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Cultivating an Institutional Ecology of Organizations

Cultivating an Institutional Ecology of Organizations: Comment on Hannan, Carroll,
Dundon, and Torres
Author(s): Joel A. C. Baum and Walter W. Powell
American Sociological Review
, Vol. 60, No. 4 (Aug., 1995), pp. 529-538
Published by: American Sociological Association
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Accessed: 19-07-2016 21:00 UTC
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Joel A. C. Baum
University of Toronto
H annan, Carroll, Dundon, and Torres's
article on the European automobile
industry, "Organizational Evolution in a
Multinational Context" (1995, henceforward
Hannan et al.) is the most recent example of
their concerted efforts to develop a density-
dependent model of organizational evolution.
Our purpose is not to take issue with their
paper per se. Indeed, we regard incorporation
of geographic heterogeneity, and spatial and
temporal heterogeneity more broadly, as a
positive step. But we take issue with their
conceptualization of legitimacy and question
the plausibility of the underlying social pro-
cesses implied by the density-dependence
As in their earlier work, Hannan et al. as-
sert that "no practical alternative to an indi-
rect approach has yet been advanced for
studying legitimation as (taken-for-granted-
ness) for long-lived populations of organiza-
tions" (p. 51 1). Their conclusion is based on
three premises: (1) Cognitive legitimacy, as
measured by organizational density, is the
most relevant facet of institutionalization; (2)
organizational density counts are comparable
across time and populations, while other
measures are post hoc and period- or popula-
tion-specific; and (3) legitimation is not a
variable to be measured, but a process that
relates organizational density to founding
and failure.
We dispute these premises. Density-depen-
dence arguments, we assert, confine thinking
about legitimation to a narrow range of insti-
tutional phenomena. Our goal is to broaden
Walter W. Powell
University of Arizona
and reorient analyses of the legitimation pro-
cess. We present alternative measurement
strategies and examine the robustness of re-
cent findings. We illustrate how ignoring the
basic historical properties of organizational
forms undermines the ostensible temporal
comparability of organizational density
counts as well as findings purported to sup-
port the model itself. We conclude that the
density-as-process view of legitimation is
difficult to maintain in light of recent non-
conforming findings.
The new institutionalists highlight several
factors that contribute to the legitimacy of an
organizational form or practice. Zucker
(1977) treats institutionalization as a process,
emphasizing that legitimacy is a cognitive
phenomenon reflected in taken-for-granted
assumptions. Meyer and Rowan (1977) and
DiMaggio and Powell (1983) stress that le-
gitimacy is embedded in relational networks
and normative codes of conduct. Thus, they
view institutionalization as a process through
which certain activities or forms come to be
regarded as obligatory, and as a state in
which widely shared norms and values are
buttressed by cultural, professional, and po-
litical expectations or even mandated by law.
Drawing on this literature, organizational
ecologists suggest a distinction between cog-
nitive and sociopolitical legitimacy (Aldrich
and Fiol 1994).
Density-dependence theory focuses on
cognitive legitimacy: An organizational
form is legitimate "when there is little ques-
tion in the minds of actors that it serves as
the natural way to effect some kind of col-
lective action" (Hannan and Carroll
1992:34). Hannan et al.'s view sits in strong
contrast to the sociopolitical approach,
*Direct correspondence to Joel A. C. Baum,
Division of Management and Economics, Univer-
sity of Toronto, Scarborough Campus, 1265 Mili-
tary Trail, Scarborough, Ontario, MIC 1A4
helpful discussions and comments we thank
Howard Aldrich, Elisabeth Clemens, Paul Di-
Maggio, Ken Koput, Anne Miner, Christine
Oliver, James Ranger-Moore, and Huggy Rao.
American Sociological Review, 1995, Vol. 60 (August:529-538) 529
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which emphasizes that embeddedness in re-
lational and normative contexts influences
an organizational form's legitimacy by sig-
naling its conformity to institutional expec-
tations. Density-dependence arguments as-
sume that sociopolitical factors are largely
derivative of population growth. Institution-
alists view these two facets of legitimacy as
complementary and fundamentally interre-
lated. Although cognitive legitimacy can be
achieved without sociopolitical approval,
the latter is considered to be a vital source
of, or impediment to, the former. Indeed,
because contemporary organizational forms
rarely operate in isolation from the state, the
professions, and broader societal influences,
sociopolitical legitimacy cannot be ignored.
Crudely put, without roads and people eager
to drive you cannot develop an automobile
industry. This point is aptly illustrated in
Sloan's (1963) account of the transforma-
tion of the U.S. automobile industry into a
mass market business. Sloan, who led Gen-
eral Motors in the 1920s and 1930s, argued
that the ascendancy of the automobile was
due to the spread and improvement of roads,
the novelty and fashion of the annual model,
and the ability of manufacturers to persuade
consumers to trade in used cars and buy new
ones on installment.
