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Studies of DNA methylation in animals



We have been studying the evolution and function of DNA methylation in vertebrate animals using three related approaches. The first is to further characterise proteins that bind to methylated DNA. Such proteins can be viewed as 'receptors' of the methyl-CpG 'ligand' that mediate downstream consequences of DNA modification. The second approach involves CpG islands. These patches of non-methylated DNA coincide with most gene promoters, but their origin and functional significance have only recently become the subject of intensive study. The third approach is to trace the evolution of DNA methylation. Genomic methylation patterns of vertebrates are strikingly different from those of invertebrates. By studying methylation in animals that diverged from common ancestors near to the invertebrate/vertebrate boundary, we will assess the possibility that changes in DNA methylation contributed causally to the evolution of the complex vertebrate lineage.
Journal of Cell Science, Supplement 19, 37-39 (1995)
Printed in Great Britain © The Company of Biologists Limited 1995
Studies of DNA thylation in animals
Adrian Bird, Peri Tate, Xinsheng Nan, Javier Campoy, Richard Meehan, Sally Cross, Susan Tweedie,
Jillian Charlton and Donald Macleod
Institute of Cell and Molecular Biology, University of Edinburgh, Kings Buildings, Mayfield Road, Edinburgh EH9 3JR, UK
We have been studying the evolution and function of DNA
méthylation in vertebrate animals using three related
approaches. The first is to further characterise proteins
that bind to methylated DNA. Such proteins can be viewed
as ‘receptors of the methyl-CpG ligand that mediate
downstream consequences of DNA modification. The
second approach involves CpG islands. These patches of
non-methylated DNA coincide with most gene promoters,
but their origin and functional significance have only
recently become the subject of intensive study. The third
approach is to trace the evolution of DNA méthylation.
Genomic méthylation patterns of vertebrates are strikingly
different from those of invertebrates. By studying méthyl
ation in animals that diverged from common ancestors
near to the invertebrate/vertebrate boundary, we will
assess the possibility that changes in DNA méthylation con
tributed causally to the evolution of the complex vertebrate
Key words: DNA méthylation, methyl-CpG binding protein, CpG
island, genome evolution
The predominant methylated sequence in all animals is the
self-complementary dinucleotide CpG. In vertebrates, most
CpGs in the genome are methylated at the 5 position on the
cytosine ring. Several biological consequences of this post
synthetic modification are known. Best understood is the
methylation-associated mutagenesis that has caused the
under-representation of CpG in the genome and is responsi
ble for over one third of the point mutations that give rise to
human genetic diseases (Bird, 1980; Jones et al., 1992). It is
difficult to see this as a selected advantage of DNA méthyl
ation. More likely it is an unavoidable price to be paid for
some other benefit of methyl-CpG. Strikingly, the inverte
brates (which account for well over 95% of animal species)
may not pay this price, as few, if any of their genes are methy
lated (see below).
The need for DNA méthylation during normal mammalian
development has been shown by disruption of the gene for
cytosine methyltransferase (MTase) in mice (Li et al., 1992).
Mutant embryos have greatly reduced levels of DNA méthyl
ation, and die in mid-gestation. In seeking an explanation for
this embryonic lethal phenotype, it is tempting to focus on
the well-known effects of méthylation on transcription. DNA
méthylation has long been correlated with transcriptional
repression. That it causes repression has been shown by intro
duction of artificially methylated constructs into cells
(Vardimin et al., 1982; Stein et al., 1982), and by the use of
drugs that inhibit the MTase (Jones and Taylor, 1980). A rea
sonable hypothesis is that embryos lacking the MTase die
because the methylation-mediated repression mechanism
Several parameters determine the influence of methyl-CpG on
transcription. The parameters are: the location of methyl-CpGs
relative to the promoter (they should be close-by; Murray and
Grosveld, 1987); the local density of methyl-CpGs (the
strength of repression is proportional to density of méthylation;
Boyes and Bird, 1992); the strength of the promoter (weak
promoters are repressed by lower méthylation densities than
strong ones; Boyes and Bird, 1992); and the dependence of
promoter function on transcription factors that are sensitive to
methyl-CpG (reviewed by Tate and Bird, 1993). We have iden
tified a protein that interacts with methylated DNA according
to the density of methyl-CpGs, and have implicated this protein
as a mediator of transcriptional repression (Meehan et al.,
1989; Boyes and Bird, 1991). The activity is known as methvl-
CpG binding protein 1 or MeCPl. Considerable effort has been
expended on purification of M eCPl. As might be expected
from its size (800 kDa by gel fitration), MeCPl comprises
several polypeptide chains, and dissociates upon affinity chro
matography with methylated DNA, leading to loss of activity.
