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Factors associated with Antiretroviral Treatment Adherence among Adult Patients in WolaitaSoddo Hospital, Wolaita Zone, Southern Ethiopia



Background: HIV a major challenge to the whole world since the last quarter of 20th century but has become a member of a manageable chronic disease since the advent of ARV drugs. The non-adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy is an emerging major challenge to AIDS care. Objective: To assess factors associated with adherence among AIDS patients receiving Antiretroviral Therapy at Wolaita Soddo Hospital, Southern Ethiopia. Method: A cross sectional study was carried out at Wolaita Soddo Hospital from April 15 to May 15, 2012 E.C. The collected data were entered in Epi Info version3.5.3. Data analyses were done using SPSS for windows version 16.0. Descriptive analysis was used to describe the data. Binary logistic regression analysis was used to measure the association between the dependent variable and independent variables calculating odds ratio and its 95% confidence interval (CI). Statistical significance was set at α. ≤ 0.05. Multivariable analyses were applied to identify the relative effect of explanatory variables on the dependent variable. Results: Three hundred and fifty seven HIV/ AIDS patients were involved in the study. Multi-method adherence assessment consisting of self-report, monthly dispense schedule and dietary requirements ,were used to measure adherence and the average adherence rate was 74.4%.Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that, with whom a subject lives (AOR=4.943,1,(2.168-11.270)), depression(AOR=2.221,1,(1.093-4.515)), and having inadequate diet to take with ART (AOR=2.229,1,(1.034-4.807)), were independent predictors of dose adherence. Conclusions: In conclusion living with a partner, having no depression and having no food scarcity to take with ART have association with adherence to ART regimens.
Science Journal of Public Health
2014; 2(2): 69-77
Published online February 28, 2014 (
doi: 10.11648/j.sjph.20140202.15
Factors associated with antiretroviral treatment
adherence among adult patients in Wolaita Soddo
Hospital, Wolaita Zone, Southern Ethiopia
Amsalu Alagaw
, Wanzahun Godana
1, *
, Mohammed Taha
, Tariku Dejene
Department of Public Health, College of Medicine and Health Sciences, Arba Minch University, Arba Minch, Ethiopia
School of Public Health, College of Health Sciences, Jimma University, Jimma, Ethiopia
Email address: (A. Alagaw), (W. Godana)
To cite this article:
Amsalu Alagaw, Wanzahun Godana, Mohammed Taha, Tariku Dejene. Factors associated with Antiretroviral Treatment Adherence
among Adult Patients in Wolaita Soddo Hospital, Wolaita Zone, Southern Ethiopia. Science Journal of Public Health.
Vol. 2, No. 2, 2014, pp. 69-77. doi: 10.11648/j.sjph.20140202.15
Background: HIV a major challenge to the whole world since the last quarter of 20
century but has become a
member of a manageable chronic disease since the advent of ARV drugs. The non-adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy is an
emerging major challenge to AIDS care. Objective: To assess factors associated with adherence among AIDS patients
receiving Antiretroviral Therapy at Wolaita Soddo Hospital, Southern Ethiopia. Method: A cross sectional study was
carried out at Wolaita Soddo Hospital from April 15 to May 15, 2012 E.C. The collected data were entered in Epi Info
version3.5.3. Data analyses were done using SPSS for windows version 16.0. Descriptive analysis was used to describe the
data. Binary logistic regression analysis was used to measure the association between the dependent variable and
independent variables calculating odds ratio and its 95% confidence interval (CI). Statistical significance was set at α. ≤
0.05. Multivariable analyses were applied to identify the relative effect of explanatory variables on the dependent variable.
Results: Three hundred and fifty seven HIV/ AIDS patients were involved in the study. Multi-method adherence assessment
consisting of self-report, monthly dispense schedule and dietary requirements ,were used to measure adherence and the
average adherence rate was 74.4%.Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that, with whom a subject lives
(AOR=4.943,1,(2.168-11.270)), depression(AOR=2.221,1,(1.093-4.515)), and having inadequate diet to take with ART
(AOR=2.229,1,(1.034-4.807)), were independent predictors of dose adherence. Conclusions: In conclusion living with a
partner, having no depression and having no food scarcity to take with ART have association with adherence to ART
Antiretroviral Treatment, Adherence, HIV/AIDS, Ethiopia
1. Background
Worldwide an estimated 33 million people are living
with HIV. Since the beginning of the HIV epidemic in 1981,
25 million people have died of AIDS globally. Every day,
there are 7 400 new HIV infections, 96% of which are in
the low-and middle-income countries. Africa
disproportionately bears the burden of the HIV/AIDS
pandemic. Although only 11% of the world's population
lives in Africa, roughly 67% of those living with
HIV/AIDS are in Africa. In Africa, there were 22.4 million
people living with HIV and 1.9 million new HIV infections
in 2008(1, 2).
According to the most recent data from the Joint United
Nations Program on HIV/AIDS and National projections
estimate approximately 1.1 million Ethiopians are living
with HIV and prevalence increased slightly to 2.3 percent
by 2009(3). In 2009 alone, 43,130 new HIV patients were
started on ART. Likewise the total number of people ever
enrolled to chronic HIV care reached to 435,150 by the end
of 2009(1). With the advent of ART, HIV/AIDS is
becoming a chronic disease; therefore adherence to HIV
medication is an extremely important but complicated
process that needs dedication from patients, sympathetic
support from the society, and high level of care from health
care professionals (4).
70 Amsalu Alagaw et al.: Factors associated with Antiretroviral Treatment Adherence among Adult Patients in
Wolaita Soddo Hospital, Wolaita Zone, Southern Ethiopia
Worldwide, regardless of the illness or treatment many
people do not take their medications correctly (5). A study
in Brazil showed that the cumulative incidence of non
adherence to be 36.9% (6). Adherence among patients in
Soweto, South Africa was 88% In Cape Town; 63% of
patients maintained adherence levels of 90% (7). Consistent
factors for poor adherence include, stress, substance use,
regimen complexity, self efficacy for medication taking and
depression Social support have also been consistently
associated with decreased adherence and a patient who
doesn’t have social support is less likely to continue their
treatment with optimal requirement(8).
On aggregate, non-adherence to ART is estimated at
between 50-80% in different social and cultural settings (9).
With optimal adherence rates, studies by Lewis, Rao and
others have demonstrated that ART can suppress the viral
load to undetectable levels, boost the immune system by
increasing the number of CD-4 cells, and improve the
quality of life of PLWHAS(9). Since its introduction about
10 years ago, ART has progressed from a single therapy, to
double therapy, and finally to the current combination
therapy commonly known as Highly Active Antiretroviral
Therapy (HAART). This development was necessitated by
the desire to reduce the number of pills taken by the patient
in order to foster adherence. This was borne out of the
realization that adherence rates were inversely proportional
to the number of pills, capsules or tablets necessary for
treatment (10).
Despite patients’ understanding the consequences of non-
adherence to medication, adherence rates were sub optimal
(6). Long-term adherence interventions are needed for
durable effect, particularly in chronic diseases such as HIV.
Antiretroviral therapy lowers viral load only when
treatment regimen is fully adhered to. Human immuno
deficiency virus (HIV) poses a unique challenge due to its
rapid replication and mutation rates hence very high levels
of adherence (greater than 95%) are required to achieve
long-term suppression of viral load (11).
A study conducted in the antiretroviral therapy unit of
Jimma University Specialized Hospital on predictors of
ART adherence among HIV infected patients Self-reported
dose adherence in the study area was 94.3%. The rate
considering the combined indicator (dose, time and food)
was 75.7 %.( 12). Many studies have observed that self-
reporting over-estimates adherence, as patients may report
to be perfectly adhering when, in actual sense, they are not
(11,12, 13).
Barriers related to daily schedules: disruptions in routine
or having a chaotic schedule, finding HAART too
inconvenient or difficult to incorporate and difficulties
coordinating adherence with work, family or care giving
responsibilities at home. A patient’s behavior is the critical
link between a prescribed regimen and treatment outcomes.
Consequently, the most important factors influencing
adherence are patient related and under the patient’s control,
so attention to them is a necessary and important step in
improving adherence (14).
