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Positive teacher-student relationships may lead to better teaching

Positive Teacher-student Relationships May Lead to Better Teaching
Xintong Li1, Christi Bergin1, Amanda A. Olsen2
1 University of Missouri, USA
2 The University of Texas at Arlington, USA
Author Note
This is a preprint, please go to for the
published article.
Correspondence concerning this preprint should be addressed to
Xintong Li
Assessment Resource Center
College of Education and Human Development
University of Missouri.
2800 Maguire blvd, Columbia, MO, 65201, USA.
Xintong Li, Christi Bergin & Amanda A. Olsen (2022)
1. Introduction
Substantial research literature indicates that positive teacher-student relationships (TSRs)
promote students’ academic achievement. One explanation is that students are more motivated to
learn when they have positive relationships with teachers (Urdan & Schoenfelder, 2006).
However, another plausible explanation is that teachers engage in higher quality teaching
practices when they have positive relationships with students. This is important because research
on school effectiveness consistently identifies high-quality instruction as one of the largest
school-based contributors to students’ academic achievement (Scheerens, 2001; Thoonen et al.,
2011). In the current study, we explored this alternative explanation. Figure 1 depicts the
relationship among TSRs, teaching practices, and student outcomes. There is extant research
evidence to support the bold arrows, which we briefly review next. Our study investigated the
dashed arrow representing the bidirectionality between positive TSRs and high-quality teaching
practices which, to our knowledge, no study has investigated. We used archival data from an
authentic teacher evaluation system in the U.S.
Figure 1
Relationships Among Teacher-Student Relationships, Student Outcomes, and Teaching Quality
1.1 Positive Teacher-Student Relationships (TSRs) and Student Outcomes
TSRs can be characterized on multiple dimensions such as conflict, closeness,
dependency, circularity, communication, or involvement (Pianta, 2001; Roorda et al., 2011;
Wubbels et al., 2006). In this study we focused on positive affect, specifically caring and mutual
enjoyment. When students feel teachers care about them, they work harder, engage in more
challenging academic activities, behave more appropriately for the school environment, are
genuinely happy to see their teacher, and meet or exceed their teachers expectations (Allen et
al., 2011; Bergin & Bergin, 2009; Hughes et al., 2008; Prewett et al., 2018; Quinn, 2017;
Wentzel, 2009). As positive Teacher-Student Relationships motivate students to become more
engaged in the classroom, learning should improve. Indeed, research confirms that positive TSRs
are associated with higher grade point averages and test scores from kindergarten through high
school (e.g., Baker, 2006; Cornelius-White, 2007; Curby et al., 2009; Hughes, 2011; Jia et al.,
2009; McCormick et al., 2013; O’Connor & McCartney, 2007). A meta-analysis found that
TSRs characterized by positive affect were strongly linked to student engagement and modestly
linked to achievement (Roorda et al., 2011). Importantly, the effect size may be larger for at-risk
students, suggesting that positive TSRs may help narrow the achievement gap (Gehlbach et al.,
Self-determination Theory (SDT) has been used to explain a potential mechanism for the
effect of positive TSRs on students’ engagement and achievement (Kincade et al., 2020; Roorda
et al., 2011). According to SDT, caring relationships meet a basic, innate need for relatedness or
feeling connected to others (Jang et al., 2010; Ryan & Deci, 2017). When relatedness needs are
met in a specific context, such as the classroom, individuals are more motivated behave in
adaptive ways, engage with tasks, persist in the face of failure, and respond creatively to
challenges in that context (Deci & Ryan, 2000).
1.2 Positive Teacher-Student Relationships (TSRs) and Teacher Outcomes
Just as positive TSRs may increase students’ motivation, positive TSRs may also increase
teachers’ motivation, effort, engagement, happiness, and confidence, which in turn, may result in
greater use of complex, high-impact teaching practices (van der Lans et al., 2020). Despite
teachers’ presumed basic need for relatedness with students in their classroom as predicted by
SDT, there is a paucity of research on the effect of TSRs on teachers. Spilt and colleagues state,
“there is little recognition of the internal needs that teachers themselves may have for positive,
personal relationships with individual students” (Spilt et al., 2011, p. 458). Studies have found
that positive TSRs may promote teachers’ self-efficacy (Mashburn et al., 2006), emotional well-
being (Milatz et al., 2015), and job satisfaction (Admiraal et al., 2019; Veldman et al., 2016), but
they do not address how positive TSRs may be associated with quality of teaching practices.
Although research is limited in the field of education, the field of organizational
psychology has addressed how positive relationships may drive adult performance. The Leader-
Member Exchange (LMX) theory that is commonly applied to adult workplaces is related to
SDT (Graves & Luciano, 2013). LMX theory asserts that the quality of a relationship between a
leader and a follower (akin to the relationship between a teacher and a student) predicts
performance (Gerstner & Day, 1997). A meta-analysis found that in adults, the link between
relationship quality and performance is likely mediated by motivation (Martin et al., 2016). The
development of deep connections at work results in higher quality work, increased effort, and
decreased attrition among adults (Manning, 2016). It is plausible that a similar effect occurs in
schools such that positive TSRs results in teachers’ increased teaching effort and performance.
1.3 Teaching Practices and Student Outcomes
Our study uses archival data from an authentic teacher growth and evaluation system
called the Network for Educator Effectiveness (NEE). In this evaluation system, teachers are
rated on four effortful, complex, high-impact teaching practices that are known to promote
student achievement (Hattie, 2009; van de Grift et al., 2014; van der Lans et al., 2017). The
association between positive TSRs and quality of teaching practices may depend on the specific
teaching practices under consideration. Other related lines of research have found that teachers’
self-efficacy (Burić & Kim, 2020; Holzberger et al., 2013), job satisfaction, and motivation
(Klusmann et al., 2008) were associated differently with specific teaching practices. Therefore,
our study examined how positive TSRs are associated with the quality of each of the four
different teaching practices. We use the definition of each teaching practice as operationalized by
NEE which are described next.
1.3.1 Cognitive Engagement (CE) in the Content
In the NEE system, Cognitive Engagement refers to active mental involvement by
students in learning activities, such as meaningful processing, strategy use, concentration, and
metacognition (Fredricks et al., 2004; Wang & Degol, 2014; Wang et al., 2014). Teachers
engage students cognitively in the content when they use strategies such as advanced organizers,
K-W-L charts, share-out, and shoulder-partner to connect instruction/activities with students
lives. This allows teachers to show relevance, use authentic examples, present a puzzling
problem, and invite responses from all students.
1.3.2 Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking (PCT)
In the NEE system, Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking refers to skillfully applying,
analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating information to reach a conclusion or solve a problem
(McCormick et al., 2015). Teachers promote their students’ critical thinking by requiring
students to explain or justify their thinking, evaluate others’ thinking, formulate challenging
questions, predict, determine what makes an argument valid, assess possible solutions, categorize
problems, or create map concepts (Wirkala & Kuhn, 2011). Teachers can also give students
challenging tasks that require persistent effort and various cognitive or metacognitive strategies.
In typical classrooms, the promotion of critical thinking is not always appropriate because there
are times when students should be practicing and over-learning skills that are foundational to
higher-level processing. Yet, this complex teaching practice may be too rare in typical
classrooms (Willingham, 2008).
1.3.3 Affective Engagement (AE) in the Content
In the NEE system, Affective Engagement in the Content refers to experiencing positive
emotion during the lesson. Teachers engage students affectively in the content with strategies
such as using materials and activities that students find interesting, using authentic examples,
pointing out progress, communicating enthusiasm for the content, helping students set achievable
but challenging goals, promoting self-efficacy, and giving students choices for classwork
(Bergin, 1999; Hidi & Renninger, 2006). As they use such strategies, teachers make lessons
more enjoyable, fun, and interesting (Archambault et al., 2017). AE refers to positive emotions
toward the content or lesson activities, not toward the teacher.
