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BLADE: Robust malware detection against obfuscation in android


Abstract and Figures

Android OS popularity has given significant rise to malicious apps targeting it. Malware use state of the art obfuscation methods to hide their functionality and evade anti-malware engines. We present BLADE, a novel obfuscation resilient system based on Opcode Segments for detection. It makes three contributions: Firstly, a novel Opcode Segment Document results in feature characterization resilient to obfuscation techniques. Secondly, we perform semantics based simplification of dalvik opcodes to enhance the resilience. Thirdly, we evaluate effectiveness of BLADE against different obfuscation techniques such as trivial obfuscation, string encryption, class encryption, reflection and their combinations. Our approach is found effective, accurate and resilient, when tested against benchmark datasets for malware detection, familial classification, malware type detection, obfuscation type detection and obfuscation resilient familial classification. Dataset available on:
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BLADE: Robust Malware Detection against
Obfuscation in Android.
Vikas Sihaga,b,, Manu Vardhanb, Pradeep Singhb
aSardar Patel University of Police, Security and Criminal Justice, Jodhpur, India
bNational Institute of Technology, Raipur, India
Android OS popularity has given significant rise to malicious apps targeting
it. Malware use state of the art obfuscation methods to hide their functional-
ity and evade anti-malware engines. We present BLADE, a novel obfuscation
resilient system based on Opcode Segments for detection. It makes three con-
tributions: Firstly, a novel Opcode Segment Document results in feature char-
acterization resilient to obfuscation techniques. Secondly, we perform semantics
based simplification of dalvik opcodes to enhance the resilience. Thirdly, we
evaluate effectiveness of BLADE against different obfuscation techniques such
as trivial obfuscation, string encryption, class encryption, reflection and their
combinations. Our approach is found effective, accurate and resilient, when
tested against benchmark datasets for malware detection, familial classification,
malware type detection, obfuscation type detection and obfuscation resilient
familial classification.
Keywords: Android, Malware detection, Code obfuscation, Familial
1. Introduction
Android OS since its release in 2008, has grown as the most preferred choice
in the market with 72.26% share of 3.8 billion smartphone users worldwide
Corresponding author
Email addresses: (Vikas Sihag), (Manu Vardhan), (Pradeep Singh)
Preprint submitted to Forensic Science International: Digital Investigation May 12, 2021
in July 2020 [1]. Android’s popularity and its application distribution model
tenders to new attack surfaces targeting user’s privacy and security [2]. Recently5
among top 5000 Android apps on Play Store, 655 were found having zero-days
and 983 with known vulnerabilities [3]. Mobile attacks by cyber criminals have
increased from backdoors and crypto mining to click farming, ad fraud and fake
reviews using malicious applications (aka Apps). Malicious activities comprises
of information leakage, device failure or data corruption with selfish or harmful10
Malware researchers are adopting state of the art application stealth tech-
niques such as advanced code obfuscation and protection mechanisms to evade
anti-malwares [4, 5, 6]. Current malwares are enhanced with code obfuscation,
encryption, dynamic loading and/or native code execution techniques to prevent15
app reversal [7, 8].
The process of understanding the functionality and infection of a malware
is popularly known as Malware Analysis. It is generally classified into static
(code) analysis and dynamic (behavioral) analysis. Static approach analyzes
code sequences without executing them, whereas dynamic approaches the run20
time execution [9, 10]. Static analysis is light weighted and has high code
coverage as compared to dynamic analysis [7, 11]. Dynamic analysis executes
and monitors an application, to track its behaviour, understand features and
identify technical indicators that can be used as detection signatures [12, 13, 14].
Malware analysis is generally tasked to detect an executable sample as malicious25
(i.e. malware detection) or to identify which malware family does it belong to
(i.e. familial classification). App stealth techniques poses challenge towards
efficient malware detection and familial classification [15].
Obfuscation comprises of actions that modifies an App code without chang-
ing its functionality or semantics [16]. Obfuscation techniques can be classified30
into trivial and non-trivial. Trivial techniques do not perform code level changes,
where as the non-trivial does. Trivial obfuscation methods such as repackag-
ing are used to attach malicious code(s) in legitimate apps. 86% of malware
samples were found to be using these methods [17]. Identification of malicious
component in repackaged app is a challenge for malware analysis. Non-trivial35
obfuscation methods such as class encryption, string encryption, identifier re-
naming, code reordering, reflection etc. modifies the code semantics thus pre-
venting analysis and evading detection systems. For instance, Listing 1 shows
code fragment from DroidDream and its corresponding code 2 after identifier
renaming. Semantic changes induced by obfuscation methods can easily evade40
signature based classification.
1co ns t - s tr i ng v 15 , " pr o fi l e "
2co ns t - s t ri n g v 16 , " m ou n t - o re m ou n t rw s ys t em \ n e xi t \ m"
3in vo k e - s t at ic { v 15 , v 16 } , Lc om / an d ro i d / ro o t / Se t ti n g ; -> r u n Ro o t Co m ma n d ( L ja v a /45
la n g / St r in g ; L ja v a / la ng / S t ri n g ;) Lj a va / l a ng / S t ri n g ;
4mo ve - re s ul t - ob j ec t v 10
Listing 1: A bytecode fragment from DroidDream malware.
1co ns t - s tr i ng v 15 , " pr o fi l e "50
2co ns t - s t ri n g v 16 , " m ou n t - o re m ou n t rw s ys t em \ n e xi t \ m"
3in vo k e - s ta t ic { v1 5 , v 1 6} , L co m / hx b vg H / IW N cZ s / j FA b Ko ; - > ax D nB L ( Lj a va / l an g /
St r in g ; L ja v a / la n g / St r in g ; ) Lj a va / l a ng / S t ri ng ;
4mo ve - re s ul t - ob j ec t v 10
Listing 2: The bytecode after performing identifier renaming on listing 1.
To address above challenges we propose BLADE ( roBust maLwAre DEtection
system), a novel obfuscation resilient approach based on opcode segments. We
first generate .smali files of an input APK (an Android executable), followed by
Dalvik opcode [18] sequences from .smali files. As Dalvik opcodes represents
behavioral pattern of an application, it is then used to generate opcode sequences60
using simplification. Opcode sequences are then segmented to represent an
APK as an Opcode Segments Document (OSD). Furthermore, OSD is used for
malware detection and familial classification.
In short, the main contributions are summarized below:
Opcode Segment Document: We analyzed Android applications from a65
different perspective and proposed an Opcode Segments Document (OSD)
based novel approach for malware characterization.
BLADE: We propose BLADE, an efficient and effective malware detection and
familial classification system based on OSD.
Obfuscation Resilient Evaluation: We evaluated effectiveness of BLADE70
against popular obfuscation techniques such as trivial obfuscation, string
encryption, reflection, class encryption and their combinations.
