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Comparative Study of Antioxidant Properties and Cytoprotective Activity of Flavonoids



Antioxidant properties and cytoprotective activity of flavonoids (rutin, dihydroquercetin, quercetin, epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), epicatechin gallate (ECG)) were studied. All these compounds inhibited both NADPH- and CCl4-dependent microsomal lipid peroxidation, and the catechins were the most effective antioxidants. The I 50 values calculated for these compounds by regression analysis were close to the I 50 value of the standard synthetic antioxidant ionol (2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-methylphenol). The antiradical activity of flavonoids to O 2• was studied in a model photochemical system. Rate constants of the second order reaction obtained by competitive kinetics suggested flavonoids to be more effective scavengers of oxygen anion-radicals than ascorbic acid. By competitive replacement all flavonoids studied were shown to be chelating agents capable of producing stable complexes with transition metal ions (Fe2+, Fe3+, Cu2+). The flavonoids protected macrophages from asbestos-induced damage, and the protective effect increased in the following series: rutin < dihydroquercetin < quercetin < ECG < EGCG. The cytoprotective effect of flavonoids was in strong positive correlation with their antiradical activity to O 2•.
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) which include oxy-
gen-centered radicals (О2
, OH, NO, RO, ROO) and
non-radical molecules (hydrogen peroxide, singlet oxy-
gen, hypochloric acid) are produced by cells as a result of
aerobic metabolism. ROS are involved in the organism’s
normal vital activity, including phagocytosis, regulation
of cell proliferation, intracellular signalization, and syn-
thesis of biologically active compounds and ATP [1]. With
an insufficiency of the antioxidant protective system or
under an intense influence of radical-initiating factors
(ionizing radiation, hard ultraviolet radiation, xenobi-
otics, mineral dust), ROS are hyperproduced and oxida-
tive stress develops. Oxidative stress is a specific feature in
pathogenesis of various diseases, including cardiovascular
diseases, diabetes, tumors, rheumatoid arthritis, and
epilepsy [1]. Although in many cases oxidative stress is
not the cause but a symptom of a disease, there is good
evidence for preventive and therapeutic effects of natural
antioxidants including flavonoids (quercetin, rutin, green
tea catechins) [2-4]. Because of their low redox potential
(0.23 < E7< 0.75 V), flavonoids can reduce highly oxi-
dized free radicals with redox potential values of 2.13-
1.0 V (О2
, OH, NO, RO, ROO) [5]. Moreover,
flavonoids can suppress the production of ROS due to
inhibition of redox enzymes (monooxygenase, cyclooxy-
genase, lipoxygenase, xanthine oxidase, NADH oxidase)
[1, 2] and also bind ions of variable valence metals which
are involved in generation of oxygen radicals by Fenton’s
reaction [6]. The biological activities of flavonoids (anti-
inflammatory, anti-allergic, anti-carcinogenic) is
believed to be mainly due to their antioxidative proper-
ties, but the contribution of antiradical mechanisms to
their biological effects remains unclear. We found earlier
a pronounced antioxidative effect of the flavonols
quercetin and rutin under conditions of microsomal lipid
peroxidation (LPO) in vitro [6, 7] and their ability to
interact with oxygen-anion radical and thus protect
phagocytizing cells against asbestos-induced damage [8,
9]. This work presents a comparative study of antioxidant
properties of flavonoids with similar structure: catechins
epicatechin gallate and epigallocatechin gallate, flavonols
quercetin and rutin, and a flavononol dihydroquercetin.
We also attempted to establish the role of antiradical
mechanisms in the cytoprotective effect of the com-
pounds studied under conditions of oxidative stress with
asbestos-induced damage to phagocytizing cells.
Biochemistry (Moscow), Vol. 68, No. 5, 2003, pp. 514-519. Translated from Biokhimiya, Vol. 68, No. 5, 2003, pp. 632-638.
Original Russian Text Copyright © 2003 by Potapovich, Kostyuk.
0006-2979/03/6805-0514$25.00 ©2003 MAIK “Nauka/Interperiodica”
* To whom correspondence should be addressed.
