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Modification of the Savanna Functioning by Herbivores



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Modification of the Savanna Functioning
by Herbivores
Xavier Le Roux, Luc Abbadie, Herv´e Fritz, and el`ene Leriche
10.1 Introduction
Beyond consumption of a given amount of the net primary production (NPP),
herbivores may have major effects on ecosystem structure, functioning and
dynamics (e.g., [35]). Many authors have represented plant-herbivore interac-
tions by predation-like relationships [8] assuming that herbivory has a purely
negative impact on plant growth. It is now recognized that grazing may be
not detrimental, and even favorable for plants. In particular, herbivory can
promote grassland soil nitrogen cycling [43, 35, 29] which strongly influences
plant responses to grazing [9]. Furthermore, herbivores can largely influence
the temporal changes in tree/grass balance, directly through the reduction in
competition intensity or indirectly through the reduction in fire frequency and
intensity (e.g., [25, 10, 38]). In Lamto, the large herbivore biomass has often
been regarded as low as for other West African savannas [2, 11]. The scarcity
of large herbivores in Lamto was assumed to be the result of man’s actions
that have, for instance, virtually exterminated elephants and hippopotami.
This historical pattern is consistent with the results of several comparative
studies showing that apparent low herbivore biomass in West African savan-
nas were due to the loss of large mammal species, i.e., truncated herbivore
communities, primarily in relation with human demography and development
in the course of the last century [15, 7]. Studies on herbivory in Lamto sa-
vannas have mainly addressed two issues to date: (1) quantifying large and
small herbivore densities, biomasses and green grass consumption rate and
(2) testing the effect of grazing on the functioning and primary production of
the grass layer.
10.2 Herbivore densities, biomasses, and green grass
consumption rate in Lamto savannas
10.2.1 Invertebrate herbivores
The density and biomass of invertebrate herbivores have been accurately
determined in Lamto savannas, mainly during the 1970s. Acridids (mainly
186 Xavier Le Roux et al.
Anablepia granulata,Catantopsilus taeniolatus,Orthochtha brachycnemis and
Rhabdoplea munda) represent around 16,000 individuals ha1, i.e., 554 g ha1
dry mass [18]. Acridid biomass as high as 1,060 g ha1has been reported in
December. Grass consumption rate in the field were estimated from daily
consumption rate of different species in the laboratory and field estimates
of biomass. Annual consumption was around 69.6 kg ha1[18], as compared
to the total primary production values ranging from 30 to 60 t ha1(see
Sect. 7.4). Extrapolation of these results to other herbivore arthropods living
in the aboveground grass layer (which biomass was estimated at Lamto) leads
to annual grass consumption estimates around 240 kg ha1(excluding ants;
Fig. 10.1) [27].
In addition, consumption by termites ranges from 30 to 50 kg ha1[26].
However, termites consume dead rather than green material. As a whole, the
biomass of animal consumers excluding large mammals (around 80 kg ha1)
is quite low at Lamto [27] (Fig. 10.1). In contrast to detritivorous organisms
such as termites and earthworms that have a huge impact on the savanna
functioning (Fig. 10.1) (see Chaps. 13 and 16), such animal herbivores thus
do not play an important role for the savanna functioning.
Fig. 10.1. Simple representation of utilization of primary production (P) by herbi-
vores (Ih) and detritivores (Isg ). Losses by fire (F), respiration by herbivores (Rh)
and respiration by detritivores (Rsg) are indicated (after [28]).
10 Modification of the Savanna Functioning by Herbivores 187
10.2.2 Large mammal herbivores
The number of large grazers has increased recently due to hunting prohibition
on the reserve area: antelope (e.g., 0.025 Kobus kob kob ha1) and buffalo
(0.0204 Syncerus caffer nanus ha1; Fig. 10.2) densities both fall within the
range of values found in protected areas in Western Africa (Table 10.1).
The moist savanna grasslands of Lamto however correspond to selected
habitat for the kob, which can reach densities as high as 0.7 individuals ha1
in preferred habitats (e.g., [42], in the Comoe National Park). The other un-
gulates encountered at Lamto are the bushbuck (Tragelaphus scriptus)and
Fig. 10.2. The Lamto buffaloes (photography by L. Abbadie).
Table 10.1. Densities of kob antelope (Kobus kob, average population body mass
50 kg) and buffalo (Syncerus caffer nanus, average population body mass 450 kg)
in Lamto savannas and other protected savanna areas of West Africa (after [19]).