2. Methods and Materials
2.1. Study Area and Period
The study was conducted in Wolaita Soddo hospital,
which is one of hospitals in Wolaita soddo town from April
15/2012_May15/2012. The town is located in SNNPR
378km south of Addis Ababa. Wolaita Soddo Hospital
currently is in transition period to be Wolaita Soddo
University hospital is serving in four major clinical fields
i.e. Internal medicine, pediatrics, surgery and gynecology.
There are also some minor specialized fields like dental
care service. The Hospital serving thousands of HIV/AIDS
patients since 2005 from rural and urban areas. There were
2400 HIV AIDS patients on follow up among which 1162
started ART treatment and on follow up.
2.2. Study Design
A cross sectional study was utilized with an internal
comparison of adherence status among predictor variables.
2.3. Study Variables
2.3.1. Dependent
Adherence status to ARV treatment.
2.3.2. Independent
Sex, age, income, with whom client lives, marital status,
household size, level of education, occupation, food source,
treatment regimen and co-management of co-infections,
socio-cultural factors like avoiding people because of HIV
status, religion, ethnicity, psychiatric problems like
depression, health care facility and health care providers,
patient behavioral factors like HIV status disclosure and
substance abuse.
2.3.3. Target Population
All HIV sero positive subjects in the study area.
2.3.4. Source Population
All adult HIV and AIDS patients who started
antiretroviral treatment and follow up in the Hospital
during the study period.
2.3.5. Study Population
All adult HIV sero-positive subjects started on ARV
treatment and on follow up who were recruited in the study
during the study period.
2.3.6. Sample Size Determination
According to 2010 Ethiopia national progress report a
significant number of patients (28%) had been lost to
follow up as of December 2008. Patients alive and on
treatment has significantly declined as the duration of
treatment increased using two population proportion and
assumptions sample size was 361.
2.3.7. Sampling Procedure
Patients on follow up at ART treatment and care clinic
meeting the inclusion criteria were selected by using
Science Journal of Public Health 2014; 2(2): 69-77 71
patient’s register as a sampling frame and adequate sample
size was collected by using systematic random sampling
method until the required sample size obtained. The first
case selected by lottery method and every 3rd subject was
taken as study subject. For absent and non responding cases
the subject who came next was taken as a replacement case.
2.3.8. Inclusion Criteria
The inclusion criteria comprised of AIDS patients who
were on ART treatment for at least one month and willing
to participate in the study.
2.3.9. Exclusion Criteria
HIV/AIDS patients on regular follow up but who did not
start ART and those patients who were in critical medical
and mental illness
2.3.10. Data Collection Methods
Data were collected from the study population using a
pre- tested structured questionnaire through face to face
interviews in the local language.
2.3.11. Data Quality Assurance
Properly designed and pre-tested questionnaire was used.
Interviewers and data clerks were trained and closely
supervised during data collection and entry; and double
data entry was used to ensure data quality.
2.3.12. Data Analysis
The data were entered into a pre-drafted coding sheet on
Epi info software, version two different data clerks.
Binary logistic analysis with conditional method
calculating odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals
(CI) was used to estimate the association between the
dependent variable and independent variables. Statistical
significance was set at α. 0.05. In an attempt to identify
the relative effects of explanatory variables on the outcome
variable multivariable analyses was applied.
2.4. Ethical Approval
The ethical approval and clearance for this research
study was obtained from Jimma University College of
Health Sciences Institutional Research Ethics Review
Committee. At all levels, officials were contacted and
permission from administrators was secured. All the
necessary explanation about the purpose of the study and
its procedures was explained with the assurance of
confidentiality. Both written and verbal consent from the
study participants was also secured.
3. Results
3.1. Socio-Demographic and Economic Characteristics
Out of total study subjects 54.3 %( 194) were females
and 45.7 % (163) were males. The respondents’ ages
ranged from 18 to70 years and those with in the age group
50-59 and above 60 years old were 6.4 % and 1.7%
respectively. More than 91% of the subjects were below the
age of 50 years .This finding indicated that majority of
patients were in age between 30-39 years and the mean age
of respondents was 34.7 with SD of 8.8years.
Two hundred and sixteen (60.4%) of clients were
protestant by religion followed by orthodox 34.5%, Muslim
2.8% and 1.7% catholic. Concerning ethnicity majority of
respondents (78.2%) were Wolaita, 10.9% Amhara,
3.1%Oromo, 1.7% Gurage and the remaining were other
ethnic groups.The mean family size of the study population
was 4.5 with SD of 2 persons. About 73.7% of the subjects
had less than 6 persons in their families.
Of the 300 subjects who had formal education, the
majority (42.0%) attended some primary education
(grade1-8). Thirty one percent of subjects attended
secondary level education including preparatory (grade9-
12). About eleven (11%) of clients attended higher
education while Sixteen percent of subjects were illiterate.
ART adherence was highest among those who educated to
secondary level (85.6%).
One hundred eighty nine (52.9%) of subjects were living
with their partners the remaining 47.1% living with non
partner members of the family or alone. Majority of
respondents (59.7%) were married, 20.7% were widowed,
8.7% were single, and 10.9% were divorced. Two hundred
and fifty four (71.1%) of subjects were employed, but one
hundred and three (28.9%) were unemployed. Of employed
subjects 65.2% were involved in self or private business.
Among unemployed housewives have higher proportion
(56.3%). Ninety two percent of respondents mainly
purchased food for their consumption, 3.4 % got their food
from household farm and 3.4 % from both household farm
and by purchasing, 0.8% from NGO/welfare. Despite low
income and purchasing food for consumption most of
subjects (79.6%) were able to afford three meals in a day.
Those who could afford two and one meal in a day were
20.2% and 0.3 % respectively (Table 1)
The study subjects for income were only 285(79.83% of
the study subjects) the remaining 20.16% had no monthly
income. The median income of the study subjects was
500.00Et.birr per-month, with standard deviation of
5.28birr per month (bpm). The minimum monthly income
was 100.00bpm while maximum income was 4000.00bpm.
Table 1. Basic Socio-demographic characteristics of PLWHA involved in the study, Wolaita Soddo Hospital, South Ethiopia, May 2012
Variable Adherent (n=312) Non adherent(n=45) Total
Frequency (%) Frequency (%) Frequency (%)
Sex Male 147(41.17) 16(1.68) 163(45.66)
Female 165(46.22) 29(8.12) 194(54.34)
Age group 18-19 1(0.28) 0(0) 1(0.28)
72 Amsalu Alagaw et al.: Factors associated with Antiretroviral Treatment Adherence among Adult Patients in
Wolaita Soddo Hospital, Wolaita Zone, Southern Ethiopia
Variable Adherent (n=312) Non adherent(n=45) Total
Frequency (%) Frequency (%) Frequency (%)
20-29 78(21.85) 13(3.64) 91(25.49)
30-39 144(40.34) 21(5.88) 165(46.22)
40-49 64(17.92) 7(1.96) 71(19.89)
50-59 20(5.6) 3(0.84) 23(6.44)
60+ 5(1.4) 1 (0.28) 6(1.68)
Income n=285 <=500 132(46.32) 17(5.96) 149(52.28)
>500 117(41.05) 19(6.67) 136(47.71)
Family size <=5 226(63.3) 37(10.36) 263(73.67)
>=6 86(24.09) 8(2.24) 94(26.33)
Marital status
Married 190(53.22) 23(6.44) 213(59.66)
Single 24(6.72) 7(1.96) 31(8.68)
Divorced 35(9.8) 4(1.12) 39(10.92)
Widowed 63(17.64) 11(3.08) 74(20.72)
Live with Non Partner 132(36.97) 36(10.08) 168(47.06)
Partner 180(50.42) 9(2.52) 189(52.94)
Educational status
Illiterate 48(13.44) 9(2.52) 57(15.96)
Primary 136(38.09) 14(3.92) 150(42.01)
Secondary 95(26.61) 16(4.48) 111(31.09)
Higher 33(9.24) 6(1.68) 39(10.92)
Occupation Unemployed 91(25.49) 12(3.36) 103(28.85)
Employed 221(61.9) 33(9.24) 254(71.15)
Meal number
One 1(0.28) 0(0) 1(0.28)
Two 62 (17.36) 10(2.8) 72(20.18)
>=three 249(69.74) 35(9.80) 284(79.55)
Consumption food
Purchase 286(80.11) 44(12.34) 330(92.43)
Household farm 12(3.36) 0(0) 12(3.36)
Welfare/NGO 3(0.84) 0 3(0.84)
Purchase +household farm 11(3.08) 1(0.28) 12(3.36)
3.2. Treatment Related, Personal Behavior, Clinical, and
Health Service Related Characteristics
The three adherences (self report of missed doses,
monthly dispensing schedule and dietary adherences) were
assessed in the study to get a combined adherence indicator
(Table2)). Accordingly, 312 (87.4%) of the study subjects
were adherent based on self-report of missed doses (dose
adherence) in a one-week recall. Three hundred thirty two
(93%) of the study subjects were adherent to monthly
dispensing schedules. One hundred and fifty three (42.9%)
subjects had resources to follow instructions related to
dietary requirement (food adherence). Hence, the rate of
adherence in the study area based on the combined
indicators of the three adherences was 74.4% indicating
that ART adherence rate was sub-optimal (<95%).
