Conference PaperPDF Available

An energy efficient and adaptive clustering for wireless sensor network (CH-leach) using leach protocol

  • SBC University of Shanghai for Science and Technology

Abstract and Figures

Researchers in wireless sensor networks (WSN), have given deep attention to large scale integration and energy-efficiency (energy consumption). Energy-efficient solutions can conserve valuable sensor-node energy. This is one of the main critical challenges that WSNs face, which plays a fundamental part in determining the lifetime of the network. Although, there are many WSN protocols, clustering based hierarchal routing protocols are given more consideration because of their improve scalability. In particular, sensors are battery-powered, often limiting available energy, which is not changeable in most of the situations. One of the most common energy-efficiency sensor networks protocols is Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH) as source. In this paper, we propose CH-leach. We present architectures, schemes and evaluate. Its performance using analytical study and simulations. The evaluation was based on the most critical metrics in WSNs, such as: energy-efficiency (energy consumption), and network lifetime. The evaluation and comparison with existing solutions show that our proposed CH-leach exhibits a reduction in energy consumption over LEACH and DEEC. While the overall network lifetime of CH-leach is improved 91% and 43% more than LEACH and DEEC protocols respectively.
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An Energy Efficient and Adaptive Clustering for
Wireless Sensor Network (CH-leach) using Leach
Walid Abushiba
Department of
Electronics and Electrical
Liverpool John Moores
Liverpool L3 3AF, UK
Princy Johnson
Department of
Electronics and Electrical
Liverpool John Moores
Liverpool L3 3AF, UK
Saad Alharthi
Department of
Electronics and Electrical
Liverpool John Moores
Liverpool L3 3AF, UK
Colin Wright
Department of
Electronics and Electrical
Liverpool John Moores
Liverpool L3 3AF, UK
Abstract Researchers in wireless sensor networks (WSN),
have given deep attention to large scale integration and energy-
efficiency (energy consumption). Energy-efficient solutions can
conserve valuable sensor-node energy. This is one of the main
critical challenges that WSNs face, which plays a fundamental
part in determining the lifetime of the network. Although, there
are many WSN protocols, clustering based hierarchal routing
protocols are given more consideration because of their improve
scalability. In particular, sensors are battery-powered, often
limiting available energy, which is not changeable in most of the
situations. One of the most common energy-efficiency sensor
networks protocols is Low Energy Adaptive Clustering
Hierarchy (LEACH) as source. In this paper, we propose CH-
leach. We present architectures, schemes and evaluate. Its
performance using analytical study and simulations. The
evaluation was based on the most critical metrics in WSNs, such
as: energy-efficiency (energy consumption), and network lifetime.
The evaluation and comparison with existing solutions show that
our proposed CH-leach exhibits a reduction in energy
consumption over LEACH and DEEC. While the overall network
lifetime of CH-leach is improved 91% and 43% more than
LEACH and DEEC protocols respectively.
Keywords Wireless sensor network; Cluster-head selection;
energy-efficiency; base station (BS); Network lifetime; sensor-
node; LEACH and DEEC.
A typical wireless sensor network (WSN) can be considered as
an uncommon breed of wireless ad hoc networks with
decreased or no mobility. These networks combine wireless
communication and negligible on board computation facilities
with detecting and monitoring of physical and environmental
phenomena. Sensing is a technique used to gather information
about a physical object, process, environmental phenomenon
or the occurrence of events (e.g. changes in the state such as
rise or drop in temperature). These little size, low-cost sensor
gadgets have inserted on board radio transceiver, micro-
controller, memory, power supply and the real sensors. All
these components together in a single gadget shapes a so-
called remote Sensor-Node or basically a Sensor [1, 5, 9-
11].There are many fundamental factors in wireless network
which have impact of design a good protocols [7]. The
lifetime of the network is important, the network should
function for as long as possible but, it is too critical to
understand the parameters that suit sensor applications.
