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Technological Advancements in Automated Crop Pest and Disease Detection: A Review & Ongoing Research



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Technological Advancements in Automated Crop
Pest and Disease Detection: A Review & Ongoing
Vivek Sharma
Dept. of CSE
Jaipur, India
Ashish Kumar Tripathi*
Dept. of CSE
Jaipur, India
Himanshu Mittal
Dept. of CSE
Delhi, India
Abstract—Automated crop pests and disease detection have
fateful effects on food safety, leading to significant deterioration
in agriculture products. The effects of crop diseases and pests can
be so severe that a harvest may even be ruined entirely. Therefore,
automatic recognition and diagnosis of crop disease is required
in the agricultural field. However, Fast and accurate crop disease
detection is still a challenging and error-prone task. Earlier,
traditional methods were used to detect abnormalities in crops
caused by fungus, pests and nutritional deficiency. Moreover, in
some cases, it is time-consuming, expensive and impractical. To
overcome these issues, experimental research is being performed
into the use of image processing techniques for crop disease
detection using machine learning, artificial intelligence, deep
learning, generative adversarial networks and the internet of
things. In this study, a comprehensive literature review of current
studies is performed in crop disease and pest recognition using
image processing to extract the features and algorithms used in
prediction studies. In particular, several models have reported
better accuracy on specific data sets. In contrast, in the case
of different data sets or field conditions, the performance of
the models degraded significantly. Despite this, progress has
been encouraging so far. Furthermore, different inputs gained
from the literature indicate that the aforementioned techniques
provide better accuracy in comparison with existing techniques.
Additionally, a detailed study has been performed on several
unresolved challenges to develop a framework for automated
crop pests and disease detection to use in real field conditions.
Index Terms—Machine learning, Deep learning, Generative
adversarial networks, and Internet of things.
In the global economy, agriculture plays a important role in
feeding the human and live-stock populations. The agriculture
state in-country is directly related to the quantity and quality
of products, especially crops. According to the Ministry of
Agriculture Farmers Welfare annual report 2020-21, more
than 57.8 % of the total population is directly or indirectly
depends on agriculture in India. Moreover, numerous factors
are responsible for crop production loss, such as pests, weeds,
and disease dysfunctions, are the major prime factors in India
for 20-25 per cent loss of the whole crop production [1]. Over
the past two decades, the growth rate in the agriculture field
is declining tremendously. As a result of this trend, several
challenges such as weather forecasting, rural-urban migration,
population growth, leads to the significant threat to world food
Due to the fact that there will be a slight increase in the
agricultural land in the future, so there is need to improve the
productivity of existing farmland that will be the key in solving
food insecurity. To meet this, it demands faster maturing,
livestock breeding, Planting high-yielding crops and Crop
varieties resistant to drought and disease. Further, considering
a rapid decline in agricultural employment between 2017
and 2030 owing to greater employment in other fields of
the economy, introducing technology in agriculture domain
becomes of paramount importance [2]. Furthermore, with the
advancement of new technologies, the use of chemical pesti-
cides has increased a lot, which has shown a negative effect
on people’s health and polluted the environment. Therefore,
people are moving towards the use of crops grown organically.
However, the government is placing most stricter regulations
to ban the products grown with the usage of chemicals.
Weather forecasting has been an important factor that seeks
the relationship between the live-stock, humans, and growth
of several diseases in crops. Change in climate pattern leads to
occurrence of diseases and pest. Many researches have pointed
out that disease occur mainly when the crops grown for
the first time [3]. Moreover, in certain situations agricultural
experts are not trained enough to deal with new disease and
pest fails to provide support to the farmers.
To address these issues, precision agriculture is gaining
attention among the farmers in order to increase crop pro-
ductivity in a sustainable manner. Precision agriculture is the
technology enabled techniques that covers modern techniques
and decision support system for the proper management of
farms in more controlled and accurate way [4]. Moreover, tech-
niques such as robotics, drones, terrestrial vehicles, devices for
variable spraying of pesticides, data analytics, and navigation
system in tractor using Global Positioning System helps in
increasing the productivity. Furthermore, the application of
image processing in fusion with the current technologies such
as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), deep
978-1-6654-6883-1/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE.
2022 International Conference on Computing, Communication, Security and Intelligent Systems (IC3SIS) | 978-1-6654-6883-1/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/IC3SIS54991.2022.9885605
Authorized licensed use limited to: MALAVIYA NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. Downloaded on October 10,2022 at 11:38:02 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
learning (DL), generative adverserial networks (GAN), and
internet-of-things (IOT) in crop disease detection and pest
recognition has shown the better results. Furthermore the
fusion of technologies has become the hot spot research area
for the researchers to address the issues of accurate and early
detection of diseases and pests [5]. A number of possible
forthcoming revolutions in agriculture technologies such as
digital twins [6], federated learning [7], block chain [8], fog
computing [9], edge computing [10], and robotics [11] here
the accuracy has been reached to perception of human level.
