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Unleashing Cognitive Synergy in Large Language Models: A Task-Solving Agent through Multi-Persona Self-Collaboration

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Human intelligence thrives on the concept of cognitive synergy, where collaboration and information integration among different cognitive processes yield superior outcomes compared to individual cognitive processes in isolation. Although Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated promising performance as general task-solving agents, they still struggle with tasks that require intensive domain knowledge and complex reasoning. In this work, we propose Solo Performance Prompting (SPP), which transforms a single LLM into a cognitive synergist by engaging in multi-turn self-collaboration with multiple personas. A cognitive synergist refers to an intelligent agent that collaborates with multiple minds, combining their individual strengths and knowledge, to enhance problem-solving and overall performance in complex tasks. By dynamically identifying and simulating different personas based on task inputs, SPP unleashes the potential of cognitive synergy in LLMs. We have discovered that assigning multiple, fine-grained personas in LLMs elicits better problem-solving abilities compared to using a single or fixed number of personas. We evaluate SPP on three challenging tasks: Trivia Creative Writing, Codenames Collaborative, and Logic Grid Puzzle, encompassing both knowledge-intensive and reasoning-intensive types. Unlike previous works, such as Chain-of-Thought, that solely enhance the reasoning abilities in LLMs, SPP effectively elicits internal knowledge acquisition abilities, reduces hallucination, and maintains strong reasoning capabilities. Code, data, and prompts can be found at:
Zhenhailong Wang1
, Shaoguang Mao2, Wenshan Wu2, Tao Ge2, Furu Wei2, Heng Ji1
1University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, 2Microsoft Research Asia
Human intelligence thrives on the concept of cognitive synergy, where collabora-
tion and information integration among different cognitive processes yield superior
outcomes compared to individual cognitive processes in isolation. Although Large
Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated promising performance as general
task-solving agents, they still struggle with tasks that require intensive domain
knowledge and complex reasoning. In this work, we propose Solo Performance
Prompting (
), which transforms a single LLM into a cognitive synergist by
engaging in multi-turn self-collaboration with multiple personas. A cognitive syner-
gist refers to an intelligent agent that collaborates with multiple minds, combining
their individual strengths and knowledge, to enhance problem-solving and overall
performance in complex tasks. By dynamically identifying and simulating different
personas based on task inputs,
unleashes the potential of cognitive synergy in
LLMs. We have discovered that assigning multiple, fine-grained personas in LLMs
elicits better problem-solving abilities compared to using a single or fixed number
of personas. We evaluate
on three challenging tasks: Trivia Creative Writing,
Codenames Collaborative, and Logic Grid Puzzle, encompassing both knowledge-
intensive and reasoning-intensive types. Unlike previous works, such as Chain-
of-Thought, that solely enhance the reasoning abilities in LLMs,
elicits internal knowledge acquisition abilities, reduces hallucination, and maintains
strong reasoning capabilities. Code, data, and prompts can be found at:
Input output
AI Assistant
Input output
AI Assistant Thoughts
Input output
AI Assistant
Domain Experts / Audiences
PersonasA single LLM
(a) Standard Prompting
(b) Chain-of-Thought Prompting (CoT) (c) Solo Performance Prompting (SPP)
single persona
single persona
multiple personas
Figure 1: Schematic illustration of Solo Performance Prompting (
) and the difference compared to
previous prompting methods.
transforms a single LLM into a cognitive synergist that dynamically
identifies personas and engages in multi-turn self-collaboration to solve various tasks effectively.
arXiv:2307.05300v2 [cs.AI] 14 Jul 2023
Write a short, one-paragraph background
story of an NPC for the next Legend of
Zelda game. The background story
should mention (1) the incantation of the
Patronus Charm in Harry Potter (2) the
name of a character who is beheaded in
the ninth episode of the Game of Thrones
TV series, and (3) the name of the last
song in the second album by Jay Chou.
Task Input
Standard Prompting Result
:Thanks for the information! Here's my initial attempt at the background story:
:The background story is engaging and adds depth to the game world...
:The incantation "Expecto Patronum" is well-incorporated into the story.
:The character name Eddard Stark is used effectively in the story.
:The inclusion of "An Jing" adds a nice touch to the story.
: The NPC should be a character that fits well into the Legend of Zelda universe
: The incantation of the Patronus Charm in Harry Potter is "Expecto Patronum."
: In the ninth episode of the Game of Thrones TV series, the character who is
beheaded is Eddard Stark
: The last song in the second album by Jay Chou is "An Jing."
Participants: AI Assistant (you) Game Designer Harry Potter Fan
Game of Thrones Fan Jay Chou Fan
Persona Identification
Beginning Remarks
Multi-Persona Iterative Collaboration
[ ... story draft ... ]
Solo Performance Prompting Result
Start Collaboration!
Finish Collaboration!
In the mystical land of Hyrule, there lived a wise and powerful sorcerer named
Eddard. Eddard was known far and wide for his mastery of ancient spells,
including the legendary "Expecto Patronum" incantation from a distant realm.
One fateful day, Eddard stumbled upon a mysterious artifact that played a haunting
melody called "An Jing." The melody resonated with his soul, unlocking a hidden
power within him. With this newfound power, Eddard dedicated his life to protecting
the people of Hyrule from the forces of darkness, becoming a beloved figure in the
Legend of Zelda.
Final Answer
In the land of Hyrule, there lived a wise
and mysterious NPC named Eddard, who
was once a renowned wizard in the magical
world of Hogwarts. Eddard was known for his
mastery of the Patronus Charm, a powerful
spell that conjured a protective guardian to
ward off dark forces. (missing the
incantation!) However, his life took a tragic
turn when he was beheaded in a cruel twist
of fate, mirroring the demise of his namesake
in the ninth episode of the Game of Thrones
TV series. Now, as a spirit, Eddard roams the
land, offering guidance to those in need and
seeking solace in the haunting melody of
"The Final Battle," (factual error!) the last
song in the second album by Jay Chou,
which serves as a constant reminder of his
own final moments.
Figure 2: Task example with Solo Performance Prompting in action. Participants are automatically
identified by the LLM based on the task input. This example demonstrates that Standard prompting
may result in factual errors, whereas expert personas in
assist in accurate knowledge acquisition,
contributing to a coherent and informative final answer.
Although large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated impressive performance as general
task-solving agents, they still encounter challenges (Qin et al.,2023;Bang et al.,2023;OpenAI,
2023;Bubeck et al.,2023) in various knowledge-intensive and reasoning-intensive tasks due to
hallucination (Maynez et al.,2020) and a lack of slow-thinking (Sloman,1996) capabilities. Unlike
humans, who can leverage the power of collaboration and information integration among different
cognitive processes and individuals (referred to as cognitive synergy (Cur¸seu et al.,2015;Goertzel,
2009;2017)), current LLMs are akin to "jack-of-all-trades" with a vast mixture of knowledge and
characteristics. Recent advancements, such as Chain-of-Thought (CoT) prompting (Wei et al.,
2023;Kojima et al.,2022) and Self-refinement (Madaan et al.,2023;Shinn et al.,2023), have
successfully enhanced the reasoning abilities of LLMs by simulating slow-thinking through the
generation of intermediate steps or iterative revision. However, hallucination and factual errors in
internal knowledge acquisition continue to pose major challenges in state-of-the-art LLMs.
A cognitive synergist denotes an intelligent agent that works in conjunction with several minds,
merging their unique abilities and expertise to improve problem-solving and overall efficacy in
intricate tasks. In this work, we aim to develop a cognitive synergist based on a single LLM that
can "split into" multiple personas and engage in multi-persona self-collaboration to address both
knowledge-intensive and reasoning-intensive tasks. The underlying biological intuition stems from
the significance of pretend play and role-playing (Pellegrini,2009) in a child’s cognitive development.
