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Cytokine gene single nucleotide polymorphisms and susceptibility to and prognosis in cutaneous malignant melanoma


Abstract and Figures

Cutaneous malignant melanoma (CMM) is a potentially fatal malignancy in which exposure to UV light is the most important risk factor. Several lines of evidence suggest that CMM patients develop an immune response to their tumours, although, in most cases, anti-tumour immune responses are insufficient to abrogate tumour development. Polymorphism in genes regulating the immune response and cell growth may result in increased susceptibility to and/or poorer prognosis in certain individuals. In this study, we addressed whether single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with differential expression of selected pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines and growth factors [interleukin (IL)-1beta-35 and -511, IL-2 -330, IL-4 -590, IL-6 -174, IL-8 -251, interferon (IFN)-gamma+874 and transforming growth factor (TGF)beta1 +915] or as markers of candidate cytokine genes (IL-12 +1188) are associated with susceptibility to or known prognostic indicators (e.g. initial tumour growth phase, Breslow thickness, mitotic count in vertical growth phase tumours, tumour regression) in CMM. One hundred and sixty-nine British caucasian CMM patients and 261 controls were included in the study and all SNPs were genotyped by ARMS-PCR. No SNP genotypes or alleles showed significant associations with CMM susceptibility and only the IL-1beta-511 TT genotype was associated with thinner invasive tumours at presentation, as assessed by Breslow thickness at the clinically significant cut-off point of 1.5 mm [occurring in 2/51 (3.9%) thicker vs. 14/78 (17.9%) thinner tumours (P = 0.03; relative risk = 0.29 (95% confidence interval 0.05-0.95)]. These findings suggest that - with the possible exception of IL-1beta- genetic variation associated with differential expression of the selected pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines is unlikely to play a major role in susceptibility to and prognosis in CMM.
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© 2003 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, European Journal of Immunogenetics 30, 409–414 409
Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
Cytokine gene single nucleotide polymorphisms and susceptibility to and
prognosis in cutaneous malignant melanoma
W. M. Howell,*† S. J. Turner,* J. M. Theaker‡ & A. C. Bateman‡
Cutaneous malignant melanoma (CMM) is a potentially
fatal malignancy in which exposure to UV light is the
most important risk factor. Several lines of evidence
suggest that CMM patients develop an immune response
to their tumours, although, in most cases, anti-tumour
immune responses are insufficient to abrogate tumour
development. Polymorphism in genes regulating the
immune response and cell growth may result in increased
susceptibility to and/or poorer prognosis in certain
individuals. In this study, we addressed whether single
nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with differ-
ential expression of selected pro- and anti-inflammatory
cytokines and growth factors [interleukin (IL)-1β 35
and 511, IL-2 330, IL-4 590, IL-6 174, IL-8 251,
interferon (IFN)-γ +874 and transforming growth factor
(TGF)β1 +915] or as markers of candidate cytokine genes
(IL-12 +1188) are associated with susceptibility to or
known prognostic indicators (e.g. initial tumour growth
phase, Breslow thickness, mitotic count in vertical growth
phase tumours, tumour regression) in CMM. One hundred
and sixty-nine British caucasian CMM patients and
261 controls were included in the study and all SNPs were
genotyped by ARMS–PCR. No SNP genotypes or alleles
showed significant associations with CMM susceptibility
and only the IL-1β 511 TT genotype was associated with
thinner invasive tumours at presentation, as assessed by
Breslow thickness at the clinically significant cut-off point
of 1.5 mm [occurring in 2/51 (3.9%) thicker vs. 14/78
(17.9%) thinner tumours (P = 0.03; relative risk = 0.29
(95% confidence interval 0.05–0.95)]. These findings
suggest that — with the possible exception of IL-1β
genetic variation associated with differential expression
of the selected pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines is
unlikely to play a major role in susceptibility to and
prognosis in CMM.
Cutaneous malignant melanoma (CMM) is a serious
and potentially fatal malignancy which is increasing in
incidence among most caucasian populations, where the
most important risk factor is exposure to ultraviolet (UV)
light (Cress & Holly, 1997). Several lines of evidence
suggest that CMM patients develop an immune response
to their tumours (Wolfel et al., 1993) and rare cases of
spontaneous regression have been reported. However, in
most cases, anti-tumour immune responses in CMM are
insufficient to abrogate tumour development. Poly-
morphism in genes regulating the immune response and
cell growth may constitute one mechanism leading to
inter-individual differences in anti-tumour immune respon-
ses, resulting in increased susceptibility to and /or poorer
prognosis in certain individuals. In support of this, a
number of studies have variably suggested that HLA class
II DQB1/DRB1 alleles and/or associated haplotypes may
contribute to susceptibility to and/or prognosis in CMM
(Lee et al., 1996; Bateman et al., 1998; Lulli et al., 1998).
We have also obtained preliminary data suggesting that
promoter polymorphisms associated with differential
expression of interleukin (IL)-10 may be associated with
both susceptibility to and markers of prognosis in CMM,
with ‘high expression’ genotypes associated with pro-
tection from disease and ‘low expression’ genotypes
associated with susceptibility/disease severity (Howell
et al., 2001). Confirmatory evidence for a role for IL-10
polymorphism in determining tumour progression has
recently been provided by an independent study (Martinez-
Escribano et al., 2002).
Based on the above, the present study was performed
to investigate whether single nucleotide polymorphisms
(SNPs) in a panel of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokine
and growth factor genes are associated with susceptibility
to and/or markers of prognosis in CMM. The following
SNPs were selected for study: IL-1β 35 (also referred to
as 31 in the literature) and 511, IL-2 330, IL-4 590,
IL-6 174, IL-8 251, IFNγ +874 and TGFβ1 +915, based
on likely or reported associations between SNP genotype
or associated haplotype and differential expression of
* Department of Human Genetics, University of Southampton,
† Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics Laboratory and
‡ Department of Cellular Pathology, Southampton General Hospital,
Southampton, UK.
Received 8 April 2003; revised 6 August 2003;
accepted 15 September 2003
Correspondence: Dr W. M. Howell, Histocompatibility and
Immunogenetics Laboratory, Duthie Building, Southampton
General Hospital, Tremona Road, Southampton SO16 6YD, UK.
