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The Role of Systems Thinking in Systems Engineering, Design and Management


Abstract and Figures

Systems thinking is a widely recognized and subscribed-to concept. Many benefits are ascribed to systems thinking and its result - the holistic solution. Yet, there is a wide range of opinion as to what systems thinking really is, and how its benefits can be realized in engineering practice. In fact, the concept of what constitutes a ‘system’ is wide and variable. The purpose of the paper is to draw together diverse perspectives of systems thinking useful in engineering, and to present a set of core concepts that are useful in the successful design and operation of engineered systems. These concepts will be illustrated with examples drawn from the author’s experience in teaching and research on engineered systems.
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The 5th International Conference of Euro Asia Civil Engineering Forum (EACEF-5)
The Role of Systems Thinking in Systems Engineering, Design and
Chan Weng Tata
a Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, National University of Singapore.
Abstract: Systems thinking is a widely recognized and subscribed-to concept. Many benefits are ascribed to
systems thinking and its result - the holistic solution. Yet, there is a wide range of opinion as to what systems
thinking really is, and how its benefits can be realized in engineering practice. In fact, the concept of what
constitutes a „system‟ is wide and variable. The purpose of the talk is to draw together diverse perspectives of
systems thinking useful in engineering, and to present a set of core concepts that are useful in the successful
design and operation of engineered systems. These concepts will be illustrated with examples drawn from the
speaker‟s experience in teaching and research on engineered systems.
This talk is based on my own personal experience
about systems thinking learning systems thinking,
and using it in consulting and research projects over
a span of a quarter of a century. It reflects the
experiences gained in teaching systems thinking in
modules at the National University of Singapore in
two engineering departments the Department of
Civil and Environmental Engineering, and Division
of Engineering and Technology Management. The
modules take the macro perspective of systems,
especially the planning, design and strategy aspects,
rather than the analysis and details of particular
engineering components or specialized technical
disciplines. My research focusses on modelling,
simulating and optimizing various kinds of systems
in engineering and management, particularly civil
engineering systems.
I serve as the Program Manager for the M.Sc.
program in Systems Design and Management, a
cross-disciplinary program based on a rational uni-
fied process for developing engineering systems. In
addition, I am the co-Director of the NUS-JTC i3c,
referred to simply as the „I-cubed centre‟ – the
„Innovative industrial infrastructure‟ centre. This is a
joint initiative of faculty specialized in master
planning, architectural and engineering design, who
collaborate to innovate new solutions and design
thinking methods for the industrial city of the future.
I3c is where my research and practice come together
in real life projects in design studios with engi-
neering and urban planning students.
My presentation will cover - What is systems thin-
king; Foundational concepts; Systems engineering;
Soft Systems Methodology; Systems management;
and Adaptive systems.
What is Systems Thinking
Systems thinking is understood to mean different
things by different people. A system could mean a set
of physical parts that are part of a bigger whole e.g.
the structural system of a building, or the traction
control system of an automobile. We could speak of
natural or man-made physical systems. A system
could also refer to a set of activities, processes or
procedures e.g. a safety management system, or the
human blood circulatory system. It could refer to a
group of people, firms or organizations, or more
abstract concepts like political, religious or social
beliefs, rules and norms held by the people in these
groupings. Systems are therefore very pervasive, and
the word is used to refer to a set of things or concepts
that are related to each other, and which convey a
meaning, effect or outcome that could not be
achieved by any single part on its own. Systems
created by humans are put together to achieve a
purpose, whilst the purpose imputed to natural
systems serves man‟s view of the world and his
relationship with Nature. One aspect of systems
thinking is therefore about identifying the parts of a
whole, or the factors that are important to an
outcome. In this perspective, a systems view aims to
be comprehensive, and exhaustive in coverage.
However, systems thinking is also associated with
seeing the „big pictureor macro view of things, as
opposed to a more detailed microscopic view. In this
sense, systems thinking allows one to comprehend
how all the pieces fit together to explain a
phenomenon, or how all the parts act to produce the
intended effect. It is said that with the ability to „see
the forest from the trees‟, one is able to solve a
problem in a balanced, and holistic way, rather than
narrowly focusing only on one aspect of the problem.
Holistic solutions, that address several issues
Chan, Weng Tat; The role of systems thinking in systems engineering, design and management; Proceedings of 5th European Asian
Civil Engineering Forum (EACEF-5), 15-18 September, 2015; Surabaya, Indonesia; Djwantoro Hardjito, Antoni, I. Muljadi (eds.); pp.
29-35. {keynote}
The 5th International Conference of Euro Asia Civil Engineering Forum (EACEF-5)
simultaneously in an effective way, are said to be
preferred to locally optimized fixes.
Engineering and allied technical disciplines tend to
use the word systems in the first sense to refer to a
collection of parts that have been systematically put
together into a purposeful whole. In doing so, the
second meaning of systems as in systemic - that
emphasizes the whole rather than the parts, seems
to have been forgotten.
