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Abstract and Figures

Document management systems in AEC projects manage important project documents such as schedules, RFIs, and change orders. Hence, security concerns in document management systems especially involving data integrity of documents and records may have a severe effect on a project in terms of money and the reputations of project participants. Therefore, in this research blockchain technology is leveraged to facilitate data integrity in document management for construction applications through - (1) irreversible and irrevocable approval workflow logic via smart contract technology, (2) irreversible recording of document changes via blockchain ledger technology, and (3) document version history integrity via a blockchain-based data structure. A prototype of the proposed smart contract framework was developed using Hyperledger fabric and evaluated. The scalability of the proposed framework to support document version integrity was also evaluated and discussed. A formulation based on existing literature is developed to evaluate the cost viability of the proposed framework.
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A Blockchain-based Integrated Document Management Framework for Construction
Authors: Moumita Das, Xingyu Tao, Yuhan Liu, Jack C. P. Cheng*
A smart contract logic to facilitate integration via customizable document approval workflows
is developed.
A data structure to securely record document version history is developed.
A blockchain ledger data model to securely record document lifecycle is developed.
An example scenario and prototype evaluation of the proposed framework are presented.
Document management systems in AEC projects manage important project documents such as
schedules, RFIs, and change orders. Hence, security concerns in document management systems
especially involving data integrity of documents and records may have a severe effect on a project in
terms of money and the reputations of project participants. Therefore, in this research blockchain
technology is leveraged to facilitate data integrity in document management for construction
applications through - (1) irreversible and irrevocable approval workflow logic via smart contract
technology, (2) irreversible recording of document changes via blockchain ledger technology, and (3)
document version history integrity via a blockchain-based data structure. A prototype of the proposed
smart contract framework was developed using Hyperledger fabric and evaluated. The scalability of the
proposed framework to support document version integrity was also evaluated and discussed. A
formulation based on existing literature is developed to evaluate the cost viability of the proposed
Keywords: Blockchain, Distributed Ledger, Document Management System, IPFS, Security, Smart
1. Introduction
Project documents are written or visual instructions that define the scope of AEC (Architecture,
Engineering, and Construction) projects and hence are critical to successful project delivery. AEC
Projects contain hundreds of project documents such as specifications, quality control documents,
progress monitoring documents, and correspondence. Therefore, document management
systems/methods are highly important in AEC projects. Document management systems aid in
document management, i.e. management document generation, storage, updating, and distribution for
faster and streamlined collaboration among project stakeholders. The primary functions of document
management systems in AEC projects can be summarized as [30,73], - (1) approval workflow
management i.e., facilitating customizable document approval workflows in which project participants
are connected using pre-defined business rules to support processes such as design review and RFI
(Request for Information) management, (2) ‘document lifecycle recording’, i.e. establishing ‘audit logs
to help project comply with standard guidelines and monitor potential problems, (3) ‘document version
management, i.e. storing, categorizing, and distributing different versions of various project documents.
The existing document management systems in the AEC industry include paper-based document
management methods (in small and medium-sized organizations in certain countries) which are tedious
and highly inefficient [3]. Electronic document management systems are more popular, instances of
which are widely found in literature and commercially. Caldas and Soibelman [8] proposed an SVM-
based framework to classify unstructured construction documents according to standard construction
information classification systems such as CSI MasterFormat [14]. Park et al. [58] proposed an
ontology-based document management system to facilitate a consistent vocabulary amongst multi-
disciplinary project participants of AEC projects. Moon et al. [52] proposed a document management
system using text-mining algorithms for automatically grouping and searching construction documents.
Guo et al. [30] presented a study involving the selection criteria for electronic document management
systems for the transportation construction industry. Hajjar and Abourizk [31] proposed a data model
to integrate construction site data with then-existing electronic document management systems. Opitz
et al. [3] proposed a document-to-object linked data model to develop an integrated BIM-based
document management system using embedded description document metadata. Investigation on real-
time data-supported structured document management systems was conducted by Cha and Lee [12] in
the year 2018. Commercial document management platforms such as SharePoint [50] and IBM
Connections [36] prevalent in industries such as manufacturing and IT, were also investigated for AEC
projects but were found unsuitable mainly because of the temporary and fragmented nature of AEC
projects [29]. Other commercial document management systems developed specifically for AEC
projects include BIM 360 [5] and Aconex [57] with cloud-based and on-premise deployment options
[73]. In addition to document management systems, SMEs also use cloud based repositories such as
Dropbox for document storage and distribution [18].
However, the existing approaches to document management in AEC projects suffer from the lack of
methods supporting integration and security. In construction projects, documents are generated as a
result of several discontinuous processes such as design collaboration, submission management,
tendering, RFI management, and work order management over the life cycle of a project [38]. These
documents are needed to be distributed amongst various project teams on-demand who require them in
their individual tasks [27]. In construction projects, the project stakeholders depend on each other for
information but are not contracted amongst themselves, thus leaving project document security to trust
in relationships and unexpressed agreements [24]. As a result, peripheral project participants such as
sub-contractors and external bodies (such as government organizations in submission review), have
difficulties in verifying the integrity of processes and project documents [75]. The existing document
management systems (common data environments such as BIM 360) mainly cater to key project
participants, hence leaving out smaller project participants and local information silos. The current
practice among small and medium-sized enterprises is to use cloud-based repositories such as Dropbox
and emails instead of document management systems [18] due to the high cost of investment of
document management systems [30]. Therefore, a transparent and traceable framework that can easily
integrate all the project participants and local information silos, repositories, and communication and
facilitate the functionalities of the document management framework in a secure manner is necessary.
This framework should have certain security facilitating features supporting the functionalities of
typical document management systems.
Firstly the document management framework should support secure information management
workflows. Security in document approval workflows refers to user authenticity, i.e., the ability to
authenticate the identity of various document approvers correctly, control, i.e. ascertaining the
workflow sequence through an irreversible and transparent workflow logic, and auditability, i.e. the
ability to record workflow events in an irreversible manner to ascertain accountability [54]. In current
practice, contractual clauses and risk mitigation instruments are added to ensure the security of
document workflows [41]. However, it does not completely prevent the problem and often leads to
disputes and litigation. Therefore, robust technical solutions in parallel to contractual obligations are
also necessary to ensure security and functional requirements of information approval workflows in the
existing methods of document management in AEC projects. Secondly, documents are modified by
different processes such as design review and RFIs in AEC projects [38]. Therefore, it is necessary to
record document lifecycles for purposes of audit and quality control [54]. Thirdly, the existing
approaches to document management systems lack version security which means, it is possible to
modify or delete document version records without leaving a trail. In addition, SMEs t hat use cloud-
based repositories cannot employ methods for version management that can ensure security and
integration of documents. Therefore, a system that can integrate documents and document -related
information (metadata) from existing document management systems, cloud-based repositories, and
methods of correspondence and also provide security against data tampering is much desired.
Blockchain is a technology of distributed ledgers that removes the role of central administrators
and runs with the consent of multiple peer members [72]. Blockchain deploys cryptographic methods
and decentralized consensus mechanisms to ensure data recording in an irreversible manner [72].
Blockchain is also programmable via smart contract technology that can deploy customized rules on
blockchain to regulate and update blockchain ledgers. Blockchain platforms in existing literature are
primarily of two types (1) public blockchain platform contracts and (2) permissioned blockchain smart
platforms. The consensus mechanisms of public blockchain such as PoW (Proof-of-Work) are
computationally expensive, however are more decentralized compared to the consensus mechanism of
permissioned blockchain platforms. For example, the PBFT (Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance)
based consensus Hyperledger fabric (permissioned) is more vulnerable to attacks such as intentional
fork attacks as an Ordering Service node is responsible for verifying and adding blocks [17]. Moreover,
the fault tolerance (% adversarial computational power for a successful attack) of public blockchain
smart contracts with probabilistic consensus algorithms like PoW and PoS (Proof-of-Stake) is 50%
compared to 33% [11] and 20% [16] for permissioned blockchain platforms using PBFT and Ripple
respectively [78].
This paper deploys blockchain technology to develop a secure document management system to
integrate project participants and document/record silos and impart security of data irreversibility and
data integrity. In particular, the proposed document management system includes - (1) blockchain-based
smart contract framework to facilitate customized and secure document approval workflows, (2)
blockchain-based secure ledger data model to facilitate the irreversible recording of document lifecycle
(change records) for audit logging and monitoring, and (3) a modified Merkle-Patricia Trie (MPT)
based data structure to facilitate irreversible document version history. The smart contract framework
is designed to facilitate customized document approval workflows by selecting the number of workflow
steps, roles, and actions as per the requirements of an organization. The customizability of workflow
allows project managers to define document approval workflows at the beginning of a project according
to organizational policies that may vary from project to project. The smart contract workflow may be
deployed on top of existing document management systems or cloud-repositories, hence facilitating
integration. Since the smart contract logic is blockchain-based, it is irreversible by users as well as the
administrators of document management systems. The distributed ledger data model is recorded
document lifecycles using document metadata [23,48,56] to support the smart contract-based
information approval workflow. The ledger data model also provides an integrated platform on top of
document management systems or cloud repositories for document lifecycle recording in an irreversible
manner for monitoring or quality control at a later stage. The modified MPT-based data structure is
designed to map document lifecycle records (on the blockchain ledger) with document identifiers to
facilitate document version integrity i.e., the assurance that the contents of document version and
version history are untampered. The functions of the proposed document management framework
including integration and security is demonstrated via an example scenario. A prototype was developed
using Hyperledger fabric and evaluated for efficiency and scalability. The scalability of the proposed
framework is also qualitatively analyzed and discussed.