According to Piaget’s developmental theory (Piaget,1954), engaging in pretend play and taking on
different roles allows children to cultivate essential skills such as problem-solving, critical thinking,
empathy, and cooperation.
The main inspiration for this work originates from recent findings (Deshpande et al.,2023;Xu et al.,
2023) suggesting that assigning personas to an LLM can elicit specific behaviors. For instance,
Work was done when interning at Microsoft Research Asia.
Xu et al. (2023) demonstrates that when conditioned on a task-specific expert identity, an LLM
can generate superior answers compared to having no assigned persona. Another closely related
line of work Park et al. (2023); Schick et al. (2022); Li et al. (2023); Cai et al. (2023) hints at the
possibility of constructing an AI society with multiple LLM agents collaborating in different roles.
However, some lingering limitations of these previous works include: (1) personas are typically
fixed or task-specific, necessitating human supervision; (2) such collaboration often requires multiple
individual LLM instances, resulting in a doubling or tripling of inference costs.
To unleash the potential of cognitive synergy in LLMs, we propose Solo Performance Prompting
), which prompts a single LLM to identify, simulate, and collaborate with multiple personas
to solve challenging tasks. Figure 1provides a high-level overview of
. Here, a persona can
represent either a domain expert, such as a movie enthusiast, or a target audience, such as a ten-year-
old child. Through the dynamic identification of various personas, we empower a single LLM to
acquire diverse domain knowledge accurately without additional retrieval systems. By facilitating
multi-turn self-collaboration, we enable self-revision and self-feedback from various perspectives
without requiring additional agents.
In real-world scenarios, particularly in creative industries, there is often a need to incorporate diverse
information from different domains. Figure 2presents a concrete example of how
operates on a
challenging task that necessitates creative integration of information from various domains, such as
the Legend of Zelda game, Harry Potter movies, and Jay Chou’s albums. Standard prompting fails
to generate satisfactory output due to missing essential information and factual errors. In contrast,
correctly provides all the necessary information by automatically identifying participants with
special personas, such as Harry Potter Fan and Jay Chou Fan. A leader persona, AI Assistant, then
initiates a multi-turn dialogue with all participants, where it iteratively writes drafts of the story,
solicits feedback, and revises. Once all participants provide positive feedback, the collaboration
concludes, and a final answer is provided.
To summarize, the key contributions of this paper are as follows:
We present Solo Performance Prompting (
), a novel approach that leverages a single
LLM as a cognitive synergist to solve tasks by dynamically identifying personas and
engaging in multi-turn self-collaboration.
We evaluate
on three challenging tasks, Trivia Creative Writing, Codenames Collabora-
tive and Logic Grid Puzzle, spanning both knowledge- and reasoning-intensive domains.
significantly enhances both knowledge acquisition and reasoning abilities in LLMs,
without the need for external resources.
We conduct an in-depth analysis of the impact of identified personas and provide insights
into why dynamic, fine-grained personas are necessary, as opposed to fixed, coarse-grained
To unleash the power of synergizing different personas to tackle complex problems within a single
LLM, we propose Solo Performance Prompting (
)which instructs a model to perform the
following the procedure for solving general tasks: (1) Persona Identification: Identify multiple
participants with special personas (including a leader persona: AI Assistant) that are essential for
solving the particular task. (2) Beginning Remarks: Each of the participants delivers a beginning
remarks providing suggestions or information on how to approach the task based on their own
expertise. (3) Multi-Persona Iterative Collaboration: The leader persona, AI Assistant, proposes
initial solutions, consults the other participants for feedback, and revise the answer iteratively. Figure2
shows a walking example of
during inference. Next, we formally describe the
procedure in
Given an input sequence
and a model
, let a prompt (including demonstration examples)
prepended to the input to be
and the final output to be
. Denote an intermediate generation before
generating the final
. Under this formulation, Standard Prompting and Chain-of-Thought (CoT)
Prompting can be described as:
Standard Prompting: y=M(x)
CoT Prompting: y=M(pcotx∥{z1, z2, ..., zn})
is the CoT prompt, e.g.,
"Solve the task step-by-step"
{z1, z2..., zn}
are the
intermediate steps. In contrast, our proposed Solo Performance Prompting can be described as
Solo Performance Prompting: y=M(psppxzp∥{z1
b, z2
b, ..., zm
s, z1
f, ..., zm
where the
prompt (
) includes a high-level instruction and two carefully crafted demonstration
that showcase the expected task-solving procedure of
. We describe the design details
of the prompt in § 2.2. The corresponding intermediate generations (z) of SPP are detailed below.
Persona Identification (
). Given an input task,
first generates a list of participants with
different personas that can potentially contribute to the task solving. The personas can be either
domain experts or targeted audiences whose feedback is important. For example in Figure 2, the
model identified a Jay Chou Fan persona for helping retrieving the knowledge of "the last song in
the second album by Jay Chou". And for some tasks involving special audiences, e.g., "Explain
quantum computing to a ten-year-old kid", including a ten-year-old kid as a participant can provide
valuable feedback from the audience’s perspective. We let the language model identify the personas
dynamically instead of manually defining them. Given only two demonstration examples, we observe
that a state-of-the-art large language model, e.g., GPT-4 (OpenAI,2023), can identify accurate and
meaningful personas for diverse tasks. We denote this part of intermediate generation as zp.
Beginning Remarks (
). Among the identified participants, "AI Assistant (you)" is treated as
a leader persona that initiates the collaboration and generates initial solutions. Before generating
the initial answer, each of the personas gives a beginning remark on how to approach the task from
their own perspectives. For the example in Figure 2, the Jay Chou Fan gives a beginning remark
pointing out that the last song in Jay Chou’s second album is "An Jing" ("Silence"). We find that this
effectively improves the quality of the initial solution generated by the AI Assistant. We use
i= 0
denote the "AI Assistant" persona, and
i > 1
for other dynamically identified personas. Thus the
beginning remarks can be denoted as
b, z2
b, ..., zm
is the number of personas excluding
the "AI Assistant".
Multi-Persona Iterative Collaboration (
). Based on the beginning remarks, the AI Assistant
persona generates an initial solution denoted as
, then it consults each of the other participants for
. For example in Figure 2, the Jay Chou Fan persona checks whether the song "An
Jing" ("Silence") is nicely included in the story. The participants are also encouraged to critique the
current generation and give revision suggestions. This process can be repeated for multiple times
until every participant is satisfied with the current solution. We denote the intermediate generations of
the multi-turn dialogue as
s, z1
f, ..., zm
is the number of iterations before reaching
the final answer. The collaboration is marked to be complete by "Finish collaboration!" And then the
final solution is generated afterwards.
Based on only a single large language model,
enables multi-persona self-collaboration which
effectively elicits domain knowledge and reduces hallucination. Meanwhile, the iterative procedure
inherits the benefit of CoT prompting for eliciting reasoning ability. The main advantage over CoT is
that at each step we can receive feedback from diverse perspectives due to the dynamically assigned
personas. A comprehensive comparison with previous prompting methods can be found in Table 1.
To prompt an LLM to behave as a cognitive synergist that follows the expected task-solving procedure
as mentioned in §2.1, we carefully designed the structure of the
prompt as follows. The full
prompt can be found in Appendix A.2
1The tasks we use in the demonstration examples do not overlap with the evaluation tasks.
2We use the same prompt for any arbitrary tasks.
Table 1: Comparison with previous prompting methods.
Has multiple
Personas dynamically
Has iterative
Need only a
single LLM?
Chain-of-Thought (Wei et al.,2023)
Inner Monologue (Huang et al.,2022)
ReAct (Yao et al.,2022)
Self-refine (Madaan et al.,2023)
Reflexion (Shinn et al.,2023)
Tree-of-thought (Yao et al.,2023)
Peer (Schick et al.,2022)
Camel (Li et al.,2023) (fixed to 2)
GPT-bargaining (Fu et al.,2023) (fixed to 3)
ExpertPrompting (Xu et al.,2023)
Solo Performance Prompting (ours) (varied)
System Principle. The first part of the prompt contains a high-level instruction:
"When faced
with a task, begin by identifying the participants who will contribute to
solving the task. Then, initiate a multi-turn collaboration process until
a final solution is reached. The participants will give critical comments
and detailed suggestions whenever necessary."