The exclusive emphasis on one facet of le-
gitimation misses its multidimensional na-
ture. We need to measure other aspects of le-
gitimation and examine how diverse social
processes combine with organizational den-
sity to contribute to the legitimacy of organi-
zational forms. After all, we have no direct
evidence that taken-for-grantedness is central
to explaining population dynamics; socio-
political legitimacy can be inferred from the
effects of density on vital rates with equal
ease. In making this point we are not sug-
gesting that legitimacy must be measured di-
rectly, but, rather, that it should be gauged
differently from organizational density using-
greater measurement precision and contex-
tual realism.' Theoretical models must bal-
ance competing pursuits of generality, real-
ism, and precision (Levins 1966). Density-
dependence arguments emphasize only gen-
erality, however. We concur with Singh
(1993) that progress in the study of the le-
gitimation of organizational forms can be en-
hanced by a move toward greater precision
and realism, even at the expense of some
generality. Although we think a similar point
underlies Hannan et al.'s concern with differ-
ent observables, replacing country-level den-
sity with European density does little to en-
hance either precision or realism, and, argu-
ably, may diminish both.
Hannan et al.'s interest in respecifying
density-dependent legitimation at a higher
level stems from their idea that cultural im-
ages flow more freely across social system
boundaries than do material resources. They
conclude that competitive environments are
country specific, while institutional environ-
ments are spatially diffuse.2 This is the fun-
damental sociological insight of their paper,
and their findings tend to support it.3 How-
ever, in their reliance on organizational den-
sity, they ignore three measurement opportu-
nities suggested by their own discussion of
First, as Hannan et al. point out (p. 512),
the print media are a basic source of the dif-
fusion of information about organizational
forms. Detailed archives of media coverage
exist for many industries (including the au-
tomobile industry), and content analyses of
these public records offer a potentially pow-
erful technique for operationalizing legiti-
mation. One advantage of this approach is
that the media differentially select what to
communicate about the organizational world
(due, for example, to variation in socio-
political legitimacy or network centrality of
organizations). Content analysis is widely
used in social movement research (Tarrow
I Of course, there are also sound methodologi-
cal reasons for multiple measures (e.g., Campbell
and Fiske 1959).
2We do not think sociopolitical legitimacy will
typically unfold in broader spatial contexts.
Rather, spatial boundaries of sociopolitical pro-
cesses will likely coincide with the jurisdictions
of actors in the relational and normative contexts
within which a population is embedded.
3 Hannan et al. do not actually test their hypoth-
esis that national boundaries constrain competi-
tion. Moreover, while the coefficients in their
Table 4 are generally supportive of their argu-
ments, in Table 3, where country-level density
and European density are estimated together, the
theoretically predicted pattern is found for only
two of the five countries (France and Italy).
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1989; Tilly 1993); indeed, current state-of-
the-art work is done from an ecological per-
spective (Olzak 1992). Hybels (1994) dem-
onstrates the feasibility of media-based le-
gitimacy measures in his analysis of found-
ings of U.S. biotechnology firms. We think
rigorous media-based measures promise
high comparability across populations and
temporal comparability within a given
Second, as Hannan et al. note, "Nothing ri-
valed the heavily publicized road races . . .
in spreading the image of the automobile" (p.
512). These races offer a unique opportunity
to examine a key source of cognitive legiti-
macy. In his work on the early U.S. automo-
bile industry, Rao (1994) argues that cumu-
lative victories in certification contests en-
hanced the reputations of manufacturers in
the eyes of risk-averse consumers and finan-
ciers. Moreover, by increasing opportunities
to disseminate knowledge about the industry,
these races established the cognitive legiti-
macy of the product and its producers. As
Rao's study shows, winning these races im-
proved the survival chances of individual
manufacturers, and in addition, the cumula-
tive prevalence of these contests lowered the
aggregate failure rate. Hannan et al. might
object that these races are an idiosyncratic
feature of the automobile industry and thus
are not generalizable. We think otherwise.
