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Prevalence and impact of the cardiac injury on COVID‐19: A systematic review and meta‐analysis

Clinical Cardiology

Abstract and Figures

Background: The exact prevalence and impact of cardiac injury in hospitalized patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is still controversial. Hence, we aim to investigate prevalence of cardiac injury and its impact on the outcomes in patients with COVID-19. Hypothesis: Cardiac injury is common and associated with higher risk of death. Methods: We searched the Cochrane Library, PubMed, MedRxiv, and EMBASE databases from December 2019 to July 15, 2020 for studies that evaluated the prevalence and impact of cardiac injury on COVID-19. This study has been registered with PROSPERO (International prospective register of systematic reviews)-registration number-CRD-42020186120. Results: Twenty-one studies including 6297 participants were identified. The proportions of cardiac injury were 22%, 28% among hospitalized patients with COVID-19 or severe COVID-19 patients, respectively. The incidences of cardiac injury in advance age (>60 years) (30%) was about two-fold than young patients (<60 years) (15%) with COVID-19. Severe cases (42%) have seven-fold prevalence cardiac injury than in their non- severe counterparts (6%). Furthermore, cardiac injury is associated with an increased risk of all-cause mortality in patients with COVID-19 (OR 10.11, 95% CI 4.49-22.77). In patients with severe COVID-19, cardiac injury is associated with an increased risk of all-cause mortality (OR: 16.79, 95% CI: 5.52-51.02). Conclusions: This was the first meta-analysis exploring the prevalence and impact of cardiac injury on COVID-19. Cardiac injury is common in hospitalized patients and advanced age and severe COVID-19 patients prone to experience more risk of cardiac injury. Furthermore, cardiac injury is associated with increased risk of all-cause mortality.
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Prevalence and impact of cardiac injury on COVID-19: A
systematic review and meta-analysis
Linghua Fu M.D.
| Xiao Liu M.D., Ph.D.
| Yuhao Su M.D.
Jianyong Ma M.D., Ph.D.
| Kui Hong M.D., Ph.D.
Cardiology Department, The Second
Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University,
Nanchang, Jiangxi, China
Jiangxi Key Laboratory of Molecular
Medicine, Nanchang, Jiangxi, China
Kui Hong, M.D., Ph.D., Cardiology
Department, the Second Affiliated Hospital of
Nanchang University, Nanchang City, Jiangxi
330006, China.
Funding information
National Natural Science Foundation of China,
Grant/Award Number: 81530013;
Postgraduate Innovation Foundation of
Nanchang University, Grant/Award Number:
CX-2017198; Scientific and Technical
Innovation Group of Jiangxi Province, Grant/
Award Number: 20181BCB24012
Background: The exact prevalence and impact of cardiac injury in hospitalized
patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is still controversial. Hence, we
aim to investigate prevalence of cardiac injury and its impact on the outcomes in
patients with COVID-19.
Hypothesis: Cardiac injury is common and associated with higher risk of death.
Methods: We searched the Cochrane Library, PubMed, MedRxiv, and EMBASE data-
bases from December 2019 to July 15, 2020 for studies that evaluated the preva-
lence and impact of cardiac injury on COVID-19. This study has been registered with
PROSPERO (International prospective register of systematic reviews)-registration
Results: Twenty-one studies including 6297 participants were identified. The propor-
tions of cardiac injury were 22%, 28% among hospitalized patients with COVID-19
or severe COVID-19 patients, respectively. The incidences of cardiac injury in
advance age (>60 years) (30%) was about two-fold than young patients (<60 years)
(15%) with COVID-19. Severe cases (42%) have seven-fold prevalence cardiac injury
than in their non- severe counterparts (6%). Furthermore, cardiac injury is associated
with an increased risk of all-cause mortality in patients with COVID-19 (OR 10.11,
95% CI 4.4922.77). In patients with severe COVID-19, cardiac injury is associated
with an increased risk of all-cause mortality (OR: 16.79, 95% CI: 5.5251.02).
Conclusions: This was the first meta-analysis exploring the prevalence and impact of
cardiac injury on COVID-19. Cardiac injury is common in hospitalized patients and
advanced age and severe COVID-19 patients prone to experience more risk of car-
diac injury. Furthermore, cardiac injury is associated with increased risk of all-cause
cardiac injury, coronavirus disease 2019, death, intensive care unit
Linghua Fu, Xiao Liu, and Yuhao Su contributed equally to the study.
Received: 26 September 2020 Revised: 19 December 2020 Accepted: 21 December 2020
DOI: 10.1002/clc.23540
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.
© 2020 The Authors. Clinical Cardiology published by Wiley Periodicals LLC.
276 Clin Cardiol. 2021;
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic is an ongoing global
public health emergency, caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome
coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). As of July 11, 2020, there are 12 322 395
confirmed cases with 556 335 deaths reported in 216 countries.
COVID-19 is associated with an increased risk of acute respiratory dis-
tress syndrome and has adverse effects on other organ systems, includ-
ing the heart, kidney, and liver.
Cardiovascular disease is a common
comorbidity in patients with COVID-19.
COVID-19 also lead to many
cardiovascular diseases, such as cardiac arrhythmias, myocardial infarc-
tion, cardiomyopathy, shock, and cardiac arrest.
Cardiac injury is defined as the level of serum troponin with at
least one value was above the 99th percentile upper reference
according to latest guideline.
Recently, a body of the literatures
shown that acute cardiac injury occurs in patients with COVID-19.
However, the reported prevalence of cardiac injury on COVID-19 var-
ies from one to another. In a cohort of 138 hospitalized patients with
COVID-19 from Wuhan,
cardiac injury was reported in 11.2% of hos-
pitalized patients and 22% of intensive care unit (ICU) patients.
Another study from New York City has reported the existence of car-
diac injury in 36% of patients hospitalized with COVID-19.
exact prevalence of cardiac injury in hospitalized patients with
COVID-19 is still not clear.
