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Veterinary Parasitology 102 (2001) 243–252
A prevalence survey and risk analysis of filariosis in
dogs from the Mt. Vesuvius area of southern Italy
G. Cringolia,, L. Rinaldia, V. Venezianoa, G. Capellib
aDipartimento di Patologia e Sanità Animale, Facoltà di Medicina Veterinaria, Università degli Studi di Napoli
“Federico II”, Via F. Delpino1, 80137 Napoli, Italy
bIstituto di Patologia e Igiene Veterinaria, Università degli Studi di Padova, Padua, Italy
Received 15 March 2001; received in revised form 19 July 2001; accepted 30 July 2001
A dog microfilariae prevalence and risk factor survey was conducted in 51 contiguous munic-
ipalities of the Mt. Vesuvius area (Campania region, southern Italy) in order to add data to the
limited epidemiological information available regarding filarial worms in this zone. Between May
1999 and June 2000, blood samples were collected from 351 asymptomatic dogs. Blood samples
were examined using a modified Knott’s technique and histochemical staining in order to count and
identify microfilariae. The results were subjected to statistical analysis and choroplethic municipal
maps (MMs) were drawn by a geographical information system (GIS) software. Microfilariae were
detected in 63 of the 351 dogs surveyed, constituting a total filarial prevalence of 17.9%. In partic-
ular, 56 dogs (15.9%) showed only microfilariae of Dipetalonema reconditum; three dogs (0.8%)
only microfilariae of Dirofilaria repens; two dogs (0.6%) microfilariae of both D. reconditum and
D. repens and two dogs (0.6%) microfilariae of both Dirofilaria immitis and D. repens. High D.
reconditum prevalence was associated with hunting practice, masculine gender and older dogs.
There was also a tendency to find high prevalence in dogs sampled in the afternoon.
In conclusion, the presence of microfilariae of D. reconditum in 92% of microfilaraemic dogs
indicatesthatthisfilarialwormwasthepredominantfilarialspecies in dogs in the Mt. Vesuvius area.
Inaddition, the general trends of theMMs showed that D.immitis and D. repenswere present only
in a few municipalities, whereas D. reconditum was widely and homogeneously spread throughout
the entire study area. © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Dog; Filarial worms; Epidemiology; Italy; Geographical information system; Dipetalonema
reconditum;Dirofilaria spp.
Corresponding author. Tel.: +39-81-451-802; fax: +39-81-451-729.
E-mail address: (G. Cringoli).
0304-4017/01/$ – see front matter © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S0304-4017(01)00529-5
244 G. Cringoli et al. /Veterinary Parasitology 102 (2001) 243–252
1. Introduction
The common filarial species known to parasitize dogs in Italy are Dirofilaria immitis
Leidy, 1856, Dirofilaria repens Railliet and Henry, 1911, Dipetalonema reconditum Grassi,
1890, and Dipetalonema grassii Noè, 1907.
Adult D. immitis, typically inhabit the pulmonary arteries and the right ventricle of the
heart where they cause canine heartworm disease. D. repens,D. reconditum and D. grassii
are reported to be nonpathogenic by Soulsby (1982), Lindemann et al. (1983), and Georgi
and Georgi (1990). As adults, they usually inhabit the subcutaneous tissue. However, D.
reconditum has also been reported in perirenal fat and D. grassii has also been found in the
peritoneal cavity of dogs (Traldi, 1998).
In addition, it is well-known that D. immitis,D. repens and D. reconditum produce
microfilariae that circulate in the blood of dogs, and that D. grassii produces microfilariae
that usually circulate in the tissue lymph fluid.
D. immitis occurs worldwide in tropical, sub-tropical and temperate zones (Martin and
Collins,1985).D. repens occurs in the oldworld,inparticular,throughout the Mediterranian
sub-region, South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa (Lock, 1988; Pampiglione et al., 1995). D.
reconditum occurs in North America, Europe and Africa (Quinn et al., 1997), and is also
well-knownas a parasite ofdogsin Australia (Boreham and Atwell, 1985). D. grassii occurs
in southern Europe, Africa (Quinn et al., 1997) and India (Balasubramanian et al., 1975).