1.3.4 Instructional Monitoring (IM) During the Flow of the Lesson
In the NEE system, Instructional Monitoring refers to the teacher engaging in formative
assessment for the whole class and/or individuals and taking corrective action when needed. This
particular kind of formative assessment involves quick checks for understanding as the lesson is
progressing (Reddy et al., 2017). The purpose is to inform the modification of teaching and
learning activities in real-time to guide instruction. Strategies teachers may use include
questioning, asking students to solve problems on a whiteboard, or answering spot quizzes with
fist-to-five, thumbs up, or clicker techniques (Chien et al., 2016). IM has been associated with
student motivation, engagement, and achievement (Simons & Klein, 2007; Zhang & Hyland,
1.4 Research Questions
Teaching is a relentless and demanding job. It is particularly demanding when teachers
are expected to consistently implement effortful, complex, high-impact teaching practices. Given
that both SDT and LMX theory predict that positive TSRs should contribute to increased
motivation and performance among teachers, we hypothesize that variation in the quality of
complex teaching practices will result from variation in TSRs. Thus, our main research question
is “Do positive teacher-student relationships promote high-quality teaching practices?” In
addition, we have two ancillary research questions: Does the effect vary by teaching practice?
and Does the effect vary by grade level? We are interested in grade level variation because
studies find that close, positive teacher-student relationships often decrease steadily from 1st
grade to the end of primary school, and across middle school, before possibly stabilizing in high
school (Gillen-O'Neel & Fuligni, 2013; Hughes et al., 2012). The change in TSRs across grades
may alter the relationship between TSRs and the quality of instruction.
2. Methods
We addressed our research questions using archival data from a state-wide teacher
growth and evaluation system, the Network for Educator Effectiveness (NEE). This system is
used by 285 preK-12 school districts across the state of Missouri in the United States. NEE’s
teaching effectiveness measures are aligned with the Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support
Consortium (InTASC) teaching standards (Council of Chief State School Officers, 2011), which
apply to all subject areas and grade levels.
2.1 Participants
NEE member school districts select three to six teaching practices to focus on from a
pool of 26 teaching practices based on district priorities. Thus, data for this study comes from a
subset of member districts that decided to focus on the four target teaching practices of interest.
As a result, our analysis of each teaching practice involves overlapping but different samples
(see Table 1). The data used in the current study are based on the means of student reports
aggregated at the teacher level and are nested in schools. These data include two waves of
student surveys in the 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 academic years. Only teachers of regular
education classrooms from 4th to 10th grade were included (i.e., no students in our sample
indicated teacher subject areas as either English language learning or special education).
The 2019 Missouri average proficiency rate on the state test was 49% for English
language arts and 42% for mathematics. In comparison, the averages of our total sample were
also 49% for English language arts, but 31% for mathematics. In Missouri, 73% of k-12 students
were White, non-Hispanic and 50% were eligible for free or reduced-price meals. Our total
sample was 80% White and 26% eligible for free or reduced-price meals.
Table 1
Number of Teachers in Each Sample with Sample Overlap
CE sample
PCT sample
IM sample
AE sample
CE sample
PCT sample
IM sample
AE sample
Total: 844
AE sample
CE sample
PCT sample
Overlap of four
samples: 88
Note. The main diagonal shows the sample sizes of the four samples for separate analyses. The upper-right panel
above the main diagonal shows the number of cases in the overlap of two teaching-practice samples. The lower
left panel below the main diagonal shows the number of cases in the overlap of three teaching-practice samples.
CE means cognitive engagement, PCT means problem solving and critical thinking, IM means instructional
monitoring, and AE means affective engagement in the content.
2.2 Measures
2.2.1 Teaching Effectiveness & Teacher-Student Relationships
Data are based on the student survey of teaching effectiveness in the NEE database, called
the Teacher Effectiveness Student Survey (TESS; see TESS is
modular, meaning member districts can survey students only on the teaching practices of interest
to the district. When a district selects a specific teaching practice, all items associated with that
teaching practice (3 to 5 items) automatically populates an online student survey.
1. Cognitive Engagement (CE). Four items addressed students’ perception of the degree to
which a teacher used strategies that cognitively engaged students in the content (α = .89).
2. Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking (PCT). Four items addressed students’ perception
of the degree to which a teacher used strategies that promote PCT (α = .91).
3. Affective Engagement in the Content (AE). Five items addressed students’ perception of
the degree to which a teacher used strategies that affectively engaged students in the
content (α = .92).
4. Instructional Monitoring (IM). Four items addressed students’ perception of the degree to
which a teacher monitored learning at the individual and whole-class level as the lesson
was progressing, and adjusted teaching as needed (α = .96).
On the same survey, students responded to five items that asked about their perspective on their
teacher-student relationship (α = .96). Asking for student perceptions is noteworthy because a
recent meta-analysis found that most studies measured TSRs from the teachers’ perspective
(Kincade et al., 2020). See Table 2 for a list of the items.
Table 2
Items Comprising Teaching Practices and Teacher-student Relationship Variables
This teacher expects us to think a lot and concentrate in this class.
This teacher’s lessons make us think deeply.
This teacher's lessons make us think the whole class time.
This teacher wants us to ask questions during lessons.
and Critical
This teacher asks “how?” and “why?” questions to make us think more.
This teacher waits a while before letting us answer questions, so we have time to
This teacher makes us compare different ideas or things.
This teacher makes us use what we learn to come up with ways to solve problems.
Engagement in
the Content
This teacher makes lessons interesting.
This teacher points out how this topic is important to our lives.
This teacher gives us choices in our classwork.
This teacher tells us that we can all be successful if we try hard.
This teacher gets us excited about the subject.
This teacher checks often to make sure we understand the lesson as we go along.
This teacher explains the lesson in different ways if we don’t get it at first.
This teacher knows when we understand the lesson.
This teacher has a way to make sure everyone is learning.
This teacher knows me and cares about me.
Students enjoy being with this teacher.
This teacher enjoys working with students.
This teacher is friendly.
Students can talk to this teacher if they have a problem.
TESS uses a 4-point Likert scale (0 = Not true; 1 = Sort of true; 2 = True; 3 = Very true).
TESS has shown good factor structure and the subscales comprising each teaching practice have
a Cronbach’s Alpha ranging from .77 to .90 (Grajeda et al., 2017). Latent factor scores were
generated for the five measures based on the mean item scores from student ratings of their
teachers, and teachers were rated by at least 5 students (very few exceptions were rated by 4). In
addition, multidimensionality of teaching was distinguishable by 4th 12th grade students. That
is, students might rate the same teacher as better at one teaching practice than another (Grajeda et
al., 2017).
2.2.2 Other Variables
We included the following variables as covariates because they may affect teaching
practices and teacher-student relationships.
Years of Experience. Teachers reported their years of teaching experience. More years
of experience predicts better student behavior and achievement (Ladd & Sorensen, 2017; Nye et
al., 2004). Furthermore, one meta-analysis found that the effect of TSRs on achievement was
larger in studies with teachers who had more years of teaching experience (Roorda et al., 2011).
Core Subject Area. Students reported whether or not a teacher primarily taught a core
subject (e.g., mathematics, English language arts, science or social studies). We tested whether
results were similar between core and other courses. Cohen et al. (2018) found that teaching
quality is not a uniform construct across varying subjects. Compared with teachers in core
subjects, teachers in non-tested subjects may use different instructional practices and are often
evaluated differently (Goe & Holdheide, 2011).
Grade Level. Teacher grade level was computed as a continuous variable based on the
mean grade level identified by student responses. Previous research has demonstrated that
teachers at varying grade levels had different levels of self-efficacy for implementing different
teaching practices (Klassen & Chiu, 2010). Student engagement, teacher behavior, and teacher-
student interactions are often different across subject areas and grade levels (den Brok et al.,
2004; Marks, 2000).