Moreover, accumulating evidence
supports the notion that
acute cardiac injury leads to other poor outcomes patients with car-
diac injury had a significantly higher mortality risk than those without
cardiac injury. We therefore conducted a systematic review and
meta-analysis to investigate the reported prevalence and impact of
cardiac injury on COVID-19.
This meta-analysis was performed based on the Preferred Reporting
Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses (PRISMA) guidelines
for studies that evaluate healthcare interventions (http://www.
This study has been registered with PROS-
PERO (International prospective register of systematic reviews)-
registration number-CRD 42018090474. Severe COVID-19 patients
is defined as patients with COVID-19 who are admitted to an ICU
patients, while the non-severe COVID-19 patients is defined as hospi-
tal patients with COVID-19 who are not admitted to an ICU. Ethical
approval is not applicable for this study.
2.1 |Literature search
We conducted computerized searches of the Cochrane Library,
PubMed, MedRxiv (, and Embase data-
bases from December 2019 to July 2020 (Table S1 in Supplemental
material). To identify studies involving relevant COVID-19, we per-
formed the search using the following terms: 2019-novel coronavirus,
SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19, and 2019-nCoV. To identify studies involv-
ing outcomes, we performed the search using the following terms:
cardiac injury, myocardial injury, and cardiac troponin. The definition
of cardiac injury was those adopted by the original studies (Table S2
in Supplemental material).
Two groups of keywords were combined using the Boolean oper-
ator and.No language restrictions were applied for the literature
search. We also reviewed reference lists, relevant journals, and con-
ference abstracts to identify relevant studies. Additionally, we
searched ( to obtain
information on studies that were terminated before being published.
2.2 |Study selection
Studies were considered eligible if they (1) were cohort or nested
casecontrol studies; (2) reported the prevalence of cardiac injury;
(3) reported the association between cardiac injury and outcomes
(e.g. all-cause death) in this illness. Certain publication types
(e.g., reviews, editorials, and animal studies) or studies with insuffi-
cient data were excluded from this analysis.
2.3 |Data extraction and quality assessment
Two researchers (Linghua Fu and Yuhao Su) extracted the basic char-
acteristics, including the first author, publication year, geographical
location, study type, participants (sex, age, and sample size), and dura-
tion of follow-up. For multiple reports using the same data, we
included the articles with the longest follow-up or the largest numbers
of participants. The quality of all prevalence studies was indepen-
dently assessed by the Joanna Briggs Institute critical appraisal check-
list. In addition, we assessing the quality of included studies involved
with the impact of cardiac injury by NewcastleOttawa quality scale
(NOS), which entailed evaluations of the selection of cohorts, the
comparability of cohorts, and the assessment of outcome. In this
meta-analysis, we defined studies with an NOS of 6 stars as moder-
ate to high-quality studies; studies which lower scores were defined
as low-quality studies.
Two researchers discussed the topics dur-
ing several face-to-face and web-based meetings.
2.4 |Statistical analyses
Statistical analysis was performed using Stata 15.0 (StataCorp, College
Station, Texas, and Review
Manager Version 5.3 (the Nordic Cochrane Center, Rigshospitalet,
Denmark; Meta-analyses involved
with the prevalence of cardiac injury were performed by Stata soft-
ware. The exact binomial (ClopperPearson) method was used to cal-
culate 95% confidence intervals (CIs). Estimates were normalized
using the FreemanTukey double arcsine transformation. We selected
a random effects model to evaluate summary prevalence. The effect
FU ET AL.277
measurement estimate of mortality risk chosen was the odds ratio
(ORs) in our study. Risk ratio and hazard ratio in other studies were
considered to be OR, as OR was shown to be a more effective mea-
If not available, the ORs were calculated by events and total
numbers of patients in two groups. The natural logarithm of the OR
(log [OR]) and its standard error (SElog [OR]) were calculated and then
pooled using statistical software. Cochran's chi-square test and I
tistic were used to evaluate the heterogeneity among the included
studies. I
values of 25%, 50%, and 75% were considered to represent
low, moderate, and high heterogeneity, respectively.
The statisti-
cal significance threshold was set at p< .05.
3.1 |Study selection
We screened 811 potentially relevant articles in the Cochrane Library
(n= 19), PubMed (n= 393), MedRxiv (n= 286), and Embase (n= 113)
databases (Figure S1 in Supplemental Material). We excluded 91 stud-
ies after screening the titles and abstracts, and the full texts of the
remaining 720 studies were reviewed. After a quick screening of the
full-text articles, 30 records were received full-test review, and
9 excluded for the following reasons: (1) seven studies did not have
relevant results, and (2) two studies
were based on same popula-
tion. Finally, 21 studies
were included in the present meta-
3.2 |Study characteristics and quality
The study characteristics were shown in Table 1. All included studies
were published in 2020. The sample sizes of the included studies
ranged from 16 to 2736, with a total of 6297 individuals. Most
patients were male (56.1%). Among the 21 articles, 4
were con-
ducted in the USA, 1
was conducted in South Korea, and
were conducted in China. Majority of stud-
were retrospective observational (casecontrol)
TABLE 1 Clinical characteristics of the 21 included studies
Studies Country Study type
Comorbidity, N
diseases Malignancy
Zhou F
China Retrospective 191 56 119 58 36 15 2 6 2 33
China Retrospective 138 56 75 43 14 NA 4 4 10 10
Latif F
USA Retrospective 28 64 22 20 17 NA 10 10 5 13
Hong KS
Retrospective 98 55.4 38 30 9 NA NA 3 4 11
USA Retrospective 21 70 11 NA 7 NA 10 7 NA 3
USA Retrospective 16 67 12 9 5 3 6 2 3 3
Yu Y
China Prospective 226 64 139 96 47 22 8 15 10 61
Yang F
China Retrospective 92 69.8 49 51 13 NA 2 1 4 31
Wei JF
China Prospective 101 49 54 21 14 5 NA 1 NA 16
Li X
China Retrospective 548 60 279 166 83 34 10 17 24 119
Lala A
USA Retrospective 2736 66.4 1630 1065 719 453 NA 273 195 985
China Prospective 41 49 30 6 8 NA NA 1 1 5
Han H
China Retrospective 273 58.86 97 NA NA NA NA NA NA 27
Deng Q
China Retrospective 112 65 57 36 19 15 NA 4 NA 42
Yang R
China Retrospective 212 55.6 107 NA NA NA NA NA NA 7
Yang X
China Retrospective 52 59.7 35 NA 9 NA NA 4 2 12
Shi S
China Retrospective 416 64 205 127 60 44 14 12 9 82
Nie SF
China Retrospective 311 63 190 NA NA NA NA NA NA 103
Guo T
China Retrospective 187 58.5 91 61 28 21 6 4 13 52
Deng Y
China Retrospective 225 54 124 58 26 NA NA 25 8 66
Chen T
China Retrospective 274 62 171 93 47 NA 4 18 7 89
Abbreviations: CHD, coronary heart disease; CKD, chronic kidney disease; HTN, hypertension; N, number; NA, not available.
