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Association of Long-term Exposure to Community Noise and Traffic-related Air Pollution With Coronary Heart Disease Mortality


Abstract and Figures

In metropolitan areas, road traffic is a major contributor to ambient air pollution and the dominant source of community noise. The authors investigated the independent and joint influences of community noise and traffic-related air pollution on risk of coronary heart disease (CHD) mortality in a population-based cohort study with a 5-year exposure period (January 1994-December 1998) and a 4-year follow-up period (January 1999-December 2002). Individuals who were 45-85 years of age and resided in metropolitan Vancouver, Canada, during the exposure period and did not have known CHD at baseline were included (n = 445,868). Individual exposures to community noise and traffic-related air pollutants, including black carbon, particulate matter less than or equal to 2.5 μm in aerodynamic diameter, nitrogen dioxide, and nitric oxide, were estimated at each person's residence using a noise prediction model and land-use regression models, respectively. CHD deaths were identified from the provincial death registration database. After adjustment for potential confounders, including traffic-related air pollutants or noise, elevations in noise and black carbon equal to the interquartile ranges were associated with 6% (95% confidence interval: 1, 11) and 4% (95% confidence interval: 1, 8) increases, respectively, in CHD mortality. Subjects in the highest noise decile had a 22% (95% confidence interval: 4, 43) increase in CHD mortality compared with persons in the lowest decile. These findings suggest that there are independent effects of traffic-related noise and air pollution on CHD mortality.
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American Journal of Epidemiology
ªThe Author 2012. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of
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Vol. 175, No. 9
DOI: 10.1093/aje/kwr424
Advance Access publication:
April 5, 2012
Original Contribution
Association of Long-term Exposure to Community Noise and Traffic-related Air
Pollution With Coronary Heart Disease Mortality
Wen Qi Gan, Hugh W. Davies, Mieke Koehoorn, and Michael Brauer*
*Correspondence to Dr. Michael Brauer, School of Population and Public Health, The University of British Columbia, 366A-2206
East Mall, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, V6T 1Z3 (e-mail:
Initially submitted July 31, 2011; accepted for publication October 27, 2011.
In metropolitan areas,road traffic is a majorcontributor to ambient air pollution and the dominant sourceof community
noise. The authors investigated the independent and joint influences of community noise and traffic-related airpollution
on risk of coronary heart disease (CHD) mortality in a population-based cohort study with a 5-year exposure period
(January 1994–December1998) and a 4-year follow-up period (January 1999–December 2002).Individuals who were
45–85 years of age and resided in metropolitan Vancouver, Canada, during the exposure period and did not have
known CHD at baseline were included (n¼445,868). Individual exposures to community noise and traffic-related air
pollutants, including black carbon, particulate matter less than or equal to 2.5 lm in aerodynamic diameter, nitrogen
dioxide, and nitric oxide, were estimated at each person’s residence using a noise prediction model and land-use
regression models, respectively. CHD deaths were identified from the provincial death registration database. After
adjustment for potential confounders, including traffic-related air pollutants or noise, elevations in noise and black
carbon equal to the interquartile ranges were associated with 6% (95% confidence interval: 1, 11) and 4% (95%
confidence interval: 1, 8) increases, respectively, in CHD mortality. Subjects in the highest noise decile had a 22%
(95% confidence interval:4, 43) increase in CHD mortality compared withpersons in the lowest decile. These findings
suggest that there are independent effects of traffic-related noise and air pollution on CHD mortality.
air pollution; cohort studies; coronary heart disease; environmental exposure; mortality; transportation noise;
vehicle emissions
Abbreviations: CHD, coronary heart disease; CI, confidence interval; L
dB(A), annual day-evening-night A-weighted equivalent
continuous noise level; MI, myocardial infarction; PM
, particulate matter less than or equal to 2.5 lm in aerodynamic diameter;
SES, socioeconomic status.
Epidemiologic evidence has demonstrated that air pollution
is associated with increased cardiovascular disease (espe-
cially coronary heart disease (CHD) morbidity and mortal-
ity) (1). Meanwhile, accumulating evidence has suggested that
community noise from road and air traffic is associated with an
increased risk of CHD, especially myocardial infarction (MI)
(2–5). In metropolitan areas, road traffic is a major contributor
to ambient air pollution and the dominant source of community
noise (6–9). Persons exposed to higher levels of air pollution
might also be exposed to excessive traffic noise (6, 7, 10).
Therefore, it is possible that the observed associations be-
tween air pollution and adverse cardiovascular outcomes
could be confounded by community noise and vice versa
(6, 7). Furthermore, these coexistent environmental pollutants
might interact with each other in association with coronary
mortality (6).
In a previous study in metropolitan Vancouver, Canada (11),
we found that living close to a major road was associated with
a 29% (95% confidence interval (CI): 18, 41) increase in the risk
of death from CHD. We further examined the associations be-
tween death from coronary disease and 4 major traffic-related
air pollutants, including black carbon, particulate matter less
than or equal to 2.5 lm in aerodynamic diameter (PM
nitrogen dioxide, and nitric oxide, and found that black
carbon, an indicator of traffic-related fine particulate air
pollution, was associated with a 6% (95% CI: 3, 9) increase
in the risk of death from CHD. No robust associations were
found with PM
, nitrogen dioxide, or nitric oxide (12).
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These findings suggested that exposure to traffic-related air
pollutants cannot fully explain the higher risk of death from
CHD associated with residential proximity to road traffic; traffic
noise might also play a role in the observed association. We
therefore investigated the relations between long-term exposure
to community noise and CHD mortality, as well as the joint
influences of community noise and traffic-related air pollution
(black carbon) on the risk of CHD mortality.
Study design
In British Columbia, Canada, the mandatory health insurance
program provides health care coverage for nearly all residents
(13). We used linked administrative health insurance databases
to assemble this population-based cohort (11, 12, 14). The
present study included a 5-year exposure period (January
1994–December 1998) and a 4-year follow-up period (January
1999–December 2002). All metropolitan Vancouver residents
who had registered with the provincial health insurance plan,
had resided in the study region during the 5-year exposure
period, were 45–85 years of age, and had no previous diagnosis
of CHD at baseline (January 1999) were included in the cohort.
During the 5-year exposure period, individual exposures to
community noise and traffic-related air pollutants were esti-
mated at each person’s residence (residential postal code) using
noise prediction and land-use regression models, respectively.
During the 4-year follow-up period, instances of CHD death
were identified from the provincial death registration database.
The associations of CHD mortality with noise and black carbon
were examined using the Cox proportional hazards regression
model. This study was approved by the institutional review
board of The University of British Columbia (Behavioural
Research Ethics Board certificate #H08-00185).
Noise exposure assessment
We used the noise prediction software CadnaA (Datakus-
tik, Greifenberg, Germany) to estimate annual average
community noise levels at each person’s residence (resi-
dential postal code) in 2003. The method has been de-
scribed in detail elsewhere (15). Briefly, noise exposure
was based on transportation-related information, includ-
ing road traffic data (e.g., speed limits, traffic volume,
fleet composition, and road width), railway data (e.g., type
of train, velocity, and frequency), and building heights and
footprints. Aircraft noise data were obtained from aircraft
noise exposure forecasts produced byVancouver International
Airport Authority. On the basis of these data, the annual day-
evening-night A-weighted equivalent continuous noise level
was calculated for each area covered by a 6-digit postal code.
