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Association between resilience and burnout of front‐line nurses at the peak of the COVID‐19 pandemic: Positive and negative affect as mediators in Wuhan


Abstract and Figures

The outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‐19) is having a dramatic effect on the mental health of healthcare workers (HCWs). Upon the emergence of the COVID‐19 pandemic, the Chinese government dispatched about 42 000 HCWs to Wuhan City and Hubei Province to fight this pandemic. This study briefly examines front‐line nurses who experienced burnout, with the main objective of investigating the mediating roles of positive and negative affect in the relationship between resilience and burnout in Wuhan hospitals at the peak of the COVID‐19 pandemic. A total of 180 front‐line nurses voluntarily participated via a social media group. They completed the online questionnaires, including the Maslach Burnout Inventory‐General Survey (MBI‐GS), the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS), the Connor–Davidson Resilience Scale (CD‐RISC), demographics, and work‐related characteristics. Structural equation modelling (SEM) analysis was used to examine the mediating effect of positive and negative affect on the relationship between resilience and burnout. The total prevalence of burnout was 51.7%, of which 15.0% were severe burnout. These preliminary results revealed that positive and negative affect fully mediated the effects of resilience on burnout, emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and reduced personal accomplishment of front‐line nurses. It is necessary to know the impact of resilience on HCWs with burnout through the positive and negative affect of individual backgrounds and situations, and how policymakers can deploy resilience interventions to support front‐line HCWs.
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Association between resilience and burnout of
front-line nurses at the peak of the COVID-19
pandemic: Positive and negative affect as
mediators in Wuhan
Xiaoning Zhang,
Xue Jiang,
Pingping Ni,
Haiyang Li,
Chong Li,
Qiong Zhou,
Zhengyan Ou,
Yuqing Guo
and Junli Cao
School of Nursing, Xuzhou Medical University, Xuzhou,
School of Nursing, Capital Medical University, Beijing,
Department of Neonatology, The Affiliated Hospital of Xuzhou Medical University, Xuzhou,
Jiangsu Province Key
Laboratory of Anesthesiology, Xuzhou Medical University, Xuzhou,
Jiangsu Province Key Laboratory of Anesthesia
and Analgesia Application Technology, Xuzhou Medical University, Xuzhou,
Department of Neonatology, Suqian
First Hospital, Suqian,
Development Planning Office, Xuzhou Medical University, Xuzhou, and
Graduate School,
Xuzhou Medical University, Xuzhou, China
ABSTRACT: The outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is having a dramatic effect on
the mental health of healthcare workers (HCWs). Upon the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, the
Chinese government dispatched about 42 000 HCWs to Wuhan City and Hubei Province to fight this
pandemic. This study briefly examines front-line nurses who experienced burnout, with the main
objective of investigating the mediating roles of positive and negative affect in the relationship between
resilience and burnout in Wuhan hospitals at the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic. A total of 180
front-line nurses voluntarily participated via a social media group. They completed the online
questionnaires, including the Maslach Burnout Inventory-General Survey (MBI-GS), the Positive and
Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS), the ConnorDavidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC), demographics,
and work-related characteristics. Structural equation modelling (SEM) analysis was used to examine
the mediating effect of positive and negative affect on the relationship between resilience and burnout.
The total prevalence of burnout was 51.7%, of which 15.0% were severe burnout. These preliminary
results revealed that positive and negative affect fully mediated the effects of resilience on burnout,
emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and reduced personal accomplishment of front-line nurses. It
is necessary to know the impact of resilience on HCWs with burnout through the positive and negative
Correspondence: Xiaoning Zhang, School of Nursing, Xuzhou Medical University, 209 Tongshan Road, Xuzhou 221004, China. Email:
Junli Cao, Graduate School, Xuzhou Medical University, 209 Tongshan Road, Xuzhou 221004, China. Email:
The first four authors contributed equally to this work.
Declaration of Conflict of interest: The authors declare that they have no conflict interests.
Xiaoning Zhang, PhD.
Xue Jiang, Bachelor.
Pingping Ni, Bachelor.
Haiyang Li, Master.
Chong Li, Master.
Qiong Zhou, Bachelor.
Zhengyan Ou, Bachelor.
Yuqing Guo, Bachelor.
Junli Cao, PhD.
Accepted January 22 2021.
©2021 John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd
International Journal of Mental Health Nursing (2021) , doi: 10.1111/inm.12847
affect of individual backgrounds and situations, and how policymakers can deploy resilience
interventions to support front-line HCWs.
KEY WORDS: burnout, COVID-19 pandemic, front-line nurses, positive and negative affect, re-
The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak
continues to be a public health emergency of interna-
tional concern (PHEIC), which is having a dramatic
effect on the mental health of healthcare workers
(HCWs). Following the COVID-19 outbreak in
Wuhan, the Chinese government dispatched about
from other parts of the country to fight the COVID-19
outbreak, representing the largest deployment of
HCWs and medical resources in the world. The every-
day use of personal protective equipment (PPE),
including gloves, gowns, clothing, masks, respirators,
goggles, and face shields, is mandatory for HCWs at
all working times to protect patients and themselves,
when providing care, and off-work contact with others
is discouraged (Smereka & Szarpak, 2020). Front-line
HCWs are under high stress, experiencing physical
exhaustion, stigmatization, and increased symptoms of
anxiety and depression (Mokhtari et al., 2020), they
are at increased risk of COVID-19 infection and may
be quarantined, which is related to severe mental
health problems (Anmella et al., 2020). Front-line
HCWs dealing with traumatic events, making life and
death decisions, are exposed to unprecedented emo-
tionally distress situations, such as the high risk of
infection, longer shifts and excessive workload, and
increased vulnerability; thus, they are at a greater risk
of negative mental health outcomes (Rivas et al.,
2020). More than 70% of the nurses in the task force
of front-line HCWs dispatched to Wuhan and Hubei
Province originated from secondary and tertiary hospi-
tals in China. They were closely exposed to COVID-19
patients and thus may suffer from vicarious traumati-
zation (Li et al., 2020), as well as experience severe
burnout (Murat et al., 2020). To evaluate immediate
mental health impact on front-line nurses working in
the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic (Su Hong &
Xiaoming, 2020), the optimal structure of a mentally
healthy life for each front-line nurse needs to be
mapped out, which differs as a function of each indi-
vidual’s background and situation.
Understanding the effects of the COVID-19 pan-
demic on burnout in front-line HCWs is an urgent
necessity to provide resilience interventions aimed at
improving their well-being (Digby et al., 2020). The
severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) epidemic of
2003 had significant psychosocial effects on HCWs,
29% of them reported emotional exhaustion as mea-
sured by the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12),
and being a nurse was found to have the highest signif-
icant association with emotional exhaustion (adjusted
OR 2.8, 95% CI 1.55.5) (Nickell et al., 2004). HCWs
exposed to the emotional distress and negative affect of
COVID-19 patients and their families had a high risk
of long-term psychological problems (Barello et al.,
2020), and reported significant pressure and somatic
symptoms, as well as higher levels and rate of emo-
tional exhaustion than those observed during the SARS
outbreak (Maunder et al., 2006). In a national COVID-
19 study among physicians in the USA, 21.8% reported
burnout, 47.9 and 60.2% had symptoms of anxiety and
distress, and 10.6% showed depression symptoms
(Civantos et al., 2020). A survey of 12 596 nurses in
April 2020 found moderate emotional exhaustion dur-
ing the COVID-19 pandemic and indicated that front-
line nurses had higher burnout scores (Chen et al.,
2020). Front-line nurses in Istanbul had high levels of
stress and burnout, as well as moderate depression
(Murat et al., 2020). These effects of the COVID-19
pandemic on HCWs differed with respect to occupa-
tion and risk perception, in particular. Part-time
employment status was found to be significantly associ-
ated with emotional exhaustion (adjusted OR 2.6, 95%
CI 1.25.4) (Nickell et al., 2004). Lifestyle changing
conditions in the workplace affected by the SARS out-
break were significantly associated with emotional
exhaustion (adjusted OR 2.2, 95% CI 1.43.5) (Nickell
et al., 2004).
