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Dietary fat modification in patients with chronic kidney disease: N-3 fatty acids and beyond


Abstract and Figures

Replacement of dietary saturated fat with unsaturated fat has been recommended for prevention of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in the general population. Less is known of the health risks in individuals with chronic kidney disease (CKD), of a diet with an unhealthy fat profile, in general characterized by insufficient polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and excess satu-rated fatty acids (SFA). The dietary intake of PUFA, both the n-3 and n-6 subfamilies, is increasingly gaining attention in CKD, owing to its broad cardioprotective effects. Conversely, dietary SFA may promote CVD in this vulnerable population. This review discusses the potential benefits of dietary fat modification in CKD patients, including plausible effects on renal function, albuminuria, lipoproteins, nutritional status, inflammation, thrombosis and clinical outcomes. Increasing evidence supports the concept that n-3 PUFA might have therapeutic potential in reducing proteinuria in CKD and reducing triglycerides and inflammation in dialysis patients. In addition, emerging evidence suggests that linoleic acid, a major n-6 PUFA derived from vegetable oils, may be beneficial for a number of CVD risk factors. Increased consumption of oily fish as part of plant-based diets with low content of SFA is likely to benefit patients who have CKD, or are at risk of developing CKD. Such recommendations are in line with the concept of a healthy "Mediterranean diet" and are in line with current dietary recommendations for CVD prevention in the community.
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© 2013 Società Italiana di Nefrologia - ISSN 1121-8428
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Patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD), especially tho-
se progressing to end-stage renal disease (ESRD) or un-
dergoing dialysis treatment, are at considerably increased
morbidity and mortality risks (1). Persistent inflammation,
malnutrition and metabolic alterations play an important role
in this excess mortality risk (2-5). Whereas limited evidence
supports the suggestion that reduction in total dietary fat
intake per se can decrease CVD, replacement of dietary
saturated fat and trans-fat with unsaturated fat has been
recommended for prevention of cardiovascular disease
(CVD) in the general population (6). Dietary n-3 polyunsatu-
rated fatty acids (PUFAs) are increasingly gaining attention
in CKD, owing to their broad cardioprotective effects. Ho-
wever, n-3 PUFA is not the only dietary fat with beneficial
effects on health. The purpose of this review is to summa-
rize available evidence regarding implications of dietary fat
modification in CKD patients.
Fatty acIds: general consIderatIons
There are 3 main types of fatty acids in humans: saturated
fatty acids (SFAs), monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs)
and PUFA. The last 2 are further classified into n-3, n-6
and n-9 (or omega-3, -6 and -9) subfamilies (7). Fatty acids
have some biological functions: They are the basic building
blocks of lipids; they provide an efficient source of energy,
yielding large quantities of adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
(8, 9); they act as second messengers, amplify or modify
signals to control enzyme activities; and they are involved in
regulating gene expression (10). Some of these effects can
be highly specific to particular fatty acids. In addition, there
Replacement of dietary saturated fat with unsaturated
fat has been recommended for prevention of cardio-
vascular disease (CVD) in the general population. Less
is known of the health risks in individuals with chronic
kidney disease (CKD), of a diet with an unhealthy fat
profile, in general characterized by insufficient polyun-
saturated fatty acids (PUFA) and excess satu rated
fatty acids (SFA). The dietary intake of PUFA, both
the n-3 and n-6 subfamilies, is increasingly gaining
attention in CKD, owing to its broad cardioprotective
effects. Conversely, dietary SFA may promote CVD in
this vulnerable population. This review discusses the
potential benefits of dietary fat modification in CKD
patients, including plausible effects on renal function,
albuminuria, lipoproteins, nutritional status, inflam-
mation, thrombosis and clinical outcomes. Increasing
evidence supports the concept that n-3 PUFA might
have therapeutic potential in reducing proteinuria in
CKD and reducing triglycerides and inflammation in
dialysis patients. In addition, emerging evidence sug-
gests that linoleic acid, a major n-6 PUFA derived from
vegetable oils, may be beneficial for a number of CVD
risk factors. Increased consumption of oily fish as part
of plant-based diets with low content of SFA is likely
to benefit patients who have CKD, or are at risk of de-
veloping CKD. Such recommendations are in line with
the concept of a healthy “Mediterranean diet” and are
in line with current dietary recommendations for CVD
prevention in the community.
Key words: Cardiovascular disease, Chronic kidney
disease, Dietary fat, End-stage renal disease, Fatty acid
composition, Stearoyl-CoA desaturase-1
Divisions of Renal Medicine and Baxter Novum,
Department of Clinical Science, Intervention and
Technology, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm - Sweden Divisions of Renal Medicine and Baxter Novum, Department of Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm - Sweden Divisions of Renal Medicine and Baxter Novum, Department of Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm - Sweden Divisions of Renal Medicine and Baxter Novum, Department of Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm - Sweden
Center for Molecular Medicine, Karolinska Institutet,
Stockholm - Sweden
Xiaoyan Huang 1, Bengt Lindholm 1,
Peter Stenvinkel 1, Juan Jesús Carrero 1,2
Dietary fat modification in patients with chronic
kidney disease: n-3 fatty acids and beyond
DOI: 10.5301/jn.5000284
2© 2013 Società Italiana di Nefrologia - ISSN 1121-8428
Huang et al: Dietary fat modification in CKD
are more dynamic functions of fatty acids – e.g., antiinflam-
mation (11, 12).
Major dietary sources of fatty acids are summarized in
Table I. Linoleic acid (LA; 18:2 n-6) and α-linolenic acid
(ALA; 18:3 n-3) are essential fatty acids that cannot be syn-
thesized endogenously by mammals and therefore must
be derived from the diet. Both eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA;
20:5 n-3) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA; 22:6 n-3) are
long-chain n-3 PUFAs of marine origin. Although they can
be synthesized from dietary ALA via elongation and de-
saturation endogenously, the efficiency of the conversion
from ALA to EPA is poor and controversial (0.2%-15%),
and the conversion to DHA is even poorer (13, 14). SFA and
MUFA are considered nonessential fatty acids, because
apart from dietary input, they can be synthesized by de
novo lipogenesis, elongation and desaturation (15).
There are various methods used to evaluate dietary intake
of fatty acid in nutritional epidemiology. Dietary assessment
methods have several limitations that may weaken both the
accuracy and precision of the measurement, such as un-
derreporting of respondents (16), interviewer bias and lack
of well-matched food composition databases (17). Alternati-
vely, fatty acid biomarkers in blood or tissues could be more
accurate and convenient for estimating long-term dietary
fatty acid intake (17). Previous studies in many populations,
including in patients with CKD (Fig. 1), have suggested that
fatty acid proportions in serum cholesterol esters, phospho-
lipids, as well as adipose tissue are good indicators of the
corresponding habitual intake of fatty acids of exogenous
origin, including EPA and DHA (18-21).