Typically Android apps contain single DEX file, but some may comprise
of multiple DEX files. BLADE is able to handle these complex apps, by
extracting features from multiple DEX files.75
Scalable Detection: We evaluated and compared BLADE over bench mark
datasets. It is effective and accurate for malware detection, familial clas-
sification and is obfuscation resilient. Overall, it achieves better perfor-
mance when compared with other state of the art approaches based on
several aspects.80
Paper organization: In Section 2, we describe Dalvik bytecode and obfus-
cation methods in Android apps as the background required for the proposed
work. Section 3 elaborates working and design principles of BLADE. Section
4 defines research questions and evaluates the performance of BLADE against
them. Section 5 contrasts the proposed work with the existing state of the solu-85
tions. Furthermore, related works is discussed in 6, followed by conclusion and
future direction in section 7.
2. Background
In this section we discuss the preliminary background knowledge required
for our work. We discuss Dalvik bytecode (Section 2.1) and popular obfuscation90
techniques (Section 2.2).
2.1. Dalvik Bytecode
Android has a distinct executable machine code format called Dalvik Byte-
code. Source code java .class files along with other .jar library files are
converted into dalvik executable classes.dex file. It along with compiled re-95
sources and shared object (.so) files is then compressed into an Android PacK-
age (APK) file. This APK file is downloaded for installation, when requested
from Google Play Store. A classes.dex file contains definitions of multiple
classes, with each comprising of multiple methods. While classes.dex is a
non-readable binary file, it can be disassembled into smali files, which are inter-100
mediate human readable format. Smali code generated from Dalvik bytecode
comprises of classes and its methods in each smali file. Each method contains
register based instructions and each instruction consists of an operation code and
its operand(s). For instance, the instruction move-wide/from16 vBB, vAAAA
has move as the base opcode, wide (64-bit data) as the name suffix, from16105
(16-bit register reference) as the opcode suffix, vBB as the destination register
and vAAAA as the source register. Dalvik opcode constant lists 237 opcodes of
which only 217 are used in practice in APKs [19]. Being human readable Dalvik
bytecode is easier than machine code. Tools such as Androguard [20], APKTool
[21], and Dexdump are popular reverse engineering tools to extract APK dex110
2.2. Android Application Obfuscation
In our context, the term obfuscation refers to transformation of an appli-
cation executable (APK) without altering its original functionality. Obfuscation
techniques employed by Android applications is a double-edged sword for an-115
alysts as it protects legit developers against code cloning as well the malware
authors against a range of analysis engines [22]. Following popular obfuscation
techniques pose challenge to malware analysis.
Trivial Obfuscation: It defines obfuscation methods which affects the strings,
but the executable instructions in bytecode. It comprises of renaming files,120
fields, classes, methods and packages with random or predefined nomenclature.
It also includes repackaging of the APK.
Repackaging: In repackaging, an APK is unpacked, re-packed and signed
with a new key to generate repackaged app. Popular applications are inserted
Table 1: Comparative analysis of Android application obfuscation tools
Tool Repackaging Flow
Encryption Reflection
Allatori [26] X X
APK Protect [27] X X X
Arxan X X X X
DexGuard [28] X X X X X X
DashO [29] X X X X
DexProtector [30] X X X X X X
Ijiami X X X X
Mobile Protector [31] X X X X X
ProGuard [32] X X X X X X
Promon Shield [33] X X X X X X
Stringer [34] X X X X
with malicious code and repackaged to be hosted on market places posing chal-125
lenge for user to verify its authenticity.
Control Flow Obfuscation: It is the process of rearrangement of instruc-
tions in a method, to evade control flow analysis of instructions. This include
instruction patterns used by reverse-engineering tools to decompile the source
String Encryption: Strings often reveal malware identifiable information
such as names or URLs. String encryption could obstruct hard-coded string
based searching by rendering strings unreadable [22, 23]. In it original string is
stored in an encrypted form and requires an additional decryption function.
Class Encryption: Its an advanced code obfuscation technique which en-135
crypts a class. The encrypted class is decrypted and loaded at runtime by a
separate function. The computational overhead of class encryption is high along
with its resilience against static analysis [24].
Reflection: Reflection is a popular feature in Java to allow object interaction
at runtime. It is popular among developers to obfuscate sensitive library and140
API calls [25]. It transfers execution flow to the desired code segment implicitly.
Resource Encryption: Resources and assets are used by malware for payload
or code hiding. This technique encrypts the application resources and are de-
crypted during execution. For example, Rootnik malware encrypted its resource
file to secData0.jar file [5].145
A comprehensive analysis of Android application obfuscation tools with ref-
Figure 1: Architecture of the proposed approach.
erence to their features and techniques is illustrated in table 1. Tools listed are
popular among developers used for applications hardening [5].
3. Design of BLADE
We convert the problem of malware detection and familial classification to
a document classification problem. For a text document, characters are its
basic building blocks. Ordered set of characters form words, sentences and
paragraphs. We develop an Android malware detection system BLADE, which
represents an application as a document with opcode characters as its building155
blocks. BLADE is resilient to obfuscation and has high accuracy on malware
detection and familial classification. Proposed approach includes two proce-
dures. Prior is to create the detection and classification model. It follows with
prediction of an application for malware detection, familial classification and
obfuscation detection. Its overall architecture is illustrated in figure 1.160
Malware detection training set comprises of malware apps and benign apps.
Training set for familial classification includes malware samples of different fam-
ily subsets. Training set for obfuscation detection comprises of malware samples
into different obfuscation types. For obfuscation detection training set, we have
considered trivial obfuscation (T), string encryption (S), reflection (R), class165
encryption (C), trivial + string encryption (TS), trivial + string encryption +
reflection (TSR) and trivial + string encryption + reflection + class encryption
As shown in the architectural diagram, APK sample to be predicted is pre-
processed to extract its DEX bytecode file, which is then used to extract .smali170
files. Each smali file specifies methods and fields. Intermediate opcode sequences
are generated from .smali files. opcode sequences are simplified and segmented
to give opcode segments. An application thus is represented as an Opcode Seg-
ment Document (OSD). Each OSD is a collection of opcode segments, which
are then reduced and selected for detection. Furthermore, this model is used175
for obfuscation detection and familial classification.
Obfuscation techniques mentioned in 2.2 are a challenge towards malware
detection. Our proposed solution mitigates some of these threats.
Opcode simplification and OSD generation
Proposed approach represents each malware sample with Opcode Segment180
Document (OSD) generated from its DEX code. As outlined in 2.1, DEX
code represents instruction level operation code. We decompile and extract
.smali files from DEX code using APKTool [21]. We analyze .smali files
and have grouped multiple instructions from them based on their usage. In-
struction performing same operation but on different register indices are con-185
sidered similar. For example, both Dalvik instructions "move vA, vB" and
"move/from16 vAA, vBBBB", move contents from one register to another; the
difference is number of bits of registers to move. All instructions based on their
semantics are attributed into 19 symbolic groups. Table 2 establishes symbols
attributed to 224 dalvik instructions. For example, symbol Arepresents all in-190
struction of arithmetic operations like add-int,add-int/2addr or sub-int.