This metric (L
dB(A), hereafter referred to as dB(A))
integrated noise levels during the day, evening, and night,
with a 5-dB(A) weighting added to evening noise and
a 10-dB(A) weighting added to night noise to reflect increased
sensitivity of residents to noise during these periods (16, 17).
Railways were a minor contributor to overall community noise
in this region, and thus we did not separately assess railway
noise exposure.
Air pollution exposure assessment
We used high-spatial-resolution land-use regression models
to estimate participants’ residential exposures to traffic-related
air pollutants, including black carbon, PM
, nitrogen dioxide,
and nitric oxide, in 2003 (18–20). Furthermore, these esti-
mates were combined with air quality-monitoring data to cal-
culate monthly concentrations and average concentrations
during the 5-year exposure period for each pollutant in each
postal code area (11, 12).
Assignment of exposure data
Because our exposure assessment did not cover the whole
study region, a small proportion of study subjects for whom we
were missing data were excluded. Some subjects had partially
missing data because of changes in residences (moving from
or to areas outside the exposure assessment domain); persons
missing data for more than a total of 15 months or in more than
3 consecutive months during the exposure period were also
excluded. For subjects who changed their residences, we cal-
culated equivalent noise levels and average air pollution levels
during the exposure period. The noise and air pollution data
were assigned to study subjects based on their 6-digit residen-
tial postal codes. In urban areas, a residential postal code typ-
ically represents a high-rise building or one sideof a city block;
in rural areas, it may represent a larger area. Metropolitan
Vancouver is highly urbanized; the vast majority of the postal
codes represent a small geographic area. On average, a resi-
dential postal code includes about 35 persons.
Case definitions
The study outcome was death from CHD during the 4-year
follow-up period, defined as having International Classification
of Diseases codes 410–414 and 429.2 (Ninth Revision) and
I20–I25 (Tenth Revision) listed as the cause of death in the
death registration database (see Web Table 1 (available at for the codes for other car-
diovascular diseases). Subjects who were hospitalized with
CHD as the principal diagnosis (the diagnosis most respon-
sible for a hospital admission) or primary diagnosis (the
diagnosis that had a substantial influence on hospital length
of stay) before baseline (based on data from 1991 to 1998)
were regarded as having previously diagnosed CHD and
were excluded from the analyses.
Preexisting comorbid conditions
Diabetes (21), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
(22, 23), and hypertensive heart disease (21) are independent
risk factors for CHD. Additionally, these chronic diseases and
CHD share common behavioral risk factors. As in our previous
analyses (11, 12), we used these preexisting comorbid condi-
tions as proxy variables for common behavioral cardiovascular
risk factors (24). To sufficiently identify subjects with preexist-
ing comorbid conditions, we used all diagnoses in a hospitaliza-
tionrecord(upto16diagnoses);one hospitalization record with
the diagnosis of any of these chronic diseases during 1991–1998
was defined as the presence of preexisting comorbid conditions.
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Neighborhood socioeconomic status
Because individual socioeconomic status (SES) data were
not available, we used neighborhood SES to estimate individ-
ual SES (25, 26). Study subjects were assigned neighborhood-
income quintiles from the 2001 Statistics Canada Census
based on their residential postal codes. The method for calcu-
lation of neighborhood income quintiles has been described
previously (11).
Statistical analysis
The baseline characteristics of the study subjects across dec-
iles of noise levels were compared using a chi-squared test for
categorical variables, 1-way analysis of variance for continuous
variables, and Tukey’s post hoc analysis for pair-wise compar-
isons of continuous variables. Correlations between pollutants
were examined using Spearman’s rank correlation analysis.
The Cox proportional hazards regression model was used to
determine the associations between noise or air pollution and
CHD mortality. Age, sex, preexisting comorbid conditions, and
neighborhood SES were included as covariates, and air pollu-
tion and noise variables were addedtothefinalmodels.Person-
years of observation were calculated from baseline to the date of
CHD death or the end of follow-up. For persons who died from
other diseases or moved out of the province, person-years were
calculated from baseline to the date of death or the last known
date in the province.
We first treated noise levels as a continuous variable to
calculate the relative risks of CHD mortality associated with
a 10-dB(A) elevation in noise levels. We then treated noise
levels as a categorical variable to examine exposure-response
relations bydividing study subjects into deciles based on noise
levels; relative risks of death from coronary disease were cal-
culated for each decile, with decile 1 (lowest) being the refer-
ence category. Because there was no substantial difference in
effect estimates across deciles 2–9 (Web Figure 1), the results
were presented in 4 exposure groups: decile 1, deciles 2–5,
deciles 6–9,and decile 10. All statistical tests were 2-sided and
were performed using SAS, version 9.2 (SAS Institute, Inc.,
Cary, North Carolina).
A total of 466,727 subjects who met the inclusion criteria
were included at baseline. Of these subjects, we excluded
20,859 (4.5%) subjects for whom data on air pollution or noise
were missing, which left 445,868 subjects for the analyses.
During the follow-up period, 33,448 (7.5%) subjects were lost
to follow-up; the reasons included moving out of the province
(3.9%) and dying from other diseases (3.6%).
Overall, the annual average noise level was 63.4 dB(A) (in-
terquartile range: 59.8–66.4). Noise levels were not strongly
correlated with traffic-related air pollutant concentrations;
traffic-related air pollutants were weakly correlated with
each other, with the exception of nitrogen dioxide and
nitric oxide (Table 1). Compared with persons exposed
to lower noise levels (decile 1), subjects in decile 10 were
more likely to have preexisting comorbid conditions and
lower neighborhood SES (Table 2).
During the follow-up period, 3,095 subjects died of
CHD (mortality rate ¼1.83 per 1,000 person-years). Res-
idential noise exposure was associated with CHD mortality:
A 10-dB(A) elevation in noise levels was associated with
a 26% (95% CI: 17, 35) increase in the risk of CHD mor-
tality. Adjustment for age, sex, preexisting comorbid con-
ditions, and neighborhood SES halved the effect estimate,
whereas further adjusting for PM
and nitrogen dioxide
concentrations had little influence; additional adjustment for
back carbon levels had a greater influence on the effect estimate,
but a 10-dB(A) elevation in noise levels was still associated with
a 9% (95% CI: 1, 18) increase in the risk of death from CHD
(Table 3). Web Table 2 presents results based on a 5-dB(A)
increase in noise exposure. For other cardiovascular diseases,
there were nonsignificant increases in mortality rates associated
with noise exposure (Web Table 3). The associations between
black carbon and cardiovascular disease mortality are presented
in Web Table 4.
When study subjects were categorized into noise deciles,
subjects in deciles 2–5 and deciles 6–9 had little increase in the
risk of death from CHD compared with persons in decile 1,
whereas persons in decile 10 had a 22% (95% CI: 4, 43) in-
crease in coronary mortality risk after adjustment for all co-
variates, including traffic-related air pollutants. These results
suggested that there was no linear exposure-response relation
between noise and coronary mortality (P¼0.174 for test of
linear trend across decile groups in the fully adjusted model)
(Table 3).
Both noise and black carbon exposure were independently
associated with death fromCHD (Figure 1); elevations equal to
the interquartile range in noise (6.6 dB(A)) and black carbon
(0.97 310
/m) were associated with 6% (95% CI: 1, 11) and
4% (95% CI: 1, 8) increases in coronary mortality, respectively.