In many industries, special purpose orga-
nizations institute certification contests to
evaluate products or firms and to rank par-
ticipants according to preset criteria. For ex-
ample, J. D. Powers ranks cars on predefined
performance criteria, thus shaping the public
image of their manufacturers. Moody's rates
insurance companies, classifying them on the
basis of their viability. Consumer Reports
ranks rival products in numerous product cat-
egories. Forbes, Business Week, and Money
rank mutual funds based on their perfor-
mance. Certification contests are a common
test of products and producers, and their per-
vasiveness is reflected in the current business
practice of benchmarking. More broadly, a
wide range of readily observable credent-
ialing activities signal product reliability and
heighten the sociopolitical legitimacy of or-
ganizational forms, while contributing to the
cognitive legitimacy of organizations by dif-
fusing knowledge about them. Accreditation
frequently enables organizational forms to
create a desirable image and garner re-
sources, as does occupational licensing. Cer-
tification by established auditors and invest-
ment banks has similar consequences (Beatty
and Ritter 1986). Charitable registration may
have parallel effects for nonprofit organiza-
tions (Singh, Tucker, and House 1986). Sta-
tus-based competition in a variety of fields
yields both material and symbolic rankings,
and both serve to enhance organizational ac-
countability (Podolny 1993). In high-tech in-
dustries, patents play a similar role, estab-
lishing claims to intellectual property and
signaling competence to the investment and
scientific communities (Powell and Brantley
Third, Hannan et al. describe how "France
quickly . . . became the center of the [auto-
mobile] industry in terms of technical devel-
opment, scale of production, and number of
firms" (p. 516). Thus, the early information
that shaped legitimation of the automobile
industry most likely diffused from France to
other countries. In fact, early on, the French
did exert a pervasive influence: Their heavy
designs eclipsed lightweight buggy designs
and were copied by non-French producers
(Thomas 1965). Yet, France plays no special
role in Hannan et al.'s analysis. French pro-
ducers are combined with all others in Euro-
pean density counts. And, contrary to the im-
plied spatial diffusion process, their country-
level density coefficients imply that around
the turn of the century legitimation effects
were outweighed by within-country compe-
tition in each country's industry (see Hannan
et al., Table 2, p. 521). One way to examine
the macro-diffusion process with greater pre-
cision would be to analyze the effects of or-
ganizational density in France on the found-
ing rate in other countries. However, France
was influential not only in terms of its num-
ber of firms, but because of the character of
French automobiles. Thus, connecting the
diffusion process with French organizational
density is less precise and realistic than mea-
suring the density of French designs, defined
as the number of French and non-French pro-
ducers using French automobile designs. In-
deed, one is tempted to reverse the causal or-
der in this (and other) case(s): Underlying
technologies are reflected in the evolution of
an industry, and technological change (e.g.,
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the emergence of a dominant product design)
is a critical factor that influences industrial
A primary rationale for studying organiza-
tional density is that data are available and
purportedly comparable, but we fail to see
how data convenience ensures comparability.
In the case of Hannan et al., comparability is
marred by inattention to some basic histori-
cal properties of organizational forms. We
first develop this point and then show how
this inattention undermines other recent den-
sity dependence studies as well.
Ahistoricism poses two problems. The
first stems from inadequate specification of
organizational forms. The evolutionary tra-
jectories of diverse long-lived organiza-
tional forms appear to follow a common
path (Hannan and Carroll 1992). The num-
ber of organizations grows slowly initially,
then increases rapidly to a peak. Once the
peak is reached, the number often declines
as a few large organizations begin to domi-
nate many smaller ones. This pattern is of
substantive interest because it has implica-
tions for the distribution of power in organi-
zational populations. Populations of news-
paper publishers, labor unions, breweries,
and banks follow this basic pattern (Hannan
and Carroll 1992), as do European automo-
bile manufacturers, which evolved from
highly fragmented national industries com-
prised of small craft producers, to a concen-
trated international industry dominated by a
small number of mass producers. Indeed,
early on, automobile manufacturers didn't
actually exist-in 1894 the world's leading
car company, Panhard et Levassor, was a
machine-tool company (Womack, Jones,
and Roos 1990:21). Yet, because the organi-
zational form is defined simply as "firms
that make autos for sale," early craft produc-
ers are treated as equal to Citroen, Fiat,
Mercedes, Morris, Renault, and Volks-
wagen, which by the mid-1950s were mass-
producing cars at a scale comparable to ma-
jor U.S. facilities. Clearly the shift from
craft to mass production changed the face of
the auto industry, and with this change, we
argue, the meaning of organizational density
was transformed as well.
A second, closely related problem is that
density-dependence theory is commonly
tested in long-lived populations, like Euro-
pean automobile manufacturers, that have
become concentrated over time. Since den-
sity-dependence arguments assume that all
members of a population contribute to and
experience competition (and legitimation)
equally, no single organization or small
group of organizations can dominate compe-
tition. Consequently, density dependence can
explain the shape of the growth trajectory of
organizational populations to an equilibrium
size, but cannot explain their subsequent
concentration (Hannan and Carroll 1992).
When tested in populations that have become
concentrated, interpretations of density-de-
pendent legitimacy are obscured in two ways
(Baum forthcoming). The meaning of low
organizational density varies greatly between
the early and late periods of a population's
history. In early low-density conditions, no
single organization or group dominates; new
entrants are typically similar to incumbents.
By comparison, in late low-density condi-
tions, organizations tend to differ consider-
ably in size and strategy, and one or a few
large organizations often dominate the mar-
ket. Second, when density is low early and
late in a population's history, the interpreta-
tion of the linear density term is unclear: Al-
though early low density has a specific role
in density-dependence theory (i.e., legitima-
tion), late low density remains unexplained.