Protected area Kob (km2)Bualo(km
Lamto (Cˆote d’Ivoire) 2.49 2.40
Arly (Burkina faso) 0.65 10.90
enou´e(Cˆote d’Ivoire) 1.14 1.55
Como´e(Cˆote d’Ivoire) 2.15 4.35
Deux-Bale (Burkina Faso) 0.07 0.18
Kainji (Nigeria) 0.03 1.18
Manovo-Gouda (R´ep. Centrafricaine) 1.80 2.60
Niokolokoba (S´en´egal) 0.33 0.55
Penjari (B´enin) 1.27 14.70
188 Xavier Le Roux et al.
Maxwell’s duiker (Cephalophus maxwellii). The red-flanked duiker (Cephalo-
phus rufilatus), black-fronted duiker (Cephalophus nigrifrons) and bushpig
(Potamochoerus porcus) may still exist in very low numbers. Recently, spoors
of hartebeest (Alcephalus busephalus major) were observed in the reserve. The
density values of large grazers obtained for the Lamto savanna are low com-
pared to high densities of large herbivores reported in some East and Southern
African savannas. However, the roles of soil nutrient and associated plant nu-
trient concentration are crucial in patterns of ungulate community abundance
[2, 16]. Thus, herbivore biomass in West African savannas, i.e., nutrient poor
ecosystems (see Sect. 4.3), should be compared with herbivore biomass in
other savanna ecosystems with similar low soil nutrient availability. Fritz [15]
compared herbivore biomass in different savanna ecosystems accounting for
their soil nutrient richness and found that medium-size ungulates are more
abundant in West Africa than their counterparts in nutrient-poor East and
Southern African savannas for a given level of primary production. Although
large herbivore biomass is correlated to aboveground net primary production
in both West African and East and Southern African savannas (Fig. 10.3),
the major differences in ungulate biomass between subregions are not strictly
related to differences in primary production. Missing large predators (such as
lion and hyena) and the quasi-absence of very large herbivores (megaherbi-
vores, such as elephants [39]), i.e., of key competitors [17], probably explain
this pattern of higher medium-size ungulate biomass in nutrient-poor West
Fig. 10.3. Relationship between aboveground net primary production (ANPP) and
large herbivore biomass (LHB) of truncated herbivore communities (i.e., without
megaherbivores and buffalo, for (squares) West African savannas, east and southern
African savannas with low soil nutrient availability and east and southern African
savannas with high soil nutrient availability (after [15], with permission of Blackwell
10 Modification of the Savanna Functioning by Herbivores 189
African savannas compared to that of nutrient-poor East and Southern sa-
vannas. Thus, in contrast to views prevailing during the 1970s and 1980s, the
potential for high large herbivore biomass is now recognized for such nutrient-
poor ecosystems. Furthermore, megaherbivores probably represented a large
fraction of the primary consumer trophic level in the past at Lamto, as in
most ecosystems with high rainfall and low soil nutrient status [2, 17]. Their
density could still increase if more drastic protection rules are applied. In the
meantime, an increase in protection would certainly benefit the medium-size
ungulates. This has spurred on development of field experiments and modeling
approaches to better understand the potential role of mammal herbivores (i.e.,
mainly grazers) on the functioning of the grass layer in the Lamto savanna.
10.3 Field studies of grazing effect on the
savanna functioning
10.3.1 Response of grass production to grazing
Grazing, as a removal of living tissue, has first been considered as detrimental
to plants. However, experimental results (e.g., [32, 33, 22, 6]) showed that net
primary production, NPP, can be maintained (compensatory growth) or stim-
ulated (overcompensatory growth) in response to grazing (i.e., the herbivory
optimization hypothesis HOH). Some authors [32, 23, 22] suggested that an
optimal plant removal level should occur beyond which production is reduced.
The ecological significance and generality of these findings were jeopardized
by critical appraisals of published data [3, 4, 5].
The HOH was tested in the Lamto savanna by analyzing the growth of
grasses in response to a clipping (3 levels) ×fertilization (2 levels) trial in
the field [30]. During 3 months, the effects of clipping and fertilization on the
dry matter and nitrogen yields to producers (i.e., mass or nitrogen amount
of residual phytomass at the end of the experiment) and to grazers (i.e.,
mass or nitrogen amount of clipped-off tissues during the experiment) were
surveyed. Total phytomass yield and yield to grazers were maintained under
moderate clipping frequency and fertilization as compared to control condi-
tions (Fig. 10.4). Both clipping frequency decreased total phytomass yield
to producers as compared to control plots. Clipping frequency significantly
increased nitrogen concentrations in the total yield, in the yield to produc-
ers and in the yield to grazers [30]. Total nitrogen yield and nitrogen yield
to grazers were 65% and 91%, respectively, higher on the plots experiencing
moderate clipping frequency with fertilization as compared to control plots
(Fig. 10.5). Root phytomass was not influenced by clipping frequency and
fertilization [30]. These results provide evidence that the HOH is realistic for
the Lamto grass layer in the short term. The observed changes in the pattern
of mass- and nitrogen-yield distribution concurrently to the improved grass
190 Xavier Le Roux et al.
Clipping frequency
(per month)
Total yield to producers (g/m2)Total yield (g/m2) Total yield to grazers (g/m2)
Fig. 10.4. Dry matter yield to producers (below 0-10 cm height), yield to grazers
(over 10 cm height) and total yield as a function of clipping frequency (per month)
with (dotted line) and without (solid line) fertilization (after [30], with permission
of the Ecological Society of America).
