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Realizing room-temperature self-powered ethanol sensing of Au/ZnO nanowire arrays by coupling the piezotronics effect of ZnO and the catalysis of noble metal


Abstract and Figures

By coupling the piezotronics effect of ZnO and the catalysis of noble metal, room-temperature self-powered active ethanol sensing was obtained from Au/ZnO nanowire arrays. The piezoelectric output generated by Au/ZnO nanowire arrays acts not only as power source, but also as response signal to ethanol at room temperature. Upon exposure to 1200 ppm ethanol, the piezoelectric output of Au/ZnO nanowire arrays decreased from 1.54 V (in air) to 0.43 V. Our research can stimulate a research trend on the development of the next generation of room-temperature gas sensors and will further expand the scope for self-powered nanosystems.
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Realizing room-temperature self-powered ethanol sensing of Au/ZnO nanowire arrays
by coupling the piezotronics effect of ZnO and the catalysis of noble metal
Lili Xing, Yuefeng Hu, Penglei Wang, Yayu Zhao, Yuxin Nie, Ping Deng, and Xinyu Xue
Citation: Applied Physics Letters 104, 013109 (2014); doi: 10.1063/1.4861169
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Realizing room-temperature self-powered ethanol sensing
of Au/ZnO nanowire arrays by coupling the piezotronics effect
of ZnO and the catalysis of noble metal
Lili Xing,
Yuefeng Hu,
Penglei Wang, Yayu Zhao, Yuxin Nie, Ping Deng, and Xinyu Xue
College of Sciences, Northeastern University, Shenyang 110004, China
(Received 28 November 2013; accepted 17 December 2013; published online 8 January 2014)
By coupling the piezotronics effect of ZnO and the catalysis of noble metal, room-temperature self-
powered active ethanol sensing was obtained from Au/ZnO nanowire arrays. The piezoelectric output
generated by Au/ZnO nanowire arrays acts not only as power source, but also as response signal to
ethanol at room temperature. Upon exposure to 1200 ppm ethanol, the piezoelectric output of
Au/ZnO nanowire arrays decreased from 1.54 V (in air) to 0.43 V. Our research can stimulate a
research trend on the development of the next generation of room-temperature gas sensors and will
further expand the scope for self-powered nanosystems. V
C2014 AIP Publishing LLC.
Recent research on ZnO nanowires (NWs) has con-
firmed that there are a large amount of point defects (oxygen
vacancy) within them, providing n-type carriers (electrons)
for their semiconducting conductivity.
Also ZnO NWs
have been intensively investigated due to the piezoelectric
As the c-axis of ZnO NW is under externally
applied deformation, a piezoelectric field is created along the
surface. By coupling the semiconducting and piezoelectric
properties of ZnO NWs, piezotronic device, that is ZnO-
based electronic device modulated by the piezoelectric field
from the strain of ZnO, has been proposed such as ZnO
Free electrons in the conduction band of
ZnO can screen the piezoelectric field (screen effect) by
screening positive piezoelectric charges at one end, while
leaving the negative ionic piezoelectric charges alone.
the intrinsic potential of the Schottky contact or p–n junction
in piezotronic devices can be influenced by the change in
free-carrier density of ZnO NWs.
In our previous report,
by coupling the gas sensing and piezotronic properties of
ZnO, a piezo-gas sensing mechanism has been demon-
The free-electron density at the surfaces of ZnO
NWs can be affected by oxidizing or reducing gas adsorbed
on the surface, greatly changing the screening of the piezo-
electric polarization charges at the interface by the free elec-
trons, thus affecting the piezoelectric output of ZnO. In this
paper, the piezotronic properties of ZnO and the catalysis of
noble metal are coupled, and room-temperature self-powered
ethanol sensing is realized from Au/ZnO NW arrays. Au
nanoparticles have catalytic properties and also can intro-
duce Schottky barriers into the piezo-gas sensing process.
Au/ZnO NW arrays in the self-powered active gas sensor
have two functions: one is as an energy source because the
ZnO NWs can produce piezoelectric output power; the other
is a room-temperature ethanol sensor function because the
piezoelectric output of Au/ZnO NWs is a measure of the
ethanol concentration. Our study can stimulate a research
trend on the development of the next generation of room-
temperature gas sensors and will further expand the scope
for self-powered nanosystems.
