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Imbalance of inter-provincial forest carbon sequestration rate from 2010 to 2060 in China and its regulation strategy


Abstract and Figures

Forest ecosystem, as a predominant component of terrestrial ecosystems in view of carbon sinks, has a high potential for carbon sequestration. Accurately estimating the carbon sequestration rate in forest ecosystems at provincial level, is a prerequisite and basis for scientifically formulating the technical approaches of carbon neutrality and the associated regulatory policies in China. However, few researches on future carbon sequestration rates (CSRs) for Chinese forest ecosystems for provincial-level regions (hereafter province) have been reported, especially for forest soils. In this study, we quantitatively assessed the carbon sequestration rates of existing forest ecosystems of all the provinces from 2010 to 2060 using the Forest Carbon Sequestration model (FCS), in combination with large quantities of field-measured data in China under three future climate scenarios (RCP2.6, RCP4.5, and RCP8.5). Results showed that CSRs across provinces varied from 0.01 TgC a−1 to 36.74 TgC a−1, with a mean of 10.09 ± 0.43 TgC a−1. Inter-provincial differences have been observed in forest CSRs. Regarding the spatial variations in CSRs on a unit area basis within provinces, the eastern region provinces have a larger capacity for sequestration than the western region, while the western region has greater CSR per unit GDP and per capita. Moreover, there are significant negative correlations between the CSRs per capita in each province and the corresponding GDP per capita, under the assumption that GDP per capita is constant in the future across provinces. In summary, there is a significant regional imbalance in CSR among provinces. Special technological and policy interventions are required to realize carbon sink potential sustainably. An overlap in China’s poorer areas and areas with stronger carbon sinks has indicated that existing policies to support traditional carbon trading are insufficient. Regulatory measures such as “regional carbon compensation” must be adopted urgently in line with the Chinese characteristics, so that people in western or underdeveloped regions can consciously strengthen forest protection and enhance forest carbon sinks through coordinated regional development while ensuring that China’s forests play a greater role in carbon neutrality strategies.
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J. Geogr. Sci. 2023, 33(1): 3-15
© 2023 Science Press Springer-Verla g
Imbalance of inter-provincial forest carbon
sequestration rate from 2010 to 2060 in China
and its regulation strategy
CAI Weixiang1,2, XU Li2, LI Mingxu2, SUN Osbert Jianxin1, *HE Nianpeng2,3,4
1. School of Ecology and Nature Conservation, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, China;
2. Key Laboratory of Ecosystem Network Observation and Modeling, Institute of Geographic Sciences and
Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China;
3. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China;
4. Center for Ecological Research, Northeast Forestry University, Harbin 150040, China
Abstract: Forest ecosystem, as a predominant component of terrestrial ecosystems in view of
carbon sinks, has a high potential for carbon sequestration. Accurately estimating the carbon
sequestration rate in forest ecosystems at provincial level, is a prerequisite and basis for
scientifically formulating the technical approaches of carbon neutrality and the associated
regulatory policies in China. However, few researches on future carbon sequestration rates
(CSRs) for Chinese forest ecosystems for provincial-level regions (hereafter province) have
been reported, especially for forest soils. In this study, we quantitatively assessed the carbon
sequestration rates of existing forest ecosystems of all the provinces from 2010 to 2060 using
the Forest Carbon Sequestration model (FCS), in combination with large quantities of
field-measured data in China under three future climate scenarios (RCP2.6, RCP4.5, and
RCP8.5). Results showed that CSRs across provinces varied from 0.01 TgC a–1 to 36.74 TgC
a–1, with a mean of 10.09 ± 0.43 TgC a–1. Inter-provincial differences have been observed in
forest CSRs. Regarding the spatial variations in CSRs on a unit area basis within provinces,
the eastern region provinces have a larger capacity for sequestration than the western region,
while the western region has greater CSR per unit GDP and per capita. Moreover, there are
significant negative correlations between the CSRs per capita in each province and the cor-
responding GDP per capita, under the assumption that GDP per capita is constant in the
future across provinces. In summary, there is a significant regional imbalance in CSR among
provinces. Special technological and policy interventions are required to realize carbon sink
potential sustainably. An overlap in China’s poorer areas and areas with stronger carbon
sinks has indicated that existing policies to support traditional carbon trading are insufficient.
Regulatory measures such as “regional carbon compensation” must be adopted urgently in
line with the Chinese characteristics, so that people in western or underdeveloped regions
can consciously strengthen forest protection and enhance forest carbon sinks through coor-
Received: 2021-11-15 Accepted: 2022-04-21
Foundation: National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.42141004, No.32171544, No.31988102
Author: Cai Weixiang, Master, specialized in ecosystem carbon cycles and regulatory mechanisms. E-mail:
*Corresponding author: He Nianpeng, PhD and Professor, E-mail:
This paper is initially published in Acta Geographica Sinica (Chinese edition), 2022, 77(7): 18081820.
4 Journal of Geographical Sciences
dinated regional development while ensuring that China’s forests play a greater role in carbon
neutrality strategies.
Keywords: forest; carbon cycle; carbon sequestration; carbon sink; imbalance; sustainability; carbon neutrality;
carbon trading
1 Introduction
Forests store 45% of the terrestrial carbon, playing an important role in the carbon cycle of
terrestrial ecosystems (Bonan, 2008; Fang et al., 2014; Wen and He, 2016; He et al., 2017).
Therefore, accurate estimates the temporal and spatial distribution and dynamics of forest
carbon sinks under climate change have become increasingly important for the scientific
exploration of Earth systems, along with biological conservation and natural resource man-
agement (Luo et al., 2020).
In 2020, a new national strategy was launched in China to reach its peak total CO2 emis-
sions before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060 to combat global climate
change. To achieve carbon neutrality, it is important for industries to reduce emissions. It is
important to improve carbon sinks in forests, grasslands and croplands by strengthening spa-
tial planning and management of land use, as well as by effectively harnessing the carbon
sequestration capacity of these ecosystems. According to the ninth national forest inventory,
China’s forest covering 22.96% of its land area, 33% of which are young forests (National
Forestry and Grassland Administration, 2019). Earlier studies have indicated that China’s
forest vegetation has great potential for sustainable carbon sequestration from 2010 to 2050
(Xu et al., 2010; Ma and Wang, 2011; Hu et al., 2015; He et al., 2017; Tang et al., 2018; Yao
et al., 2018; He et al., 2019; Wang et al., 2020). Besides quantifying the carbon sequestra-
tion capacity of forest ecosystems at the national scale, managers also need to obtain scien-
tific information from each province regarding its forests’ spatio-temporal dynamics. Such
information could aid in carbon reduction and in the implementation of carbon neutrality
action guidelines more effectively (Ma and Wang, 2011). Firstly, assessing the carbon se-
questration potential of forest ecosystems enables provinces to understand their own carbon
sink situation, making it easier for them to draft appropriate afforestation/reforestation and
carbon reduction policies. Secondly, it also provides an opportunity for inter-provincial co-
ordination, and to make carbon sink compensation policies based on the differences and im-
balances in carbon sequestration potential among provinces. However, previous studies fo-
cused only on one or a few provinces (Chen et al., 2018; Chen et al., 2019; Wu et al., 2020),
and the exploration of inter-provincial forest CSRs at the national scale from 20102060 has
not been reported.
In this study, we used a forest carbon sequestration (FCS) model based on a classical lo-
gistic equation to evaluate the CSRs of forest among provinces (Data for Hong Kong, Macao,
and Taiwan were not included) in China under three future climate scenarios (RCP 2.6, 4.5,
and 8.5). The main objectives of this study were to identify the: (1) CSRs of existing forests
among provinces in China from 20102060; (2) regional difference and imbalance in the
carbon sequestration potential of forest ecosystems among provinces. Through the quantita-
tive analysis of inter-provincial forest ecosystem carbon sinks and their regional imbalance,
we discuss forest sink enhancement at the level of technology and policy. We also discuss
regional carbon sink integration and provide guidelines for national and provincial policy-
CAI Weixiang et al.: Imbalance of inter-provincial forest carbon sequestration rate from 2010 to 2060 in China 5
makers on forest protection, management, afforestation/reforestation and other strategies of
carbon sink enhancement. Through this, we hope for the gradual integration of regional
carbon sinks and sustainable development.