10 Modification of the Savanna Functioning by Herbivores 191
Clipping frequency
(per month)
Total nitrogen yield (gN/m2)Nitrogen yield to grazers
Nitrogen yield to producers
Fig. 10.5. Nitrogen yield to producers (below 0-10 cm height), yield to grazers (over
10 cm height) and total yield as a function of clipping frequency (per month) with
(dotted line) and without (solid line) fertilization (after [30], with permission of the
Ecological Society of America).
192 Xavier Le Roux et al.
quality observed (i.e., higher nitrogen concentration) show that grazers can
modify ecosystem processes in such a way as to alleviate nutritional deficien-
cies in the Lamto savanna. Longer-term experiments testing the sustainability
of such a response of the grass layer to grazing are under progress at Lamto.
10.3.2 Response of soil microbial activities following a
grazing event
Herbivory has important effects on soil nitrogen cycling [43, 35], which
strongly influences plant responses to grazing. Grazer-induced decreases in
microbial immobilization and increases in N mineralization have generally
been observed [44, 24, 45, 46, 12, 47, 36, 29]. Such changes generally result in
improved N availability to plants in intensively grazed sites [24, 34, 21]. How-
ever, few studies have quantified the effects of grazing on two key processes
involved in soil N cycling, i.e., nitrification and denitrification [13, 14, 40, 20].
These two microbially mediated processes largely control the balance between
the forms of soil mineral nitrogen (NO
3versus NH+
4) available to plants and
nitrogen conservation at the ecosystem level. The short-term response of ni-
trification and denitrification to a clipping event was tested in a Hyparrhenia
grassland at Lamto [1]. The grass layer was clipped once on 0.5 m2plots
during the early rainy season in April, and potential nitrification and denitri-
fication were surveyed before and after clipping. Soil was sampled in the 0-10
cm layer below clipped Hyparrhenia tufts at the center of clipped plots and
below control, unclipped Hyparrhenia tufts. The main results of this study
were (1) clipping did not influence the water regime in the upper soil layer
(Fig. 10.6) and (2) denitrification was significantly higher below clipped Hy-
parrhenia tufts than below unclipped tufts 6 days after the clipping event
(Fig. 10.6). This study showed the potential of one effect of grazing, i.e., de-
foliation, on soil processes driving N cycling. Enhancement of root exudation
by clipped plants (e.g., [41]) could partly explain the observed increased den-
itrification activity because denitrifiers are heterotrophs for C. Experiments
for quantifying the long-term effect of grazing on key soil microbial activities
and the diversity of associated microbial functional groups are under progress
at Lamto. This will greatly improve our understanding of the effect of grazing
on savanna functioning.
10.4 Modeling approaches for understanding
grazing effect on the savanna functioning
Many functional processes controlling NPP are affected by grazing, such as
modification of light availability, reduction of water stress, accelerated nutri-
ent recycling, changed allocation of assimilates within the plant and enhanced
photosynthetic rates [33, 37]. Modeling is thus a useful tool to unravel the roles
10 Modification of the Savanna Functioning by Herbivores 193
Soil moisture (%)
PDA (mg N h-1 g-1)
Time after clipping (d)
Fig. 10.6. Changes in soil moisture and potential denitrifying activity (PDA) fol-
lowing a clipping event. 50 ×50 cm2areas centered on a Hyparrhenia individual
tuft were clipped at the beginning of the experiment. Soil moisture and microbial
activities were surveyed for the 0-10 cm soil layer below the Hyparrhenia individuals
(7 replicates per treatments) (M. Bardy and X. Le Roux, unpublished).