Foundational Concepts
The following are some of the key concepts central to
systems thinking. Some will be instantly recogni-
zable, yet others will not be so familiar. The
implication of adopting these concepts will influence
the way systems engineers approach problems, as
well as design and implement technical solutions
that are required to work in complex environments.
Boundary. The system boundary is a notional line
that separates things that are considered part of the
system, and everything else which forms its environ-
ment. Systems can be open or closed depending on
whether there is exchange of material, energy or
information across the boundary.
Part-whole structure. The parts of a system can be
organized into sub-systems, and these in turn, can be
organized into larger sub-systems in a bottom-up
fashion until the top-level system is reached. It
implies that systems can be decomposed into
increasingly smaller and specific parts.
Function and behavior: Man-made, engineered sys-
tems are designed for a purpose, which is achieved
by incorporating parts and components with the
required functions.Functions transform their inputs
into outputs, and creates change. The changes that
result when functions work together result in the
behaviour observed in the system.
Figure 1 shows a „white box view of an idealized
system operating in its environment. The figure
emphasizes the boundary separation between the
system and its environment, the hierarchical arra-
ngement of the parts of the system, and interactions
between the different parts of the system, as well as
between the system and its environment. If one
obscures all the internal details of the system, and
focuses on the interactions between the system and
other actors in its environment, we would get the
„black box‟ view of the system.
Non-functional properties: The functional behaviour
of a system arises the parts of a system working
together. However, the interaction between parts
also leads to non-functional system characteristics
like safety, reliability, and other so-called system
‘ilities’ which cannot be attributed to the function of
any part or component, but arise from the interac-
tion between parts of a system.
Figure 1. Systems Hierarchy
Determinism: This relates to the relation between
cause-and-effect - it says that the cause is sufficient
to determine the effect. However, this may be too
simplistic except in the case of carefully designed
mechanisms since the level of the effect, or its
nature, may also depend on other factors i.e. the
cause is necessary, but not sufficient to explain the
effect observer. The implication of non-determinism
for systems thinking is that, the parts of a system
influence each other‟s behaviour, and a system‟s
behaviour is influenced by its environment.
Feedback and system dynamics: Another aspect of
system behaviour is the directionality of cause-and-
effect. Cause can determine effect, but effect can in
turn influence the cause subsequently if there is
feedback in the system. The existence of positive and
negative feedback loops, along with delays in these
loops, makes the repertoire of systems more exten-
sive, and more complex than what is available from
a collection of simple mechanisms that produce one-
way cause-and-effect changes.
Analysis vs synthesis: In systems analysis, the
system is broken down into increasing levels of
detail, whether it is by function or physical compo-
nent, and an attempt is made to understand the
system by knowing details of the parts. However, the
opposite occurs with synthesis the behaviour of the
whole is determined by relating a part to a larger
whole, and understanding behaviour in its wider
context. Analysis employs reductionist thinking,
where complexity is reduced to simple cause-and-
effect, whereas synthesis employs expansionist thin-
king. Analysis accumulates knowledge, but it is
synthesis which confers understanding.
Conceptual models: Since everything can be consi-
dered a system to be analysed further, or part of a
larger system, it can be said that systems thinking is
about building conceptual models that explain the
complexity of the real world in terms of structure,
and behaviour.
The 5th International Conference of Euro Asia Civil Engineering Forum (EACEF-5)
Adaptation & learning: Systems thinking wouldn‟t
be complete if it did not provide the means of
modelling how people adapt to a changing world,
and learn to improve their performance by acquiring
and using knowledge from their past actions and
experiences. The most important thing about learn-
ing is to have a model, whether explicit or implicit, of
how change occurs in the world, and to be willing to
reconsider our basic assumptions of change, cause-
and-effect, in our model.
Systems Thinking in Systems Engineer-
Systems engineering. The International Council on
Systems Engineering (INCOSE) defines systems
engineering asan interdisciplinary approach and
means to enable the realization of successful sys-
tems‟. [1] It is a systematic process of realizing
technical systems from needs, to requirements,
concept, design and the eventual realized product.
This definition envisions the creation of technology-
based systems as solutions that fit within larger
assemblies of technical systems to accomplish goals
and deliver services that could not be done by a
single system alone. Society requires systems that
are safe, reliable, efficient and cost effective to
operate, and which can work as part of larger sys-
tems in a trustworthy manner. Technical complexity
arises either from the way that system is intended to
work in its environment, or the way in which is
developed through interdisciplinary collaboration
between teams of many different technical spe-
Systems engineers have a unique role among the
many technical disciplines involved in the creation of
such complex engineered systems. It is said that the
systems engineer is the only role / person in the
project team that: (1) places importance on seeing
the problem and its solution from a wide variety of
useful perspectives; (2) focusses on delivering a well-
balanced cost-effective technical solution, rather
than delivering technology for its own sake; and (3)
bridges the gap between different traditional tech-
nical disciplines and specialist disciplines in safety,
reliability, constructability etc.