Demographics. Student responses on the TESS were strictly anonymous. Thus, student-
level demographic data were not available. School-level demographic data were obtained from
the Missouri Department of Elementary & Secondary Education (DESE). This included the
percentage of students receiving free or reduced-price lunch, total student enrollment, and the
percentage of White students. School level demographics predict teacher job satisfaction, stress,
and burnout, which may be associated with the quality of teaching practices used (Hamre et al.,
2008; Johnson et al., 2012; Kyriacou, 2001; Olsen & Huang, 2019; Perry & McConney, 2010).
Achievement. Due to students’ anonymity, student-level achievement data was not
available. School-level data on the state proficiency test Missouri Assessment Program (MAP)
was obtained from the state department of education. We retrieved the percentage of students
at or above the proficiency level for mathematics and English language arts and computed the
mean percentage as a school-level achievement variable. See for more details.
2.3 Procedures
TESS was delivered online during a window of time specified by the school. An access
code unique to each teacher needed to be entered to ensure students evaluated the correct teacher
and each access to the survey was authorized. A proctor other than the evaluated teacher
administered the survey using standard administration scripts provided by NEE. The proctor read
the instructions to the students, informed them of the purpose of the survey, ensured the
anonymity of their responses, emphasized the voluntary nature of the survey, and its importance
for school improvement. Students were encouraged to ask questions, but the proctors were
instructed not to interpret any survey items to avoid influencing student responses.
Three screening items were distributed across the survey (e.g., “I am being totally honest
on this survey”), which help improve survey validity and identify inattentive responses (Cornell
et al., 2012). Surveys that failed two of the three screening items were flagged for manual
review. Students who indicated in a fourth screening item that they were new to the class (less
than a month) were also excluded. Data use was approved by the universitys Institutional
Review Board. All member districts consented to using their data for research purposes.
2.4 Statistical Analysis
We hypothesized that positive teacher-student relationships (TSRs) would promote
higher-quality teaching practices (TPs). To test this, we conducted four regression models with
TPs as the outcomes, and TSRs, grade level, and other variables as predictors, including an
interaction term between TSRs and grade level. Teachers’ TPs and TSRs scores in the models
and following analyses all have controlled for prior scores (see the Appendix for more method
details). However, it is also possible that the direction of the effect is reversed. That is, TPs may
predict TSRs, or that both are due to an unspecified confounding variable. Since an experimental
design is not an option for the current inquiry due to ethical concerns, we have to rely on archival
data to examine the hypothesized direction of effect, and at the same time address the consequent
methodological challenges, including an alternative direction of effect (i.e., TP → TSR),
potential confounding variables, an illusory halo effect, and common method variance.
To examine the direction of the effect, we employed direction dependence analysis
(DDA; Li & Wiedermann, 2020b; Wiedermann et al., 2020; Wiedermann & Li, 2018), an
innovative causal model selection method, as a supplementary procedure to regression analysis.
DDA is a framework that consists of various statistical tests that can generate different result
patterns to differentiate competing models with different directions of effect (i.e., TP TSR or
TSR TP) and to detect potential confounding (i.e., TP confounder TSR). When none of
the models are selected, the results are inconclusive, which may be due to the lack of sample
size. This framework was proposed to bridge the recent advancements in data science and
common modeling practices among educational researchers. Compared to other methods widely
used by educational researchers to make causal claims with non-experimental data, DDA has
minimal theoretical assumptions; instead, it primarily holds testable distributional assumptions
and requires a large sample size to achieve desirable statistical power (Li & Wiedermann, 2020b;
Wiedermann & Li, 2018). Specifically, for the current study, we applied Conditional Direction
Dependence Analysis (CDDA; Li & Wiedermann, 2020b) as a supplementary procedure to
examine the hypothesized direction of the effect. CDDA is an extension of standard DDA and is
capable of examining the direction of effect when there is an interaction between the effect of
interest. This extension can also achieve more statistical power and avoid some bias in
moderation models. The DDA framework has been used effectively in prevention science (Musci
& Stuart, 2019; Wiedermann et al., 2020), psychology (Wendt & Bartoli, 2019), public health
(Chew et al., 2020; Pérez-Mengual et al., 2021), and education (Sebastian et al., 2018;
Wiedermann et al., 2020). We conducted direction dependence analysis using the SPSS add-ons
that are publicly available at and followed the guidelines for the
analysis and interpretation (Li et al., 2022; Li & Wiedermann, 2020a, 2020b). To control for
time-invariant confounding, teachers’ TP and TSR ratings in the models and following analyses
all have controlled for prior scores in advance, meaning the student ratings in the following
analyses were residualized variables, and therefore, prior scores are not displayed in the results.
Other potential confounding can be detected by DDA procedures (Wiedermann & Li, 2019;
Wiedermann & Sebastian, 2019). See the Appendix for more details about the method and its
Any halo effect should be minimal as the aggregation of student ratings were used for
teacher scores (Feeley, 2006; Feldman, 1986). Moreover, various types of common method
variance should also be minimal as a result of strict student anonymity, the use of mean
aggregation, and districts’ changing of prioritized teaching practices across the years of
implementation. See the Appendix for more details about how challenges regarding the halo
effect and common method variance were addressed.
Though multilevel modeling (MLM) is a preferred method as teachers were nested within
schools, we used ordinary least squares (OLS) regression because DDA does not apply to MLM.
When a clustering effect is present, standard errors may be biased and erroneous conclusions
may be made when using OLS instead of MLM (Guo & Zhao, 2000; Hox, 1998). Therefore, we
used cluster robust standard errors for parameter testing, which is considered to be a valid
alternative to MLM (Berger et al., 2017; Cameron et al., 2011; Huang, 2016; Huang & Li, in
press; Kauermann & Carroll, 2001).
3. Results
Table 3 shows the directional conclusions across teaching practices and grade levels. The
hypothesized TSR → TP models were supported across all grade levels in the Cognitive
Engagement in the Content (CE), Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking (PCT), and
Instructional Monitoring (IM) samples, except that a confounder effect was detected between
TSR and IM scores in middle schools. However, contrary to our hypothesis, TSRs appeared to be
an outcome, rather than antecedent, of teachers’ Affective Engagement (AE) in the Content
teaching practice in secondary schools.
Table 4 shows the regression results of the supported models. TSRs and grade level were
statistically significant predictors of CE, PCT, and IM across all grade levels after controlling for
the covariates. The local effect sizes (Cohen's ; Cohen, 2013) were small (
) to medium (
) in the four supported
models. There was a grade-level main effect on teachers’ CE, PCT, and IM scores. After
controlling for TSRs and other covariates, teachers in higher grades tended to receive better
ratings in the three teaching practices from students. Grade level did not affect TSRs after
controlling for teachers’ Affective Engagement in the Content practices and other covariates.
Furthermore, the interaction term was statistically significant for Cognitive Engagement and
Instructional Monitoring. That is, for students in higher grades, TSRs had a greater effect on
student ratings of teachers’ CE and IM practices. There was no statistically significant interaction
for Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking and Affective Engagement in the Content. Figure 2
provides the interaction plots illustrating the difference in effects among 4th, 7th, and 10th grades.
Due to the smaller AE sample size, statistical power may be inadequate to detect the interaction
(Shieh, 2008), but this should not be the case for PCT.
Table 3
Data Supported Models across Samples and Grade Levels
Grade Levels
Direction of Effect
CE Sample
PCT Sample
IM Sample
AE Sample
Note. The grade levels represent the mean of student reported grade levels. Conditional Directional
Dependence Analysis (CDDA; Li & Wiedermann, 2020b) was used to examine the direction of effect
between TSRs and TPs at particular mean grade levels, and for the current analysis, Hilbert Schmidt
Independence Criterion (HSIC; based on 200 bootstrap resamples) and the cube-based Higher Order
Correlation Difference test (ΔHOCc; based on 1000 bootstrap resamples and 95% bootstrap confidence
interval) are used. See the Appendix for more details.