It should be emphasized that emotion-related affects
are normal reactions to the unpredictable and threaten-
ing COVID-19 pandemic, which has particularly
directly affected HCWs (Vinkers et al., 2020). HCWs
are vulnerable to emotional issues, especially nurses
who screened positive for acute stress, depression, and
©2021 John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd
anxiety, 75% reported at least moderate insomnia
symptoms (Shechter et al., 2020). Additionally, col-
lected evidence suggests that HCWs have an increased
risk for developing negative affect, as well as an
increased likelihood of experiencing transient stress-re-
lated symptoms (de Burgos-Berdud et al., 2020; Lai
et al., 2020; Shanafelt et al., 2020). The negative affect
of hostility and distress caused by the COVID-19 threat
and quarantine increased the association with situa-
tional fears (Brooks et al., 2020). Negative affect was
linked to nervousness and irritation during the
COVID-19 pandemic, and positive and negative affect
may serve as mediators (Perez-Fuentes et al., 2020). A
recent systematic review and meta-analysis showed that
HCWs had a high prevalence of negative affect, such
as depression (22.8%), anxiety (23.2%), and insomnia
(34.3%) during the COVID-19 pandemic (Pappa et al.,
2020). This pandemic was also reported to increase
social isolation and loneliness (Sciences, 2020), which
are markers of poor functioning across negative affect
(Matthews et al., 2019). The stress resulting from social
disruptions and health-related threats during the
COVID-19 pandemic, such as isolation and loneliness,
may cause mental health issues, and trigger or exacer-
bate mental illnesses (Vahia et al., 2020). Front-line
HCWs experienced psychological issues (Maunder
et al., 2006), a particular case reported fearing the psy-
chological impact of quarantine after two weeks of the
COVID-19 lockdown (Barello et al., 2020).
There has been limited research on the mental
health issues of HCWs associated with the current
COVID-19 pandemic (Pappa et al., 2020). However,
the prospect of front-line HCWs becoming psychologi-
cally unwell was reported to be lower than that related
to the psychological response to the pandemic (Holmes
et al., 2020). Front-line HCWs are exposed to increases
in workplace pressure and are the most severely hit by
patients’ overload, and thus struggle to cope with the
psychological challenges and threats (Barello et al.,
2020). The psychological and social impact of the
COVID-19 pandemic on HCWs is related to significant
negative mental health outcomes (Du et al., 2020).
After exposure to a highly challenging pandemic,
HCWs have to face and combat the burnout with psy-
chological resilience (Greenberg et al., 2020). Resili-
ence can be used to lessen the negative effects of
burnout in health facility settings and to prevent poor
psychosocial outcomes in nurses (Kim & Windsor,
2015). Social isolation makes the COVID-19 pandemic
different from other PHEIC, and resilience may be a
more effective response to control this situation, which
is vital to cope with stress and stay in balance; thus,
there is a need for HCWs with burnout to explore the
importance of resilience support (Goh et al., 2020).
Accordingly, it is urgently needed to explore the
importance of resilience in HCWs during the current
COVID-19 pandemic and the implications for HCWs
with burnout.
In this COVID-19 pandemic time, all HCWs are
extremely important worldwide, and the public also
needs them for the future, they make decisions on
how to allocate limited medical resources and bal-
ance their own physical and mental illnesses (Holmes
et al., 2020). China is a good example of how to con-
duct a successful emergency response to the pan-
demic, research should be conducted collaboratively
and rapidly to deal with the growing mental health
threats to HCWs. Policymakers must acknowledge
the challenges HCWs face and minimize the psycho-
logical harms inherent in dealing with burnout, and
ensure that the work ahead does not affect long-term
risks. What is the association between burnout and
resilience interventions for front-line HCWs, and
how can such consequences be mitigated using posi-
tive and negative affect? The answer to these ques-
tions is that more research is needed, particularly on
the association between resilience and burnout and
the mediating effect of positive and negative affect
or mitigation of the changes on burnout. The aim of
this study was to determine the mediating role of
positive and negative affect in the relationship
between resilience and burnout in front-line nurses.
The conceptual framework and hypothesis (Fig. 1)
were according to a previous report (Stewart et al.,
2019) as follows: (i) There are positive links between
resilience and burnout, resilience is correlated with
positive and negative affect and burnout; and (ii)
positive affect and negative affect play a mediating
role in the relationship between resilience and burn-
out, and could be used in predicting burnout.
Participants and procedures
The potential participants were front-line nurses who
were assigned to the task force in Wuhan City. There-
fore, purposive sampling was used to recruit partici-
pants between March and April 2020. All participants
were informed of voluntary participation (Merlo et al.,
2017). Anonymously collected sociodemographic data
included lifestyle habits, work-related characteristics
©2021 John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd
(years of work, weekly working hours, type of employ-
ment contract, etc.), and psychological status (burnout,
resilience, and positive and negative affect).
Sociodemographic and work-related characteristics
Sociodemographic characteristics included age, sex
(male, female), marital status (married, single), number
of children (none, 1, 2), and the level of education (as-
sociate degree, bachelor’s degree, and master’s degree).
Lifestyle habits included sleeping time (4-5 hours, 6-7
hours, >8 hours) and weight change (stable, weight
loss, and weight gain). Work-related characteristics
included years of working (0-1 years, 2-4 years, 5-9
years, >10 years), level of hospital (tertiary A hospital,
tertiary B hospital, secondary hospital), type of hospital
(public, private), type of employment contract (perma-
nent, indefinite), head nurse (yes, no), weekly working
hours (16-23 hours, 24-31 hours, 32-40 hours), patient-
to-nurse ratio (1-5, 6-10, 11-15), part-time job (yes,
no), and amount of time spent with patients daily (50-
75%, 30-49%, <29%).
Burnout was assessed using the Maslach Burnout
Inventory-General Survey (MBI-GS), a validated ver-
sion for measuring burnout in HCWs (Suttle et al.,
2020; Wu et al., 2020). This instrument encompasses
emotional exhaustion (tiredness, somatic symptoms,
and decreased emotional resources), depersonalization
(developing negative, cynical attitudes, and impersonal
feelings), and reduced personal accomplishment (feel-
ings of incompetence, inefficiency, and inadequacy)
(Kumar, 2007). The MBI-GS comprises 16 items
scored on a seven-point Likert scale ranging from 0
(never) to 6 (everyday); choosing ’once a week’ or more
frequently to either item is considered as a positive
response and indicates burnout (Portero de la Cruz
et al., 2020). Scores are categorized as mild, moderate,
or severe using established cut-offs (Guo et al., 2018).
High scores for emotional exhaustion and depersonal-
ization and low ones for personal accomplishment indi-
cate the incidence of burnout (Li et al., 2020a; Portero
de la Cruz et al., 2020). The Chinese version of the
MBI-GS shows satisfactory validity and reliability, the
Cronbach alpha coefficient for the whole scale was
0.86 and for three dimensions was 0.896, 0.747, and
0.825, respectively (Li et al., 2014; Li & Shi, 2003).
The resilience was measured by the ConnorDavidson
Resilience Scale (CD-RISC), a 25-item scale consisting
of three subdomains (strength, tenacity, and optimism)
that assesses resilience to cope with adversity (Connor
& Davidson, 2003). Each item is rated on a five-point
Likert scale from 0 (not true at all) to 4 (true nearly all
the time); total scores range from 0 to 100, with higher
scores indicate greater resilience (Hou et al., 2020;
Ramirez-Granizo et al., 2020). The participants
responded to each item based on life events during the
past month (Ramirez-Granizo et al., 2020). The Cron-
bach alpha coefficient of the Chinese version was 0.91
for the total score, indicating satisfactory reliability and
validity, and the scale shows sound psychometric prop-
erties (Yu & Zhang, 2007).
