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Effects of Melatonin on Growth,Photosynthetic Characteristics and Antioxidant System in Seedling of Wheat under Drought Stress



Abstract:The objective of the study is to reveal the effects of melatonin(MEL)on wheat seedlings growth under drought stress.A winter wheat(Triticum aestivum L.)cultivar,Xinong 9871(drought sensitive),was selected as the experimental material and was planted in pot under soil conditions.Melatonin(100μmol·L-1)was applied to the soil. The effects of MEL on wheat seedling growth,the photosynthetic characteristics and active oxygen metabolism were investigated. Results showed that drought stress inhibited the seedling growth,decreased the chlorophyll content,stomatal conductance,net photosynthetic rate and maximum PSⅡ quantum yield;resulted in H2O2 and MDA accumulation;and enhaneed the activity of antioxidant enzymes and antioxidant content.Under drought stress condition,MEL application increased the biomass and root—shoot ratio;maintained a higher level in RWC,ch1orophy11 content,net photosynthetic rate and the photochemical efficiency;increased the activity of CAT,APX,POD and AsA ,GSH content;and reduced the H2 02 and M DA accumulation.After rewatering,the wheat seedlings with MEL application recovered growth quickly.This study indicated that MEL application increased the root/shoot ratio under drought stress;promoted the water absorption;improved leaf water status;enhanced antioxidant capacity;and alleviated the active oxygen damage.Meiatonin—treated plants showed a well water status and slight oxidative damage,which was contributed to maintain higher photosynthetic rate,SO as to improve the wheat drought tolerance.
Melatonin increased maize (Zea mays L.) seedling drought
tolerance by alleviating drought-induced photosynthetic inhibition
and oxidative damage
Jun Ye
Shiwen Wang
Xiping Deng
Lina Yin
Binglin Xiong
Xinyue Wang
Received: 8 June 2015 / Revised: 6 December 2015 / Accepted: 9 December 2015
ÓFranciszek Go
´rski Institute of Plant Physiology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Krako
´w 2016
Abstract The effect of melatonin application on
enhancing plant stress tolerance is already known, but the
specifics of its performance and its underlying mechanism
are still poorly understood. The influences of foliar-
sprayed melatonin (100 lmol/L) on maize (Zea mays L.)
seedlings growth during drought stress were investigated
in this study. The growth of seedlings was not affected by
melatonin application under normal conditions. After 8
days of drought stress, growth was significantly inhibited,
but this inhibition was alleviated by foliar-spraying with
melatonin. After rehydration, melatonin-treated plants
recovered more quickly than untreated plants. Further
investigation showed that, under drought condition,
melatonin-treated plants showed higher photosynthetic
rates, stomatal conductances and transpiration rates than
those untreated plants. Compared with untreated plants,
the melatonin-treated plants exhibited low osmotic
potential under drought stress, which contributed to the
maintenance of high turgor potential and relative water
content. Drought stress induced the accumulation of
hydrogen peroxide and malondialdehyde, but the
accumulation was decreased by melatonin application.
Also, both enzymatic and nonenzymatic antioxidant
activity were enhanced by melatonin application under
drought stress. These results imply that the effects of
melatonin on enhancing drought tolerance can be ascribed
to the alleviation of drought-induced photosynthetic
inhibition, improvement in plant water status, and miti-
gation of drought-induced oxidative damage. The results
suggest that melatonin could be considered as a potential
plant growth regulator for the improvement of crop
drought tolerance in crop production.
Keywords Antioxidant activity Drought tolerance
Melatonin Photosynthesis Oxidative damage Water
Fv/Fm Maximal quantum yield of PSII photochemistry
UPSII Effective PSII quantum yield
NPQ Non-photochemical quenching coefficient
ETR Electron transport rate
RWC Relative water content
FW Fresh weight
TW Turgid weight
DW Dry weight
Hydrogen peroxide
MDA Malondialdehyde
SOD Superoxide dismutase
CAT Catalase
APX Ascorbate peroxidase
POD Peroxidase
AsA Ascorbic acid
DPPH 1,1-Diphenyl-2-picryl-hydrazyl
ROS Reactive oxygen species
Communicated by A. Gniazdowska-Piekarska.
&Shiwen Wang
State Key Laboratory of Soil Erosion and Dryland Farming
on the Loess Plateau, Institute of Soil and Water
Conservation, Chinese Academy of Science/Northwest A&F
University, Xinong Road No. 26, Yangling 712100, Shaanxi,
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049,
People’s Republic of China
Acta Physiol Plant (2016) 38:48
DOI 10.1007/s11738-015-2045-y
Drought stress adversely influences crop growth and pro-
ductivity worldwide (Lobell et al. 2014). To improve
agricultural productivity, it is imperative that we enhance
crop drought tolerance by various approaches. Exogenous
application of plant growth regulators (such as osmopro-
tectants, antioxidant compounds and growth promoters)
has been considered as an efficient way to enhance plant
drought tolerance in crop production (Singh and Usha
2003). Therefore, finding new plant growth regulators that
improve crop drought tolerance is an effective approach to
improving crop production. Melatonin (N-acetyl-5-meth-
oxytryptamine) has widely existed in living organisms
(Tan et al. 2012). It is also widely found in a wide range of
concentrations in plants (Paredes et al. 2009; Posmyk and
Janas 2009; Arnao 2014). Melatonin has been reported to
play critical functions in regulating plant growth and
development, including such processes as vegetative
growth promotion, seed germination, rooting and flowering
(Arnao and Herna
´ndez-Ruiz 2014; Hardeland 2015).
Melatonin has also been observed to improve tolerance of
multiple stresses, including drought, heavy metals, salinity,
ultraviolet radiation, chilling, heat, pathogens, and herbicides
(Park 2011; Janas and Posmyk 2013; Arnao and Herna
Ruiz 2014,2015; Wei et al. 2014; Chan and Shi 2015; Reiter
et al. 2015). Melatonin is a well-documented antioxidant in
both animals and plants (Zhang and Zhang 2014). A com-
monly proposed explanation for melatonin’s beneficial effect
on plant stress tolerance is that it enhances plant antioxidant
ability (Arnao and Herna
´ndez-Ruiz 2015; Zhang et al. 2015).
Exogenous application of melatonin has also been found to
improve plant drought tolerance. Zhang et al. (2013)showed
that melatonin-treated cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) plants
had higher rates of seed-germination and root growth when
exposed to drought stress. Melatonin also ameliorated drought
stress in grape (Vitis vinifera) cuttings (Meng et al. 2014).
Meanwhile, melatonin application delayed drought-induced
leaf senescence in apple (Malusdomesticus Bokh.) trees under
long-term drought stress (Wang et al. 2013).
Although multiple studies have shown that melatonin
application can improve drought tolerance, its specific
performance and the underlying mechanism of melatonin’s
effect on crop drought tolerance are poorly understood.