We did not find any positive interaction between noise and black
carbon on risk of coronary mortality when they were assessed
on either additive (Table 4) or multiplicative (P¼0.980 for the
interaction term in the fully adjusted model) scales.
Stratified analysis showed that in the fully adjusted models,
the risk of death from CHD associated with noise exposure
was greater for women, persons 65 years of age or older, and
persons with higher neighborhood SES. However, there was
considerable overlap in the 95% confidence intervals of these
subgroups (Table 5).
For persons exposed to aircraft noise (n¼294,783), the
annual average noise level was 32 dB(A). Aircraft noise was
less correlated with traffic-related air pollutants than was
road traffic noise (Web Table 5). There was no significant
increase in the risk of death from CHD associated with
exposure to aircraft noise (Web Table 6).
In the present large population-based cohort study, we
found that a 10-dB(A) elevation in residential noise levels
was associated with a 9% increase in CHD mortality after
adjustment for various covariates, including traffic-related air
pollutants. There was no discernible linear exposure-response
relation; persons in the highest noise decile (>70 dB(A)) had
a 22% increase in the risk of death from CHD compared with
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persons in the lowest noise decile (58 dB(A)). Also in the
fully adjusted model, an increase in the concentration of black
carbon equal to the interquartile range (0.97 310
equivalent to approximately 0.8 lg/m
elemental carbon)
was associated with a 4% increase in the risk of death from
CHD. We did not detect any interaction between noise and
black carbon with relation to coronary mortality. In persons
exposed to aircraft noise, we did not find a significant increase
in the risk of death from CHD compared with unexposed
Findings from previous studies have been inconsistent, but
most studies have shown positive associations between com-
munity noise and coronary events. In a 9-year Dutch cohort
study, Beelen et al. (27) reported that cardiovascular mortality
increased 17% (95% CI: 6, 45) for persons exposed to higher
levels of road traffic noise (>65 dB(A) vs. 50 dB(A)) and 11%
(95% CI: 5, 28) in response to a 10-lg/m
increase in black
smoke concentrations (about 1.1 lg/m
elemental carbon) (28);
however, there was no discernible increase in CHD mortality
rates (27). In a case-control study in Stockholm County, Se-
lander et al. (3) found that exposure to higher levels of road
traffic noise (50 dB(A) vs. <50 dB(A)) was associated with
a 12% (95% CI: 5, 33) increase in MI risk after adjustment for
nitrogen dioxide and other cardiovascular risk factors. After
further excluding persons with hearing loss or other sources
of noise exposure, the risk of MI increased by 38% (95% CI:
11, 71) (3). In a 5-year Swiss cohort study of 4.6 million subjects
and 65 airports, Huss et al. (4) found that people exposed to
higher levels of aircraft noise (60 dB(A) vs. <45 dB(A)) had
a 30% (95% CI: 4, 76) increase in MI mortality after adjusting
Table 1. Annual Average Noise Levels, 5-Year Average Traffic-related Air Pollutant Concentrations, and Correlation Coefficients, Metropolitan
Vancouver, Canada, 1994–2002
Pollutant Mean (SD) Median (Interquartile
Range) Range
Correlation Coefficient*
Noise Black
Carbon PM
Noise, L
dB(A) 63.4 (5.0) 62.4 (59.8–66.4) 33.0–90.0 1.00
Black carbon, 10
/m 1.50 (1.10)
1.02 (0.83–1.80) 0.0–4.98 0.44 1.00
4.10 (1.64) 4.04 (3.22–4.81) 0.0–10.24 0.14 0.13 1.00
Nitrogen dioxide, lg/m
32.3 (8.1) 30.8 (26.7–35.2) 15.3–57.5 0.33 0.39 0.47 1.00
Nitric oxide, lg/m
32.2 (12.0) 29.5 (24.3–37.6) 8.8–126.0 0.39 0.43 0.43 0.66 1.00
Abbreviations: L
dB(A), annual day-evening-night A-weighted equivalent continuous noise level; PM
, particulate matter less than or equal
to 2.5 lm in aerodynamic diameter; SD, standard deviation.
*P<0.001 for each correlation coefficient.
Equivalent to 1.20 (0.88) lg/m
elemental carbon (10
/m black carbon 0.8 lg/m
elemental carbon).
Table 2. Baseline Characteristics of Study Subjects by Decile of Noise Level, Metropolitan Vancouver, Canada, 1994–2002*
Decile of Noise Levels, L
1(£58) 2–5 (59–62) 6–9 (63–70) 10 (>70)
% Mean (SD) % Mean (SD) % Mean (SD) % Mean (SD)
Male sex 46.0 46.6 45.9 45.8
Age, years 59.3 (10.8) 59.0 (10.6) 59.4 (10.7) 60.0 (10.9)
Comorbid condition
Diabetes 2.1 2.1 2.4 2.9
Chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease
1.5 1.3 1.5 1.8
Hypertensive heart
4.3 4.0 4.3 4.8
Any of the above 6.6 6.3 6.8 7.9
Income quintile
1 11.8 14.8 21.4 28.3
2 13.4 18.5 20.0 23.2
3 17.3 20.3 19.4 17.4
4 25.3 21.9 18.7 15.3
5 32.3 24.5 20.4 15.9
Abbreviations: L
dB(A), annual day-evening-night A-weighted equivalent continuous noise level; SD, standard deviation.
*P0.001 for all comparisons between groups.
Quintile 1 represents the lowest neighborhood income quintile and quintile 5 represents the highest.
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for particulate matter less than or equal to 10 lm in aerody-
namic diameter, residential proximity to major roads, and other
covariates; when the analysis was restricted to persons who had
lived in their residences for at least 15 years, the risk of death
from MI increased by 48% (95% CI: 1, 118) (4). In some pre-
vious studies, investigators did not adjust for coexistent
traffic-related air pollution but reported positive associations
between noise exposure and CHD risk (2, 29). As for other
cardiovascular outcomes, our effect estimates for hemorrhagic
stroke and congestive heart failure were largely comparable to
those described in prior studies (27, 30). As discussed previ-
ously (12), some studies have also reported associations bet-
these studies did not consider coexistent community noise (12).
Potential biologic mechanisms for the observed associa-
tions have been proposed. Psychological stress has been dem-
onstrated to be an independent risk factor for cardiovascular
disease (31–33). Chronic exposure to community noise might
cause annoyance, speech interference, sleep disturbance, and
psychological stress (15, 16, 34); therefore, chronic noise ex-
posure may serve as a potent environmental stressor that might
activate the sympathetic nervous and endocrine systems to
release stress hormones, such as noradrenaline and cortisol
(5, 35–38). Stress hormones bind with beta-adrenergic recep-
tors in the heart and blood vessels (39), leading to increased
myocardial contractility, flow velocity, coronary artery con-
striction, vulnerable plaque rupture, thrombosis, and subse-
quent myocardial ischemia or MI (39–42). As discussed
previously (12), there is also convincing pathophysiological
evidence, such as pulmonary and systemic oxidative stress and
inflammation, to support the associations between black car-
bon and CHD mortality (1).