Positive and negative affect
The positive affect and negative affect were measured
using the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule
(PANAS) (Watson et al., 1988), a self-report instrument
comprised of 10-item subscales: negative affects (fear,
nervousness, irritability, hostility, and shame) and posi-
tive affects (enthusiasm, attentiveness, pride, hopeful-
ness, and contentment) (Ravyts et al., 2019).
Participants are required to rate the degree to which
they feel a particular emotion using a five-point Likert
scale ranging from 1 (very slightly or not at all) to 5
(extremely) (Watson et al., 1988). Higher scores indi-
cate a higher level of either positive or negative affect.
FIG. 1 Conceptual framework and hypotheses
©2021 John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd
The PANAS showed satisfactory reliability and validity
among Chinese in an US context (Deng et al., 2020);
the Cronbach alpha coefficient for the whole scale was
0.76 and for the subscales of positive and negative
affect was 0.93 and 0.90, respectively.
Statistical analyses
Data were analysed using the Stata 15 software (Stata
Corporation, College Station, TX, USA) for Windows
and AMOS 23 (IBM Corporation, Armonk, NY, USA).
Descriptive analysis was conducted to summarize the
frequencies and percentages of the categorical variables
or the mean and standard deviation (SD) of the quanti-
tative variables. The relationships between sociodemo-
graphic, work-related, and psychological characteristics
were compared using the chi-square test for categorical
variables. Pearson’s correlation analysis was performed
to preliminarily test the correlations among resilience,
positive and negative affect, and burnout.
Structural equation modelling (SEM) was performed
in four models by the maximum-likelihood method
implemented in the SPSS Amos v23.0 software (IBM
Corp) to examine the mediating role of positive and
negative affect in the association between resilience
and burnout (Bollen, 1989). In this study, resilience is
the predictor, and model 1 included positive and nega-
tive affect as mediators in the relationship between
resilience and burnout. In models 2, 3, and 4, the
dependent variable was emotional exhaustion, reduced
personal accomplishment, and depersonalization,
respectively. The bootstrapping method was used to
confirm the statistical significance of the mediating
effect (Efron & Tibshirani, 1985), which determines
whether an independent variable is related to a depen-
dent variable through a third variablethe mediator.
In this study, resilience is the predictor, burnout is the
dependent variable, and the positive affect and nega-
tive affect are used as the mediator. This method
determined the bias-corrected 95% confidence interval
from 2000 samples; if the interval excludes zero, it rep-
resents the significance of the effects (Preacher &
Hayes, 2008). A P-value <0.05 for the results indicated
statistical significance. The internal consistency was
examined by Cronbach’s alpha (>0.60 was considered
acceptable) (Frankel et al., 2015).
Patient and public involvement
Due to limited access to front-line nurses, all of them
were isolated off-work, to improve the questionnaires,
the distribution of measures was constrained to a sub-
sample of front-line nurses mainly through communica-
tion with others by social media apps, who received
and completed the questionnaires via WeChat social
media groups. If participants did not answer the cur-
rent question, the WeChat applet could not jump to
the next question. The IP addresses identified and
eliminated duplicate participants. Response bias was
examined before analysing the data (e.g. clicking the
same answer and moving rapidly to the next question).
A pilot study for the questionnaires was conducted on
eight nurses to improve clarity, consistency, and valid-
ity, and those three questionnaires were not changed
after the pilot study, the data of the pilot study were
combined with the final sample.
The first page of the electronic questionnaire pro-
vided guidance, and informed consent was asked after
the study guidance, all participants signed their names
on informed consent forms before completing the
questionnaires, which included an electronic study
summary of the research purpose, expected outcomes,
procedures, benefits, risks, and option not to take part.
Participants were required to tick a box indicating their
informed consent to participate before taking the
online survey, they had the option to withdraw from
the study at any time, and the survey data were only
accessible to study personnel. The project was
approved for research ethics by the Xuzhou Medical
University Research Ethics Committee (ID number:
XZ20200225) and was conducted in accordance with
the Helsinki Declaration.
Characteristics of participants and the
distribution of burnout
The sociodemographic and work-related characteristics
of the participants are shown in Table 1. Among the
200 participants who were approached, 20 declined
and 180 responded and completed all three question-
naires (response rate 90.0%). The mean age of the 180
participants was 28 (SD =4.5), 78.3% were female,
68.3% were married, 90.0% held a bachelor’s degree,
and 81.7% were permanent employees. The marital
status, type of employment contract, years of work, and
patient-to-nurse ratio were significantly different
between participants with and without burnout
(P<0.05). Most of the participants (98.9%) had a full-
time nursing job, 76.6% reported having more than
5 years of work experience.
©2021 John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd
Descriptive analysis of burnout, resilience, and
positive and negative affect
The total prevalence of burnout was 51.7%, of which
15.0% were severe burnout in Table 1. As shown in
Table 2, the mean scores for emotional exhaustion,
depersonalization, and reduced personal accomplish-
ment were 5.30 (SD =3.13), 2.91 (SD =2.68), and
2.33 (SD =2.62), respectively. The mean scores for
resilience tenacity, strength, and optimism were 34.23
TABLE 1 Sociodemographic and work-related characteristics of the participants and the distributions of dimensions of burnout (N=180)
N(%) v
value P-valueNo (n=87) Yes (n=93)
<27 years 19 (55.9) 15 (44.1) 34 (18.9) 4.136 0.247
2830 years 37 (54.4) 31 (45.6) 68 (37.8)
3135 years 19 (38.8) 30 (61.2) 49 (27.2)
>36 years 12 (41.4) 17 (58.6) 29 (16.1)
Male 15 (38.5) 24 (61.5) 39 (21.7) 1.943 0.163
Female 72 (51.1) 69 (48.9) 141 (78.3)
Marital status
Single 21 (36.8) 36 (63.2) 57 (31.7) 4.411 0.036
Married 66 (53.7) 57 (46.3) 123 (68.3)
Number of children
0 33 (47.8) 36 (52.2) 69 (38.3) 1.960 0.375
1 29 (43.3) 38 (56.7) 67 (37.2)
2 25 (56.8) 19 (43.2) 44 (24.4)
Level of education
Associate degree 6 (46.2) 7 (53.8) 13 (7.2) 0.400 0.927
Bachelor’s degree 78 (48.1) 84 (51.9) 162 (90.0)
Master’s degree 3 (60.0) 2 (40.0) 5 (2.8)
Type of employment contract
Permanent 77 (52.4) 70 (47.6) 147 (81.7) 5.260 0.022
Indefinite 10 (30.3) 23 (69.7) 33 (18.3)
Type of hospital
Public 79 (49.1) 82 (50.9) 161 (89.4) 0.330 0.566
Private 8 (42.1) 11 (57.9) 19 (10.6)
Amount of time spent with patients daily
5075% 28 (47.5) 31 (52.5) 59 (32.8) 0.889 0.641
3049% 40 (51.9) 37 (48.1) 77 (42.8)
<29% 19 (43.2) 25 (56.8) 44 (24.4)
Full-time job
No 2 (100.0) 0 (0.0) 2 (1.1) 0.232
Yes 85 (47.8) 93 (52.2) 178 (98.9)
Level of hospital
Tertiary A hospital 62 (53.9) 53 (46.1) 115 (63.9) 4.232 0.120
Tertiary B hospital 6 (33.3) 12 (66.7) 18 (10.0)
Secondary hospital 19 (40.4) 28 (59.6) 47 (26.1)
Head nurse
Yes 25 (59.5) 17 (40.5) 42 (23.3) 2.747 0.097
No 62 (44.9) 76 (55.1) 138 (76.7)
Years of working
01 years 0 (0.0) 8 (100.0) 8 (4.4) 12.244 0.005
24 years 22 (64.7) 12 (35.3) 34 (18.9)
59 years 43 (49.4) 44 (50.6) 87 (48.3)
>10 years 22 (43.1) 29 (56.9) 51 (28.3)
©2021 John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd
(SD =7.61), 21.86 (SD =4.40), and 11.57 (SD =2.59),
respectively. The mean scores for positive affect and
negative affect were 30.74 (SD =6.24) and 21.44
(SD =.24), respectively.