Firstly, the performance of melatonin on plant drought
tolerance has been investigated in only a few plant species,
and only a quite small number of these studies have
focused on highly important crops. Secondly, these studies
have typically administered melatonin by either putting it
into the soil or adding it into a nutrient solution, both of
which are inconvenient in field crop production. Third,
most of the studies have been conducted under environ-
mentally controlled conditions, such as in growth chambers
or greenhouses, so that their results cannot accurately
reflect the performance of melatonin with regard to stress
tolerance in the field environment. Therefore, the perfor-
mance and mechanism of melatonin’s effect on drought
tolerance needs further study, especially in highly impor-
tant crops under field environmental conditions.
Maize (Zea mays L.) is sensitive to drought stress, and
its average annual yield loss due to drought is around 15 %
of its potential yield (Ziyomo and Bernardo 2013). The
present study was carried out to investigate the perfor-
mance and mechanism of the effect of melatonin applica-
tion on drought tolerance in maize seedlings under field
environmental conditions. Five-week old seedlings in pots
were sprayed with melatonin and then subjected to drought
stress. Their growth, photosynthetic parameters, antioxi-
dant ability and water status were investigated.
Materials and methods
Plant cultivar and drought and melatonin
The experiments were conducted during June and July
2014 at the Institute of Soil and Water Conservation,
Chinese Academy of Sciences. Seedlings of the maize
cultivar ‘‘Cheng Yu 888’’, a relatively drought-sensitive
cultivar, were sown in pots (diameter 20 cm, depth 30 cm)
each containing 15 kg air-dried brown soil. As base fer-
tilizers, N, P
and K
O were present at concentrations of
0.22, 0.15 and 0.05 g kg
dried soil, respectively. Soil
water content was expressed as a percent maximum pot
capacity (Ogbaga et al. 2014). All pots were watered to
85 % before sowing and were placed under a rain shed in
the field. Five weeks after sowing, four uniform plants
were maintained in each pot. Half of the pots were then
exposed to drought treatment and sprayed with either
melatonin (100 lM) or water. The sprayed melatonin
solution was prepared as follows: 2.3 g melatonin was
dissolved in 50 mL ethyl alcohol as a stored solution. 1 mL
of this stored solution was diluted to 2 L with deionized
water and 0.05 % (V/V) Tween-20 as a surfactant. Every
pot was sprayed with 100 mL prepared solution. The
experiment included four treatments: (1) well-watered, (2)
well-watered?melatonin, (3) drought, and (4)
drought?melatonin. The control of well-watered and
drought treatments was according to Chen et al. (2015).
The soil water contents are shown in Fig. 1. After 8 days of
drought treatment, all plants in the drought treatment group
were rehydrated and permitted to grow for another 1 week.
The fifth and tenth leaves from the bottom were marked at
the beginning of the drought treatment. On days 0, 4 and 8
of drought treatment and days 1 and 7 of subsequent
48 Page 2 of 13 Acta Physiol Plant (2016) 38:48
rehydration, the physiological parameters of the marked
leaves were measured. Simultaneously, the same leaves
were gathered, and put into liquid nitrogen for 30 min, then
stored at -80 °C for the following measurements. The
osmotic potential, hydrogen peroxide, lipid peroxidation,
antioxidant enzyme activity and DPPH-radical scavenging
activity were measured.
Determination of shoot dry weight and individual
leaf area
Plants from each group were sampled after 0, 4 and 8 days
of drought stress and 1 and 7 days of subsequent rehy-
dration. Plant tissues were dried in and oven (80 °C) for 3
days and then the shoot dry weight was determined. Each
treatment included twelve replicates. The leaf area was
estimated according to Wang et al. (2012), as follows: leaf
area =leaf length 9maximum leaf width 90.75.
Analysis of leaf gas exchange
Gas exchange parameters (photosynthetic rate, stomatal
conductance and transpiration rate) were determined with a
portable photosynthesis system (LI-6400XT; LI-COR Bio-
sciences, Lincoln, NE, USA) between 9:00 and 11:00 AM.
The 6-cm
leaf chamber was used and the photo flux density
was 1000 lmol m
. The fifth or tenth leaf was used for
measurement. Each treatment included six replicates.
Chlorophyll concentration
The chlorophyll concentration was determined through
measuring the SPAD value by a SPAD meter (SPAD-502,
Konica-Minolta, Tokyo, Japan). Each leaf was measured at
ten locations and each treatment included six replicates.
Analysis of chlorophyll fluorescence
Chlorophyll fluorescence was measured with a pulse
amplitude modulated chlorophyll fluorescence system
(Imaging PAM, Walz, Effeltrich, Germany) at room tem-
perature. The following parameters were obtained using
Imaging Win software (Version 2.40, Walz): maximal
quantum yield of PSII photochemistry (Fv/Fm), effective
PSII quantum yield (UPSII), non-photochemical quenching
coefficient (NPQ) and electron transport rate (ETR). Each
treatment included four replicates.
Determination of relative water content (RWC), leaf
water potential, osmotic potential and turgor
Leaf RWC was measured on days 4 and 8 of drought
treatment according to the method of Turner (1981). Leaf
water potential and osmotic potential were measured
Fig. 1 Changes in soil water content. Values are mean ±SE from
thirteen replicates
Fig. 2 Shoot dry weight and leaf area of maize plants growing in
well watered conditions, under drought stress or of seedlings treated
with melatonin and growing in well watered or drought stress
conditions. Values are mean ±SE from twelve replicates. Significant
differences between different treatments on the same day of the
experimental period are indicated by different letters (P\0.05)
Acta Physiol Plant (2016) 38:48 Page 3 of 13 48
according to the methods of Chen et al. (2014). The turgor
pressure was calculated as the difference between leaf
water potential and osmotic potential. Each treatment
included six replicates.
Determination of hydrogen peroxide (H
and lipid peroxidation
The H
concentration was measured following the
method described by Loreto and Velikova (2001). Leaf
lipid peroxidation was determined according to the method
of Heath and Packer (1968) by measuring the amount of
malondialdehyde (MDA). Each treatment included three
Determination of antioxidant enzyme activity
Superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity was determined
according to the methods described by Beauchamp and
Fridovich (1973). Catalase (CAT) activity was assayed
Fig. 3 Photosynthetic rate (a,b), stomatal conductance (c,d) and
transpiration rate (e,f) in the fifth or tenth leaves of maize plants
growing in well watered conditions, under drought stress or in leaves
of seedlings treated with melatonin and growing in well watered or
drought stress conditions. Values are mean ±SE from six replicates.
Significant differences between different treatments on the same day
of the experimental period are indicated by different letters
48 Page 4 of 13 Acta Physiol Plant (2016) 38:48
according to the method of Hamurcu et al. (2013).