Current research efforts are aimed for the attainment of such
high levels of accuracy in crop disease detection and pest
In image processing techniques, computer programs are
used to manipulate and analyze images recorded with a
different types of sensors including infrared imaging devices,
visible light cameras, and detectors with frequency bands.
Moreover, various research has been done in the field of crop
disease and pest recognition in hyper-spectral models [12].
However, these hyper-spectral imaging instruments are very
costly and not easily reachable to extension workers and or-
dinary farmers. Therefore, in the present scenario these image
processing techniques with the fusion of artificial intelligence
technologies employed in the crop disease detection and pest
recognition. Figure 1 depicts the technological support in leaf
pest and disease detection.
1) Image processing techniques can be used to for fast and
accurate predictions in recognizing crop pest and disease
recognition based on stem, flowers, fruits, and images of
2) The severity of disease can be determined by measuring
the size of the discolored or deformed area in relation
to the whole fruit, leaf, and flower.
3) Tracking the details about disease progression in plants
that could be difficult to discover by human observers,
such as in identifying the symptoms and the stage of
4) This also helps the researchers and scientists to under
go the investigation in the lab to find the characteristics
of sowing a new crop cultivation.
5) The information obtained through image processing
techniques can be distributed immediately and inexpen-
sively to people at remote locations.
6) An accurate diagnosis will yield a more efficient use of
pesticides. This will decrease production costs.
7) Extension officers can consult human experts remotely
rather than traveling to individual farms.
A. Leaf disease recognition using deep learning techniques
Over the decade, convolutional neural networks have de-
termined phenomenal performance as feature classifiers and
extractors in the field of image processing. Furthermore, this
concept has been successfully applied in several areas, it has
recently entered into the field of agriculture to accomplish
Fig. 1. Technological support in leaf pest and disease recognition
Fig. 2. Feature extraction and classification workflow
different tasks such as pest recognition and crop disease
detection, flower and fruit counting, weed detection, and fruit
grading. Particularly, DL has been widely used since 2015
for recognizing leaf diseases detection using image processing
techniques. DL representation method that seeks to find the op-
timal way to represent data optimization techniques instead of
semantic features. As a result of the learning process, features
are extracted automatically rather than manually. Furthermore,
DL constitutes the modern techniques in agriculture that will
be useful for the food industry to grow in robotics, big data,
pest detection, disease diagnosis, marketing and automation.
Figure 2 highlights the overall workflow incorporating the
feature extraction and classification workflow.
For training CNN, large datasets consisting of thousands
of images are required. However, crop disease detection,
such a diverse and massive datasets have not yet mobilized
and availed for the use by different researchers. In order to
create a better CNN classifiers for detecting plant diseases,
transfer learning is currently the most efficient method used
for experimentation. Moreover, Transfer learning is the process
of transforming pretrained CNNs using smaller datasets with
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a different distribution than what large datasets earlier used
to build the CNNs from scratch. Moreover, Transfer learning
is the process of transforming pretrained CNNs using smaller
datasets with a different distribution than what large datasets
earlier that are used to build the CNNs . Studies demonstrated
that use of pretrained models CNN on dataset dataset provides
better result for crop disease detection. [13].
Kawasaki et al. [14] proposed a novel CNN architecture for
disease detection in cucumber leaf such as Zucchini yellow
mosaic and yellow spot viruses infection. The study shows
that data augmentation has more contribution in recognising
the performance than enlarging the several training epochs.
Furthermore, the researchers addressed different architectures
to improve the classification using several augmentation strate-
Durmusßet al. [15] demonstrated the work done in
proposing a extended work by training AlexNet, CNNs on
SqueezeNet using the platform nvidia jetson. However, there
is a slight decrement in the accuracy achieved by Alexnet
in comparison to the workdone in where TITAN X GPU
is used. Furthermore, the results indicate that crop disease
detection algorithms could be experimented to run in real
time. However, this study shows that in embedded applications
in order to attain high performance initially train the model
on a traditional GPU and then deploy the training model
to embedded system. The study conducted by Brahimi et
al. [13]the comparison of googlenet and alexnet CNNs from
the starting point and for the detection of nine tomato leaf
disease using transfer learning. Furthermore, two classifiers
are used such as SVM and RF in training the network.
The study demonstrate that pre-trained CNNs shows bettter
performance than the CNNs from the scratch and CNN models
in comparison to SVM and RF classifiers performed better.
Furthermore these networks are very critical in image disease
detection and knowing this is essential to minimize CNN
models. These also highlighted that combination of different
CNN classifiers produced higher recognition accuracy and this
will be helpful to detect symptoms of disease from high-
resolution images.
The studies of different authors [16] presented the alterna-
tive approach was taken by applying DL in object detectors.