Comparative Study of Antioxidant Properties
and Cytoprotective Activity of Flavonoids
A. I. Potapovich and V. A. Kostyuk*
School of Biology, Belorussian State University, pr. F. Skoriny 4, Minsk 220050, Belarus;
fax: 375 (172) 77-5535; E-mail:
Received February 14, 2002
Revision received May 15, 2002
AbstractѕAntioxidant properties and cytoprotective activity of flavonoids (rutin, dihydroquercetin, quercetin, epigallocate-
chin gallate (EGCG), epicatechin gallate (ECG)) were studied. All these compounds inhibited both NADPH- and CCl4-
dependent microsomal lipid peroxidation, and the catechins were the most effective antioxidants. The I50 values calculated
for these compounds by regression analysis were close to the I50 value of the standard synthetic antioxidant ionol (2,6-di-tert-
butyl-4-methylphenol). The antiradical activity of flavonoids to О2
was studied in a model photochemical system. Rate con-
stants of the second order reaction obtained by competitive kinetics suggested flavonoids to be more effective scavengers of
oxygen anion-radicals than ascorbic acid. By competitive replacement all flavonoids studied were shown to be chelating
agents capable of producing stable complexes with transition metal ions (Fe2+, Fe3+ , Cu2+). The flavonoids protected
macrophages from asbestos-induced damage, and the protective effect increased in the following series: rutin < dihydro-
quercetin < quercetin < ECG < EGCG. The cytoprotective effect of flavonoids was in strong positive correlation with their
antiradical activity to О2
Key words: antioxidants, flavonoids, oxidative stress, reactive oxygen species, asbestos, rutin, quercetin, epicatechins
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 68 No. 5 2003
Superoxide-dependent reduction of p-nitrotetrazoli-
um chloride (85 µM) was performed in 0.175 M phosphate
buffer (pH 7.8) containing 0.06 mM EDTA, 0.6 mM
N,N,N,N-tetramethylethylene diamine, and 6µM
riboflavin [10]. The light source was an LD-20 daylight
lamp (20 W) placed at the distance of 20 cm from the
specimens. After the illumination the reaction was
stopped by introduction into the samples of 0.02 ml of
superoxide dismutase (SOD, 5µg/ml), and the absorp-
tion of the specimens was determined at 515 nm.
Lipid peroxidation was induced by addition of
0.3 mM NADPH and was performed at 37°C. During
CCl4-initiated LPO the incubation medium contained
0.05 M phosphate buffer (pH 7.4), 0.02 M KCl, 0.6 mM
EDTA, and 3.4 mM CCl4dissolved in alcohol at the
final concentration of ethanol 2%, and also microsomal
protein (1.2 mg/ml). In the course of the NADPH-
dependent LPO the incubation medium contained
0.05 M phosphate buffer (pH 7.4), 0.02 M KCl, 10 µM
FeSO4, and microsomal protein (1.2 mg/ml).
Microsomes were isolated from rat liver by differential
centrifugation at 105,000g using a VAC 601 centrifuge
(Germany). The protein content was determined by the
Lowry method. To determine contents of LPO products,
the samples (1 ml) were supplemented with 0.5 ml of
30% TCA and 2.5 ml of 0.5% 2-thiobarbituric acid
(TBA), the mixture was kept for 15 min in a boiling
water bath, and it was then centrifuged to remove the
denatured protein and the absorption was determined at
532 nm.
Peritoneal macrophages were prepared by a modifi-
cation of a published method [11]. Suspension of
macrophages in isotonic phosphate buffer (pH 7.3) con-
tained 5·106cells/ml. Oxidative stress in the macrophages
was induced by addition of aqueous suspension of
asbestos at the final concentration of 3 mg/ml. The sam-
ples were incubated at 37°C for 20 min, and the degree of
cell damage was determined by release of lactate dehy-
drogenase (LDH).
Lactate dehydrogenase activity was determined spec-
trophotometrically by the rate of NADH utilization in the
enzyme-catalyzed back reaction of pyruvate conversion
to lactate.
Reduced glutathione content was determined using
Ellman’s reagent [12].
To assess and compare antiradical,antioxidant,and
cytoprotective properties of individual chemical com-
pounds, the parameter I50 was used equal to the concen-
tration of antioxidant corresponding to 50% inhibition of
processes under study. The I50 values were calculated from
the dose-effect dependency by regression analysis.
The following reagents were used: epigallocatechin
gallate (EGCG), epicatechin gallate (ECG), rutin,
quercetin, dihydroquercetin, riboflavin, sodium pyru-
vate, superoxide dismutase, NADH, thiobarbituric acid
from Sigma (USA); p-nitrotetrazolium chloride,
N,N,N,N-tetramethylethylene diamine from Reanal
(Hungary); chrysotile asbestos [Mg6Si4O10(OH)8] (the
length of the fibers was 5-10 µM) was from the Tuva
deposit (Russia).
Study of antioxidative activity of flavonoids.
Antioxidative properties of the flavonoids (Table 1) were
studied on initiation of NADPH- and CCl4-dependent
LPO in microsomal membranes of rat liver. The
NADPH-dependent LPO was more likely initiated by
ADP-perferryl-ion (ADP-Fe2+-O2ADP-Fe3+-О2
which was generated with involvement of the NADPH-
dependent flavoprotein and could introduce the activated
oxygen into molecules of polyunsaturated fatty acids and
destroy hydroperoxides produced [13]. In the case of
CCl4-dependent LPO, the initiation stage included the
metabolic activation of CCl4in the microsomal electron
transport chain with involvement of cytochrome P450
and production of free radical intermediates including
which could initiate LPO in the absence of iron
ions [14].