Tel.: + 44-23-8079-6918; Fax: + 44-23-8070-1416; E-mail:
410 W. M. Howell et al.
© 2003 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, European Journal of Immunogenetics 30, 409–414
their respective gene product (Herrera et al., 2000;
Hajeer et al., 1998; Rosenwasser et al., 1995; Kornman
et al., 1997; Fishman et al., 1998; John et al., 1998; Sant-
tila et al., 1998; Hull et al., 2000; Pravica et al., 2000; see
also reviews by Bidwell et al., 1999; Haukim et al.,
2002), or utility as marker SNPs for candidate genes
(IL-12 +1188) (Hall et al., 2000). These cytokines were
also selected for study due to their putative role in
melanomagenesis. For example, IL-1β, IL-6 and IL-8
expression is associated with tumour progression in
CMM (Moretti et al., 1999), although IL-6 may act as a
tumour growth inhibitor for early stage melanomas and
as a growth factor for tumour cells at more advanced
stages of disease (Lu & Kerbel, 1992). IL-2 enhances the
growth of human melanoma cell lines derived from
primary (but not from metastatic) tumours (Garcia-Vazquez
et al., 2000), while IL-2 gene transduction — alone or in
combination with IL-4 — may reduce melanoma cell line
tumourigenicity (Hollingsworth et al., 1996). IL-12 gene
transduction has also been shown to have an anti-
tumour effect in mouse melanoma cells (Nagai et al.,
2000), while IFNγ may also be involved in melanoma cell
growth regulation (Krasagakis et al., 1993). Finally,
TGFβ1 was included in the study, since this multifunc-
tional growth and differentiation factor is over-expressed
in melanoma cell lines (Rodeck et al., 1994), increased
expression of TGFβ1 has been demonstrated in invasive
primary melanoma and metastatic nodules (Van Belle
et al., 1996), while elevated serum levels of TGFβ1 have
been demonstrated in patients with disseminated malig-
nant melanoma (Krasagakis et al., 1998).
A possible role for the above SNPs in determining
susceptibility to CMM was investigated in a case-control
study, utilizing DNA extracted from diagnostic histo-
pathological formalin-fixed, wax-embedded tissues from
CMM patients. In addition, within the CMM patient
series, possible cytokine SNP associations with known
clinicopathological markers of CMM prognosis were
investigated. These markers included initial growth phase
(horizontal vs. vertical), mitotic count within vertical
growth phase tumours, Breslow depth of invasive CMM,
presence of tumour infiltrating lymphocytes and presence
or absence of tumour regression (Clark et al., 1989).
Among these factors, Breslow depth at presentation is the
most important prognostic indicator in CMM, with 5-year
survival values ranging from 93% for tumours < 1.5-mm
thick, compared with 67% for 1.5–3.49 mm tumours, to
37% for tumours > 3.5-mm thick (Mackie et al., 1992).
Materials and methods
Formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded tissue blocks
from 169 CMM patients (presenting in 1986–93) were
retrieved from the files of the Histopathology Depart-
ment, Southampton General Hospital. All specimens were
re-reviewed by two histopathologists (ACB and JMT)
and the original diagnoses of CMM confirmed. Ethical
approval for the use of this material was granted by the
Southampton and South-west Hants Local Research
Ethics Committee (No. 066/00).
Tumour histopathology data
Histopathological prognostic features of each case were
assessed, as defined in the literature and used in previous
studies (Clark et al., 1989; Bateman et al., 1998) with initial
evaluation of the growth phase and thickness (Breslow
depth) of the tumour. Radial growth phase lesions
were defined as those limited in extent to the epidermis
(melanoma in situ) or showing early invasion of the upper
dermis, but with dermal nests of melanocytes no larger
than those at the dermoepidermal junction, and containing
no mitotic figures. Vertical growth phase lesions showed
expansile growth within the dermis, evidenced by nests of
neoplastic melanocytes that were larger than those at the
dermoepidermal junction or the presence of mitotic
figures within dermally located melanocytes (Clark et al.,
1989). For vertical growth phase CMM, the mitotic count
per square millimetre of tumour was assessed as nil, 1–6
or > 6 and the number of tumour infiltrating lymphocytes
(TILs) was evaluated as absent, non-brisk/focal or brisk
(Clark et al., 1989). The presence of tumour regression,
defined as segmental tumour loss, was also recorded.
Clinical follow-up data
The following variables were recorded for each patient,
subject to availability of clinical data: gender, age, site of
CMM, length of clinical follow-up, presence of recurrent
or metastatic tumour, disease-free survival and overall
survival time. The clinicopathological stage of each patient
at initial presentation for whom full data were available
was calculated using the tumour, nodes, metastases system
(Beahrs & Myers, 1983).
Cancer-free controls consisted of stored DNA samples
derived from 261 cadaveric and non-cadaveric solid organ
and bone marrow donors. All patients and donors were of
Caucasian ethnic origin.
DNA extraction
DNA was extracted from formalin-fixed, paraffin-wax-
embedded tissue blocks as described previously (Bateman
et al., 1998). Briefly, five 10-µm sections were cut from each
tissue block and de-waxed in xylene (Merck Ltd, Poole,
UK) and xylene-ethanol washes. DNA was extracted from
the resulting cellular material by proteinase K digestion.
Cytokine SNP genotyping by ARMS–PCR
All genotyping was performed by allele-specific ARMS
PCR methodology. Methods for genotyping the IL-1β 511
and IL-8 251 SNPs have been described previously
Cytokine polymorphisms in malignant melanoma 411
© 2003 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, European Journal of Immunogenetics 30, 409–414
(McCarron et al., 2002). ARMS–PCR methods for geno-
typing the IL-1β 35, IL-2 330, IL-4 590, IL-6 174,
IL-12 +1188, IFNγ +874 and TGFβ1 +915 SNPs were
developed as part of this study. Internal control PCR
primers were included in each reaction and allele specific
and internal control primer sequences and PCR product
sizes are given in Table 1.
All PCR reactions were performed in 10-µL reaction
volumes and final reagent concentrations were as follows:
1 × AS reaction buffer (ABgene, Epsom, UK), 200 µm
each dNTP, 12% (w/v) sucrose, 200 µm cresol red, 1 µm
each specific/common primer, 0.2 µm each internal
control primer (where appropriate), 0.25 units Thermo-
primePLUS DNA polymerase (ABgene) and 25 –100 ng DNA.
Optimised MgCl2 concentrations for each SNP are given
in Table 1. PCR reactions were performed using a 9600
Thermal Cycler (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA,
USA), according to the following cycling conditions:
1 min at 96°, followed by 10 cycles of 96° for 15 s, Ta° for
each SNP (Table 1) for 50 s, 72° for 40 s; then 20 cycles
of 96° for 10 s, 60° for 50 s, 72° for 40 s. PCR products
were loaded directly onto 2% agarose gels (containing
0.5 mg/mL ethidium bromide), electrophoresed and
visualised by photography under UV transillumination.
Statistical analysis
The frequencies of each cytokine SNP genotype and allele
were calculated and compared between the CMM patient
series and the controls, using × 2 analysis on 2 × 2 tables,
according to the method of Svejgaard & Ryder (1994).