Furthermore, Single Shot Multi-box detector and faster region-
based CNNs architectures are used to classify and find the
region containing diseases which are based upon the features
inside the bounding box. In order to use these detectors
with CNNs, different architectures were investigated such
as ResNetXt-101, ResNet-101, AlexNet, GoogLeNet, ZFNet,
VGG-16. Barbedo et al. [17] highlighted that in order to
classify leaf diseases using DL, image of individual spots and
lesions is require rather than entire leaves. However, there
are still some issues are not resolved is the problems with
exact automatic background removal and segmentation of the
images into individual lesions. Further, the compact deep CNN
system used to implemented detect plant diseases on mobile
phones. Furthermore, CNN models can be deployed on mobile
devices, which will make this technology more accessible and
Fig. 3. Geneative Adverserial Network
beneficial to farmers.
B. Leaf disease recognition using generative adversarial net-
In the past half decade generative adversarial net-
works(GANs) has been introduced in the field of generating
synthetic images. Furthermore, CNNs has been widely used
in the leaf disease detection and pest recognition. However,
CNNs have been applied in this fields and proven to be
a effective approach, despite this the major issue has been
overlooked that is of limited training dataset. This has led
to the problem of over fitting of data. Moreover, with the
evolution of GANs based methods prediction accuracy has
been increased and resolved the problem of over fitting of
data when training data is limited. In [18] Goodfellow et al.
GANs are mainly used to address the data scarcity problem.
The structure of GANs consists of two networks such as
discriminator and a generator. In this the training data dis-
tribution is captured by the generator whereas a discriminator
determines the probability that whether an image came from
the generator or from training data. Moreover,the goal is to
increase the capacity of the generator to fool the discriminator,
which is trained to distinguish real images from synthetic ones.
Using this method, a dedicated GANs is required which will
generate synthetic images, and that is used to train leaf disease
and pest identification system. Figure 3 depicts the different
types of generative adversarial networks applied in varieties
of agricultural applications such as crop disease, fruit, and
Arsenovic et al. [19] addressed the generation of crop
images artificially using Generative Adversarial Networks
(GANs). Furthermore several variants of GAN architectures
as been proposed in past few years such as CGAN, DCGAN,
ProGAN, and StyleGAN. The conditional GAN (CGAN), is
used to represent multimodal data generation in a better way.
In our study, StyleGAN generated leaf images with the best
results at the 256 ×256 image pixel resolution. These GAN
networks were not successful in training on field images due
to the busy background, a problem that remains unresolved
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even after more training on field images. However,on the
test set networks trained on GAN created images achieved
about 1 percent better accuracy than networks trained only on
natural images. Furthermore, a new two-stage CNN known
as Plant DiseaseNet (PDNet) was also introduced [19]. Also
stage one (PDNet-1) used a detector YOLOv3 with feature
extractor Alexnet for predicting bounding box in the leaf of
crops. Moreover, a new plant diseasenet known as the stage
two (PDNet-2) consist of softmax layer, a CNN architecture
of 32 layers, pooling layer for averaging globally, and 42-way
layer fully connected. The map score attained by PDNET-1
is 0.9165 while in case of PDNet-2 attained is 93.67 percent
crop disease recognition accuracy. It should be noted that, the
GANs holds a lot of potential that can be used to generate
the training images artificially and very useful to resolve the
problem of scarcity of data.
C. Leaf disease recognition using Machine Learning
Machine learning is one of the most prominent approach for
the crop pest and disease recognition. Crop disease recognition
is one the challenging problem in agricultural field. Further-
more, several models have been addressed and validated so
far. From the studies it has been concluded that crop disease
recognition is not a trivial task, instead it has to pass through
the several complicated steps. In the present scenario, crop
disease recognition models can recognise the actual disease in
the crops, but a better prediction is still desirable. ML is a
branch of AI and computer Vision which focuses on learning,
just like the way humans learn. ML is useful in determining
the correlation and pattern and knowledge discovery from
the data sets. Furthermore, several models are trained on the
datasets, and output is based upon the past experience. In order
to built predictive models several features are required, such
as determining the parameters of the model using historical
data in the training phase. While in case of testing phase,
for the performance evaluation the historical data can be used
which has not been used in training phase. A ML models
can be predictive or descriptive, it depends upon the research
problems and questions. Furthermore, in order to make the
future predictions predictive models whereas to extract some
information from the sampled data collected and explain what
has happened descriptive models are used. Further,in the study,
it has been found that in order to built high performance
predictive models in machine learning different challenges
need to be faced. Furthermore, it is very difficult to select
the right model to solve the challenging problem at hand, and
to handle the large volume of data in the underlying platforms.
As ML now became an integral part for the precision agri-
culture, where crop pest and disease recognition can be done.
This also presented a tool for discrimination and detection
of healthy plants and smut fungus during the crop growth.