Instruction nop is responsible for no operation are not allotted any symbol,
thus if encountered are skipped. This grouping of similar opcodes (dalvik in-
structions) based on semantics is defined as Opcode Simplification. Opcode
simplification results into an application represented as a collection of opcode195
Table 2: Symbolic representation of Dalvik instruction set
Semantics Opcode prefixes Number Symbol
add-double |add-int |add-float |add-long |div-double |div-int |div-float |
div-long |mul-double |mul-int |mul-float |mul-long |rem-double |rem-int |
rem-float |rem-long |sub-double |sub-int |sub-float |sub-long |rsub-int
50 A
Bitwise shl-int |shl-long |shr-int |shr-long |ushr-int |ushr-long 15 B
Casting check-cast 1 H
Comparison cmp-long |cmpg-double |cmpg-float |cmpl-double |cmpl-float 5 C
Definition const |const-class |const-string |const-wide 11 D
If conditional if-eq |if-eqz |if-ge |if-gez |if-gt |if-gtz |if-le |if-lez |if-lt |if-ltz |if-ne |if-nez 12 I
Inline execute-inline 1 U
Invoke invoke-direct |invoke-direct-empty |invoke-interface |invoke-static |invoke-super |
invoke-super-quick |invoke-virtual |invoke-virtual-quick
15 V
Instance fill-array-data |filled-new-array |instance-of |new-array |new-instance 6 F
Jump goto 3 J
Logical and-int |and-long |neg-double |neg-float |neg-int |neg-long |not-int |
not-long |or-int |or-long |xor-int |xor-long
24 L
Monitor monitor-enter |monitor-exit 2 E
Move move |move-exception |move-object |move-result |move-result-object |
move-result-wide |move-wide
13 M
aget |aget-boolean |aget-byte |aget-char |aget-object |aget-short |
aget-wide |iget |iget-boolean |iget-byte |iget-char |iget-object |
iget-object-quick |iget-quick |iget-short |iget-wide |iget-wide-quick |sget |
sget-boolean |sget-byte |sget-char |sget-object |sget-short |sget-wide
24 G
Return return |return-object |return-void |return-wide 4 R
Switch packed-switch |sparse-switch 2 S
Throw throw 1 O
Type Change
double-to-float |double-to-int |double-to-long |float-to-double |float-to-int |
float-to-long |int-to-byte |int-to-char |int-to-double |int-to-float |
int-to-long |int-to-short |long-to-double |long-to-float |long-to-int
15 T
aput |aput-boolean |aput-byte |aput-char |aput-object |aput-short |
aput-wide |iput |iput-boolean |iput-byte |iput-char |iput-object |
iput-object-quick |iput-quick |iput-short |iput-wide |iput-wide-quick |sput |
sput-boolean |sput-byte |sput-char |sput-object |sput-short |sput-wide
24 P
Furthermore, an opcode sequence is divided into opcode segments. An op-
code segment is an functional block of opcode instructions in succession. A new
segment is created by breaking opcode sequence at locations where there exists a
diversion of flow control. For example, a block of opcode sequence DFFPDJGDGVM200
is divided into DFFPD and GDGVM based on pivot opcode Jcorresponding to a
jump. Furthermore, nop instructions are skipped during symbol mapping as
they do not add functional value to the code. Working of OSD generation is
described in Algorithm 1.
Algorithm 1: OSD Generation
Input: sample.APK
Output: Opcode Segment Document of the sample
Initialize OSD file
Extract DEX files from sample.APK
foreach DEX file do
Extract .smali files
foreach .smali file do
Initialize OpcodeSegment
Extract instructions
Ignore instruction operands
foreach instruction do
if instruction is nop then
if instruction is for control diversion then
Create new OpcodeSegment
Map instruction to Symbol using Symbol Table
Append the Symbol to OpcodeSequence
Append OpcodeSegment to OSD
Feature Extraction205
To make an OSD document classifiable, we perform feature extraction that
is to convert the document into a set of features. Each opcode segment word
in the OSD is treated as a feature with its frequency as a feature value. We
generate a feature vector representation of opcode segment words, quantified
with number of occurrences of each in an OSD.210
Attribute Selection
Feature extraction discussed above output features, of which many are irrele-
vant. We use attribute selection to choose significant features from the extracted
ones. During attribute selection we evaluate the worth of each feature by cal-
culating its information gain. Information gain depicts the entropy reduction215
due to a classification, thus capturing feature effectiveness with reference to the
class. Formally, let F be a set of features to be classified into Mclasses and Fm
denote the m-th subclass. Then, the entropy of Fis:
For a feature fwith Vas the set of its possible values, let Fvdenote the
sample subset with feature value vfor A[35]. Thus information gain of the220
feature fcan be calculated as:
IG(F,f)=E(F) − Õ
Features are then ranked based on correlation to class by calculating infor-
mation gain value.
Classification Model
We implement classification and detection phase in BLADE by implementing225
machine learning approaches. The representation of sensitive behaviors enables
us to detect and classify malware samples effectively using learning techniques.
Table 3: Description of different datasets
Dataset # benign # malwares # families Year of release
AndroAutopsy 109193 9990 30 2015
AndroTracker 51179 4554 20 2015
Drebin - 5560 179 2014
PRAGuard (Malgenome) - 8750 23 2015
PRAGuard (Contagio) - 1652 - 2015
We select J48, k-NN, Random Forest (RF) and Sequential Minimal Optimiza-
tion (SMO) for unsupervised learning. Our system is trained on labeled data
and then evaluated on testing data.230
4. Performance Evaluation
In this section, we first introduce datasets and evaluation parameters. It
follows with the evaluation of our proposed approach against the following Re-
search questions.
RQ1: Can BLADE detect malware samples with high accuracy? (Malware detec-235
RQ2: Can BLADE effectively classify malware samples into their respective fam-
ilies? (Familial Classification)
RQ3: Can BLADE classify malware samples into their classes with high TPR and
low FPR? (Malware Class/Type Detection)240
RQ4: Can BLADE effectively detect obfuscation type used by a malware? (Ob-
fuscation Detection)
RQ5: Can BLADE be resilient to obfuscation methods while classifying malware
samples? (Familial Classification)
4.1. Datasets and Evaluation Metrics245
In order to answer above mentioned research questions we evaluate BLADE
against different benchmark datasets. We selected four Android application
datasets namely: AndroAutosy [36], AndroTracker [37], Drebin [38] and An-
droid PRAGuard [23]. Table 3 describes the datasets used.
Table 4: Malware detection and classification evaluation metrics.
Term Abbreviation Definition
True Positive T P No. of samples correctly detected as malware or correctly
classified into family f.
True Negative T N No. of samples correctly detected as benign or correctly
not classified into family f.
False Positive F P No of sample incorrectly detected as malware or incor-
rectly classified into family f.
False Negative F N No of sample incorrectly detected as benign or incorrectly
not classified into family f.
