-
Understand and develop plans
to meet the mental needs of
all residents
Preserve the cultural heritage
and cultural diversity
Appreciate lifestyles and liv-
ing habits from different cul-
tural backgrounds
Manage and improve relation-
ships among all residents un-
der the context of the culture
and religion in the area, espe-
cially during conflicts.
Objective Sub-
Mutual Interaction
gories Fr. SmartHome to Humanity Fr. Humanity to SmartHome
Cost &
nance &
Personal information: personal-level
annual household expenditure on
goods and services, and the percent-
age of the expenditure being related
to sustainability. In other words, how
“green” the expenditure is.
Collective information: community-
level aggregate annual expenditure
on goods and services, and the per-
centage of the expenditure being
related to sustainability. In other
words, how “green” the expenditure
Real-time feedback: emergency fund
including pre-disaster preparation
and post-disaster recovery at
personal-level and community level.
Service suggestion: expected price
on goods and services to support
sustainability and humanity causes
locally or globally. For example, the
price for using renewable energy vs
non-renewable energy.
Available Support and Re-
sult Feedback: transparent ex-
penditure for the goods and
services available for Smart
Homes and their community,
and the expenditure modified
with the target customers.
Instructive Guidance: clear
instruction and guidance how
to obtain the goods and ser-
vices and their corresponding
individual costs
Expected Proactive Reaction:
feasible plan to encourage
willing participants to invest
and participate in sustainabil-
ity projects.
Rules & Stipulation: gen-
eral information for basic re-
sponsibilities, regulations and
legal liabilities when using
the goods and services for
Smart Homes. For example,
building permits are needed
for certain home improve-
ment projects.
Enable Customizable and Adaptive
Services: support the efforts from all
residents to adopt advanced technol-
ogy in order to reduce energy con-
sumption and waste while improving
their standard of living.
Situation Understanding & Resource
Assignment: recognize persona-level
and community-level desires for a
high standard of living regardless of
their ages, races, ethnicities, or so-
cioeconomic factors and appropriate
necessary resources to support such
Timely Response: contribute to pre-
and post-disaster efforts at both per-
sonal and community levels, and if
needed, lead the post-disaster recov-
ery efforts.
System Improvement: collect and act
on the feedback from all residents on
supporting sustainability and human-
ity causes locally or globally with
advanced technology
Coordinated Planning: make
informed decisions and take
corresponding actions with
available expenditure infor-
mation for the goods and ser-
vices to improve the standard
of living.
Efficiency Improvement and
Safety Assurance: optimize
the expenditure for Smart
Homes while reducing waste
and saving energy consump-
Proactive Response: partici-
pate in the discussion on sus-
tainability while maintaining
the standard of living.
Education and Law Enforce-
ment: understand the reg-
ulations and laws related
to home improvement, espe-
cially on projects related to
Objective Sub-Objective
Mutual Interaction
gories Fr. SmartHome to Humanity Fr. Humanity to SmartHome
Cost &
Management &
Material Cycle
Household waste and recy-
cle contents and quantities
at personal-level and commu-
nity level
Energy consumption and wa-
ter usage
Chemical contents of house-
hold products
Education materials on re-
newable materials and energy
Develop and execute a plan
to minimize the landfill and
maximize recycled materials
Encourage all residents to
adopt renewable materials as
much as possible
Advocate proved methods to
cut down energy consumption
and water usage, and if pos-
sible, push for renewable en-
The garbage type and quan-
tity could help humanity sys-
tem better understand the life
habit of home
Be aware of the chemical
contents of production to re-
duce allergy and health prob-
lems at home
Adopt a convenient and vul-
nerable group-friendly recy-
cling system
Adopt renewable materials
and use renewable energy if
Protection &
Quantities and types of plants
inside and outside homes and
Levels of air, water, lighting
pollution, and noise
Education materials on how
various types of environmen-
tal and household pollution
affect general health in the
short and long terms.
Instruction and guidance on
minimizing pollution levels
Evaluate the happiness at
home-level and community
level with the quantities and
types of plant
Estimate the pollution types
and corresponding levels and
share the results with all res-
Prepare homes and commu-
nities to avoid and minimize
Adopt environmentally-
friendly materials and
renewable energy as much as
This section explores the reciprocal influence between
Smart Home functionalities and diverse lifestyles, and how
these functionalities shape lifestyle dynamics. In turn, these
lifestyle patterns inform the design considerations of Smart
Home systems. A pivotal facet of this exploration involves
an elucidation of the potential misuse of these Smart Home
functionalities and the associated risks that may ensue. Poten-
tial privacy and cybersecurity threats are also raised if these
smart functionalities are not properly overseen. Furthermore,
this section also illustrates how various communities may con-
tribute to the development and refinement of seven functions
in Smart Homes.
A. Lifestyle Related to Seasonal, Climate, and Environmental
Smart Homes offer a remarkable capability to respond and
adapt to a wide variety of weather conditions even though such
conditions significantly affect people’s day-to-day lifestyles.
Seasonal weather changes and severe weather events can
dictate our comfort levels, activity patterns, and even our
health. Hot summers or harsh winters can be managed by
climate control systems by ensuring optimal indoor temper-
atures. Unpredictable events like storms, floods, or prolonged
heat waves can be dealt with with advanced warning systems
and automated safety protocols. Similarly, Smart Homes can
utilize weather forecasts to optimize energy usage, potentially
harnessing solar power on sunny days or adjusting heating
systems in response to weather predictions. By mitigating the
impact of weather conditions on our lives, Smart Homes help
to keep people comfortable and well-being. Smart homes even
contribute to sustainability, which, in turn, allows us to live
more flexible, resilient, and eco-conscious lifestyles.
1) Impact of Smart Home Functions on Lifestyle: This
section discusses the impact of various Smart Home functions
on people’s lifestyles.
Safety and Security Function: Smart home technologies
have transformed safety and security by integrating envi-
ronmental factors into household management. Through
the automation of temperature, lighting, and air quality
control, Smart Homes have created more secure living
environments than before. They can respond to weather
changes, mitigate health risks related to extreme temper-
atures, and improve visibility to prevent accidents. More-
over, by tailoring aesthetics to inhabitants’ preferences,
Smart Homes contribute to stress reduction and overall
mental well-being, underlining the crucial role they play
in enhancing personal safety.
Basic living infrastructure - Supply: Smart Homes
play a significant role in managing and improving the
provision of essential resources like clean water and
energy, which are heavily influenced by weather, seasonal
variations, and other environmental factors. Automated
filtration systems can ensure the quality of tap water
even during the rainy season when standard systems can
be overwhelmed. In response to weather changes, Smart
Homes can activate essential appliances and provide
reminders for tasks such as laundry. They can regulate
indoor temperature to secure the safe storage of food
and medication and incorporate backup power solutions
to assure continuity in essential appliances’ operation.
Moreover, when paired with renewable energy sources,
Smart Homes can adjust energy consumption according
to production levels, thereby promoting a sustainable
Basic Living Infrastructure - Waste Management
and Hygiene: Smart Homes have revolutionized waste
management and hygiene, contributing significantly to
cleanliness and overall household hygiene. By imple-
menting automatic functions in response to environmen-
tal conditions, Smart Homes can activate dehumidifiers
during rainy seasons to mitigate mold growth or trigger
cleaning robots during snowy weather for safe outdoor
access. Innovative features like self-cleaning windows
and automated waste sorting systems contribute to house-
hold hygiene while reducing manual labor. The capability
to adjust waste disposal schedules based on weather
forecasts further exemplifies how Smart Homes promote
cleaner and healthier lifestyles.
Physiological and Logistical Function and Living Con-
ditions Improvement: By automating daily living tasks,
Smart Homes offer an efficient, safe, and comfortable
living environment. This is particularly beneficial for indi-
viduals with mobility challenges or the elderly, who may
find outdoor activities challenging during adverse weather
conditions. Smart Homes can minimize weather-related
accidents, like falls due to slippery floors, through real-
time moisture monitoring and alerts. Additionally, they
can provide valuable health-related insights and preven-
tive measures for weather-related illnesses, demonstrating
how Smart Homes use environmental factors to improve
physiological and logistical conditions for inhabitants.
Centralized Coordination: Smart Homes’ coordination
with the wider community proves beneficial, especially
during emergencies or severe weather. Smart Homes
provide valuable real-time data on potential hazards and
weather conditions, contributing to community safety and
disaster response initiatives. Simultaneously, they can
keep inhabitants informed about transportation and in-
frastructure changes, ensuring informed decision-making
during extreme weather events. With the ability to sup-
port healthcare initiatives and guide infrastructure de-
velopment, Smart Homes enable communities to make
informed decisions for a weather-resilient lifestyle.
Private Information Platform and Cloud: Smart
Homes manage an abundance of personal and household
data, which, while providing a range of benefits like
personalized climate control and energy optimization,
also entail potential privacy risks. Therefore, strong pri-
vacy measures are pressing in Smart Home design to
safeguard the data. The careful use of public weather
and environmental data can further enhance the benefits
of Smart Homes while maintaining user privacy.
Integrative and Sustainable Home and Lifestyle: In-
tegrating sustainability into lifestyles is another signifi-
cant aspect of Smart Homes. They can optimize energy
consumption and waste management, promoting a more
sustainable and eco-friendly lifestyle. They also provide
lifestyle management support, such as reminders for
healthy habits or household tasks, tailored to individual
preferences and environmental factors. By connecting
residents with community resources and services, Smart
Homes can also strengthen communal ties and supporting
networks. Through these functions, Smart Homes create a
lifestyle that addresses not only the needs of an individual
and a community but also the broader environment.
2) Influence of Lifestyles on Smart Home Functions and
Design Considerations: Here below, we will discuss how
lifestyles would affect the several major functions of Smart
Safety and Security Function: The influence of lifestyle
factors can be significant on the safety and security func-
tion of Smart Homes. For instance, during winter seasons,
heightened awareness and preventative measures may be
needed to ensure safety from hazards like icy conditions.
This calls for Smart Home features like automatic snow
removal systems or real-time weather monitoring to pre-
vent slips and falls. The system should also adjust to the
daily routines of the residents to enhance safety. For ex-
ample, when the residents are away for extended periods,
the system can deter intruders by simulating occupancy.
In severe weather conditions, integrated sensors and early
warning systems can offer timely alerts to protect the
home and its occupants. Furthermore, geographic location
may demand specialized features. For instance, Smart
Homes in earthquake-prone regions may require seismic
sensors and structural reinforcements.
Basic living infrastructure - Supply: Lifestyle ele-
ments, such as seasonal variations and weather condi-
tions, should be considered in Smart Home designs. In
regions with extreme temperatures, climate control sys-
tems become essential to preserve basic supplies like food
and medication. Time-based usage patterns of residents
can guide efficient supply management through smart
monitoring systems. Similarly, humidity control is vital
for optimal storage conditions, and air filtration systems
can help maintain the quality of supplies by reducing
airborne contaminants. The Smart Homes’ location may
also influence their design. For example, in remote areas
or during natural disasters, features like backup power
systems and on-site water storage become essential.
Basic Living Infrastructure - Waste Management and
Hygiene: The lifestyle impact on waste management and
hygiene of Smart Homes is particularly noticeable in
warmer seasons when efficient waste management sys-
tems are necessary to prevent odors and pest infestations.
Time-based reminders for waste collection and disposal
can ensure hygiene maintenance. Extreme weather events,
such as heavy rain or flooding, require weather monitor-
ing sensors for effective waste management. Additionally,
Smart Homes’ ventilation systems help control odors and
maintain a clean environment, while local regulations and
infrastructure should guide waste management practices.
Physiological and Logistical Function and Living
Conditions Improvement: Seasonal changes and daily
routines of the residents can guide the physiological and
logistical function of Smart Homes. Automated heat-
ing systems, smart blinds, and natural ventilation can
optimize the indoor environment according to seasonal
variations. Personalized scheduling features and adaptive
bedroom environments can promote sleep quality and
assist with daily activities. Moreover, sensors can adjust
indoor conditions based on environmental factors like
humidity, allergens, and the levels of air pollution, thereby
improving overall living conditions. In locations with
high pollution levels, Smart Homes may require advanced
filtration systems and airtight construction.
Centralized Coordination: In the context of centralized
coordination, Smart Homes can contribute to community
resilience by sharing real-time data and warnings during
extreme weather events or natural disasters. Time-based
notifications can promote active community engagement,
while backup systems can ensure continuous connectivity
during severe weather events. Air quality assessments can
lead to localized solutions for environmental challenges,
and homes near critical community infrastructure can
serve as communication hubs during emergencies.
Private Information Platform and Cloud: Considering
the lifestyle impact on private information platforms and
cloud services, Smart Homes need to ensure robust data
security, particularly during peak holiday periods when
cybercriminal activities are more frequent than working
days. Time-sensitive access to personal information plat-
forms during medical emergencies or remote work sce-
narios demands continuous availability and data backup.
Weather events that disrupt internet connectivity neces-
sitate backup connectivity options, while climate control
systems are needed to maintain optimal conditions for
data storage. Furthermore, the physical location of data
storage should adhere to local data protection regulations.
Integrative and Sustainable Home and Lifestyle:
Smart Homes can help promote sustainable lifestyles
by adjusting energy consumption based on seasonal
variations. Lifestyle management features can automate
routine tasks and organize schedules for a balanced
lifestyle. Weather conditions impacting energy generation
can guide the operation of renewable energy sources
and heating/cooling settings. Environmentally friendly
practices, for example water conservation and recycling,
can be encouraged through real-time feedback on re-
source consumption. Finally, Smart Homes located in
a sustainable community can amplify its environmental
impact by integrating with local sustainable initiatives.
B. Lifestyle: Basic Human Needs
Basic physiological needs form a critical aspect of people’s
lifestyles, covering key elements such as thermal comfort, diet,
excretion, hygiene, and sanitation of the home environment.
These needs are integral to a person’s well-being and can
significantly influence how they interact with their living
spaces. As such, to truly create a Smart Home environment
that enhances and supports individuals’ lifestyles, it’s vital to
consider how Smart Home technology can meet these basic
physiological needs.
Thermal comfort pertains to maintaining an ideal temper-
ature within the home, contributing to the overall comfort
and health of the inhabitants. Diet, a fundamental aspect of
human health, involves not only the food we consume but
also how we prepare, store, and manage it. Excretion and
hygiene are tied to personal cleanliness and the management of
waste, both of which directly impact the sanitation and overall
health environment within a home. Finally, the cleanliness
of the home environment, including regular cleaning and
disinfection, is vital to prevent the spread of diseases and
ensure a safe, healthy living space. The interplay between these
physiological needs and Smart Home technology sets the stage
for an integrated living experience, where technology is not
simply a convenience but a partner in promoting and sustaining
healthy lifestyles.
1) Impact of Smart Home Functions on Lifestyle: This
section discusses how lifestyles are affected by Smart Home
Safety and Security Function: Enhanced safety and
security within the confines of one’s home is an indirect
yet substantial contributor to the physiological well-
being of an individual. Smart Home technology plays a
pivotal role in this enhancement, employing surveillance
cameras, motion sensors, and smart locks to foster a
sense of safety. This security reassures inhabitants, letting
them concentrate on fulfilling basic needs like meals
and personal hygiene. Suggestions have been made for
caregivers to reduce agitation through the use of these
Basic living infrastructure - Supply: An effective and
consistent supply of essential resources like water, elec-
tricity, and gas is critical in catering to physiological
needs. Smart Homes integrate automated and efficient
systems to manage these resources. With real-time mon-
itoring and smart controls, residents can assure a consis-
tent supply, ensuring a living environment conducive to
comfort and satisfaction of physiological needs. This in-
tegration has been noted to reduce workload and increase
efficiency while decreasing unexpected workloads.
Basic Living Infrastructure - Waste Management and
Hygiene: Smart home technology extends its influence on
waste management and hygiene, contributing to healthy
lifestyles. Smart trash bins, equipped with sensors, can
intuitively sense when full, prompting timely disposal.
Touchless smart faucets and toilets encourage good
hygiene practices, reducing contamination risks, which
eventually promotes overall well-being. This technology
reduces the workload and boosts efficiency, also aiding
individuals dealing with hoarding disorders.
Physiological and Logistical Function and Living Con-
ditions Improvement: Smart home technology aids effi-
cient management of physiological and logistical needs.
For instance, automated food preparation systems can
be set to prepare meals ahead of a user’s arrival home,
ensuring a seamless dining experience while saving time.
Smart refrigerators, boasting inventory management fea-
tures, can keep track of food expiration dates, helping re-
duce food wastage and ensuring freshness, thus positively
impacting diet and health. These features not only reduce
the workload for caregivers but also improve efficiency.
Centralized Coordination: Smart homes possess the
capability to connect with broad communities, fostering
coordination and exchange of information. Alerts about
local farmers’ markets can be received, encouraging
access to fresh and healthy food options. This intercon-
nectivity can further aid community support systems like
sharing surplus food or planning group exercise activities,
resulting in favorable lifestyle shifts.
Private Information Platform and Cloud: Smart home
technology extends its services to providing a private
information platform and cloud-based services, assisting
individuals in managing their lifestyles. Integrated health-
tracking devices or applications allow residents to keep
track of their diet, exercise routines, and overall health.
This personalized information proves crucial in helping
individuals make informed decisions, enabling adjust-
ments to their lifestyle choices as required.
Integrative and Sustainable Home and Lifestyle: Pro-
moting an integrative and sustainable approach to lifestyle
management, Smart Homes utilize automated energy
management systems that optimize energy usage, thus
reducing the environmental footprint. Moreover, Smart
Home technology can encourage the adoption of eco-
friendly habits by providing information on recycling
programs and sustainable consumption practices.
2) Influence of Lifestyles on Smart Home Functions and
Design Considerations: This section discusses how Smart
Home functions and design considerations are influenced by
people’s lifestyles.
Safety and Security Function: Lifestyle preferences,
such as a desire for warmth and comfort, can shape the
design and functionality of safety and security systems in
Smart Homes. For example, individuals who appreciate
a warm environment during the colder seasons might
rely heavily on heating systems, potentially increasing
fire hazard risks. This lifestyle necessitates Smart Homes
to furnish with advanced fire detection systems being
capable of identifying potential threats swiftly and ac-
tivating automated safety measures to mitigate these
risks. Moreover, those with lifestyles involving frequent
travel may require robust surveillance systems and remote
monitoring capabilities, to ensure home security during
their absence.
Basic living infrastructure - Supply: Dietary habits and
preferences directly influence the Smart Homes’ supply
infrastructure. Specialized diets or specific nutritional
needs may call for smart refrigerators that can accurately
monitor and manage food inventory, preventing potential
food waste or health complications. Therefore, Smart
Home designs should consider features like inventory
management systems, personalized meal planning sug-
gestions, and integration with grocery delivery services
to maintain a constant supply of suitable food items.
Basic Living Infrastructure - Waste Management
and Hygiene: Choices related to cleanliness and waste
management can significantly affect Smart Home waste
management systems’ efficiency. Ignoring proper waste
disposal habits or maintaining inadequate hygiene rou-
tines can cause unpleasant odors, health hazards, and
disease proliferation. Therefore, Smart Home features
should include automated waste sorting systems, sensor-
equipped waste bins, and waste management reminders.
Further, incorporating touchless faucets, self-cleaning
surfaces, and automated sanitation protocols can help
maintain a clean and healthy living environment.
Physiological and Logistical Function and Living Con-
ditions Improvement: Physiological needs like warmth,
cleanliness, and comfort can drive the design of Smart
Home functions. Insufficient heating or ventilation can
cause discomfort, respiratory issues, or even mold growth.
Moreover, certain extreme lifestyle elements, such as
obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) or mysophobia,
can have unique impacts on these considerations. For
example, individuals with OCD might need specially de-
signed spaces that help them manage their disorder. Those
with mysophobia might require specialized sanitation and
cleanliness features. Smart home systems should offer
advanced temperature control mechanisms, air purifica-
tion systems, and real-time monitoring to ensure optimal
living conditions. Additionally, lifestyle preferences like
a dedicated workspace or exercise area should factor into
the design, creating multifunctional living spaces that
support residents’ wellness.
Centralized Coordination: Choices concerning hygiene
practices and the home environment can impact the
effectiveness of centralized coordination in Smart Homes.
Neglecting hygiene measures or maintaining an unclean
environment can jeopardize community health and safety.
Smart home designs should include features like touch-
less entry systems, contactless delivery options, and
automated sanitization protocols to minimize disease
transmission risks. Information exchange platforms and
community-driven initiatives can also enhance cleanliness
and hygiene practices, ensuring collective well-being.
Private Information Platform and Cloud: Choices con-
cerning dietary preferences, health conditions, or personal
habits necessitate secure and personalized information
platforms in Smart Homes. Failing to prioritize privacy
and data protection can lead to personal health informa-
tion breaches or unauthorized access to sensitive data.
Therefore, Smart Home systems should deploy robust se-
curity measures, encrypted communication channels, and
user-controlled data-sharing options to safeguard personal
confidential information. Moreover, services like person-
alized dietary recommendations or access to telehealth
services should ensure privacy while offering valuable
lifestyle management support.
Integrative and Sustainable Home and Lifestyle:
Choices related to cleanliness and environmental sustain-
ability underline the need for integrative and sustainable
features in Smart Homes. Neglecting sustainability prac-
tices or environmental concerns can result in excessive
energy consumption and waste generation. High hygiene
requirements might also lead to increased consumption
of basic cleaning supplies, an aspect that Smart Home
designs should take into account by encouraging the
use of environmentally friendly products. Smart home
designs should incorporate energy-efficient appliances,
water-saving fixtures, and renewable energy sources to
support sustainable living. Moreover, lifestyle manage-
ment features like personalized sustainability goals, real-
time energy monitoring, and community-supported initia-
tives can encourage residents to adopt eco-friendly habits,
contributing to a greener future.
C. Lifestyle: Exercise
Exercise plays an essential role in people’s lifestyles, partic-
ularly after having a meal. Individuals have their preferences
and patterns when it comes to engaging in physical activities.
Some individuals enjoy outdoor exercise, while others may
prefer the convenience of indoor activities either at a gym
or within their homes. Additionally, the type and intensity
of exercise can vary based on age groups, as different age
brackets have different physical capabilities and requirements.
Furthermore, people have distinct exercise frequencies, pref-
erences for various sports, and unique schedules for incorpo-
rating exercise into their daily routines.
1) Impact of Smart Home Functions on Lifestyle: This
section discusses the impact of various Smart Home functions
on people’s lifestyles.
Safety and Security Function: Smart home technology
plays a crucial role in ensuring the safety of individuals
during exercise. By providing real-time weather informa-
tion, Smart Homes can help individuals make informed
decisions about outdoor workouts and prevent potential
risks during extreme weather conditions. Additionally,
Smart Home systems can send timely alerts to family
members, keeping them aware of any safety hazards
that may arise, such as heavy rain or high-risk areas.
Moreover, advanced security systems can offer a sense
of security, allowing individuals to exercise without con-
cerns about theft or unauthorized access.
Basic living infrastructure - Supply: Smart home
technology provides essential resources necessary for
indoor exercise. With smart energy management systems,
individuals can power their exercise equipment efficiently
and ensure a consistent supply of electricity. Proper
lighting control systems within Smart Homes create an
optimal environment for exercise, enhancing visibility
and safety. Furthermore, the integration of water supply
management allows individuals to stay hydrated during
workouts, promoting healthy exercise practices.
Basic Living Infrastructure - Waste Management and
Hygiene: Efficient waste management and hygiene prac-
tices facilitated by Smart Home technology contribute to
an improved exercise environment. Smart waste disposal
systems help maintain clean outdoor spaces, reducing the
risk of injuries and illnesses. Access to public restrooms
and handwashing stations through Smart Home coordi-
nation ensures proper hygiene during exercise activities.
By promoting a clean and hygienic environment, Smart
Homes support individuals in maintaining their exercise
routines and overall well-being.
Physiological and Logistical Function and Living Con-
ditions Improvement: Smart home technology offers lo-
gistical support to individuals in their exercise lifestyles.
Automated food preparation systems can provide nutri-
tional support after workouts, ensuring individuals have
access to healthy meals without spending excessive time
on meal planning and cooking. By streamlining the
logistical aspects of daily living, Smart Homes allow
individuals to allocate more time and energy to exer-
cise. Additionally, Smart Homes can provide personalized
exercise recommendations and preventive measures to
avoid injuries, helping individuals create effective exer-
cise plans and achieve their fitness goals safely.
Centralized Coordination: Smart home technology en-
ables centralized coordination that enhances people’s
exercise experiences. Through centralized information
sharing, individuals can access exercise facilities, join
community fitness events, or connect with like-minded
individuals. This coordination fosters a sense of com-
munity, support, and motivation, encouraging individuals
to maintain their exercise routines. Additionally, Smart
Home systems can assist in scheduling exercise activi-
ties, ensuring efficient time management, and reducing
barriers to regular physical activity.
Private Information Platform and Cloud: Private infor-
mation platforms and cloud services offer a wealth of re-
sources to support individuals’ exercise lifestyles. Online
fitness classes, workout apps, and virtual personal training
sessions accessible through Smart Home devices allow
individuals to exercise conveniently from home. These
platforms provide personalized exercise plans, progress
tracking, and social support through online fitness com-
munities, contributing to motivation and accountability.
However, it is essential to strike a balance between virtual
exercise and outdoor physical activity to ensure a holistic
approach to fitness.
Integrative and Sustainable Home and Lifestyle:
Smart home technology promotes an integrative and
sustainable approach to exercise and overall lifestyle.
Outdoor fitness equipment and community infrastructure
within smart neighborhoods encourage individuals to
engage in physical activity and exercise. This accessi-
ble and convenient environment supports individuals in
incorporating exercise into their daily routines. More-
over, an integrative and sustainable lifestyle encourages
active transportation, such as walking or biking, reducing
reliance on cars and providing opportunities for inci-
dental physical activity. Community support programs
and initiatives further promote exercise participation and
contribute to a healthy lifestyle.
2) Influence of Lifestyles on Smart Home Functions and
Design Considerations: This section discusses the impact of
people’s lifestyles on various Smart Home functions.
Safety and Security Function: The exercise lifestyle
introduces specific considerations for the safety and se-
curity functions of a Smart Home. Individuals engaging
in physical activities can benefit from features such as
motion sensors and activity monitoring systems that de-
tect unusual movement patterns or potential intruders. For
example, if a homeowner is away during their exercise
routine, Smart Home systems can be designed to provide
real-time alerts and notifications, ensuring the security of
the property. Additionally, features like smart door locks
and video surveillance systems can enhance safety during
exercise by offering controlled access and monitoring
Basic living infrastructure - Supply: The exercise
lifestyle influences the design of basic living infras-
tructure within a Smart Home, particularly in terms
of water supply and nutrition. Individuals with active
exercise routines may have higher water requirements to
stay hydrated. Smart home systems can include features
that monitor hydration levels and provide reminders to
drink water. Integration with fitness tracking devices or
applications can enable personalized nutritional recom-
mendations, ensuring an adequate supply of healthy food
options that support an active lifestyle. Moreover, inven-
tory management systems can be integrated to keep track
of exercise equipment and clothing, ensuring availability
and timely replenishment.
Basic Living Infrastructure - Waste Management and
Hygiene: Exercise activities have implications for waste
management and hygiene in a Smart Home. Increased
physical activity may result in higher amounts of waste,
such as used towels or workout equipment. Smart home
systems can be equipped with automated waste manage-
ment solutions, including sensors that detect when waste
bins need to be emptied or specialized compartments for
workout-related waste. Additionally, features like auto-
mated cleaning schedules or reminders can help maintain
cleanliness in exercise spaces and associated equipment,
promoting hygiene and a healthy exercise environment.
Physiological and Logistical Function and Living
Conditions Improvement: Smart home designs can ac-
commodate exercise lifestyles by providing dedicated
spaces and features that enhance the exercise experience.
Dedicated workout areas can be equipped with adjustable
lighting, temperature control, and sound systems that
create an optimal exercise environment. Integration with
fitness equipment or wearable devices enables seamless
tracking of workout data, personalized training programs,
and real-time performance feedback. For example, a
Smart Home system can provide workout recommenda-
tions based on individual fitness goals, track progress
over time, and offer suggestions for injury prevention
or nutrition management. By offering a personalized and
supportive environment, Smart Homes facilitate individu-
als’ exercise routines and contribute to overall well-being.
Centralized Coordination: Exercise-focused lifestyles
benefit from centralized coordination features within a
Smart Home. Smart home systems can connect individ-
uals to fitness communities or exercise classes through
virtual platforms, enabling access to workout routines,
instructor-led sessions, or peer support. Integration with
health-tracking applications or wearables allows for infor-
mation exchange, fostering engagement with social cir-
cles or local fitness communities. For instance, users can
share exercise achievements, participate in challenges,
or seek motivation from others with similar exercise
goals. This connectivity promotes a sense of community,
support, and accountability, enhancing the exercise expe-
Private Information Platform and Cloud: Exercise-
related lifestyle choices necessitate secure and private
information platforms within Smart Homes. Fitness data,
such as heart rate or exercise performance metrics, must
be protected from unauthorized access. Smart home sys-
tems can provide secure cloud storage for fitness data,
encrypted communication channels, and user-controlled
data-sharing options. Additionally, personalized exercise
recommendations or access to virtual trainers can be
offered through private information platforms, ensuring
privacy while delivering tailored exercise guidance. Fur-
thermore, advanced analysis of personal fitness data can
provide deeper insights and guidance for optimizing
exercise routines.
Integrative and Sustainable Home and Lifestyle:
Smart home features can promote an integrative and
sustainable exercise lifestyle. Energy-efficient lighting
systems can create an inviting atmosphere in exercise
areas while minimizing energy consumption. Integra-
tion with sustainable transportation systems or bike-
sharing platforms encourages individuals to choose ac-
tive commuting options. For different exercise lifestyles,
Smart Homes can offer specialized features. For exam-
ple, fashion-conscious individuals may require dedicated
storage spaces for exercise clothing or equipment. Ad-
ditionally, Smart Home systems can provide lifestyle
management features, including personalized exercise
goals, reminders for physical activity, and integration with
environmental sensors to optimize indoor air quality and
create a healthy exercise environment. By considering the
specific exercise needs and preferences of individuals,
Smart Home designs provide a supportive and empower-
ing environment that promotes regular physical activity,
ensures safety, and integrates exercise seamlessly into
daily routines.
D. Lifestyle: Healthy Living Habit and Scheduling
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and adhering to a well-
structured schedule is paramount in our modern lives. Priori-
tizing physical well-being is crucial for individuals of all ages,
but it becomes even more essential for vulnerable individuals,
such as those with psychological conditions, disabilities, or
Alzheimer’s disease. These individuals require extra attention
and care to ensure their health and safety within the home
Furthermore, it is widely recognized that adequate rest is
vital for overall well-being. After completing daily routine
activities, people need to allow themselves time to unwind and
recharge. However, it’s important to note that sleep patterns
can vary significantly among individuals. Each person has
unique sleep preferences, including specific sleep timings,
optimal sleep durations, and desired sleep quality. Some indi-
viduals may be early risers, while others are more productive
during the evening hours. Some may require longer sleep
durations to feel refreshed, while others can function optimally
with less sleep.
Understanding these individual variations in sleep habits and
recognizing the importance of maintaining a healthy balance
between activity and rest is fundamental for promoting overall
wellness. This knowledge can help inform the design and
integration of Smart Home technology to accommodate and
support individuals in their pursuit of a healthy lifestyle and
well-regulated schedule.
1) Impact of Smart Home Functions on Lifestyle: This
section discusses the impact of various Smart Home functions
on people’s lifestyles.
Safety and Security Function: The Safety and Security
function of Smart Home technology has a significant im-
pact on Healthy Living Habits and Scheduling lifestyles.
By integrating advanced security systems, Smart Homes
provide individuals with a sense of safety and peace
of mind, allowing them to engage in outdoor activities
without fear. With features such as surveillance cameras,
motion sensors, and smart locks, Smart Homes enhance
the physical security of individuals, reducing the risk of
intrusions or accidents. This increased security promotes
a healthier lifestyle by encouraging outdoor exercises
like walking or jogging, leading to improved physical
well-being. Moreover, the feeling of safety within the
Smart Home environment contributes to reduced stress
levels, positively impacting mental well-being and overall
quality of life.
Basic living infrastructure - Supply: In the context of
Healthy Living Habits and Scheduling lifestyle, the Basic
living infrastructure: supply function of Smart Homes
plays a vital role. Smart home technology enables indi-
viduals to monitor and control their water and electricity
consumption, promoting efficient resource usage. With
the help of smart meters and connected devices, indi-
viduals can track their water usage and receive real-time
data about their consumption patterns. This information
empowers them to make informed decisions and adopt
water-saving habits, contributing to a sustainable and
healthy lifestyle. Additionally, Smart Home automation
systems allow individuals to regulate their lighting, heat-
ing, and cooling, ensuring a comfortable living environ-
ment that supports their well-being and scheduling pref-
erences. By optimizing the usage of essential resources,
individuals can better manage their daily schedules and
allocate their time effectively.
Basic Living Infrastructure - Waste Management
and Hygiene: Smart home technology offers innovative
solutions for waste management and hygiene, impact-
ing Healthy Living Habits and Scheduling lifestyles.
Automated waste management systems, equipped with
sensors and smart bins, enable individuals to efficiently
dispose of waste and maintain a clean living environment.
Smart Homes can provide reminders for waste collection
schedules and optimize recycling practices, promoting
sustainable habits and reducing the risk of health issues
associated with poor waste management. Furthermore,
Smart Home devices, such as touchless faucets and voice-
controlled appliances, facilitate hygienic practices and
reduce the spread of germs, contributing to better personal
hygiene and overall well-being. By incorporating these
Smart Home functions, individuals can maintain a healthy
living environment while efficiently managing their daily
schedules, including tasks related to waste management
and hygiene.
Physiological and Logistical Function and Living Con-
ditions Improvement: The Physiological and Logisti-
cal Function and Living conditions improvement aspect
of Smart Home technology has a profound impact on
Healthy Living Habits and Scheduling lifestyles. Smart
Homes offer personalized lighting solutions, allowing
individuals to adjust lighting levels according to their
specific needs and preferred schedules. This feature pro-
motes better visibility, reduces the risk of accidents, and
supports individuals in maintaining their routines and
schedules. Moreover, Smart Home technologies integrate
with healthcare devices, enabling remote monitoring of
vital signs and health conditions. Individuals can ac-
cess real-time health data, receive medication reminders,
and even connect with healthcare professionals remotely.
These capabilities facilitate proactive health management,
ensuring that individuals can prioritize their well-being
while effectively managing their schedules. Smart Homes
can also provide scheduling assistance by integrating with
personal calendars and reminders, helping individuals
stay organized and allocate time for self-care activities,
exercise, and other healthy habits.
Centralized Coordination: Centralized Coordination
through Smart Home technology influences Healthy Liv-
ing Habits and Scheduling lifestyle by streamlining es-
sential services and resources. Smart Homes can connect
with local community platforms, allowing individuals
to access centralized information about health services,
fitness programs, and local events. This integration sim-
plifies the process of finding and participating in activ-
ities that support healthy living habits and scheduling
preferences. Furthermore, Smart Home automation can
be synchronized with public transportation systems, pro-
viding individuals with real-time updates on schedules
and routes. This coordination optimizes commuting time,
reduces stress, and allows individuals to plan their daily
activities more effectively. By leveraging centralized co-
ordination, individuals can align their lifestyle choices
with community resources, ensuring a balanced and well-
managed schedule that promotes their overall well-being.
Private Information Platform and Cloud: Private in-
formation platforms and cloud technologies significantly
impact Healthy Living Habits and Scheduling lifestyles
within Smart Homes. These platforms enable individuals
to access personalized health information, track their
progress toward fitness goals, and manage their sched-
ules efficiently. By connecting health-related wearable
devices and sensors to the cloud, individuals can receive
insights about their physical activity, sleep patterns, and
nutrition. This data empowers them to make informed
decisions about their lifestyle choices and adjust their
schedules accordingly. Additionally, cloud-based commu-
nication tools facilitate remote work options and virtual
appointments with healthcare professionals, allowing in-
dividuals to optimize their time management and reduce
the stress associated with traditional scheduling methods.
By leveraging private information platforms and cloud
technologies, individuals can seamlessly integrate health
and scheduling aspects into their daily lives, promoting a
balanced and healthy lifestyle.
Integrative and Sustainable Home and Lifestyle:
For Healthy Living Habits and Scheduling lifestyle, the
Integrative and Sustainable Home and Lifestyle func-
tion of Smart Homes plays a crucial role. Smart home
technologies can support individuals in adopting sus-
tainable habits by providing real-time data on energy
consumption and suggesting energy-saving practices. By
monitoring and managing their energy usage, individ-
uals can create a more sustainable living environment
by reducing their carbon footprint. Furthermore, Smart
Homes can integrate with fitness and wellness apps,
offering personalized exercise routines and nutritional
guidance. This integration promotes physical well-being
and encourages individuals to maintain a balanced and
healthy lifestyle. Additionally, Smart Homes can incor-
porate nature-inspired elements such as natural lighting,
indoor plants, and green spaces, creating a soothing
and refreshing living environment that enhances mental
well-being and promotes a healthier lifestyle. By em-
bracing integrative and sustainable practices, individuals
can cultivate a harmonious relationship between their
home environment, daily routines, and overall well-being.
Smart home automation features, such as automated
lighting schedules and reminders for exercise or self-care
activities, can further support individuals in maintaining
a well-structured schedule that aligns with their healthy
living habits.
2) Influence of Lifestyles on Smart Home Functions and
Design Considerations: Here below, we will discuss how
lifestyles would affect the several major functions of Smart
Safety and Security Function: The choices individuals
make regarding their health and sleep patterns can impact
the safety and security functions of a Smart Home. For
instance, irregular sleep schedules or sleep disorders may
affect a person’s alertness and responsiveness to potential
security threats. Smart home systems can integrate sleep
monitoring devices or apps to track sleep quality and
provide recommendations for maintaining a consistent
sleep schedule. Additionally, automated lighting, door
locks, and security cameras can be programmed to adjust
based on an individual’s sleep patterns, ensuring optimal
security during periods of rest.
Basic living infrastructure - Supply: The health and
sleep patterns of individuals can influence the design of
basic living infrastructure in a Smart Home. Smart home
systems can monitor and regulate the supply of water,
temperature, and air quality to promote a healthy living
environment. Integration with health tracking devices
can provide insights into hydration levels, temperature
preferences, and air quality requirements, enabling the
Smart Home to adjust and maintain optimal conditions
for the occupants’ health and well-being. For example,
the integration of smart inventory systems and online
shopping platforms can ensure a continuous supply of
essential groceries and household items, supporting indi-
viduals in maintaining their healthy living habits.
Basic Living Infrastructure - Waste Management and
Hygiene: Lifestyle choices related to health and sleep can
affect waste management and hygiene in a Smart Home.
Individuals who prioritize their health may generate more
waste from the packaging of health supplements or pro-
duce waste from specific dietary preferences. Smart home
systems can incorporate waste management features that
consider these lifestyle factors, such as specialized waste
compartments for recyclables or compostable materials.
Additionally, automated reminders for personal hygiene
routines and integration with smart bathroom fixtures can
promote cleanliness and well-being. Implementing chal-
lenging recycling schedules and waste reduction strate-
gies can further align the Smart Home with sustainable
practices that support healthy living habits.
Physiological and Logistical Function and Living Con-
ditions Improvement: Smart home designs can accom-
modate the specific health and sleep-related needs of indi-
viduals by providing features that optimize physiological
functions and improve living conditions. For instance,
Smart Home systems can incorporate adjustable lighting
that mimics natural daylight patterns to support circadian
rhythms and enhance overall well-being. Integration with
sleep tracking devices can automate processes such as
adjusting room temperature, optimizing mattress firm-
ness, or providing soothing sounds, facilitating a more
restful sleep experience. By addressing the challenges
individuals face in maintaining their health and sleep
routines, Smart Homes can create an environment that
promotes healthy living habits.
Centralized Coordination: Smart home systems can
support individuals’ health and sleep-related lifestyle
choices by connecting them to relevant community re-
sources and facilitating information exchange. Integration
with health and wellness applications can provide access
to exercise classes, meditation sessions, or online sup-
port groups, promoting social interaction and community
engagement. Furthermore, centralized coordination fea-
tures can allow individuals to connect with healthcare
providers, schedule appointments, or receive medication
reminders, ensuring proactive management of their health
and sleep-related needs. By facilitating communication
and collaboration within the community, Smart Homes
can provide valuable support for maintaining healthy
living habits.
Private Information Platform and Cloud: Health and
sleep-related lifestyle choices require secure and pri-
vate information platforms within Smart Homes. Smart
home systems can provide secure storage and sharing
of health data, such as vital signs, sleep patterns, and
medication schedules. Privacy controls and encryption
mechanisms can safeguard sensitive health information,
allowing individuals to manage and share their health data
selectively. Additionally, private information platforms
can facilitate communication between individuals and
healthcare professionals, enabling remote consultations
and personalized health recommendations. The signifi-
cance of longitudinal health data and the importance of
balancing privacy concerns with the potential benefits of
data sharing should be considered in the design of Smart
Home systems.
Integrative and Sustainable Home and Lifestyle:
Smart home designs can promote an integrative and
sustainable approach to health and sleep by supporting
lifestyle management and community support. Integration
with fitness trackers or wellness applications can provide
personalized health goals, activity reminders, and real-
time feedback, helping individuals to manage and im-
prove their overall well-being. Incorporating sustainable
practices, such as energy-efficient appliances or renew-
able energy sources, contributes to a healthier living
environment. The Smart Home can also foster community
support through virtual health challenges, sharing of
healthy recipes, or access to local healthcare resources.