Ebrahimi et el. presented a new technique for the automatic
pest detection using SVM classification [20]. Further, they
also proposed a novel method for screening and detection of
disease bakanae in rice seedlings. Furthermore, identification
of crop disease and pest recognition using image processing
in fusion with machine learning algorithms have been applied
in the sample crops such as in fruit leaves, brinjal leaf, potato,
peanut leaf and groundnut leaf.
D. Leaf disease recognition using internet of things
With the advancement of technology in last one decade is
witnessing the new era of computing that is shifting from
traditional approaches to the intelligent ones. The internet
of thing (IOT) constitutes a recent modern technique use
in different applications such as health , agriculture, and
in business and many more [21] with large potential and
promising results. With this the domain the field of agriculture
is getting immensely fortified. The IOT has been introduced
in agriculture sector to improve the quality and quantity in
this field. This can only be achieved through the early disease
recognition before the harvesting of crops. With the emergence
of IoT, major controlling resources have been added in the
area of disease detection in plant phenology, assisting in
preventing disease outbreaks. Pandiyan et al. [22], developed a
novel platform for analysing data from heterogeneous IoT with
advanced segment extraction. Different levels such as, service
level, platform level, and connectivity level were used to
perform the several tasks namely data aggregation, automatic
identity identification and transmission. The study has been
on leaf gestures for the better identification of diseased leaves
done. Zhao et al. [23] proposed a novel learning system
that can automatically recognize the crop diseases form the
cluttered background.
Kale et al. [24] presented support system in decision making
in smart farming with the help of smart fertilizers. Moreover,
lack of judgment lead to the inappropriate decision. In this
study, genetic algorithm and IOT were used in system design.
Further, in designing the system for plant disease detection an
improved genetic algorithm with extreme learning machines
classifiers along with IOT was proposed.
Pawara et al. [25], addressed the different disease such as
spot in fruit & leaf spot, bacterial blight in pomegranate.
Furthermore, a sensor based and hidden markov model model
has been introduced in model system design with the several
parameters were taken into the consideration such as leaf wet-
ness, air humidity, and soil wetness. Sharma, V. and Tripathi,
A.K. [26] highlighted the systematic survey of meta-heuristic
algorithms in IoT based application. Moreover, presented a
real time monitoring system for the collection of environ-
mental data with cloud storage and IOT for crop disease
identification and detection. For classifying the environmental
data support vector machine regression was used. Further,
demonstrated a prototype for smart farming capable of disease
detection and diagnosis in plant using web enabled system
that is IOT based. In this study, septoria plant disease was
investigated for experimentation. The overall summary of the
technologies, type of crop, disease identification, and algo-
rithm are described in Table I. Here, different abbreviation’s
namely DL stands for DL, ML stands for machine learning,
IOT stands for internet of technology.
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Technologies Type of crop Disease detected Algorithm Ref
M L Apple Early blight, Apple rust Radial bias function neaural netwrok (RBFN) [27]
M L Sugrcane Red rot, leaf spot, mosaic virus Support Vector Machine (SVM) [28]
M L Tulsi Maturity of leaves in tulsi Multi layer perceptron [29]
M L Vine Powdery mildew One Class Classifier [30]
D L Tomato Early blight Convolutional neural network based transfer learn-
ing models such as resnet
D L Potato Late blight , Early blight Deep Convolutional neural network (DCNN) [32]
D L Rice sheath rot , bacterail blight Deep neural network (DNN) with jaya optimized
IoT Banana sigatoka disease GLCM and RFC [33]
IOT Pomegranate Fruit spot, bacterail blight HMM and sensor based model [25]
IOT Rice bacterail blight Drone based IOT architecture [34]
Aforementioned technologies is anticipated to increase the
potential of agricultural industry to feed the forthcoming
generations. Integration of different technologies is the urge
of the modern practices in agriculture field. A number of
possible forthcoming revolutions in agriculture technologies
such as digital twins [6], federated learning [7], block chain
[8], fog computing [9], edge computing [10], and robotics
[11]. These technologies play an important role for the futur-
istic adaptations in the several diversified dimensions namely
harvesting of crops, fruit counting, weed detection & man-
agement, forestry, livestock farming, fertilization & irrigation,
scouting of crops, and pest surveillance. In the recent times, a
majority of work has been done in the crop disease and pest
identification using image identification. However, few work
has been done using the satellite images thought lack of dataset
is still a major constraint in this field. Historical dataset can be
a game changes in the effective estimation the growth of crops,
fertility status, and salinity issues. These challenges can be
easily managed using the aforementioned techniques. Digital
twin technology can be a new revolutionized field which can
efficiently helps in the 3D view with different shapes of plant
growth. However, dataset is still a major challenge to perform
the experimental work using these techniques. Another one is
the federated learning is a new approach in machine learning
field which works in a decentralized manner, hence reduces
the load of the different severs when large amount of data
is trained. However, efficient GPUs are required to perform
the experimental work which are widely not available. These
technologies can trigger the different nascent perspectives
which can be in the future work for precision agriculture.