Fisher’s exact P-values were calculated for analyses in
which one or more variables within 2 × 2 tables was less
than 5. Genotype frequencies were tested for agreement
with Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium using × 2 analysis
based on likelihood theory, using estimates of allele
frequencies. Genotype frequencies were also compared
within patient subgroups according to tumour growth
phase, Breslow depth (invasive CMM), mitotic index
(vertical growth phase CMM), clinicopathological phase
at presentation and the presence of disease recurrence/
metastasis. Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS
Version 10 (SAS Institute, Chicago, IL, USA). Relative
risks (RR) with 95% confidence intervals (CI) were
calculated where a particular genotype/allele showed a
significantly increased or decreased incidence within a
particular patient subgroup.
Between 142 and 169 CMM cases and between 160 and
261 controls were genotyped for each cytokine SNP,
depending upon DNA availability. Genotype and allele
frequencies for all cytokine SNPs were compared between
CMM patients and controls and results are presented in
Tables 2 and 3. All genotype frequencies in both CMM
patients and controls were distributed in accordance with
Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium (at P = 0.01 for IL-2 330
in CMM patients and at P = 0.05 for all remaining SNPs).
From these tables it can be seen that there were no
significant differences in genotype or allele frequencies for
any of the SNPs studied.
Genotype and allele frequencies for all cytokine SNPs
were also compared within the patient series, stratified
Table 1. Cytokine SNP PCR primers and conditions
SNP Primer name
Primer sequence
(5 to 3)
Product size
Final Mg2+
conc. (mM)
Ta (1st 10 cycles)
IL-1β 35 IL-1β 35 Common TAGCACCTAGT TGTAAGGAAGA 159 2.75 63.5
IL-2 330 IL-2 330 Common ACGCCT TCTGTATGAAAC 104 2.0 55.0
IL-4 590 IL-4 590 Common AGTACAGGTGGCATCT TGGAAA 131 1.9 65.5
IL-6 174 IL-6 174 Common T T TGT TGGAGGGTGAGGGTGG 108 2.75 63.5
IL-12 +1188 IL-12 +1188 Common GACACAACGGAATAGACC 116 1.75 55.0
IFNγ +874 INFγ +874 Common CATCTACTGTGCCTTCCTGT 116 2.75 61.0
TGFβ1 +915 TGFβ1 +915 Common CGAGCCGCAGCTTGGACAGGAT 116 1.8 63.5
Control 63 TGCCAAGTGGAGCACCCAA 796 As per specific SNP
primers 64 GCATCTTGCTCTGTGCAGAT test conditions
412 W. M. Howell et al.
© 2003 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, European Journal of Immunogenetics 30, 409–414
according to known clinical and histopathological
prognostic indicators. This analysis showed that the IL-
1β 511 TT genotype was significantly decreased in
frequency among vertical growth phase tumours with a
Breslow thickness greater than the clinically significant
cut-off point of 1.5 mm, occurring in only 2/51 (3.9%)
thicker vs. 14/78 (17.9%) thinner tumours [P = 0.03; RR
= 0.29 (95% CI 0.05– 0.95)], although this association
failed to retain significance when corrected for the number
of genotypic comparisons made. Numbers of tumours
with a Breslow thickness > 3.5 mm were too small to
assess correlations with cytokine genotypes. No other
cytokine genotypes showed significant associations with
any of the prognostic indicators examined, even prior to
correction of P-values for multiple comparisons.
This is the first report of an investigation of the role of
IL-1β, IL-2, IL-4, IL-8, IL-12 and TGFβ1 SNPs in
susceptibility to and/or association with prognostic indi-
cators in CMM, while only a single, small study of IL-6
and IFNγ SNPs and CMM has been published (Martinez-
Escribano et al., 2002). Control genotype and allele
frequencies for all SNPs are in broad agreement with
previously published data from North European Caucasian
populations (e.g. Fishman et al., 1998; John et al., 1998;
Perrey et al., 1998; Mullighan et al., 1999; El-Omar et al.,
2000; Hall et al., 2000; Hull et al., 2000; Reynard et al.,
2000; Karjalainen et al., 2002; Meenagh et al., 2002).
However, none of the nine SNPs studied showed any
association with CMM susceptibility via case-control
comparisons, despite evidence that all of the respective
cytokine gene products show either tumour-associated or
systemic dysregulation of expression in CMM patients
(Lu & Kerbel, 1992; Krasagakis et al., 1993; Rodeck
et al., 1994; Krasagakis et al., 1998; Moretti et al., 1999),
or a tumour response to cytokine administration (Holl-
ingsworth et al., 1996; Garcia-Vazquez et al., 2000; Nagai
et al., 2000). Martinez-Escribano et al. (2002) also failed to
demonstrate any association between the IL-6 174 and
IFNγ +874 SNPs and CMM susceptibility in a small series
of 42 Spanish Caucasian CMM patients and 48 controls.
Results for IL-8 251 contrast with our recent findings
in prostate cancer, where the IL-8 251 TT (‘low expres-
sion’) genotype was associated with protection from
prostate cancer (McCarron et al., 2002), consistent with
a pro-angiogenic role for IL-8 in this latter malignancy.
TGFβ1 also plays a key role in tumour growth and
angiogenesis (Blobe et al., 2000), although, again, no
association with the TGFβ1 +915 expression-related
SNP was observed in the present study. These findings con-
trast with significant associations between IL-10 and vas-
cular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) expression-related
Table 2. Cytokine genotype frequencies in CMM patients and healthy
n (%)
n (%)
IL-1β 35 T T 66 (39.1) 66 (40.2)
TC 78 (46.2) 76 (46.3)
CC 25 (14.8) 22 (13.4)
n = 169 n = 164
IL-1β 511 T T 19 (12.3) 39 (14.9)
TC 73 (47.4) 135 (51.7)
CC 62 (40.3) 87 (33.3)
n = 154 n = 261
IL-2 330 T T 79 (57.7) 86 (53.8)
TG 44 (32.1) 61 (38.1)
GG 14 (10.2) 13 (8.1)
n = 137 n = 160
IL-4 590 T T 0 (0.0) 4 (1.9)
TC 23 (15.0) 39 (18.8)
CC 130 (85.0) 165 (79.3)
n = 153 n = 208
IL-6 174 GG 48 (29.8) 79 (35.3)
GC 79 (49.1) 101 (45.1)
CC 34 (21.1) 44 (19.6)
n = 161 n = 224
IL-8 251 T T 39 (27.5) 76 (32.3)
TA 74 (52.1) 105 (44.7)
AA 29 (20.4) 54 (23.0)
n = 142 n = 235
IL-12 +188 AA 95 (65.5) 139 (60.7)
AC 42 (29.0) 77 (33.6)
CC 8 (5.5) 13 (5.7)
n = 145 n = 229
IFNγ +874 T T 31 (21.8) 46 (20.7)
TA 71 (50.0) 107 (48.2)
AA 40 (28.2) 69 (31.1)
n = 142 n = 222
TGFβ1 +915 GG 135 (87.1) 133 (83.1)
GC 19 (12.3) 26 (16.3)
CC 1 (0.6) 1 (0.6)
n = 155 n = 160
Table 3. Cytokine allele frequencies in CMM patients and healthy
Allele CMM n (%) Controls n (%)
IL-1β 35 T 210 (62.1) 208 (63.4)
C128 (37.9) 120 (36.6)
IL-1β 511 T 111 (36.0) 213 (40.8)
C197 (64.0) 309 (59.2)
IL-2 330 T 202 (73.7) 233 (72.8)
G72 (26.3) 87 (27.2)
IL-4 590 T 23 (7.5) 47 (11.3)
C283 (92.5) 369 (88.7)
IL-6 174 G 175 (54.3) 259 (57.8)
C147 (45.7) 189 (42.2)
IL-8 251 T 152 (53.5) 257 (54.7)
A132 (46.5) 213 (45.3)
IL-12 +1188 A 232 (80.0) 355 (77.5)
C58 (20.0) 103 (22.5)
IFNγ +874 T 133 (46.8) 199 (44.8)
A151 (53.2) 245 (55.2)
TGFβ1 +915 G 289 (93.2) 292 (91.2)
C21 (6.8) 28 (8.8)
All case-control comparisons in Tables 2 and 3 non-significant at
P = 0.05.