2 Materials and methods
2.1 Description of the model
Considering the complexity of forest ecosystem carbon cycle mechanism, and the data to
support model building and validation, as well as initial model parameters need to be ob-
tained from a large amount of measured data. Most forest carbon cycle models are parame-
terized or validated by gross primary productivity (GPP), net primary productivity (NPP) or
net ecosystem productivity (NEP) from flux observations. Forest age is rarely taken into
account, resulting in fewer climate-driven models being able to predict forest carbon se-
questration rates (Cao and Woodward, 1998).
Here, we used a forest carbon sequestration (FCS) model on the basis of a classical lo-
gistic equation between forest age and biomass, which is parameterized and validated by
large volumes of vegetation data from field surveys in China (He et al., 2017). The FCS
model was established by measuring carbon sink data and forest age from more than 3300
sample plots of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Carbon Special Project as input parame-
ters. The model was validated by data from 78 forest successions in China and combined
with important factors such as temperature, precipitation and forest age. The construction,
validation and predictions of the FCS model have been published in previous studies (He et
al., 2017; Yan et al., 2020; Cai et al., 2022), making it possible to assess the carbon seques-
tration of forest ecosystems or afforestation in China rapidly and accurately. The model’s
construction and operation process are briefly described below. A detailed description can be
found in previous studies (He et al., 2017).
2.2 Vegetation and soil carbon cycles
With forest development, forest biomass grad-
ually reaches a relative equilibrium state. The
relationship between vegetation biomass and
forest age can be portrayed using a logistic
growth equation (Figure 1) (Xu et al., 2010).
Veg e t ation biomass can be calculated by (1):
v tt
+ −⋅
where Bt is the forest vegetation biomass (Mg
ha–1); V0 is the intrinsic growth rate, represent-
ing the maximum growth rate (%) when vege-
tative growth is not limited by the environment,
nutrients, or disturbances; Bmax is the maximum
vegetation biomass under the mature forest
Figure 1 The secondary succession theory (Foun-
dation of FCS model) presented the relationship
between vegetation biomass and forest age (He et al.,
2017). Bt, vegetation biomass (Mg ha–1); Bmax,
maximum vegetation biomass; t, forest age (a); and
Bto, vegetation biomass at t = t0.
6 Journal of Geographical Sciences
scenario (Mg ha–1); and t is the forest age (a).
Annual variation in soil carbon stocks is calculated by the annual input of organic matter
minus the annual decomposition, which is the classical double pool of soil carbon cycle.
When forest factors are relatively stable, the humification and mineralization processes will
tend to balance the SOC level, as shown in (2):
t 20
exp( ( )
C C k tt
= ⋅−
where Ct is the SOC density (MgC ha–1); It is the annual input of SOC (Mg ha–1 a–1); It = h
(k1 Lt), Lt is the litter content (Mg ha–1); k1 is the litter decomposition coefficient; k2 is the
SOC decomposition rate (a–1); and h is the decay coefficient (0.3) (Foley, 1995).
2.3 Existing forest data
The main parameters of the FCS model are the initial vegetation biomass (B0), stand age (t),
mean annual temperature (MAT, ), and mean annual precipitation (MAP, mm). The data
for the existing forest vegetation biomass were obtained from the field survey of the “Stra-
tegic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences” (XDA05050000),
including the initial vegetation biomass, forest age, litter, and 020 cm SOC content in 3365
forest sample plots in China, which are the same as the special features of Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences of the USA in 2018 (Tang et al., 2018) They included decid-
uous broadleaf forests (DBF, 806 plots), deciduous needle-leaved forests (DNF, 197 plots),
evergreen broadleaf forests (EBF, 620 plots), evergreen needle-leaved forests (ENF, 1461
plots), and mixed needle-leaved and broadleaf forests (NBF, 281 plots). The plots were each
0.1 hm2, and vegetation biomass was calculated by the relevant allometric equation using
diameter at breast height and tree height (ECSP, 2015).
Climate data, including the mean annual temperature (MAT, ) and mean annual precip-
itation (MAP, mm), were obtained from the National Climate Center (http://ncc.cma., and simulated using the Regional Climate Model system (RegCM 4.0).The data
was then output (spatial resolution of 1° × 1°) through one-way nesting of the Beijing Cli-
mate Center_Climate System Model Version 1.1 (BCC_CSM1.1) (Gao et al., 2012).
2.4 Supplementary data
Population and gross domestic product (GDP) per capita data for each provincial-level re-
gion (Data for Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan were not included) were derived from China
Statistical Yearbook 2020 (http:/, and the CSR per capita and
CSR per economic was calculated for each provincial-level region (Data for Hong Kong,
Macao, and Taiwan were not included).
2.5 Statistical analysis
A coefficient of 0.5 had been used to transfer biomass to carbon density (Yu et al., 2014).
First, the tool ‘Extract Multi Values to Points’ in ArcMap was used to extract MAT and MAP
of each site under future climate scenarios, and the future carbon sequestration capacity of
forest ecosystems in each provincial-level region (hereafter province) of China was predict-
ed by FCS model. The changes in carbon density or CSR of vegetation and soil were calcu-
lated for every 10 from 20102060. The results were represented as averages of three future
CAI Weixiang et al.: Imbalance of inter-provincial forest carbon sequestration rate from 2010 to 2060 in China 7
climate scenarios. Meanwhile, in order to meet the targets of carbon peaking in 2030 and
carbon neutrality in 2060, the period 20102030 and 20302060 were used in the data pro-
cessing for the analysis.
The spatial distributions of the forests and their carbon densities were mapped using
ArcMap 10.2 (ESRI, Redlands, CA, USA). The data were analyzed and plotted on graphs
using SPSS 25.0 (IBM Corp., Chicago, IL, USA) and Origin 2018 (Origin Lab, Northamp-
ton, MA, USA).
3 Results
3.1 CSR in Chinese forests by province from 2010 to 2060
Forest ecosystems in different Chinese provinces are predicted to have the capacity to se-
quester carbon from 20102060 under different climate scenarios, with keep the existing
forest area constant. The vegetation CSR varied between <0.01 TgC a–1 (Shanghai) and
25.67 ± 0.91 TgC a–1 (Heilongjiang Province) (Table 1). Soil CSR varied between <0.01
TgC a–1 (Shanghai) and 15.36 ± 0.94 TgC a–1 (Yunnan Province) (Table 2). Overall, the
CSRs in forest ecosystems over the next 50 years were the largest in Heilongjiang Province
(36.74 ± 1.35 TgC a–1) and the smallest in Shanghai (<0.01 TgC a–1). The carbon sequestra-
tion potential of forest ecosystems in most provinces varied significantly during the period,
which caused inter-provincial differences in CSRs (Table 3).