Demonstration Examples. Then, we include two manually crafted demonstration examples to
showcase the expected task-solving behavior. The first example describes a Game of 24 task, where
we only include two personas: an AI Assistant and a Math Expert. This task aims to provide an
example of a reasoning-intensive task, where the AI Assistant needs to propose multiple proposals,
and the other participants need to give fine-grained feedback on where the current solution went
wrong and how to improve it. The second example describes a poem-writing task with diverse
requirements, including lexical constraints, semantic constraints, and audience awareness. This task
aims to provide an example of a knowledge-intensive task, where diverse personas are required to
collaboratively solve the task. This example also demonstrates a case where it is important to assign
a dedicated persona to the audience, e.g., a ten-year-old child.
Task Prefix. The last part of the prompt reminds the model to
"identify the participants
and collaboratively solve the following task step by step."
followed by task-
specific format instructions and inputs.
We explore the effectiveness of Solo Performance Prompting for versatile task-solving by examining
three challenging tasks that encompass both knowledge-intensive and reasoning-intensive domains.
We introduce the Trivia Creative Writing task, which requires the model to internally acquire and
integrate diverse information from various fields. We observe that even the most advanced LLMs,
such as GPT-4 (OpenAI,2023), frequently exhibit hallucination and factuality errors in the Trivia
Creative Writing task. We also propose the Codenames Collaborative task, an extension of the Co-
denames task from the BigBench (Srivastava et al.,2022) that features a two-role collaboration setup.
Codenames Collaborative demands creative reasoning across a broad range of related knowledge
and challenges the model’s theory-of-mind skills. Lastly, we include a challenging pure-reasoning
task, Logic Grid Puzzle, from the BigBench (Srivastava et al.,2022) which necessitates complex
multi-step reasoning.
Methods. We primarily compare our approach with Standard Prompting and Chain-of-Thought
(CoT) prompting methods (outlined in §2). In CoT, a similar prompt design to Yao et al. (2023)
is employed, where the model is prompted to generate a plan or a series of steps before producing
the final output. We examine two variants of Solo Performance Prompting,
Inspired by Xu et al. (2023) that suggested a detailed expert description may help elicit distinguished
abilities, we include
, which involves generating profiles for each persona during the
Persona Identification phase. Full prompts for the methods can be found in Appendix A.
Inference Configurations. All experiments are conducted using the GPT-4-32k API
. The temper-
ature is set to
and top_p to
for all generations to maximize reproducibility. To evaluate the
potential impact of initial persona assignment through a system message, we consider two inference
settings: with or without the default system message, "You are an AI assistant that helps
people find information"
. We observe divergent patterns across various tasks and methods
regarding the use of the system message, and report the average metric scores across both inference
settings in the Tables 2,3, and 4. Full results for each setting can be found in Appendix B.
Write a short and coherent story about {Harry Potter} that incorporates the answers to the following {5} questions: {Who was the man
behind The Chipmunks? Which Lloyd Webber musical premiered in the US on 10th December 1993? Who was the next British Prime
Minister after Arthur Balfour? Who had a 70s No 1 hit with Kiss You All Over? What claimed the life of singer Kathleen Ferrier?}
Trivia Creative Writing Input Example (N=5)
David Seville
Sunset Boulevard
Henry Campbell-Bannerman
Target Answers
One day, Harry Potter stumbled upon a mysterious book in the Hogwarts library. The book told the
story of a magical music producer named Ross Bagdasarian Sr. (incorrect answer), who created
a group of singing chipmunks. Intrigued, Harry shared the story with his friends Ron and Hermione.
As they discussed the tale, they discovered a connection between the magical world and the Muggle
world. It turned out that a famous Muggle composer, Andrew Lloyd Webber, had been inspired by
the magical world to create a musical called "Sunset Boulevard," which premiered in the US on
10th December 1993. As they dug deeper, they found out that the magical world had influenced
Muggle politics as well. Henry Campbell-Bannerman , the British Prime Minister after Arthur
Balfour, had a secret friendship with a wizard who advised him on important matters. Their research
also led them to the Muggle band Exile , which had a 70s No 1 hit with "Kiss You All Over." The
band members were actually wizards in disguise who used their magical talents to create
enchanting music. Lastly, they learned about the tragic story of Kathleen Ferrier, a talented Muggle
singer whose life was claimed by breast cancer . Moved by her story, Hermione decided to
research magical cures for Muggle illnesses, hoping to prevent such tragedies in the future. Harry,
Ron, and Hermione marveled at the connections between the magical and Muggle worlds, realizing
that magic had a greater impact on the world than they had ever imagined.
Output Example
Correct Answer Mentions: 4
Number of Questions (N): 5
Score: 4 / 5 = 0.8
Evaluation Metric
Figure 3: Trivia Creative Writing task example.
Task Description. The Trivia Creative Writing task aims to push the limits of large language
models in retrieving internal self-compressed knowledge and incorporating diverse information. As a
scalable extension of the example task shown in Figure 2, Trivia Creative Writing asks a model to
write a coherent story around a topic while incorporating answers to
trivia questions. We consider
two evaluation settings,
N= 5
N= 10
, where a larger
involves more trivia questions and
thus requires the model to elicit more diverse domain knowledge. We built a benchmark with 100
instances for each
, covering a total of 1000 trivia questions
extracted from the TriviaQA (Joshi
et al.,2017) dataset. The topic list is automatically generated by prompting GPT-4 to provide 100
nouns from pop culture that are PG or PG-13 rated
. Figure 3shows an example instance in Trivia
Creative Writing.
Evaluation Metrics. Instead of focusing on evaluating the coherence of the generation, which can
be highly subjective, we employ an automatic metric to detect factual errors and quantify a model’s
ability to incorporate diverse domain knowledge. As shown in Figure 3, we perform string matching
with the ground truth target answers for each question on the output generation. The target answers
are provided by the TriviaQA dataset, and each question can have a list of answer aliases. A match
to any of the answer aliases of a question is considered as a correct mention. The metric score is
The specific model version we employ is "2023-3-15-preview". There are some rare cases when a generation
triggers the content filter of the API. We exclude those instances from our results.
To select difficult question instances that can pose challenges to GPT-4, we use a smaller open-source LLM,
fastchat_t5_3b (Zheng et al.,2023), to obtain preliminary performance on the validation set, and then choose the
failure cases as our question selection.
The full prompt for generating the topic list can be found in Figure 15. We performed further human curation
to avoid potential harmful content.
computed as follows.
Trivia Creative Writing Metric Score =# correct answer mentions
# trivia questions
Table 2: Trivia Creative Writing main results.
indicates the relative gain/loss compared with
Standard Prompting (first row).
Methods N (# trivia questions) = 5 N (# trivia questions ) = 10
Score (%) (v.s Standard %) Score (%) (v.s Standard %)
Standard 74.6 0.0% 77.0 0.0%
CoT 67.1 -10.0% 68.5 -11.1%
SPP-Profile (ours) 79.1 +5.9% 83.0 +7.8%
SPP (ours) 79.9 +7.1% 84.7 +10.0%
6. Incorporate the Sky Train Rail bridge, which is in
Participants: AI Assistant (you); Movie Expert; Art Expert;
Sports Expert; Geography Expert
Geography Expert: The Sky Train Rail Bridge is located
in Canada.
SPP v.s. CoT (Trivia Creative Writing N=5)
Instance Index: 10
Question #5: In which country is the Sky Train Rail bridge?
Instance Index: 12
Question #5: Which 70s show was based on the British show Till Death Us Do Part?