This documents demonstrates the comprehensive review
of research efforts done in agricultural domain using image
processing techniques. In the ongoing research a survey have
been performed for the crop pest and disease identification
system using DL models, GAN, ML, and IOT. Furthermore,
the accurate diagnosis depends on the type of technology used,
hence fusion of multi modals can led to the development of
such system. Lately, these technologies are capable enough
to use in several areas such as, health, sentiment analysis and
object detection. In the agricultural field, different technologies
have been addressed such as land monitoring, crop yield pre-
diction, disease detection, and crop identification. Moreover,
several fusions have been employed in the agricultural field
to improve the early crop disease detection. Many of these
fusion modals have shown the promising results with the
high potential for the early prediction of pest and disease.
Our findings demonstrates that these technologies provides
better performance than other traditional techniques.Further
in existing literature some research gaps are highlighted for
future work in this area. In the current time, research efforts
have been made to overcome the problem of limited data set
using generative adversarial networks. Further efforts should
also made to develop the models for backdrop removal and
assimilate distinct types of data namely disease incidence
history, topographical location, and weather forecasting data
in order to increase reliability and efficiency in the disease
detection systems. However, identification of syndrome in
disease that occurs on the different part of plants such as
stem has not been highlighted by the researchers. The overall
benefits of using these technologies is to apply these in the
field of agriculture, to encourage the researchers to the move
towards the advancement of sustainable farming for increasing
the food production.
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... Furthermore, research on robots assisting in cultivation to save labor is underway. Robot-assisted cultivation technology has gained significant attention due to its potential applications in various areas, such as pesticide application for pest control [5], [6] and automated crop harvesting [7]- [10]. In [5], a fruit tree pest identification system using drones is proposed, where a drone takes pictures of pests, and after determining the location of the pests, their locations are used to plan a pesticide application route. ...
... In [9], drones have been experimented with applying fertilizers and pesticides to rice paddies and have been shown to improve the efficiency of agricultural activities considerably. As these studies show, robot-assisted cultivation technologies are expected to be very useful for efficient crop cultivation, but few studies have addressed robot-assisted pollination [6], [7], [10]. Automation of the pollination process by robots is an important technological challenge because no fruit is produced without pollination. ...
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In greenhouse tomato cultivation, three primary methods of flower pollination exist: insect pollination, physical pollination by vibrating flowers, and artificial pollination using hormone-based chemicals. Insect pollination, the natural method, involves insects (e.g., honeybees) vibrating flowers to collect pollen and nectar. This paper proposes an alternate approach, using small drones to search and pollinate flowers in place of bees autonomously. We report field experiments conducted using these drone technologies. The drone must locate flowers ready for pollination. We developed an artificial intelligence (AI) image classification system (AI classifier) using machine learning to identify these flowers. Equipped with an AI classifier, the drone searches for flowers through autonomous flight and positioning technology. Upon identifying a suitable flower during its search, the drone makes contact to pollinate it. Integrating AI-based flower detection, autonomous flight control for flower search, and a pollination control device allows the drone to perform pollination. This study devises these technologies, implements them in a drone, and evaluates their effectiveness through a pollination experiment.
... To improve the recognition accuracy despite the limited size of pest datasets, a widely used and effective method is to apply transfer learning (Sharma et al., 2022). Transfer learning fine-tunes a CNN model that has been pre-trained on ImageNet (Deng et al., 2009) on a pest dataset to improve the model's robustness. ...
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Accurate recognition of pest categories is crucial for effective pest control. Due to issues such as the large variation in pest appearance, low data quality, and complex real-world environments, pest recognition poses challenges in practical applications. At present, many models have made great efforts on the real scene dataset IP102, but the highest recognition accuracy is only 75%. To improve pest recognition in practice, this paper proposes a multi-image fusion recognition method. Considering that farmers have easy access to data, the method performs fusion recognition on multiple images of the same pest instead of the conventional single image. Specifically, the method first uses convolutional neural network (CNN) to extract feature maps from these images. Then, an effective feature localization module (EFLM) captures the feature maps outputted by all blocks of the last convolutional stage of the CNN, marks the regions with large activation values as pest locations, and then integrates and crops them to obtain the localized features. Next, the adaptive filtering fusion module (AFFM) learns gate masks and selection masks for these features to eliminate interference from useless information, and uses the attention mechanism to select beneficial features for fusion. Finally, the classifier categorizes the fused features and the soft voting (SV) module integrates these results to obtain the final pest category. The principle of the model is activation value localization, feature filtering and fusion, and voting integration. The experimental results indicate that the proposed method can train high-performance feature extractors and classifiers, achieving recognition accuracy of 73.9%, 99.8%, and 99.7% on IP102, D0, and ETP, respectively, surpassing most single models. The results also show that thanks to the positive role of each module, the accuracy of multi-image fusion recognition reaches the state-of-the-art level of 96.1%, 100%, and 100% on IP102, D0, and ETP using 5, 2, and 2 images, respectively, which meets the requirements of practical applications. Additionally, we have developed a web application that applies our research findings in practice to assist farmers in reliable pest identification and drive the advancement of smart agriculture.