Ascorbate peroxidase (APX) activity was determined
according to the methods described by Nakano and Asada
(1981). Peroxidase (POD) activity was assayed based on
the methods described by Kochba et al. (1977). Soluble
protein content was measured according to the method of
Bradford (1976). Each treatment included three replicates.
Determination of DPPH-radical scavenging activity
DPPH-radical scavenging activity was measured and cal-
culated according to Matsuura et al. (2003). Each treatment
included three replicates.
Statistical analysis
Data were analyzed by analysis of variance (ANOVA) and
the least significant differences (LSD) test using the SPSS
Data Processing System. Statistical significance was set at
Plant growth
Under normal (well-watered) condition, application of
melatonin showed no effect on the shoot dry weight and
leaf area. Drought stress significantly reduced shoot dry
weight, diminishing it by 10.5 and 20.8 % after 4 and 8
days of drought treatment, respectively. In contrast, in
plants that treated with melatonin, shoot dry weight was
reduced by only 5.5 and 9.9 % after 4 and 8 days of
drought treatment. After rehydration for 7 days, shoot dry
weight of melatonin-treated seedlings was 7.5 % greater
than that of untreated seedlings (Fig. 2a). In untreated
plants, leaf area was reduced by 13.8 and 24.2 % after 4
and 8 days of drought treatment, respectively; in mela-
tonin-treated plants, leaf area was reduced by only 6.1 and
12.0 %. After rehydration, leaf area increased faster in
melatonin-treated plants than that untreated ones (Fig. 2b).
Gas exchange parameters
Under normal (well-watered) conditions, application of
melatonin had no obvious effect on photosynthetic rate,
stomatal conductance or transpiration rate (Fig. 3).
Drought stress significantly decreased all of those
parameters. The photosynthetic rate decreased by 69.3
and 72.7 % in the tenth and fifth leaves, respectively, at
the end of the drought treatment. This decrease was partly
reversed by melatonin application (Fig. 3a, b). Similarly,
leaf stomatal conductance and transpiration rates were
higher in melatonin-treated maize seedlings than that
untreated ones under drought conditions. After rehydra-
tion for 7 days, these two parameters were measured
again: in the tenth leaf, they had recovered to normal
levels in both melatonin-treated plants and untreated
plants, but melatonin-treated plants exhibited faster
recovery. In the fifth leaf, on the other hand, these
parameters continued to decrease, but this decrease
occurred more slowly in melatonin-treated plants. No
the experiment due to leaf death.
Fig. 4 Chlorophyll content (SPAD units) in the fifth or tenth leaves
of maize plants growing in well watered conditions, under drought
stress or in leaves of seedlings treated with melatonin and growing in
well watered or drought stress conditions. Values are mean ±SE
from six replicates. Significant differences between different treat-
ments on the same day of the experimental period are indicated by
different letters (P\0.05)
Acta Physiol Plant (2016) 38:48 Page 5 of 13 48
Fig. 5 Chlorophyll fluorescence parameters: maximum PSII quan-
tum yield (Fv/Fm), effective quantum yield of PSII (UpsII), non-
photochemical quenching (NPQ) and electron transport rate (ETR) in
the tenth or fifth leaves of maize plants growing in well watered
condition, under drought stress or in leaves of maize seedlings treated
with melatonin and growing in well watered condition or under
drought stress. Values are mean ±SE from four replicates. Signif-
icant differences between different treatments on the same day of the
experimental period are indicated by different letters (P\0.05)
48 Page 6 of 13 Acta Physiol Plant (2016) 38:48
Chlorophyll concentration
Leaf chlorophyll concentration (assessed in the form of
SPAD values) was not affected by melatonin under normal
conditions. After 8 days of drought stress, chlorophyll
concentration was significantly decreased, but it was higher
in melatonin-treated plants than that untreated ones in both
the fifth and the tenth leaf (Fig. 4). After rehydration for 7
days, chlorophyll concentration had recovered to normal
levels in the tenth leaf while continuing to decrease in the
fifth leaf. However, chlorophyll concentration was higher
in melatonin-treated plants than that untreated ones in both
the fifth and the tenth leaf.
Chlorophyll fluorescence parameters
Melatonin application did not influence Fv/Fm, UspII,
NPQ or ETR under well-watered conditions (Fig. 5).
Drought stress significantly decreased Fv/Fm, UspII and
ETR and increased NPQ in both the fifth and the tenth leaf.
After 4 days of drought treatment, the chlorophyll fluo-
rescence parameters was not affected by melatonin in
maize seedlings. By the end of the drought stress period,
however, melatonin application significantly moderated the
decreases in Fv/Fm, UspII and ETR and the increase in
NPQ in both the fifth and the tenth leaf.
Leaf water status
Melatonin application had no effect on the RWC of maize
seedlings under well-watered conditions (Fig. 6). In the
tenth leaf, the RWC of untreated plants was 82.5 and
68.9 % after 4 and 8 days of drought stress, respectively,
while that of melatonin-treated plants was 86.9 and 75.2 %.
In the fifth leaf, similarly, RWC was higher in melatonin-
treated plants than that untreated ones under drought stress.
Application of melatonin had no significant effect on
leaf water potential under either well watered or drought
conditions, but drought stress significantly decreased the
leaf water potential after 4 days of drought treatment in the
tenth and the fifth leaf (Fig. 7a, b). The osmotic potential
was not affected by melatonin in well-watered plants.
Drought stress decreased leaf osmotic potential in plants
with and without melatonin application, but this decrease
was larger in melatonin-treated maize seedlings. The
osmotic potential in the tenth leaf of untreated plants was
decreased by 19.6 and 30.8 % after 4 and 8 days of drought
treatment, respectively. In melatonin-treated plants, how-
ever, it was decreased by 33.3 and 36.7 %. The leaf turgor
pressure increased markedly in the tenth leaf by melatonin
application under drought stress (Fig. 7e).
and MDA contents
Under drought treatment, H
largely accumulated in the
fifth and the tenth leaf, but this accumulation of H
markedly reduced by melatonin application. After 4 and 8
days of drought treatment, the H
content of the tenth
leaf was 15.14 and 25.56 % lower in melatonin-treated
seedlings. Similarly, the H
content of the fifth leaf was
also 19.40 and 10.35 % lower in melatonin-treated plants
(Fig. 8a, b).
Fig. 6 Relative water content (RWC) in the fifth or tenth leaves of
maize plants growing in well watered conditions, under drought stress
or in leaves of seedlings treated with melatonin and growing in well
watered or drought stress conditions. Values are mean ±SE from six
replicates. Significant differences between different treatments on the
same day of the experimental period are indicated by different letters
Acta Physiol Plant (2016) 38:48 Page 7 of 13 48
MDA content was not affected by melatonin application
under well-watered conditions. An obvious trend toward
increasing MDA content was observed in drought-stressed
plants, but melatonin application significantly decreased
MDA accumulation under drought stress conditions
(Fig. 8c, d).