Table 1 Annual changes of vegetation carbon sequestration rate in Chinese forests by provincial-level region
from 2010 to 2060
level region
Forest area
(104 km2)
CSR of forest vegetation (TgC a–1)
3.12 4.96±0.22a
4.79±0.30a 3.39±0.57b 2.53±0.55b 1.24±0.78c 3.38±0.11
0.44 0.73±0.02ab 0.83±0.04a 0.66±0.08b 0.51±0.08c 0.21±0.1d 0.59±0.01
3.46 2.58±0.07ab 2.95±0.20a 2.92±0.23a 2.33±0.11b 1.47±0.41c 2.45±0.07
11.36±0.79a 8.07±1.44b 6.34±1.43bc 4.80±2.06c 8.58±0.26
2.1 0.64±0.04a 0.73±0.13a 0.77±0.21a 0.83±0.16a 1.01±0.37a 0.79±0.05
14.23±0.92b 12.19±0.97a 10.08±1.04a 6.26±1.8c 10.91±0.29
11.31±0.84a 9.8±1.00a 7.58±0.36b 6.94±1.46b 9.28±0.29
6.27 0.81±0.06a 1.63±0.24ab 2.15±0.37b 1.76±0.17b 1.25±0.98ab
0.92 0.65±0.05a 0.74±0.04b 0.62±0.05a 0.51±0.02c 0.42±0.07c 0.59±0.03
3.97 6.41±0.25ab 7.36±0.40b 6.27±0.73ab
5.02±0.92b 2.70±1.09c 5.55±0.12
34.04±0.96a 27.11±2.15b 19.42±1.80c 12.87±3.32d 25.67±0.91
2.07 2.98±0.06a 3.10±0.19a 2.36±0.20b 1.73±0.15c 0.25±0.36d 2.08±0.06
6.21 8.62±0.09a 7.93±0.62a 5.51±0.52b 3.87±0.20c 4.29±0.71c 6.04±0.18
8.87 9.73±0.10ab 11.75±0.64c 10.70±0.71bc
9.56±0.83ab 8.98±1.17a 10.15±0.15
Inner Mongolia
22.19±1.54b 20.17±2.69ab
18.36±3.99ab 16.00±4.22b 19.09±0.40
0.31 0.50±0.02a 0.48±0.02a 0.43±0.03b 0.30±0.03c 0.42±0.01b 0.43±0.00
12.29±0.68a 10.80±1.24a 9.88±1.46a 6.31±1.98b 9.94±0.25
15.87±0.44a 12.77±0.67b 8.41±0.71c 5.56±1.32d 11.71±0.40
5.57 8.12±0.06a 9.72±0.26a 9.51±0.80a 8.60±1.41a 6.16±1.27b 8.42±0.18
0.07 0.03±0.00a 0.03±0.00a 0.04±0.01a 0.03±0.01a 0.04±0.02a 0.03±0.00
0.29 0.05±0.00a 0.07±0.03ab 0.10±0.04ab
0.14±0.04b 0.14±0.05b 0.10±0.01
(To be continued on the next page)
8 Journal of Geographical Sciences
level region
Forest area
(104 km2)
CSR of forest vegetation (TgC a–1)
20102020 20202030 20302040 20402050 20502060 Mean±SD
5.92 6.23±0.12a 6.28±0.37a 5.41±0.43b 4.12±0.18c 2.48±0.65d 4.91±0.13
1.83 2.21±0.10a 2.86±0.19a 2.86±0.36a 2.79±0.57a 2.27±0.58a 2.60±0.04
2.49 2.56±0.06a 3.55±0.25b 3.19±0.28b 2.66±0.25a 1.82±0.38c 2.76±0.05
14.11 2.65±0.04a 3.45±1.21ab 5.63±2.13ab
6.92±1.54b 6.59±3.31b 5.05±0.45
0.03 0.04±0.00ab 0.05±0.00b 0.05±0.01b 0.05±0.01ab 0.03±0.01a 0.05±0.00
2.48 0.22±0.02a 0.28±0.10a 0.40±0.10a 0.34±0.28a 0.60±0.69a 0.37±0.14
18.99 7.14±0.13a 6.84±2.74a 9.58±3.99a 7.23±2.93a 4.91±2.03b 7.14±0.10
6.06 8.14±0.43a 8.47±0.66a 6.75±1.13ab
5.57±1.26bc 3.62±1.57c 6.51±0.18
Change in carbon sequestration rate was presented as mean ± 1 standard deviation on invariable forest area and three
climate scenarios (RCP2.6, RCP4.5, and RCP8.5), and the same small letters indicate no significant difference in carbon
sequestration rates among different periods at p = 0.05 level.
Table 2 Annual changes of soil carbon sequestration rate in Chinese forests by provincial-level region from
2010 to 2060
level region
Forest area
(104 km2)
CSR of forest soil (TgC a
20102020 20202030 20302040 20402050 20502060 Mean±SD
0.44 0.05±0.00a 0.36±0.02c 0.45±0.03d 0.42±0.07cd 0.26±0.04b 0.31±0.01
3.46 2.13±0.03a 3.06±0.09b 3.64±0.11c 3.6±0.19c 3.13±0.16b 3.11±0.01
8.33 4.06±0.14a 7.18±0.30b 7.21±0.53b 6.29±1.17b 4.70±0.78a 5.89±0.08
10.67 4.89±0.08a 9.47±0.29bc 10.74±0.35d 10.21±1.09cd 8.57±0.43b 8.78±0.10
12.58 5.91±0.09a 9.87±0.34b 11.33±0.44d 10.99±0.63cd 10.28±0.48bc
6.27 3.91±0.09a 4.36±0.17a 4.44±0.18a 4.34±0.39a 4.33±0.42a 4.28±0.02
3.97 1.13±0.06a 3.79±0.16bc 4.68±0.29d 4.46±0.68cd 3.22±0.44b 3.46±0.05
19.77 1.18±0.53a
16.56±1.25c 14.14±1.44b 10.18±0.83d 11.08±0.47
2.07 1.61±0.01a 2.46±0.06b 2.49±0.08b 2.16±0.18c 1.72±0.12a 2.09±0.01
8.87 2.92±0.03a 7.22±0.23b 9.05±0.28cd 9.45±0.82c 8.57±0.31d 7.44±0.10
Inner Mongolia
16.26 1.33±0.24a 9.6±0.49b 13.58±1.07c 14.78±2.90c 14.07±1.84c 10.67±0.22
0.31 0.11±0.01a 0.27±0.00b 0.33±0.01c 0.29±0.02b 0.38±0.01d 0.28±0.00
8.33 2.74±0.06a 7.75±0.13b 8.78±0.30c 6.82±0.63d 4.77±0.28e 6.17±0.12
5.57 2.55±0.02a 3.70±0.07b 5.76±0.37cd 6.28±0.95c 5.15±0.47d 4.69±0.08
0.07 0.01±0.00a 0.03±0.00b 0.04±0.00c 0.04±0.01cd 0.05±0.01d 0.03±0.00
5.92 4.14±0.03a 6.16±0.14b 6.85±0.19c 6.45±0.27b 5.46±0.25d 5.81±0.01
1.83 0.17±0.03a 0.35±0.06a 1.48±0.15b 1.90±0.41b 1.68±0.27b 1.12±0.03
<0.01a <0.01a <0.01a <0.01a <0.01a <0.01
(To be continued on the next page)
CAI Weixiang et al.: Imbalance of inter-provincial forest carbon sequestration rate from 2010 to 2060 in China 9
level region
Forest area
(104 km2)
CSR of forest soil (TgC a–1)
20102020 20202030 20302040 20402050 20502060 Mean±SD
14.11 6.51±0.20a 7.15±0.76a 8.09±1.18ab 9.84±1.69b 9.90±1.78b 8.30±0.08
0.03 0.01±0.00a 0.03±0.00b 0.04±0.00c 0.04±0.01c 0.03±0.01bc
8.49 2.53±0.06a 2.66±0.36a 3.43±0.64a 4.84±1.08b 4.93±0.56b 3.68±0.08
2.48 0.74±0.04a 1.65±0.02b 1.58±0.08b 1.36±0.34ab 1.52±0.84b 1.37±0.20
18.99 18.72±4.64a
14.56±2.66ab 11.8±1.10b 15.36±0.94
6.06 5.46±0.11a 7.37±0.24b 7.39±0.47b 6.60±0.92b 4.93±0.69a 6.35±0.05
Tot a l
189.79 90.64±4.20
Change in carbon sequestration rate was presented as mean ± 1 standard deviation on invariable forest area and
three climate scenarios (RCP2.6, RCP4.5, and RCP8.5), and the same small letters indicate no significant difference in
carbon sequestration rates among different periods at p = 0.05 level.