Most common management mentioned by subjects for
inadequate diet was taking drug in empty stomach (96.1 %
of cases). But 3.4% avoid taking drugs and 0.5% by
extending the time of taking drugs.
Table 2. Percentage of different adherences in PLWHA involved in the
study, Wolaita Soddo Hospital, South Ethiopia, May 2012,
Type of adherence Number Percent
Dose adherence 312 87.4
Dispense adherence 332 93
Dietary adherence 153 42.9
Average adherence 74.4
Twenty nine percent of respondents were taking a FDC
known as Triomune 30 {Stavudine (dt4), Lamivudine (3TC)
and Nevirapine (NVP)}. Triomune 30 regimen was
recommended for respondents who were below 60 kg body
weight. Only two (0.6%) of clients were taking Fixed Dose
Combination of ARV regimen D4T (30) + 3TC + NVP (1a
(30)) known as Nevilast 40 {Stavudine (dt4), Lamivudine
(3TC) and Nevirapine (NVP)}. Nevilast 40 regimen was
recommended for respondents who were above 60 kg body
weight. Currently the recommendation is to shift patients
on Nevilast 40 to triammune30. Nineteen percent of clients
were taking TDF+3TC+EFV, 16.5% were taking
AZT+3TC+NVP,13.2% were taking AZT+3TC
+EFV,13.2% were taking TDF+3TC+NVP,6.2% were
taking D4T+3TC+EFV. Relatively higher proportion of
patients who missed ART was among the groups on
D4T+3TC+EFV (18.2%). Fourteen (14.5%) missed TDF-
3TC-EFV, thirteen (12.5%) missed AZT-3TC- NVP).
Out of 12.6% of respondents who failed to adhere to self
reported dose, the main reason for missing a drug dose was
forgetting (48.9%). Stock finished accounted for 15.6%,
11.1% said they missed because of lack of transport cost,
being too ill and lack of food to take with drugs each
accounted for 2.2% of reasons for missing to take ARV
drugs, and other reasons (11.1%). This showed that
respondents had various reasons that made them miss
treatment doses. Majority of respondents 99.4% said that
government health facilities are the only source of ARV
drugs. Two patients (0.7%) said they got ART drugs from
friends, relatives and from private health facility in case
their ARV drugs get finished .This finding indicated that
majority of respondents were aware of where they should
get their ARV medication timely.
Most of the client (88.5%) disclosed their HIV status.
Science Journal of Public Health 2014; 2(2): 69-77 73
Non adherence among those who disclosed their status was
11.07% while among who did not disclose was 24.4%.
Three hundred forty four (96.4 %)of subjects were free
of any substance abuse but 1.7% use kcat,0.8%
alcohol,0.3% cigarette and 0.8% use the above substances
in some combination. Twelve (92.3%) of substance users
were males and only 7.7% of users was female. There was
no significant association between substance use and ART
adherence status.
Most respondents 65.8 % were undergoing treatment of
both HIV and antibiotics, 3.6% were undergoing co-
treatment of HIV and TB, 0.6% was on treatment with
appetizers and 0.3 % was being treated with painkillers. As
most patients were on prophylactic antibiotic which is once
daily dose, pill burden was not complained by study
subjects. There was no statistically significant association
between ART adherence status and pill burden (co-
treatment of other problems.
One hundred and six (29.7%) of clients had depression,
70.3% no depression. Adherence among depressed groups
was 79.24% but among non depressed groups was 90.83%.
Three hundred and fifty four (99.2%) of clients received
counseling, 0.8% said they were not counseled. All the
clients said counseling is important for ART adherence and
all the subjects satisfied that privacy was maintained during
clinic visit and during special consultation of health
professionals. One hundred and ninety nine (55.7%) of
clients have some supporter for ART adherence, 44.3%
didn’t have supporter of adherence.
Table 3. Treatment related characteristics of PLWHA involved in the study, Wolaita Soddo Hospital, South Ethiopia, May, 2012
Variables Adherent(312) Non-adherent(45) Total (357)
Frequency (%) Frequency (%) Frequency (%)
ART drug used for
Cure 23(6.44) 7(1.96) 30(8.4)
Reducing pain 162(45.37) 23(6.44) 185(51.82)
Reduce progression of HIV 73(20.45) 5(1.4) 78(21.85)
Don’t know 0(0) 1(0.28) 1(0.28)
Reducing pain and progression of HIV 54(15.12) 9(2.52) 63(17.64)
Type of ART used
D4T-3TC-NVP(30) 90(25.2) 14(3.92) 104(29.13)
D4T-3TC-NVP(40) 2(0.56) 0 2(0.56)
D4T-3TC-EFV(1b30) 18(5.04) 4(1.12) 22(6.16)
AZT-3TC-NVP(1C) 53(14.8) 6(1.68) 59(16.52)
AZT-3TC-EFV(1D) 40(11.2) 7(1.96) 47(13.17)
ABC-DDI-LPV/t(2a) 2(0.56) 0 2(0.56)
TDF-DDI-LPV/R(2c) 1(0.28) 0 1(0.28)
TDF-DDI-NFV(2d) 1(0.28) 0 1(0.28)
TDF-3TC-NVP 41(11.48) 7(1.96) 48(13.44)
TDF-3TC-EFV 62(17.37) 7(1.96) 69(19.32)
TDF-3TC-LPV/r 2(0.56) 0 2(0.56)
Reason for missing ART Toxicity 0(0) 4(1.12) 4(1.12)
Forgetting 0(0) 22(6.16) 22(6.16)
Too ill 0 1(0.28) 1(0.28)
Stock finished 0 7(1.96) 7(1.96)
Lack of transport cost 0 5(1.4) 5(1.4)
Lack of food to take with drugs 0 1(0.28) 1(0.28)
Others 0 5(1.4) 5(1.4)
Non ART drugs used by
Pain killers 0 1(0.28) 1(0.28)
Appetizers 2(0.56) 0 2(0.56)
Anti TB drugs 11(3.08) 2(0.56) 13(3.64)
Antibiotics 209(58.54) 26(7.28) 235(65.83)
Others 1(0.28) 1(0.28) 2(0.56)
Table 4. personal behavior factors
Variable Adhered Non-adhered Total
Frequency (%) Frequency (%) Frequency (%)
Substance abuse
Alcohol 2(0.56) 1(0.28) 3(0.84)
Kcat 5(1.4) 1(0.28) 6(1.68)
Cigarette 1(0.28) 0 1(0.28)
Combined 3(0.84) 0 3(0.84)
Disclosed HIV status Yes 281(78.71) 35(9.8) 316(88.52)
No 31(8.68) 10(2.8) 41(11.48)
Inadequate diet to take
with ART
Yes 171(47.9) 33(9.24) 204(57.14)
No 141(39.5) 12(33.6) 153(42.86)
How food scarcity
Opinion to ART
By avoiding taking drugs 5(1.4) 2(0.56) 7(1.96)
Prolonging time of taking drugs 167(46.78) 30(8.4) 197(55.2)
Approve 308(86.27) 44(12.32) 352(98.6)
Disagree 4(1.12) 0 4(1.12)
Undecided 0 1(0.28) 1(0.28)
74 Amsalu Alagaw et al.: Factors associated with Antiretroviral Treatment Adherence among Adult Patients in
Wolaita Soddo Hospital, Wolaita Zone, Southern Ethiopia
Variable Adhered Non-adhered Total
Frequency (%) Frequency (%) Frequency (%)
Subject supported for
Yes 186(52.1) 13(3.64) 199(55.74)
No 126(35.3) 32(8.96) 158(44.26)
Depression Yes 84(23.53) 22(6.16) 106(29.7)
No 228(63.86) 23(6.44) 251(70.3)
Who supported for
Spouse 91(25.49) 4(1.12) 95(26.6)
Immediate member of family 88(24.65) 9 97(27.17)
Nurse 4(1.12) 0 4(1.12)
Doctor 2(0.56) 0 2(0.56)
Other 1(0.28) 0 1(0.28)
3.3. Bivariate and Multivariate Analysis
Non-adherent patients and those who had been adherent
were compared on key demographic, health, mental health,
and social factors. Results of bivariate logistic regression
analyses showed that from socio-demographic variables
with whom a subject lives i.e. with a partner or non partner
was statistically significantly associated with adherence
status (OR= 1.916(1.017-3.608) P<0.001. Other socio-
demographic variables with a p-value of 0.25 to be
included in multivariate analysis include sex of the subject
(OR 1.615(0.843-3.092) P=0.148), family size of the
subject (OR 1.760 (0.788-3.931), P = 0.168), and
consumption food source (OR =0.250 (0.033-1.889)
In bivariate analysis of treatment related, personal
behavior, clinical, and health service related characteristics
of the study subjects were associated with ART adherence
status. Variables statistically significantly associated
adherence status include HIV status disclosure (OR
2.590(1.17-5.73) P=0.019)), depression (OR 2.596(1.375-
4.903) P=0.003)), having inadequate diet to take with ART
(OR= 2.268(1.129, 4.554) P=0.021)), and having adherence
support (OR 3.634(1.835-7.195) P=0.001)).