Several studies have been published regarding the distribution and prevalence of filar-
iosis in dogs from northern and central Italy. They tend to focus on D. immitis because
of its pathogenicity and consequent veterinary importance. Since only two studies have
been published regarding filariosis in dogs from continental southern Italy (Puccini and
Abbenante, 1980; Capuano et al., 1997), limited epidemiological information is available
regarding filarial worms in this zone.
For these reasons, a survey was designed to study the distribution and prevalence of
filarial worms in asymptomatic dogs living in the Mt. Vesuvius area of the Campania region
(southern Italy) utilizing a geographical information system (GIS) software to plan the
sampling and to display the results.
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Study area
The study was conducted in the Campania region of southern Italy, in 51 contiguous mu-
nicipalities (2180 km2area) located around the base of Mt. Vesuvius near Naples (4045
4103N and 1415–1445E). These municipalities are piedmont areas overlooking the
Tyrrhenian Sea, extending from 50 to 200 m above the sea level. There are no lakes; a small
river, however, runs through a small tract of the low-lying areas. The climate is temperate.
2.2. Experimental animals
Blood samples from a total of 351 dogs were collected. This sample size was calcu-
lated using the formula proposed by Thrusfield (1995) for a large (theoretically “infinite”)
G. Cringoli et al. /Veterinary Parasitology 102 (2001) 243–252 245
population using the following values: expected prevalence 5% (based on our previous
studies on D. repens, Capuano et al., 1997), confidence interval (99%) and desired absolute
precision (3%).
In each municipality, the number of dogs sampled was proportional to the municipal sur-
face area. Based upon the assumption that the dog population is homogeneously distributed
throughout the study area, the GIS program calculated a sample size for each municipality
based upon the proportion of its surface area to the total surface area covered by the study.
The GIS software used in this study was Idrisi, distributed by “The Idrisi Project” Clark
University, Graduate School of Geography, Worcester, MA, USA.
2.3. Blood samples
Blood samples from asymptomatic dogs were collected between May 1999 and June
2000. Drawing stations were established in two veterinary clinics located in the study area.
Dogs were randomly selected by veterinarians from those brought to their clinic for routine
health care procedures. Each veterinarian was provided with uniform materials for blood
collection and transport, a copy of the trial protocol and the number of dogs to be screened
in each municipality under his responsibility in the study.
A 3–5ml of whole blood was drawn from the cephalic vein of each dog, collected in
sodium citrate vacuum tubes and stored under refrigeration until analysis. All samples were
obtained during the day. In addition, each dog was registered as to sex, age, weight, hair
length, utilization, live together with other dogs, indoor/outdoor night status, date and time
of blood sampling, and geographical origin. A questionnaire form was designed to record
these data.
2.4. Laboratory procedures
Transportation time from the drawing stations to the University of Naples was 1–2 days,
and all blood samples were analyzed on the day of arrival using the modified Knott’s
technique as reported by Balbo and Panichi (1968).
The morphometric identification of microfilariae was based on the criteria reported by
Lindsey (1965) and Balbo and Panichi (1968). In addition, all microfilariae in every sample
werecounted.The length and width of all microfilariae in each sample weremeasured under
400×magnification using an ocular micrometer.
In order to confirm the morphometric identification, blood samples which were Knott’s
positive were further analyzed to detect the somatic distribution of acid phosphatase activ-
ity. For this purpose, the polycarbonate filtration acid phosphatase histochemical staining
according to Whitlock et al. (1978) was performed.
2.5. Statistical analysis
D. repens and D. immitis were not included in the statistical analysis because of their
very low prevalence in dogs.
The individual dog data were analyzed by the logistic regression model, using the D.
reconditum status as a dependent variable (negative =0; positive =1). The independent
246 G. Cringoli et al. /Veterinary Parasitology 102 (2001) 243–252
G. Cringoli et al. /Veterinary Parasitology 102 (2001) 243–252 247
variables listed in Table 1 were tested in the multivariate model by the stepwise forward
Ateachstep,theleastsignificant variable was removedfromthemodeluntilallremaining
variables were significant at P<0.05.
The odds ratios (OR) were calculated for the variables included in the final model.
In the first step of analysis, the risk associated with the utilization of dog (pet, guard or
hunting dog) was not computed because there were no positives for D. reconditum in the
categories “pet” and “guard dog”.