Table 4
Regression Results of the Supported Models
Cognitive Engagement
(R2 = .384,
n = 566)
Problem-solving and
Critical Thinking
(R2 = .476,
n = 672)
Instructional Monitoring
(R2 = .629,
n = 733)
Teacher Student
(R2 = .625,
n = 217)
Affective Engagement
Grade level
Teacher years of experience
Free/Reduced lunch (%)
Enrollment (100ct)
White enrollment (%)
MAP proficiency rate (%)
Core subject
TSR × Mean Grade levels
AE × Mean Grade levels
Note. Both TSRs and TPs are residualized scores for 2018-2019 school year controlling both prior TSR and TP scores. Therefore, prior scores are not listed here
as predictors. See Table A3 in the Appendix for the results of prior-score-only models. The parameter tests are based on adjusted cluster-robust standard errors
(Cameron et al., 2011).
*** p < .001, ** p < .01, * p < .05
Figure 2
Predicted Outcome Scores Across Selected Mean Grade Levels
Note. Shading represents the 95% confidence intervals.
Core subject teachers, compared to teachers in other subject areas (e.g., physical and
health education, fine arts, foreign languages), were rated higher in Cognitive Engagement and
Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking, but similar in Instructional Monitoring. In the AE
sample, core subject teachers tended to have better relationships with students, when controlling
for other variables. Other control variables teacher years of experience, school free or reduced
lunch percentage, or school-level MAP proficiency rate did not show any significant influence
on student ratings of either TSR or teaching practices. Thus, these variables do not have a
detectable effect within the scope of one school year, after controlling for the previous year’s
survey ratings, in this sample.
4. Discussion
Substantial research indicates that positive teacher-student relationships (TSRs) are
linked to increased motivation and achievement in students. We hypothesize the same effect for
teachers, although this has not been a focus of the research literature. Our hypothesis is
supported by both Self-Determination Theory and Leader-Member Exchange Theory which
predicts that adults increase effort and performance in work contexts where they have positive
relationships. That is, positive TSRs should lead to teacher’s greater use of high-impact teaching
practices that are complex and effortful to implement. We explored our hypothesis using archival
data from a state-wide authentic teacher growth and evaluation system, the Network for Educator
Effectiveness (NEE), in Missouri, USA. Our analysis revealed three key results: (1) positive
TSRs predict higher-quality instruction and this effect varies by (2) teaching practice and (3)
grade level.
4.1 Positive Teacher-Student Relationships Lead to Higher-Quality Teaching
Our results, using student ratings, confirm our hypothesis that positive TSRs lead primary
and secondary teachers to more effectively enact three complex teaching practices examined in
this study Cognitive Engagement (CE) in the Content, Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking
(PCT), and Instructional Monitoring (IM). Our study supports previous studies that found
classrooms with more positive TSRs, have teachers who are more likely to check-in, monitor,
scaffold, and/or provide constructive feedback to students (Reddy & Dudek, 2014; van de Pol et
al., 2010), have greater confidence in their students’ abilities (Summers et al., 2017), and use
better scaffolding strategies for critical thinking (Daws, 2005). We extended these studies by
testing the direction of effect between positive TSRs and high-quality teaching practices.
Furthermore, our results extend research using LMX theory (Gerstner & Day, 1997) from the
field of organizational psychology to the field of education by demonstrating that positive
relationships may lead to improved performance among adult workers.
4.2 The Effect Varies by Teaching Practice
An exception to our results discussed above was use of teaching strategies to promote
Affective Engagement in the Content. Contrary to our hypothesis, our results indicate that AE is
more likely to lead to, rather than result from, positive TSRs in secondary schools. That is, when
teachers put effort into making lessons interesting and enjoyable for students, and provide
opportunities for autonomy in choosing learning tasks, secondary students view their teacher as
more caring. This study supports previous literature indicating that making lessons interesting is
perceived by students as an act of caring (Jeffrey et al., 2013; Wentzel, 1997, 2009). We extend
these studies by using quantitative data to test the direction of the effect.
Our results support the logic model in Figure 3 for secondary grades. That is, teachers’
use of strategies that affectively engage students in the content leads to positive TSRs. Recall
that Affective Engagement in the Content refers to positive emotions toward the content or lesson
activities, not toward the teacher. Other factors may be involved in promoting positive TSRs as
well, such as being sensitive and warm, using non-coercive discipline, and behaving prosocially
toward students (Bergin & Bergin, 2009; Prewett et al., 2019). When positive TSRs are
established, they may motivate teachers to engage in more complex teaching practices (CE, IM,
PCT) with greater frequency and higher quality.
Figure 3
Association between Teaching Practices and Teacher-Student Relationships
Given that our hypothesized TSR AE model was rejected, we are more confident that
a halo effect was not strongly present. That is, the mean aggregated student ratings of the other
teaching practices were not a biased result of the halo effect from student relationships with their
teachers, after prior teachers’ scores were controlled. Our reasoning is that neither a consistent
confounding effect nor a consistent driving force of all four teaching practices were identified.
That is, neither the general impression halo model nor the salient dimension halo model was
supported. See the Appendix for more details.
4.3 The Effect Varies by Grade Level
4.3.1. Main Effect
Engagement in
the Content
+ Other Factors
Increased Use of
Teaching Practices
(Cognitive engagement, Critical
Thinking, Instruction Monitoring)
There was a statistically significant positive main effect for grade level on teaching
practices while controlling for other covariates. That is, older students reported teachers more
frequently used the effortful, complex, high-impact teaching practices we studied. One possible
explanation is that it is easier for teachers to use Cognitive Engagement, Problem-Solving and
Critical Thinking, and Instruction Monitoring strategies with older students because of their
increased cognitive abilities. In adolescence, information processing speed, complex working
memory, executive functioning (Coyle et al., 2011; Kail & Ferrer, 2007; Luciana et al., 2005;
Steinberg, 2009), use of memory strategies, and vivid recall (Brainerd et al., 2004) increase.
These cognitive developments allow adolescents to reason abstractly, incorporate new
information, and monitor learning progress faster and easier. In addition, as course content
becomes more challenging in higher grades, teachers may tend to use these complex strategies
more often. Furthermore, teacher certification requires teachers in secondary grades to have
deeper content expertise. As content specialists, rather than generalists, secondary teachers may
engage in more complex teaching practices regarding their subject of expertise. However, there
is mixed evidence on whether teacher certifications are actually associated with student
outcomes (Goldhaber & Brewer, 2000; Kusumawardhani, 2017). These explanations are
speculative and need to be confirmed by further research.
4.3.2 Interaction Effect
There was also a statistically significant interaction effect between TSRs and grade level
for CE and IM (see Figure 2). As we mentioned above, positive teacher-student relationships
tended to decrease steadily from 1st grade to the end of middle school, before stabilizing in high
school (Gillen-O'Neel & Fuligni, 2012; Hughes et al., 2012). Because TSRs are lowest for
teachers in higher grades, the effect of positive relationships on teaching practices may be
stronger for teachers who manage to have positive relationships despite the developmental trend.
Supporting this logic, a meta-analysis found a stronger effect between TSRs and achievement in
secondary schools compared to primary schools, with student engagement as a mediator (Roorda
et al., 2017).
In contrast, there was not a statistically significant interaction effect between TSRs and
grade level for PCT and AE. This suggests that TSRs have an equal effect on Problem-Solving
and Critical Thinking across all grade levels. A possible explanation is that PCT is a challenging
and rare teaching practice (Willingham, 2008), therefore, teachers may not use it frequently
during class even though they have good relationships with the students. As for Affective
Engagement in the Content, the effect may simply be undetectable due to the small sample size.