Cytokine polymorphisms in malignant melanoma 413
© 2003 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, European Journal of Immunogenetics 30, 409–414
SNPs in the same CMM patient series, consistent with IL-
10 and VEGF acting as anti- and pro-antiogenic factors,
respectively (Howell et al., 2001, 2002a). These results do
not suggest a role for IL-10 in suppressing anti-tumour
immune responses, as genotypes associated with low IL-
10 expression were a risk factor for CMM. In addition,
we have also shown that tumour necrosis factor (TNF)α-
and lymphotoxin (LT)α-associated SNPs are unlikely to
confer a major risk for CMM susceptibility (Howell et al.,
2002b), focusing attention on IL-10 and VEGF SNPs as
anti/pro-angiogenic risk factors for CMM.
Taken together, these results suggest that it is unlikely
that any of the nine IL-1β, IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-8, IL-12,
IFNγ or TGFβ1 SNPs studied plays a major role in deter-
mining susceptibility to CMM. However, a role for other
polymorphisms in the genes studied cannot be excluded.
For example, at least 16 SNPs have been identified in the
IL-12 gene (Haukim et al., 2002), although many of these
may have one rare allele and/or have no effect on gene
expression or gene function. Full genotyping and haplo-
typing for informative SNPs would need to be undertaken
in order to formally exclude a role for polymorphism in
each gene studied.
An examination of possible associations between these
SNPs and known clinical and histopathological prognostic
indicators in CMM revealed only a single association,
with the IL-1β 511 TT genotype associated with thinner
invasive tumours, at the clinically significant cut-off point
of 1.5 mm, although this association did not retain sig-
nificance when corrected for multiple comparisons. The
influence of the IL-1β 511 SNP on IL-1β expression is
uncertain, although it has been reported that peripheral
blood mononuclear cells of IL-1β 511 T genotype
produce a non-significantly elevated level of IL-1β (Santtila
et al., 1998). If this is so, the IL-1β 511 TT association
with thinner invasive tumours is consistent with reports
that IL-1 inhibits the growth of melanoma cells, except at
very low doses (Garcia de Galdeano et al., 1999).
However, possible IL-1β 511 genotype correlations with
expression may be due to linkage disequilibrium with
IL-1β 35 or other SNPs (El-Omar et al., 2000) and the
IL-1β 35 SNP was not associated with Breslow thickness
of invasive CMM in this study. Accordingly, a role for IL-
1β polymorphism in the development of CMM cannot be
firmly excluded or included by this study and merits
further investigation in a larger patient series. In addition,
an investigation of IL-1β genotype in combination with
other genotypes (e.g. IL-10 and VEGF), which we have
previously shown to be associated with tumour Breslow
thickness, is indicated, although numbers of patients in
the present study are insufficient for such an analysis
(Howell et al., 2001; Howell et al., 2002a). Because CMM
is a relatively uncommon cancer, accumulation of sufficient
cases for detailed immunogenetic analysis and to provide
a DNA resource bank for future genetic epidemiological
studies on this tumour type will require a collaborative
network involving several clinical centres and laboratories,
with a parallel collection of controls, appropriately
matched for age, sex, ethnicity and sun exposure.
In conclusion, subject to the above limitations, results
from this preliminary study suggest that polymorphisms
associated with pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokine
genes, along with TGFβ1-associated polymorphisms, are
unlikely to play a major role in susceptibility to and/or
prognosis in CMM, although analysis of additional SNPs
and informative haplotypes for candidate cytokine genes
and combinations of genes is required for a more defini-
tive analysis. Such analysis may be merited in order to
determine whether IL-1β-associated polymorphisms play
a significant role in determining tumour invasiveness in
this malignancy.
This work was supported by a grant from the Association
for International Cancer Research, St, Andrews, Scotland
(No. 99–121).
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... All probes and primer sequences are written in the 5' to 3' orientation and bold italic indicates the site of the polymorphism: Positive controls were DNA samples kindly provided by Dr. WM Howell. The DNA positive controls were previously extracted from a peripheral blood sample from bone marrow donors, which had been genotyped using the amplification refractory mutation system -PCR (ARMS-PCR) method (Howell 2003 Plates were sealed with optical cover film (Applied Biosystems), centrifuged at 3000g for 1 minute and placed on the 7900HT SDS instrument (Applied Biosystems). Samples were amplified using one of the following two cycling programs: ...
... Primers for genotyping SNPs in DNA derived from peripheral blood and archival tissue biopsies using the ARMS-PCR method had previously been designed and optimised for the following polymorphisms (Howell 2003); TNF-308, ILIB-511, IL6-174 and IL4-590. Samples were genotyped using 2-lOng//l1 amplifiable DNA in a 1O~1 PCR volume. ...