Our belief that MeCPl may be of central importance in under
standing the mechanism of methylation-mediated repression
has sustained us through the trials of its purification.
Studies of the second methyl-CpG binding protein, MeCP2,
have recently advanced significantly. Following preliminary
characterisation of MeCP2 and its gene (Lewis et al., 1992),
we set out to assess the biological significance of the protein.
We know that it is very abundant (over 106 molecules per cell)
and is a tightly bound component of mammalian chromo
somes. Recent studies of its localisation made use of a fusion
38 A. Bird and others
MeCP2 Bgal neo
Fig. 1. Localisation of an MeCP2-lac Z fusion protein to
heterochramatic foci in mouse cells. (A) Diagram of the fusion
protein between MeCP2 (dotted and solid shading, left) and the lac
Z-neomycin resistance fusion gene fi-geo (Friedrich and Soriano,
1991). The solid box within the MeCP2 moiety represents the
methyl-CpG binding domain, which is essential for correct
localisation (X. Nan, unpublished results). (B and C) Staining of a
mouse L cell nucleus with Hoescht 33258 (B) and anti-Pgal
antibodies (C). The cell that contained this nucleus had been
transfected with a gene expressing the fusion protein diagrammed in
A. The heterochromatic foci that are intensely stained by Hoechst are
the primary targets of the MeCP2 fusion protein.
between the cDNA for MeCP2 and lacZ-neoR gene as
reporter. When mouse cells are transfected with this construct,
the resulting fusion protein localises preferentially to hete
rochromatin, thereby mimicking endogenous MeCP2 (Fig. 1).
Truncations and deletions of the MeCP2 moiety have estab
lished that the 80 amino acid methyl binding domain (MBD;
Nan et al., 1993) is both necessary and sufficient for locali
sation. More directly, it was found that the association of
MeCP2 with chromosomes is dependent on méthylation, as
cells lacking DNA méthylation cannot localise the protein
efficiently (X. Nan et al., unpublished results). Thus MeCP2
is a methyl-CpG binding protein in vivo as well as in vitro,
and as such may be a major mediator of the effects of DNA
méthylation on cells. If MeCP2 is a mediator of the effects of
méthylation, it should, like the MTase itself, be essential for
mouse development. By disrupting the X-linked gene in
embryonic stem (ES) cells, we have shown that it is indeed
essential (P. H. Tate et al., unpublished results). Chimaeric
embryos show developmental abnormalities whose severity
depends on the proportion of mutant cells. ES cells lacking
the MeCP2 gene grow normally, as do ES cells that lack the
MTase. Taken together, the results tell us that our interest in
MeCP2 is justified, but they do not reveal its biological
function. Future work will address this problem.
Several laboratories have proposed that the linker histone H 1
binds preferentially to methylated DNA, and may therefore be
involved in methylation-mediated transcriptional repression
(Levine et al., 1993; Johnson et al., 1995). We have spent some
time testing this idea using a variety of assays (Campoy et al.,
unpublished results). In our hands, no preferential affinity of
HI for methylated DNA could be detected. This was true for
naked DNA and also for DNA that had been assembled into
poly-nucleosomal chromatin using a Xenopus oocyte extract.
Thus it is unlikely that histone HI is involved in mediating the
biological consequences of CpG methylation.