By integrating various aspects of healthy living and
providing community engagement opportunities, Smart
Homes can enhance individuals’ lifestyle management
and support a holistic approach to health and well-being.
E. Lifestyle: Aesthetics Management
Aesthetics play a significant role in individuals’ lifestyle
choices, particularly in clothing and decoration. This section
explores how Smart Home technology intersects with aesthet-
ics management and its impact on people’s daily lives.
Aesthetics management in the realm of clothing and decora-
tion encompasses personal style, fashion preferences, and the
overall visual appeal of living spaces. Factors such as color
schemes, patterns, textures, and design elements contribute
to creating an aesthetically pleasing environment that reflects
individuals’ unique tastes and personalities.
The integration of Smart Home technology with aesthetics
management opens up new possibilities for individuals to
curate their clothing choices and home decor in a more in-
formed and visually appealing manner. This section examines
the factors to consider and the potential connections between
aesthetics management, clothing, decoration, and Smart Home
1) Impact of Smart Home Functions on Lifestyle: This
section discusses the impact of various Smart Home functions
on people’s lifestyles.
Safety and Security Function: Smart security cameras
and sensors play a crucial role in maintaining safety while
also considering aesthetics. Homeowners can feel more
secure in their monitored environment, allowing them to
choose comfortable and casual clothing suitable for home
activities. Moreover, smart lighting and blinds enhance
the aesthetic appeal of the home, providing a well-lit
and secure atmosphere. It is important to note that while
safety and security functions contribute positively to aes-
thetics, there are concerns related to unsolicited activities,
such as privacy breaches or unauthorized surveillance,
which should be taken into account when considering the
impact of this function on aesthetics.
Basic living infrastructure - Supply: Smart home tech-
nology integrates with basic living infrastructure, such
as lighting, to create visually pleasing environments.
By coordinating lighting colors for special occasions
and managing light pollution in urban areas, individuals
can customize their living spaces to reflect their styles.
Additionally, Smart Home systems can provide personal-
ized recommendations for home furnishing, finishes, and
plants, further enhancing the aesthetic appeal of the space.
This integration of aesthetics with basic living infrastruc-
ture allows individuals to create an enjoyable living space
that aligns with their preferences and contributes to their
overall well-being.
Basic Living Infrastructure - Waste Management and
Hygiene: Smart waste management systems encourage
individuals to reconsider the aesthetic value of unwanted
items. By providing advice and methods for reusing,
rebuilding, or reconstructing unwanted items, these sys-
tems promote a more sustainable and visually appealing
lifestyle. Furthermore, automated cleaning systems and
other smart hygiene functions help individuals allocate
more time to aesthetics management, improving the
cleanliness and organization of their living spaces. The
combination of waste management and hygiene functions
ensures that aesthetics and cleanliness go hand in hand,
creating a visually pleasing environment.
Physiological and Logistical Function and Living Con-
ditions Improvement: Smart home systems contribute to
improved living conditions and have a direct impact on
individuals’ aesthetic choices. By monitoring and adjust-
ing factors like temperature, humidity, and lighting, Smart
Homes influence clothing and decor preferences that align
with the settings. Individuals may choose fabrics and
materials that are comfortable to wear and complement
the overall ambiance. Moreover, Smart Home systems
can optimize air quality and reduce allergens, ensuring
a more pleasant and visually appealing environment.
The ability to personalize physiological and logistical
functions allows individuals to create spaces that reflect
their aesthetic preferences and contribute to their overall
Centralized Coordination: In a centralized coordination
system, Smart Homes facilitate communication among
neighbors, leading to a cohesive approach to exterior de-
sign and landscaping. This coordination allows for shared
resources, such as outdoor decorations, and promotes a
visually harmonious community. By collaborating on de-
sign choices, residents can create an aesthetically pleasing
environment that reflects their collective preferences and
enhances the overall appeal of the neighborhood. This
sense of collective aesthetics fosters a stronger sense of
community and encourages individuals to contribute to
the visual attractiveness of their surroundings.
Private Information Platform and Cloud: Smart homes
provide access to a private information platform and
cloud, empowering individuals to make informed aes-
thetic choices. By leveraging personalized settings and
preferences, individuals can create a living space that
reflects their style and personality. The platform also
enables sharing of ideas and designs with the community,
fostering creativity and collaboration in aesthetics. Access
to a wealth of information helps individuals curate a
personalized and visually pleasing environment, allowing
them to stay up-to-date with current trends and make
informed aesthetic decisions. This aspect enhances the
individual’s ability to express their unique styles and
preferences within their homes.
Integrative and Sustainable Home and Lifestyle:
Smart homes promote an integrative and sustainable
lifestyle, which influences individuals’ aesthetic choices
in various ways. Material cycle optimization encour-
ages the reutilization of wasted items, such as clothing,
furniture, and appliances, thereby promoting a more
sustainable and visually diverse aesthetic. Furthermore,
community support functions foster a sense of belonging
and social connection, enabling individuals to share tips
and advice on sustainable fashion and decor choices. This
collective effort in embracing sustainability and aesthetics
contributes to shaping individuals’ aesthetic preferences
and encourages them to create visually appealing spaces.
Additionally, Smart Home features like a dedicated medi-
tation room or customizable lighting effects resembling a
starry sky can enhance the aesthetic experience and pro-
vide individuals with unique opportunities for relaxation
and personal expression.
2) Influence of Lifestyles on Smart Home Functions and
Design Considerations: This section discusses the impact of
people’s lifestyles on various Smart Home functions.
Safety and Security Function: Aesthetics management
plays a crucial role in the design of safety and security
features in a Smart Home. Smart home systems can
seamlessly incorporate discreet surveillance cameras that
blend with the home decor, ensuring security without
compromising the aesthetic appeal. For example, cameras
can be disguised as decorative items or integrated into
stylish light fixtures. This integration allows individuals to
maintain a visually pleasing environment while ensuring
their safety. Moreover, smart locks and access control
systems can be designed with stylish and customizable
options to match the overall aesthetic and reflect the in-
dividual’s fashion sense. These features provide an added
layer of personalization and visual harmony, enhancing
the integration of security measures within the home’s
Basic living infrastructure - Supply: Aesthetics and
interior design preferences influence the basic living
infrastructure of a Smart Home, including the supply
systems. Individuals who lean towards minimalist or
modern aesthetics may opt for sleek and integrated supply
systems that seamlessly blend with the overall design.
Smart home systems can offer customizable options for
faucets, lighting fixtures, and ventilation systems, en-
abling individuals to tailor the appearance and ambiance
of their living space while maintaining optimal function-
ality. For instance, individuals may choose faucets with
sleek, minimalist designs that align with their aesthetic
preferences. Lighting fixtures can be adjustable and de-
signed to complement different interior styles, creating
the desired atmosphere while fulfilling the functional
aspect of lighting within the Smart Home.
Basic Living Infrastructure - Waste Management and
Hygiene: Aesthetic choices and fashion preferences can
also influence waste management and hygiene systems in
a Smart Home. Individuals with a focus on sustainable
fashion may have specific requirements for recycling or
repurposing clothing materials. Smart home systems can
incorporate specialized compartments for recyclable ma-
terials or guide sustainable disposal options, aligning with
individuals’ aesthetic values and promoting responsible
consumption. Furthermore, the design of waste manage-
ment systems can consider the aesthetics of disposal
items, such as trash bins or recycling containers. These
items can be designed to fit seamlessly into the overall
home decor while maintaining their functionalities.
Physiological and Logistical Function and Living Con-
ditions Improvement: Smart home designs can integrate
aesthetic considerations and fashion preferences to en-
hance physiological and logistical functions, ultimately
improving living conditions. For example, smart mirrors
or closets with virtual fashion assistants can help indi-
viduals choose outfits based on their style and the latest
fashion trends. These features enable users to conve-
niently access fashion advice and make informed clothing
decisions, enhancing their overall aesthetic experience.
Additionally, smart lighting systems can adjust color
temperatures and intensity to create different moods or
highlight specific design elements within the living space.
By adapting to individuals’ aesthetic preferences and the
desired ambiance, these lighting systems contribute to the
overall aesthetics and visual appeal of the Smart Home.
Centralized Coordination: The desire to stay connected
to the community, along with aesthetic choices and
fashion preferences, shapes the centralized coordination
features of a Smart Home. Smart home systems can
provide access to online fashion communities or plat-
forms where individuals can share style inspirations, and
fashion tips, or engage in virtual shopping experiences.
By integrating with social media or fashion-related apps,
Smart Homes foster a sense of belonging, enables shar-
ing of fashion-related content, and facilitate information
exchange within the Smart Home environment.
Private Information Platform and Cloud: Smart home
systems can accommodate individuals’ aesthetic choices,
fashion preferences, and privacy concerns through private
information platforms and cloud services. For instance,
smart closets or wardrobe management systems securely
store and manage individuals’ fashion preferences, cloth-
ing inventory, and outfit suggestions. Integration with
personalized fashion recommendation algorithms offers
tailored suggestions while maintaining data privacy and
security. This functionality reduces unnecessary shopping
and waste by suggesting outfit combinations based on
existing wardrobe items.
Integrative and Sustainable Home and Lifestyle:
Smart home designs promote an integrative and sus-
tainable approach to aesthetics, fashion, and shopping
choices. By incorporating sustainable material options for
home decor, individuals can make eco-friendly choices
aligned with their aesthetic preferences. Virtual fitting
rooms or augmented reality shopping experiences en-
hance the convenience of fashion shopping while reduc-
ing the environmental impact associated with traditional
brick-and-mortar stores. These integrative and sustainable
practices in Smart Home designs encourage individuals
to adopt a more conscious and responsible approach to
their lifestyle choices.
F. Lifestyle: Mobility, Commuting, and Travel Need
Mobility and commuting are vital parts of our daily lives,
directly influencing our lifestyle and experiences. Commuting
refers to not only our daily travels to work but also includes
journeys for leisure, errands, and social activities. The choice
of commuting method can depend on personal preference,
location, and socio-economic factors.
Key aspects of commuting include the mode of transporta-
tion, travel time, safety, and convenience. These factors can
greatly influence an individual’s lifestyle and daily activities.
For instance, a busy professional might prefer efficient com-
muting methods, while a retiree might opt for slower, scenic
The integration of Smart Home technology can significantly
enhance the commuting experience. Smart homes, with their
automation, security, and resource management capabilities,
can provide safer, more efficient, and enjoyable commuting ex-
periences. They can contribute to a more sustainable lifestyle
by promoting efficient energy consumption and fostering com-
munity engagement.
1) Impact of Smart Home Functions on Lifestyle: This
section discusses the impact of various Smart Home functions
on people’s lifestyles.
Safety and Security Function: Smart homes’ safety and
security functions substantially affect the commuting ex-
periences of individuals. Advanced features such as smart
locks and security cameras ensure a secure home envi-
ronment even in the absence of residents. This security
assurance may positively influence their transportation
and commuting choices. For example, people may feel
more at ease exploring alternative modes of transportation
like cycling or walking, knowing their homes are well-
protected. Furthermore, Smart Home systems, capable of
providing real-time weather updates, enable individuals
to dress appropriately for their commute, thus ensuring
their comfort and safety.
Basic living infrastructure - Supply: The incorpora-
tion of Smart Home technology into basic living infras-
tructure significantly improves commuting experiences.
For instance, smart lighting systems, synchronized with
residents’ schedules, ensure a well-illuminated path dur-
ing early morning or late-night commutes. Furthermore,
these systems optimize energy usage, reducing the envi-
ronmental footprint, and promoting greener commuting
choices such as electric vehicles or public transportation.
Ultimately, Smart Home technology increases efficiency,
decreases unnecessary trips, and reduces the workload,
particularly beneficial for busy individuals.
Basic Living Infrastructure - Waste Management and
Hygiene: Efficient waste management and hygiene prac-
tices via Smart Homes indirectly influence commuting
experiences. By promoting cleanliness and organization
within the home, individuals may start their day posi-
tively, resulting in smoother and more enjoyable com-
mutes. Advanced waste management systems contribute
to a healthier living environment, mitigating risks asso-
ciated with odors or pests that could adversely affect
individuals’ well-being before they start their commute.
Physiological and Logistical Function and Living Con-
ditions Improvement: Smart homes’ physiological and
logistical functions contribute significantly to enhancing
commuting experiences. For example, these systems can
regulate indoor temperature and air quality, ensuring a
comfortable environment for individuals preparing for
their commute. This influences their clothing choices
and overall well-being during their travel. Smart home
technologies assisting in organizing and optimizing daily
routines can streamline the process of getting ready for
work or travel, reducing stress, and improving efficiency.
Centralized Coordination: Centralized coordination fa-
cilitated by Smart Home systems enriches commuting ex-
periences by promoting community support and informa-
tion exchange. Residents can share valuable commuting
insights, such as preferred routes or public transportation
schedules, creating a knowledge network that benefits the
entire community. This coordination can also extend to
organizing carpooling or ride-sharing services, endorsing
sustainable commuting choices, and reducing traffic con-
Private Information Platform and Cloud: The private
information platform and cloud capabilities of Smart
Homes empower individuals with personalized com-
muting information. By integrating with transportation
apps and services, individuals can access real-time up-
dates about traffic conditions, public transportation sched-
ules, or ride-sharing availability. This allows them to
make well-informed decisions regarding their commuting
routes and modes of transportation, thereby optimizing
their travel time and convenience.
Integrative and Sustainable Home and Lifestyle:
Smart homes promoting an integrative and sustainable
lifestyle significantly impact commuting experiences. By
advocating for sustainable living, these systems encour-
age individuals to adopt eco-friendly commuting options
such as cycling, carpooling, or using public transporta-
tion. These systems also provide tools for monitoring and
reducing energy consumption related to commuting, such
as scheduling electric vehicle charging during off-peak
hours. Furthermore, community support functions within
Smart Homes encourage the formation of commuting
groups or initiatives, fostering a sense of camaraderie and
support among individuals with similar commuting needs
and goals.
2) Influence of Lifestyles on Smart Home Functions and
Design Considerations: This section discusses the impact of
people’s lifestyles on various Smart Home functions.
Safety and Security Function: Lifestyles centered
around mobility and commuting can shape the safety and
security features of Smart Homes. Individuals who are
frequently away due to travel may necessitate robust, re-
motely manageable security systems. Hence, Smart Home
designs may integrate components such as surveillance
cameras with mobile access, geofencing smart locks, and
real-time notification systems. These cater to the safety
of the dwelling while accommodating the occupants’
travel needs. It’s also crucial to equip the system to
handle unexpected situations, such as leaks or potential
threats from accumulated packages when the residents are
Basic living infrastructure - Supply: Smart home de-
signs should account for occupants’ mobility and travel
needs in managing basic living supplies. Regular travel-
ers, for instance, may benefit from intelligent systems that
regulate and optimize energy consumption according to
their absence or return. Such features might include au-
tomated lighting, heating, and water supply management,
enabling users to conserve resources while guaranteeing a
comfortable living environment upon their return. Adapt-
ability to unexpected weather changes is an additional
Basic Living Infrastructure - Waste Management
and Hygiene: Individuals’ mobility and travel habits
can shape waste management and hygiene systems in a
Smart Home. Frequent commuters, for example, could
benefit from intelligent waste management systems that
adapt waste collection schedules based on their travel
routines. In addition, Smart Home features may include
touchless faucets, automated cleaning systems, and air
quality monitoring to maintain hygiene while aligning
with individuals’ busy lifestyles.
Physiological and Logistical Function and Living
Conditions Improvement: Smart home designs should
incorporate features that enhance mobility and travel ex-
periences while improving living conditions. Smart Home
systems may offer personalized temperature and lighting
controls that adjust according to commuting schedules
or travel plans. Integration with virtual assistants or
smart devices can offer real-time traffic updates, weather
forecasts, and travel suggestions, facilitating smooth tran-
sitions between home and travel environments.
Centralized Coordination: Mobility and commuting
lifestyles can influence the centralized coordination fea-
tures of a Smart Home. Integration with transit apps
allows for access to real-time transit information, ride
reservations, or carpool coordination within communities.
Connection with travel-related platforms can also provide
travel tips, destination suggestions, and local insights, fos-
tering community interaction and facilitating information
Private Information Platform and Cloud: Accommo-
dating mobility and travel needs with private information
platforms and cloud services can be a crucial aspect
of Smart Home designs. Systems might securely store
digital travel itineraries, boarding passes, and critical
documents, allowing easy access and reducing the risk
of loss. Integration with travel booking services or travel
management apps can simplify travel arrangement plan-
ning and organization, providing a convenient, personal-
ized experience.
Integrative and Sustainable Home and Lifestyle:
Smart home designs can support integrative and sustain-
able mobility and travel practices. For example, homes
could include electric vehicle charging stations, enabling
electric car users to recharge conveniently at home.
Integration with renewable energy sources and energy
management systems can further bolster sustainable travel
choices. Additionally, Smart Homes might encourage
shared transportation options or promote community ini-
tiatives for reducing carbon emissions, fostering a sus-
tainable and community-centered lifestyle.
G. Lifestyle: Social Interaction and Entertainment
The social interaction and entertainment lifestyle within the
context of Smart Homes revolves around engaging with others
and enjoying recreational activities at home. It encompasses
hosting social gatherings, and leisure activities, and fostering
connections. When exploring the interaction between Smart
Home technology and this lifestyle, factors such as creating a
welcoming environment and seamless event coordination need
to be considered.
Smart home technology offers features that enhance so-
cial interaction and entertainment experiences. For instance,
security systems create a sense of safety, while dedicated
entertainment rooms or audio systems improve the ambiance.
However, privacy concerns may arise with certain features like
surveillance cameras.
Analyzing each Smart Home function individually, we will
explore their effects on social interaction and entertainment
lifestyles. We will also discuss how this lifestyle influences
Smart Home function design, addressing specific requirements
and considerations.
1) Impact of Smart Home Functions on Lifestyle: This
section discusses the impact of various Smart Home functions
on people’s lifestyles.
Safety and Security Function: The safety and security
functions of Smart Homes positively contribute to social
interaction and entertainment. By providing a secure
environment, individuals can feel at ease when inviting
guests over or hosting social gatherings. Smart security
systems and surveillance cameras ensure the safety of
residents and their visitors, creating a sense of comfort
and fostering a conducive atmosphere for socializing and
entertainment. However, it is important to note that some
individuals may have concerns about privacy due to the
presence of surveillance cameras, which might affect their
willingness to engage in social interactions within the
Basic living infrastructure - Supply: Smart home
technology supports social interaction and entertainment
by providing dedicated entertainment rooms, home the-
aters, or audio systems. These amenities create a wel-
coming environment for social activities and gatherings,
encouraging interaction among residents and their guests.
However, overreliance on technology for entertainment
may hinder face-to-face interactions, potentially leading
to reduced social interaction and a more isolated lifestyle.
Basic Living Infrastructure - Waste Management
and Hygiene: Efficient waste management and hygiene
practices in Smart Homes positively impact social inter-
action and entertainment. A clean and organized living
space contributes to a pleasant atmosphere for socializing
and entertaining guests. Smart waste management sys-
tems help maintain a hygienic environment, promoting a
healthy and enjoyable social experience. However, certain
waste management practices may require high levels
of household involvement and cooperation, which could
potentially impact social interaction and entertainment.
Physiological and Logistical Function and Living
Conditions Improvement: Smart home technologies that
improve living conditions and create a comfortable at-
mosphere have a positive effect on social interaction
and entertainment. Lighting control systems, adjustable
temperature settings, and ambient music or audio systems
can be tailored to create a relaxed and inviting environ-
ment for social gatherings and entertainment activities.
However, it is essential to consider potential conflicts that
may arise due to different preferences among residents,
such as noise or outdoor activities that may disrupt the
social experience.
Centralized Coordination: Centralized coordination
through Smart Home systems can enhance social interac-
tion and entertainment opportunities. Residents can utilize
community platforms or forums to connect with neigh-
bors and organize social events or activities. Smart home
technologies facilitate communication and coordination,
fostering a sense of community and enabling residents
to engage in social interactions and entertainment on a
broader scale. However, relying excessively on digital
communication platforms may reduce face-to-face inter-
actions and the depth of personal connections, potentially
affecting the overall quality of social engagement.
Private Information Platform and Cloud: The private
information platform and cloud capabilities of Smart
Homes have the potential to enhance social interaction
and entertainment. These platforms provide access to a
wide range of entertainment options, and personalized
recommendations, and facilitate sharing among family
and friends. However, concerns related to privacy and
data security may limit individuals’ willingness to fully
utilize these features, affecting their engagement in so-
cial interactions or exploration of entertainment options
within the Smart Home environment.
Integrative and Sustainable Home and Lifestyle: In-
tegrative and sustainable Smart Homes promote social
interaction and entertainment through lifestyle manage-
ment and community support. Smart home systems offer
tools for organizing social events, managing guest lists,
and sharing entertainment recommendations within the
community. By fostering a sense of belonging and facil-
itating social connections, individuals are more likely to
engage in social interactions and entertainment activities.
However, it is important to consider the potential pressure
to conform to certain aesthetic standards or sustainable
practices, as this may impact individual participation in
social activities or entertainment within the Smart Home
2) Influence of Lifestyles on Smart Home Functions and
Design Considerations: This section discusses the impact of
people’s lifestyles on various Smart Home functions.
Safety and Security Function: Lifestyle choices related
to social interactions, communication patterns, and en-
tertainment significantly influence the design of safety
and security functions in a Smart Home. For instance,
individuals who frequently host social gatherings require
advanced security systems capable of managing access
permissions for guests, monitoring social events, and
providing real-time alerts for any unusual activities. To
ensure the safety and security of social interactions and
entertainment events, Smart Home designs can incorpo-
rate features such as smart locks, video surveillance, and
intelligent alarm systems. These features not only provide
protection but also help in remembering all visitors and
family members.
Basic living infrastructure - Supply: Smart home de-
signs can consider individuals’ social and communication
needs concerning the basic living infrastructure supply.
Those who frequently entertain guests require sufficient
and reliable supplies of utilities such as electricity, water,
and internet connectivity. By incorporating infrastructure
monitoring and management features, Smart Home sys-
tems ensure uninterrupted supply during social gather-
ings, parties, or events, enhancing the overall experience
for both hosts and guests. Recommendations for needed
supplies and favorite dishes can be provided to optimize
the entertainment experience.
Basic Living Infrastructure - Waste Management and
Hygiene: Social interactions and entertainment choices
can impact waste management and hygiene systems
within a Smart Home. Individuals who frequently host
parties or gatherings may generate higher amounts of
waste and require efficient waste management solutions.
Smart home designs can include features such as smart
trash cans, automated recycling systems, and real-time
monitoring of hygiene levels to maintain cleanliness and
manage waste effectively during social events. Addition-
ally, social interactions can promote the exchange of
recycled items, fostering a sustainable lifestyle.
Physiological and Logistical Function and Living Con-
ditions Improvement: Smart home designs can incorpo-
rate features that enhance social interactions, communi-
cation, and entertainment experiences while improving
living conditions. For example, Smart Home systems
can integrate with audio and video streaming platforms
to enable seamless entertainment options during social
gatherings. Voice-controlled assistants and smart speakers
facilitate easy communication and information sharing
among guests. Personalized environmental controls, such
as adjustable lighting and temperature settings, create an
ambiance suitable for socializing and entertainment pur-
poses. These features not only enhance the experience but
also reduce the workload for taking care of basic needs,
allowing individuals to fully enjoy social interactions and
Centralized Coordination: Lifestyle choices related to
social interactions and communication patterns influence
the centralized coordination features of a Smart Home.
By integrating with social media platforms, community
forums, or event management apps, Smart Home systems
facilitate information exchange, coordinate community
activities, and enhance social connectivity. Features such
as shared calendars, event notifications, and community
messaging foster a sense of belonging and enable seam-
less coordination among neighbors and friends. Mutual
support and extra activities can be promoted, further
strengthening community bonds.
Private Information Platform and Cloud: Smart home
designs cater to individuals’ social and communication
needs through private information platforms and cloud
services. By providing personalized profiles for guests,
Smart Home systems allow hosts to customize enter-
tainment preferences, control access to shared resources,
and facilitate seamless interactions within their social
network. Integration with messaging apps or social media
platforms enables easy communication and sharing of
experiences among friends and family. Moreover, the
management of information to be shared, recommenda-
tions for healthy social patterns and relationships, and
protection against fraud and PUA behaviors contribute to
a safer and more meaningful social experience.
Integrative and Sustainable Home and Lifestyle:
Smart home designs support integrative and sustainable
social interactions, communication patterns, and enter-
tainment choices. Energy-efficient entertainment devices,
smart lighting controls, and sustainable audiovisual so-
lutions can be incorporated to reduce the environmental
impact during social gatherings. Integration with commu-
nity platforms or social impact initiatives promotes shared
resources, collaborative events, and sustainable practices,
fostering a socially responsible and community-oriented
lifestyle. Energy-saving features, common spaces, and
resource-sharing options such as cooking and shopping
contribute to a more sustainable and enjoyable social
H. Lifestyle: Profession and Family Duty
The profession and family duty lifestyle involves individuals
who navigate demanding work responsibilities while fulfilling
significant family obligations. This lifestyle requires effective
time management and balancing various tasks. Smart home
technology can play a pivotal role in enhancing efficiency, se-
curity, and well-being for professionals in this lifestyle. By au-
tomating routine tasks, providing safety and security features,
optimizing resource usage, and creating personalized living
conditions, Smart Homes offer valuable support. However, it
is important to strike a balance between the convenience of
technology and the need for personal connections, adaptability,
and self-care to maintain a fulfilling and well-rounded lifestyle.
Smart home technology has the potential to significantly im-
pact the lives of professionals in the profession and family duty
lifestyle. By streamlining daily tasks and providing a secure
and comfortable environment, Smart Homes enable individuals
to allocate more time to their work and family responsibilities.
However, it is essential to find a balance between relying on
technology and maintaining personal connections, adaptability,
and self-care to ensure a holistic and fulfilling lifestyle.
1) Impact of Smart Home Functions on Lifestyle: This
section discusses the impact of various Smart Home functions
on people’s lifestyles.
Safety and Security Function: Smart home technolo-
gies enhance safety and security, positively impacting
people’s work lives. Remote monitoring systems allow
professionals to keep an eye on their homes while
they are away, providing peace of mind and enabling
them to focus on their work without worrying about
the security of their properties. This promotes a more
relaxed and productive work environment, particularly
for individuals who frequently travel or have demanding
work schedules. However, constant connectivity to home
security systems through smartphones or notifications
might create distractions during work hours, leading to
decreased productivity and difficulty maintaining a work-
life balance. Individuals need to establish boundaries and
effectively manage notifications to ensure work efficiency.
Additionally, Smart Home security systems can also play
a role in safeguarding vulnerable family members, such
as the elderly or infants, by providing monitoring capabil-
ities and alerting professionals in case of any concerning
situations. However, it is important to consider the level
of stress and potential impact on the quality of care when
caregivers or nannies are being continuously monitored.
Basic living infrastructure - Supply: Smart home
infrastructure positively impacts individuals’ work lives
by ensuring a seamless supply of essential resources.
Professionals working from home, such as freelancers
or consultants, rely heavily on stable and uninterrupted
access to electricity, internet connectivity, and other util-
ities. Smart home systems can monitor and optimize
resource usage, ensuring a reliable supply and minimizing
disruptions that may hinder work productivity. Never-
theless, there are potential negative impacts associated
with technical failures or dependency on technology. In
the event of a power outage or system malfunction,
individuals heavily reliant on Smart Home infrastructure
may face challenges in carrying out their work activities.
Implementing backup systems and having contingency
plans in place become essential to mitigate disruptions
and maintain productivity. Additionally, it is important to
address the protection of Smart Home infrastructure from
power surges or electrical instability, as sudden voltage
fluctuations could potentially damage sensitive electronic
equipment. Employing surge protection measures or us-
ing uninterruptible power supply (UPS) systems can help
safeguard against such risks.
Basic Living Infrastructure - Waste Management and
Hygiene: Smart waste management systems in Smart
Homes contribute to a clean and organized work envi-
ronment, benefiting professionals across different indus-
tries. Remote workers or entrepreneurs who operate from
home offices can focus better when their workspace is
free from clutter and maintained regularly by automated
waste disposal systems. A clean and hygienic workspace
promotes productivity and a positive work atmosphere.
Additionally, it is important to consider the hygiene issues
related to smart devices themselves. Regular cleaning and
maintenance of these devices are necessary to prevent
the accumulation of dust, germs, or other contaminants
that could potentially impact the health and well-being of
professionals using them.
Physiological and Logistical Function and Living
Conditions Improvement: Smart home technologies that
optimize living conditions, such as adjustable lighting,
temperature control, and air quality monitoring, positively
impact work life. These features can create a comfortable
and ergonomic workspace, reducing physical strain and
enhancing productivity. Professionals can customize their
environment according to their preferences, ensuring op-
timal conditions for concentration and efficiency. On the
other hand, excessive reliance on personalized settings
may limit adaptability and resilience in different work
environments. Individuals might struggle to perform well
in alternative workspaces that lack the same level of
customization. Striking a balance between personalized
comfort and the ability to adapt to different work envi-
ronments becomes important for sustained productivity.
Centralized Coordination: Smart home systems that
enable centralized coordination and connectivity to the
community can positively affect work life. Professionals
can utilize these systems to stay informed about local
events, networking opportunities, and industry updates,
enhancing their professional development and fostering
connections with like-minded individuals. This is partic-
ularly beneficial for remote workers or those in freelance
professions who may rely heavily on virtual networks.
However, an overreliance on digital communication for
work-related interactions may lead to a sense of iso-
lation or decreased interpersonal skills. It is essential
for individuals to actively seek face-to-face interactions,
participate in physical networking events, and maintain
a healthy balance between virtual and in-person profes-
sional connections.
Private Information Platform and Cloud: The use of
private information platforms and cloud capabilities in
Smart Homes can positively impact work life. Profes-
sionals can securely store and access important work-
related documents, collaborate with colleagues remotely,
and maintain a centralized repository of information. This
facilitates efficient workflow management, promotes re-
mote work possibilities, and increases productivity. Nev-
ertheless, concerns related to data privacy and security are
relevant. Professionals must ensure that their work-related
data is protected and that appropriate security measures
are in place to prevent unauthorized access. Regularly
updating security protocols and staying informed about
best practices for data protection in a Smart Home
environment is crucial.
Integrative and Sustainable Home and Lifestyle:
An integrative and sustainable Smart Home promotes
a healthy work-life balance. By incorporating lifestyle
management and community support features, individuals
can establish routines that prioritize self-care, work-life
integration, and mental well-being. This may include
reminders for breaks, personalized work schedules, or
even access to virtual fitness or mindfulness classes.
However, the pressure to conform to sustainable prac-
tices may create additional stress for some professionals.
Meeting sustainability goals and keeping up with the
latest eco-friendly trends can be time-consuming and add
to an already busy work schedule. Individuals need to
find a balance between sustainable practices and their
well-being, ensuring that sustainability efforts do not
overshadow their work or personal life priorities.
2) Influence of Lifestyles on Smart Home Functions and
Design Considerations: This section discusses the impact of
people’s lifestyles on various Smart Home functions.
Safety and Security Function: The lifestyle choices
associated with the profession and family duty can signif-
icantly impact the safety and security functions of a Smart
Home. Individuals with demanding professions or family
responsibilities often require enhanced security measures
to ensure the safety of their loved ones and valuable as-
sets. For instance, professionals who frequently travel or
work long hours may benefit from advanced surveillance
systems, remote access control, and intelligent alarm sys-
tems that provide real-time notifications and monitoring.
These features offer peace of mind and safeguard their
homes and families even when they are away.
Basic living infrastructure - Supply: Smart home de-
signs should take into account the unique requirements of
individuals managing their profession and family duties in
terms of basic living infrastructure supply. Professionals
working from home or individuals with significant family
responsibilities rely on stable and uninterrupted access
to utilities such as electricity, water, and internet con-
nectivity. Incorporating infrastructure monitoring features
into Smart Home systems ensures a seamless supply
of these essential resources. This uninterrupted supply
enables individuals to fulfill their professional and family
obligations without disruptions or inconveniences.
Basic Living Infrastructure - Waste Management and
Hygiene: Lifestyle choices related to professional and
family duty can have implications for waste manage-
ment and hygiene systems in a Smart Home. Individuals
with busy schedules require efficient waste management
solutions that can handle increased waste generation
or irregular disposal routines. Smart home designs can
integrate features such as smart trash cans, automated
recycling systems, and scheduling reminders to manage
waste effectively. These features promote cleanliness and
hygiene despite the demands of busy professional and
family lives. Additionally, innovative waste management
solutions, such as transforming waste into valuable re-
sources or establishing communication channels for waste
exchange within the community, can further enhance
sustainability and resource optimization.
Physiological and Logistical Function and Living Con-
ditions Improvement: Smart home designs can address
the needs of individuals juggling their profession and
family duties by improving physiological and logistical
functions while enhancing living conditions. For example,
professionals working from home or individuals with spe-
cialized careers may require a quiet and disturbance-free
environment. In such cases, incorporating soundproofing
materials, designated workspaces, and noise-canceling
technologies can create a conducive atmosphere for work
and concentration. Furthermore, personalized schedules,
voice-controlled assistants, and smart appliances can
streamline daily routines and assist in managing tasks
efficiently. Integration with digital calendars, reminders,
and productivity tools helps individuals strike a balance
between professional commitments and family responsi-
bilities within a well-organized living environment.
Centralized Coordination: The lifestyle choices related
to professional and family duty can influence the central-
ized coordination features of a Smart Home. Individuals
seeking support or collaboration from their community
can benefit from Smart Home designs that facilitate con-
nectivity and information exchange. For instance, Smart
Home systems can integrate with community platforms,
shared resource management systems, and neighborhood
communication apps. These features enable seamless
coordination with neighbors, allowing individuals to seek
assistance, delegate tasks, and foster a sense of commu-
nity while managing their professional and family obli-
gations. Moreover, these platforms can facilitate essential
functions like scheduling hospital visits or coordinating
banking tasks, ensuring a well-rounded support system
for individuals.
Private Information Platform and Cloud: Smart home
designs can cater to individuals’ needs related to their
profession and family duty through private information
platforms and cloud services. Professionals may require
secure access to work-related documents, while individu-
als managing family duties may need to organize and
share important family information. To address these
requirements, Smart Home systems can provide secure
cloud storage, encrypted communication channels, and
personalized user profiles. These features ensure the ef-
ficient management and sharing of sensitive information,
promoting productivity and privacy in both professional
and family domains.
Integrative and Sustainable Home and Lifestyle:
Smart home designs can support an integrative and
sustainable lifestyle for individuals balancing their pro-
fession and family duties. Energy-efficient features play
a crucial role in optimizing energy consumption and
reducing environmental impact. Incorporating smart light-
ing controls, automated climate management systems,
and energy monitoring capabilities can help individuals
create an environmentally conscious living environment.
Additionally, integration with lifestyle management tools
and task scheduling apps enables individuals to effec-
tively manage their professional commitments and family
responsibilities. Smart home systems can provide remote
access capabilities, enabling individuals to control and
monitor their homes from anywhere. This convenience
promotes a well-balanced lifestyle while fostering sus-
tainable practices.
I. Vulnerable Group: Disabled People, Patients with Special
Disease and Elderly
Individuals with specific health conditions, such as chronic
illnesses, allergies, and Alzheimer’s disease, along with the
elderly population, represent an important subset of our soci-
ety. Their daily needs and routines are distinct, shaped by the
unique challenges they face.
Those living with chronic illnesses often have specific
medical and lifestyle needs, depending on the nature of
their condition. Their daily activities may be restricted or
require modification, and they may need regular assistance
for routine tasks. Individuals with allergies, particularly severe
ones, might require constant monitoring of their environment
to avoid allergen exposure. People living with Alzheimer’s dis-
ease may need consistent supervision, reminders, and cognitive
aids to help manage their daily routines. For the elderly, es-
pecially those with diminished mobility or cognitive function,
assistance with daily activities, maintaining physical health,
and ensuring personal safety is often necessary.
The application of Smart Home technology presents a
compelling opportunity to support these vulnerable groups,
improving their overall quality of life. These technologies can
bridge the gap between their specific needs and independent
living or living with minimal assistance.
Smart home technology can automate regular tasks, provide
personalized health monitoring, offer medication reminders,
ensure safety, and modify environmental conditions as per
individual needs. For instance, a person living with a chronic
illness could benefit from remote health monitoring and med-
ication management systems. An individual with Alzheimer’s
could find cognitive aids such as reminders or locator services
helpful, and those with severe allergies might see significant
advantages from intelligent air quality monitoring systems. El-
derly individuals might find fall detection systems, automatic
emergency response systems, and remote health monitoring
especially useful.
By understanding the unique needs and daily routines of
these individuals, Smart Home solutions can be tailored to
meet their requirements. This, in turn, could revolutionize their
living conditions by enhancing safety, comfort, and autonomy.
In the sections that follow, we will delve deeper into the
potential impacts (both positive and negative) of the seven
identified Smart Home functions on these vulnerable groups
and discuss how Smart Home design can be optimized to cater
to their needs.
1) Impacts and Support Provided by Smart Home Func-
tions: We will consider the following home functions.
Safety and Security Function: Smart Homes enhance
safety for those with special medical conditions or cog-
nitive impairments like Alzheimer’s disease. Real-time
monitoring through motion sensors and video surveil-
lance is critical for these individuals who may be prone to
falls or other emergencies. The use of biometric features
such as facial recognition could be especially beneficial
for Alzheimer’s patients, providing secure and straightfor-
ward access while preventing unauthorized entry. While
Smart Homes enhance safety, they can potentially create
dependence on technology for security and cause anxiety
when systems malfunction. For Alzheimer’s patients,
constant monitoring could potentially feel invasive and
increase stress levels.
Basic Living Infrastructure - Supply: Smart home
technology assists in managing the specific needs of these
vulnerable individuals. Automated tracking and alerts
ensure that crucial medications and medical equipment
are always available. Smart refrigerators can be partic-
ularly beneficial for those with food allergies, sending
alerts when detecting allergens in scanned food items.
Predictive AI technologies could also anticipate the need
for restocks, especially important for managing chronic
illnesses. However, system errors could result in inventory
miscalculations, causing potential harm, particularly for
those with chronic illnesses who rely heavily on medica-
Basic Living Infrastructure - Waste Management and
Hygiene: Maintaining hygiene can be challenging for in-
dividuals with certain conditions. Automated waste man-
agement and smart water systems help prevent the spread
of disease. Future integrations could include AI-driven
hygiene routines adapted to the unique needs of these in-
dividuals, such as automatic reminders or scheduling for
hygiene-related activities. While automated systems help
maintain hygiene, any technological glitches can lead to
unsanitary conditions. For those with specific conditions,
this could potentially cause health complications.
Physiological and Logistical Function and Living
Conditions Improvement: Smart Homes offer solutions
that cater to the specific needs of these individuals.
For instance, smart lighting systems can adjust based
on the comfort of individuals with sensory sensitivities.
Voice-activated devices could be particularly beneficial
for elderly individuals or those with mobility issues,
reducing physical strain and providing a convenient way
to control the home environment.
Centralized Coordination: Smart Homes enable remote
monitoring, vital for individuals with chronic illnesses
or the elderly. Integration with wearable devices allows
healthcare providers to track vital signs and medication
adherence, providing a proactive approach to care. Future
advancements could involve AI algorithms predicting
health issues based on the collected data, aiding in early
Private Information Platform and Cloud: Storing cru-
cial medical information securely, Smart home platforms
can assist caregivers and healthcare professionals in pro-
viding personalized care. Machine learning algorithms
could analyze the data, offering personalized health in-
sights to help manage chronic conditions or allergen
avoidance. Storing crucial medical information securely
is vital, but the risk of cybersecurity breaches could
lead to exposure to sensitive health data. This could
be particularly detrimental for individuals with specific
medical conditions if their data falls into the wrong hands.
Integrative and Sustainable Home and Lifestyle:
Smart Homes can assist vulnerable individuals in man-
aging their lifestyles. Voice assistants provide reminders
tailored to their routine, like medication schedules or
therapy sessions. Advanced features could include AI-
driven virtual companions, offering cognitive stimulation
for Alzheimer’s patients or social interaction for the
isolated elderly.
2) Home Challenges and Home Design Considerations for
Vulnerable Group: We will consider the following home
Safety and Security Function: Smart Homes can pose
unique challenges to individuals with chronic illnesses
or Alzheimer’s. For instance, complex security systems
may confuse those with cognitive impairments. There-
fore, Smart home designs should prioritize easy-to-use
interfaces, such as voice commands or simplified control
panels. Additional safety features such as automatic emer-
gency response systems or location tracking systems can
help mitigate risks for individuals prone to disorientation.
Basic living infrastructure - Supply: People with spe-
cial medical needs or the elderly often require specific
supplies at hand, making storage and organization a key
consideration in Smart Home design. Automated inven-
tory management systems can assist in tracking supplies
and setting alerts for restocks. Personalized reminders for
medication schedules tailored to the individual’s require-
ments are crucial, taking into account dosage and timing.
Basic Living Infrastructure - Waste Management and
Hygiene: Smart home design for these individuals should
consider automatic waste disposal systems, touch-free
fixtures, and assistive devices for bathing. It’s essential
to provide manual control options alongside automation
to cater to their preferred level of assistance. Sensors to
detect potential hazards, like blockages or overflowing
waste bins, can ensure a clean and safe environment.
Physiological and Logistical Function and Living
Conditions Improvement: Smart home designs need to
consider the unique physiological needs of these individu-
als. Adjustable lighting systems can accommodate visual
impairments and promote improved sleep. Personalized
temperature controls cater to individuals with specific
comfort requirements. It is also essential to have enhanc-
ing mobility within the home with adjustable furniture
height or strategically placed grab bars.