Precision p T P /(T P +F P)
Recall r T P/(T P +F N )
F-measure F12r p/(r+p)
ROC Area AUC Area under ROC curve
Accuracy Acc Percentage of malwares correctly detected or classified
AndroAutopsy contains 109193 benign and 9990 malware samples classified250
into 30 families [36]. AndroTracker contains 51179 benign and 4554 malware
samples classified into 20 families [37]. Malware samples in AndroTracker in-
cludes four categories, which are Adware, Downloader, Riskware and Trojan.
Whereas, Drebin contains only malicious samples (5560) in 179 families [38].
These three datasets are used to answer RQs pertaining to malware detection,255
familial classification and malware class detection.
To evaluate obfuscation resilience of BLADE, we selected Android PRA-
Guard dataset, which is a collection of obfuscated malware samples. It contains
10479 obfuscated malware samples, generated by applying different obfuscation
methods on Malgenome [17] and Contagio MiniDump [39]. It employed trivial260
obfuscation, string encryption, reflection, class encryption obfuscation methods
and their combinations. Obfuscated malwares in Android PRAGuard generated
from Malgenome are classified into 23 family labels. We use Android PRAGuard
to answer RQs related to obfuscation resilience and classification of obfuscated
Table 4 lists the evaluation parameters employed to evaluate BLADE.
4.2. Methods for Performance Comparison
We selected four machine learning algorithms as appropriate classifiers for
our approach, namely: J48 decision tree (number of folds = 3; confidence factor
Table 5: Results: Malware detection by BLADE on AndroAutopsy and AndroTracker datasets
Method T P R F P R AUC Ac c(%) Metho d T P R F P R AUC Ac c(%)
AndroAutopsy AndroTracker
J48 0.972 0.030 0.973 97.21 J48 0.984 0.016 0.986 98.39
k-NN 0.978 0.025 0.985 97.75 k-NN 0.985 0.015 0.993 98.54
RF 0.982 0.023 0.997 98.18 RF 0.988 0.016 0.999 98.78
SMO 0.974 0.027 0.973 97.37 SMO 0.977 0.022 0.977 97.70
= 0.25 ), k-nearest neighbors (k=1), Random Forest (number of trees = 100)270
and SMO (complexity parameter=1; tolerance parameter=0.001). We do not
abandon any features in the experiments. We use above algorithms for training
and testing. We selected 10-fold cross validation for testing.
4.3. RQ1: Can BLADE detect malware samples with high accuracy?
Malware detection problem deals with identification of malicious samples275
amongst benign ones. We considered AndroAutopsy (benign=109193 &mal-
ware=9990 ) and AndroTracker (benign=51179 &malware=4554 ) datasets to
evaluate malware detection performance of BLADE equipped with four differ-
ent classifiers. detection accuracy of our approach. Table 5 shows the results of
BLADE against TPR,FPR,AUC and Acc parameters. Following conclusions280
are drawn from it:
All classifiers perform satisfactorily on both datasets with accuracy (greater
than 97%).
Random Forest outperforms other classifiers in almost all parameters. k-
NN (FPR=0.015) slightly outperforms Random Forest (FPR=0.016) in285
terms of false positive rate when evaluated on AndroTracker.
RQ1 Answer: BLADE can effectively detect malware samples with
high accuracy.
4.4. RQ2: Can BLADE effectively classify malware samples into their respective
The problem of classifying malicious samples into respective malware fam-290
ilies is popularly known as familial classification. For performance evaluation
of BLADE we considered three benchmark datasets, which are AndroAutopsy,
AndroTracker and Drebin. Malware samples in AndroAutopsy (9990 samples)
and AndroTracker (4554) dataset are categorized into 30 and 20 families re-
spectively. We selected top 20 families from Drebin dataset for evaluation. All295
four classifiers are tested against above three datasets for familial classifica-
tion. Table 6 shows the results of BLADE against TPR,FPR,AUC and ACC
parameters. Following conclusions are drawn from it:
All classifiers perform satisfactorily on AndroAutopsy, AndroTracker and
Drebin with accuracy greater than 94% and AUC greater than 0.993.300
SMO classifier is more effective than J48, k-NN and RF in terms of TPR,
FPR and accuracy.
Performance of Random Forest is better in term of AUC parameter.
Weighted average AUC of Random Forest on AndroTracker is 1.
Table 7 illustrates detailed familial classification performance analysis of305
BLADE with SMO when applied on top 20 families in Drebin. Dataset com-
prised of 4664 malware samples categorized into 20 families. Since family
datasets are imbalanced, F1measure is a preferred choice for comparison. BLADE
with SMO classifier is effective with weighted average F1measure of 0.985, ac-
curacy of 98.47% and F PR of 0.002. However, F1measure of only LinuxLotoor310
and Glodream families are between 0.88 and 0.90. This behavior is due to fewer
samples in a family and inter-family similarity.
RQ2 Answer: BLADE can effectively classify malicious samples into
their families with high accuracy and F-measure
Table 6: Results: Familial classification by BLADE on AndroAutopsy, AndroTracker and
Drebin datasets
Method T P R F P R AU C Ac c(%) T P R F PR AUC Acc (%) T P R F P R AUC Acc (%)
AndroAutopsy AndroTracker Drebin
J48 0.936 0.005 0.976 93.62 0.980 0.004 0.994 97.96 0.975 0.003 0.989 97.49
k-NN 0.932 0.006 0.985 93.19 0.983 0.002 0.998 98.29 0.963 0.004 0.989 96.33
RF 0.944 0.006 0.996 94.35 0.984 0.003 1.000 98.44 0.980 0.002 0.999 98.01
SMO 0.950 0.004 0.993 94.97 0.986 0.002 0.998 98.59 0.985 0.002 0.995 98.47
Table 7: Familial classification performance of BLADE with SMO for Drebin dataset (top 20
Family #TP R FP R p r F1AUC Family #T P R F P R p r F1AUC
Adrd 91 0.989 0.000 0.989 0.989 0.989 0.998 GinMaster 339 0.991 0.000 0.994 0.991 0.993 1.000
BaseBridge 330 0.976 0.000 0.997 0.976 0.986 0.992 Glodream 69 0.826 0.000 0.983 0.826 0.898 0.960
DroidDream 81 0.951 0.000 0.987 0.951 0.969 0.981 Iconosys 152 1.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
DroidKungFu 667 0.991 0.004 0.975 0.991 0.983 0.994 Imlog 43 0.953 0.000 1.000 0.953 0.976 1.000
LinuxLotoor 70 0.855 0.001 0.922 0.855 0.887 0.959 Kmin 147 0.993 0.000 0.993 0.993 0.993 1.000
FakeDoc 132 0.992 0.000 1.000 0.992 0.996 0.998 MobileTx 69 1.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
FakeInstaller 925 0.987 0.002 0.990 0.987 0.989 0.996 Opfake 613 0.997 0.006 0.961 0.997 0.978 0.997
FakeRun 61 1.000 0.000 0.984 1.000 0.992 1.000 Plankton 625 0.998 0.001 0.994 0.998 0.996 0.999
Gappusin 58 1.000 0.001 0.951 1.000 0.975 1.000 SendPay 59 0.983 0.000 1.000 0.983 0.991 0.986
Geinimi 92 0.967 0.000 1.000 0.967 0.983 0.995 SMSreg 41 0.902 0.000 1.000 0.902 0.949 0.971
Weighted Avg. 0.985 0.002 0.985 0.985 0.985 0.995
4.5. RQ3: Can BLADE classify malware samples into their classes with high
TPR and low FPR?315
Malware based on their behavior are categorized into types or classes such
as Adware and Trojan. We test effectiveness of BLADE in detecting malware
classes against AndroAutopsy, which categorizes its malware samples into five
major classes namely: Adware, Downloader, Riskware, Rooter and Trojan. Ta-
ble 8 illustrates efficacy of BLADE while while categorizing malicious samples320
into behavior based classes. Following conclusions are drawn from it.