Islands of non-methylated CpG-rich DNA (CpG or HTF
islands) occur at the majority of human genes. They usually
cover the promoter and extend downstream into the gene for
1,000 base pairs (bp) on average (Bird, 1986). We and others
have used a transgenic mouse assay to find out which parts
of a CpG island determine its methylation-free status. In the
case of the adenine phosphoribosyltransferase gene, retention
of the island depended on the presence of sites for the tran
scription factor Spl (Macleod et al., 1994; Brandeis et al.,
1994). These sites, which are required for transcription of the
gene, are occupied by protein (presumably Spl) in vivo, and
surprisingly are located at the extreme 5' edge of the island
rather than in its centre (Fig. 2; Macleod et al., 1994). Two
questions are raised by these findings. Firstly, how do
occupied Spl sites at the edge of a CpG island keep 1,000 bp
1000 2000 3000
Fig. 2. Peripheral Spl sites are essential for maintaining the methylation-free status of the CpG island at the mouse adenine
phosphoribosyltranferase gene (Macleod et al., 1994). The CpG island is denoted by the bracket. Spl sites are shown by the three vertical bars.
Vertical crosslines on the map represent CpGs. Open boxes are exons. The two transcription starts are joined to an arrow below the diagram.
Studies of DNA méthylation in animals 39
downstream free of méthylation? Secondly, if transcription is
necessary for the creation of CpG islands, why do many
tissue-specific genes (e.g. human alpha-globin) have non-
methylated islands in tissues where they are not expressed
(Bird et al., 1987)? These questions will be important themes
for the future.
It has been known for some time that the extensive genomic
DNA methylation seen in vertebrates is exceptional (Bird et
al., 1979; Bird and Taggart, 1980). Methylation of invertebrate
genomes is confined to a small fraction of the genome, and in
some cases (e.g. Drosophila melanogaster and Caenorhabdi-
tis elegans) may be absent altogether. Although the data are
incomplete, there is reason to believe that methylated DNA in
invertebrates comprises transposable elements and other poten
tially damaging DNA sequences that have been detected and
silenced by a mechanism involving methylation. No methy
lated gene has yet been reliably reported in an invertebrate, and
the primary function of DNA methylation in these organisms
may be to protect the genome by neutralising disruptive
elements. In vertebrates, on the other hand, the genome as a
whole is heavily methylated, and most genes are methylated to
some extent.
The transition from the predominantly non-methylated
genome of invertebrates to the predominantly methylated
genome of vertebrates appears to occur within the chordates
(A. Bird, S. Tweedie and J. Charlton, unpublished results).
Could this dramatic change have facilitated the evolutionary
development of the complex vertebrate lineage? It has been
suggested that the total number of genes in vertebrates is con
siderably higher than in invertebrates (50,000-100,000 versus
10,000-25,000; Bird, 1995). On the strength of this and other
data, it was proposed that the increased gene number (and
therefore complexity) of vertebrates is due to improved
methods of reducing transcriptional noise (that is, transcription
of non-genic DNA or of genes that are inappropriate for the
cell type concerned). The theory has the virtue that it makes
some testable predictions and that it might explain a major
macroevolutionary change. Its disadvantage is that it is rather
speculative, going some way beyond the available data.
Whether or not the noise reduction idea is relevant to the evo
lutionary origin of vertebrates, the transition in methylation
patterns deserves further study for the light that it may shed on
the biology of DNA methylation generally.
We thank Joan Davidson and Aileen Greig for technical assistance.
This work was funded by grants from The Wellcome Trust, Imperial
Cancer Research Fund and The Howard Hughes Medical Institute.
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... Though repair machinery is in place to correct this error, it is inefficient and often results in the T-G base pair mutating to a T-A base pair and thus a thymine-phosphate-guanine (TpG) site (11,12). The generation of a TpG from a 5mCpG site is thought to be the reason for the overall depletion of CpGs in mammalian genomes (13). In fact, there is an inverse relationship between CpG and TpG dinucleotides; genomes with low CpG enrichment tend to have a higher occurrence of TpG dinucleotides, and vice versa (13). ...
... The generation of a TpG from a 5mCpG site is thought to be the reason for the overall depletion of CpGs in mammalian genomes (13). In fact, there is an inverse relationship between CpG and TpG dinucleotides; genomes with low CpG enrichment tend to have a higher occurrence of TpG dinucleotides, and vice versa (13). Even before the vast availability of sequenced genomes, it was postulated that 5mC deamination and subsequent mutation to a T-A base pair could promote genetic diversity during evolution (6). ...
