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A Comparative Analysis for Leukocyte Classification Based on Various Deep Learning Models Using Transfer Learning


Abstract and Figures

Leukocytes, sometimes referred to as white blood cells (WBCs), are crucial to the healthy operation of the human body. WBC distribution in human body are biological markers that determine the immunity of human body to fight against infectious diseases. WBC detection and classification plays an important role in medical application. However, using manual microscopic evaluation is complicated and time consuming. To tackle the limitations associated with traditional methods, recently deep learning (D.L) based methods are much experimented and explored. In this paper, we implemented various D.L models for automatic classification of WBCs. A comparative study among pretrained networks namely Inceptionv3, MobileNetV3 and VGG-19 was performed using transfer learning on publicly available WBC images from Kaggle. Classification accuracy of WBC images using Inceptionv3, MobileNetV3 and VGG-19 is 99.76%, 99.25% and 86.50% respectively. Inceptionv3 was further compared with the existing works in the literature and is found to be superior.
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A Comparative Analysis for Leukocyte
Classification Based on Various Deep Learning
Models Using Transfer Learning
Aruna Kumari Kakumani
Dept. of ECE
VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering and Technology,
Vinisha Rekhawar
Dept. of ECE
VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering and Technology,
Vikas Katla
Dept. of ECE
VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering and Technology,
Anish Reddy Yellakonda
Dept. of ECE
VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering and Technology,
Abstract Leukocytes, sometimes referred to as white blood
cells (WBCs), are crucial to the healthy operation of the human
body. WBC distribution in human body are biological
markers that determine the immunity of human body to fight
against infectious diseases. WBC detection and classification
plays an important role in medical application. However, using
manual microscopic evaluation is complicated and time
consuming. To tackle the limitations associated with traditional
methods, recently deep learning (D.L) based methods are much
experimented and explored. In this paper, we implemented
various D.L models for automatic classification of WBCs. A
comparative study among pretrained networks namely
Inceptionv3, MobileNetV3 and VGG-19 was performed using
transfer learning on publicly available WBC images from
Kaggle. Classification accuracy of WBC images using
Inceptionv3, MobileNetV3 and VGG-19 is 99.76%, 99.25% and
86.50% respectively. Inceptionv3 was further compared with
the existing works in the literature and is found to be superior.
KeywordsWhite blood cells, Inception v3, Deep Learning,
Transfer Learning
A blood smear examined under a microscope contains
information that is helpful in the diagnosis of numerous
disorders. Red blood cells (RBCs), white blood cells
(WBCs), and blood platelets make up the majority of human
blood. WBCs, commonly known as immune cells, are a
crucial component of the immune system. They are created
in the bone marrow and found in lymph tissue. They support
the body's defense mechanisms against harmful pathogens
and invaders. One can distinguish WBCs from other
components of blood as WBC’s have nuclei. Whereas RBCs
and platelets have no nuclei. WBCs are majorly divided into
two types depending on the shape and size of nucleus.
Granular cells: neutrophils, basophil, eosinophil and non-
granular cells: monocyte and lymphocytes.
Neutrophils are the primary component of WBCs which
comprise 40% - 60%, and have a nucleus with three to five
lobes and these lobes are connected by slender strands of
genetic material, and they are responsible to fight against
bacterial and fungal infections. Eosinophils, which
comprises of 1% - 4% of the WBCs in the body, have a bi-
Fig. 1. Structure of Classification of WBCs
lobed nucleus with large granules scattered throughout their
cytoplasm, and they are primarily responsible for destroying
parasites and responding to allergens. Lymphocytes, which
comprises of 20%-40%, the smallest of the WBCs, have a
massive, round nucleus with minimal surrounding
cytoplasm, and they serve the purpose of producing
antibodies and killing infected cells. Lastly, monocytes,
which make about 2%-8%, the largest of the white blood
cells, have nuclei with a kidney shape and an abundance of
cytoplasm surrounding it. Basophils are present in very less
quantity around 0.5%-1%, are responsible to release
enzymes and prevent blood clotting. As basophils are
negligible, this study concentrates majorly on eosinophil,
lymphocyte, monocyte and neutrophil.
Currently, two different methods are used to determine
the WBC count and WBC differential. In the first method, a
pathologist applies a drop of blood thinly to a glass slide,
lets it dry, colors the resulting smear, and then counts and
classifies the WBCs on the slide by hand under a
microscope. In another method, the WBCs are suspended in
solution for the automated count, and a device known as a
laser flow cytometer shines a laser on them and measures
the refracted light to ascertain the WBCs distribution and
count. Both of these approaches have shortcomings despite
being precise and trustworthy. The earlier approach requires
manually counting the cells which is a cumbersome task and
2023 4th International Conference for Emerging Technology (INCET)
elgaum, India. May 26-28, 2023
979-8-3503-3575-0/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE 1
2023 4th International Conference for Emerging Technology (INCET) | 979-8-3503-3575-0/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/INCET57972.2023.10170443
other method uses a laser flow cytometer, which is
expensive. Due to these reasons, there is a necessity to
develop computer vision-based methods to accurately
classify the WBCs.