... Howell. The DNA positive controls had previously been extracted from a peripheral blood sample from bone marrow donors and genotyped using ARMS-PCR (Howell 2003). Samples were genotyped using 2-lOng amplifiable DNA in a 10~1 PCR volume (Chapter ...
p>In this case-control association study, single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in cytokine genes were investigated, to determine if host cytokine gene polymorphisms influenced the development of GML following H. pylori infection. In addition, the presence of the t(11;18)(q21;q21) translocation in GML is associated with adverse clinical outcome, therefore these SNPs were assessed to determine if there was an association with the presence or absence of this translocation. Eighteen SNPs selected from 14 cytokine genes and their promoter regions were selected for the case-control association study; IL1A-889, IL1B-31, IL1B-511, IL1B+3953, IL1RN+2018, IL4-590, IL6-174, IL8-251, IL10-592, IL12B+1188, IL18-137, IL18-607, IFNG+874, IFNGR1-56, TGFB1-509, TNF-308, TNF-376, and LTA+252. The cytokine genotype and haplotype frequencies from 206 primary GML patients were compared with 568 uncomplicated H. pylori positive gastritis controls collected from three European populations, UK, Germany and the Netherlands. None of the cytokine polymorphisms investigated was significantly associated with the development of GML subsequent to H. pylori infection in all three European populations. In addition, there was no trend towards significance in all three populations, to indicate that any of the SNPs investigated were associated with the development of disease. Therefore, the SNPs investigated do not have a major influence in the development of disease. Therefore, the SNPs investigated do not have a major influence in the development of GML subsequent to H. pylori infection. This indicates that the pro-inflammatory cytokine polymorphisms that favour the development of distal gastric adenocarcinoma do not appear to have a major influence in the development of GML subsequent to H. pylori infection. This might indicate that the aetiology of H. pylori associated gastric adenocarcinoma and GML are different.</p
... To date, only a limited number of studies have investigated the role of polymorphisms in the IL6 and TNFA genes in melanoma (13,(31)(32)(33)(34). Thus, the current study aimed to clarify the possible effects of the IL6 -174G>C and TNFA -308G>A SNPs on the susceptibility and prognosis of CMM in a Bulgarian population. ...
... To date, there are only a limited number of studies concerning the possible role of the IL6 -174G>C SNP in CMM (31,44). The present study is the first, to the best of our knowledge, describing the possible effect of this polymorphism on Bulgarian patients with CMM. ...
... The results of the current study concur with those aforementioned (27), which also demonstrated no significant differences in genotype or allelic frequency of the IL6 -174G>C SNP between patients with CMM and controls. Thus, these results suggested that IL6 -174G>C is unlikely to be heavily involved in patient susceptibility to CMM (31,44). ...
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Cutaneous malignant melanoma (CMM) is one of the most immunogenic types of cancer, with a 6-fold higher rate of spontaneous regression than any other malignancy. In addition to responsiveness to different immunotherapies, the immunogenicity of CMM highlights the important role of the host immune system in the response to CMM. The present study aimed to explore the role of two functional promoter polymorphisms [IL6 -174G>C (rs1800785) and TNFA -308G>A (rs1800629)] in the regulation of the genes encoding the pro-inflammatory cytokines interleukin (IL)-6 and tumor necrosis factor-α, specifically in patients with CMM. A total of 76 patients with CMM and 200 control subjects were genotyped using PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism. The genotype frequencies for both single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) did not differ significantly between the patients and controls (P=0.358 and P=0.810 for IL6 and TNFA, respectively). However, compared with carriers of C-allele genotypes (CG+CC), patients with the IL6 -174GG genotype exhibited more advanced melanoma (Clark scale ≥3; P=0.037) and shorter survival times, particularly those who worked outdoors (in conditions with increased sunlight exposure; P=0.016). Furthermore, the serum IL-6 levels of patients with CMM were significantly higher than those of the control subjects, which were associated with unfavorable blood and serum characteristics and tumor progression (development of new distant metastases; P=0.004), and with a shorter overall survival time (P=0.042). Using a Cox proportional hazard model, the IL6 -174GG genotype was found to be an independent prognostic factor for reduced survival time (P=0.030), together with sex (being male; P=0.004) and occupations with higher exposure to sunlight (P=0.047). In conclusion, the results of the present study indicated that the promoter polymorphisms IL6 -174G>C and TNFA -308G>A are not predisposing factors for CMM. However, the IL6 -174G>C SNP and IL-6 serum concentrations are likely to influence the progression of the disease, and the GG genotype and higher IL-6 serum levels may indicate shorter survival.
... A number of studies have investigated the relationship of IL-6 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), including rs1800795-174G/C and rs1800797-597G/A, with disease susceptibility and prognosis. A few literatures found out that polymorphisms of IL-6 might affect the occurrence of skin cancer (11), while several studies suggested the opposite (12). For instance, Sławińska et al. found that the C allele in rs1800795-174 was correlated with significantly increased risk of BCC (C vs. G: OR =1.86, P=0.004) (13). ...
... Another 47 publications were excluded due to no available data. Finally, 11 studies were included in the meta-analysis (5,(11)(12)(13)(14)(16)(17)(18)(19)(20)(21). For each included study, we evaluated the NOS score to estimate the literature quality. ...
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Background: As one of the most common body malignant cancers, skin cancers contain a group of highly heterogeneous tumors with different malignant potential, prognosis and treatment methods. Despite the progress in the treatment of skin cancers worldwide, the overall prognosis is still poor. Recent studies indicated single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of interleukin-6 (IL-6), including 174G/C and 597G/A, might be associated with susceptibility to skin cancer. This meta-analysis aims to clarify the relationship between IL-6 gene polymorphisms and skin cancers. Methods: Eligible studies were identified from searching PubMed, Embase, Web of Science and Cochrane. Pooled odds ratio (OR) and corresponding 95% confidence interval (CI) were obtained for the relationships between IL-6 174G/C and 597G/A polymorphisms and skin cancer using random-effects models. For the included studies, the Newcastle-Ottawa scale (NOS) score was calculated to assess study quality. Heterogeneity tests, sensitivity analysis, and publication bias assessments were also performed. Trim-and-fill method was used when publication bias existed aiming to adjusting OR. All data were analyzed in R (version 4.0.2). Results: This meta-analysis included 1,705 cases and 1,987 controls for 174G/C polymorphism (10 publications), and 968 cases and 998 controls for 597G/A polymorphism (3 publications). No elevated risk of skin cancer was found in all comparisons for 174G/C polymorphism: CC vs. GC + GG, OR =1.03 (95% CI: 0.81-1.31); GC + CC vs. GG, OR =1.16 (95% CI: 0.96-1.39); CC vs. GG, OR =1.14 (95% CI: 0.86-1.53); GC vs. GG, OR =1.16 (95% CI: 0.99-1.37); C vs. G, OR =1.07 (95% CI: 0.92-1.24). Then we performed subgroup analysis based on publication year, the cancer type, sample size, NOS score. Significant differences were observed in the subgroup of publication year before 2010 (GC + CC vs. GG, OR =1.255, P=0.012; GC vs. GG, OR =1.277, P=0.01), while there is no statistical significance in the subgroup of publication year after 2010 (P>0.05 for all comparisons). After publication bias adjustment, the results further suggested that 174G/C polymorphism is not associated with the risk of skin cancer. No elevated risk of skin cancer was found in the comparisons for 597G/A polymorphism. Discussion: Current evidence showed that IL-6 gene polymorphisms might not be associated with the susceptibility to skin cancer.