Vee model of systems development. In order to
collaborate together in an interdisciplinary way,
engineers and specialists working on a system must
share a vision of how the system will be developed
and coordinated, as well as a means of communi-
cating concepts, requirements, issues, and design
solutions. The Vee model, shown in Figure 2, is one
such commonly used model of depicting the steps in
systems development; the process is depicted in an
idealized way to emphasize particular points like: (a)
orderly hierarchical problem definition and develop-
ment of design detail; (b) progressive integration of
partial solutions into larger wholes, and ultimately
the complete system itself; (c) existence of technical
reviews to serve as gates between different stages;
(d) the intimate relationship between design and
testing, verification and validation of the design.
In reality, the systems development effort is more
complex, and involves iteration between different
stages, as well as recursive execution of more
fundamental problem solving steps at different levels
of system abstraction and definition.
Figure 2. Vee model of systems development
Model-based Systems Engineering (MBSE) is an
approach to doing systems engineering using a set of
systems concepts for modelling systems. These
models enable engineers to communicate and
address the different systems-level concerns during
the entire development life-cycle. Instead of using
information that may not be coordinated across the
different project documents, MBSE uses a system
model that is described through a set of interrelated
diagrams. Changes to the system, facilitated through
the view of the system in a particular diagram, can
be reliably propagated to related parts of the system,
and other diagrams. Systems Modelling Language
(SysML) [2], is the specialized language used to do
MBSE. With SysML, it will become increasingly
possible to support and automate many aspects of
the systems engineering effort with some form of
intelligent computer assistant.
Soft Systems Methodology
Technology is pervasive in human society, and is
incorporated into our human created systems to
solve problems and deliver services. Even so, we
must not forget that the root of our problems and
needs arise from human activities in society
„human activity systems‟. Focusing on technology
alone, and not getting the purpose, goal and
requirements for systems right often leads to short
term, ineffective and costly solutions that need to be
different levels of system abstraction and definition.
Figure 2. Vee model of systems development
The 5th International Conference of Euro Asia Civil Engineering Forum (EACEF-5)
reworked. Peter Checkland and co-workers devised
Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) [3] as a way to
„inquire about a problematic situation‟, and to model
the way people interact and use technical systems
within systems of human activity to accomplish their
goals. The model of a socio-technical system includes
the key stakeholders, the assumptions and worl-
dview that make the human activity meaningful,
and the means by which humans accomplish their
goals. This is all captured in the acronym CATWOE,
which stands for Customers, Actors, Transformation,
World view, Owner, and Environment. Soft systems
models emphasize the human dimension of systems,
especially human activity, rather than the tech-
nological means used in these activities. Unlike
many „hard‟ systems models seen in Operations
Research and Industrial Systems Engineering, soft
systems models do not assume deterministic out-
comes, nor make any commitment to a particular
view of causality in the situation. The emphasis is on
building up understanding of increasing parts of the
whole from observation, rather than accumulating
detailed knowledge about an ever decreasing part of
the whole. In effect, SSM focusses on the „system-in-
useand the hidden assumptions behind it, rather
than the system as espoused. System engineers also
use SSM to work with stakeholders on the concept of
use for technical systems, as well as the key system
requirements for a successful solution.
Systems Management
Systems thinking can be employed in the develop-
ment of management systems, in particular the
Safety and Health Management System (SHMS)
popular in the construction industry. A SHMS is a
collection of processes and activities, instituted by a
project organization, for the purpose of assuring the
safety and health of the people working on the
worksite. Its scope encompasses risk identification;
work and methods planning; provision and mana-
gement of the adequate resources for safe work;
training; preparation for handling emergencies; and
accident investigation among other things.
Due to the comprehensive nature and broad scope of
the activities undertaken by such a system, it is not
mandatory for all projects nor can smaller firms
implement a system in its entirety for every project.
As with many management systems, there are
international standards defining the requirements
for the documentation and implementation of the
processes in the system. Even so, there is no con-
sensus on how to audit the implementation of a
safety management system or assess its perfor-
mance. In Singapore, worksites with a contract sum
above S$30 million must perform regular audits of
the SHMS, using a standardized checklist and
scoring scheme called the Construction Safety Audit
Scoring System (ConSASS). [4] The standardized
questions and rubrics used in ConSASS improve the
reproducibility of audit scores, and help to remove
some elements of subjectivity in the assessment.
However, real progress in construction safety can
only be achieved if the capability of the construction
firms, particularly the smaller and medium sized
ones, to manage safe worksites is improved in a
systematic and systemic way.
Zhang et al. [5] takes a process view of a SHMS and
proposes a model called ConSASS-2D that is better
suited for process and system capability develop-
ment. The different activities and processes defined
in safety standards are organized into key process
areas that address different goals and concerns. The
processes in each of these areas show increasing
levels of capability, depending on the quality of their
outcomes they achieve, as well as the features and
attributes they possess. The process capability levels
are patterned after the Capability Maturity Model
(CMM) [6], first developed by the Software Engi-
neering Institute (SEI) at Carnegie-Mellon Univer-
sity for software development but now widely used
for other service and process oriented systems as
Where ConSASS-2D departs from conventional
capability frameworks is to define a second dimen-
sion for the development of management systems.