Activity of antioxidant enzymes and DPPH-radical
scavenging activity
Antioxidant enzyme activities (SOD, CAT, APX and POD)
were increased by drought treatment. However, melatonin
application resulted in much higher activities of SOD,
CAT, APX and POD under drought stress conditions
(Fig. 9). The DPPH-radical scavenging activity decreased
remarkably under drought stress, but this reduction was
significantly alleviated by melatonin application (Fig. 10).
Drought stress critically inhibits plant growth. In this study,
however, the severity of drought-induced growth inhibition
in maize seedlings was reduced by foliar spraying of
melatonin. In addition, melatonin-treated plants recovered
more quickly after rehydration than untreated plants did
Fig. 7 Water potential (a,b), osmotic potential (c,d) and turgor
pressure (e,f) in the fifth or tenth leaves of maize plants growing in
well watered conditions, under drought stress or in leaves of seedlings
treated with melatonin and growing in well watered or drought stress
conditions. Values are mean ±SE from six replicates. Significant
differences between different treatments on the same day of the
experimental period are indicated by different letters (P\0.05)
48 Page 8 of 13 Acta Physiol Plant (2016) 38:48
(Fig. 2). The results showed that melatonin application
enhanced maize drought tolerance in field conditions. The
results of this study are in agreement with the previous
reports showing that melatonin application can enhance
drought tolerance in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum)
seedlings (Liu et al. 2015).
Photosynthesis is the physico-chemical process by
which plants use light energy to drive the synthesis of
organic compounds, and it is the basis of plant production
(Xu et al. 2014). Drought is a serious environmental stress
inhibiting photosynthesis. The limitation of ambient CO
diffusion to the site of carboxylation which induced by
stomatal closure, is usually considered the main reason for
the decline in photosynthetic rate under water stress
(Chaves et al. 2009; Liu et al. 2013). Previous studies
showed that apple seedlings treated with melatonin main-
tained significantly higher CO
assimilation rates and
stomatal conductance under drought conditions (Wang
et al. 2013; Li et al. 2015). In this study, compared with
untreated plants, the melatonin-treated plants maintained
large leaf areas and high photosynthetic rates under
drought stress, enabling a much greater supply of assimi-
lates to growing tissue (Fig. 3). Also, the enhanced
stomatal conductance associated with foliar-sprayed
melatonin may contribute to high photosynthetic rate dur-
ing drought stress.
After rehydration, melatonin application accelerated the
recovery of the photosynthetic rate in young leaves (e.g.
the tenth leaf) and retarded leaf senescence in old leaves
(e.g. the fifth leaf), suggesting that melatonin application
can alleviate drought-induced injury to the photosynthetic
system (Fig. 3). Meanwhile, melatonin-treated plants
maintained higher chlorophyll contents than untreated
plants in both old leaves and young leaves (Fig. 4). The
protective effect of melatonin on chlorophyll was also
found in cucumbers (Wang et al. 2015) and macroalga
Ulva sp. (Tal et al. 2011). Stress often induces damage of
PSII in a leaf (Maxwell and Johnson 2000). In this study,
PSII photosynthetic efficiency, represented by the expres-
sion of Fv/Fm, was kept at higher values in melatonin-
treated plants than that untreated ones (Fig. 5). Melatonin-
treated plants also maintained higher UPSII and ETR and
lower NPQ. These results suggested that melatonin could
protect the drought induced damage in photosynthetic
system. Similar result was also observed in cucumber and
apple (Wang et al. 2013; Zhang et al. 2013). The rapid
Fig. 8 H
and malondialdehyde (MDA) content in the fifth or
tenth leaves of maize plants growing in well watered conditions,
under drought stress or in leaves of seedlings treated with melatonin
and growing in well watered or drought stress conditions. Values are
mean ±SE from three replicates. Significant differences between
different treatments on the same day of the experimental period are
indicated by different letters (P\0.05)
Acta Physiol Plant (2016) 38:48 Page 9 of 13 48
recovery of growth after rehydration in melatonin-treated
plants may be due to the protective effect of melatonin on
the photosynthetic system.
Osmotic adjustment is one of strategies for a plant to
tolerant osmotic and water deficit stresses (Yin et al. 2013).
Melatonin-treated plants exhibited greater decreases in
osmotic potential than those untreated ones under drought
treatment (Fig. 7). The lower osmotic potential values
could maintain water in leaves under drought stress. This
result satisfactorily explains the mitigating effect of
Fig. 9 The activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase
(CAT), ascorbate peroxidase (APX) and peroxidase (POD) in the
fifth or tenth leaves of maize plants growing in well watered
conditions, under drought stress or in leaves of seedlings treated with
melatonin and growing in well watered or drought stress conditions.
Values are mean ±SE from three replicates. Significant differences
between different treatments on the same day of the experimental
period are indicated by different letters (P\0.05)
48 Page 10 of 13 Acta Physiol Plant (2016) 38:48
melatonin on RWC in melatonin-treated plants under
drought stress (Fig. 6). Meanwhile, melatonin application
helped the plants to maintain higher turgor pressure
(Fig. 7), which contributes to keeping the stomata open and
the photosynthetic rate relatively high (Meng et al. 2014).
In addition, a mitigating effect of melatonin on RWC has
also been found under cold stress conditions (Turk et al.
2014). In the present study, it is worth noting that mela-
tonin-treated plants maintained larger leaf areas and higher
transpiration rates, suggesting that melatonin may enhance
plant root water uptake ability.
Drought stress triggers ROS accumulation and breaks
down the balance between ROS generation and detoxifi-
cation (Gong et al. 2005). The accumulation of ROS can
induce lipid peroxidation, chlorophyll degradation, and
loss of cell membrane integrity and photosynthetic activity.
Plants have developed an enzymatic antioxidant system
and a nonenzymatic antioxidant system to protect against
ROS damage (de Souza et al. 2014). Enhancing plant
antioxidant ability has been considered the primary func-
tion of melatonin in plant stress tolerance (Zhang et al.
2015). In this study, melatonin application enhanced the
activities of antioxidant enzymes, including SOD, CAT,
APX, and POD, as well as DPPH-radical scavenging
ability, and decreased H
and MDA accumulation
(Figs. 8,9,10). Therefore, melatonin application enhanced
plant antioxidant ability in the present study.
Recently, a model proposed by Arnao and Herna
Ruiz (2014,2015) suggested that melatonin acts as an
antioxidant, a biostimulator and a plant growth regulator in
plant responses to abiotic stress. Based on this model, there
are three possible ways in which the results of the present
study may show how melatonin is involved in improving
plant drought tolerance. Firstly, melatonin enhanced
DPPH-radical scavenging activity, suggesting that it may
directly enhance antioxidant ability as an antioxidant
molecule. Secondly, melatonin application enhanced
antioxidant enzyme activities, suggesting that melatonin
may work as a biostimulator to regulate antioxidant gene
expression. These two effects could decrease drought-in-
duced ROS and help plants maintaining high chlorophyll
content and PSII photosynthetic efficiency, thus improve
plant drought tolerance and recovery ability. Thirdly,
melatonin application decreased leaf osmotic potential,
suggesting that melatonin could be involved in regulating
plant water status under drought conditions.