Participants: AI Assistant (you); Story Writer; Music
Expert; TV Show Expert; Cultural Expert
TV Show Expert: [...] The 70s show All in the Family
was based on the British show Till Death Us Do Part.
[...] 6. Mention a show that the Little Mermaid watches,
based on the British show Till Death Us Do Part.
[...] Ariel and her friends often gathered to watch their
favorite show, "Undersea Squabbles,"
which was based on the British show Till Death Us Do Part.
(factual error)
Figure 4: SPP vs CoT qualitative examples on Trivia Creative Writing (N=5). We find that although
CoT generates reasonable plans or steps, it tends to suffer from factual errors and hallucination.
Results. Table 2shows the results of the four methods on the Trivia Creative Writing task. We
have the following main observations: (1) Chain-of-Thought (CoT) does not outperform Standard
prompting. This indicates that CoT may not be effective in eliciting an LLM’s knowledge abilities.
As shown in Figure 4, we find that although CoT generates reasonable plans for solving the task,
the final generation still suffers from factual errors and hallucination. (2) Our proposed
significantly outperform both Standard and CoT. The improvement is more noticeable in
the N= 10 setting compared with N= 5 (10% vs. 7%). This indicates that when the task requires
incorporating knowledge from a large number of different domains, Solo Performance Prompting can
be particularly helpful by identifying different personas for eliciting different expertise.
Task Description. Codenames Collaborative is a challenging task that requires the model to reason
over a wide range of knowledge while considering collaboration with another agent. We aim to
use this task to investigate the effectiveness of
on collaborative tasks that require knowledge,
reasoning, and theory of mind abilities. Codenames Collaborative involves two player roles: a
Spymaster and a Guesser. The Spymaster is given a set of target words along with some other
distractor words. The Guesser does not have the information about which words are the target words.
The goal of the Spymaster is to come up with a single hint word that is closely related to the target
Codenames Collaborative Input/Output Example
Try to find a single word hint that can accurately represent and link the {4} given words: {"director,
kiss, popcorn, street"}. The key is to select a hint that does not cause confusion with other words
from the following list: {locust, fever, street, sherwood, kiss, popcorn, craft, ant, crystal, tear, cowboy,
government, pine, mountie, soap, genie, king arthur, sphinx, director, bride, razor, fog, whistle}.
Spymaster Input
Spymaster Output Example
Try to identify the {4} words best associated with the word {"movie"} from the following list: {locust,
fever, street, sherwood, kiss, popcorn, craft, ant, crystal, tear, cowboy, government, pine, mountie,
soap, genie, king arthur, sphinx, director, bride, razor, fog, whistle.}
Guesser Input
director, popcorn, cowboy, bride
Guesser Output Example
Targets: director, kiss, popcorn, street Guesser outputs: director, popcorn, cowboy, bride Score: 2 / 4 = 0.5
Evaluation Metric
Figure 5: Codenames Collaborative task example.
words while being remotely related to the distractor words. The goal of the Guesser is to find the
target subset of words from the entire word set based on the hint given by the Spymaster. Finding a
good hint word or guessing the target subset of words both require a strong capability of selecting,
composing, and reasoning over various knowledge related to a certain word. For example, "director,
popcorn" can be linked by the word "movie" because movies are created by a director and people
often eat popcorn when watching movies in a cinema. We use the same LLM (GPT-4 (OpenAI,
2023)) to play the Spymaster and the Guesser sequentially. That is, each game instance involves one
inference as the Spymaster and then another inference as the Guesser, where the Guesser’s input is
dependent on the Spymaster’s output. We construct a dataset with 50 instances based on the data
from the Codenames task in the BigBench (Srivastava et al.,2022). Figure 5shows an example of the
Codenames Collaborative task.
Evaluation Metrics. As illustrated in Figure 5, we compute the overlapping ratio between the
predicted words from the Guesser and the target words given to the Spymaster as the metric. A
major limitation of the original Codenames task in the BigBench dataset is that it only considers the
Spymaster role and provides a ground truth answer to the hint word, which can be highly subjective
and exclude many potentially good alternatives. Our Codenames Collaborative task addresses
this issue by making the evaluation setting self-contained, which can faithfully reflect the model’s
capability without the need for human annotation.
Table 3: Codenames Collaborative main results.
indicates the relative gain/loss compared with
Standard Prompting (first row).
Methods Score (%) (v.s Standard %)
Standard 75.4 0.0%
CoT 72.7 -3.6%
SPP-Profile (ours) 76.7 +1.7%
SPP (ours) 79.0 +4.8%
Results. Table 3shows the results on the Codenames Collaborative task. Similar to the Trivia
Creative Writing task, we find that CoT does not bring positive gains compared with the Standard
prompting. In contrast,
brings significant improvements (~5%), which indicates the effective-
ness of the proposed Solo Performance Prompting on collaborative tasks that require knowledge,
Participants: AI Assistant (you); Language Expert; Word
Association Expert
Language Expert: The task is to find a single word hint
that can accurately represent and link the 2 given words:
"kick, rope". The hint should not cause confusion with
other words from the list provided.
Word Association Expert: Let's first analyze the words
"kick" and "rope". We can think of activities or objects that
involve both kicking and using a rope. For example, sports
or games.
AI Assistant (you): Thanks for the suggestions! Based on
the idea of sports or games, I propose the hint "jump". It
can be associated with both "kick" and "rope" without
causing confusion with the other words in the list.
Final answer: jump
SPP v.s. CoT (Codenames Collaborative)
Instance Index: 9
Word List: shoulder, glacier, anchor, magician, tunnel, sugar, gear, book, rainbow, ram, nose, pacific, volume, rope,
mark, drum, page, sack, kick
Target Words: kick, rope
SPP Spymaster
1. Analyze the given words: "kick" and "rope".
2. Identify the common theme or connection between the
two words.
3. Compare the connection with the list of words provided
to ensure the hint does not cause confusion with other
4. Select a hint that accurately represents and links the
two given words without causing confusion.
Answer: Sport
CoT Spymaster
Participants: AI Assistant (you); Linguist; Athlete
Linguist: When thinking about words associated with
"jump," consider words that are related to physical
activities, sports, or movement. Look for words that can be
used in the same context as "jump" or have a similar
Athlete: In sports and physical activities, we often use
equipment or tools that help us jump or perform jumping-
related actions. Keep that in mind when selecting the
AI Assistant (you): Thanks for the guidance! Based on
your suggestions, I think "rope" and "kick" are the two
words best associated with "jump" from the list. Rope can
be related to jumping rope, and kick can be associated
with jumping in some sports like soccer or martial arts.
Linguist: Let's verify if the words are related to "jump."
Rope is indeed related to jumping rope, which is a
common physical activity. Kick is also related to jumping in
some sports, as you mentioned. Both words seem to be
good choices.
Athlete: I agree with the choices. Rope and kick are both
related to jumping and physical activities.
Final answer: rope, kick
SPP Guesser
SPP Spymaster Hint: jump CoT Spymaster Hint: Sport
1. Review the list of words provided.
2. Identify words that are directly related to or commonly
associated with sports.
3. Select the top 2 words that are most closely related to
Answer: gear, kick
CoT Guesser
Score: 2 / 2 = 1.0 Score: 1 / 2 = 0.5
Figure 6: SPP vs CoT qualitative examples on Codenames Collaborative. We find that
much more detailed and interpretable intermediate discussions from various perspectives, which
leads to stronger knowledge selection, integration, and theory-of-mind capabilities.
reasoning, and theory of mind skills. Figure 6provides a qualitative example illustrating that
generates detailed and interpretable intermediate dialogues, contributing to superior performance
when compared with CoT.