The remaining paper is structured as follows: Section 2 presents a literature review of existing
approaches using blockchain technology for information management. Section 3 presents the key
technologies used to develop the proposed framework. A Section 4 describing the overall methodology
of this paper is presented. In Section 5, the various components of the proposed framework are presented.
This is followed by an example scenario, prototype development, and evaluation of the proposed
framework in in Section 6. Section 7 evaluates the proposed framework and presents results. A
discussion is presented in Section 8 and the paper is concluded in Section 9.
2. Literature Review
Application of blockchain in authenticating digital videos [35], securing decentralized AI applications
[39], securing applications of 5G [13,51], and IoT [40] networks is widely found in the existing
literature. For the construction industry, blockchain has found initial application in tracking changes
[69], measuring construction productivity [37], pre-cast supply chain management [71], and contract
management [70] in research. Feasibility analysis of applying blockchain to regulate project bank
accounts [45], BIM models [79], and Common Data Environments [59] can be found in active research.
For AEC projects, blockchain’s potential to facilitate BIM adoption through consistent and hacking-
resistant design records has been investigated. Nawari et al. [55] emphasized on the advantages of in
BIM workflows. Elghaish et al. [22] supported the potential of blockchain in BIM-based change
recording and increasing traceability. Salah et al. deploy blockchain-based smart contracts to govern
and control interactions and transactions among the participants of an agricultural supply chain to
improve traceability [64]. Hasan and Salah [34] developed a blockchain-based proof of delivery
solution of shipped physical items that trace activities, logs, and events in a decentralized manner. Erri
et al. [24] adopted a design science research based methodology to discuss the potential of blockchain
technologies in information exchange in construction processes. They have evaluated the suitability of
blockchain technologies by implementing a prototype using simulated project and dispute scenarios.
Yang et al. [75] explored the feasibility of public and private blockchain systems in construction
industry using industry cases. Although their study is limited to specific business cases and blockchain
platforms, they have discussed the advantages, limitations, and challenges of adopting blockchain
technology for construction uses. Hargaden et al. [33] explored smart contract applications for
integrating blockchain technology with BIM and information management. Dounas and Lombardi [21]
implemented a prototype demonstrating the connection between CAD applications and blockchain
technologies using the Ethereum platform. Their study is limited to implementation scenarios for design
authoring and could be extended to cover project lifecycle records. Liu et al. [46] proposed a two-level
framework to demonstrate the applications of integrating BIM with blockchain technology for
sustainable design coordination and collaboration. Singh and Ashuri [65] proposed a blockchain
framework to track design lifecycle by blockchaining design commands and events. Zheng et al. [79]
proposed a model for facilitating tracing and authentication of BIM historical records using blockchain
to secure BIM data audit. Xue and Lu [74] proposed a scalable framework for BIM change recording
using semantic differential transactions. Hamledari and Fischer [32] developed an autonomous payment
administration solution using blockchain enabled smart contracts. They implemented their prototype in
two real world commercial projects demonstrating elimination of reliance on current intermediated
payment applications. In the existing literature, investigation on securing and facilitating document
lifecycle tracking and management for construction applications is an area that is not thoroughly
investigated. Therefore, in this paper, the functional and security related problems of document
management for construction application is investigated and a framework using key technologies such
as blockchain and cryptographical data structures (introduced in Section 3) is proposed in Section 5.
3. Key Technologies
3.1 The Blockchain Technology
Blockchain is the technology of secure distributed ledgers that underlies cryptocurrencies such as
Bitcoin [53] and Ether[72]. Technologies such as cryptography and peer-to-peer networking are
deployed by blockchain to verify and synchronize records among distributed peers without a
centralized administrator [47]. Figure 1 shows the system architecture of a blockchain platform
consisting of distributed peer nodes connected through a peer-to-peer network. The core idea of the
blockchain network is decentralization which means blockchain is distributed over a network of
nodes. Each node verifies the actions of other entities in the network, as well as can create,
authenticate and validate the new transaction to be recorded in the blockchain. This decentralized
architecture ensures robust and secure operations on the blockchain with the advantages of tamper
resistance and no single-point failure vulnerabilities. As shown in Figure 1, every peer node consists
of (1) a distributed ledger and (2) smart contracts.
Figure 1 Architecture of Blockchain Platforms
The distributed ledger consists of a collection of data blocks (as shown in Figure 1). The security of the
ledger comes from its structure where every block is linked to its previous block through hash values.
The hash values are created using “hash” functions which convert contents of any length into a 256-bit
long unique value [9]. Therefore, to corrupt a block, all blocks that precede it must be manipulated,
which is difficult as blocks are added based on collective consensus algorithms that involve multiple
peer members. Smart contracts are customizable executable codes that can be used to deploy business
rules for the addition of blocks for an application. Smart contract languages such as Solidity [26] are
object-oriented languages with pre-defined methods to facilitate functions such as cryptographic
verification, storing data on a blockchain, libraries for using digital signatures and hashing.
In this paper, the potential of blockchain to facilitate integration and security in document management
in AEC projects is investigated. A smart contract logic and a blockchain ledger data model to create
customized information approval workflow and document lifecycle recording are developed.
3.2 Cryptographic Data Structures for Proving Data Integrity
In this paper, cryptographic structures based on Radix trees [44] and Merkle trees [67] are deployed to
facilitate verification of document version history. A radix tree is an efficient data structure for storing,
indexing, and retrieving in-memory data that goes through a lot of updates [44]. As shown in Figure 2,
data in a radix tree is stored in a key-value format, where the “key” consists of a group of non-leaf nodes
arranged in lexicographical order whereas the “value” is the lead node which is led to by the key path.
Figure 2 shows a case or model that can be used to store a radix tree in a key-value database such as
LevelDB [28].
Figure 2 Example shows the Data Structure of Radix trees
Unlike other in-memory tree-like data structures such as T-tree and variants of B+ trees [62] which
require complete rearrangement of the index structure with every update, the radix tree grows
horizontally and hence are less expensive computationally. The reason behind its high performance is
the shallow depth of the tree data structure. Therefore, for environments with a large number of datasets
(n), the radix tree is very efficient as the length of keys (k) does not grow as fast as the number of
datasets. Hash tables [66] are another popular in-memory data structure that is very fast and has almost
constant search time. However, they are seldom used for indexing as they are not suitable for range
The second type of tree data structure used in the proposed framework is Merkle Tree. Merkle trees use
a deterministic encryption mechanism, known as “hash functions in general, which irreversibly
converts contents of any length into a unique 256-bit value [9]. As shown in Figure 3, a Merkle tree
consists of leaf nodes that are hash values of their data content and non-leaf nodes that are hash values
of their child nodes.
Figure 3 Data structure of a Merkle Tree and its Property to Prove Data Integrity
The property of a Merkle tree that can be used to prove the completeness and consistency of a data set
in a distributed environment is demonstrated in Figure 3. As shown in the figure, an update in a Merkle
tree is facilitated by horizontally incrementing the tree and maintaining references to old unmodified
nodes. In a distributed environment, the integrity of updated data can be verified from its corresponding
root hash value as shown in Figure 3. For example, the integrity of dataset “9” can be verified if a user
can produce the “new root” using the elements “H4”, “H12”, and “H5678” (as shown in Figure 3).
Merkle Patricia Tries (MPT)[72] are key-value-based indexing data structures that combine the
properties of Merkle trees [67] and Radix trees [44] to quickly generate cryptographic proofs of data
integrity and to perform efficient data searching respectively. It is particularly suitable for supporting
distributed applications in which records are frequently updated via incremental growth requiring no
complete reconstruction (unlike variants of B+ trees [43,62], which require reconstruction with every
update). Applications of MPTs can be widely found in popular blockchain platforms such as Ethereum
[72], for cloud verification[49], and privacy-preserving authentication in vehicular networks [6].
In the proposed framework, the data structure of MPT is modified to record document version history
by deploying document IDs (created using Omniclass definitions) as a key and content identifier of
document versions as value. Unlike the existing implementations of MPT, the values of documents
from the same versions are linked together in the modified MPT so that the integrity of document
version history can be protected and proven.
4. Methodology
In this paper, a Design Science research (DSR) philosophy for the development and evaluation of the
proposed document management framework. DSR is a philosophy that focuses on the development and
Data Structure of Merkle Tree
H(x) = deterministic hash function
Space Efficient Updates and Data Verification
Old Root
New Root
Old data
New data
performance of artifacts (scientific solutions) with the intension of improving the functional
performance of the artifact [24,60]. The objective of DSR is not develop optimal solutions and instead
aims to provide a satisfactory solution to a problem in its context [24]. In this paper, a design science
research process model described by Peffers et al [60] is adopted. Table 1 outlines the steps taken in
this paper as part of the research strategy described by Peffers et al. [60]. As shown in Table 1, the
problem of security and integration is identified in existing document management system, which is
followed of the objectives of the proposed solution (as shown in Figure 4). In this paper, the prototype
method is used for evaluation. As described in Table 1, prototypes implementing the “artifactwere
used to evaluate the solution using a simulated project scenario.
Table 1 Steps of Design Science Research Strategy [60] for the proposed solution
Processes [60]
Steps taken in this paper
and motivation
The need of security in document management for construction
applications was identified from existing literature.
Existing solutions were explored and investigated from existing
The limitations (security and integration related) of existing
solutions were identified.
The ability of current blockchain solutions to address the
limitations were investigated.