Moreover, the sensors node around the base station (BS) will
act as communicator for the sensors which are far from BS
[8], so by using the clustering algorithms associate with K-
means method can help the sensor nodes to extended and
maintain their live time which extends the live time of the
network overall.
There are different ways to design cluster-based WSNs. Since
all neighboring sensor nodes normally have the same data of
the same event and each node transmit to BS individually, this
cause energy consumption and the nodes will last very short
time. Cluster-Head architectures reduce the energy
consumption [7]. All the Cluster-Head transmit the data
directly to (BS) but the other nodes will only transmit the
collected data to CH. Hence the cluster-head selection will
determining the lifetime of the network.
In this work novel strategies for both topology and a routing
algorithm are proposed to maximization of the network life
time. CH-Leach Protocol, an approach of algorithm proposed,
this proposed research used number of connection in cluster,
and for each cluster head (CH) communicate with base station,
however the selection of the cluster head based on the number
of cluster on the network gird area, this method allow the
network to adopted the best scenario to extend life time of the
network, different ways of cluster are formed, in order to
avoid the condition that one cluster will contain large of
connection nodes and the rest is not, the maximum number of
the cluster head is chosen in different scenario to test the
network coverage.
The layout of the paper is as follows. Section II gives a
reviews of the Related Work, Section IV and V Simulation
Results and Conclusions of CH-leach are presented
Leach was developed in order to provide a unique
necessities of wireless sensor networks. Most of the
application protocols architecture in a sensors network [6]
have main function which to forward the data gathered by
sensors to BS. In order to avoid energy consumption many
approaches have been proposed to achieve low energy
consumption. Hence base station is not near all sensor nodes,
therefore the node will use excessive energy to deliver data.
Cluster-Head algorithms aimed to solve this problem.
A. Leach (low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierachy)
The main task for clustering-based routing protocols over
the static clustering algorithms to minimize global energy
consume by nodes. The nodes are required to distribute the
load not in same time but over period of time [7]. Since the
sensor nodes will connect the appropriate cluster heads
depending on the signal strength, this methodology require the
nodes which have the highest energy within the cluster to
volunteer to be the cluster head and transmit the aggregate data
to Base Station.
B. Improved Leach Protocls
ED-LEACH [14] studied Euclidean distance between nodes
to improve location of cluster heads in a region, due to random
deployment of the nodes which become placed closed or
sometimes far away from each other. In [6] have proposed a
new cluster-head selection method for Leach. Same works
proposed in [14] takes in consideration of the remaining energy
of nodes and the protocol has two level of operation alike to
that on Leach, introducing a random delay before sending
ADV messages by cluster-head nodes made it better for cluster
to join the process which results in 17% of the reduction in
cluster-head but no unreachability nodes are mention.
LEACH-CE (Leach-Centralized Efficient) [13], in this
protocol although the improvement is made to Leach, but still
the nodes with highest energy in region will become a cluster-
head, due to nodes that chosen with less energy in some round
will die sooner. Leach-CH in setup phase choose the higher
nodes as cluster-head in each round, this will eliminates the
average life time of the network. ME-LEACH [3], also based
on LEACH, and more an energy efficient compare to original
LEACH, by reducing the communication distances between
sensor nodes, but this achievement comes by powerful radio
which will not work efficiently on large scale networks.
Leach has been improved in various areas, both in setup
and steady phase, for instance cluster-head selection, cluster
formation algorithms and energy reduction. Therefor this work
aims to apply a concept conserving energy overall and using it
to enhance Leach protocol in terms of novel cluster-head
C. Deec (Distributed Energy Efficient Clustering)
DEEC [12], this protocol is designed for heterogeneous
wireless sensor network, cluster-head selection is determined
by probability according to the remaining energy of each nodes
and average energy of the network. Nodes which have more
remaining energy have more probability to become cluster-
head than nodes have less remaining energy.