In summary, melatonin application enhanced the activ-
ities of antioxidative enzyme and non-enzyme antioxidants
in drought-stressed plants, which decreased ROS accumu-
lation. This reduction in ROS accumulation in turn reduced
drought-induced damage to the photosynthetic system. In
addition, melatonin moderated water stress by enhancing
osmotic adjustment ability. Reduced oxidative damage and
improved water status enabled plants to maintain higher
chlorophyll contents and photosynthetic rates and thereby
improved plant drought tolerance. The results of this study
imply that melatonin can improve plant drought tolerance
and could be considered as a potential growth regulator in
crop production.
Author contribution statement Jun Ye carried out the
whole experiment, gathered the data, analyzed the results,
and drafted the manuscript. Shiwen Wang designed the
whole experiment and was in charge of manuscript revi-
sion. Binglin Xiong and Xinyue Wang gave assistance in
the measurements of water potential and antioxidant
enzyme activities. Lina Yin and Xiping Deng helped in
interpretation of the results and preparing the manuscript.
Fig. 10 1,1-Diphenyl-2-picryl-hydrazyl (DPPH)-radical scavenging
activity in the fifth or tenth leaves of maize plants growing in well
watered conditions, under drought stress or in leaves of seedlings
treated with melatonin and growing in well watered or drought stress
conditions. Values are mean ±SE from three replicates. Significant
differences between different treatments on the same day of the
experimental period are indicated by different letters (P\0.05)
Acta Physiol Plant (2016) 38:48 Page 11 of 13 48
Acknowledgments This study was supported by Youth Innovation
Promotion Association of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
(2013307), National Key Technology Support Program of China
(2015BAD22B01), National Basic Research Program of China
(2015CB150402) and the 111 Project of Chinese Education Ministry
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... GSH and AsA were also largely increased by melatonin under drought stress in various plants Meng et al., 2014;Shi et al., 2015;Wang et al., 2012). Although Turk et al. (2014) and Ye et al. (2015) reported that melatonin can improve resistance to cold stress in wheat seedlings and polyethylene glycol (PEG) stress, the role of melatonin in wheat response to stress is still less well known. Furthermore, regulation of the GSH-AsA cycle influenced by melatonin has not been reported in wheat response to drought stress. ...
... Arrows indicate degradation of chloroplast grana lamella. wheat seedlings treated with exogenous melatonin had higher levels of antioxidants, lower ROS level, higher photosynthetic rate and Fv/Fm ( Fig. 1; Fig. 4), in accordance with previous observations in wheat and maize (Fleta-Soriano et al., 2017;Ye et al., 2015). Apart from mitigating chloroplast damage, thicker leaves were maintained even under severe drought when supplemented with melatonin treatment (Fig. 2C and D; Fig. 3C, E), indicating the possible role of melatonin in drought tolerance of wheat. ...
... In addition, we highlight a novel role for melatonin in epidermal cell growth, which can be helpful in reducing water loss. Overall, from this study and other reports, comparing the response of different plants to drought stress, it is evident that melatonin enhanced the drought tolerance of plants by improving their antioxidant capacity, protecting the photosynthetic apparatus, decreasing the osmotic potential, and increasing the water-holding capacity (Antoniou et al., 2017;Fleta-Soriano et al., 2017;Wei et al., 2015;Ye et al., 2015Ye et al., , 2016. Taken together, the application of exogenous melatonin significantly decreased the accumulation of ROS, protected photosynthetic apparatus, maintained higher cell turgor and water holding capacity compared with the control under drought stress, resulting in improved drought tolerance of melatonin-treated wheat seedlings. ...
Melatonin plays an important role in abiotic stress in plant, but its role in wheat drought tolerance is less known. To verify its role, wheat seedlings (Triticum aestivum L. ‘Yan 995’) at 60% and 40% of field capacity were treated with 500 μM melatonin in this study. Melatonin treatment significantly enhanced the drought tolerance of wheat seedlings, as demonstrated by decreased membrane damage, more intact grana lamella of chloroplast, higher photosynthetic rate, and maximum efficiency of photosystem II, as well as higher cell turgor and water holding capacity in melatonin-treated seedlings. Besides, melatonin markedly decreased the content of hydrogen peroxide and superoxide anion in melatonin-treated seedlings, which is attributed to the increased total antioxidant capacity, GSH and AsA contents, as well as enzyme activity including ascorbate peroxidase (APX), monodehydroascorbate reductase (MDHAR), dehydroascorbate reductase (DHAR), glutathione peroxidase (GPX), and glutathione transferase (GST). The GSH-AsA related genes including APX, MDHAR, and DHAR were commonly upregulated by melatonin and correlated to the antioxidant enzyme activity as well as the content of GSH and AsA, indicating that the increase of GSH and AsA was attributed to the expression of these genes. Our result confirmed the mitigation potential of melatonin in drought stress and certain mechanisms of melatonin-induced GSH and AsA accumulation, which could deepen our understanding of melatonin-induced drought tolerance in wheat.
... In addition, MT reduces the accumulation of malondialdehyde (MDA) and simultaneously improves the biosynthesis ability of osmoregulatory substances to maintain cell turgor pressure and osmotic balance Ma et al. 2018). As an important antioxidant, MT can stimulate free radicals, remove ROS (reactive oxygen species), regulate the adaptability of crops to environmental disorders and other stresses, and enhance crop resistance through the MT-ROS-RNS (reactive nitrogen species, RNS) signaling pathway (Ahmad et al. 2021a;Moustafa-Farag et al. 2020b;Sharif et al. 2018).Various researches have indicated that melatonin ameliorates the adaptation mechanism of wheat under drought stress (Cui et al. 2017;Khobra et al. 2021;Ye et al. 2015;Zhang et al. 2023), but the intervention of melatonin on wheat quality under drought and rehydration conditions has rarely been reported. ...
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Melatonin (MT) regulates and enhances crop tolerance to drought stress. However, the effect of melatonin spraying on grain quality under drought–rehydration treatment is currently insufficiently evaluated. Here, the present study was conducted by spraying 100 μM MT before wheat grain filling and then drought–rehydration treatment was carried out. Rewatering after drought stress increased the appreciably wet gluten content, sedimentation index, total protein content, and gluten content of wheat grains and decreased the prolainm content, albumin content, and globulin content. And MT application effectively alleviated grain quality damage, reducing wet gluten content and gluten content. In addition, MT compensated for the oxidative damage and the membrane lipid peroxidation damage caused by drought–rehydration treatment. In addition, two drought stresses significantly reduced photosynthetic parameters. And MT effectively improved the photosynthetic efficiency. These results indicated that MT is feasible for enhancing wheat resistance and ameliorating grain quality during drought and rehydration.