... While using circular scan test, a count of conflicting bits are increased [24]. Test data volume is the main issue for lessening the test data volume for SoCs lessening test time, peak power, and average power [25]. Several optimization algorithms were used to decrease the test data volume, but did not provide sufficient results. ...
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Test data volume (TDV) is the main issue for lessening the test data volume for system-on-a-chip (SoC), lessening test time, average power, and peak power. Several optimization algorithms have been presented previously to decrease the TDV, but none of the algorithm provides sufficient results. To overcome these issues, a novel test data compression technique for CSA using hosted cuckoo optimization algorithm is proposed in this manuscript for lessening the test data volume during fault analysis. The conflicting bits volume is decreased to achieve the ratio of better compression with reduced test application time (TAT) including test data volume. The proposed algorithm achieves fast global searching capability. Hosted cuckoo optimization (HCOA) algorithm is used to find the optimal solution for the constrained problems. The proposed method is executed in MATLAB. The proposed method attains 23.84%, 27.94%, 32.84% higher compression ratio compared with the existing methods.
... They can process large volumes of images quickly, allowing for efficient monitoring of large-scale agricultural areas. This accuracy and efficiency save valuable time and resources for farmers (Sharma et al., 2022). ...
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Pests and diseases have long been persistent challenges in agriculture, posing significant threats to crop health and productivity. Traditionally, farmers have relied on manual scouting and visual inspections to detect and identify these issues. However, this approach is time-consuming, subjective, and often prone to errors. With the advent of image processing techniques and computer vision, a new era of automated pest and disease identification in agriculture has emerged, revolutionizing the way farmers manage these challenges (Ngugi et al., 2021). Image processing, in combination with advanced algorithms and machine learning, has opened up a world of possibilities for accurate and efficient pest and disease identification. By analysing digital images of plants or crops, these automated systems can rapidly and accurately detect and classify pests, diseases, or symptoms of stress. This technology offers farmers a powerful tool to make informed decisions, implement targeted interventions, and ultimately safeguard their crops against potential losses (Kasinathan and Uyyala, 2021). This article explores the application of image processing in agriculture for automated pest and disease identification, highlighting its benefits and potential impact on sustainable farming practices.
... Boolean operations on geometric models are a core element in the field of computeraided design and graphics, and are the basic algorithms for constructing solid geometric models. They are used in the construction industry [5], manufacturing industry [6,7], computer vision [8][9][10], graphics [11,12], and other scientific research fields [13,14]. Boolean operations are needed to combine and truncate geometric models to generate complex 3D models; therefore, Boolean operations have important research significance. ...
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Boolean operations on geometric models are important in numerical simulation and serve as essential tools in the fields of computer-aided design and computer graphics. The accuracy of these operations is heavily influenced by finite precision arithmetic, a commonly employed technique in geometric calculations, which introduces numerical approximations. To ensure robustness in Boolean operations, numerical methods relying on rational numbers or geometric predicates have been developed. These methods circumvent the accumulation of rounding errors during computation, thus preserving accuracy. Nonetheless, it is worth noting that these approaches often entail more intricate operation rules and data structures, consequently leading to longer computation times. In this paper, we present a straightforward and robust method for performing Boolean operations on both closed and open triangulated surfaces. Our approach aims to eliminate errors caused by floating-point operations by relying solely on entity indexing operations, without the need for coordinate computation. By doing so, we ensure the robustness required for Boolean operations. Our method consists of two main stages: (1) Firstly, candidate triangle intersection pairs are identified using an octree data structure, and then parallel algorithms are employed to compute the intersection lines for all pairs of triangles. (2) Secondly, closed or open intersection rings, sub-surfaces, and sub-blocks are formed, which is achieved entirely by cleaning and updating the mesh topology without geometric solid coordinate computation. Furthermore, we propose a novel method based on entity indexing to differentiate between the union, subtraction, and intersection of Boolean operation results, rather than relying on inner and outer classification. We validate the effectiveness of our method through various types of Boolean operations on triangulated surfaces.
