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A guide to understanding polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)



Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the commonest endocrine disorder affecting women of reproductive age. Some 20% of women will have polycystic ovaries on an ultrasound scan and around 7% of women have the additional clinical or biochemical features of PCOS. As a complex multisystem disorder its background can be confusing to understand. They key feature, however, is an increased production of androgen by the ovaries. This review uses ovarian biology to describe a strategy to aid understanding and explanation of PCOS. This framework can be also be used to teach about PCOS and to inform different approaches to its management.
A guide to understanding polycystic
ovary syndrome (PCOS)
W Colin Duncan
Scottish Senior Clinical Fellow
and Consultant in Reproductive
Medicine, MRC Centre for
Reproductive Health, The
University of Edinburgh,
Edinburgh, UK
Correspondence to
Dr W Colin Duncan,
MRC Centre for Reproductive
Health, The Queens Medical
Research Institute, The University
of Edinburgh, 47 Little France
Crescent, Edinburgh
EH16 4TJ, UK;
Received 18 June 2013
Revised 10 January 2014
Accepted 6 February 2014
Published Online First
3 March 2014
To cite: Duncan WC. JFam
Plann Reprod Health Care
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the
commonest endocrine disorder affecting women
of reproductive age. Some 20% of women will
have polycystic ovaries on an ultrasound scan
and around 7% of women have the additional
clinical or biochemical features of PCOS. As a
complex multisystem disorder its background can
be confusing to understand. They key feature,
however, is an increased production of androgen
by the ovaries. This review uses ovarian biology
to describe a strategy to aid understanding and
explanation of PCOS. This framework can be also
be used to teach about PCOS and to inform
different approaches to its management.
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the
commonest endocrine disorder to affect
women in their reproductive years.
Around 20% of women have the charac-
teristic appearance of polycystic ovaries
on ultrasound scans
and 78% have the
additional clinical and biochemical fea-
tures of PCOS itself.
As obesity increases
the proportion of women with polycystic
ovaries who develop the syndrome, the
current epidemic of obesity is likely to
make PCOS even more common.
Polycystic ovaries found on ultrasound
scanning will often have no clinical
effects, but PCOS is the most common
diagnosis made in women presenting
with amenorrhoea, oligomenorrhoea or
heavy, irregular and prolonged periods. It
is the commonest cause of hirsutism and
of infertility due to anovulation. Women
with PCOS have increased concentrations
of circulating androgens and there is a
marked association with insulin resist-
ance, dyslipidaemia, obesity, gestational
diabetes, type 2 diabetes and heart
disease. In addition, it is an established
cause of endometrial hyperplasia and it is
therefore linked to endometrial cancer.
The short- and long-term consequences
of PCOS represent an increasing burden
on health resources.
In recent years there has been increas-
ing consensus about the criteria required
to establish the diagnosis of PCOS. Two
out of the three features below are used
when other causes of those clinical fea-
tures have been excluded.
Exclusion of
these other, much rarer, causes often
needs no more than a routine clinical
The three features are:
anovulation or oligo-ovulation;
the presence of polycystic ovaries on
pelvic ultrasonography;
clinical and/or biochemical signs of
While awareness of PCOS, its diagnosis
and associated morbidity is high, its basic
pathophysiology is often poorly under-
stood. This article presents a framework
for teaching and increasing understanding
about the causes and management of
Undergraduate students, nurses, specialist
trainees and even trained gynaecologists
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Key message points
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a
common condition affecting 7% of
women but its background can be con-
fusing to understand.
The key feature is increased production
of androgen by the ovaries.
Understanding ovarian biology clarifies
pathways to androgen increase and
provides a framework to facilitate
teaching on PCOS.
This approach can be also used to
inform management strategies.
Duncan WC. J Fam Plann Reprod Health Care 2014;40:217225. doi:10.1136/jfprhc-2012-100505 217 on December 29, 2015 - Published by from
often find PCOS difficult to understand, particularly
as the clinical features vary from patient to patient.
One strategy that can be used when teaching about
PCOS is to go back to basic ovarian biology and to
use that as a starting point. This leads to a framework
that lends itself to formal presentation, but also to
informal illustrations in the clinic or in a tutorial. In
addition it allows the management strategies to be
described and understood. While different experts
may have alternative views of its pathophysiological
basis, and some assumptions can be questioned, the
following model gives a useful framework to build
upon and to introduce key concepts and management
In this framework there are six stages of develop-
ment of information on the biology of the ovary and
the factors that interact with it that help to clarify the
background to the development of PCOS. Knowledge
of these stages is then used as the key to understand-
ing the approaches available for its management.
How follicles make estrogen
The first stage in this approach is to look at the pro-
duction of sex steroids, particularly estradiol, within
the ovarian follicle (Figure 1a). The follicle has two
steroidogenic cell layers: the outer theca cell layer and
the inner granulosa cell layer, separated by a basement
(Figure 1b). It is the granulosa cells that
are responsible for the synthesis and secretion of estra-
diol. They do this initially under the stimulation of
follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) from the anterior
pituitary gland, which binds to and activates their
FSH receptors
(Figure 1c).
Estradiol is a sex steroid and all steroids are derived
from cholesterol.
Cholesterol therefore has to be
changed into estradiol by enzymatic modification
through a series of intermediate steroids. In the pathway
from cholesterol to estrogen, the step before estrogen is
androgen (Figure 1d). Androgen is converted into estro-
gen by the action of the aromatase enzyme
(Figure 1e).