This section present the concept of proposed network
model and characteristics, sensors network with a number of
nodes N, assumed that all nodes are randomly spread over the
100*100 m field with all the nodes are homogeneous which
means for every node having the same identical sensing,
communication capabilities and same initial energy. Regarding
the sink (Base station) is fixed, we consider two scenario for
(BS) location at edge of the network bounding and in the center
of the field, fig.1 describes the approach.
Fig. 1. The Network Topology.
A. Energy Efficient Cluster-Head Selection k-Means Approch
Leach selects a certain number of nodes as cluster head and
in order to maintain the energy dissipation, ration is taking
place, to centralize the data collection and transmission to Base
Station over number of rounds. Each round is divided by setup
phase and the steady state phase. Moreover based on the
probability calculated in advance whether the node will
become cluster-head or not, for the current round, considering
the number of times the node has been selected as cluster-head
before. The node will make the decision by choosing a random
number from 0 to 1 periodically. By setting the threshold T(n),
the node will becomes a CH for the current round if the number
is less than that threshold.
Whereas p, r, G percentage of the cluster- head, the current
round and the set of nodes which not been selected as cluster-
head in last 1/p round, respectively represented.
In Leach the choice of the cluster-head is randomly made.
This leads to unstable energy level among the nodes in
network. If the selected cluster head is far away from Base
Station, will spend more energy to transmit the data to Base
Station to those nearby the Base Station.
In the proposed protocol will consider k-Means approach to
ensure balanced energy distribution over the whole area of the
network, additional parameters will add to optimize the process
of setup phase (cluster-head selection) [4].
The aim is to maximum the life time of the network by
dividing the field of the network into cluster area size
equivalent, every cluster area has cluster head, the threshold
T(n) given in (1), represent the remaining energy of the node’s,
according to this threshold every node will decide whether to
become cluster head or not in each round.
Centralized k-Means in each area, although the number of
nodes not equally in each area, after diving the field of the
network to number of cluster area equal in size, using k-Means
algorithm (2), allow the process to be unsupervised, the
following steps describe the processes:
Generate k pointes cluster center, the number of the
cluster required k.
Set the data points. In this case the data points will
assign to location of the nodes, in every cluster area
The cluster center (centroid) in each area will assign to
nearest node by calculating the mean value of the nodes
location (data points) in each cluster.
This node will become the cluster-head if it has enough
energy, means above the threshold set.
Repeat the steps when assigning node that is near to the
cluster center not able to act as cluster head.
CH-Leach selects a certain number of nodes as these nodes
are nearest to centroid in their cluster region, cluster head will
be responsible for transmit the data to Base Station. The
cluster-heads are randomly selected and in every round each of
the nodes that will become cluster-head is assigned to nearest
centroid. As the nodes that already chosen before have energy
under the threshold, then the cluster-head will updated by
chosen another node, these steps are depending on location of
the nodes which are randomly deployed. The centralized k-
Means [4], finding the mean of the locations of the nodes and
then decided on the centroid of the layout cluster area.
To ensure Centralized k-Means algorithm [4], works
unsupervised, the following inputs should consider:
The set of data points which the nodes location.
The number of the cluster area, in every cluster area
will have one centroid and the cluster-head selection
based on this determination.
In proposed protocol, the nodes will be static so the
repetition of a process is limited in Centralized k-Means
The CH-Leach protocol is based on Leach to ensure energy
balancing and extended the network life time.
B. Setup Phase
The process of algorithms begins with the setup phase
where the cluster area is defined by certain numbers. The nodes
which are nearest to centroid will act as cluster-head, sensing
the data from the follower nodes. By doing so, the nodes will
not communicate with each other, but will communicate to
cluster-head nodes assign which will communicate with Base
Station, this cluster will act as cluster-head as long as it has
enough energy above than threshold. Rotation of the cluster-
head is based on energy load. Moreover when the cluster-head
become a normal node, it can communicate to active cluster-
head. Implanting Centralized k-Means algorithm added high
stability in setup phase which gives longer network life time.