Pearson’s correlation analyses
The analysis of the Pearson correlation coefficients
is shown in Table 3. Resilience showed significant
negative correlations with burnout (r=0.387,
P<0.01), emotional exhaustion (r=0.283,
P<0.01), depersonalization (r=0.400, P<0.01),
reduced personal accomplishment (r=0.388,
P<0.01), and negative affect (r=0.609, P<0.01);
and showed significant positive correlation with posi-
tive affect (r=0.224, P<0.01). Negative affect had
a significant positive correlation with burnout
(r=0.268, P<0.01), emotional exhaustion
(r=0.151, P<0.05), depersonalization (r=0. 297,
P<0.01), and reduced personal accomplishment
(r=0. 302, P<0.01). Positive affect had a signifi-
cant negative correlation with burnout (r=0.465,
p<0.01), emotional exhaustion (r=0.486,
P<0.01), depersonalization (r=0.387, P<0.01),
and reduced personal accomplishment (r=0.389,
TABLE 1 (Continued)
N(%) v
value P-valueNo (n=87) Yes (n=93)
Sleeping time
45 hours 16 (66.7) 8 (33.3) 24 (13.3) 3.812 0.149
67 hours 68 (45.3) 82 (54.7) 150 (83.3)
>8 hours 3 (50.0) 3 (50.0) 6 (3.3)
Weekly working hours
1623 hours 4 (44.4) 5 (55.6) 9 (5.0) 0.287 0.901
2431 hours 26 (51.0) 25 (49.0) 51 (28.3)
3240 hours 57 (47.5) 63 (52.5) 120 (66.7)
Patient-to-nurse ratio
15 57 (45.2) 69 (54.8) 126 (70.0) 26.737 <0.001
610 10 (29.4) 24 (70.6) 34 (18.9)
1115 20 (100.0) 0 (0.0) 20 (11.1)
Weight change
Stable 28 (44.4) 35 (55.6) 63 (35.0) 0.671 0.715
Weight loss 27 (51.9) 25 (48.1) 52 (28.9)
Weight gain 32 (49.2) 33 (50.8) 65 (36.1)
Prevalence Level
Burnout 93 (51.7) Mild Moderate Severe
41 (44.1) 38 (40.9) 14 (15.0)
TABLE 2 Mean and standard deviations of dimensions of burnout, resilience, and PANAS
Variables Mean SD Min. Max. Skewness Kurtosis
Emotional exhaustion 5.30 3.13 0.00 12.00 0.11 0.84
Depersonalization 2.91 2.68 0.00 11.00 0.76 0.11
Reduced personal accomplishment 2.33 2.62 0.00 12.00 1.48 2.35
Tenacity 34.23 7.61 9.00 49.00 0.25 0.89
Strength 21.86 4.40 6.00 32.00 0.47 1.42
Optimism 11.57 2.59 3.00 16.00 0.44 0.64
Positive affect 30.74 6.24 13.86 44.00 0.30 0.44
Negative affect 21.44 5.08 12.00 41.14 0.98 2.29
Positive and Negative Affect Scale.
©2021 John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd
Structural equation modelling (SEM)
The mediating role of positive and negative affect in the
relationship between resilience and burnout
The standardized direct, indirect, and total effect esti-
mates of resilience on burnout in model 1 are pre-
sented in Table 4, and the path diagrams labelled on
each path of the relationship between resilience and
burnout are shown in Fig. 2. In model 1, resilience
had a significant indirect effect (b=0.322, P<0.05)
and total effect (b=0.361, P<0.05) on burnout,
and the path coefficient of the direct effect was
0.039 (BC 95% CI: 0.205, 0.108). The path coeffi-
cient of the indirect effect of resilience on burnout
TABLE 3 Correlations among resilience, emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, reduced personal accomplishment, and negative and positive
affect (N=180)
exhaustion Depersonalization
Reduced personal accom-
affect Resilience Burnout
Emotional exhaustion 1.000
Depersonalization 0.698*
Reduced personal
Negative affect 0.151*0.297*
Positive affect 0.486*
Resilience 0.283*
Burnout 0.891*
*P<0.05, **P<0.01
TABLE 4 Total, direct, and indirect effects of resilience on burnout (N=180)
Effects Paths Effect SE P BC 95% CI
Indirect effects Resilience ?Positive affect ?Burnout 0.113 0.047 0.013 0.209 to 0.019
Resilience ?Negative affect ?Burnout 0.209 0.061 0.001 0.353 to 0.108
Direct effects Resilience ?Burnout 0.039 0.080 0.584 0.205 to 0.108
Resilience ?Positive affect 0.224 0.091 0.013 0.038 to 0.403
Resilience ?Negative affect 0.609 0.065 0.001 0.723 to 0.470
Positive affect ?Burnout 0.505 0.040 0.002 0.580 to 0.418
Negative affect ?Burnout 0.343 0.085 0.001 0.177 to 0.515
Total effect Resilience ?Burnout 0.361 0.051 0.001 0.458 to 0.259
SE, standard error; BC 95% CI, bias-corrected 95% confidence intervals.
FIG. 2 Mediating roles of positive and negative affect between resilience and burnout in Model 1. *P<0.05, **P<0.01
©2021 John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd
through positive and negative affect was 0.113 (BC
95% CI: 0.209, 0.019) and 0.209 (BC 95% CI:
0.353, 0.108), respectively. Burnout was directly
and negatively associated with positive affect
(b=0.505, P<0.01), but had a direct and positive
association with negative affect (b=0.343, P<0.01).
Since the direct effect of resilience to burnout
included zero, which was insignificant, the positive and
negative affect fully mediated the effects of resilience
on burnout.
The mediating role of positive and negative affect in the
relationship between resilience and burnout constructs
The standardized direct, indirect, and total effect esti-
mates of resilience on emotional exhaustion in model 2
are presented in Table 5, and the path diagrams
labelled on each path of the relationship between resi-
lience and emotional exhaustion are shown in Fig. 3.
In model 2, resilience had a significant indirect effect
(b=0.286, P<0.05) and total effect (b=0. 268,
P<0.05) on emotional exhaustion and the path coeffi-
cient of the direct effect was 0.018 (BC 95% CI:
0.169, 0.189). The path coefficient of the indirect
effect of resilience on emotional exhaustion through
positive and negative affect was 0.118 (BC 95% CI:
0.228, 0.021) and 0.168 (BC 95% CI: 0.300,
0.060), respectively. Emotional exhaustion was
directly and negatively associated with positive affect
(b=0.527, P<0.01), but had a direct and positive
association with negative affect (b=0.276, P<0.01).
Since the direct effect of resilience to emotional
exhaustion included zero, which was insignificant, the
positive and negative affect fully mediated the effects
of resilience on emotional exhaustion.
The standardized direct, indirect, and total effect
estimates of resilience on reduced personal accomplish-
ment in model 3 are presented in Table 6, and the
path diagrams labelled on each path of the relationship
between resilience and reduced personal accomplish-
ment are shown in Fig. 4. In model 3, resilience had a
significant indirect effect (b=0.314, P<0.05), and
total effect (b=0.365, P<0.05) on reduced personal
accomplishment and the path coefficient of the direct
effect was 0.051 (BC 95% CI: 0.214, 0.096). The
TABLE 5 Total, direct, and indirect effects of resilience on emotional exhaustion (N=180)
Effects Paths Effect SE P BC 95% CI
Indirect effects Resilience ?Positive affect ?Emotional exhaustion 0.118 0.052 0.012 0.228 to 0.021
Resilience ?Negative affect ?Emotional exhaustion 0.168 0.061 0.004 0.300 to 0.060
Direct effects Resilience ?Emotional exhaustion 0.018 0.090 0.870 0.169 to 0.189
Resilience ?Positive affect 0.224 0.091 0.013 0.038 to 0.403
Resilience ?Negative affect 0.609 0.065 0.001 0.723 to 0.470
Positive affect ?Emotional exhaustion 0.527 0.057 0.001 0.627 to 0.405
Negative affect ?Emotional exhaustion 0.276 0.094 0.007 0.081 to 0.451
Total effects Resilience ?Emotional exhaustion 0.268 0.061 0.001 0.387 to 0.150
SE, standard error; BC 95% CI, bias-corrected 95% confidence intervals.