Task Description. We leverage the Logic Grid Puzzle task from the Bigbench (Srivastava et al.,
2022) dataset, which contains 200 instances. Each instance describes a logic puzzle typically
involving 2 - 5 houses, where each house is inhabited by a person with certain characteristics, e.g.,
Logic Grid Puzzle Input/Output/Evaluation Example
Q: There are 4 houses in a row, numbered 1 on the left to 4 on the right. There is one person living in each house. The people
in these houses have different characteristics:
- Each person has different flowers in their foyer: one has a carnations arrangement, one has a bouquet of daffodils, one
has a vase of tulips, and one has a bouquet of lilies
- Each person plays a different musical instrument: one is a guitarist, one is a pianist, one is a percussionist, and one is a
1. The flutist lives in the second house.
2. The person who has a vase of tulips lives directly left of the guitarist.
3. The person who has a bouquet of lilies lives directly left of the person who has a carnations arrangement.
4. There is one house between where the flutist lives and where the pianist lives.
What is the number of the house where the person who has a vase of tulips lives?
choice: 2
choice: 4
choice: 1
choice: 3
Input Example
The house number where the person who has a vase of tulips lives is 3.
Output Example
Target: 2 Prediction: 3 Score: 0 (2!=3)
Evaluation Metric
Figure 7: Logic Grid Puzzle task example.
having a vase of tulips or being a pianist. Given some partial clues, such as "the flutist lives in the
second house," the goal is to answer the final question that queries the house number of the person
with a specific characteristic. To obtain the final answer, the model is required to perform multi-step
reasoning and select the most relevant clue to use at each step. Challenging instances may involve
considering multiple clues simultaneously for deducing the next useful piece of information. Figure 7
shows an example input and output of the Logic Grid Puzzle task.
Evaluation Metrics. We compute the accuracy of the predicted house numbers by comparing them
with the ground truth targets provided by the dataset.
Table 4: Logic Grid Puzzle Main Results.
indicates the relative gain/loss compared with Standard
Prompting (first row).
Methods Score (%) (v.s Standard %)
Standard 57.7 0.0%
CoT 65.8 +14.1%
SPP-Profile (ours) 64.8 +12.4%
SPP (ours) 68.3 +18.5%
Results. Table 4presents the results on Logic Grid Puzzle. In contrast to the previous two tasks,
as expected, we find that CoT brings significant improvements compared to Standard prompting,
verifying the observation from previous work that CoT elicits better reasoning abilities on reasoning-
intensive tasks. Furthermore, we discover that
also outperforms CoT on this task, indicating
competitive reasoning capabilities on pure-reasoning tasks. This result demonstrates that the increased
number of personas does not deteriorate the models’ reasoning abilities.
effectively improves internal knowledge acquisition and reasoning in LLMs. As demon-
strated by the results in §3, Solo Performance Prompting (
) not only brings significant improve-
ments to knowledge-intensive tasks such as Trivia Creative Writing and Codenames Collaborative
without relying on external knowledge bases, but also achieves strong performance on reasoning-
Trivia Creative Writing (N=5)
SPP Identified Personas
Codenames Collaborative Logic Grid Puzzle
Figure 8: Visualization of the
-identified personas for each task. We find that personas in
knowledge-intensive tasks, such as Trivia Creative Writing, tend to be more diverse and specific,
whereas in reasoning-intensive tasks, like Logic Grid Puzzle, they appear more homogeneous.
Figure 9: Comparison between
(with dynamically identified personas) and
(with fixed personas). The results demonstrate that dynamic, fine-grained personas consistently
outperform fixed, general personas. Another observation is that
seems more
sensitive to system messages and exhibits a unique early-termination problem (detailed in the text)
that leads to unexpectedly low performance on certain tasks, such as Codenames Collaborative.
intensive tasks like Logic Grid Puzzle. This indicates the potential of using LLM-based cognitive
synergists as a default paradigm for general task solving by Solo Performance Prompting.
LLMs can effectively identify useful personas without additional fine-tuning. We visualize
the personas
automatically identified by
using a word cloud for each task in Figure 8, where
a larger font indicates a higher frequency. The identified personas are closely correlated with the
particular task; for example, on Logic Grid Puzzle, even though "logic puzzle" is not mentioned in
the input, the LLM frequently assigns the persona "Logic Puzzle Expert" to a participant. It indicates
that current LLMs are inherently capable of identifying useful expert personas for diverse tasks. We
also find that on knowledge-intensive tasks, such as Trivia Creative Writing,
identifies more
diverse and specific personas, while on reasoning-intensive tasks, such as Logic Grid Puzzle, the
personas are more homogeneous. Moreover, the fact that
does not outperform
two of the three tasks suggests that a fine-grained name of the persona without a detailed description
may already be sufficient for eliciting certain domain knowledge.
6The visualization excludes the default persona, AI Assistant.
SPP v.s. SPP-Fixed-Persona (Trivia Creative Writing N=5)
Instance Index: 56
Question #1: What sport or pastime would you be playing if your balls were black and blue and your opponent's were red
and yellow?
Participants: AI Assistant (you); Story Writer; Sports
Enthusiast; Historian; Movie Buff; Music Expert; Mythology
Sports Enthusiast: The sport with black and blue balls for
one player and red and yellow balls for the other is
Participants: AI Assistant (you); Expert
Expert: Snooker
SPP SPP-Fixed-Persona
Instance Index: 7
Question #3: Which musician founded the Red Hot Peppers?
Participants: AI Assistant (you); Storyteller; Mythology
Expert; Music Enthusiast; Historian; Speed Record Expert
Music Enthusiast: The musician who founded the Red
Hot Peppers is Jelly Roll Morton.
Participants: AI Assistant (you); Expert
AI Assistant (you): The musician who founded the Red
Hot Peppers is Louis Armstrong.
SPP SPP-Fixed-Persona
Instance Index: 30
Question #1: Which orchestral conductor was married to one of the subjects of the film Hillary and Jackie?
Participants: AI Assistant (you); Film Expert; Literary
Expert; History Expert; Geography Expert; Architecture
Film Expert: The orchestral conductor married to one of
the subjects of the film Hillary and Jackie is Daniel
Participants: AI Assistant (you); Expert
Expert: Sir Simon Rattle was married to one of the
subjects of the film Hillary and Jackie.
SPP SPP-Fixed-Persona
Figure 10: SPP vs SPP-Fixed-Persona qualitative examples on Trivia Creative Writing (N=5). Each
example shows one of the trivia questions in the input instance, the identified participants and the
provided answer. We observe that the dynamically identified fine-grained personas, such as "Film
Expert", tend to outperform the fixed general personas, such as "Expert".
Dynamic personas vs. fixed personas. To further investigate the importance of dynamically identi-
fying personas (synergizing dynamic cognitive processes) for each task instance instead of fixing a gen-
eral persona (synergizing fixed cognitive processes), an ablated variant of
is introduced. For
, we modify the prompt of
to force the personas to be
fixed as an "AI Assistant" and an "Expert", while keeping all the information in the demonstration
examples intact. The full prompt of
can be found in Figure 13. Figure 9shows
the comparison between
. We have the following main insights: (1)
consistently outperforms
across all tasks, suggesting that dynamic, fine-grained
personas are more effective than fixed, general personas. Figure 10 shows qualitative examples from
Trivia Creative Writing, where fine-grained personas such as "Film Expert" and "Sports Enthusiast"
correctly find the answers, while the fixed persona "Expert" fails. (2)
from a unique problem we refer to as early-termination, where the LLM stops the generation
after the Expert persona gives the beginning remarks. The model behaves as if it were waiting for
input from a user instead of simulating the response by itself. An example of the early-termination
problem can be found in Figure 16. The problem is particularly severe on certain tasks, e.g., Co-
denames Collaborative, resulting in unexpectedly low performance. The problem can be largely
alleviated by removing the system message,
"You are an AI assistant that helps people
find information."
, but cannot be entirely eliminated. Table 8shows the number of early-
termination instances for each task and method. In contrast, we did not observe early-termination on
SPP, SPP-Profile, Standard, or CoT prompting.