Vertically aligned Au/ZnO NW arrays were synthesized
by a two-step method. First, ZnO NW arrays grown on a Ti
foil were synthesized via a hydrothermal route. Prior to the
growth of ZnO NW arrays, a piece of Ti foil as the substrate
was cleaned with deionized water and alcohol, and dried at
60 C, as shown in Fig. 1(a). Then ZnO NW arrays were
grown on the Ti substrate, as shown in Fig. 1(b). Zinc nitrate
(0.4 g) and ammonia (2 ml) were added into 38 ml of deion-
ized water in sequence to prepare a reaction solution. After
dissolved evenly, the mixture was transferred into a 50 ml
Teflon-lined autoclave that was heated to 90 C and kept for
24 h with the pre-cleaned Ti foil immersed in the solution.
After cooling down to room temperature, the substrate
coated with ZnO NW arrays was removed from the solution,
rinsed with deionized water, and dried at 60 C. Second, the
ZnO NW arrays were uniformly coated with Au nanopar-
ticles by a wet chemical method, as shown in Fig. 1(c). ZnO
NW arrays were dipped in H
aqueous solution
(0.5 M, 100 ll) for 30 min and then dried at 60 C. Finally,
the coated ZnO NW arrays were annealed at 400 C for 2 h.
Fig. 1(d) is a schematic diagram of the flexible self-
powered ethanol sensor. There are three parts: Au/ZnO NW
arrays, Ti foil and Al layer as electrodes, Kapton boards as
frames. Ti foil acted not only as the substrate for Au/ZnO
NW arrays, but also as a conductive electrode. A sheet of
flexible Al layer (0.05 mm thick) was positioned on the top
of the Au/ZnO NW arrays as the counter electrode. And two
terminal copper leads were glued with silver paste on the Ti
foil and Al layer for electrical measurements, respectively.
Then the finished device was fixed between two sheets of
Kapton boards firmly to maintain its stability. The device
was connected to the outside circuit that monitored the
change of piezoelectric output voltage upon exposure to
ethanol gas under externally applied deformation. A low-
noise preamplifier (Model SR560, Stanford Research
Systems) was used to measure the piezoelectric output volt-
age. Fig. 1(e) is an optical image of the flexible device,
showing that the device can be easily bent by fingers. The
L. Xing and Y. Hu contributed equally to this work.
0003-6951/2014/104(1)/013109/5/$30.00 V
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APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 104, 013109 (2014)
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flexibility of the device is a good feature that makes it effec-
tively convert tiny mechanical energy into electricity. The
device has a length of 2.5 cm and a width of 2.5 cm.
Fig. 2(a) is a top-view scanning electron microscopy
(SEM) image of Au/ZnO NW arrays, showing that Au/ZnO
NWs are vertically aligned on the Ti substrate and the cross-
sectional shape of Au/ZnO NWs is hexagonal. A side-view
SEM image of Au/ZnO NW arrays is shown in Fig. 2(b), fur-
ther confirming that Au/ZnO NWs are uniformly and verti-
cally aligned on the Ti substrate. The length of Au/ZnO NW
arrays is about 1.5 lm, and the average diameter of the NWs
is about 200 nm. The inset is an enlarged view of a single
NW, showing that Au nanoparticles are uniformly distrib-
uted on the whole surface of ZnO NW. Fig. 2(c) is a trans-
mission electron microscopy (TEM) image of Au/ZnO NWs,
showing that ZnO NW is uniformly coated with Au nanopar-
ticles. A high-resolution transmission electron microscopy
(HRTEM) image of the tip region of Au/ZnO NWs is shown
in Fig. 2(d). The interface between Au and ZnO can be
clearly observed: the contrast difference between ZnO and
Au is apparent, and both ZnO and Au are of single-crystal
structures. The interplanar distance of 0.52 nm corresponds
FIG. 2. (a) A top-view SEM image of
the vertically aligned Au/ZnO NW
arrays. (b) A side-view SEM image of
the vertically aligned Au/ZnO NW
arrays. The inset is an enlarged view of
a single Au/ZnO NW, showing that Au
nanoparticles are uniformly loaded on
the whole surface of ZnO. (c) TEM
image of one single Au/ZnO NW. (d)
High-resolution TEM image of the tip
region of Au/ZnO NW. (e) XRD pat-
tern of Au/ZnO NW arrays. (f) EDS
spectrum of Au/ZnO NW arrays.