Early and late low organizational density
conditions, however, seem likely to have par-
allel effects on vital rates (although for very
different reasons) that are not distinguished
by empirical estimates: Large organizations
that control substantial market segments are
unlikely to fail, and increasing concentration
may create opportunities for new, specialized
entrants (Carroll 1985). Thus a supportive
linear density term may indicate late market
power and resource partitioning, not early or-
ganizational legitimation (Baum forthcom-
The foregoing arguments lead us to ques-
tion tests of density dependence in popula-
tions that have experienced both early and
late low-density conditions. We examine
density dependence studies published since
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1990 to assess the implications of including
late low-density periods.4 Founding studies
(including Hannan et al.) support the theory's
predictions in 23 of 31 (74 percent) samples.
Among failure studies, support is lower (12
of 22 samples, or 55 percent).5 Notably, sup-
port for density dependence is stronger in
samples that have passed their peak density,
jumping to 82 percent (14 of 17 samples) for
foundings and 64 percent (7 of 11 samples)
for failures. Thus, the findings of numerous
studies supporting density-dependence
theory may be undermined by the incorpora-
tion of information on the decline of the
population, which density-dependence
theory is not designed to explain. This is es-
pecially true for studies by Hannan and his
colleagues, many of which test the density-
dependence model in organizational popula-
tions that have evolved (often well) beyond
their peak densities.
Hannan et al. defend their continued exclu-
sive focus on organizational density with a
series of interrelated arguments. Their first
claim is that cognitive legitimacy defies di-
rect measurement, and consequently, it
makes sense to study variables that can be
easily observed and compared across popu-
lations and over long periods of time, such
as density and vital rates. This indirect mea-
surement approach has been criticized be-
cause confirming findings cannot be inter-
preted precisely: Estimates reveal little about
the theoretical explanations designed to ac-
count for them (Singh 1993). Critics question
the legitimacy interpretation of density ef-
fects, suggesting that legitimation is invoked
ex-post facto and that density estimates are
proxies for a wide range of other possible ef-
fects (Delacroix and Rao 1994; Petersen and
Koput 1991; Zucker 1989).
These critiques appear to have led to the
density-as-process argument, in which legiti-
mation is no longer a variable to be mea-
sured, but a process that relates density to
founding and failure rates. Thus, Hannan and
Carroll (1992) claim that "growth in density
controls . . [legitimation] processes-it
does not reflect them" (p. 69). These com-
peting proxy and process views suggest dif-
ferent effects of adding covariates. Accord-
ing to Hannan and Carroll (1992:70-71), if
density is an indirect indicator of legitima-
tion, measuring legitimation more directly
would dampen the first-order effects of den-
sity or lead them to disappear altogether. But
from the density-as-process view, the inclu-
sion of such covariates implies a sharpening
and strengthening of the legitimation effects
of density. Ultimately, however, Hannan and
Carroll conclude that multicollinearity would
make it impossible to test their expectations;
thus they cut off debate.
Although Hannan et al. now endorse a
strong distinction between taken-for-granted-
ness and external endorsements (note 3, p.
511), in earlier writings (Hannan and Carroll
1992:41) they clearly identify sponsorship by
powerful actors and organizations as an im-
portant mechanism through which organiza-
tional forms can gain acceptance and cogni-
tive legitimacy. Baum and Oliver (1992) ex-
plain the legitimation of an organizational
form in terms of such endorsements and pro-
4 We do not include in our summary Hannan
and Carroll's (1992) multiple subanalyses of U.S.
brewers at regional, state, and city levels. Since
many nonlocal density specifications also support
density dependence predictions, these analyses
appear undermined by misspecification of the
spatial boundaries. We include one supportive
unpublished study of U.S. automobile manufac-
turers by Rao (1992) for its comparative rel-
evance. Aside from Rao, we do not include un-
published papers in Table 1.
5 In Table 1, we can also examine Hannan and
Carroll's (1992) claim that nonsupportive studies
fail to incorporate data on the early years of a
population's history (i.e., are left-truncated).
Founding studies support the density-dependence
predictions equally for left-truncated (three of
four samples, or 75 percent) and complete
samples (20 of 27 samples, or 74 percent).
Among failure studies, however, support is higher
for complete (10 of 16 samples, or 63 percent)
than for left-truncated samples (2 of 6 samples,
or 33 percent). But, in the unsupportive, left-trun-
cated studies, the coefficients do not consistently
yield the purely competitive effect implied by
Hannan and Carroll's argument. So although
there is some evidence that support for density-
dependent organizational failure is stronger in
studies of untruncated population histories, the
results of unsupportive truncated studies do not
conform to their expectation.
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Table 1. Summary of Studies Testing the Density-Dependence Model, 1990-1994
Sign of Coefficient
Population Density (Density)2 Source
Organizational Foundings
U.S. labor unions, 1836-1985b + - Hannan and Carroll (1992);
U.S. craft labor unions, 1836-1985b + - Ranger-Moore, Banaszak-Holl,
U.S. industrial labor unions, 1853-1985 n.s. - and Hannan (1991)
U.S. breweries, 1633- 1988b c + -
San Francisco newspapers, 1800-1975b + -
Argentina newspapers, 1800-1900 + -
Ireland newspapers, 1800-1975b n.s. n.s.