Variables entered in multivariate analysis were:
adherence supporter, sex of the subject, with whom a
subject lives, depression, food source of the subject,
inadequate diet to take with ART, family size, and HIV
disclosure status of the subject.
Multivariate logistic regression showed that inadequate
diet to take with ART (AOR=2.229(1.034-4.807)),
depression, and with whom a subject lives were statistically
significantly associated with ART adherence (Table 5).
Disclosure of HIV status, food source of the subject, having
or not having adherence support which were significant in
bivariate analysis were not statistically significant in
multivariate analysis which may be due to confounding
effect of other variables.
Table 5. Summary of the logistic regression analysis of the effects of socioeconomic, demographic, clinical and behavioral factors that affect ART
adherence, Wolaita Sddo Hospital, south Ethiopia, May, 2012.
Variable Missed ART in the last
week OR(95% CI)
Sex of client
No Yes Crude Adjusted
Male 147 16 1.615(0.843-3.092) 1.058(0.509-2.196)
Female 165 29
HIV disclosure No 31 10 2.590(1.17-5.73) 0.647(0.247-1.698)
Yes 281 35
Depression status No 228 23
Yes 84 22 2.596(1.375-4.903) 2.221(1.093-4.515)
Supported for adherence No 126 32 3.634(1.835-7.195) 0.523(0.233-1.171)
Yes 186 13
Subject live with Partner 182 19
Non partener 130 26 1.916(1.017-3.608) 4.943(2.168-11.27)
Food source Only purchase 286 44
Others 26 1 0.250(0.033-1.889) 4.561(0.558-37.259)
Food scarcity to take with
Yes 171 33 2.268(1.129-4.554) 2.229(1.034-4.807)
No 141 12
Family size <=5 226 37
>=6 86 8 1.76(0.788-3.931) 1.046(0.436-2.507)
4. Discussions
In this study, the adherence to ART is good. The
following are associated with ART adherence. Food
scarcity to take with ART, source of food for consumption,
with whom subject lives and depression status.
In most studies, researchers assess adherence by
indicators that measure the rate of follow up of dose of the
drugs prescribed. But successful treatment with ART also
includes adhering to dietary instructions that accompany
many antiretroviral drugs (15). In this study adherence was
assessed by two indicators of dose adherence i.e. self report
of missing of the drug doses and regular following of
monthly dispense schedule. Follow up of dietary instruction
was used as additional independent type of adherence. A
Science Journal of Public Health 2014; 2(2): 69-77 75
combined indicator was made to determine the rate of
adherence in the study area. Participants' self-reports of
adherence in this study indicated sub-optimal dose
adherence (87.5%) and an acceptable degree of monthly
dispense adherence(93%), while very low adherence to
dietary instructions(42.9%) in comparison with the required
95% adherence. Subjects were more adherent to monthly
dispensing appointments this may be because they have
remainder cards for monthly appointments. But were least
adherent to dietary requirements may be because of low
socioeconomic status (median monthly income was
500.00Etbpm with SD of 5.28bpm).
As mentioned above the rate of dose adherence in the
study area was (87.5%) which is higher than that reported
in Addis Ababa (81.2% and 82.8%) (16, 17). This may
suggest that adherence in regional setting is better than
central settings and that patients of low socioeconomic
status were able to achieve excellent rates of adherence
with ART. Only one quarter of the Addis Ababa study
population reported income of less than 500 birr per month
(16) whereas more than 50% of this study population
earned less than 500 birr per month. Consistent findings
were also documented in comparable studies in resource
limited settings in the sub-Saharan Africa (18).
The overall rate of adherence in the study area based on
the combined indicators of the three adherence rates was
74.4% which is comparable to a finding in Jimma
University Specialized hospital(75.7%)(13).Adherence rate
in most developed countries, ranged from 50% to 70% (1,
18). This was lower than the finding in this study
confirming that patients in developing countries can
achieve good adherence despite limited resources. Orrell
and others also found that low socio economic status was
not a predictor of adherence for patients with fully
subsidized therapy and concluded that adherence in
developing countries has been found to be at least as good
as adherence in developed countries (19). The dose
adherence rate (87.5%) found by this study was less than
that found by Sarna and others at Mombasa Kenya, which
was greater than 95%. The finding by Sarna was for
patients on ART who were under Directly Administered
Antiretroviral Therapy (DAART) program at Mombasa
Among female respondents 85% adhered to ART while
among the male respondents 90.18% adhered to treatment
by direct interview indicating that there is slight difference
in ART adherence with higher rate in males(Table 1). This
may be because females have burden of routine daily
household activities which contributed to forgetting. Also
study done on Canadian injection drug users showed that
after adjusting for clinical characteristics as well as drug
use patterns measured longitudinally throughout follow-up,
female gender was independently associated with a lower
likelihood of being 95% adherent to ART.
Depression was statistically significantly associated with
adherence. Subjects with no depression have 2.596 times
more adherent than those with depression. In other studies,
in Kenya and South Africa, depression has been an
important predictor of adherence (19, 21). These findings
support a role for HIV/AIDS providers/counselors in
screening for depression and providing treatment when
appropriate, either directly or through collaboration with
mental health professionals.
Patients who reported to have adherence support were
3.634 times more likely to be adherent than those who do
not have adherence supporter. This finding suggests that
lack of adequate diet influenced the qualitative aspect of
ART adherence as most respondents managed their
inadequate diet by taking drugs even when they didn’t have
diet. Inadequate diet to take with ART was significantly
associated with dose adherence; similarly a study in South
Africa showed that food supplement and higher CD4 cell
count have statistical association with adherence (20).
With whom a subject lives was an independent predictor
of adherence also studies in south Africa found that
patients who were likely to be non-adherent were
unmarried or lived alone, had poor social support, were
reluctant to disclose and consumed alcohol (21).