In the present study, correlations between modeled commu-
nity noiseand air pollutionranged from 0.14 (forPM
(for black carbon), which is within the range of correlations
reported in previous studies (6, 7, 10). In practice, some road
traffic factors, such as speed, volume, a nd operating conditions,
might differentially affect the emission levels of noise and
combustion-derived traffic-related air pollution (43–45). For
example, for vehicle speeds less than 30 km/hour, noise levels
are lower, but air pollution emissions are relatively higher;
however, for vehicle speeds over 40 km/hour, noise levels,
mainly from tire-road interaction, rapidly increase, whereas
air pollution emissions are relatively lower (43, 44). Further-
more, traffic volume is more strongly related to air pollution
than to noise levels. For example, when traffic volume doubles,
traffic noise levels increase 3 dB(A) (43). In addition, some
environmental factors, such as road pavement materials, noise
barriers, and surrounding buildings, have little influence on air
pollution emissions but may strongly affect road traffic noise
levels, especially when vehicle speeds are over 40 km/hour
(43). Finally, meteorological factors, such as wind direction
and speed, may strongly affect traffic-related air pollution but
have a smaller influence on traffic noise levels (7). Rain and wet
road surfaces may increase road traffic noise but may de-
crease ambient air pollution. All of these factors might
partly explain the low-to-moderate correlations between
noise and traffic-related air pollution in this study region.
Previous findings about sex differences in the associations
between community noise and coronary mortality were
Noise or
BC only
Plus Age
and Sex
Plus SES
and CMC
Plus Nitrogen
Plus BC
or Noise
Log Relative Risk for CHD Mortality
Black Carbon
Figure 1. Log relative risks for coronary heart disease (CHD) mor-
tality associated with an elevation equal to the interquartile range
in noise levels (A-weighted equivalent continuous noise level of
6.6 decibels) or black carbon (BC) concentrations (0.97 310
metropolitan Vancouver, 1994–2002. Models were successively ad-
justed for age and sex; neighborhood socioeconomic status (SES)
and comorbid conditions (CMC); particulate matter less than or equal
to 2.5 lm in aerodynamic diameter (PM
) concentrations; and nitro-
gen dioxide concentrations. The final model for black carbon was
further adjusted for noise, and the final model for noise was further
adjusted for black carbon. Bars, 95% confidence interval.
Table 3. Relative Risk of Death From Coronary Heart Disease Associated With an Elevation in A-Weighted Equivalent Continuous Noise Level
of 10 Decibels or by Decile of Noise Level, Metropolitan Vancouver, Canada, 1994–2002
10-dB(A) Elevation Decile of Noise Levels, L
1(£58) 2–5 (59–62) 6–9 (63–70) 10 (>70)
RR 95% CI Referent RR 95% CI RR 95% CI RR 95% CI
1: Unadjusted 1.26 1.17, 1.35 1.00 1.01 0.89, 1.15 1.09 0.96, 1.24 1.49 1.28, 1.73
2: Model 1 þsex and age 1.18 1.10, 1.26 1.00 1.06 0.93, 1.20 1.09 0.96, 1.24 1.39 1.20, 1.61
3: Model 2 þcomorbidity and SES 1.13 1.06, 1.21 1.00 1.05 0.92, 1.19 1.06 0.93, 1.20 1.30 1.12, 1.51
4: Model 3 þPM
1.13 1.06, 1.21 1.00 1.04 0.91, 1.19 1.05 0.92, 1.20 1.29 1.11, 1.50
5: Model 4 þnitrogen dioxide 1.12 1.05, 1.21 1.00 1.05 0.92, 1.20 1.05 0.92, 1.20 1.28 1.10, 1.50
6: Model 5 þblack carbon 1.09 1.01, 1.18 1.00 1.04 0.91, 1.19 1.02 0.89, 1.17 1.22 1.04, 1.43
Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; L
dB(A), annual day-evening-night A-weighted equivalent continuous noise level; PM
, particulate
matter less than or equal to 2.5 lm in aerodynamic diameter; RR, relative risk; SES, neighborhood socioeconomic status.
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inconsistent. In some studies, men were found to be more
vulnerable to noise exposure than were women (2), whereas
in other studies, there were no sex differences (3, 27). We found
that men and women had similar risks; however, after adjust-
ment for traffic-related air pollutants, including PM
, nitrogen
dioxide, and black carbon, women had a 7% nonsignificant
excess risk of coronary mortality compared with men. This
observation is supported by findings that women had greater
levels of salivary cortisol than did men in response to noise
exposure (36, 46).
The present study had some limitations that should be con-
sidered. First, exposure assessment was conducted using the
residential postal codes of the study subjects to estimate
exposure at their residences. This method cannot precisely re-
flect actual individual exposure (47, 48) because many environ-
mental factors, such as street canyons (49), wind direction (7),
noise barriers, and specific housing characteristics (50), as well
as individual factors like noise sensitivity (51), time spent at
home (47, 52), living room/bedroom orientation (5, 51), and
occupational noise exposure (52, 53), might substantially affect
actual individual exposure levels. Nevertheless, it is likely that
these factors might affect study subjects equally and thus cause
nondifferential exposure misclassification, leading to underes-
timations of the true risk of coronary mortality (48).
Second, this cohort was constructed using administrative
health insurance databases. Some individual cardiovascular
risk factors were not available, and thus we could not control
for them in the data analysis. We adjusted for the following
preexisting comorbid conditions: diabetes, chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease, and hypertensive heart disease. Because
these comorbid conditions and CHD shar e common behavioral
risk factors, the adjustment was able to reduce the influences of
unmeasured risk factors and these conditions themselves on the
effect estimates to some extent (24); on the other hand, because
these conditions might serve as intermediate variables for the
associations of coronary mortality with noise and air pollution,
the adjustment might cause underestimation of thetrue adverse
effects (5, 54). Furthermore, as discussed previously (11, 12),
Table 5. Relative Risk of Coronary Heart Disease Mortality Associated With an Elevation in A-Weighted Equivalent Continuous Noise Level of
10 Decibels, Stratified by Each Covariate, Metropolitan Vancouver, Canada, 1994–2002
Characteristic %
RR 95% CI RR 95% CI RR 95% CI
Male 46.2 1.28 1.17, 1.39 1.15 1.05, 1.26 1.07 0.97, 1.18
Female 53.8 1.24 1.11, 1.39 1.11 0.99, 1.23 1.12 0.99, 1.27
Age, years
<65 68.0 1.21 1.03, 1.43 1.07 0.91, 1.27 1.03 0.85, 1.25
65 32.0 1.18 1.10, 1.28 1.14 1.06, 1.23 1.09 1.00, 1.19
Comorbid conditions
No 93.3 1.22 1.13, 1.33 1.11 1.02, 1.20 1.07 0.98, 1.18
Yes 6.7 1.20 1.06, 1.35 1.18 1.05, 1.33 1.10 0.96, 1.26
Income quintiles
High (4–5) 43.1 1.32 1.17, 1.49 1.19 1.05, 1.34 1.12 0.97, 1.29
Low (1–3) 56.9 1.14 1.05, 1.24 1.12 1.03, 1.22 1.06 0.97, 1.17
Model 1: bivariable analysis; model 2: adjusted for age, sex, preexisting comorbid conditions, and neighborhood socioeconomic status; model
3: model 2 further adjusted for concentrations of traffic-related air pollutants, including particulate matter lessthan or equal to 2.5 lm in aerodynamic
diameter, nitrogen dioxide, and black carbon.