A. Literature survey
In the paper [1] DenseNet121 Deep Learning (D.L)
model is utilized to classify WBCs into four classes. The
article [2] demonstrated a robust method for classifying
cropped WBCs utilizing features retrieved from CNN layers.
After performing data augmentation, the Adaptive Moment
Learning Rate (ADAM) optimizer was used to train CNN.
They discovered that using classifiers besides the standard
CNN softmax classifier, specifically the SVM and RF
classifier, boosts accuracy. In paper [3] Yolov4 and faster
RCNN based methods were utilized for simultaneous
recognition and classification of WBCs from images. In [4]
the Maximal Information Coefficient and Ridge feature
extraction procedures were used with the CNNs to
accomplish the classification task efficiently. The prominent
features were selected using the Ridge feature extraction
method and the Maximum Information Coefficient features.
Using this feature set, the classification process was carried
out. In their study, AlexNet, GoogLeNet, and ResNet-50
were utilized for feature selection and quadratic discriminant
analysis was employed as a classifier. In the paper [5]
authors have proposed a K-Means clustering-based image
processing approach to detect WBCs in microscopic images,
and a VGG-16 classifier for classification. In [6] the authors
have proposed a W-Net, a D.L based WBC classification
model, to precisely identify WBC types. Three convolutional
layers were used for feature selection and two fully
connected (FC) layers using softmax activation function is
used to classify them into five categories. A D.L system for
WBC type categorization using MobileNetV3-ShufflenetV2
is implemented in this paper [7]. First, WBC image frames
are divided into segments by a powerful Pyramid Scene
Parsing Network (PSPNet). After that, global and local
details are chosen from the segmented images using
MobileNetV3 and a method based on Artificial Gravitational
Cuckoo Search (AGCS). Lastly, five classes are created from
the WBC photos using a ShufflenetV2 model. In [8] for
accurate WBC classification, a multi-attention framework
has been developed. Using attention in augmentation and
regularization techniques, this method gathers texture
information from upper layers and deep features from
innermost layers which helps the model to learn only
selective features. In the article [9] Gaussian filter and
median filter are used to preprocess the raw WBC images
and GoogLeNet, Alexnet, DenseNet201 and ResNet50 were
utilized to perform classification. The performance after
applying the two filters was superior. This study [10]
provides a D.L architecture based on CCA (canonical
correlation analysis) by combining CNN and Long Short-
Term Memory (LSTM) for the goal of classifying WBCs in
images. CCA increases accuracy rate by extracting a wide
range of overlapping features from input image. This method
classifies the WBCs without undergoing segmentation and
feature extraction stages. Article [11] uses the VGG-16
model to combine D.L and machine learning methods to
extract characteristics from the detected nucleus of WBCs.
A. Dataset and data preprocessing
Initially, the dataset was downloaded from Kaggle, having
12515 images [12]. It comprises of 9957 images for
training, 2487 images for testing and 71 images for
validation. The original dataset was reorganized in such a
way that 10,008 images are allocated for training, 1251
images for validation, and 1251 images for testing. The
detailed description of modified dataset is shown in Table I.
Fig. 2. (Counting rightward, clockwise) an image of a lymphocyte, an
image of a neutrophil, an image of an eosinophil, and an image of a
monocyte. The purple object is a white blood cell, and the reddish-
pink objects are red blood cells. The darker purple stain distinguishes
the nucleus from the lighter purple or pink cytoplasm. They are
sample images from dataset [12]
The images in the dataset had a dimension of
320*240*3, which are resized to 224*224*3 to reduce the
computation. The train data was then rotated, zoomed,
horizontally flipped, sheared, shifted in height and width,
and filled in nearest-neighbor mode, whereas the test and
validation data were just rescaled [13]. This is done to
improve the accuracy in classification of WBCs.
Afterwards, the entire data undergone data Normalization. It
is one of the preprocessing techniques wherein, each pixel
value of the input image is divided by 255, so that the output
pixel value lies between 0 to1. D.L models can be trained
more quickly by normalizing the input images.
B. Transfer Learning Procedure
The proposed methodology workflow is shown in Fig. 3.
The images in the dataset had a dimension of 320*240*3,
which were resized to 224*224*3 and data augmentation
was done. Afterwards, the entire data undergone data
Normalization. It is one of the preprocessing techniques
wherein, each pixel value of the input image is divided by
255, so that the output pixel value lies between 0 to1. D.L
models can be trained more quickly by normalizing the
input images.