The use of family members and peers to enhance ART
adherence has emphasized the importance of social support
in the treatment of HIV patients. Social support may
enhance adherence through encouragement, reassurance,
reinforcement, systematic cues, boastering of competence,
and motivation, or by masking the effect of stress, anxiety,
and depression (16)
Other variables like knowledge of ART benefit,
knowledge on ART, and adherence knowledge which were
significant predictors of adherence in other studies did not
show association with adherence in this study. This may be
because despite patients knowing the benefits of ART and
the importance of adherence there were other factors like
fear of stigma, low economic status that may mask the
effect of the knowledge. This finding was supported by a
study on HIV-patients in Lusaka Zambia who used to skip
treatment doses due to lack of food (18)
In this study patients have high level of acceptance
towards ART and there was low level of unacceptable
behaviors for ART adherence like substance abuse which
may contributed to an acceptable level of adherence found
in the study. Also other studies shown that patient’s
behavior is the critical link between a prescribed regimen
and treatment outcomes. Consequently, the most important
factors influencing adherence are patient related and under
the patient’s control, so attention to them is a necessary and
important step in improving adherence (14).
The limitation of the study, Recall bias- was the
possible limitation of this self reported study to minimize it
recent short duration(one week) period used. Over
estimation of adherence during self report was another
limitation and Absence of prior studies to estimate the
proportion of adherent subjects which was approximated by
national reports and figures from other studies in similar
In conclusion Level of adherence among the study
76 Amsalu Alagaw et al.: Factors associated with Antiretroviral Treatment Adherence among Adult Patients in
Wolaita Soddo Hospital, Wolaita Zone, Southern Ethiopia
participants was good. This could be explained by the fact
that majority of the patients were positive about the aspects
of care related to the ART clinic, interpersonal relationship
with their care providers and their treatment plan plus being
knowledgeable about HIV/AIDS.
On top of their infection which predispose to different
infections and low productivity, the study subjects have low
income with a need to involve them in capacity building
activities through collaboration with different stakeholders.
Psychosocial factors were the predominant factors
affecting ART adherence. The findings emphasized the
importance of multiple periodic assessments of adherence
problems especially reasons for forgetting to take ART
drugs. Timely detection of non-adherence behaviors and
appropriate monitoring of patients' difficulties with
HAART could potentially help patients to maintain
adherence and therefore improve the treatment outcome.
Finally the results suggested that psychosocial and medical
interventions aimed at increasing adherence of HAART-
treated patients should integrate the dynamic dimensions of
adherence behaviors.
Authors' Contributions
AA conceived of and designed the study, supervised data
collection, analyzed the data, drafted the paper and
approved the final version. MT and TD contributed to the
conception, designing, data analysis, drafting and approval
of the manuscript. WG participated in data analysis,
interpretation of findings, contributed to the drafting of the
paper, writing and revising the manuscript critically for
intellectual content and updated the manuscript. All authors
read and approved the manuscript.
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... The prevalence of non-adherence to ART was obtained from forty-four included primary studies [1-3, 5, 6, 8-10, 18, 19, 27, 29, case-control studies respectively. Regarding geographical region, fourteen studies were conducted in Oromia [2,3,9,18,27,44,52,57,59,64,69,76,77,79], eleven studies in Amhara [1, 6, 19, 56, 61, 66-68, 73, 75, 78], ten studies in Southern nations nationalities [5,10,34,35,43,53,55,60,62,72], two studies in Addis Ababa [8,44], two studies in Tigray [58,80], one study in Oromia and Southern nations nationalities [54], one study in Harari and Dire Dawa [63] included studies [1-3, 5, 6, 8-10, 18, 19, 27, 29, 34, 35, 43, 44, 52-80] had low risk of bias (high quality) (Supplemental Table 3). ...
... Six studies [19,44,53,58,60,79] showed a significant association between depression and non-adherence to ART. The pooled AOR of non-adherence to ART for patients with depression was 2.0 (95%CI: 1.05, 3.79). ...
... This might be explained as patients become depressed, they would be hopeless and in turn, they might skip or miss to take their regular ART regimens. This finding supports the role of HIV/AIDS counselors in screening for depression and providing treatment when appropriate, either directly or through collaboration with the mental health professionals [53]. ...
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Human immunodeficiency virus remains a global public health problem. Despite efforts to determine the prevalence of non-adherence to ART and its predictors in Ethiopia, various primary studies presented inconsistent findings. Therefore, this review aimed to determine the pooled prevalence of non-adherence to ART and identify its predictors. We have searched PubMed, Google Scholar and Web of Science databases extensively for all available studies. A weighted inverse-variance random-effects model was used to compute the overall non-adherence to ART. The pooled prevalence of non-adherence to ART was 20.68% (95% CI: 17.74, 23.61); I² = 98.40%; p < 0.001). Educational level of primary school and lower [AOR = 3.5, 95%CI: 1.7, 7.4], taking co-medications [AOR = 0.45, 95%CI: 0.35, 0.59], not using memory aids [AOR = 0.30, 95%CI: 0.13, 0.71], depression [AOR = 2.0, 95%CI: 1.05, 3.79], comorbidity [AOR = 2.12, 95%CI: 1.16, 3.09), under-nutrition [AOR = 2.02, 95%CI: 1.20, 3.43], not believing on ART can control HIV [AOR = 2.31, 95%CI: 1.92, 2.77], lack of access to health facilities [AOR = 3.86, 95%CI: 1.10, 13.51] and taking ART pills uncomfortably while others looking [AOR = 5.21, 95%CI: 2.56, 10.53] were significantly associated with non-adherence to anti-retroviral therapy. The overall pooled prevalence of non-adherence to ART was considerably high in Ethiopia. Educational status, taking co-medications, not using memory aids, depression, comorbidity, under nutrition, not believing on anti-retroviral therapy controls HIV, lack of access to health facilities and taking ART pills uncomfortably were independent predictors of non-adherence to ART in Ethiopia. Therefore, healthcare providers, adherence counselors and supporters should detect non-adherence behaviors and patients’ difficulties with ART early, and provide intensive counseling to promote adherence.
... Ethiopia, it ranged from 63.8 to 95.5%. [6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16] Sub-optimal adherence imposes a significant impact on the health of people living with HIV (PLHIV). It results in the development of detectable viral loads (VLs), declining CD4 cell counts, disease progression, drug resistance, and subsequent treatment failure. ...
... The absence of depression was positively associated with good ART adherence similar to other literature. 10,11,20 The possible reason for this might be those non-depressed patients did not experience hopelessness and demoralization so that they follow their regular treatment. ...
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Poor adherence was the major challenge in providing treatment, care, and support for people living with HIV (PLHIV). Evidence of adherence to antiretroviral therapy (ART) after initiation of the Universal Test and Treat (UTT) strategy was limited in Ethiopia. So, this study aimed to determine the proportion of ART adherence after the initiation of UTT strategy and associated factors among adult PLHIV in Dessie town using two adherence measurements. A cross-sectional study was conducted on 293 PLHIV selected using a systematic sampling technique. The data were collected by face-to face-interview using a pretested questionnaire; chart review was also used to collect the data. The proportion of ART adherence measured by using the Morisky scale and seven-day recall was 49.3% (95% CI: [43.5%, 54.8%]) and 95.9% (95% CI: [93.2%, 98.2%]), respectively. Being urban in residence (AOR = 3.72, 95% CI: [1.80, 7.68]), the absence of depression (adjusted odds ratio [AOR] = 3.72, 95% CI: [1.22, 11.35]), taking one tablet per day (AOR = 3.26, 95% CI: [1.64, 6.49]), and the absence of concomitant illness (AOR = 0.23, 95% CI: [0.09, 0.59]) were factors associated with ART adherence. The proportion of ART adherence measured by the Morisky scale was very low; however, adherence measured by seven-day recall was higher and consistent with World Health Organization recommendations. Residence, depression, and the number of tablets taken per day had a positive association with good ART adherence whereas having concomitant illness had a negative association with good ART adherence. Efforts should be made to improve adherence and interventions should be given to overcome factors linked with poor adherence.
... From the analysis of the self-report questionnaire, findings from the study showed that majority of the patients were adherent to ART medication (adherence of more than 95%). Similar findings have been reported elsewhere [23,24,25,26], where adherence by more than half of the patients was observed. The findings from our study also noted poor adherence to be occurring among forty five patients, which represented 17.6% of the total number of patients. ...
... Drawing on this observation, the findings from our study can suggest that most of the patient who did not adhere to medications were most likely to be poor and could have failed to raise transportation to the HIV clinic. Lack of transportation to clinics has arguably been noted to be an important barrier to adherence to ART medication [24]. Various strategies have been suggested by other authors in order to improve the ART medication adherence levels among HIV patients, though published information on the effectiveness of such strategies remains fairly limited, particularly in resource-poor settings like sub-Saharan Africa. ...