... DNA is isolated from the whole blood according to the gSYNC™ DNA Extraction Kit, GS100 (100 Preparation Kit). Detection of the IL-4-590 C/T gene polymorphism (rs2243250) is done by the allelespecific PCR (AS-PCR) technique as described by (Howell et al., 2003). Beta-actin gene is used as internal control and is done by the PCR technique as described by (Kafita, 2015). ...
... PCR products are visualized by gel electrophoresis using 1.5% agarose gel concentration, seventy volts for one hour. (Howell et al., 2003), (NCBI,2018) Beta Actin (Internal control) ...
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The aim of this study is to analyze the possible correlation between the single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) IL-4-590C/T with specific parameters in asthmatic children (blood eosinophils, total serum immunoglobulin-E (TSIgE) levels, and asthma severity). This study includes one hundred asthmatic patients as well as one hundred healthy unrelated age-matched controls from the same locality of Iraq. DNA is extracted and processed by the allele specific-PCR technique for characterization of genetic variants of IL-4-590 C>T polymorphisms. TSIgE levels are determined by ELISA technique while blood eosinophils are determined by blood film staining. Iraqi cases with asthma show a higher frequency of the IL-4-590 CC homozygous genotype in comparison to controls (66% versus 7%) with a lower CT heterozy-gous genotype (17% versus 90%) respectively. IL-4-590 shows significantly positive associations with asthma in the dominant, co-dominant, and over-dominant models of inheritance. On the other hand, comparing genotypes of subgroups related to gender, asthma severity shows a non-significant difference (p > 0.05). Homozygous genotypes (IL-4-590 CC) can be considered as risk factors, while the homozygous wild types (-590 TT) might be regarded as protective of asthma and there is no association between TSIgE and IL-4-590 SNP.
... Other studies on SNPs in melanoma genes demonstrated that various cytokines (TNFa, IL-6, IL-10, IFN-c, and TGF-b1) are involved in melanoma progression and immune escape [121,122]. Some of the cytokines produced by human melanoma cells (IL-6, IL-8, CCL5 (RANTES), CXCL1-3 (MGSA-GROa-c), and monocyte chemotactic protein-1 (MCP-1/CCL2) are associated with tumour invasiveness and aggressiveness [123]. ...
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Malignant melanoma has shown an increasing incidence during the last two decades, exhibiting a large spectrum of locations and clinicopathological characteristics. Although current histopathological, biochemical, immunohistochemical, and molecular methods provide a deep insight into its biological behaviour and outcome, melanoma is still an unpredictable disease, with poor outcome. This review of the literature is aimed at updating the knowledge regarding melanoma’s clinicopathological and molecular hallmarks, including its heterogeneity and plasticity, involving cancer stem cells population. A special focus is given on the interplay between different cellular components and their secretion products in melanoma, considering its contribution to tumour progression, invasion, metastasis, recurrences, and resistance to classical therapy. Furthermore, the influences of the specific tumour microenvironment or “inflammasome”, its association with adipose tissue products, including the release of “extracellular vesicles”, and distinct microbiota are currently studied, considering their influences on diagnosis and prognosis. An insight into melanoma’s particular features may reveal new molecular pathways which may be exploited in order to develop innovative therapeutic approaches or tailored therapy.
... Although IL-1R1 is generally expressed below detectable levels in human melanoma, IL-1 can induce downstream signaling activation using human melanoma cell lines [95] and invasiveness via upregulation of adhesive molecules from both cancer cells and endothelial cells in human xenografts [96,97]. Limited genetic information indicates that IL-1β polymorphism is marginally associated with invasive phenotype [98] and IL-1RA genotype is associated with patient survival [99]. ...
Interleukin 1 (IL-1) has long been known for its pleiotropic effects on inflammation that plays a complex, and sometimes contrasting, role in different stages of cancer development. As a major proinflammatory cytokine, IL-1β is mainly expressed by innate immune cells. IL-1α, however, is expressed by various cell types under physiological and pathological conditions. IL-1R1 is the main receptor for both ligands and is expressed by various cell types, including innate and adaptive immune cell types, epithelial cells, endothelial cells, adipocytes, chondrocytes, fibroblasts, etc. IL-1 and IL-1R1 receptor interaction leads to a set of common signaling pathways, mainly the NF-kB and MAP kinase pathways, as a result of complex positive and negative regulations. The variety of cell types with IL-1R1 expression dictates the role of IL-1 signaling at different stages of cancer, which under certain circumstances leads to contrasting roles in tumor development. Recent availability of IL-1R1 conditional knockout mouse model has made it possible to dissect the role of IL-1/IL-1R1 signaling transduction in different cell types within the tumor microenvironment. This chapter will focus on the role of IL-1/IL-1R1 in different cell types within the tumor microenvironment and discuss the potential of targeting this pathway in cancer therapy.
Individuals with no known comorbidities or risk factors may develop severe coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The present study assessed the effect of certain host polymorphisms and viral lineage on the severity of COVID-19 among hospitalized patients with no known comorbidities in Mexico. The analysis included 117 unrelated hospitalized patients with COVID-19. Patients were stratified by whether they required intensive care unit (ICU) admission: the ICU group (n = 40) and non-ICU group (n = 77). COVID-19 was diagnosed on the basis of a positive severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) assay and clinical and radiographic criteria. The presence of the IL1B-31 (T/C) polymorphism was determined for all patients using PCR and nucleotide sequencing. Genotyping of the IL-4 (-590, T/C) and IL-8 (-251, T/A) polymorphisms was performed by the amplification refractory mutation system-PCR method. Genotyping of IL1-RN was performed using PCR. Viral genome sequencing was performed using the ARTIC Network amplicon sequencing protocol using a MinION. Logistic regression analysis identified the carriage of IL-1 B*-31 *C as an independent potential risk factor (odds ratio [OR] = 3.1736, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.0748-9.3705, p = 0.0366) for ICU admission and the presence of IL-RN*2 as a protective factor (OR = 0.4371, 95% CI = 0.1935-0.9871, p = 0.0465) against ICU admission. Under the codominant model, the CC genotype of IL1B-31 significantly increased the risk of ICU admission (OR: 6.38, 95% CI: 11.57-25.86, p < 0.024). The IL1B-31 *C-IL-4-590 *T haplotype increased the risk of ICU admission (OR = 2.53, 95% CI = 1.02-6.25, p = 0.047). The 42 SARS-CoV-2 genomes sequenced belonged to four clades, 20A-20D. No association was detected between SARS-CoV-2 clades and ICU admission or death. Thus, in patients with no known comorbidities or risk factors, the IL1B-31*C proinflammatory allele was observed to be associated with the risk of ICU admission owing to COVID-19.