Table 4. Relative Risk of Death From Coronary Heart Disease by Decile of Noise Level and Quartile of Black Carbon Concentration,
Metropolitan Vancouver, Canada, 1994–2002
Quartile of Black Carbon Concentration
Decile of Noise Levels, L
1(£58) 2–5 (59–62) 6–9 (63–70) 10 (>70)
RR 95% CI RR 95% CI RR 95% CI RR 95% CI
1: 0–0.83 310
/m 1.00 Referent 1.11 0.88, 1.40 1.12 0.86, 1.45 1.29 0.79, 2.12
2: 0.84–1.02 310
/m 1.05 0.78, 1.41 1.09 0.87, 1.37 1.06 0.84, 1.34 1.24 0.88, 1.74
3: 1.03–1.80 310
/m 1.09 0.79, 1.49 1.23 0.97, 1.55 1.18 0.94, 1.49 1.48 1.09, 2.02
4: 1.81–4.98 310
/m 1.50 1.04, 2.17 1.21 0.93, 1.56 1.23 0.98, 1.54 1.45 1.14, 1.85
Abbreviation: CI, confidence interval; L
dB(A), annual day-evening-night A-weighted equivalent continuous noise level; RR, relative risk.
Adjusted for age, sex, preexisting comorbid conditions, neighborhood income quintiles, and concentrations of copollutants, including nitrogen
dioxide and particulate matter less than or equal to 2.5 lm in aerodynamic diameter.
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Am J Epidemiol. 2012;175(9):898–906
at The University of British Colombia Library on May 22, 2012 from
although cigarette smoking is the single most important risk
factor for coronary mortality (55), it does not substantially affect
the associations between fine particulate air pollution and CHD
(56, 57). Similarly, recent studies have also shown that cigarette
smoking does not substantially affect the associations between
community noise and coronary events (3, 27).
Third, low individual SES is a risk factor for CHD (58), and
persons with low SES are more likely to be exposed to com-
munity noise and traffic-related air pollution (59). Individual
SES is thus a possible confounder for the observed associations.
As individual SES were not available in this study (11, 12), we
used neighborhood income quintiles as a surrogate for individ-
ual SES. There is some evidence that this approach is valid for
control of individual SES (25, 26). In addition, in a subgroup
analysis of the subjects (n¼1,194) who participated in the
Canadian Community Health Survey (2000–2001), neighbor-
hood income quintiles were strongly associated with individual
annual household income, educational level, marital status, and
daily fruit and vegetable intakes (all P<0.001) (Web Table 7).
Finally, A-weighted equivalent sound pressure level based
on the equal energy principle over a specific time period has
been widely used in community noise exposure assessment
(2–4, 16, 27, 29). This method may be appropriate for contin-
uous noise, such as road traffic noise, but cannot reflect actual
disturbance caused by aircraft noise, which is composed of
a small number of high-level discrete noise events (16). This
may partly explain the null association between aircraft noise
and coronary mortality in our study.
In conclusion, in the present population-based cohort study,
a 10-dB(A) elevation in residential noise levels was associated
with a 9% increase in the risk of death from CHD. There was no
discernible linear exposure-response relation; subjects in the
highest noise decile (>70 dB(A)) had a 22% increase in
CHD mortality compared with persons in the lowest decile
(58 dB(A)). An elevation in black carbon concentrations
equal to the interquartile range (0.97310
/m) was associated
with a 4% increase in the risk of CHD mortality. We did not find
any interactions between noise and black carbon levels with
respect to coronary mortality. These findings suggest that both
community noise and traffic-related fine particulate air pollu-
tion indicated by black carbon concentration may be partly
responsible for the observed associations between exposure
to road traffic and adverse cardiovascular outcomes.
Author affiliation: School of Population and Public
Health, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver,
British Columbia.
This work was supported in part by Health Canada via an
agreement with the British Columbia Centre for Disease
Control to the Border Air Quality Study. Additional support
was provided by the Centre for Health and Environment
Research at The University of British Columbia, funded
by the Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research,
and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. Wenqi
Gan was supported by the Canadian Institutes of Health
Research Frederick Banting and Charles Best Canada Graduate
Scholarship and by the Michael Smith Foundation for Health
Research Senior Graduate Studentship. Mieke Koehoorn was
supported in part by the Michael Smith Foundation for Health
Research Senior Scholar Award.
Selected data from this article were presented at the 10th
International Congress on Noise as a Public Health Problem,
London, United Kingdom, July 24–28, 2011, and the 23rd An-
nual Conference of the International Society for Environmental
Epidemiology, Barcelona, Spain, September 13–16, 2011.
Conflict of interest: none declared.
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... In addition, we did not find significantly interaction effects of co-exposure to noise and air pollution in the present study. Gan et al. 41 found that there was not any positive interaction between Figure 2. Effect estimates from the co-exposure models with interaction terms for PM 2.5 and all-day traffic noise. Effect estimates are evaluated by hazard ratios. ...
Full-text available
Previous studies have found associations between the incidence of metabolic syndrome (MetS) and exposure to air pollution or road traffic noise. However, investigations on environmental co-exposures are limited. This study aimed to investigate the association between co-exposure to air pollution and road traffic noise and MetS and its subcomponents. Participants living in Taipei City who underwent at least two health checkups between 2010 and 2016 were included in the study. Data were sourced from the MJ Health database, a longitudinal, large-scale cohort in Taiwan. The monthly traffic noise exposure (Lden and Lnight) was computed using a dynamic noise map. Monthly fine particulate data at one kilometer resolution were computed from satellite imagery data. Cox proportional hazards regression models with month as the underlying time scale were used to estimate hazard ratios (HRs) for the impact of PM2.5 and road traffic noise exposure on the risk of developing MetS or its subcomponents. Data from 10,773 participants were included. We found significant positive associations between incident MetS and PM2.5 (HR: 1.88; 95% CI 1.67, 2.12), Lden (HR: 1.10; 95% CI 1.06, 1.15), and Lnight (HR: 1.07; 95% CI 1.02, 1.13) in single exposure models. Results further showed significant associations with an elevated risk of incident MetS in co-exposure models, with HRs of 1.91 (95% CI 1.69, 2.16) and 1.11 (95% CI 1.06, 1.16) for co-exposure to PM2.5 and Lden, and 1.90 (95% CI 1.68, 2.14) and 1.08 (95% CI 1.02, 1.13) for co-exposure to PM2.5 and Lnight. The HRs for the co-exposure models were higher than those for models with only a single exposure. This study provides evidence that PM2.5 and noise exposure may elevate the risk of incident MetS and its components in both single and co-exposure models. Therefore, preventive approaches to mitigate the risk of MetS and its subcomponents should consider reducing exposure to PM2.5 and noise pollution.
... Evidence testing the combined association of noise and air pollution with hypertension is limited ( Gan et al., 2012;Tétreault et al., 2013;Floud et al., 2013 andClark, 2015). There is thus a need for more acceptable data that can help bridge the gap especially in UK. ...