Fat levels In dIets oF cKd patIents
Earlier studies investigating whether CKD patients eat a diet
with a healthy fat profile indicate that the dietary contents
of n-6 PUFA and EPA are often decreased in hemodialysis
(HD) patients (22, 23). Friedman et al (24) later reported that
American HD patients consume fish, a major source of EPA
Common name Chemical structure* Dietary sources
Saturated fatty acids
Palmitic acid 16:0 Meats, cheeses, butter, palm oil
Stearic acid 18:0 Animal fat, cocoa butter and shea butter
Monounsaturated fatty acids
Palmitoleic acid 16:1 n-7 Macadamia oil, sea buckthorn oil
Oleic acid 18:1 n-9 Sunflower oil, safflower oil
Polyunsaturated fatty acids
n-6 subfamily
Linoleic acid 18:2 n-6 Sunflower seed, corn, soya, sesame, canola,
safflower and their oils
Gamma-linolenic acid 18:3 n-6 Evening primrose oil
Dihomo-gamma-linolenic acid 20:3 n-6 Meats, chicken
Arachidonic acid 20:4 n-6 Meat, eggs
n-3 subfamily
Alpha-linolenic acid 18:3 n-3 Rapeseed, soybeans, walnuts, flaxseed,
perilla, chia, hemp and their oils
Eicosapentaenoic acid 20:5 n-3 Oily fish, seafood, seaweed, krill oil, seal oil
Docosapentaenoic acid 22:5 n-3 Seal meat and oils
Docosahexaenoic acid 22:6 n-3 Oily fish, seafood, seaweed, krill oil, seal oil
*Chemical structure presented as C:D n-x, where C is the number of carbon atoms and D is the number of double bonds in
the fatty acid. A double bond is located on the xth carbon–carbon bond, counting from the terminal methyl carbon toward the
carbonyl carbon (7).
© 2013 Società Italiana di Nefrologia - ISSN 1121-8428
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and DHA, in quantities far below American Heart Associa-
tion (AHA) recommendations. Recently, the authors further
showed that, generally, HD patients in the United States had
lower levels of n-3 PUFA than nondialysis patients, with US
HD patients presenting the lowest mean levels overall (25).
Khoueiry et al (26) found that the majority of US HD patients
in general consume too much fat – particularly saturated fat –
in their diets. Similar results have been reported in Europe
(27, 28). On the other hand, An et al (29) observed that
dialysis patients in Korea present higher blood n-6 PUFA
levels, while n-3 PUFA levels are similar to those of healthy
control subjects. Since dietary habits differ considerably
across countries and geographic areas, it is essential to
take into consideration regional differences when interpre-
ting data pertaining to fatty acids.
clInIcal assocIatIons oF Fatty acIds and
dIetary Fat supplementatIon
Dietary fat and renal function
Proteinuria/albuminuria and impaired kidney function are
2 key characteristics of CKD, according to the current Kid-
ney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative (30). Animal studies
showed that n-3 PUFA supplementation may reduce the
progression of renal disease (31). The potential mechanisms
by which n-3 PUFA putatively protects the kidneys from
damage include suppression of mesangial cell activation
and proliferation (32), antiinflammatory influence (33), anti-
proteinuric effects (34-37), reduction in blood pressure (38),
improvement of endothelial function (39), alterations of cell
membrane fluidity and functionality (40-42), as well as gene-
ral hypolipidemic effects (43, 44).
Observational studies suggest that increased PUFA intake
may be protective against the age-related decline in glo-
merular filtration rate (GFR) in the general population. In a
population-based cohort of 931 older Italians, Lauretani
et al (45) reported a negative relationship of both plasma
n-3 and n-6 PUFA with mean GFR change during the fol-
lowing 3 years. Gopinath et al (46) recently found in 2,600
Australian adults that a diet rich in long-chain n-3 PUFA
and fish correlated with a significantly reduced likelihood of
having CKD (GFR <60 ml/min per 1.73 m2), but the authors
did not observe benefits for n-6 PUFA. On the other hand,
an association of n-3 PUFA with GFR was not observed
by Diaz-Lopez et al (47) among 2,123 Spanish nondiabe-
tic individuals, and, interestingly, subjects in the highest
quartile of n-6 PUFA intake had an increased risk of CKD.
Investigations of SFA and kidney function in humans are elu-
sive. In the Nurses’ Health Study, Lin et al (48) found 1.62
increased odds of GFR decline 30% during 12 years, in the
women in the highest quartile, compared with those in the
lowest quartile, of SFA intake. However, the effect of SFA
on kidney function was not confirmed in the Reasons for
Geographic and Racial Differences in Stroke (REGARDS)
study (49). Notably, dietary MUFA intake was not significan-
tly related with GFR in these 2 large observational dietary
studies (48, 49). In these 2 studies, higher SFA or animal
fat intake was associated with the presence of albuminuria
(48, 49). Consistently, an analysis from the Multi-Ethnic Stu-
dy of Atherosclerosis (MESA) also reported a direct asso-
ciation between nondairy animal food intake and the urinary
albumin-to-creatinine ratio (50). Although a number of publi-
cations in population-based cohorts have reported no direct
association between n-3 PUFA and albuminuria (48-52), a
recent study in 1,436 type 1 diabetic patients demonstra-
ted an inverse association between dietary long-chain n-3
PUFA and the degree of albuminuria (53). There is no evi-
dence to our knowledge that dietary MUFA and n-6 PUFA
correlate with albuminuria.
There have been many randomized controlled studies
testing the benefits of n-3 PUFA supplementation on pro-
teinuria/albuminuria and renal function in humans mo-
stly with diabetic nephropathy, IgA nephropathy or lupus
nephritis (51, 54-66), as summarized in Table II. Among
Fig. 1 - Relations between individual fatty acid proportions
in dietary records versus serum cholesterol esters (CE), ex-
pressed as standard coefficients (β) in multivariate regression
models, in all individuals with chronic kidney disease (CKD)
as well as in adequate dietary reporters only (reprinted with
permission from Oxford University Press) (21). An acceptable
range of energy intake is determined for each subject in rela-
tion to the estimated energy expenditure taking the level of
physical activity and basal metabolic rate into consideration,
i.e., producing a 95% CI for energy intake required for weight
maintenance. Subjects with reported energy intake within the
95% CI were regarded as adequate dietary reporters. Multi-
variate regression models were adjusted for body mass index,
smoking status, alcohol intake, physical activity, cardiovascu-
lar disease, diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, glomeru-
lar filtration rate and urinary albumin excretion rate. 16:0 =
palmitic acid; 18:0 = stearic acid; 18:1 = oleic acid; 18:2 = lin-
oleic acid; 20:4 = arachidonic acid; 18:3 = alpha-linolenic acid;
20:5 = eicosapentaenoic acid; 22:6 = docosahexaenoic acid.