Objectives of a
It was identified and that the proposed solution would
Provide a method to integrate the different components of
document management in a secure manner.
Secure document approval workflows in terms of irreversibility
and availability
Secure document lifecycle recording by facilitating irreversibility.
Secure document versioning by ensuring secure version tr
Design and
Design document metadata (Omniclass Classification System)
was used develop a document management framework for secure
document management
Methods to facilitate document approval workflow, record
document lifecycle record data model, and version management
in a secure manner were developed
The methods of document approval workflows and document
lifecycle recording were implemented in a prototype consisting of
smart contract logics and blockchain ledger data models. The
effectiveness of the proposed framework to solve security and
integration related problems (as defined) was demonstrated in a
simulated RFI management scenario.
The methods of document approval workflows and document
lifecycle recording, and document version management were
evaluated in a simulated scenario and relevant performance
metrics collected to show efficiency.
An initial publication of the proposed framework was made [19]
and positive response was received.
Figure 4 Problem identification and objectives of the proposed solution
5. The Proposed Approach for Document Management for Construction
Figure 5 Conceptual Model of the Proposed Approach
Figure 5 shows the conceptual model of the proposed blockchain-based construction document
management system consisting of peer-to-peer blockchain and data storage networks connecting project
participants (peers) to document management functionalities (via workflows logic, documents, and
change records) as shown in Figure 5. The proposed approach deploys technologies including smart
contracts, distributed blockchain ledger, and content-addressed distributed file systems to facilitate
document approval workflows, the recording of document-lifecycle, and document versioning
respectively (discussed in Section 5). As shown in Figure 5, the proposed approach deploys the concept
of full or light nodes/peers [73]. Full nodes (as shown by ‘Peer B’ in Figure 5) contain the complete
blockchain ledger (change records), documents, and smart contract logics, while the light nodes (as
shown by, ‘Peer A’ in Figure 5) contain a portion of the blockchain ledger and certain smart contracts
as per requirement.
Integral project participants such as members of the architectural firm are configured as full nodes to
host the complete history of change records and documents (as per document ownership). External
bodies such as government departments may be added to the proposed document management system
network as “light nodes” (as described in Section 5) temporarily (hosting a part of change records and
document integrity proofs) to support processes such as e-submissions and e-tendering. Unlike full
nodes, the light nodes may only have the access to update specific records (such as recording approval
or rejection) and to verify the integrity of documents (requested/received from the document owners)
using the document integrity proofs from the blockchain ledger made available to them.
In this paper, document metadata (data that describes documents) is deployed to record document
lifecycle and to prove version integrity of documents. Table 2 shows the list of metadata used in the
proposed framework including ‘Document ID’, ‘Version’, ‘Content Identifier’.
Table 2 Description of Document Metadata Used in the Proposed Framework
Primary Purpose
Unique identifier of a
Change Recording and Version
The version number of a
Version 1, Version 2, …
(a part of the document ID)
Change Recording and Version
Description of change made to
a document
‘payment period added’, ‘east wall
modified’ etc.
Change Recording
Status of a document under
Initiated, Under Review,
Approved/Endorsed, Rejected, etc.
Change Recording and Version
Unique Identifier of a
document based on its content
(Document Hash such as from IPFS)
Change Recording
Unique verifiable identifier of
the participant who has
responded to the current step of
a workflow (creator/ reviewer
of a document)
(Blockchain public Key of the transaction
Change Recording
The date on which document is
(Blockchain timestamp)
Change Recording
Identity of the participant
whose response is expected in
the next step of a workflow
(Public Key of the next actor)
Workflow Facilitation
Next Due
The date by which the next
step of a workflow is due
(Blockchain timestamp + ‘x’ days)
Workflow Facilitation
As shown in Figure 6, the ‘Document ID’ is a unique identifier of a document structured in the format,
‘Domain-Document Type- Document Number-Version Number’ using Omniclass Classification System
[15,73], to facilitate the systematic grouping of documents for efficient searchability. ‘Domain’ refers
to the category of work supported by a document such as a Substructure, Superstructure, Exterior
Enclosure, Fittings and Equipment, Mechanical, Electrical. An example of ‘Document Type’ that
indicates the content of documents is shown in Figure 6. ‘Document Number is a sequential number
for a document under a document type. ‘Version Number’ as shown in Figure 6 represents a version of
a document under a document type.
Figure 6 Example Document IDs used the Proposed Framework
As shown in Table 2, ‘Content Identifier’ is an irreversible 256-bit long cryptographic representation
of the contents of a document, in the proposed framework. Apart from document metadata, other
information such as ‘Version Description’, ‘Current Actor’, ‘Status’, and ‘Tim estamp’ as defined in
Table 2 are deployed in the proposed framework to facilitate approval workflows, record document
lifecycle, and document versioning as described in Sections 0, 0, 5.4 respectively.
Figure 7 shows the architecture of a standard (full node) peer node consisting of five layers (1) a data
access layer, (2) a smart contract layer, (3) a distributed ledger layer, (4) a data integrity layer, and (5)
a data storage layer, discussed in the following subsections.
5.1 The Data Access Layer
The data access layer is the frontend of the proposed document management system connecting the
underlying layers. Functions for initiating such requests including (1) adding a new document via a
smart contract request, (2) querying audit logs of a document’s lifecycle (from blockchain ledger), (3)
requesting the proof of the integrity of document versions, and (4) requests for document searching and
retrieval. The purpose of this layer is to direct requests to underlying layers that have the functionalities
to execute the request and return appropriate responses.
Example of Document ID
Omniclass Table 36
Figure 7 Architecture of a Full Peer Node in the Proposed Framework
5.2 The Smart Contract Layer
The smart contract layer shown in Figure 7 contains smart contract logic to facilitate the creation and
execution of customizable document approval workflows securely. In general, the proposed smart
contract logic is designed to verify data and users, enable workflow progression (orchestration of multi-
step customized workflows), and record document lifecycles (for example, document creation,
endorsement, and feedback). Figure 8(a) shows the typical sub-components of document approval
workflows in AEC projects (for example, design review, RFI management, and change order
management). As shown in Figure 8(b), document approval workflows in AEC projects enable
document lifecycles by processing data (such as documents and records) via sub-processes such as those
for ‘document creation’, ‘endorsement’, and ‘feedback’. The sub-processes are facilitated by various
roles such as architects and review engineers through workflow progression logics (sequence of sub-
processes in the progression of a workflow).
Figure 8 Document Approval Workflows in Construction Projects (a) Sub-processes, Data, and Roles in
Document Approval Workflows and (b) Workflow Progression Logic of Typical Document Approval Workflows
Based on the sub-components and workflow progression logics of typical document approval
workflows, the architecture of the proposed smart contract layer is modeled as shown in Figure 9. It
consists of two groups of smart contracts (1) Workflow-orchestrator smart contracts and (2) Approver
smart contracts, as described in Sections 0 and 0. The advantage of the proposed smart contract
framework logic is its flexibility to create custom document approval workflows as per the requirements
of an organization supported by the security of blockchain technology.
Figure 9 Architecture of the Smart Contract Layer for Document Approval Workflows
5.2.1 Workflow-Orchestrator Smart Contracts
The ‘Workflow-orchestrator’ smart contracts primarily represent the workflow progression logic of
document approval workflows. The logic consists of workflow sub-processes that may be differently
arranged as per the requirement of an approval workflow (hence customizable). For example, for a
Design Review workflow, as shown in Figure 9, a project manager can define the sequence in which
the different sub-processes (as shown by numbers, (1),(2), etc. in Figure 9), owned by different project
stakeholders (roles) may be invoked. The smart contract layer is customizable in terms of the sequence
of roles and actions in document approval workflows to address the requirements of different
organizations as needed. Figure 10 shows the diagrammatic representation of a Workflow Orchestrator
smart contract logic (representing workflow progression logic, introduced in Figure 9).
Figure 10 Example Diagrammatic Representation of Logic in a Workflow-Orchestrator Smart Contract
As shown in Figure 10, the proposed smart contract logic facilitates workflow progression through a
step-by-step assessment of the state of completion of the different stages of a document approval
workflow. For example, the first step in a design review workflow (shown in Figure 10), checks whether
the design document is available/created for review. If not, an intimation is sent to the designer to create
a design document for review, which is recorded on the blockchain ledger (data model explained in
Section 5.2). When the designer creates the design document for review, the workflow logic marks the
end of the first sub-process by creating a record in the blockchain ledger and sending a notification to
the next actor (which is a Review Engineer in the case of Figure 10). The Review Engineer, in this case,
endorses/rejects the document under review, which is also written to the blockchain ledger, and so on
(It is to be noted that the sub-processes such as ‘create’ and ‘endorse’ shown in Figure 10 are functions
of the Approver smart contracts explained in Section 5.2).
A self-explanatory pseudocode of the proposed workflow logic is shown in Figure 11. As shown in
Figure 11, the proposed smart contract logic deploys two features specific to smart contract languages,
namely, - (i) state variables (may be identified by the prefix, ‘WO_’ in Figure 11 ) and (ii) smart
contract-to-smart contract calling. State variables are permanent records of data (of the unit size of 256-
bits) stored on the blockchain network, that may be accessed or updated only via corresponding smart
contracts. Hence, state variables are secure against manipulation via cyber-attacks that may affect
existing cloud-based document management systems. The smart contract-to-smart contract calling
method is used to maneuver the workflow progression logic to corresponding Approver smart contracts
(with roles and functions as per the requirement of a customized document approval workflow), as
described in Section 5.