Granulosa cells contain large amounts of aromatase but
they do not express the proteins and enzymes (steroido-
genic acute regulatory protein, cholesterol side chain
cleavage enzyme, 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase and
17α-hydroxylase) that are required for the conversion
of cholesterol into androgen, so they cannot produce
androgen themselves (Figure 1f).
As they cannot synthesise the androgen substrate, in
order to make estradiol the granulosa cells need to get
androgen from another source. The androgen is made
in the theca cells and converted into estrogen in the
granulosa cells (Figure 2a). Theca cells produce andro-
gen under the stimulation of luteinising hormone
(LH) from the anterior pituitary gland, which acti-
vates their LH receptors (Figure 2b).
Thus to facili-
tate follicular estradiol secretion, LH causes the
production of androgen from cholesterol in theca
cells, and FSH promotes the conversion of those
androgens into estrogens in the granulosa cells
(Figure 2c). This synergy between the theca and gran-
ulosa cells is known as the two-cell, two-
gonadotrophin model of estrogen synthesis
and the
hormones are physiologically balanced (Figure 2d).
The effect of increased androgen on the ovary
The second stage in describing the development of
PCOS is to highlight that the development of a poly-
cystic ovary is associated with increased exposure to
androgens as these have their own effects on follicular
growth and development. A polycystic ovary contains
an increased number of small antral follicles which are
the small fluid-filled follicles that are seen on
naked-eye inspection of opened polycystic ovaries and
are clearly visible on ultrasound scanning. They are
Figure 1 The pathway involved in estrogen synthesis in the ovary. Granulosa cells (G), theca cells (T) and the oocyte (O) are the key
cells in the follicle. It produces estradiol (E) from cholesterol (C) after stimulation by follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), with androgen
(A) as an intermediary. See text for an explanation of stages af.
218 Duncan WC. J Fam Plann Reprod Health Care 2014;40:217225. doi:10.1136/jfprhc-2012-100505 on December 29, 2015 - Published by from
not cystsas they contain a potentially healthy
and they can be stimulated to grow normally
by exogenously administered FSH.
This is why
women with PCOS are at a much greater risk of
developing ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome after
administration of FSH during assisted conception.
The ovarian cystsin PCOS are therefore essentially
paused follicles, with reduced cell growth as well as
reduced cell death (atresia).
Androgen inhibits the growth of larger antral folli-
cles but, if anything, stimulates the growth of smaller
antral follicles (Figure 3ac). Treating rhesus monkeys
with normal ovaries with exogenous androgen for just
10 days resulted in a polycystic ovarian morphology,
with an increased proportion of small antral follicles
showing more cell proliferation in smaller follicles
and less atresia in the remaining follicles.
This high-
lights the ability of androgen to promote follicular
growth and survival, inhibit later follicular develop-
ment and directly cause a polycystic ovarian
Clinically, this polycystic ovarian morphology is
associated with increased endogenous androgens.
Conditions in which endogenous androgen levels are
pathologically raised include androgen-secreting
tumours and late-onset congenital adrenal hyperplasia,
in which adrenal androgen secretion is increased.
Women with both these conditions develop polycystic
The response of the ovary to increased
androgens is therefore the development of a polycystic
morphology and inhibition of later follicular growth.
This results in an increased incidence of anovulation.
Why the ovary might experience more androgen
The third stage is to discuss the mechanisms by which
the ovary might be exposed to increased local andro-
gen concentrations. Using the two-cell, two-
gonadotrophin model illustrated in Figure 2d it can be
demonstrated that if a hormone imbalance occurred,
such that circulating LH concentrations were higher
than FSH concentrations, ovarian androgen produc-
tion would increase (Figure 4a). Previously an
increased LH:FSH ratio was thought to be required
for the diagnosis of PCOS. This is no longer part of
the diagnostic criteria, which focus on the resulting
increased androgens.
However, it is clear that women
with PCOS are more likely to have increased basal LH
as well as increased LH pulse ampli-
tude and frequency.
While chronic anovulation can result in raised LH
it is likely that the LH:FSH imbal-
ance is something that women with a tendency to
PCOS are born with and that this causes anovulation.
There is increasing evidence from human and animal
models that PCOS can be programmed by increased
fetal exposure to androgen before birth.
19 20
may permanently programme increased basal LH
as well as augmenting the amount of LH
released in response to gonadotrophin-releasing
hormone (GnRH)
and thus the amplitude of LH
Figure 2 Illustration highlighting the two-cell two-gonadotrophin model of ovarian estradiol synthesis and its regulation. Luteinising
hormone (LH) stimulates androgen (A) from theca cells which are converted to estrogen (E) in granulosa cells by follicle-stimulating
hormone (FSH). See text for an explanation of stages ad.
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pulses. One way the ovary can be exposed to
increased androgen is therefore by an increased LH:
FSH ratio, which may be prenatally programmed.
Regulation of androgen action
The fourth stage is to describe a regulator of androgen
bioavailability. This could be imagined as a sponge
that can mop up excess androgen (Figure 4b) in order
to prevent it affecting follicular growth and develop-
ment. The sponge could normalise slightly increased
ovarian androgen production (Figure 4c). However, if
the sponge is small it would not fully mop up the
excess androgens that are normally produced during
follicular estrogen synthesis (Figure 4d). That means
that there may be increased androgen bioavailability
in the presence of normal LH concentrations and if
there is an increased LH:FSH ratio a small sponge
would augment the increased androgen exposure
(Figure 4e).
That spongeexists in the form of sex hormone
binding globulin (SHBG), the circulating protein that
binds to and inhibits androgens and to a lesser extent
estrogens (Figure 4f). For the purpose of this frame-
work it is now useful to highlight that SHBG is
inversely related to weight (Figure 4g).