FIG. 1. Fabrication process of the self-
powered active gas sensor based on
Au/ZnO NW arrays. (a) A pre-cleaned
Ti foil is used as the substrate. (b)
Vertically aligned ZnO NW arrays are
grown on Ti foil. (c) The decoration of
Au nanoparticles on ZnO NW arrays.
(d) Schematic diagram showing the
structural design of the self-powered
active ethanol sensor based on Au/ZnO
NW arrays. (e) The optical image of
the flexible device showing that it can
be easily bent by fingers.
013109-2 Xing et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 013109 (2014)
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to (001) planes of ZnO, confirming the growth of ZnO NWs
is along [001] direction. The interplanar distance of 0.24 nm
in the supported nanoparticles corresponds to Au (111)
planes. It also can be seen that Au nanoparticles have diame-
ters of 5–8 nm. Fig. 2(e) is an X-ray diffraction (XRD) pat-
tern of Au/ZnO NW arrays. The peaks at 40.12, 52.93, and
70.61can be indexed to Ti (JCPDS file No. 44-1294) aris-
ing from the Ti foil; the peak at 38.22can be indexed to Au
(JCPDS file No. 04-0784) with the plane (111). All other
peaks belong to ZnO NWs (JCPDS file No. 41-1049). No
sharp peaks can be indexed to other impurities, indicating a
high crystal quality of Au/ZnO. The component of Au/ZnO
NWs is examined by using an energy dispersive X-ray spec-
trometer (EDS) attached to SEM. The EDS spectrum of
Au/ZnO NWs on Ti foil is shown in Fig. 2(f). It can be seen
that the four elements (Au, Zn, O, and Ti) exist at this region.
Similar EDS results have been obtained at 10 other different
areas, which further confirm that the Au nanoparticles are
uniformly distributed in the whole system.
Fig. 3shows the piezoelectric output response of a de-
vice in dry air and ethanol (400, 800, and 1200 ppm) at room
temperature (the exposure time is long enough for ethanol
adsorption). The compressive strain applied on the device is
0.01%. In dry air, the piezoelectric output voltage of the de-
vice is about 1.54 V (shown in Fig. 3(a)). Upon exposure to
400, 800, and 1200 ppm ethanol gas, as shown in Figs.
3(b)3(d), the piezoelectric output voltage of the device is
about 1.50, 1.10, and 0.43 V, respectively. The piezoelectric
output generated by Au/ZnO NWs acts not only as a power
source, but also as a gas sensing signal. The piezoelectric output
of the device is dependent on the outside atmosphere. As the
concentration of ethanol increases, the piezoelectric output of
the device decreases. Similar to the traditional definition of the
sensitivity of gas sensors (S%¼jRaRgj
Ra100%, where R
represent the resistance of the sensor in dry air and in the
test gas, respectively),
the sensitivity S of the self-powered
active ethanol sensor can be simply defined as follows:
where V
and V
are the piezoelectric output voltage of the
device in dry air and test gas, respectively. The sensitivity S
of Au/ZnO NW arrays against 400, 800, and 1200 ppm etha-
nol are 2.5, 28.5, and 72.1, respectively. As the ethanol con-
centration increases, the output voltage decreases and the
sensitivity increases, as shown in Fig. 3(e). The piezoelectric
output current of the device in dry air and ethanol gas under
the same conditions at room temperature is also measured.
As shown in Fig. 3(f), when the device is in dry air, the
FIG. 3. The piezoelectric output volt-
age of the device at room temperature
upon exposure to dry air (a), 400 ppm
(b), 800 ppm (c), and 1200 ppm ethanol
(d), respectively. The compressive
strain applied to the device is 0.01%.