Full-text available
Background: There is evidence that exposure to the air pollution and noise from transportation is associated with risk of hypertension. Most studies have, however, only looked at relationships between single exposures and hypertension. Objective: To examine the combined association of outside air pollution and road noise with risk of hypertension. Methods: Using a cross-sectional design, information from the Scottish National Health Survey (2020) involving 33932 adults was linked. The survey assessed information on hypertension using the self-reporting of doctor diagnosed hypertension to a separate information from the NHS Scotland database of 776,579 hypertension patients’ registrations and rates per 13.80 people at the GP practice levels. Based on geospatial attributes, data on residential areas were added by modelling annual average air pollutant concentrations, including particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and road-traffic noise at different frequency components (Lden) (23 November 2020–23 November 2021). The relationships between exposure to road noise, air pollution, and hypertension were examined using multiple regression and multivariate analysis. Results: Traffic noise and air pollution at various frequency components were associated with both registered hypertension cases and hypertension rates. Based on the canonical loading technique, the variance explained by the canonical independent variable at a canonical correlation of 0.342 is 89%. There was a significant correlation between joint air pollution and noise at different frequency components and combined registered hypertension cases and hypertension rate. Based on Moran I autocorrelation, geographically close values of a variable on a map typically had comparable values when there is a positive spatial autocorrelation. This means clustering on the map was influenced significantly by NO2, PM10 and PM2.5, and Lden at most monitoring locations. Hypertension was significantly associated with PM10, PM2.5 and NO2 and Lden at all monitoring location. Conclusion: Studies that only consider one of the two related exposures (outside air pollution and road noise) may exaggerate the impact of the individual exposure while underestimating the combined impact of the two environmental exposures.
... The detrimental impact of NO 2 on human health includes respiratory problems, lung diseases, coughing, chest wheezing, asthma development or exacerbation, diabetes, increased blood pressure, and aggravated cardiovascular diseases. These effects pose a significant risk to vulnerable populations such as children, and the elderly (Avol et al., 2001;Bowatte et al., 2017;Gan et al., 2012;Pope et al., 2004;Shin et al., 2020). ...
Full-text available
Air pollution is a pressing concern, especially in developing countries, and its impact on the climate, physical health, and overall quality of life cannot be overstated. This study focuses on the Tehran province, Iran, aiming to clarify the role of different industrial activities in emitting air pollution. To achieve this objective, zonal areas spanning 3.2 km were designated for each industrial establishment within the province and subsequently categorized based on their respective activities forming industrial clusters. Five Copernicus Sentinel-5 Precursor vertical column density (VCD) data products, along with several other auxiliary datasets, were utilized to analyze the spatio-temporal patterns of major air pollutants, including formaldehyde (HCHO), carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), and tropospheric ozone (O3), and to forecast their concentration trends within each cluster. The use of the Exponential Smoothing Model (ESM) for forecasting was necessitated by the limited temporal coverage of available datasets from Sentinel-5P. This model, utilizing weighted averages of past observations to predict future values, was deemed suitable for addressing the temporal constraints of the datasets. The spatial analysis revealed three dispersion patterns in the study area: HCHO, CO, and NO2 exhibited island-like patterns, SO2 exhibited spot-like patterns, and tropospheric O3 exhibited topography-influenced patterns. The temporal analysis revealed significant inter-annual patterns and variations in pollutant concentrations among industrial clusters. Average concentrations of CO, NO2, SO2, and O3 reached their peaks during the cooler months of the year, likely attributable to temperature inversions and heightened usage of heating components, leading to increased combustion of fossil fuels. In contrast, peak levels of HCHO were observed during warmer months, a trend that may be attributed to intensified photochemical processes resulting from the heightened intensity of solar radiation. According to the ESM results, the concentration of HCHO above lime/plaster factories, the concentration of CO above petroleum refineries, power plants, and asphalt/sand factories, and the concentration of SO2 and NO2 above all studied clusters are forecasted to increase until 2025. In contrast, the tropospheric O3 concentration is expected to decrease during the same period. The methodology utilized in this study can be applied to other regions to identify major sources of air pollution and predict future trends.
Existing studies on the most impactful component remain controversial, hindering the optimization of future air quality standards that concerns particle composition. We aimed to summarize the health risk associated with PM2.5 components and identify those components with the greatest health risk. We performed a meta-analysis to quantify the combined health effects of PM2.5 components, and used the meta-smoothing to produce pooled concentration-response (C-R) curves. Out of 8,954 initial articles, 80 cohort studies met the inclusion criteria, including a total of 198.08 million population. The pooled C-R curves demonstrated approximately J-shaped association between total mortality and exposure to BC, and NO3-, but U-shaped and inverted U-shaped relationship with SO42- and OC, respectively. In addition, this study found that exposure to various elements, including BC, SO42-, NO3-, NH4+, Zn, Ni, and Si, were significantly associated with an increased risk of total mortality, with Ni presenting the largest estimate. And exposure to NO3-, Zn, and Si was positively associated with an increased risk of respiratory mortality, while exposure to BC, SO42- , and NO3- showed a positive association with risk of cardiovascular mortality. For health outcome of morbidity, BC was notably associated with a higher incidence of asthma, type 2 diabetes and stroke. Subgroup analysis revealed an increased susceptibility to PM2.5 components in Asia compared to Europe and North America, and females showed a higher vulnerability. Given the significant health effects of PM2.5 components, governments are advised to introduce them in regional monitoring and air quality control guidelines.
Conference Paper
The growth of development, daily activities by the community and even land, air and water transportation noises may contribute to the environmental noise problem to the community. The source of the aircraft noise in the vicinity of an airport in Butterworth has been a major problem to the human health. Thus, this study focuses on the monitoring of aircraft noise at the low-density residential area, which is Taman Udara, Butterworth, Penang as it is situated less than three kilometers from the airport and thus any aircraft related activities can be directly heard. The noise measurement was carried out for 12 h monitoring during the day time using a precision Sound Level Meter (SLM) Class One to obtain the equivalent sound level (LAeq), Lmax, Lmin, L10, L50 and L90. Each of the 13 different characteristics of the sampling points was taken for 1 h (the sound level meter recorded every one-second noise level) in the study area. The results of LAeq value obtained from an environmental noise measurement at Taman A were analyzed descriptively and statistically. Different areas or sampling points would have different characteristics; therefore, different noise exposure limits would be obtained. The results revealed that the LAeq obtained at the low-density residential areas ranges from 51.9 to 77.9 dB(A) thus exceeded the exceeded the permissible sound level (LAeq) which is stated at 50 dB(A) during daytime according to the Planning Guidelines for Receiving Land Use for Planning and New Development for Environmental Noise Limits and Control. This research is very useful to be used as reference and guideline for future regulations on noise limits to be implemented in Malaysia and thus a more sustainable city without noise pollution will be realized.
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Transportation noise is a ubiquitous urban exposure. In 2018, the World Health Organization concluded that chronic exposure to road traffic noise is a risk factor for ischemic heart disease. In contrast, they concluded that the quality of evidence for a link to other diseases was very low to moderate. Since then, several studies on the impact of noise on various diseases have been published. Also, studies investigating the mechanistic pathways underlying noise-induced health effects are emerging. We review the current evidence regarding effects of noise on health and the related disease-mechanisms. Several high-quality cohort studies consistently found road traffic noise to be associated with a higher risk of ischemic heart disease, heart failure, diabetes, and all-cause mortality. Furthermore, recent studies have indicated that road traffic and railway noise may increase the risk of diseases not commonly investigated in an environmental noise context, including breast cancer, dementia, and tinnitus. The harmful effects of noise are related to activation of a physiological stress response and nighttime sleep disturbance. Oxidative stress and inflammation downstream of stress hormone signaling and dysregulated circadian rhythms are identified as major disease-relevant pathomechanistic drivers. We discuss the role of reactive oxygen species and present results from antioxidant interventions. Lastly, we provide an overview of oxidative stress markers and adverse redox processes reported for noise-exposed animals and humans. This position paper summarizes all available epidemiological, clinical, and preclinical evidence of transportation noise as an important environmental risk factor for public health and discusses its implications on the population level.