... The damage caused by drought stress to plants mainly manifests as dehydration, wilting, increased membrane permeability, slowed growth, and reduced photosynthetic function, with the main cause of these injuries being oxidative damage caused by reactive oxygen species [5]. In the early stages of drought, plants are often able to cope with the stress and form defense mechanisms of their own, but prolonged stress leads to the accumulation of large amounts of reactive oxygen species in their tissues, which then become imbalanced, leading to membrane lipid peroxidation, which results in impaired cell membrane function and decreased photosynthesis, and which will seriously affect the growth of seedlings [6][7][8][9] and, in turn, the development of the Chrysanthemum industry. Therefore, it is important to identify methods for improving Chrysanthemum resistance to droughtstress conditions [10]. ...
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Melatonin has been confirmed to relieve drought stress in various plant species. However, the mechanism in garden chrysanthemums remains to be elucidated. Here, we examined the putative role of exogenous melatonin application in improving drought-stress tolerance in Chrysanthemum seedlings. Treatment with melatonin (100 µM) significantly mitigated the negative effects of drought stress on the seedling photosynthetic parameters and physiological and biochemical indexes. The increased tolerance conferred by exogenous melatonin was attributable to increased photosynthetic activity, which alleviates drought-induced oxidative damage by reducing malondialdehyde accumulation. In other words, the combined application of MT and PEG was better than their individual applications, as it prevented heat-induced membrane damages by declining the hydrogen peroxide (28%), malondialdehyde contents (38%), and relative electrical conductivity (19%) as compared to PEG. Interestingly, the melatonin application stimulated the activity of major antioxidant enzymes such as superoxide dismutase (21%), catalase (26%) and polyphenol oxidase (35%). In addition, exogenous melatonin promoted photosynthesis. Compared with the PEG drought-stress treatment, the melatonin treatment significantly increased the net photosynthetic rate (39%), stomatal conductance (27%), and transpiration rates (18%), while decreasing the intercellular CO2 concentration (10%). The photochemical quenching coefficient (46%), photosystem II (PSII) maximum photochemical quantum yield (22%), apparent electron transfer rate (37%), and PSII potential photochemical efficiency (18%) showed an upward trend. In summary, exogenous spraying of MT can effectively improve drought tolerance and mitigate the damage caused by drought stress in the “Xuanqiu ninghong” Chrysanthemum.
... To restore ROS content to normal levels, the antioxidant mechanism of ROS scavenging is necessary. The ascorbate-glutathione (AsA-GSH) cycle is an important link in plant antioxidant mechanisms that can effectively eliminate the accumulation of ROS in plants (Ye et al., 2015). Ascorbic acid (AsA), glutathione (GSH), ascorbic acid oxidase (AAO), dehydroascorbic acid reductase (DHAR), glutathione reductase (GR), and glutathione peroxidase (GPX) are key components of the plant AsA-GSH cycle (Vasseur et al., 2011). ...
In this study, the regulatory effect of exogenous melatonin on the expression of genes related to the AsA-GSH cycle and nitrogen metabolism in seedlings under NaCl stress was determined; the homology between enzyme genes and similar genes in other species was analyzed by applying different concentrations of exogenous melatonin to rice seedlings under NaCl stress; and the morphology and physiological indicators of seedlings were determined. Exogenous melatonin was found to upregulate the expression of OsGR3 , OsGPX1 , OsNR2 , OsGS1 , and OsGOGAT1 in seedlings under NaCl stress, which enhanced the enzyme activities of the AsA-GSH cycle and nitrogen metabolism, ultimately reducing the content of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and improving the photosynthetic rate and nitrogen efficiency. A high homology was found when rice OsGR3 , OsGPX1 , OsNR2 , OsGS1, and OsGOGAT1 were compared with similar genes in Arabidopsis thaliana , Hordeum vulgare , Zea mays , and Sorghum bicolor . Further, the location of the gene on the chromosome, the similar gene structure, GO annotation, and KEGG metabolic pathways were explained by the functions and metabolic processes of OsGR3 , OsGPX1 , OsNR2 , OsGS1 , and OsGOGAT1 . Overall, our findings indicate that exogenous melatonin participates in the regulation of enzyme gene expression during the AsA-GSH cycle and nitrogen metabolism, ultimately affecting the activities of related enzymes and alleviating the oxidative damage induced by ROS in seedlings.
... In particular, melatonin can trigger the plant defense responses against abiotic stress, playing an important role in improving the tolerance of plants to adverse environment (Li et al., 2012;Turk et al., 2014;Meng et al., 2015;Bałabusta et al., 2016). This has been proposed to be related to scavenging active oxygen, increment of root to stem ratio, delaying induced leaf senescence, up-regulating of anti-stress genes and so on (Wang et al., 2012 b;Jiang, Zu, 2015;Li et al., 2015;Ye et al., 2015). Currently, melatonin has been shown to act as an interesting natural biostimulator in regulating field crop production (Arnao, Hernández-Ruiz, 2014;Ye et al., 2016). ...
The regulation effect of melatonin on water use efficiency of leaf and potential mechanisms related to phytohormone of leaf/root were investigated using two wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars with contrasting drought tolerance: drought-tolerant ‘Hengguan35’ (HG35) and growing in irrigated fields ‘Jimai22’ (JM22). Four treatments, including normal water treatment (N), 20% polyethylene glycol (PEG) (P), P + 1 μM melatonin and P + 10 μM melatonin were conducted. Results indicated that exogenous melatonin could significantly improve net photosynthetic rate (Pn), instantaneous water use efficiency (WUEinst.) and intrinsic water use efficiency (WUEintr.) of cultivar ‘Jimai22’. This was possibly related to increasing root auxin (IAA), zeatin riboside (ZR) content and inhibiting abscisic acid (ABA), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) production in leaf. However, for cultivar ‘Hengguan35’, 1 μM and 10 μM melatonin did not improve photosynthetic rate and chlorophyll content even took negative effect on that. This could be caused by high vapour pressure deficit (VPD) and high H2O2 contents in leaf. Also, as a drought-tolerant cultivar, ‘Hengguan35’ possesses some physiological regulation itself such as increasing IAA and ZR content in root and leaf, inhibiting H2O2 production in root. But ABA and ACC content in root was not inhibited, even increased with melatonin under drought treatment. ACC was a potential central player in the hormone cross-talks that regulated leaf and root growth and physiological function. These results suggest that the effect of exogenous melatonin application on drought-resistance in seedling was distinct owing to wheat cultivars with different drought sensitivity, and this was also involved in complicated mechanism of physiological regulation to keep water status. Suitable application of melatonin thus can be an effective way in improving plant drought tolerance in wheat.