Manhattan banks, 1791-1980b +
Manhattan commercial Banks, 1792-1980b +
Manhattan savings banks, 1820-1980b + n.s.
U.S. life insurance companies, 1759-1937 +
U.S. stock life insurance companies, 1787-1937 +
U.S. mutual life insurance companies, 1759-1937 +
Pennsylvania telephone companies, 1879-1934 - + Barnett (1990; Barnett and
Amburgey (1990)
U.S. semiconductor firms, 1947-1984 + + Hannan and Freeman (1989);
Freeman (1990)
Toronto voluntary social service organizations, n.s. n.s. Singh, Tucker, and Meinhard
1970-1982a (1991)
Toronto daycare centers, 1971-1989a.d + - Baum and Oliver (1992); Baum
and Singh (1994a, 1994b)
U.S. automobile industry, 1893-1915 + - Rao (1992)
New York state life insurance companies, n.s. + Budros (1993, 1994)
German breweries, 1861-1988b + n.s. Carroll, Preisendoerfer, Swamin-
athan, and Wiedenmayer (1993)
U.S. trade associations, 1901_1990ab + - Aldrich, Zimmer, Staber, and
Beggs (1994)
Niagara Falls hotels, 1894-199 ab + - Ingram and Inman (1994)
U.S. biotechnology firms, 1971-1992 + - Hybels, Ryan, and Barley (1994)
Manhattan analog fax transmission companies, + - Baum, Korn, and Kotha
1965-1992b (1995)
Manhattan digital fax transmission companies, + -
Organizational Failures
U.S. labor unions, 1836-1985b - n.s. Hannan and Carroll (1992);
U.S. craft labor unions, 1836-1985b - + Ranger-Moore, Banazak-Holl,
U.S. industrial labor unions, 1853-1985 n.s. n.s. and Hannan (1991)
U.S. breweries, 1633- 1988b.c - +
San Francisco newspapers, 1800-1975b - +
Argentina newspapers, 1800-1900 - +
Ireland newspapers, 1800-1975b - +
Manhattan banks, 1791-1980b - +
U.S. life insurance companies, 1759-1900 n.s. n.s.
Pennsylvania telephone companies, 1879-1934 + n.s. Barnett (1990); Barnett and
Southeast Iowa telephone companies, 1900-1929a + n.s. Amburgey (1990)
U.S. semiconductor firms, 1947-1984 - + Hannan and Freeman (1989);
Freeman (1990)
(Table I continued on next page)
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(Table I continued)
Sign of Coefficient
Population Density (Density)2 Source
Toronto voluntary social service organizations, + - Singh, Tucker, and Meinhard
1970-1982a (1991)
Bavarian breweries, 1900-1981ab n.s. - Swaminathan and Wiedemayer
Toronto daycare centers, 1971-1989ad - + Baum and Oliver (1992); Baum
and Singh (1994a, 1994b)
Manhattan hotels, 1898-1990ab - n.s. Baum and Mezias (1992)
German breweries, 1861-1988b - + Carroll, Preisendoerfer, Swamina-
than, and Wiedenmayer (1993)
U.S. trade associations, 1901-1990a b - + Aldrich, Zimmer, Staber, and
Beggs (1994)
U.S. credit unions, 1980-1989a n.s. n.s. Amburgey, Dacin, and Kelly
New York City credit unions, 1914-1990b - + Barron, West, and Hannan (1994)
U.S. automobile industry, 1895-1912 + n.s. Rao (1994)
Manhattan analog fax transmission companies, + n.s. Baum, Korn, and Kotha
1965-1992 b (1995)
Manhattan digital fax transmission companies, - +
a Sample design left-truncated (i.e., some organizations fail before observation period begins).
b Sample has declined in numbers from its peak by 25 percent or more.
c Support for founding and failure when sample left-truncated to 1800, 1878, and 1891.
d Support for founding when sample further left-truncated to 1978.
pose that, in contexts where relations with
community and government are dense, legiti-
mation may be accounted for by a
population's relational embeddedness. They
model the embeddedness of a population in
its institutional environment by measuring
relational density (the number of relation-
ships between the members of a population
and community organizations and govern-
ment agencies). In addition to greater preci-
sion and contextual realism, relational den-
sity has the potential advantages of compara-
bility across organizational contexts and tem-
poral comparability within contexts, when the
nature and form of relations remain stable
over a population's history. While initial esti-
mates in their study of daycare centers sup-
port curvilinear density dependence predic-
tions for both founding and failure rates, the
"legitimating" effects of initial increases in
organizational density disappeared after the
inclusion of relational density and the rela-
tionship between organizational density and
founding and failure rates became purely
competitive. Thus, Baum and Oliver (1992)
test the proxy-versus-process prediction, and
their results support the proxy view. Their
findings have been replicated in Hybels et
al.'s (1994) study of the founding of U.S. bio-
technology firms in which they use strategic
alliances to measure embeddedness in rela-
tional and institutional contexts. These stud-
ies suggest that the initial density-as-proxy
formulation of legitimacy was more accurate
and, in addition, that organizational density
may be a proxy for relational as well as (or
instead of) cognitive legitimacy.