Table 3 Annual changes of ecosystem carbon sequestration rate in Chinese forests by provincial-level region
from 2010 to 2060
level region
Forest area
(104 km2)
CSR of forest ecosystem (TgC a–1 )
20102020 20202030 20302040 20402050 20502060 Mean±SD
3.12 7.41±0.28ab
8.41±0.41b 6.87±0.79a 5.44±0.98c 3.28±1.08d 6.28±0.11
0.44 0.78±0.02a 1.19±0.05b
0.47±0.14d 0.90±0.01
3.46 4.71±0.10a 6.02±0.29b 6.56±0.34b 5.93±0.29b 4.60±0.57a 5.56±0.07
8.33 16.38±0.71ab
9.49±2.83c 14.47±0.23
2.1 1.85±0.08a 2.19±0.23ab
2.74±0.56b 2.27±0.05
10.67 16.71±0.43a 23.69±1.21b 2
20.3±2.13c 14.83±2.23a 19.69±0.22
12.58 16.66±0.29a 21.17±1.17b 21.13±1.43b 18.57±0.95a 17.22±1.93a 18.95±0.27
6.27 4.72±0.15a 5.99±0.40ab
6.59±0.55b 6.11±0.55ab
0.92 1.54±0.05a 1.69±0.05b 1.58±0.
1.38±0.05c 1.18±0.09d 1.48±0.03
3.97 7.54±0.31ab
11.15±0.56c 10.95±1.02c 9.48±1.61bc
5.91±1.53a 9.01±0.12
19.77 36.07±0.63a 47.36±1.66b 43.67±3.39b 33.57±3.22a 23.05±4.11c 36.74±1.35
2.07 4.59±0.07a 5.56±0.25b 4.85±0.28a 3.89±0.32c 1.97±0.47d 4.17±0.06
6.21 14.23±0.11a 15.47±0.84b 12.61±0.69c 9.80±0.50d 8.64±0.77e 12.15±0.16
8.87 12.65±0.12a 18.97±0.87b 19.75±0.98b 19.02±1.65b 17.55±1.42b 17.59±0.10
16.26 20.08±1.16a 31.79±2.02b 33.74±3.76b 33.15±6.89b 30.07±6.03b 29.77±0.42
0.31 0.61±0.03a 0.76±0.02b 0.76±0.04b 0.59±0.05a 0.80±0.00b 0.70±0.00
9.78 17.06±0.46ab
21.97±0.94c 21.28±1.74c 20.21±2.68bc
14.19±2.72a 18.94±0.24
8.33 18.67±0.30a 23.62±0.57b 21.55±0.96c 15.23±1.34d 10.32±1.58e 17.88±0.48
5.57 10.68±0.07a 13.42±0.32bc
15.27±1.17c 14.87±2.36c 11.32±1.73a 13.11±0.21
0.07 0.04±0.00a 0.06±0.01ab
0.09±0.03c 0.07±0.00
0.29 0.05±0.01a 0.09±0.04a
0.23±0.08b 0.24±0.07b 0.15±0.01
5.92 10.37±0.15a 12.44±0.51b 12.26±0.62b 10.57±0.43a 7.94±0.89c 10.72±0.13
1.83 2.38±0.12a 3.21±0.25ab
4.7±0.97bc 3.95±0.84c 3.71±0.05
<0.01a <0.01a <0.01a <0.01a <0.01a <0.01
2.49 3.61±0.07a 5.87±0.33b 5.98±0.39b 5.38±0.50b 4.21±0.48a 5.01±0.03
(To be continued on the next page)
10 Journal of Geographical Sciences
level region
Forest area
(104 km2)
CSR of forest ecosystem (TgC a–1 )
20102020 20202030 20302040 20402050 20502060 Mean±SD
14.11 9.17±0.16a 10.60±1.97ab
16.76±3.17b 16.50±5.09b 13.35±0.48
0.03 0.05±0.00a 0.08±0.01b 0.09±0.01b
8.49 4.92±0.34a 5.67±1.12a
9.74±2.58b 9.19±1.57b 7.41±0.03
2.48 0.96±0.04a 1.93±0.12a 1.98±0.18a
1.71±0.62a 2.12±1.53a 1.74±0.34
18.99 25.86±4.71a 23.47±3.78a 24.66±5.67a
21.80±5.59a 16.72±3.09b 22.50±0.99
6.06 13.60±0.54ab
12.17±2.18a 8.55±2.26c 12.86±0.19
Tot a l
316.69±40.12 252.81±40.39 313.06±4.72
Change in carbon sequestration rate was presented as mean ± 1 standard deviation on invariable forest area and three
climate scenarios (RCP2.6, RCP4.5, and RCP8.5), and the same small letters indicate no significant difference in carbon
sequestration rates among different periods at p = 0.05 level.
3.2 Changes in CSR per unit area of forests among provinces
Compared with the 2030–2060 period, CSR per unit area of the forest ecosystem in Chinese
provinces larger varied from 20102030 (Figure 2). The provinces in the northwest (Xin-
jiang, Tibet, Qinghai) and southwest (Yunnan and Guizhou) had smaller changes in forest
CSR per unit area (0.322.15 MgC ha–1 a–1), while the provinces in the eastern region are
larger (Jiangsu and Anhui) (3.05–3.83 MgC ha–1 a–1). The result revealed that the per capita
CSR of provinces varied from 0.01–1.50 MgC a–1 per capita in the 2010–2030 period, and
from 0.012.52 MgC a1 per capita in the 2030–2060 period (Figure 3), with significant dif-
ferences among provinces.
Figure 2 Changes in carbon sequestration rates (CSR) per unit area of forest by province at different periods.
Panel a is the period of 20102030 and panel b is 20302060. Note: This figure has been prepared based on the
standard map provided by the Ministry of Natural Resources of the People’s Republic of China, which can be
found on the service website (GS (2019)1698). The base map was not modified.
CAI Weixiang et al.: Imbalance of inter-provincial forest carbon sequestration rate from 2010 to 2060 in China 11
Figure 3 Annual changes in per capita carbon sequestration rate (CSR) among provinces from 2010–2030 (a)
and 2030–2060 (b). Note: This figure has been prepared based on the standard map provided by the Ministry of
Natural Resources of the People’s Republic of China, which can be found on the service website (GS (2019)1698).
The base map was not modified.
Overall, provinces such as Tibet, Inner Mongolia, Heilongjiang and Jilin showed higher
CSRs per unit of economic whereas the more economically developed cities on the eastern
coast have lower CSRs (Figure 4).
There are significant negative correlations between the CSR per capita of each province and
its GDP per capita. Provinces such as Heilongjiang and Inner Mongolia have a higher CSR
per capita, while more developed ones (such as Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangsu and Tianjin) are
lower (Figure 5).
Figure 4 Changes in forest carbon sequestration rate (CSR) on per unit of GDP among provinces. Note: This
figure has been prepared based on the standard map provided by the Ministry of Natural Resources of the People’s
Republic of China, which can be found on the service website (GS (2019)1698). The base map was not modified.
12 Journal of Geographical Sciences
Figure 5 Relationship between per capita forest carbon sequestration rate and GDP per capita at provincial level
in China
4 Discussion
4.1 Significant differences in forest carbon sequestration potential among provinces
During the 20102060 period, results show a large regional imbalance in the CSR between
provinces in China, with the CSR of forest vegetation varying between 0.01 and 25.67 TgC
a–1 and that of soil varying 0.01–15.36 TgC a–1 among provinces. The CSR in forest ecosys-
tems was the largest in Heilongjiang Province (36.74 ± 1.35 TgC a1) and the smallest in
Shanghai (<0.01 TgC a–1). This is closely related to economic development and climatic
conditions in each province. Economic development inevitably comes at the risk of damag-
ing current forests, while climatic conditions determine whether forests are suitable for
The results estimating the CSR of forest vegetation at the national scale differed signifi-
cantly from earlier studies (Xu et al., 2010; Pan et al., 2011; Fang et al., 2014; Hu et al.,
2015), but were similar to the results of recent studies (Tang et al., 2018; Yao et al., 2018).