4© 2013 Società Italiana di Nefrologia - ISSN 1121-8428
Huang et al: Dietary fat modification in CKD
them, only a few observed significant effects of redu-
cing proteinuria/albuminuria (62, 63, 65) or retarding the
reduction of GFR (62). Although not reaching statisti-
cal significance, the other interventional studies gene-
rally showed benefits for markers of kidney damage.
Also, nonrandomized clinical trials suggested that n-3
PUFA supplementation might be renoprotective (67-70).
A meta-analysis of these interventional studies concluded
that there is a greater reduction in urine protein excretion
in the intervention group than in the control group (Cohen’s
delta for all trials was 0.19; 95% confidence interval
[95% CI], 0.34 to 0.04; p = 0.01) (71). Moreover, this
pooled analysis showed that the decline in GFR is slo-
wer in those receiving n-3 PUFA supplementation than in
the controls, but this effect does not reach significance
(Cohen’s delta for all trials was 0.11; 95% CI, 0.07 to 0.29;
p = 0.24) (71). Reasons for the inconsistencies of these
trials may include differences in etiology, risk factors for
Study Participants* Duration Intervention Outcome
Haines et al (54) n = 19, DN 6 weeks Capsules, 2.7 g/day EPA
and 1.9 g/day DHA
No effects on UAE or
urinary NAG
Jensen et al (55) n = 18, DN 2 × 8 weeks
(crossover trial)
Cod-liver oil emulsion, 2 g/day
EPA and 2.6 g/day DHA
No effects on UAE or GFR
Bennett et al (51) n = 17, IgA nephropathy 2 years Capsules, 10 g/day EPA No effect on GFR
Clark et al (56) n = 26, lupus nephritis 2 × 1 year
(crossover trial)
Capsules, 2.7 g/day EPA
and 1.7 g/day DHA
No effects on UAE or GFR
Gentile et al (57) n = 20, chronic
2 × 2 months
(crossover trial)
Capsules, 5 g/day fish oil No effect on proteinuria
et al (58)
n = 15, IgA
6 months Capsules, 3.3 g/day EPA
and 1.8 g/day DHA
No effect on UAE
Rossing et al (59) n = 18, DN 1 year Oil emulsion, 2.0 g/day EPA
and 2.6 g/day DHA
No effects on UAE or GFR
et al (60)
n = 16, DN 12 weeks Capsules, 2 g/day EPA and
1.4 g/day DHA
No effects on UAE or GFR
Cappelli et al (61) n = 10, chronic renal
12 months Capsules, 3.4 g/day
n-3 PUFA
No effects on UAE or GFR
et al (62)
n = 14, IgA
4 years Capsules, 0.85 g/day EPA
and 0.58 g/day DHA
et al (63)
n = 28, CKD with plas-
ma creatinine between
150 and 400 µmol/L
2 months Capsules, 2.4 g/day
n-3 PUFA
No effect on GFR
Theobald et al (64) n = 38, healthy
2 × 3 months
(crossover trial)
Capsules, 0.7 g/day DHA No effect on UAE
Ferraro et al (65) n = 15, IgA
6 months Capsules, 3 g/day n-3 PUFA Proteinuria
No effect on GFR
Miller et al (66) n = 29, DN 2 × 6 weeks
(crossover trial)
Capsules, 4 g/day n-3 PUFA Urine NGAL excretion
No effects on UAE or GFR
CKD = chronic kidney disease; DHA = docosahexaenoic acid; DN = diabetic nephropathy; EPA = eicosapentaenoic acid;
GFR = glomerular filtration rate; NAG = N-acetyl-B-glucosaminidase; NGAL = neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin;
PUFA = polyunsaturated fatty acids; UAE = urinary albumin excretion.
*Intervention group.
© 2013 Società Italiana di Nefrologia - ISSN 1121-8428
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disease progression, outcome evaluations, sample sizes,
doses and durations of PUFA administered, compliance of
participants and use of medications.
Blood lipoproteins
CKD is commonly associated with an atherogenic lipoprotein
profile, even when renal function is only mildly compromi-
sed (72). Typically, CKD patients present higher low-density
lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) and apolipoprotein B levels,
and markedly increased triglyceride and lipoprotein(a) levels;
whereas the high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) and
apolipoprotein A1 levels are usually low (73). In the general
population, it has been established that fatty acids influence
the lipid profile. In particular, n-6 PUFAs (especially LA) lower,
but SFA increases, serum cholesterol concentration. Moreo-
ver, n-3 PUFAs reduce serum triglyceride concentration (74).
A number of randomized controlled trials have assessed the
effects of n-3 PUFA supplementation on blood lipoproteins
in CKD (63, 75-87), as summarized in Table III. In the me-
ta-analysis by Pei et al (88), pooled analysis revealed that
n-3 PUFA supplementation significantly reduces plasma tri-
glycerides. Consumption of n-3 PUFA also elevates HDL-
C and total cholesterol as well as reduces LDL-C, without
Study Patients* Duration Intervention Outcome
Diskin et al (75) n = 3, HD 6 months Capsules, 3 g EPA/HD
session (3 times per week)
No effect on cholesterol
Donnelly et al (76) n = 18
(8 HD, 8 PD)
2 × 4 weeks
(crossover trial)
Capsules, 3.6 g/day
n-3 PUFA
No effects on TG, and total
and HDL cholesterol
Ando et al (77) n = 19
(11 HD, 8 PD)
3 months Capsules, 1.8 g/day EPA Remnant plasma lipoproteins
Oxidized LDL cholesterol
Total cholesterol
Khajehdehi (78) n = 15, HD 2 months Capsules, 1.5 g/day n-3 PUFA HDL cholesterol
Schmitz et al (79) n = 12, HD 12 months Capsules, 4 g/day n-3 PUFA TG
Svensson et al (63) n = 28, CKD with
plasma creatinine
between 150 and
400 µmol/L
8 weeks Capsules, 2.4 g/day n-3 PUFA TG
HDL cholesterol
Saifullah et al (80) n = 9, HD 3 months Capsules, 1.3 g/day n-3 PUFA TG (p = 0.08)
Taziki et al (81) n = 10, HD 12 weeks Capsules, 1.2 g/day n-3 PUFA TG
HDL cholesterol
Svensson et al (82) n = 103, HD 3 months Capsules, 1.7 g/day n-3 PUFA TG
Bowden et al (83) n = 18, HD 6 months Soft-gel pills, 0.96 g/day EPA
and 0.6 g/day DHA
No effects on lipoproteins
Bowden et al (84) n = 44, HD 6 months Capsules, 0.96 g/day EPA and
0.6 g/day DHA
HDL cholesterol
LDL particle number
Beavers et al (85) n = 18, HD 6 months Capsules, 0.96 g/day EPA and
0.6 g/day DHA
No effect on lipoprotein(a)
Poulia et al (86) n = 25, HD 2 × 4 weeks
(crossover trial)
Capsules, 0.92 g/day EPA and
0.76 g/day DHA
No effects on TG and total
Kooshki et al (87) n = 17, HD 10 weeks Capsules, 2 g/day n-3 PUFA TG
CKD = chronic kidney disease; DHA = docosahexaenoic acid; EPA = eicosapentaenoic acid; HD = hemodialysis; HDL = high-
density lipoprotein; LDL = low-density lipoprotein; PD = peritoneal dialysis; PUFA = polyunsaturated fatty acids; TG = triglyceride.