The insets are the enlarge views of the
piezoelectric output. (e) The depend-
ence of the piezoelectric output voltage
and the sensitivity on the concentration
of ethanol gas. (f) The piezoelectric
output current of the device at room
temperature upon exposure to dry air,
400, 800, and 1200 ppm ethanol,
013109-3 Xing et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 013109 (2014)
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output current of the device induced by the compressive
strain is 0.19 lA. In ethanol gas, the output current is
0.17 (400 ppm), 0.12 (800 ppm), and 0.07 lA
(1200 ppm), respectively. Such a room-temperature ethanol
sensing can be attributed to the coupling of the piezotronics
effect of ZnO NW arrays and the catalysis of Au nanopar-
ticles. The detailed piezo-ethanol sensing mechanism of
Au/ZnO NW arrays is discussed as follows:
Upon exposure to dry air and without any compressive
force, as shown in Fig. 4(a), Au/ZnO NW arrays are in the
natural state and no piezoelectric field is created along the
Au/ZnO NWs. The oxygen molecules in air adsorb on the
surface of ZnO NWs trapping free electrons from the con-
duction band of ZnO NWs, and ionosorbed oxygen ions
) are formed.
By the assistance of catalytic Au
nanoparticles, oxygen molecules can be more easily
adsorbed and dispersed on the surface of Au/ZnO NWs by
spillover effect.
Since Au is a far better oxygen diffusion
catalyst than ZnO, the coverage of chemisorbed oxygen on
Au/ZnO NWs surface is very large. Also, adsorbed oxygen
can diffuse fast to surface defects of ZnO NWs. Thus, a large
amount of adsorbed oxygen can capture free electrons from
the conduction band to become oxygen ions, which results in
very strong electron depletion within the ZnO.
At the
same time, the Schottky contacts between the ZnO NWs and
the Au nanoparticles lead to an additional depletion layer at
the interface by electron abstraction from surface defects of
Thus, the electron density of Au/ZnO is very low in
dry air. When the device is under a compression strain (Fig.
4(b)), a piezoelectric field is created along the ZnO NWs. As
free electron density in ZnO NWs is very small in air, the
screen effect of free electrons on the piezoelectric output is
very weak.
Thus, the piezoelectric output is relatively high
in air. Upon exposure to ethanol, as shown in Fig. 4(c), a se-
ries of reactions between ethanol and oxygen ions can take
place with the assistance of catalytic Au nanoparticles as
Au CH3CH2OHðads:Þ;(2)
Au CH3CH2Oðads:ÞþHðads:Þ;(3)
Au CH3CHOðads:ÞþHðads:Þ;(4)
Au CH3CHOðgasÞþHðads:Þ;(5)
4H ads:
Au 2H2O gas
The reaction rate is greatly accelerated due to the catalytic
activity of Au, and the work temperature can be lowered
down to room temperature. As expressed by Eq. (6), elec-
trons are released back to the conduction band of ZnO,
which can increase the electron density. Under the compres-
sion strain (Fig. 4(d)), the high electron density results in a
strong screening effect of free electrons on the piezoelectric
output, thus the piezoelectric output is lower than that in air.
In summary, by coupling the piezotronics effect of ZnO
and the catalysis of Au, room-temperature self-powered active
ethanol sensor was obtained from Au/ZnO NW arrays. The
piezoelectric signal generated by Au/ZnO NW arrays acted
not only as a power source, but also as a response signal to
ethanol at room temperature. The catalysis of Au nanopar-
ticles improves the self-powered active gas sensing properties
of ZnO NWs. Such a development of Au/ZnO self-powered
active ethanol sensor is an important step for the practical
applications in actively detecting gases at room temperature.
This work was supported by the National Natural
Science Foundation of China (51102041 and 11104025), the
Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities
(N120205001 and N120405010), and Program for New
Century Excellent Talents in University (NCET-13-0112).
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... In this way, the detection limit of IgG was up to 5.7 ng/ml. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 A c c e p t e d M a n u s c r i p t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 A c c e p t e d M a n u s c r i p t Furthermore, Xing et al. have coupled the piezotronic effect of ZnO NW arrays decorated with Au nanoparticles for room-temperature self-powered active ethanol sensor using Au/ZnO nanowire arrays. [50] The piezoelectric output of Au/ZnO was used as power source as well as response signal to ethanol at room temperature in Fig. 15 (a-d) where the output voltage reduced 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 A c c e p t e d M a n u s c r i p t ...
... The dependence of the piezoelectric output voltage and the sensitivity on the concentration of ethanol gas. (f) The piezoelectric output current of the device at room temperature upon exposure to dry air, 400, 800, and 1200 ppm ethanol.[50] ...