LLMs as role-playing agents. Recent work (Deshpande et al.,2023;Xu et al.,2023;Fu et al.,
2023;aut,2023;Li et al.,2023) has shown that assigning personas or roles to LLMs can significantly
influence their generation behavior. Deshpande et al. (2023) demonstrated that assigning specific
personas, such as the boxer Muhammad Ali, to an LLM can increase the toxicity of its generated
content. Inspired by how humans form societies to effectively collaborate on complex tasks, recent
work (Park et al.,2023;Schick et al.,2022;Li et al.,2023;Cai et al.,2023) has explored the
possibility of creating an AI society where different model agents with distinct personas or occupations
collaborate with each other. Generative Agents (Park et al.,2023) prototyped a small AI neighborhood
where generative models can simulate believable human behavior and collaborate on performing
complex tasks, such as throwing a Valentine’s Day party. However, current studies on enabling
LLMs as role-playing agents have several limitations. Previous work on persona assignment is either
limited to a single persona per agent (Xu et al.,2023) or a fixed number of personas (Fu et al.,2023;
Schick et al.,2022;Li et al.,2023) defined by humans. Additionally, current research on multi-agent
collaboration often requires multiple LLM instances, which significantly increases the inference cost.
In this work, we investigate the possibility of using a single LLM to simulate multi-persona collabo-
ration. Instead of fixing the personas, we allow the LLM to dynamically identify useful personas for
each task instance. Our approach,
, effectively outperforms the fixed persona variant (as shown
in §3) without additional computational overhead.
Improving reasoning and knowledge acquisition abilities in LLMs. Although LLMs have
demonstrated impressive performance in a wide range of natural language understanding and gen-
eration tasks, they still face challenges when dealing with complex knowledge-intensive tasks due
to hallucination (Maynez et al.,2020) and reasoning-intensive tasks due to the lack of human-like
slow thinking (Sloman,1996;Kahneman,2011). Representative works aimed at enhancing LLMs’
reasoning abilities include Chain-of-Thought (CoT) and Self-Refinement. CoT prompting (Wei
et al.,2023;Kojima et al.,2022) and its variants (Zhang et al.,2022;Fu et al.,2022;Xue et al.,
2023) encourage LLMs to solve tasks step by step instead of directly generating the final answer. By
generating intermediate steps, the model effectively "slows down" its thinking process, resulting in
improved reasoning ability. Yao et al. (2023) recently extended the linear thought process in CoT to a
tree-like structure, which demonstrated enhanced performance on complex reasoning tasks requiring
trial-and-error. Self-Refinement (Madaan et al.,2023;Shinn et al.,2023;Gou et al.,2023;Chen et al.,
2023;Huang et al.,2022;Yao et al.,2022) focuses on enabling LLMs to "talk" to themselves, provide
feedback on their own generation, and iteratively revise their answers. Madaan et al. (2023) proposed
a three-step framework in which a single LLM plays the roles of a generator, a feedback provider,
and a refiner iteratively, showing consistent improvements on seven diverse tasks. Shinn et al. (2023)
further incorporated an episodic memory for self-feedback, demonstrating promising results on
decision-making and reasoning tasks. Despite their impressive improvements on reasoning-intensive
tasks, CoT and Self-Refinement do not necessarily reduce hallucination or improve factuality in
generated content, as shown in our results in Tables 2and 3. On the other hand, retrieval augmented
LLMs (Borgeaud et al.,2022;Izacard et al.,2022;Wang et al.,2022;Shuster et al.,2021) have
shown promising results in enhancing LLMs’s knowledge acquisition based on external knowledge
resources. However, retrieving from external sources does not improve a model’s reasoning abilities,
posing challenges for tasks that require both intensive knowledge and multi-step reasoning.
To elicit both internal knowledge acquisition and reasoning abilities in LLMs, we propose Solo
Performance Prompting (
), which significantly improves factuality while maintaining strong
performance on pure-reasoning tasks. The key difference compared to previous prompting methods is
dynamically identifies multiple personas instead of one and simulates iterative collaboration
to generate intermediate "thoughts".
Limitations and future work. Although Solo Performance Prompting exhibits promising im-
provements in acquiring factually correct knowledge compared to Standard prompting, it has some
limitations. For instance, even when a fine-grained persona is assigned, the answer may still be
incorrect. It remains unclear to what extent assigning a persona can help enhance domain knowledge
in a specific area. Dedicated diagnostic experiments and theoretical efforts are needed to quantify the
impact of having a persona or not.
Furthermore, we currently adopt an identical
prompt with the same two demonstration examples
for any given task inputs, which may be suboptimal. Future work investigating how to find better
demonstration examples conditioned on each input could further improve the effectiveness of SPP.
Last but not least, if given sufficient computational budget, a natural variant of
could extend to
amulti-agent cognitive synergist setup where a leader persona identifies several expert agents and
forms a cabinet to collaboratively solve a task. The multi-agent setup allows for leveraging richer
computation power, larger local memory, and more flexible human-computer interaction, which could
be essential for deploying to real-world applications.
Conclusion. In this work, we have made an initial attempt to mimic the cognitive synergy in
human intelligence using a single large language model (LLM). We introduced an LLM-based
cognitive synergist using Solo Performance Prompting, which effectively improves both internal
knowledge acquisition and reasoning abilities compared to the native LLM. With
, a single LLM
can dynamically identify, engage, and collaborate with multiple personas to solve general tasks.
To assess the performance of LLMs in terms of factuality, knowledge integration, and theory-of-
mind reasoning, we have created novel and challenging tasks, namely Trivia Creative Writing and
Codenames Collaborative. Our results demonstrate superior performance compared to Standard and
CoT prompting on both knowledge-intensive and reasoning-intensive tasks, indicating the promising
potential of unleashing the power of cognitive synergy in LLMs with Solo Performance Prompting.
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Figures 11,12 and 13 show the full prompts for
Figure 14 shows the full prompts for Chain-of-Thought (CoT) prompting.
Full results of the three tasks: Trivia Creative Writing, Codenames Collaborative and Logic Grid
Puzzle can be found in Tables 5,6and 7, respectively.
Figure 16 shows an example of the early-termination problem where the generation stops before
reaching the final solution as if the models is waiting input from an external user.
Table 8shows the number of instances that suffer from the early-termination (defined in § 4) with
for each task. We find that removing the system message can largely reduce the
problem but not be able to eliminate it.
When faced with a task, begin by identifying the participants who will contribute to solving the task. Then, initiate a multi-round collaboration process until a final solution is reached. The participants will
give critical comments and detailed suggestions whenever necessary.
Here are some examples:
Example Task 1: Use numbers and basic arithmetic operations (+ - * /) to obtain 24. You need to use all numbers, and each number can only be used once.
Input: 6 12 1 1
Participants: AI Assistant (you); Math Expert
Start collaboration!
Math Expert: Let's analyze the task in detail. You need to make sure that you meet the requirement, that you need to use exactly the four numbers (6 12 1 1) to construct 24. To reach 24, you can think
of the common divisors of 24 such as 4, 6, 8, 3 and try to construct these first. Also you need to think of potential additions that can reach 24, such as 12 + 12.
AI Assistant (you): Thanks for the hints! Here's one initial solution: (12 / (1 + 1)) * 6 = 24
Math Expert: Let's check the answer step by step. (1+1) = 2, (12 / 2) = 6, 6 * 6 = 36 which is not 24! The answer is not correct. Can you fix this by considering other combinations? Please do not make
similar mistakes.
AI Assistant (you): Thanks for pointing out the mistake. Here is a revised solution considering 24 can also be reached by 3 * 8: (6 + 1 + 1) * (12 / 4) = 24.
Math Expert: Let's first check if the calculation is correct. (6 + 1 + 1) = 8, 12 / 4 = 3, 8 * 3 = 24. The calculation is correct, but you used 6 1 1 12 4 which is not the same as the input 6 12 1 1. Can you
avoid using a number that is not part of the input?