278 FU ET AL.
studies, and three
were prospective observational (cohort)
As shown in Supplementary Table 3, those 21 studies were
critically appraised for quality using the Joanna Briggs Institute
Critical Appraisal Checklist for reporting prevalence data. All stud-
ies were evaluated on the basis of data relevance and methodo-
logical rigor, and papers that met a minimum of six of the nine
The quality of the included studies we assessing the quality of
included studies involved with the impact of cardiac injury was
assessed and summarized in Supplementary Table 4. According to the
NOS, all of the included studies were considered to be high quality,
with a score range of 69.
3.3 |The prevalence of cardiac injury in
hospitalized patients with COVID-19
As presented in Figure 1, a total of 20 studies
comprising 6130
hospitalized patients with COVID-19 were included in the meta-anal-
ysis, resulting a pooled cardiac injury prevalence of 22% (95% CI: 16%
to 28%), with a high heterogeneity (I
= 97.0%).
There were 11 studies reported the incidence of cardiac injury in
severe COVID-19 and non-severe COVID-19 patients, with 1781 or
914 subjects, respectively. The overall incidence of cardiac injury ranges
from 10.2% to 69.2% and 1.0% to 9.0% in severe and non-severe
COVID-19 patients, respectively. Thepooledprevalenceofcardiacinjury
was 42.0% (95% CI: 29% to 54%, I
= 97%) among severe patients with
COVID-19 and 6% (95% CI: 3% to 9%, I
= 77%) among non-severe
patients with COVID-19 with a high heterogeneity (Figure 2).
In further subgroup analysis defined by age, there was a signifi-
cant increased incidence of cardiac injury in older COVID-19 patients
(60 years) (ES: 15%, 95% CI: 10% to 21%, I
= 92%) compared with
young COVID-19 patients (ES: 30%, 95% CI: 25% to 36%, I
= 92%)
(< 60 years) (Figure S2). There was no significant difference in cardiac
injury in patients with COVID-19 among the region subgroup (China
and USA) (Figure S3).
3.4 |The impact of cardiac injury on all-cause
death in hospitalized patients with COVID-19
There were 10 publications
reported the association
between cardiac injury and death. As shown in Figure 3, cardiac injury
FIGURE 1 Meta-analysis for the proportion of cardiac injury in patients hospitalized with COVID-19
FU ET AL.279
is associated with an increased risk of all-cause mortality in patients
with COVID-19 (OR: 10.11, 95% CI: 4.4922.77; I
= 89%). For three
that provided risk estimates adjusted for clinical con-
founding, the result did not change, with summary OR for 2.43 (95%
CI: 1.713.46, I
= 40%).
3.5 |The impact of cardiac injury on all-cause
death in hospitalized patients with severe COVID-19
There were two studies
reported the association between car-
diac injury and death in patients with severe COVID-19. None of
FIGURE 2 Meta-analysis for the proportion of cardiac injury in patients hospitalized with severe and non-severe COVID-19
FIGURE 3 Meta-analysis for association between cardiac injury and all-cause death in patients hospitalized with COVID-19
280 FU ET AL.
included studies reported the adjusted results, thus, forced us to per-
form a univariate analysis. As presented in Figure 4, cardiac injury is
associated with an increased risk of all-cause mortality in patients
with severe COVID-19 (OR: 16.79, 95% CI: 5.5251.02; I
= 43%).
To our knowledge, this was the first meta-analysis exploring the prev-
alence and impact of cardiac injury on COVID-19. A total of 21 stud-
including 7076 COVID-19 patients were selected and
assessed. Our analysis indicated that cardiac injury is commonly
observed in hospitalized patients with COVID-19, especially in severe
patients. Moreover, cardiac injury was associated with higher risk of
all-cause mortality in hospitalized patients with COVID-19.
COVID-19 is a systemic illness characterized by hyper-
inflammation and cytokine storm. The close association between
COVID-19 and cardiovascular disease has been observed in many
studies. Cardiovascular disease, such as hypertension, hyperlipidemia,
and coronary heart disease, are the common comorbidity in patients
with COVID-19. Those patients with cardiovascular comorbidity are
at increased risk of morbidity and mortality. Those cardiovascular co-
morbidities may be related to cardiac injury in COVID-19. Recent evi-
also showed that COVID-19 can damage the heart directly.
Consistently, our multivariable analyses showed that elevated tropo-
nin release is independently predicted all-cause death after adjusted
for clinical confounding, including cardiac cardiovascular co-morbidity.
