Ward Anseeuw

Ward Anseeuw
Cirad - La recherche agronomique pour le développement | CIRAD · Unité Mixte de Recherche Acteurs, Ressources et Territoires dans le Développement (ART-Dev)


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Publications (34)
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More than 10 years after the surge in large-scale land acquisitions (LSLAs) in developing countries following the spike in agricultural commodity prices in the late 2000s, the Land Matrix Initiative has taken stock of the “global land rush” and its socio-economic and environmental impacts. Our findings draw on evidence from the Land Matrix database...
Conference Paper
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The recent surge in Large-Scale Agricultural Investments (LAI) has triggered much debate and analysis on land issues. But what are the debates and results saying about labour issues? This paper offers a comparative perspective by studying Kenya, Mozambique and Madagascar-three African countries having contrasted experiences in terms of LAI. Based o...
Inclusive Businesses (IBs), signifying sustainable and equitable commercial operations linking low-income communities and smallholder farmers with agri-businesses in order to facilitate the former's market integration, are considered to comprise an essential tool for raising smallholders, across the developing world, out of poverty and for stimulat...
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Given the scale and diversity of land issues, information is essential to underpin discussions and support informed decision making. The Land Matrix, an international observatory focused on large-scale land deals, supports national observatories. Land observatories are vital tools for producing information and analyses for a broad range of stakehol...
Access to land and power relations: Embeddedness of large-scale land acquisitions in Mozambique. In spite of an abundant literature, large-scale land acquisitions are generally considered as exogenous elements to the territories in which they occur. Most of the analyses focus, indeed, on the consultation process and on the legal recognition of loca...
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Contract farming (CF) agreements are presently being restructured to form part of more complex Inclusive Business (IB) set-ups. Additional instruments, alongside CF, are implemented to overcome the challenges of CF and to adapt to the policy environment in which the different stakeholders operate. This paper develops a theoretical framework that gi...
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Inclusive business is hailed as a win-win scenario for the development of smallholder farmers and poor communities; yet there is little insight into how these inclusive businesses work and, more importantly, for whom. This book aims for a thorough understanding of the range of inclusive businesses in agriculture by examining: the structures they im...
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This article investigates how labour migrations of rural households from Leonzoane in Southern Mozambique have changed since the colonial period to a post-war (1992) and post-apartheid (1994) context and their links with livelihoods restructuring. It draws on a qualitative analysis of the features of labour migrations, through a sample of household...
The paper compares the rationales behind rural land rights formalisation in Mexico, Madagascar, and South Africa based on an in-depth examination of official texts and participant observation of public policy protagonists. The paper emphasizes the plurality of meanings for the key concept of tenure security (holding a formal document versus sense o...
Based on an in-depth analysis of several contrasting agricultural regions, this book aims to assess South Africa’s on-going agrarian reform and the country’s agrarian dynamics. The conclusion is without doubt: Twenty years after the first democratic elections, the country’s land pattern remains almost unchanged, and primary agriculture and its bro...
Africa has been at the centre of a "land grab" in recent years, with investors lured by projections of rising food prices, growing demand for "green" energy, and cheap land and water rights. But suchland is often also used or claimed through custom by communities. What does this mean for Africa? In what ways are rural people's lives and livelihoods...
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Te objective of this paper is to discuss Africa's structural transformation, its food and employment challenges, in light of renewed dynamics, more particularly China's involvement in the continent's agricultural sector. Data is scarce and often very contradictory, but what becomes evident is that China's role in agriculture in Africa, and particul...
Le capital agraire et entrepreneurial de l’Afrique du Sud investit aujourd’hui dans l’agriculture de 28 pays africains, a travers les exportations de ses agriculteurs, son agroindustrie en amont et en aval, et son expertise technique et de gestion. Ces investissements sont souvent soutenus par le gouvernement sud-africain, a travers des traites bil...
Conference Paper
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Pourquoi formaliser les droits fonciers ? La contribution aborde cette question à travers une analyse comparative des discours portés par les protagonistes de trois projets de formalisation à grande échelle du foncier rural, qui présentent un profil très contrasté en matière d’avancement (abouti au Mexique, en cours à Madagascar, suspendu en Afriqu...
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Labor Migrations and Household Strategies in Mozambique: Thoughts for an Integrated Rural Development Policy The demo-economic situation of Mozambique and the region’s post-apartheid liberalization led to restructuring of the former’s rural economy. Based on an in-depth empirical case study implemented in the locality of Leonzoane in southern Mozam...
Beyond the ideological transition, South Africa's land, agrarian and territorial reforms represent primordial conditions related to its political, social and economic stabilization. However, 16 years after the end of apartheid, South Africa has not been able to erase the agricultural and territorial dualisms. Worse, they have been reinforced. On on...
Land, Liberation and Compromise in Southern Africa provides a novel framework for understanding the inherent volatility of the politics of land in contemporary Southern Africa. The link between the established political economy of settler colonialism, the role of liberation politics and the enduring impact of the transition to democracy in Southern...
Conference Paper
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In South Africa, with the advent of democracy, both land and water institutions have undergone, and are still undergoing reform measures, especially to address equity and promote rural development. However, despite the apparent inter-linkages of land and water in rural livelihoods and agricultural development, the implementation of such reforms has...
This book analyzes the origins of the crisis in Zimbabwe and why it has had such a profound impact on both the land issue and democratic politics in the Southern African region. In doing so, it contributes to the present debates around Mugabe, neo-imperialism and the stability in the region.
Does NEPAD's agricultural programme provide solutions to the food crisis in Sub- Saharan Africa? In Sub-Saharan Africa, social unrest resulting from the increase of food prices is recurrent since early 2008. With the implementation of its agricultural programme, in particular its Food Security pillar, NEPAD was equipped with a device that should al...
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Can the Agricultural Programme of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development Provide Solutions to the Food Crisis in Africa? Does NEPAD’s agricultural programme provide solutions to the food crisis in Sub-Saharan Africa? In Sub-Saharan Africa, social unrest resulting from the increase of food prices is recurrent since early 2008. With the impleme...
Texte intégral disponible sur http://www.inter-reseaux.org/revue-grain-de-sel/41-42-l-agriculture-en-quete-de/article/des-nouveaux-acteurs-et-processus
The South-African paradox : labour conditions since the end of apartheid Without question, South Africa has made significant progress since the end of apartheid and the adoption of a very progressive Constitution and legislation, protecting civil, economic and social rights. Nevertheless, based on a detailed description and analysis of the evolutio...
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Volume entitled: Ten Years of Democratic South Africa. Transition Accomplished? edited by Aurelia Wa Kabwe-Segatti, Nicolas Péjout and Philippe Guillaume
Land issues and conflicts occur all over, all the time on the African continent and continue to mushroom on a continuous basis. Although many of these issues are not new, they do continue to change and are extremely complex and embedded, which may lead to the inability to deal with them and to questioning the legitimacy of the forms of intervention...


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