All flavonoids studied effectively inhibited both
NADPH- and CCl4-dependent LPO, and the degree of
inhibition monotonically increased for all flavonoids with
increase in their concentration, and this allowed us to cal-
culate the I50 values by regression analysis (Table 2) and
correctly use these values to comparatively assess the
antioxidant effects. It should be noted that the antioxi-
dant effects of ECG and EGCG, which displayed the
strongest antioxidative properties, were comparable to the
effect of ionol (2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-methylphenol), a syn-
thetic antioxidant of hindered phenols.
Antiradical properties of flavonoids to oxygen anion-
radical. The interaction of antiradical agents with oxygen
anion-radical can be characterized by the rate constant of
the second order reaction. In addition to direct methods
of determination of this parameter based on measuring
the rate of changes in the О2
concentration, the method
of competitive kinetics is widely used. In this case a con-
stant level of oxygen anion-radical is provided by chemi-
cal О2
-generating systems, and the inhibition of reac-
tions of О2
-dependent reduction (oxidation) of a test
substance is determined relative to a standard. As an О2
generating system xanthine oxidase is usually used and
cytochrome c is used as a test substance. But flavonoids
are known to inhibit xanthine oxidase [2], and quercetin
and some other flavonoids can directly reduce
cytochrome c. Therefore, in the present study a
riboflavin-containing photosystem [10] was used for gen-
eration of oxygen anion-radical and the antiradical effect
of flavonoids was assessed by inhibition by these com-
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 68 No. 5 2003
pounds of the О2
-dependent reduction of p-nitrotetra-
zolium chloride to diformazan.
Our findings suggested that flavonoids should be
effective scavengers of oxygen anion-radical. Based on I50
values and with superoxide dismutase as a standard, the
rate constants of the second order reaction were calculat-
ed for interaction of flavonoids (FL) with oxygen anion-
radical (Table 2):
kFL/kSOD = I50 (SOD)/I50 (FL),
kFL = kSOD · I50 (SOD)/I50 (FL),
where kSOD = 2·109M–1·sec–1 [1].
Note that the rate constant of the quercetin reaction
with О2
determined by us by competitive kinetics (Table
2) is close to the value obtained by other authors by pulse
radiolysis and EPR-spectrometry (0.9·105M–1·sec–1)
[15]. Our findings showed that all flavonoids studied,
except rutin, were more effective scavengers of oxygen
anion-radical than the water-soluble antioxidant ascorbic
acid. The high antiradical activity of flavonoids to oxygen
anion-radical is obviously due to the reactivity of hydrox-
yl groups in the m-position of ring A and o-position of
Flavans (catechins)
Structure Compound under study
[3-gallate, 3,4,5,5,7-(OH)5]
ECG, [3-gallate, 3,4,5,7-(OH)4]
quercetin, [3,3,4,5,7-(OH)5]
[3-rutinoside, 3,4,5,7-(OH)4]
Table 1. Flavonoids under study and their structures
Epicatechin gal-
Ascorbic acid
LPO (I50, µM)
LPO (I50,
Table 2. Antioxidant effects of flavonoids (I50) on initia-
tion of LPO in liver microsomes and rate constants of
flavonoid reactions with oxygen anion-radical
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 68 No. 5 2003
ring B, and the antiradical activity of flavonoids increases
with increase in the number of hydroxyl groups in their
structure. Thus, the highest activity was found for cate-
chins EGCG and ECG which due to gallation (addition
of a gallic acid residue at C3) acquired additional hydrox-
yl groups. On the contrary, because glycosylation blocked
chemically active groups of quercetin, its glycoside rutin
displayed a significant (more than threefold) decrease in
antiradical activity, and this is in agreement with data of
other authors [5].
Study of chelating properties of flavonoids. The
antioxidant effect of flavonoids can be associated with the
binding of ions of variable valence metals which play the
key role in initiation of free radical reactions [1]. The
ability of some flavonoids to produce stable complexes
with metal ions can be detected by differential spec-
troscopy [6]. Figure 1a presents absorption spectra of
quercetin and its metallocomplexes which are produced
by interaction of the flavonoid with trivalent iron ions.
Similar absorption spectra are recorded for the complex-
ing of quercetin and rutin with Cu2+ and Fe2+.
The chelating properties of dihydroquercetin and
catechins, the interaction of which with metal ions was
not accompanied by pronounced spectral changes, were
studied by competitive replacement. In these experiments
we determined the ability of dihydroquercetin, ECG, and
EGCG to displace rutin from its complexes with metals.