4.4 Implications for Practice
Our results suggest that when teacher-student relationships (TSRs) are positive, teachers
are more likely to engage in effortful, complex, high-impact teaching practices that are
associated with student learning. Our results suggest that when schools aim to improve quality of
teaching practices, they would do well to attend to improving the quality of TSRs first. One way
to improve TSRs may be to use teaching strategies that affectively engage students in the
content. Effects are likely to occur for all students but may be strongest for secondary students.
4.5 Limitations
A major limitation of the current study is the small size of the AE sample for primary
grades, which reduced the interpretability of results. We cannot rule out a confounding variable
in the relationship between Affective Engagement in the Content and TSRs in lower grade levels.
Another limitation is that, since our archival data were collected from an authentic teacher
evaluation system where student-level information was strictly anonymous, student-level
measurement error cannot be fully taken into consideration, although it was attenuated by using
mean aggregation (Dunn et al., 2015; Richter & Brorsen, 2006). Further, schools in the samples
have somewhat lower math proficiency rates than the state average, which may be a result of
selection bias into the teacher evaluation system. Therefore, the samples of the study are
representative of schools with somewhat lower student performance in math
Supplementary Statistical Analysis and Results
We hypothesized that positive teacher-student relationships would predict higher-quality
teaching practices. To test this, we conducted four regression models. The outcome variables
were high-quality teacher practices (Cognitive Engagement, Problem-Solving and Critical
Thinking, Instruction Monitoring, and Affective Engagement in the Content). The predictor
variables included TSR, teacher-level variables (taught a core subject, grade level, years of
experience), and school-level variables (total enrollment, White enrollment, free lunch, MAP
proficiency rate). In addition, an interaction between TSRs and grade level was included.
Contrary to our hypothesis, it is also possible that the direction of the effect is reversed.
That is, Teaching practices (TPs) may predict TSRs, or that both are due to an unspecified
confounding variable. Since an experimental design is not an option for the current inquiry due
to ethical concerns, we have to rely on observational data to examine the hypothesized direction
of effect, and at the same time address the consequential methodological challenges, including an
alternative direction of effect (i.e., TPs → TSR), potential confounder, illusory halo, and
common method variance.
Alternative Direction of Effect
Establishing cause-effect relationships between variables is one of the focal interests of
educational researchers. Though conventionally causal direction or the direction of effect is
examined with experimental or quasi-experimental studies in the educational context, we used an
innovative method, Direction Dependence Analysis (DDA; Li & Wiedermann, 2020b;
Wiedermann & Li, 2018; Wiedermann & von Eye, 2015) to validate the hypothesized models
(TSR TP) against models with the alternative direction of effect (TP TSR).
In the current study, we investigated whether our hypothesized direction of effect that
positive TSRs cause higher-quality teaching practices was supported across grade levels. That
is, CDDA was used to validate the hypothesized explanatory model (i.e., TSR TP) against the
plausible alternative model (i.e., TP TSR), with a reversed flow of causality between the two
variables across grade levels.
Potential Confounder
Although we have included variables that may affect both TSRs and TP, to minimize
potential confounding, we also adjusted both the TP and TSR scores for the 2018-2019 school
year using the prior scores. Specifically, as CDDA requires the same set of covariates in the
competing models (Li et al., 2020; Li & Wiedermann, 2020b), we use both prior scores to obtain
the adjusted scores (i.e.  and ) shown in Eq. (A.1) and Eq. (A.2),
   󰇛󰇜
   󰇛󰇜
where the subscripts of TP and TSR indicate the school year; ,, and are the
coefficients ( are not statistically significant); and  and  are the residuals
representing the teacher-level variance unexplained by the prior scores, and are the focal
variables we used for the analysis. Using the residualized variables, the models we build are to
examine the synchronous effect between TSR and TP controlling their prior scores and cross-
lagged effects (Li et al., 2020). That is to say, the scope of the analysis will be narrowed within
the 2018-2019 school year and potential time-invariant confounders can be greatly reduced
(VanderWeele, 2019). Besides the efforts to minimize potential confounding, we also used the
DDA framework to test confounding effects (Wiedermann & Li, 2019; Wiedermann &
Sebastian, 2019).
Assumption Check and Implementation
Table A1
The List of Outliers Excluded from Conditional Direction Dependence Analysis
Mahalanobis' Distance
Mean Grade Level | Years of
Experience | Core subject (T/F)
8 |14| F
5| 22| T
5 |22| T
5 | 0 | F
6 | 2 | T
6 | 2 | T
6 | 9 | F
4 | 1 | F
4 | 1 | F
6 |14| F
6 | 7 | F
6 | 3 | T
4 | 4 | T
5 | 0 | T
6 | 3 | T
4 | 4 | T
4 | 9 | T
6 | 7 | F
5 | 5 | T
4 | 9 | T
5 | 0 | F
5 | 5 | T
4 | 3 | F
4 | 0 | F
4 |15| F
Note. Mahalanobis' Distance is used to detect multivariate outliers (  ), and no outliers
were identified in the AE sample. DFBETA indicates the influence of individual cases on the main effect of Teacher-
student relationships on respective teaching practices.
Following Wiedermann and Li (2018), the distribution assumptions of the adjusted focal
variables were examined, and multivariate outliers were excluded from CDDA but not from the
multiple regression analysis, as these cases may bias the directional conclusion but are not
influential on the main effect (see Table A1 for a list of the excluded cases). Two CDDA tests
were used, including the Hilbert Schmidt Independence Criterion (HSIC; Gretton et al., 2005)
and the cube-based Higher-Order Correlation Difference test (ΔHOCc; Wiedermann & Li, 2018)
after we built the conventional multiple regression models and their alternative models with
reversed causal directions. That is, our focal variables, adjusted TSRs and TP, served in turns as
the dependent and the independent variables in pairs of competing models across each sample.
HSIC was used to examine residual-predictor independence in the regression models. A HSIC
value not significantly different from zero indicates the model is more likely to have the “true”
direction of effect when its directionally competing model shows a non-zero HSIC value. When
HSIC values in both competing models are significantly larger than zero (i.e., a predictor-
residual dependence was observed in both models) an unconsidered confounder may exist
(Wiedermann & Li, 2020). The ΔHOCc test was used to examine the distributional properties of
our hypothesized dependent and independent variables after controlling other covariates. A
positive value indicates a model is more likely to be directionally “true” when its competing
model is not shown positive. Both tests are based on bootstrap procedures.
The Halo Effect
Halo effect (Thorndike, 1920), or illusory halo (Cooper, 1981), is a pervasive challenge
when teachers are evaluated by students (Wolfe & Song, 2015). It represents the added constant
(positive or negative) to all of a given rater’s true scores (Feeley, 2006; Feldman, 1986). The
halo effect is likely to be minimal in the current study because it can be reduced by a factor equal
to the number of raters per teacher when mean aggregation is used and when raters have
adequate experience with the ratees (Feeley, 2006; Feldman, 1986). However, since CDDA is
capable of evaluating causal models, to probe the potential role of any remaining halo, we
examined how our data may fit the three causal models (Fisicaro & Lance, 1990; Solomonson &
Lance, 1997) that are often used to explain halo effect: 1) the general impression model, which
suggests that a separate general impression affects the observed scores; 2) the salient dimension
model, which indicates that one salient trait influences the evaluations of other traits; and 3) the
inadequate discrimination model, which attributes the halo to the raters’ failure to discriminate
among conceptually distinct aspects of a ratee’s behavior. Previous analysis of TESS indicated
that both upper primary and secondary students do distinguish the dimensionality of teacher
effectiveness (Grajeda et al., 2017), so the first and the second models are our models of interest.