The maturity dimension defines how well processes
work together to determine the quality of outcomes
produced by the system as a whole. ConSASS-2D
defines 4 maturity levels for SHMS (defined as
performed, managed and quantitatively managed,
and optimizing levels) so that firms can progressively
develop their systems by adding new processes or
increasing the capability of existing processes. In this
way, small firms can start out with the core
processes defined in the most basic level of system
maturity, and develop plans to develop the safety
management system to increasing levels of maturity
(much like the case in human development). Figure
3 shows the two dimensional framework of
ConSASS-2D comprising capability and maturity
level definitions.
Adaptive Systems
Intelligent systems learn to adapt their behaviour
and improve their performance through experience,
which comes from interaction and feedback with the
environment. Systems thinking can also be employ-
ed in creating intelligent and adaptive systems. One
approach is based on evolution in natural systems
and is called genetic algorithms (GA) [7]. A popu-
lation of string-like structures receives feedback from
The 5th International Conference of Euro Asia Civil Engineering Forum (EACEF-5)
its environment about the fitness of each individual
in the population. At the same time, these indivi-
duals undergo selection, and transformations
through crossover and mutation. Crossover is the
mechanism whereby the good traits of individuals
are propagated throughout the population. Selection
ensures that fitter individuals have more chance at
reproducing themselves, and propagating their traits
within the evolving population.
Figure 3. Capability-Maturity dimensions of ConSASS-2D
In systems terms, individuals are composed of genes
which express different traits. These traits influence
fitness as determined by the environment in which
the individuals are placed. Interaction between the
environment and the individuals leads to selection
pressure, which in turn determines how the string
structures evolve to produce fitter individuals. The
system therefore comprises a population of string-
like structures, the environment that determines
fitness, and transformation operations that operate
over the population. This generic system can be
adapted and mapped to many kinds of planning,
scheduling and design problems, thus leading to its
popularity as a way to optimize plans, schedules and
designs. In Chan et al. (1996) [8], each individual in
the population pool represents a possible way to
schedule the construction activities in a project. The
different ordering possibilities determines the
resource usage profile as well as the total project
duration. Better schedules result in fewer instances
of resource usage exceeding resource availability,
and shorter project durations.
The GA was again employed to optimize production
schedules, but this time in the context of the
production of precast members in a factory. The
basic model was formulated in Chan et al. (2001) [9],
and extended to handle more production constraints
from the factory floor [10], as well as site coordi-
nation constraints imposed by the project schedule
[11] [12].
The problem of optimizing a maintenance pro-
gramme for a road network under budget cons-
traints was considered in Chan et al. (1994) [13]. The
individuals in the population pool represent different
possible maintenance programmes, and each is
evaluated for its effect on the performance of the
network over a study period. This basic optimization
model was extended in different ways. Chan et al.
(2001) [14] developed more a more computational
efficient model to handle constraints on desired
pavement performance, as well as constraints on
equipment availability and budget. Chan et al.
(2003) [15] formulated a model for optimizing the
maintenance budget allocations between different
road districts for a pavement network. The issue was
the best allocation of limited budget resources given
different maintenance priorities among the districts.
A search algorithm based on genetic algorithms was
used to determine the best allocation. However, this
work also marked the beginning of experimentation
with using an agent-based approach in the design of
optimal plans and schedules.
Intelligent artificial agents are software abstractions
of intelligent entities capable of sensing, messaging,
reasoning and taking actions in the pursuit of goals.
In agent-based models (ABM) [16], the actions and
interactions between autonomous agents result in
the emergence of system behaviour and properties.
Planners and designers are interested in represent-
ing problems as agent-based models because of the
realism it affords, and the ability to incorporate
phenomenon like learning, adaptation, competition
and strategy. Policy issues and strategy can be
studied by varying the design of the agents, their
interactions, or the environment in which they
operate. Being computational in nature, ABMs are
very adaptable, thus making it possible to address a
wide range of problems that would be difficult to
formulate and solve using mathematical modelling.
In the Chan et al. (2003) article cited above, agents
were used to represent the different districts, each
responsible for a portion of the pavement network.
The districts interacted with a central authority on
budget proposals as well as overall network perfor-
mance levels. However, the districts also negotiated
between themselves over the use of specialized
Agents are again used to devise good strategies for a
problem involving the determination of competitive
pricing by freight forwarders in the logistics domain.
The problem is first described and formulated as a
The 5th International Conference of Euro Asia Civil Engineering Forum (EACEF-5)
multi-level game involving freight forwarders, cargo
owners and shipping carriers [17]. Freight forwar-
ders compete among themselves for the business of
cargo owners, and must fulfil their obligations by
contracting for cargo space from shipping carriers.
The system is modelled from the perspective of the
freight forwarder as the „man-in-the-middle‟ taking
prices from cargo owners, and costs from shipping
carriers. Solving the model using game theory gave
key insights into how prices were determined by the
level of competition among freight forwarders, and
the price sensitivity of cargo owners.