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Complex regimens present significant challenges to both patients and health-care providers with respect to anti-retroviral therapy (ART) treatment adherence. Improper adherence leads to poor suppression of HIV replication in infected cells. High level of ART treatment adherence leads to better viral suppression outcomes. Proper maintenance of ART treatment adherence over time remains a problematic area especially in resource limited settings, including sub-Saharan African countries. The western region of Uganda has been noted to have a high prevalence of HIV patients. This study was therefore undertaken to determine the factors associated with non-adherence among the HIV patients on ART in a teaching hospital in southwestern Uganda. Findings of the study revealed that forgetting treatment was the most cited factor. Feeling better after some medication period, being too ill to take medication, stigma associated with taking ART medication, alcohol consumption and drug stock out were also identified to be associated to non-adherence among the study participants. Most of the patients in this study (150/255, 58.8%) had good adherence, followed by those who had fair rates of adherence (60/255, 23.5%). Forty five patients (17.6%) had the least adherence level. Findings also showed that females were most likely to miss their medication. The age groups of 30-39 and 40-49 were the most likely not to adhere to medications compared to the other age groups while the 0-19 and above 50 years age groups were most likely not to miss their medication. The separated patients were more likely to miss medication compared to others. Patients who had attended only primary education and those who attended tertiary level of education were most likely to be non-adherent to medication. Deliberate measures need to be taken to cater for the non-adherent patients. Interventions aimed at the high-risk non-adherence groups need to be specifically developed.
... The seven studies included in the review were all crosssectional [18,[33][34][35][36][37][38]. They had a total of sample of 2260 adults living with HIV/AIDs in Ethiopia and were conducted from 2010 to 2015 in various regions of the country. ...
... The study sample sizes ranged from 233 to 422 participants [36,38]. Of the seven studies included in the final analysis, three were conducted in the Amhara region [18,34,36] and two were conducted in the Southern Nations Nationalities and People (SNNPR) region [33,35]. The remaining two studies were conducted in Oromia [38] and Harari regions [37] respectively. ...
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Background: Several factors have been identified as being associated with increased adherence to antiretroviral therapy, including sero-status disclosure; however, studies examining the effect of disclosure on ART adherence in Ethiopia have had inconsistent findings. This systematic review and meta-analysis therefore aims to estimate the pooled effect of disclosure on adherence to ART among adults living with HIV in Ethiopia. Methods: We performed a systematic search for articles reporting on peer-reviewed, quantitative, English-language observational studies of reporting the association between self sero-status disclosure and good ART adherence in adults living with HIV/AIDS in Ethiopia during published from 2010 to 2015. We searched four electronic databases: PubMed/Medline, the World Health Organization's Hinari portal (which includes the SCOPUS, African Index Medicus, and African Journals Online databases) for studies from December 1, 2017 to January 30, 2018. We also searched university repositories and conference abstracts for unpublished studies. We conducted a meta-analysis for the pooled effect of adherence using a random effects model in Stata version 14 and assessed publication bias using the Egger's test for funnel plot asymmetry. Results: Our search returned in 179 studies, of which seven (3.9%), were eligible and included in the final meta-analysis. The seven included studies were conducted from 2010 to 2015. Our analysis found that disclosure had a significant effect on the adherence to ART in adult patients living with HIV. Patients who disclosed were 1.64 times more likely to have good adherence to ART compared with those who did not (OR: 1.64, 95% CI: 1.11, 2.42). The small number of studies eligible for review and differences in study definitions of adherence and disclosure were the main limitations of this study. Conclusion: This review found a statistically significant positive effect of disclosure status on the adherence to ART in adult patients living with HIV in Ethiopia. This suggests that Ethiopia's national treatment and prevention programs should redouble efforts to encourage self-disclosure among people living with HIV/AIDS. Encouraging supportive social environments for disclosure, and promoting partner notification and partner disclosure support initiatives might be particularly helpful in this regard.
... Between 2010 and 2017 new infections are declined by 27% and AIDS-related deaths more than halved, falling by 56%. Because of this extensive ART scale-up, treatment failure has become an 9,10 emerging problem . The prevalence of first-line ART failure differs significantly across countries ...
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Aim and Objectives : The present research was undertaken to study the outcomes of second-line antiretroviral therapy (ART) in cases of confirmed first line antiretroviral treatment failure and also identify the factors associated with the outcomes. Methods :A hospital-based descriptive cross-sectional analytical study was conducted in 70 HIV positive cases, who were registered for second-line ART at tertiary care center during a period of around 2 years from November 2017 to October 2019. One study subject died shortly after starting the study. So, the remaining 69 subjects were analyzed to find out different outcomes of second line ART and factors associated with these outcomes. Results : Mean duration of first line ART exposure was 5.67 ± 2.57 years. At baseline 23 (33.33%) subjects were in WHO clinical stage 3 or 4. The most common cause of switching to second line ART was virological only failure (55%). The baseline mean value of weight, BMI, CD4 count, BREF score, Hb level, TG, TC, LDL levels, SGPT and ALP levels were statistically increased at 12 months of follow up. There was statistically significant improvement in the WHO clinical stage and the WAB functional status after 12 months. Mean viral load of the subjects was significantly reduced after 12 months. 45(65.22%) patients achieved CFR, whereas CUR and IOR achieved by 6 (8.70%) patients each. 12 patients (17.39%) achieved VOR. 45(65.22%) patients had adequate responses and 24(34.78%) had inadequate responses. The most of the subjects i.e., 60 (86.9%) had >95% adherence on second line ART. Conclusion : The second-line ART has satisfactory early treatment outcomes at 12 months follow up. Also, timely switching of the patients to second-line ART after the first-line ART failure benefits the patient. The adherence is an important factor associated with the outcomes. So, adherence counselling should be done more frequently. Key-words : Antiretroviral, Virological, Adherence, Outcomes, Viral load
... The finding of this study is higher than adherence levels found in Yirgalem Hospital (74.2%) (27), in Jimma Hospital (72.4%) (28), and Wolaita-Sodo Hospital (74.4%) (29) in Ethiopia. It is also higher than adherence levels documented by some studies in Nigeria (73.4%) (30), at Sokodẻ Hospital in Togo (78.4%)(31), a systematic review in sub-Saharan Africa (77.0%) and in North America (55%) (10), and in Brazil (62.8%) (32). ...
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Background: Adherence to antiretroviral therapy (ART) has paramount advantages for programmatic success, including its good treatment outcomes and reduced risk of resistant viral strains transmission to the general population. There is limited evidence on the magnitude and associated factors of adherence to ART among adult PLWHA attending highly active ART (HAART) at Adare General Hospital, Southern Ethiopia. Objective: This study aimed to determine the magnitude and associated factors of adherence to ART among adult PLWHA attending (HAART) at Adare General Hospital, Southern Ethiopia. Methods: A hospital-based cross-sectional study was conducted from January 01/2018 to February 30/2018 at Adare Hospital. The participants were 370 adult people living with HIV/AIDS taking ART and who were selected by systematic random sampling technique. The data were collected by trained health professionals using a pre-tested interviewer-administered structured questionnaire. The data collected was entered into a computer and analysed using SPSS version 19. Descriptive statistics and multiple logistic regressions were applied. The significance level of association was considered at p-value <0.05. Results: The magnitude of retrospectively self-reported combined adherence (measured by dose, schedule and dietary instructions) to ART in the past seven days before the interview was 80.3%. In multivariate analysis, Sidaamu Afoo language (AOR=0.5, 95%CI: 0.21-0.99), monthly income <1,000 Ethiopian Birr (AOR=0.08; 95%CI: 0.03-0.26), not disclosing HIV status to others (AOR=0.18; 95%CI: 0.07-0.50), taking ART pills comfortably while others looking (AOR=6.0; 95%CI: 2.54-13.91) and no utilisation of reminders (AOR=0.08; 95%CI: 0.03-0.21) were factors significantly associated with combined adherence. Forgetfulness and not wanting to take ART while others are looking were major reasons to miss pills. Conclusion: Adherence to ART among adult PLWHA attending HAART at Adare Hospital was suboptimal, but still comparable with that of resource-limited settings. To maximise treatment success, considering emphasised translation to Sidaamu Afoo language, encouraging patients to be involved in any income-generating system and to reveal their HIV status for others is helpful. [Ethiop. J. Health Dev. 2020; 35(2):000-000]
... The most common side effects associated with efavirenz and nevirapine-based ART medications are hepatotoxicity and central nervous system disorders typically, depression and sleep disorder [38,39]. Taking other medication in addition to ART drugs may cause pill burden, worsen drug toxicity leading to poor medication adherence and depressive symptoms [13,40,41]. ...