A confounding effect is detectible with CDDA when the general impression model better
explains the halo, and the halo effect is big enough to bias our model estimates. Otherwise, the
salient dimension model may be a better model to explain the data when TSRs is shown to be a
driving force for all four teaching practices, though it is equally possible that the TSR→TPs
hypothesis may reflect the true direction of effects.
Common Method Variance (CMV)
As both the dependence and independent variables were from the same survey by the
same group of students through the same platform, common method variance (CMV) may exist
and bias the variance between the constructs of TSRs and TP. CMV is the spurious variance
between dependent and independent variables due to shared method and/or source (Podsakoff et
al., 2003). Since we have controlled teachers’ prior scores measured with the same items through
the same platform, CMV due to item characteristic effects and measurement context effects were
controlled. In addition, item context effects were also addressed as different districts prioritized
different teaching practices over years, and therefore, the context of the item was not the same
across districts and years. Moreover, mean aggregation of student ratings and strict student
anonymity also helped minimize common rater effects and other measurement errors (Feeley,
2002; Podsakoff et al., 2003; Richter & Brorsen, 2006).
Before addressing our research questions, we investigated the association between
variables without regard to causal direction by examining the eight regression models. That is,
four multiple regression models as our hypothesized models with the interaction terms between
grade level and TSRs (i.e., TSR | Grade Level TP) and four corresponding alternative models
with the interaction terms between grade level and TPs(i.e., TSR | Grade Level TP). There
was a statistically significant relationship between TSRs and teaching practices in all of the eight
models. Therefore, before interpreting the results of the multiple regression analyses, it is
necessary to select the models with the direction of effect better supported by the data. The
CDDA results are displayed in Table A2.
Cognitive Engagement (CE)
To interpret Table 4 and Table 5, look at the column for CE first. For all grades
󰇛󰇜  and 
󰇛󰇜 . This means that the hypothesized model (TSRCE) is
more likely to be the “true” model. Moreover  supports the same conclusion for all grade
levels as 
󰇛󰇜 (the zero point is below the 95% bootstrap confidence interval
(BCI) in the target model), and 
󰇛󰇜 (the zero point is within or above the 95%
Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking (PCT)
Similarly, the hypothesized TSR PCT model was also supported by both HSIC and
 tests across grade levels, except for 5th and 6th grades. As HSIC remains powerful across
all the grades for the PCT sample, it is less likely that it consists of cases with different directions
of effect (Li & Wiedermann, 2020b). That is to say, Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking is
Table A2
Conditional Direction Dependence Analysis Results across Grades
Hypothesized Models
2.22~ 9.18
-.82~ 3.77
.92~ 6.58
-.99~ 2.71
Alternative Models
-.83~ 7.24
-3.06~ 1.88
-2.04~ 1.98
-1.63~ 3.89
-1.05~ 2.48
Note. Both focal variables in each model, are for 2018-2019 school year while adjusting the prior year scores; Hilbert Schmidt Independence Criterion
(HSIC; based on 200 bootstrap resamples) and the cube-based Higher Order Correlation Difference test (ΔHOC; based on 1000 bootstrap resamples and
95% bootstrap confidence interval) are used in CDDA (Li & Wiedermann, 2020b)
*** p < .001, ** p < .01, * p < .05
less likely to be a mixture sample with some grades supporting the TSR→PCT model and the
others supporting the PCT→TSR model. In addition, the interaction term in neither the
hypothesized model nor the alternative model is significant. As neither scenario of moderation
was the case, we can exclude the possibility of grade-level being a moderator. Therefore, as
ΔHOCc seemed not powerful enough to identify the direction of effect for 5th and 6th grades, i.e.,
the test returned positive ranges for both competing models, it makes more sense to use standard
Direction Dependence Analysis instead. The results support our hypothesized model,
󰇛󰇜  
󰇛󰇜 󰇛󰇜  
󰇛󰇜 󰇟󰇠.
Instructional Monitoring (IM)
The hypothesized TSR IM model was supported by HSIC across grades except for the
7th, and 8th grades, where both 
󰇛󰇜 and 
󰇛󰇜 were smaller than .05. Therefore, an
unconsidered confounder may exist between the two variables in middle schools.  does
not differentiate the competing models for the IM sample, as shown in Table 4 and Table 5,
because results would be biased when a confounder exists (Li & Wiedermann, 2020b), as
indicated by HSIC results here.
Affective Engagement in the Content (AE).
Finally, the hypothesized TSR AE model was not supported as 
󰇛󰇜 and
󰇛󰇜  for 7th to 10th grades but the p-value of both models was greater than .05 for
lower grades. This means that for teachers at or above 7th grade, the alternative model was
supported instead. That is, teachers’ use of high-quality practices to affectively engage students
may result in better TSRs in secondary schools but not in upper primary schools. The inclusive
results were probably due to the smaller sample size. It is less likely that the hypothesized
TSR AE model would be supported for teachers in lower grade levels (41.5% of cases)
because HSIC is capable of identifying mixture samples consisting of two subsamples of similar
sizes but reversed causal direction such that some cases in a sample support the X→Y model
while the others support the Y→X model (Li & Wiedermann, 2020b). As the AE sample is
smaller than suggested by Wiedermann and Li (2020) to detect a potential confounder, we
cannot rule out the possibility that there was an unconsidered variable associated with both TSRs
and AE for lower grade teachers. In addition, the smaller sample size contributes to unreliable
 test results for CDDA, because it does not have consistent performance when the sample
size is smaller than 400 (Li & Wiedermann, 2020b). Similar to the PCT sample, as grade levels
may not serve as a moderator, we also used standard DDA as a supplementary analysis for the
AE sample. The alternative model was also favored by both tests, 󰇛󰇜 
󰇛󰇜 󰇛󰇜  
󰇛󰇜 
󰇟󰇠. Therefore, we can conclude with caution that the alternative
hypothesis is more likely to be “true” for Affective Engagement across secondary grade levels but
not necessarily for lower grade levels.
Since the prior scores were partitioned out before we build models for direction
dependence analysis and cluster-robust regression analysis, we examined the prior-score only
models that are supported by direction dependence analysis. The results are shown in Table A3.
All prior scores are significant predictors
Table A3
Results of Prior-Score Models Supported by CDDA
Cognitive Engagement
(R2 = .433,
n = 566)
Problem-solving and
Critical Thinking
(R2 = .399,
n = 672)
Instructional Monitoring
(R2 = .461,
n = 733)
Teacher Student
(R2 = .610,
n = 217)
.019 (.039)
Prior Scores
.633 (.025)***
.702 (.038)***
Note. Outcome variables in the models are the scores for the 2018-2019 school year. Prior Scores in the models are those for the 2017-2018 school year.
*** p < .001, ** p < .01, * p < .05
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... First, a positive teacher-student relationship helps teachers improve their own teaching standards. Positive teacher-student relationships may boost teachers' drive, effort, contentment, and confidence, leading them to utilize more advanced and highly effective teaching techniques [10]. This positive emotional state becomes a driving force that encourages teachers to explore and implement more advanced and effective teaching techniques. ...
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Education is a topic that people often discuss in today's society. Since students and teachers spend a significant amount of time in contact, there is an increasing focus on the teacher-student relationship in the education community. This article primarily delves into the types of teacher-student relationships and their impact. Upon reviewing the literature, it becomes evident that, in the past, the relationship between teachers and students exhibited a notable imbalance. Teachers held authority in transmitting knowledge, while students typically served as knowledge receivers. With the continuous development of society, the relationship between teachers and students is undergoing constant change, gradually becoming more equal. Teachers are no longer mere authorities in the classroom but actively engage with students, thereby fostering a positive teacher-student relationship. This positive relationship will not only have a beneficial impact on students but will also elevate teachers' teaching standards. The article also provides specific suggestions on how to cultivate a positive teacher-student relationship, aiming to assist teachers in creating a positive and effective rapport with their students.