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Melatonin (MT) regulates and enhances crop tolerance to drought stress. However, the effect of melatonin spraying on grain quality under drought-rehydration treatment is evaluated insufficiently currently. Here, the present study is conducted by spraying 100mM MT before wheat grain-filling and then drought-rehydration treatment is carried out. Rewatering after drought stress increased appreciably wet gluten content, sedimentation index, total protein content, and glutein content of wheat grains and decreased prolainm content, albumin content, and globulin content. And MT application effectively alleviated grain quality damage, reducing wet gluten content and glutein content. Besides, MT compensated for the oxidative damage and the membrane lipid peroxidation damage caused by drought-rehydration treatment. In addition, two drought stresses reduced significantly photosynthetic parameters. And MT effectively improved the photosynthetic efficiency. These results indicated that MT was feasible to enhance wheat resistance and ameliorate grain quality during drought and rehydration.
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Water stress (drought and waterlogging) is severe abiotic stress to plant growth and development. Melatonin, a bioactive plant hormone, has been widely tested in drought situations in diverse plant species, while few studies on the role of melatonin in waterlogging stress conditions have been published. In the current review, we analyze the biostimulatory functions of melatonin on plants under both drought and waterlogging stresses. Melatonin controls the levels of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species and positively changes the molecular defense to improve plant tolerance against water stress. Moreover, the crosstalk of melatonin and other phytohormones is a key element of plant survival under drought stress, while this relationship needs further investigation under waterlogging stress. In this review, we draw the complete story of water stress on both sides—drought and waterlogging—through discussing the previous critical studies under both conditions. Moreover, we suggest several research directions, especially for waterlogging, which remains a big and vague piece of the melatonin and water stress puzzle.
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Water stress (drought and waterlogging) is severe abiotic stress to plant growth and development. Melatonin, a bioactive plant hormone, has been widely tested in drought situations in diverse plant species, while few studies on the role of melatonin in waterlogging stress conditions have been published. In the current review, we analyze the biostimulatory functions of melatonin on plants under both drought and waterlogging stresses. Melatonin controls the levels of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species and positively changes the molecular defense to improve plant tolerance against water stress. Moreover, the crosstalk of melatonin and other phytohormones is a key element of plant survival under drought stress, while this relationship needs further investigation under waterlogging stress. In this review, we draw the complete story of water stress on both sides-drought and waterlogging-through discussing the previous critical studies under both conditions. Moreover, we suggest several research directions, especially for waterlogging, which remains a big and vague piece of the melatonin and water stress puzzle.
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Water stress (drought and waterlogging) is drastic abiotic stress to plant growth and development. Melatonin, bioactive plant hormone, has been widely tested in drought situations in diverse plant species, while a few studies on the role of melatonin in waterlogging stress conditions have been published. In the current review, we analyze the bio-stimulatory functions of melatonin on plants under both drought and waterlogging stress. Melatonin controls the levels of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species and positively changes the molecular defense to improve plant tolerance against drought and waterlogging stress. Moreover, the crosstalk of melatonin and other phytohormones is a key element on plant survival under drought stress, while this relationship needs further investigation under waterlogging stress. In this review, we draw the complete story of water stress on both sides: drought and waterlogging through discussing the previous critical studies under both conditions. Moreover, we suggest several research directions, especially for waterlogging, which remains a big vague piece of melatonin and water stress puzzle.
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Drought stress triggers mature leaf senescence, which supports plant survival and remobilization of nutrients; yet leaf senescence also critically decreases post-drought crop yield. Drought generally results in carbon/nitrogen imbalance, which is reflected in the increased carbon:nitrogen (C:N) ratio in mature leaves, and which has been shown to be involved in inducing leaf senescence under normal growth conditions. Yet the involvement of the carbon/nitrogen balance in regulation of drought-induced leaf senescence is unclear. To investigate the role of carbon/nitrogen balance in drought-induced senescence, sorghum seedlings were subjected to a gradual soil drought treatment. Leaf senescence symptoms and the C:N ratio, which was indicated by the ratio of non-structural carbohydrate to total N content, were monitored during drought progression. In this study, leaf senescence developed about 12 days after the start of drought treatment, as indicated by various senescence symptoms including decreasing photosynthesis, photosystem II photochemistry efficiency (Fv/Fm) and chlorophyll content, and by the differential expression of senescence marker genes. The C:N ratio was significantly enhanced 10 to 12 days into drought treatment. Leaf senescence occurred in the older (lower) leaves, which had higher C:N ratios, but not in the younger (upper) leaves, which had lower C:N ratios. In addition, a detached leaf assay was conducted to investigate the effect of carbon/nitrogen availability on drought-induced senescence. Exogenous application of excess sugar combined with limited nitrogen promoted drought-induced leaf senescence. Thus our results suggest that the carbon/nitrogen balance may be involved in the regulation of drought-induced leaf senescence.
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Melatonin (N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine) is an indolic compound derived from tryptophan. Usually identified as a neurotransmitter or animal hormone, this compound was detected in plants in 1995. Interest in knowing the melatonin content of plants and its possible role therein is growing, as indicated by the increasing number of related publications. Melatonin is present in all plant species studied, with large variations in its level depending on the plant organ or tissue. It seems to be more abundant in aromatic plants and in leaves than in seeds. Regarding its physiological function in plants, melatonin shows auxin activity and is an excellent antioxidant, regulating the growth of roots, shoots, and explants, activating seed germination and rhizogenesis (lateral- and adventitious-roots), and delaying induced leaf senescence. Its ability to strengthen plants subjected to abiotic stress such as drought, cold, heat, salinity, chemical pollutants, herbicides, and UV radiation makes melatonin an interesting candidate for use as a natural biostimulating substance for treating field crops.
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This review summarizes the advances that have been made in terms of the identified functions of melatonin in plants. Melatonin is an endogenously-produced molecule in all plant species that have been investigated. Its concentration in plant organs varies in different tissues, e.g., roots versus leaves, and with their developmental stage. As in animals, the pathway of melatonin synthesis in plants utilizes tryptophan as an essential precursor molecule. Melatonin synthesis is inducible in plants when they are exposed to abiotic stresses (extremes of temperature, toxins, increased soil salinity, drought, etc.) as well as to biotic stresses (fungal infection). Melatonin aids plants in terms of root growth, leaf morphology, chlorophyll preservation and fruit development. There is also evidence that exogenously-applied melatonin improves seed germination, plant growth and crop yield and its application to plant products post-harvest shows that melatonin advances fruit ripening and may improve food quality. Since melatonin was only discovered in plants two decades ago, there is still a great deal to learn about the functional significance of melatonin in plants. It is the hope of the authors that the current review will serve as a stimulus for scientists to join the endeavor of clarifying the function of this phylogenetically-ancient molecule in plants and particularly in reference to the mechanisms by which melatonin mediates its multiple actions.