However, the game theory formulation imposes
restrictions on the number of players in the model,
as well as the assumption of full information avai-
lability to all players. The effect of learning on prices
could not be determined except under final equili-
brium conditions. These restrictions were removed
when an ABM was created for the same problem
situation, and different adaptation strategies were
incorporated into the freight forwarder agents based
on reinforcement learning [18]. Previously, only the
final equilibrium prices could be computed. With the
computation ABM model, time trajectories of all the
system variables can be recorded and studied.
Research in the use of ABM in engineering is still in
its early stages but shows a lot of potential for the
study of policy, strategic and operational decisions in
the area of transportation, safety, and construction
Systems thinking is conceptualizing real world
phenomenon as models. A model is a set of interre-
lated concepts, expressed in some language that
captures some aspects of reality of interest. In
systems thinking, models are characterized by the
assumptions made about: (1) purpose; (2) the nature
of cause-and-effect; (3) certainty and determinism;
(4) inclusion of human and social concerns; and (5)
presence of feedback, adaptation and learning.
Systems thinking is now more important than ever
in the development of innovative solutions for socio-
technical systems. Soft systems methodologies have
proven popular to identify stakeholder‟s, their roles,
capabilities and concerns, elicit requirements, formu-
late use cases and innovate solutions.
Increasingly, the focus of systems engineering (in the
large sense of the word) is on delivering capability for
people and society to accomplish its purpose and
goals, and not just on delivering technology.
Systems engineers have a variety of models to choose
from, and a good systems thinker (systems engineer)
will be familiar with several of these. The examples
of systems thinking presented have been those I
have used in teaching and research. Knowing which
one to use depends on knowledge and experience,
and mastering systems thinking is a lifetime‟s quest.
I wish you all great success in your systems thinking
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The 5th International Conference of Euro Asia Civil Engineering Forum (EACEF-5)
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... Specifically, we endeavored to capitalize on bilingual students' problem-solving advantage, which refers to bilingual students' approach to every situation from various (linguistic) perspectives (Bialystok & Majumder, 1998;Secada, 1991). This parallels a key mindset and perspective in engineering of assessing and considering a problem from multiple angles, otherwise known as systems thinking (Chan, 2015). The larger project (Callahan & Crawford, 2015) was designed to bridge STEM and EL instruction and broaden English learners' participation in our nation's STEM pipeline. ...
... Data for this study were collected as part of a larger ongoing research project designed to examine how professional development in and implementation of an EL-focused, K-5 engineering curriculum might inform how teachers supported English learners' linguistic capabilities through collaboration and systems thinking. Drawing on seminal research detailing the bilingual advantage (Bialystok & Majumbder, 1998;Secada, 1991), the curriculum was designed to optimize the relationship between English learners' problem solving skills (Greenberg, Bellana, & Bialystok, 2013;Prior & MacWhinney, 2009) and engineering habits of mind (Katehi et al., 2009) which emphasize systems thinking, collaboration, and design, and require sophisticated creative and critical thinking skills (Chan, 2015;Katehi et al., 2009;Razzouk & Shute, 2012). Project implementation took place in an elementary school located in the Southwestern United States that enrolled fewer than 15 percent English learners and offered primarily integrated English as a Second Language (ESL)-services in English-only instructional contexts. ...
Our research team performed an exploratory analysis of teacher gesturing via a case study of an elementary teacher. We focused on gesturing, a practice found to support both bilingual English learner students' linguistic development and mathematics achievement, during the teacher's engineering and science lessons. The research team systematically analyzed teacher video data using McNeill's gestural dimensions framework and found variation of gesturing types and rates when comparing engineering and baseline science lessons. Additionally, specific types of teacher-gestures appear to be associated with either behavioral or classroom management practices, procedural instructions, and discussion facilitation. We suggest that teacher-gestures such as these have the potential to facilitate bilingual English learners' language acquisition, while also developing their STEM literacy in general and engineering capacity in particular. Further exploration of teacher-gestures in elementary engineering curricula could lead to an integrated STEM pedagogy that incorporates gesturing as a fundamental teaching strategy, bridging STEM instruction with linguistically responsive instructional practices.
... We utilized and synthesized information from design process models, e.g. Dym's design process model [16], systems thinking work, e.g. the Vee model of systems development [17], problem-solving techniques, e.g. use of modelling and simulation technology [18], and other engineering problem-solving process models and characteristics, e.g. ...
... According to Chan [19], the Systems Engineer is the individual within the project team who a) evaluates the solution to problems considering a broad range of relevant scenarios, b) delivers a well-balanced technical solution, and c) manages the integration between technical domain resources and specialists within design, safety, reliability, and constructability to develop the solution to complex SE projects. ...
... Systems thinking is a system-oriented approach to implement system analysis and synthesis by using conceptual models (Greene et al. 2017). When defining ontology as a conceptual model while managing the complex system development, a systems view aims to be comprehensive and exhaustive in coverage to identify the problems-oriented and system-centred use cases (Chan 2015). Compared with traditional solution-oriented and human-centred design thinking approaches, system thinking enables creating a 'big picture' of a macro view of things, as opposed to a more detailed microscopic view. ...