As weight
increases, SHBG decreases and androgen availability
will therefore increase (Figure 4h). This means that
polycystic ovaries or PCOS will worsen. Conversely,
as weight reduces SHBG will increase and bioavailable
androgen will decrease (Figure 4i), meaning that
PCOS will improve. Weight is therefore a controller of
LH action on the ovary and thus the effects of LH
will be exaggerated by obesity.
Regulation of androgen synthesis
The fifth stage is to focus on the molecular regulation
of LH-dependent androgen synthesis by the theca
cells (Figure 5a). The key here is to imagine the effect
that a multiplier of LH action would have at the level
of the theca cell (Figure 5b). The presence of a multi-
plier would augment androgen production for a given
concentration of LH. That means that ovarian andro-
gen could be increased in the presence of normal con-
centrations of LH (Figure 5c).
That multiplier exists in the form of insulin
(Figure 5d). This ubiquitous hormone regulates
glucose transport and has growth factor and anabolic
It is also a co-factor that augments
LH-induced thecal androgen secretion.
25 26
In the
presence of peripheral insulin resistance (IR), which is
a precursor to impaired glucose tolerance, increased
insulin concentrations are required to promote
glucose uptake in tissues with a key metabolic role,
such as muscle and fat. While these may be resistant
to the metabolic effects of insulin, the ovary remains
sensitive to its growth factor effects. The hyperinsuli-
naemia associated with IR therefore means that more
androgen will be produced in the ovary. As IR
worsens and insulin concentrations rise, ovarian
androgens will increase and PCOS will worsen
(Figure 5e). If IR improves and insulin concentrations
fall, ovarian androgens will reduce and PCOS will
improve (Figure 5f).
Figure 3 Diagram highlighting the role of androgens (A) in the
conversion of a normal ovary to one with a polycystic ovarian
morphology. See text for an explanation of stages ac.
220 Duncan WC. J Fam Plann Reprod Health Care 2014;40:217225. doi:10.1136/jfprhc-2012-100505 on December 29, 2015 - Published by from
Interaction between weight and IR
The sixth and final stage in understanding the caus-
ation of PCOS pulls together the information gained
in the first five stages. As LH-induced androgen con-
centrations can be modified both by weight (through
SHBG change) and by insulin, this can alter the
degree by which PCOS is manifested. However the
mechanism is not so straightforward, as insulin is an
anabolic hormone and the hormone of energy
That means that high levels of insulin are
Figure 4 Illustration highlighting the spongeanalogy for the role for sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) in reducing luteinising
hormone (LH)-dependent thecal androgen (A) availability, and the link of SHBG to weight and to the increase in free androgen when
its level reduces. This does not affect follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)-stimulated estradiol (E) secretion. See text for an explanation
of stages ai.
Figure 5 Illustration highlighting the role of insulin in augmenting luteinising hormone (LH)-dependent thecal androgen (A)
synthesis, and the reduction in that synthesis if hyperinsulinaemia improves. Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)-driven estradiol (E)
synthesis continues. See text for an explanation of stages af.
Duncan WC. J Fam Plann Reprod Health Care 2014;40:217225. doi:10.1136/jfprhc-2012-100505 221 on December 29, 2015 - Published by from
associated with ease of weight gain and difficulty in
weight loss (Figure 6a).
As weight increases, IR
increases and circulating insulin levels rise,
cing a vicious cycle with weight and IR linked
together (Figure 6b). Insulin itself can inhibit hepatic
SHBG synthesis.
There are therefore three drivers to increased
ovarian androgen production: increased LH, hyperin-
sulinaemia and increased weight (Figure 6c). So slim
women with PCOS have more elevation in LH than
obese women with PCOS.
While some women with
PCOS primarily have a high LH:FSH ratio, some are
primarily insulin resistant and some have a major
weight problem. The common consequence is the
augmentation of androgens that results in PCOS
(Figure 6d). In reality most women with PCOS will
have each of these drivers in varying degrees.
The model where LH-stimulated androgen action is
augmented by weight and insulin (Figure 6d) provides
a useful framework with which to understand PCOS
and to explain it to patients and students. But it also
provides a useful approach to describe the strategies
available for the management of patients with PCOS.
The foci could be targeting gonadotrophin concentra-
tions, reducing weight, lowering insulin or
ameliorating the systemic effects of ovarian dysfunc-
tion and increased androgen levels.
Targeting gonadotrophins
Any treatment that lowers circulating LH concentra-
tions will reduce ovarian androgen production and
improve PCOS (Figure 7a). We do not yet have a
treatment to specifically lower LH, so treatment gen-
erally involves reducing both LH and FSH. The main
way to do that is with the combined oral contracep-
tive pill (COC), which is the mainstay of the manage-
ment of PCOS
if pregnancy is not desired. Any
COC will do this effectively, although it has been
argued that the more recent, less androgenic pills may
be particularly useful.
As half the androgens in
women come from the adrenal gland,
the combin-
ation of ethinylestradiol with an anti-androgen such as
cyproterone acetate (co-cyprindiol), or a higher dose
of cyproterone acetate in a reverse-sequential
may have additional benefit for certain
androgenic symptoms, particularly hirsutism.
For fertility treatment, the strategy is to raise FSH
levels to facilitate the conversion of androgens into
estrogens in order to remove the brake on follicle
growth. As estrogens feed back to inhibit FSH secre-
tion, the use of estrogen antagonists, such as clomi-
fene citrate, or aromatase inhibitors such as letrozole,
will raise FSH and improve ovarian function.
However estrogen is needed for endometrial growth
Figure 6 Drawing illustrating the interaction between weight and insulin resistance, leading to augmentation of luteinising
hormone (LH)-stimulated androgen (A) secretion, resulting in development of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). See text for an
explanation of stages ad.