Centralized Coordination: Seamless integration with
healthcare providers, caregivers, and support networks is
crucial in a Smart Home design. This integration allows
for remote health monitoring and timely interventions.
It’s vital to implement robust privacy measures to ensure
the confidentiality of medical data when they are shared
through these systems. User-friendly interfaces are also
important to prevent the exclusion of individuals with
varying levels of tech literacy.
Private Information Platform and Cloud: Designing
a Smart Home for these individuals must consider pri-
vacy and consent. Transparency in data management and
giving users control over their personal information are
paramount. The design should allow for easy understand-
ing and management of data, with secure storage to
protect sensitive information.
Integrative and Sustainable Home and Lifestyle:
Smart home designs should prioritize personalized
lifestyle management systems that adapt to the indi-
viduals’ needs and routines. Incorporating features that
promote community support, like social engagement plat-
forms or local care resource connections, is beneficial.
Sustainable practices like energy-efficient devices and
water-saving technologies also support an eco-friendly
J. Vulnerable Group: Rehabilitation Exercise at Home
Rehabilitation patients represent a distinct vulnerable group
characterized by unique needs and activities necessitated by
their conditions. Typically, these individuals are recovering
from surgeries, injuries, or chronic illnesses. Their daily life
incorporates a significant amount of time dedicated to rehabil-
itation exercises, medication schedules, and necessary follow-
up medical appointments. Their physical mobility might be
temporarily or permanently impaired, thus they require assis-
tance in performing basic daily activities.
Special needs for these individuals often revolve around
accessibility, convenience, safety, and personalized healthcare.
They might need special equipments or structures within
their homes, such as handrails, ramps, or adjustable furniture.
Further, maintaining a consistent routine is critical for these
individuals, including a strictly timed regimen of medication,
meals, and exercises. They might also need more frequent
contact with healthcare providers for timely updates on their
progress and modifications to their rehabilitation program.
Smart home technology could play a significant role in
facilitating these needs. For instance, automation and voice
control can assist with physical limitations by performing
tasks such as controlling lights, adjusting temperatures, and
managing appliances. Safety features like automated locks,
security systems, and fall detection can provide peace of
mind for both patients and caregivers. Healthcare integration,
such as medication reminders, virtual consultations, and health
status monitoring, can help streamline healthcare management.
Finally, these technologies can provide rehabilitation patients
with a greater degree of independence, supporting them in
maintaining their daily routines with less reliance on others.
In summary, Smart home technology can offer significant
support for rehabilitation patients, enhancing their quality of
life by catering to their special needs and facilitating their daily
activities and healthcare management. However, the design of
such technology must be user-friendly and intuitive to ensure
it’s accessible and beneficial to this group.
1) Impacts and Support Provided by Smart Home Func-
tions: We will consider the following home functions.
Safety and Security Function: Smart home safety and
security functions are essential for individuals undergoing
home-based rehabilitation. These features enhance physi-
cal safety by detecting potential hazards and immediately
alerting caregivers or family members. Motion sensors,
for example, can monitor patient movements during exer-
cises, triggering alerts for unusual inactivity or incidents.
This bolstered sense of security encourages patients to
engage in rehabilitation exercises with less anxiety about
unforeseen accidents.
Basic living infrastructure - Supply: Rehabilitation ex-
ercises often necessitate specific equipment or resources.
Smart home systems can facilitate these needs by man-
aging supplies essential for the rehabilitation process.
Automated storage and retrieval systems can ensure easy
access to necessary equipment, reducing the setup effort,
enhancing patient convenience, and promoting indepen-
dence. Moreover, the optimization of the power supply
can ensure seamless exercise sessions, mitigating disrup-
tions due to power loss.
Basic Living Infrastructure - Waste Management and
Hygiene: Rehabilitation exercises can generate additional
waste, such as used medical supplies or equipment pack-
aging. Smart waste management systems can efficiently
handle the disposal of such materials, maintaining a clean
and hygienic environment, thus allowing patients to focus
on their rehabilitation without concerns about cleanliness.
Physiological and Logistical Function and Living
Conditions Improvement: Smart home technologies can
greatly enhance the monitoring and improvement of liv-
ing conditions for rehabilitation patients. These systems
can track vital signs, exercise performance, and sleep pat-
terns, providing valuable data on rehabilitation progress.
Additionally, personalized exercise recommendations and
reminders for medication or hydration further support
the physiological and logistical needs of patients during
Centralized Coordination: Home-based rehabilitation
can be isolating. Smart home technologies can bridge
this gap by facilitating connections with support groups,
therapists, or online communities. This networking allows
for information exchange, shared experiences, and access
to valuable resources. Virtual rehabilitation programs, for
instance, can provide interactive exercise sessions led
by professionals, fostering a supportive environment and
reducing feelings of isolation.
Private Information Platform and Cloud: Smart home
platforms and cloud services can effectively manage
and analyze personal health information during reha-
bilitation. By securely storing and tracking data such
as medical history, rehabilitation goals, progress, and
treatment plans, these platforms can provide personal-
ized recommendations, and modify exercise routines as
needed. Additionally, they enable remote monitoring and
virtual consultations, allowing for prompt interventions
and customized care.
Integrative and Sustainable Home and Lifestyle:
Smart home features can support an integrative and
sustainable lifestyle, crucial for rehabilitation exercises.
Nutritional guidance and meal planning can help patients
maintain a healthy diet, while energy-efficient systems
create a conductive environment for exercise. By promot-
ing sustainable practices, Smart Homes may contribute
to healthy and environmentally conscious lifestyles for
rehabilitation patients.
2) Home Challenges and Home Design Considerations for
Vulnerable Group: We will consider the following home
Safety and Security Function: Patients in rehabilita-
tion can face unique risks regarding safety and security.
Limited mobility or coordination can increase the pos-
sibility of accidents during exercise sessions. Therefore,
Smart home designs should prioritize features like motion
sensors and wearable devices that track movements and
give real-time feedback on exercise safety. Including
emergency response systems that detect falls or sudden
health emergencies and promptly alert caregivers is also
vital to ensure quick assistance.
Basic living infrastructure - Supply: Smart home de-
signs should accommodate the supply needs related to
rehabilitation patients’ exercise equipment and aids. This
can include creating sufficient storage space for mobility
devices like walkers or wheelchairs, and organizing exer-
cise equipment to be easily accessible and safe. Inventory
management systems can ensure necessary supplies like
resistance bands or weights are readily available and well-
Basic Living Infrastructure - Waste Management
and Hygiene: Rehabilitation patients may require extra
support in waste management and hygiene, especially
post-exercise. Smart home features like assistive bathing
equipment, accessible showers for bathtubs, and auto-
mated waste disposal systems can be beneficial. Sensors
to monitor and prevent potential hazards like extreme
water temperatures or water overflow are necessary to
ensure a safe and comfortable environment.
Physiological and Logistical Function and Living
Conditions Improvement: Smart home designs should
consider rehabilitation patients’ unique physiological and
logistical needs. Adjustable lighting systems can create
the optimal environment for exercise routines, with con-
trol over brightness and color temperature. Temperature
control features should allow for user-preferred settings
for exercise comfort and recovery. Incorporating assistive
technologies like voice-activated control panels or virtual
assistants can aid during exercise sessions.
Centralized Coordination: Smart home systems that
connect with healthcare providers, therapists, and support
networks can greatly benefit rehabilitation patients. Seam-
less integration with telemedicine platforms and wearable
devices can enable remote monitoring and personalized
exercise programs. User-friendly interfaces that cater to
varying tech literacy levels are crucial, ensuring indi-
viduals can easily access exercise instructions, schedule
appointments, and communicate with their care teams.
Private Information Platform and Cloud: Privacy and
security considerations are paramount in Smart Home
design for rehabilitation patients. Data sharing and con-
sent mechanisms need to be transparent, allowing users
to control access to their personal information. Strong
encryption and secure storage measures are essential to
protect sensitive rehabilitation data. Clear privacy policies
and user-friendly interfaces for managing data access can
instill trust and safeguard confidentiality.
Integrative and Sustainable Home and Lifestyle:
Smart home design should incorporate features that sup-
port the unique lifestyle needs of rehabilitation patients.
Personalized exercise tracking and progress monitoring
can motivate and provide feedback for ongoing reha-
bilitation. Integration with community support platforms
can foster social interaction and a sense of community.
Sustainable design elements can contribute to an environ-
mentally conscious living space, aligning with the goals
of health and wellness.
K. Vulnerable Group: People with Impaired Mobility: Dis-
abled and Bedridden
Individuals with mobility issues, including people with
disabilities and bedridden patients, represent a distinct and
vital demographic within the population. Their needs, lifestyle,
and daily interactions significantly differ from those of the
general populace.
Firstly, it’s essential to acknowledge that mobility issues
can manifest in many forms, from physical disabilities like
paralysis or amputation to age-related impairments such as
arthritis or stroke aftermaths. Each condition brings unique
challenges that may affect one’s ability to perform daily tasks,
interact with others, and experience life fully.
In terms of lifestyle, individuals with mobility issues often
require extra time and assistance to carry out daily activities.
These activities can range from personal care tasks such
as bathing and dressing, household chores like cleaning or
cooking, to outdoor tasks such as shopping or visiting medical
facilities. As a result, individuals with mobility issues often
rely heavily on caregivers or assistive devices for support.
The daily life of a person with mobility issues can be
described as a series of adaptations. These adaptations aim
to help them navigate around their environment, communicate
with others, and pursue their interests and hobbies. While these
adjustments are often necessary, they can also lead to feelings
of dependency and a lack of personal autonomy, impacting
their psychological well-being.
The advent of Smart Home technology offers new possibili-
ties to improve the quality of life for individuals with mobility
issues. By automating certain tasks, providing remote access
to various devices, and offering safety features, Smart Homes
can potentially create an environment that is more accessible,
secure, and enabling for these individuals.
This interaction between Smart Homes and individuals with
mobility issues is a two-way street. On one hand, Smart Homes
can adapt to the needs of individuals, providing personalized
and convenient solutions. On the other hand, individuals can
influence the evolution of Smart Homes by highlighting their
special needs for inclusive design and innovative features.
In the following sections, we will dive into the impacts of
specific Smart Home functions on this vulnerable group and
how these functions can be adapted to better cater to their
needs. We will also explore how this group’s unique needs
can influence the design of Smart Homes.
1) Impacts and Support Provided by Smart Home Func-
tions: We will consider the following home functions.
Safety and Security Function: For people with mobility
limitations, Smart Home safety and security functions
provide indispensable support, mitigating risks tailored to
their unique needs. Features like fall detection sensors,
emergency call buttons, and video surveillance systems
become increasingly significant. Pressure sensors, bene-
ficial to bedridden patients, can alert caregivers for repo-
sitioning to avoid bedsores. These features enhance the
safety and well-being of individuals prone to accidents
or emergencies due to limited mobility.
Basic Living Infrastructure - Supply: Automated sup-
ply management systems substantially assist individuals
with mobility issues. These systems can keep track of
and restock medical supplies such as medications, wound
dressings, and specialized equipment, particularly helpful
for bedridden patients. Smart refrigerators that monitor
food expiration dates and compile shopping lists simplify
the management of nutritional needs for individuals with
disabilities. This automation reduces the manual effort of
monitoring supplies, ensuring essential items’ availability.
Basic Living Infrastructure - Waste Management and
Hygiene: Smart home systems can also streamline waste
management and hygiene tasks. Automatic waste disposal
systems simplify the waste disposal process, minimizing
physical effort or dependence on assistance. Hands-free
operation facilitated by voice-activated faucets and toilets
promotes hygiene and reduces contamination risk. Smart
showers with adaptable controls and water temperature
settings cater specifically to the needs of individuals
with disabilities, ensuring a safe and comfortable bathing
Physiological and Logistical Function and Living Con-
ditions Improvement: Smart home technology offers a
multitude of benefits supporting the physiological and
logistical needs of individuals with mobility issues. Ad-
justable smart beds, capable of customized positions, pro-
vide comfort and help tackle issues like muscle atrophy or
poor blood circulation. Seamless control of lighting, tem-
perature, and entertainment systems via voice assistants
and smart devices empowers individuals to create their
optimal living environment. The technology also assists
in daily tasks such as meal preparation, ensuring proper
nutrition while overcoming mobility challenges.
Centralized Coordination: For individuals with mobility
issues who often face social isolation, centralized coordi-
nation becomes a lifeline. Smart home systems facilitate
connections with support groups, therapists, or online
communities via voice or video calls. Remote health
status monitoring by caregivers and healthcare profes-
sionals ensures timely interventions, reducing the need
for frequent in-person visits. Virtual support networks and
online platforms provide social interaction, peer support,
and knowledge exchange, mitigating social isolation’s
detrimental effects.
Private Information Platform and Cloud: When man-
aging private information for individuals with mobility
issues, Smart Home platforms ensure consent, privacy
protection, and data security. Personal health records,
treatment plans, and preferences can be securely stored
and accessed by authorized individuals. Robust privacy
controls and encryption protocols safeguard sensitive
data, fostering trust and maintaining confidentiality. It’s
vital to uphold transparency regarding data usage and
to allow individuals’ control over their own information,
enabling them to make informed privacy decisions.
Integrative and Sustainable Home and Lifestyle:
Smart home technology enables an integrative and sus-
tainable lifestyle for individuals with mobility issues.
Voice-activated assistants can manage daily routines, re-
minders, and task organization, fostering independence
and self-sufficiency. Integration with community support
services and accessible transportation apps ensures seam-
less resource access and promotes community engage-
ment. By facilitating participation in social activities, the
pursuit of hobbies, and the maintenance of connections,
Smart Home technology greatly enhances the quality of
2) Home Challenges and Home Design Considerations for
Vulnerable Group: We will consider the following home
Safety and Security Function: General Smart Home
systems may lack specific safety features tailored for
individuals with mobility limitations. For example, if
emergency buttons or alert systems are not easily ac-
cessible, it may delay their response when emergencies
happen. The absence of these specially designed safety
features could compromise the overall safety and well-
being of these individuals, thus emphasizing the need for
more accessible and user-friendly safety features.
Basic living infrastructure - Supply: Current Smart
home systems may not fully address the accessibility
needs of individuals with mobility limitations. Consid-
ering the difficulties someone with a wheelchair or with
limited mobility might face if automated doors lack mo-
tion sensors or voice activation features. This highlights
the need for a more inclusive design that allows these
individuals to navigate their living spaces comfortably
and independently.
Basic Living Infrastructure - Waste Management and
Hygiene: General Smart home systems might not provide
specific features accommodating the unique needs of
individuals with mobility limitations. If voice-activated
waste disposal systems or adaptive shower facilities are
missing, these individuals may face challenges in waste
management or maintaining proper hygiene. This empha-
sizes the need for more tailored solutions to ensure a clean
and healthy living environment.
Physiological and Logistical Function and Living
Conditions Improvement: General Smart home systems
might not integrate well with medical devices or address
the specific requirements of individuals with mobility
limitations. For instance, lacking integration with medica-
tion management systems or remote caregiving platforms
may complicate managing their healthcare needs. This
underlines the importance of personalized support and
seamless integration with healthcare devices in Smart
home systems.
Centralized Coordination: Current Smart home systems
may not provide sufficient connectivity with community
resources or support services, exacerbating social isola-
tion for individuals with mobility limitations. If there’s
no integration with accessible transportation services or
virtual support groups, it could limit their engagement
with the community. Therefore, it’s essential to promote
centralized coordination to boost social engagement and
foster a sense of belonging.
Private Information Platform and Cloud: General
Smart home systems may not prioritize robust privacy
controls, leading to potential privacy breaches. For in-
dividuals with mobility limitations who rely heavily on
Smart home systems, protecting their personal or health-
care information is vital. This emphasizes the need for
robust privacy safeguards and controls to prevent misuse
of sensitive data.
Integrative and Sustainable Home and Lifestyle:
Current Smart Hhme systems may overlook the unique
lifestyle management needs of individuals with mobility
limitations. The absence of adaptive recreational activities
or integration with community support services could
hinder their social engagement and personal growth.
Hence, Smart home systems must provide integrative and
sustainable support, promoting an enhanced quality of life
for these individuals.
L. Vulnerable Group: People with Mental Disease
Individuals with mental illnesses, such as depression, agi-
tation, and schizophrenia, often exhibit unexpected behaviors
that require special attention when considering Smart Home
technology. Understanding their unique characteristics and
lifestyle differences is crucial for designing Smart Homes that
cater to their specific needs.
Firstly, individuals with mental illnesses may experience
frequent mood swings, heightened sensitivity, and difficulties
in emotional regulation. These factors can significantly impact
their daily routines and interactions with their living environ-
ment. Additionally, their unpredictable behavior patterns might
require immediate intervention or support systems to ensure
their safety and well-being.
Secondly, their lifestyle may differ from that of the general
population. Individuals with mental illnesses often require
structured routines, therapy sessions, medication management,
and regular monitoring of their mental health. The presence
of a support network, such as caregivers, family members, or
healthcare professionals, is also vital for their overall stability.
Finally, the unexpected behaviors associated with mental
illnesses can range from sudden outbursts, and self-harm
tendencies, to episodes of disorientation. These behaviors
can pose challenges for individuals themselves as well as
those around them. Smart home technology needs to address
these unique aspects to provide a safe and supportive living
Smart home technology has the potential to significantly
impact the lives of individuals with mental illnesses by of-
fering tailored solutions to address their specific needs. By
leveraging various features and functionalities, Smart Homes
can contribute to the well-being and safety of individuals with
mental illnesses.
In the following sections, we will explore the specific impact
of Smart home functions on individuals with mental illnesses,
as well as the necessary adaptations and considerations for
designing Smart Homes to cater to their unique requirements.
1) Impacts and Support Provided by Smart Home Func-
tions: We will consider the following home functions.
Safety and Security Function: For individuals with
mental illnesses such as depression, agitation, or
schizophrenia, Smart Home safety and security functions
play a vital role in providing a supportive environment.
Smart home systems can detect signs of distress or
unusual behavior through sensors and cameras. In the
event of a crisis, the system can automatically alert
caregivers, emergency services, or designated contacts
for prompt intervention. Features like automated door
locks and surveillance cameras provide a sense of security
and prevent unauthorized access, reducing anxiety and
promoting a safe living environment.
Basic living infrastructure - Supply: Smart home in-
frastructure ensures the well-being of individuals with
mental illnesses by addressing their basic living needs.
Automated supply management systems can assist with
medication adherence, sending reminders, and dispensing
the correct dosages. Smart refrigerators can track food
inventory and suggest healthy meal options, supporting
proper nutrition and assisting individuals who may expe-
rience appetite changes or difficulty with meal planning.
These features enhance independence and provide stabil-
ity in daily routines.
Basic Living Infrastructure - Waste Management and
Hygiene: Smart home systems contribute to maintaining
cleanliness and hygiene for individuals with mental ill-
nesses. Automated waste management systems can sim-
plify waste disposal and recycling processes, minimizing
cognitive load and promoting a clutter-free living space.
Smart bathroom fixtures with motion sensors and tem-
perature controls ensure a comfortable and safe bathing
experience. Additionally, Smart home technology can
provide reminders for personal hygiene tasks, such as
brushing teeth or washing hands, which may be chal-
lenging for individuals with cognitive difficulties.
Physiological and Logistical Function and Living Con-
ditions Improvement: Smart home technology addresses
the physiological and logistical needs of individuals with
mental illnesses. Automated lighting systems with ad-
justable color and intensity settings can create a calming
atmosphere and regulate sleep patterns. Smart thermostats
maintain optimal temperatures for comfort and energy
efficiency. Integration with wearable devices or health
monitoring systems allows for real-time tracking of vital
signs or changes in sleep patterns, assisting caregivers
and healthcare professionals in assessing the individual’s
Centralized Coordination: Smart home systems en-
hance centralized coordination for individuals with men-
tal illnesses by connecting them to support networks, ther-
apists, and community resources. Virtual communication
platforms and online therapy sessions provide convenient
access to mental health professionals, overcoming bar-
riers of transportation or limited mobility. Smart home
devices can facilitate scheduled medication reminders,
therapy session alerts, and daily routines, promoting
consistency and stability in treatment plans. Additionally,
Smart home platforms can connect individuals to peer
support groups or online communities, fostering a sense
of belonging and reducing feelings of isolation.
Private Information Platform and Cloud: Privacy and
data security are crucial considerations for individuals
with mental illnesses. Smart home platforms should
prioritize secure storage and management of personal
health information, treatment plans, and therapy notes.
Consent and control over data sharing are essential,
allowing individuals to determine who has access to
their sensitive information. Encryption and authentication
protocols protect against unauthorized access and ensure
confidentiality. Transparency in data usage and adherence
to privacy regulations build trust and foster a sense of
empowerment for individuals with mental illnesses.
Integrative and Sustainable Home and Lifestyle:
Smart home technology promotes an integrative and
sustainable lifestyle for individuals with mental illnesses.
Voice-activated assistants assist with daily tasks, medica-
tion reminders, and therapy exercises, helping individuals
maintain routines and adhere to treatment plans. Integra-
tion with mood-tracking apps or wearable devices allows
individuals to monitor their emotional well-being and
share relevant data with healthcare providers, enabling
personalized interventions. Smart home systems can also
facilitate access to community support resources, mental
health education, and self-help materials, fostering self-
management and empowering individuals in their journey
toward recovery.
2) Home Challenges and Home Design Considerations for
Vulnerable Group: We will consider the following home
Safety and Security Function: For individuals with
mental illnesses, the automated surveillance and alert
systems of Smart Homes can sometimes induce feelings
of constant monitoring and invasion of privacy. It is
crucial to strike a balance between ensuring safety and
respecting personal boundaries. Designing Smart home
systems that allow individuals to control privacy settings,
such as enabling or disabling specific monitoring features,
may alleviate some of the concerns.
Basic living infrastructure - Supply: Automated supply
management systems can be beneficial, but they may
also pose challenges for individuals with mental illnesses.
It is important to incorporate user-friendly interfaces,
clear visual cues, and voice-based reminders that cater
to the specific needs of individuals with mental illnesses.
The system should be intuitive and flexible, allowing for
personalized settings and preferences.
Basic Living Infrastructure - Waste Management and
Hygiene: While automated waste management systems
can simplify tasks, they may require individuals to adapt
to unfamiliar routines or changes in their living environ-
ment. Special considerations should be given to providing
clear instructions and visual cues to aid individuals in
navigating these systems. Smart bathroom fixtures should
have adjustable sensitivity settings to accommodate vary-
ing levels of mobility and ensure comfort and safety.
Physiological and Logistical Function and Living
Conditions Improvement: Smart home systems that
collect and monitor physiological data may inadvertently
contribute to heightened anxiety or stress levels for in-
dividuals with mental illnesses. It is crucial to prioritize
consent and transparency, allowing individuals to have
control over the data collected and shared. Implementing
user-friendly interfaces and ensuring data security and
confidentiality are essential.
Centralized Coordination: While virtual communica-
tion platforms offer convenient access to mental health
professionals, some individuals with mental illnesses may
face challenges in adapting to remote therapy sessions.
It is important to provide user-friendly interfaces and
technological support to ensure seamless connectivity and
engagement. Additionally, fostering a sense of commu-
nity and peer support within Smart Home platforms can
help individuals combat feelings of isolation.
Private Information Platform and Cloud: Maintaining
privacy and data security is paramount for individuals
with mental illnesses. It is imperative to design Smart
Home systems that prioritize data encryption, secure
storage, and informed consent mechanisms. Transparent
data usage policies and the ability to easily manage and
control access to personal health information are crucial
in fostering trust and empowering individuals with mental
Integrative and Sustainable Home and Lifestyle:
Smart home systems should be designed with a focus on
personalization and adaptability. It is important to provide
options for individuals with mental illnesses to customize
and adjust settings based on their specific needs and
preferences. This can include adjustable lighting colors
and intensities, customizable voice commands, and per-
sonalized reminders to support their unique routines and
self-care practices.
M. Community: General
In the remaining sections, we delve into an exploration of
Smart Home technology and its multifaceted interaction with
various communities. Before diving into specific categoriza-
tions, we will first present a general overview of how com-
munities can potentially enhance Smart Home functionalities,
offering insights into mutual symbiosis.
Next, we organize our discussion around three core com-
ponents, each providing a unique lens to view the synergy
between Smart Homes and communities. Firstly, we categorize
communities from different perspectives, such as geographical
locations and shared interests, explaining why such classifi-
cations are essential, outlining the unique characteristics and
lifestyle nuances of these communities, and discussing the
potential linkages between them and Smart Home technology.
Secondly, we evaluate the impact of Smart Home functional-
ities on these diverse communities, both positive and negative,
and highlight the distinct assistance these technologies can
provide. Lastly, we delve deeper into how specific types
of communities can contribute to enhancing Smart Home
functions, especially considering the existing limitations of
Smart Homes in areas such as decision-making, sensing, com-
munication, action, information processing, and coordination.
These latter two parts will be analyzed by dissecting the
seven core functions of Smart Homes: Safety & Security
Function, Basic Living Infrastructure: Supply, Basic Living
Infrastructure: Waste Management and Hygiene, Physiological
& Logistical Function and Living Conditions Improvement,
Centralized Coordination, Private Information Platform &
Cloud, and Integrative & Sustainable Home and Lifestyle.
This structured approach will enable a comprehensive un-
derstanding of the relationship between Smart Homes and
communities, illuminating their mutual impact and the pos-
sibility of synergistic development.
1) Impact of Smart Home Function on Communities: We
will consider the following home functions.
Safety and Security Function: Smart homes can gen-
erate significant benefits for community Smart homes
can significantly influence waste management within a
community. With smart waste management systems, com-
munities can more efficiently handle waste processing and
recycling. Data from smart homes can also assist in deter-
mining effective waste reduction strategies, contributing
to a more sustainable community.
Basic living infrastructure - Supply: Smart homes
can significantly influence waste management within a
community. With smart waste management systems, com-
munities can more efficiently handle waste processing and
recycling. Data from smart homes can also assist in deter-
mining effective waste reduction strategies, contributing
to a more sustainable community.
Basic Living Infrastructure - Waste Management
and Hygiene: Smart homes can significantly influence
waste management within a community. With smart waste
management systems, communities can more efficiently
handle waste processing and recycling. Data from smart
homes can also assist in determining effective waste
reduction strategies, contributing to a more sustainable
Physiological and Logistical Function and Living Con-
ditions Improvement: Smart homes can also enhance
physiological and logistical functions within a commu-
nity. By tracking health data and environmental condi-
tions, smart homes can contribute to improving the overall
health and living conditions of the community. This data
can be utilized for communal wellness initiatives and
logistical planning.
Centralized Coordination: The network of smart homes
within a community can serve as an efficient coordina-
tion hub. By sharing relevant data and insights, smart
homes can facilitate better coordination among commu-
nity members, local service providers, and government,
improving the overall community operation and respon-
Private Information Platform and Cloud: The vast
array of data gathered by smart homes can offer a wealth
of information beneficial to the community. It can offer
valuable insights into the community’s habits, needs, and
potential improvements. This information can be utilized
for community planning, developing targeted community
initiatives, and enhancing communal knowledge sharing
Integrative and Sustainable Home and Lifestyle:
Smart homes can generate significant benefits for com-
munity lifestyle management and support. By optimizing
resource usage and promoting sustainable practices, they
contribute to a healthier and more eco-friendly envi-
ronment. Furthermore, smart homes’ data analytics can
aid community decision-making and scheduling, bringing
about a more organized and efficient lifestyle. They can
also offer shared tools or resources that can be accessed
by the entire community, fostering a sense of unity and
cooperative living.
2) Community-Inspired Enhancements to Smart Home
Functions: We will consider the following home functions.
Safety and Security Function: Communities can play
an integral role in enhancing safety. They can predict
or identify potential threats, increasing the speed of
information distribution and notification. Their involve-
ment ensures safety during large gatherings by directing
crowd movement, enhancing indoor safety, and identify-
ing malicious actors, thus minimizing the risk of fraud.
The community support platform also offers advice and
resources for individuals to live safely and independently.
Basic living infrastructure - Supply: Communities
significantly impact effective supply management and
transportation. Their presence helps reduce individual
household costs through shared resources and supplies,
benefiting those with limited access or tech literacy. Fur-
thermore, the community support platform can provide
useful suggestions for efficient supply management and
reducing resource consumption.
Basic Living Infrastructure - Waste Management and
Hygiene: For waste management, the community support
platform imparts useful instructions and resources to
handle sanitation issues, waste processing, and recycling,
which leads to a sustainable lifestyle. It can guide in-
dividuals on how to extend the lifespan of household
items, reduce waste, and promote the exchange of items
or functional parts for reuse.
Physiological and Logistical Function and Living Con-
ditions Improvement: Communities can enhance the
connection between Smart Home systems, local service
providers, and the government, effectively improving
living conditions. By supplying valuable guidance on
living independently and healthily, the community sup-
port platform also fulfills physiological and psychological
Centralized Coordination: Communities excel as coor-
dination hubs, establishing a network among Smart Home
systems, local service providers, and the government.
Their efforts lead to public education initiatives, the
promotion of innovative ideas, efficient incident handling,
and the amplification of awareness on important issues.
They enable individuals’ voices and needs to be heard
widely, ensuring they receive specific support from vari-
ous resources.
Private Information Platform and Cloud: Commu-
nities also act as an information hub, keeping track
of incidents and suggestions. They offer resources on
privacy protection and avoiding misinformation. They
also enable feedback collection for private information
platform development. The community support platform
provides longitudinal information catering to people with
different interests, aiding efficient planning.
Integrative and Sustainable Home and Lifestyle: Com-
munity support platforms offer valuable resources for
individuals, equipping them with the knowledge and tools
to live independently and healthily, satisfying both their
physiological and psychological needs. Importantly, these
platforms can help negate the dissemination of false
information, fostering a more accurate understanding
of healthy living. Additionally, they provide necessary
assistance when individuals confront challenges related
to scheduling, mobility, or technology. By serving as a
coordinating hub, communities link Smart Home systems,
local service providers, and the government. They further
contribute by promoting new ideas, tracking incidents,
raising awareness, and rallying moral and financial sup-
port. Moreover, communities often collaborate with local
aid organizations to support vulnerable populations, en-
suring their needs are heard and catered to. By enabling
device sharing, communities also help reduce costs and
offer support to individuals with limited access or tech-
nical skills.
N. Community: Interest
Communities formed around shared interests represent a
diverse array of lifestyles and preferences. Interests can range
from outdoor activities, pet ownership, physical fitness, digital
entertainment, home improvement, cooking, and more. Each of
these communities has distinct lifestyles, customs, and norms,
leading to unique needs and potential uses for Smart Home
Smart Home technology can cater to these unique needs,
creating a more personalized and convenient living environ-
ment. For instance, people who engage in outdoor activities
could benefit from remote monitoring and control systems,
while those who prefer staying at home may appreciate
automated home appliances and comfort systems. Those who
are digitally inclined might find Smart Home tech enhances
their digital entertainment and communication experiences.
Moreover, DIY enthusiasts and those passionate about home
improvements could use Smart Home tech to assist with
projects, while cooking enthusiasts might enjoy smart kitchen
appliances that make food preparation more efficient and
precise. Regardless of the specific interests, Smart Home
technology can create synergies with various interest-based
communities, enhancing the user experience by offering cus-
tom solutions tailored to their lifestyles.
The intersection of Smart Home technology with these
interest-driven communities can lead to unique interactions
and adaptations. Smart home systems can provide a higher
quality of life, convenience, security, and customization, ul-
timately contributing to a more interactive, personalized, and
efficient living environment. The potential benefits and effects
of Smart Home technology in these communities are vast,
further emphasizing the significance of understanding these
relationships in the context of evolving technological land-
1) Impact of Smart Home Function on Communities: We
will consider the following home functions.
Safety and Security Function: Smart home security sys-
tems provide substantial support to communities based on
interests. For instance, travel enthusiasts can monitor their
homes remotely, assuring their peace of mind. However,
a caveat is the potential over-reliance on these systems,
which could foster a false sense of security. Similarly, for
pet owners, Smart Home security cameras enable remote
pet monitoring, enhancing pet safety. However, tech-
savvy individuals might manipulate the security functions
for fraudulent activities.
Basic living infrastructure - Supply: Smart home tech-
nology contributes significantly to various interest-based
communities. For gardening enthusiasts, Smart Home
irrigation systems provide optimal watering schedules,
thus improving plant health. For frequent online shoppers,
Smart Home systems might include secure smart delivery
lockers, thereby reducing instances of package theft.
Basic Living Infrastructure - Waste Management and
Hygiene: Smart homes can facilitate waste management
and hygiene enhancement. For example, home chefs
may benefit from smart trash cans with voice activation
for easier kitchen waste disposal. Health-conscious in-
dividuals can also benefit from Smart Home air quality
monitors and water filtration systems to ensure a healthy
living environment. Nonetheless, the potential misuse of
waste management systems could lead to community-
wide inefficiencies and cleanliness issues.
Physiological and Logistical Function and Living Con-
ditions Improvement: Smart homes offer functionalities
that can improve living conditions. Fitness enthusiasts
can benefit from integrated fitness devices, while DIY
enthusiasts could access instructional videos for their
projects. However, the risk of misinformation exists, as
does the potential for safety risks if tools are misused.
Centralized Coordination: Smart Homes can facilitate
effective information exchange. For social media enthusi-
asts, Smart Homes could provide connectivity with their
platforms, fostering community engagement. However,
with the increased connectivity, privacy concerns may
Private Information Platform and Cloud: Smart
Homes can provide effective information collection and
sharing. Gaming communities may benefit from the in-
tegration of Smart Homes with gaming consoles, and
remote workers may find an easier transition to home-
based work. However, these functionalities come with
potential privacy and cybersecurity threats if not properly
Integrative and Sustainable Home and Lifestyle:
Smart Homes can promote sustainability and offer
lifestyle management solutions. For instance, those who
value sustainability can use energy-efficient systems,
while home decorators can utilize smart lighting options.
However, an over-reliance on automation could limit per-
sonal creativity and individual touch in home decoration.
2) Community-Inspired Enhancements to Smart Home
Functions: We will consider the following home functions.
Safety and Security Function: Communities signifi-
cantly contribute to Smart Home security enhancement.
For example, pet owner communities can provide insights
into pet behaviors and needs, thereby helping to refine
pet-centered Smart Home functions. DIY communities
offer a wealth of expertise that can enhance the security
systems’ customization and troubleshooting. Nonetheless,
communities need to guard against the potential misuse
of information that might compromise the security setup.
Basic living infrastructure - Supply: Communities
enhance Smart Homes by fostering resource-sharing and
problem-solving. Gardening communities, for instance,
can share knowledge on plant care, contributing to the
efficiency of Smart Home irrigation systems. Shopping
communities, too, provide insights into inventory man-
agement, helping to refine automated shopping list gen-
eration or delivery scheduling in Smart Homes.
Basic Living Infrastructure - Waste Management
and Hygiene: Communities may significantly aid waste
management and hygiene in Smart Homes. For instance,
cooking enthusiasts can share insights into food waste
management, contributing to the development of fea-
tures such as smart composting. Similarly, home decorat-
ing communities can share ideas on optimizing storage
spaces, helping to refine waste management and hygiene
functions within Smart Homes.
Physiological and Logistical Function and Living
Conditions Improvement: Communities help improve
living conditions within Smart Homes. Fitness and well-
ness communities, for example, provide data on exercise
routines and sleep patterns, enabling better health mon-
itoring. DIY and home improvement communities share
knowledge on energy-efficient upgrades and sustainable
materials, contributing to better energy consumption op-
timization and comfort in Smart Homes.
Centralized Coordination: Communities significantly
enhance Smart Homes’ centralized coordination. Social
networking communities, for instance, offer insights into
user preferences and communication habits, improving
integration with social platforms. Gaming communities
also contribute by providing preferences for multiplayer
gaming, enabling more immersive gaming experiences in
Smart Homes.
Private Information Platform and Cloud: Communi-
ties can help strengthen privacy and security protocols in
Smart Homes. Technology enthusiast communities offer
expertise in data encryption and system security, ensuring
robust protection of sensitive information. Privacy advo-
cacy groups provide oversight and feedback, maintaining
user confidence in personal data security within Smart
Integrative and Sustainable Home and Lifestyle: Com-
munities may foster integrative and sustainable living
within Smart Homes. Sustainable living communities
contribute to eco-friendly practices, promoting energy
conservation and sustainable consumption. Community
support groups provide insights into their members’
specific needs and challenges, fostering community and
support within Smart Homes. These contributions help
tailor Smart Home functions for a more personalized and
community-driven user experience.
O. Community: Initiative
Communities that form based on initiatives refer to those
groups that spontaneously organize due to a shared interest,
purpose, or goal. These communities often thrive on collective
action and cooperation, bonding over shared values or the
pursuit of a common cause.
Different types of initiative-based communities include
those that mobilize around social issues such as protests,
holiday celebrations, pet rescue activities, volunteer groups,
minority advocacy, disease prevention, environmental protec-
tion, community care, and charity activities. These commu-
nities offer various services including community services,
safety assurances, group shopping, infrastructure improve-
ments, beautification, and cleaning of community areas. Other
more specialized initiatives might include free legal advice,
medical consultations, educational support, mental health care
for children and seniors, and more.
The unique characteristics of these initiative-based commu-
nities generally revolve around their self-motivation, active
engagement, and a strong sense of commitment to their cause.
They typically have a collaborative and supportive culture,
fostering inclusivity and active participation.
In the context of Smart Homes, these initiative-based
communities can greatly benefit from various Smart Home
technologies. Whether it’s safety and security functions for
community safety assurance, basic living infrastructure for
communal beautification and cleaning, or centralized coordi-
nation and private information platforms for better communi-
cation and service provision, Smart Home technologies offer
a range of benefits. The sustainable and integrative home and
lifestyle management function can also support community
initiatives such as environmental protection by promoting
energy-efficient practices. Overall, Smart Homes can play a
pivotal role in enhancing community initiatives by facilitating
collective action and supporting their broader goals.
1) Impact of Smart Home Function on Communities: We
will consider the following home functions.
Safety and Security Function: Smart home safety and
security systems can enhance surveillance and real-time
monitoring for initiative-based communities, especially
during large gatherings or outdoor events. For example,
in holiday celebration communities, Smart Home security
systems can safeguard homes during holiday periods
when individuals may be away. However, the increase
in surveillance can lead to concerns about privacy, gov-
ernment oversight, and potentially even a sense of moral
Basic living infrastructure - Supply: Smart homes offer
functionalities that can consolidate community needs,
such as in stray pet rescue communities where smart pet
doors and monitoring devices facilitate rescue and care
efforts. However, the integration of these technologies
needs careful consideration to ensure harmonious coex-
istence with traditional community efforts.
Basic Living Infrastructure - Waste Management and
Hygiene: In neighborhoods focused on cleanliness, Smart
Home waste management systems can make recycling
and waste disposal processes more efficient, aiding com-
munity cleanup efforts. Yet, an overreliance on automa-
tion may distance individuals from the significance of
personal involvement in these activities.
Physiological and Logistical Function and Living Con-
ditions Improvement: Smart home features like person-
alized ambient lighting and sound therapy can create a
stress-reducing environment, beneficial for mental health
support communities. However, balancing technological
intervention with human interaction is vital to maintain
emotional well-being within the community.
Centralized Coordination: In volunteer-based commu-
nity services, Smart Home systems can streamline com-
munication and coordination to enhance the efficiency of
community service initiatives. Nonetheless, the potential
for privacy breaches must be considered and mitigated.
Private Information Platform and Cloud: In communi-
ties providing free legal and medical consultations, Smart
Home platforms can offer timely access to vital resources.
However, ensuring data privacy and maintaining the ac-
curacy and reliability of information are critical aspects
to consider.
Integrative and Sustainable Home and Lifestyle:
Smart home systems can help communities like gardening
and beautification groups through automated irrigation
systems and plant care reminders. Despite this, the bal-
ance between automation and personal involvement in
such activities should be maintained to ensure the genuine
spirit of community involvement remains intact.
2) Community-Inspired Enhancements to Smart Home
Functions: We will consider the following home functions.
Safety and Security Function: Communities signifi-
cantly contribute to the safety and security functions
of Smart Homes. Their active involvement can enhance
safety measures, aid in identifying security threats, and
reduce risks associated with fraud or malicious activities.
For instance, socially-driven communities engaged in
protests and activism can provide valuable insights into
Smart Home security features. Similarly, communities
dedicated to rescuing stray animals can help enhance pet
safety features, contributing to the overall safety and well-
being of Smart Homes.
Basic living infrastructure - Supply: Communities may
play a crucial role in the supply management of basic
living infrastructure. Their collective actions can enable
resource and supply sharing, reduce household costs, and
ensure individuals with limited access or technological
literacy are not left behind. Communities focusing on en-
vironmental conservation or collective shopping activities
can offer valuable insights into sustainable supply man-
agement, promoting responsible resource consumption.
Basic Living Infrastructure - Waste Management and
Hygiene: Community involvement is vital in maintaining
hygiene standards and managing waste within Smart
Homes. They can offer useful instructions and resources
on effective waste management systems, recycling pro-
cesses, and ways to extend the lifespan of household
items. Communities involved in neighborhood beautifi-
cation and cleanliness initiatives, as well as volunteer
groups focusing on hygiene awareness, can contribute
significantly to fostering sustainable waste management
Physiological and Logistical Function and Living Con-
ditions Improvement: Communities, especially volun-
teer organizations engaged in community services and
mental health support groups, can provide useful re-
sources and insights into improving physiological and
logistical functions within Smart Homes. Their input
can contribute to optimizing task management systems,
providing mental health resources, and developing a
supportive living environment.