All classifiers perform satisfactory with accuracy more than 96.5%.
SMO classifier is more effective in correctly classifying the samples. With
better hit rate and low fall-out rate.
Random Forest classifier is more capable of distinguishing between the325
classes with AUC of 0.997.
RQ3 Answer: BLADE can effectively distinguish between malicious
samples from different classes.
Table 8: Results: Malware class detection by BLADE on AndroAutopsy dataset
Method TPR FPR AUC Ac c (%)
J48 0.965 0.028 0.974 96.54
k-NN 0.967 0.029 0.988 96.70
RF 0.967 0.041 0.997 96.69
SMO 0.975 0.022 0.980 97.53
4.6. RQ4: Can BLADE effectively detect obfuscation type used by a malware?
As discussed in section 2.2, malware authors enhance their applications
with obfuscation techniques to evade detection. We test efficacy of BLADE330
while dealing with obfuscated samples. In this subsection we try to answer,
whether our approach is able to differentiate between malware samples ob-
fuscated with different methods. We chose Android PRAGuard [23] dataset
for it. Android PRAGuard comprises of malware samples from Malgenome
and Contagio datasets obfuscated with multiple methods such as trivial obfus-335
cation, string encryption, reflection, class encryption and their combinations.
We created sub-datasets from Android PRAGuard to have a detailed analysis.
PRAGuard Malgenome (T, S, R & C) and PRAGuard Contagio (T, S, R &
C) datasets comprise of samples obfuscated either by Trivial, String encryp-
tion, Reflection or Class encryption. While PRAGuard Malgenome (T, S, R, C,340
TS, TSR & TSRC) and PRAGuard Contagio (T, S, R, C, TS, TSR & TSRC)
datasets comprise of sample enhanced with multiple methods also. Following
conclusions are drawn from results illustrated in Table 9.
J48, Random Forest and SMO classifiers are effective in obfuscation type
detection. k-NN classifier based approach is less effective than others.345
BLADE with J48 classifier is effective to distinguish between samples en-
hanced using single obfuscation methods with accuracy 99.44% (PRA-
Guard Malgenome) and 98.83% (PRAGuard Conatagio).
BLADE is more effective on PRAGuard Malgenome (T, S, R & C) with
accuracy 99.44% than PRAGuard Malgenome (T, S, R, C, TS, TSR &350
TSRC) with accuracy 93.53%. It also is more effective on PRAGuard
Table 9: Results: Obfuscation type detection on PRAGuard dataset
Method TPR FPR AUC Ac c (%) Method TPR FPR AUC A c c (%)
PRAGuard Malgenome (T, S, R & C) PRAGuard Contagio (T, S, R & C)
J48 0.994 0.002 0.999 99.44 J48 0.988 0.004 0.996 98.83
k-NN 0.922 0.026 0.979 92.24 k-NN 0.863 0.046 0.965 86.33
RF 0.991 0.003 1 99.10 RF 0.978 0.007 0.998 97.78
SMO 0.992 0.003 0.995 99.18 SMO 0.981 0.006 0.991 98.09
PRAGuard Malgenome PRAGuard Contagio
(T, S, R, C, TS, TSR & TSRC) (T, S, R, C, TS, TSR & TSRC)
J48 0.935 0.011 0.980 93.53 J48 0.921 0.013 0.978 92.09
k-NN 0.852 0.025 0.955 85.19 k-NN 0.857 0.024 0.957 85.68
RF 0.916 0.014 0.993 91.63 RF 0.917 0.014 0.990 91.66
SMO 0.920 0.013 0.983 92.03 SMO 0.923 0.013 0.979 92.27
[ T: Trivial; S: String Encryption; R: Reflection; C: Class Encryption; TS: Trivial and String Encryption; TSR:
Trivial, String encryption and Reflection; TSRC: Trival, String Encryption, Reflection and Class Encryption ]
Contagio (T, S, R & C) with accuracy 98.83% than PRAGuard Contagio
(T, S, R, C, TS, TSR & TSRC) with accuracy 92.27%. Thus BLADE
performs better on single obfuscated samples than combinatory.
RQ4 Answer: BLADE can effectively differentiate type of ob-
fuscation used by a malicious sample. It also performs well against
samples enhanced with multiple obfuscation techniques.
4.7. RQ5: Can BLADE be resilient to obfuscation methods while classifying
malware samples?
To evaluate the resilience of BLADE against obfuscation methods, we per-
form familial classification of obfuscated samples from PRAGuard Dataset. We
created seven subset from Android PRAGuard (Malgenome) on the basis of ob-360
fuscation methods. We then measure how well our approach can identify families
amongst each sub-dataset (T, S, R, C, TS, TSR & TSRC). Each sub-dataset
comprised of 1250 samples categorized into 23 families. Table 10 shows accu-
racy of familial classification when applied on above sub-datasets. Following
conclusions are drawn from it.365
BLADE is resilient to Trivial, String encryption, Reflection and their com-
binatory techniques.
Table 10: Results: Familial classification accuracy (%) of obfuscated malware samples from
PRAGuard Malgenome dataset.
J48 98.60 97.86 98.77 92.77 97.87 98.53 86.65
k-NN 97.29 96.72 97.70 83.74 96.97 97.05 90.58
RF 98.69 98.44 98.61 85.97 98.37 98.20 91.32
SMO 99.02 99.02 99.18 91.87 99.26 98.69 92.47
[T: Trivial; S: String Encryption; R: Reflection; C: Class Encryption; TS: Trivial and String Encryption; TSR:
Trivial, String encryption and Reflection; TSRC: Trival, String Encryption, Reflection and Class Encryption ]
BLADE is less resilient against Class encryption and its combinatory when
compared with other obfuscation methods. But it is still effective in de-
tecting Class encryption with 92.77% accuracy.370
SMO classifier performs better than other classifiers in most cases.
RQ5 Answer: BLADE is resilient to obfuscation methods while clas-
sifying malware sample with high accuracy.
5. Discussion
In this section, we compare our proposed system against state of the art
malware detection systems in Android. Table 11 compares performance of the375
proposed work with DANDroid [40]. The comparison is with reference to var-
ious obfuscation methods and their combination. DANDroid use DexProtec-
tor tool to obfuscate Drebin dataset, where as results of BLADE are based
on Malgenome dataset obfuscated using PRAGuard tool [30, 23]. DANDroid
uses Discriminative Adversarial Network based on neural network for detection.380
Both the approaches performs well against obfuscation methods apart from class
encryption which shows a small dip in the accuracy.