222 Duncan WC. J Fam Plann Reprod Health Care 2014;40:217225. doi:10.1136/jfprhc-2012-100505 on December 29, 2015 - Published by from
and to stimulate the ovulatory LH surge. Treatment is
therefore given only for 5 days at the beginning of the
cycle, either from Day 2 or Day 3. If treatment with
anti-estrogens at various doses is not effective, then
FSH may be directly raised by injections.
Gonadotrophin ovulation induction is very successful
in the management of subfertility secondary to anovu-
lation in PCOS.
Targeting weight
Weight loss improves the symptoms PCOS in both
non-fertility and fertility contexts (Figure 7b). In the
fertility setting the results are quite dramatic.
37 38
Thus a weight loss strategy is very important in the
management of all overweight and obese women with
PCOS. A loss of 10% of body weight increased fertil-
ity, ovulation rate and menstrual regularity even when
women remained obese.
In addition there were
associated improvements in serum biochemistry, blood
pressure and self-esteem scores.
37 38
It is important to
highlight diet, with an emphasis on developing a
weight maintenance/weight loss cycle involving
regular small healthy meals, not skipping meals and
avoiding refined carbohydrate.
However, increased
physical activity should always be a key message in
weight management. Even in the absence of weight
loss, exercise improves PCOS.
Targeting insulin
Metformin treatment improves insulin sensitivity, thus
enhancing glucose clearance, resulting in reduced
circulating insulin concentrations (Figure 7c). There is
no doubt that metformin can have beneficial effects in
some women with PCOS.
41 42
It can improve feelings
of wellbeing, ovarian cyclicity and fertility as a main
or as adjunct therapy.
While metformin reduces
and improves metabolic para-
meters, its effect on weight loss is more controver-
The degree of weight loss may relate to how
engaged the patient is with a concurrent weight-loss
programme. Recent results with metformin have been
less impressive than initially reported.
As not all
women with PCOS benefit equally from metformin it
may be that the key is adequate patient selection.
More research is needed into such personalised medi-
cine. However, metformin remains one of the tools
available in the management of PCOS. The data on its
prolonged use and discontinuation are scanty and
variable, so it should not yet be used in the long-term
with a goal of preventing future health problems.
A current improvement in symptoms associated with
PCOS seems a sensible rationale for its continuation.
Holistic targeting
One of the main areas to focus on is endometrial pro-
tection. Women with PCOS who are anovulatory are
exposed to unopposed estrogen and are at risk of
both prolonged heavy bleeding and the development
of endometrial hyperplasia.
It is generally advocated
that women with PCOS who are amenorrhoeic should
have three or four periods (in the form of withdrawal
bleeds) a year to maintain endometrial health.
Figure 7 Illustration highlighting the roles of luteinising hormone (LH), increased weight and hyperinsulinaemia in raising
intraovarian androgen (A) that results in polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). See text for an explanation of stages ad.
Duncan WC. J Fam Plann Reprod Health Care 2014;40:217225. doi:10.1136/jfprhc-2012-100505 223 on December 29, 2015 - Published by from
common strategy is to use an intermittent progestogen
such as medroxyprogesterone acetate 10 mg twice
daily for 7 days or once daily for 10 days. A few days
after stopping treatment a withdrawal bleed will
occur. If this is particularly heavy it may be that a
shorter time between induced periods is required. An
alternative approach is to use a COC or the levonor-
gestrel intrauterine system, both of which will provide
full endometrial protection as well as effective contra-
ception, as occasional ovulation could occur despite
the amenorrhoea.
Hirsutism is a problem for many women with
PCOS. While hormonal treatments such as the COC
are designed to reduce ovarian androgens by lowering
gonadotrophins, as already mentioned approximately
50% of androgens in women are of adrenal origin.
Increased androgen promotes the transformation of
vellus hair into longer, thicker and more noticeable
terminal hair and sometimes reduction of ovarian
androgen is insufficient alone to reverse this process.
Management of hirsutism may therefore require add-
itional treatments such as cosmetic strategies, local
treatment such as topical eflornithine cream or laser
therapy (which can be very effective in suitable
patients, particularly those with darkly pigmented
hair) or systemic treatment with an anti-androgen
such as cyproterone acetate
52 53
(Figure 7d).
PCOS is a common condition with a varied pheno-
type. While there might be alternative views on some
elements of any framework to understand and
manage the syndrome, it is hoped that practitioners
involved in teaching students and trainees, and in
managing patients, will find that this approach to
understanding the condition is helpful.
Authors note This review article is based on a presentation
given at a Meet the Expertsession at the annual meeting of
the British Endocrine Society in 2012.
Competing interests The author is supported by a Scottish
Senior Clinical Fellowship from the SFC with grant support
from the Medical Research Council (G0901807).
Provenance and peer review Commissioned; externally peer
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Duncan WC. J Fam Plann Reprod Health Care 2014;40:217225. doi:10.1136/jfprhc-2012-100505 225 on December 29, 2015 - Published by from
syndrome (PCOS)
A guide to understanding polycystic ovary
W Colin Duncan
doi: 10.1136/jfprhc-2012-100505
online March 3, 2014 2014 40: 217-225 originally publishedJ Fam Plann Reprod Health Care
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... KEYWORDS follicle, tyrosine hydroxylase, polycystic ovary syndrome, sympathetic nerve, gonadotrophin Introduction Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common endocrine disorder affecting 7-8% of women of reproductive age (1). Although there are metabolic aspects of PCOS, ovarian structure and function are key to its diagnosis (2). It is associated with ovarian dysfunction manifested by anovulation, irregular menstrual cycles, increased thecal androgen synthesis and secretion (2), and multiple nongrowing, but functional, antral follicles, giving the classic polycystic ovary morphology (3). ...