The ability of EDTA, which is one of most active chela-
tors, to displace rutin and quercetin from their complexes
with metals was also determined. By differential spec-
troscopy and competitive replacement quercetin was
found to be the strongest chelator of metal ions of the
flavonoids studied. In particular, quercetin was not dis-
placed from the complex with Fe3+ by a twofold excess of
EDTA (Fig. 1a). In total, the ability of flavonoids for com-
plexing with transition metal ions is described as follows:
Thus, all flavonoids studied were chelating agents
and could bind ions of variable valence metals producing
Fig. 1. Typical changes in the absorption spectra of quercetin on complexing with trivalent iron ions (a) and during oxidation in the system
containing peritoneal macrophages and asbestos (b). a) The absorption spectrum of quercetin (15 µM) in 0.9% NaCl (1), the differential
spectrum of Fe3+-quercetin complex against 0.9% NaCl containing Fe3+ (2), the differential spectrum of Fe3+-quercetin complex just on
addition of EDTA (30 µM) against 0.9% NaCl containing Fe3+ and EDTA (3), the same as spectrum 3but 15 min after the addition of
EDTA (4). b) Peritoneal macrophages (2·106cells/ml) were incubated at 37°C in isotonic phosphate buffer (pH 7.3) containing chrysotile
asbestos (2 mg/ml) and 60 µM quercetin. The samples were centrifuged, and the absorption spectrum of the supernatant fluid diluted 2.5-
fold was recorded: baseline spectrum of quercetin (1), spectrum of quercetin after 20 min of incubation (2), spectrum of quercetin after
20 min of incubation in the presence of SOD (100 µg/ml) (3).
350 450 550
300 350 400 450 500
λ, nm λ, nm
Complexing ability of flavonoids
quercetin > rutin >> ECG = EGCG > dihydro-
quercetin > EGCG = ECG > rutin >> dihydro-
rutin > EGCG = ECG = dihydroquercetin
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 68 No. 5 2003
stable complexes. However, there was no direct depend-
ence between the inhibition of microsomal LPO by
flavonoids (Table 2) and their chelating properties, and
this suggested that the chelating of metal ions insignifi-
cantly contributed to the antioxidant effect of flavonoids.
Ability of flavonoids to prevent oxidative damage to
cells was studied using a model of asbestos-induced
oxidative stress in isolated phagocytizing cells (peritoneal
macrophages). The incubation of peritoneal
macrophages with chrysotile asbestos fibers was earlier
shown [11] to sharply increase the production of oxygen
anion-radical by the NADPH oxidase complex (respira-
tory burst) that resulted in damage and lysis of the phago-
cytizing cells. In our experiments incubation for 20 min
of peritoneal macrophages with chrysotile asbestos fibers
(3 mg/ml) resulted in a sharp decrease in the level of
reduced glutathione (from 7.3 ± 2.0 to 3.1 ± 1.5 µM, p <
0.01) and in significant damage and lysis of the cells that
was manifested by a decrease in the number of
macrophages from (5.5 ± 0.6)·106to (1.0 ± 0.2)·106
cells/ml (p < 0.01) and by the release of a cytoplasmic
enzyme LDH into the incubation medium (86 ± 12%, p <
All flavonoids studied prevented the asbestos-
induced damage of peritoneal macrophages which was
assessed by entrance of LDH into the incubation medi-
um. The protective effect can be characterized by I50
value equal to the flavonoid concentration providing the
50% decrease in the degree of cell damage. Table 3 pres-
ents I50 values calculated by regression analysis from the
corresponding dose-effect dependences. It is more con-
venient to describe the cytoprotective effect (CPE) in
arbitrary units, with CPE of the most effective cytopro-
tector epigallocatechin gallate taken as the unit and CPE
of other flavonoids calculated by the formula:
CPEFL = 1·(I50 (EGCG)/I50 (FL)).
Data presented in Table 3 show that catechins
EGCG and ECG protect the cells against lysis signifi-
cantly more effectively than quercetin and dihydro-
quercetin and more than 20-fold more effectively than
rutin. Comparison of the CPE values and rate constants
of the flavonoid reactions with oxygen anion-radical by
correlation analysis shows a direct correlation between
the cytoprotective effect of flavonoids studied and their
antiradical activity toward О2
(Fig. 2), and both these
parameters increase in the following series: rutin <
dihydroquercetin < quercetin < ECG < EGCG.
However, there is no correlation between the cytopro-
tective effect and the chelating properties of the
It is known that oxidation by oxygen anion-radical of
flavonols quercetin and rutin is accompanied by specific
changes in their spectra [8]. Similar changes were record-
ed in the spectra of quercetin (Fig. 1b) and rutin in the
presence of asbestos-activated peritoneal macrophages.
On addition into the incubation medium of the enzyme
SOD (100 µg/ml) catalyzing the dismutation of О2
oxidation of rutin was inhibited virtually completely and
the oxidation of quercetin was inhibited by 50% (Fig. 1b).
These findings show that flavonoids can scavenge oxygen
anion-radical generated during the asbestos-induced res-
piratory burst in peritoneal macrophages that results in
inhibition of Fenton’s reaction and other processes with
involvement of О2
which cause damage and lysis of the
Fig. 2. Dependence between the cytoprotective effect and anti-
radical properties of flavonoids: rutin (1), dihydroquercetin
(2), quercetin (3), ECG (4), EGCG (5). The correlation coef-
ficient is 0.89 ± 0.24; the regression coefficient is 0.14 ± 0.04,
p= 0.042.