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Actionable Cognitive Twins are the next generation Digital Twins enhanced with cognitive capabilities through a knowledge graph and artificial intelligence models that provide insights and decision-making options to the users. The knowledge graph describes the domain-specific knowledge regarding entities and interrelationships related to a manufacturing setting. It also contains information on possible decision-making options that can assist decision-makers, such as planners or logisticians. This paper proposes a knowledge graph modelling approach to construct actionable cognitive twins for capturing specific knowledge related to production planning and demand forecasting in a manufacturing plant. The knowledge graph provides semantic descriptions and contextualisation of the production lines and processes, including data identification and simulation or artificial intelligence algorithms and forecasts used to support them. Such semantics provide ground for inferencing, relating different knowledge types: creative, deductive, definitional, and inductive. To develop the knowledge graph models for describing the use case thoroughly, systems thinking approach is proposed to design and verify the ontology, develop a knowledge graph and build an actionable cognitive twin. Finally, we evaluate our approach in two use cases developed for a European original equipment manufacturer related to the automotive industry as part of the European Horizon 2020 project FACTLOG.
... Huang et al. [4] identify thinking holistically as a primary competency of a systems thinker. Derro and Williams [10] note the ability to find patterns across a system, and Chan [18] adds that effective systems thinkers see factors that influence a system and their importance to the outcome. Holism recurs as a primary competency, but it is also notable that interdisciplinary communication and the ability to pull from a large base of knowledge are identified. ...
... In this research we consider an enterprise as a complex, socio-technical system that comprises interdependent resources of people, information and technology that must interact with each other and their environment in support of a common mission (Dietz, 2006;Giachetti, 2010) which are "comprised of processes, products, organizations, and information" (Nightingale, 2002, p. 2). Chan (2015) mentions that systems are created by humans and can refer to a group of people, a firm or organization, or more abstract concepts like political, religious, or social beliefs. HUMANIZING TECHNOLOGY FOR A SUSTAINABLE SOCIETY, CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS To fully understand the structure of an enterprise, its attributes of agility, resilience and governance, we need to regard the enterprise as a system and approach enterprise architecture systemically. ...
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Today's enterprises are confronted with an ever-changing environment demanding continuous (digital) transformation. Currently enterprise architects tend to guide these changes with so called 'one size fits all' architectural approaches. However, tuning such approaches to a variety of change situations is difficult. There is a call for a more flexible instrument among practitioners that is designed to be tailored to the context of a specific situation. Such fit for purpose enterprise architecture approaches have the potential to play a key role in the current times of digital transformation. In this paper we present the first steps towards a situational enterprise architecture approach that is based on differentiating between subsystems within organizations, by defining which characteristics of subsystems are relevant to determining the correct enterprise architecture approach.
Background To prepare engineers who can address complex sociotechnical problems, a deep understanding of engineers' complex problem‐solving approaches is needed. Purpose/Hypothesis This study operationalizes comprehensive systems thinking as an analysis framework that attends to aspects of engineering work and relationships among those aspects. Leveraging this framework to analyze engineers' complex problem‐solving approaches enables attention to social and technical dimensions. Design/Method We interviewed 46 engineers about their specific complex problem‐solving experiences. To explore a range of perspectives, we purposely sampled participants with varying academic, professional, and personal backgrounds and experiences. Data analysis focused on operationalizing comprehensive systems thinking; we first developed a set of aspects that captured the variety of considerations that participants discussed in their descriptions of solving a complex problem. We then inductively developed a scoring guide to differentiate response quality. Results The scoring approach differentiated the quality of consideration based on a combination of the number of details provided, the degree of specificity, and analytical depth. While most participants discussed the consideration of a wide range of aspects of engineering work, they discussed far fewer possible relationships between these aspects. Contextual aspects of engineering work were consistently the least commonly identified and least likely to be considered in relation to other aspects of a given problem. Conclusions Our differentiation of various complex problem‐solving approaches can guide the development of educational interventions and tools, ultimately facilitating more comprehensive consideration of aspects—and in particular relationships among aspects—and setting up engineers to be more successful at developing appropriate solutions.
Purpose – This thesis aims to understand how the significant factors that lead to performance challenges across Nigeria’s state-owned refineries operationalise to drive their sub-optimal performance. As such, unlike previous studies, it sought to develop a decision-support model to inform policy intervention measures to address the refining problems from a holistic viewpoint. Design/methodology/approach - Using a literature search, the study identified several challenging factors, which it initially categorised within a political, economic, social, technical, environmental, and legal (PESTEL) framework. A mixed methods approach incorporating the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) validated through interviews was applied using a multi-case study research strategy to prioritise and rank the factors according to their significance. These factors were used to develop a causal loop model based on systems thinking to identify potential leverage points that informed a policy intervention framework capable of addressing the performance challenges of the refineries. Findings - The result of the study showed that the most significant factors limiting the performance of the refineries lie within the political, economic, social, and technical (PEST) issues. The leverage points for fixing these issues rests mainly within the political, social, and technical factors. As such, the adoption of management efficiency was proposed to address the political issues through full deregulation and the introduction of private sector partnership with the refineries. Secondly, stakeholder satisfaction through a coherent and successful implementation of the recently passed Petroleum Industry Act (PIA) was proposed as a social approach to quell communal agitations and safeguard oil infrastructure located within the Niger Delta areas. Lastly, the adoption of maintenance best practices through a change in the operating philosophy of the refineries was proposed as a technical approach to address recurring equipment breakdowns associated with poor maintenance culture within the organisation. Practical implications - The study argued that the implementation of this framework will lead to marginal incremental gains over time that will close the performance gaps across the refineries. Originality/value - The causal loop model developed in this study alongside the policy intervention framework provides a new approach for understanding and resolving the performance implications arising from the interdependencies of the causal factors.