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Among various piezoelectric materials, ZnO has attracted a great deal of attention due to facile preparations and exceptional semiconductor characteristics compared to other conventional piezoceramics or organic piezoelectric materials. One of the issues hindering ZnO from progressing into applications is the screening effect, where the intrinsic piezopotential generated upon mechanical deformations is screened and becomes waned or even diminished by the presence of intrinsic free carriers in ZnO. Consequently, ZnO-based piezoelectric devices often suffer from low output voltages, resulting in low total output power generation even though the output current could be larger than those made of insulating piezoelectric materials, such as PZT, polyvinylidene fluoride, and barium titanate. It is therefore vital to fully understand the impact of the screening effect and produce strategies to handle this issue in the context of piezotronics and piezoelectric nanogenerators (PENG). Therefore, this article presents a comprehensive review of growth methodologies for various ZnO nanostructures, structure modifications, effects of free carriers on the screening effect and strategies for device applications, including strain-gated transistors, PENG and piezotronic sensors for gas, humidity and bio-molecules etc.
... Similar to the traditional definition of the sensitivity of semiconductor gas sensors (S% = |Ra-Rg|/Ra × 100%, where Ra and Rg depict the resistance of the sensor in air and test gas, respectively). The sensitivity of the self-powered CO sensor based on PENG can be simply illustrated as follows formula: S% = |V a-V g|/V a × 100% [47], where V g and V a denote the voltage of the device in CO gas and air gas, respectively. The sensitivities of the PENGs are increased with increasing CO gas concentration, as shown in Fig. 6 result. ...
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In this work, yttrium-doped zinc oxide (Y-doped ZnO) nanorod (NR) arrays were grown using a simple facile hydrothermal solution route at low temperature to fabricate a self-powered gas sensor based on piezoelectric nanogenerator (PENG). The material properties of the one-dimensional (1-D) NR arrays were observed using a field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) with an energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX), an X-ray diffraction (XRD), and a high-resolution transmission electron microscope (HR-TEM). The Y-doping concentration in the ZnO NRs was estimated to be 0.96 at%. Photoluminescence (PL) analysis was used to analyze the distribution of oxygen defects in the nanostructures. The Y-doped ZnO NRs were grown onto the bottom substrate and indium-tin-oxide polyethylene terephthalate (ITO-PET) substrates with silver (Ag) electrode were used as the top electrode to fabricate the PENG device. By introducing regular frequency mechanical external forces through a home-made impact system, the ZnO NRs of PENG devices generate piezoelectric effects, then the output electrical characteristics of PENGs were measured. It can be seen that the NRs with a Y-doping concentration of 7.5 mM showed a significant change in output voltage and current when exposed to carbon monoxide (CO) gas. Meanwhile, the Y:ZnO PENGs revealed remarkable sensitivity (58%) in 150 ppm CO environment. As a result, it was seen that such a device exhibited a self-powering characteristic and a significant sensitivity to CO gas. In the future, the device can also be combined with the Internet of things (IoTs) for CO gas detection (e.g., portable gas sensors).
... Therefore, the design and optimization of gas sensors vastly rely on full consideration of these three basic elements. By far, the development of self-powered gas sensors only achieves the coupling between the sensing and transducing, enabling the autonomously encoding of the specific chemical reactions into the electric signals by leveraging the mechanical energy such as wind flow, vibration and respiratory motions [16,32,[44][45][46][47][48]. Owing to the conjugation between triboelectrification and electrostatic induction, the triboelectric gas sensors demand a moving component to trigger the displacement current in order for energy conversion to sustain the operation of gas detection. ...
... Therefore, zinc oxide-based piezoelectric devices have attracted wide attention in recent years. It is reported that zinc oxide doped metal (Pb, Au, Pt) can effectively improve the response of self-powered ethanol gas sensor at RT [17][18][19]. Wang et al. synthesized zinc oxide arrays which were used to test the response of ethanol gas under ultraviolet irradiation by simple wet chemical method, and the piezoelectric, photoelectric and gas sensitive characteristics of zinc oxide nanoarrays were fully combined to realize self-powered ethanol sensor at RT [20]. Yin et al. made a self-powered broadband Si/ZnO/CdO photodetector with ternary heterojunction by utilizing piezoelectric-photoelectric effect of zinc oxide nanorods, and it could optimize and significantly improve the performance of photodetectors [21]. ...