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A good number of genome-wide association studies (GWAS), including meta-analyses, reported that single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of the IL-6 gene are significantly associated with various types of cancer risks, though some other studies reported insignificant association with cancers, in the literature. These contradictory results may be due to variations in sample sizes and/or deficiency of statistical modeling. Therefore, an attempt is made to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the association between the IL-6 gene SNPs (rs1800795, rs1800796, rs1800797) and different cancer risks, giving the weight on a large sample size, including different cancer types and appropriate statistical modeling with the meta-dataset. In order to attain a more reliable consensus decision about the association between the IL-6 gene polymorphisms and different cancer risks, in this study, we performed a multi-case statistical meta-analysis based on the collected information of 118 GWAS studies comprising of 50053 cases and 65204 control samples. Results from this Meta-analysis indicated a significant association ( p -value < 0.05) of the IL-6 gene rs1800796 polymorphism with an overall increased cancer risk. The subgroup analysis data based on cancer types exhibited significant association ( p -value < 0.05) of the rs1800795 polymorphism with an overall increased risk of cervical, liver and prostate cancers; the rs1800796 polymorphism with lung, prostate and stomach cancers; and the rs1800797 polymorphism with cervical cancer. The subgroup analysis of ethnicity data showed a significant association ( p -value < 0.05) of an overall cancer risk with the rs1800795 polymorphism for the African and Asian populations, the rs1800796 polymorphism for the Asian only and the rs1800797 polymorphism in the African population. Comparative discussion showed that our multi-case meta-analyses received more support than any previously reported individual meta-analysis about the association between the IL-6 gene polymorphisms and cancer risks. Results from this study, more confidently showed that the IL-6 gene SNPs (rs1800795, rs1800796 and rs1800797) in humans are associated with increased cancer risks. Therefore, these three polymorphisms of the IL-6 gene have the potential to be evaluated as a population based rapid, low-cost PCR prognostic biomarkers for different types of cancers diagnosis and research.
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Overexpression of transforming growth factor-beta isoforms (TGF-beta1, -beta2, -beta3) has been previously reported in human melanoma cell lines and tumours. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the plasma levels of TGF-beta isoforms in melanoma patients. Significantly elevated levels of TGF-beta1 (4.2 x the controls, P = 0.0094) and of TGF-beta2 (1.5 x the controls, P = 0.012) but not of TGF-beta3 were measured in patients with disseminated but not locoregional melanoma. These results indicate systemic circulation of potentially immunosuppressive peptides of the TGF-beta family in end-stage melanoma patients.
Cutaneous malignant melanoma (CMM) is a potentially fatal malignancy in which exposure to UV light is the most important risk factor. Several lines of evidence suggest that increased expression of tumour necrosis factor (TNF) ?, upregulated by UV exposure, may contribute to tumour escape from the immune response. In this study, we addressed whether single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the TNF? promoter and lymphotoxin (LT) ? gene are associated with susceptibility to or known prognostic indicators (e.g. initial tumour growth phase, Breslow thickness, mitotic count in vertical growth phase tumours, and tumour regression) in CMM. One hundred and forty-six British Caucasian CMM patients and 220 controls were typed for TNF??376, ?308 and ?238 and LT? +252 SNPs by ARMS-PCR. Only the TNF??238 GG (P = 0.05) and GA (P = 0.03) genotypes showed slight, but significant, associations with CMM, while LT? +252 AA was associated with a higher mitotic count in vertical growth phase tumours (P = 0.02). Both TNF??238 and LT? +252 SNPs showed linkage disequilibrium with HLA-DQB1*0303 and *0301 alleles, variably implicated in CMM susceptibility/prognosis. In addition, TNF??238, ?308, LT? +252 haplotypes were assigned and compared. The GGA haplotype showed a modest association with CMM (P = 0.04) and with stage of disease (P = 0.03) and initial growth phase in CMM (P = 0.02), but these associations were only significant when P-values were uncorrected. Unlike basal cell carcinoma, these preliminary findings suggest that genetic variation associated with differential TNF? and LT? production is unlikely to play a major, independent role in susceptibility to, and perhaps prognosis in, CMM.
Cutaneous malignant melanoma (CMM) is a serious and often fatal malignancy, in which patients may develop an anti-tumour immune response. Conflicting evidence suggests that IL-10 contributes to tumour escape from the immune response, but can also have an anti-tumour effect, via inhibition of angiogenesis. To distinguish between these models and to determine whether genotypes associated with differential IL-10 expression confer susceptibility to and/or influence prognosis in CMM, 165 British caucasian CMM patients and 158 controls were genotyped for IL-10 promoter SNPs by ARMS-PCR. All patient DNAs were extracted from archival biopsy tissues. The IL-10 -1082 AA low expression genotype was increased in incidence among CMM patients (26.8% v 17.1%; P = 0.04; OR = 1.8 (95% CI 1.0-3.1)). In addition, IL-10 genotypes showed significant associations with three of four prognostic indicators examined:- IL-10 -1082 GG and -1082, -819 and -592 GCC/GCC compound high expression genotypes were associated with horizontal (non-invasive) v vertical (invasive) tumour growth (38.3% v 20.4%; P = 0.02; OR = 2.4 (0.4-1.0) and 37.8% v 20.8%; P = 0.03; OR = 2.3 (1.1-5.0) respectively); the IL-10 -1082 AA low expression genotype was associated with more advanced (Stage II-IV v Stage I) disease (34.5% v 19.0%; P = 0.04; OR = 2.2 (1.0-4.8)); Finally, the IL-10 -1082 AA and -1082, -819 and -592 ACC/ACC, ACC/ATA and ATA/ATA compound low expression genotypes were significantly increased in frequency among patients with thicker (> 1.4 mm) primary Vertical growth phase tumours (20/50 (40.0%) v 8/52 (15.4%); P = 0.005; OR = 3.7 (1.4-9.4) and 18/47 (38.3%) v 7/48 (14.6%; P = 0.009; OR = 3.6 (1.4-9.8) respectively). These results indicate that genotypes associated with high levels of IL-10 expression in vitro are protective in CMM, while low expression genotypes are a risk factor for more advanced/poorer prognosis disease and may confer susceptibility to CMM. Although the influence of IL-10 on melanoma development is likely to be complex, these results support recent findings that IL-10 has an anti-tumour effect in CMM, possibly via inhibition of angiogenesis.