FIG. 3 Mediating roles of positive and negative affect between resilience and emotional exhaustion in Model 2. *P<0.05, **P<0.01
©2021 John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd
path coefficient of the indirect effect of resilience on
reduced personal accomplishment through positive and
negative affect was 0.098 (BC 95% CI: 0.182,
0.017) and 0.216 (BC 95%CI: 0.366, 0.103),
respectively. Reduced personal accomplishment was
directly and negatively associated with positive affect
(b=0.437, P<0.01), but had direct and positive
association with negative affect (b=0.355, P<0.01).
Since the direct effect of resilience to reduced personal
accomplishment included zero, which was insignificant,
the positive and negative affect fully mediated the
effects of resilience on reduced personal accomplish-
The standardized direct, indirect, and total effect
estimates of resilience on depersonalization in model 4
are presented in Table 7, and the path diagrams
labelled on each path of the relationship between resi-
lience and depersonalization are shown in Fig. 5. In
model 4, resilience had a significant indirect effect
(b=0.294, P<0.05) and total effect (b=0.379,
TABLE 6 Total, direct, and indirect effects of resilience on reduced personal accomplishment (N=180)
Effects Paths Effect SE P BC 95% CI
Indirect effects Resilience ?Positive affect ?Reduced personal accomplishment 0.098 0.041 0.012 0.182 to 0.017
Resilience ?Negative affect ?Reduced personal accomplishment 0.216 0.066 0.001 0.366 to 0.103
Direct effects Resilience ?Reduced personal accomplishment 0.051 0.078 0.502 0.214 to 0.096
Resilience ?Positive affect 0.224 0.091 0.013 0.038 to 0.403
Resilience ?Negative affect 0.609 0.065 0.001 0.723 to 0.470
Positive affect ?Reduced personal accomplishment 0.437 0.041 0.001 0.515 to 0.358
Negative affect ?Reduced personal accomplishment 0.355 0.090 0.001 0.1760.530
Total effects Resilience ?Reduced personal accomplishment 0.365 0.046 0.001 0.446 to 0.267
SE, standard error; BC 95% CI, bias-corrected 95% confidence intervals.
FIG. 4 Mediating roles of positive and negative affect between resilience and reduced personal accomplishment in Model 3. *P<0.05,
TABLE 7 Total, direct, and indirect effects of resilience on depersonalization (N=180)
Effects Paths Effect SE P BC 95% CI
Indirect effects Resilience ?Positive affect ?Depersonalization 0.095 0.039 0.009 0.176 to 0.019
Resilience ?Negative affect ?Depersonalization 0.200 0.062 <0.001 0.351 to 0.097
Direct effects Resilience ?Depersonalization 0.085 0.084 0.349 0.249 to 0.085
Resilience ?Positive affect 0.224 0.091 0.013 0.038 to 0.403
Resilience ?Negative affect 0.609 0.065 0.001 0.723 to 0.470
Positive affect ?Depersonalization 0.424 0.051 0.001 0.519 to 0.321
Negative affect ?Depersonalization 0.328 0.089 0.001 0.159 to 0.513
Total effects Resilience ?Depersonalization 0.379 0.049 0.001 0.474 to 0.278
SE, standard error; BC 95% CI, bias-corrected 95% confidence intervals.
©2021 John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd
P<0.05) on depersonalization and the path coefficient
of the direct effect was 0.085 (BC 95%CI: 0.249,
0.085). The path coefficient of the indirect effect of
resilience on depersonalization through positive and
negative affect was 0.095 (BC 95%CI: 0.176,
0.019) and 0.200 (BC 95%CI: 0.351, 0.097),
respectively. Depersonalization was directly and nega-
tively associated with positive affect (b=0.424,
P<0.01), but had a direct and positive association with
negative affect (b=0.328, P<0.01). Since the direct
effect of resilience to reduced personal accomplish-
ment included zero, which was insignificant, the posi-
tive and negative affect fully mediated the effects of
resilience on depersonalization.
HCWs across the world, working under extreme pres-
sure, are subjected to unprecedented stressful situa-
tions during the COVID-19 pandemic (Holmes et al.,
2020). There is growing evidence regarding the effect
of burnout among front-line nurses during the
COVID-19 pandemic (Chen et al., 2020; Sarboozi
Hoseinabadi et al., 2020). The excellent resilience
preparation of front-line nurses and the associated pos-
itive affect can reduce the risk of burnout. This study
proposes the prioritization and coordination of policy-
relevant research on burnout and positive and negative
affect, to ensure that resilience interventions are effi-
ciently targeted for the optimal mental health of front-
line HCWs as the COVID-19 pandemic unfolds. To
the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to
explore the mediating role of positive and negative
affect in the relationship between resilience and burn-
out among front-line nurses at the peak of the
COVID-19 pandemic.
Quarantine is associated with social and psychologi-
cal risks for mental health (Brooks et al., 2020), and is
a predictor of post-traumatic stress in HCWs even
3 years later (Wu et al., 2009). HCWs exposed to
SARS were immediately quarantined, which was a sev-
ere predictor of acute stress disorder (Bai et al., 2004).
Quarantined HCWs were significantly more likely to
report emotion exhaustion, and detachment from fam-
ily when caring for COVID-19 patients, and may have
a deteriorating work performance, show reluctance to
work, and suffer negative affect, such as irritability
(Brooks et al., 2020). Individuals who experienced liv-
ing with COVID-19 patients were concerned about
social isolation and increased negative affect (Holmes
et al., 2020). The effects of social isolation on the well-
being of HCWs should be widespread concerned with
increased negative affect and the practical implications
of pandemic resilience interventions (Perez-Fuentes
et al., 2020). A sense of losing direct social contacts
(Usher et al., 2020) is reported, as these front-line
nurses living in a single room off-work communicate
with their families or friends via video or audio calls.
Deploying mental health researchers to the pandemic
area may help the formation of emotional change initia-
tives aimed at reducing the spread of the burnout
among front-line nurses. Quarantine management dur-
ing the COVID-19 pandemic is crucial to understand
the burnout through positive and negative affect of
front-line HCWs to conduct resilience interventions
Positive and negative affect can be influenced by
uncertainty, which requires making highly challenging
decisions to mitigate the risk of mental health issues
(Brooks et al., 2020). Increased negative affect in
response to the pandemic should be highlighted, and
front-line HCWs are exposed to traumatic events, such
FIG. 5 Mediating roles of positive and negative affect between resilience and depersonalization in Model 4. *P<0.05, **P<0.01
©2021 John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd
as a large number of deaths and severe cases (Li et al.,
2020). Acute or long-term mental impacts of the
COVID-19 pandemic on HCWs, worries, and uncer-
tainties about this pandemic are common, and cause
undue emotional distress and impairment to social and
occupational functioning (Brooks et al., 2020). HCWs
reported they were exposed to difficulty solving prob-
lems in emergency care and situations for which they
felt unprepared, and which may be similar to the
unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic challenges HCWs
are currently facing (Brooks et al., 2020). The COVID-
19 pandemic may cause HCWs to experience moral
injury (Greenberg et al., 2020), which is defined as the
emotional distress that violates the moral or ethical rule
(Litz et al., 2009). HCWs are likely to experience nega-
tive affect, feeling intensely afraid, ashamed, irritable,
or hostile, which can contribute to the development of
burnout (Williamson et al., 2018). These front-line
nurses reported fear being compulsorily required to
use PPE during work time, using elastomeric respira-
tor, and rated the respirator less favourably with
respect to comfort, and preferred to use them only in
certain higher risk situations (Hines et al., 2019),
although they can accept less convenience, but more
protective PPE to provide care for COVID-19 patients
(Hines et al., 2020). HCWs were affected and hurt by
experiencing the pandemic, no one is invulnerable,
they need to be resilient and prepared, and policies
need to provide resilience support for burnout through
negative affect.