Centralized Coordination: Communities can play an
integral part in facilitating centralized coordination within
Smart Homes. They can serve as a hub connecting
Smart Home systems, local service providers, and the
government, ensuring effective communication and co-
ordination. Community-driven social event celebration
groups and volunteer-based neighborhood watch groups
can provide insights into event planning features, real-
time incident reporting, and community communication
Private Information Platform and Cloud: The role of
communities is indispensable in developing private infor-
mation platforms and cloud storage systems within Smart
Homes. Communities can guide how to protect privacy
and maintain data security. Communities’ providing pro
bono legal advice and volunteer organizations’ offering
medical consultations can shed light on legal compliance,
data protection, privacy regulations, and secure health
data management.
Integrative and Sustainable Home and Lifestyle: Com-
munities with a focus on promoting sustainable living
can contribute significantly to developing integrative and
sustainable home and lifestyle features within Smart
Homes. They can provide insights into smart garden-
ing systems, sustainable consumption tracking, and eco-
friendly practices. Moreover, communities dedicated to
recycling initiatives can provide valuable knowledge on
waste sorting and recycling systems, promoting a sustain-
able lifestyle for members in communities.
P. Community: Geography
It is critical to understand how Smart Home technology
interacts with communities classified by geography. This clas-
sification focuses on communities formed based on geographic
factors, including those who are victims of natural disas-
ters and pandemics, victims of different forms of pollution,
passengers or drivers stuck in major accidents and traffic,
and the homeless or those residing in slums. Each of these
communities has unique characteristics and circumstances that
can potentially inform their relationship with Smart Home
Victims of natural disasters and pandemics in high-risk areas
may utilize Smart Home technology for enhanced safety, se-
curity, and rapid information dissemination. Pollution victims
affected by air, water, noise, or light pollution can harness
Smart Home functionalities to promote healthy living condi-
tions. For those often stuck in traffic, remote access to Smart
home systems can help them manage their homes efficiently.
Homeless individuals and slum dwellers, while seemingly
disconnected from Smart Home technology, may find their
living conditions improved through affordable and accessible
housing solutions that incorporate Smart Home elements.
Overall, Smart Home technology can offer tailored solutions
to each community’s unique circumstances, improving safety,
comfort, and convenience. The actual interaction, however, de-
pends on factors like accessibility, affordability, and awareness
of Smart Home technology, which will be further discussed in
the following sections.
1) Impact of Smart Home Function on Communities: We
will consider the following home functions.
Safety and Security Function: Smart home safety &
security features can be particularly beneficial for vic-
tims of natural disasters and pandemics, offering early
warnings, evacuation guidance, and real-time monitor-
ing during emergencies. Yet, overreliance on technology
could result in vulnerabilities during critical situations if
system failures occur. For pollution victims, air quality
monitoring systems can help in tracking pollution levels
and supporting health protection measures.
Basic Living Infrastructure - Supply: Smart home sup-
ply management systems have the potential to consolidate
shopping needs and reduce costs, especially useful for
passengers or drivers stuck in traffic or accident scenarios
by ensuring a consistent supply of living essentials.
However, power outages or system malfunctions could
hinder supply availability during emergencies.
Basic Living Infrastructure - Waste Management and
Hygiene: Smart home waste management systems can
improve sanitation, especially in homeless communities
and slums, by promoting proper waste disposal prac-
tices. For pollution victims, these systems can maintain
cleanliness and proper waste disposal, mitigating health
risks. The affordability and accessibility of such systems,
however, could be challenging.
Physiological and Logistical Function and Living Con-
ditions Improvement: For victims of natural disasters
and pandemics, Smart Homes can offer emergency power
backups, temperature control, and air filtration to ensure
comfortable living conditions. In homeless communities
and slums, energy-efficient and space-saving designs can
improve living conditions. Affordability and access, how-
ever, could be barriers.
Centralized Coordination: Smart home platforms can
facilitate coordination and information sharing among
community members, particularly beneficial for pollution
victims and victims of natural disasters or pandemics.
However, data privacy concerns and the digital divide
may limit participation.
Private Information Platform and Cloud: Smart home
platforms can provide centralized access to emergency
resources, support services, and real-time updates for vic-
tims of natural disasters or pandemics. For the homeless
and those in slums, connections to social services, job
opportunities, and community networks can be provided.
Yet, data security, privacy concerns, and limited access
to technology can pose challenges.
Integrative and Sustainable Home and Lifestyle:
Smart home designs that focus on energy efficiency,
water conservation, and eco-friendly practices can benefit
pollution victims by promoting sustainability. For victims
of natural disasters or pandemics, Smart Home systems
can support community resilience by integrating disaster
preparedness, emergency communication, and sustainable
living practices. Affordability and accessibility are key
considerations to ensure equitable access.
2) Community-Inspired Enhancements to Smart Home
Functions: We will consider the following home functions.
Safety and Security Function: Communities, partic-
ularly those impacted by natural disasters, pandemics,
or pollution, can play a significant role in enhancing
the safety and security functionalities of Smart Homes.
Their firsthand experiences can guide the development
of early warning systems for potential dangers, thus
augmenting the predictive capacities of Smart Homes.
They can also shed light on effective emergency response
protocols and suggest measures for improved integration
with local disaster management agencies. For instance,
communities affected by pollution could provide valuable
insights into personalized settings for air quality monitor-
ing, water filtration systems, or noise detection, thereby
aiding Smart Homes in creating safer and healthier living
Basic living infrastructure - Supply: In terms of supply
management, the communal aspect can bring significant
advantages. Communities residing in areas prone to traffic
congestion or major accidents, for example, can assist
in optimizing supply management within Smart Homes.
Their experiences can inform real-time traffic updates,
alternative route suggestions, and better integration with
local transportation systems, ensuring that Smart Homes
manage supply needs effectively even during challeng-
ing transportation scenarios. Moreover, communities in
marginalized areas can offer valuable perspectives on
resource optimization and access to essential goods and
services, helping Smart Homes better address supply
challenges faced by these communities.
Basic Living Infrastructure - Waste Management
and Hygiene: Communities affected by natural disasters,
pandemics, or pollution can contribute significantly to im-
proving waste management and hygiene functions within
Smart Homes. They can provide valuable information
on efficient waste disposal methods, effective sanitation
measures, and potential partnerships with local waste
management services. Such collaborations can ensure
that Smart Homes support effective waste management
practices and maintain cleanliness during and after crises.
Physiological and Logistical Function and Living
Conditions Improvement: Traffic communities and
marginalized communities can bring valuable insights
into improving physiological and logistical functions and
living conditions in Smart Homes. They can suggest
features such as real-time commute updates, automated
task rescheduling, energy-efficient systems, affordable
housing solutions, or integration with local social support
networks. These insights can help Smart Homes adapt
to changing circumstances, minimize disruptions, and
address the unique living challenges faced by various
Centralized Coordination: Communities affected by
crises or pollution can offer significant contributions to
enhancing centralized coordination within Smart Homes.
They can provide insights into the development of com-
munication systems, community resource-sharing plat-
forms, and integration with local emergency response
teams. This could facilitate coordinated actions to address
pollution-related issues and effectively coordinate relief
efforts during crises.
Private Information Platform and Cloud: Communi-
ties in vulnerable situations, such as homeless or slum
areas, can provide critical input regarding the data privacy
and security aspects of private information platforms
within Smart Homes. They can help in developing fea-
tures like secure user authentication, data protection pro-
tocols, and integration with local social service agencies,
thus safeguarding the privacy of individuals within Smart
Home networks.
Integrative and Sustainable Home and Lifestyle: Com-
munities that have experienced natural disasters, pan-
demics, or pollution can offer invaluable insights into
the promotion of an integrative and sustainable home
lifestyle. They can suggest features such as renewable
energy integration, resource-efficient practices, and inte-
gration with local sustainability initiatives. These insights
could lead to the creation of Smart Homes that are not
only technologically advanced but also environmentally
friendly and sustainable.
Q. Community: Experience
Experience-based communities include groups sharing simi-
lar life circumstances. This includes addiction support groups,
disease-specific support communities, individuals with com-
mon service needs, survivors of disasters, people linked by
cultural background, and family situations, and those facing
financial challenges or new to a location.
These communities have unique needs that could interact
with Smart Home technology. For example, addiction support
groups could use Smart Home applications to promote healthy
habits. Those experiencing service disruptions might benefit
from solutions ensuring service continuity. Disaster survivors
might find the security features of Smart Homes helpful.
For varying family situations, Smart Homes could automate
tasks for single parents or provide remote health monitoring
for the elderly. Financially challenged groups or newcomers
might use Smart Homes to reduce energy costs or acclimate
to a new area. Hence, these communities’ diverse experiences
could drive unique interactions with Smart Home technology,
potentially enhancing their life quality.
1) Impact of Smart Home Function on Communities: We
will consider the following home functions.
Safety and Security Function: Smart home security
functions can offer a lifeline to communities navigating
through various personal and health challenges. For in-
dividuals battling addictions, Smart Home security can
provide safety mechanisms such as alerting authorities
in emergencies. Nevertheless, constant surveillance may
raise privacy concerns. Similarly, people with mental dis-
orders may find solace in personalized security systems
but may feel their privacy is compromised.
Basic Living Infrastructure - Supply: Smart homes can
ensure a constant supply of essential services, contribut-
ing to a healthier and more comfortable living environ-
ment. For those relying on critical equipment powered
by electricity, the continuity of services provided by
Smart Homes is life-saving. On the other hand, an over-
reliance on technology could create vulnerabilities during
power or system outages. Additionally, Smart Homes
can promote efficient resource consumption, benefiting
those facing financial challenges. The flip side is the
affordability and accessibility of such technologies.
Basic Living Infrastructure - Waste Management and
Hygiene: Smart home solutions may play a significant
role in promoting waste management and hygiene. For
communities centered around specific diseases, Smart
Homes can provide mechanisms to dispose of medical
waste safely. However, it requires appropriate knowledge
and awareness to avoid misuse. For homeless communi-
ties, while these solutions can improve living conditions,
the challenge lies in making these technologies accessible
and affordable.
Physiological and Logistical Function and Living Con-
ditions Improvement: Smart homes can promote better
living conditions and provide logistical support. They can
facilitate better communication and coordination among
communities such as alumni or colleagues. However,
these technologies must be carefully designed to maintain
data security and privacy. For communities facing finan-
cial hardships, Smart Homes can provide personalized
recommendations and support. Yet, they cannot replace
the human connection and emotional support that are
crucial during tough times.
Centralized Coordination: Smart home technologies
can promote effective community coordination and in-
formation exchange. They can be particularly beneficial
for disaster survivors, helping them locate resources
and communicate efficiently. Similarly, newcomers can
connect with local communities through these platforms.
However, these technologies may inadvertently create
a digital divide if they are not equally accessible to
Private Information Platform and Cloud: Smart homes
can securely store and manage critical information. For
people with mental disorders, this means a safe space for
health records and therapeutic resources. Similarly, those
facing unemployment can find financial and employment
resources within these platforms. However, the risk of
privacy violation and data misuse is a potential downside.
Integrative and Sustainable Home and Lifestyle:
Smart Homes can promote sustainable lifestyles and
provide valuable community support. For communities
facing financial hardships, Smart Homes can assist with
budgeting and promoting affordable, sustainable prod-
ucts. For disaster survivors, Smart Homes can provide
wellness and stress management recommendations. Nev-
ertheless, technology cannot replace all human needs, and
people may still require additional support and resources
outside of what technology can provide.
2) Community-Inspired Enhancements to Smart Home
Functions: We will consider the following home functions.
Safety and Security Function: Experience-based com-
munities can significantly enhance Smart Home safety
and security functions. For instance, communities that
support individuals battling specific diseases can provide
insights into integrating medical alert systems and emer-
gency response protocols. Similarly, communities that
have experienced service disruptions can offer sugges-
tions on backup power solutions and offline function-
alities. This collective wisdom can help Smart Homes
maintain essential services during outages.
Basic living infrastructure - Supply: Certain com-
munities can play a pivotal role in optimizing supply
management within Smart Homes. Alumni or colleagues
can share insights on group purchasing arrangements
or integration with local suppliers. On the other hand,
newly relocated communities can provide feedback on
local service providers and delivery networks, helping to
establish reliable supply channels.
Basic Living Infrastructure - Waste Management
and Hygiene: Experience-based communities can sig-
nificantly contribute to improving the waste management
and hygiene functions of Smart Homes. Those supporting
individuals with specific diseases can offer insights into
accessible waste disposal options and sanitation guide-
lines. Meanwhile, homeless communities can provide
feedback on inclusive waste disposal solutions and hy-
giene facilities.
Physiological and Logistical Function and Living
Conditions Improvement: Communities can assist in
enhancing the physiological and logistical functions of
Smart Homes. Support groups for specific diseases can
provide insights into adaptive technologies and person-
alized comfort settings. Homeless communities can offer
feedback on affordable housing solutions and temperature
control systems, ensuring a comfortable living environ-
ment for vulnerable populations.
Centralized Coordination: Communities such as alumni
or colleagues can provide insights on communication
platforms and event schedules, enhancing coordination
within Smart Homes. Survivors of disasters can provide
feedback on emergency preparedness features and com-
munity support networks, ensuring effective coordination
Private Information Platform and Cloud: Communi-
ties supporting individuals with specific diseases can help
in shaping secure and confidential information platforms
within Smart Homes. Financially challenged communi-
ties can offer valuable input on financial resources and
budgeting tools, assisting in the secure and confidential
management of financial information.
Integrative and Sustainable Home and Lifestyle: Com-
munities supporting individuals with mental disorders can
offer insights into mental health monitoring tools and
stress management features. Homeless communities can
provide feedback on community support networks and
access to essential services, fostering inclusive and sus-
tainable lifestyles. This way, communities, through their
shared experiences, can enhance the decision-making,
sensing, communication, action, and coordination capa-
bilities of Smart Homes.
R. Community: Device
Device-based communities revolve around shared interests
or utilization of certain devices, ranging from traditional
equipment such as snow shovels and washing machines to
more tech-centered items like gaming consoles and drones.
These communities are characterized by common goals or
hobbies, resulting in shared values and distinctive lifestyles
based on the type of device in focus.
The interaction between these communities and Smart
Home technology is predominantly seen in two areas: de-
vice management and user experience. Smart home systems
can help manage shared devices more efficiently, such as
scheduling the usage of a communal washing machine. At the
same time, it can enhance the user experience by optimizing
home environments to complement device usage. For instance,
automated lighting and sound systems can elevate the gaming
experience. Additionally, by connecting shared devices to a
centralized Smart Home system, communities can foster better
communication and cooperation among members. However,
the potential benefits and challenges can vary, making it crucial
to assess each community’s needs individually.
1) Impact of Smart Home Function on Communities: We
will consider the following home functions.
Safety and Security Function: Smart home safety
and security functions have significant implications for
device-based communities. For example, advanced user
authentication protocols and access monitoring mecha-
nisms can protect shared devices from theft or misuse.
Security alerts can notify community members of any
suspicious activity. However, a major concern arises if
these security measures are compromised. A breach could
lead to unauthorized access, causing potential harm to the
community, such as personal data exposure or property
Basic Living Infrastructure - Supply: Smart home
supply management systems have the potential to rev-
olutionize the way device-based communities share and
maintain equipment. By leveraging real-time inventory
management, the system can ensure the optimal avail-
ability of shared devices. Moreover, it can facilitate a
collective shopping strategy by identifying urgent needs
across different households, reducing costs, and promot-
ing efficiency. However, any technical malfunctions or
connectivity issues can lead to disruptions or delays in
accessing the shared devices, affecting the community’s
Basic Living Infrastructure - Waste Management and
Hygiene: Smart Homes can help device-based communi-
ties maintain cleanliness and hygiene, especially in shared
spaces like workshops. An intelligent waste management
system can streamline the disposal and recycling process,
ensuring a healthy and clean environment. It can also
provide knowledge sharing for device maintenance and
encourage the reuse of parts. But there are potential
challenges. If used improperly or if community members
are not well-educated about waste management practices,
this could lead to contamination or other maintenance
Physiological and Logistical Function and Living Con-
ditions Improvement: Smart home systems can have a
transformative effect on shared activities in device-based
communities. They can offer personalized workout rou-
tines and tracking capabilities for shared exercise equip-
ment, promoting fitness and a healthy lifestyle. When
applied to camping equipment, for instance, Smart Home
automation can control environmental factors and ensure
safety, making outdoor activities more enjoyable. On the
other hand, over-reliance on technology for physical or
outdoor activities may lead to a reduction in spontaneity
and a lesser connection with nature.
Centralized Coordination: In a device-based commu-
nity, Smart Home platforms can serve as a powerful tool
for fostering cooperation and facilitating resource sharing.
By integrating reservation systems, real-time location
tracking, and communication channels, these platforms
enhance overall connectivity among community mem-
bers. They can also report design flaws and possible
improvements, raising public awareness. However, there’s
a risk that over-reliance on digital platforms could poten-
tially exclude individuals who lack access to smartphones
or reliable internet connectivity.
Private Information Platform and Cloud: Smart home
platforms can provide a secure and private information
platform for community members. These platforms can
serve as a communal knowledge base, allowing users to
share tips, experiences, and insights related to specific
devices. This fosters a sense of community and promotes
knowledge exchange. However, it’s crucial to address
concerns regarding data privacy and security to ensure
the protection of personal information shared within the
Integrative and Sustainable Home and Lifestyle:
Smart home technology can significantly contribute to
promoting an integrative and sustainable lifestyle within
device-based communities. Features such as energy-
efficient routing for smart cars and bicycles, vehicle-
sharing platforms, and automated scheduling can foster
environmentally conscious choices and better resource
management. However, excessive reliance on technology
for transportation and daily routines may lead to reduced
physical activity and a diminished personal connection
with the surrounding environment.
2) Community-Inspired Enhancements to Smart Home
Functions: We will consider the following home functions.
Safety and Security Function: Communities play a
crucial role in enhancing safety and security in Smart
Homes. By sharing safety devices or being part of gam-
ing communities, residents can pool their knowledge to
identify potential dangers, maintain and extend the usage
of smart devices, and stay updated with the latest product
safety issues. This collective wisdom not only augments
the safety measures provided by Smart Homes but also
fosters a secure and enjoyable environment for gaming
experiences. Moreover, shared security devices such as
cameras and alarms can enhance vigilance and allow
swift response to emergencies.
Basic living infrastructure - Supply: Communities act
as a resource for keeping abreast with the latest, most
effective smart devices and provide access to support-
ive products at low cost. Shared devices and hobby-
specific communities encourage the efficient usage of
resources and make access to specialized equipment more
affordable. By sharing devices like washing machines or
gym equipment, households can minimize redundancy
and optimize the use of essential resources within Smart
Home environments.
Basic Living Infrastructure - Waste Management and
Hygiene: Communities can provide detailed guidance
on how to maintain and repair devices, give access to
functional parts at a lower cost, and support overcoming
waste management challenges. Through the sharing of
devices like composting machines or recycling stations,
efficient waste disposal becomes possible. Furthermore,
medical device communities can offer specific advice
on managing medical waste and promoting safety and
hygiene within the Smart Home.
Physiological and Logistical Function and Living Con-
ditions Improvement: Communities can help members
learn self-protection skills and avoid device addiction,
fostering healthy lifestyles. By sharing specialized de-
vices like exercise equipment or workshop tools, com-
munities can enhance the physical health and logistical
functions of Smart Homes. Assistive device communities,
meanwhile, provide invaluable insights into personaliz-
ing these tools, thereby improving living conditions and
physiological functions for those with specific needs.
Centralized Coordination: Communities can offer shop-
ping guidance, provide support in urgent situations, and
even help to share devices for people with financial
challenges. Shared devices like bicycles or cars can help
optimize transportation resources. Drone user communi-
ties, on the other hand, can offer insights into drone usage
and airspace regulations, enabling effective coordination
within Smart Home environments and improving overall
Private Information Platform and Cloud: Communi-
ties can contribute significantly to the private information
platform and cloud function of Smart Homes. By sharing
common devices like gaming consoles or computer sys-
tems, they can offer guidance on data security measures
and user privacy controls. This helps protect personal
data and ensure secure management of information within
Smart Home systems.
Integrative and Sustainable Home and Lifestyle:
Communities can play an important role in promoting
sustainable and healthy lifestyles. By sharing devices
like energy-efficient appliances or smart thermostats, they
can foster eco-friendly practices. Moreover, communities
formed around specific smart devices can provide insights
into personalized settings, and collaborate with manufac-
turers and service providers, thus facilitating the creation
of a sustainable and personalized living environment.
S. Community: Human Attribute
Human attribute-based communities represent a diverse col-
lection of individuals, distinguished by physical conditions,
health status, demographic characteristics, education level,
economic status, personality, and habits, as well as perception
and awareness. This classification not only emphasizes the
breadth and complexity of human society but also underscores
the opportunities and challenges for Smart Home technology
to cater to these diverse needs. Physical conditions, such as
disabilities, can affect how individuals interact with Smart
Home technologies, while health conditions like specific dis-
eases may require tailored services from Smart Homes. Demo-
graphic traits, including age, gender, and race, can necessitate
adaptive services to respect and cater to various lifestyle needs.
Education levels might influence the comprehension and uti-
lization of Smart Homes, necessitating user-friendly designs
and resources to foster digital literacy. Economic disparities
can pose barriers to accessing Smart Home technologies,
calling for strategies to increase affordability. Personalities and
habits can shape the acceptance and use of Smart Homes,
demanding personalized user experiences. Lastly, individual
worldviews, particularly those related to sustainability and
privacy, can influence the perception and adoption of Smart
Home technologies, highlighting the importance of consider-
ing these aspects in design and implementation. Understanding
these human attributes provides crucial insights for designing
and implementing Smart Home technologies in a way that
promotes inclusivity and equity.
1) Impact of Smart Home Function on Communities: We
will consider the following home functions.
Safety and Security Function: Smart home technologies
can contribute significantly to the safety and security of
individuals with varying human attributes. For individuals
with physical disabilities or those facing discrimination,
features like voice-activated assistants, intelligent door
locks, and surveillance systems can enhance accessibility
and personal safety. For demographic groups like older
adults, women living alone, or different generations, fea-
tures like motion sensors, emergency response systems,
and remote monitoring can provide security, assistance,
and peace of mind. Nevertheless, there may be negative
implications. If these technologies aren’t inclusive or
adaptable enough, the technologies may lead to exclusion
or reliance on inaccessible features.
Basic Living Infrastructure - Supply: Smart homes
can streamline the management of supplies, benefiting
individuals with different education levels or sensory
perceptions. For instance, smart refrigerators can send
alerts for expiring food items, aiding individuals with
impaired taste or smell. However, reliance on sensory
input could exclude those with differing perceptions or
awareness levels. Moreover, if the technology assumes a
certain level of digital literacy, it could create barriers for
individuals with limited technological skills.
Basic Living Infrastructure - Waste Management and
Hygiene: Smart home technology can automate tasks re-
lated to waste management and hygiene, accommodating
individuals with physical limitations or specific health
conditions. Nonetheless, negative implications may arise
if these technologies lack the adaptability and flexibility
to accommodate diverse physiological conditions and
Physiological and Logistical Function and Living
Conditions Improvement: Smart home technology can
significantly improve living conditions for individuals
with different heights and physical conditions, and cater
to the unique needs of different age groups and genera-
tions. However, if the technology fails to offer customized
options or neglects unique needs, the user experience may
be negatively impacted.
Centralized Coordination: Smart home technology can
facilitate centralized coordination for individuals with
disabilities or those facing discrimination by providing
accessible communication platforms and offering remote
access to essential services. Yet, if these technologies
aren’t inclusive or fail to cater to specific communication
needs, they might contribute to social isolation or limit
community engagement.
Private Information Platform and Cloud: Smart
Homes can provide educational resources and person-
alized assistance to individuals with varying education
levels, enabling them to navigate privacy settings and
protect their personal information. However, if privacy
settings are overly complex or not well communicated, in-
dividuals with lower education levels might become more
vulnerable to data breaches or privacy infringements.
Integrative and Sustainable Home and Lifestyle:
Smart home technology can support integrative and sus-
tainable lifestyle by providing personalized recommenda-
tions and features tailored to individual personalities and
habits. However, negative impacts might arise if these
technologies encourage an overreliance on automation,
thereby limiting personal autonomy or reinforcing un-
helpful habits.
2) Community-Inspired Enhancements to Smart Home
Functions: We will consider the following home functions.
Safety and Security Function: Communities defined by
human attributes like physical disabilities or focused on
perception and awareness play crucial roles in the devel-
opment and refinement of safety and security features
in Smart Homes. For example, disabled communities
can provide insights into accessibility needs, enhanc-
ing design elements such as voice-controlled alarms or
improved door entry systems. Similarly, communities
emphasizing perception and awareness could offer train-
ing and education on recognizing potential risks and
integrating personal safety devices with Smart Home
technologies, enhancing overall safety measures.
Basic living infrastructure - Supply: Elderly commu-
nities and communities focused on specific personal-
ity traits and habits can provide valuable insights into
optimizing supply functions in Smart Homes. Elderly
communities can help identify user-friendly interfaces for
managing supplies or integrating voice-assisted shopping
lists, making essential resources readily available. Like-
wise, communities with shared personality traits or habits,
such as minimalism, could promote resource-efficient
living, encouraging responsible consumption and supply
Basic Living Infrastructure - Waste Management and
Hygiene: Communities with specific physical conditions
can provide crucial perspectives for optimizing waste
management systems in Smart Homes, such as suggesting
voice-controlled waste sorting mechanisms or accessible
waste management services. Communities emphasizing
environmental consciousness could educate about recy-
cling best practices or integration with local recycling
programs, encouraging new eco-friendly habits in Smart
Home environments.
Physiological and Logistical Function and Living
Conditions Improvement: Different generational com-
munities and communities varying in education levels can
offer insights into physiological and logistical needs. For
instance, they can suggest Smart Home features tailored
to age-related challenges or guide the development of
user-friendly interfaces and educational resources, mak-
ing Smart Home systems accessible and intuitive.
Centralized Coordination: Communities defined by per-
sonality traits, habits, or demographic attributes can assist
in improving centralized coordination in Smart Homes.
They can provide insights into scheduling tools, task man-
agement systems, or specific communication preferences,
enabling effective coordination and enhancing commu-
nity engagement within Smart Home environments.
Private Information Platform and Cloud: Commu-
nities focused on digital privacy and different genera-
tional communities can enhance the private information
platform and cloud function of Smart Homes. These
communities can offer insights into privacy settings, en-
cryption protocols, or privacy concerns specific to certain
generations, allowing residents to customize their privacy
settings and control personal information sharing within
Smart Home environments.
Integrative and Sustainable Home and Lifestyle: Com-
munities characterized by specific personality traits or
habits can promote an integrative and sustainable home
and lifestyle within Smart Homes. They can provide
insights into energy-saving practices or sustainable con-
sumption habits, encouraging residents to adopt envi-
ronmentally friendly behaviors and fostering community
support in Smart Home environments.
T. Community: Profession and Family Duty
Communities can be characterized by professional and
family duties, each with unique lifestyle features and potential
interactions with Smart Home technology.
For communities defined by profession, work schedule or
travel frequency can dictate their needs. Day-time or night-
shift workers and frequent travelers can benefit from Smart
Home security features and remote control capabilities. Certain
professions that may face societal challenges, like funeral
service workers, or those generating noise or unpleasant odors,
could use Smart Home solutions to enhance their living
conditions and neighborhood relationships.
In terms of family duties, stay-at-home parents or grandpar-
ents may find centralized coordination features of Smart Home
technology invaluable for child safety, household chores, and
family activities management.
Other professional communities such as public service
workers, healthcare professionals, engineers, programmers,
workers/farmers, and students have varied lifestyle needs that
can be addressed by tailored Smart Home solutions.
Understanding these distinct community classifications is
critical for examining their interaction with Smart Home
technology, leading to discussions on the technology’s impact
and potential improvements.
1) Impact of Smart Home Function on Communities: We
will consider the following home functions.
Safety and Security Function: The safety and security
function of Smart Home technology can greatly support
communities classified by profession and family duties.
For those working during unconventional hours or fre-
quently traveling, the availability of remote monitoring,
video surveillance, and motion sensors can provide es-
sential peace of mind by ensuring the security of their
homes during their absence. However, these benefits may
also raise concerns about privacy due to the constant
surveillance in the home.
Basic Living Infrastructure - Supply: Smart home
systems can also offer comprehensive support to these
communities by ensuring access to special supplies or
devices tailored to their unique needs. For professions that
generate noise or are involved in funeral services, for in-
stance, Smart Home technology can integrate soundproof
infrastructure or assist in scheduling tasks, contributing to
an efficient and harmonious living environment. However,
overreliance on automation may depersonalize the pro-
cess, particularly for professions that require a personal
Basic Living Infrastructure - Waste Management
and Hygiene: With the integration of smart recycling
or garbage bins and touch-free faucets, Smart Home
systems can significantly improve waste management
and hygiene. This could especially benefit stay-at-home
parents or grandparents by helping to maintain a clean
and organized living space. Nevertheless, the reduced
manual involvement may impact individuals’ sense of
responsibility and awareness towards waste management.
Physiological and Logistical Function and Living
Conditions Improvement: For day-time and night-time
workers, Smart Homes can ensure appropriate lighting
and temperature control for different tasks, promoting
productivity and well-being. For those who may face
discrimination, enhanced security and privacy features
can provide a safe living environment. However, over-
reliance on automated adjustments might reduce indi-
viduals’ adaptability to natural lighting and temperature
Centralized Coordination: Through integrated calen-
dars, task management, and communication platforms,
Smart Home systems offer centralized coordination, aid-
ing individuals with heavy family duties or frequent
travelers. However, an overreliance on technology may
decrease the number of face-to-face interactions, dimin-
ishing the sense of community within the household.
Private Information Platform and Cloud: Smart
Homes with secure private information platforms and
cloud storage offer a safe way for public servants and
medical professionals to access work-related documents
and patient records, facilitating remote work and improv-
ing patient care. However, if security measures are not
robust enough, there may be risks of data breaches or
unauthorized access to sensitive information.
Integrative and Sustainable Home and Lifestyle:
Smart home systems provide effective lifestyle manage-
ment features, from personal schedules, and automated
reminders to meal planning, which can improve the
overall well-being of individuals with heavy work com-
mitments or caregiving responsibilities. These features
may ultimately lead to integrative and sustainable home
and lifestyle for community members. However, overde-
pendence on technology might lead to reduced personal
engagement and flexibility in changing circumstances.
2) Community-Inspired Enhancements to Smart Home
Functions: We will consider the following home functions.
Safety and Security Function: Smart home systems
can greatly benefit from communities that operate on
unconventional schedules, such as those that work pri-
marily during nighttime hours. These communities could
inspire Smart Home innovations aimed at improving
home security measures and personal safety during off-
peak hours. For example, adaptive security systems could
be developed, capable of intelligently adjusting security
protocols based on residents’ activity patterns. This could
include enhanced motion sensor lighting during quiet
hours, extra surveillance during unoccupied periods, or
alert systems that notify residents of unusual activity
within the vicinity. In this way, the collaboration between
Smart Home technologies and such communities can
work towards creating a safer and more secure home
Basic living infrastructure - Supply: Communities
comprising professionals with high-demand, fluctuating
schedules such as medical professionals could provide
valuable insights into supply management. For instance,
they might suggest automated systems that keep track of
essential supplies and automatically place orders when
stocks are low. By integrating such a system, Smart
Homes could ensure that essential items like groceries,
medications, or other household necessities are always
available, alleviating some of the pressures on individuals
with limited time.
Basic Living Infrastructure - Waste Management and
Hygiene: Communities such as new parents or grand-
parents, who have a heightened sensitivity to hygiene
and cleanliness, could offer valuable suggestions for
improving waste management in Smart Homes. Their
experiences might lead to innovations like smart diaper
disposal systems, automated cleaning schedules, or re-
minders for regular hygiene practices, contributing to a
cleaner and healthier home environment.
Physiological and Logistical Function and Living
Conditions Improvement: Public servants, given their
unique service schedules and demands, could provide
insights into how Smart Home functions could cater
to their specific physiological and logistical needs. This
could include systems that balance work and life better
by integrating with public service schedules, enabling
home automation based on their work routines, or even
developing communication systems that allow them to
carry out their duties more efficiently from home. These
features could lead to improved living conditions and
better work-life balance for public servants and similar
Centralized Coordination: Communities like medical
professionals, who frequently manage sensitive infor-
mation and complicated coordination tasks, could offer
valuable insights into centralized coordination in Smart
Homes. For instance, automated appointment scheduling
and reminder systems could be developed, or secure
communication channels for coordinating medical sup-
plies and services could be integrated. This could lead
to a more efficient and smooth operation of daily tasks,
enhancing the overall Smart Home experience.
Private Information Platform and Cloud: Communi-
ties like public servants, who often handle sensitive data,
could provide valuable insights into enhancing the private
information platform and cloud function of Smart Homes.
Their professional experiences could help develop fea-
tures like enhanced data security protocols, efficient data
management systems, or secure communication channels,
thereby improving the privacy and data handling capabil-
ities of Smart Homes.
Integrative and Sustainable Home and Lifestyle: Com-
munities such as funeral service providers, who have
unique insights into the emotional and psychological
aspects of mourning, could provide valuable contribu-
tions to Smart Home features aimed at integrative and
sustainable lifestyle management. They might suggest
features that provide emotional support, like automated
reminders of important dates, or virtual platforms that
facilitate group support gatherings. These features could
contribute to a more supportive and compassionate Smart
Home environment, assisting residents during challenging
This section outlines comprehensive and conceptual mod-
eling for future Smart Homes under the UV framework. It
begins by setting out the objectives for Smart Homes and
proposing the expected architecture and framework for UV-
Smart home operating systems. We will then discuss the
detailed framework design for data acquisition, hierarchical
information communication and sharing, decision-making, and
action and summarize their unique features. The section ends
with a discussion on coordination, a key feature, of the
UV Smart Home system. Especially we propose the core
components and their interactions and control among each
other, within the feedback loop and with humans and external
A. Objective and Evaluation Index
The overall objectives of UV Smart Home include 1)
“Proactive and coordinated home infrastructure to ensure
safety, hygiene, and basic supply” which requires the system
to strive for protecting and supporting residents in multiple
aspects, 2) Proactive and coordinated family support to
ensure human safety, health, and well-being, identity and
value” which requires the system to take care of residents
physically and mentally, 3) “Top-down and Bottom-up coor-
dination: proactive interaction with society” which requires the
system to coordinate with communities to proactively support
residents’ life, 4) “Humanity and Ethical consideration” which
requires the system to consider human factors and ethical
concerns when making decisions and proposing actions, and 5)
“Cost and Sustainability” which requires the system to achieve
sustainable development and optimized resource management.
1) Proactive and Coordinated Home Infrastructure to En-
sure safety, Hygiene, and Basic Supply:
Infrastructure support: It is essential to provide well-
coordinated and advanced infrastructure support in UV
Smart Home design. This includes not only the supply of
water, energy, and internet but also a comprehensive re-
source management system that ensures consistent avail-
ability and efficient utilization. Under the UV framework,
the home infrastructure will incorporate Smart Home
innovations to improve procedures efficiency, including
grassland maintenance and other routine tasks, and to
prioritize information security and privacy to respect
and protect the personal space of its residents. In this
context, it is necessary to utilize high-quality encryption
and privacy-enhancing technologies, along with a robust
policy framework, to handle privacy-related issues.
Preparedness for urgent situations: A UV-Smart Home
is expected to be proactive in terms of emergency pre-
paredness. The home infrastructure should incorporate
advanced threat or abnormal detection technologies capa-
ble of recognizing imminent dangers such as infrastruc-
ture failure, gas leaks, fire outbreaks, and even criminal
activities. The home infrastructure should also employ ad-
vanced alarm systems linked with quick-response systems
to minimize potential damage and provide immediate
relief. It is also essential for the infrastructure to focus
on vulnerability detection and strengthen its resources and
capacities to respond to unexpected incidents effectively.
Provide accessible and reliable services: Fundamental
to the UV-Smart Home concept is the guarantee of acces-
sible and reliable services that cater to basic physiological
needs. This could range from automated temperature
control systems and lighting control systems to robotic
shower systems for seniors and bedridden patients, self-
cleaning toilets, etc., which provide a safe hygienic
environment. Furthermore, the home infrastructure in
UV-Smart Homes should incorporate waste management
systems that allow for waste segregation at the source,
efficient recycling, and environmentally friendly waste
disposal technologies to ensure efficient garbage disposal
and pollution control, improve sustainability, and enhance
the home environment’s cleanliness and healthiness.
Improve resilience and adaptiveness: A UV-Smart
Home should exhibit high resilience and adaptiveness to
maintain functionality in any given circumstance. This in-
volves a thorough inventory management system, proac-
tive equipment maintenance, and readiness of necessary
resources like first-aid kits and fire extinguishers. The
home should adapt and respond promptly to changes
in the environment and user demands, demonstrating
a high level of resilience. Additionally, the safety and
privacy norms, as well as laws and regulations, should
be meticulously followed, ensuring a secure living space
while also adhering to ethical standards.
2) Proactive & Coordinated Family Support to Ensure
Human Safety, Health & Well-being, Identity & Value:
Individual Life and Well-being (physical, mental,
and social): The UV-Smart Home aims to establish an
environment to promote the overall well-being of its
residents. This includes physical health, mental stabil-
ity, and social connectivity. The home should utilize
technology to create a comfortable living environment
that develops a healthy lifestyle, helps residents build
immunity to diseases, stimulate healthy habits and hobby
including exercise/sports and entertainment, offers stress
relief, and provides resources for family care and ed-
ucation. It will be equipped with smart systems that
create an aesthetically pleasing and friendly atmosphere.
The living environment offers personalized thermo and
lighting comforts, and even ambient sounds based on user
preferences and mood.
Reduce workload and improve efficiency: The UV-
Smart Home should support daily activities, with proac-
tive communication, and provide intelligent systems to
reduce workload and improve efficiency. It should also
have the capability to understand and cater to the urgent
and basic needs of its residents accurately and timely. For
example, smart kitchens and nutrition guidance systems
empower residents to prepare gourmet food with nutrition
efficiently despite their busy schedules. The UV-Smart
Home can learn and adapt to the special needs of family
members, such as hospital visits, post-operation care,
and mobility assistance for disabled people, and provide
necessary assistance or automate certain tasks.
Risk management and vulnerability protection: UV-
Smart Homes should integrate risk management systems
that promptly handle urgent situations for home residents
like fall detections and other dangerous activities such as
allergies and diseases. The system should have predictive
and preventative features to predict, identify potential
risks and mitigate them proactively. Furthermore, the sys-
tem should be supportive of vulnerable groups, providing
enhanced care for seniors, children, or people recovering
from illnesses.
Improve resilience: The UV-Smart Home should extend
its functionalities beyond individual households to the
community and society at large. This involves creating
strong community connections, ensuring societal support,
and efficient resource/supply allocation. The UV-Smart
Home should also have the ability to quickly recover from
adversities, demonstrating resilience. It should maintain
an active link with community resources and emergency
services, ensuring the residents always have the support
they need. It should also share resources or assist in
crises, contributing to the community’s overall resilience.
3) Top-down & Bottom-up Coordination: Proactive Inter-
action with Society:
Understand urgent needs and basic needs accurately
and timely: UV-Smart Home needs to work together with
society in understanding and responding to the urgent and
basic needs of its residents in a timely and efficient man-
ner when confronting big disasters and urgent situations.
This is particularly important during emergencies when
residents may not have enough knowledge to deal with
different situations on their own, may not have access
to essential supplies, or could not ask for external help
due to damaged communication infrastructure. Hence, it
is necessary for UV-Smart Homes to quickly understand
urgent situations, provide basic guidance for residents,
and be ready to report the status and urgent needs
when possible. The UV-Smart Home system should also
include an intelligent predictive mechanism capable of
anticipating and mitigating such risks, thereby enabling
a quicker restoration of services.
Planning with community & whole-of-society, proac-
tively collecting feedback and suggestions: The UV-
Smart Home doesn’t exist in isolation but as part of a
larger interconnected community and society. Therefore,
it should engage in proactive planning with the commu-
nity and society as a whole. This includes proactively
collecting feedback and suggestions from all relevant
organizations, such as schools, hospitals, transportation
departments, and environmental agencies, and incorpo-
rating those inputs into strategic planning to improve the
quality of services offered.
Shared responsibility and Collective support: The
UV-Smart Home encourages a shared responsibility and
collective support system. The idea is to ensure the
accessibility, efficiency, stability, and quality of services
with collective support from family, community, energy
providers, government, etc. Regular education and re-
hearsals could be organized to improve the residents’
skills in managing emergencies, using the Smart Home
system effectively, and improving the coordination be-
tween the Smart Home and other smart subsystems.
These would cover various aspects such as the safe
use of electrical appliances, usage of fire extinguishing
tools, management of physiological and psychological
disorders, environmental protection, and a balanced diet.
Information Connectivity, knowledge management
and education, proactive communication, policy, and
regulation support: The UV-Smart Home should priori-
tize information connectivity and knowledge management
for its residents. Doing this will provide basic instruc-
tion to deal with urgent situations, the latest updates
in policy and regulation that might affect them, and
continuous education to its residents about the optimal
use of Smart Home features and safe practices. This is
achieved through a network of information sharing that
promotes proactive communication, thereby ensuring all
residents are well-informed and capable of making the
most of their Smart Homes.
4) Humanity & Ethical Considerations:
Equality & Inclusiveness: The UV-Smart Home frame-
work staunchly advocates for equality and inclusiveness.