2 4 6
k×105, M–1·sec–1
Epicatechin gallate
Epigallocatechin gallate
I50, µM
CPE*, arbitrary units
Table 3. Values of I50 and cytoprotective effects of
flavonoids on asbestos-induced damage to peritoneal
The CPE of the most effective cytoprotector EGCG is taken as the
unit and CPE of other compounds are calculated by the formula:
CPEFL = 1·(I50 (EGCG)/I50 (FL)).
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 68 No. 5 2003
Thus, the studied flavonoids are shown to have high
antioxidative activity and prevent the asbestos-induced
damage of phagocytizing cells. These findings confirm
the key role of О2
in the asbestos-induced damage of
phagocytizing cells and suggest that the cytoprotective
effect of flavonoids is due to their antiradical activity
toward oxygen anion-radical.
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... Rutin or vitamin P is one of the most common Flavonol glycosides that was discovered in many plants and vegetables in the usual human diet [10]. In recent times, the researchers were interested in exploring its medicinal potential as antioxidant [10], vascular prophylactic, antiproliferative [13], and anticoagulant [14], cell protector [15], anti-inflammatory [9], antibacterial [16], antiviral [17], antiulcerogenic [18] Neuroprotective [19], cardioprotective [20], hepatoprotective, and renal protective potential [21]. a wide variety of the biological and pharmacological activities of Rutin has been studied, which reveals that Rutin may be used as a key molecule for an advanced clinical use. ...
... A significant decrease of AST was found (123.75 ± 22.021) with a margin of error equal to ± 17.79% (p = 0.0008 *), and histological examination also showed slight histopathological changes in liver tissue, with some development in liver tissue when Rutin was followed by Ciprofloxacin, indicating the protective effect of Rutin, which prevented the breakdown of hepatocytes when using the antibiotic. This result confirmed Rutin as a hepatoprotective, and renal protective potential [21], medicinal potential as antioxidant [10], vascular prophylactic, antiproliferative [13], and anticoagulant [14], cell protector [15], anti-inflammatory [9], antibacterial [16], antiviral [17], antiulcerogenic [18], Neuroprotective [19], cardioprotective [20]. The researchers concluded that Rutin has a wide variety of biological and pharmacological activities and has the potential to be a key molecule for advanced practical use [22], [23]. ...
... Petroselinum crispum contains several classes of flavonoids [92] such as quercetin, apigenin, luteolin, and Kaempferol [93]. Kaempferol and quercetin have been recommended as chemopreventive agents [94,95], which may inhibit enzyme antioxidant activity, and the capacity to scavenge free radicals [94,96,97]. ...
... Petroselinum crispum contains several classes of flavonoids [92] such as quercetin, apigenin, luteolin, and Kaempferol [93]. Kaempferol and quercetin have been recommended as chemopreventive agents [94,95], which may inhibit enzyme antioxidant activity, and the capacity to scavenge free radicals [94,96,97]. ...
... It is believed that herbal medicine has little side effects as well as it requires no cost in few cases. Plants are rich in a wide variety of secondary metabolites such as tannins, terpenoides, alkaloids and flavonoids, which have been found in vitro to have antimicrobial properties (2). Fruits contain a wide variety of phytochemical that are suspected to provide health benefits, yet most phytochemicals have not been studied for their effect on human health in fruit (3). ...
Background: Cherry extract has a wide range of biological activity. In the present investigation, two oral doses 0.04&0.08 mg/kg/day of cherry stick (ethanol extract) in albino male mice resulted in a significant decrease in concentration of serum total cholesterol concentration, triglyceride and total protein, albumin and globulin.Objective: we investigated the impact of biological activities of cherry stick extract on serum cholesterol, triglyceride, total protein, albumin and globulin in white albino male mice.Design: This study include three groups of white albino male mice. The first group (G1) was a control group comprised of 5 animals. The second group (G2) consisted of 5 animals treated with 1ml of cherry stick extract at concentration of 0.04 mg/kg/day for two weeks after treatment, while the third group (G3) consists of 5 animals treated with 1ml of cherry stick extract at concentration of 0.08 mg/kg/day for two weeks with treated animals.Results: there was a statistically significant reducing effect on serum total cholesterol, triglyceride, total protein and albumin P<0.001 at 0.04 mg/kg/day and 0.08 mg/kg/day for all biochemical parameters. Globulin was markedly decreased P< 0.01 in comparison with control but no significant change in ratio of albumin to globulin.Conclusion: Extract of cherry stick exerts at low dose a remarkable effect on serum cholesterol, triglyceride and total protein.