of all these processes in grass response to grazing. Leriche et al. [31] used a
modeling approach to better understand the impact of grazing on grass pro-
duction in Lamto by simulating the response of grass NPP to plant biomass
removal. The process-based PEPSEE-grass model (see Sect. 9.2) parameter-
ized for Lamto grasslands was used (1) to quantify the relative importance of
194 Xavier Le Roux et al.
key functional processes (i.e., changes in light absorption efficiency, reduction
of water stress, improved canopy nitrogen status and ensuing productivity
rate, changes in the pattern of root/shoot allocation) in the response of NPP
to grazing and particularly those that can lead to compensatory growth and
(2) to test the grazing optimization hypothesis under different functional hy-
potheses at the canopy and annual scales for the Lamto savanna. Simulations
were performed using a constant or resource-driven root/shoot allocation coef-
ficient and assuming a dependence or independence of conversion efficiency of
absorbed light into dry matter on nitrogen availability [31]. Main results were
as follows: (i) the response of NPP to grazing intensity emerged as a complex
result of both positive and negative, direct and indirect, effects of biomass
removal on light absorption efficiency, soil water availability, grass nitrogen
status and productivity, and root/shoot allocation pattern; (ii) overcompensa-
tion was observed for aboveground NPP when assuming a nitrogen-dependent
conversion efficiency and a resource-driven root/shoot allocation (Fig. 10.7);
(iii) the response of NPP to grazing was mainly controlled by the effect of
plant nitrogen status on conversion efficiency and by the root/shoot alloca-
tion pattern (Fig. 10.7), while the effects of improved water status and reduced
light absorption were secondary. The originality of this work was to provide a
comprehensive representation of the functional response of grasslands to graz-
ing. Given the assumptions made in the model, this study does not provide
evidence for or against the grazing optimization hypothesis in West African
humid grasslands. However, the changes in plant nutrient status and produc-
tivity and the response of the root/shoot allocation pattern were identified as
the two key interacting processes controlling the response of Lamto grassland
NPP to increasing grazing intensity. Thus, predicting the response of Lamto
grass NPP to increasing grazing intensity requires one to couple a model sim-
ulating the savanna functioning (as TREEGRASS, see Sect. 9.3) to a model
simulating the nitrogen dynamics in the soil-plant system (as SOMCO, see
Sect. 12.5). Such an approach should accurately represent the interactions be-
tween plant functional processes (N uptake, litter or exsudate inputs to the
soil, dependence of grass productivity on nutrient availability and root/shoot
allocation pattern), soil microbial activities (soil organic matter dynamics and
soil nutrient availability, mineralization from urine and feces, nitrification and
denitrification) and soil water balance (which controls both soil and plant
10.5 Conclusion
The density, biomass and consumption rate of animal herbivores are presently
low in the Lamto savanna, but the density of mammal herbivores is higher
than that reported in other nutrient-poor savannas. According to Lamotte
[27], “earthworms, termites and decomposing microorganisms occupy the
role played elsewhere [in eastern and southern African savannas] by large
herbivorous mammals” because they “discreetly insure, together with fire,
the mineralization of organic matter produced every year by green plants.”
Fig. 10.7. Simulated response of grass biomass, aboveground net primary produc-
tion (ANPP), total net primary production (TNPP), and grass root/shoot ratio to
grazing intensity. Four versions of the PEPSEE model were used (crosses: constant
conversion efficiency and constant root/shoot ratio; squares: constant conversion ef-
ficiency and resource-driven root/shoot ratio; solid circles: nitrogen-dependent con-
version efficiency and constant root/shoot ratio; empty circles: nitrogen-dependent
conversion efficiency and resource-driven root/shoot ratio). All values are normalized
to values simulated without herbivory (after [31], with kind permission of Springer
Science and Business media).
196 Xavier Le Roux et al.
However, the density of mammal herbivores could still increase if more drastic
protection rules are applied, which could have major influences on the savanna
functioning and dynamics, because the way large herbivores consume and
process plant matter is very different from that of decomposers. Studies of
the impact of large grazers on vegetation functioning and dynamics will thus
develop at Lamto. In particular, a better understanding of processes driving
the response of savanna functioning to grazing on the long term (years to
decades) is needed. Studies on the role of grazers on the tree/grass equilibrium
should also be initiated. This will help a better understanding of the role
of large grazers in the past in West African humid savannas. This will also
help better management of the Lamto savanna if conservation priorities allow
substantial increase in the density/diversity of large herbivores at Lamto in
the future.
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... N is lost from the ecosystem at rates l G , l T , l O , l NA and l NN mainly due to fire for plant compartments, leaching for other compartments and denitrification in the case of NO − 3 . Symbiotic N fixation by trees and herbivory are not taken into account in the model because tree species in the Lamto savanna are not N-fixing plants and the density of large herbivores is low (Abbadie, 2006;Le Roux et al., 2006). The equations below hold for compartments measured at the scale of each patch, but the equations for a hectare of savanna can be easily derived by multiplying them by (1 − γ) and γ in the open and tree clump patches, respectively (Appendix S1). ...