Varying data sources and methodologies are important reasons for the differences. None of
the earlier studies at the national scale have systematically estimated CSRs of forest ecosys-
tems in Chinese provinces under future climate scenarios, especially for soil. More im-
portantly, most earlier studies estimated forest CSR at the national scale without providing
inter-provincial data clearly (Xu et al., 2017; 2018a; 2018b; 2019), which made it impossi-
ble for us to compare between provinces. Regarding methodology, the FCS model was based
on a classical logistic equation to establish the relationship between forest age and biomass,
and was parameterized and validated using numerous field measurements in China, which
could better simulate the changes in CSR during the natural succession of forest ecosystems
(He et al., 2017; Yan et al., 2020; Cai et al., 2022). Meanwhile, the FCS model also consid-
ered the influence of future climate change on forest ecosystems by incorporating data under
different future climate scenarios. However, the model only uses mean annual climate pa-
rameters, and is not sensitive to the overall response of climate data. As for the data source,
the forest sample plots were obtained from a large number of field surveys conducted by the
“Climate Change: Carbon Budget and Relevant Issues” of the Chinese Academy of Sciences,
which were carried out in strict accordance with field survey specifications and were highly
representative (ECSP, 2015). However, there are some uncertainties in this study; the defini-
CAI Weixiang et al.: Imbalance of inter-provincial forest carbon sequestration rate from 2010 to 2060 in China 13
tion of mature forest age is a widely debated scientific issue and we set the age of mature
forest stands at 100 a (Liu et al., 2014), which may have allowed the carbon sequestration
potential of forests to have been over or underestimated in some provinces. Although previ-
ous studies have shown that forests mature at 100400 a (Guariguata and Ostertag, 2001),
some studies showed that defining the mature forest across regions is difficult due to differ-
ences in species, forest type and climate (Martin et al., 2016). Theoretically, FCS model can
be used to carry out more systematic simulations on basis of different forest types and spe-
cies, but there are still uncertainties in the spatial data products available at the national scale
for these parameters, which need to be improved and refined in future studies. As the econ-
omy and public awareness develop, forest area may increase from largescale afforesta-
tion/reforestation and ecological restoration or decrease in response to social development
demands, but we assume that the existing forest area in each region will remain unchanged
for the next 50 a, which may lead to underestimation of the results.
4.2 Strengthening regional regulation to improve the carbon sequestration potential
of forests among provinces
Forests in different Chinese provinces, especially Heilongjiang, Sichuan and Yunnan, have
great potential for carbon sequestration over the next 50 years. However, to maintain and
increase the carbon sequestration potential of the provinces’ forests, long-term effective for-
est management techniques and new socio-economic policies are needed.
In general, forest management practices to conserve and sequester C can be grouped into
three major categories: (i) maintaining existing C pools (e.g., slowing deforestation and for-
est degradation), (ii) expanding existing C sinks and pools (e.g., increasing C density by
modifying forest structure and growth processes), (iii) creating new C sinks and pools by
expanding tree and forest cover (afforestation and reforestation) (Peng et al., 2008). As the
CSR of forests may vary among provinces (Tables 1–3), strengthening the research and de-
velopment of technologies with the function of enhancing forest carbon sinks according to
its characteristics is urgent. When the CSR of forests is low, appropriate technical measures
such as forest soil fertilization, soil improvement, forest thinning, and rational forest har-
vesting (Figure 6) can be used to not only increase CSR but also lengthen such periods. In
addition to clarifying the principles and approaches for improving the capacity of forest
carbon sinks, it is important to quantitatively assess the sustainability and consistency of
forest carbon sinks, which is the new requirement for sink enhancement technologies for
carbon neutrality. Carbon neutrality is a long-term goal; temporary and effective sink en-
hancement measures should be promoted with caution, because inappropriate forest man-
agement practices and short-term sink enhancement measures may also reduce the carbon
sink of forests or even convert them to carbon sources (Hyvonen et al., 2007). Meanwhile,
carbon neutrality should be integrated with the improvement of ecosystem quality. The de-
velopment and promotion of carbon sink enhancement technologies that may cause damage
to ecosystem quality should be treated with caution.
Through natural restoration and growth, forest ecosystems can not only improve the eco-
logical environment and forest health, but also achieve the long-term forest carbon sink,
which is highly desirable (Jin et al., 2020). However, we must pay great attention to their
long-term sustainability, disturbance factors and potential risks. Forest management strate-
14 Journal of Geographical Sciences
gies must be developed for each province according to local conditions. Clay et al. (2019)
observed that reasonable harvesting and appropriate fires would increase the carbon seques-
tration capacity of forests, while excessive logging and extreme fires would do the opposite.
A study on Pinus sylvestris found that heavy intercutting reduces photosynthesis as well as
biomass and soil carbon fluxes, thereby reducing the positive effect of fertilizer application
on carbon sink potential, so the interaction between intercutting measures and fertilizer ap-
plication can be used rationally and is important in guiding management to increase forest
carbon sink (Jörgensen et al., 2021). Moreover, forest fire policies should be revisited to
optimize the fire-disturbing properties of long-term carbon sinks. Moreover, low-intensity
fires must be actively employed to improve forest structure, enhance forest productivity, and
boost carbon sequestration (Wright et al., 2020). Extensive outbreaks of pests and diseases
also have a significant impact on the structure and quality of forest ecosystems, which can
greatly threaten the long-term carbon sink of forest ecosystems (Hyvonen et al., 2007). Bio-
logical protection should be fully utilized and strengthened to avoid the loss of carbon sinks
caused by pests and diseases as far as possible. In conclusion, to realize the carbon seques-
tration potential of forests in each province from 20202060 (or even longer), we must at-
tach importance to the harmonious development of human beings and nature and actively
promote forest conservation. We must follow the two-pronged approach of “increasing” and
“preserving” sinks while also adopting scientific and reasonable long-term forest manage-
ment measures that are appropriate to each province.
Most of the regions with high contributions to carbon neutrality are economically under-
developed or less economically developed provinces. Therefore, we must not expect to rely
on traditional carbon trade (e.g., Clean Development Mechanism, CDM) to make up for the
huge imbalance in the inter-provincial carbon sinks. Firstly, compared with the European
Union (EU) and other countries, China’s carbon trade market is not perfect and its policies
are less flexible. Secondly, there are strong regional differences in China’s naturals, society
and economy, which are completely different from those of developed countries in Europe
and the US. Thirdly, the carbon trade only captures a small portion of carbon compared to
ecosystem carbon sinks; it is therefore difficult to reflect its contribution to carbon neutrality
targets. Besides strengthening the carbon trade system, we should also take special measures
such as carbon sink compensation or an eco-environmental compensation tax to address the
regional imbalance of carbon sinks (Figure 6). It must be ensured that people in western re-
gions or underdeveloped provinces are willing to establish long-term forest carbon sinks,
consciously protect and enhance them, and prevent the development of these provinces to
achieve the national ecosystem carbon sink target. This will result in poverty in these areas
due to the long-term protection of forest carbon sinks and the restriction of economic de-
velopment. Once the phenomenon of “carbon sink poverty” emerges, it will reduce the sub-
jective willingness of people in the region to protect forests and carbon sinks, making it dif-
ficult to realize the long-term carbon sequestration potential of forest ecosystems and affect
the national strategic goal of carbon neutrality (Tong et al., 2020). In conclusion, the nation-
al and local governments should focus on the regional imbalance based on the CSR per cap-
ita, economic development level, climate and soil characteristics. Novel measures such as
national carbon trading markets and inter-regional carbon sink compensation in policy mak-
ing should be optimized. We recommend choosing a pair or pairs of provinces and cities
CAI Weixiang et al.: Imbalance of inter-provincial forest carbon sequestration rate from 2010 to 2060 in China 15
with low GDP but high forest CSRs and high GDP but low forest CSRs, and compensating
in both directions for common development. We also recommend providing effective de-
velopment support to economically underdeveloped provinces and increasing the carbon
sequestration potential of the forest ecosystems so that they can make greater contributions
to achieving carbon neutrality. This will promote synergy among several strategic objectives
such as national rural revitalization, coordinated regional development and common pros-
perity to help achieve the country’s double hundred goals.