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Nowadays, sensors are increasingly pursuing the characteristics of miniaturization and high sensitivity. A self-powered ethanol gas sensor based on Ag/ZnO nanowire arrays prepared by two-step hydrothermal method is reported. The piezoelectric output of Ag/ZnO nanowire arrays serves as power supply for self-powered sensors, which also can detect various concentrations of ethanol gas at room temperature. It is verified that the piezoelectric output capability of the sensor increases greatly after Ag-doping. Upon exposure to ethanol gas with concentration increasing from 10 to 1000 ppm, the piezoelectric output voltage for the sensor decreases from 1.75 to 0.2 V. The reason is attributed to the addition of Ag, which plays a strong catalytic role. At the same time, Schottky barrier is formed between Ag and ZnO, which affects the piezoelectric gas sensing performance and accelerates the reaction. The results show that this method is a feasible way to realize self-powered gas sensor for various applications.
... Piezoelectric nanogenerators (PENGs) and triboelectric nanogenerators (TENGs) enabling the monitoring of gases at RT in a selfpowered way have been introduced by Zhong Lin Wang's group [45][46][47] In regard to PENG-based gas sensors, pure ZnO has been investigated, with the piezoelectric output being generated by ZnO acting as both a gas sensing signal and power supply [48,49]. Also, several metals, such as Cu [50], Pd [51], Au [52], and Pt [53], have been incorporated in order to enhance the catalytic reactions and, thus, the sensing performances. In addition, due to the many benefits, including increased modulation of the resistance, of ZnO-comprising heterostructures, including ZnO/SnO 2 [54], ZnO/NiO [55], and ZnO/In 2 O 3 [56], they have been employed to enhance the sensing capabilities, providing excellent performances, owing to their stronger output signal [47]. ...
With the tremendous advances in technology, gas-sensing devices are being popularly used in many distinct areas, including indoor environments, industries, aviation, and detectors for various toxic domestic gases and vapors. Even though the most popular type of gas sensor, namely, resistive-based gas sensors, have many advantages over other types of gas sensors, their high working temperatures lead to high energy consumption, thereby limiting their practical applications, especially in mobile and portable devices. As possible ways to deal with the high-power consumption of resistance-based sensors, different strategies such as self-heating, MEMS technology, and room-temperature operation using especial morphologies, have been introduced in recent years. In this review, we discuss different types of energy-saving chemisresitive gas sensors and their application in the fields of environmental monitoring. At the end, the review will be concluded by providing a summary, challenges and future perspectives.
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With the growing concern about the safety of the spaces where people work and live, the development of fast and accurate real‐time safety monitoring systems such as gas sensors to detect harmful gas such as H2S, NH3 and NOx is essential. For effective monitoring, a wireless sensor system that can be used anytime, anywhere is required, but there is still a limit to the power supply to operate it. Self‐powered gas sensors with piezoelectric/triboelectric nanogenerators are receiving considerable attention because they can implement portable gas sensors that do not require an additional power source. In this review, the latest developments in piezoelectric/triboelectric effect based self‐powered gas sensor are summarized and discussed. The first part of this review discusses the fundamental aspects and strategies of the self‐powered active gas sensor based on piezoelectric and triboelectric effect. The second part focuses on the self‐powered gas sensors that operate on energy generated by piezoelectric and triboelectric nanogenerator. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
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For many years, gas sensors using semiconducting metal oxides and 2-D materials have provided a platform for environmental monitoring for more than two decades. However, these sensors require high operating temperature and external power supply or batteries, which is a great hindrance to their application in modern wearable/smart devices and the Internet of Things (IoT). Self-powered systems based on piezoelectric and triboelectric nanogenerators have the potential to overcome aforesaid limitations to some extent. These nanogenerators can scavenge environment mechanical energy into electrical output, which could be a promising alternative to external power source required for sensing devices, and can also be used as a source of energy for our rapidly increasing daily requirements. In this regard the new research has been proposed using the triboelectric or piezoelectric concept by coupling with gas sensing ability of semiconducting materials to avoid the inevitability of external power sources. A brief overview of the history and fundamentals about nanogenerators and potential applications of the self-supporting gas sensing system based on nanogenerators are provided in this chapter. This chapter could serve as a road map for leading researchers in the field of self-powered sensors of the next generation and highlight current developments in the area.