... Although there are metabolic aspects of PCOS, ovarian structure and function are key to its diagnosis (2). It is associated with ovarian dysfunction manifested by anovulation, irregular menstrual cycles, increased thecal androgen synthesis and secretion (2), and multiple nongrowing, but functional, antral follicles, giving the classic polycystic ovary morphology (3). Ovarian function is regulated by a combination of systemic gonadotrophins and local growth factors (4). ...
... Ovarian function is regulated by a combination of systemic gonadotrophins and local growth factors (4). Women with PCOS tend to have relatively higher circulating luteinising hormone (LH) concentrations (2) and altered ovarian growth factor profiles (5). ...
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Introduction Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) seems to be associated with increased ovarian sympathetic nerve activity and in rodent models of PCOS reducing the sympathetic drive to the ovary, through denervation or neuromodulation, improves ovulation rate. We hypothesised that sympathetic nerves work with gonadotropins to promote development and survival of small antral follicles to develop a polycystic ovary phenotype. Methods Using a clinically realistic ovine model we showed a rich sympathetic innervation to the normal ovary and reinnervation after ovarian transplantation. Using needlepoint diathermy to the nerve plexus in the ovarian vascular pedicle we were able to denervate the ovary resulting in reduced intraovarian noradrenaline and tyrosine hydroxylase immunostained sympathetic nerves. We developed an acute polycystic ovary (PCO) model using gonadotrophin releasing hormone (GnRH) agonist followed infusion of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) with increased pulsatile luteinising hormone (LH). This resulted in increased numbers of smaller antral follicles in the ovary when compared to FSH infusion suggesting a polycystic ovary. Results Denervation had no effect of the survival or numbers of follicles in the acute PCO model and did not impact on ovulation, follicular and luteal hormone profiles in a normal cycle. Discussion Although the ovary is richly inervated we did not find evidence for a role of sympathetic nerves in ovarian function or small follicle growth and survival.
... This study included one hundred patients diagnosed with unexplained subfertility and fifty parents had at least three children. The median age was 32 years (IQR: 29-34) (min-max [25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41] ...
... This study included one hundred patients diagnosed with unexplained subfertility and fifty parents had at least three children. The median age was 32 years (IQR: 29-34) (min-max [25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41] in the group of subfertile women and 33 years (IQR: 30-36) (min-max [29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45] in the fertile women (p > 0.5). The median age of subfertile men was 34 years (IQR: 30-36) (min-max 25-48) and 34 years (IQR: 31-39) (min-max 29-50) for fertile men (p > 0.5). ...
... This study included one hundred patients diagnosed with unexplained subfertility and fifty parents had at least three children. The median age was 32 years (IQR: 29-34) (min-max [25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41] in the group of subfertile women and 33 years (IQR: 30-36) (min-max [29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45] in the fertile women (p > 0.5). The median age of subfertile men was 34 years (IQR: 30-36) (min-max 25-48) and 34 years (IQR: 31-39) (min-max 29-50) for fertile men (p > 0.5). ...
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Subfertility is a global health issue, and as many as 30% of cases are attributed to unexplained reasons. A hypercaloric, high-fat diet stimulates the expansion of pro-inflammatory gut microbiota with a consequent rise in circulating lipopolysaccharides. Adverse gut microbiota remodeling can exacerbate insulin resistance, while sex and thyroid hormones may influence the variability in gut microbiota. This cross-sectional study included 150 participants and was designed to determine a biochemical, nutritional-related pattern that may distinguish subfertile from fertile individuals and couples. A panel of 28 biomarkers was assessed. Four biochemical phenotypes of unexplained subfertility were found, including two metabolic and two immune, when assessed using binary logistic regression models. Two phenotypes were distinguished in women: cardio-metabolic with atherogenic dyslipidemia (LowHDL-cholesterol: OR = 10.9; p < 0.05) and autoimmune thyroid disorder (Highanti-thyroid-peroxidase: OR = 5.5; p < 0.05) and two in men: hepato-metabolic with elevated liver injury enzymes (HighHOMA-IR: OR = 6.1; p < 0.05) and immune type-2 response (HighIgE: OR = 6.4; p < 0.05). The chances of a couple’s subfertility rose with the number of laboratory components of metabolic syndrome in the couple (OR = 1.7; p < 0.05) and if at least one partner had an elevated total IgE level (>100 kU/L) (OR = 6.5; p < 0.05). This study found that unexplained subfertility may be accompanied by mutually overlapping immune and metabolic dysregulations in individuals and couples. We propose one-time laboratory diagnostics taking into account the lipid profile, insulin resistance, anti-thyroid-peroxidase, and total IgE in both males and females with unexplained subfertility. This may allow for a one-time assessment of targeted medical and nutritional interventions and help optimize patients’ health. The gut–organ axes related to subfertility are discussed in the context of the obtained results.
... The disorder of GnRH pulse frequency in PCOS is a heterogeneous hormonal imbalance disorder [119][120][121]. In normal ovaries, estrogen is mainly produced by androgen conversion, when LH binds to its receptors on thecal cells of follicles, converting cholesterol into androstenedione and accelerating its secretion into granulosa cells, which convert androstenedione into estrogen through aromatase under the action of FSH. ...