Figure 6 Requirement for developing a combination of technologies and novel policies to enhance forest carbon
sequestration in a new era. CSR, carbon sequestration rate
5 Conclusion
Chinese forest ecosystems have a huge carbon sequestration potential over the next 50 a, and
the range of forest CSRs among provinces is 0.0136.74 TgC a–1, with a large imbalance in
the forest ecosystem CSR among provinces. The forest CSR per unit area in each province is
greater in the east than in the west, while the CSR per unit GDP and the CSR per capita are
larger in the west. There is a significant negative correlation between the CSR per capita in
each province and its GDP per capita. To enhance the long-term carbon sequestration capac-
ity of forest ecosystems, it is necessary to adopt appropriate forest management measures
such as selective logging, thinning, rationalization of stand structure, and prevention of pests
and fires, thus realizing the sustainable development of forest carbon sinks in each province.
Besides traditional carbon trade, it is also necessary for the country to combine regional for-
est carbon sequestration potential with regional economic development and policy formula-
tion. Strong compensation and supporting regulatory policies will ensure that people in
western regions or underdeveloped provinces will consciously generate, protect and enhance
forest carbon sinks. In short, there is an urgent need in the new era to study and build a sys-
tem that combines forest carbon sequestration technologies and policies to ensure that they
meet the national strategic goal of carbon neutrality by 2060, while also synergizing with the
16 Journal of Geographical Sciences
national strategic goals of rural revitalization, coordinated regional development and com-
mon prosperity.
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... In addition to quantifying the C sink capacity of forest vegetation on a national scale, managers should obtain spatial information from each province on the spatial dynamics of BC max and ΔC pot in their forests. Compared with the existing estimation scales, introducing socioeconomic statistics is more flexible in understanding the regional spatial pattern of our results (Cai et al., 2023). Information on BC max and ΔC pot would provide a scientific guide for different regions to manipulate their future CO 2 emissions (Ma and Wang, 2011). ...
... However, the C market is in its early stages in China, and establishing a unified C emission accounting system that promotes common development between these remote regions is urgent; however, this is unachievable without improving the willingness of people and their ability to coordinate actions. Notably, education and financial resources are two crucial factors that encourage the activities of forest management and protection (Cai et al., 2023). ...
... Forests can achieve long-term C storage, accompanied by the protection of biodiversity and the health of local ecosystems (Cai et al., 2023;Jin et al., 2020;Williamson, 2022). However, they are sensitive to disturbances, and measures to reduce these disturbances are crucial. ...
... In addition to quantifying the C sink capacity of forest vegetation on a national scale, managers should obtain spatial information from each province on the spatial dynamics of BC max and ΔC pot in their forests. Compared with the existing estimation scales, introducing socioeconomic statistics is more flexible in understanding the regional spatial pattern of our results (Cai et al., 2023). Information on BC max and ΔC pot would provide a scientific guide for different regions to manipulate their future CO 2 emissions (Ma and Wang, 2011). ...
... However, the C market is in its early stages in China, and establishing a unified C emission accounting system that promotes common development between these remote regions is urgent; however, this is unachievable without improving the willingness of people and their ability to coordinate actions. Notably, education and financial resources are two crucial factors that encourage the activities of forest management and protection (Cai et al., 2023). ...
... Forests can achieve long-term C storage, accompanied by the protection of biodiversity and the health of local ecosystems (Cai et al., 2023;Jin et al., 2020;Williamson, 2022). However, they are sensitive to disturbances, and measures to reduce these disturbances are crucial. ...
... For the carbon storage and carbon sequestration rate, Chen et al. [22] published a dataset showing that the carbon storage of forest vegetation in Chongqing in 2010 and 2020 was 230.34 Tg C and 264.85 Tg C, respectively, with a corresponding carbon sequestration rate of 3.45 Tg C/a. The results calculated in this study were relatively low compared to those of Cai et al. [52], who also based on the FCS model to calculate the carbon sequestration rate of forest vegetation in Chongqing from 2010 to 2060, decreasing from 2.82 Tg C/a to 1.05 Tg C/a, but the overall trend still indicated a decrease each year. Compared to remote sensing methods for forest biomass calculation, the FCS model fully considers the relationship between forest age and biomass and can use measured data for parameterization and validation. ...
... Compared to remote sensing methods for forest biomass calculation, the FCS model fully considers the relationship between forest age and biomass and can use measured data for parameterization and validation. It can better model changes in the natural successional processes of forest vegetation [38,52] and can be used for more systematic modeling of different forest types, forest ages, and climate regions. To a certain extent, the model utilized the classical logistic equation as the basis to establish the relationship between forest age and biomass and combined the data of different climate scenarios in the future to take into account the impact of future climate change on forest vegetation. ...
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Due to a series of human activities like deforestation and land degradation, the concentration of greenhouse gases has risen significantly. Forest vegetation is an important part of forest ecosystems with high carbon sequestration potential. Estimates of the carbon sequestration rate of forest vegetation in various provinces and districts are helpful to the regional and global Carbon cycle. How to build an effective carbon sequestration potential model and reveal the spatiotemporal evolution trend and driving factors of carbon sequestration potential is an urgent challenge to be solved in carbon cycle simulation and prediction research. This study characterized the carbon sequestration status of forest vegetation using the modified CASA (Carnegie-Ames Stanford Approach) model and estimated the carbon sequestration potential from 2010 to 2060 using the FCS (Forest Carbon Sequestration) model combined with forest age and biomass under the four future Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSP) scenarios: SSP1-2.6, SSP2-4.5, SSP3-7.0, and SSP5-8.5, then proposes natural, social, and economic perspectives. This study found that the average NPP of the forest vegetation in Chongqing from 2000 to 2020 was 797.95 g C/m2, and the carbon storage by 2060 was 269.94 Tg C. The carbon sequestration rate varied between <0.01 Tg C/a and 0.20 Tg C/a in various districts and counties. Over time, forest growth gradually slowed, and carbon sequestration rates also decreased. Under the four future climate scenarios, the SSP5-8.5 pathway had the highest carbon sequestration rate. Natural factors had the greatest influence on changes in carbon sequestration rate. This result provides data support and scientific reference for the planning and control of forests and the enhancement of carbon sequestration capacity in Chongqing.
... Over the past 30 years, financial compensations aimed at ecological restoration in China consisted primarily of compensation for natural forest protection, compensation for ecological public welfare forests, and compensation for the Grain for Green Program (Wang, 2020;Zhang, 2000;Xi, 2022;Winkler et al., 2021). However, these compensations have been insufficient to address the increasingly severe climate crisis (Yang et al., 2023;Quan et al., 2023;Cai et al., 2023). To achieve carbon neutrality and incentivize CO 2 removal through afforestation, it is necessary to establish specialized compensation policies for CO 2 removal through afforestation. ...
... As the largest carbon reservoir in the terrestrial ecosystem, forests play a vital role in mitigating greenhouse gas emissions and slowing down global warming . Forest ecosystems effectively regulate CO 2 accumulation by converting it into organic carbon through plant photosynthesis and sequestering it in plants or soil, a process known as forest carbon storage (Cai et al., 2023). According to statistics, the total global forest carbon storage is 662PgC, with approximately 45% stored in above-ground biomass carbon (Li et al., 2020). ...
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Introduction Rhizosphere microorganisms are influenced by vegetation. Meanwhile, they respond to vegetation through their own changes, developing an interactive feedback system between microorganisms and vegetation. However, it is still unclear whether the functional diversity of rhizosphere soil microorganisms varies with different carbon storage levels and what factors affect the functional diversity of rhizosphere soil microorganisms. Methods In this study, the Biolog-Eco microplate technique was used to analyze the metabolic diversity of carbon source of rhizosphere soil microorganisms from 6 Pinus massoniana provenances with three levels of high, medium and low carbon storage. Results The results showed that the average well color development(AWCD) value of rhizosphere microorganisms was significantly positive correlated with carbon storage level of Pinus massoniana (p < 0.05). The AWCD value, Simpson and Shannon diversity of high carbon sequestrance provenances were 1.40 (144h incubation) 0.96 and 3.24, respectively, which were significantly higher (p < 0.05) than those of other P. massoniana provenances. The rhizosphere microbial AWCD, Shannon and Simpson diversity of the 6 provenances showed the same variation trend (SM>AY>QJ>SX>HF>SW). Similarly, microbial biomass carbon (MBC) content was positively correlated with carbon storage level, and there were significant differences among high, medium and low carbon storage provenances. The PCA results showed that the differences in the carbon source metabolism of rhizosphere microorganisms were mainly reflected in the utilization of amino acids, carboxylic acids and carbohydrates. Pearson correlation analysis showed that soil organic carbon (SOC), total nitrogen (TN) and pH were significantly correlated with rhizosphere AWCD (p < 0.05). Conclusion Soil properties are important factors affecting rhizosphere microbial carbon source metabolism. The study confirmed that the microorganisms of high carbon storage provenances had relatively high carbon metabolic activity. Among them, the carbon metabolic activity of rhizosphere microorganisms of SM provenance was the highest, which was the preferred provenances in effective ecological service function.