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The most common form of DNA methylation involves the addition of a methyl group to a cytosine base in the context of a cytosine-phosphate-guanine (CpG) dinucleotide. Genomes from more primitive organisms are more abundant in CpG sites that, through the process of methylation, deamination and subsequent mutation to thymine-phosphate-guanine (TpG) sites, can produce new transcription factor binding sites. Here, we examined the evolutionary history of the over 36 000 glucocorticoid receptor (GR) consensus binding motifs in the human genome and identified a subset of them in regulatory regions that arose via a deamination and subsequent mutation event. GR can bind to both unmodified and methylated pre-GR binding sequences (GBSs) that contain a CpG site. Our structural analyses show that CpG methylation in a pre-GBS generates a favorable interaction with Arg447 mimicking that made with a TpG in a GBS. This methyl-specific recognition arose 420 million years ago and was conserved during the evolution of GR and likely helps fix the methylation on the relevant cytosines. Our study provides the first genetic, biochemical and structural evidence of high-affinity binding for the likely evolutionary precursor of extant TpG-containing GBS.
... . Because samples were sequenced in very high coverage and the total number of reads varied , we normalized coverage before analyses to reduce possible biases in methylation calling and subsequent analyses. Read coverage was reduced by random subsampling using SeqKit v.0.15.0 108 to match the smallest number of read pairs in any sample (n=187,618,210 read pairs per sample). ...
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Unraveling molecular mechanisms of adaptation to complex environments is crucial to understanding tolerance of abiotic pressures and responses to climatic change. Epigenetic variation is increasingly recognized as a mechanism that can facilitate rapid responses to changing environmental cues. To investigate variation in genetic and epigenetic diversity at spatial and thermal extremes, we use whole genome and methylome sequencing to generate a high-resolution map of DNA methylation in the bumble bee Bombus vosnesenskii . We sample two populations representing spatial and environmental range extremes (a warm southern low-elevation site and a cold northern high-elevation site) previously shown to exhibit differences in thermal tolerance and determine positions in the genome that are constitutively and variably methylated across samples. Bisulfite sequencing reveals methylation characteristics similar to other arthropods, with low global CpG methylation but high methylation concentrated in gene bodies and in genome regions with low nucleotide diversity. Differentially methylated sites (n = 2,066) were largely hypomethylated in the northern high-elevation population but not related to local sequence differentiation. The concentration of methylated and differentially methylated sites in exons and putative promoter regions suggests a possible role in gene regulation, and this high-resolution analysis of intraspecific epigenetic variation in wild Bombus suggests that the function of methylation in niche adaptation would be worth further investigation.
... Although DNA methylation is present in many organisms, its patterns and functionality cannot be generalised across and within taxa. Differences exist even among animal genomes, as in invertebrates DNA methylation is commonly sporadic, while vertebrates show genome-wide DNA methylation (Albalat et al., 2012;Bird et al., 1995;Gardiner-Garden and Frommer, 1987;Tweedie et al., 1997). Interestingly, also within-genome differences exist. ...
Animal personality, consistent individual differences in behaviour, is an important concept for understanding how individuals vary in how they cope with environmental challenges. In order to understand the evolutionary significance of animal personality, it is crucial to understand the underlying regulatory mechanisms. Epigenetic marks such as DNA methylation are hypothesised to play a major role in explaining variation in phenotypic changes in response to environmental alterations. Several characteristics of DNA methylation also align well with the concept of animal personality. In this review paper, we summarise the current literature on the role that molecular epigenetic mechanisms may have in explaining personality variation. We elaborate on the potential for epigenetic mechanisms to explain behavioural variation, behavioural development and temporal consistency in behaviour. We then suggest future routes for this emerging field and point to potential pitfalls that may be encountered. We conclude that a more inclusive approach is needed for studying the epigenetics of animal personality and that epigenetic mechanisms cannot be studied without considering the genetic background.
... By ensuring the activation and repression of developmental related genes, epigenetic mechanisms consist of two processes: (i) histone modifications and (ii) DNA methylation. DNA methylation primarily functions in transcriptional repression [2,3] and activation of genes [4] and is conducted by adding a methyl group to the fifth carbon atom of cytosine residues using S-adenosyl-L-methionine as a methyl donor [5]. This biochemical reaction primarily occurs in cytosine-phosphate-guanine (CpG) dinucleotide islands and rarely in the non-CpG sites, including cytosine-phosphate-thymine (CpT), cytosinephosphate-adenine (CpA), and cytosine-phosphate-cytosine (CpC). ...