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Plant diseases and pests significantly influence food production and the productivity and economic profitability of agricultural crops. This has led to great interest in developing technological solutions to enable timely and accurate detection. This systematic review aimed to find studies on the automation of processes to detect, identify and classify diseases and pests in agricultural crops. The goal is to characterize the class of algorithms, models and their characteristics and understand the efficiency of the various approaches and their applicability. The literature search was conducted in two citation databases. The initial search returned 278 studies and, after removing duplicates and applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 48 articles were included in the review. As a result, seven research questions were answered that allowed a characterization of the most studied crops, diseases and pests, the datasets used, the algorithms, their inputs and the levels of accuracy that have been achieved in automatic identification and classification of diseases and pests. Some trends that have been most noticed are also highlighted.
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This article presents trends and future developments in mobile robotics for 3D mapping in agriculture. Recent examples of robotic platforms and sensors are first presented to highlight the technologies adopted for autonomous surveying in the agricultural field. Then, localization and mapping approaches are discussed, as well as path planning algorithms for the navigation of mobile robots in orchards and crops. Finally, insights into applications of artificial intelligence to robotic mapping are given to evaluate the potentiality of neural networks in this field. The results of the survey indicate research directions and suggest future applications of mobile robotics as an efficient tool for smart agriculture.KeywordsMobile robotics3D mappingPrecision agricultureSLAMPath planningArtificial intelligence
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Internet-of-Things (IoT) has gained quick popularity with the evolution of technologies such as big data analytics, block-chain, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning. IoT based systems provides smart and automatic framework for the efficient decision making and automation of various task to make human life easy. Meta-heuristic algorithms are self-organized and decentralized algorithms used for solving complex problems using team intelligence. Recently, meta-heuristic algorithms has been widely used for solving a number of IoT based challenges. This paper presents a systematic review of meta-heuristic algorithms used for unfolding the IoT based applications. The broad classification of existing meta-heuristic based algorithms has been documented. Further, the prominent applications of IoT based system using the meta-heuristic algorithms are presented. Moreover, the current research questions are included to illustrate the new opportunities for the researchers. Finally, the current trends in IoT and possible future directions are documented. This paper will provide new directions to the researchers working in the field of meta-heuristic algorithms and IoT based system.
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The advancements in the use of Internet of Things (IoT) devices is increasing continuously and generating huge amounts of data in a fast manner. Cloud computing is an important paradigm which processes and manages user data effectively. Further, fog and edge computing paradigms are introduced to improve user service by reducing latency and response time. This chapter presents a manifesto for modern fog and edge computing systems based on the current research trends. Further, architectures and applications of fog and edge computing are explained. Moreover, research opportunities and promising future directions are presented with respect to the new paradigms, which will be helpful for practitioners, researchers, and academicians to continue their research.
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The problem faced by one farmer can also be the problem of some other farmer in other regions. Providing information to farmers and connecting them has always been a challenge. Crowdsourcing and community building are considered as useful solutions to these challenges. However, privacy concerns and inactivity of users can make these models inefficient. To tackle these challenges, we present a cost-efficient and blockchain-based secure framework for building a community of farmers and crowdsourcing the data generated by them to help the farmers' community. Apart from ensuring privacy and security of data, a revenue model is also incorporated to provide incentives to farmers. These incentives would act as a motivating factor for the farmers to willingly participate in the process. Through integration of a deep neural network-based model to our proposed framework, prediction of any abnormalities present within the crops and their predicted possible solutions would be much more coherent. The simulation results demonstrate that the prediction of plant pathology model is highly accurate.
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With the advancement of wireless communication, internet of things, and big data, high performance data analytics tools and algorithms are required. Data clustering, a promising analytic technique is widely used to solve the IoT and big data based problems, since it does not require labeled datasets. Recently, meta-heuristic algorithm have been efficiently used to solve various clustering problems. However, to handle big data sets produced from IoT devices, these algorithm fail to respond within desired time due to high computation cost. This paper presents a new meta-heuristic based clustering method to solve the big data problems by leveraging the strength of MapReduce. The proposed methods leverages the searching potential of military dog squad to find the optimal centroids and MapReduce architecture to handle the big data sets. The optimization efficacy the proposed method is validated against 17 benchmark functions and the results are compared with 5 other recent algorithms namely, bat, particle swarm optimization, artificial bee colony, multiverse optimization, and whale optimization algorithm. Further, the parallel version of the proposed method is introduced using MapReduce (MR-MDBO) for clustering the big datasets produced from industrial IoT. Moreover, the performance of MR-MDBO is studied on 2 benchmark UCI datasets and 3 real IoT based datasets produced from industry. The F-measure, and computation time of the MR-MDBO is compared with the 5 other state-of-the-art methods. The experimental results witness that the proposed MR-MDBO based clustering outperforms the other considered algorithms in terms of clustering accuracy and computation times.