This means promoting equal access to Smart Home
services for all people, regardless of age, socioeconomic
status, and especially for minority groups. The system
should be designed with features that cater to a diverse
range of user needs and abilities. For example, the voice-
command features for physical interfaces should consider
the need for people who speak different languages or
dialects, or seniors or disabled people who have difficulty
speaking clearly, and help them with language translation
Respect and Sharing: Fundamental to the UV-Smart
Home framework is the respect for personal boundaries
and privacy. Residents should be able to enjoy their
lives without any disturbance or harassment from any
intrusive technology. This entails providing the residents
with the choice of whether to implement certain features
and their decisions will be honored. Privacy-enhancing
technologies and robust data governance policies should
be implemented to protect user data and maintain privacy.
It is also imperative to provide personalized support and
coordination mechanisms to satisfy different needs when
multiple people share space, appliances, and devices.
Happiness and mental support: Apart from taking care
of residents’ physical well-being, the UV-Smart Home
also emphasizes the importance of providing support for
residents’ spiritual life, including career development,
self-development/education, personal identity and values,
family relationships, social contacts, thus ensuring the
mental health for people living in current society [471].
The rapid changes in lifestyles for current families pose
additional challenges on how to provide such support for
people of different ages with different aspirations. It is
also important to recognize that people may face mental
stress periodically. When needed, we need to provide
resources and services to address these issues.
Provide support and protection for family caregivers
and shared responsibilities: Besides taking care of
the well-being of family residents, UV-Smart Home
systems need to provide adequate protection and help
primary caregivers to reduce their workload and reduce
the chances of physical injuries. UV-Smart Home systems
should also develop mechanisms that help distribute the
responsibilities and duties within each family and obtain
support from communities, different organizations, and
society. It is also essential for UV-Smart Home systems
to provide mental support for primary caregivers through
stress management tools and resources.
Culture preservation & promotion: Smart technology
can play a critical role in cultural preservation and
promotion, which is a task that UV-Smart Homes should
not overlook. Culture is a vital part of human society, and
contributes to strengthening the resilience of communi-
ties. UV-Smart Homes can help preserve and promote
culture through features like a digital library of local
cultural resources, spaces for cultural expression, and
even integration with local cultural events and festivals.
5) Cost & Sustainability:
Maintenance and Cost: The UV-Smart Home system
should incorporate cost management systems to reduce
unnecessary expenses and waste. The UV-Smart Home
system should also conduct effective maintenance pro-
cedures and proactively check and repair vulnerable
infrastructure and household items. Proper maintenance
can ensure the safety of home infrastructure, prolong the
lifespan of house infrastructure and family appliances, en-
hance the efficiency of household operations, reduce the
cost of infrastructure repair, and improve environmental
Improve resource management and optimize material
cycle: A critical aspect of the UV-Smart Home is its
ability to improve resource management and optimize
the material cycle. The UV-Smart Home system should
incorporate robust inventory management systems that
intelligently monitor the consumption of resources in
daily life and system operations and efficiently manage
resources. Specifically, such a system should monitor
expiration dates, facilitate reusing and recycling, provide
suggestions to reduce resource consumption and waste
and capitalize on the use of prepared resources. This can
lead to cost savings, improved efficiency, and improved
environmental sustainability.
Environmental Protection & Sustainability - waste
management & prevention, pollution control: The UV-
Smart Home places a significant emphasis on environ-
mental sustainability. It integrates waste management and
prevention mechanisms, reducing the generation of waste,
and efficiently managing waste. The system also incor-
porates pollution control mechanisms. It evaluates the
potential for pollution in various aspects of its operation,
including potential hazards from damaged infrastructure
or services. Based on this evaluation, the system priori-
tizes actions to mitigate pollution risks, swiftly managing
any instances of pollution and mitigating their impact
on nature. Through these methods, the UV-Smart Home
not only promotes cost-efficiency and sustainability but
also contributes positively to the broader environmental
B. Architecture & Framework of Home Operation System (OS)
The architecture and framework of Home Operation System
(OS) Design will be discussed from the following aspects:
OS in UV Smart Home, Closed Feedback Loop, robustness
& Resilience of OS, Human Involvement, Decentralization of
IoT System, Adaptability of OS Design, Operating System &
Central Coordination.
1) OS in UV Smart Home: UV-Smart Home systems pro-
pose a core element: a Smart Home Operating System (OS)
that acts as the central coordinator and command center, much
like the brain of the Smart Home. In line with the UV concept,
our proposed OS is designed to seamlessly integrate various
smart devices and systems within the home environment,
providing residents with an enhanced and efficient living
experience while ensuring harmony with nature.
Our proposed Smart Home OS prioritizes adaptability,
learning, and flexibility. It is based on a modular design which
allows it to adapt to the various requirements of the residents
and easily integrate new devices or systems as they emerge.
The system is also designed with the ability to learn and adapt
to residents’ patterns, preferences, and lifestyles to provide
personalized support and decision-making assistance.
The OS is also the core component of the closed feedback
loop. It is responsible for receiving and processing data from
various sensors and smart devices (Data Acquisition), facilitat-
ing secure and efficient communication between devices and
systems, making informed decisions based on the processed
data (Decision Making), and finally translating these decisions
into actions that are implemented by the various smart devices
Our proposed OS design emphasizes the importance of
privacy and security. Given the sensitivity of household data,
the OS incorporates advanced security measures to protect user
information from breaches and unauthorized access. At the
same time, privacy measures are implemented to ensure that
personal data stays personal.
Our Smart Home OS is the critical link that integrates
technology with the daily lives of residents, promoting the
efficient use of resources, enhancing the quality of life, and
helping achieve harmony between humans and nature.
2) Closed Feedback Loop: The concept of a closed feed-
back loop plays an essential role in the functioning of the
Smart Home system under the UV framework. This loop
signifies a cyclic process of data acquisition, communica-
tion, decision-making, and action, effectively creating a self-
learning and self-adjusting system that continuously improves
its efficiency and effectiveness over time.
In the context of the Smart Home OS, the closed feedback
loop operates as follows:
Data Acquisition: This initial stage involves the collec-
tion of real-time data from various sensors, smart devices,
and user inputs spread across the home. This could
include environmental data like temperature or humidity
levels, usage data from various devices and appliances,
or user preference inputs.
Communication: Once the data are acquired, they are
communicated securely and efficiently to the central
OS. This stage involves the use of robust encryption
algorithms to protect data integrity and privacy. Data
are transmitted and stored for further processing and
Decision Making: The OS processes the acquired data
to derive useful insights and patterns. Machine learning
algorithms can be utilized at this stage to understand
and learn from the patterns in the data, including user
behaviors and preferences. Decisions are then made based
on these insights, keeping in mind the UV principles of
harmony between humans and nature, the well-being of
humans, safety, security, and energy conservation.
Action: Once the decisions are made, they are converted
into actions by controlling the smart devices and systems
in the home. This could involve adjusting the temperature,
turning off unused devices, or even suggesting lifestyle
changes to the residents.
Feedback: The final stage involves the evaluation of the
implemented actions. The system assesses whether the
desired effect was achieved and uses this information to
improve future decision-making. This feedback is used to
create a self-learning and self-improving system.
In essence, the closed feedback loop enables the Smart
Home system to learn and adapt continuously, enhancing
efficiency, comfort, and sustainability in line with the UV
3) Robustness & Resilience of OS: In the UV Smart Home
design, robustness and resilience are critical factors ensuring
the system’s ability to withstand and recover from various
disruptions, including environmental changes, hardware or
software failures, or even malicious data inputs.
Robustness in our system is synonymous with its capability
to consistently function under a wide range of conditions. This
includes the ability to resist malicious data or commands,
a critical factor in preserving the system’s integrity and the
safety of the residents. Using advanced security measures,
our Smart Home OS is designed to scrutinize inputs and
filter out potentially harmful instructions. Robustness is also
achieved through system redundancy, architectural diversity,
and fault tolerance mechanisms, allowing the OS to manage
and reallocate resources in case of device failures and maintain
seamless operation under unexpected scenarios.
Resilience represents the system’s ability to quickly recover
from disruptions and resume normal operations. An important
aspect of resilience in our framework is the OS’s ability to
detect malfunctions and errors and take necessary actions to
recover from them. For instance, if an intended action is
not completed successfully, the OS will identify the issue,
take corrective measures, and ensure the action is completed.
Further, resilience is built in through self-healing capabilities,
allowing for automatic software updates and patches to fix vul-
nerabilities, and the capacity to reroute data through different
channels in case of network failures. Backup power sources
are also integrated to ensure continuity of operations during
power outages.
In essence, through the integration of robustness and re-
silience, the UV Smart Home OS ensures a seamless, uninter-
rupted, and secure Smart Home experience, capable of adapt-
ing to changing conditions and recovering from disruptions
swiftly and efficiently. This ultimately safeguards the comfort,
convenience, and security of the residents, aligning with UV’s
primary goal of achieving harmony between humans and
4) Human Involvement: While our UV Smart Home system
is designed to be highly autonomous, human involvement
remains an integral aspect of the framework. Humans interact
with the system at various levels, shaping its functions and
outcomes, and at the same time, learning and adapting to the
possibilities that the Smart Home presents.
User Customization: The UV Smart Home OS en-
courages user engagement by providing opportunities
for customization according to individual preferences
and requirements. Users can set preferences for various
aspects such as temperature control, lighting, and security
settings, enabling the OS to align its automated actions
with the needs of the residents.
Decision Making: While the OS is designed for au-
tomated decision-making, certain decisions may require
human judgment, particularly those relating to privacy,
safety, and ethical matters. The system, therefore, in-
cludes provisions for user input during critical decision-
making processes.
Learning and Adaptation: Human involvement also
comes into play in the learning and adaptation of the
system. The feedback provided by users forms valuable
input for system learning, allowing the OS to fine-tune
its responses and improve over time.
Error Correction and System Maintenance: Despite
the system’s robustness and resilience, human interven-
tion may occasionally be needed to rectify certain issues,
conduct system maintenance, or update the system’s
Emergency Management: In the case of emergencies or
unpredictable events, the Smart Home system may need
to alert residents or ask for their immediate intervention.
Hence, human involvement remains crucial.
In sum, while we strive for a high degree of automation,
human involvement remains integral to our UV Smart Home
system, ensuring its adaptability to individual needs, ethical
decision-making, learning, and overall safety and security.
5) Decentralization of IoT System: Decentralization forms
a key part of the UV Smart Home architecture, helping
improve the system’s robustness, resilience, and scalability. By
distributing the computation and decision-making processes
across multiple devices and nodes, we can reduce the reliance
on a central authority and increase the system’s overall effi-
ciency and reliability.
System Robustness and Resilience: With a decentral-
ized architecture, if one node or device fails, the system
can continue to operate normally, using other nodes for
data processing and decision-making. This enhances the
robustness and resilience of the Smart Home system,
ensuring uninterrupted service even under adverse con-
Scalability and Flexibility: Decentralization also en-
hances the system’s scalability. As the number of devices
in the Smart Home increases, a decentralized system
can more easily adapt to handle the increased data and
computational load. It also provides the flexibility to
add or remove devices without significantly affecting the
system’s operation.
Data Privacy and Security: Decentralization can offer
advantages in terms of data privacy and security. By pro-
cessing and storing data locally on individual nodes, we
can reduce the amount of sensitive data transmitted across
the network, thus lowering the risk of data breaches.
Energy Efficiency: Lastly, a decentralized system can
contribute to energy efficiency. By making decisions
at the local level based on real-time data, the system
can optimize the operation of devices and appliances,
reducing unnecessary energy consumption and promoting
In summary, decentralization plays a crucial role in the UV
Smart Home system, supporting its robustness, scalability, data
security, and energy efficiency, all while enabling the system
to better serve the needs and preferences of its users.
6) Adaptability of OS Design: Adaptability is a crucial
characteristic of our UV Smart Home system. It reflects the
system’s ability to adjust to changing circumstances, whether
there are changes in the home environment, user behavior,
technology advancements, or even wider societal shifts.
Environmental Adaptability: Our Smart Home system
is designed to continuously monitor and respond to
changes in the home environment. This includes fluctu-
ations in temperature, humidity, light levels, and other
environmental factors. By proactively adjusting to these
changes, the system ensures optimal living conditions and
energy efficiency.
Behavioral Adaptability: The system is equipped with
machine learning algorithms that learn from and adapt
to the behaviors, preferences, and routines of the users.
It can recognize patterns in the users’ daily activities,
enabling it to anticipate their needs and provide person-
alized support.
Technological Adaptability: As technology advances,
new devices and systems will continue to emerge. Our
Smart Home OS is designed to be future-proof with
the ability to integrate new devices, adopt new commu-
nication protocols, and support updates and upgrades,
ensuring it remains at the forefront of Smart Home
Societal Adaptability: On a larger scale, the system is
designed to adapt to wider societal changes. This could
include changes in energy pricing and availability, new
regulations and standards, or shifts in societal norms
and expectations. By being responsive to these external
factors, our Smart Home system can align with broader
societal goals, such as sustainability and energy conser-
In summary, adaptability is ingrained in the design of the
UV Smart Home system, enabling it to provide a personal-
ized, efficient, and forward-looking Smart Home experience
that remains in harmony with both its immediate and wider
7) Operating System & Central Coordination: Despite the
decentralized nature of the UV Smart Home system, the role
of the Operating System (OS) and central coordination is
undeniably crucial. The OS serves as the brains behind the
Smart Home, coordinating various subsystems and ensuring
the harmonious and efficient operation of the entire ecosystem.
Operating System (OS): The Smart Home OS is a
specialized software platform that manages the various
smart devices and systems within the home. It provides
a unified interface for controlling and monitoring these
devices, regardless of their underlying technology or
manufacturer. The OS performs several key tasks in-
cluding device management, data processing, decision-
making, and security management. It also supports user
interfaces, such as mobile apps or voice assistants, to
allow users to interact with the Smart Home system.
Central Coordination: The central coordination func-
tion of the OS involves orchestrating the operation of
various subsystems within the Smart Home to achieve
the overarching goals of comfort, convenience, security,
and sustainability. It ensures that all systems work to-
gether in harmony, taking into account the interactions
and dependencies between them. For instance, central
coordination may involve synchronizing the operation of
heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems
with lighting and window blinds to optimize the indoor
environment and energy consumption.
Interfacing and Integration: The OS provides a plat-
form for integrating a diverse range of devices and
systems, enabling them to communicate and cooperate. It
supports various communication protocols and standards,
ensuring compatibility with both existing and future de-
Data Management: The OS is responsible for managing
the large volume of data generated by the Smart Home
devices. This includes collecting, storing, processing, and
securing the data, as well as utilizing them for decision-
making and learning.
In summary, the Operating System and central coordination
play a key role in the UV Smart Home system, ensuring
the seamless integration and operation of various subsystems,
managing data, and enabling a comfortable, convenient, and
sustainable living environment.
C. Data Acquisition
Data Acquisition, a pivotal component in the UV Smart
Home framework, has a significant role to play. It involves the
collection and processing of high-quality, meaningful, and ac-
curate data through diverse sources, which facilitates decision-
making and actions that harmonize humans and nature. This
process underpins the operation of the Smart Home systems
and molds the relationship between the home and its wider
context, including community, urban planning, infrastructure,
Fig. 5. Data Acquisition
environment, and beyond. A high-level data acquisition work-
flow is shown in Fig. 5.
The data acquisition process encompasses several key sub-
jects including Collective Data and Sensing, Data Sources,
Frequency of Data Acquisition, Hierarchical Information Ac-
quisition, Data Redundancy and Data Fusion at different
levels, Automation and Proactive Request, Feedback-based
Information Collection and Human Involvement, and Situation
Understanding. Each of these areas contributes to the overall
goal of achieving a sustainable, efficient, and harmonious
living environment.
Through the effective use of Smart Monitoring and Crowd-
sourcing, data from diverse sources can be gathered, and
each source has a specific role to play in the Smart Home
ecosystem. The frequency of data acquisition and the hierarchy
of information collection contribute to the robustness and
adaptability of the Smart Home. The fusion of data from mul-
tiple levels and sources can help to minimize redundancy and
improve efficiency. Automation and proactive data requests
offer a seamless and less intrusive experience for users, while
feedback-based information collection ensures human involve-
ment and control. Lastly, situation understanding allows the
system to be context-aware and responsive to the changing
needs of the residents and their surroundings.
In the sections to follow, we delve into the specifics of
each of these subjects to build a comprehensive understanding
of how data acquisition is managed in the UV Smart Home
framework and how it contributes to the overall goals of the
system. The aim is to envision a future where Smart Homes are
not just an isolated technological marvel, but a fully integrated
part of an ideal future society, where technology is wisely
used to foster a harmonious relationship between humans and
1) Collective Data and Sensing Subject: Collective Data
and Sensing is an integral part of the data acquisition in the
UV Smart Home framework. It emphasizes the gathering of
data from a wide variety of sources, each having a distinct role
in contributing to the intelligent operations of a Smart Home.
City Halls and Community structures represent the higher-
level entities from which data can be collected. Policies from
City Halls, regulations, support systems, and major contact
points within communities contribute to shaping the decision-
making and action processes within the Smart Home system.
Individual devices within the Smart Home ecosystem serve
as key data providers, helping to sense and capture a diverse
range of information about both objects and humans in the
environment. This information can include various types of
data - from activity tracking and event triggers like power
outages or changes in magnetic fields to more specific data
about individual entities or group activities.
Different modes of sensing automatic, interactive, or
manual allow the Smart Home system to adapt to the unique
needs and preferences of the inhabitants. Automatic sensing
could be used for routine functions like heating control or
lighting, whereas interactive or manual modes are designed
for human involvement and personalization.
Energy and safety data are of paramount importance in
the Smart Home system. Information about energy usage and
safety incidents is constantly monitored and used to optimize
energy consumption and ensure the security of the occupants.
Further, the UV Smart Home system also gathers sensitive
and personal data about the occupants, such as their health
status, dietary preferences, cleaning habits, and mobility con-
straints. This data helps the system adapt its operations and
services to the unique needs and preferences of each occupant,
enhancing their comfort and convenience.
Moreover, the Smart Home system also keeps track of the
flow of materials in and out of the home, and information
about transportation needs, particularly for vulnerable groups
such as children and the elderly.
In summary, the Collective Data and Sensing subject re-
volves around the comprehensive gathering of data from
various sources, each providing unique and valuable insights
that contribute to the harmonious and efficient operation of the
Smart Home within the large context of the UV. This holistic
approach to data acquisition ensures a Smart Home system
that is truly responsive, adaptive, and capable of promoting a
sustainable, efficient, and harmonious living environment.
2) Data Source: The acquisition of meaningful, high-
quality data, indispensable to the operation of UV Smart Home
systems, is made possible by an array of diverse data sources.
Each source offers unique insights and plays a crucial role in
shaping the Smart Home’s understanding of its environment,
its occupants, and the broader context within the UV.
Sensors form the backbone of data collection within Smart
Homes. Different types of sensors cater to distinct needs: en-
vironmental sensors help monitor elements such as air quality,
temperature, and humidity; infrastructural sensors keep track
of the status and performance of various household systems
like heating, cooling, or security; and wearable devices worn
by the occupants provide personal health data and activity
Cloud data also contributes significantly to data collection,
providing access to a vast pool of information from various
sources, like weather updates, traffic data, and more. This
data can be leveraged to optimize various functions of the
Smart Home system, like energy management or transportation
The concept of multimodal data collection comes into play
when data from various sources is combined to provide a more
comprehensive understanding of a situation. For instance,
combining visual data from cameras with sound data from
microphones can give a more accurate depiction of an event
within the home.
Adaptive information collection and sharing with relevant
parties is another critical aspect of data sourcing. This ensures
that the data gathered is not only timely and accurate but also
reaches the relevant subsystems or individuals who can act
upon it.
The sensor network, a medium for computer vision during
decision-making, serves as a constant source of real-time
data. An example of its application could be a patient self-
monitoring tool that tracks vital signs and alerts medical
personnel if any anomalies are detected.
Intelligent agents, and automated systems guided by action
protocols, also play a pivotal role in data sourcing. A good
example of this could be a Body Sensor Network that con-
tinuously monitors the health parameters of an individual and
provides data for personalized healthcare recommendations.
Crowdsourcing presents another avenue for data collec-
tion. This method can be both active and passive, allowing
for a broader and more diverse set of data. For instance,
crowdsourced data about traffic or public sentiments can be
particularly useful in urban planning or policy-making.
Lastly, databases and records, like electronic medical
records, offer a rich source of historical data. They provide
an essential context to current data and can aid in making
projections or identifying patterns over time.
In summary, a multitude of data sources contributes to the
UV Smart Home’s ability to gather the necessary data for
its operations. Each of these sources, from sensors and cloud
data to intelligent agents and crowdsourcing, offers unique
insights, enabling the Smart Home to be adaptive, responsive,
and intelligent.
3) Data Collection Frequency: The frequency at which
data is collected in a UV Smart Home system significantly
impacts its functionality, adaptability, and energy efficiency. It
is a complex task to balance the need for real-time or high-
frequency data with the need to conserve energy and ensure
system longevity.
The core of this discussion is the tradeoff between energy
conservation and high-frequency sensing lies. On one hand,
high-frequency data collection is crucial for real-time response
and decision-making. This is particularly important for func-
tions like security monitoring, health tracking, or event-driven
actions where real-time data can significantly enhance system
responsiveness and effectiveness.
On the other hand, continuous high-frequency sensing can
lead to significant energy consumption, potentially negating
some of the sustainability advantages that Smart Home sys-
tems aim to provide. Thus, a balance needs to be achieved to
ensure both efficient operation and energy conservation.
To strike this balance, one approach could be the implemen-
tation of need-based dynamic frequency settings. This entails
adjusting the data collection frequency based on urgency, rel-
evance, and type of data. For example, security sensors might
operate at high frequencies during the night or when the house
is vacant, whereas environmental sensors like temperature or
humidity sensors could operate at lower frequencies, given that
these parameters typically change relatively slowly.
Another approach could be event-triggered data collection,
where sensors operate at high frequencies only in response to
certain triggers or events, thus saving energy during periods
of inactivity.
The Smart Home system could also employ predictive algo-
rithms to optimize data collection frequency. These algorithms,
based on historical data and patterns, could predict periods
of high importance and adjust the data collection frequency
Further, the utilization of advanced energy-efficient sensors
and systems can also help in achieving high-frequency sensing
without exorbitant energy consumption. Innovations in sensor
technology, data processing, and energy harvesting can sig-
nificantly reduce the energy footprint of high-frequency data
In summary, determining the optimal frequency for data
collection in a UV Smart Home involves a complex balancing
act between real-time responsiveness and energy efficiency.
A combination of dynamic frequency settings, event-driven
data collection, predictive algorithms, and advanced energy-
efficient technology can help achieve this balance, enabling a
Smart Home system that is both responsive and sustainable.
4) Hierarchical Information Acquistion: The Hierarchical
Information Acquisition process, often represented by the
Data-Information-Knowledge-Wisdom (DIKW) pyramid, is
integral to the data acquisition strategy in the context of UV
Smart Homes.
The base of the pyramid, Data, is the raw unprocessed facts
and observations collected through various sensors and data
sources within the Smart Home environment. These could
include sensors capturing data on temperature, humidity, light
levels, energy usage, and from wearable health devices. Data
acquisition at this stage needs to be robust, comprehensive, and
reliable, as it sets the foundation for the subsequent stages of
the hierarchy.
The next level, Information, involves contextually arranging
and structuring the collected data. This step in data acquisition
requires systems that can organize and categorize the raw data
into a more comprehensible and usable format. For example,
correlating temperature data with the time of day or year to
derive patterns in thermal variations.
Knowledge is the third level, derived from analyzing the
arranged information, recognizing patterns, and trends, and
establishing relationships between different data sets. The data
acquisition process at this stage would require more sophis-
ticated systems, possibly employing artificial intelligence and
machine learning techniques, to draw these deeper insights
from the information. For instance, understanding energy
usage trends based on the occupancy and activities in the
Wisdom, the apex of the pyramid, implies the decision-
making capacity based on the knowledge acquired. In terms of
data acquisition, this implies implementing systems that can
leverage the knowledge derived to make informed, strategic
decisions and predictions to optimize the functionality of the
Smart Home. For instance, using the derived knowledge to
predict the most efficient heating schedule considering weather
forecasts and occupants’ routines.
The Hierarchical Information Acquisition framework guides
the overall data acquisition strategy in UV Smart Homes. It
dictates the necessary systems, technologies, and methodolo-
gies required at each stage, from gathering raw data to making
wise decisions. By adhering to this framework, UV Smart
Homes can ensure a thorough and efficient approach to data
acquisition, leading to well-informed, strategic decisions that
promote harmony between humans and nature, the ultimate
goal of the UV.
5) Data Redundancy and Data Fusion on Different Levels:
Within the scope of UV Smart Homes, understanding and
efficiently managing data redundancy and data fusion is crucial
to ensure a robust and reliable system.
Data redundancy refers to the occurrence of the same piece
of data in multiple places. While this might initially seem
wasteful or inefficient, it plays an important role to ensure
system resilience. In case of sensor failures or data corruption,
redundant data can provide a backup, ensuring continuous
operation of the system. Additionally, redundant data can be
used for cross-validation of sensor readings, thereby improving
the accuracy and reliability of data. It’s important, however,
to strike a balance to avoid unnecessary duplication that can
overwhelm storage capacity and impede data processing.
Data fusion is the process of integrating multiple data
sources to produce more consistent, accurate, and useful
information than provided by any individual data source. In
the context of a UV Smart Home, data fusion can occur at
multiple levels, from raw sensor data to processed information
and extracted knowledge.
At the data level, fusion can help in corroborating and
validating sensor readings. For example, a temperature reading
from a sensor can be cross-verified with another in a different
location or a different type of sensor (like an infrared sensor).
This can lead to more reliable data and early detection of
sensor malfunctions.
At the information level, data fusion can help create a more
holistic picture of the Smart Home environment. For instance,
combining data from motion sensors, door/window sensors,
and energy usage can provide a comprehensive understanding
of household activities.
At the knowledge level, fused data can lead to more ro-
bust and insightful decision-making. For example, combining
knowledge about occupants’ schedules, weather forecasts, and
historical energy usage can allow the Smart Home system to
make optimized decisions about heating or cooling schedules.
In essence, redundancy and fusion are critical aspects of data
acquisition in UV Smart Homes. Redundancy ensures data
reliability and system resilience, while data fusion leverages
multiple data sources to improve accuracy, comprehensiveness,
and decision-making. The challenge lies in effectively manag-
ing these aspects to achieve a data acquisition process that is
reliable, efficient, and insightful.
6) Automation Data Collection and Human Involvement: In
the UV Smart Home framework, Automation Data Collection
and Human Involvement work hand in hand to achieve an ideal
balance between efficiency and personalization.
Automated data collection is an integral part of many Smart
Home systems. Equipped with various sensors, actuators, and
algorithms, it provides the ability to continuously monitor
and control numerous aspects of the home environment, such
as energy consumption, climate control, and security. This
continuous data flow allows Smart Homes to make informed
decisions, optimize resource use, enhance comfort, and pro-
mote sustainability. Automation achieves significant efficiency,
particularly in repetitive routine tasks and operations.
However, the role of human involvement in the data acqui-
sition process remains essential. The uniqueness of individual
preferences, habits, and routines necessitates a degree of man-
ual input and control. People bring an element of subjective
understanding and interpretation, which can be vital for tasks
where personal preferences and comfort play a significant role.
For instance, while an automated system might adjust lighting
based on the time of day and occupancy, a resident might
prefer different settings for reading, working, or relaxation.
Moreover, human involvement in data collection can also
provide valuable feedback for system improvement. Users can
offer insights and context that might be difficult for automated
systems to gather, providing a rich source of data for system
refinement and adaptation.
Therefore, a successful Smart Home should seek to strike
a balance between automation and human involvement in its
data collection efforts. By leveraging the advantages of both
automated systems and human input, UV Smart Homes are
expected to achieve a data acquisition strategy that is efficient,
adaptable, and responsive to the unique needs of its residents.
This delicate balance will ultimately enhance the living expe-
rience, providing a home that is both technologically advanced
and intimately personalized.
7) Feedback-based Proactive Information Collection:
Feedback-based proactive information collection highlights the
principle that the Smart Home’s systems should not only
passively respond to triggers or conditions but also proactively
gather and process information based on the feedback from the
occupants and their environment.
Feedback-based proactive information collection consists of
several key components. The first is the acquisition of real-time
feedback. This involves collecting data from a multitude of
sources, such as sensors embedded in the home infrastructure,
wearable devices, and user inputs, to form a comprehensive
understanding of the environment and user behavior patterns.
This information acts as a feedback mechanism, highlighting
the current state of affairs and indicating whether adjustments
are necessary.
The second component is proactively using this feedback
to predict future needs and events. For example, if a series
of data points indicate that the home’s energy consumption
peaks at certain hours, the system can proactively adjust its
energy-saving strategies to counter this trend. Similarly, if the
feedback from wearable devices shows that the homeowner
tends to return home at a specific time, the system can
proactively prepare the home environment - heating, lighting,
etc. - in advance.
A final crucial aspect is the iterative process of adapting
and learning. Feedback-based systems should continuously
improve and adapt based on new information. They should
learn from past actions, successes, and failures, and apply these
insights to future decision-making processes.
In conclusion, feedback-based proactive information collec-
tion helps UV Smart Homes adapt to their inhabitants’ needs
and preferences. By constantly learning from feedback and
proactively acting upon it, these Smart Homes can provide
a living environment that is both comfortable and energy-
efficient. It’s not just about responding to the present but
also about anticipating the future, providing a truly intelligent
living experience.
D. Hierarchical Information Communication & Sharing
In the ambit of the UV Smart Home system, the central
pillar of effective operation is a well-structured and dynamic
hierarchical information communication and sharing system.
This ecosystem, based on an interplay of data acquisition,
processing, decision-making, and action, is designed to ensure
robust, secure, and continuous communication between the
various stakeholders involved in a Smart Home’s operational
cycle. The concept of hierarchical information communication
and sharing is vital in shaping the future of Smart Home sys-
tems, given its ability to offer a comprehensive, multi-layered
exchange of information that directly influences decision-
making and action execution. The hierarchical structure is a
practical and efficient approach that accounts for a variety of
information categories, unique characteristics, diverse sources,
target audiences, and potential impacts, all while maintaining
an unobstructed communication flow. Furthermore, it contem-
plates the temporal dimension of information and proposes
a structure designed for proactive communication. By en-
hancing the Smart Home ecosystem’s functionality through
robust and proactive communication, we facilitate bidirectional
communication with residents, non-resident individuals, and
other subsystems or departments, leading to a dynamically
adaptive feedback loop. However, amidst all its potential,
the communication cost becomes a pivotal consideration in
achieving a sustainable and practical Smart Home model. A
high-level communication workflow is shown in Fig. 6.
1) Framework Design:
a) Types of Information: In a Smart Home environment,
a vast variety of data or information types exist, each serving a
unique purpose and providing valuable insights that contribute
to the efficient operation of the home. The types of data
acquired and communicated range from basic household data,
Fig. 6. Communication
such as electricity usage, temperature, and security status, to
more complex and nuanced information such as behavioral
patterns, preferences of the residents, health status, and envi-
ronmental factors.
Firstly, there’s structured data that adhere to a specific for-
mat or model. This could include sensor readings from various
devices, system status reports, and monitored parameters like
energy usage, temperature, air quality, etc. This information
aids in managing and optimizing the performance of the Smart
Home system, maintaining a comfortable living environment,
and ensuring energy efficiency.
Moreover, health-related information such as medical his-
tory, common illnesses, lifestyle habits, occupational health
hazards, and even public health information like disease out-
breaks can play a crucial role. For instance, shared with the
right parties such as family members or healthcare providers,
this data could lead to timely and effective medical interven-
Furthermore, considering the broader ecosystem in which
a Smart Home operates, information about local resources
like available medical facilities, environmental pollution levels,
and work intensity in local industries also become essential.
This data facilitates informed decision-making for residents
and allows the Smart Home system to adapt and respond to
external factors.
Lastly, it’s also worth noting the role of less structured,
more subjective data, such as resident preferences and lifestyle
habits. These types of data, while harder to quantify, can
contribute significantly to personalizing and improving the
user experience within a Smart Home environment.
Understanding the different information types allows for
more effective data acquisition, processing, and communi-
cation strategies, and ensures that the Smart Home system
can respond proactively and adaptively to both internal and
external changes. This, in turn, supports UV’s overarching aim
of creating harmony between humans and their environment
through the intelligent use of technology.
b) Information Characteristic: Information characteris-
tics are the unique attributes that each piece of data possesses.
They determine how the information is perceived, interpreted,
and utilized in the context of a Smart Home environment. The
types of characteristics present in data largely depend on the
source, the context, and the intended use of the information.
Two principal types of information can be identified in this
context: static and dynamic. Static information refers to data
that remains constant over time and does not change unless
altered by an external factor. Examples include the layout of
the home, the number of devices installed, and residents’ basic
information. Static information typically serves as a reference
or a basis for other processes.
Dynamic information, on the other hand, refers to data
that changes constantly, often in real-time. This type of data,
such as temperature fluctuations, electricity usage, residents’
behavior, and price changes in utilities or services, is more
transient and responsive to changes in the environment.
Another important characteristic of information in Smart
Homes is the packaging of data. Information package refers to
how data is organized, structured, and presented for communi-
cation and processing. Well-packaged information can improve
data handling efficiency and reduce potential communication
Additionally, hierarchical information plays a critical role
in shaping the way data are processed and utilized. At the
base of this hierarchy is raw data, unprocessed and unfiltered.
When these data are processed and organized, they become
information - data with context and meaning. As we progress
in the hierarchy, patterns begin to emerge from the informa-
tion, leading to the development of models. At the pinnacle of
the hierarchy, the models facilitate a comprehensive vision or
understanding that aids decision-making and action planning.
c) Sources of Information: The efficient operation of a
Smart Home under the UV framework heavily relies on a
diverse array of information sources. These sources provide a
rich mix of data types and characteristics, which are essential
for a comprehensive understanding of the resident’s context
and environment.
One primary source of information in a Smart Home is
the residents themselves, encompassing a broad spectrum of
individuals - from regular adults, the elderly, and children, to
persons with disabilities. Each person generates unique data
based on their behaviors, habits, and interactions with the
Smart Home system. This personal data form the foundation
of an adaptive, personalized, and human-centered Smart Home
In addition to the residents, healthcare institutions such
as hospitals also contribute crucial data. This could include
medical records, health advisories, or epidemic alerts that
help maintain and improve the health and well-being of the
Workplaces or units can also provide valuable data. For
instance, work schedules or occupational health hazards can
inform the Smart Home system’s operation to better adapt to
residents’ lifestyles.
Neighborhood communities or housing complexes can offer
data on common facilities, shared resources, or communal
activities. This local data contribute to building a community-
oriented Smart Home environment.
Government agencies also play a role in providing relevant
data, which could include regulations, policies, and guidelines,
or public service information like weather forecasts, environ-
mental data, or public safety alerts.
Lastly, the eight subsystems of the UV Smart Home frame-
work generate vast amounts of data from their respective
domains. This data provides a holistic view of the Smart
Home environment, allowing for effective integration and
interoperability among the eight subsystems.
Each information source adds a unique dimension to the
Smart Home’s data ecosystem. The ability to tap into these
varied sources and effectively handle the incoming information
is key to building a responsive, adaptable, and intelligent Smart
Home system.
d) Sharing Entities: Sharing entities refer to the recipi-
ents of the data or information generated within the UV Smart
Home environment. Each sharing entity plays a distinct role
in the system and requires specific types of data to function
effectively. The design of an intelligent information-sharing
mechanism takes into consideration these diverse entities,
ensuring data are appropriately and efficiently disseminated to
enhance the decision-making processes and action executions
of the entities.
First and foremost, residents are the primary sharing entities
within a Smart Home. The information about household con-
ditions, usage patterns, health indicators, and environmental
data serves to inform and empower residents, enabling them
to make informed decisions about their lifestyle and household
In the context of healthcare, medical professionals or
healthcare institutions may receive health-related data of the
residents for proactive medical assistance, routine check-ups,
or emergency interventions. This ensures timely and effective
healthcare services, contributing to the overall well-being of
the residents.
For certain regulatory or operational purposes, data might be
shared with governmental bodies or public service institutions.
This could include energy usage data for utilities management,
or compliance data for regulatory audits.
Community organizations or neighborhood groups may
also be recipients of relevant data, such as participation in
community events or shared facility usage, fostering a sense
of community, and facilitating community-centered decision-
Furthermore, service providers or vendors associated with
a Smart Home, like maintenance services, utility providers,
or technology vendors, could also be sharing entities. Data
shared with these entities help ensure seamless service pro-
vision, efficient resource management, and continuous system
Lastly, within the UV framework, the data is shared among
the eight subsystems. Each subsystem utilizes the data from
the others to coordinate and optimize its operations, ensuring a
well-integrated and holistic functioning of a UV Smart Home.
By understanding the various sharing entities and their
data needs, the UV Smart Home can design an effective and
efficient information communication and sharing mechanism,
fostering a responsive and adaptive living environment.
e) Impact Level: The impact level of information is a
crucial characteristic to determine how significantly the data
influence the decision-making process, the actions taken, and
ultimately, the overall functioning of a Smart Home system.
A well-designed UV Smart Home system must be capable
of differentiating information based on its impact level to
prioritize its processing and utilization.
At the most basic level, certain pieces of information have
direct and immediate impacts on the operation of a Smart
Home. For instance, data from sensors monitoring tempera-
ture, humidity, or security status directly influences immediate
actions such as adjusting the HVAC system or triggering an
Another level of impact is seen in the information that
influences decision-making over a longer term, contributing to
system optimization and efficiency. This could include data on
residents’ usage patterns, preferences, or habitual behaviors.
Analysis of this data can lead to personalized adjustments
in system settings, predictive maintenance, or energy-saving
There is also information with significant strategic impacts,
influencing long-term planning, policy formulation, and sys-
tem upgrades. For instance, aggregated data on energy con-
sumption, technology trends, regulatory changes, or resident
feedback could be used to make strategic decisions about
system upgrades, investment in new technologies, or changes
in operating procedures.
On the broadest level, certain types of information can
have societal impacts, particularly when shared with external
entities. For example, data related to community participation,
environmental footprint, or public health can contribute to
broader societal goals such as promoting community engage-
ment, environmental sustainability, or public health initiatives.
The ability to understand and categorize information based
on its impact level is key to creating a responsive and adaptive
Smart Home environment. This facilitates both immediate
operational efficiency and strategic adaptability, ultimately
contributing to the overarching goal of harmonizing human
life with the natural environment.
f) Time Level: The time level of information refers
to the temporal characteristics of the data and how these
influence their relevance, usefulness, and impact. Time-related
characteristics of information include frequency of generation,
lifespan, and time sensitivity, which all play crucial roles in
shaping the data management strategy of a UV Smart Home
At the most basic level, there’s real-time data. This type of
data is immediately relevant and often necessitates quick ac-
tion. Sensor readings, status updates, alarms, and notifications
fall into this category. Real-time data is essential for immediate
decision-making and prompt action execution, ensuring the
Smart Home environment’s safety, comfort, and efficiency.
Next, there are short-term data. This data remains relevant
over a short period and typically pertains to daily or weekly
cycles. Examples include daily energy usage, weekly activity
patterns of residents, or short-term weather forecasts. This
information is crucial for operational planning and routine
management of the Smart Home.
Medium-term data, which remains relevant for several
months to a year, plays a significant role in system opti-
mization and seasonal adjustments. This could include data on
seasonal energy usage patterns, health data related to seasonal
illnesses, or maintenance cycles of devices.
Lastly, long-term data, spanning over years or even decades,
is crucial for strategic planning and system evolution. This
can include trends in energy usage, the evolution of residents’
preferences, or changes in the external environment such as
climate trends or technology advancements. Such data allows
for forecasting, strategic planning, and long-term investment
Understanding and managing the time level of information
is crucial in a UV Smart Home environment. It ensures that
data is used optimally based on its temporal relevance, con-
tributing to the system’s overall responsiveness, adaptability,
and efficiency.
g) Unobstructed Communication: Unobstructed commu-
nication is fundamental to the successful operation of a UV
Smart Home system. It pertains to the uninterrupted flow
of information between different system components, data
sources, and sharing entities, ensuring the timely and efficient
exchange of data for decision-making and action execution.
At the most basic level, unobstructed communication re-
quires a reliable and robust infrastructure, capable of han-
dling the high-volume and diverse data types within a Smart
Home. This could involve both wired and wireless networks,
cloud platforms, and edge computing devices, all functioning
together seamlessly to facilitate efficient data transmission.
Additionally, data interoperability is crucial to unobstructed
communication. Given the varied data sources and types within
a Smart Home, it is essential that all data are compatible and
can be seamlessly integrated for processing and analysis. This
often requires the use of standard data formats, protocols, and
Data security and privacy measures are also a part of
ensuring unobstructed communication. By protecting against
unauthorized access, data breaches, and privacy violations,
the system can ensure that communication flows are not
interrupted or compromised and that residents feel safe sharing
their data.
Beyond the technical aspects, effective communication also
depends on the appropriateness and comprehensibility of the
information shared. The data should be tailored to the needs
of the recipients, and presented in a manner that is easy to
understand and act upon.
Finally, for truly unobstructed communication, the system
needs to be designed with a certain degree of flexibility
and adaptability, capable of accommodating changes in data
volume, variety, or velocity over time.
In sum, unobstructed communication in a UV Smart Home
context involves much more than just technical connectivity.
It encompasses infrastructure reliability, data interoperabil-
ity, security and privacy, information comprehensibility, and
system flexibility, all working together to ensure a smooth,
uninterrupted flow of information.
h) Structure Design for Proactive Communication:
Proactive communication seeks to facilitate the flow of mean-
ingful and relevant data across different entities of the Smart
Home ecosystem. It relies on a two-way exchange of infor-
mation to enable the optimization of resources, as well as the
provision of accurate, timely responses to various needs or
The structure of proactive communication comprises two
principal perspectives: top-down and bottom-up communica-
tion. The design should allow for these different communica-
tion flows to function concurrently and seamlessly.