Legitimation is a core sociological concept;
nevertheless, its dual nature, as both process
and outcome, has posed thorny measurement
problems. Given these difficulties, density
dependence has considerable appeal. It is
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relatively simple to count the number of or-
ganizations in a population and to assume that
growth in numbers captures "legitimation."
We urge researchers studying organizations
to resist this temptation to simply count and
to explore new dimensions and measures of
legitimation. Contrary to Hannan et al.'s
claims, we think there are several promising
nondensity-based alternatives to studying the
legitimation of organizational forms that are
both fine-grained and generalizable.
Organizational ecologists have made con-
siderable progress in demonstrating that cul-
tural understandings play a basic role in the
ecological dynamics of organizational popu-
lations. We applaud these efforts, but contend
that the evolutionary dynamics of organiza-
tional populations transcend density depen-
dence to include sociopolitical forces that
provide vital support for organizational de-
velopment. We stress as well that the devel-
opment of population-wide norms and prac-
tices and support from key institutional ac-
tors is, in part, the product of competitive
struggles, and thus is vulnerable to resource
constraints. There is much that ecological
and institutional arguments have to offer one
another. Clearly, for ecological theory to
move from demographics to truly evolution-
ary analyses of organizations, it must use
better and more robust tools to incorporate
the historical processes that link organiza-
tions through time (Baum and Singh 1994c).
Similarly, for institutional analysis to capture
the dynamic aspects of institutionalization, it
must yield insights into the differential na-
ture of ecological interaction and replication
(Powell 1991). We suggest that future efforts,
comparable to those devoted to analyzing
density dependence, focus on constructing an
institutional ecology of organizations-a
more sophisticated theoretical understanding
of the co-evolving nature of cultural under-
standings, organizational forms, and resource
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dustry, he is studying managers' (rnis)cate-
gorization of competitors (with Theresa K. Lant),
spatial evolution (with Heather A. Haveman), and
the dynamics of chain affiliation (with Paul L.
Walter W. Powell is Professor of Sociology at the
University of Arizona. He is presently studying
the development of the biotechnology industry,
with particular interest in the relations between
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... Após ter sido submetido ao pré-teste, procedeu-se às alterações convenientes de forma a se obter a versão final do questionário (Hill & Hill, 2000). (Hannan & Glenn, 1992;Baum & Powell, 1995;Grewal et al., 2001;Schneiberg & Clemens, 2006). ,6595 ...
... Além disso, quanto mais fortes forem as pressões inerciais do ambiente, menor será a capacidade de flexibilizar a estrutura e rotinas organizacionais para a adaptação. O que justifica a seleção pelo ambiente das organizações sobreviventes (Baum & Powel, 1995;Heine & Rindfleisch, 2013). Assim, como dito anteriormente, as questões relacionadas a inércia pela perspectiva contingencial são quase inexistentes, pois esta teoria defende a capacidade de adaptação das empresas. ...
Conference Paper
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Este artigo teórico conceitual tem como principal objetivo indicar a Teoria Evolucionária das Organizações como uma alternativa paradigmática a teoria da Contingência e a teoria da Ecologia das Populações Organizacionais para análise organizacional. A teoria Evolucionária aqui apresentada é oriunda da economia e descrita como análoga à teoria Institucional (Nelson & Winter, 2005; Hodgson, 2010). Vale destacar que a teoria Evolucionária é amplamente utilizada em estudos organizacionais para analisar mudanças e inovações (Hodgson & Lamberg, 2016). Para a construção do argumento aqui apresentado seguiu-se uma análise baseada na metáfora biológica, que é indicada como uma forma eficaz de realizar estudos da sociologia das organizações (Clegg, Hardy, & Nord, 1996; Nelson & Winter, 2005). A teoria evolucionária permite a análise do processo de decisões sobre a alocação de recursos ao identificar as rotinas selecionadas pelos gestores, sendo este um processo heurístico e estocástico. Com base em seus pressupostos, a interação com o ambiente externo determina quais organizações estarão aptas a sobreviver, sendo que este processo acontece por meio da variação, seleção e retenção das rotinas organizacionais (Hodgson, 1997; Nelson & Winter, 2002; Witt, 2008). Deste modo, a proposta de uma teoria Evolucionária das Organizações se dá porque ela não apresenta em seus pressupostos o determinismo gerencial da teoria da Contingência, nem a predominância da inércia ou isomorfismo defendida na teoria da Ecologia das populações Organizacionais.