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Tomatoes are one of the major horticulture crops in the world. Early Blight is one of the most widespread tomato diseases in India, often causing a significant reduction in produce. Agricultural produce of tomatoes is of utmost importance, making it necessary for timely recognition of Early Blight. Using self-collected images, we first explore classification of Early Blight in diseased leaves using ResNet and Xception networks, achieving a classification accuracy of 99.952%. However, significant focus has already been dedicated to disease classification in crops. Additionally, the lack of spatial information for affected leaves persuades us to move towards an object detection approach, utilizing variants based on the YOLO framework. We illustrate results with a twin focus on accuracy and real-time inference. Through our work, we aim to assist the development of a mobile application for disease identification.
In modern agriculture, plant growth digital twin system helps breeders monitor plant growth, increase yield, and provide growth management advice. Research on the single view leaf 3D reconstruction in digital twin systems has achieved relative success. However, in traditional single-view reconstruction algorithms, the leaf reconstruction often contains the problems of low precision, achieving complexity, and slow speed, making it difficult for recovering three-dimensional information about leaves. Consequently, the reconstruction precision is significantly reduced, which further affects the accuracy of single-view leaf 3D reconstruction. In response to this problem, this study proposed a single-view leaf reconstruction approach in plant growth digital twin systems based on deep learning. The method in this paper mainly fuses the advantages of ResNet and differentiable rendering, and the model is used for further enhancing feature extraction capability and reconstruction precision. Finally, the experiment presented in this paper suggests that the method allows for the 3D reconstruction of plant leaves with different shapes using a single view. Moreover, the experiment results show that the F-Score, CD, EMD reached 76.192, 0.808, and 3.567. Compared with other models, the proposed model in this study has higher reconstruction accuracy, 3D evaluation indicators, and prediction results, providing important ideas and methods for recovering the leaves from a single view in a plant growth digital twin system.
Internet of Things (IoT) Data reduction Machine learning (ML) Smart agriculture applications that analyse and manage agricultural yield using IoT systems may suffer from intermittent operation due to cloud disconnections commonly occurring in rural areas. A fog computing solution enables the IoT system to process data faster and deal with intermittent connectivity. However, the fog needs to send a high volume of data to the cloud and this can cause link congestion with unusable data traffic. Here we propose an approach to collect and store data in a fog-based smart agriculture environment and different data reduction methods. Sixteen techniques for data reduction are investigated; eight machine learning (ML) methods combined with run-length encoding , and eight combined with Huffman encoding. Our experiment uses two real data sets, where the first contains air temperature and humidity values, and the second has soil moisture and temperature conditions. The fog filters cluster the unlabelled data using unsupervised machine learning algorithms that group data into categories according to their value ranges in all experiments. Supervised learning classification methods are also used to predict the class of data samples from these categories. After that, the fog filter compresses the identified categories using two data compression techniques, run-length encoding (RLE) and the Huffman encoding, preserving the data time series nature. Our results reveal that a k-means combined with RLE method achieved the highest reduction, where the fog needed to store and transmit only 3%e6% of the original data generated by sensors.
Data sharing remains a major hindering factor when it comes to adopting emerging AI technologies in general, but particularly in the agri-food sector. Protectiveness of data is natural in this setting: data is a precious commodity for data owners, which if used properly can provide them with useful insights on operations and processes leading to a competitive advantage. Unfortunately, novel AI technologies often require large amounts of training data in order to perform well, something that in many scenarios is unrealistic. However, recent machine learning advances, e.g. federated learning and privacy-preserving technologies, can offer a solution to this issue via providing the infrastructure and underpinning technologies needed to use data from various sources to train models without ever sharing the raw data themselves. In this paper, we propose a technical solution based on federated learning that uses decentralized data, (i.e. data that are not exchanged or shared but remain with the owners) to develop a cross-silo machine learning model that facilitates data sharing across supply chains. We focus our data sharing proposition on improving production optimization through soybean yield prediction, and provide potential use-cases that such methods can assist in other problem settings. Our results demonstrate that our approach not only performs better than each of the models trained on an individual data source, but also that data sharing in the agri-food sector can be enabled via alternatives to data exchange, whilst also helping to adopt emerging machine learning technologies to boost productivity.
Agriculture is one of the major backbones of Indian economy where around 60% of people are depending directly or indirectly upon agriculture. The expert advice is required for distinguishing the plant disease damage and nutrient imbalance. It is observed that, the conventional judgmental analysis is not enough while deciding the quantity of chemical or fertilizer to be used. The mis-proportional dose harms the health of the crop and hence the living beings. To overcome the said problem, this paper proposes an Internet of things (IoT) based Smart Farming decision support system with an improved genetic algorithm (IGA) based multilevel parameter optimized feature selection algorithm for ELM classifier (IGA-ELM). The proposed work is applied to benchmark high dimensional biomedical datasets as well as for real time applications (plant disease dataset) which provides 9.52% and 5.71% improvement in the classification accuracy by reducing 58.50% and 72.73% features respectively. Simulation results demonstrate that IGA-ELM has the capability to handle optimization, uncertainty and supervised binary classification problems with improved classification accuracy even though reduced the number of features.