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Savannas are structured ecosystems characterized by a grass layer interspersed with trees. Trees strongly modify their local environment and favour nutrient accumulation under their canopies. Tree roots can also forage horizontally far beyond the canopy projection to increase nutrient uptake. In the Lamto savanna (Côte d’Ivoire), grasses are able to inhibit nitrification while trees stimulate it. Here, we used a two‐patch model simulating nitrogen (N) dynamics in a humid savanna between an open patch (without tree) associated with a low nitrification rate and a patch of tree clump associated with a high nitrification rate. The model also includes horizontal N fluxes between these two patches corresponding to horizontal soil exploration by tree roots. We analysed the impact of spatial heterogeneity in nitrification and soil horizontal exploration on N budget and plant biomass. Despite high N losses under trees due to nitrification stimulation by trees, our results show that the ability of trees to explore horizontally the open allows them to uptake more nutrients in total. This leads to an asymmetric N flux from the open to tree clumps, which contributes to nutrient enrichment under tree clumps and thereby to tree growth. Although trees have the ability to horizontally explore the soil to accumulate nutrients under their canopy, increasing the surface occupied by tree clumps increases N losses per hectare of savanna due to the increased nitrification under trees and the subsequent increase in NO3‐ leaching. While perennial savanna grasses show a restricted horizontal soil exploration to control nutrient availability, our results predict that the extension of tree roots outside their canopy increases their nutrient acquisition in the Lamto savanna. This study is the first one emphasizing the influence of horizontal exploration of trees and tree cover on savanna N budget and functioning. Overall, the proportion of tree cover and horizontal soil exploration are important factors to consider in savannas characterized by spatial heterogeneity in N cycling created by trees and grasses. These factors appear critical to the functioning of West African humid savannas and should be investigated in other savanna types. A free Plain Language Summary can be found within the Supporting Information of this article.
... Les animaux, notamment les grands ruminants, accélèrent le recyclage des nutriments par une digestion des biomasses végétales et la production de déjections hautement concentrées en nutriments. Ainsi, dans les systèmes agro-sylvo-pastoraux, les ruminants favorisent la mise à disposition de nutriments nécessaires au développement des cultures, notamment l'azote et le phosphore (de Mazancourt et al., 1999 ;Roux et al., 2006). La présence de ruminants aboutit en outre à une réorganisation significative des cycles des nutriments (Daufresne & Loreau, 2001) et, au final, permet d'intensifier la productivité des écosystèmes cultivés en zones de savane : sur les parcours, le prélèvement de biomasse végétale par les ruminants diminue certes la production de la strate herbacée mais ce broutage peut favoriser également le tallage des graminées, ce qui peut avoir pour effet de stimuler la croissance de la production de biomasse aérienne, si la pression des animaux n'est pas trop forte. ...
... Les animaux, notamment les grands ruminants, accélèrent le recyclage des nutriments par une digestion des biomasses végétales et la production de déjections hautement concentrées en nutriments. Ainsi, dans les systèmes agro-sylvo-pastoraux, les ruminants favorisent la mise à disposition de nutriments nécessaires au développement des cultures, notamment l'azote et le phosphore (de Mazancourt et al., 1999 ;Roux et al., 2006). La présence de ruminants aboutit en outre à une réorganisation significative des cycles des nutriments (Daufresne & Loreau, 2001) et, au final, permet d'intensifier la productivité des écosystèmes cultivés en zones de savane : sur les parcours, le prélèvement de biomasse végétale par les ruminants diminue certes la production de la strate herbacée mais ce broutage peut favoriser également le tallage des graminées, ce qui peut avoir pour effet de stimuler la croissance de la production de biomasse aérienne, si la pression des animaux n'est pas trop forte. ...
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Ammonia (NH3) is the most abundant alkaline component in the atmosphere. Changes in NH3 concentrations have important implications for atmospheric chemistry, air quality, and ecosystem integrity. We present a long-term ammonia (NH3) assessment in the western and central African regions within the framework of the International Network to study Deposition and Atmospheric chemistry in Africa (INDAAF) programme. We analyse seasonal variations and trends in NH3 concentrations and total column densities along an African ecosystem transect spanning dry savannas in Banizoumbou, Niger, and Katibougou, Mali; wet savannas in Djougou, Benin, and Lamto, Côte d'Ivoire; and forests in Bomassa, Republic of the Congo, and Zoétélé, Cameroon. We use a 21-year record of observations (1998–2018) from INDAAF passive samplers and an 11-year record of observations (2008–2018) of atmospheric vertical column densities from the Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer (IASI) to evaluate NH3 ground-based concentrations and total column densities, respectively. Climatic data (air temperature, rainfall amount, and leaf area index), as well as ammonia emission data of biomass combustion from the fourth version of the Global Fire Emissions Database (GFED4) and anthropogenic sources from the Community Emissions Data System (CEDS), were compared with total NH3 concentrations and total columns over the same periods. Annual mean ground-based NH3 concentrations are around 5.7–5.8 ppb in dry savannas, 3.5–4.7 ppb in wet savannas, and 3.4–5.6 ppb in forests. Annual IASI NH3 total column densities are 10.0–10.7 × 1015 molec. cm−2 in dry savanna, 16.0–20.9 × 1015 molec. cm−2 in wet savanna, and 12.4–13.8 × 1015 molec. cm−2 in forest stations. Non-parametric statistical Mann–Kendall trend tests applied to annual data show that ground-based NH3 concentrations increase at Bomassa (+2.56 % yr−1) but decrease at Zoétélé (−2.95 % yr−1) over the 21-year period. The 11-year period of IASI NH3 total column density measurements show yearly increasing trends at Katibougou (+3.46 % yr−1), Djougou (+2.24 % yr−1), and Zoétélé (+3.42 % yr−1). From the outcome of our investigation, we conclude that air temperature, leaf area index, and rainfall combined with biomass burning, agricultural, and residential activities are the key drivers of atmospheric NH3 in the INDAAF stations. The results also show that the drivers of trends are (1) agriculture in the dry savanna of Katibougou; (2) air temperature and agriculture in the wet savanna of Djougou and Lamto; and (3) leaf area index, air temperature, residential, and agriculture in the forest of Bomassa.