Efficiency and performance of the proposed solution is compared with pre-
vious studies in table 12. We have listed features used for malware detection or
classification, furthermore the dataset(s) with the technique(s) employed. Few385
works like, Millar et al. [40] and Garcia et al. [] are evaluating their work on
both non-obfuscated and obfuscated samples.
Table 11: Classification accuracy comparison of DANDroid and BLADE (proposed work).
Obfuscation DANDroid[40] BLADE
Trivial - 99.02
String Encryption 98.8 99.02
Reflection 99 99.18
Class Encryption 95.1 92.77
Resource Encryption 98.7 -
All obfuscations applied 95.3 92.47
Table 12: Comparison of BLADE with the existing state of the art solutions. [OD: Perfor-
mance over obfuscated dataset]
Paper Year Features Techniques Dataset Acc (%)
Arp et al. [38] 2014 Hardware, API Calls, App
components, Intents, Per-
missions and Network ad-
SVM Drebin 93.9
Fereidooni et al. [41] 2016 Intent, API Calls and Per-
KNN, Adaboost, DL, XG-
Genome, Drebin, Virus Total 97
Karbab et al. [42] 2016 Binary, Assembly, Manifest
and APK
Permissions, API calls, Net-
work addresses, APK
Drebin, Genome 87
Mariconti et al. [43] 2017 API Calls Markov Chain Model Drebin 87
Feizollah et al. [44] 2017 Intents and Permissions Bayesian Network Drebin, Google PlayStore 95.5
Wang et al. [13] 2017 App components, Intents,
Permissions, API calls,
strings, commands and
network information
Dempster-Shafer theory
based fusion of KNN,
random forest and J48
Drebin and Android Malware
Genome Project
Garcia et al. [45] 2018 Permissions, App Compo-
nents and Intent filters
SVM Malgenome, Drebin, Virus
Share and Virus Total
Garcia et al. [45] 2018 Permissions, App Compo-
nents and Intent filters
SVM Malgenome, Drebin, Virus
Share and Virus Total
86 [OD]
Machiry et al. [46] 2018 Code loops RF Malgenome and Virus Share 99.1
Alshahrani et al. [47] 2018 Permissions, system informa-
tion, system calls, network
SGD, RMSProp, Adagrad,
Adam, Nadam, Adadelta and
Drebin and MARVIN 95.13
Alazab [48] 2020 API Calls Naive Bayes, kNN, RF, J48,
SMO, Logistic Regressions,
Adaboost, JRip, Random
committee, Simple logistics
VirusTotal, AndroZoo, Mal-
Share, Contagio and Google
Millar et al. [40] 2020 Opcode instructions, permis-
sions, API calls and com-
DAN, CNN, Neural Nets Drebin and self obfuscated 97.3
Millar et al. [40] 2020 Opcode instructions, permis-
sions, API calls and com-
DAN, CNN, Neural Nets Drebin and self obfuscated 59.6 [OD]
Sihag et al. (Pro-
posed Work)
2020 Opcode instructions k-NN, J48, RF and SMO Drebin, Contagio,
Malgenome, PRAGuard
Sihag et al. (Pro-
posed Work)
2020 Opcode instructions k-NN, J48, RF and SMO Drebin, Contagio,
Malgenome, PRAGuard
92.47 [OD]
6. Related Works
Android is a market mover and popular target among malware authors.
There are several studies on obfuscation techniques used by Android malware390
and their evolving detection methods.
Obfuscation and its effectiveness
Obfuscation methods are a new normal for both developers and malware
authors. Tam et al. [12], Nigam [49] and Suarez-Tangil [50] have extensively
discussed the evolution of Android malware over the last decade. Apvrille and395
Nigam in [25] explores the practical usage of stealth techniques by Android mal-
ware. Faruki et al. in [16] discussed obfuscation methods, application protection
and deobfuscation methods specific to Android.
Dong et al. in [22] provided an understanding into Android code obfus-
cation and carried out a large scale investigation on 114,560 samples for its400
usage. Various static and dynamic code obfuscation approaches are presented
in [22, 51, 52, 53, 54] such as renaming, string encryption, control flow ob-
fuscation and reflections. Effectiveness of these obfuscation are evaluated in
[55, 56, 4, 23, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61]. Park et al. in [58], empirically analyzed ap-
plication similarity between original software and the one transformed by code405
obfuscation. Furthermore, it tried to question the legality of the obfuscated
app. State of art deobfuscation methods are proposed in [62, 63, 64].
Detection using Opcodes
Opcodes which represent application code at instruction level are popularly
used static analysis approach. Statistical properties of application opcodes are410
useful for malware detection. Multiple studies have evaluated its effectiveness for
classification. Hang et al. [65] proposes simplification of 218 dalvik opcode and
was more effective than anti-malware softwares. Chen et al. [66] also performs
simplification but only of 107 representative opcodes. Canfora et al. [67] divided
opcodes into n-grams for detection. It used frequency characteristic, which are415
then fed into SVM and RF classifiers. They concluded that n-gram approach
with n=2 was most accurate for malware detection. Hahn et al. [68] included
both opcode sequence and opcode frequency for classification using machine
learning (Bayesian Network, k-NN and Random Forest). Mclaughlin et al. [69]
employed CNN for deep learning based on opcode sequences. They concluded it420
to be more effective than n-gram approach while considering scalability. Other
approaches have also employed similarity measure on opcode sequences or n-
grams for classification [70, 71].
7. Conclusion
Malware detection and its classification is a complex problem involving dis-425
tinct feature identification and selection from malware samples. The task gets
more complicated with malware employing obfuscation methods to evade such
identification. This paper introduces BLADE, a novel system based on Opcode
Segment Document (OSD) for malware detection and familial classification. It
is effective, accurate and resilient to obfuscation. BLADE relies on opcode430
segments, which represents sequential instruction. We evaluated it to answer
research questions of malware detection, malware familial classification, mal-
ware class/type detection, obfuscation type detection and familial classification
of obfuscated samples. BLADE was tested against benchmark datasets AndroAu-
topsy, AndroTracker, Drebin and Android PRAGuard. It is found effective in435
detecting samples using multiple obfuscation techniques.
As part of the future work, we need to explore obfuscation methods where
malicious code is located outside the DEX file, such as native code and libraries.
Furthermore, we plan to explore the behavioral representation of fine-grained
opcode segments against with the behavioral abstraction from dynamic analysis.440
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... Sihag et al. [23] employed opcode segments for feature characterization in the context of Android malware detection. They performed semantics-based simplification of Smali opcodes, which involves reducing the complexity of opcode sequences while preserving their essential meaning and behaviour. ...