*Intervention group.
6© 2013 Società Italiana di Nefrologia - ISSN 1121-8428
Huang et al: Dietary fat modification in CKD
reaching statistical significance. The improvements in tri-
glyceride and LDL-C values by n-3 PUFA may be a conse-
quence of reduced hepatic synthesis (89).
Nutritional status
Insufficient dietary energy intake is common among CKD
patients, and is considered a major cause of malnutrition
in this population (90, 91). Fatty acids are important and
efficient sources of energy in humans. There have been
some interventional studies exploring the beneficial effect of
n-3 PUFA on nutritional status in HD subjects, such as dry
weight gain and improved serum albumin. Although some
studies showed encouraging results (92, 93), others did not
observe a significant impact on nutritional status (94-96). It
has been suggested that n-3 PUFA supplementation may
improve nutritional status via reduction in inflammation and
catabolism (92, 93). Studies in this area have been characte-
rized, however, by their small sample size and short-term
follow-up, which limit the possibility of making any strong
statement on this issue.
The inflammatory process is modulated by various media-
tors, including compounds generated from fatty acid pre-
cursors. The n-3 PUFAs have been investigated in vitro,
in vivo and in clinical studies and are considered to exert
pleiotropic antiinflammatory properties in several diseases
(97). Eicosanoids are proinflammatory signaling molecules
derived from either n-6 or n-3 PUFA. The eicosanoids de-
rived from n-3 PUFA are less proinflammatory than those
derived from n-6 (98, 99). The amounts and balance of these
PUFAs therefore affect the inflammatory process. Additional
antiinflammatory effects of n-3 PUFAs include attenuation
of endothelial adhesiveness, activation of leukocytes and
resident macrophages, leukocyte–endothelial interaction,
leukocyte transmigration and the release of substances that
lead to tissue injury (97).
Given the evidence relating CKD to persistent low-grade in-
flammation (90, 100), some observational studies have inve-
stigated the link between PUFAs and inflammation in CKD
patients. However, the literature does not show a consistent
association between n-3 PUFA and inflammation in dialysis
subjects (101, 102). It has been reported that dialysis pa-
tients consume insufficient n-3 PUFA and consequently
have low blood levels (25, 80, 103). The reduced circula-
ting levels may not suffice to exert their antiinflammatory ef-
fects. Data on n-6 PUFAs are so far rare. Recently, we found
that circulating LA correlates with reduced interleukin-6
concentrations in Swedish dialysis patients (Fig. 2) (102),
in agreement with population-based studies (104-107). In-
creasing evidence supports a net antiinflammatory effect of
LA in humans (13). LA suppresses the production of adhe-
sion molecules, chemokines and interleukins in vitro (108).
Arachidonic acid, one of the LA metabolites, is also favora-
bly linked with circulating proinflammatory and antiinflam-
matory markers in humans (107). For this reason, the AHA
recommendations suggest an n-6 PUFA intake of at least
5%-10% of total energy, for prevention of CVD (13). SFAs
can directly cause inflammation; they increase the expres-
sion and secretion of inflammatory cytokines (109-111) and
induce nuclear factor-kappa B activation (112). Stearoyl-
CoA desaturase-1 (SCD-1) converts dietary saturated fatty
acids into monounsaturated fatty acids and is regulated by
feedback inhibition. Thus, elevated SCD-1 activity signifies
excess SFA intake. In dialysis patients, we observed that
estimated SCD-1 activities both in liver and adipose tissue
were positively linked with inflammation, as shown in Figure
3 (113). It remains, however, to be shown in humans whe-
ther SCD-1 per se has adverse health effects. On the other
hand, there is convincing evidence that replacing dietary
SFA by n-6 PUFA reduces cardiovascular events in obese
subjects (114). In this context, a randomized clinical trial
replacing SFA with PUFA while maintaining adequate pro-
tein and energy intake would be a feasible means for testing
the putative roles of SCD-1 in CKD patients (115).
Fig. 2 - Spearman’s rank correlation between linoleic acid and
serum interleukin-6 concentrations in 222 dialysis patients
(reprinted with permission from Oxford University Press) (102).
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Much interest has been given to the antiinflammatory be-
nefits of n-3 PUFA supplementation in the potential mana-
gement of patients with CKD (23, 80, 83, 92, 96, 116-120),
as shown in Table IV. In general, clinical trials show that
supplementation with n-3 PUFA has the potential to redu-
ce inflammatory markers in CKD patients – e.g., C-reactive
protein (80, 83, 92, 118, 119, 121, 122), interleukin-6 (120-
123), tumor necrosis factor-α (121-124) and soluble inter-
cellular adhesion molecule type 1 (125). These findings in
turn support the speculation from observational research
that reduced circulating n-3 PUFA in dialysis patients has
an effect on few antiinflammatory properties. Data on ef-
fects of n-6 PUFA supplementation in CKD patients are
almost nonexistent, with only 1 study demonstrating a
trend toward reduction in leukotriene B4 (a proinflammatory
eicosanoid) production (117). Thus, more research focus
should be given to the potential antiinflammatory effect of
n-6 PUFA.
Thrombosis and vascular access patency
Maintaining a long-term functioning arteriovenous access is
a major clinical challenge in management of HD patients.
Due to the antithrombotic, antiproliferative and platelet an-
tiaggregatory effects (126), supplementation with n-3 PUFA
has been proposed as an approach to improve access
patency in HD patients (127, 128). Schmitz et al (79) in a
double-blind randomized trial of 24 HD patients demonstra-
ted a 60% higher graft patency rate in the first year of HD
treatment in those with an intake of 2.7 g/day of fish oil,
compared with the control group. Lok et al (129) recently
conducted a cornerstone study on this issue (the Fish Oil
Inhibition of Stenosis in Hemodialysis Grafts study; FISH
study). In this randomized, double-blind, controlled clinical
trial, 201 uremic patients with new HD grafts received fish
oil capsules (4 g/day) for 12 months. The primary outcome
was the proportion of grafts with loss of native patency, for
which the intervention observed a close to significant effect
of fish oil supplementation as compared with the control
group (48% vs. 62%, respectively; relative risk 0.78; 95%
CI, 0.60-1.03; p = 0.06). The secondary outcome was the
rate at which this loss of native patency occurred. In this
case, fish oil was associated with improved graft patency,
lower rates of thrombosis and of failures. This striking fin-
ding does not agree with an earlier report (130). Currently,
there is 1 large ongoing randomized trial designed to test
whether fish oils have any theoretical potential for preven-
ting these outcomes (131).