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In this study, we investigate and compare the response patterns of small mammal communities to increasing land use intensity in two study areas: private farmland at the southern boundary of Etosha National Park and smallholder farmland in Tsumeb agricultural area. Species richness, community composition and a standardized capture index (RCI) are compared between sites of (a) increasing grazing pressure of ungulates (Etosha) and (b) increasing conversion of bushland to arable land (Tsumeb). Within each study area, we found clear response patterns towards increasing land use intensity. However, patterns differ significantly between the two areas. Within the less-transformed area (Etosha), high land use intensity results in a decrease in the RCI but not species richness. Small mammal communities remain relatively stable, but ecosystem functions (e.g., bioturbation, seed dispersal) are weakened. Within the more-transformed area (Tsumeb), high land use intensity leads to a decrease in species richness and increasing RCIs of two common pest species. The disappearance of a balanced community and the dramatic increase in a few pest species has the potential to threaten human livelihoods (e.g., crop damage, disease vectors). Our comparative approach clearly indicates that Gerbilliscus leucogaster is a possible candidate for an ecological indicator of ecosystem integrity. Mastomys natalensis has the potential to become an important pest species when bushland is transformed into irrigated arable land. Our results support the importance of area-specific conservation and management measures in savanna ecosystems.
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We present a long term assessment trend of atmospheric inorganic nitrogen deposition in Sub Saharan Africa (2000-2015) using observational and model data. This work proposes a compilation of International Network to study Deposition and Atmospheric chemistry in Africa wet and dry nitrogen deposition fluxes collected at the wet savanna site of Lamto (Côte d'Ivoire). Total deposition calculation takes in account: (a) gaseous (NO2, NH3, HNO3) dry deposition fluxes estimated by considering nitrogen compound concentrations at the monthly scale and modeling average monthly dry deposition velocities, (b) particulate PM10 (pNO3-, pNH4+) dry deposition fluxes calculated using the same inferential method and (c) wet deposition (WD) fluxes including ions concentration measurements (NO3-, NH4+) in rainwater combined with rainfall amount. We demonstrate for the first time the monthly and annual decreasing trends for dry nitrogen deposition of N-NO2 (-2.33% month-1 and -2.54% yr-1) and N-NH3 (-2.55% month-1 and -2.89% yr-1), but increasing trends for dry deposition of N-HNO3 (+1.00% month-1) and WD of N-NO3- (+1.67% month-1 and +2.13% yr-1) and N-NH4+ (+2.33% month-1 and +3.36% yr-1). Dry season N-NO2 deposition flux decline shows agreement with long term trend in NOx emissions by biomass burning. Increasing trends for wet N deposition signals a gradual increase of nitrogen fertilizers use in agricultural practices in the Lamto area. Results also show no significant trend in total N deposition over the 16 year study period explained by the compensation of decreasing and increasing trends for dry and wet N deposition, respectively. However, at the annual scale, the mean total N deposition flux is estimated to 10.3 ± 1.2 kgN ha-1 yr-1 over the 16 year period, indicating an increase of 8% compared to the period 2000-2007.
Enhancement of soil nitrogen (N) cycling by grazing has been observed in many grassland ecosystems. However, whether grazing affects the activity only of the key microbial functional groups driving soil N dynamics or also affects the size (cell number) and/or composition of these groups remains largely unknown. We studied the enzyme activity, size, and composition of five soil microbial communities (total microbial and total bacterial communities, and three functional groups driving N dynamics: nitrifiers, denitri-fiers, and free N 2 fixers) in grassland sites experiencing contrasting sheep grazing regimes (one light grazing [LG] site and one intensive grazing [IG] site) at two topographical locations. Enzyme activity was determined by potential carbon mineralization, nitrification, denitrification, and N 2 fixation assays. The size of each community (except N 2 fixers) was measured by the most-probable-number technique. The composition of the total soil mi-crobial community was characterized by phospholipid fatty acid analysis (PLFA), and the genetic structure of the total bacterial community was assessed by ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis. The genetic structures of the ammonia-oxidizing, nitrate-reducing, and N 2 -fixing communities were characterized by polymerase chain reaction and restriction frag-ment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) or by polymerase chain reaction and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE) targeting group-specific genes. Greater enzyme activities, particularly for nitrification, were observed in IG than in LG sites at both to-pographical locations. The numbers of heterotrophs, nitrifiers, and denitrifiers were higher in IG than in LG sites at both topographical locations. The amplitude of changes in com-munity size was higher than that of community enzyme activity. Phospholipid and nucleic acid analyses showed that the composition/structure of all the communities, except nitrate reducers, differed between IG and LG sites at both locations. For each community, changes in activity were correlated with changes in the occurrence of a few individual PLFAs or DNA fragments. Our results thus indicate that grazing enhances the activity of soil microbial communities but also concurrently induces changes in the size and composition/structure of these communities on the sites studied. Although the generality of our conclusions should be tested in other systems, these results are of major importance for predicting the effects of future disturbances or changed grazing regimes on the functioning of grazed ecosystems.