Since the variable “utilization” showed a high association with the D. reconditum preva-
lence (P<0.01) in the univariate screening by the Chi-square test, it was reintroduced in
the model applying “the rule of three” (Hanley and Lippmann-Hand, 1983). Specifically,
the two categories “pet” and “guard dog” were conflated (n=91) into the new binary
variable “hunting practice” (yes =1; no =0) and three dogs positive for D. reconditum
were randomly assigned a negative hunting practice value.
All the statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 10.0 software for Windows.
2.6. Data mapping
In order to display the distribution and prevalence of each filarial worm in each munic-
ipality studied, choroplethic municipal maps (MMs) (Thrusfield, 1995) were drawn using
Idrisi. These maps use the municipality as the geographic unit of reference and display
the following information: (1) filarial species studied; (2) total study area divided into 51
municipalities; (3) municipalities with positive dogs; (4) municipalities without positive
dogs; and (5) municipal prevalence (MP).
The MP (%) was determined as follows:
MP =number of positive dogs in themunicipality
number of dogs examined in the total study area ×100
3. Results
The profiles and the parasitological results of tested dogs are shown in Table 1.
Microfilariae were detected in 63 (17.9%) of the 351 dogs sampled and classified as
belonging to three different species: D. reconditum, D. repens, and D. immitis.
Microfilariae of D. reconditum were present in 58 dogs (16.5%). D. reconditum occurred
as a single infection in 56 (15.9%) dogs and together with microfilariae of D. repens in
two dogs (0.6%). Microfilariae of D. repens were present in seven dogs (2.0%). D. repens
occurred as a single infection in three dogs (0.8%), together with microfilariae of D. re-
conditum in two dogs (0.6%), and together with microfilariae of D. immitis in two dogs
(0.6%). Microfilariae of D. immitis were only present in two dogs (0.6%), in both cases
with microfilariae of D. repens.
The length and width measurements of identified microfilariae are reported in Table 2.
The average number of microfilariae detected in positive blood samples was 10/ml for
D. reconditum (3 (min)–32 (max)), 39/ml for D. repens (17 (min)–100 (max)) and 125/ml
for D. immitis (100 (min)–150 (max)).
248 G. Cringoli et al. /Veterinary Parasitology 102 (2001) 243–252
Table 2
Measurements of microfilariae detected by modified Knott’s technique
Microfilarial species Length (m) Width (m)
Mean S.D. Mean S.D.
D. immitis 311.3 9.5 5.96 0.15
D. repens 366.2 12.1 6.40 0.31
D. reconditum 265.2 10.1 5.01 0.49
Table 3
Results of multivariate analysisa
Dog profile
(independent variable name) Standard error P-value OR 95% Confidence interval
Inferior Superior
Hunting practiceb0.622 0.000 8.979 2.653 30.382
Age 0.458 0.001 4.808 1.960 11.790
Sex 0.333 0.035 2.015 1.049 3.871
aSignificant association between D. reconditum prevalence and dog profiles.
bSee Section 2, for this variable.
Histochemical staining showed an acid phosphatase distribution similar to that described
by Balbo and Abate (1972) and Whitlock et al. (1978): the microfilariae of D. immitis
exhibited two distinct red-staining spots (one at the excretory pore and one at the anal
pore); the microfilariae of D. repens exhibited only one staining red spot at the anal pore;
Fig. 1. Mt. Vesuvius area municipalities with dogs parasitized by D. reconditum and MP.
G. Cringoli et al. /Veterinary Parasitology 102 (2001) 243–252 249
Fig. 2. Mt. Vesuvius area municipalities with dogs parasitized by D. repens and MP.
andthemicrofilariae of D. reconditumexhibitedadiffusepink staining throughoutthe body,
not correlated with a well-defined anatomical structure.
The significant relationship between dog profiles and D. reconditum prevalence is shown
in Table 3. The utilization, age and sex resulted as risk factors, i.e. hunting dog, older dog
and male dog had a higher rate of infection. Particularly, the hunting practice showed the
strongest association with D.reconditum prevalence (P<0.01). Associations were not
found for weight, hair length, night outdoor status and presence of other dogs. The variable
Fig. 3. Mt. Vesuvius area municipalities with dogs parasitized by D. immitis and MP.
250 G. Cringoli et al. /Veterinary Parasitology 102 (2001) 243–252
“time of sampling” was the last variable removed from the multivariate model, showing a
tendency to be associated with D.reconditum prevalence (P=0.093).