Dietary fat, cardiovascular events and survival
Results from observational studies addressing the associa-
tion between dietary fat and outcomes in CKD patients are
elusive (127, 128, 132). In a prospective cohort study, Kutner
et al (133) found that the consumption of fish in dialysis pa-
tients was associated with an approximately 50% lower rate
of mortality over 3 years. Also, Hamazaki et al (134) show-
ed that Japanese dialysis patients in the highest tertile of
erythrocyte DHA content had a reduced mortality risk. In
a recent nested case-control study, Friedman et al (135)
observed a strong and independent association between
higher n-3 PUFA levels and a lower risk of sudden cardiac
death throughout the first year of dialysis in incident HD pa-
tients. However, another study in 93 prevalent HD patients
did not find a significant association between erythrocyte
n-3 PUFA proportions and mortality (136). Adding to this
controversy, we could not observe any association between
plasma phospholipid n-3 PUFA proportions and mortality in
Swedish dialysis patients (102). This negative result is in line
with results from a study using dietary n-3 PUFA estimations
in US HD patients (101) as well as in Swedish community-
based reports (137). The divergences in results may at least
partly be attributed to the substantially different amount of
fish intake in the study populations (US vs. Japanese vs.
Swedish populations) – namely, the intake of n-3 PUFA in
Fig. 3 - Correlation between stearoyl-CoA desaturase-1
(SCD-1) activity indices in plasma phospholipids (PL) and
serum interleukin-6 concentrations in dialysis patients
(reprinted with permission from John Wiley and Sons) (113).
Spearman’s rho = 0.27, p<0.001.
8© 2013 Società Italiana di Nefrologia - ISSN 1121-8428
Huang et al: Dietary fat modification in CKD
most Western countries and particularly in the United States
is generally insufficient and lower than in Japan. Thus, these
findings should be interpreted within the context of dietary
habits. In addition, methodological issues (food frequency
questionnaires vs. plasma PUFA proportions vs. erythrocyte
n-3 PUFA content) and study design (fatty acids as catego-
rical vs. continuous variables in the studies) may have con-
tributed to the differences in results.
There has been emerging evidence on the association
between n-6 PUFA and mortality in CKD. In an observa-
tional study, we showed that the proportion of LA in pla-
sma phospholipids was inversely associated with all-cause
mortality in dialysis patients (102). This finding agrees with
studies from the general population (13, 137-141). Mecha-
nisms by which LA may be linked to reduced mortality may
include improvement in insulin sensitivity and reduced risk
of developing type 2 diabetes mellitus (142, 143), as well as
lowering of inflammatory markers (108), cholesterol (142)
and blood pressure (144). Further research is needed to
confirm these results.
Dietary modifications toward high PUFA intake have the po-
tential to reduce mortality in populations at high CVD risk.
Two large randomized clinical trials, the GISSI-Prevenzione
(145) and JELIS trials (146), showed that n-3 PUFA supple-
mentation was associated with a significant reduction in
deaths from cardiac causes in non-CKD populations. Yet,
in renal patients, only 1 trial investigated the potential of
n-3 PUFA supplementation to reduce hard end points: 206
HD patients were randomly assigned to treatment with n-3
PUFA (capsules giving 1.7 g/day n-3 PUFA) or placebo (oli-
ve oil) and were followed for 2 years. The primary end point
was a composite of cardiovascular events and death, for
Study Patients* Duration Intervention Outcome
Peck et al (23) n = 8, HD 8 weeks Capsules, 6 g/day fish oil PGE2 (0.10 > p>0.05)
Løssl et al (116) n = 8, HD 12 weeks Capsules, 5.2 g/day n-3 PUFA LTB4
Begum et al (117) n = 12, HD 16 weeks Capsules, 4.4 g/day n-3 PUFA LT B 4
Saifullah et al (80) n = 15, HD 3 months Capsules, 1.3 g/day n-3 PUFA CRP
Madsen et al (118) n = 22, CKD
stages 3-4
8 weeks Capsules, 2.4 g/day n-3 PUFA CRP (p = 0.06)
Moreira et al (119) n = 31, HD with
CRP <50 mg/L
8 weeks A canned sardine sandwich/HD
session (3 times per week)
CRP only in sensitivity
et al (120)
n = 31, HD 8 weeks Capsules, 0.8 g/day DHA IL-6, WBC, neutrophil
fraction of WBC
Ewers et al (92) n = 40, HD 2 × 6 weeks
(crossover trial)
Capsules, 3 g/day n-3 PUFA CRP
Bowden et al (83) n = 18, HD 6 months Soft-gel pills, 0.96 g/day EPA
and 0.6 g/day DHA
Kooshki et al (125) n = 17, HD 10 weeks Capsules, 1.24 g/day EPA and
0.84 g/day DHA
Daud et al (96) n = 32, HD with se-
rum albumin <39 g/L
6 months Capsules, 1.8 g EPA and 0.6 g
DHA/HD session (3 times per week)
No effect on CRP
CKD = chronic kidney disease; CRP = C-reactive protein; DHA = docosahexaenoic acid; EPA = eicosapentaenoic acid; HD = he-
modialysis; IL = interleukin; LTB = leukotriene B; PGE = prostaglandin E; PUFA = polyunsaturated fatty acids; sICAM-1 = soluble
intercellular adhesion molecule type 1; WBC = white blood cells.
*Intervention group.
© 2013 Società Italiana di Nefrologia - ISSN 1121-8428
JN (0000; :00) 000- 00000
which intervention groups did not differ (hazard ratio 1.04;
95% CI, 0.72-1.48, p = 0.80). The secondary end points
were incidence of myocardial infarction and major corona-
ry events, where the n-3 PUFA supplemented group sho-
wed significantly lower incidence rates than the placebo
group (147).
Other effects
Due to its diverse physiological effects, PUFAs have been
studied with regard to a number of other risk factors relevant
to advanced CKD (127, 128). Previous reports showed that
PUFAs may also have favorable effects on plasma homocy-
steine levels (148), vascular calcification (149), adipokines
(150), blood pressure (129, 151), antioxidation (81, 122,
152), lipoxygenase activity (117), pruritus (23, 117, 128, 153,
154), atrial fibrillation (155), reduction in erythropoietin requi-
rements (128), metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance
(Huang et al, Serum fatty acid patterns, insulin sensitivity
and the metabolic syndrome in individuals with chronic kid-
ney disease submitted).