Background: Long-term noise exposure is associated with cardiovascular disease (CVD), including acute cardiovascular events such as myocardial infarction and stroke. However, longitudinal cohort studies in the U.S. of long-term noise and CVD are almost exclusively from Europe and few modeled nighttime noise, when an individual is likely at home or asleep, separately from daytime noise. We aimed to examine the prospective association of outdoor long-term nighttime and daytime noise from anthropogenic sources with incident CVD using a U.S.-based, nationwide cohort of women. Methods: We linked L50 nighttime and L50 daytime anthropogenic modeled noise estimates from a U.S. National Parks Service model (L50: sound pressure levels exceeded 50 percent of the time) to geocoded residential addresses of 114,116 participants in the Nurses' Health Study. We used time-varying Cox proportional hazards models to estimate risk of incident CVD, coronary heart disease (CHD), and stroke associated with long-term average (14-y measurement period) noise exposure, adjusted for potential individual- and area-level confounders and CVD risk factors (1988-2018; biennial residential address updates; monthly CVD updates). We assessed effect modification by population density, region, air pollution, vegetation cover, and neighborhood socioeconomic status, and explored mediation by self-reported average nightly sleep duration. Results: Over 2,548,927 person-years, there were 10,331 incident CVD events. In fully adjusted models, the hazard ratios for each interquartile range increase in L50 nighttime noise (3.67 dBA) and L50 daytime noise (4.35 dBA), respectively, were 1.04 (95% CI: 1.02, 1.06) and 1.04 (95% CI: 1.02, 1.07). Associations for total energy-equivalent noise level (Leq) measures were stronger than for the anthropogenic statistical L50 noise measures. Similar associations were observed for CHD and stroke. Interaction analyses suggested that associations of L50 nighttime and L50 daytime noise with CVD did not differ by prespecified effect modifiers. We found no evidence that inadequate sleep (<5 h/night) mediated associations of L50 nighttime noise and CVD. Discussion: Outdoor L50 anthropogenic nighttime and daytime noise at the residential address was associated with a small increase in CVD risk in a cohort of adult female nurses.
Getting to net-zero-carbon cities while advancing well-being (W), health (H), social equity (E), and climate resilience (R) (referred to as the WHER outcomes) is critical for local and global sustainability. However, science is nascent on the linkages between zero-carbon pathways and WHER outcomes. This article presents a transboundary urban metabolism framework, rooted in seven key infrastructure and food provisioning systems, to connect urban decarbonization strategies with WHER outcomes. Applying the framework along with a literature review, we find the evidence for co-beneficial decarbonization to be strong for health; limited for well-being; uncertain for resilience; and requiring intentional design to advance equity, including distributional, procedural, and recognitional aspects. We describe the evidence base, identify key knowledge gaps, and delineate broad parameters of a new urban nexus science to enable zero-carbon urban transitions with WHER co-benefits. We highlight the need for fine-scale data encompassing all seven sectors across scales, along with multiple and multiscale climate risks, accompanied by next-generation multisector, multiscale, multioutcome nexus models.
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he initial Guide to the Primary Prevention of Cardiovas- cular Diseases was published in 1997 as an aid to healthcare professionals and their patients without established coronary artery disease or other atherosclerotic diseases. 1 It was intended to complement the American Heart Association (AHA)/American College of Cardiology (ACC) Guidelines for Preventing Heart Attack and Death in Patients with Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease (updated2) and to provide the healthcare professional with a comprehensive approach to patients across a wide spectrum of risk. The imperative to prevent the first episode of coronary disease or stroke or the development of aortic aneurysm and peripheral arterial disease remains as strong as ever because of the still-high rate of first events that are fatal or disabling or require expensive intensive medical care. The evidence that most cardiovascular disease is preventable continues to grow. Results of long-term prospective studies consistently identify persons with low levels of risk factors as having lifelong low levels of heart disease and stroke. 3,4 Moreover, these low levels of risk factors are related to healthy lifestyles. Data from the Nurses Health Study,5 for example, suggest that in women, maintaining a desirable body weight, eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, not smoking, and consuming a moderate amount of alcohol could account for an 84% reduction in risk, yet only 3% of the women studied were in that category. Clearly, the majority of the causes of cardio- vascular disease are known and modifiable.
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Objectives: Although noise annoyance is a major public health problem in urban areas, there is a lack of published data on predictors for noise annoyance in acoustically different urban environments. The aim of the study was to assess the predictive value of various factors on noise annoyance in noisy and quiet urban streets. Methods: Equivalent noise levels [Leq (dBA)] were measured during day, evening and night times in all of the streets of a central Belgrade municipality. Based on 24-hour noise levels, the streets were denoted as noisy (24-hour Leq over 65 dBA), or quiet (24-hour Leq under 55 dBA). A cross-sectional study was performed on 1954 adult residents (768 men and 1186 women), aged 18-80 years. Noise annoyance was estimated using a self-report five-graded scale. In both areas, two multivariate logistic regression models were fitted: the first one with nighttime noise indicators and the other one with parameters for 24-hour noise exposure. Results: In noisy streets, the relevant predictors of high annoyance were: the orientation of living room/bedroom toward the street, noise annoyance at workplace, and noise sensitivity. Significant acoustical factors for high noise annoyance were: nighttime noise level [OR=1.02, 95%CI=1.00-1.04 (per decibel)], nighttime heavy traffic [OR=1.01, 95%CI=1.00-1.02 (per vehicle)]; or day-evening-night noise level (Lden) [OR=1.03, 95%CI=1.00-1.07 (per decibel)]. In quiet streets, the significant predictors were: noise sensitivity, the time spent at home daily, light vehicles at nighttime or heavy vehicles at daytime. Conclusions: Our study identified subjective noise sensitivity as a common annoyance predictor, regardless of noise exposure. Noise levels were important indicators of annoyance only in noisy streets, both for nighttime and 24-hour exposure. We propose that noise sensitivity is the most relevant personal trait for future studies and that nighttime noise levels might be as good as Lden in predicting annoyance in noisy urban areas.
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Current air quality standards for particulate matter (PM) use the PM mass concentration [PM with aerodynamic diameters ≤ 10 μm (PM(10)) or ≤ 2.5 μm (PM(2.5))] as a metric. It has been suggested that particles from combustion sources are more relevant to human health than are particles from other sources, but the impact of policies directed at reducing PM from combustion processes is usually relatively small when effects are estimated for a reduction in the total mass concentration. We evaluated the value of black carbon particles (BCP) as an additional indicator in air quality management. We performed a systematic review and meta-analysis of health effects of BCP compared with PM mass based on data from time-series studies and cohort studies that measured both exposures. We compared the potential health benefits of a hypothetical traffic abatement measure, using near-roadway concentration increments of BCP and PM(2.5) based on data from prior studies. Estimated health effects of a 1-μg/m3 increase in exposure were greater for BCP than for PM(10) or PM(2.5), but estimated effects of an interquartile range increase were similar. Two-pollutant models in time-series studies suggested that the effect of BCP was more robust than the effect of PM mass. The estimated increase in life expectancy associated with a hypothetical traffic abatement measure was four to nine times higher when expressed in BCP compared with an equivalent change in PM(2.5) mass. BCP is a valuable additional air quality indicator to evaluate the health risks of air quality dominated by primary combustion particles.