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Objective DNA methylation includes maintenance and de novo methylation process that are catalyzed by DNA methyltransferase (Dnmt) enzymes and these enzymes possess crucial roles in methylation of genes associated with the development of ovarian follicles. The aim of this study is to evaluate whether expression of Dnmt3a and Dnmt3b protein levels change after cryopreservation and re-transplantation of ovarian tissue in rats. Methods Four groups were designed as; fresh control (FC), frozen/thawed (FT), fresh re-transplanted (T), and frozen/thawed and re-transplanted (FTT). Slow freezing was used to cryopreserve the ovarian tissue pieces and expression of Dnmt3a and Dnmt3b proteins was assessed by immunohistochemistry. Result Expression of Dnmt3a and Dnmt3b significantly decreased in ovarian follicles in FT, T and FTT groups when compared FC. Conclusion Expression of Dnmt enzymes has been altered both after cryopreservation alone and following re-transplantation cycles which may lead to disturbed DNA methylation processes during rat folliculogenesis
... DNA methylation occurs through covalent binding of the cytosine C5 atom to a methyl group, which modifies the cytosine into 5-methylcytosine (5-mC); the cytosine-phosphate-guanosine dinucleotide site (CpG island) near the gene's promoter is the main site for the corresponding modification. In mammals, approximately 40 % of gene promoters contain CpG islands [60], which reflects their contribution to the modulation of gene expression. DNA hypermethylation is related to gene suppression, while hypomethylation is associated with gene expression. ...
The development of novel therapeutic approaches is necessary to manage gastrointestinal cancers (GICs). Considering the effective molecular mechanisms involved in tumor growth, the therapeutic response is pivotal in this process. Autophagy is a highly conserved catabolic process that acts as a double-edged sword in tumorigenesis and tumor inhibition in a context-dependent manner. Depending on the stage of malignancy and cellular origin of the tumor, autophagy might result in cancer cell survival or death during the GICs' progression. Moreover, autophagy can prevent the progression of GIC in the early stages but leads to chemoresistance in advanced stages. Therefore, targeting specific arms of autophagy could be a promising strategy in the prevention of chemoresistance and treatment of GIC. It has been revealed that autophagy is a cytoplasmic event that is subject to transcriptional and epigenetic regulation inside the nucleus. The effect of epigenetic regulation (including DNA methylation, histone modification, and expression of non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) in cellular fate is still not completely understood. Recent findings have indicated that epigenetic alterations can modify several genes and modulators, eventually leading to inhibition or promotion of autophagy in different cancer stages, and mediating chemoresistance or chemosensitivity. The current review focuses on the links between autophagy and epigenetics in GICs and discusses: 1) How autophagy and epigenetics are linked in GICs, by considering different epigenetic mechanisms; 2) how epigenetics may be involved in the alteration of cancer-related phenotypes, including cell proliferation, invasion, and migration; and 3) how epidrugs modulate autophagy in GICs to overcome chemoresistance.
... Because the CpG methylation system has been lost from Caenorhabditis, and its highly diverged equivalent in Drosophila went unrecognized until 1999 (Tweedie et al. 1999), it was initially assumed that CpG methylation was significant only in vertebrates (Bird et al. 1995). However, this assumption proved to be incorrect, as the genomes of a phylogenetically diverse range of invertebrates, including representatives of early diverging arthropod lineages, are now known to be substantially methylated (Wang et al. 2006;Lewis et al. 2020). ...
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Considerable attention has recently been focussed on the potential involvement of DNA methylation in regulating gene expression in cnidarians. Much of this work has been centered on corals, in the context of changes in methylation perhaps facilitating adaptation to higher seawater temperatures and other stressful conditions. Although first proposed more than 30 years ago, the possibility that DNA methylation systems function in protecting animal genomes against the harmful effects of transposon activity has largely been ignored since that time. Here we show that transposons are specifically targeted by the DNA methylation system in cnidarians, and that the youngest transposons (i.e. those most likely to be active) are most highly methylated. Transposons in longer and highly active genes were preferentially methylated and, as transposons aged, methylation levels declined, reducing the potentially harmful side-effects of CpG methylation. In Cnidaria and a range of other invertebrates, correlation between the overall extent of methylation and transposon content was strongly supported. Present transposon burden is the dominant factor in determining overall level of genomic methylation in a range of animals that diverged in or before the early Cambrian, suggesting that genome defense represents the ancestral role of CpG methylation.