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Background Depressive symptoms are the most common psychiatric complication of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection. They are associated with poor drug adherence, treatment failure, and increase the risk for suicide. There was limited evidence of depressive symptoms among HIV-positive patients in the study area. So, this study aimed to determine the prevalence of depressive symptoms and associated factors among HIV-positive patients attending public health facilities of Dessie town, North-central Ethiopia, 2019. Method A cross-sectional study was conducted on 380 HIV-positive patients attending ART clinics in Dessie town, North-central Ethiopia, 2019. Samples were selected using systematic random sampling and the data were collected by using structured, pretested, and interviewer-administered questionnaires. Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) at a cut-off point of 5 was used to assess depressive symptoms. The data were entered by Epi data version 3.1 and analyzed by SPSS version 25. A binary logistic regression model was used to identify factors associated with depressive symptoms. The Adjusted Odds Ratio (AOR) along with a 95% Confidence Interval (CI) was estimated to measure the association. The level of significance was declared at a p -value of less than 0.05. Result The prevalence of depressive symptoms among HIV positive patients was 15.5% (95% CI: (12.4%, 19.2%)). Age 40–49 years compared to 30–39 years (AOR = 2.96, 95% CI: (1.01, 8.68)), age ≥50 years compared to 30–39 years (AOR = 3.81, 95% CI: (1.05, 13.8)), having perceived stigma (AOR = 10.2, 95%CI: (4.26, 24.4)) taking medication other than Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) (AOR = 2.58, 95% CI: (1.25, 5.33)) and history of opportunistic infections (AOR = 5.17, 95% CI: (1.31, 20.4)) were factors associated with depressive symptoms. Conclusion The prevalence of depressive symptoms was low compared to previous studies. Age, perceived stigma, taking medication other than ART, and history of opportunistic infections were factors associated with depressive symptoms. Health education and counseling programs should be strengthened and target older patients, patients who took medications other than ART, patients who experienced perceived stigma and patients with a history of history opportunistic infections.
... Because of this extensive ART scale-up, treatment failure has become an emerging problem [4,5]. The prevalence of first-line ART failure differs significantly across countries depending on the criteria (clinical, immunological or virologic) used for its diagnosis. ...
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Abstract Background Treatment failure has become a significant challenge in patients taking antiretroviral therapy (ART). The aim of the present study was to identify risk factors for first-line ART failure among patients attending clinical follow-up. Methods A 1:2 matched case-control study (by age, sex, and treatment duration since initiated on ART) was conducted from June 2015 to July 2017 on adult patients (aged ≥15 years) who were on ART for at least 6 months. Cases were selected from patients who were switched to second-line ART after first-line ART failure (viral load ≥1000 copies/mL). Controls were randomly selected from patients on first-line ART with viral load
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Background: Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) that causes HIV infection and Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) remains a significant global public health challenge in world history. Nonadherence promotes the development of drug resistance and treatment failure in individuals infected with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus. Objectives: To assess the determinants of nonadherence to the antiretroviral drug among people living with HIV in Ondo State, SouthWest , Nigeria. Methods: A correlation research design was utilized, and respondents were systematically sampled during either their clinical visits or visit to collect ARV drugs at the HAART clinic of General hospital Iju /Itaogbolu, Akure North, Ondo State. A 20-item Self-report questionnaire was used as an instrument of data collection. The questionnaire is divided into three (3) sections. Section A: Contains 8 items on sociodemographic data of the respondents, such as age, gender, ethnicity, religion, marital status, family type, educational level, and employment status. Section B: contains 6 questions as contained in the Simplified Medication Adherence Questionnaire (SMAQ). Section C: Entails the determinants of nonadherence to antiretroviral drugs. It contains 6 items. Data retrieved were analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics with a p-value set at 0.05. Results: We observed an above-average adherence rate of 59.8% and a nonadherence rate of 40.2%, respectively. The study also revealed that long waiting time, fear of stigmatization, family support, support from society, and experience of being treated differently because of HIV status were identified as determinants of nonadherence to antiretroviral drugs, with p-values ˂ 0.05 respectively. Conclusions: The study concluded that nonadherence to the antiretroviral drug needs to be tackled headlong to alleviate concerns of drug resistance and the resultant financial burden on the health systems from the need to control resistant strains of HIV and total treatment failure with increased morbidity and mortality. Health care professionals must improve their effort in counselling at initiation and during follow-up hospital visits.
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Background : Poor adherence is a critical problem in managing Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV ) -infected patients receiving Antiretroviral Therapy (ART). Evidence of adherence to antiretroviral therapy after initiation of Universal Test and Treat (UTT) strategy was limited in Ethiopia. Hence, this study aimed to compare adherence to antiretroviral therapy before and after the initiation of universal test and treat strategy, including factors affecting adherence among HIV positive adults in Dessie town. Methods: A comparative cross-sectional study was conducted on 594 HIV positive adults selected using consecutive sampling. Interview and patient record review were used to collect data. The data were analyzed using SPSS version 23. Bi-variable and multivariable logistic regression model were used to identify factors associated with ART adherence. Adjusted Odds Ratio (AOR) with 95% Confidence Interval (CI) was used as a measure of association. Statistical significance was declared at a P - value less than 0.05. Result : The overall proportion of ART adherence using Morisky scale and self-reports were 52.3%, 95% CI: (48.4%, 56.2%) and 95%, 95% CI: (93.5%, 96.8%) respectively. Absence of depression (AOR =3.87, 95% CI: (1.96, 7.64)), eating three or more meals per day (AOR =2.65, 95% CI: (1.08, 6.49)) and absence of concomitant illness (AOR =0.42, 95% CI: (0.23, 0.76)) were significantly associated with better ART adherence. Conclusion: The overall proportion of ART adherence measured by Morisky scale was very low while the proportion of ART adherence measured by self-report was high and consistent with the current World Health Organization (WHO) recommendation. Adherence to ART was not affected by the introduction of the UTT strategy in HIV treatment and care program. Depression, meal frequency and concomitant illness were factors associated with ART adherence. Efforts should be made to improve adherence through tailored interventions to overcome factors linked with poor adherence. Key words: Antiretroviral therapy, Adherence, HIV/AIDS, Ethiopia
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The devastating impact of AIDS in the world especially in sub-Saharan Africa has led to an unprecedented global effort to ensure access to antiretroviral (ARV) drugs. Given that medication-taking behavior can immensely affect an individual's response; ART adherence is now widely recognized as an 'Achilles heel' for the successful outcome. The present study was undertaken to investigate the rate and predictors of adherence to antiretroviral therapy among HIV-infected persons in southwest Ethiopia. The study was conducted in the antiretroviral therapy unit of Jimma University Specialized Hospital. A prospective study was undertaken on a total of 400 HIV infected person. Data were collected using a pre-tested interviewer-administered structured questionnaire at first month (M0) and third month (M3) follow up visits. A total of 400 and 383 patients at baseline (M0) and at follow up visit (M3) respectively were interviewed. Self-reported dose adherence in the study area was 94.3%. The rate considering the combined indicator (dose, time and food) was 75.7%. Within a three month follow up period, dose adherence decreased by 2% and overall adherence rate decreased by more than 3%. Adherence was common in those patients who have a social support (OR, 1.82, 95%CI, 1.04, 3.21). Patients who were not depressed were two times more likely to be adherent than those who were depressed (OR, 2.13, 95%CI, 1.18, 3.81). However, at the follow up visit, social support (OR, 2.42, 95%CI, 1.29, 4.55) and the use of memory aids (OR, 3.29, 95%CI, 1.44, 7.51) were found to be independent predictors of adherence. The principal reasons reported for skipping doses in this study were simply forgetting, feeling sick or ill, being busy and running out of medication in more than 75% of the cases. The self reported adherence rate was high in the study area. The study showed that adherence is a dynamic process which changes overtime and cannot reliably be predicted by a few patient characteristics that are assumed to vary with time. Adherence is a process, not a single event, and adherence support should be integrated into regular clinical follow up.