FUNCTION InitialiseVariables()
Pass In: Integer representing the number of Processes in a document approval workflow
(N), DocumentID
WO_LatestDocumentID = DocumentID
WO_WorkflowCounter = 0
//Create an array state variable of size N
Loop While (0< i <N-1)
WO_Array [i] == FALSE
i ++
End Loop
Pass Out: nothing
FUNCTION RunWorkflow()
Pass In: function parameters //according to external function called
IF (WO_Array [WO_WorkflowCounter]== FALSE)
V_Response = Invoke FUNCTION ‘X’ in Approver Smart Contract
IF (V_Response == TRUE)
V_Workflow[WO_WorkflowCounter]= TRUE;
//Special Condition as applicable to external function
//For example, if X is document updating function, the state variable
LatestDocumentID will be updated as follows
WO_LatestDocumentID = V_Response.A_DocumentID
//counter not updated if response is not successful
V_Response = Invoke FUNCTION ‘Y’ in Approver Smart Contract’
……//call to an Approver Smart Contract Function
V_Response = Invoke FUNCTION ‘Z’ in Approver Smart Contract’
……//call to an Approver Smart Contract Function
FUNCTION SendFailureNotification()
Pass Out: Success/Failure message
Figure 11 Pseudocode for a Workflow-Orchestrator Smart Contract
5.2.2 Approver Smart Contracts
The ‘Approver smart contracts’ are modeled to contain the logic to facilitate the “action” related to a
sub-process (document creation, updating, endorsement, etc.) and record the event on blockchain.
The two main functions of approver smart contracts are: (1) registering and authenticating project
participants (using a cryptographic identification a public key) for user security, and (2) recording
sub-process execution (creation, updating, endorsement, and feedback) to support workflow
progression (guided by Workflow-orchestrator smart contract) by incorporating data security.
For project participant registration and authentication, public-key cryptography (for example, the RSA
(Rivest, Shamir, Adleman) algorithm [63]) is used. Public key cryptography deploys cryptographic key
pairs consisting of a public key (used for identification and encryption) and a private key (used for
identity verification and decryption). To ensure adequate security, 2048-bit or longer cryptographic
keys may be used as per the recommendations of the National Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST) [54]. In the proposed Approver smart contract logic, public cryptographic keys are deployed to
identify users (project-participants) and their corresponding Approver smart contracts. It is done so to
ensure that approver smart contracts are always run by their corresponding smart contract owners
(facilitating user authentication). For example, in the design review workflow in Figure 9, the
endorsement received from the review engineer in step (2) can be traced back (and verified) to his public
key identity. To ensure user security against blockchain specific cyberattacks such as ‘replay attacks’[2],
a nonce element (using an integer array state variable) is used in every user signature to prevent old
digital signatures from being reused (for example, as shown in the EndorseDocument() function Figure
12 ).
For securely recording sub-process execution, the Approver smart contracts contain data authenticity
and version continuity checks in their logic. Figure 12 shows the corresponding self-explanatory
pseudocode for deploying an Approver smart contract. For example, as shown Figure 12, in the
CreateDocuemnt() function, the smart contract logic uses a state variable array (depicted by
A_DocumentID[]) to store all the document IDs created by a particular Approver smart contract. This
information is later checked during the updating of a document (as shown in UpdateDocument()
function in Figure 12) to ensure that only a document creator can update a document (hence ensure
document ownership security). A simple approver smart contract is available at
// Creating a new Document
FUNCTION CreateDocument()
Pass In: DocumentID, ContentIdentifier, WorkflowInvokerSignature
//Verify if the message sender is the owner of the approver contract
IF (WorkflowInvokerSignature ≡ ContractDeployerPublicKey)
DocumentVersionNumber = ExtractFrom (DocumentID)
IF (DocumentVersionNumber ==1)
//Add document ID to state variable A_DocumentID
INSERT DocumentID to A_DocumentID[]
//Add document creation record to blockchain
Update Blockchain Ledger //according to proposed ledger data model
Pass out: ResponseParameters
// Updating an Existing Document
FUNCTION UpdateDocument()
Pass In: DocumentID, WO_LatestDocumentID, ContentIdentifier, WO_LatestDocumentID,
IF (WorkflowInvokerSignature ≡ ContractDeployerPublicKey)
IF(WO_LatestDocumentID == (getVersionNumberFrom(WO_LatestDocumentID)-1)) and
IF (WO_LatestDocumentID IN A_DocumentID[])
//Add document updating record to blockchain
Update Blockchain Ledger //according to proposed ledger data model
Pass out: ResponseParameters
// Endorsing a Document
FUNCTION EndorseDocument()
Pass In: DocumentID, Endorsement, ContentIdentifier, WO_LatestDocumentID,
IF (WorkflowInvokerSignature ≡ ContractDeployerPublicKey)
//The endorsement should be signed by the contract deployer
IF (SignatureOnEndorsement ≡ ContractDeployerPublicKey)
//Old endorsements cannot be used
AND (EndorsementNonce NOT in A_UsedNonces)
//Only latest documents may be sent for endorsements
AND (DocumentIDinEndorsement == WO_LatestDocumentID)
Update Blockchain Ledger //according to proposed ledger data model
Pass out: ResponseParameters
// Commenting/Feedback on a Document
FUNCTION CommentOnDocument()
Pass In: DocumentID, Comment/Feedback, ContentIdentifier, WO_LatestDocumentID,
IF (WorkflowInvokerSignature ≡ ContractDeployerPublicKey)
//Only latest documents may be commented on
IF (DocumentIDinEndorsement == WO_LatestDocumentID)
Update Blockchain Ledger //according to proposed ledger data model
Pass out: ResponseParameters
Figure 12 Pseudocode for an Approver Smart Contract of the Proposed Smart Contract Layer
5.3 The Distributed Ledger Layer
This section presents the blockchain ledger data model (Figure 13) for recording document lifecycles
to support monitoring and versioning of AEC project documents. Figure 13 shows a typical blockchain
ledger [72] consisting of a cryptographically irreversible linked chain of blocks (linked via irreversible
hash values [10]). As shown in Figure 13, the body of a typical blockchain block contains transactions
i.e., the records of the states of digital assets (which are documents in the proposed framework) resulting
from the execution of corresponding smart contracts.
Figure 13 Data Model of the Blockchain Ledger for Document Management
Figure 13 shows the blockchain ledger data model (only additions are shown in detail) for the proposed
document management framework. The data model is designed primarily considering the requirements
of document lifecycle recording and document workflow facilitation using document metadata (as
described in Table 2). As shown in Figure 13, document ID, document status, version description with
blockchain records such as transaction sender, and timestamp to record document lifecycle.
For workflow facilitation, the workflow user who is supposed to be responding next according to the
workflow progression logic and various due dates are included in the proposed blockchain ledger. A
cryptographic identifier, named, ‘document root’ (described in Section 5.4) is added to the proposed
ledger data model to prove the version integrity of documents.
5.4 Document Version Integrity Layer
In this section, a Merkle-Patricia-Trie-based [72] data structure is proposed for document management,
henceforth referred to as the ‘document management tree’ (DMT).
Merkle Patricia tries (MPT) are distributed indexing data structures that consist of data (known as nodes)
arranged in a recursive tree-like fashion. The data structure of an MPT contains branches (consisting
of two or more non-leaf nodes) representing a unique data identifier each with the actual data (non-leaf
node) at the end of every branch. The branches are arranged in a fashion to facilitate incremental updates
(unlike T-tree and variants of B+ trees [42] that require complete reconstruction with every update) to
ensure performance in distributed systems, i.e. updates requiring minimum computation and fast
querying of data.
In the proposed Document Management Tree (DMT), the data structure of leaf-nodes and non-leaf
nodes are designed for document management (document versioning and searching) as shown in Figure
Figure 14 Document Management Tree (DMT) for Document Version Management and Proof of Integrity
The structure of a node consists of part of document ID as the key and a node identifier as value (format
is “part document ID” : “node identifier”). As shown in Figure 14, the leaf nodes are designed as
numbered data where the keys are designed as sequential version numbers such as 1, 2, and 3. The
corresponding values in leaf nodes are node identifies which in this case are cryptographic document
identifiers or hash values (of 256-bit length) of the contents of documents, as described in Table 2. As
shown in Figure 14, the value of a non-leaf node is depicted by H(DocA) representing the Hash value
of Document A.
The keys of the non-leaf nodes (as shown in Figure 14) are parts of Document IDs. For example, a
document ID, ‘1-17-11-1-1’ is split into node keys such as ‘1’, ‘17’, and ‘11’ as shown in Figure 14.
The value (i.e. node identifier) in a non-leaf node of the proposed DMT is designed as the cryptographic
hash value of the concatenation of hash values of its corresponding child nodes.
Therefore, the resulting DMT has three main properties. First, a node in the DMT is a unique and
irreversible identifier consisting of the contents of its child nodes. The head of the DMT termed
document root (DR) is a unique identifier created via recursive hashing of all its child nodes. Therefore,
the document roots are unique cryptographic references depicting the data integrity of different versions
of a document. This means all the versions of a document are secure and has the security of not being
deleted without a trace. Second, a branch in a DMT represents the mapping between a document
identifier and a document. For example, a branch as shown in Figure 14, maps the document ID, ‘1-17-
11-1-1’ to the first version of Document A. Due to this type of data structure, the proof of integrity of a
document version can be easily searched and retrieved for verification. Third, information regarding
document versioning is maintained in the DMT. The existing MPT implementations in blockchain
platforms such as Ethereum [72] are designed to store the latest version of asset data (such as the latest
account balance). In contrast, the proposed DMT maintains references to versioned data (with the help
of document ID construction and numbered leaf nodes) by maintaining references at non-leaf and leaf
node level (explained in Section 5.3). These aforesaid properties of the DMT are deployed to facilitate
document versioning (updating), document searching, and verification of version integrity, as explained
in the following sections through Figure 15.