... This can be explained by the self-determination theory, which suggests that the interventions satisfied children's needs for competence, relatedness and autonomy (Deci & Ryan, 2000). The relatively free time for natural observation or inquiry-based activities satisfied children's need for autonomy, while scaffolding from teachers and peers helped meet children's needs for competence and relatedness (Li et al., 2022;Pollin & Retzlaff-Fürst, 2021;Ryan & Deci, 2020). ...
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Children's interest in nature is crucial for their understanding and appreciation of the natural environment, as well as for their mental health and biodiversity conservation efforts. To foster this interest, it is important to establish a theoretical framework and explore practical applications. Given the current trend of children spending more time with screens and less time in nature, school gardens offer potential solutions. This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of a 4‐month teaching programme conducted in a school garden to promote children's individual interest in nature. 24 Grade‐4 students participated in weekly 40‐min activities, which were divided into three treatments: natural observation with assigned tasks, natural observation with open‐ended tasks and inquiry‐based activities. Participants maintained individual portfolios consisting of questionnaires, nature journals, observation descriptions and interviews. Qualitative and quantitative data were analysed to categorize children into three types: those with initiated interest, those with enhanced interest and those with no significant change. Thematic analysis was used to identify factors influencing children's interest in nature based on qualitative data. The results showed that 17 out of 24 children were classified as either ‘interest‐initiated’ or ‘interest‐enhanced’, indicating a generally positive outcome. The school garden provided a novel and safe environment that empowered children to learn and explore autonomously. Teacher scaffolding further supported their curiosity towards the garden's organisms, potentially leading to the development of their individual interests in nature. This study emphasizes the positive impact of involving children in garden‐based activities in primary schools. Implementing a diverse school garden with informative labels and explanation boards, along with teacher support, represents a promising approach to cultivating children's interest in nature. We recommend implementing mini botanical gardens and club activities in schools to bridge formal and informal education. Read the free Plain Language Summary for this article on the Journal blog.
... Perceived AIR is associated with high effort in vocational school, company, and general education. Li et al. (2022) reported that one way to improve AIR in school is to use teaching strategies that engage students in the content. Another strategy is to dedicate short periods for teacher interactions with individual adolescents (e.g., during school events or school breaks). ...
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Introduction The effort adolescents make determines the risk for dropping out of vocational education and training (VET) early and their chances of graduating upper secondary education. Studies have shown that adolescents' efforts decrease during the transition to upper secondary general education and increases for the transition to VET. In this study, we examined adolescent self‐efficacy in lower secondary education, adolescent‐instructor relationship (AIR) in VET and general education, and perceived person–environment fit (PEF) as predictors of adolescent effort. Method We calculated two longitudinal multigroup structural equation models. Group 1 comprised 1266 (mean age in T1 = 15.7 years; female: 44%) lower secondary education graduates who moved on to VET with two learning contexts, company and vocational school in Switzerland. Group 2 included 517 (mean age in T1 = 15.7 years; female: 44%) lower secondary education graduates who moved on to upper secondary general education and thus stayed in a school. Adolescents' survey data was collected in 2016 and 2017. Results Self‐efficacy in lower secondary education and AIR in upper secondary education indirectly predicted effort in upper secondary education via PEF, controlling for effort in lower secondary education. Findings were similar for general education and vocational school. However, the effects differed between company and general education (moderation). The positive effect of AIR on PEF was statistically significantly weaker for adolescents in general education than for adolescents in VET and their company learning context. Conclusion We discuss strategies to enhance adolescents' efforts in upper secondary education.
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This research centers on the intricate facets of teacher-student relationships, spanning emotional, cognitive, and behavioral dimensions. Existing literature underscores the notable impact of positive relationships on elevating student motivation and fostering active engagement in academic pursuits. Positive associations are evident between perceived teacher support, approachability, and academic achievement. Cultivating effective communication, trust, and nurturing environments within these relationships contributes significantly to enriched learning experiences and academic success. The study recognizes the prevalence of student anxiety arising from diverse stressors within educational settings. Acknowledging the multifaceted nature of anxiety enables the implementation of targeted strategies that not only alleviate stress but also promote emotional well-being. The literature review highlights the pivotal role of positive teacher-student relationships in shaping educational trajectories, focusing on emotional support, effective communication, and academic involvement. A robust quantitative research methodology was deployed and a sample of 250 participants was selected from schools through a stratified random sampling technique. Data collection included surveys and questionnaires, which were first trialed through a pilot test by adhering to ethical considerations. Statistical analyses encompassed descriptive statistics, normality tests, and various inferential tests to explore teacher-student relationships.
This study explores the relationship between early career teachers’ sense of professional agency in the classroom, their perceptions of principals’ transformational leadership vision, and school size. The survey data were collected from 779 primary and junior secondary school teachers with a maximum of 5 years of teaching experience in China. The data were analyzed using structural equation modeling in the Mplus statistical package. The results show that teachers possess a relatively high sense of professional agency and report that their principals exhibit a rather high ability to sustain shared transformational vision. The results also suggest that teachers’ sense of professional agency is positively correlated with their perceptions of transformational vision. Moreover, the results revealed that teachers’ sense of professional agency in terms of collaborative learning and transformative practice is significantly higher in small schools than in large schools. The results indicate the importance of transformational vision to facilitate teachers’ professional agency.
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One key mechanism through which evaluation facilitates teachers’ growth is principals’ feedback during teacher evaluation. In this study, we examined the relationship between teachers’ perceptions of feedback quality and improvement in their instructional practices. We used student report—a meaningful but rarely used measure—to measure the quality of instruction of two important instructional practices; promotion of cognitive engagement and critical thinking. We used teacher report to measure five characteristics of feedback. We found that feedback that focused on strengths was associated with a higher quality of both instructional practices, whereas focus on ways to improve teaching was associated only with the promotion of critical thinking. Whether feedback was immediate and face-to-face did not predict higher quality instructional practices.
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Feedback in English language learning can help teachers to provide more meaningful feedback that can help students to achieve their learning objectives. Therefore, the study was carried out to examine the role of teacher feedback on students’ English language learning outcomes. Objective: To assess the role of teacher feedback on nursing students’ English Language learning outcomes at the College of Nursing, Bhakkar, Pakistan. Methods: A cross-sectional study designed to achieve the aims of the study. Duration of study was from January 2024 till March 2024. A total of undergraduate nursing students 150 samples were recruited from Nursing College, Bhakkar using a universal sampling technique. Data were collected with the help of an adapted questionnaire which consisted of two sections. In one section 7 items were related to teacher feedback and 8 items were related to student learning outcome. SPSS version 24.0 was used for data entry and data analysis. Descriptive and inferential statistics were applied to study variables. Results: The study results showed a significant positive role of teacher feedback on nursing student English language learning outcomes. 84.7% of participants strongly agreed that it is beneficial for teachers to underline their mistakes. Similarly, 80.7% acknowledged that teacher feedback aided in their comprehension of their strengths and weaknesses in English Conclusions: Teacher feedback is imperative for academic success and professional development. Teacher feedback great impact on nursing students’ English language learning.
We employed a mixed‐methods design to identify intervention elements that may improve relational inclusion in classrooms through equity‐framed and culturally‐attuned teacher−student relationship interventions. Quantitative and qualitative data were collected from 29 (26 female) school mental health professionals and 19 parents (mostly mothers) of racially, ethnically, and culturally diverse students. Using a convergent mixed‐methods design, we first analyzed the individual data points and then integrated the quantitative and qualitative data in the interpretation and discussion of the results. Our findings showed that, for school mental health professionals, the quantitative data largely complemented the qualitative results, which represented four themes: School−family partnerships, critical consciousness, educator preparation, and transformational social‐emotional learning. Parents of minoritized students identified unique elements, including microaggressions, color evasion, recognition of bias, storytelling, and systemic change as important for the development of culturally‐attuned interventions. The two groups had parallel and contrasting recommendations about elements that may contribute to improved classroom relational inclusion for minoritized students. Results illustrate how merging professional and parent perspectives could contribute to the development of teacher−student relationship interventions that appropriately address issues of equity and culture in ways that are meaningful to end users and other stakeholders.