There is a risk that the prevalence of burnout will
increase, and coping emergency responses to burnout
are expected during this extraordinary pandemic (Gun-
nell et al., 2020). Burnout may be caused by organiza-
tional and individual attributes, and organizational
attributes or health facility settings of front-line nurses
contribute to psychological distress (Cusack et al.,
2016). Individual attributes act as internal factors, such
as optimism and hope, spirituality, and a positive iden-
tity (Rees et al., 2015). Structuring effective, individual-
ized resilience interventions for coping in this
pandemic is critical (Folkman & Moskowitz, 2004).
The organizational attributes are mostly characterized
by social support, a supportive workplace environment,
and interventions (Delgado et al., 2017). Individual
attributes and organizational resources of front-line
nurses should be used by policymakers to manage
workplace adversity, including self-reliance, passion
and interest, positive thinking, and emotional intelli-
gence as self-efficacy mechanisms (Holmes et al.,
2020). Most HCWs found that support from colleagues
and leaders may protect their mental health, and man-
agers should reach out to HCWs who avoid attending
peer discussions (Holmes et al., 2020). Monitoring the
incidence of real negative affect is necessary, as burn-
out might be hidden, managers should keep a resilient
eye on burnout through negative affect. If negative
affect of front-line nurses is persistent or severe, the
awareness of its mediating roles in the relationship
between resilience and burnout individually is
required. As the situation progresses, managers should
help front-line nurses make sense of the burnout chal-
lenges through positive affect to safely provide discus-
sions on resilience.
The resilience interventions may be overwhelmed
by the pandemic, and this has personal relevance;
HCWs experience genuine feelings of negative affect
and burnout may affect their mental health. Front-line
HCWs need both managerial and psychological support
to balance mental issues and resilience in order to deal
with the COVID-19 pandemic (Digby et al., 2020).
This study advocates for an increased attention to
burnout in HCWs and highlights positive affect strate-
gies associated with resilience to be applied during the
COVID-19 pandemic (Vinkers et al., 2020). Several
potential resilience interventions can help mitigate the
burnout through positive and negative affect, by reli-
ably and iteratively delivering mental health, such as
with digital resources to efficiently manage the mental
health of HCWs in an adaptive and resilience manner
(Wind et al., 2020), which requires a range of interna-
tional collaborative research (Holmes et al., 2018).
Front-line nurses who provided care for COVID-19
patients, developed burnout, and associated mental
health problems should be aware of the consequences
of the avoidance of speaking about negative affect (Sal-
kovskis et al., 1999). The government bodies, scientific
organizations, and mental health providers, besides
providing funds for longer-term resilience interven-
tions, are important to protect the mental well-being of
HCWs, which may include eliciting community (Daw-
son et al., 2015), peer support (Zhao et al., 2019), and
assertiveness training (Solomonov et al., 2019). Due to
quarantine policy, digital resilience interventions, such
as social media apps, are mechanistically buffering
effects of burnout through positive affect to alleviate
burnout. HCWs who persistently avoid meetings or
experience negative affect may require sensitive and
positive discussion, and support from suitably experi-
enced or trained peers. HCWs have greater difficulty
in accessing mental health services during the pan-
demic, this study combined with those in the literature
©2021 John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd
informs the development of research priorities. The
positive affect can be leveraged by resilience interven-
tions to mitigate and minimize the burnout, to boost
the well-being across the whole task force of HCWs
during the pandemic.
Monitoring the level of burnout through the positive
and negative affect of front-line HCWs is beneficial to
understand mediating mechanisms. It is needed to
understand how front-line HCWs can be supported to
optimize resilience strategies to mitigate burnout
through positive affect, and facilitate the resilience
interventions (Duan & Zhu, 2020). Research is needed
to deploy available resilience resources to HCWs,
which can be important for mitigating burnout through
positive affect on HCWs (Sehmi et al., 2019). It is criti-
cal that front-line HCWs are resilience and positively
supported, and personalized resilience interventions
are likely to be a key component to mitigate burnout
(Usher et al., 2020). The optimal resilience interven-
tions should be tailored to multiple front-line HCW
groups, deployed appropriate mental health resource,
and multidimensional perspectives. Once the COVID-
19 pandemic is over, policymakers should ensure that
they reflect on and learn from the difficult healthcare
experiences (Usher et al., 2020), rapidly learning from
existing successful resilience strategies to integrate the
proper medical and resilience resources and promoting
optimal mental health among HCWs, moving forward
to any future periods of the pandemic.
Resilience interventions and mental health support
initiatives aimed at reducing the burnout, which rec-
ommend active screening for burnout in front-line
HCWs during this pandemic (de Burgos-Berdud et al.,
2020). This study provides a mediating strategy, which
can be integrated with research efforts worldwide, tar-
geting mediators between resilience interventions and
burnout. This pandemic fosters the connection of glo-
bal researchers to support an international response to
the challenges and mental health of HCWs and should
be harnessed to benefit both society and the public in
the long term. Rising to this challenge, the social and
psychological effects of this pandemic should be coor-
dinated at a national and international level. Interna-
tional research funding is needed to establish a high-
level national and international group, mental health of
HCWs can be effectively leveraged by the world lead-
ing global infrastructures, and that firm evidence can
be translated into effective resilience interventions. The
creation of high-quality database of the psychological
effects of current and future pandemics on the whole
task force of front-line HCWs, detailing how to
implement a coordinated emergency response regard-
ing resilience interventions, should be brought together
under a national or international open data portal.
This study has some limitations worth noting. Data
were obtained from self-reported questionnaires, all
front-line nurses were isolated off-work, and social
media is their main ways of communication with the
outside world, potential selection bias and the political
sway of social media should be considered. The results
of this study are preliminary and only represent a snap-
shot of the current mental status of front-line nurses,
and their validity needs to be further confirmed. The
sample of this study is not representative of all the
front-line nurses, and generalization of the results is
limited. Burnout may have been greater and sustained
among front-line HCWs during and after the COVID-
19 pandemic, longitudinal studies should be conducted
to examine long-term effects of burnout through posi-
tive and negative affect, by performing prolonged fol-
low-up of HCWs with a short-lived burnout to avoid
relapse from mental health problems (Rivas et al.,
2020). A small-size and localized research does not
benefit the need to guide policymakers, we must build
and harness longitudinal and international data sets
with new research strategies for recording detailed psy-
chological information (Holmes et al., 2018).
This study revealed the association between resilience
and burnout in front-line nurses, with positive and neg-
ative affect acting as mediators at the peak of the
COVID-19 pandemic. This study proposes to set out
immediate and longer-term resilience strategies for
front-line HCWs, and provides early insight into the
urgent need to support HCWs who are at higher risk
of negative affect to avoid burnout, through positive
affect to alleviate burnout. Immediate insights provide
evidence-based guidance for resilience interventions
responding to burnout through positive and negative
affect in HCWs to improve well-being during pan-
demics. The evidence is valuable for preventing burn-
out and guiding studies to creating resilience
interventions for front-line HCWs in future pandemics.
This study strongly recommends providing timely resili-
ence interventions to mitigate the massive mental
health impact of this pandemic on the current and
future well-being of HCWs.
©2021 John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd
Association between resilience and burnout of front-
line nurses, and positive and negative affect act as
mediators at the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic in
This study reveals immediate insights to provide evi-
dence on resilience interventions to support front-
line nurses with burnout through positive and nega-
tive affect.
Further research is needed to confirm findings on
resilience interventions for burnout nurses during
the pandemic mediated by positive and negative
affect. HCWs can learn from previous pandemics on
how to become more resilient to cope with burnout.