Figure 15 Diagrammatic Representation of Updates in the Proposed DMT
5.4.1 Updating of the proposed DMT for Version Management
Figure 15 shows how the proposed DMT handles updates initiated by the smart contract layer (explained
in Section 5.2) for document versioning. As shown in Figure 15, the state, ‘original’ represents an
initial DMT (introduced in Figure 14) containing a document with document ID, ‘1-17-11-1-1’. At this
stage, the root of the DMT is represented by ‘DR0’ as shown in Figure 15. The subsequent updates, i.e.
addition of new documents or new document versions are depicted by ‘Update 1’, ‘Update 2’, ‘Update
3’, and ‘Update 4’ in Figure 15.
Unlike a traditional MPT, the proposed DMT grows incrementally by maintaining pointers to older
nodes on two levels (1) unmodified nodes on the non-leaf node level (shown by black arrows in Figure
15), and (2) older versions on the leaf node level (shown by red arrows in Figure 15). For example, the
addition of a new document (‘DocB’) shown by ‘Update 1’ in Figure 15, consists of the creation of a
new branch (‘1-17-11-2-1’) leading to the leaf node depicted by ‘Hash24’. In this update, a reference
to the unmodified old node (‘Hash13’) is maintained to facilitate the incremental growth of the DMT
while preserving its primary properties (as explained in Figure 14). Similarly, versioning of a document,
‘DocA’ is shown in ‘Update 2’ of Figure 15, where references to older versions are also maintained to
help document searching as explained in Section 5.5.
5.4.2 Verification of Document Integrity using the proposed DMT
The data storage layer for hosting documents (explained in Section 5.5) is designed to store documents
according to data ownership. Therefore, in the proposed document management framework, some
project participants may have access to specific documents whereas others may not. However, in the
proposed framework, all the project participants will have access to the blockchain ledger and the DMT.
Therefore, a non-data owner on the network may verify the completeness and consistency of a particular
version of a document sent to him by a document owner using the document root available to him (on
the public blockchain). For example, as shown in Figure 15, a non-owner may verify the integrity of
the document, ‘DocB’ by calculating the document root, ‘DR1’ (from public DMT) by using ‘Hash12’
(from public DMT) and document content (sent by document owner) and matching it with the document
root which he can obtain from the blockchain ledger. The proposed DMT is an in-memory data structure,
but maybe saved on disk and recreated as explained in Section 5.5. The DMT also facilitates different
types of range searches related to document revisions and is explained in Section 5.5.
5.5 The Data Storage Layer
This section describes the data storage layer of the proposed framework (as shown in Figure 7) for
storing the DMT and document. In this section, a key-value based database (for example, levelDB [28])
data model for storing the proposed DMT to support document management via blockchain technology
is proposed. The purpose of this data model is to permanently record the DMT to support document
searching and verification of document integrity. Table 3 shows the data model consisting of a ‘database
key’ and a ‘database value’. For representing the DMT in a database, the node identifier (described in
Section 5.4) is used as a database key. The corresponding values of a database key is the list of the node
identifiers and partial document identifiers of the child nodes. In general, the database data model can
be expressed in a (K, V) format as ([node identifier of parent node], [node identifiers of child nodes:
node keys of child nodes]) as shown in Table 3.
Table 3 Data Model for Disk Storage of the Document Management Trie through Several Updates
Original Trie
Update 1
Update 2
Update 3
Update 4
) }
3, Hash
34: 2,
Hash 13:
{Hash 43:
{Hash52 :
{Hash50 :
For example, the column ‘Original Trie’ of Table 3 shows the database data model of the DMT shown
in Figure 15). This proposed data model is designed to support queries to find (1) the proof associated
with a document version using ‘document ID’ and ‘Document Root’ from the blockchain ledger, (2)
the latest version of a document, and (3) the latest documents under a particular version. To prove the
version identity of a document, say the version DocA (sent by its owner to a requester), a document
requester may try to construct the corresponding document root, ‘DR3’ using the document at hand and
public information the DMT (part of blockchain). For example, assuming that the document in hand is
the correct version, i.e., DocA’’’ in this case, the requester should be able to generate DR3 using
DocA’’’ and DMT nodes, Hash14, Hash34, and Hash 23 available publicly (as shown by ‘Update 3’
in red in Table 3). If the content of DocA’’’ is not as same as recorded initially on the blockchain ledger
via DMT, this verification process will fail, indicating the lack of authenticity of the received document.
To find the latest version of a document for example with a document ID, ‘1-17-11-1-x’, where x is the
version number (unknown), the corresponding document root ‘DR3’ can be used to traverse the path
(24)-(23)-(22)-(21)-(20)-(19) (IDs in Table 3) to fetch H(DocA’’), which may be used to extract the
document from the document store (as explained in 5.5). A similar approach may be taken to find all
the latest documents.
6 Illustrative Use Case Scenario of the Proposed Smart Contract Framework
In this section, an illustrative case scenario of an RFI (Request for Information) is used to demonstrate
the functions and properties of the proposed blockchain framework for document management. An RFI
is a request for information used in AEC projects to clarify uncertainties and find missing information
in project documents such as specifications, plans, and contracts.
In this illustrative example, the functionality of the proposed approach to (1) integrate resources and
(2) facilitate security to support processes such as RFI workflows is demonstrated. Figure 16 shows an
RFI workflow that consists of several steps such as creating an RFI, submitting an official response,
and providing endorsements. As shown in Figure 16, it is required that the actions are facilitated by
different roles according to a pre-defined workflow progression logic. For example, it is the
responsibility of an RFI manager to initiate an RFI by ascertaining the pre-defined logic, ensure that the
RFI lifecycle is recorded, and closing the RFI. Similarly, a sub-contractor is responsible for creating a
new RFI, i.e. documenting the reason for creating the RFI such as missing information, and passing the
control to the next stakeholder (the contractor as shown in Figure 16). The other roles such as contractor,
architect, and client are responsible for editing the RFI, composing an official response, and endorsing
the RFI respectively as shown in Figure 16.
Figure 16 Example of a Request for Information Workflow
In this example (Figure 17), it is demonstrated how resources such as documents, comments, and
records and roles are integrated using the proposed blockchain platform. The example also demonstrates
how (1) version security, i.e., the data integrity of the latest version and irreversibility of version
history, (2) user security, i.e., certainty that only authorized users are allowed to perform actions pre-
defined according to the workflow logic, (3) workflow security, i.e. integrity of the pre-defined
workflow logic, and (4) document lifecycle transparency is facilitated by the proposed framework.
Figure 17 Example Scenario Demonstrating Integration and Security Using Proposed Blockchain Framework
As shown in Figure 17, an RFI manager deploys the workflow logic in which the sequence of the actions
and the roles who should perform them are predefined. The workflow logic is deployed by deploying a
workflow orchestrator smart contract (as described in Section 5.2) that contains links to the smart
contracts of different project stakeholders (called approver smart contracts as described in Sections 0),
as shown by (ii), (iii), (iv), (v) in Figure 17. As explained in Section 5.2 and as shown in Figure 17, the
workflow smart contract can on-the-fly assign the number of workflow steps, roles, and actions.
Therefore, the workflow logic is integrative and customizable. It at the same time is irreversible because
it is deployed on the blockchain
As shown in Figure 17, the workflow participants such as sub-contractors, contractors, architects, and
clients are authenticated using their credentials stored on the blockchain via their respective smart
contracts. For example, the architect’s smart contract and the client’s smart contract (depicted by (iv)
and (v) Figure 17) contain the architect’s and the client’s cryptographic credentials, respectively. Since
the smart contracts containing the credentials are deployed on the blockchain, the credentials are
irreversible or untamperable. As explained in Section 5.2, the proposed smart contract framework is
designed in such as way that the workflow participants are always validated using their respective smart
contracts/credentials which adds a level of security.
Figure 17 also shows the blockchain ledger data model which is used to record document lifecycle
through all the steps of an information approval workflow. For example, a sub-contractor may initiate
the workflow by recording information such as document number (of the main document driving the
workflow), proof of document integrity, attachments, the next actor, and due date. When the next actor
that is the contractor is notified via email, he/she may verify use the transparent blockchain ledger data
to perform actions such as verify the integrity of attachments and checking version history. Therefore,
using the proposed framework as demonstrated in Figure 17, using a smart contract, blockchain ledger,
and methods of correspondence such as email, an integrated and secure approach may be taken to
facilitate information approval workflow and document management.
7 Implementation and Evaluation
7.1 Proof-of-Concept
In this section, a prototype of the proposed approach is developed as shown in Figure 18. The prototype
is developed to demonstrate an RFI workflow (explained in Section 5.1) with one workflow orchestrator
smart contract to deploy the RFI workflow logic and four approver smart contracts of the participants
of the RFI workflows, i.e., a sub-contractor, a contractor, an architect, and a client (as shown by smart
contracts (i) (v) in Figure 17). The prototype in Figure 18 shows a user interface, that allows end-
users to choose workflow details such as the number of steps in the workflow and due date (as shown
by steps 1-3 in Figure 18). Based on the input provided, the front end lets the end-user/creator of an
approval workflow (an RFI manager in this case) choose the appropriate smart contracts and methods
(as shown by steps 4 and 5 Figure 18).