The MMs in Figs. 1, 2 and 3 show the following: (1) dogs parasitized by D. reconditum
were present in 36 of the 51 municipalities studied and the MP range was between 0.3 and
1.1%, (2) dogs parasitized by D. repens were present in only four municipalities and the
MP range was between 0.3 and 0.6% and (3) dogs parasitized by D. immitis were present
in only one municipality having an MP of 0.6%.
4. Discussion and conclusion
Our present survey, carried out in the Mt. Vesuvius area of the Campania region (southern
Italy), has shown low values for the prevalence of D. immitis (0.6%) and D. repens (2.0%)
in the dog population sampled. The prevalence for D. reconditum, however, was fairly high
In Italy, the overall country-wide prevalence, based upon the surveys published by Italian
investigators between 1910 and 2000, is 20.5% for D. immitis, 12.7% for D. repens, and
1.5% for D. reconditum.
D. immitis occurs throughout the northern regions of Italy with an average prevalence of
24%; however, in the central and southern regions, it is rarely present and has an average
prevalence of 3.1% (Guerrero et al., 1989). In the present survey, the low prevalence of D.
immitis together with the fact that the two dogs infected with microfilariae of D. immitis
were not natives of the Mt.Vesuvius area, but had come from northern Italy (endemic area),
confirms the rare diffusion of D. immitis in southern Italy.
D. repens is more homogeneously spread throughout Italy; it is found in several regions
of the north, centre and south of the country, with prevalence values ranging from 1.4% in
Apulia (Puccini and Abbenante, 1980) to 32.6% in Sicily (Cancrini and Scaglione, 1984).
The prevalence value for D. repens reported in our present survey, 2.0%, is one of the lowest
valuesreported inItaly.Moreover,it is lowerthan the 5% previouslyreported for other areas
of the Campania region (Capuano et al., 1997).
D. reconditum, the predominant filarial species in this survey, has previously been re-
ported in nine different Italian regions with prevalence values ranging from 0.9% in Emilia
Romagna (Canestri-Trotti et al., 1988) to 9% in Piemonte (Balbo and Panichi, 1968).
It is important to note that the D. reconditum prevalence (16.5%) reported in our survey is
the highest ever reported in Italy. By comparing this value to those in other recent studies of
D. reconditum in the Mediterranian area, one sees that it is similar to the 15.8% reported by
Ortega-Mora et al. (1991) for Soria province (Spain), but is higher than the 3.7% reported
by Aranda et al. (1998) for the Llobregat area of Barcelona (Spain) and the 6% reported by
Papazahariadou et al. (1994) for Thessaloniki province (northern Greece).
The statistical analysis performed by the logistic regression model showed that hunting
practice, increasing age and masculine gender were risk factors for D. reconditum infection.
The first two factors are probably related to the filarial life-cycle which, in Italy, involves
fleas and ticks as intermediate hosts. Dog owners and veterinarians know very well that
dogs used for hunting have a higher probability of being infected by ticks than pets and
guard dogs.
G. Cringoli et al. /Veterinary Parasitology 102 (2001) 243–252 251
The present study has not found any association between D. reconditum positivity and
live together, in contrast to the results reported by Balbo and Panichi (1968) and Theis
et al. (1999). This lack of association, together with the association between D. reconditum
positivityand hunting practice, stresses the role of the tick in the transmission of this parasite
in the Mt. Vesuvius area.
The increase in D. reconditum prevalence in older dogs has also been reported by Theis
etal. (1999). This is probably due tothe fact that older dogs are more easilyinfected because
of many past flea and tick infestations. In general, immunity against these arthropods is
incomplete and does not guarantee protection against new infestations.
It is more difficult to explain why males are more subject to infection than females. This
observation has also been reported by Theis et al. (1995) and merits further attention. The
higher D. reconditum positivity in dogs sampled in the afternoon suggests, as has been
reported for D. immitis (Traldi, 1998), that microfilariaemia varies in the blood during the
course of the day.
The GIS software employed in the present study and in other territorial parasitological
surveys (Cringoli et al., 1996, 2000a,b) was useful for the planning of sampling procedures
and for clearly and quickly displaying the spatial distribution of filarial worms in the study
area. In particular, the MMs showed that D. immitis and D. repens are present only in a few
municipalities, whereas D. reconditum is widely and homogeneously spread throughout the
study area.