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Chlorogenic acid (CGA) is a powerful antioxidant polyphenol molecule found in many diets and liquid beverages, playing a preventive and therapeutic role in various diseases caused by oxidative stress and inflammation. Recent research has found that CGA can not only improve clinical symptoms in PCOS patients but also improve follicular development, hormone status, and oxidative stress in PCOS rats, indicating the therapeutic effect of CGA on PCOS. Notably, our previous series of studies has demonstrated the expression changes and regulatory mechanisms of HIF-1alpha signaling in PCOS ovaries. Considering the regulatory effect of CGA on the HIF-1alpha pathway, the present article systematically elucidates the therapeutic role and molecular mechanisms of HIF-1alpha signaling during the treatment of PCOS by CGA, including follicular development, steroid synthesis, inflammatory response, oxidative stress, and insulin resistance, in order to further understand the mechanisms of CGA effects in different types of diseases and to provide a theoretical basis for further promoting CGA-rich diets and beverages simultaneously.
... The highest incidence of follicular degeneration is observed when follicles become dependent on FSH, at the early antral follicle stage (Chun et al., 1996). Atresia is essential for maintaining ovarian homeostasis, and the dysregulation of atresia contributes to reproductive disorders, including PCOS and POI (Duncan, 2014). ...
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Background: Regulated cell death is a fundamental component of numerous physiological processes; spanning from organogenesis in utero, to normal cell turnover during adulthood, as well as the elimination of infected or damaged cells throughout life. Quality control through regulation of cell death pathways is particularly important in the germline, which is responsible for the generation of offspring. Women are born with their entire supply of germ cells, housed in functional units known as follicles. Follicles contain an oocyte, as well as specialized somatic granulosa cells essential for oocyte survival. Follicle loss-via regulated cell death-occurs throughout follicle development and life, and can be accelerated following exposure to various environmental and lifestyle factors. It is thought that the elimination of damaged follicles is necessary to ensure that only the best quality oocytes are available for reproduction. Objective and rationale: Understanding the precise factors involved in triggering and executing follicle death is crucial to uncovering how follicle endowment is initially determined, as well as how follicle number is maintained throughout puberty, reproductive life, and ovarian ageing in women. Apoptosis is established as essential for ovarian homeostasis at all stages of development and life. However, involvement of other cell death pathways in the ovary is less established. This review aims to summarize the most recent literature on cell death regulators in the ovary, with a particular focus on non-apoptotic pathways and their functions throughout the discrete stages of ovarian development and reproductive life. Search methods: Comprehensive literature searches were carried out using PubMed and Google Scholar for human, animal, and cellular studies published until August 2022 using the following search terms: oogenesis, follicle formation, follicle atresia, oocyte loss, oocyte apoptosis, regulated cell death in the ovary, non-apoptotic cell death in the ovary, premature ovarian insufficiency, primordial follicles, oocyte quality control, granulosa cell death, autophagy in the ovary, autophagy in oocytes, necroptosis in the ovary, necroptosis in oocytes, pyroptosis in the ovary, pyroptosis in oocytes, parthanatos in the ovary, and parthanatos in oocytes. Outcomes: Numerous regulated cell death pathways operate in mammalian cells, including apoptosis, autophagic cell death, necroptosis, and pyroptosis. However, our understanding of the distinct cell death mediators in each ovarian cell type and follicle class across the different stages of life remains the source of ongoing investigation. Here, we highlight recent evidence for the contribution of non-apoptotic pathways to ovarian development and function. In particular, we discuss the involvement of autophagy during follicle formation and the role of autophagic cell death, necroptosis, pyroptosis, and parthanatos during follicle atresia, particularly in response to physiological stressors (e.g. oxidative stress). Wider implications: Improved knowledge of the roles of each regulated cell death pathway in the ovary is vital for understanding ovarian development, as well as maintenance of ovarian function throughout the lifespan. This information is pertinent not only to our understanding of endocrine health, reproductive health, and fertility in women but also to enable identification of novel fertility preservation targets.
... Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is regarded as the most common and complex endocrine disorder, affecting ∼6% to 20% of reproductive aged women [1,2]. It generally manifests with ovulatory dysfunction, fertility decline, clinical and biochemical androgen excess, and polycystic ovaries [3][4][5][6]. ...
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Purpose To elucidate the characterization of extracellular vesicles (EVs) in the follicular fluid-derived extracellular vesicles (FF-EVs) and discover critical molecules and signaling pathways associating with the etiology and pathobiology of PCOS, the differentially expressed miRNAs (DEmiRNAs) and differentially expressed proteins profiles (DEPs) were initially explored and combinedly analyzed. Methods First, the miRNA and protein expression profiles of FF-EVs in PCOS patients and control patients were compared by RNA-sequencing and tandem mass tagging (TMT) proteomic methods. Subsequently, Gene Ontology and the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes were used to analyze the biological function of target genes of DEmiRNAs and DEPs. Finally, to discover the functional miRNA-target gene-protein interaction pairs involved in PCOS, DEmiRs target gene datasets and DEPs datasets were used integratedly. Results A total of 6 DEmiRNAs and 32 DEPs were identified in FF-EVs in patients with PCOS. Bioinformatics analysis revealed that DEmiRNAs target genes are mainly involved in thiamine metabolism, insulin secretion, GnRH, and Apelin signaling pathway, which are closely related to the occurrence of PCOS. DEPs also closely related to hormone metabolism processes such as steroid hormone biosynthesis. In the analysis integrating DEmiRNAs target genes and DEPs, two molecules, GRAMD1B and STPLC2, attracted our attention that are closely associated with cholesterol transport and ceramide biosynthesis, respectively. Conclusion Dysregulated miRNAs and proteins in FF-EVs, mainly involving in hormone metabolism, insulin secretion, neurotransmitters regulation, adipokine expression, and secretion, may be closely related to PCOS. The effects of GRAMD1B and STPLC2 on PCOS deserve further study.