From a top-down perspective, the government, acting as
a centralized decision-making institution, should proactively
request and receive important data related to vulnerable aspects
of the system from sources such as residents, smart devices,
and community inputs. This data should ideally include en-
vironmental readings, usage patterns, predictive models, and
other necessary information to inform high-level decision-
making and policy formulation.
On the other hand, a bottom-up perspective empowers in-
dividuals, communities, businesses, and subsystems to proac-
tively share relevant data with decision-makers. This could
include direct feedback, suggestions, reported issues, and other
forms of active contribution toward optimizing the overall
Smart Home ecosystem. Channels should be established to
facilitate these exchanges, such as direct contact with gov-
ernmental environmental protection departments or the use of
Smart Home system interfaces.
One key aspect of proactive communication is the shar-
ing of structured information regarding the motivations and
procedures of decisions. All entities within the system must
understand not only the decisions that have been made but
also the reasons and processes behind those decisions. This
transparency can facilitate the execution of policy, enhance
the acceptance of new measures, and promote a sense of
involvement and shared responsibility within a Smart Home
Furthermore, the design should accommodate the sharing of
data related to the effects and feedback of proposed actions.
This includes both the immediate outcomes and the long-
term impacts of decisions, which are crucial for adjusting and
optimizing future decision-making processes.
Finally, it’s necessary to ensure that the shared informa-
tion is received and understood. Confirmation mechanisms
should be in place to verify the successful transmission and
comprehension of data, closing the communication loop and
solidifying the effectiveness of the proactive communication
Overall, the design of proactive communication in a UV
Smart Home framework aims to foster an environment of open,
reciprocal information exchange. This not only improves the
system’s responsiveness and adaptability but also encourages
a greater sense of community and shared stewardship among
its participants.
2) Enhancing Smart Home Ecosystems: The Role of Robust
and Proactive Communication: Robust and proactive com-
munication plays a pivotal role in elevating the performance
of Smart Home systems. An efficient and well-coordinated
exchange of information not only enriches the decision-
making process but also enhances the overall efficiency and
functionality of the system. This section will delve into the
dynamics of communication within a Smart Home ecosystem,
its importance, and how to optimize it.
Sufficient Communication for Coordinated Decision-
Making: The fundamental aspect of efficient Smart
Home operation is the successful orchestration of various
components, such as central systems, devices, and sen-
sors. This orchestration is primarily achieved through suf-
ficient and effective communication. Adequate exchange
of information is instrumental in ensuring a smooth flow
of operations, achieving a high level of automation, and
offering an enhanced living experience for the residents.
Sufficient communication enables the central system to
gather and comprehend the status of different devices and
sensors, making well-coordinated and informed decisions
about controlling various elements of the home. More-
over, it allows the system to understand and learn from
patterns, adapt to changes, and evolve, becoming more
effective and personalized.
However, achieving sufficient communication requires the
establishment of robust communication networks, stan-
dardized data formats, and effective protocols to handle
the diverse types and volumes of data generated in a
Smart Home environment. The focus should also be
on ensuring the security and privacy of the data being
exchanged, making it a reliable and trusted system for
Proactive Communication to Mitigate Information
Gaps: In addition to sufficiency, the proactiveness of
communication is another significant aspect that deter-
mines the success of a Smart Home system. Proactive
communication can mitigate misunderstandings, address
information gaps, and preemptively deal with potential
issues, thus enhancing system reliability.
In a proactive communication framework, the system con-
tinuously monitors the status of its components, identifies
potential issues or risks, and takes necessary actions be-
fore the problem escalates. This involves actively sharing
status updates, warnings, and other relevant data among
the different elements of the system.
Such preemptive communication can be instrumental in
preventing system failures, increasing the longevity of
devices, and improving the quality of services provided
by the Smart Home system. Furthermore, proactive com-
munication fosters trust and transparency, making the
system more user-friendly and accessible to the residents.
In conclusion, the role of robust and proactive communica-
tion is pivotal in enhancing the efficiency and functionality of
Smart Home ecosystems. It forms the backbone of intelligent
operations and automation features, which define the essence
of a Smart Home. As we move forward, we will further explore
the UV perspective of bidirectional communication with Non-
resident individuals, residents, and other UV subsystems.
3) Facilitating Bidirectional Communication:
a) With Non-Resident Individuals: In the age of the
Internet of Things, the application of Smart Home systems
has transcended beyond the limitations of resident-centered
interaction. In particular, the interaction with non-resident
individuals guests or strangers presents an untapped avenue
of communication that can further optimize the efficacy of
these systems. These interactions primarily revolve around so-
liciting assistance and providing support, offering a symbiotic
relationship that enhances both the user experience and system
Soliciting Assistance - Surveillance and Emergency
Situations: Modern Smart Home systems, equipped with
integrated surveillance devices, are capable of detecting
and responding to emergencies involving non-resident in-
dividuals. In scenarios such as break-ins, health emergen-
cies, or other urgent incidents, the surveillance apparatus
can capture real-time video and audio data, subsequently
triggering an alert to relevant authorities or residents.
These systems can interpret various forms of data, from
face and object recognition to audio analysis, providing
a multi-dimensional perspective of the unfolding situ-
ation. Such immediate and accurate response systems
can significantly improve emergency handling, potentially
saving lives and property.
Providing Support - Information Sharing: Non-
resident individuals can also contribute valuable infor-
mation to the Smart Home ecosystem. This could range
from sharing multimedia content providing contextual
cues through photos or videos to updating local news or
traffic conditions, or even notifying about external home
Such proactive sharing of information allows a Smart
Home system to enrich its service delivery, extending
beyond immediate household needs to a more compre-
hensive lifestyle support system. It enables the Smart
Home to provide enhanced assistance to its residents,
such as suggesting outfits based on weather conditions,
optimizing travel routes based on live traffic updates, and
scheduling repair or maintenance services.
However, the integration of non-resident individuals into
the communication loop with Smart Home systems
presents new challenges, particularly concerning privacy
and security. Future developments should aim to ensure
the anonymity and protection of personal data while
enabling the benefits of non-resident participation. This
would involve developing robust data privacy protocols,
encrypting sensitive data, and securing users’ consent
before data sharing.
In conclusion, the potential for bidirectional communication
with non-resident individuals offers an untapped avenue for en-
hancing the functionality, safety, and efficiency of Smart Home
systems. Future research and development efforts should aim
to optimize this interaction, striving to create a more con-
nected, responsive, and intelligent living environment.
b) With Residents: A Smart Home system serves not
merely as a passive provider of services, but an active partner
that works in sync with its residents to offer an optimized
living experience. For this harmonious relationship to occur,
bidirectional communication is essential. This process involves
both the transfer of information from the system to the
residents and the input of the residents into the system.
System-to-Resident Communication: For a Smart
Home system to fulfill its role effectively, it must de-
liver accurate and timely information to the residents.
This communication covers various domains, from the
mundane - such as household energy consumption and
appliance status - to the critical, including emergency
alerts and security updates.
The Smart Home system can utilize an array of media,
from visual notifications on integrated screens to auditory
signals and even tactile feedback, depending on the nature
of the information. For instance, non-urgent notifications
such as maintenance reminders can be displayed on the
screen, while critical alerts, like a detected gas leak, might
involve auditory warnings.
Resident-to-System Communication: Just as crucial is
the resident’s input into a Smart Home system. This
feedback loop allows the residents to provide information,
preferences, or instructions to the system, ensuring that
the Smart Home is tailored to their unique needs. Inputs
might include setting preferences for room temperature,
privacy settings, or dietary requirements for smart refrig-
Moreover, residents should also be able to provide feed-
back on the system’s performance, helping to identify ar-
eas of improvement or malfunctions. The system can then
learn from this feedback, making necessary adjustments
to better serve the residents.
Enhancing Interaction Through Technology: Emerging
technologies, such as machine learning and natural lan-
guage processing, can significantly enhance the quality
of this bidirectional communication. Machine learning
algorithms can interpret patterns and trends from the
resident’s behavior, allowing the system to adapt to their
needs over time, while natural language processing can
facilitate more intuitive and conversational interaction,
making the system more user-friendly.
In conclusion, fostering a robust and responsive line of
bidirectional communication between the Smart Home system
and its residents is pivotal to the Smart Home’s effectiveness.
By facilitating this ongoing exchange of information and
feedback, we can transform the Smart Home from a collection
of smart devices to an integrated, personalized living partner.
c) With Other Subsystems and Department: The Smart
Home does not exist in isolation but forms a node within
a much broader ecosystem. Interconnecting the Smart Home
with other subsystems and departments, such as utilities,
emergency services, municipal departments, and even other
Smart Homes, can enhance its efficiency, responsiveness,
and predictive capabilities. This communication should be
bidirectional, allowing both the receipt and transmission of
Information Receipt from Other Subsystems and De-
partments: Receiving real-time data from other subsys-
tems and departments can significantly enhance the Smart
Home’s ability to provide an optimized living experience.
For instance, getting real-time updates about electricity
usage from utility companies can enable the Smart Home
to adjust energy consumption, saving costs and reducing
environmental impact.
In cases of emergency, getting immediate notifications
from emergency services or weather departments can
allow the Smart Home to take proactive measures, such as
initiating evacuation protocols during a natural disaster or
locking down the house in case of a local security threat.
Information Transmission to Other Subsystems and
Departments: Simultaneously, a Smart Home should be
able to transmit valuable information to other subsystems
and departments. Sharing data about the home’s energy
consumption with utility companies can enable them to
balance the power grid more effectively. Reporting any
detected anomalies, like a gas leak or fire, to emergency
services can speed up response times and potentially save
Moreover, aggregated anonymized data from multiple
Smart Homes about lifestyle patterns, energy use, etc.,
could be used by urban planning departments to inform
policies and future city design, always ensuring that
privacy and data security guidelines are strictly adhered
Enhancing Interconnectedness Through Technology:
Modern communication technologies and protocols can
facilitate this comprehensive and real-time data exchange,
ensuring seamless integration of the Smart Home within
the larger urban ecosystem. Implementing secure data
encryption methods and strict privacy policies is essential
to protect the residents’ privacy during this process.
In conclusion, fostering robust bidirectional communication
between the Smart Home and other subsystems and depart-
ments can significantly enhance not only the Smart Home’s
effectiveness but also the overall efficiency and responsiveness
of the entire urban ecosystem. The potential benefits in cost
savings, safety improvements, and predictive capabilities make
this an exciting frontier in the development of the UV concept.
4) Dynamic and Proactive Communication Procedure &
Closed Feedback Loop: The dynamic and proactive com-
munication procedure is at the heart of the Smart Home
ecosystem. The entire procedure is not static but constantly
evolving with abundant dynamics and unforeseen events. This
inherent dynamism necessitates a shared responsibility among
all entities to communicate with each other, ensuring the
reliability of the shared information and bolstering the stability
and resilience of the entire system.
From a top-down perspective, a centralized decision-making
institution like a city government should proactively request
data from Smart Home infrastructure systems and individuals.
This proactive communication aids in comprehending the
city’s overall infrastructure and ensuring that communities
and individuals are in sync with the government’s policies
and initiatives. From a bottom-up perspective, communication
channels should be established for Smart Homes and individ-
uals to share critical data with government institutions and en-
vironmental protection departments, which aids in optimizing
decision-making and planning actions.
The communication procedure should not only facilitate
information exchange but also guarantee the validity and
authenticity of the data. Without a properly designed com-
munication process, data can be polluted or even maliciously
manipulated. To prevent such scenarios, Smart Home systems
should incorporate necessary redundant arrangements, confirm
the accuracy of data, and maintain transparency in information
In parallel, a closed feedback loop, encompassing sensor
data collection, decision-making, and action, plays a crucial
role. This loop allows the system to continually adapt based
on sensor feedback, leading to more refined decisions and
actions in the future. This continuous feedback mechanism
ensures that the Smart Home system can respond promptly
and accurately to various situations, improving its overall
efficiency and resilience.
Moreover, the transparency of the decision-making process
is vital in the implementation of these decisions. Transparency
ensures the clear communication of standards, regulations,
and initiatives, and it can help in mitigating any unresolved
conflicts of interest that may lead to contradictory decisions.
In conclusion, the dynamic and proactive communication
procedure coupled with a closed feedback loop plays a pivotal
role in the efficient functioning of Smart Home systems. By
sharing responsibilities, ensuring reliability, and maintaining
a high level of transparency, these systems can become more
stable, resilient, and user-friendly. Future work should focus
on continuously refining this process to cater to the evolving
dynamics of Smart Home systems and the changing needs of
E. UV Decision Making
In the UV Smart Home, the decision-making process is cen-
tral and critical to ensuring the seamless and efficient operation
of a Smart Home system. This process integrates a multitude
of factors, from the final objective of promoting human-nature
harmony to the impacting factors, hierarchical information
processing, and hierarchical decision-making, which further
include diverse time and spatial levels, multi-criteria decision-
making, consultation, and decision confirmation processes,
reporting mechanisms, and user-centered decision-making.
Human involvement remains an integral part of this process,
with choices of actions being made in a way that best
serves the inhabitants of Smart Homes and their surrounding
environment. The UV decision-making process, therefore, is
not an isolated element but forms an essential component
of a closed feedback loop that ensures that a Smart Home
is continually learning, adapting, and improving in a bid to
realize its ultimate goal of contributing to an ideal future
This section delves into the intricate details of the UV
decision-making process, elucidating the various levels, ele-
ments, and frameworks that come together to enable a UV
Smart Home to operate in harmony with humans and nature.
A high-level decision-making workflow is shown in Fig. 7.
Fig. 7. Decision Making Of Smart Home System
1) Final Objective: The final objective of decision-making
in the UV Smart Home framework extends beyond the simple
aim of automation. It seeks to strike an ideal balance across
various dynamic and sometimes conflicting factors in a manner
that aligns with the core UV ideology. This objective can be
seen as a multidimensional concept encompassing several key
Firstly, the UV Smart Home aims to optimize the comfort,
safety, and convenience of its inhabitants. This involves a
nuanced understanding of the people living in the Smart
Home their needs, habits, cultural background, and reli-
gious beliefs. By considering these factors, decision-making
can be tailored to accommodate individual preferences and
requirements, thereby increasing the home’s ability to offer
personalized comfort.
In addition, the UV Smart Home must also take into account
temporal aspects, such as time of day and seasonal variations,
as well as spatial considerations like the location and layout of
the home. It must also consider the daily activities and specific
situations that arise within the home, using this understanding
to predict potential conflicts and prioritize responses accord-
Moreover, economic considerations such as cost efficiency
and resource management are fundamental to the final ob-
jective. By reducing energy consumption, minimizing waste,
and effectively managing resources, the UV Smart Home
contributes to financial savings and environmental protection.
Lastly, the UV Smart Home must also be equipped to
handle emergencies, maintaining contact with family members
and designated emergency contacts as well as the broader
community. In situations requiring urgent attention, the system
must respond with rapid, efficient, and appropriate actions,
ensuring the safety and well-being of its residents.
Taken together, these objectives contribute to the UV Smart
Home’s overall aim of improving human well-being, promot-
ing environmental sustainability, and nurturing a harmonious
relationship between humans and nature through advanced
technology. To achieve these goals, decision-making within
the UV Smart Home framework must exhibit robustness,
resilience, and adaptiveness, capable of managing risks and
ensuring the safety and security of its inhabitants.
2) Decision Making Indices:
a) Impacting Factors: The UV Smart Home decision-
making process is influenced by a broad range of impact
factors, which can be broadly categorized into two domains:
internal and external impacts. Each of these domains com-
prises several specific factors that can shape decision-making
and contribute to the overall functioning of the Smart Home.
Internal Impacts: In this section, we will discuss the
following internal impacts for decision-making indices within
UV Smart Home including safety impact, living environment
impact, comfort impact, labor cost and efficiency, financial
impact, and energy usage and sustainability.
Safety Impact: The safety of the residents is of ut-
most importance, and decisions are made prioritizing this
concern, including aspects like secure access, emergency
preparedness, and protection against potential hazards.
Living Environment Impact: This includes factors such
as noise control, interior design, and the overall home
ambiance. It is essential to ensure the living environment
is comfortable and conducive to the resident’s well-being.
Comfort Impact: Comfort factors are person-specific and
can vary significantly between different residents. They
include thermal comfort, air quality, lighting, and per-
sonal space. The UV Smart Home should accommodate
these varying comfort preferences.
Labor Cost and Efficiency: The UV Smart Home aims
to increase efficiency and reduce human workload. As
such, the decision-making process must consider the
balance between convenience and the workload of the
Financial Impact: The system should strive for cost
efficiency, including optimizing energy use, minimizing
waste, and effectively managing resources.
Energy Usage and Sustainability: The UV Smart Home
aims to minimize energy consumption and promote sus-
tainability, contributing to environmental protection.
External Impacts:
In this section, we will discuss the following external
impacts for decision-making indices within UV Smart Home
including healthcare, transportation, energy, infrastructure,
emergency response systems, and environmental protection
and sustainability.
Healthcare: Decisions within the UV Smart Home can
impact the health of residents, making it a crucial factor
for consideration.
Transportation: Aspects such as home location and
proximity to public transportation can influence decisions
related to accessibility and mobility.
Energy: The system’s energy consumption impacts the
broader energy grid and must be considered in decision-
Infrastructure: The UV Smart Home operates within a
broader community and urban infrastructure, influencing
and influenced by these larger systems.
Emergency Response Systems: The UV Smart Home
must interface effectively with external emergency sys-
tems to ensure its residents’ safety.
Environmental Protection and Sustainability: The UV
Smart Home contributes to broader environmental goals,
and these considerations influence its decision-making
These factors are not static and require continuous reassess-
ment and adaptation. The decision-making process within the
UV Smart Home operates under a dynamic model, allowing
it to adapt to these varying factors while striving towards the
final objective of creating an ideal home environment.
b) Boundary Conditions: In the decision-making process
of the UV Smart Home, it’s essential to recognize certain
constraints or limits, termed boundary conditions, which form
the contextual parameters within which decisions are made.
These boundaries encompass various spheres including finan-
cial, environmental, energy, material, human dignity, basic
care, and special needs.
The financial constraints dictate the affordability of the
Smart Home, ensuring the system is cost-efficient and within
the financial capacity of the individual home, community,
or even at the national level. Environmental costs, such as
limiting energy use, carbon emissions, and waste, are another
crucial boundary that ensures the Smart Home operates with a
minimal environmental footprint. Moreover, the system must
also maintain a consistent and reliable energy supply, forming
a significant energy constraint.
Sustainability forms an important boundary as the UV Smart
Home needs to consider the lifecycle of its materials, aiming
to foster a closed-loop system that encourages recycling and
minimizes waste. Respect for human dignity and fundamental
human rights forms another non-negotiable boundary. The
system must ensure that it respects the rights to privacy,
security, and freedom from discrimination.
The provision for the basic needs of its residents, from food
and water to a safe, comfortable living environment, is another
boundary condition. Finally, the system must cater to residents
with special needs, including people with disabilities and other
vulnerable groups, ensuring the Smart Home is inclusive and
accessible to all.
These boundary conditions ensure that the decision-making
within the UV Smart Home operates within a framework that
is sustainable, equitable, and ethical, thus aligning with the
Universal Village ideology.
3) Hierarchical Information Processing: The UV Smart
Home decision-making process is built upon a hierarchical
information processing model that involves various stages.
This model allows the Smart Home to handle complex,
multifaceted information effectively and efficiently, making
informed decisions that align with the UV ideology.
a) Proactive Data Analysis, Data Fusion, and Data Pre-
processing: The first level of this model involves proactive
data preprocessing, data analysis, and data fusion. Here, data
from various sources are collected, preprocessed, analyzed,
and fused to create a comprehensive picture of the home
environment and its residents. Human involvement plays a
crucial role in this stage, as human inputs and feedback help to
enhance the quality and relevance of the data. The processed
data are then used to feed the next levels of the information
processing model.
b) Activity & Situation Understanding: The next level
involves understanding the activities and situations within a
Smart Home. This stage involves complex processes such
as one-shot learning, where the system learns from a single
example, and information fusion, where data from multiple
sources are integrated. The system also prioritizes information
based on its relevance and importance, ranking information
from multiple people interactively. The aim here is to create
a responsive system that understands the home environment
and its occupants’ activities in real-time.
c) Modeling: Modeling forms the third level of infor-
mation processing. It involves understanding the relationships
and correlations between various factors such as people, time,
place, needs, and so on. This stage also involves sensitivity
analysis to understand how different factors impact each other
and the system as a whole.
System modeling considers both inputs (such as energy
consumption, human behavior, and environmental factors)
and outputs (such as comfort levels, energy efficiency, and
safety measures). Sophisticated algorithms are employed to
process this information, with a focus on long-term factors
and historical records.
Rebound effects, which refer to unexpected or counterintu-
itive results of decisions or policies, are also considered at this
stage. By understanding and predicting such effects, the UV
Smart Home can make better, more informed decisions.
Through this hierarchical information processing model,
the UV Smart Home can effectively handle the complex
and multifaceted information it needs to operate efficiently,
ultimately supporting its inhabitants and contributing to a
sustainable and harmonious living environment.
4) Hierarchical Decision Making:
a) Time Levels: Decisions can be categorized based on
the time frame they encompass: Long term, Routine, Short
term, and Urgent.
Long Term: These are strategic decisions that have a
lasting impact on the Smart Home and its residents. For
example, decisions concerning home infrastructure, major
appliances, or long-term energy efficiency plans fall into
this category. Such decisions are typically more complex
and require comprehensive analysis, as they are intended
to be permanent or at least to have long-term effects.
Routine: Routine decisions involve the day-to-day op-
erations of the Smart Home. These may include regular
temperature settings, lighting schedules, and typical ap-
pliance use. These decisions are often automated based on
the resident’s preferences and habits, aiming to maintain
a consistent and comfortable living environment.
Short-Term: Short-term decisions are temporary and
may be influenced by specific circumstances or events.
For example, changes in temperature settings for a short-
term guest, or increased energy usage for a special event.
These decisions may override routine settings but are
designed to revert once the specific circumstance has
Urgent: Urgent decisions are immediate responses to
unexpected emergencies. For example, if a smoke de-
tector triggers, the system might activate fire suppression
measures, alert residents, or contact emergency services.
These decisions prioritize safety and immediate action.
By considering time levels within the decision-making pro-
cess, the UV Smart Home ensures that decisions are made
appropriately and effectively for a wide range of situations,
enhancing the comfort, safety, and efficiency of the home
b) Spatial Levels: Spatial levels form another essential
dimension in the decision-making framework of the UV Smart
Home. These levels range from the individual resident to
the overall community and the larger urban context. This
framework ensures that decisions are not only beneficial to the
individual home but also contribute positively to the broader
community and environment.
Individual Level: At the smallest scale, decisions are
made considering the needs, preferences, and habits of
individual residents. For example, personalized lighting
or temperature settings for a specific room.
Home Level: Decisions at this level concern the whole
house. They involve integrated systems and the collective
needs of all residents. Examples may include the overall
energy efficiency plan for the home, security measures, or
coordination of appliances to minimize energy use during
peak times.
Community Level: At this level, decisions are made
considering the relationship of a Smart Home with its
surrounding community. For instance, noise control mea-
sures to prevent disturbance to neighbors or participation
in community-based energy sharing or reduction initia-
Urban Level: At the largest scale, decisions take into ac-
count the impact of the Smart Home on the broader urban
environment. This can involve participation in city-wide
sustainability initiatives, response to large-scale power
outages, or contributions to city-wide data collection
efforts for urban planning.
By acknowledging and addressing these spatial levels, the
UV Smart Home ensures its decisions benefit not just the
individual residents but also contribute positively to the wider
community and city. This holistic approach to decision-making
aligns with the overall UV ideology of achieving harmony be-
tween humans and nature through the wise use of technology.
c) Multi-criteria Decision Making: Decision-making in
a UV Smart Home encompasses a broad range of criteria. This
multi-criteria approach ensures that decisions are balanced and
considers all relevant factors, fostering a living environment
that is not only efficient and comfortable but also sustainable
and in harmony with broader societal and environmental
At the core of multi-criteria decision-making is a ranking
or priority system. This system assigns importance to various
factors like safety, comfort, aesthetics, labor and financial
costs, energy efficiency, sustainability, and humanity. Laws
and regulations also play a significant role in shaping these
One of the fundamental characteristics of this decision-
making process is its adaptiveness. The system can adjust
its responses based on changing circumstances, targets, and
impacting factors. This adaptability ensures that the Smart
Home remains efficient and effective even as situations evolve.
Moreover, the system also provides personalized support
based on the specific needs and profiles of the residents.
Factors such as the number of family members, whether they
are living alone or sharing the home, their health status,
and their age (babies, teenagers, adults, seniors) all influence
The system continuously learns and adapts to changes.
For instance, the needs and priorities of a young, healthy
adult might differ significantly from a senior or a person
with disabilities. Therefore, the system adapts its decisions to
cater to the changing needs of its residents, ensuring optimal
comfort, safety, and efficiency for everyone.
In conclusion, multi-criteria decision-making in a UV Smart
Home is a complex, adaptive, and personalized process. It
takes into account a wide range of factors, from individual
needs and preferences to broader social and environmental
considerations, ensuring that the Smart Home truly serves its
residents while promoting sustainability and harmony with
d) Consultation and Decision Confirmation: The consul-
tation and decision confirmation ensures that the UV Smart
Home system does not act autonomously in a vacuum, but
instead collaborates with the residents, incorporating their
inputs into the decision-making process. This not only adds
a layer of transparency but also enables residents to feel in
control of their living environment.
In essence, before implementing specific actions, especially
those that significantly impact the residents’ comfort, safety,
or daily routines, the system initiates a consultation process.
This might be in the form of an interactive notification on the
user interface, offering residents a summary of the situation,
the proposed action, its reasons, and the anticipated impacts.
For example, if the system detects a potential energy-saving
opportunity by adjusting the thermostat while the residents are
away, it might consult with the user before making the change.
Importantly, this consultation process also seeks decision
confirmation from residents. This allows users to approve,
modify, or reject the suggested action. If the proposed action is
approved, the system proceeds as planned. If it’s rejected, the
system may need to find an alternative solution. If modification
is needed, the system adapts the initial plan based on user
e) Reporting and Communication Channels: In a UV
Smart Home, efficient and appropriate reporting plays a critical
role in the decision-making process. The Smart Home system
needs to understand who to report to in various situations,
ensuring that the right information reaches the right individuals
or entities promptly and accurately.
Family Members: For most day-to-day operations and
decisions, the system’s primary reporting channel would
be the home residents or designated family members.
This can include reporting on energy usage, and system
performance, or informing about proposed actions as part
of the consultation process.
Designated Contacts: In certain situations, the system
might need to report to other designated contacts. For
instance, if a resident has a medical condition, the system
might need to alert a healthcare provider or family
members in case of a medical emergency detected by
the home’s health monitoring devices.
Emergency Services: In urgent or emergencies, the sys-
tem might need to directly alert emergency services. For
example, in the case of fire detection, the system would
automatically alert the local fire department while also
notifying the residents.
Community Entities: In certain scenarios, the system
may report to community entities, such as property
management or homeowner associations, particularly in
cases where the decision or action impacts the larger
Data and Service Providers: The system may also
need to report operational data or anomalies to service
providers or data collectors for maintenance, updates, or
part of city-wide data collection initiatives.
Establishing clear reporting and communication channels
ensures that the UV Smart Home system functions efficiently,
with transparency and accountability, fostering trust between
the system, the residents, and the broader community.
f) User-centered Decision Making: From the UV per-
spective, effective decision-making in Smart Home systems
necessitates a hierarchical approach. This begins with general
instructions that are then coordinated among sub-functions.
For example, in the case of thermal control, a detailed im-
plementation plan is required that balances comfort, energy
usage, and cost implications.
In our decision-making framework, the initial step involves
the issuance of instructions, followed by an evaluation phase
where the feasibility and potential impacts of various options
are calculated. This segues into the critical role of human
involvement, which is solicited to interactively finalize the
objectives, as will be elaborated upon in Section VI-E1. This
consultative approach ensures that the system’s operations
align with the user’s needs and preferences, leading us to
the discussion in the Profiling-centered decision-making Sec-
tion VI-E4.
g) Profiling-Centered Hierarchical Information Process-
ing: In the UV Smart Home system, Profiling-Centered
Hierarchical Information Processing plays a crucial role in
user-centered decision-making. Through detailed profiling, the
system gains a comprehensive understanding of its residents,
which informs all of its operations and decision-making pro-
cesses. This is not a static, one-time process, but a continuous
and dynamic one, with the system constantly learning and
updating the user profiles based on real-time data and user
Key factors in profiling include the residents’ lifestyle, the
special needs of vulnerable groups, and the broader community
context. As outlined in Section V, these factors significantly
impact how a Smart Home should operate to best serve its
Lifestyle: The system needs to understand the daily
routines, habits, preferences, and needs of its residents.
This can include their work schedules, preferred temper-
ature ranges, dietary preferences, exercise routines, and
more. This understanding enables the system to tailor its
operations to the lifestyle of its residents, providing them
with a seamless and comfortable living experience.
Vulnerable Groups: Certain residents may have special
needs or vulnerabilities that the system needs to account
for. This can include elderly residents, residents with
disabilities, or residents with chronic health conditions.
By understanding these special needs, the system can
ensure it provides the necessary support and safeguards,
such as alerting emergency services in case of a medical
alert or ensuring easy accessibility and usage of the
system for residents with disabilities.
Communities: The Smart Home does not exist in iso-
lation but within the context of a broader community.
This can have various implications for its operations. For
instance, community regulations or norms could impact
when and how certain functions of the home operate. Or
the home might need to coordinate with community-wide
systems, such as shared renewable energy grids, waste
management, or emergency response systems.
Through profiling-centered hierarchical information pro-
cessing, the UV Smart Home system ensures it has a nuanced
understanding of its residents and their context. This under-
standing is then used to inform a hierarchical decision-making
process that optimizes the home’s operations to best meet its
residents’ needs, contributing to the harmony between humans
and nature, as envisioned in the UV concept.
5) Human Involvement: Human involvement is an essential
component in the decision-making process of a UV Smart
Home system. While our ultimate goal is to create a system
that operates harmoniously with minimal human intervention,
there are certain situations where human involvement is not
just important, but necessary.
The UV Smart Home system is designed with the ability
to autonomously handle a wide range of scenarios, but for
actions that may significantly impact the user’s life, comfort,
or privacy, we strongly believe in the need for human control
and authorization.
User Control: The users should have the ultimate au-
thority to control the operation of their Smart Home
systems. They should be able to set their preferences and
make final decisions based on the choices provided by
the systems. In particular, they should be able to control
the level of automation and when they want to intervene.
Users should also have the ability to override the systems’
decisions in specific cases as they deem necessary.
Authorization: For certain actions, especially those in-
volving users’ privacy, explicit authorization should be
sought from the users. For example, sharing data with
external entities, even to improve the service or coordi-
nate with other community systems, should always be
done with the user’s explicit consent.
Emergency Situations: In case of emergencies, while the
system is designed to take immediate action to ensure the
safety of the residents, there are situations where human
involvement could be more effective. This might be a
user-triggered emergency response, or a confirmation of
the situation before escalating it to external authorities.
In conclusion, while our Smart Home system operates
with advanced AI algorithms to make efficient decisions, the
need for human involvement is recognized and integrated into
our decision-making framework. We aim to strike a balance
between automation and user control, ensuring the system’s
efficiency without compromising the user’s comfort, safety,
and privacy.
6) Framework of Closed Feedback Loop Decision-making:
The decision-making process leverages a closed feedback
loop, providing a robust and adaptive structure that keeps the
residents’ needs and preferences at its core. A comprehensive
Fig. 8. System Human Feedback
closed-loop model is shown above. This process includes two
main action phases: Consultation and Implementation.
Action Phase 1 - Consultation:
The consultation phase is designed to inform, engage, and
learn from the users. The steps in this phase are:
User Request Evaluation: Upon receipt of a user
request, the system comprehensively evaluates its
impact and feasibility, taking into account the cross-
effects on other home functions and the overall home
environment. The system then provides this feedback
to the users.
Option Generation: Based on the evaluation, the
system generates a set of feasible options. These
options are presented to the user, offering them a
choice and sense of control over the home operations.
User Feedback and Adjustment: The user feedback
on these options drives the subsequent steps. If
an option is accepted, the system collects further
information necessary for its implementation. If all
options are rejected, the system prompts the user
to specify their concerns and uses this feedback to
generate and suggest alternative plans.
This process is iterative, allowing the system to fine-tune
its recommendations based on user feedback, striking
a balance between user concerns and home operation
Action Phase 2 - Implementation:
Post-consultation, the system transitions to the implemen-
tation phase, where the user-approved action is executed. The
steps in this phase are:
Action Execution: The system implements the chosen
action, mindful of the parameters determined during the
consultation phase. The implementation is monitored for
efficiency and effectiveness.
Performance Feedback: The system continuously mon-
itors the effects of the implemented action, forming the
’feedback’ part of this closed-loop system. This feedback
is used to improve future decision-making processes and
action implementations.
This feedback-informed, two-phased approach allows the
system to adapt to evolving user needs and circumstances.
It ensures an optimal balance between automation and user
control, thereby fostering a harmonious, efficient, and user-
centered operation of the Smart Home system.
F. Action
In the UV Smart Home, the actions taken are critical for
ensuring the seamless and efficient operation of the Smart
Home system. These actions are designed to promote human-
nature harmony and enhance the well-being of the residents
and the surrounding environment. The decision-making pro-
cess of action in the UV Smart Home is a dynamic and
integrated system that considers multiple factors, such as
energy efficiency, comfort, security, and sustainability.
1) Action Category: The UV Smart Home Action category
considers five aspects of action, including functionality, au-
tomated level, urgency level, coordinated subject, and human
involvement. In the following, we will introduce these different
categories in detail. Referring to Fig. 9(a) and Fig. 9(b), UV
Smart Home can be categorized into two modes: Normal and
a) Auto / Interactive / Hybrid Mode: Actions can be one
of the following three modes:
In the Auto mode, the Smart Home system takes au-
tonomous actions without requiring direct input from the user.
(a) Action (Normal Mode)
(b) Action (Emergency Mode)
Fig. 9. Action
However, in certain situations, it may involve the user by
seeking confirmation or notifying them about the actions taken.
The Interactive mode of the Smart Home system is human-
oriented, allowing the user to actively participate in setting
preferences and making decisions. The system confirms user
instructions and notifies them about any relevant updates or
changes. For a Hybrid approach, the Smart Home system
strikes a balance between autonomous actions and user in-
volvement. It notifies the user about its actions and seeks their
input or confirmation when necessary, ensuring a collaborative
and informed Smart Home experience.
b) Urgency Level: The Smart Home system categorizes
actions based on their urgency level, distinguishing between
instant, periodic, and emergency tasks. Instant tasks require
immediate attention and response, such as security alerts or
safety concerns, ensuring swift action to address potential risks
or hazards.
Periodic tasks within the Smart Home system are recurring
actions that occur at specific intervals, such as scheduled
maintenance or routine checks. These tasks are performed
regularly to ensure the proper functioning and upkeep of the
Smart Home’s various systems and devices.
In cases of emergencies, the Smart Home system is
equipped to handle critical situations efficiently. It can initiate
emergency protocols, notify relevant authorities, and provide
necessary information to ensure the safety and well-being
of the occupants. By recognizing different urgency levels,
the Smart Home system optimizes its response and actions
accordingly, promoting a secure and well-managed living
The Smart Home system considers the urgency level of
various actions based on a dynamic hierarchical need. It pri-
oritizes security alerts, such as hazards, crimes, and weather-
related safety information, ensuring immediate attention and
response to ensure the safety of the occupants. Additionally,
it addresses safety concerns like falls, bumps, and healthcare
needs, as well as promoting happiness through activities like
studying or entertainment. When it comes to food-related
tasks, the Smart Home system recognizes the urgency and
offers options for ordering food, cooking, or dining out based
on the user’s preferences. It understands the importance of
timely food arrangements and provides convenient solutions
to meet urgent culinary needs. By incorporating the concept
of urgency levels, the Smart Home system optimizes its
actions and services to align with the immediate needs of the
occupants. Whether it’s attending to critical security alerts,
ensuring safety, or addressing urgent food requirements, the
system aims to enhance efficiency and user satisfaction in
managing daily tasks within the Smart Home environment.
c) Subject-oriented / Event-triggered / Coordinated Ac-
tion: In the context of subject-oriented and event-triggered
coordinated actions within a Smart Home, the system focuses
on three main areas: energy management, security measures,
and environmental considerations. These actions are tailored
to individuals, facilities, and various activities, aiming to
optimize their interactions and responses in different scenarios.
For Subject-oriented Action, by considering the subject, be
it a person, a specific facility, or an ongoing activity, the Smart
Home system can generate event-triggered actions that adapt
to each unique situation. This approach allows for customized
responses based on real-time events, ensuring efficient and
context-aware coordination between multiple actions.
For Event-triggered Action, drawing inspiration from fields
such as NLP and linguistics, the Smart Home system lever-
ages grammar-like structures to connect sequential events and
facilitate the system’s understanding of user intents. This
linguistic framework enables the carry-over of information
from one event to the next, aiding in the seamless progression
and execution of desired actions within the Smart Home
For Coordinated Action, the Smart Home system orches-
trates coordinated actions across energy, security, and envi-
ronmental domains, optimizing the interaction and response
to various events and subjects.
d) Human Interaction and Involvement: In the context
of Smart Home interactions, various modes facilitate seamless
communication between the system and its human occupants.
These modes encompass different levels of involvement and
form a critical aspect of the Smart Home environment.
No involvement: In this mode, a Smart Home system
takes proactive actions without requiring direct human
input. It can initiate direct actions to control and adjust
environmental variables within a home. These actions
can be simple, involving changes in a single variable, or
more complex and comprehensive, involving scheduling
and decision-making towards a specific goal. Both types
of actions can be seen as composite actions aimed at
achieving a desired outcome.
System to human: In this mode, a Smart Home system
interacts with the human occupants by providing various
forms of information and notifications. It can offer autho-
rization options, informing users about possible actions
and situations.
The system can also provide feedback, suggestions, and
reports to enhance user understanding and awareness:
Visualization techniques, such as online interfaces, aug-
mented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), or even meta-
verse experiences, can be utilized to enhance communi-
cation and engagement between the system and users.
Reminders and notifications based on past user requests
are given at appropriate times through different commu-
nication channels like instant messages, calls, emails, or
via online, AR, VR, or metaverse platforms. Multimodal
suggestions and notifications, involving audio, video,
lighting, and other sensory cues, can also be employed to
provide instructions and guidance to users. Communica-
tion and sharing features enable instant sharing of infor-
mation and experiences, further enriching the interaction
in online, AR, VR, or metaverse environments.
Human to system: This mode involves human inter-
action with the Smart Home system. Users can pro-
vide feedback and express their satisfaction or dissat-
isfaction through satisfaction questionnaires or various
input modalities like speech or brain-computer interfaces
(BCI). This enables users to actively communicate their
preferences, needs, and concerns to the system, fostering
a collaborative relationship between humans and the
Smart Home environment.
Level of involvement : The level of involvement refers to
the degree of human decision-making and action within
the Smart Home system. It may be discussed in Section II,
which explores the gulfs of resilience and accountability.
This concept involves examining the trade-offs between
the autonomy and decision-making capabilities of the
system and the desired level of human control and re-
sponsibility. Factors such as trust, transparency, and user
preferences play a crucial role in determining the appro-
priate level of involvement and finding a balance between
system automation and human agency in decision-making
and action-taking processes.
2) Action Criteria: In the context of Smart Home actions,
various criteria, factors, and features play a crucial role in
determining the effectiveness and usability of the system.
These factors encompass different aspects ranging from user
interaction to system action responsiveness and overall impact.
There are mainly nine key factors that could contribute to the
evaluation and enhancement of Smart Home actions, which
belong to three types of factors correspondingly: Information
factors, the first-factor type of Smart Home action, are how
multiple types of information being processed and integrated
from multiple sources in multiple situations to handle conflicts,
Human factors, the second feature type of Smart Home action,
are how human would be considered in Smart Home action
design and implementation, and System factors, the final type
of Smart Home action, are how system would be considered
in Smart Home action design and implementation.
[Information factors] Ranking of multiple information
from multiple people: Prioritizing and organizing infor-
mation from multiple individuals.
[Information factors] Responsiveness to new informa-
tion (good news, bad news): The system’s ability to
adapt and respond to new information or events, whether
positive or negative.
[Information factors] Under different Situations: Adapt-
ing to various scenarios such as power outages, internet
unavailability, different user demographics, physical de-
mands, and suitability for vulnerable groups.
[Human factors] Dynamic profile-based user recommen-
dation and information providing: Providing personalized
recommendations and information based on the user’s
dynamic profile.
[Human factors] Special Mark (Existing Items and Haz-
ardous Objects): Identifying and marking existing items
and potentially hazardous objects within the Smart Home
[Human factors] Impact of long-term usage and mal-
function on health: Considering the potential effects of
prolonged use and malfunctions on the user’s health and
[Human factors] Human-centered Actions: Focusing on
actions and functionalities that cater to human needs,
preferences, and convenience.
[System factors] Extent of Action: The range and scope
of actions that can be performed by a Smart Home
system. The extent of actions encompasses two aspects:
the extent of control and the extent of visualization. The
Smart Home system provides varying levels of control
to users over different aspects of their environment. This
control can range from basic control of individual devices
to comprehensive control over multiple interconnected
systems within the home. Furthermore, the system offers
visualization features that allow users to monitor and
comprehend the state of their home environment, includ-
ing energy usage, security, and other relevant information,
through intuitive and informative interfaces.