In conclusion, the findings in this survey indicate that D. reconditum is the predominant
filarial species in dogs in the Mt. Vesuvius area. The presence of the microfilariae of D.
reconditum, reported above as a nonpathogenic filarial worm, in 92% of microfilaraemic
dogs in the study area emphasizes the need to identify the particular species of microfilariae
before initiating chemoprophylactic and/or chemotherapeutic strategies.
Theauthors wishtothank Prof.M.Martini forcriticalcomments onthestatistical analysis.
This research was supported by the Italian Ministry of University, Scientific Research and
Technology (MURST), grant ex 40% 1999–2000.
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ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
A total of 4,350 dogs in 103 Los Angeles County, California, cities were examined from July 1996 through May 1998 by the DiroCHEK(R) antigen and polycarbonate system for filarial infections. Dirofilaria immitis (heartworm) was found in 18 dogs, 9 of which originated in and never traveled out of Los Angeles County, according to their owners. The distribution of heartworm infected dogs was not uniform. Ten (56%) of the infected dogs with heartworm were found in the communities of West Hills, Woodland Hills, and Canoga Park. These communities had a prevalence of 13/1000 as opposed to the remainder of Los Angeles with a prevalence of 4/1000.
A survey was conducted in Spain to update and expand information currently available on the prevalence of infection by filarids in dogs. Between August 1987 and March 1988, blood samples and epizootiological data from 1723 dogs were submitted by 72 veterinarians. Samples were examined by the modified Knott technique and microfilariae were identified on the basis of specific morphological characteristics. The prevalence of filarial parasites was determined for dogs sampled in each of 34 provinces as well as in the Canary and the Balearic Islands.Dirofilaria immitis microfilariae were detected in 3.7% of the dogs sampled. Microfilariae of Dipetalonema reconditum and Dipetalonema dracunculoides were identified in 1.0% and 1.5% of the samples, respectively. Mixed infections of D. immitis and Dip. dracunculoides were observed in seven dogs. Dirofilaria immitis was prevalent in the southern part of the country and on the Canary and Balearic Islands. This parasite was not observed in dogs from the northernmost provinces, but was patent in dogs from the Ebro Valley (located in the northeast) and in dogs from some large urban areas.
Blood samples from 331 greyhounds in the Hunter Valley and nearby coastal areas of New South Wales were examined for microfilariae using a filtration technique. Species were identified by histochemical staining; 10.9% of the greyhounds were infected with Dirofilaria immitis and 3.6% with Dipetalonema reconditum. The prevalence of infection of both species was significantly greater in summer than in winter (p = less than 0.05). Infection with D. immitis was correlated with differences in age, sex, bodyweight and coat colour, and a reported lack of stamina and the presence of a cough. No significant association was found. Diethylcarbamazine citrate was used for prophylaxis in 8.8% of all the greyhounds examined.
Six male and 6 female Beagles, 6 to 7 months old, were allotted to 2 groups: group I--inoculated subcutaneously with 30 Dipetalonema reconditum infective larvae/dog, and group II--noninoculated controls. Group comparisons were made in regard to hematologic values, Knott test results, body weights, blood urea nitrogen, total serum protein, serum albumin and alanine aminotransferase and creatine kinase activities. Routine urinalysis data were compared at 1 week before and at 28 weeks after the inoculations. Mean total leukocyte counts were significantly (P less than 0.05) greater in group I dogs than in group II dogs at postinoculation weeks (PIW) 4, 5, and 7 to 12, and mean eosinophil counts were significantly greater in group I dogs at PIW 3 to 11, 13 to 15, 20, and 23 to 24. Microfilariae were detected as early as the 10th week and sporadically thereafter. Only 1 D reconditum adult worm was recovered from all of the inoculated dogs. Five other dogs (group III) with chronic, patient experimentally induced dipetalonemiasis, were evaluated with the same tests at PIW 70 to 89. Eosinophilia (greater than 750 cells/microliter) was present in 4 of 5 dogs; lymphocytosis (greater than 4,800 cells/microliter) was evident in 1 dog. Proteinuria (greater than or equal to 30 mg/dl) was detected in 3 of 4 dogs with chronic dipetalonemiasis.