The dimensional shrinkage of recent electronic components demands multifunctional sensor with less power-consuming devices. The flexible, stretchable, and skin-conformable sensor that can operate low-power personal electronics by harvesting mechanical and thermal energies from body movements and heat is of profound importance in the self-powered technology. The nanogenerator enables to change the mechanical and thermal energy into electricity by harvesting body movements and heat dissipation. The ongoing progress of energy harvesters is not only to harvest the mechanical and thermal energy but also to enhance electricity generation performance to implement in real-life problem. In this chapter, ongoing innovation on piezoelectric, pyroelectric, and their hybrid structure-based energy harvesters is discussed elaborately. In particular, device design engineering strategy and material geometrical feature onto the performance and mechanism of piezo- and pyroelectric energy harvesting are also highlighted. Based on the ongoing strategy, future prospects and still unexplored area of research and key challenges are concisely discussed.
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Chemical etching and annealing under an unspecified ambient and pressure were used for the initial cleaning studies of ZnO single crystals. The traces of residual S and Cl from the chemical treatments in H 2SO 4 and HCl were revealed by the results of x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) of the ZnO(0001̄) surfaces. The surface microstructure is degraded by the thermal decomposition. The desorption of a delectable hydrocarbon species was the result of the exposure of the Zn surface to a remote plasma having an optimized He mixture for the optimized time, pressure and temperature.
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The output of a piezoelectric nanogenerator (NG) fabricated using ZnO nanowire arrays is largely influenced by the density of the surface charge carriers at the nanowire surfaces. Adsorption of gas molecules could modify the surface carrier density through a screening effect, thus, the output of the NG is sensitive to the gas concentration. Based on such a mechanism, we first studied the responses of an unpackaged NG to oxygen, H2S and water vapor, and demonstrated its sensitivity to H2S to a level as low as 100 ppm. Therefore, the piezoelectric signal generated by a ZnO NWs NG can act not only as a power source, but also as a response signal to the gas, demonstrating a possible approach as a self-powered active gas sensor.
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A new hydrogen sensor was fabricated by coating a Pd-decorated InO film on Au electrodes. In response to 1 vol% H at room temperature, an ultra high sensitivity of 4.6 × 10 was achieved. But after an annealing treatment in vacuum, its sensitivity degenerated by 4 orders of magnitude. In addition, the response time and recovery time were also extended from 28 s and 32 s to 242 s and 108 s, respectively. It was found from contrast experiments that Pd decoration was essential to make the sensor work at room temperature and Schottky barriers played a vital role in enhancing the sensor's performance. The methodology demonstrated in this paper shows that a combination of novel sensing materials and Schottky contact is an effective approach to design high-performance gas sensors.
First-principles modeling of ferroelectric capacitors presents several technical challenges due to the coexistence of metallic electrodes, long-range electrostatic forces, and short-range interface chemistry. Here we show how these aspects can be efficiently and accurately rationalized by using a finite-field density-functional theory formalism in which the fundamental electrical variable is the displacement field D . By performing calculations on model Pt/BaTiO3/Pt and Au/BaZrO3/Au capacitors we demonstrate how the interface-specific and bulk-specific properties can be identified and rigorously separated. Then, we show how the electrical properties of capacitors of arbitrary thickness and geometry (symmetric or asymmetric) can be readily reconstructed by using such information. Finally, we show how useful observables such as polarization and dielectric, piezoelectric, and electrostrictive coefficients are easily evaluated as a byproduct of the above procedure. We apply this methodology to elucidate the relationship between chemical bonding, Schottky barriers and ferroelectric polarization at simple-metal/oxide interfaces. We find that BO2 -electrode interfaces behave analogously to a layer of linear dielectric put in series with a bulklike perovskite film while a significant nonlinear effect occurs at AO-electrode interfaces.
A Touchy Subject The ability to hold a glass being filled with water without dropping it depends on our ability to touch objects and to know the correct pressure to exert. Thus, for robotics or artificial skin design, methods are needed for sensitive pressure detection. Wu et al. (p. 952 , published online 25 April) designed a device based on an array of zinc oxide nanowires that generate a small voltage when flexed that could be translated into a pressure signal. The device has a pressure-sensing range of up to 30 kPa, comparable to the 10 to 40 kPa range of a human finger.