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In Mexico, “sotoles” (Dasylirion spp.) are used to elaborate the “sotol” liquor, handicraft making, and construction materials. These activities have enhanced the probability that sotol populations could decline because plants are extracted directly from their native ecosystems, given no commercial sotol plant species exist. Furthermore, from an ecological point of view, this genus has also been little studied regarding its seed morphology and germination process. The objective of this study was to characterize the morphometry of the D. acrotrichum seeds and to evaluate the effect of different concentrations of NaCl (30, 60, and 90 mM) and sucrose (30, 60, and 90 mM) on seed germination rates, seedling morphology, and the phytochemical content in the seedling leaves under in vitro conditions from plants grown in the Chihuahua State. The exogenous NaCl and sucrose treatments influenced the germination speed index, mean germination time, and mean germination speed. The NaCl treatment impacted the total weight, root weight, and leaf length of seedlings, the content of chlorophyll a, sugar, and phenolics, and the antioxidant activity determined by FRAP. Besides, the sucrose treatment affected the seedling length, the content of chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, total chlorophyll, and sugars, and the antioxidant activity determined by FRAP and DPPH. These results could provide the guidelines to generate better afforestation programs in the areas affected by the overexploitation of the Dasylirion spp. and new information about the capacity of these species for developing under these types of stress in the natural environment. Key words: Sotol, stress, seeds, Chihuahua State, Dasylirion spp.
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Kaempferol, a flavonoid present in many food products, has chemical and cellular antioxidant properties that are beneficial for protection against the oxidative stress caused by reactive oxygen and nitrogen species. Kaempferol administration to model experimental animals can provide extensive protection against brain damage of the striatum and proximal cortical areas induced by transient brain cerebral ischemic stroke and by 3-nitropropionic acid. This article is an updated review of the molecular and cellular mechanisms of protection by kaempferol administration against brain damage induced by these insults, integrated with an overview of the contributions of the work performed in our laboratories during the past years. Kaempferol administration at doses that prevent neurological dysfunctions inhibit the critical molecular events that underlie the initial and delayed brain damage induced by ischemic stroke and by 3-nitropropionic acid. It is highlighted that the protection afforded by kaempferol against the initial mitochondrial dysfunction can largely account for its protection against the reported delayed spreading of brain damage, which can develop from many hours to several days. This allows us to conclude that kaempferol administration can be beneficial not only in preventive treatments, but also in post-insult therapeutic treatments.
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Introduction: Onions (Allium cepa L.) are excellent sources of bioactive compounds and phytochemicals such as allicin, quercetin, fisetin, and other sulfurous compounds. Therefore, our study aimed to investigate the effects of dried onion powder on growth performance, nitrogen balance, and biochemical parameters in Wistar albino rats with induced hyperuricemia. Methods: A total of 24 rats were randomly divided into four groups, with six in each group: HU (positive control) and HOT1, HOT2, and HOT3 groups, which received a diet containing onion powder at concentrations of 11.13, 14.84, and 18.61 g/100 g, respectively. Hyperuricemia was induced in rats by administering a new formulation intraperitoneally (250 mg/kg potassium oxonate) and orally (40 mg/kg potassium bromate) daily for 14 days. After confirmation of hyperuricemia induction, rats were fed with onion-treated diets with various concentrations of quercetin for 21 days. Results: Significant decreases (p ≤ 0.05) in serum uric acid, alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, total bilirubin, total cholesterol, and low-density lipoprotein were observed. An increasing trend (p ≤ 0.05) in the levels of hemoglobin (Hb), white blood cell (WBC), red blood cell (RBC), and platelet count was observed. An improvement in the levels of serum high-density lipoprotein, triglycerides, blood urea nitrogen, serum creatinine, serum total protein and neutrophils, lymphocytes, and monocytes was observed. A positive progress (p ≤ 0.05) was observed in growth performance and nutrient digestibility. Conclusion: In conclusion, a significantly lower uric acid level was observed in rats fed with HOT2 diet. Based on the ratio of the surface area (human/rat), the best recommended dose of onion for the incidence and prevention of hyperuricemia is 189.95 g, corresponding to the dose of 204 mg/day of quercetin in humans.