... Around 20% of women have the characteristic appearance of polycystic ovaries on ultrasound scans [1] and 7-8% has the additional clinical and biochemical features of PCOD itself [2]. Obesity increases the proportion of women with polycystic ovaries who develop the syndrome, the current epidemic of obesity is likely to make PCOD even more common [3]. ...
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Background: Polycystic ovarian disease (PCOD) is the commonest endocrine disorder affecting women at reproductive age. As a complex multisystem disorder, its background can be confusing to understand. The key feature is an increased production of AMH by antral follicles. Aim: The aim of the present study was to assess the threshold value of serum AMH in PCOD and its correlation with other related hormones such as FSH, LH and Prolactin. Materials and Methods: Serum AMH, FSH, LH and Prolactin in all subject (PCOD and Non PCOD groups) were estimated using Cobas-e-411analyser. The results analyzed statistically by Using Z-test (p value <0.05 considered as significant), Correlation test and ROC analysis. Result: Serum AMH and LH shown significant increase level in PCOD groups compared to Non PCOD groups (p value=0.00, 0.001 respectively). Serum FSH and Prolactin have shown no much significant variation between the two groups (p value=0.75, 0.8 respectively). Threshold values of serum AMH and LH was observed as 8.47 ng/ml and 15.57 mIU/ml respectively. Additionally, serum AMH and LH has shown the strong positive correlation in PCOD group; no other parameters shown any correlation in both groups. Conclusion: Serum AMH level estimation can be considered as a better choice for diagnosis of PCOD especially in the situation wherever ultrasonography examination is not convenient to conduct
Most women initially discuss health-related matters with a medical practitioner in a primary care setting, whether they have specific concerns or are seeking advice and guidance. This practical and comprehensive guide will help primary care practitioners to deliver holistic women's health care to patients throughout different life stages. Contraceptive choices, infertility, pregnancy, and menopause are covered, along with specific diseases such as ovarian cysts, breast conditions, and ovarian cancer. All of the authors are GPs, consultants and nurses with experience of the requirements for healthcare delivery in the primary care setting. Each chapter is written in a practical style, including a list of key points and using cases to illustrate the application of the content. This will be invaluable reading for GPs, doctors in training roles, and nurses with an interest in women's health. It will be particularly useful for candidates preparing for the DRCOG or MRCGP examinations.
Most women initially discuss health-related matters with a medical practitioner in a primary care setting, whether they have specific concerns or are seeking advice and guidance. This practical and comprehensive guide will help primary care practitioners to deliver holistic women's health care to patients throughout different life stages. Contraceptive choices, infertility, pregnancy, and menopause are covered, along with specific diseases such as ovarian cysts, breast conditions, and ovarian cancer. All of the authors are GPs, consultants and nurses with experience of the requirements for healthcare delivery in the primary care setting. Each chapter is written in a practical style, including a list of key points and using cases to illustrate the application of the content. This will be invaluable reading for GPs, doctors in training roles, and nurses with an interest in women's health. It will be particularly useful for candidates preparing for the DRCOG or MRCGP examinations.
Over the last few decades, biomaterials became excellent candidates for tissue engineering applications. Several biomaterials including scaffolds and hydrogels have been reported in cardiovascular and orthopedic-related medical conditions. However, their applications in gynecology are very limited. With this aim, the proposed review article exhibits the importance of biomaterials, such as alginate, chitosan, collagen, and fibrin-based hydrogels and 3D scaffolds for tissue engineering in female reproductive organs. These biomaterials have previously been reported in the functionalization of the nano-drug delivery system for targeted delivery. However, their role directly as therapeutic molecules is a new area under study and has not been studied in detail in Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). Therefore, here we summarized the importance and applications of biomaterials in regenerative medicine for PCOS therapy. The initial section of the review focused on the pathophysiology of PCOS and the limitations of conventionally prescribed treatment therapy. In respect of ovarian environmental conditions, the role and regenerative properties of mentioned biomaterials are explained in the next section of the review followed by futuristic prospects for effective PCOS treatment.
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Since the 1990 NIH‐sponsored conference on polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), it has become appreciated that the syndrome encompasses a broader spectrum of signs and symptoms of ovarian dysfunction than those defined by the original diagnostic criteria. The 2003 Rotterdam consensus workshop concluded that PCOS is a syndrome of ovarian dysfunction along with the cardinal features hyperandrogenism and polycystic ovary (PCO) morphology. PCOS remains a syndrome and, as such, no single diagnostic criterion (such as hyperandrogenism or PCO) is sufficient for clinical diagnosis. Its clinical manifestations may include: menstrual irregularities, signs of androgen excess, and obesity. Insulin resistance and elevated serum LH levels are also common features in PCOS. PCOS is associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular events.
Objective: To assess the effectiveness of metformin in improving clinical and biochemical features of polycystic ovary syndrome. Design: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Data sources: Randomised controlled trials that investigated the effect of metformin compared with either placebo or no treatment, or compared with an ovulation induction agent. Selection of studies: 13 trials were included for analysis, including 543 women with polycystic ovary syndrome that was defined by using biochemical or ultrasound evidence. Main outcome measure: Pregnancy and ovulation rates. Secondary outcomes of clinical and biochemical features of polycystic ovary syndrome. Results: Meta-analysis showed that metformin is effective in achieving ovulation in women with polycystic ovary syndrome, with odds ratios of 3.88 (95% confidence interval 2.25 to 6.69) for metformin compared with placebo and 4.41 (2.37 to 8.22) for metformin and clomifene compared with clomifene alone. An analysis of pregnancy rates shows a significant treatment effect for metformin and clomifene (odds ratio 4.40, 1.96 to 9.85). Metformin has an effect in reducing fasting insulin concentrations, blood pressure, and low density lipoprotein cholesterol. We found no evidence of any effect on body mass index or waist:hip ratio. Metformin was associated with a higher incidence of nausea, vomiting, and other gastrointestinal disturbance. Conclusions: Metformin is an effective treatment for anovulation in women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Its choice as a first line agent seems justified, and there is some evidence of benefit on variables of the metabolic syndrome. No data are available regarding the safety of metformin in long term use in young women and only limited data on its safety in early pregnancy. It should be used as an adjuvant to general lifestyle improvements and not as a replacement for increased exercise and improved diet.