... Thus, it is necessary to optimize land use, ensure reasonable development and expansion of con-struction land, and improve the long-term carbon sequestration capacity of forests. Appropriate forest management measures should be implemented, such as selection and thinning, a suitable forest stand structure, the prevention of pests and diseases, and an increase in carbon sinks by returning farmland to forest land and grassland (Cai et al. 2023;Lai et al. 2016;Liu et al. 2019;Wu et al. 2022;Yu et al. 2022;Zuo et al. 2023). ...
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Urban agglomerations (UAs) are the largest carbon emitters; thus, the emissions must be controlled to achieve carbon peak and carbon neutrality. We use long time series land-use and energy consumption data to estimate the carbon emissions in UAs. The standard deviational ellipse (SDE) and spatial autocorrelation analysis are used to reveal the spatiotemporal evolution of carbon emissions, and the geodetector, geographically and temporally weighted regression (GTWR), and boosted regression trees (BRTs) are used to analyze the driving factors. The results show the following: (1) Construction land and forest land are the main carbon sources and sinks, accounting for 93% and 94% of the total carbon sources and sinks, respectively. (2) The total carbon emissions of different UAs differ substantially, showing a spatial pattern of high emissions in the east and north and low emissions in the west and south. The carbon emissions of all UAs increase over time, with faster growth in UAs with lower carbon emissions. (3) The center of gravity of carbon emissions shifts to the south (except for North China, where it shifts to the west), and carbon emissions in UAs show a positive spatial correlation, with a predominantly high-high and low-low spatial aggregation pattern. (4) Population, GDP, and the annual number of cabs are the main factors influencing carbon emissions in most UAs, whereas other factors show significant differences. Most exhibit an increasing trend over time in their impact on carbon emissions. In general, China still faces substantial challenges in achieving the dual carbon goal. The carbon control measures of different UAs should be targeted in terms of energy utilization, green and low-carbon production, and consumption modes to achieve the low-carbon and green development goals of the United Nations’ sustainable cities and beautiful China’s urban construction as soon as possible.
... The FCS model used here was constructed using long-term datasets, which could suitably fit the relationship between the vegetation biomass, the forest age, and the classical double pool of the soil C cycle (He et al., 2017;Cai et al., 2022;Cai et al., 2023). These field-investigated plot data from the Chinese Academy of Science (2011)(2012)(2013)(2014)(2015) were used to establish the FCS model, including information on the C storage in the vegetation, litter, and the 0-100 cm soil organic C density, were systematic and representative of China's forests (Tang et al., 2018). ...
Afforestation and reforestation (A&R) are nature-based and cost-effective solutions for enhancing terrestrial carbon sinks and facilitating faster carbon neutrality. However, the lack of hierarchical spatial-temporal maps for the carbon sequestration rate (CSR) from A&R at the national scale impedes the scientific implementation of forest management planning to a large extent. Here, we assessed the spatial-temporal CSR per area for A&R at the provincial, prefectural, and county levels in China using a forest carbon sequestration model under three climate scenarios. Results showed that the CSR of vegetation (CSRVeg), soil (CSRSoil), and the ecosystem (CSREco) significantly varied across space and time. In China, the CSRVeg, CSRSoil, and CSREco were primarily regulated by the spatial variations in temperature and precipitation. Additionally, CSRVeg was found to be positively influenced by precipitation and temperature, whereas temperature had a negative influence on CSRSoil. Therefore, the differences between the CSRVeg and CSRSoil should be emphasized in the future. These information on the spatiotemporal variation of CSR of A&R (vegetation, soil, and ecosystem) on unit area basis and at levels of province, prefecture, and county in China, can be used as a comparable protocol to estimate the carbon sinks of A&R at different scales. Overall, these hierarchical spatiotemporal maps for CSR on A&R may help to identify priority areas of forest management planning and carbon trade policy to achieve faster carbon neutrality for China in the future.
... The conclusion of the interaction between urbanization and ecosystem services in this paper is consistent with Tian et al.'s study [44]: urbanization has a significant inhibitory effect on ecosystem services. The carbon sequestration service had a great effect on comprehensive urbanization, which was higher than the other three functions; habitat quality, soil conservation, and water conservation function had weak effects on the development of comprehensive urbanization, which is consistent with related research [33,45]. The impact of carbon sequestration on urbanization was inhibitory, weakening from west to east. ...
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Taking 736 counties in the Yellow River Basin of China as the research area, the comprehensive urbanization development level and ecosystem service capacity from 2000 to 2020 were measured. Combined with spatial autocorrelation, the spatial pattern evolution characteristics of the two systems in the Yellow River Basin were revealed. The spatio–temporal geographically weighted regression (GTWR) model was used to analyze the spatio–temporal heterogeneity of the impact of various elements of the system on urbanization and ecosystem service capacity. The results showed that (1) the urbanization level and ecosystem service capacity of the Yellow River Basin were on the rise but the urbanization level and ecosystem service capacity were low, while the spatial and temporal heterogeneity was significant. (2) The two systems are positively correlated in space, and the agglomeration characteristics are significant. The evolution trend of urbanization from an L–L agglomeration area to an H–H agglomeration area is occurring gradually. The spatial change in the ecosystem service agglomeration area is small, and the stability is strong. (3) The impact of ecosystem services on comprehensive urbanization is enhanced by time, and the spatial ‘center–periphery’ diffusion characteristics are significant. (4) The influence of urbanization on the comprehensive ecosystem service capacity is enhanced and shows the law of east–west differentiation in space. There are obvious transition zones in the spatial heterogeneity interval of the interaction between the two systems.
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Forestation is important for sequestering atmospheric carbon, and it is a cost-effective and nature-based solution (NBS) for mitigating global climate change. Here, under the assumption of forestation in the potential plantable lands, we used the forest carbon sequestration (FCS) model and field survey involving 3365 forest plots to assess the carbon sequestration rate (CSR) of Chinese existing and new forestation forests from 2010 to 2060 under three forestation and three climate scenarios. Without considering the influence of extreme events and human disturbance, the estimated average CSR in Chinese forests was 0.358 ± 0.016 Pg C a–1, with partitioning to biomass (0.211 ± 0.016 Pg C a–1) and soil (0.147 ± 0.005 Pg C a–1), respectively. The existing forests account for approximately 93.5% of the CSR, which will peak near 2035, and decreasing trend was present overall after 2035. After 2035, effective tending management is required to maintain the high CSR level, such as selective cutting, thinning, and approximate disturbance. However, new forestation from 2015 in the potential plantable lands would play a minimal role in additional CSR increases. In China, the CSR is generally higher in the Northeast, Southwest, and Central-South, and lower in the Northwest. Considering the potential losses through deforestation and logging, it is realistically estimated that CSR in Chinese forests would remain in the range of 0.161–0.358 Pg C a–1 from 2010 to 2060. Overall, forests have the potential to offset 14.1% of the national anthropogenic carbon emissions in China over the period of 2010–2060, significantly contributing to the carbon neutrality target of 2060 with the implementation of effective management strategies for existing forests and expansion of forestation.