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Main conclusion Role of salinity responsive metabolites of rice and its wild species has been discussed. Abstract Salinity stress is one of the important environmental stresses that severely affects rice productivity. Although, several vital physio-biochemical and molecular responses have been activated in rice under salinity stress which were well described in literatures, the mechanistic role of salt stress and microbes-induced metabolites to overcome salt stress in rice are less studied. Nevertheless, over the years, metabolomic studies have allowed a comprehensive analyses of rice salt stress responses. Hence, we review the salt stress-triggered alterations of various metabolites in rice and discuss their significant roles toward salinity tolerance. Some of the metabolites such as serotonin, salicylic acid, ferulic acid and gentisic acid may act as signaling molecules to activate different downstream salt-tolerance mechanisms; whereas, the other compounds such as amino acids, sugars and organic acids directly act as protective agents to maintain osmotic balance and scavenger of reactive oxygen species during the salinity stress. The quantity, type, tissues specificity and time of accumulation of metabolites induced by salinity stress vary between salt-sensitive and tolerant rice genotypes and thus, contribute to their different degrees of salt tolerance. Moreover, few tolerance metabolites such as allantoin, serotonin and melatonin induce unique pathways for activation of defence mechanisms in salt-tolerant varieties of rice, suggesting their potential roles as the universal biomarkers for salt tolerance. Therefore, these metabolites can be applied exogenously to the sensitive genotypes of rice to enhance their performance under salt stress. Furthermore, the microbes of rhizosphere also participated in rice salt tolerance either directly or indirectly by regulating their metabolic pathways. Thus, this review for the first time offers valuable and comprehensive insights into salt-induced spatio-temporal and genotype-specific metabolites in different genotypes of rice which provide a reference point to analyze stress–gene–metabolite relationships for the biomarker designing in rice. Further, it can also help to decipher several metabolic systems associated with salt tolerance in rice which will be useful in developing salt-tolerance cultivars by conventional breeding/genetic engineering/exogenous application of metabolites. Graphical abstract
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Various parts of plants have long been widely used for the treatment and prevention of diseases. They are a valuable source of biologically active compounds, especially they are rich in polyphenolic structures. Rutin belongs to the group of some of the most common flavonoids in plant objects. Animal organisms do not have enzyme systems for its synthesis, so it enters the human body only with plant food. Rutin is widely used as a component in herbal medicines, multivitamin preparations, in the cosmetology, food and chemical industries. This article discusses the biological activity of rutin, namely antidiabetic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antitumor activity. The article summarizes the current data on the above-mentioned types of biological activity. It follows from the presented research results that rutin is a promising compound with multi-target activity for the treatment of various diseases. It can serve as a basis for the creation of new highly effective pharmacological molecules based on it.
The present investigation was carried out to assess the effect of NaCl on Secondary Metabolites of Oscillatoria willei. In order to determine the effect of NaCl the O.willei was treated with different concentrations of NaCl viz., 0.2, 0.4, 0.6 and 0.8M besides control over 10, 20 and 30 days. The results exhibited maximum increase in the Phenol, Flavonoid and Alkaloid up to 0.6 M for all the cultures over all the durations. The results exhibited that, increased activity of secondary metabolites may enhance the salt tolerance and protect the alga against oxidative damage caused by salt stress.
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NADPH-dependent lipid peroxidation occurs in two distinct sequential radical steps. The first step, initiation, is the ADP-perferryl ion-catalyzed formation of low levels of lipid hydroperoxides. The second step, propagation, is the iron-catalyzed breakdown of lipid hydroperoxides formed during initiation generating reactive intermediates and products characteristic of lipid peroxidation. Propagation results in the rapid formation of thiobarbituric acid-reactive material and lipid hydroperoxides. Propagation can be catalyzed by ethylenediamine tetraacetate-chelated ferrous ion, diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid-chelated ferrous ion, or by ferric cytochrome P-450. However, cytochrome P-450 is destroyed during propagation.
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Oxidation of quercetin at pH 10 was shown to be a free radical chain reaction involving superoxide and hence inhibitable by superoxide dismutase (SOD) (EC The degree of inhibition of quercetin oxidation was a function of SOD concentration, and fifty percent inhibition was produced by approximately 1.5 ng/ml of pure enzyme. This reaction proved to be a very useful tool for a rapid and highly sensitive measurement of SOD in crude tissue extracts and other biological samples.
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Inhibitory effects of flavonoids rutin and quercetin on ferrous ion-dependent lipid peroxidation of lecithin liposomes and NADPH- and CCl4-dependent lipid peroxidation in rat liver microsomes were studied to elucidate the chelating and free radical scavenging activities of these compounds. The interaction of rutin with superoxide ion and ferrous ions and the reaction of quercetin with lipid peroxy radicals were also studied. Both flavonoids were significantly more effective inhibitors of iron ion-dependent lipid peroxidation systems due to chelating iron ions with the formation of inert iron complexes unable to initiate lipid peroxidation. At the same time, iron complexes of flavonoids retained their free radical scavenging activities. The chelating mechanism of inhibition was more important for rutin than for quercetin. The mutual effect of rutin and ascorbic acid on non-enzymatic lipid peroxidation was also studied. It was concluded that rutin and quercetin are able to suppress free radical processes at three stages: the formation of superoxide ion, the generation of hydroxyl (or cryptohydroxyl) radicals in the Fenton reaction and the formation of lipid peroxy radicals.
This chapter discusses a reaction of protein sulfhydryl groups with Ellman's reagent. The reagent 5,5'-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoic acid) (DTNB) is developed by Ellman as a sulfhydryl reagent. DTNB is found to be a sensitive tool for the assay of thiol groups in tissues, body fluids, and proteins. Ellman described a method for its synthesis. DTNB is an aromatic disulfide, and, since it has a higher standard oxidation-reduction potential than aliphatic analogs, it will react with aliphatic thiols by an exchange reaction to form a mixed disulfide of the protein and 1 mole of 2-nitro-5-thiobenzoate per mole of protein sulfhydryl group. Sulfhydryl-disulfide exchange reactions between disulfide compounds with sulfur directly attached to aromatic groups and simple alkyl mercaptans should go to completion. Protein sulfhydryl (SH) groups may behave similarly to simple alkyl mercaptans unless steric factors interfere with the course of reaction. The sulfhydryl groups in proteins exhibit variable reactivity toward DTNB owing to steric factors. Determination of total sulfhydryl content requires that the protein be denatured, preferably with sodium dodecyl sulfate.