... By ensuring the activation and repression of developmental related genes, epigenetic mechanisms consist of two processes: (i) histone modifications and (ii) DNA methylation. DNA methylation primarily functions in transcriptional repression [2,3] and activation of genes [4] and is conducted by adding a methyl group to the fifth carbon atom of cytosine residues using S-adenosyl-L-methionine as a methyl donor [5]. This biochemical reaction primarily occurs in cytosine-phosphate-guanine (CpG) dinucleotide islands and rarely in the non-CpG sites, including cytosine-phosphate-thymine (CpT), cytosinephosphate-adenine (CpA), and cytosine-phosphate-cytosine (CpC). ...
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PurposeDNA methylation is one of the epigenetic mechanisms that plays critical roles in preimplantation embryo development executed by DNA methyltransferase (Dnmt) enzymes. Dnmt1, responsible for the maintenance of methylation, and Dnmt3a, for de novo methylation, are gradually erased from the zygote in succeeding stages and then reestablished in the blastocyst. This study was designed to address the vital role of Dnmt1 and Dnmt3a enzymes by silencing their gene expressions in embryonic development in mice.Methods Groups were (i) control, (ii) Dnmt1-siRNA, (iii) Dnmt3a-siRNA, and (iv) non-targeted (NT) siRNA. Knockdown of Dnmt genes using siRNAs was confirmed by measuring the targeted proteins using Western blot and immunofluorescence. Following knockdown of Dnmt1 and Dnmt3a in zygotes, the developmental competence and global DNA methylation levels were analyzed after 96 h in embryo cultures.ResultsA significant number of embryos arrested at the 2-cell stage or had undergone degeneration in the Dnmt1 and Dnmt3a knocked-down groups. By 3D observations in super-resolution microscopy, we noted that Dnmt1 was exclusively found in juxtanuclear cytoplasm, while the Dnmt3a signal was preferentially localized in the nucleus, both in trophoblasts (TBs) and embryoblasts (EBs). Interestingly, the global DNA methylation level decreased in the Dnmt1 knockdown group, while it increased in the Dnmt3a knockdown group.Conclusion Precisely aligned expression of Dnmt genes is highly essential for the fate of an embryo in the early developmental period. Our data indicates that further analysis is mandatory to designate the specific targets of these methylation/demethylation processes in mouse and human preimplantation embryos.
... Vertebrate genomes are subject to high levels of DNA methylation, with a global pattern that varies from regulatory regions, promoters, and enhancers to transposable elements and gene bodies (Keller et al., 2015). On the other hand, invertebrates DNA methylation is mostly concentrated in gene bodies (Zemach et al., 2010), with species like Caenorhabditis elegans and Drosophila melanogaster mainly being free of 5mC (Bird et al., 1995). ...
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DNA methylation is an essential epigenetic mechanism influencing gene expression in all organisms. In metazoans, the pattern of DNA methylation changes during embryogenesis and adult life. Consequently, differentiated cells develop a stable and unique DNA methylation pattern that finely regulates mRNA transcription during development and determines tissue-specific gene expression. Currently, DNA methylation remains poorly investigated in mollusks and completely unexplored in Mytilus galloprovincialis. To shed light on this process in this ecologically and economically important bivalve, we screened its genome, detecting sequences homologous to DNA methyltransferases (DNMTs), methyl-CpG-binding domain (MBD) proteins and Ten-eleven translocation methylcytosine dioxygenase (TET) previously described in other organisms. We characterized the gene architecture and protein domains of the mussel sequences and studied their phylogenetic relationships with the ortholog sequences from other bivalve species. We then comparatively investigated their expression levels across different adult tissues in mussel and other bivalves, using previously published transcriptome datasets. This study provides the first insights on DNA methylation regulators in M. galloprovincialis, which may provide fundamental information to better understand the complex role played by this mechanism in regulating genome activity in bivalves.