C. Proposed Network Model
To evaluate performance of CH-Leach protocol, the
following performance metrics were used:
The Network Life Time: the time period of sensor
nodes are still active which means transmitting and
receiving data, assuming after 90% of nodes have not
enough energy to do so, the network will consider
Energy consumption: during the operational sensors
network, the amount of energy the nodes will dissipate
in transmitting and receiving data between normal
nodes and cluster-head nodes.
As showed in Fig. 1, the boundary of the network is defined
as 100*100 meter squire where a Base Station is placed firstly
in middle of the area and by the edge of the Network area in
the other layout of the network, the number of 100 sensors
nodes randomly deployed and all are active at the beginning of
the simulation with initial energy equal to 0.5 j as well as
homogeneous, All the nodes will transmit the sensing data to
Base Station via cluster-head in their region. In terms of the
number of the cluster area will divide the area in both scenario
and also considering the area of the Network 100*100, the
maximum cluster area will be not more 30, The Base Station is
stationary and resource high-energy for fair comparison to
previously published protocols.
Network size (M*M)
100m by 100m
Location of BS (Base Station)
Number of Nodes
Cluster head probability
Initial Energy
0.5 J
ETX and Erx (Eelec)
50 n J/bit
Number of the Cluster (K-
5,10,15,20,25 and 30
The Data Paket Size (bits)
In this section, we provided two scenarios to illustrate the
proposed protocol algorithm capabilities using Matlab R2015a
simulation and compare its performance with Leach and Deec.
The network topology as describe on Fig.1 and specific
parameters as given in Table 1.
Firstly, the Base station is placed in the center of the
network 100 * 100. Here observation of the behavior of the
algorithm by chosen number of cluster area 5, 10, 15, 20, 25
and 30 were implanted, and in other scenario where the Base
station were place just by edge of network boundary, In Fig 2
and Fig 3 the CH-Leach improvement of Network Life Time
the over Leach and Deec are shown.
The improvement in CH-Leach is very clear as the number
of cluster areas was increased. Although the curve was a
straight line in most chosen experiments, comparing to Deec,
the curve is decreasing after the point were 30 cluster
comparing to Leach when the BS is placed on the edge.
Fig. 2. Number of cluster area, Improvement of CH- Leach (BS 50/50).
Fig. 3. Number of cluster area, Improvement of CH- Leach (BS 0/99).
Network Life Time
Fig. 4. Network Life Time.
Fig. 5. Energy Dissipstion by Nodes over Number of Rounds.
In order to evaluate the reliability of CH-Leach protocols,
Fig. 6 and Fig. 7, show the Life Time comparing to Leach and
Deec protocols. It is clear from the figure that CH-Leach
protocol has performed well. When the Base Station is placed
on edge the improvement is quite significant due to efficient
cluster-head selection mechanism.
Fig. 6. The Life Time of the Network on Differint Cluster area, Base Station
Located on (50/50).
Fig. 7. The Life Time of the Network on Differint Cluster area, Base Station
Located on (edge).
In this paper, a series of experiments on different scenarios
were implemented and tested. The life time of the network in
CH-Leach shows major extension compared to Leach and
Deec protocols. The main aim of this work were to design and
implement a protocol which enhance exiting protocols in order
extend the Life Time of Network.
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... According to the research conducted by Abushiba et al. [7], the proposed CH-leach utilizes less energy than LEACH and DEEC, according to an evaluation of current systems. Researchers studying WSNs have concentrated on wide-range integration and energy efficiency. ...
... The fitness feature value is calculated for every crow's new place. (7). The objective is used to update the crows' recollections. ...
... The combined data is subsequently sent by the cluster head to the base station or another node that has been assigned. (7). Eq. (Equation): An equation that the CSA algorithm uses to determine the likelihood that a node will become a cluster head is referred to as 'Eq'. ...