The authors would like to thank all the front-line
nurses who participated in this study. We would like to
thank all the front-line healthcare workers for their
contribution to the world during this crisis.
Human participation was approved by the Xuzhou
Medical University Research Ethics Committee (ID
number: XZ20200225).
Participants provided signed consent online.
This research was funded by the China Postdoctoral
Science Foundation (2020M670077ZX) and the Jiangsu
Planned Projects for Postdoctoral Research Funds. The
funders played no role in the conduct of the research
or preparation of the manuscript.
Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement
The data sets that support the findings of this study are
available from the corresponding author upon reason-
able request.
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... A survey of the experiences of nurses who assisted in the Sichuan earthquake revealed nurses had not been able to consistently prepare themselves physically and psychologically by the time they arrived at the affected area (Li et al., 2017). A survey of nurses who were dispatched to a hospital in Wuhan in response to the COVID-19 pandemic found that the prevalence of burnout was 51.7% (Zhang et al., 2021), and 20% of healthcare workers returning from relief efforts reported anxiety (Wang et al., 2020). Thus, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of those involved in relief efforts should be considered; however, no study has yet identified the level of preand post-relief anxiety and its influencing factors among nursing researchers deployed during the COVID-19 pandemic. ...
... In the studies investigating the psychological resilience of nurses and the influencing factors during the COVID-19 pandemic, it was revealed that psychological resilience played an essential role in predicting the levels of burnout among nurses (24,27,50). In a study conducted in the hospitals of Wuhan City, the mediating role of any positive and negative effects in the relationship between resilience and burnout in nurses was investigated, and it was determined that psychological resilience was in a significant negative correlation with burnout (51). In a different study, psychological resilience was observed to have a significant effect in mitigating burnout during the pandemic, and there was a negative correlation between these two variables (2). ...
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Z Aim: In this study, the mediating role of "Epidemic anxiety" in the relationship between "Psychological resilience" and "Burnout" in operating room nurses was investigated. Material and Methods: The population of the study comprised the nurses working in the operating rooms of the medical faculties and state hospitals and training and research hospitals of Turkey. Snowball sampling method was used. The study was conducted with 307 operating room nurses. The "Utkan Epidemic Anxiety Scale", "Brief Resilience Scale", and "Burnout Measure " were employed as data collection tools. Results: The findings revealed that "epidemic anxiety" exerted an indirect and significant effect on "burnout", thereby playing a mediating role in the relationship between "psychological resilience"an-d"burnout". Conclusions: According to the findings, the nurses with a high level of "psychological resilience" had lower levels of "epidemic anxiet-y"and"burnout". In contrast, the positive effect of "psychological resilience" on "burnout" decreased when considering "psychologi-cal resilience" and"epidemic anxiety" together.
... It was indicated that increasing work stress would decrease organizational commitment. It was consistent with a previous study that mentioned that front-line nurse managers under job stress are more likely to experience emotional exhaustion that contributes to depersonalization and reduced affective commitment (21). ...
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Background: The role of leadership is very necessary in influencing employee performance. Objective: The study aimed to examine the effect of transformational leadership style and career development on the performance of health workers mediated by the commitment of health workers at the MRCCC Siloam Hospital, Jakarta. Method: This study uses associative quantitative methods, namely research using path analysis models and hypotheses. The population of this study were all health workers at the MRCCC Siloam Hospital, Jakarta, which found 689 people. The sample selection used a non-probability sampling technique with purposive sampling method, based on the slovin sample formula, there were 88 respondents. Data collection techniques were carried out by distributing questionnaires through google form and collecting journals and supporting book variables. The data analysis technique uses the SEM-PLS equation model. Result: The results showed that simultaneously leadership style and career development have a significant effect on the performance and commitment of health workers at the MRCCC Siloam Hospital, Jakarta. Transformational leadership style and career development partially have a significant effect on commitment and performance of health workers. Transformational leadership style has a significant effect on the performance of health workers mediated by the commitment of health workers. Career development has a significant effect on performance mediated by the commitment of health workers
... It was indicated that increasing work stress would decrease organizational commitment. It was consistent with a previous study that mentioned that front-line nurse managers under job stress are more likely to experience emotional exhaustion that contributes to depersonalization and reduced affective commitment (21). ...
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Background. Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) is defined as behavior that goes beyond formally defined roles and is not stated in the job description. Objective: The study aimed to examine the effect of Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) that are influenced by the Transformational Leadership of the Head of the Inpatient Room, work stress, and nurse organizational commitment simultaneously. Method: This research uses a survey method with an explanatory causality approach. Data was collected by using a questionnaire and tested using Multiple Linear Regression Analysis. Result: Transformational leadership, job stress, and organizational commitment significantly affect organizational citizenship behavior simultaneously. Transformational leadership is the biggest factor. Organizational commitment can mediate the effect of Transformational Leadership and work stress on Organizational Citizenship Behavior. Transformational leadership significantly affects Organizational Commitment, Work Stress significantly affects Organizational Commitment, Organizational Commitment significantly affects Organizational Citizenship Behavior, and Transformational Leadership significantly affects Organizational Citizenship Behavior. Work stress significantly affects Organizational Citizenship Behavior. Implication: This study helps hospital management to promote a more effective work culture through Transformational Leadership training, Organizational Citizenship Behavior of Heads of Inpatient rooms, and a new method of selecting new nurses recruitment by HRD and long-term prosocial improvement for senior employees
Background High work pressure and complex problems during the COVID-19 pandemic caused nursing staff, including first-line managers, experienced burnout. Objective This study aims to explore burnout experienced of first-line managers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods This qualitative descriptive study used thematic analysis. Twelve first-line managers were selected using purposive sampling from two government hospitals, designated as COVID-19 referral centres in Jakarta and Depok, Indonesia. Data were collected through semi-structured online face-to-face interviews using ZOOM meeting video with a guideline interview. Results Exploration of first-line manager’s burnout revealed three themes: 1) unpreparedness, 2) impact on wellbeing, and 3) resilience. Conclusion The first-line managers experienced burnout during the pandemic due to obstacles in implementing management roles and functions accompanied. Their burnout was caused by the unpreparedness of both the hospital management and the community. Their burnout has an impact on their emotional and physical well-being. By this time, the first-line manager’s resilience was formed because they used adaptive coping mechanisms and had a good support system. The experience during COVID-19 should be a lesson learned to strengthen the healthcare system in the future. Risk management mitigation must be systematically and routinely performed.
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Purpose The purpose of this concept delineation was to differentiate similar concepts impacting nurse well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic, including: compassion fatigue, burnout, moral injury, secondary traumatic stress, and second victim. Methods A total of 63 articles were reviewed for concept delineation. Morse’s (1995) approach to concept delineation was utilized to analyse the articles. Results Concepts were described interchangeably but were found to present themselves in a sequence. A nurse may experience moral injury, leading to a second victim experience, synonymous with secondary traumatic stress, then compassion fatigue and/or burnout that can be acute or chronic in nature. An Occupational Trauma Conceptual Model was created to depict how these concepts interact based on concept delineation findings. Conclusion Nurses are experiencing long-lasting occupational trauma and future intervention research should centre on optimizing nurse well-being to ensure the sustainability of nursing profession.
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All healthcare professionals, especially nurses, are affected psychosocially due to reasons such as uncertainty and work intensity experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic. In this descriptive study, it was aimed to determine the stress, depression and burnout levels of front-line nurses. Data were obtained from 705 nurses who worked at hospitals during the COVID-19 pandemic between May and July 2020, using a Personal Information Form, the Perceived Stress Scale, Beck Depression Inventory and Maslach Burnout Inventory. The data collection tools were sent online to nurse managers, requesting front-line nurses to answer the forms and scales. The nurses were mostly women and had bachelor's degrees, single and worked as nurses for between 1 and 10 years. They had high levels of stress and burnout and moderate depression. Those who were younger and had fewer years of work experience felt inadequate about nursing care and had higher levels of stress and burnout. More burnout was detected in nurses who had a positive COVID-19 test and did not want to work voluntarily during the pandemic. The authors suggest that preventive and promotive interventions in mental health should be planned and implemented to improve the mental health and maintain the well-being of front-line nurses during the pandemic, and to prepare nurses who may work during pandemics in the future.