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The importance of math achievement in the early grades has been well documented. Two variables that have independently been found to be strong predictors of math achievement are student-teacher relationships (STR) and socioeconomic status (SES). The present study investigates the interaction between STR and SES on student math achievement using the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, a nationally representative data set. The participants included approximately 8,380 first-grade students, 2,930 teachers, and 860 schools, representing a weighted sample of approximately 3.15 million students or 90% of the population. Multilevel modeling, controlling for student-, teacher-, and school-level factors, found that both STR and SES had a strong relationship with student math achievement. There was also a statistically significant moderation effect between close STR and SES on math achievement, suggesting that close STR are beneficial for all students, but are especially beneficial for students from low SES backgrounds. Further, educational implications for research, policy, and practice are provided. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2021 APA, all rights reserved).
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After a lockdown, particularly one where human life is at risk, there are expected to be psychological consequences. The examination of personality traits, where different adaptative and non-adaptative behaviors in the face of adversity are expected, is our interest. The aim of this research was to analyze the role fear of personal death played during the Covid-19 outbreak in relation to personality and anxiety. The main results can be described as follows: women displayed higher scores on anxiety and fear of personal death; gender, fear of personal death, neuroticism, and extraversion predicted anxiety; in men, the fear of personal death mediated the relationship between neuroticism and anxiety.
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This study aimed to explore changes in psychological responses (perceived stress, traumatic stress, stigma, coping) over time in residents, as well as their predictors. The level of perceived stress, traumatic stress, stigma, and coping responses were assessed using the Perceived Stress Scale, Impact of Event-Revised, Healthcare Workers Stigma Scale, and Brief Coping Orientation to Problems Experienced (COPE) Inventory, respectively. We collected responses from 274 residents at baseline and 221 residents at 3 months follow-up (timepoint 2) from the National Healthcare Group (NHG) residency programs in Singapore. All residents reported lower perceived stress and lower perceived stigma compared to baseline. Use of avoidance coping was associated with all three psychological responses (perceived stress, traumatic stress, and stigma) across the two timepoints. Compared to baseline, specific factors associated with perceived stress and traumatic stress at timepoint 2 were living alone, less problem solving, and seeking social support. Residency programs should encourage active coping strategies (e.g., seeking social support, positive thinking, problem solving) among residents, and proactively identify residents who may be at higher risk of psychological sequelae due to circumstances that contribute to isolation.
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Direction dependence analysis (DDA) is a recently developed method that addresses the need for more sophisticated tools to evaluate causal mechanisms of developmental processes and interventions. The present study applied DDA to evaluate the hypothesized mediators of a classroom behavior management training program on student academic competence. The study involved a group randomized controlled trial with 105 teachers and 1,818 students (K-3rd grade) in a large urban school district in the United States. Analyses revealed only student prosocial skill development causally mediated the intervention's effects on student academic competence. The findings support the importance of explicit instruction and coaching of student social skills as part of classroom behavior management programs and confirm the causal link between prosocial skills and academic success. The findings are discussed with regard to implications for future applications of DDA in developmental research. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2020 APA, all rights reserved).
Conditional Direction Dependence Analysis (CDDA) has recently been proposed as a statistical framework to test reverse causation ( x → y vs. y → x) and potential of confounding ( x ← c → y) of variable relations in linear models when moderation is present. Similar to standard DDA, CDDA assumes that the “true” predictor is a continuous, non-normal, exogenous variable. Under non-normality, a conditional causal effect of one variable does not only change means, variances, and covariances, but also the distributional shape (i.e., skewness, kurtosis, co-skewness, and co-kurtosis) of another variable given the moderator. Such distributional changes can be used to study underlying mechanisms of heterogenous causal effects. The present study introduces conditional direction of dependence modeling and presents SPSS macros to make CDDA easily accessible to applied researchers. A real-world data example from the field of gambling addiction research is used to introduce the functionality of CDDA SPSS macros. Limitations of CDDA due to violated assumptions and poor data quality are discussed. The CDDA installation package is available at no charge from .
Accounting for dependent observations in cluster-randomized trials (CRTs) using nested data is necessary in order to avoid misestimated standard errors resulting in questionable inferential statistics. Cluster-robust standard errors (CRSEs) are often used to address this issue. However, CRSEs are still well-known to underestimate standard errors for group-level variables when the number of clusters is low (e.g., < 50) and with CRTs, a small number of clusters, due to logistical or financial considerations, is the norm rather than the exception. Using a simulation with various conditions, we investigate the use of a small sample correction (i.e., CR2 estimator) proposed by Bell and McCaffrey (2002) together with empirically derived degrees of freedom estimates (dofBM). Findings indicate that even with as few as 10 clusters, the CR2 estimator used with dofBM yields generally unbiased results with acceptable type I error and coverage rates. Results show that coverage and type I error rates can be largely influenced by the choice of dof, not just the standard error adjustments. An applied example is provided together with R syntax to conduct the analysis. To facilitate the use of different CRSEs, a free graphical, menu-driven SPSS add-on to compute the various cluster-robust variance estimates can be downloaded from
Past research has shown student-teacher relationships (STRs) are associated with student outcomes, including improvements in academic achievement and engagement and reductions in disruptive behaviors, suspension, and risk of dropping out. Schools can support STRs universally and systematically by implementing universal, school-wide, and class-wide programs and practices that aim to facilitate high-quality STRs. This study applied meta-analytic and common element procedures to determine effect sizes and specific practices of universal approaches to improving STRs. The universal programs with the largest effects were Establish-Maintain-Restore and BRIDGE. Other programs demonstrated moderate effects in one study, with combined effect sizes revealing smaller effects. The common elements procedure identified 44 practices teachers can implement to promote positive STRs, with 14 proactive and direct practices. Programs with the largest effects, in general, contained the most proactive and direct practices for improving STRs. Implications of these findings and future research recommendations are discussed.
This study explores new directions to study and combine measurements of instructional expertise and teachers' interpersonal relationships with students. The sample comprises 34 in-service teachers. The My Teacher questionnaire (MTQ) was used to operationalize teachers' instructional expertise. The Questionnaire of Teacher Interaction (QTI) was used to describe teachers' interpersonal relationships with students. Hypotheses were tested using circular mixed-effects models. Results indicate that teachers' interpersonal relationships differ at successive levels of instructional expertise. Results further indicated that increases in instructional expertise are associated with a sharp decrease in the within-class variance in interpersonal relationships. Specifically, the higher teachers' instructional expertise, the more teachers' interpersonal relationships are described as "directing" and "helpful" by all students in the class.
Instructional quality Student motivational beliefs Doubly latent multilevel structural equation modeling A B S T R A C T Teacher self-efficacy (TSE) is one of the most salient motivational characteristics that is assumed to affect tea-chers' instructional quality and student motivational beliefs. However, discussions of these associations have primarily been often primarily conceptual and/or based on empirical research that has suffered from metho-dological shortcomings. Therefore, the aim of this study was to examine the relationships between TSE, instructional quality (i.e., classroom management, cognitive activation, and supportive climate) and student motivational beliefs (i.e., self-efficacy and intrinsic motivation) by using responses from both teachers and students and implementing a sophisticated doubly latent multilevel structural equation modeling approach. A total of 94 high school teachers and their 2087 students participated in the study. The results demonstrated that, at the class level, TSE was positively related to the three dimensions of instructional quality but not to student motivational beliefs. As expected, instructional quality was positively related to student motivational beliefs.