LH and insulin are postulated to jointly stimulate theca-cell androgen biosynthesis in patients with hyperthecosis or polycystic ovarian syndrome. To explore the mechanisms of putative LH and insulin steroidogenic synergy in primary culture of normal theca cells, we have implemented an in vitro serum-free monolayer culture system of Percoll-purified, porcine theca cells harvested from immature ovaries. Initial dose and time course analyses revealed that a maximally effective concentration of LH (100 ng/ml) or insulin (100 ng/ml) individually will drive androstenedione production (at 6 to 48 h) by 1.5- to 2.6- and 1.1- to 1.7-fold, respectively, while combined agonists act synergistically over the interval 12 to 48 h yielding a 3- to 4-fold joint effect. Coadministration of LH and insulin can augment theca-cell concentrations of CYP17 and StAR messenger RNA (mRNA) resulting in 3.4- to 3.9- and 3.8- to 4.1-fold increases at 24 to 48 h, respectively (P< 0.01). Combined LH and insulin stimulation also amplified the nuclear content of intron-specific heterogeneous nuclear (hn)RNAs encoding CYP17 and StAR. Insulin significantly enhanced LH-driven but not basal cAMP accumulation (14–18 vs. 3–5.5 pmol/μg DNA/12–48 h) (P < 0.01). A stable exogenous analog of cAMP, 8 Br-cAMP, mimicked LH’s effect on steroidogenesis and StAR and CYP17 gene expression and with insulin stimulated StAR mRNA and hnRNA accumulation synergistically. However, unlike LH, 8 Br-cAMP did not synergize with insulin on theca-cell androstenedione biosynthesis or CYP17 mRNA and hnRNA expression. In summary, the present in vitro data identify molecular interactions of LH and insulin on StAR and CYP17 gene expression, thus establishing potent signaling interfaces between these distinct hormonal agonists in regulating theca-cell steroidogenesis.
Objectives: While chronic obesity is associated with alterations in circulating glycerolipids, sphingolipids and plasmalogens, the effects of short-term overfeeding in humans are unclear. Design and methods: Healthy individuals (n = 40) were overfed by 1,250 kcal day(-1) for 28 days. Insulin sensitivity (hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp), abdominal fat distribution and serum lipidomics (mass spectrometry) were assessed. Results: Overfeeding increased liver fat, insulin resistance, serum C-reactive protein and urinary F2-isoprostanes. HDL increased (11% ± 2%, P < 0.001) while LDL, triglycerides and nonesterified fatty acids were unchanged. Three hundred and thirty three serum lipids were detected, of which 13% increased and 20% decreased with overfeeding. Total diacylglycerol and lysoalkylphosphatidylcholine (LPC(O)) concentrations decreased (P < 0.01), while total ceramide, Cer22:0 and Cer24:0 increased (P ≤ 0.01). The most notable increases were observed in the HDL-associated phosphatidylethanolamine-based plasmalogens and their precursors alkylhosphatidylethanolamine (18 ± 5% and 38 ± 8% respectively, P ≤ 0.01). Conclusions: Overfeeding led to weight gain and changes in the serum lipid profile. Increases in ceramides were noted, which left unchecked may promote systemic insulin resistance. Uniform increases were observed in plasmalogens and their precursors. Because plasmalogens are powerful antioxidants, this may be an appropriate response against increased oxidative stress generated by over-nutrition. The metabolic consequences of changes in concentrations of many circulating lipid species with overfeeding require further study. Copyright © 2013 The Obesity Society.
While lifestyle management is recommended as first-line treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), the optimal dietary composition is unclear. The aim of this study was to compare the effect of different diet compositions on anthropometric, reproductive, metabolic, and psychological outcomes in PCOS. A literature search was conducted (Australasian Medical Index, CINAHL, EMBASE, Medline, PsycInfo, and EBM reviews; most recent search was performed January 19, 2012). Inclusion criteria were women with PCOS not taking anti-obesity medications and all weight-loss or maintenance diets comparing different dietary compositions. Studies were assessed for risk of bias. A total of 4,154 articles were retrieved and six articles from five studies met the a priori selection criteria, with 137 women included. A meta-analysis was not performed due to clinical heterogeneity for factors including participants, dietary intervention composition, duration, and outcomes. There were subtle differences between diets, with greater weight loss for a monounsaturated fat-enriched diet; improved menstrual regularity for a low-glycemic index diet; increased free androgen index for a high-carbohydrate diet; greater reductions in insulin resistance, fibrinogen, total, and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol for a low-carbohydrate or low-glycemic index diet; improved quality of life for a low-glycemic index diet; and improved depression and self-esteem for a high-protein diet. Weight loss improved the presentation of PCOS regardless of dietary composition in the majority of studies. Weight loss should be targeted in all overweight women with PCOS through reducing caloric intake in the setting of adequate nutritional intake and healthy food choices irrespective of diet composition.