Cardiovascular manifestations, such as myocarditis, heart failure,
arrhythmia, may occur with COVID-19. More recently, there is
increasing awareness of the cardiac injury in patients with COVID-19
As we found, up to 23% of hospitalized patients with COVID-19
have cardiac injury. The exact mechanisms of cardiac injury in COVID-19
are not fully understood. Several potential pathogenic mechanisms
appear to be involved. One potential mechanism is directly involves viral
infiltration into myocardial tissue, resulting in cardiomyocyte death and
Another proposed mechanisms of COVID-19related
cardiac injury include a cytokine storm manifested by elevated levels of
interleukin-6, ferritin, lactate dehydrogenase, and D-dimer, which
mediated by an imbalanced response by type 1 and type 2T helper cell.
COVID-19 who are admitted to an ICU as compared to non-ICU
which may explain the higher cardiac injury in patients requir-
ing intensive care unit care. Other suggested mechanisms include cardiac
myocyte apoptosis due to hypoxia-induced excessive intracellular cal-
cium and cardiac stress lead by respiratory failure and hypoxemia.
Age have been identified as an important risk factor for poor
prognosis in patients with covid-19. Our results also showed advance
older patients (>60 years) with COVID-19 have a higher prevalence
rate of cardiac damage compared with young people. This founding
was not surprising, as we all known, advance age higher rates of
underlying CVD and other comorbid conditions, including hyperten-
sion, coronary heart disease, cardiomyopathy. Thus, these patients
might more prone to have elevated TnT levels and experience myo-
cardial injury during the course of COVID-19. Sex was also a Lala
study reported myocardial injury was more frequent compared to
reports from China. We demonstrate that myocardial injury was not
difference between the China and USA. However, the studies in USA
is limited, the extract prevalence of cardiac injury in USA need further
investigated. There might be a sex difference in the prevalence of car-
diac injury in COVID-19. Sex is a common modified factor in the risk
and outcomes of CVDs
. Some evidence also showed that there
might be a sex predisposition to COVID-19, with men more prone to
being affected.
However, there were limited studies assessed
whether there is a sex difference in the prevalence of cardiac injury in
COVID-19. Guocohort
showed male was more prone to experi-
ence an elevated TnT level (p= .005). In contract, another study from
china did not find the sex difference (p= .39). Therefore, the sex dif-
ference in the risk of cardiac injury in COVID-19 is still not clear and
needed further studied.
Moreover, severe COVID-19 patients (42%) have up to seven-
fold prevalence cardiac injury compared with the non-severe COVID-19
patients (6%). These results suggested COVID-19 patients with cardiac
injury might experience a worse prognosis. This hypothesis was further
supported by our prognosis analysis, that elevated serum troponin is
associated with an increased risk of severity and all-cause mortality in
patients with COVID-19. Similarly, our results also showed that cardiac
injury is associated with poor prognosis. Myocardial injury are common
and associated with higher risk of all-cause mortality in hospitalized
patients with COVID-19. Moreover, it was notable that a few studies
FIGURE 4 Meta-analysis for association between cardiac injury and all-cause death in patients hospitalized with severe COVID-19 cases
FU ET AL.281
reported that a proportion of patients with underlying CVD but with nor-
mal TnT levels had a relatively favorable outcome. Therefore, the uses of
serum troponin testing may be a potential tool to facilitate risk stratifica-
tion, help make decisions among hospitalized COVID-19 patients. These
results might call out the patients with induction of cardiac injury, more
attention, prioritized treatment and even more aggressive treatment
strategies should be reasonable. Although up to date, until now, no spe-
cific antiviral drugs have been recommended for COVID-19, Dexametha-
and Remdesivir
might be applied. The dexamethasone was
reported be able to reduce the death
and the Remdesivir was showed
to reduce the length of hospital stay.
Elevated serum troponin concentrations are the hallmark of car-
diac injury, including but not limited to myocardial infarction.
high prevalence of cardiac injury may increase the need for cardiology
consultation. Interpretation of cardiac injury requires cautiously. In
patients with COVID-19, the phenotypes of myocardial injury in
COVID-19 include viral myocarditis, stress cardiomyopathy, tachyar-
rhythmia, coronary microvascular ischemia, pulmonary embolism, type
1 myocardial infarction, and type 2 myocardial infarction.
The phe-
notypes of cardiac injury must be elucidated according to clinical sce-
narios. According to latest guideline, minority of patients with cardiac
injury is diagnosed with acute myocardial infarction. In a case series of
18 patients with confirmed COVID-19 who had ST-segment elevation
on electrocardiography, 10 patients underwent coronary angiography,
of whom two thirds had nonobstructive disease.
Hence, we need to
take together with clinical information, electrocardiogram, cardiac
echocardiography, coronary angiography, and cardiac MRI to assess
the cause of cardiac injury.
4.1 |Study limitations
Some limitations may influence the validity of this meta-analysis. First,
all the included studies were observational studies and some studies
did not adjust for the clinical confounding in the outcome of death
and these biases might influence on our results. For example, ACEI/
ARB, as we describe previously, was showed be associated with
decreased risk of death in COVID-19
. However, although with num-
ber changes, the positive association between cardiac injury and
death was still persisted when excluding the unadjusted studies,
which showed the robustness of our conclusion. Second, the defini-
tion of the cardiac injury differed across the included trials and poten-
tially affected the findings. Third, the majority of studies are from
China, the studies involved with the prevalence and impact of cardiac
injury on COVID-19 is needing to confirm this conclusion. Fourth,
high heterogeneity existed across studies in some comparisons, limit-
ing the interpreting on the results, however, we attempted to account
for this by using a random effect model to make our results more con-
servable. The precise number for the type of cardiac injury is lacking,
therefore, we cannot evaluate the association between type of car-
diac involvement and adverse prognosis. Finally, lots of studies did
not provide the adjusted results, thus, further studies with well-
designed are needed to confirm our results.
This was the first meta-analysis exploring the prevalence and impact
of cardiac injury on COVID-19. Cardiac injury is common in hospital-
ized patients and advanced age and severe COVID-19 patients prone
to experience more risk of cardiac injury. Furthermore, cardiac injury
is associated with increased risk of all-cause mortality.