Cutaneous malignant melanoma occurs less frequently among non-White populations than among Whites. As a result, little is known about the incidence and epidemiology of melanoma among other race/ethnicity groups. Data from the California Cancer Registry (United States) among 879 Hispanic, 126 Asian, and 85 Black men and women diagnosed with melanoma in 1988-93 were analyzed and compared with data for 17,765 non-Hispanic White cases. Average, annual, age-adjusted incidence rates per 100,000 population were 17.2 for men (M) and 11.3 for women (W) for non-Hispanic Whites; 2.8 (M), 3.0 (W) for Hispanics; 0.9 (M), 0.8 (W) for Asians; and 1.0 (M), 0.7 (W) for non-Hispanic Blacks. Among men, melanoma occurred on the lower extremity for 20 percent of Hispanics, 36 percent of Asians, and 50 percent of Blacks compared with nine percent of non-Hispanic Whites, with similar but less pronounced differences in site distribution by race/ethnicity for women. Among men, melanoma was diagnosed after it had metastasized to a remote site for 15 percent of Hispanics, 13 percent of Asians, and 12 percent of Blacks, compared with six percent of non-Hispanic Whites. Among women, seven percent of Hispanics, 21 percent of Asians, and 19 percent of Blacks were diagnosed with late-stage melanoma compared with four percent of non-Hispanic Whites. Although histologic type was not specified for nearly half of the cases, Hispanic, Asian, and Black patients were more likely than non-Hispanic White patients to have been diagnosed with acral lentiginous melanoma. Melanoma amongHispanics, Asians, and Blacks differs in incidence, site distribution, stage at diagnosis, andhistologic type from melanoma among non-Hispanic Whites, and identification of risk factors for melanoma in these race/ethnicity groups would elucidate further the role of sun and other factors in the etiology of melanoma.
The Scottish Melanoma Group (SMG) was established in 1979 to assess mortality from and incidence, features, pathological data, and management of cutaneous malignant melanoma in Scotland. Incidence during the first five years and five-year survival have already been reported. We now have data about incidence and mortality over eleven years in relation to anatomical site and pathological types. From 1979 to 1989, 1354 male and 2459 female patients with primary cutaneous malignant melanomas were first diagnosed in Scottish residents. The incidence rate per 100 000 population per year has increased from 3·4 in 1979 to 7·1 in 1989 for men, and from 6·6 to 10·4 for women. The overall increase over eleven years is 82% (7·4% per year). The greatest rates of increase are seen in lesions of the superficial spreading histogenetic type, arising on the female leg and the male trunk. Following public education programmes started in 1985, the proportion of all melanomas less than 1·5 mm thick has shown a sustained and significant increase. Mortality data for 1661 patients for whom a minimum of five-year follow-up is available shows five-year survival of 71º6% overall (77·6% for women, 58·7% for men). The survival advantage for women persists when appropriate statistical adjustment is made for thickness, ulceration, and histogenetic type. These data are useful in designing public education programmes aimed at both primary and secondary prevention of melanoma and in auditing changes in trends that might result from such education.
The ability to penetrate the dermal basement membrane and subsequently proliferate in the underlying mesenchyme is one of the key steps in malignant progression of human melanomas. We previously undertook studies aimed at assessing how normal dermal fibroblasts (one of the main cellular components of mesenchyme) may affect the growth of human melanoma cells and facilitate the overgrowth of malignant subpopulations (Cornil, I., D. Theodorescu, S. Man, M. Herlyn, J. Jambrosic, and R. S. Kerbel. 1991. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 88:6028-6032). We found that melanoma cell lines from early-stage (metastatically incompetent) lesions were growth inhibited whereas those from advanced-stage (metastatically competent) lesions were stimulated under the same conditions by co-culture with fibroblasts; conditioned medium from such cells gave the same result. Subsequent studies using biochemical purification and neutralizing antibodies revealed the inhibitory activity to be identical to interleukin-6 (IL-6). We now report that addition of purified recombinant human IL-6 resulted in a growth inhibition in vitro by G1/G0 arrest of early, but not advanced stage melanoma cells. Despite this alteration in response there was no significant difference in melanoma cell lines of varying malignancy in respect to their expression of genes encoding the IL-6 receptor, or gp130, the IL-6 signal transducer. Scatchard analysis also revealed similar [125I]IL-6 binding activities in both IL-6 sensitive and resistant groups. However, studies of IL-6 production indicated that five out eight IL-6 melanoma cell lines known to be resistant to exogenous IL-6-mediated growth inhibition constitutively expressed mRNA for IL-6; they also secreted bioactive IL-6 into culture medium. To assess the possible role of this endogenous IL-6 in melanoma cell growth, antisense oligonucleotides to the IL-6 gene were added to cultures of melanoma cells. This resulted in a significant growth inhibition only in cell lines that produced endogenous IL-6. In contrast, neutralizing antibodies to IL-6 were ineffective in causing such growth inhibition. This indicates that endogenous IL-6 may behave as a growth stimulator by an intracellular ("private") autocrine mechanism. Thus, a single cytokine, IL-6, can switch from behaving as a paracrine growth inhibitor to an autocrine growth stimulator within the same cell lineage during malignant tumor progression. Such a switch may contribute to the growth advantage of metastatically competent melanoma cells at the primary or distant organ sites and thereby facilitate progression of disease.
In human tissues, normal homeostasis requires intricately balanced interactions between cells and the network of secreted proteins known as the extracellular matrix. These cooperative interactions involve numerous cytokines acting through specific cell-surface receptors. When the balance between the cells and the extracellular matrix is perturbed, disease can result. This is clearly evident in the interactions mediated by the cytokine transforming growth factor β (TGF-β). TGF-β is a member of a family of dimeric polypeptide growth factors that includes bone morphogenic proteins and activins. All of these growth factors share a cluster of conserved cysteine residues that form a common cysteine . . .
The genes of the interleukin-1 (IL-1) complex code for three proteins: IL-1α, IL-1β and the IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1RA). Each of these genes is polymorphic and there is increasing evidence that certain alleles are associated with increased susceptibility to a given disease of inflammatory nature. In the IL-1β gene there are two base-exchange polymorphisms in positions −511 and +3953, and IL-1RA gene has a penta-allelic polymorphic site in intron 2 containing variable numbers of an 86-bp tandem repeat sequence. As the IL-1β/IL-1RA ratio may be critical in the regulation of inflammation, we examined whether there are allelic associations between these loci (thus suggesting co-ordinate regulation) and whether these have an effect on the in vitro production of IL-1β. We found that the IL-1RA allele 2 (IL1RN*2) is associated with the presence of allele 2 of the IL-1β gene (position −511) and with the absence of allele 2 of the IL-1β gene (position +3953). Mononuclear cells from carriers of allele 2 (position −511) and non-carriers of allele 2 (position +3953) had a slight, but non-significant, elevated capacity to produce IL-1βin vitro. However, IL-1RA allele 2 strongly increased in vitro production of IL-1β, regardless of the presence or absence of these alleles. Taken together, these data suggest that the known allelisms in the IL-1β gene are not major regulators of the in vitro IL-1β production, but the IL-1RA allele 2 (or an unknown allele strongly associated with it) has a decisive role.