... Perhaps chief among these is the ability of an organization to maintain a positive image among its publics. Baum and Powell (1995) label this socio-political legitimacy. Whetten (1980) notes that problem depletion is a major source of loss of legitimacy, but the ability of an organization to establish a powerful constituency may enable the "anachronous" organization to continue even when it no longer functions to fulfill its formal functions (359-360). ...
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This thesis reports on a study of closure of nonprofit organizations in the Minneapolis-St. Paul metropolitan area from 1980 to 1994. The theoretical literature focusing on the behavior of individual and populations of organizations suggests eight reasonably distinct theoretical explanations why nonprofit organizations close. These theories include the liabilities of newness and small size, the inability to reproduce commitment, intra-organizational conflict, inability to mobilize human resources, lack of legitimacy, inability to compete for scarce or depleted financial resources, lack of connections to other organizations, and the completion of the organization’s mission. Longitudinal data collected by Joseph Galaskiewicz on organizational characteristics provides the opportunity to determine which theories have the most fidelity in terms of explaining the closure of nonprofit organizations. Of a random sample of 229 public charities interviewed in 1980, 73 had exited the panel by the end of the study period in 1994. Of these, 37 closed their doors. This study focuses on those 37 organizations that closed. Several kinds of data contribute to a final accounting of which theories are supported in the sample studied. Exit interviews with representatives from 31 of the closed organizations yield factors which interviewees believe were most important in explaining the closure of their organizations, as well as transcribed narratives about the events surrounding the closure of the organization. Formal analyses of the organizational narratives provide initial insights into the reasons that organizations closed. Additionally, I analyze the longitudinal data using failure time models typical of event history analysis. Rather than analyzing cause on a case by case basis, this approach v yields probabilistic explanations about the relationships between variables hypothesized to covary with the hazard of organizational closure. Triangulation of results shows consistent support for the liabilities of small size and youth, as well as the liability of competing in a sparse resource niche. The event structure analysis also points to the liability of the loss of key personnel and the liability of expanding programs and organizational infrastructures beyond the capabilities of managers. Finally, the thesis contends that the closure of many nonprofit organizations due to successful completion of a mission calls into question the pervasive assumption in organization science that the disappearance of an organization from a population signals the failure of the organization.
... Ruef (2000) gebruikt daarnaast de omvang van het discours over bepaalde niches of identiteitsposities als maat voor de culturele draagkracht of legitimatie voor de verschillende niches van vergelijkbare organisatievormen. Volgens het neoinstitutionalisme kan de omvang van het discours over de organisatievorm onder veldactoren als directe operationalisering worden gebruikt van de legitimiteit van organisatievormen (en niet alleen indirect via de dichtheid van de populatie, zoals binnen de ecologische benadering -zie ook Baum en Powell 1995). Discours kan belangrijk zijn voor de overlevingskansen van organisatievormen, aangezien deze bijvoorbeeld invloed hebben op belangrijke besluitvormers die de toegang tot vitale hulpbronnen controleren. ...
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Dit artikel onderzoekt of het ontstaan van nieuwe genres in het Britse veld van de elektronische dansmuziek verklaard kan worden door ecologische mechanismen. Door het combineren van twee omvangrijke databestanden, bestaande uit ongeveer achtduizend tekstdocumenten uit de Britse muziekpers en discografische informatie over bijna vijftigduizend releases in verschillende dancemuziekgenres, laat deze studie zien dat de kansen voor het ontstaan van nieuwe genres beïnvloed worden door de discursieve legitimatie en de stijging in productie van vergelijkbare genres. De mogelijkheden voor het ontstaan van nieuwe genres worden echter ook beperkt door een overmaat aan releases in vergelijkbare genres en door brede acceptatie van een type genre in de mainstream muziekpers. De conclusie van deze studie is dan ook dat het ontstaan van cultuurvormen, net als in het geval van organisatievormen, beïnvloed wordt door ecologische mechanismen van wederzijdse legitimatie en competitie.
... Both ecologists and institutionalists are interested in legitimacy. The former focuses more on constitutive legitimacy and the latter on socio-political legitimacy (see Baum & Powell, 1995;Hannan & Carroll, 1995b). Constitutive legitimacy is cognitive and describes the process whereby organizational forms come to be "taken for granted." ...
In this chapter we offer a theory that can explain the similarities and differences in the managerial priorities and tactics of charities and for-profit providers. We do not attribute much importance to legal form but rather focus on conditions in the organizations’ niches. The chapter is divided into three sections. The first reviews research that examines the different outputs and outcomes of charities and for-profits. Second, we review theories and research proffered by the sociology and management literatures to gain perspective on what might explain managerial priorities and tactics. Finally, we use recent advances in niche theory to shed light on why many charities have priorities and tactics similar to for-profits while others remain quite distinct. In the course of this exercise we hope to introduce a framework for studying organizations—both for-profits and charities—that will prove useful for students of macro-organizational behavior.