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Unraveling molecular mechanisms of adaptation to complex environments is crucial to understanding tolerance of abiotic pressures and responses to climatic change. Epigenetic variation is increasingly recognized as a mechanism that can facilitate rapid responses to changing environmental cues. To investigate variation in genetic and epigenetic diversity at spatial and thermal extremes, we use whole genome and methylome sequencing to generate a high-resolution map of DNA methylation in the bumble bee Bombus vosnesenskii . We sample two populations representing spatial and environmental range extremes (a warm southern low-elevation site and a cold northern high-elevation site) previously shown to exhibit differences in thermal tolerance and determine positions in the genome that are consistently and variably methylated across samples. Bisulfite sequencing reveals methylation characteristics similar to other arthropods, with low global CpG methylation but high methylation concentrated in gene bodies and in genome regions with low nucleotide diversity. Differentially methylated sites (n = 2066) were largely hypomethylated in the northern high-elevation population but not related to local sequence differentiation. The concentration of methylated and differentially methylated sites in exons and putative promoter regions suggests a possible role in gene regulation, and this high-resolution analysis of intraspecific epigenetic variation in wild Bombus suggests that the function of methylation in niche adaptation would be worth further investigation.
Bisulfite sequencing is the "gold-standard" technique for DNA methylation analysis. By combining bisulfite sequencing with high-throughput, next-generation sequencing technology, we can document methylation from many thousands of individual reads (equivalent to alleles or "cells"), for multiple target regions and from many samples simultaneously. Here, we describe a next-generation bisulfite-sequencing assay for targeted DNA methylation analysis which offers scope for the simultaneous interrogation of multiple genomic loci across numerous samples.
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Repression of transcription from densely methylated genes can be mediated by the methyl-CpG binding protein MeCP-1 (Boyes and Bird, 1991). Here we have investigated the effect of methylation on genes with a low density of methyl-CpG. We found that sparse methylation could repress transfected genes completely, but the inhibition was fully overcome by the presence in cis of an SV40 enhancer. Densely methylated genes, however, could not be reactivated by the enhancer. In vitro studies showed that the sparsely methylated genes bound weakly to MeCP-1 and that binding interfered with transcription. In the absence of available MeCP-1, methylation had minimal effects on transcription. From these and other results we propose that sparsely methylated genes form an unstable complex with MeCP-1 which prevents transcription when the promoter is weak. This complex can be disrupted by a strong promoter, thereby allowing the methylated gene to be transcribed.
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A general strategy for selecting insertion mutations in mice has been devised. Constructs lacking a promoter and including a beta-galactosidase gene, or a reporter gene encoding a protein with both beta-galactosidase and neomycin phosphotransferase activity, were designed so that activation of the reporter gene depends on its insertion within an active transcription unit. Such insertion events create a mutation in the tagged gene and allow its expression to be followed by beta-galactosidase activity. Introduction of promoter trap constructs into embryonic stem (ES) cells by electroporation or retroviral infection has led to the derivation of transgenic lines that show a variety of beta-galactosidase expression patterns. Intercrossing of heterozygotes from 24 strains that express beta-galactosidase identified 9 strains in which homozygosity leads to an embryonic lethality. Because no overt phenotype was detected in the remaining strains, these results suggest that a substantial proportion of mammalian genes identified by this approach are not essential for development.
Sea urchin (Echinus esculentus) DNA has been separated into high and low molecular weight fractions by digestion with the mCpG-sensitive restriction endonucleases Hpa II, Hha I and Ava I. The separation was due to differences in methylation at the recognition sequences for these enzymes because an mCpG-insensitive isoschizomer of Hpa II (Msp I) digested Hpa II-resistant DNA to low molecular weight, showing that many Hpa II sites were in fact present in this fraction; and because 3H-methyl methionine administered to embryos was incorporated into the high molecular weight Hpa II-, Hha I- and Ava I-resistant fraction, but not significantly into the low molecular weight fraction. The fraction resistant to Hpa II, Hha I and Ava I amounted to about 40% of the total DNA. It consisted of long sequence tracts between 15 and well over 50 kg in length, in which many sites for each of these enzymes were methylated consecutively. The remaining 60% of the genome, (m-), was not significantly methylated. Methylated and unmethylated fractions were considered to be subfractions of the genome because enriched unique sequences from one fraction cross-reassociated poorly with the other fraction and specific sequences were found in either (m+) or (m-) but not in both (see below). Similar (m+) and (m-) compartments were found in embryos, germ cells and adult somatic tissues. Furthermor, we found no evidence for changes in the sequence composition of (m+) or (m-) between sperm, embryo or intestine DNAs, although low levels of exchange would not have been detected. Using cloned Echinus histone DNA, heterologous 5S DNA and ribosomal DNA probes, we have found that each of these gene families belongs to the unmethylated DNA compartment in all the tissues examined. In particular, there was no detectable methylation of histone DNA either in early embryos, which are thought to be actively transcribing the bulk of histone genes, or in sperm and gastrulae, in which most histone genes are not being transcribed. In contrast to these gene families, sequences complementary to an internally repetitious Echinus DNA clone were found primarily in the methylated DNA compartment.