AI Assistant (you): You are right, here is a revised solution considering 24 can be reached by 12 + 12 and without using any additional numbers: 6 * (1 - 1) + 12 = 24.
Math Expert: Let's check the answer again. 1 - 1 = 0, 6 * 0 = 0, 0 + 12 = 12. I believe you are very close, here is a hint: try to change the "1 - 1" to "1 + 1".
AI Assistant (you): Sure, here is the corrected answer: 6 * (1+1) + 12 = 24
Math Expert: Let's verify the solution. 1 + 1 = 2, 6 * 2 = 12, 12 + 12 = 12. You used 1 1 6 12 which is identical to the input 6 12 1 1. Everything looks good!
Finish collaboration!
Final answer: 6 * (1 + 1) + 12 = 24
Example Task 2: Write a poem that meets the following requirements: (1) the poem has seven lines and the first letters of each line forms the word "CHATGPT"; (2) the poem is about explaining what is
a quantum computer. (3) the poem needs to be easy to understand by a ten years old kid.
Participants: AI Assistant (you); Poet; Computer Scientist; Ten year old child
Poet: Make sure that you write the poem with seven lines, and the first letters of the lines should be C, H, A, T, G, P, T.
Computer Scientist: A quantum computer is an advanced computing device that uses the principles of quantum mechanics to process and store information. Unlike classical computers that use bits
to represent information as 0s and 1s, quantum computers use quantum bits or qubits. Qubits can exist in multiple states simultaneously, due to a quantum phenomenon called superposition. You can
consider using these information for the poem.
Ten year old child: I hope the poem to be fun and easy to understanding. I don't want to see a lot of jargons or complicated concepts.
AI Assistant (you): Thanks for the guidance! Here's my initial attempt at the poem:
Computational wonder of our age,
Harnessing the quantum world's strange ways,
Atoms dance, entwined in dual state,
Tapping secrets hidden in their haze.
Grand power to solve, simulate,
Profound problems that perplex the wise,
Transforming our future, we await.
Poet: Let's verify if the poem meets the requirements. The first letters are CHATGPT which is correct! And the poem rhymes well. Good job!
Computer Scientist: Everything looks good to me!
Ten year old child: I don't know what does perplex mean. Can you make the use of words easier to understand?
AI Assistant (you): Sure, let me revise the poem by using more common words. Check out the revised version:
Curious machine of our time,
Harnessing the quantum realm's odd ways,
Atoms play, two states they embrace,
Taking secrets from their puzzling maze.
Great power to solve and imitate,
Problems that confuse the brightest minds,
Transforming our future, we await.
Poet: Let's check again if the poem meets the requirements. The first letters are C H A T G P T. And now the poem is more accessible to children. Everything looks good to me.
Computer Scientist: Looking good!
Ten year old child: I like this version a lot!
Finish collaboration!
Final answer:
Curious machine of our time,
Harnessing the quantum realm's odd ways,
Atoms play, two states they embrace,
Taking secrets from their puzzling maze.
Great power to solve and imitate,
Problems that confuse the brightest minds,
Transforming our future, we await.
Now, identify the participants and collaboratively solve the following task step by step. {Task-specific Formating Instruction}
Task: {Task input}
SPP Prompt
Figure 11: SPP full prompt.
When faced with a task, begin by identifying the participants who will contribute to solving the task. Provide profiles of the participants, describing their expertise or needs. Then, initiate a multi-round
collaboration process until a final solution is reached. The participants will give critical comments and detailed suggestions whenever necessary.
Here are some examples:
Participants: AI Assistant (you); Math Expert
- AI Assistant (you): A super-intelligent AI assistant capable of performing tasks more effectively than humans.
- Math expert: A person who is good at math games, arithmetic calculation, and long-term planning.
Participants: AI Assistant (you); Poet; Computer Scientist; Ten year old child
- AI Assistant (you): A super-intelligent AI assistant capable of performing tasks more effectively than humans.
- Poet: A person who studies and creates poetry. The poet is familiar with the rules and formats of poetry and can provide guidance on how to write a poem.
- Computer Scientist: A scholar who specializes in the academic study of computer science. The computer scientist is familiar with the concept of a quantum computer and can provide
guidance on how to explain it.
- Ten year old child: A child with a limited English vocabulary and little knowledge about complicated concepts, such as a quantum computer.
Now, identify the participants, provide their profiles, and collaboratively solve the following task step by step. {Task-specific Formating Instruction}
Task: {Task input}
SPP-Profile Prompt
Figure 12:
full prompt. "[...]" indicates identical parts with
. Green text indicates the
key difference between SPP-Profile and SPP.
Table 5: Trivia Creative Writing full results, including two inference settings: with system message
and without system message. "average" and "max" indicating the mean and max score across the
two settings. The system message we use is:
“You are an AI assistant that helps people
find information.”
Methods Scores (N = 5) (%)
w/ system message w/o system message average max
Standard 75.6 73.6 74.6 75.6
CoT 68.8 65.6 67.1 68.8
SPP-Fixed-Persona 66.1 79.6 72.9 79.6
SPP-Profile (ours) 79.8 78.3 79.1 79.8
SPP (ours) 80.0 79.8 79.9 80.0
Methods Scores (N = 10) (%)
w/ system message w/o system message average max
Standard 77.2 76.8 77.0 77.2
CoT 71.6 65.3 68.5 71.6
SPP-Fixed-Persona 70.5 81.3 75.9 81.3
SPP-Profile (ours) 82.3 83.8 83.0 83.8
SPP (ours) 85.2 84.2 84.7 85.2
Table 6: Codenames Collaborative full results, including two inference settings: with system message
and without system message. "average" and "max" indicating the mean and max score across the
two settings. The system message we use is:
“You are an AI assistant that helps people
find information.”
Methods Scores (%)
w/ system message w/o system message average max
Standard 74.5 76.3 75.4 76.3
CoT 71.4 74.0 72.7 74.0
SPP-Fixed-Persona 10.1 66.0 38.1 66.0
SPP-Profile (ours) 80.4 72.9 76.7 80.4
SPP (ours) 82.5 75.5 79.0 82.5
When faced with a task, begin by identifying the participants who will contribute to solving the task. Note that the participants can only be either AI Assistant (you) or Expert. Then, initiate a multi-round
collaboration process until a final conclusion is reached. The Expert will give critical comments and detailed suggestions whenever necessary.
Here are some examples:
Example Task 1: Use numbers and basic arithmetic operations (+ - * /) to obtain 24. You need to use all numbers, and each number can only be used once.
Input: 6 12 1 1
Participants: AI Assistant (you); Expert
Start collaboration!
Expert: Let's analyze the task in detail. You need to make sure that you meet the requirement, that you need to use exactly the four numbers (6 12 1 1) to construct 24. To reach 24, you can think of
the common divisors of 24 such as 4, 6, 8, 3 and try to construct these first. Also you need to think of potential additions that can reach 24, such as 12 + 12.
AI Assistant (you): Thanks for the hints! Here's one initial solution: (12 / (1 + 1)) * 6 = 24
Expert: Let's check the answer step by step. (1+1) = 2, (12 / 2) = 6, 6 * 6 = 36 which is not 24! The answer is not correct. Can you fix this by considering other combinations? Please do not make
similar mistakes.
AI Assistant (you): Thanks for pointing out the mistake. Here is a revised solution considering 24 can also be reached by 3 * 8: (6 + 1 + 1) * (12 / 4) = 24.
Expert: Let's first check if the calculation is correct. (6 + 1 + 1) = 8, 12 / 4 = 3, 8 * 3 = 24. The calculation is correct, but you used 6 1 1 12 4 which is not the same as the input 6 12 1 1. Can you avoid
using a number that is not part of the input?
AI Assistant (you): You are right, here is a revised solution considering 24 can be reached by 12 + 12 and without using any additional numbers: 6 * (1 - 1) + 12 = 24.