[System factors] Automatic operation / Proactive / Com-
bination of human involvement and automatic operation:
Balancing automated actions with human participation in
a proactive manner.
Considering and designing with these criteria is vital for
designing and developing Smart Home actions that meet
user expectations and provide a seamless experience, which
achieves humanity mentioned in Section I-D, leads to better
data fusion in Section II-C1, and system intelligence and
multiple levels of automation mentioned in Section II-C4.
3) Information Flow and Material Cycle: In a Smart Home,
the information flow encompasses all aspects related to data
and communication within the home automation system. This
includes the exchange of information between devices, sen-
sors, and systems, as well as interactions with users. The
information flow involves data collection, processing, and
transmission, enabling devices to communicate and coordinate
their actions.
On the other hand, the material cycle in a Smart Home
focuses on the efficient utilization and management of physical
resources. This includes materials such as energy, water, and
waste. Smart home systems monitor and control the consump-
tion of these resources to optimize efficiency and reduce waste.
For example, energy management systems adjust lighting and
temperature based on occupancy or time of day to minimize
energy usage. Water management systems regulate irrigation
and detect leaks to conserve water. Waste management systems
incorporate smart bins and recycling programs to facilitate
proper waste disposal and recycling.
The material cycle also encompasses recycling and sus-
tainability practices within the Smart Home. Smart homes
can implement recycling programs, monitor waste generation,
encourage sustainable material choices, and educate the basic
principles and knowledge of material cycle management to
promote environmentally-friendly practices. By managing the
material cycle effectively, Smart Homes aim to minimize
resource consumption, reduce waste generation, and contribute
to a more sustainable living environment. The combination of
the two will utilize the data and resources more efficiently and
4) Notification: Broadcast Sound, Sign, SMS, and Call): In
a Smart Home, the notification system plays a crucial role in
keeping residents informed and updated about various events,
activities, and system statuses. Notifications can be delivered
through multiple channels, including broadcast sounds, visual
signs, SMS (text messages), phone calls to residents, or con-
necting to police and hospital, and even VR/AR, ensuring that
residents receive information in a timely and effective manner
in the normal setting, and providing an alert to residents in
the emergency setting.
5) Management and Control: Management and control are
essential aspects of a Smart Home, enabling residents to effi-
ciently and conveniently manage their living environment and
all-around personal information. Management and Control in
Smart Home include hardware control which controls various
hardware and IoT sensors in Smart Home, software control
which controls various digital platforms, software applications,
and Smart Home management systems, object control which
controls the home objects and infrastructures, and VR/AR
interaction which controls various aspects ideally including
hardware, software, and objects.
Hardware control:Hardware control plays a crucial role
in the management and control of integrated home de-
vices and sensors within a Smart Home system to pro-
vide object control. It involves the utilization of various
hardware components, such as IoT sensors and actuators,
to enable seamless operation and interaction between
different devices and systems.
Software control: In the context of Smart Homes, soft-
ware control is responsible for managing and controlling
various subsystems, integrating third-party applications,
and overseeing overall network and internet management.
Software control is implemented normally by phone,
desktop, or other computing applications, websites, or the
Subsystems within a Smart Home, such as security
systems, energy management systems, and entertainment
systems, are centrally coordinated and managed through
software control. Additionally, third-party built-in ap-
plications, like personal assistants powered by artificial
intelligence, enable voice commands and interaction with
the Smart Home environment. They facilitate device
control, provide assistance, and ensure seamless commu-
nication between users and the Smart Home system.
Furthermore, software control encompasses network and
internet management, ensuring stable connectivity, setting
up security measures, and enabling smooth data trans-
fer and communication between devices. By leveraging
software control, Smart Homes can achieve automation,
customization, and efficient management, enhancing the
overall user experience.
Object control: Based on hardware control and software
control, Object control in a Smart Home enables users to
conveniently manage and oversee a diverse array of home
items, belongings, and home environment. It empowers
users to control lighting, adjust temperature settings,
monitor and control doors, operate appliances, manage
energy consumption, and even control large items like
furniture and home transformation. This comprehensive
control functionality enhances convenience, comfort, and
energy efficiency within the Smart Home environment,
offering users greater flexibility and customization op-
tions to tailor their living space according to their pref-
erences and needs.
VR & AR control and interaction:VR (Virtual Re-
ality) and AR (Augmented Reality) actions in a Smart
Home introduce immersive and interactive management
experiences for users, which is a promising trend in
Smart Home action control. By integrating VR and AR
technologies, such as a smart AR Head-Mounted Display
(HMD), Smart Homes can offer enhanced interaction
capabilities. Users can virtually explore and interact with
their Smart Home environment, visualize real-time data
and statistics, control devices through augmented inter-
faces, and even simulate home transformations or design
changes. These technologies elevate the user experience
by creating engaging and immersive environments that
bridge the gap between physical and virtual spaces,
ultimately adding a new dimension to how individuals
interact with and perceive their Smart Homes.
6) Information Providing and Visualization: By integrating
information-providing, and visualization functionalities, Smart
Homes enable users to have a comprehensive understanding
of their home’s status, allowing them to monitor and control
various aspects efficiently while ensuring a safe, comfortable,
and energy-efficient living environment.
In normal mode, information providing, and visualization
could provide real-time feedback in the home environment
including safety status, and residents’ status including physical
and mental status.
In emergency mode, information providing, and visual-
ization is also essential for various types of residents. For
example, night workers may require daily monitoring of
their homes, and Smart Home systems can provide real-time
monitoring and notifications to ensure security and peace
of mind. Remote caregivers can also benefit from Smart
Home technologies by remotely monitoring the well-being and
activities of individuals, such as the elderly or people with
medical conditions. In summary, status visualization of the
living environment provides real-time feedback and increases
situational awareness.
Monitoring, information providing, and visualization are
essential aspects of a Smart Home, enabling residents to effi-
ciently and conveniently acknowledge their living environment
and all-around personal information. Information providing,
and visualization in Smart Homes include hardware control
which monitors various hardware and IoT sensors in Smart
Home, software control which monitors various digital plat-
forms, software applications, and Smart Home management
systems, object control which monitors the status of home
objects and infrastructures, and VR/AR interaction which
monitors various aspects ideally including hardware, software
and objects.
Hardware monitoring: Hardware monitoring and safety
assurance in Smart Homes involve the monitoring and
supervision of integrated home services and appliances,
as well as the associated hardware components. This
includes monitoring the performance, functionalities, and
safety of various hardware devices and systems within the
Smart Home ecosystem. It encompasses the monitoring
of integrated home service platforms and appliances to
ensure their proper functioning and adherence to safety
Additionally, the monitoring of IoT sensors and actuators
is crucial, as sensors play a role in collecting data and
triggering actions, while actuators are responsible for
executing physical tasks in response to sensor inputs.
By actively monitoring and ensuring the safety of hard-
ware components, Smart Homes can provide a secure
and reliable environment for users while optimizing the
performance and functionality of their connected devices
and systems.
Software monitoring: Software monitoring and privacy
assurance in Smart Homes involve the continuous moni-
toring and protection of software systems and the assur-
ance of privacy for users. This includes monitoring the
performance and functionality of various software sub-
systems within the Smart Home environment, ensuring
that they operate efficiently and effectively.
Also, privacy assurance measures are implemented to
safeguard user data and protect their privacy in the
context of third-party built-in services. This involves
implementing security protocols, encryption techniques,
and access control mechanisms to prevent unauthorized
access to sensitive information. By actively monitor-
ing software systems and prioritizing privacy protection,
Smart Homes can offer a secure and trustworthy environ-
ment for users, ensuring the confidentiality and integrity
of their data.
Object monitoring: Object monitoring, quality, and
safety assurance in Smart Homes involve the continuous
monitoring and assessment of various objects and systems
to ensure optimal functionality, safety, and efficiency.
This includes monitoring and controlling aspects such
as lighting levels, temperature settings, door access,
appliance performance, energy consumption, and even
the transformation of large items like furniture and the
overall home setup. By actively monitoring and providing
real-time feedback on these objects, Smart Homes en-
able users to maintain a comfortable living environment,
enhance energy efficiency, and ensure the safety and
security of their homes.
VR & AR simulation and visualization: VR and AR
monitoring, simulation, and visualization in Smart Homes
involve the use of virtual reality (VR) and augmented
reality (AR) technologies to provide immersive and in-
teractive monitoring experiences, simulate home environ-
ments, and visualize data. These technologies allow users
to virtually monitor and interact with various aspects of
their Smart Homes, such as monitoring and simulating
energy usage, or even controlling devices, or adjusting en-
vironmental settings. VR and AR simulations can recreate
the home environment, allowing users to visualize and
explore different scenarios and make informed decisions.
Apart from this, these technologies enable the visual-
ization of real-time data and analytics, presenting infor-
mation more intuitively and engagingly. By leveraging
VR and AR capabilities, Smart Homes can enhance
monitoring capabilities, facilitate data-driven decision-
making, and provide a more immersive and interactive
user experience.
7) On-site and Remote Hybrid Actions: This involves the
integration of both on-site and remote functionalities to cater
to various needs and scenarios. For example, night workers
may require daily monitoring of their homes, and Smart Home
systems can provide real-time monitoring and notifications
to ensure security and peace of mind. Remote caregivers
can also benefit from Smart Home technologies by remotely
monitoring the well-being and activities of individuals, such
as the elderly or people with medical conditions. A few
examples of on-site and remote hybrid actions are listed below:
Hybrid caregiver assistance combines the use of automated
systems and remote assistance to provide support and care,
enhancing the overall caregiving experience. Hybrid access
control mechanisms, including the use of drones, can en-
able remote access management and surveillance, allowing
authorized individuals to monitor and control access to the
Smart Home environment. The on-site and remote hybrid
actions leverage the capabilities of Smart Home technologies
to enhance safety, security, and convenience for individuals in
various caregiving and monitoring scenarios.
8) On-demand Recommendation and Supply: This aspect
focuses on utilizing intelligent systems and algorithms to
provide personalized recommendations and supply services
based on the needs and preferences of individuals within the
Smart Home environment.
Shpping Recommendation: The focus is on the shop-
ping choices available within the Smart Home environ-
ment. This encompasses a wide range of items, including
clothes, necessities, food, water, tools, energy provi-
sion, and medicine. By leveraging smart technologies
and algorithms, Smart Homes can provide personalized
recommendations and facilitate the procurement of these
Correlation between home and human: Other sections
have explored the correlation between the Smart Home
and its human occupants, emphasizing the soft connection
that can be established. This connection goes beyond
the physical aspects and delves into the emotional and
relational aspects of human life. By integrating features
like playing music, language support, work assistance,
educational resources, entertainment options, and lifestyle
customization, the Smart Home aims to create an envi-
ronment that aligns with the occupants’ preferences and
enhances their overall well-being.
In the realm of physical usage and interaction, the Smart
Home offers various features and capabilities that en-
hance the overall experience. This includes the ability
to personalize and change the decoration of the living
space, simplifying maintenance tasks through automation
and remote control, and enabling intuitive design that
promotes convenience and functionality. By incorporating
these aspects, the Smart Home aims to provide a seam-
less and user-friendly environment that aligns with the
preferences and needs of its occupants. It recognizes the
importance of physical interaction and aims to optimize
the usage and aesthetics of the living space to create a
comfortable and visually appealing home environment.
Supply chain: In a Smart Home, the supply chain is
optimized for seamless end-node delivery of products and
services. This includes automated ordering and replen-
ishment systems, real-time tracking of shipments, and
integration with smart devices for convenient delivery
notifications. Through Smart Home technology, users can
enjoy a hassle-free and efficient supply chain experience
right at their doorstep.
9) Resource Management: Smart home resource manage-
ment plays a pivotal role in ensuring the efficient and seamless
functioning of the system. This aspect encompasses various
tasks related to shopping, supply, storage, cleaning, and main-
tenance within the Smart Home environment.
Smart Home Actions Functions encompass various cate-
gories such as Food, Healthcare, Cleaning, Energy, Security,
Entertainment, Home Automation, and Connectivity. These
services enable automation and convenience within homes. In
the following, we propose resource categories and correspond-
ing actions in Smart Homes.
Food Services:
Smart kitchen appliances and devices
Automated grocery shopping and delivery
Recipe suggestions and meal planning
Food waste management and composting
Healthcare Services:
Remote health monitoring and telemedicine
Medication reminders and dispensers
Emergency response systems
Sleep tracking and smart mattresses
Fitness tracking and personalized workout routines
Cleaning Services:
Robotic vacuum cleaners
Automated mopping and floor cleaning systems
Smart air purifiers and filters
Laundry management and smart washing machines
Garbage and recycling management
Energy Services:
Smart thermostats and climate control
Energy usage monitoring and optimization
Smart lighting systems and energy-efficient bulbs
Renewable energy integration and management
Smart power outlets and energy-saving devices
Entertainment and Media Services:
Voice-controlled music streaming
Smart TVs and media devices
Home theater systems and immersive audio
Personalized content recommendations
Gaming consoles and virtual reality experiences
Home Automation and Control:
Voice assistants and smart speakers
Automated curtains, blinds, and shades
Smart home hubs and control panels
Integration with smart devices and appliances
Scene creation and automation routines
Connectivity and Communication Services:
Video doorbells and intercom systems
Voice and video calling services
Messaging and notification systems
Home network management and optimization
10) Ensure Safety & Security: In the context of Smart
Homes, ensuring safety and security is of paramount impor-
tance. This section delves into the various Smart Home actions
aimed at safeguarding individuals and their living environ-
ments. It covers a range of factors, including access control
and user authentication through technologies like biometric
identification and smart locks. Additionally, it addresses resi-
dent safety both indoors and outdoors, encompassing measures
such as intrusion detection, fire and smoke detection, and water
leak prevention. Furthermore, the section explores emergency
rescue and transportation solutions to enhance overall safety
and security within Smart Homes.
Access control and user authentication
Smart locks and keyless entry (doors, windows)
Video surveillance and monitoring
Secured Authentication (combination of biometric
information, AI, smart lock)
Abnormal behavior detection, notification, and alarm
Emergency contact with community committee and
ask for help from neighborhoods
Indoor and outdoor resident and environment safety
Intrusion detection and alarm systems
Fall prevention and detection, airbag for seniors/kids,
collision avoidances for drivers, collision avoidances
for kids at home
Fire and smoke detection and alerts
Water leak detection and prevention
Driver/Deliverer Fatigue Management
AR/VR Skills Training (disease prevention & man-
Emergency contact with police and ask for help from
Emergency rescue and transportation
Emergency prevention, notification, and alarm
Emergency transportation with police, hospital and
ask for the help of neighborhoods
Intelligent robot systems for efficient emergency
rescue routing and navigation
Emergency rescue with police, hospital and ask for
the help of neighborhoods
Emergency object preparation (medicine, wireless
device, real-time tracking and monitoring of individ-
uals during emergencies)
Post-disaster management
11) User Profile and Privacy Management:
Two-dimensional Data and Profile Protection
Longitudinal data protection: Ensuring the security
and privacy of sensitive personal information such as
medical history, work records, and other longitudinal
Multi-perspective data protection: Safeguarding data
related to various aspects of the user’s life, includ-
ing health, preferences, habits, and other personal
Privacy protocol Adoption: Federated learning and
blockchain to enhance data protection and privacy
in a decentralized and secure manner.
Information Self-Determinism and Data Management:
Information Self-Determinism refers to the concept that
users should devise their data disclosure. Smart home sys-
tems could implement robust data management practices
to ensure transparency, accountability, and compliance
with privacy regulations. Also, it should provide users
with options for accessing, modifying, and deleting their
data, as well as managing their privacy preferences and
Special Care For Vulnerable Group: In Smart Homes,
developing tailored privacy and data protection measures
for vulnerable groups, such as the elderly, children, indi-
viduals with disabilities, or those with specific care needs
is vital for Smart Home inclusiveness. Also, Smart Home
systems should collaborate with caregivers, healthcare
providers, and relevant stakeholders to establish guide-
lines and best practices for protecting privacy. Below is an
example of a Profile and Actions of Protection methods to
Protect from Potential Physical Damage and to enhance
basic skills for people with special needs.
Daily hazard: mobility/medicine
Source: physical, biological, chemical, anthropolog-
ical, etc.
Location: home/indoor, outdoor/workplace, school
Career: professional disease (mining, nuclear, etc.)
Age group: children with special needs, adults with
special needs
12) Personal Lifestyle Adjustment & Assurance: Personal
lifestyle adjustment and assurance in Smart Homes aim to
counteract the negative impacts of being trapped in an AI-
driven information bubble. It emphasizes the importance of
breaking free from the confines of a negative information loop,
as prolonged exposure to such content can have detrimental
effects on individuals’ well-being and overall health. Smart
home technologies assist users in establishing a balanced
approach to time management, consciously reducing reliance
on apps and minimizing the risks associated with information
By promoting a proactive mindset focused on prevention
and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, Smart Homes offer sensing
capabilities, such as brain-computer interfaces (BCI), emotion
adjustment and detection systems, and sport protection mech-
anisms, to support individuals in achieving a well-rounded and
secure living environment.
13) Self-Treatment and Alternative Medicine: Self-
treatment and alternative medicine in Smart Homes encompass
various aspects of healthcare. On one hand, Smart Home
actions offer services for home residents to take care of their
physical health normally. On the other hand, Smart Homes
could provide medicine for different types of residents in
their daily routines.
Pain Assessment and Pain Management: One im-
portant area is pain assessment and pain management,
where advanced technologies and techniques are utilized
to accurately detect and assess pain levels in individuals.
These include methods such as pain detection systems
and pain level assessment tools, which contribute to a
better understanding and management of pain.
Mental Health Info Management: Additionally, mental
health information management plays a crucial role,
particularly in addressing conditions like anxiety and de-
pression that can have a significant impact on individuals’
well-being. Smart home applications, games, and mobile
devices are integrated to provide support, while chatbots
and suicide hotlines offer monitoring for subtle signs of
suicidal tendencies. Furthermore, the correlation between
physiological cycles and mental states is considered, tai-
loring interventions and information management strate-
gies to different groups such as the elderly, teenagers,
expectant mothers, and individuals with PTSD.
Medicine Assurance: Another important area is
medicine, where common and special medicines should
be provided in residents’ homes. These may include
analyzing health profiles, shopping online, delivering to
home, monitoring the status of medicine usage, and
providing guidance to medicine usage, etc.
Through the design and implementation of Self-Treatment
and Alternative Medicine action, we would address the chal-
lenges of Human Physical Well-being and Human Psycholog-
ical Well-being mentioned in Section I-B2 and Section I-B3.
14) Medical Treatment and Hospital System Coordination:
Medical Treatment and Hospital System Coordination provide
the structured Smart Home infrastructure connected with the
hospital, and actions may include the following:
Telehealthcare and virtual doctor services: to address
the shortage of medical professionals, providing remote
assistance and consultations for patients.
Patient support: to assist patients both before and after
their hospital visits, offering support in pre-operative
preparations and post-surgery recovery.
Fall-prevention measures: to reduce the risk of injuries
and accidents, particularly for elderly individuals.
Chatbots: to provide personalized guidance and infor-
mation, enhancing the overall healthcare experience for
Personalized medicine and treatment recommendations:
integration of patient data and advanced analytics, allow-
ing for tailored and optimized healthcare interventions.
Process and resource allocation optimization strategies:
ensuring efficient distribution of medical resources at both
macro and micro levels, such as ambulance and helicopter
allocation, as well as resource allocation within hospital
Drug discovery and disease prediction: to advancements
in medical research and treatment development.
Emergency medicine assurance: self-cure assistance using
virtual reality (VR) technologies, along with access to
emergency doctors and efficient transportation services
for critical cases.
Through the design and implementation of Medical Treat-
ment and Hospital System Coordination action, together
with Self-Treatment and Alternative Medicine action, we
would address the challenges of Human Physical Well-
being and Human Psychological Well-being mentioned in
Section I-B2 and Section I-B3.
15) Happiness, Self-Esteem, and Self-Value: Happiness,
Self-Esteem, and Self-Value address the highest hierarchical
needs in Section I-A2, which may include the following:
Inclusive Support for Vulnerable Group: Smart home
technology plays a crucial role in providing inclusive sup-
port for various vulnerable groups, including physically
disabled individuals, mentally disabled individuals, the
elderly, children, bedridden patients, those with dementia,
individuals with specific diseases, students, workers, and
more. Through the design and implementation of inclu-
sive support for vulnerable group action, we would ad-
dress the challenges of inclusiveness and provide special
care to vulnerable groups mentioned in Section I-B4.
Lifestyle and Personalized services: By leveraging
Smart Home capabilities, appropriate and tailored solu-
tions can be implemented to address the unique needs
of each group. This may include providing suitable
modes of transportation for the physically disabled, of-
fering personalized services based on individual habits,
interests, and lifestyle choices, facilitating mental health
support and communication groups, enabling physical
health monitoring and rehabilitation, organizing holiday
events and cultural activities, establishing local networks
for community engagement, and even ensuring acces-
sible transportation and tourism options. Through such
inclusive support, Smart Homes contribute to enhancing
the overall well-being and quality of life for vulnerable
groups, fostering a more inclusive and supportive society.
Through the design and implementation of personalized
services action and together with the previous seven con-
tents, we would address the first and third requirements of
quality living, aesthetics, and personalization mentioned
in Section I-B5.
Community Support and Resource Sharing: Smart
home technology facilitates community support and re-
source sharing by integrating concepts of insurance and
mutual aid. It enables individuals to contribute to a
collective pool of resources, such as providing assistance
and savings, with the assurance that they can receive
support when needed, akin to an upgraded version of
Additionally, Smart Homes can serve as gathering places
for accommodating individuals in times of crisis or those
facing difficulties, promoting a sense of community and
creating a positive feedback loop within society. This
modernized approach builds upon traditional community
values of local support systems, where individuals can
accumulate favors and resources that can be transferred
when relocating to different areas, fostering a spirit of
solidarity and mutual assistance. Through the design and
implementation of community support and resource shar-
ing action and together with the previous seven contents,
we would address the second requirement of Sharing
Within and Between Homes mentioned in Section I-B5
and Financial Challenges & Imbalance Development
mentioned in Section I-B6.
G. Coordination in UV Smart Home
In a Universal Village (UV) Smart Home framework, coor-
dination plays an integral role in maintaining harmonious op-
erations across various elements and dimensions of the system.
This section explores how Smart Home systems, imbued with
UV ideology, facilitate coordination across different functions,
subsystems, family members, and communities, as well as
with governmental authorities. We also delve into how these
systems coordinate information across various temporal and
spatial levels. The implementation of coordination strategies,
the level of automation involved, and how information from
disparate channels is coordinated are also examined. Finally,
the robustness and resilience of this coordination model in
withstanding potential disruptions will be assessed. The over-
arching goal of coordination in the UV Smart Home frame-
work is to ensure seamless interaction and alignment among
all components, thus optimizing performance and reinforcing
the human-nature harmony that underpins the UV ideology.
1) Coordination: Functions & Targets: The coordination
across different functions and targets is crucial for UV Smart
Homes to effectively address various aspects of living. These
functions encompass safety, comfort, energy, sustainability, re-
source conflict, labor and financial costs, humanity, aesthetics,
and law and regulation. To facilitate this coordination, the UV
Smart Home Coordination Framework is proposed, consisting
of six system objectives. Additionally, the coordination pro-
cess involves a dynamic planning process that incorporates
material cycle efficiency, human well-being, and home well-
being. Effective coordination ensures a safe, comfortable, and
sustainable living environment by complying with regulations,
managing safety features, balancing comfort elements, in-
tegrating aesthetic design, optimizing costs, and promoting
energy efficiency and resource optimization. The coordination
also prioritizes humanity, addresses resource conflicts, and fos-
ters a harmonious interaction among the different subsystems,
family members, communities, and government authorities.
a) Coordination across different functions: UV Smart
Homes need to coordinate across a variety of functions to op-
timally address and balance different aspects of living. These
functions span several domains including law and regulation,
safety, comfort, aesthetics, labor and financial costs, energy,
sustainability, humanity, and resource conflict. To address
this, we have proposed the UV Smart Home Coordination
Framework in Fig. 10, where the six System Objectives are 1)
Profile Understanding, 2) Financial Cost Reduction, 3) Ethics
& Humanity, 4) Resource Optimization, 5) Energy Optimiza-
tion, and 6) Environmental Protection. Also, the coordination
process is a dynamic planning process that greatly involves an
efficient Material Cycle as well as Human and Home Well-
being as follows:
Law and Regulation: It is paramount to ensure that the
operations of a Smart Home comply with existing laws and
regulations. The Smart Home system should be designed
to adapt and respond to changes in legal and regulatory
landscapes, enabling continuous operation within the bounds
of the law.
Safety: Coordination among safety-related features is crit-
ical. This encompasses data security, physical safety, and
the integrated functioning of safety features such as smoke
Fig. 10. UV Smart Home Framework Design
detectors, home security systems, and emergency response
Comfort: The Smart Home must manage and balance
elements that contribute to the comfort of inhabitants, such
as lighting, temperature, noise levels, and more. This involves
coordinating various sensors and devices to maintain an opti-
mal living environment.
Aesthetics: Smart home systems need to seamlessly inte-
grate into the aesthetic design of the home, requiring coordi-
nation between technology and interior design elements.
Labor Cost: The Smart Home should maximize efficiency
and reduce labor costs. Coordination between different smart
devices can automate routine tasks, thereby reducing the time
and effort spent on household chores.
Financial Cost: Coordination is essential to manage and op-
timize financial costs associated with running a Smart Home,
including energy costs, maintenance costs, and potential costs
of device upgrades.
Energy: The Smart Home should be designed to optimize
energy usage, coordinating between various devices and sys-
tems to ensure energy efficiency and, where possible, the use
of renewable energy sources.
Sustainability: Smart homes must coordinate operations to
promote sustainability. This involves minimizing waste, pro-
moting energy efficiency, and leveraging sustainable materials
and technologies wherever possible.
Humanity: The Smart Home should foster a human-
centered environment. Coordination across different subsys-
tems should aim to preserve and promote human values, ethics,
privacy, and dignity.
Resource Conflict: The Smart Home system should ef-
fectively coordinate the usage of shared resources to avoid
conflicts. This could include coordinating schedules for shared
devices or managing bandwidth for connected devices.
Overall, effective coordination across different functions is
the backbone of an efficient Smart Home, ensuring that the
various elements and operations work in harmony to create a
safe, comfortable, and sustainable living environment.
b) Coordination across different subsystems: Effective
coordination between various subsystems is critical to ensuring
the efficiency and responsiveness of the UV Smart Home,
which has been discussed thoroughly among the 7 subsystems
in Section IV. This coordination involves effective information
exchange and collaborative decision-making. The following
subsections outline various aspects of coordination between
the home and subsystems, including information exchange
between the Smart Home and subsystems and their reaction
corresponding to the given information.
Home to Subsystem (Information):
Personal Information: The home should provide rele-
vant personal information about residents and individual
households to the subsystems. This includes basic demo-
graphic data, preferences, and any specific requirements.
By sharing such information, the subsystems can tailor
their services and offerings to meet individual needs.
Collective Information: The home should also share
collective information about households and communities
with the subsystems. This includes aggregated data about
the age distribution, preferences, and common challenges
within the community. Sharing this information enables
subsystems to develop services that address collective
needs and promote community well-being.
Real-time Feedback: The home should provide real-time
feedback to the subsystems regarding the residents’ expe-
riences and any encountered issues. This feedback helps
the subsystems to identify areas for improvement and
make necessary adjustments to enhance service quality
and user satisfaction.
Service Suggestions: The home should actively con-
tribute service suggestions and recommendations based
on residents’ experiences. This valuable feedback helps
the subsystems identify gaps, enhance existing services,
and develop new offerings that better align with residents’
Home to Subsystem (Reactions):
Enable Customizable and Adaptive Services: The UV
Smart Home should enable subsystems to offer cus-
tomizable and adaptive services based on the information
received from the home. This allows the subsystems to
make necessary changes and adjustments to their services
to meet the specific needs and preferences of individ-
ual residents and households. By providing personalized
services, the UV Smart Home enhances the overall user
experience and promotes user satisfaction.
Situation Understanding & Resource Assignment: The
information shared by the home can help subsystems
gain a comprehensive understanding of the residents’
situations and predict their future needs. This facilitates
strategic planning and efficient resource allocation by
the subsystems. By aligning their resources with the
anticipated demands, the subsystems can ensure optimal
utilization of resources and provide timely support and
assistance to the residents.
Timely Response: The home’s real-time feedback en-
ables subsystems to promptly respond to residents’ re-
quests, concerns, or emergencies. This ensures that the
subsystems can provide time-critical responses, address-
ing any issues or challenges faced by the residents
effectively. Timely responses contribute to increased user
satisfaction and overall system efficiency.
System Improvement: The feedback and service sugges-
tions provided by the home play a vital role in improving
the subsystems’ operations and optimizing the overall
system performance. By crowdsourcing feedback from
the residents, the subsystems gain valuable insights for
enhancing their services, identifying areas for improve-
ment, and implementing system-level optimizations. This
iterative improvement process helps the UV Smart Home
evolve and adapt to the changing needs and expectations
of the residents.
Subsystem to Home (Information): Available Supports
and Result Feedbacks: UV-smart subsystems proactively in-
form household residents and community members about the
support and assistance they can provide. This includes infor-
mation on available services, resources, and provisions that
can be accessed by the residents. Additionally, the subsystems
provide result feedback to keep the residents informed about
the outcomes and impact of the services they have received. By
sharing such information, the subsystems enable the residents
to make informed decisions and effectively utilize the available
Instructive Guidance: UV-smart subsystems have the
responsibility to provide detailed instructions and guid-
ance for their available services. They offer guidelines, in-
structions, and manuals through various channels such as
mobile applications or online platforms. This instructive
guidance helps residents understand how to effectively
use the services provided by the subsystems, ensuring
optimal utilization and maximizing the benefits for the
Expected Proactive Reaction: UV-smart subsystems
proactively inform household residents and community
members about the benefits of collaborative participa-
tion in improving subsystem efficiency and optimizing
overall subsystem performance. By sharing the expected
proactive reactions, the subsystems encourage residents
to actively engage in activities that contribute to en-
hancing the subsystems’ performance and efficiency. This
collaborative approach fosters a sense of ownership and
shared responsibility among the residents and promotes
a symbiotic relationship between the subsystems and the
Rules & Stipulation: UV-smart subsystems need to in-
form household residents and community members about
their basic responsibilities, regulations, and legal liabili-
ties associated with the use of the subsystems’ services.
This includes educating residents about their rights and
obligations, ensuring compliance with regulations, and
promoting a safe and secure environment. By providing
clear rules and stipulations, the subsystems establish a
framework that governs the interactions between the res-
idents and the subsystems, fostering trust, transparency,
and accountability.
Subsystem to Home (Reactions): Resource Allocation
and Planning: UV-smart subsystems provide information
to household residents and community members regarding
resource allocation and planning. This includes informing
residents about the availability and distribution of resources
such as energy, water, and waste management services. By
sharing this information, the subsystems enable residents to
make informed decisions about resource usage, conservation,
and optimization. It also allows them to plan their activities
and schedules based on resource availability, leading to more
efficient and sustainable practices.
Emergency Notifications and Alerts: UV-smart sub-
systems play a crucial role in ensuring the safety and
well-being of residents by providing timely notifications
and alerts during emergencies. This includes alerts re-
lated to natural disasters, security breaches, or health
emergencies. The subsystems relay important information
to household residents and community members, such
as evacuation routes, emergency contact numbers, and
safety procedures. By promptly sharing this information,
the subsystems facilitate quick responses and necessary
actions to mitigate risks and protect the residents.
Maintenance and Service Updates: UV-smart subsys-
tems keep household residents and community members
informed about maintenance schedules, service updates,
and system enhancements. This includes notifying res-
idents about upcoming maintenance activities, system
downtime, or temporary service disruptions. Addition-
ally, the subsystems inform residents about new fea-
tures, upgrades, or advancements in services to ensure
they are aware of the latest developments. By providing
timely updates, the subsystems minimize inconvenience,
improve service reliability, and maintain a high level of
user satisfaction.
Performance Monitoring and Reporting: UV-smart
subsystems continuously monitor their performance and
provide regular reports to household residents and com-
munity members. These reports include information on
energy consumption, cost savings, environmental impact,
and overall system performance metrics. By sharing this
data, the subsystems enable residents to track their re-
source usage, evaluate the effectiveness of the services,
and make informed decisions about energy conservation
and sustainability practices. Performance monitoring and
reporting also serve as a transparency mechanism, foster-
ing trust and accountability between the subsystems and
the residents.
c) Coordination Across Different Family Members: Co-
ordination across different family members involves providing
personalized services to each family member while maintain-
ing a shared living experience that encompasses everyone’s
needs and preferences.
Sharing is a key part of family life, and the UV Smart Home
should respect this while also ensuring each family member’s
privacy. The system should protect the confidentiality of
each individual’s data, yet facilitate shared experiences and
Moreover, for those living alone, the UV Smart Home is
capable of offering companionship through digital assistants,
monitoring health and safety, and providing opportunities for
social interaction through digital platforms.
Health status is another critical consideration. For family
members in good health, the Smart Home should aim to
enhance and maintain their wellness. If a family member has a
disability or chronic illness, the Smart Home needs to provide
tailored support, adapting to their unique needs, whether they
are physical, sensory, or cognitive.
Finally, age is a significant factor in how the Smart Home
operates. For babies, the system can include baby moni-
toring, automatic temperature control, and safety measures.
For teenagers, it could support educational activities, provide
task reminders, and promote a balanced lifestyle. For adults,
the Smart Home should help streamline daily tasks, sup-
port remote work, manage household chores, and encourage
healthy living. For seniors, it should offer features like fall
detection, medication reminders, health monitoring, and easy
communication with healthcare providers.
Overall, coordination across different family members is
essential for a UV Smart Home to provide an inclusive,
responsive, and personalized environment that also fosters
shared experiences and a sense of community.
d) Coordination Across Different Communities: UV
Smart Home goes beyond individual households to encompass
the broader community. UV Smart Homes foster connections
by facilitating shared experiences and interactions among
households within a neighborhood. They can also promote
communication and resource sharing through digital platforms,
allowing geographically dispersed communities to stay con-
Importantly, UV Smart Homes must integrate seamlessly
with community institutions like schools, hospitals, and work-
places. This could mean supporting remote learning or coordi-
nating with healthcare providers to manage medical appoint-
ments and monitor health data.
Finally, in terms of resource management, UV Smart Homes
should work in harmony with local infrastructure and utilities,
optimizing energy usage and promoting community-wide sus-
tainability. By fostering a sense of community and promoting
efficient resource use, UV Smart Homes contribute to the
overall well-being and sustainability of the entire community.
e) Coordination with Government and Authority: The
implementation of the Universal Village (UV) Smart Home
necessitates a strong and active relationship with government
bodies and authorities. This association is critical in many re-
spects, such as ensuring compliance with laws and regulations,
accessing public resources, and benefiting from governmental
initiatives and programs.
UV Smart Homes should align with local, regional, and
national regulations that govern aspects like privacy, safety,
building codes, and energy usage. The systems should be de-
signed to comply with these legal requirements automatically,
thereby eliminating the burden of regulatory compliance from
In terms of public resources, UV Smart Homes could
coordinate with government bodies to integrate public services
like emergency response systems, waste management, and
public transportation. Additionally, they can provide real-time
feedback to government bodies about community needs and
trends, enabling more responsive governance.
Furthermore, UV Smart Homes can benefit from govern-
ment programs that encourage sustainable and smart living.
By participating in these initiatives, UV Smart Homes can
gain access to financial incentives, technical guidance, and
partnerships that enhance their capabilities and efficiency.
Overall, coordination with government and authority is
essential to ensuring that UV Smart Homes operate within
a conducive legal framework, have access to public resources,
and can leverage governmental initiatives to enhance the
quality of life for their residents.
2) Coordination Across Different Temporal and Spatial
Level: Temporal and spatial coordination are pivotal aspects of
a UV Smart Home, ensuring services are delivered at the right
time and in the right place, thus creating a truly personalized
and seamless experience for residents.
Temporal coordination revolves around adjusting the oper-
ation of the Smart Home system to different time scales. In
the long term, strategic planning is employed to guide the
development of the system, setting goals for sustainability, and
ensuring compatibility with evolving technologies and societal
Routine services, occurring on a daily or weekly basis,
form the backbone of the Smart Home’s activities. These can
include managing household chores, adjusting lighting and
heating according to daily patterns, or scheduling preventive
maintenance for home systems.
In the short term, the system must be agile to respond to
unexpected needs, providing immediate solutions for emer-
gencies or urgent tasks. It should also offer flexibility for
temporary changes in residents’ routines, such as visitors
staying or periods of absence.
Spatial coordination ensures that the right services are
provided in the right locations within the home. This includes
adjusting lighting and temperature in individual rooms ac-
cording to usage, positioning smart devices and sensors in
optimal locations for functionality and signal quality, and even
coordinating services across multiple homes in a community
or different communities.
The integration of temporal and spatial coordination in the
UV Smart Home can provide a highly responsive, intuitive,
and personalized environment for residents while optimizing
the overall efficiency and effectiveness of home operations.
3) Coordination: Implementation: The successful imple-
mentation of coordination within a Universal Village (UV)
Smart Home requires careful consideration of various as-
pects, including coordination across modeling and learning
decision-making processes, as well as coordination between
hard-wired decision-making and human active participation-
involved decision-making.
Coordination across Modeling and Learning Decision
Making: In a UV Smart Home, coordination between
modeling and learning decision-making processes is es-
sential to ensure accurate and adaptive system behav-
ior. Modeling involves creating representations of the
home environment, residents’ preferences, and system
dynamics. Learning decision-making involves utilizing
historical data and feedback to improve the system’s
decision-making capabilities over time. To implement
this coordination, the UV Smart Home should integrate
modeling and learning algorithms to enable the system to
continuously update its understanding of the environment
and residents’ needs. This integration allows for dynamic
adjustments in decision-making based on real-time data
and feedback, enhancing the system’s ability to provide
personalized and context-aware services.
Coordination between Hard-Wired Decision Making
and Human Active Participation-Involved Decision
Making: UV Smart Homes should strike a balance be-
tween automated decision-making and the active involve-
ment of residents in the decision-making process. While
automation offers convenience and efficiency, it is crucial
to include human input for decisions that require per-
sonal judgment or preference. The implementation of this
coordination involves providing residents with control
and transparency over the decision-making process. The
system should offer interfaces that allow users to override
automated decisions or provide input when necessary.
Additionally, clear communication between the system
and residents should be established to inform users about
the rationale behind automated decisions and to seek
their input when appropriate. By implementing coor-
dination across modeling and learning decision-making
and balancing hard-wired decision-making with human
active participation, the UV Smart Home can optimize
decision-making, considering both objective data-driven
insights and subjective user preferences. This implemen-
tation fosters a collaborative decision-making process that
empowers residents and ensures that the system aligns
with their needs and values.
By implementing coordination across modeling & learning
decision-making, balancing hard-wired decision-making with
human active participation, the UV Smart Home can opti-
mize decision-making, considering both objective data-driven
insights and subjective user preferences. This implementation
fosters a collaborative decision-making process that empowers
residents and ensures that the system aligns with their needs
and values.
4) Smart Home Automation: Automation plays a significant
role in improving efficiency, convenience, and user satis-
faction. The implementation of automation, however, should
consider several aspects, including limitations, levels and types
of automation, system design, applications, and human factors.
Limitations of Automation: While automation enhances
convenience, there are inherent limitations. It requires
continuous monitoring and maintenance to ensure system
reliability. Also, it is susceptible to errors or malfunctions
which can lead to disruptions. The goal should be to im-
plement automation in a way that maximizes its benefits
while minimizing its potential risks.
Levels of Automation: The degree of automation can vary
from basic, where systems are programmed to perform
simple tasks like turning off lights at a specific time, to
advanced, where systems can learn and adapt to residents’
behavior and preferences.
Types of Automation: Automation can be categorized as
scheduled (based on preset times), conditional (triggered
by specific conditions), and predictive (based on learning
from patterns and preferences). The choice of automation
type depends on the specific application and user needs.
Design of Automation System: The design of an au-
tomation system in a UV Smart Home should consider
simplicity, user-friendliness, and adaptability. The system
should be easy to configure, control, and monitor. It
should be adaptable to accommodate changes in user
behavior, household structure, and technology.
Applications of Automation: Automation can be applied
to various aspects of a Smart Home, including home
security, energy management, entertainment, and health
monitoring. The goal is to improve the convenience,
comfort, and efficiency of these systems while ensuring
their seamless integration.
Human Factor in Highly Automated Systems: Even in a
highly automated environment, human factors must not
be neglected. The system should be designed with a user-
centered approach, considering the varying needs, skills,
and preferences of different users. Also, users should
always have the option to override automatic controls for
personalized manual control when necessary.
In summary, the automation in UV Smart Homes should
be implemented thoughtfully and strategically, considering
its limitations and benefits, and ensuring it enhances user
satisfaction and quality of life.
5) Coordination Across Information from Different Chan-
nels: Coordination across information from different channels
is a crucial concept in Smart Home systems, aiming for syn-
chronized and consolidated data packaging. This coordination
involves various flows of information, including environmental
information, device information, material information, and
human input.
The system employs a comprehensive approach to device
and consumable integration, linking them together based on
specific functionalities. Multiple devices are interconnected,
establishing automatic associations and adaptive behaviors.