All authors have no conflicts of interest that might be relevant to the
contents of this manuscript.
Xiao Liu
Kui Hong
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Additional supporting information may be found online in the
Supporting Information section at the end of this article.
How to cite this article: Fu L, Liu X, Su Y, Ma J, Hong K.
Prevalence and impact of cardiac injury on COVID-19: A
systematic review and meta-analysis. Clin Cardiol. 2021;44:
FU ET AL.283
... During the acute phase, the dominant cardiovascular clinical scenarios were represented by myocarditis, pericarditis, myocardial infarction and pulmonary embolism or tachyarrhythmias, whereas in the Long COVID population the typical scenarios are centered around arrythmias, systolic and diastolic left ventricle function, new onset or aggravation of the pre-existing heart failure and ischemic and non-ischemic cardiomyopathies including silent myocarditis [74]. The substrate of the acute cardiac dysfunction described during acute COVID-19 pneumonia was attributed especially to the myocardial injury induced by direct virus action in combination with other mechanisms such as abnormalities in the host immune response, dyselectrolytemia, hypoxia-induced injury, microvascular damage due to a perfusion defect exacerbated in patients with advanced age, obesity and previous cardiac comorbidities [75][76][77]. Earlier reports showed the presence of increased levels of inflammatory biomarkers such as interleukin 6, C-reactive protein, fibrinogen or procalcitonin in patients with COVID-19, being associated with a worse outcome [78]. ...
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At the beginning of 2020, coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) emerged as a new pandemic, leading to a worldwide health crisis and overwhelming healthcare systems due to high numbers of hospital admissions, insufficient resources, and a lack of standardized therapeutic protocols. Multiple genetic variants of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) have been detected since its first public declaration in 2020, some of them being considered variants of concern (VOCs) corresponding to several pandemic waves. Nevertheless, a growing number of COVID-19 patients are continuously discharged from hospitals, remaining symptomatic even months after their first episode of COVID-19 infection. Long COVID-19 or ‘post-acute COVID-19 syndrome’ emerged as the new pandemic, being characterized by a high variability of clinical manifestations ranging from cardiorespiratory and neurological symptoms such as chest pain, exertional dyspnoea or cognitive disturbance to psychological disturbances, e.g., depression, anxiety or sleep disturbance with a crucial impact on patients’ quality of life. Moreover, Long COVID is viewed as a new cardiovascular risk factor capable of modifying the trajectory of current and future cardiovascular diseases, altering the patients’ prognosis. Therefore, in this review we address the current definitions of Long COVID and its pathophysiology, with a focus on cardiovascular manifestations. Furthermore, we aim to review the mechanisms of acute and chronic cardiac injury and the variety of cardiovascular sequelae observed in recovered COVID-19 patients, in addition to the potential role of Long COVID clinics in the medical management of this new condition. We will further address the role of future research for a better understanding of the actual impact of Long COVID and future therapeutic directions.
... International J Clinical Cardiology and Cardiovascular Interventions direct viral injury [5]. Studies show a high prevalence of cardiovascular alterations in hospitalized patients [6][7]. Cardiac injury determination through high-sensitivity cardiac troponin shows a worse evolution in patients with an increase in this biomarker [8][9]. ...
Background: The disease caused by coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) affects the cardiovascular system, whether by direct viral aggression or indirectly through systemic inflammation and multiple organ compromise. A widely used method to determine cardiac injury is troponin measurement. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of cardiac involvement (CINV) in a population recovered from COVID-19 referred to cardiac MRI (CMR) who did not present troponin elevation. Methods: There were 156 patients who recovered from COVID-19 and who did not present troponin elevation referred to CMR. CINV was considered to be the presence of: late gadolinium enhancement (LGE), edema, myocarditis, pericarditis, left ventricular systolic dysfunction (LVSD) and/or depressed right ventricular systolic dysfunction (RVSD). Results: The prevalence of CINV was 28.8%, being more frequent in men (p=0.002), in patients who required hospitalization (p=0.04) and in those who experienced non-mild cases of infection (p=0.007). RVSD (17.9%) and LVSD (13.4%) were the most frequent findings. The rate of myocarditis was 0.6%. LGE manifested in 7.1% of patients and its presence was related to less left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) (p=0.0001) and right ventricular ejection fraction (RVEF) (p=0.04). Conclusion: In patients who recovered from COVID-19, 28.8% CINV was found. It was more frequent in men, in patients who required admission and in patients with cases of non-mild infection. The patients who presented LGE had less LVEF and RVSF.
... The ACE2 receptor, responsible for the entry of SARS-CoV-2, is not only present in the lungs but also in the endothelium and heart, which leads to microvascular dysfunction in patients with severe disease [51]. The incidence of myocardial damage was found to be two times greater in patients of more than 60 years of age, compared with younger individuals [52]. A study by Ward et al. evaluated the risk of death due to COVID-19 in patients infected with the Delta versus the Omicron variants in England. ...
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The SARS-CoV-2 virus has caused a catastrophic impact on the world for the past 3 years. The virus has now returned with the emergence of the Omicron (B.1.1.529) variant. Within two months of its first emergence in South Africa, Omicron became the most dominating SARS-CoV-2 variant around the world, being the cause of the majority of new infections at present. Omicron has presented with the greatest transmission rate of all the previous variants despite the presence of mass vaccinations and acquired immunity. Several monoclonal antibodies and mRNA vaccines have failed to produce desired effects owing to a large number of mutations present in the Omicron variant. The introduction of the booster dose of the present mRNA vaccines has proven to be a great addition to the therapeutic armamentarium against the Omicron variant. Immunocompromised patients including the elderly, cancer patients, organ transplant recipients, and those with multiple comorbidities have been at a greater risk of developing severe diseases since the pre-Omicron era. The emergence of Omicron again raised a threat against this population. The protection from severe disease and mortality rates through the utilization of multiple immunizations and monoclonal antibodies has been controversial in this subgroup of patients. Thus, designing large-scale studies to evaluate the effectiveness of monoclonal antibodies and vaccines in these patients can provide evidence-based recommendations to improve survival in this population. This article attempts to discuss the different subvariants of Omicron, differences in the mutational aspects along with the particular focus on the consequences of the Omicron infection in the elderly population with diverse comorbidities.