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In both clinical trials and clinical practice, nonadherence to medications is widespread among patients with chronic diseases. The shift to combination therapies for treating human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected individuals has increased adherence challenges for both patients and health-care providers. Estimates of average rates of nonadherence to antiretroviral therapy range from 50% to 70%. Adherence rates of <80% are associated with detectable viremia in a majority of patients. The principal factors associated with nonadherence appear to be patient-related, including substance and alcohol abuse. However, other factors may also contribute, such as inconvenient dosing frequency, dietary restrictions, pill burden, and side effects; patient-health-care provider relationships; and the system of care. We discuss the major reasons reported by HIV-infected individuals for not taking their medications. Improving adherence probably requires clarifying the treatment regimen and tailoring it to patient lifestyles.
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Knowledge of factors associated with medication adherence could help HIV clinicians to target persons in need of intervention, design these interventions, and help researchers to plan studies of adherence. This review summarizes the results of 20 studies investigating the issue of barriers to optimal highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) adherence. Only a few determinants were consistently associated with nonadherence. Symptoms and adverse drug effects, psychologic distress, lack of social or family support, complexity of the HAART regimen, low patient self-efficacy, and inconvenience of treatment were the factors most consistently associated with nonadherence. There were inconsistent findings regarding the relationship of adherence and the following variables: sociodemographic characteristics, substance abuse, depressive symptoms, quality of life, CD4+ cell count, knowledge and beliefs about treatment, patients' satisfaction with health care, and patient-provider relationship. A synthesis of findings relating various factors to adherence to HAART is difficult to reach because of several limitations of the existing body of research. These limitations concern the measurement of adherence, the assessment of correlates and predictors of adherence, the study population, and the study design.
To compare electronically monitored (MEMS) with self-reported adherence in drug users, including the impact of adherence on HIV load, we conducted a 6-month observational study of 67 antiretroviral-experienced current and former drug users. Adherence (percentage of doses taken as prescribed) was calculated for both the day and the week preceding each of 6 research visits. Mean self-reported 1-day adherence was 79% (median, 86%), and mean self-reported 1-week adherence was 78% (median, 85%). Mean MEMS 1-day adherence was 57% (median, 52%), and mean MEMS 1-week adherence was 53% (median, 49%). One-day and 1-week estimates were highly correlated (r > .8 for both measures). Both self-reported and MEMS adherence were correlated with concurrent HIV load (r = .43–.60), but the likelihood of achieving virologic suppression was greater if MEMS adherence was high than if self-reported adherence was high. We conclude that self-reported adherence is higher than MEMS adherence, but a strong relationship exists between both measures and virus load. However, electronic monitoring is more sensitive than self-report for the detection of nonadherence and should be used in adherence intervention studies.
To determine adherence of an indigent African HIV-infected cohort initiating antiretroviral therapy (ART); to identify predictors of incomplete adherence (< 95%) and virologic failure (> 400 HIV RNA copies/ml). Prospective monitoring of adherence in a poor HIV-positive cohort, attending a public sector hospital and receiving ART through phase III studies. Adherence to ART was determined over 48 weeks by counting tablet-returns. Logistic regression models including age, WHO HIV stage, home language, socio-economic status, complexity and type of regimen were fitted to determine predictors of incomplete adherence and virologic failure at 48 weeks. 289 patients were recruited between January 1996 and May 2001. Median (mean) adherence of the cohort was 93.5% (87.2%). Three times daily dosing [risk ratio (RR), 3.07; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.40-6.74], speaking English (RR, 0.41; 95% CI, 0.21-0.80) and age (RR, 0.97; 95% CI, 0.94-0.99) were independent predictors of incomplete adherence. Socio-economic status, sex and HIV stage did not predict adherence. Independent predictors of virologic failure included baseline viral load (RR, 2.57; 95% CI, 1.57-4.22) and three times daily dosing (RR, 2.64; 95% CI, 1.23-5.66), incomplete adherence (RR, 1.92; 95% CI, 1.10-3.57), age (RR, 0.96; 95% CI, 0.92-0.99) and dual nucleoside therapy (RR, 2.69; 95% CI, 1.17-6.15). The proportion of individuals achieving viral suppression matched results from the developing world. Speaking the same language as site staff and simplified dosing frequency were beneficial. Socio-economic status had no impact on adherence and should not be used as a limitation to ART access.
The widespread use of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) has dramatically reduced HIV-associated morbidity and mortality where treatment has been made available. Very high levels of adherence to HAART are a prerequisite for a successful virological and immunological response. Low adherence increases the risk of treatment failure and disease progression. It is also likely to lead to further transmission of resistant viruses, and to have a negative impact on the cost effectiveness of HAART. Low adherence is difficult to predict, and this has two key implications for service provision. Firstly, HAART should not be withheld on the basis of assumptions about adherence. Secondly, support with adherence should be provided to all patients prescribed HAART. Our understanding of barriers to and enablers of high adherence, and the evidence base regarding effective interventions, is limited. Meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials available from the general literature suggests multiple interventions are required to maintain high adherence to chronic therapy. This document recommends a series of measures for adoption within HIV clinical care settings, based on evaluation of existing data. High adherence is a process, not a single event, and therefore adherence support must be integrated into clinical follow up. Every prescribing unit should have a written policy on provision of adherence support, and ensure that staff are appropriately trained to make delivery of such services possible.
Little is known about achievable levels of antiretroviral treatment (ART) adherence in resource-limited settings. We conducted a cross-sectional study of adherence among patients at Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital's Adult HIV Clinic in Soweto, South Africa. Adherence was assessed using a 1-month, self-report questionnaire and was calculated as a ratio of doses taken to doses prescribed. The 66 patients studied had a mean age of 36.1 years, a median duration of ART use of 18 months, and an overall baseline median CD4(+) cell count of 200/mm(3) (IQR: 114-364). The adherence reported by these patients for the previous month was >95% for 58 patients (88%), 90-95% for 6 (9%) and, < 90% for 2 (3%). The main reasons given for missing doses were being away from home (30%), difficulty with the dosing schedules (23%), and running out of pills (12%). Adherence decreased considerably with fear of being stigmatized by the sexual partner (OR = 0.13 95%, CI 0.02-0.70). Plasma HIV RNA levels were <400 copies/ml in the majority of patients (73% of those with adherence >95% and 88% of patients with < or =95% adherence) and the overall median CD4(+) cell count rose to 324/mm(3) (IQR: 193-510). High adherence and viral suppression are achievable for a significant proportion of HIV-infected patients taking ART in a resource-limited area such as Soweto, South Africa. Strategies to maximize adherence in this setting should emphasize ready access to affordable and simple ART regimens, as well as HIV education programs to help increase awareness and decrease disease stigmatization.
To assess the degree of adherence with highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), and its correlates among adults with HIV/AIDS in Addis Ababa. Cross-sectional survey of consecutive patients attending three ART centers in Addis Ababa complemented by semi-structured audiotaped in-depth interviews with 10 purposively sampled patients on HAART Treatment adherence was defined as self-report of taking > or =95% of therapy correctly in a specified time period, depression measured using Beck's depression inventory, clinical data recorded by reviewing patients' charts, and knowledge about HAART assessed by questions in "Yes"/"No "format. 431 patients on HAART responded 81.2% of patients were > or =95% adherent by self report in the week before the assessment. The major reasons for non-adherence were: being too busy or simply forgot (33.9%) and being away from home (27.5%). Correlates of adherence included having regular follow-up, not being depressed having no side effects, a regimen that fitted the daily routine and satisfaction with the relationship with doctors. Self-reported adherence in our study was higher than that seen in developed countries. Recommendations to improve adherence include: provision of regular follow-up for patients, management of depression, forewarning of side effects of HAART, and creating medication schedules appropriate to patients' daily routines.