Individual ZnO nanowire transistors are fabricated, and their sensing properties are investigated. The transistors show a carrier density of 2300 μm−1 and mobility up to 6.4 cm2∕V s, which are obtained from the ISD−VG curves. The threshold voltage shifts in the positive direction and the source-drain current decreases as ambient oxygen concentration increases. However, the opposite occurs when the transistors are under illumination. Surface adsorbates on the ZnO nanowires affect both the mobility and the carrier density. Our data are helpful in understanding the sensing mechanism of the gas sensors.
a b s t r a c t A chemiresistor type sensor for selective alcohol sensing has been realized from gallium nitride (GaN) nanowires (NWs) functionalized with sputter-deposited tin dioxide (SnO 2) nanoparticles. Two-terminal devices were fabricated using standard microfabrication techniques with the individual NWs air-bridged between the two metal contact pads. Through a combination of X-ray diffraction (XRD), electron-backscatter-diffraction (EBSD), and TEM/STEM techniques, we confirmed the presence of rutile SnO 2 nanocrystals on the GaN surface. A change in device current is observed when the device is exposed to alcohol vapors (methanol, ethanol, propanol, and butanol) at room temperature under 215–400 nm UV illumination with 3.75 mW/m 2 intensity at 365 nm wavelength. The sensor reproducibly responded to a wide range of alcohol vapor concentrations, from 5000 mol/mol (ppm) down to 1 mol/mol (ppm) in air. Notably, the devices show low sensitivity to acetone and hexane, which allows them to selectively detect the primary alcohol vapors mixed with these two common volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The sensor response was not observed without UV excitation. From the experimental results we found a relationship between the response towards the alcohol vapors and the length of carbon chain in the molecule: the chemiresistive response decreases with the increasing carbon chain from methanol to n-butanol. In addition, we observed that the isomeric branching in i-propanol and i-butanol caused reduced response as compared to n-propanol and n-butanol, respectively. We have qualitatively explained the sensor operation by employing a mechanism, which includes oxidation of analyte molecules on the SnO 2 surface, leading to enhanced photoconductivity in GaN nanowire.
Single-crystal faces, thin evaporated and sputtered films and sintered specimens of SnO2 were investigated in UHV. After exposure to hydrogen, water, arsine, carbon monoxide, methane, acetic acid and ethanol, a sensitive mass spectrometer recorded the desorbing species in thermal desorption spectroscopy and served for reactive scattering investigations. The surface conductivity was observed at the same time. The combination of the different results with published infrared spectroscopic data allows some conclusions to be drawn on reaction mechanisms, surface binding and the origin of conductance variations. It will be shown that even such a simple molecule as methane undergoes many reaction steps, some of which affect the observed conductance change. The investigation of more complex molecules, such as ethanol and acetic acid, supports the understanding of the methane reactions; the decomposition of methane on SnO2 is accompanied by synthesis reactions yielding these products. Finally, some consequences and possible improvements of gas sensors are discussed.
We present the room temperature detection of carbon monoxide using Au decorated zinc oxide (ZnO) nanowires. Zinc oxide nanowires were grown via the vapor liquid solid method whereas the gold nanoparticles were prepared by the solution growth method. The surface of the ZnO nanowires was decorated by Au nanoparticles. Gas sensing properties of such nanowires were studied at room temperature for various concentrations of CO (100 to 1000 ppm) in synthetic air. Enhancement in gas sensing response by Au decoration on ZnO nanowires was observed. Au nanoparticles act as a catalyst in chemical sensitization and improve the reaction and response time. The improvement in gas sensing behavior is attributed to the change in conductivity of the metal decorated ZnO nanowires on CO exposure due to the transfer of electrons resulting from gas oxidation at the ZnO nanowire surface.
The fabrication of a gas sensors from a nanocomposite by polymerizing pyrrole monomer with single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNT) was investigated. The sensitivity of the gas sensors was measured by a direct voltage divider at room temperature. The field-emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM) images of the polypyrrole (Ppy), SWNTs and SWNT/Ppy nanocomposite showed that the nanocomposites, Ppy and SWNTs were formed by in situ chemical polymerization. The sensitivity of the nanocomposites was found to ten times higher than that of the Ppy.