This extends to various domains, including the Internet of
Vehicles, device networking, and the integration of human
information. Also, human information and information from
other subsystems are brought together into Smart Home sys-
Four case studies are presented below to illustrate how tech-
nology helps people to plan meals, helps the government to
achieve efficiency, helps family members to bridge generation
gaps, and helps travelers to stay safe and entertained on the
Case Study 1 - Recipe Optimization and Recom-
mendation System [Cooking-Oriented / Ordering-
Oriented / Mixed]: In this case study, we focus on
developing a recipe optimization and recommendation
system that caters to different cooking preferences. The
system takes into consideration various factors such as
nutrition, cooking convenience, the lifestyle of the chef
(including time investment and waiting time), and the spe-
cific needs of multiple family members (including taste
preferences, current health conditions, mood, and work
status). Additionally, the system factors in local food
availability, economic costs, and convenience costs. By
creating personalized recipe plans, generating shopping
lists, and providing automated purchasing reminders, the
system aims to simplify the meal planning process and
promote efficient planning.
Case Study 2 - Material Management and Errands
for Government Agencies [Time-Saving Solutions +
Space Efficiency]: This case study focuses on opti-
mizing material management and handling errands for
government agencies. The system addresses various tasks
such as package retrieval, farmer’s market shopping,
government office procedures, daily household replen-
ishment, equipment maintenance, spare parts inventory,
laundry services, and accomplishing tasks during com-
mutes. Through a self-adaptive system that establishes
automatic associations and handles tasks or provides
timely reminders, the system aims to enhance communi-
cation, time management, and productivity. For example,
a purchase system can track inventory levels and auto-
matically allocate resources, ensuring timely reminders
for replenishment.
Case Study 3 - Remote Family Communication Sys-
tem to Bridge Generation Gap: The objective of this
case study is to develop a remote family communication
system that fosters connections and bridges the generation
gap. The system incorporates various platforms such as
WeChat, QQ, gaming platforms for kids, email, Skype,
Slack, and traditional phone calls for different fam-
ily members. It emphasizes cross-media communication,
trust-based interactions, translation support, and access
to education experts to overcome generational gaps. By
offering a private cloud service for personalized informa-
tion sharing, customizable status updates, and dynamic
family connections, the system aims to create a seamless
communication experience that caters to the diverse needs
and preferences of family members.
Case Study 4 - Multiple Devices and Intelligent Trans-
portation System (ITS) for Pollution-Free Travel: In
this case study, we explore the integration of multiple
devices and the intelligent transportation system (ITS)
to enhance travel experiences while minimizing environ-
mental pollution. The system focuses on safety systems,
health/safety information, and immersive gaming experi-
ences in various formats, including virtual reality (VR)
and augmented reality (AR). By ensuring the safety of
travelers, reducing health risks associated with pollution,
and providing engaging entertainment experiences, the
system aims to create a seamless and enjoyable travel
environment that leverages the capabilities of multiple
devices and ITS technologies.
6) Robustness and Resilience in Coordination:
a) Robustness in Smart Home System Dynamics: For
system dynamics in the UV Smart Home, preventive and
proactive measures are employed to provide feedback and
optimize actions to ensure a more robust system. One solution
is to provide human feedback and human involvement in a
real-time system. Also, Machine learning techniques, includ-
ing reinforcement learning, play a crucial role in adapting
the system’s behavior. When a malfunction occurs, such as
an appliance power cut off or a broken tube, the system
dynamically adjusts its operations, triggers alerts, and initiates
appropriate corrective actions to restore functionality and
maintain seamless operation. In a longer period, it could also
learn adaptive responses to deal with unexpected situations
b) Resilience in Smart Home Material Cycle: For re-
silience in the Smart Home material cycle, it is important to
consider the balance between repair and reuse practices versus
traditional shopping for new materials. By prioritizing repair
and reuse, we can reduce the demand for new materials and
minimize waste generation, leading to a more sustainable and
resilient material cycle within Smart Homes.
To promote repair and reuse, there are several implemen-
tations in Smart Home services design. Homeowners can be
encouraged to repair and maintain their existing devices and
appliances instead of immediately replacing them when they
encounter issues. This can involve providing easy access to re-
pair guides, facilitating repair workshops, or even incentivizing
repair services through discounts or subsidies, or providing a
“smart” electricity fee for various types of families.
Additionally, creating platforms and networks that facilitate
the exchange or sharing of used items within the Smart
Home community can promote reuse. This can include online
platforms or local community initiatives where homeowners
can offer their unused or gently used materials or products to
others who may need them.
To add on, it is important to strike a balance between
repair, reuse, and the occasional need for new materials. In
cases where repair or reuse is not feasible or when new
materials are required, it is crucial to prioritize sustainable
and eco-friendly options. This can involve selecting materials
with a low environmental impact, considering their lifecycle
assessment, and opting for products that are designed for
disassembly and recycling.
Overall, by emphasizing repair, reuse, and conscious mate-
rial choices within the Smart Home material cycle, UV Smart
Home can enhance resilience by reducing waste, conserving
resources, and creating a more sustainable and circular ap-
proach to material management.
Section VII serves as a comprehensive summary of the
entire paper, offering a cohesive view of the UV Smart Home
framework and its implications. This section encapsulates the
essence of the UV Smart Home, highlighting its innovative
nature and the significant impacts it is poised to have on
our lifestyles, safety, and overall well-being. It offers a thor-
ough overview of the UV Smart Home’s conceptualization,
structure, and proposed functionalities, emphasizing the frame-
work’s core tenets: data acquisition, communication, decision-
making, action, and coordination.
In this section, we provide detailed summaries of each pre-
ceding section, providing succinct overviews of their contents
and key takeaways. The summaries will reiterate the primary
objectives and proposals made in each previous section, en-
abling readers to understand the UV Smart Home framework’s
unique elements and how they coalesce into a cohesive, future-
forward solution.
Furthermore, the section addresses the challenges laid out in
the first section, detailing the potential solutions proposed in
the subsequent sections. These solutions represent a collective
response to the initial challenges, embodying the UV Smart
Home’s adaptive, responsive, and proactive nature, which form
its foundational characteristics. As such, Section VII serves not
only as a summary but also a testament to the viability and
potential of the UV Smart Home framework.
A. Section Summary
In the following, we will summarize the six Sections with
the main idea discussed above.
1) Section I:Section I provides a comprehensive overview
of the UV concept and its pertinent application in the devel-
opment of Smart Homes. It underscores the problems that
modern urban centers are grappling with and the potential
role that the UV paradigm can play in rectifying these issues.
The UV paradigm endorses a harmonious relationship between
humans and nature via the judicious use of technology. In this
context, the paper elaborates on the role of Smart Homes, with
a key focus on their function in offering inhabitants informed
decision-making and contextual information pertaining to their
household and day-to-day life.
Intricate details of the UV framework for Smart Homes
are presented, wherein the system is designed to function
on a closed feedback control loop. The loop consists of
four components: Data Acquisition, Communication, Decision
Making, and Action. Each component carries a specific set
of expectations and objectives - ranging from gathering high-
quality data, safeguarding stringent security parameters, and
making decisions that reflect human-nature harmony, to per-
forming actions that place humans at the center.
The introductory section also sheds light on numerous
challenges and trends linked to Smart Homes, such as the
escalating cost of living, the financial strain on households,
and the expensive nature of fundamental infrastructure. Spe-
cific attention is given to the difficulties faced by vulnerable
groups, like migrant laborers, in procuring smart devices and
Potential problems and solutions associated with technology
use are explored in depth, including issues tied to artificial
intelligence, reduced physical activity due to over-reliance
on technology, and the influence of technology on children.
Discussions also revolve around the ramifications of poverty,
hunger, and social welfare on the global populace.
In conclusion, the introductory section encapsulates the key
hurdles faced by current Smart Home systems. It emphasizes
the expensive nature of smart gadgets and appliances, the
financial difficulties faced by vulnerable groups, and the urgent
need for an efficient system to circulate second-hand goods to
alleviate some of the financial burdens on families.
2) Section II:Section II embarks on an in-depth explo-
ration of the UV concept as it applies to Smart Homes, with
a concentration on the feedback loop comprising four compo-
nents: Data Acquisition, Communication, Decision Making,
and Action. This section delves into the critical sub-functions
of these four components, emphasizing the role of advanced
technologies like computer vision, audio understanding, nat-
ural language processing, and chatbots in data acquisition.
Furthermore, it discusses the significance of IoT in facilitating
communication, the crucial role decision-making plays in
ensuring home safety and security, and the indispensability
of human-centric actions.
This section offers a detailed examination of AI tech-
nologies’ deployment in Smart Home systems, spotlighting
elements such as computer vision, semantic sound, audio
understanding, natural language processing, machine learning,
smart agents, robotics, and IoT. It also emphasizes their
applications in crucial functions like emergency prevention,
prediction, and recognition systems.
An evaluative study of the Smart Home system feedback
loop is presented, explaining the processes involved in food
preparation, storage, safety assurance, and personal health and
medical management. This section also stresses the impor-
tance of selective information sharing, image processing, and
reminders in these processes.
This section goes on to explore the range of commu-
nication channels and content categories in Smart Homes,
extending from individual to home, business, community, and
city communication. It accentuates the employment of diverse
channels, including phone calls, text messages, emails, video
conferencing platforms, social media messaging, and face-to-
face conversations.
3) Section III:Section III furnishes a comprehensive anal-
ysis of the UV concept as it pertains to Smart Homes, with a
focus on the hierarchical information structure and the material
cycle. This section introduces a series of tables that outline
the status of major functionalities of smart systems across
different tiers of the information hierarchical structure, which
includes aspects such as hygiene systems, waste processing,
community inclusiveness, and services and support extended
by communities.
This section discusses the significance of profile-based
actions and results, wherein actions are implemented based on
ascertained profiles, and outcomes are subsequently evaluated.
The need for hierarchical information communication and
sharing is emphasized, with a critical note on the current
absence of centralized management and the disordered state
of information sharing.
The concept of hierarchical information fusion is further
delved into, pinpointing the existing lack of fusion between
data content, temporal and spatial information, and data
sourced from different origins. The lack of fusion between
different informational layers, like human know-how and
system data, is also spotlighted.
The material cycle, a concept that interconnects all UV
components via the exchange of physical products, energy, and
other natural resources, is extensively discussed. The section
identifies numerous issues within the current Smart Home
material cycle, emphasizing the potential for disastrous conse-
quences if these material-related matters are not appropriately
addressed. Such issues range from improper handling of haz-
ardous materials, exposed electrical wires, unauthorized access
to firearms, and improper mixing of cleaning substances, to
the risk of cascading failures in interconnected systems and
4) Section IV:Section IV delves into the reciprocal in-
teractions between Smart Homes and the other seven smart
subsystems within the UV framework. It elaborates on the
exchange of information between these subsystems, concen-
trating on objectives such as proactive and coordinated home
infrastructure, resilience and adaptiveness, and cost and sus-
This section provides details about the types of information
that should be exchanged between the Smart Home and the
other seven subsystems.
The information that can be shared from Home systems to
other subsystems includes personal data, collective individual
household and community information, feedback concerning
services and support received, and improvement suggestions
as below.
Personal Information
Basic Personal Information of residents and individual
households should be provided before the initiation of
services from other UV-smart subsystems.
Collective Information
Collective individual households and community infor-
mation, such as age distribution in local neighborhoods,
is crucial for the provision of large-scale services.
Real-time Feedback
The experiences of household residents and community
members benefiting services from other subsystems, es-
pecially the encountered emergency situations, are crucial
for improving subsystem robustness and resilience.
Service Suggestions
UV-smart subsystems should proactively collect informa-
tion from household residents and community members
on their satisfaction levels and general suggestions for
further improvement.
The data are all integral to enhancing the accessibility and
reliability of services and support provided. Such information
sent by Home systems can support other subsystems from the
following aspects:
Enable Customizable and Adaptive Services
Such information, as well as their special needs, can
be utilized to empower subsystems to make necessary
adjustments and provide more personalized services.
Situation Understanding & Resource Assignment
Collective Information gathering on both household and
community levels would enable general situation under-
standing, more precise modeling of unintended circum-
stances, and proactive prediction of future development,
thus facilitating effective planning, resource allocation,
and leveraging government support and assistance more
Timely Response
Comments and assessment information can provide
timely feedback and information reports to other subsys-
tems and improve their capabilities of providing time-
critical responses.
System Improvement
Crowdsourcing feedback from household residents and
community members who received services or support
from other subsystems could provide insightful sugges-
tions for further system-level improvement and optimiza-
The information that can be shared from other subsystems
to Home systems includes:
Available Supports and Result Feedbacks
UV-smart Subsystems can proactively inform household
residents and community members of the subsystems’
corresponding available services, accessible support, and
other obtainable resources and provide in-time follow-up
inquiries or feedback for certain services.
Instructive Guidance
UV-smart Subsystems have the obligation to provide
detailed instructions and guidance for their available
Expected Proactive Reaction
Other UV-smart subsystems should proactively inform
household residents and community members on how
both parties can benefit from cooperatively participating
in improving subsystem efficiency and optimizing the
overall subsystem performance.
Rules & Stipulation
It is imperative for UV-smart subsystems to inform house-
hold residents and community members of their basic
responsibilities, certain regulations, and legal liabilities
before they enroll in the provided services.
Such information from other subsystems can support Smart
Homes from the following aspects:
Coordinated Planning
Available Support and result feedback would enable
household residents and community members to make
informed decisions and coordinated planning.
Efficiency Improvement and Safety Assurance
Instructive Guidance can improve service usage efficiency
and operation safety, greatly reducing the possibility of
device damage and preventing waste.
Proactive Response
Proactive communication between UV-smart subsystems
and household residents and community members can
promote collaboration between subsystems. Moreover,
the perspective of considering individual households and
large communities as fundamental constituting compo-
nents of the subsystems would enable a more compre-
hensive decision-making process and improve collective
Law Enforcement and Education
Such precautionary information would greatly help
household residents and community members understand
their rights and obligations, regulate irresponsible behav-
iors, prevent potential conflicts, and promote sustainable
In summary, Section IV discusses the importance of co-
ordinated planning, efficiency improvement, safety assurance,
proactive response, and education and law enforcement in the
interaction between the Smart Home and the other seven smart
subsystems. This section underscores the role of proactive
communication in fostering collaboration between subsystems
and promoting a more holistic decision-making process.
Lastly, the concept of cost and sustainability is explored
in the interaction between the Smart Home and the other
seven subsystems. It underscores the importance of effective
information exchange to enhance the performance of both
subsystems and promote cost-effectiveness and sustainability.
This reflects the interplay of two facets of interaction: the
provision of information and the subsequent reactions based
on that information, indicating a fluid, symbiotic relationship
between Smart Home systems and the other seven subsystems.
5) Section V:Section V probes into the influence of
Smart Home functionalities on various lifestyles and how these
lifestyles reciprocally impact Smart Home design considera-
tions. It discusses the instrumental role of Smart Homes in
advancing pet safety, refining plant health through optimal
watering schedules, aiding waste management and hygiene
enhancement, and improving living conditions through the
integration of fitness devices and the provision of instructional
videos for DIY enthusiasts.
This section also brings to light the potential for misuse of
these functionalities and the associated risks. It notes concerns
such as the manipulation of security functions for fraudulent
activities, potential misuse of waste management systems
leading to inefficiencies and cleanliness issues, and the risk
of misinformation and safety hazards due to tool misuse.
This section further examines the role of Smart Homes in
facilitating effective information exchange, offering connec-
tivity with social media platforms, and delivering effective
information collection and sharing. It concurrently discusses
the potential privacy and cybersecurity threats if these func-
tionalities are not properly overseen.
The section also deliberates the impact of Smart Home
functionalities on individuals with special needs, including
those with physical disabilities, cognitive impairments like
Alzheimer’s disease, and specific medical conditions. The
section stresses the benefits of Smart Homes in enhancing
safety, managing supplies, facilitating waste management and
hygiene, improving living conditions, enabling remote moni-
toring, and securely storing crucial medical information.
Finally, we explore how various communities, defined by
human attributes, physical disabilities, or centered around
perception and awareness, can play crucial roles in the de-
velopment and refinement of safety and security features in
Smart Homes.
6) Section VI:Section VI outlines comprehensive and
conceptual modeling for future Smart Homes under the UV
framework. It begins by setting out the objectives for Smart
Homes. The objectives include (1) proactive and coordinated
home infrastructure to ensure safety, hygiene, and basic sup-
ply; (2) family support to ensure human safety, health, well-
being, and identity & value; and (3) proactive interaction with
society. The UV framework also emphasizes humanity, ethical
consideration, and cost & sustainability.
In addressing data acquisition, the first major aspect, this
section emphasizes the importance of systematic and coordi-
nated data collection from multiple sources, such as wearable
devices, environmental and infrastructural sensors, and cloud
data, while taking into account energy concerns. We propose
a proactive, adaptive approach to information collection and
sharing, with a focus on structured sensing and situation-
oriented sensors. We stress the need for hierarchical infor-
mation acquisition and data fusion from different sources to
generate a comprehensive data profile. We also highlight the
implementation of smart agents that create a feedback loop,
and the role of human involvement in proactive data requests.
Communication, the other key component in the proposed
Smart Home framework, needs special attention. The section
recommends a proactive and dynamic communication struc-
ture that fosters robust smart communication within the Smart
Home ecosystem. It encourages bidirectional communication
between resident and non-resident individuals and other sub-
systems, focusing on reducing information gaps, maintaining a
closed feedback loop, and managing communication channels
and bandwidth efficiently.
In terms of decision-making, we stress an approach guided
by the objectives outlined at the beginning. We advocate hier-
archical information processing and decision-making at differ-
ent levels, with significant consideration given to the role of
human involvement in the sensing, communication, decision-
making, and action phases. A novel concept introduced here is
consulting with users about the proposed actions based on the
decision-making process. This approach appreciates that the
best human knowledge can guide AI and subsequently regular
users. The interaction thus leads to a feedback mechanism,
ensuring the system’s responsiveness and adaptability to user
needs and changing scenarios.
In the action component, we categorize actions based on
specific criteria and functions, linking the outcomes back
to the initially established objectives of safety, hygiene, and
sustainability. We emphasize the necessity for actions to cater
to different targets and for these actions to be consistent and
coordinated with the decisions made in the previous step.
Finally, we underscore coordination as a crucial feature of
future Smart Homes. This coordination involves aligning func-
tions and targets, integrating across different temporal and spa-
tial levels, and implementing robust and resilient mechanisms
for information coordination across different channels. The
role of automation in achieving effective coordination is high-
lighted, balancing this with the necessary human involvement
to ensure the system’s smooth operation and responsiveness
to user needs.
B. Summary of Current Home Challenge and Proposed Solu-
As introduced in Section I, we have analyzed the challenges
in the current home and smart technologies and proposed
our UV-oriented solutions to address the above challenges. In
the following, we will summarize our five major innovations
discussed in Section II, Section III, Section IV, Section V, and
Section VI.
Innovation 1: Information package of personal profile
with the diversity of human needs and lifestyles
This design has unique strength in providing feasible so-
lutions to the challenge discussed in Section I. Specifically,
the first challenge mentioned in Section I-A3, involves the
diversity of human needs and lifestyles. Regarding current
different Smart Home implementations, a home becomes more
and more a place for multiple needs for people with different
lifestyles, especially considering the different needs of chil-
dren, the elderly, vulnerable groups, minority groups, different
occupations, and people with different habits, cultures, and
religions. Also, Section I-B discusses human lifestyle that
has shifted towards a more connected, human-centered new
economic mode, and Section I-E points out there is a trend for
living a sustainable life, improving well-being, and working
remotely at home.
Thus, to address such challenges, the proposed UV Smart
Home system could structure the information package in
an integrated, personalized, and dynamic profile, collected
from multiple data sources, and details can be found in
Section II-C1 and Section II-C2.
Innovation 2: Information package of home profile with
community dynamics, material cycle, resource manage-
ment, and home infrastructure and devices
This profile encompasses various aspects, including
lifestyle, mental and physical well-being, other impacting
factors of living, community dynamics, material cycle and
resource management, infrastructures, and device status. In
other words, the profile could provide comprehensive infor-
mation for a home and its residents. Compared to traditional
approaches where one-size-fits-all solutions are insufficient
to capture the diverse range of lifestyles, their associated
needs, or the dynamic change of the home system and living
environment, the UV Smart Home system has the potential to
provide personalized services and functionalities for different
living groups and a wide range of communities.
Innovation 3: Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output (MIMO)
package of various modeling and algorithms with seven
functions and six system objectives
Apart from a collected, all-round, and integrated informa-
tion profile for every home, the UV Smart Home system
proposes a Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output (MIMO) package
of coordinated processes among various modeling and al-
gorithms, where the goal is to establish a ranking system
with multiple prioritizations among various events, objectives,
targets, and level of importance and urgency. Details can
refer to Section II-C3 and Section II-C4. The package can
be categorized into seven core functions: 1) Home Safety
& Security Function, 2) Basic living infrastructure & supply
and storage, 3) Basic living infrastructure & Waste manage-
ment and hygiene, 4) Physiological & Logistical Function
and Living conditions improvement, 5) Centralized Coordi-
nation, 6) Family and User Private Data Protection Platform
& Cloud, 7) Integrative & Sustainable Home and Lifestyle.
These seven functions could interact and coordinate with each
other mutually. The six system objectives include: 1) Profile
Understanding, 2) Financial Cost Reduction, 3) Ethics &
Humanity, 4) Resource Optimization, 5) Energy Optimization,
and 6) Environmental Protection. Each system objective has
their own corresponding weighting factors.
Compared with the single-task process in the current smart
system design, coordinated tasks provide a more robust and re-
liable system for handling possible conflicts, improving system
efficiency, and providing a better user experience. Coordinated
tasks may mitigate the issues of system conflicts mentioned
in Section I-C due to the limitation of current technologies.
Furthermore, coordinated tasks could address the challenges
of home safety and security threats, ensure human physical
and mental well-being and provide special care to vulnerable
residents, and satisfy higher requirements for quality living,
resource sharing, and aesthetics mentioned in Section I-B.
The proposed UV Smart Home system, implemented
through this MIMO package, not only is a “working ma-
chine” for multiple tasking, but also can provide humanized,
inclusive, and sustainable services to human well-being, com-
munity, and healthcare. The proposed system is an efficient
solution for environmental protection and energy reduction due
to its features in the system objective. Details can refer to Sec-
tion III, Section IV and Section V. Consequently, the proposed
system could address the humanity design considerations
mentioned in Section I-D, ethical issues such as discrimination
and inequality mentioned in Section I-E, and partially mitigate
the limitations in law and regulation mentioned in Section I-E.
Innovation 4: A “Smart butler” with “Real intelligence”
through Closed feedback loop, Dynamic Planning, and
Human involvement
We have proposed a closed feedback loop, dynamic adap-
tiveness, and interactive human involvement in the UV Smart
Home system, where the aim is for a highly automated, in-
telligent, but human-controllable Smart Home system. Details
can refer to Section VI. Machine learning and reinforcement
learning techniques play a crucial role in identifying pat-
terns, extracting insights, and adapting the system to different
The closed feedback loop of the UV Smart Home system
is a crucial element for correcting the biases of the system
and algorithms, which ensures the system and human in-
formation are fed into the system continuously and in real
time. Moreover, as new lifestyles emerge and evolve, the
proposed UV Smart Home system needs to continually update
its knowledge base and know-how to accommodate a wide
array of needs, through dynamic planning. This requires a
flexible and adaptive framework that can learn to incorporate
changes rapidly. By leveraging machine learning algorithms
and feedback from users, the system can continuously refine
its understanding of user preferences, needs, and environment.
From human to system, instructions are provided to guide
users in objective adjustment and confirmation, ensuring their
preferences are considered. Also, real intelligence may be
achieved by analyzing users’ attention, providing a wide range
of choices, and adjusting the process of decision-making and
recommendation, based on the system evaluation, impacts, and
feedback from users.
From system to human, actions are taken in the suitable
subjects among multiple targets, reminding users at the right
moment and in the appropriate environment to facilitate ef-
fective decision-making and action-taking, such as finding a
relevant adult but not a child or children to close a window. On
one hand, the correct method is chosen for handling instruction
and interacting with users. On the other hand, the action of
reminder is also important for informing possible negative
impacts such as reminding users not to work too long and
offering proper recommendations for take-a-break activities.
This “Smart butler” has addressed the challenges of self-
adaptiveness, full automation, compatibility, and robustness
mentioned in Section I-C.
By incorporating the strategies in data collection, com-
munication, decision-making, and action, the proposed UV
Smart Home system can effectively structure and integrate
packages that align with user needs and preferences. The
proposed system can also achieve the objectives of humanity,
inclusiveness, and sustainability.
Innovation 5: Efficient coordination and automation in
seven functions and four stages of sensing, communication,
decision making, and action
We underscore efficient coordination as an important feature
of future Smart Homes. This coordination involves aligning
functions and targets, coordinating across different temporal
and spatial levels, and implementing robust and resilient mech-
anisms for information coordination across different channels.
Coordination, as a key element of future UV Smart Homes,
encompasses several coordination types throughout the sys-
tem. These types include sensing coordination, communication
coordination, decision-making coordination, and action coor-
dination. More particularly,
In sensing coordination, systematic organization among
spatial and temporal considerations from multiple data
sources is crucial for the purpose of energy saving.
Also, the communication channels are coordinated for
seamless information exchange across multiple targets,
facilitating decision-making for multiple functions within
the proposed UV Smart Home system.
By aligning actions in space and timing, needs, and
priority, a harmonious environment is created, free from
Coordination of the proposed UV Smart Home extends
to include vulnerable groups within the Smart Home
ecosystem. Such inclusion ensures their special needs,
safety, and well-being are met, and inclusiveness and
humanity are prioritized.
We emphasize the suitable levels of automation in achieving
effective coordination, balancing the smooth operation of the
system through robot teaching and reinforcement learning,
with the necessary human involvement. This is important for
handling unexpected issues, improving home safety, and taking
advantage of human capability.
Overall, the UV Smart Home system strives to be a compre-
hensive and optimized approach to various aspects of modern
living. With a fully integrated personal and home package
inclusion, the UV Smart Home system seeks a harmonious
and personalized living experience within a Smart Home en-
vironment. Through modeling, attention, and personalized data
indexing, it enables targeted learning and objective weighting,
ensuring personalized experiences and specific target achieve-
ment. It assures fast response and efficient information accu-
mulation, making it an invaluable resource in the modern era.
Through coordination and automation, the system improves
efficiency and robustness.
Moreover, the UV Smart Home system endeavors to im-
prove the living standards of seniors by promoting indepen-
dence and empowerment. The system also caters to the needs
of the busy young generation and provides special support for
bedridden and other vulnerable groups by fostering indepen-
dence and offering seamless physical and mental support. In
conclusion, the UV Smart Home system provides efficient,
robust, and reliable home support, and ensures residents’
overall healthy lifestyle and work-life balance as well as
a comfortable, healthy, safe, sustainable, and unique home
We sincerely thank the following people for their great help
with the paper, from paper writing, fruitful discussion as well
as paper editing.
We thank Dr. Ichiro Masaki, Professor Berthold K. P. Horn,
Professor L. C. Kimerling, Dr. Yajun Fang, Dr. Xiaoman Duan,
and Dr. Yasha Yi from MIT UV founding board for their great
contribution to proposing and developing Universal Village
We thank Professor Lin Zhang, Professor Shengsheng Cao,
Professor Longfei Zhou, Professor Hongyan Cui, Dr. Lifeng
Zhang, Dr. Lijuan Su, and Dr. Faan Chen for their suggestion
and support in-home evaluation work.
We thank Longling Geng, Xinzhang Xiong, and Zhenyao
Liu for their great effort in leading the research and paper
writing for Sections I/III/VI/VII, II/IV/VI/VII, and I/V/VI/VII,
We thank Hao Yuan, Zhiyuan Yang, Hanxia Li, Yifan Zhou,
and Huchong Jin for their effort in framework design, outline
drafting, technology review, and template writing.
We thank Ziliang Lan and Longling Geng for their coura-
geous exploration of UV-smart OS and coordination for future
UV brains proposed in Section VI.
We thank Mingyuan Hu and Chenyi Wang, Liuxuan Jiao,
Qiuhu Huang, Katrina Sung, Mingyang Sun, and Nanbo Zhang
for their research in exploring the mutual interaction between
UV-Smart Home and UV-smart subsystems and drafting Sec-
tion IV.
We thank Yifan Wei for her contribution to back-
ground preparation and technology review and drafting Sec-
tions I, II, IV, and V.
We thank Mengxi Guo and Rebecca Xu for their exploration
in preparing the background survey for Section I.
We thank Charles Zhang, Xiaojing Li, Fengyang Wang,
Xuan Liu, Yitong Wang, Ruiyang Gao, Haihan Wang, Juntao
Jiang, Yi Tao, Lifeng Zhang, Shengsheng Cao, Longfei Zhou
for their research exploration work on innovative technologies
for various functions of Smart Homes, respectively in smart
clothing management, safety technologies, smart support for
the homeless, e-waste management, mental support, anomaly
detection, and smart humanity.
We thank Fengyang Wang, Liuxuan Jiao, Chenyi Wang,
Qiuhang Huang, Siyao Zhu, Mingyuan Hu for their great help
in proofreading and formatting.
We thank Claire Ren and Beier Sun for their great help in
providing information for smart subsystems.
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... Accessing a service can be a formidable challenge for older individuals, particularly those who experience limitations in their mobility. The significance of resilient and inclusive transportation solutions specifically tailored for the senior population was emphasized [33,34]. These proposed solutions will consider the distinct challenges faced by older people, thereby facilitating easier access to services. ...
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Introduction: The global demographic shift towards an aging population has created an urgent need for high-quality elderly care services. This study focuses on “elder services” within the framework of sustainable development, addressing seniors with intensive care needs and independent seniors. Methods—Social Governance: To understand the social governance aspects, we employ a qualitative methodology, analyzing policy documents, novel care methods, and successful case studies. Sustainable Development: Simultaneously, our study investigates sustainable development, examining the methods used to promote sustainability in geriatric care. Research Question: Our research question centers on identifying strategies that foster inclusivity and sustainability in elder services, considering diverse needs, housing, community involvement, and the role of technology. Results: We identified innovative models aimed at improving the well-being of older individuals, including community-driven initiatives, technology-assisted solutions, holistic wellness programs, intergenerational interaction programs, and the integration of traditional and modern care methods. We explored stakeholder perspectives, providing insights into the complexities of implementing effective elderly care solutions. Our study evaluated the efficiency of diversified social governance models in geriatric care, highlighting their benefits compared to traditional models. We presented specific concerns and suggestions from stakeholders regarding sustainable development in geriatric care. Discussion: Our findings underscored the importance of collaboration among various stakeholders to enhance elderly care. Our study summarizes key insights from current policies and anticipated future trajectories in geriatric care, providing a foundation for developing sustainable elderly care facilities.
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Background: Effective non-opioid pain management is of great clinical importance. The objective of this pilot study was to evaluate the effectiveness of multimodal mechanical stimulation therapy on low back pain. Methods: 11 female and 9 male patients aged 22-74 years (Mean 41.9 years, SD 11.04) receiving physical rehabilitation for acute (12) or chronic (8) low back pain chose heat (9) or ice (11) to accompany a 20-minute session of mechanical stimulation (M-Stim) therapy (Registered with NCT04494841.) The M-Stim was delivered in 12 possible repeating "therapy cycle" patterns by three vibration motors (50 Hz, 100 Hz, 200 Hz) with amplitudes between 0.1-0.3 m/s2. Ten patients used a contained motor chassis attached to a thermoconductive single-curve metal plate. The next 10 patients' device had motors attached directly to a multidimensionally curved plate. Results: Mean pain on a 10 cm Visual Analog Scale (VAS) with the first motor/plate configuration went from 4.9 ± 2.3 cm to 2.5 ± 2.1 cm (57% decrease, p = 0.0112), while the second reduced pain from 4.8 ± 2.0 cm to 3.2 ± 1.9 cm (45%, p = 0.0353). Initial pain was greater with acute injury (5.8 ± 2.0 cm vs. 3.98 ± 1.8, p = 0.025) and for patients older than 40 (5.44 vs. 4.52), but pain reduction was proportional for chronic and younger patients. There was no significant difference between plate configurations. Conclusions: A Phase I clinical pilot investigation on a multi-motor multi-modal device was promising for drug free pain relief. Results suggested pain relief independent of thermal modality, patient age, or pain chronicity. Future research should investigate pain reduction over time for acute and chronic pain. Clinical trial registration:, identifier: NCT04494841.
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The smart home culture is rapidly increasing across the globe and driving smart home users toward utilizing smart appliances. Smart television (TV) is one such appliance that is embedded with smart technology. The users of smart TV have their interests in the programs. However, automatic recommendation of programs for user-to-user is still under-researched. Several papers discussed recommendation systems, but those are related to different applications. Even though there are some works on recommending programs to smart TV users (single-user and multi-user), they did not discuss the smart TV camera module to capture and validate the user image for recommending personalized programs. Hence, this paper proposes a convolutional neural network (CNN)-based personalized program recommendation system for smart TV users. To implement this proposed approach, the CNN algorithm is trained on the datasets ‘CelebFaces Attribute Dataset’ and ‘Labeled Faces in the Wild-People’ for feature extraction and to detect a human face. The trained CNN model is applied to the user image captured by using the smart TV camera module. Further, the captured image is matched with the user image in the ‘synthetic dataset’. Based on this matching, the hybrid filtering technique is proposed and applied; thereby the recommendation of the respective program is done. The proposed CNN algorithm has achieved approximately 95% training performance. Besides, the performance of hybrid filtering is approximately 85% from the single-user perspective and approximately 81% from the multi-user perspective. From this, it is observed that hybrid filtering outperformed conventional content-based filtering and collaborative filtering techniques.
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The smart home culture is rapidly increasing across the globe and driving smart home users toward utilizing smart appliances. Smart television (TV) is one such appliance that is embedded with smart technology. The users of smart TV have their interests in the programs. However, automatic recommendation of programs for user-to-user is still under-researched. Several papers discussed recommendation systems, but those are related to different applications. Even though there are some works on recommending programs to smart TV users (single-user and multi-user), they did not discuss the smart TV camera module to capture and validate the user image for recommending personalized programs. Hence, this paper proposes a convolutional neural network (CNN)-based personalized program recommendation system for smart TV users. To implement this proposed approach, the CNN algorithm is trained on the datasets ‘CelebFaces Attribute Dataset’ and ‘Labeled Faces in the Wild-People’ for feature extraction and to detect a human face. The trained CNN model is applied to the user image captured by using the smart TV camera module. Further, the captured image is matched with the user image in the ‘synthetic dataset’. Based on this matching, the hybrid filtering technique is proposed and applied; thereby the recommendation of the respective program is done. The proposed CNN algorithm has achieved approximately 95% training performance. Besides, the performance of hybrid filtering is approximately 85% from the single-user perspective and approximately 81% from the multi-user perspective. From this, it is observed that hybrid filtering outperformed conventional content-based filtering and collaborative filtering techniques.
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This paper aims to review the use of deep learning algorithms in Automatic Number Plate Recognition Systems, namely – Convolutional neural Network-Recurrent Neural Network (CNN-RNN), YOLO (You Only Look Once), and SSD (Single Shot Detector). These techniques have shown promising results in speed and accuracy for real-time detection of vehicular license plates. This paper discusses the advantages these algorithms bring to the table and their limitations. Furthermore, it talks about specific approaches that can be combined with the proposed deep learning models to increase the accuracy of ANPR systems. It also tries to comment on their application based on their appropriateness.KeywordsAutomatic Number Plate RecognitionOCRSSDYOLOCNN-RNNDeep learningNeural networksObject detection
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Efficient management of water resources is an important task given the significance of water in daily lives and economic growth. Water resource management is a specific field of study which deals with the efficient management of water resources towards fulfilling the needs of society and preventing from water‐related disasters. Many activities within this domain are getting benefitted with the recent technological advancements. Within many others, computer vision based solutions have emerged as disruptive technologies to address complex real‐world problems within the water resource management domain (e.g., flood detection and mapping, satellite‐based water bodies monitoring, monitoring and inspection of hydraulic structures, blockage detection and assessment, drainage inspection and sewer monitoring). However, there are still many aspects within the water resource management domain which can be explored using computer vision technologies. Therefore, it is important to investigate the trends in current research related to these technologies to inform the new researchers in this domain. In this context, this paper presents the bibliometric analysis of the literature from the last two decades where computer vision technologies have been used for addressing problems within the water resource management domain. The analysis is presented in two categories: (a) performance analysis demonstrating highlighted trends in the number of publications, number of citations, top contributing countries, top publishing journals, top contributing institutions and top publishers, and (b) science mapping to demonstrate the relation between the bibliographic records based on the co‐occurrence of keywords, co‐authorship analysis, co‐citation analysis and bibliographic coupling analysis. Bibliographic records (i.e., 1059) are exported from the Web of Science (WoS) Core Collection database using a comprehensive query of keywords. VOSviewer opensource tool is used to generate the network and overlay maps for the science mapping of bibliographic records. Results highlighted important trends and valuable insights related to the use of computer vision technologies in water resource management. An increasing trend in the number of publications and focus on deep learning/AI based approaches have been reported from the analysis. Further, flood mapping, crack/fracture detection, coastal flood detection, blockage detection and drainage inspections are highlighted as active areas of research.
Metaverse is the next disruptive technology that will impact society in the coming decades, by enabling immersive experiences in both virtual and physical environments. Although still conceptual, Metaverse converges the physical and digital universe, allowing users to seamlessly traverse between them. Digital immersion offers opportunities for people to travel in time, supporting users to experience virtually ancient encounters, space explorations or dangerous natural phenomena, such as volcano eruptions. Users can explore immersive environments for working, learning, transacting, exploring interests and socialising with others. This is already evident in gaming ecosystems, where gamers effectively interact in the metaverse. Although still experimental, Metaverse is expected to revolutionize travel and tourism management and marketing. It empowers destination awareness, positioning and branding, as well as coordination and management, through digital twins. Metaverse provides opportunities to support trip planning, interaction and engagement, effectively transforming consumer behaviour. Visiting and engaging with destinations virtually is expected to motivate real travel, rather than replace it. This paper provides a vision of how Metaverse can revolutionize tourism experiences and transform tourism management and marketing. Drawing on a systematic review of scholarly works, articles from media and industry reports, this study defines and conceptualizes the Metaverse ecosystem for tourism and travel. It explores the foundations of the disruptions that Metaverse brings to tourism destinations and organisations and identifies the building blocks of Metaverse tourism. The study outlines research directions so that the tourism industry can take full advantage of the Metaverse capabilities and opportunities emerging as well as identify challenges for the future.
In recent times, Ambient Assisted Living has emerged as Smart Living. Smart living is a subset of ambient intelligence , which uses the latest technologies, intellectual processes, and ambient intelligent methodologies to enable house residents to live independently with a virtual companion 24 × 7. Typically, these residents are highly engrossed in the daily routine activities that they tend to ignore certain acoustic events attributing them to the white noise caused due to tap water leakage, flush water leakage, the acoustics of door opening/closing, cupboard opening/closing, curtain opening/closing, television, shower, radio, chair and many more. These unattended events lead to a waste of critical energy resources such as electricity, water, and gas and may cause accidents in some cases. For the conducted experiments, a customized dataset termed as "unknown-2000" and ESC-50 has been used, which has more than 2000 audio sound classification samples. The customized dataset is used for the conducted experiments, consisting of various length acoustic events ranging from 2 s to 10 s. In the proposed review, we have identified, analyzed, and evaluated resident acoustic events using Librosa machine learning libraries, texture analysis using LBP methodology, LSTM-CNN, SVM, KNN, LSTM, Bi-LSTM, and Decision Tree-based classification approaches. Furthermore, in the proposed approach, based on the conducted rigorous and detailed analysis, we are also envisioning the prospective ways to enhance smart living concepts by proposing a novel Acoustic Event Detection and Classification System. The investigation results validate the success of the proposed approach. The obtained results indicate that the customized version of the LSTM-CNN based classification approach used in the conducted experiment has outperformed all the other customized classification approaches, such as SVM, KNN-based classification, C4.5 decision tree-based classification, LSTM, and Bi-LSTM based classification. The LSTM-CNN based classification model has achieved an average value of approximately 0.77 and a standard deviation of 0.2295. Furthermore, the obtained experiential results show that the proposed approach has produced a good performance in various noisy conditions such as SNR0, SNR3, SNR6, SNR9, SNR12, and SNR15. The system classification accuracy has been enhanced to 77% for various acoustic events of a residence. In the end, a detailed comparison of LBP and without LBP approaches has been carried out, which proves that the combination of LBP and LSTM-CNN classification approach provides better results than without the LBP classification approach. The proposed Ambient Acoustic Event Assistive Framework is a cost-effective alternative due to the use of low-cost microphone sensors in the conducted experiments.
Objectives. To evaluate the association between living alone and suicide and how it varies across sociodemographic characteristics. Methods. A nationally representative sample of adults from the 2008 American Community Survey (n = 3 310 000) was followed through 2019 for mortality. Cox models estimated hazard ratios of suicide across living arrangements (living alone or with others) at the time of the survey. Total and sociodemographically stratified models compared hazards of suicide of people living alone to people living with others. Results. Annual suicide rates per 100 000 person-years were 23.0 among adults living alone and 13.2 among adults living with others. The age-, sex-, and race/ethnicity-adjusted hazard ratio of suicide for living alone was 1.75 (95% confidence interval = 1.64, 1.87). Adjusted hazards of suicide associated with living alone varied across sociodemographic groups and were highest for adults with 4-year college degrees and annual incomes greater than $125 000 and lowest for Black individuals. Conclusions. Living alone is a risk marker for suicide with the strongest associations for adults with the highest levels of income and education. Because these associations were not controlled for psychiatric disorders, they should be interpreted as noncausal. (Am J Public Health. 2022;112(12):1774–1782. )