... Although LEACH has been proposed for a long time, it has also been researched widely in recent years and has good performance. CH-leach is proposed to optimize cluster head selection in ref. [8], which divides clusters by the k-means algorithm, and selects the node nearest to the cluster center as the cluster head. But the algorithm in ref. [8] only has one cluster head for each cluster, which may cause hot-zone problems, and its ability to combat network congestion is weak. ...
... CH-leach is proposed to optimize cluster head selection in ref. [8], which divides clusters by the k-means algorithm, and selects the node nearest to the cluster center as the cluster head. But the algorithm in ref. [8] only has one cluster head for each cluster, which may cause hot-zone problems, and its ability to combat network congestion is weak. To solve the problem, Wang proposed a non-uniform clustering algorithm based on LEACH, which selects double cluster heads to prolong the network lifetime [9]. ...
... ρ indicates queuing strength, which meets ρ = λ/µ. To consider the service priority, we have Equation (8) according to the Pollaczek-Khintchine formula: ...
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As traffic pressure increases, urban rail transit has attracted attention because of its high speed and growing capacity in recent years. However, the traditional vehicle–ground communication systems of urban rail transit have been unable to meet the increasing requirements for communication. In this paper, we introduce an ad hoc network for urban rail transit to improve communication reliability, reduce end-to-end latency, and improve throughput of vehicle–ground communication. A novel clustering algorithm based on improved ant colony optimization is presented, which integrates various variables to elect cluster heads and adopts a low-latency queuing strategy. In addition, the algorithm can also replace the cluster heads adaptively to optimize the communication quality. Through the simulation results, the proposed algorithm can reduce the packet loss rate by about 60%, reduce the delay by about 50%, and improve the throughput by about 40% compared with the classical clustering routing protocol.
... Each sensor node's energy supply is constrained since batteries are used as each node's main power source. When making WSNs, it is very important to make them last longer because it is inconvenient to replace dead batteries [6]. ...
... Numerous programmes can portray the idea of this generation, according to Walid Abushiba et al. CH-leach was suggested [6]. We are provided with architectures, plans, and evaluations. ...
Conference Paper
Innovative methods are required to remove energy inefficiency that reduces the network lifetime because battery power is limited on the sensor nodes used in WSN applications. Because the path is not established at that time, there is a difficulty with dead node identification during data transfer. Another issue is the redundancy-related network lifetime concern. Energy is lost during transmission, which causes an issue with energy usage. We have encountered an NP-hard scheduling problem in our review of the literature. It’s also a problem that, as bandwidth increases, the lifespan of the network itself decreases. A hybrid routing approach for WSNs based on the combination of DEEC and CH-Leach In clustering-based wireless sensor networks, protocols like ACO and LEACH are used. The CH-Leach Protocol is proposed as an algorithm. In this research, each CH communicates with the BS via the total number of CH connections. The amount of clusters on the network gird region, however, determines which cluster head is chosen. This technique enables the network to adopt the ideal condition to increase network longevity. Numerous studies on diverse situations were conducted and tested. By using the ZECR, which reduces the amount of energy used, wireless sensor networks can work better. The performance in this painting is higher than in the current painting since the current painting primarily depends on physical appearance, whereas our painting is completed using logical painting, and the overall output is 70%.
Due to the wide range of common service requirements, applications, devices, and networks, next-generation wireless networks are becoming more complex systems. The network operators must make the most of the resources available, including electricity, spectrum, and infrastructure. Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), a newly established approach for interconnected systems, aims to carefully monitor and synchronize information between physically connected systems and the cyber computational environment. Depending on the physical system being monitored, the method for building and implementing the framework for interconnecting systems may differ. A determination of a revolutionary proactive, self-aware, self-adaptive, and predictive networking paradigm. Network operators have access to large amounts of data, primarily from the network and users. The systematic use of big data considerably aids in making the system smart and reliable, as well as improving the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of functionality and improvements. This work presents a new cost-effective and adaptive clustering algorithm that can enhance computing efficiency while maintaining clustering accuracy. In this system create a composite window model that includes the most recent data records. The significance of adaptive clustering algorithms in machine learning and artificial intelligence in making systems intelligent in terms of being self-aware, self-adaptive, proactive, and prescriptive, as well as data sources and strong drivers for data analytics adoption, are highlighted. A variety of network design and optimization methodologies are available in the context of data analytics. The research analyzes the problems and benefits of incorporating big data analytics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence into next-generation communication systems.