... In a meta-analysis comprising 20 studies, the prevalence of myocardial injury in hospitalized COVID-19 patients was up to 22% with distinctive differences between patients with severe forms of disease compared to non-severe COVID-19 patients (from 10.2% to 69.2% versus from 1% to 9%, respectively) [11]. Moreover, when comparing different viral strains, the lowest rates of mortality, ICU admission and mechanical ventilation were described in patients with myocardial injury and the Omicron variant due to decreased virulence, different medical management methods and the effectiveness of vaccination strategies [12]. ...
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In the context of new therapeutic protocols and vaccines developed in the past 3 years, coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) continues to exert an important impact on the healthcare systems worldwide. Age and a history of cardiovascular or respiratory diseases remain relevant in terms of prognosis for all COVID-19 patients, independent of the viral strain, by conveying a worse outcome and increased rates of in-hospital mortality. Previous studies reported heterogenous cardiovascular manifestations in COVID-19 patients from acute myocarditis or myopericarditis, acute coronary syndromes, stress cardiomyopathy, de novo arrhythmias to pulmonary embolism, or in some rare cases, endocarditis. In this review, we assessed the potential acute, in-hospital and long-term cardiac complications in patients diagnosed with COVID-19.
SARS-Cov-2 is the seventh known coronavirus to infect the human species3. It is impossible to say that the virus is the result of natural evolution and selection or is actually the result of multiple passages (in vitro or in vivo). SARS-CoV-2 has a genomic sequence that is 89% identical to SARS-Cov and 50% identical to MERS. Genomic features can only partially explain the transmissibility of SARS-Cov-2 in humans, as per the authors cited above [1]. It is stated in the before-mentioned article that the evidence showing that it is not a deliberately manipulated virus is practically impossible to confirm, as it is impossible to disprove the theories regarding the origin of the virus in question. The acquisition of both the polybasic cleavage site and the prediction of O-linked glycans is arguments against scenarios based on the current scientific culture.
Heart complications are a major cause of mortality and morbidity in both developed and developing countries, and they pose a significant global concern from both medical and financial perspectives. The World Health Organization (WHO) has designated COVID-19 as the sixth international public health emergency. The worldwide spread of COVID-19 has brought about substantial challenges in various aspects including health, economy, environment, society, and mental health, resulting in significant disruption to the world's order. In this chapter, the authors discuss the correlation between COVID-19 and heart complications. There is a comprehensive discussion on the clinical practices and post-treatment care including cardiac complications and its effect by or due to COVID-19.
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Background: Myocardial injury was a frequent cardiovascular manifestation of COVID-19 and associated with high mortality. Cell-based approaches, primarily using mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) has demonstrated safety and possible efficacy as adjuvant therapy in COVID-19 patients. This study aims to evaluate myocardial injury in patients with moderate-severe and critically ill COVID-19 after the application of umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cell (UC-MSC) as adjuvant therapy in Persahabatan hospital. Method: This is a retrospective and prospective cohort study. A total of 28 subjects were allocated to 13 subjects in the control and 15 subjects in the experimental group. Subjects were given the standard treatment and UC-MSC or placebo. Myocardial injury is defined by an increase of troponin I >26 pg/ml. The biomarkers of troponin I, NT-proBNP and CRP was examined periodically. Cardiac pump evaluated by EF and TAPSE from echocardiography examination before and after UC-MSC application. The evaluation of myocardial injury, biomarkers, cardiac pump and 15-day mortality were observed between the two groups. Results: The incidence of myocardial injury was 28,6% of total subjects. Subjects with worsening myocardial injury were higher in the control group (6 subjects) than the experimental group (4 subjects) although not statistically significant. The difference in biomarkers (troponin I, NT- pro-BNP and CRP), cardiac pump function (EF and TAPSE) and 15-day mortality between two groups were not statistically significant. There was a trend of decreasing troponin I, NT-proBNP and CRP in the experimental group. Conclusion: UC-MSC application can be an option as adjuvant therapy in improving myocardial injury of moderate-severe and critically ill COVID-19 patients.
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Atherosclerosis is a chronic inflammatory and degenerative process that mainly occurs in large-and medium-sized arteries and is morphologically characterized by asymmetric focal thick-enings of the innermost layer of the artery, the intima. This process is the basis of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), the most common cause of death worldwide. Some studies suggest a bidirectional link between atherosclerosis and the consequent CVD with COVID-19. The aims of this narrative review are (1) to provide an overview of the most recent studies that point out a bidirectional relation between COVID-19 and atherosclerosis and (2) to summarize the impact of cardiovascular drugs on COVID-19 outcomes. A growing body of evidence shows that COVID-19 prognosis in individuals with CVD is worse compared with those without. Moreover, various studies have reported the emergence of newly diagnosed patients with CVD after COVID-19. The most common treatments for CVD may influence COVID-19 outcomes. Thus, their implication in the infection process is briefly discussed in this review. A better understanding of the link among atherosclerosis, CVD, and COVID-19 could proactively identify risk factors and, as a result, develop strategies to improve the prognosis for these patients.
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Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) emerged as the viral pathogen that led to the global COVID-19 pandemic that began in late 2019. Because SARS-CoV-2 primarily causes a respiratory disease, much research conducted to date has focused on the respiratory system. However, SARS-CoV-2 infection also affects other organ systems, including the cardiovascular system. In this critical analysis of published data, we evaluate the evidence of cardiovascular pathology in human patients and animals. Overall, we find that the presence or absence of cardiovascular pathology is reported infrequently in both human autopsy studies and animal models of SARS-CoV-2 infection. Moreover, in those studies that have reported cardiovascular pathology, we identified issues in their design and execution that reduce confidence in the conclusions regarding SARS-CoV-2 infection as a cause of significant cardiovascular pathology. Throughout this overview, we expand on these limitations and provide recommendations to ensure a high level of scientific rigor and reproducibility.