The fifth base in human DNA, 5-methylcytosine, is inherently mutagenic. This has led to marked changes in the distribution of the CpG methyl acceptor site and an 80% depletion in its frequency of occurrence in vertebrate DNA. The coding regions of many genes contain CpGs which are methylated in sperm and serve as hot spots for mutation in human genetic diseases. Fully 30-40% of all human germline point mutations are thought to be methylation induced even though the CpG dinucleotide is under-represented and efficient cellular repair systems exist. Importantly, tumor suppressor genes such as p53 also contain methylated CpGs and these serve as hot spots for mutations in some, but not all, human cancers. Comparison of the spectrum of mutations present in this gene in different human cancers allows for predictions to be made on the molecular mechanisms of tumorigenesis.
Gene targeting in embryonic stem (ES) cells has been used to mutate the murine DNA methyltransferase gene. ES cell lines homozygous for the mutation were generated by consecutive targeting of both wild-type alleles; the mutant cells were viable and showed no obvious abnormalities with respect to growth rate or morphology, and had only trace levels of DNA methyltransferase activity. A quantitative end-labeling assay showed that the level of m5C in the DNA of homozygous mutant cells was about one-third that of wild-type cells, and Southern blot analysis after cleavage of the DNA with a methylation-sensitive restriction endonuclease revealed substantial demethylation of endogenous retroviral DNA. The mutation was introduced into the germline of mice and found to cause a recessive lethal phenotype. Homozygous embryos were stunted, delayed in development, and did not survive past mid-gestation. The DNA of homozygous embryos showed a reduction of the level of m5C similar to that of homozygous ES cells. These results indicate that while a 3-fold reduction in levels of genomic m5C has no detectable effect on the viability or proliferation of ES cells in culture, a similar reduction of DNA methylation in embryos causes abnormal development and embryonic lethality.
Methylation of mammalian DNA can lead to repression of transcription and alteration of chromatin structure. Recent evidence suggests that both effects are the result of an interaction between the methylated sites and methyl-CpG-binding proteins (MeCPs). MeCP1 has previously been detected in crude nuclear extracts. Here we report the identification, purification, and cDNA cloning of a novel MeCP called MeCP2. Unlike MeCP1, the new protein is able to bind to DNA that contains a single methyl-CpG pair. By staining with an antibody, we show that the distribution of MeCP2 along the chromosomes parallels that of methyl-CpG. In mouse, for example, MeCP2 is concentrated in pericentromeric heterochromatin, which contains a large fraction (about 40%) of all genomic 5-methylcytosine.
We have studied the mechanism by which DNA methylation inhibits transcription both in cell-free nuclear extracts and in the living cell. Repression of transcription in vitro for four different promoters was shown to be an indirect effect. The mediator of repression had properties indistinguishable from those of a methyl-CpG binding protein (MeCP-1) that has been previously identified. Use of differentially methylated promoters and methylated competitors in transient transfection assays suggested that indirect repression via MeCP-1 also occurs in the living cell. This was supported by the fact that MeCP-1-deficient cells showed much reduced repression of methylated genes.
It is likely that most vertebrate genes are associated with 'HTF islands'--DNA sequences in which CpG is abundant and non-methylated. Highly tissue-specific genes, though, usually lack islands. The contrast between islands and the remainder of the genome may identify sequences that are to be constantly available in the nucleus. DNA methylation appears to be involved in this function, rather than with activation of tissue specific genes.