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The effects of grazing by captive goslings of lesser snow goose Chen caerulescens caerulescens on the vegetation of the La Perouse Bay salt marsh, Manitoba, were investigated. Goslings fed on different swards of Puccinellia phryganodes for up to 150 min. Net above-ground primary production (NAPP) and forage quality of vegetation were measured. Grazing early in the season resulted in increased NAPP of swards of Puccinellia, as predicted by the herbivore-optimization model. Greatest enhancement of production compared to that in ungrazed swards occurred in plots which received a low to moderate period of grazing (30-90 min). When the period of grazing was 120 or 150 min, NAPP was reduced. The increase in NAPP above that of ungrazed swards was dependent upon the presence of goose faeces. In the absence of faeces NAPP did not increase, indicating the deleterious effects of clipping per se by the geese on the regrowth of swards. A moderate period of grazing resulted in the maintenance of the N content of shoots (forage quality) throughout the season compared to the corresponding amount in shoots of ungrazed plants. Input of N from faeces alone was insufficient to account for the net accumulation of N in above-ground vegetation of swards which regrew following grazing. The ability of swards to recover from the effects of grazing decreased over the course of the summer. The growth response thus depends upon rapid recycling of nutrients via faeces, intensity of grazing, and the phenology of plant growth. -from Authors
Field data came from Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota. Laboratory estimates of net nitrogen mineralization were highest in soils from the more altered areas of prairie dog colonies (Cynomys ludovicianus) and lowest in adjacent, lightly grazed, uncolonized grassland. The ratio of CO2:net N mineralized, an index of immobilization, was highest in the uncolonized grassland, lowest in the altered core areas. Soil moisture was an important modifier of in situ field estimates of net N mineralization. Root biomass, an important C source for decomposers in perennial grasslands, was lowest in the altered core area and highest in adjacent uncolonized grassland. Decreased N immobilization and increased net N mineralization in laboratory incubations likely resulted from decreased root C inputs in grazer areas, which limited C availability to decomposers. -from Authors
Total N, organic C, pH and clay content were highest on shortgrass sites which experienced highest grazing intensities, and declined successively on soils form mid- and tallgrass communities. Microbial biomass ranged across sites from an average of 47.1 + or - 6.3 to 315.8 + or - 8.4 mg C 100 g dry soil-1, and was directly related to grazing intensity and organic C, and inversely related to soil C/N ratio. Net N mineralized over the 20 d incubation period ranged from 1.0 + or - 1.3 to 63.4 + or - 4.6 mu g N g dry soil-1 20 d-1, was a function of both total N and soil microbial biomass, and varied inversely with soil C/N ratio. Periods of net N immobilization lowered the mean mineralization rates in soils from midgrass sites. More efficient microbial utilization of dung compared with plant litter, appeared to be related to more balanced C/nutrient ratios of dung and the energy or nutrient limited site-specific characteristics of microbial growth. On sites of low nutrient availability, the increased flow of P through dung may be important in maintaining accelerated nutrient cycling rates in the grazing food web. -from Authors
The objective of this study was to evaluate for an 8-yr period the ecosystem-level impacts of no grazing vs. sustained moderate and heavy cattle grazing in terms of: (1) plant species basal cover, density, and composition; (2) aboveground net primary production (ANPP), N content of ANPP (ANPP-N), belowground net primary production (BNPP), and N content of BNPP (BNPP-N); (3) litter and root decomposition and N loss; and (4) soil C, total soil N, and net in situ soil N mineralization. Moderate and heavy grazing treatments were designed to achieve an end-of-the-grazing-season residual vegetation of 50% and 10%, respectively, of the long-term average ANPP of comparable ungrazed sites. The main factor affecting the vegetation response was the increase in precipitation after the drought of 1988; few differences were due to grazing intensity. The total absolute basal cover of grasses increased steadily in all treatments, from an average of 4% during the drought of 1988 to 14% in 1993. Forb density and diversity ...