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As a widely used warm-season turfgrass in landscapes and golf courses, bermudagrass encounters multiple abiotic stresses during the growth and development. Physiology analysis indicated that abiotic stresses induced the accumulation of ROS and decline of photosynthesis, resulting in increased cell damage and inhibited growth. Proteomic and metabolomic approaches showed that antioxidant enzymes and osmoprotectant contents (sugar, sucrose, dehydrin, proline) were extensively changed under abiotic stress conditions. Exogenous application of small molecules, such as ABA, NO, CaCl2, H2S, polyamine and melatonin, could effectively alleviate damages caused by multiple abiotic stresses, including drought, salt, heat and cold. Based on high through-put RNA seq analysis, genes involved in ROS, transcription factors, hormones, and carbohydrate metabolisms were largely enriched. The data indicated that small molecules induced the accumulation of osmoprotectants and antioxidants, kept cell membrane integrity, increased photosynthesis and kept ion homeostasis, which protected bermudagrass from damages caused by abiotic stresses.
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Salt usually stresses plants in two ways, osmotic stress and ion toxicity. Plant responds to salinity in two distinct phases through time. It is known that silicon (Si) could alleviate salt stress by decreasing the Na+ accumulated in the leaf. In order to determine the function of Si in the two-phase growth response (osmotic and ion toxicity) to salinity, we selected the wheat cultivar “Changwu 134” out of 10 wheat cultivars, and confirmed that it responds to salinity in two distinct phases through time. The fresh weight, leaf area, and leaf Na+ concentration were measured during 31 days of 120 mM NaCl supplemented with 1 mM Si treatment. The results revealed that the growth of plants under salinity conditions both with and without Si application were in accordance with the two-phase growth model. Si alleviated the salt stress in the both two-phase growth, but the alleviative effects were more pronounced in the osmotic stress phase than ion toxicity phase. These results clearly showed that Si can enhance plant salt tolerance by alleviating the salt-induced osmotic stress.
Chlorophyll fluorescence analysis has become one of the most powerful and widely used techniques available to plant physiologists and ecophysiologists. This review aims to provide an introduction for the novice into the methodology and applications of chlorophyll fluorescence. After a brief introduction into the theoretical background of the technique, the methodology and some of the technical pitfalls that can be encountered are explained. A selection of examples is then used to illustrate the types of information that fluorescence can provide.
A photo-induced cyclic peroxidation in isolated chloroplasts is described. In an osmotic buffered medium, chloroplasts upon illumination produce malondialdehyde (MDA)—a decomposition product of tri-unsaturated fatty acid hydroperoxides—bleach endogenous chlorophyll, and consume oxygen. These processes show (a) no reaction in the absence of illumination; (b) an initial lag phase upon illumination of 10-20 minutes duration; (c) a linear phase in which the rate is proportional to the square root of the light intensity; (d) cessation of reaction occurring within 3 minutes after illumination ceases; and (e) a termination phase after several hours of illumination. The kinetics of the above processes fit a cyclic peroxidation equation with velocity coefficients near those for chemical peroxidation. The stoichiometry of MDA/O2 = 0.02, and O2/Chlbleached = 6.9 correlates well with MDA production efficiency in other biological systems and with the molar ratio of unsaturated fatty acids to chlorophyll. The energies of activation for the lag and linear phases are 17 and 0 kcal/mole, respectively, the same as that for autoxidation. During the linear phase of oxygen uptake the dependence upon temperature and O2 concentration indicates that during the reaction, oxygen tension at the site of peroxidation is 100-fold lower than in the aqueous phase. It is concluded that isolated chloroplasts upon illumination can undergo a cyclic peroxidation initiated by the light absorbed by chlorophyll. Photoperoxidation results in a destruction of the chlorophyll and tri-unsaturated fatty acids of the chloroplast membranes.
The number of studies on melatonin in plants has increased significantly in recent years. This molecule, with a large set of functions in animals, has also shown great potential in plant physiology. This review outlines the main functions of melatonin in the physiology of higher plants. Its role as anti-stress agent against abiotic stressors, such as drought, salinity, low and high ambient temperatures, UV radiation and toxic chemicals, is analyzed. The latest data on their role in plant-pathogen interactions are also discussed. Both abiotic and biotic stress produce a significant increase in endogenous melatonin levels, indicating its possible role as effector in these situations. The existence of endogenous circadian rhythms in melatonin levels has been demonstrated in some species, and the data, although limited, suggest a central role of this molecule in the day/night cycles in plants. Finally, another aspect that has led to a large volume of research is the involvement of melatonin in aspects of plant development regulation. Although its role as a plant hormone is still far of from being fully established, its involvement in processes such as growth, rhizogenesis and photosynthesis seems evident. The multiple changes in gene expression caused by melatonin, point to its role as a multi-regulatory molecule capable of coordinating many aspects of plant development. This last aspect, together with its role as an alleviating-stressor agent, suggest that melatonin as an excellent prospect for crop improvement. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Melatonin mediates many physiological processes in animals and plants. To examine the potential roles of melatonin in salinity tolerance, we investigated the effects of exogenous melatonin on growth and antioxidant system in cucumber under 200 mM NaCl stress conditions. The results showed that the melatonin-treated plants significantly increased growth mass and activities of antioxidant system. Under salinity stress, the addition of melatonin had effectively alleviated the decrease in their net photosynthetic rates, the maximum quantum efficiency of PSII and the total chlorophyll contents. Our data also suggested that melatonin and the resistance of plants exhibited concentration effect. The application of 50-150 μM melatonin significantly improved the photosynthetic capacity. Additionally, the pretreatment with melatonin reduced the oxidative damage under salinity stress by scavenging directly H2O2 or enhancing activity of oxidative enzymes (including superoxide dismutase, peroxidase, catalase, ascorbate peroxidase) and concentrations of antioxidants (ascorbic acid and glutathione). Therefore, the melatonin-treated plants can effectively enhance the salinity tolerance.
The melatonin molecule is well-known for its benefits to human health. It also mediates many physiological processes in plants. In the current study, the effects of melatonin on the health index and drought tolerance of tomato seedlings have been investigated. Under drought stress, chlorophyll contents and net rates of photosynthesis in tomato seedlings were significantly decreased. As the stress was prolonged, the kinetics of chlorophyll fluorescence was also significantly altered. However, plants pretreated with melatonin (0.1 mM) significantly alleviated these negative outcomes caused by the drought stress and enabled plants to maintain their photosynthetic capacity. The results show that application of melatonin to tomato plants enhances their root vigor, mitigates their stress-related damage to PSII reaction centers, minimizes the negative impact of drought by regulating the antioxidant system and reduces the cellular content of toxic substances of the plants. Current study provides valuable information for growers and breeders to use this approach to produce stronger and drought-tolerant tomato seedlings.