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WSN nodes operate in an unattended environment and thus have irreplaceable batteries. Thus an important concern is the network lifetime; we need to utilize their energy for a longer time otherwise nodes run out of power. For this purpose various protocols have been established and the subject of our matter is the LEACH protocol. The LEACH protocol is self-organizing and is characterized as an adaptive clustering protocol which uses randomly distributes energy load among nodes. By using cluster heads and data aggregation excessive energy consumption is avoided. In this paper we analyzed LEACH and its extensions like LEACH-C and LEACH-F using Formal modeling techniques. Formal modeling is often used by researchers these days to verify a variety of routing protocols. By using formal verification one can precisely confirm the authenticity of results and worst case scenarios, a solution not possible using computer simulations and hardware implementation. In this paper, we have applied formal verification to compare how efficient LEACH is as compared to its extensions in various WSN topologies. The paper is not about design improvement of LEACH but to formally verify its correctness, efficiency and performance as already stated. This work is novel as LEACH and its extensions according to our knowledge have not been analyzed using formal verification techniques.
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In a random deployment, sensor nodes are scattered randomly in the sensing field. Hence, the coverage can not be guaranteed. In contrast, the coverage of uniformly deployment is in general larger than the random deployment. However, uniformly deployment strategy may cause unbalanced traffic pattern in wireless sensor networks (WSNs). In this situation, larger load may be imposed to CHs (cluster heads) around the sink. Therefore, CHs close to the sink use up their energy earlier than those farther away from the sink. To overcome this problem, we propose a novel node deployment strategy in the concentric model, namely, Region-based Intelligent Cluster-Head selection and node deployment strategy (called Rich). The coverage, energy consumption and data routing issues are well investigated and taken into consideration in the proposed Rich scheme. The simulation results show that the proposed Rich alleviates the unbalanced traffic pattern significantly, prolongs network lifetime and achieves satisfactory coverage ratio.
Conference Paper
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In a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) hundreds of tiny sensors with limited resources are accommodated to sense the information from the field. Transfer of gathered information from the sensing field to the base station must be done in proficiently to sustain the network longer. Clustering of sensor nodes is one way to achieve this goal. This paper introduces an Energy Efficient clustered routing protocol based on LEACH-C for WSN. In LEACH-C (Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy-Centralized), the cluster heads are selected by the base station randomly. This paper introduces a novel cluster based routing protocol in which, the base station finds the highest energy node among the cluster and mark it as a cluster head for the current time. Thus in the proposed system the energy consumption of various nodes becomes more uniform as compared to LEACH-C. The simulation results indicate that our proposed method leads to efficient transmission of data packets with less energy and therefore increases the network longevity as compared to LEACH-C and LEACH.
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Reducing the energy consumption of available resources is still a problem to be solved in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). Many types of existing routing protocols are developed to save power consumption. In these protocols, cluster-based routing protocols are found to be more energy efficient. A cluster head is selected to aggregate the data received from root nodes and forwards these data to the base station in cluster-based routing. The selection of cluster heads should be efficient to save energy. In our proposed protocol, we use static clustering for the efficient selection of cluster heads. The proposed routing protocol works efficiently in large as well as small areas. For an optimal number of cluster head selection we divide a large sensor field into rectangular clusters. Then these rectangular clusters are further grouped into zones for efficient communication between cluster heads and a base station. We perform MATLAB simulations to observe the network stability, throughput, energy consumption, network lifetime and the number of cluster heads. Our proposed routing protocol outperforms in large areas in comparison with the LEACH, MH-LEACH, and SEP routing protocols.