Systems thinking is considered a major higher-order thinking skill essential for successful integration in areas such as science, technology, engineering, or management sciences. However, this term has remained somewhat vague and is defined or represented through diverse models or characteristics lists. In the present chapter, we address this challenge by identifying a cluster of systems thinking characteristics related to learning electronics in school and demonstrate how these characteristics correspond with home appliances familiar to any learner: room heating devices, an air conditioner, and a sound system. For example, a heat projector works without feedback (open-loop control); heat diffusers and air conditioners work with negative feedback, often by a thermostat; an unwanted sound may appear in a sound system due to the positive feedback from a microphone placed in front of the speaker. The final section of the chapter underlines four key aspects of systems thinking: modelling, STEM view; the role of the engineer and the technologist; and innovation. Two instructional approaches for fostering systems thinking in the science and technology, constructivist pedagogy and digital pedagogy are also discussed.KeywordsAir conditionerFeedback controlModellingSound systemSTEM viewSystems thinking characteristics
In recent decades, complexity in aerospace programs has been increasing, leading to large budget and schedule overruns. Many of the risks of complex system development can be attributed to the inadequacy of linear methods when applied to nonlinear domains, i.e., oversimplification in a program amplifies the amount of risk produced when a system behaves unexpectedly. Effectively managing complexity involves responding to the various sources of complexity, whether it appears in the objective behavior of the system itself or in the subjective behavior of the people developing it. Thus, the engineering of complex systems requires nonlinear modeling methods of the system as well as nonlinear processes for developing the system. Much effort tends to be focused on addressing the objective sources of complexity and less is given to understanding and responding to the subjective sources of complexity. This present study examines how facilitating creativity in aerospace system development can serve as a potential strategy for managing complexity. Creativity is a kind of psychological process that integrates linear and nonlinear modes of thinking, and therefore systems engineering processes that reflect the creative process could reduce the risks of complexity. There are three primary results of this work: a novel application of creativity research to aerospace engineering processes; the most comprehensive published review of existing research on creativity in aerospace known to-date; and the proposal of two new systems engineering methods for facilitating creativity to manage complexity. These two new methods designed to improve the Waterfall methodology are as follows: the formation of a Parallel Systems Engineering group that functions analogously to how linear and nonlinear information are coordinated in creativity; and a conceptual model wherein aerospace programs are treated as a series of interdependent creative processes, which can be used to trace the propagation of complexity through various phases of system development.
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Fuzzy Expert Systems have been used to solve complex problems efficiently in the case where information available is in descriptive form rather than quantitative number. This study has aimed to use Fuzzy expert systems to estimate the labor production rates through incorporating the influence of qualitative and quantitative factor. Production rate values of concreting of columns and their influential factors have been collected from questionnaire survey. Overall ten influential factors of qualitative and quantitative nature are selected for collecting the data during questionnaire survey based on the Likert scale of 1 to 5. Fuzzy expert system developed in this study has been compared with the two previously used Fuzzy expert systems for productivity estimation. Performance of the previous systems and system developed in this study has been compared by calculating Root Mean Square Error. The findings revealed that system developed in the study gives high linguistic and numerical accuracies as compare to the previous systems with least Root Mean Square Error. Hence, the developed Fuzzy expert system can be used reliably for estimating labor productivity by the construction Industry.
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This paper provides a detailed review of the state of the art in product cost estimation covering various techniques and methodologies developed over the years. The overall work is categorized into qualitative and quantitative techniques. The qualitative techniques are further subdivided into intuitive and analogical techniques, and the quantitative ones into parametric and analytical techniques. Each of the techniques is then described and discussed, in detail, with further subdivisions. The paper also signifies the importance of cost estimation in the early phases of the design cycle and, as such, briefly discusses the current trends and future directions in the area. Research work carried out in the field with reference to specific applications is also reviewed. The paper provides a comprehensive literature review in the field and should be useful to researchers and practitioners interested in this field.
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Current scheduling practices in precast plants are fairly basic and depend greatly on experience. This may lead to inefficient resource utilization, over-inventory, and/or missing delivery dates. Computer assisted scheduling may therefore be useful in producing better production schedules. This paper shows how constraint programming (CP) can be applied in production scheduling for precast plants. The paper describes a constrained precast scheduling model that incorporates the key constraints and objectives considered by production schedulers. A capacity-based backward-scheduling earliest due date rule and a CP approach are developed to solve the model. The CP approach is computationally efficient, even though it incorporates many problem-derived constraints. The efficiency of the CP approach lies in the fact that the representation (model) is separated from the algorithm (solver). Strategies to improve the performance of the CP approach are identified, and the CP approach is compared against commonly used heuristic rules on an example problem.