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Objective In clinical trials, the relative risk or risk ratio (RR) is a mainstay of reporting of the effect magnitude for an intervention. The RR is the ratio of the probability of an outcome in an intervention group to its probability in a control group. Thus the RR provides a measure of change in the likelihood of an event linked to a given intervention. This measure has been widely used because it is today considered a measure with ‘portability’ across varying outcome prevalence, especially when the outcome is rare. It turns out however that there is a much more important problem with this ratio, and this paper aims to demonstrate this problem. Methods We used mathematical derivation to determine if the RR is a measure of effect magnitude alone (i.e. a larger absolute value always indicating a stronger effect) or not. We also used the same derivation to determine its relationship to prevalence of an outcome. We confirm the derivation results with a follow-up analysis of 140,620 trials scraped from the Cochrane. Results We demonstrate that the RR varies for reasons other than magnitude of the effect because it is a ratio of two posterior probabilities, both of which are dependent on baseline prevalence of an outcome. Additionally we demonstrate that the RR shifts towards its null value with increasing outcome prevalence. The shift towards the null happens regardless of the strength of the association between intervention and outcome. The odds ratio (OR), the other commonly used ratio, measures solely the effect magnitude and has no relationship to prevalence of an outcome in a study nor does it overestimate the RR as is commonly thought. Conclusions The results demonstrate the need to a) end the primary use of the RR in clinical trials and meta-analyses as its direct interpretation is not meaningful; b) replace the RR by the OR; and c) only use the post-intervention risk recalculated from the OR for any expected level of baseline risk in absolute terms for purposes of interpretation such as the number needed to treat. These results will have far reaching implications such as reducing misleading results from clinical trials and meta-analyses and ushering in a new era in the reporting of such trials or meta-analyses in practice.
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Importance Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) continues to cause considerable morbidity and mortality worldwide. Case reports of hospitalized patients suggest that COVID-19 prominently affects the cardiovascular system, but the overall impact remains unknown. Objective To evaluate the presence of myocardial injury in unselected patients recently recovered from COVID-19 illness. Design, Setting, and Participants In this prospective observational cohort study, 100 patients recently recovered from COVID-19 illness were identified from the University Hospital Frankfurt COVID-19 Registry between April and June 2020. Exposure Recent recovery from severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 infection, as determined by reverse transcription–polymerase chain reaction on swab test of the upper respiratory tract. Main Outcomes and Measures Demographic characteristics, cardiac blood markers, and cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) imaging were obtained. Comparisons were made with age-matched and sex-matched control groups of healthy volunteers (n = 50) and risk factor–matched patients (n = 57). Results Of the 100 included patients, 53 (53%) were male, and the median (interquartile range [IQR]) age was 49 (45-53) years. The median (IQR) time interval between COVID-19 diagnosis and CMR was 71 (64-92) days. Of the 100 patients recently recovered from COVID-19, 67 (67%) recovered at home, while 33 (33%) required hospitalization. At the time of CMR, high-sensitivity troponin T (hsTnT) was detectable (3 pg/mL or greater) in 71 patients recently recovered from COVID-19 (71%) and significantly elevated (13.9 pg/mL or greater) in 5 patients (5%). Compared with healthy controls and risk factor–matched controls, patients recently recovered from COVID-19 had lower left ventricular ejection fraction, higher left ventricle volumes, higher left ventricle mass, and raised native T1 and T2. A total of 78 patients recently recovered from COVID-19 (78%) had abnormal CMR findings, including raised myocardial native T1 (n = 73), raised myocardial native T2 (n = 60), myocardial late gadolinium enhancement (n = 32), and pericardial enhancement (n = 22). There was a small but significant difference between patients who recovered at home vs in the hospital for native T1 mapping (median [IQR], 1122 [1113-1132] ms vs 1143 [1131-1156] ms; P = .02) but not for native T2 mapping or hsTnT levels. None of these measures were correlated with time from COVID-19 diagnosis (native T1: r = 0.07; P = .47; native T2: r = 0.14; P = .15; hsTnT: r = −0.07; P = .50). High-sensitivity troponin T was significantly correlated with native T1 mapping (r = 0.35; P < .001) and native T2 mapping (r = 0.22; P = .03). Endomyocardial biopsy in patients with severe findings revealed active lymphocytic inflammation. Native T1 and T2 were the measures with the best discriminatory ability to detect COVID-19–related myocardial pathology. Conclusions and Relevance In this study of a cohort of German patients recently recovered from COVID-19 infection, CMR revealed cardiac involvement in 78 patients (78%) and ongoing myocardial inflammation in 60 patients (60%), independent of preexisting conditions, severity and overall course of the acute illness, and time from the original diagnosis. These findings indicate the need for ongoing investigation of the long-term cardiovascular consequences of COVID-19.
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An association among the use of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and angiotensin-receptor blockers (ARBs) with the clinical outcomes of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is unclear. We assumed that angiotensin I converting enzyme inhibitor (ACEI)/ ARB is not associated with increased risk of COVID-19 and poor outocmes. PubMed, EMBASE, MedRxiv, and BioRxiv were searched for relevant studies that assessed the association between application of ACEI/ARB and risk of COVID-19, inflammation level, severity COVID-19 infection, and death in patients with COVID-19. Eleven studies were included with 33 483 patients. ACEI/ARB therapy might be associated with the reduced inflammatory factor (interleukin-6) and elevated immune cells counts (CD3, CD8). Meta-analysis showed no significant increase in the risk of COVID-19 infection (odds ratio [OR]: 0.95, 95%CI: 0.89-1.05) in patients receiving ACEI/ARB therapy, and ACEI/ARB therapy was associated with a decreased risk of severe COVID-19 (OR: 0.75, 95%CI: 0.59-0.96) and mortality (OR: 0.52, 95%CI: 0.35-0.79). Subgroup analyses showed among the general population, ACEI/ARB therapy was associated with reduced severe COVID-19 infection (OR: 0.79, 95%CI: 0.60-1.05) and all-cause mortality (OR: 0.31, 95%CI: 0.13-0.75), and COVID-19 infection (OR: 0.85, 95% CI: 0.66-1.08) were not increased. Among patients with hyper-tension, the use of an ACEI/ARB was associated with a lower severity of COVID-19 (OR: 0.73, 95%CI: 0.51-1.03) and lower mortality (OR: 0.57, 95%CI: 0.37-0.87), without evidence of an increased risk of COVID-19 infection (OR: 1.00).