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The Android platform's open-source nature makes it a prime target for attackers seeking to exploit vulnerabilities. The practice of reverse engineering in Android applications further increases this vulnerability, creating a lucrative ground for exploitation and attack. Malware developers use various obfuscation techniques to protect applications from reverse engineering attempts. These same obfuscation techniques are utilized by malware creators to hide malicious code within the application's structure. Obfuscation introduces useless code and concealed features during feature extraction, making it difficult for conventional malware analysis methods to recognise the application and resulting in a high rate of false negatives. To address this, this paper introduces an innovative Smali opcode-based model, specifically designed to address the complexity of obfuscation techniques during both binary and familial classification. The core objective is to design a lightweight model capable of classifying malware and benign applications, alongside robust familial classification. Moreover, the model is also equipped to identify the specific obfuscation technique employed in a given malware application. We have meticulously implemented and rigorously evaluated the proposed model using two distinct datasets encompassing obfuscated and non-obfuscated samples. The experimental findings affirm the model's performance, surpassing existing state-of-the-art Android malware classifiers. Notably, the model achieves an impressive binary classification accuracy of 99.4\%.
... Finally, another approach is to use feature engineering techniques that are less likely to be manipulated by an attacker. In this experiment, the proposed hamming distance-based feature selection has been applied with the obfuscated malware samples named, Blade [18] provided by S. Vikas et. al. ...
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Ransomware is a serious cyberthreat for Android users, with devastating consequences for its victims. By locking or encrypting the targeted device, victims are often left unable to access their data, with attackers demanding payment in bitcoins in exchange for decryption. These attacks can occur across various sectors, including government, business, and health systems. Therefore, effective measures to mitigate this threat are critical. This paper proposes a novel hamming distance-based feature selection technique for detecting Android ransomware through static analysis. The detection approach involves four phases: feature extraction, binary feature vector generation, feature selection, and classification. A Python tool is used to automatically extract static features from Android applications, which are then processed for feature vector generation and selection. The effectiveness of the proposed technique is evaluated using various experiments, including machine learning and deep learning techniques. In addition, this article outlines a threat scenario of ransomware on the Android platform. The proposed system achieves a maximum detection accuracy of 99% with Random Forest and Decision Tree classifiers, surpassing state-of-the-art studies. Overall, the proposed technique offers an efficient solution for detecting Android ransomware, which could help prevent future attacks and reduce the impact of this serious cyberthreat.
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The persistent threat of malicious applications targeting Android devices has been growing in numbers and severity. Numerous techniques have been utilized to defend against this thread, including heuristic-based ones, which are able to detect unknown malware. Among the many features that this technique uses are system calls. Researchers have used several representation methods to capture system calls, such as histograms. However, some information may be lost if the system calls as a feature is only represented as a 1-dimensional vector. Graphs can represent the interaction of different system calls in an unusual or suspicious way, which can indicate malicious behavior. This study uses machine learning algorithms to recognize malicious behavior represented in a graph. The system call graph was fed into machine learning algorithms such as AdaBoost, Decision Table, Naïve Bayes, Random Forest, IBk, J48, and Logistic regression. We further employ a series feature selection method to improve detection accuracy and eliminate computational complexity. Our experiment results show that the proposed method has reduced feature dimension to 91.95% and provides 95.32% detection accuracy.
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Android platform security is an active area of research where malware detection techniques continuously evolve to identify novel malware and improve the timely and accurate detection of existing malware. Adversaries are constantly in charge of employing innovative techniques to avoid or prolong malware detection effectively. Past studies have shown that malware detection systems are susceptible to evasion attacks where adversaries can successfully bypass the existing security defenses and deliver the malware to the target system without being detected. The evolution of escape-resistant systems is an open research problem. This paper presents a detailed taxonomy and evaluation of Android-based malware evasion techniques deployed to circumvent malware detection. The study characterizes such evasion techniques into two broad categories, polymorphism and metamorphism, and analyses techniques used for stealth malware detection based on the malware’s unique characteristics. Furthermore, the article also presents a qualitative and systematic comparison of evasion detection frameworks and their detection methodologies for Android-based malware. Finally, the survey discusses open-ended questions and potential future directions for continued research in mobile malware detection.
Android malware has been emerged as a significant threat, which includes exposure of confidential information, misrepresentation of facts and execution of applications without the knowledge of the users. Malware analysis plays an essential role in dealing with the unlawful behaviour of such malicious applications. Android malware analysis involves examining and understanding malware behaviour and its characteristics. It also includes potential adversarial impacts on Android devices. This paper presents a quick understanding and a holistic view of malware detection and analysis. The current investigation conducted a systematic literature review (SLR) to recognize the salient shifts in malware detection by examining a range of scholarly journals and conference papers. The SLR investigated 99 articles published between the years 2018 and 2023. The key observation of this SLR is that static analysis is the most implemented approach for detecting Android malware; Apktool and Androguard are the most frequently used tools. This study also conceded that deep learning and machine learning models have more potential to analyse the malicious behaviour of malware. Certain challenges are faced in Android malware analysis, that is, obfuscation techniques, dynamic code loading, and issues related to experimented datasets. Further, this study focuses on the following areas: the definition of the sample set, data optimisation and processing, feature extraction, machine learning application, and classifier validation. This investigation differs from previous analyses of Android malware detection by emphasizing additional methods based on machine learning.
Obfuscated malware poses a challenge to traditional malware detection methods as it uses various techniques to disguise its behavior and evade detection. This paper focuses on the impacts of obfuscated malware detection techniques using a variety of detection methods. Furthermore, this paper discusses the current state of obfuscated malware, the methods used to detect it, and the limitations of those methods. The impact of obfuscation on the effectiveness of detection methods is also discussed. An approach for the creation of advanced detection techniques based on machine learning algorithms is offered, along with an empirical examination of malware detection performance assessment to battle obfuscated malware. Overall, this paper highlights the importance of staying ahead of the constantly evolving threat landscape to safeguard computer networks and systems.
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In the age of increasing mobile and smart connectivity, malware poses an ever evolving threat to individuals, societies and nations. Anti-malware companies are often the first and only line of defense for mobile users. Driven by economic benefits, quantity and complexity of Android malware are increasing, thus making them difficult to detect. Malware authors employ multiple techniques (e.g. code obfuscation, packaging and encryption) to evade static analysis (signature based) and dynamic analysis (behavior based) detection methods. In this article, we present an overview of Android and its state of the art security services. We then present an exhaustive and analytic taxonomy of Android malware hardening techniques available in the literature. Furthermore, we review and analyze the code obfuscation and preventive techniques used by malware to evade detection. Hardening mechanisms are also popular amongst application developers to fortify against reverse engineering. Based on our in-depth survey, we highlight the issues related to them and manifest future directions. We believe the need to examine the effectiveness and efficiency of hardening techniques and their combination.
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User’s security and privacy are of increasing concern with the popularity of Android and its applications. Apps of malicious nature attempts to perform activities like information leakage and user profiling, detection of which is a challenge for security researchers. In this paper, we try to solve this problem by proposing a behavior based approach to detect malicious nature of applications in Android. Events and behavioral activities of an application are used to generate signature, which then is matched with signature database for detection. Behavioral signatures are designed on the basis of information leakage attempt, jailbreak attempt, abuse of root privilege and access of critical permissions. 260 popular apps of different nature were evaluated in addition to 42 android apps, which were flagged malicious by Government of India. The proposed system shows promising results to detect malicious behaviors. It also defines the nature of malicious activity exploited by an app.