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Given Singapore's high population density and extensive geographical interconnections, it is unsurprising that the country reported one of the highest numbers of COVID-19 cases in Asia. Past pandemic studies have suggested that nurses working in such crises might experience a deterioration of mental health, which could persist for years beyond the initial outbreak. This study used a qualitative descriptive design to explore nurses' experiences of working in tertiary hospitals during the COVID-19 pandemic. A total of 17 registered nurses who had worked for at least one year prior to the start of the COVID-19 pandemic were recruited from a University Health System in Singapore from March to June 2020. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews lasting at least an hour conducted over an online platform by the principal investigator. The data were analysed through Braun and Clarke's six-step thematic analysis independently by two researchers. Three main themes emerged: (i) challenging moments of COVID-19, during which the participants reported physical and psychological challenges relating to working conditions of the hospital in the initial months of the pandemic; (ii) the professional role as nurses, in where the participants dispelled their worries and demonstrated commitment to their role as nurses; and (iii) support for nurses, which originated from their family, friends and leaders from their organizations for them to persevere and overcome the unprecedented challenges of COVID-19. The nurses in this study demonstrated resilience and professionalism despite the challenges of COVID-19. The findings highlighted the importance of a robust support system for healthcare professionals.
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A large‐scale survey study was conducted to assess trauma, burnout, posttraumatic growth, and associated factors for nurses in the COVID‐19 pandemic. The Trauma Screening Questionnaire, Maslach Burnout Inventory, and Posttraumatic Growth Inventory‐Short Form were utilized. Factors associated with trauma, burnout, and posttraumatic growth were analysed using logistic and multiple regressions. In total, 12 596 completed the survey, and 52.3% worked in COVID‐19 designated hospitals. At the survey’s conclusion in April, 13.3% reported trauma (Trauma ≥ 6), there were moderate degrees of emotional exhaustion, and 4,949 (39.3%) experienced posttraumatic growth. Traumatic response and emotional exhaustion were greater among (i) women (odds ratio [OR]: 1.48, 95% CI 1.12–1.97 P = 0.006; emotional exhaustion OR: 1.30, 95% CI 1.09–1.54, P = 0.003), (ii) critical care units (OR: 1.20, 95% CI 1.06–1.35, P = 0.004; emotional exhaustion OR: 1.23, 95% CI 1.12–1.33, P < 0.001) (iii) COVID‐19 designated hospital (OR: 1.24, 95% CI 1.11–1.38; P < 0.001; emotional exhaustion OR: 1.26, 95% CI 1.17–1.36; P < 0.001) and (iv) COVID‐19‐related departments (OR: 1.16, 95% CI 1.04–1.29, P = 0.006, emotional exhaustion only). To date, this is the first large‐scale study to report the rates of trauma and burnout for nurses during the COVID‐19 pandemic. The study indicates that nurses who identified as women, working in ICUs, COVID‐19 designated hospitals, and departments involved with treating COVID‐19 patients had higher scores in mental health outcomes. Future research can focus on the factors the study has identified that could lead to more effective prevention and treatment strategies for adverse health outcomes and better use of resources to promote positive outcomes.
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Objectives: To assess burnout level during an outbreak of COVID-19 and to identify influencing factors between frontline nurses and nurses from other wards. Methods: This cross-sectional study makes comparison between two groups of nurses including frontline (exposure group) and other nurses working in usual wards (non-exposure group) in Torbat Heydariyeh city, Iran. Oldenburg Burnout Inventory (OLBI), Job stress questionnaire (JSQ), and questionnaires of hospital resources, family support, and measuring the fear of COVID-19 were used as research instruments. Results: The scores of job stress and burnout in the exposure group with COVID-19 infection were significantly higher than in the non-exposure group (p=0.006 and p=0.002, respectively). Although, in univariate linear regression, employment status (p=0.047), experience in taking care of patient confirmed or suspected with COVID-19 infection (p=0.006), hospital resources (p=0.047), and job stress (p < 0.001) were considered as significant risk factors for COVID-19-related burnout. In multivariate regression analysis, job stress (p=0.031, β=0.308) was considered as an only factor that has a significant relationship with COVID-19-related burnout. Conclusions: The burnout level in frontline nurses was higher than other nurses, the most important influencing factor was the job stress. Regarding to negative effects of burnout on both physical and mental health nurses, it is suggested that a strong strategy be considered to reduce nurses' burnout to be able to control ongoing and future outbreaks successfully.
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Aims The objective of this study was therefore to analyze the effect of exceptionally stressful situations, such as the current health risk, on the cognitive and emotive state of the individual, that is, perceived threat and emotional state on affect and mood. Method This was a cross-sectional study with snowball sampling. The sample came to 1014 Spanish adults (67.2% women and 32.8% men). The Perception of Threat from COVID-19 questionnaire, the Affective Balance Scale and the Mood Evaluation Scale were used. Results The results showed that the perception of threat from COVID-19 was related positively to negative affect and emotional signs, that is, sadness-depression, anxiety and anger-hostility. There was a direct positive effect of perceived threat from COVID-19 on sadness-depression, anxiety and anger-hostility moods, while anxiety and anger-hostility had a direct positive effect on perception of threat from the virus. Thus, there was a circular relationship, in which perceived threat influenced the presence of negative mood, and negative mood, in turn, linked to emotions of irritation and agitation from a present situation, promoted the feeling of threat. Conclusions A negative affective balance increases both one’s perception of threat from COVID-19 and negative mood. Thus, knowing the emotional and cognitive effects on the population would enable measures to be put into service to facilitate their effective coping.
The purpose of this research is to determine the impact of working during the early stage of the COVID‐19 pandemic on the well‐being of staff at one 600‐bed acute hospital in metropolitan Melbourne, Australia. This exploratory study is part of a larger mixed methods survey project, reporting the qualitative data from an on‐line survey of clinical staff working at one acute hospital between April 16th and May 13th, 2020 during the COVID‐19 pandemic. Responses to five free‐text questions were analysed using inductive content analysis. 321 medical, nursing, allied health and non‐clinical staff responded to the survey. Respondents reported anxiety, fear and uncertainty related to the pandemic, from the perspectives of work, home, family and community. They reported feeling confused by inconsistent messages received from government, hospital executive, managers and media. Seven themes were identified: (i) worrying about patient care, (ii) changed working conditions, (iii) working in the changed hospital environment, (iv) impact of the pandemic, (v) personal isolation and uncertainty, (vi) leadership and management and (vii) additional support needed for staff. Despite the pandemic being comparatively well‐controlled in Australia, all disciplines reported a high degree of anticipatory anxiety. Staff working in healthcare require both managerial and psychological support to minimise anxiety and promote well‐being and resilience in order to deal with the health crisis. Regular unambiguous communication directing the way forward is crucial.
Background During an epidemic of a novel infectious disease, frontline nurses suffer from unprecedented psychological stress. This study aimed to assess the immediate psychological impact on frontline nurses in China. Methods A multi-center, cross-sectional survey of frontline nurses was conducted via online questionnaires. Symptoms of depression, anxiety, somatic disorders and suicidal ideation were evaluated. Demographic, stress and support variables were entered into logistic regression analysis to identify the impact factors. Results Of the 4692 nurses who completed the survey, 9.4% (n=442) were considered to have depressive symptoms, 8.1% (n=379) represented anxiety, and 42.7% (n=2005) had somatic symptom. 6.5% (n=306) respondents had suicidal ideation. Conclusions The study showed that the overall mental health of frontline nurses was generally poor during COVID-19 outbreak, and several impact factors associated with nurses’ psychological health were identified. Further research is needed to ascertain whether training and support strategies are indeed able to mitigate psychological morbidities.