METHODS. Twelve different types of Chinese teas, including green, semifermented, and black tea, were studied for their antioxidant activities and active components. Compositions of (-)-epicatechin, (-)-epigallocatechin, (-)-epicatechin gallate, (-)-epigallocatechin gallate, and gallic acid were identified by fast atom bombardment-mass spectrometry and high-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry and quantified by high-performance liquid chromatography. Antioxidant activities in lard were measured by the Rancimat method. RESULTS. The results showed that both yields of polyphenol extract and antioxidant activities varied with different tea processing methods. It was found that (-)-epigallocatechin gallate, (-)-epigallocatechin, and (-)-epicatechin gallate inhibited soybean lipoxygenase at the IC50 values ranging from 10 to 20 microM.
Nitro blue tetrazolium has been used to intercept O2− generated enzymically or photochemically. The reduction of NBT by O2− has been utilized as the basis of assays for superoxide dismutase, which exposes its presence by inhibiting the reduction of NBT. Superoxide dismutase could thus be assayed either in crude extracts or in purified protein fractions. The assays described are sensitive to ng/ml levels of super-oxide dismutase and were applicable in free solution or on polyacrylamide gels. The staining procedure for localizing superoxide dismutase on polyacrylamide electrophoretograms has been applied to extracts obtained from a variety of sources. E. coli has been found to contain two superoxide dismutases whereas bovine heart, brain, lung, and erthrocytes contain only one.
Exposure of macrophages to asbestos fibers resulted in enhancement of the production of oxygen radicals, determined by a lucigenin enhanced chemiluminescence (LEC) assay, a formation of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), a LDH release into the incubation mixture, and a rapid lysis of the cells. Rutin (Rut) and quercetin (Qr) were effective in inhibiting LEC, TBARS formation, and reducing peritoneal macrophages injury caused by asbestos. The concentrations pre-treatment of antioxidants that were required to prevent the injury of peritoneal macrophages caused by asbestos by 50% (IC50) were 90 microM and 290 microM for Qr and Rut, respectively. Both flavonoids were found to be oxidized during exposure of peritoneal macrophages to asbestos and the oxidation was SOD sensitive. The efficacy of flavonoids as antioxidant agents as well as superoxide ion scavengers was also evaluated using appropriate model systems, and both quercetin and rutin were found to be effective in scavenging O2.-. These findings indicate that flavonoids are able to prevent the respiratory burst in rat peritoneal macrophages exposed to asbestos at the stage of activated oxygen species generation, mainly as superoxide scavengers. On the basis of this study it was concluded that natural flavonoids quercetin and rutin would be promising drug candidates for a prophylactic asbestos-induced disease.
Flavonoids are a group of naturally occurring, low molecular weight polyphenols of plant origin, which formally should be considered as benzo-γ-pyrone derivatives. This chapter discusses several groups of flavonoids: flavones (I), flavonols (Ia), flavanones (ll), and flavanols (IIa). The members of these groups differ by the number and the positions of hydroxyl substituents in rings A and B. In addition, there are flavonoids that cannot be included in these groups but that are important biological and pharmaceutic agents. Among them are catechin (lll), (+)-cianidanol (IV), and others. Flavonoids have been reported to exert multiple biological effects and to exhibit anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, antiviral, and anticancer activities. It has been suggested that flavonoid activities depend on their antioxidant and chelating properties. This chapter considers the mechanisms of free radical scavenging, antioxidant, and chelating activities of flavonoids, their free radical-mediated nonenzymatic and enzymatic processes and free radical production by cells. The effects of flavonoids against cellular and tissue damage, their toxic effects on tumor cells, and their mutagenic and antimutagenic properties have been discussed. Being polyphenols, flavonoids are the good scavengers of free radicals because of high reactivities of their hydroxyl substituents in a hydrogen atom abstraction reaction. The effects of flavonoids on various superoxide-generating systems have been studied. Flavonoids inhibit the in vitro peroxidative processes such as the autoxidation of linoleic acid, the oxidation of low-density lipoproteins, the peroxidation of phospholipid membranes, microsomal and mitochondrial lipid peroxidation, lipid peroxidation in erythrocyte ghosts, the autoxidation of rat brain homogenates and photooxidation and lipid peroxidation in chloroplasts. It is possible that flavonoids (mainly quercetin) inhibit the growth of malignant cells. That flavonoids have to be metabolically activated to acquire mutagenic activity is not always an obligatory condition. The antimutagenic activity of flavonoids is most probably a consequence of their antioxidant and chelatory properties.