Evidence from several lines of research supports the hypo-
thesis that n-3 PUFAs might have therapeutic potential in
reducing proteinuria in CKD and reducing triglycerides and
inflammation in dialysis patients. On the other hand, the
evidence remains weak due to inappropriate design, small
sample size and short duration of most of the studies. At
present, fish oil supplementation should not be administe-
red with these intentions exclusively. Rather, increased in-
take of oily fish should be advocated for cardioprotection
(AHA recommendations). As in the general population,
emerging evidence in CKD suggests that LA is beneficial
for a number of CVD risk factors, such as inflammation and
LDL-C. More studies are needed in CKD patients in this re-
gard. Consumption of oily fish in the context of plant-based
diets, such as in the Mediterranean diet, which is rich in LA
and other healthy nutrients and has less SFA, is likely to be
of particular benefit to patients who have CKD, or are at risk
of developing CKD.
Financial support: We received research grants from the Swedish
Research Council, the Swedish Kidney Foundation, the Marianne
and Marcus Wallenberg, and the Osterman’s, Westman’s and Thu-
ring’s Swedish foundations, as well as the Strategic Research Pro-
gram in Diabetes at Karolinska Institutet.
Conflict of interest: Baxter Novum is the result of a grant from
Baxter Healthcare Corporation to the Karolinska Institutet. B.L. is
employed by Baxter Healthcare Corporation. None of the other
authors declared any conflict of interest.
Address for correspondence:
Xiaoyan Huang
Karolinska Institutet
Divisions of Renal Medicine and Baxter Novum
Karolinska University Hospital at Huddinge K56
Karolinska Institutet
SE-14186 Stockholm
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Accepted: March 26, 2013
... On the other hand, the induced microinflammation contributes to the onset of PEW, a pathological condition characterized by a reduction in protein stores and energy reserves, leading to a decline in muscle mass and adipose tissue, respectively [33][34][35]. This syndrome commonly manifests itself in 30-60% of dialysis patients, due to the basal proinflammatory state of this therapy [34]. ...
... In the case of patients with CKD in HD who are metabolically stable, a higher protein intake (1.0 to 1.2 g/kg/day) is recommended because their clinical situation (PEW) entails hyperprotein and hypercaloric requirements, which may be even higher if the patient is also diabetic [39,41]. Lipid and carbohydrate requirements remain the same in both groups [33,39]. Micronutrient requirements should be individualized and restricted (phosphorus, potassium, sodium) depending on the clinical situation and metabolic conditions. ...
... CKD in HD is a highly complex pathology, for that reason, it is necessary to supplement diets with several micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) and bioactive compounds (polyunsaturated fatty acids and polyphenols) [14,15,[17][18][19]33,34,43]. In this sense, the intake of curcumin, a polyphenol of natural origin, stands out as an alternative for the control of various oxidative and inflammatory parameters associated with renal damage. ...
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Advanced chronic kidney disease (CKD) stages lead to exacerbated inflammation and oxidative stress. Patients with CKD in stage 5 need renal hemodialysis (HD) to remove toxins and waste products. However, this renal replacement therapy is inefficient in controlling inflammation. Regular curcumin consumption has been shown to reduce inflammation and oxidative stress in subjects with chronic pathologies, suggesting that the daily intake of curcumin may alleviate these conditions in HD patients. This review analyzes the available scientific evidence regarding the effect of curcumin intake on oxidative stress and inflammation in HD patients, focusing on the mechanisms and consequences of HD and curcumin consumption. The inclusion of curcumin as a dietary therapeutic supplement in HD patients has shown to control the inflammation status. However, the optimal dose and oral vehicle for curcumin administration are yet to be determined. It is important to consider studies on curcumin bioaccessibility to design effective oral administration vehicles. This information will contribute to the achievement of future nutritional interventions that validate the efficacy of curcumin supplementation as part of diet therapy in HD.
... Overconsumption of these energy-dense diets preludes metabolic inflammation. This systemic, low-grade chronic inflammatory condition has been implicated in liver diseases [7], chronic kidney failure [8], neuroinflammation [9], and cardiotoxicity [2]. ...
... Oxidative stress, inflammation, and abnormal lipid metabolism have all been linked to the cause of HF, but it is unclear how PA might predispose one to HF. Lycopene (LYC), a carotenoid phytochemical, is present in carrots, tomatoes, watermelons, and other sources. LYC has been reported to possess beneficial attributes such as antioxidant, anti-lipidemic, and anti-inflammatory potency [9,15,16]. This study investigated the effect of lycopene administration on the inflammatory pathway, oxidative stress, and changes in lipid metabolism in female albino rats exposed to excessive PA. ...
... Palmitate was complexed with fatty acid-free BSA, with the final ratio of palmitate to BSA being 8:1 [9]. 50 mM PA (stock solution), initially dissolved in 50% ethanol to dissolve at 60 C, was brought to 5 mM using 1% BSA (dissolved at 35 C) [9]. ...
Background and Aims Obesity-related heart failure is exacerbated by excess saturated fats such as palmitate (PA). Lycopene (LYC) possesses anti-lipidemic, antioxidant, cytoprotective, and anti-inflammatory effects. This study, therefore, evaluated the impact of LYC against PA-invoked cardiotoxicity. Methods and Results Thirty-six female rats were equally divided into six groups: control; PA (5 mM); PA + LYC (24 mg/kg); PA + LYC (48 mg/kg); LYC (24 mg/kg); and LYC (48 mg/kg). The PA was administered five times weekly for seven weeks, while the LYC was given for the last two weeks. Lipids in the blood and the heart were estimated, as were oxidative stress and antioxidant indices, cardiac function, inflammation, and histology. Palmitate overload occasioned a significant (p < 0.05) increase in cardiac cholesterol (50%), phospholipids (19%), and non-esterified fatty acids (40%). However, triglyceride levels decreased (38%). Furthermore, malondialdehyde (45%), hydrogen peroxide (33%) levels and myeloperoxidase activity increased (79%). Also, cardiac gamma-glutamyl transferase (50%), serum creatine kinase activities (1.34 folds), NF-kB, interleukin 1β, and interleukin-6 mRNA expression increased in the PA group relative to the control. In contrast, reduced glutathione (13%) and nitric oxide levels (22%), interleukin-10 mRNA expression, cardiac creatine kinase (35%), lactate dehydrogenase (33%), aspartate, and alanine transaminase activities decreased markedly (15- and 10%, respectively). Also, PA caused hyperemia, congestion of the cardiac interstitium, and infiltration of inflammatory cells. However, treatment with LYC reversed the features of cardiotoxicity and histological complications caused by PA. These observations are likely because LYC has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and cytoprotective properties. Conclusion Thus, LYC might be an appropriate remedy to manage PA-induced cardiotoxicity in female rats.