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Background and aims Forest management towards increased carbon (C) sequestration has repeatedly been suggested as a “natural climate solution”. We evaluated the potential of altered management to increase C sequestration in boreal Pinus sylvestris forest plantations. Methods At 29 forest sites, distributed along a 1300 km latitudinal gradient in Sweden, we studied interactive effects of fertilization and thinning on accumulation of C in standing biomass and the organic horizon over a 40 year period. Results Abstention from thinning increased the total C stock by 50% on average. The increase was significant (14% on average) even when C in the removed timber was included in the total ecosystem C pool. Fertilization of thinned stands increased stocks similarly regardless of including (11%) or excluding (12%) removed biomass, and fertilization combined with abstention from thinning had a synergistic effect on C stocks that generated an increase of 79% (35% when removed timber was included in the C stock). A positive effect of fertilization on C stocks was observed along the entire gradient but was greater in relative terms at high latitudes. Fertilization also reduced soil respiration rates. Conclusion Taken together, our results suggest that changed forest management practices have major potential to increase the C sink of boreal forests. Although promising, these benefits should be evaluated against the undesired effects that such management can have on economic revenue, timber quality, biodiversity and delivery of other ecosystem services.
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Limiting the rise in global mean temperatures relies on reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and on the removal of CO2 by land carbon sinks. China is currently the single largest emitter of CO2, responsible for approximately 27 per cent (2.67 petagrams of carbon per year) of global fossil fuel emissions in 2017¹. Understanding of Chinese land biosphere fluxes has been hampered by sparse data coverage2–4, which has resulted in a wide range of a posteriori estimates of flux. Here we present recently available data on the atmospheric mole fraction of CO2, measured from six sites across China during 2009 to 2016. Using these data, we estimate a mean Chinese land biosphere sink of −1.11 ± 0.38 petagrams of carbon per year during 2010 to 2016, equivalent to about 45 per cent of our estimate of annual Chinese anthropogenic emissions over that period. Our estimate reflects a previously underestimated land carbon sink over southwest China (Yunnan, Guizhou and Guangxi provinces) throughout the year, and over northeast China (especially Heilongjiang and Jilin provinces) during summer months. These provinces have established a pattern of rapid afforestation of progressively larger regions5,6, with provincial forest areas increasing by between 0.04 million and 0.44 million hectares per year over the past 10 to 15 years. These large-scale changes reflect the expansion of fast-growing plantation forests that contribute to timber exports and the domestic production of paper⁷. Space-borne observations of vegetation greenness show a large increase with time over this study period, supporting the timing and increase in the land carbon sink over these afforestation regions.
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Changes in fire frequency from historical norms are becoming more frequent due to both changes in management and climate change factors. There is uncertainty about whether increasing fire frequency will lead to decreased carbon pools due to shorter inter-fire recovery periods, or increased carbon pools due to lowered fire intensity due to lighter fuel loads. Additionally, data are needed to determine whether plant and soil carbon pools respond similarly and whether ecosystem responses are consistent across environmental gradients that can affect fire intensity, such as soil moisture. We measured soil and vegetation carbon pools and fluxes at sites that had experienced different experimental burn treatments over the previous 8 years and across a range of soil moisture in a longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) ecosystem in North Carolina, USA. We found that increasing fire frequency, assessed by either the number of days since a previous fire or the number of fires a plot had experienced over the previous 8 years, significantly reduced carbon stocks in the litter pool and soil carbon pool and reduced the productivity of understory plants. Total carbon stocks also significantly declined, and there was a marginally significant shift away from soil carbon and toward tree carbon as being the dominant carbon pool in the system with increasing fire. None of the results showed any interaction with soil moisture, suggesting that in this landscape, fire effects are consistent across an important environmental gradient. Over the timeframe of this study, management that increases prescribed fire frequency appears to reduce carbon storage.
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A growing interest has recently been placed on the potential of nature-based solutions to help mitigate climate change, reflecting the importance of natural ecosystems as sources and sinks for greenhouse gases. Forests are of the hot debate – that sequester and also emit carbon dioxide (CO2). In this paper, we estimate the forest carbon sequestration potential for China. We show that, as the government plans, by 2020, the size of China’s forest carbon stock will reach 12.87 billion tons, among which 5.73 billion tons will be from afforestation and reforestation (A/R). From the up-to-date data on AR activities (by 2018), we find that only 80% of the target sinks have been met. Scenario analysis shows that the carbon sequestered by the forests in 2020 is equivalent to 13%-17% of the industrial CO2 emission that year, with 6%-8% by A/R, 4%-6% by forest-management, 3%-4% by reduced-deforestation-and-forest-degradation, and 1% by wood-product-sink.
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Land use policies have turned southern China into one of the most intensively managed forest regions in the world, with actions maximizing forest cover on soils with marginal agricultural potential while concurrently increasing livelihoods and mitigating climate change. Based on satellite observations, here we show that diverse land use changes in southern China have increased standing aboveground carbon stocks by 0.11 ± 0.05 Pg C y−1 during 2002–2017. Most of this regional carbon sink was contributed by newly established forests (32%), while forests already existing contributed 24%. Forest growth in harvested forest areas contributed 16% and non-forest areas contributed 28% to the carbon sink, while timber harvest was tripled. Soil moisture declined significantly in 8% of the area. We demonstrate that land management in southern China has been removing an amount of carbon equivalent to 33% of regional fossil CO2 emissions during the last 6 years, but forest growth saturation, land competition for food production and soil-water depletion challenge the longevity of this carbon sink service. Forest management may play an important role in climate change mitigation. Here, Tong et al. combine remote sensing and machine learning modelling to map forest cover dynamics in southern China during 2002–2017, showing effects on carbon sequestration that are extensive but of uncertain longevity and possible negative impact on soil water.
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South Carolina (SC) has a variety of different forest types, and they all have potential to sequester a certain amount of carbon. Private forest landowners control a significant portion of the overall forestland in SC, and their management efforts can maintain or improve forest carbon stocks. Currently, the second largest carbon market in the world is the California Carbon Market, which gives a monetary value to sequestered carbon. One carbon credit is equal to one metric ton of carbon and is currently worth around $15.00. Forest management plans are geared toward increasing carbon sequestration over time. This study aims to educate forest landowners about various forest management practices that contribute to increasing carbon stocks by looking at various forest types and locations in SC and their current and projected carbon stocks. Forest Inventory Analysis (FIA) data were utilized in the Forest Vegetation Simulator (FVS) to project carbon sequestration for 100 years for 130 plots. A variety of management practices were employed to see the variance in carbon sequestration. Results showed that carbon sequestration would increase for certain management practices such as thinning and prescribed fire. Clear cutting over time was harmful to sequestration. This data will be beneficial for forest landowners interested in a carbon project and those interested in seeing how different management practices affect carbon sequestration.
Forests play an important role in both regional and global C cycles. However, the spatial patterns of biomass C density and underlying factors in Northeast Asia remain unclear. Here, we characterized spatial patterns and important drivers of biomass C density for Northeast Asia, based on multisource data from in‐situ forest inventories, as well as remote sensing, bioclimatic, topographic, and human footprint data. We derived, for the first time, high‐resolution (1 km × 1 km) maps of the current and future forest biomass C density for this region. Based on these maps, we estimated that current biomass C stock in northeastern China, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, and Republic of Korea to be 2.53, 0.40, and 0.35 Pg C, respectively. Biomass C stock in Northeast Asia has increased by 20–46% over the past 20 years, of which 40–76% was contributed by planted forests. We estimated the biomass C stock in 2080 to be 6.13 and 6.50 Pg C under RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios, respectively, which exceeded the present region‐wide C stock value by 2.85–3.22 Pg C, and were 8–14% higher than the baseline C stock value (5.70 Pg C). The spatial patterns of biomass C densities were found to vary greatly across the Northeast Asia, and largely decided by mean diameter at breast height, dominant height, elevation, and human footprint. Our results suggest that reforestation and forest conservation in Northeast Asia have effectively expanded the size of the carbon sink in the region, and sustainable forest management practices such as precision forestry and close forest monitoring for fire and insect outbreaks would be important to maintain and improve this critical carbon sink for Northeast Asia.