... Ruef (2000) gebruikt daarnaast de omvang van het discours over bepaalde niches of identiteitsposities als maat voor de culturele draagkracht of legitimatie voor de verschillende niches van vergelijkbare organisatievormen. Volgens het neoinstitutionalisme kan de omvang van het discours over de organisatievorm onder veldactoren als directe operationalisering worden gebruikt van de legitimiteit van organisatievormen (en niet alleen indirect via de dichtheid van de populatie, zoals binnen de ecologische benadering -zie ook Baum en Powell 1995). Discours kan belangrijk zijn voor de overlevingskansen van organisatievormen, aangezien deze bijvoorbeeld invloed hebben op belangrijke besluitvormers die de toegang tot vitale hulpbronnen controleren. ...
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O objetivo do artigo foi buscar entende quais as mudanças ocorreram nos setores empresariais Brasileiros, por meio da utilização doss dados do CAGED, utilizando analise de variância (ANOVA), a qual encontrou diferenças entre os empregados dos setores 1=Agricultura e 2= Indústria e também entre os setores 2 e 3=Serviços, no entanto o teste encontrou diferenças na entrada de profissionais apenas nos setores 3 e 4, indicando que a construção civil, recebeu mais novos empregados do que o setor de serviços, enquanto que em relação as saídas, o setor que vem perdendo empregados em relação ao setor de serviços é a indústria, um dado intrigante é que o setor que melhor remunera atualmente é o setor da construção civil, talvez devido ao crescimento que este setor vem experimento nos últimos anos.
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This conceptual theoretical article aims to present a framework to analyze aspects related to the change of organizational routines from the perspective of evolutionary theory. Evolutionary Theory was chosen because it presented an alternative to Contingency Theory and Ecology of Organizational Populations because their assumptions do not defend the contingent determinism, or the inertia of the population respectively. As a result, we assume that the routines in the Evolutionary Theory of organizations can be classified into: isomorphic, or emerging. Furthermore, We advocate organizations as living beings try to move away from the initial forms seeking greater ability to survive.
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Neste artigo, revisitamos o conceito de legitimidade organizacional a partir do resgate de seu caráter estrutural, assim como da elucidação de seu vínculo com os princípios mais enraizados na sociedade. Para tanto, primeiramente levantamos as origens do conceito, desenvolvendo definições acerca de seu uso. Depois, descrevemos as diferentes dimensões da legitimidade organizacional, comparando a perspectiva de vários autores. Na sequência, discutimos as questões relacionadas aos níveis de análise, aos objetos e também às origens da legitimidade. Concluímos este ensaio apontando as consequências e as implicações da legitimidade, inclusive para a sobrevivência e desempenho organizacional.
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Now organizations are always vulnerable to the liabilities of newness, but such pressures are especially severe when an industry is in its formative years. We focus on one set of constraints facing entrepreneurs in emerging industries-their relative lack of cognitive and sociopolitical legitimacy. We examine the strategies that founders can pursue, suggesting how their successful pursuit of legitimacy may evolve from innovative ventures to broader contexts, collectively reshaping industry and institutional environments.
The book presents the latest research and theory about evolutionary change in organizations. It brings together the work of organizational theorists who have challenged the orthodox adaptation views that prevailed until the beginning of the 1980s. It emphasizes multiple levels of change - distinguishing change at the intraorganizational level, the organizational level, the population level, and the community level. The book is organized in a way that gives order and coherence to what has been a diverse and multidisciplinary field. (The book had its inception at a conference held at the Stern School of Business, New York University, January 1992.)
The book presents the latest research and theory about evolutionary change in organizations. It brings together the work of organizational theorists who have challenged the orthodox adaptation views that prevailed until the beginning of the 1980s. It emphasizes multiple levels of change - distinguishing change at the intraorganizational level, the organizational level, the population level, and the community level. The book is organized in a way that gives order and coherence to what has been a diverse and multidisciplinary field. (The book had its inception at a conference held at the Stern School of Business, New York University, January 1992.)
The book presents the latest research and theory about evolutionary change in organizations. It brings together the work of organizational theorists who have challenged the orthodox adaptation views that prevailed until the beginning of the 1980s. It emphasizes multiple levels of change - distinguishing change at the intraorganizational level, the organizational level, the population level, and the community level. The book is organized in a way that gives order and coherence to what has been a diverse and multidisciplinary field. (The book had its inception at a conference held at the Stern School of Business, New York University, January 1992.)
The abstract for this document is available on CSA Illumina.To view the Abstract, click the Abstract button above the document title.
Many formal organizational structures arise as reflections of rationalized institutional rules. The elaboration of such rules in modern states and societies accounts in part for the expansion and increased complexity of formal organizational structures. Institutional rules function as myths which organizations incorporate, gaining legitimacy, resources, stability, and enhanced survival prospects. Organizations whose structures become isomorphic with the myths of the institutional environment-in contrast with those primarily structured by the demands of technical production and exchange-decrease internal coordination and control in order to maintain legitimacy. Structures are decoupled from each other and from ongoing activities. In place of coordination, inspection, and evaluation, a logic of confidence and good faith is employed.