... It is universally known that fatty acids composition and metabolism can be altered during diseases, leading to beneficial (14,15) or adverse effects (16,17). It has earlier been considered that altered fatty acids composition may be related to ADHD (18,19). ...
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Background Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the most common neurodevelopmental disorder of childhood, and pathogenesis is not fully understood. Observational studies suggest an association between fatty acids abnormalities and ADHD, but there are contradictions and differences between these findings. To address this uncertainty, we employed a two-sample bidirectional Mendelian Randomization (MR) analysis to investigate the causal relationship between fatty acids and ADHD. Methods We conducted a two-sample Mendelian Randomization (MR) study, selecting single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) highly correlated with fatty acid levels from the CHARGE Consortium as our instruments. The outcome data were sourced from the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium (PGC) dataset on ADHD, comprising 225,534 individuals, with 162,384 cases and 65,693 controls. Inverse variance weighting, MR-Egger, and weighted median methods were employed to estimate the causal relationship between fatty acids and ADHD. Cochran’s Q-test was used to quantify heterogeneity of instrumental variables. Sensitivity analyses included MR-Egger intercept tests, leave-one-out analyses, and funnel plots. Results The MR analysis revealed no significant associations between genetically predicted levels of various saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated fatty acids (including omega-3 and omega-6) and ADHD risk in the CHARGE and PGC cohorts. Notably, an initial association with Dihomo-gamma-linolenic acid (DGLA) (OR = 1.009, p = 0.032 by IVW) did not persist after correction for multiple testing (adjusted p-value = 0.286). Sensitivity analysis supported our findings, indicating robustness. Moreover, there was a lack of evidence supporting a causal link from ADHD to fatty acids. Conclusion While our study on the basis of genetic data does not provide evidence to support the causal role of fatty acids in ADHD, it does not preclude their potential involvement in reducing the risk of ADHD. Further research is needed to explore this possibility.
... Traditionally, a high-protein diet accelerated renal deterioration by glomerular hyperfiltration and increasing proteinuria [16,17]. Other than the most studied protein intake, a diet with lower phosphate intake [18], supplementation of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids [19,20], restriction of salt intake [21] and high intake of fruits, vegetables and fiber [15,22] were recommended for CKD patients. However, the role of carbohydrate intake in CKD progression was poorly studied. ...
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Background Diet management is an effective way to retard the progression of chronic kidney disease (CKD). However, very few studies investigated the influence of carbohydrate intake on CKD patients. In this prospective cohort study, the associations between carbohydrate intake and all-cause mortality were investigated in US adult CKD patients. Methods Multivariable Cox proportional hazard models and iso-caloric replacement analysis were used to investigate the associations between the macronutrients and the all-cause mortality risk. Total 3683 US adult CKD patients 20 years or older from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES, 2003–2014) were analyzed (mean age ± SD, 62.4 ± 17.1; 56.5% female), of which 1082 participants with CKD died with a median follow-up time of 67 (IQR 36–99) months. Results Most macronutrients were non-linearly associated with all-cause mortality risk, including carbohydrates and sugar. Participants with CKD had lower mortality risk when consuming 30–45% energy from carbohydrates (average HR 0.76, 95%CI 0.62–0.93, compared with 60%), 5–20% energy from sugar (average HR 0.75, 95% CI 0.59–0.96 compared with 40%). Replacing the energy intake from carbohydrates with protein (up to 30%) and/or replacing the sugar with non-sugar carbohydrates (up to 55%) reduced the all-cause mortality risk, while the total energy intake remained constant. Conclusions Diet advice should be given according to the current diet status, and constituents of carbohydrates should also be taken into consideration.
... The incidence of rancidity is reduced in such products. The substitution of unsaturated fat for saturated fat in the diet is recommended for the prevention of cardiovascular disease (Huang et al. 2013). ...
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Fats are important for humans, animals, and plants because of their high energy content, which accounts for large amount of energy storage in the smallest amount of food material. Fats enable humans and animals to absorb fat-soluble vitamins as well as provide essential fatty acids, which their bodies seem unable to synthesize. Since, fat in food is almost entirely reabsorbed by the body, fat as a food has a very high efficiency. Many dishes benefit from fats because they give them a smooth, creamy consistency, which results in a pleasant mouthfeel. Fats and oils have numerous applications in food such as in snack foods, milk products, bakery and confectionary products owing to different physical and sensory characteristics of these products. During processing oils and fats undergo various physico-chemical modifications which define the characteristics of the product. This chapter deals with basic understanding of fats, utility of fats and oils in different food products and modification in fats during processing.
... For example, the ingestion of soy and its most important flavonoid, genistein, and medication with N-acetyl-cysteine, have been associated with a reduction in markers of inflammation such as interleukin-6 and oxidative stress [182][183][184]. The ingestion of omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids has been shown to decrease systemic inflammation in dialysis patients [185]. A diet rich in fibers can exert direct or indirect anti-inflammatory effects through the improvement of dysbiosis of the intestinal flora [186]. ...
Objective: This study aims to evaluate the levels of lipid profile parameters in Chronic Renal Failure patients on Maintenance hemodialysis and to compare its level with age matched healthy control population. Method: Cross sectional study involving 262 Individuals between the age 46 -75 years in the population of Bengaluru, India between February 2022 to May 2023. Venous blood was collected from 131 CRF patients on MHD and from 131 healthy individuals and analyzed for lipid profile parameters TC, TG, VLDL,LDL,HDL.and urea,creatinine. Results: In MHD patients, serum TG and VLDL levels were found to be significantly elevated compared to healthy control population. HDL was significantly reduced compared to control healthy population. There was no significant change in the levels of TC and LDL. Conclusion: Frequent monitoring of these lipid profile parameters may help in better treatment, hence itmay reduce the morbidity and mortality of Patients on MHD.
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Experimental and clinical evidence suggests that long-chain n-3 fatty acids may protect against sudden cardiac death, the leading cause of mortality in hemodialysis patients. Here we investigated whether long-chain n-3 fatty acids have a protective relationship with sudden cardiac death in 100 patients who died of sudden cardiac death during the first year of starting hemodialysis and 300 patients who survived. Individuals were selected from a nationally representative cohort of over 1000 US hemodialysis units in 2004-2005. The odds of sudden cardiac death were calculated by quartile of long-chain n-3 fatty acid levels over the first year. There was a significant inverse relationship between long-chain n-3 fatty acids and the risk of sudden cardiac death even after adjusting for relevant comorbid conditions, biochemical values, and dietary fats. The odds of sudden cardiac death at 1 year for the second, third, and fourth quartile groups of long-chain n-3 fatty acids were 0.37, 0.22, and 0.20, respectively, compared with the lowest quartile. This significant inverse relationship was maintained even during the highest-risk first few months on hemodialysis. Thus, long-chain n-3 fatty acids are strongly and independently associated with a lower risk of sudden cardiac death in hemodialysis patients throughout the first year of hemodialysis.Kidney International advance online publication, 6 February 2013; doi:10.1038/ki.2013.4.