Figure 18 Prototype of the Proposed Blockchain Framework
The workflow orchestrator smart contract (for RFI) in this case is deployed on a Hyperledger Fabric
(version 1.4) network. As shown in Figure 18, the Hyperledger network is configured with two
organizations with two peer nodes each for testing.
7.2 Evaluation
7.2.1 Smart Contract Logic
The smart contracts are tested for two performance indicators namely latency and throughput. Latency
is defined as the total time taken to send a request to blockchain and receive confirmation. Therefore,
latency is a measure of the efficiency of the smart contract framework developed for document
management. Throughput is the number of transactions the blockchain network can process in a second.
Therefore, throughput indicates how well does the proposed system performs under heavy load and
hence is a measure of the scalability of the proposed smart contract framework. For performance
benchmarking, Hyperledger Tape [76], a benchmarking tool for Hyperledger Fabric networks is used.
For measurement of latency and throughput, 10 rounds of transaction sets containing a hundred
transactions each are fired at the prototype blockchain network of the proposed framework. Figure 19
and Figure 20 show the results of performance benchmarking. Figure 19 shows that the average latency
among all the methods of the smart contracts of the proposed framework is within the range of 160-170
milliseconds. The average throughput of the proposed framework is within the range of 50-60
transactions per second. Therefore, it is reasonable to claim that the proposed framework is performance
efficient and scalable.
Figure 19 Latency of Different Smart Contract Functions of the Proposed Framework
Figure 20 Throughput of the Smart Contracts of the Proposed Framework
7.2.2 Data structure for Document Versioning Security
In this section, transaction performance, i.e., the time taken to conduct blockchain transactions for
document management using the proposed DMT is evaluated. The transaction performance depends on
two factors (1) time taken for a transaction to update the trie-based data structure (which is the
proposed DMT in this case) and (2) transaction transmission time on the blockchain network [77]. For
the proposed blockchain framework, the block size is assumed to be less than 1 MB and hence the
transaction transmission time is ignored in the calculation of transaction performance as blocks less
than 1 MB in size have no measurable effect on transmission time [20]. The time (T) taken to update
the proposed DMT is calculated using the following equation (2) [68,77] for trie-based data structures.
 
  
… (2)
t = read/write time on a key-value database (LevelDB considered)
a = number of times a transaction updates the trie data structure = 1 (in the proposed framework, a
blockchain transaction updates the DMT only once).
n = number of leaf nodes in the trie data structure i.e the total number of documents
As shown in Equation (2), the time taken to update the proposed DMT depends on the time taken to
perform a write operation on a database (LevelDB in this case), the number of times the DMT is updated
by a transaction for document management, and the number of documents (i.e. number of leaf nodes)
in the DMT. The time (t) taken to perform a write operation on LevelDB is considered as 0.03 ms [28].
The number of times (‘a’) that a document management transaction updates the DMT is 1. Using
equation 2, the predicted time taken to update the DMT for a varying number of documents is calculated
and plotted, as illustrated in Figure 21.
The DMT was also verified by modifying the ‘go-ethereum/trie/trie.go’ data structure and running on
a single Geth [25] node on an 8 GB memory computer. As shown in Figure 21, the experimental results
show a similar logarithmic pattern that is comparable to the predicted results. The difference between
the experimental and predicted results may have been caused by the assumption of constant read/write
time on LevelDB. The actual time of read/write on LevelDB may be much lower [77] for smaller data,
as considered in this case.
As shown in Figure 21, the time cost increases logarithmically with the number of documents. The
increase in time due to DMT is low for a large number of documents (in milliseconds) which shows
that the DMT is scalable for a large number of documents.
Figure 21 Predicted and Experimental Time required to update DMT
8. Discussion
Common Data Environments (CDE) or electronic document management systems (EDMS) hold
information relating to all aspects of a project including documents such as contracts, reports, bids, and
models. However, there are several challenges in implementing CDE/EDMS for construction
applications. One of the main challenges identified with CDE/EDMS is data security and legal
implications. Electronically stored documents are susceptible to alteration and loss which results in
legal issues during the project [1,61]. Secondly, the existing implementations of CDE are usually under
a subscription model (for example, cloud-based solutions such as Autodesk BIM 360), which may not
be suitable to some project stakeholders due to their momentary/temporary involvement in the project
[24]. For example, in the case of e-submissions, external building regulatory bodies may not be a part
of CDE subscriptions but may still be interested in verification of document integrity and access to
trustable document lifecycle records [7]. Thirdly, small and medium-sized organizations still use data
repositories such as Dropbox instead of CDE/EDMS implementations and therefore may find it
challenging to implement various CDE functionalities such as document approval workflows and
document audit trails [18]. To address these challenges, the current study presents an overarching
blockchain-based approach that may be implemented on top of CDE/EDMS and data repositories to
facilitate the required functionalities of document management for construction applications. The
proposed blockchain-based approach facilitates the integration of data sources and enables data security.
The proposed approach has two main contributions. Firstly, a cryptographic data structure, DMT, and
a blockchain ledger data model are developed to verify document version integrity. The DMT data
structure is designed to create mappings between respective documents, document proofs, document
identifiers which can be used to search and verify the integrity of a document. In addition, the data
model of the DMT is designed to store document versioning information which means that version
records of documents cannot be deleted without a trace. Therefore, a non-data owner, or a light node
(for example, external building regulatory bodies or small sub-contractors) who may not have a
subscription to CDE/EDMS may verify the completeness and consistency of a particular document
version, document history, or latest document using the distributed DMT. The blockchain ledger data
model is designed using document metadata as per Omniclass classification system to record document
lifecycle which can be later used prove the accountability of project stakeholders (who may or may not
be subscribed to the CDE) in case of disputes. Secondly this study has designed document approval
workflow logic using smart contracts (which has the security of blockchain) to deploy integrated
approval workflows on disconnected CDEs/EDMS and data repositories. The events of document
approval is recorded on the blockchain ledger which facilitates transparency with the security or
9. Conclusion
The security of document management systems is crucial to the success of AEC projects. However, the
existing approaches to document management lack certain types of security such as irreversibility, non-
repudiation, and data integrity. The existing document management systems are uni-polar in terms of
data ownership, i.e. crucial information such as information approval logic, documents, and records are
required to be entrusted with a centralized party such as a cloud service provider. However, due to the
fragmented project organizational structure of AEC projects with multiple document owners, such an
arrangement may not be suitable as it may lead to undesirable consequences such as stealing intellectual
property and manipulation of records.
Therefore, in this paper, a decentralized document management system is developed using security-
enabling technologies such as blockchain to facilitate security to document management for AEC
projects. To meet the functionalities of document management, blockchain ledger data model and smart
contract logic are designed to support the primary functions of document management in AEC projects
such as customizable information approval workflows, version management, and document lifecycle
Blockchain-based smart contract logic is developed to facilitate customized document approval
workflows for AEC projects. The lifecycle of documents (versioning and endorsements) are irreversibly
recorded through the deployment of distributed ledger technology of blockchain. The proposed
distributed ledger is supported by methods to search and prove the version integrity of documents and
document version history. Document storage may be facilitated through centralized cloud-based
repositories or IPFS technology which avoids single points of failure through data replication
A prototype was created using Hyperledger fabric and demonstrated with a use case scenario. The
prototype was also evaluated for scalability by collecting metrices such as latency and transactions per
second. The results show that the proposed framework is scalable.
The proposed framework leverages the security of blockchain but may suffer from certain
vulnerabilities. Data integrity and non-repudiation are two important security requirements of document
management systems. However, blockchain networks may be susceptible to Man-in-the-middle (MIM)
attacks or replay attacks [4,34]. The proposed framework stores user credentials on the blockchain via
approver smart contracts and signed nonces to prevent MIM and replay attacks respectively. The
proposed framework in its current form assumes that the cost of deployment will be borne by all project
participants collectively. However, for smaller contractors, such an arrangement may not be feasible.
Therefore, in the future, an incentive-based approach will be explored where project participants will
be rewarded for providing unused storage space to the project. For smaller projects, public
implementation of the proposed framework is recommended. However, to ensure document privacy,
encryption of documents in a manner that does not hinder their functionality is required and will be
explored in the future. The integration of the proposed framework with other relevant data sources such
as OpenBIM, IoT, and GIS (towards a common data environment) will also be explored in the future
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... Regarding project management, Shu et al. [59] introduced a blockchain-based trading system that leverages smart contracts to control carbon emissions in the construction industry. Similarly, the work by Das et al. [60] highlighted how blockchain technology enhances data integrity in document management within construction settings. The use of smart contracts was noted to significantly improve both efficiency and reliability. ...
... Alvarez et al. [88] suggested using a connected and potentially encrypted network of dynamic objects, all linked through a DLT database, to track the access of these objects. Das et al. [60] proposed a blockchain-based integrated document management framework that facilitates data integrity in document management for construction applications. They employ irreversible and irrevocable approval workflow logic, irreversible recording of document changes, and document version history integrity through a blockchain-based data structure. ...
... The proposed system enables audits to track historical modification of shared data, preventing tampering with the data and enabling authentication. Blockchain also enables the irreversible recording of document changes [60]. ...