SysML is a new kind of systems modeling language being studied abroad. It is a standard modeling language for systems engineering application, which includes SysML semantics and SysML representation. The background, metamodel theory, language architecture and formalism of SysMLwere introduced. More attention was paid to nine basic diagrams of SysML which are class diagram, assembly diagram, use case diagram, requirement diagram, parametric diagram, sequence diagram, activity diagram, state machine diagram and timing diagram. Finally, main characteristics and application scope of SysML were summarized.
As cyber-D&D becomes a well-recognized, mainstream technique in cyber defense operations, a capability maturity model (CMM) can enable organizations to assess their readiness to conduct cyber-D&D operations. The systematic framework provided by a CMM enables organizations to implement a strategic cyber-D&D capability, assess the maturity of that capability over time, and estimate the capabilities of cyber adversaries.
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A decision support system (DSS) for coordinated prefabrication production scheduling is described in this paper. The proposed DSS supports the four key elements of production (re)scheduling, namely, conflict detection, determination of priority for conflict resolution, generation and evaluation of alternatives/options for conflict resolution, and ranking of outcomes for negotiation. The system combines the use of an explicit constraints-based scheduling model, genetic algorithms (GA) for the determination of scheduling parameters and conflict resolution priorities, and constraint programming (CP) to facilitate the rapid determination of several alternative schedules subject to the requirement of minimum disruption of existing plans.
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Rescheduling of production schedules of precast elements is often necessary due to various causes arising from both on-site and factory conditions. Ideally, rescheduling should take into account resource and schedule constraints both in the factory and on-site. The priorities and objectives of factory and site managers are likely to differ and may well conflict with one another. This paper develops a multiobjective optimization problem associated with the rescheduling of precast production and demonstrates the use of a genetic algorithm-based procedure to search for solutions. Results obtained from an example considering two objectives indicate that the proposed production rescheduling procedure can identify a Pareto-optimal front of good quality solutions which can be used to facilitate the decision making process.
Conceptual cost estimating is a challenging task under time and information constraints. This paper presents a practical hybrid conceptual cost estimating model for large building projects, including multiple mixed-use buildings. In this model, two different methods, assembly-based estimating and historical data-based estimating, can be used either together or separately at the work package level whereas a mixed-use building is considered a unique combination of multiple spaces for different uses. Comparing the two estimates reduces the uncertainty associated with using the limited project information in the early phase. The practical use of automated conceptual estimation has been achieved through a comprehensive and realistic approach that accounts for the estimator's role in the automated process, user acceptance of and confidence in the final estimate, and the efficient use of incomplete historical data. A case study using eight large building projects found that the proposed hybrid model can improve the accuracy of and estimators' confidence in the conceptual estimates.
The present paper demonstrates the applicability of genetic algorithms, as an optimization tool capable of overcoming combinatorial explosion, to the road-maintenance planning problem at the network level. Genetic algorithms are search algorithms based upon the principles of Darwinian evolution. The concept of the survival of the fittest is used in a structured, yet randomized, information exchange to form a robust search algorithm. Genetic algorithms efficiently exploit historical information to locate search points with improved performance. The theoretical basis and operations of genetic algorithms are presented. A computer model, PAVENET, formulated on the operating principles of genetic algorithms to serve as an analytical aid for pavement maintenance engineers, is introduced. The formulation of the PAVENET model is described in detail. Analyses are conducted to show the characteristics of important operating parameters of the PAVENET program. These parameters include: (1) Parent pool size; (2) mutation rate in offspring generation; and (3) ranking system for offspring selection. The convergence process of a sample problem as analyzed by the PAVENET program is studied and recommendations on the choice of operating parameters are made.
Allocation of funds for multidistrict highway agencies has traditionally been decided by the central administration based on predetermined criteria or formulas along with some consultation with regional agencies. In many cases, the consultation process with regional agencies is limited and ineffective. Such consultations are important because different regions tend to have different priorities, and the state of development and situations of their respective road networks are likely different. Applying a common formula and basis for funds allocations may not achieve the best results for all the regions and the entire nrtwork as a whole. This paper employs the genetic-algorithm (GA) optimization technique to allocate the total funds available to the district or regional agencies in order to best achieve specified central and regional agencies' goals subject to operational and resource constraints. The fund sllocation problem considers the overall objective of the central agency together with a goal specified by each district or regional agency. The practicality of the solution procedure is demonstrated with a simple pavement maintenance fund allocation problem of a three-region management structure administered by a central highway agency, and with different goals or objectives specified by the central and regional authorities. The performance of the proposed procedure, in terms of network pavement conditions, is compared to that of typical funds allocation approaches. The proposed two-stage GA procedure is shown to outperform typical traditional allocation systems.