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OBJECTIVE Long-chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids supplements (n-3 PUFA) may have renoprotective effects in patients with diabetes, but previous trials have been inconsistent. We performed a randomized controlled trial of n-3 PUFA supplementation on urine albumin excretion and markers of kidney injury in adults with type 2 diabetes.RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS We conducted a randomized, placebo-controlled, two-period crossover trial to test the effects of 4 g/day of n-3 PUFA supplementation on markers of glomerular filtration and kidney injury in adults with adult-onset diabetes and greater than or equal to trace amounts of proteinuria. Each period lasted 6 weeks and was separated by a 2-week washout. The main outcome was urine albumin excretion and, secondarily, markers of kidney injury (kidney injury molecule-1, N-acetyl β-d-glucosaminidase [NAG], neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin [NGAL], and liver fatty acid-binding protein [LFABP]), serum markers of kidney function (cystatin C, β(2)-microglobulin, and creatinine), and estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR).RESULTSOf the 31 participants, 29 finished both periods. A total of 55% were male, and 61% were African American; mean age was 67 years. At baseline, mean BMI was 31.6 kg/m(2), median eGFR was 76.9 mL/min/1.73 m(2), and median 24-h urine albumin excretion was 161 mg/day. Compared with placebo, n-3 PUFA had nonsignificant effects on urine albumin excretion (-7.2%; 95% CI -20.6 to 8.5; P = 0.35) and significant effects on urine NGAL excretion (-16% [-29.1 to -0.5%]; P = 0.04). There was no effect on serum markers of kidney function or eGFR. In subgroup analyses, there were significant decreases in 24-h urinary excretion of albumin, NGAL, LFABP, and NAG among participants taking medications that block the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS).CONCLUSIONS These results suggest a potential effect of n-3 PUFA supplementation on markers of kidney injury in patients with diabetes and early evidence of kidney disease. In the context of prior studies, these results provide a strong rationale for long-term trials of n-3 PUFA on chronic kidney disease progression.
The cardiovascular health benefits of longchain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) have been reported to exert at several different cellular control mechanisms. These include, effects on lipoprotein metabolism, haemostatic function, platelet/vessel wall interactions, anti-arrhythmic actions and also inhibition of proliferation of smooth muscle cells and therefore growth of the atherosclerotic plaque. Fish oil feeding has also been found to result in moderate reductions in blood pressure and to modify vascular neuroeffector mechanisms. The majority of such cardiovascular benefits of n-3 PUFAs are likely to be mediated in the vascular wall and at the vascular endothelium level, since this monolayer of cells plays a central role in the regulation and maintenance of cardiovascular homeostasis and function. While these processes include endothelium-derived vasorelaxant and vasoconstrictor compounds, the vascular endothelium also plays host to many receptors, binding proteins, transporters and signalling mechanisms. Accordingly, endothelial dysfunction, which underlies many cardiovascular disease conditions, can trigger acute vascular events including vasospasm, thrombosis or restenosis leading to ischaemia. The longchain n-3 PUFAs have been reported to possess several properties that may positively influence vascular function. These include favourable mediator profiles (nitric oxide, eicosanoids) that influence vascular reactivity, change in vascular tone via actions on selective ion channels, and maintenance of vascular integrity. In addition to direct effects on contractility, n-3 PUFAs may affect vascular function, and the process of atherogenesis, via inhibition of vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation at the gene expression level, and by modifying expression of inflammatory cytokinesis and adhesion molecules. Collectively, these properties are consistent with pleiotropic actions of longchain n-3 PUFAs, and may explain the beneficial cardiovascular protection of this family of fatty acids that have been clearly evident through epidemiological data as well from more recent large-scale clinical trials.
Background & aims: The aim was to examine the associations between macronutrient intake and the prevalence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) or microalbuminuria (MiA) in individuals at high cardiovascular risk. Methods: Cross-sectional analyses conducted in 2123 nondiabetic individuals from the PREDIMED study. Dietary data were collected using a food-frequency questionnaire. Analysis of covariance was used to assess associations between quartiles of nutrient intake and estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) or urinary albumin-to-creatinine ratio (ACR). The odds ratio (OR) for the presence of CKD or MiA according to quartiles of nutrient intake was assessed by logistic regression models. Results: Individuals in the highest quartile of n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) intake showed lower average eGFR. Individuals in the top quartile of fiber intake had a decreased risk of CKD [OR: 0.68; 95% CI: 0.48-0.95]. Conversely, subjects in the highest quartile of n-6 PUFA intake showed an increased risk of CKD [OR: 1.44; 95% CI: 1.03-2.01]. No significant associations were found between the intake of other macronutrients and eGFR, urinary ACR or risk of CKD or MiA. Conclusions: A high fiber intake was associated with a decreased risk of CKD, while a high n-6 PUFA intake was inversely associated with eGFR and directly associated with an increased risk of CKD.
Background: Cardioprotective and other clinical benefits of long-chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) are inversely related to dietary intake and hence blood content. We therefore investigated, in the first study of its kind, the blood content and distribution of these fatty acids in a large representative population of US hemodialysis patients. Methods: Frozen sera were obtained from 400 individuals who were part of a large, contemporary, representative cohort of US incident hemodialysis patients. Long-chain n-3 PUFA were measured in total serum lipids and in the neutral and polar serum fractions using gas chromatography and solid phase extraction techniques. Mean long-chain n-3 PUFA levels were compared to levels in other dialysis and nondialysis populations from published reports. Results: The study population was qualitatively similar to the overall US hemodialysis population in terms of major clinical characteristics. Long-chain n-3 PUFA were present in the serum polar fraction, with essentially none being detected in the neutral fraction (p < 0.0001 for polar vs. neutral fractions for all three long-chain n-3 PUFA). Mean serum long-chain n-3 PUFA levels (weight percent (±SD): total 1.55 ± 0.95, polar 3.99 ± 1.45) were low compared to nondialysis and most other non-US hemodialysis cohorts. Conclusions: While US hemodialysis patients have a blood distribution of long-chain n-3 PUFA that is similar to that in the general population, blood content is among the lowest recorded in the medical literature. This has implications for renal dietary recommendations and makes US patients an ideal group for testing the clinical effects of long-chain n-3 PUFA supplementation.