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The emergence of construction 5.0 marks a shift toward a human-centric approach to digitization within the construction industry. Along with diverse digital innovations related to this shift, blockchain technology offers vast opportunities for the construction industry, including streamlining project management processes, enhancing transparency in payment processes, and improving contract administration. This paper systematically reviews 109 articles using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) protocol to examine the applications of blockchain in construction, identifying twenty-three topics across eight thematic areas. These areas were further mapped using VOSviewer Online version 1.2.3 to identify interrelationships among the themes and highlight their broad impact. Key features like immutability, security, transparency, and traceability show promise in contract administration, supply chain logistics, facilities management, and sustainability. However, the study also describes the challenges of adopting blockchain in construction, emphasizing the need for enhanced stakeholder education, improved regulatory frameworks , and the creation of industry-specific blockchain platforms to support its acceptance in the construction industry. Emphasizing emerging blockchain applications and the adoption challenges equips researchers and practitioners with the knowledge of these applications and their significance to construction practices.
... Lack of legal regulation [10,14,15,17,23,25,29,31,33,35,36,38,40,41,45,49,50,53,57,69,89,90,92,102,108,117,124,137,138,148,151,153,155,160,163,176,181,182,186,190,191,194,196] ...
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The construction sector, one of the most ancient industries globally, holds a crucial role in the progress and development of societies. However, it faces persistent productivity and efficiency challenges, rendering it a relative setback when compared to other sectors. In the ever-evolving landscape of the construction industry, characterized by complex projects, numerous stakeholders, and intricate contractual agreements, the integration of emerging technologies presents an unprecedented opportunity for transformation. Smart contracts (SCs), underpinned by blockchain (BC) technology, hold the potential to streamline and revolutionize traditional construction processes. Current literature shows a lack of comprehensive quantitative understanding of how Blockchain-enabled Smart Contracts (BSC) can affect the construction sector. To address this gap, the authors have (1) conducted a systematic keyword analysis of literature on SC in construction from Scopus and Web of Science (WoS) databases; (2) conducted a strengths–weaknesses–opportunities–threats (SWOT) analysis of BSC’s adoption in the construction industry from 174 peer-reviewed papers; (3) identified a holistic list of 72 factors steering BSC adoption in construction, categorized into the 4 aspects of the SWOT framework; (4) performed social network analysis (SNA) to quantitively assess the literature in terms of the identified factors; and (5) conducted clustering analysis to categorize combination of factors frequently highlighted in research publications into common groups. This research offers a comprehensive and methodical evaluation of the potential advantages, applications, and challenges associated with integrating BSC in the construction industry. The findings of SNA and clustering reveal a notable lack of investigation into certain combinations of factors in existing academic research. This disparity and the ensuing knowledge gaps may affect SC’s adoption in the construction sector. To this end, this study equips stakeholders with the insights necessary to make informed decisions in this rapidly evolving sector and contributes to a roadmap for future BSC construction-related research. Doi: 10.28991/CEJ-2024-010-05-020 Full Text: PDF
... Das et al. [36] used blockchain technology to improve data integrity in document management for construction applications by using smart contracts for irreversible and irrevocable workflow logic, blockchain ledgers to record document changes, and a blockchain-based data structure or document version history integrity. Anwar et al. [37] constructed SCi-B (Student-Centered iLearning Blockchain) framework, a new learning model innovation that is possible using Blockchain technology. ...
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In an era where personal identification, academic achievements, and other critical records are increasingly digitized, the integrity of such documents is paramount. Conventional validation methods, such as stamp seal imprints from authoritative bodies, are under siege by sophisticated counterfeiters, leveraging technological advancements to undermine document authenticity. This study introduces a groundbreaking dual-strategy framework to fortify the security of these stamp seals through orchestrated partial and full digitalization. Our multifaceted approach synthesizes an array of authenticity indicators-encompassing stamp seal images, digital signatures, watermarks, and distinct textual elements-within a robust feature extraction and analysis protocol. This protocol is meticulously engineered to validate the integrity of both physical and digital documentation. Central to our framework is integrating a decentralized blockchain platform, which serves as a bastion for the encrypted authenticity data, ensuring a tamper-resistant, transparent, and distributable ledger of the stamp seals without any reliance on intermediaries. Complementing this, we generate a Quick Response (QR) code for each document, which serves as a portal to interface swiftly and securely with the blockchain record. Our comprehensive testing yields an impressive 98% accuracy and security rate in document and stamp seal imprint verification, markedly enhancing retrieval speeds. The culmination of our research is establishing a rapid, secure, and immutable verification system that significantly eclipses traditional centralized methods, heralding a new standard in document security.
... As per the cited sources, BIM involves site analysis, an evaluation of design alternatives, three-dimensional visualization, and design coordination during the design phase [81][82][83]. Blockchain includes payments and transactions [77], the development of automated payment systems [84], construction information sharing [85], and document management [86]. And LiDAR has applications of construction progress tracking, construction safety management [80], data acquisition [87], and real-time locating systems [88] in the construction phase. ...
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Investigating Industry 4.0 technologies and studying their impacts on various aspects of the construction industry, including stakeholders and the lifecycle, is vital to enhance novel applications of such technologies in an industry that is known as Construction 4.0. The main objective of the current state-of-the-art review is to provide a comprehensive literature review on three widely used Industry 4.0 technologies, Building Information Modeling (BIM), Blockchain, and LiDAR, which have strong potential to promote and optimize different activities of the project, and also, the integration of them can greatly impact the construction industry in the whole project lifecycle. A bibliometric analysis of keyword co-occurrence and citations revealed a significant number of publications from 2014 to 2023 investigating the selected technologies. Recent trends indicate that the majority of papers have considered the selected technologies in the integration with each other. However, a specific gap exists in the literature regarding the interactions and potential synergies among these technologies. This gap limits the understanding of how these integrations can address challenges unique to the construction industry and hinders the development of comprehensive solutions. The review has been analyzed and discussed in reference to the type of article, single or multi technologies, the lifecycle, and their applications. The study showed that the integration of BIM, Blockchain, and LiDAR, as a recent trend and as a beneficial solution to automate the whole construction process, has considerable capacities to improve the productivity of the construction industry. Finally, some application areas for the integration of these three technologies are concluded and are suggested, and therefore, an advantageous reference has been provided for scholars to plan their future research in this sector.
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13 Integrating building information modelling (BIM) with emerging blockchain technology has gained 14 considerable attention in addressing design collaboration problems like poor data security, weak traceability, and 15 low transparency in off-site construction. However, blockchain implementations in off-site construction design, 16 especially with openBIM standards, currently lack standardized workflow management and methods for ensuring 17 data completeness within the blockchain environment. To bridge these gaps, this paper presents a novel 18 blockchain-enabled platform-as-a-service (PaaS), specifically tailored for off-site construction to enhance 19 2 interoperability and collaborative design efficiency using openBIM standards. The proposed PaaS offers two 20 significant intellectual contributions: (1) a data contract system that manages openBIM workflow standardization 21 and (2) a data escrow system that ensures the completeness and integrity of openBIM data. The data contract 22 system utilizes an innovative asynchronous smart contract algorithm to streamline workflow checks, while the 23 data escrow system introduces a new blockchain-driven data-checking strategy to ensure openBIM completeness 24 at the data level. Besides, a PaaS architecture is developed to clarify the interaction logic between these two 25 systems. The PaaS is validated and evaluated in openBIM-based design collaborations from a real-world project, 26 with results indicating improvements: a 38% time-saving in design issue coordination and a 32% reduction in 27 design data delivery time. Furthermore, the platform received favorable feedback from project participants, 28 validating the approach and confirming the PaaS as a valuable tool for enhancing design collaboration in off-site 29 construction. 30
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In recent years, the proliferation of fraudulent educational certificates has posed significant challenges to academic institutions, employers, and individuals alike. Such certificates not only undermine the credibility of educational achievements but also jeopardize the integrity of various industries. To combat this issue, this research introduces SuperCert, an innovative anti-fraud identity intelligence blockchain solution tailored for educational certificates. SuperCert leverages blockchain technology to establish a decentralized, immutable ledger that securely stores educational credentials. The system incorporates smart contract functionality to automate verification processes, thereby reducing administrative overhead and enhancing efficiency.
Artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics research and implementation emerged in the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry to positively impact project efficiency and effectiveness concerns such as safety, productivity, and quality. This shift, however, warrants the need for ethical considerations of AI and robotics adoption due to its potential negative impacts on aspects such as job security, safety, and privacy. Nevertheless, this did not receive sufficient attention, particularly within the academic community. This research systematically reviews AI and robotics research through the lens of ethics in the AEC community for the past five years. It identifies nine key ethical issues namely job loss, data privacy, data security, data transparency, decision-making conflict, acceptance and trust, reliability and safety, fear of surveillance, and liability, by summarizing existing literature and filtering it further based on its AEC relevance. Furthermore, thirteen research topics along the process were identified based on existing AEC studies that had direct relevance to the theme of ethics in general and their parallels are further discussed. Finally, the current challenges and knowledge gaps are discussed and seven specific future research directions are recommended. This study not only signifies more stakeholder awareness of this important topic but also provides imminent steps towards safer and more efficient realization.
Lately, the construction industry has shown a great deal of openness to utilizing novel and innovative technologies. The industry's complexity necessitates cooperative and efficient process management. Utilizing value-adding technologies is crucial in thar regard. Among them, blockchain has recently gained prominence as an enabling technology for smart contracts, and secure data management for the construction industry. This study employs a structural equation model to quantify the relationship between risk management (RM), a key project management activity, and blockchain technology. To this end, a survey was created and distributed to construction professionals. A structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis was performed on the data collected from 103 respondents. The findings show that construction project RM can be significantly affected by key blockchain features. This study contributes to the body of knowledge by presenting a conceptual framework that captures the essential elements of RM and blockchain. The results also empirically show that RM and blockchain are closely related, confirming blockchain's potential and relevance in RM applications. The paper also discusses the risks associated with adopting blockchain in the construction industry. The results of this study can help construction practitioners and policy-makers to create plans for incorporating blockchain into RM workflows.