Expert: Let's check the answer again. 1 - 1 = 0, 6 * 0 = 0, 0 + 12 = 12. I believe you are very close, here is a hint: try to change the “1 - 1” to “1 + 1”.
AI Assistant (you): Sure, here is the corrected answer: 6 * (1+1) + 12 = 24
Expert: Let's verify the solution. 1 + 1 = 2, 6 * 2 = 12, 12 + 12 = 12. You used 1 1 6 12 which is identical to the input 6 12 1 1. Everything looks good!
Finish collaboration!
Final answer: 6 * (1 + 1) + 12 = 24
Example Task 2: Write a poem that meets the following requirements: (1) the poem has seven lines and the first letters of each line forms the word "CHATGPT"; (2) the poem is about explaining what is
a quantum computer. (3) the poem needs to be easy to understand by a ten years old kid.
Participants: AI Assistant (you); Expert
Expert: Make sure that you write the poem with seven lines, and the first letters of the lines should be C, H, A, T, G, P, T. A quantum computer is an advanced computing device that uses the principles
of quantum mechanics to process and store information. Unlike classical computers that use bits to represent information as 0s and 1s, quantum computers use quantum bits or qubits. Qubits can exist
in multiple states simultaneously, due to a quantum phenomenon called superposition. You can consider using these information for the poem. I hope the poem to be fun and easy to understanding. I
don't want to see a lot of jargons or complicated concepts.
AI Assistant (you): Thanks for the guidance! Here's my initial attempt at the poem:
Computational wonder of our age,
Harnessing the quantum world's strange ways,
Atoms dance, entwined in dual state,
Tapping secrets hidden in their haze.
Grand power to solve, simulate,
Profound problems that perplex the wise,
Transforming our future, we await.
Expert: Let's verify if the poem meets the requirements. The first letters are CHATGPT which is correct! And the poem rhymes well. Good job! I don't know what does perplex mean. Can you make the
use of words easier to understand?
AI Assistant (you): Sure, let me revise the poem by using more common words. Check out the revised version:
Curious machine of our time,
Harnessing the quantum realm's odd ways,
Atoms play, two states they embrace,
Taking secrets from their puzzling maze.
Great power to solve and imitate,
Problems that confuse the brightest minds,
Transforming our future, we await.
Expert: Let's check again if the poem meets the requirements. The first letters are C H A T G P T. And now the poem is more accessible to children. Everything looks good to me. I like this version a
Finish collaboration!
Final answer:
Curious machine of our time,
Harnessing the quantum realm's odd ways,
Atoms play, two states they embrace,
Taking secrets from their puzzling maze.
Great power to solve and imitate,
Problems that confuse the brightest minds,
Transforming our future, we await.
Now, identify the participants and collaboratively solve the following task step by step. {Task-specific Formating Instruction}
Task: {Task input}
SPP-Fixed-Persona Prompt
Figure 13:
full prompt. Red text indicates the key difference between
SPP-Fixed-Persona and SPP.
Figure 14: CoT prompts.
Provide 100 nouns from pop culture that are PG or PG 13 rated. Try not to include any adult, racial or harmful
content. Try to be as diverse as possible, including movies, books, games, shows, etc. Do not include duplicates.
Figure 15: Prompt for generating the topic list for the Trivia Creative Writing task.
Table 7: Logic Grid Puzzle full results, including two inference settings: with system message
and without system message. "average" and "max" indicating the mean and max score across the
two settings. The system message we use is:
“You are an AI assistant that helps people
find information.”
Methods Scores (%)
w/ system message w/o system message average max
Standard 56.8 58.6 57.7 58.6
CoT 69.5 62.1 65.8 69.5
SPP-Fixed-Persona 63.3 65.3 64.3 65.3
SPP-Profile (ours) 65.7 64.0 64.8 65.7
SPP (ours) 66.3 70.4 68.3 70.4
[... SPP-Fixed-Persona Prompt instructions and in-context examples ...]
Now, identify the participants and collaboratively solve the following task step by step. Note that the participants can only be
either AI Assistant (you) or Expert. Remember to provide the final solution with the following format "Final answer: (a list of
words here).".
Task: {Try to identify the 4 words best associated with the word "film" from the following list: locust, fever, street, sherwood, kiss,
popcorn, craft, ant, crystal, tear, cowboy, government, pine, mountie, soap, genie, king arthur, sphinx, director, bride, razor, fog,
whistle. Your answer should be a comma-separated list of words.}
Participants: AI Assistant (you); Expert
AI Assistant (you): Let's first analyze the task. We need to find the 4 words that are most closely associated with the word
"film" from the given list. We can start by identifying words that are directly related to films, such as those related to movie
genres, settings, or elements commonly found in films.
Expert: That's a good approach. You can also consider words that are related to the experience of watching a film, such as
items that are commonly consumed during a movie or words that describe the atmosphere of a film. Make sure to pick the 4
words that have the strongest association with "film".
SPP-Fixed-Persona generation
The generation stopped here without providing the Final answer
Figure 16: Early-termination example on Codenames Collaborative with SPP-Fixed-Persona.
Table 8: Early-termination log on SPP-Fixed-Persona
Tasks added system message # early-termination
Trivia Creative Writing (N=5) yes 18 / 100
no 0 / 100
Trivia Creative Writing (N=10) yes 16 / 100
no 1 / 100
Codenames Collaborative yes 37 / 50
no 4 / 50
Logic Grid Puzzle yes 11 / 200
no 15 / 200
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"Cognitive synergy" refers to a dynamic in which multiple cognitive processes, cooperating to control the same cognitive system, assist each other in overcoming bottlenecks encountered during their internal processing. Cognitive synergy has been posited as a key feature of real-world general intelligence, and has been used explicitly in the design of the OpenCog cognitive architecture. Here category theory and related concepts are used to give a formalization of the cognitive synergy concept. A series of formal models of intelligent agents is proposed, with increasing specificity and complexity: simple reinforcement learning agents; "cognit" agents with an abstract memory and processing model; hypergraph-based agents (in which "cognit" operations are carried out via hypergraphs); hypergraph agents with a rich language of nodes and hyperlinks (such as the OpenCog framework provides); "PGMC" agents whose rich hypergraphs are endowed with cognitive processes guided via Probabilistic Growth and Mining of Combinations; and finally variations of the PrimeAGI design, which is currently being built on top of OpenCog. A notion of cognitive synergy is developed for cognitive processes acting within PGMC agents, based on developing a formal notion of "stuckness," and defining synergy as a relationship between cognitive processes in which they can help each other out when they get stuck. It is proposed that cognitive processes relating to each other synergetically, associate in a certain way with functors that map into each other via natural transformations. Cognitive synergy is proposed to correspond to a certain inequality regarding the relative costs of different paths through certain commutation diagrams. Applications of this notion of cognitive synergy to particular cognitive phenomena, and specific cognitive processes in the PrimeAGI design, are discussed.
While the subject of play may seem trivial for behavioral science, E. O. Wilson noted that understanding the significance of play is an important challenge facing scholars in these fields. Play is observed among juveniles across a number of animal species and is especially prevalent in young mammals, yet it is difficult to define or to attribute functional significance to it. This book argues that play is an excellent example of the ways in which biology and culture influence each other, especially during childhood. Specifically, the innovative possibilities associated with different forms of play behavior during the juvenile period can influence individuals' skill acquisition, and possibly influence the development of the species. In order to understand play in this broad sense, it is necessary to understand its phylogenetic development (across monkeys, great apes, and humans), its place within human development, and its function(s) and antecedents. Such an understanding of the role of play in childhood has implications for a deeper understanding of the role of development in the human experience. This book takes an explicitly theoretical orientation as it is applied to human play, in an evolutionary context. This volume provides a theoretical framework addressing the role of play in development. In the concluding chapter, the author synthesizes his arguments and theory, and speculates about directions for future research in the area.