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Background The degree of myocardial injury, as reflected by troponin elevation, and associated outcomes among US hospitalized patients with Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) are unknown. Objectives To describe the degree of myocardial injury and associated outcomes in a large hospitalized cohort with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19. Methods Patients with COVID-19 admitted to one of five Mount Sinai Health System hospitals in New York City between February 27th and April 12th, 2020 with troponin-I (normal value <0.03ng/mL) measured within 24 hours of admission were included (n=2,736). Demographics, medical history, admission labs, and outcomes were captured from the hospitals’ EHR. Results The median age was 66.4 years, with 59.6% men. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) including coronary artery disease, atrial fibrillation, and heart failure, was more prevalent in patients with higher troponin concentrations, as were hypertension and diabetes. A total of 506 (18.5%) patients died during hospitalization. In all, 985 (36%) patients had elevated troponin concentrations. After adjusting for disease severity and relevant clinical factors, even small amounts of myocardial injury (e.g. troponin I 0.03-0.09ng/mL, n=455, 16.6%) were significantly associated with death (adjusted HR: 1.75, 95% CI 1.37-2.24; P<0.001) while greater amounts (e.g. troponin I>0.09 ng/dL, n=530, 19.4%) were significantly associated with higher risk (adjusted HR 3.03, 95% CI 2.42-3.80; P<0.001). Conclusions Myocardial injury is prevalent among patients hospitalized with COVID-19 however troponin concentrations were generally present at low levels. Patients with CVD are more likely to have myocardial injury than patients without CVD. Troponin elevation among patients hospitalized with COVID-19 is associated with higher risk of mortality.
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Background: A COVID-19 outbreak started in Wuhan, China, last December and now has become a global pandemic. The clinical information in caring of critically ill patients with COVID-19 needs to be shared timely, especially under the situations that there is still a largely ongoing spread of COVID-19 in many countries. Methods: A multicenter prospective observational study investigated all the COVID-19 patients received in 19 ICUs of 16 hospitals in Wuhan, China, over 24 h between 8 AM February 2h and 8 AM February 27, 2020. The demographic information, clinical characteristics, vital signs, complications, laboratory values, and clinical managements of the patients were studied. Results: A total of 226 patients were included. Their median (interquartile range, IQR) age was 64 (57-70) years, and 139 (61.5%) patients were male. The duration from the date of ICU admission to the study date was 11 (5-17) days, and the duration from onset of symptoms to the study date was 31 (24-36) days. Among all the patients, 155 (68.6%) had at least one coexisting disease, and their sequential organ failure assessment score was 4 (2-8). Organ function damages were found in most of the patients: ARDS in 161 (71.2%) patients, septic shock in 34 (15.0%) patients, acute kidney injury occurred in 57 (25.2%) patients, cardiac injury in 61 (27.0%) patients, and lymphocytopenia in 160 (70.8%) patients. Of all the studied patients, 85 (37.6%) received invasive mechanical ventilation, including 14 (6.2%) treated with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) at the same time, 20 (8.8%) received noninvasive mechanical ventilation, and 24 (10.6%) received continuous renal replacement therapy. By April 9, 2020, 87 (38.5%) patients were deceased and 15 (6.7%) were still in the hospital. Conclusions: Critically ill patients with COVID-19 are associated with a higher risk of severe complications and need to receive an intensive level of treatments. COVID-19 poses a great strain on critical care resources in hospitals. Trial registration: Chinese Clinical Trial Registry, ChiCTR2000030164. Registered on February 24, 2020,
Background Although several therapeutic agents have been evaluated for the treatment of coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19), none have yet been shown to be efficacious. Methods We conducted a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial of intravenous remdesivir in adults hospitalized with Covid-19 with evidence of lower respiratory tract involvement. Patients were randomly assigned to receive either remdesivir (200 mg loading dose on day 1, followed by 100 mg daily for up to 9 additional days) or placebo for up to 10 days. The primary outcome was the time to recovery, defined by either discharge from the hospital or hospitalization for infection-control purposes only. Results A total of 1063 patients underwent randomization. The data and safety monitoring board recommended early unblinding of the results on the basis of findings from an analysis that showed shortened time to recovery in the remdesivir group. Preliminary results from the 1059 patients (538 assigned to remdesivir and 521 to placebo) with data available after randomization indicated that those who received remdesivir had a median recovery time of 11 days (95% confidence interval [CI], 9 to 12), as compared with 15 days (95% CI, 13 to 19) in those who received placebo (rate ratio for recovery, 1.32; 95% CI, 1.12 to 1.55; P<0.001). The Kaplan-Meier estimates of mortality by 14 days were 7.1% with remdesivir and 11.9% with placebo (hazard ratio for death, 0.70; 95% CI, 0.47 to 1.04). Serious adverse events were reported for 114 of the 541 patients in the remdesivir group who underwent randomization (21.1%) and 141 of the 522 patients in the placebo group who underwent randomization (27.0%). Conclusions Remdesivir was superior to placebo in shortening the time to recovery in adults hospitalized with Covid-19 and evidence of lower respiratory tract infection. (Funded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and others; ACCT-1 number, NCT04280705.)