This paper is concerned with developing a distributed k-means algorithm and a distributed fuzzy c-means algorithm for wireless sensor networks (WSNs) where each node is equipped with sensors. The underlying topology of the WSN is supposed to be strongly connected. The consensus algorithm in multiagent consensus theory is utilized to exchange the measurement information of the sensors in WSN. To obtain a faster convergence speed as well as a higher possibility of having the global optimum, a distributed k-means++ algorithm is first proposed to find the initial centroids before executing the distributed k-means algorithm and the distributed fuzzy c-means algorithm. The proposed distributed k-means algorithm is capable of partitioning the data observed by the nodes into measure-dependent groups which have small in-group and large out-group distances, while the proposed distributed fuzzy c-means algorithm is capable of partitioning the data observed by the nodes into different measure-dependent groups with degrees of membership values ranging from 0 to 1. Simulation results show that the proposed distributed algorithms can achieve almost the same results as that given by the centralized clustering algorithms.
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are severely resource constrained, especially in the aspect of power supply. How to effectively manage power consumption so that the lifetime of a WSN can be maximized is a central topic for research in WSN routing protocols. As an attractive WSN routing protocol, LEACHCl~2] has been widely accepted for its energy efficiency and simplicity. Based on LEACH, we propose a new routing protocol MELEACH (More Energy-efficient LEACH), which has a better performance on energy efficiency without losing the advantages of LEACH. MELEACH improves LEACH by further reducing the mean transmission distance and improving the load balance between sensor nodes, Our analysis and simulation results have shown that the lifetime of a WSN running in MELEACH is at least 50 % longer than that running in LEACH.
Energy hole problem is a critical issue for data gathering in wireless sensor networks. Sensors near the static sink act as relays for far sensors and thus will deplete their energy very quickly, resulting energy holes in the sensor field. Exploiting the mobility of a sink has been widely accepted as an efficient way to alleviate this problem. However, determining an optimal moving trajectory for a mobile sink is a non-deterministic polynomial-time hard problem. Thus, this paper proposed a mobile sink-based adaptive immune energy-efficient clustering protocol (MSIEEP) to alleviate the energy holes. A MSIEEP uses the adaptive immune algorithm (AIA) to guide the mobile sink-based on minimizing the total dissipated energy in communication and overhead control packets. Moreover, AIA is used to find the optimum number of cluster heads (CHs) to improve the lifetime and stability period of the network. The performance of MSIEEP is compared with the previously published protocols; namely, low-energy adaptive clustering hierarchy (LEACH), genetic algorithm-based LEACH, amend LEACH, rendezvous, and mobile sink improved energy-efficient PEGASIS-based routing protocol using MATLAB. Simulation results show that MSIEEP is more reliable and energy efficient as compared with other protocols. Furthermore, it improves the lifetime, the stability, and the instability periods over the previous protocols, because it always selects CHs from high-energy nodes. Moreover, the mobile sink increases the ability of the proposed protocol to deliver packets to the destination.
In k\hbox{-}{\rm{means}} clustering, we are given a set of n data points in d\hbox{-}{\rm{dimensional}} space {\bf{R}}^d and an integer k and the problem is to determine a set of k points in {\bf{R}}^d, called centers, so as to minimize the mean squared distance from each data point to its nearest center. A popular heuristic for k\hbox{-}{\rm{means}} clustering is Lloyd's algorithm. In this paper, we present a simple and efficient implementation of Lloyd's k\hbox{-}{\rm{means}} clustering algorithm, which we call the filtering algorithm. This algorithm is easy to implement, requiring a kd-tree as the only major data structure. We establish the practical efficiency of the filtering algorithm in two ways. First, we present a data-sensitive analysis of the algorithm's running time, which shows that the algorithm runs faster as the separation between clusters increases. Second, we present a number of empirical studies both on synthetically generated data and on real data sets from applications in color quantization, data compression, and image segmentation.