There are several well-known mechanisms by which grazing can reduce the subsequent growth rate of plants, and several other well-documented mechanisms by which grazing can enhance plant growth rate. The net effect of single or repeated grazing events on the cumulative growth of plants may thus be zero, negative, or positive, depending on availability of leaf area, meristems, stored nutrients, and soil resources, and on the frequency and intensity of defoliation. Plants are preadapted to compensate, up to a certain point, for losses due to grazing, by virtue of their modular structure and development. Reports of @'overcompensation@' to grazing, as one extreme of a wide range of responses observed in natural grasslands, need not be treated with special skepticism; neither are they a solid base for a general theory of evolved grass--grazer mutualism. The question of compensatory growth is of relevance to management of Western rangelands for livestock production, but of relatively little relevance to conservation goals. No region-wide answers can be expected. Any drastic change in grazing intensity in either direction requires evaluation by community-specific and long-term research.
We characterized factors controlling denitrification and quantified rates of N gas production by this process in a tallgrass prairie landscape in central Kansas. The experimental design included three land use classes (unburned, annually burned, and annually burned and grazed) in factorial combination with three slope positions (summit, back-slope, toe-slope), plus a cultivated site in a toe-slope position (10 sites total). Denitrification was measured using an acetylene-based soil core technique four times in 1987, once in early 1988, and six times in 1989. Cores were incubated under field-moist conditions and after amendment with water or water plus nitrate. Microbial biomass and nitrification and dentrification enzyme activities were also measured. Denitrification was higher (P < .05) in unburned sites than in burned, and grazed, and cultivated sites in both 1987/1988 and 1989. The cultivated site consistently had low rates of denitrification relative to the native prairie sites, even when water and nitrate were added. Levels of microbial biomass C and nitrification and denitrification enzyme activities were an order of magnitude lower in the cultivated site than in the native prairie sites. Denitrification rates were highest in the early spring of 1987 and were low at all other times. Although temporal patterns of activity were generally related to patterns of soil moisture, water additions did not stimulate activity in ungrazed prairie soils. Water plus nitrate additions consistently gave significant increases in activity. The results are consistent with previous research that has found that unburned prairie is wetter and has higher concentrations of NO"3^- in soil solution than burned sites. In certain years, denitrification may be significant to site fertility, landscape water quality, and atmospheric chemistry in the tallgrass prairie region.
The Serengeti ecosystem contains some of Africa's most geobotanically diverse landscapes and supports some of the highest primary and secondary production on Earth. In an attempt to characterize landscape patterns in soil microbial processes across the Serengeti, 17 study sites from nine landscape regions were sampled for soil physical/chemical characteristics and laboratory determination of soil microbial biomass, 20-d net turnover rates of carbon and nitrogen, and respiratory and nitrogen mineralization responses to carbon and nitrogen amendments. A large variation in soil physical/chemical characteristics across landscapes and a high degree of intercorrelation among these soil properties were found. Soil microbial biomass carbon ranged from 587 to 8971 @m/g soil dry mass, constituting between 3.4 and 9.4% of the total soil carbon at the Central Hills and Southern Plains landscape sites, respectively. Soil respiration rates (as carbon loss per unit soil dry mass) ranged from 9 @m.g^-^1.d^-^1 in the Northwest to 57 @mg.g^-^1.d^-^1 on the Southern Plains and were positively correlated with soil microbial biomass. Regression models incorporating percent water-holding capacity and total organic carbon were highly predictive of levels of microbial biomass and soil respiration across all landscapes. Net nitrogen mineralization rates per unit soil dry mass, averaging between @O0.48 and 1.09 @mg@?g^-^1@?d^-^1, were positively correlated with soil respiration rates, but unrelated to soil mineral nitrogen pools or soil microbial biomass. (NH"4)"2SO"4 additions significantly reduced both soil respiration rates and net nitrogen mineralization rates, but significantly increased net nitrate production, suggesting that nitrification is limited, in part, by ammonium availability. Low phosphorus availability may not only restrict nitrate production, but also limit ammonium production, thus having fundamental impacts on the nitrogen economy in this ecosystem. The interaction between N and P cycling is likely most significant in the tallgrass Northwest and Northeast landscapes, where granitic, P-deficient parent materials predominate, and nitrogen competition between plants and soil microbes limits aboveground nitrogen flow. On the Southern, Southeast, and Northwest Plains, where grazing intensity is greatest, soils have the highest levels of soil microbial biomass and lower C:P ratios, and microbial growth and nitrogen turnover rates appeared to be more C than N limited. The Eastern and Western Corridor, which support lower levels of sustained, intensive grazing, showed intermediate levels of soil microbial biomass and carbon and nitrogen turnover rates. The observation that mean annual rainfall is positively correlated with net primary production but negatively correlated with soil fertility across African savannas is supported by our data, which generally show that regional patterns of soil fertility and soil microbial processes are negatively correlated with mean annual rainfall across the Serengeti. We found soil microbial processes to be closely correlated with landscape patterns of herbivore use and intensity of herbivory. Herbivores track plant growth, which is highly variable both temporally and spatially, and in doing so, profoundly impact nutrient cycling processes where they feed. Thus, the bursts in soil microbial processes and plant growth that follow rainfall events are accompanied by the direct impact of herbivores on these processes.