Conference Paper
The sympathetic nervous system, coronary artery disease and myocardial ischaemia are related in different ways. First, the sympathetic system may be involved in the process of atherosclerosis through platelet activation and subsequent platelet-derived growth factor formation and by inducing mechanical injury to the vascular wall as a result of increased blood pressure and increased flow velocity. Secondly, sympathetic control of coronary vasomotor tone, which under normal conditions is not important, becomes functionally significant once coronary artery disease endothelial dysfunction has occurred. Under these circumstances, increased sympathetic adrenergic tone may lead to coronary vasoconstriction and, as myocardial oxygen demand increases concomitantly, myocardial ischaemia may ensue. Alternatively, myocardial ischaemia activates several neurohormonal systems, such as the sympathetic and, during more severe ischaemia, the circulating renin-angiotensin system. This leads to systemic and, possibly, coronary vasoconstriction and thus to further myocardial ischaemia. Prolonged myocardial ischaemia results in progressive norepinephrine release from the heart, reaching extracellular levels as high as 100-1000 x plasma concentrations. As cardiac beta-receptor density rises simultaneously, sympathetically-induced irreversible myocardial damage may occur, although through concomitantly increased beta-receptor kinase activity the beta-receptor may become functionally inactive. To counteract the detrimental effects of enhanced sympathetic activation on the heart, beta-blockade appears to be the proper choice. However, acute beta-blockade may lead to more profound ischaemia-induced neurohormonal activation and hence to vascular constriction through unoccupied alpha-receptors. In contrast, under ischaemic conditions and with concomitant beta-blockade, acute alpha-blockade does improve subendocardial flow and reduces myocardial ischaemia. A novel approach to anti-ischaemic therapy, which relates to modulating ischaemia-induced sympathetic activation, is through ACE inhibition. ACE inhibitors affect myocardial ischaemia by reducing neurohormonal activation and related systemic and coronary vasoconstriction. These acute effects may become more important over time, as coronary endothelial function improves following long-term ACE inhibition. A large multicentre controlled trial comparing ACE inhibition with placebo in patients with coronary artery disease, the EUROPA (EUopean trial on Reduction Of cardiac events with Perindopril in stable coronary Artery disease), which is currently underway, addresses the issue of whether ACE inhibition does in fact offer a novel approach in myocardial ischaemia.
The initial Guide to the Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases was published in 1997 as an aid to healthcare professionals and their patients without established coronary artery disease or other atherosclerotic diseases.1 It was intended to complement the American Heart Association (AHA)/American College of Cardiology (ACC) Guidelines for Preventing Heart Attack and Death in Patients with Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease (updated2) and to provide the healthcare professional with a comprehensive approach to patients across a wide spectrum of risk. The imperative to prevent the first episode of coronary disease or stroke or the development of aortic aneurysm and peripheral arterial disease remains as strong as ever because of the still-high rate of first events that are fatal or disabling or require expensive intensive medical care. The evidence that most cardiovascular disease is preventable continues to grow. Results of long-term prospective studies consistently identify persons with low levels of risk factors as having lifelong low levels of heart disease and stroke.3,4⇓ Moreover, these low levels of risk factors are related to healthy lifestyles. Data from the Nurses Health Study,5 for example, suggest that in women, maintaining a desirable body weight, eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, not smoking, and consuming a moderate amount of alcohol could account for an 84% reduction in risk, yet only 3% of the women studied were in that category. Clearly, the majority of the causes of cardiovascular disease are known and modifiable. This 2002 update of the Guide acknowledges a number of advances in the field of primary prevention since 1997. Research continues to refine the recommendations on detection and management of established risk factors, including evidence against the safety and efficacy of interventions once thought promising (eg, antioxidant vitamins).6 This, in turn, has …
Spatial distribution of traffic-related pollutants within the street canyons in Guangzhou, China was monitored using a self-developed automatic sampling system of vertical section. The wind fields at the roof and street level were also field investigated. The results showed that average horizontal and vertical profiles of traffic-related pollutant concentrations within street canyon depended on wind direction at the roof level, leeward average concentrations were about 1 time higher than those observed at the windward side and there were differences in the daily variation profiles of pollutant concentrations between them; however, these concentration profiles at different heights of each side were similar, with CO, NO, NO2 and NOx concentrations decreasing with height above the ground. For ambient air at roof level, the daily variation profiles of the leeward pollutant concentrations with distinct diurnal fluctuation were different from those at different height level in the street canyon, but daily variation profiles of CO, NO, NO2 and NOx concentrations at windward roof level were consistent with those within the canyon, which corresponded with the traffic volume variation, except for O3. It was deduced from these observed phenomena that pollutants from vehicular exhaust emissions in the urban street canyon were advected by wind vortices that covered most of the canyon from the windward side to the leeward side and ascended to the leeward roof edge with vortex. Then one part of these pollutants became part of circulating pollutants within the canyon by vortex being carried back to the windward side and sinking into the bottom of the street canyon and the rest of them diffused to the windward roof, but ambient air pollutant concentrations at the leeward roof were less affected by pollutants within the street canyon. Additionally, it was observed that O3 daily variation with the concentration level increasing with height at the roof and on windward side of the street showed obvious diurnal fluctuation characteristic, and O3 concentration levels at the roof were higher than those below the roof and there was no clear daily variation or vertical gradient at leeward side below the roof.
Epidemiologic studies have shown that both air pollution and community noise are associated with cardiovascular disease mortality. Because road traffic is a major contributor to these environmental pollutants in metropolitan areas, it is plausible that the observed associations may be confounded by coexistent pollutants. As part of a large population-based cohort study to address this concern, we used a noise prediction model to assess annual average community noise levels from transportation sources in metropolitan Vancouver, Canada. The modeled annual average noise level was 64 (inter quartile range 60-68) dB(A) for the region. This model was evaluated by comparing modeled annual daytime A-weighted equivalent continuous noise levels (L(day)) with measured 5-min daytime A-weighted equivalent continuous noise levels (L(eq,day,5 min)) at 103 selected roadside sites in the study region. On average, L(day) was 6.2 (95% CI, 6.0-7.9) dB(A) higher than, but highly correlated (r=0.62; 95% CI, 0.48-0.72) with, L(eq,day,5 min). These results suggest that our model-based noise exposure assessment could approximately reflect actual noise exposure in the study region. Overall, modeled noise levels were not strongly correlated with land use regression estimates of traffic-related air pollutants including black carbon, particulate matter with aerodynamic diameter ≤2.5 μm (PM(2.5)), NO(2) and NO; the highest correlation was with black carbon (r=0.48), whereas the lowest correlation was with PM(2.5) (r=0.18). There was no consistent effect of traffic proximity on the correlations between community noise levels and traffic-related air pollutant concentrations. These results, consistent with previous studies, suggest that it is possible to assess potential adverse cardiovascular effects from long-term exposures to community noise and traffic-related air pollution in prospective epidemiologic studies.