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Despite the growing threat posed by Android malware, the research community is still lacking a comprehensive view of common behaviors and emerging trends in malware families active on the platform. Without such view, researchers incur the risk of developing systems that only detect outdated threats, missing the most recent ones. In this paper, we conduct the largest measurement of Android malware behavior to date, analyzing over 1.2 million malware samples that belong to 1.28K families over a period of eight years (from 2010 to 2017). We aim at understanding how Android malware has evolved over time, focusing on repackaging malware. In this type of threat different innocuous apps are piggybacked with a malicious payload (rider), allowing inexpensive malware manufacturing. One of the main challenges posed when studying repackaged malware is slicing the app to split benign components apart from the malicious ones. To address this problem, we use differential analysis to isolate software components that are irrelevant to the campaign and study the behavior of malicious riders alone. Our analysis framework relies on collective repositories and recent advances on the systematization of intelligence extracted from multiple anti-virus vendors. We find that since its infancy in 2010, the Android malware ecosystem has changed significantly, both in the type of malicious activity performed by malware and in the level of obfuscation used to avoid detection. Finally, we discuss what our findings mean for Android malware detection research, highlighting areas that need further attention by the research community. In particular, we show that riders of malware families evolve over time. This evidences important experimental bias in research works levering on automated systems for family identification without considering variants.
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Many Internet of Things (IoT) services are currently tracked and regulated via mobile devices, making them vulnerable to privacy attacks and exploitation by various malicious applications. Current solutions are unable to keep pace with the rapid growth of malware and are limited by low detection accuracy, long discovery time, complex implementation, and high computational costs associated with the processor speed, power, and memory. Therefore, an automated intelligence technique is necessary for detecting apps containing malware and effectively predicting cyberattacks in mobile marketplaces. In this study, a system for classifying mobile marketplaces applications using real-world datasets is proposed, which analyzes the source code to identify malicious apps. A rich feature set of application programming interface (API) calls is proposed to capture the regularities in apps containing malicious content. Two feature-selection methods—Chi-Square and ANOVA—were examined in conjunction with ten supervised machine-learning algorithms. The detection accuracy of each classifier was evaluated to identify the most reliable classifier for malware detection using various feature sets. Chi-Square was found to have a higher detection accuracy as compared to ANOVA. The proposed system achieved a detection accuracy of 98.1% with a classification time of 1.22 s. Furthermore, the proposed system required a reduced number of API calls (500 instead of 9000) to be incorporated as features.
Conference Paper
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Program code is a valuable asset to its owner. Due to the easy-to-reverse nature of Java, code protection for Android apps is of particular importance. To this end, code obfuscation is widely utilized by both legitimate app developers and malware authors, which complicates the representation of source code or machine code in order to hinder the manual investigation and code analysis. Despite many previous studies focusing on the obfuscation techniques, however, our knowledge of how obfuscation is applied by real-world developers is still limited. In this paper, we seek to better understand Android obfuscation and depict a holistic view of the usage of obfuscation through a large-scale investigation in the wild. In particular, we focus on three popular obfuscation approaches: identifier renaming, string encryption and Java reflection. To obtain the meaningful statistical results, we designed efficient and lightweight detection models for each obfuscation technique and applied them to our massive APK datasets (collected from Google Play, multiple third-party markets, and malware databases). We have learned several interesting facts from the result. For example, more apps on third-party markets than malware use identifier renaming, and malware authors use string encryption more frequently. We are also interested in the explanation of each finding. Therefore we carry out in-depth code analysis on some Android apps after sampling. We believe our study will help developers select the most suitable obfuscation approach, and in the meantime help researchers improve code analysis systems in the right direction.
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Both Android application developers and malware authors use sophisticated obfuscation tools to prevent their mobile applications from being repackaged and analyzed. These tools obfuscate sensitive strings and classes, API calls, and control flows in the Dalvik bytecode. Consequently, it is inevitable for the security analysts to spend significant amount of time for understanding the robustness of these obfuscation techniques and fully comprehending the intentions of each application. Since such analyses are often errorprone and require extensive analysis experience, it is critical to explore a novel approach to systematically analyze Android application bytecode. In this paper, we propose an approach to address such a critical challenge by placing hooks in the Dalvik virtual machine at the point where a Dalvik instruction is about to be executed. Also, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach through case studies on real-world applications with our prototype, called DexMonitor.
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With the popularity of Android applications, Android malware has an exponential growth trend. In order to detect Android malware effectively, this paper proposes a novel lightweight static detection model, TinyDroid , using instruction simplification and machine learning technique. First, a symbol-based simplification method is proposed to abstract the opcode sequence decompiled from Android Dalvik Executable files. Then, N-gram is employed to extract features from the simplified opcode sequence, and a classifier is trained for the malware detection and classification tasks. To improve the efficiency and scalability of the proposed detection model, a compression procedure is also used to reduce features and select exemplars for the malware sample dataset. TinyDroid is compared against the state-of-the-art antivirus tools in real world using Drebin dataset. The experimental results show that TinyDroid can get a higher accuracy rate and lower false alarm rate with satisfied efficiency.
Conference Paper
In the past few years, both the industry and the academic communities have developed several approaches to detect malicious Android apps. State-of-the-art research approaches achieve very high accuracy when performing malware detection on existing datasets. These approaches perform their malware classification tasks in an "offline" scenario, where malware authors cannot learn from and adapt their malicious apps to these systems. In real-world deployments, however, adversaries get feedback about whether their app was detected, and can react accordingly by transforming their code until they are able to influence the classification. In this work, we propose a new approach for detecting Android malware that is designed to be resilient to feature-unaware perturbations without retraining. Our work builds on two key ideas. First, we consider only a subset of the codebase of a given app, both for precision and performance aspects. For this paper, our implementation focuses exclusively on the loops contained in a given app. We hypothesize, and empirically verify, that the code contained in apps' loops is enough to precisely detect malware. This provides the additional benefits of being less prone to noise and errors, and being more performant. The second idea is to build a feature space by extracting a set of labels for each loop, and by then considering each unique combination of these labels as a different feature: The combinatorial nature of this feature space makes it prohibitively difficult for an attacker to influence our feature vector and avoid detection, without access to the specific model used for classification. We assembled these techniques into a prototype, called LoopMC, which can locate loops in applications, extract features, and perform classification, without requiring source code. We used LoopMC to classify about 20,000 benign and malicious applications. While focusing on a smaller portion of the program may seem counterintuitive, the results of these experiments are surprising: our system achieves a classification accuracy of 99.3% and 99.1% for the Malware Genome Project and VirusShare datasets respectively, which outperforms previous approaches. We also evaluated LoopMC, along with the related work, in the context of various evasion techniques, and show that our system is more resilient to evasion.