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Security of information in collaborative BIM platforms is crucial particularly for critical projects such as that of government buildings, prisons, and power plants. Inappropriate distribution and loss of sensitive information may potentially lead to physical security threats, financial loss, and loss of trust and reputation. Therefore, this paper identifies the information security requirements of collaborative BIM platforms considering the characteristics related to data security of collaborative BIM platforms through a literature review and as a result, identifies seven components of BIM security, based on which defines three levels of BIM security. Existing cybersecurity facilitating technologies such as encryption protocols, distributed database technology, and blockchain technology are reviewed to assess applicability to BIM security. This review shows that although the technologies to support BIM security are available in research and on market, they are not customized in existing collaborative BIM platforms to support BIM security. Therefore, two conceptual frameworks are proposed – (1) an encryption strategy-based framework to facilitate secure storage and distribution of BIM and (2) a blockchain-based framework to record BIM changes in a tamper-proof ledger for the non-trusting environment of construction projects. Discussions on cost and functionality are provided, which will be further extended in the future.
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Blockchain technology enables distributed, encrypted and secure logging of digital transactions. It is the underlying technology of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Blockchain is expected to revolutionize computing in several areas, particularly where centralization was unnatural and privacy was important. In the paper, we present research on where and how this technology could be useful in the construction industry. The work is based on the study of literature on open issues that exist in construction process management. These are than matched to the capabilities of blockchain. We are motivated by the fact that construction projects involve a dynamic grouping of several companies. We study the degree to which the relationships among them are hierarchical or peer-to-peer and note that particularly in information intensive phases, centralization of information management was necessary because of technology. When using un-constraining technology, communication patterns among participants show a peer-to-peer nature of the relationships. In such environment, blockchain can provide a trustworthy infrastructure for information management during all building life-cycle stages. Even if building information modelling (BIM) is used, which assumes a centralized building information model, there is a role for blockchain to manage information on who did what and when and thus provide a basis for any legal arguments that might occur. On the construction site blockchain can improve the reliability and trustworthiness of construction logbooks, works performed and material quantities recorded. In the facility maintenance phase, blockchain's main potential is the secure storage of sensor data which are sensitive to privacy. We conclude that blockchain provides solutions to many current problems in construction information management. However, it is more likely that it will be built into generic IT infrastructure on top of which construction applications are built, rather than used directly by authors of construction related software. It has a potential to make construction processes less centralized which opens needs for research in that direction.
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Construction Document Management Systems (CDMS) track, manage, and store a variety of documents such as 3D model files, schedules, specifications, and images that are large in size and have different ownerships. The primary objectives of CDMSs are to facilitate document approval workflows, document version management, and security properties such as integrity of data, audit-trail, and approvals. A popular approach for CDMS is to consolidate all the project documents into an on premise or cloud-based centralized location that is owned and managed by a project participant or a trusted third party. Such centralized approaches for electronic documents pose risks such as single points of failures causing loss or corruption of documents and deliberate blocking of access during disputes between the owner of CDMS and other project participants. This situation is particularly challenging in construction projects where project participants cannot fully trust each other due to its inherently fragmented project organizational structure. Therefore, in this paper, a distributed construction document management system using Blockchain and distributed content-addressable storage technologies is presented. Blockchain is a peer-to-peer technology that facilitates distributed computation and irreversible data recording through smart contract and blockchain ledger technologies respectively. Immutability of records and computational logic is facilitated through the unique cryptographic data structure of blockchain ledgers and probabilistic consensus algorithms. In this paper, smart contracts are deployed to facilitate document approval workflows to support processes such as design review and request for information in construction projects. A blockchain ledger data model for tracking workflows and document version management is proposed. Public-key cryptography is deployed to facilitate data confidentiality and integrity in endorsements. A cryptographic indexing structure to support blockchain ledger in document versioning and to validate the authenticity of document search results for CDMS is proposed. The proposed framework also deploys peer-to-peer content-addressable storage for preventing single points of failure and data integrity of documents through data partitioning, data replication, and cryptography. The proposed CDMS is a distributed yet unified platform for managing construction documents. A demonstration of the proposed CDMS is presented with a case-based scenario on request for information (RFI) management.
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Blockchain as an emergent decentralized digital technology has been widely explored in many sectors to remedy the deficiencies of centralized solutions It has been recognized that blockchain technology has great potential to facilitate business activities spanning the whole life cycle of a building project in the construction industry, such as better communication or understanding, documents sharing, stage transition and quality endorsement. A comprehensive review of the literature regarding the application of blockchain in the construction domain found that there are few studies and applications of blockchain in construction practices, and most of the current research involves qualitative studies only. In this paper, we aim to explore the feasibility of applying both public blockchain and private blockchain technologies in the construction industry using two industry cases. Two business process cases (i.e., Case 1 and Case 2) were selected and used to drive the blockchain-based software system architecture design. The proposed architectures were demonstrated using Hyperledger Fabric (a private, permissioned and open source blockchain platform) and Ethereum (a public blockchain platform) respectively, to reflect the different requirements of the two use cases. This pilot study also illustrates the process, benefits, and challenges of adopting private and public blockchain technologies in construction domain. This research provides insights to researchers and practitioners regarding the adoption of blockchain technology, especially in construction industry.
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Those attempting to integrate building information modeling (BIM) and blockchain soon encounter the enormous challenge of information redundancy. Storage of duplicated building information in decentralized ledgers already creates redundancy, and this is exacerbated as the BIM model develops and is utilized. This paper presents a novel semantic differential transaction (SDT) approach to minimizing information redundancy in the nascent field of BIM and blockchain integration. Whereas the conventional thinking is to store an entire BIM model or its signature code in blockchain, SDT captures local model changes as SDT records and assembles them into a BIM change contract (BCC). In this way, the version history of a BIM project becomes a chain of timestamped BCCs, and stakeholders can promptly synchronize BIM changes in blockchain. We test our approach in two pilot cases. The results show that SDT captures, in near real time, sequential and simultaneous BIM changes at less than 0.02% of the Industry Foundation Classes file size. We also prove model restoration from the lightweight BCCs in a small-scale BIM project. In addressing the fundamental issue of information redundancy in BIM and blockchain integration, this research can help the industry advance beyond the rhetoric to develop operable blockchain BIM systems.
This paper introduces an autonomous payment administration solution, integrating blockchain-enabled smart contracts and robotic reality capture technologies. The construction progress is captured, analyzed, and documented respectively using sensing, machine intelligence, and as-built building information models (BIM). The progress data is stored in a distributed manner using content addressable file sharing; it is then broadcasted to a smart contract which administers payments and transfers lien rights respectively using crypto currencies/tokens and non-fungible tokens (NFT). The method was successfully implemented for payments to 7 subcontractors in two real-world commercial construction projects in Canada and United States where progress was captured using a camera-equipped unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and an unmanned ground vehicle (UGV) equipped with a laser scanner. The method eliminates reliance on today's heavily intermediated payment applications and showed promise for achieving accurate, efficient, and timely payment administration. Future work should further explore the connections between off-and on-chain realities.
With the recent advances in Information and Communication Technologies in the construction industry, information is exchanged digitally with little regard to the contracts that govern them. Although parties collaborating in project design are contracted to the client, they transact with each other when using BIM and other collaborative practices without any direct contractual relationship among themselves. This results in a lack of design liability control and an increase in claims and disputes. Further, the use of multiple software packages results in the exposure of data to third parties, data corruption and compromise in data privacy (using data for unintended purposes), data integrity (unauthorised access to sensitive data), and data longevity (loss of data post-handover). This study investigates blockchain technology (BCT) to address these issues using a design science research method. The current information exchange processes were mapped to identify the critical transactions that may benefit from record-keeping on the blockchain. Next, a prototype was designed to demonstrate and evaluate the proposed BCT integrated process models. Three key project processes, design review, design coordination and request for information; and two potential conflict scenarios during and post-construction were simulated as part of the evaluation. The prototype's implementation exhibits BCT's ability to record snapshots of individual design inputs to the overall project design and to enable a clear and long-term record of key exchange transactions. This improves the design liability control for contributing stakeholders and the auditability of the exchange records. Further, the proofs derived from such a system are independent of any third-party storage or subscription. Given the nature of records stored in a blockchain, the existence, integrity, and authenticity of information along with its associated metadata can be verified in the long-term as well. Therefore, BCT could be a supplementary technology that supports the existing information exchange systems.
Precast construction has great potential for driving innovations in clean, safe, high-efficient construction methods in the industry. However, current precast supply chain management often faces challenges such as fragmentation, poor traceability, and lack of real-time information. To address these challenges, this study builds a novel blockchain-based information management framework for a precast supply chain, which extends the applications of blockchain in the domain of construction supply chains. In this study, a blockchain framework and its development processes are presented in detail, and algorithms for smart contracts are developed for the model implementation. Finally, the performance of this framework is validated with a case study in which a visualization system is presented to achieve (1) information sharing management, (2) real-time control of scheduling, and (3) information traceability. The results suggest that the proposed framework facilitates the on-time delivery of precast components (PCs) and tracks the reasons for disputes centered on PCs in the precast supply chain.