Fig. 3. Methodology
In this work pretrained models namely, Inceptionv3,
MobileNetV3 and VGG-19 trained on ImageNet [14] dataset
was obtained from TensorFlow hub. Utilizing the concept of
Transfer Learning, fine tuning approach was performed for
the classification of WBCs. We performed three experiments
individually for the above mentioned three pretrained
Each time pre-trained weights of the three models are
loaded into the feature extraction layer and are unfreezed.
This means that all layers in the feature extractor model are
trainable and fine-tuned during the training process. The
feature extraction layer outputs a tensor which is then fed to
a dropout layer.
In the proposed method, two dropout layers were
employed with a dropout rate of 0.5. The first dropout layer
is placed after the feature extractor layer to help regularize
the feature extraction process. The second dropout layer is
placed between the dense layer and the softmax layer to
regularize the classification process. The dense layer has 256
input neurons and four output neurons which means that the
model is performing a multi-class classification task with 4
classes. Additionally, it also has a L1 and L2 bias
regularizers, with a coefficient of 0.01. Regularization
improves the model's capacity for generalization by
preventing overfitting.
A penalty term proportional to the absolute value of the
model weights is added to the loss function by L1,
sometimes referred to as Lasso regularization (1). A penalty
term proportional to the squared size of the model weights is
added to the loss function via L2 regularization, also known
as Ridge regularization (2).
௜ୀ଴ (1)
௜ୀ଴ (2)
Where, λ is the regularization strength, n is the number
of model weights and W is the weight.
Additionally, early stop callback is used to prevent
overfitting by monitoring the validation loss during training.
If the validation loss does not improve for a certain number
of epochs (patience), training is halted and the weights with
the best validation loss are restored.
In this model, the Adam optimizer is utilized with
0.0010 learning rate. The loss function employed is known
as Sparse Categorical Cross entropy. The output of the
dense layer is then passed through the softmax activation
function, which transforms the output values into a set of
probabilities that sum to 1.
C. Fine Tuning
Fine tuning in D.L is a technique used in transfer
learning where a pre-trained model (usually trained on a
massive dataset) is further trained on an entirely new
dataset, typically with a smaller size, to improve the model's
performance on a specific task.
D. Model architecture
In this paper, we analyzed three pretrained models:
Inceptionv3, MobileNetV3, and VGG-19.
Inceptionv3 [15] is a popular CNN architecture designed
to improve the accuracy and efficiency of image
classification tasks. It consists of 42 layers organized into
four major parts: the stem, inception modules, reduction
modules, and classifier. It consists of a set of convolutional
layers with different filter sizes that are combined in parallel
to retrieve features from the input image. It has several
notable features that contribute to its high accuracy in
various image classification benchmarks such as batch
normalization to reduce overfitting, auxiliary classifiers to
improve training, factorized convolutions to reduce
computational complexity.
MobileNetV3, introduced in 2019, is a lightweight CNN
designed for mobile and embedded vision applications. It
combines depth wise and pointwise convolutions to
minimize the number of parameters and calculations needed
while preserving excellent accuracy.
On the other hand, VGG-19 is a deep CNN introduced in
2014 as an extension of the VGG-16 architecture. VGG-19
consists of 19 layers and is used for image classification and
object recognition tasks. It has convolutional and max
pooling layers, making it easy to understand and implement.
VGG-19 has achieved high accuracy in several image
classification benchmarks and is commonly used as a
baseline architecture for new CNN designs.
This section describes the results obtained from
Inceptionv3, MobileNetV3, VGG-19 models. These models
were simulated by Blood cell Images dataset available on
A. Evaluation metrics
In order to analyze the proposed models, several
performance evaluation metrics are taken into account,
which includes accuracy, recall, precision and F1 score as
shown in (3)-(6).
ܣܿܿݑݎܽܿݕ ሺ୘୔ା୘୒ሻ
ሺ୘୔ା୘୒ା୊୔ା୊୒ሻ (3)
ܴ݈݈݁ܿܽ ሺ୘୔ሻ
ሺ୘୔ା୊୒ሻ (4)
ܲݎ݁ܿ݅ݏ݅݋݊ ሺ୘୔ሻ
ሺ்௉ାி௉ሻ (5)
ܨͳ ܵܿ݋ݎ݁ ሺଶכ୔୰ୣୡ୧ୱ୧୭୬כୖୣୡୟ୪୪ሻ
ሺ୔୰ୣୡ୧ୱ୧୭୬ାୖୣୡୟ୪୪ሻ (6)
Where TP, TN, FP and FN stand for True Positive, TN
True Negative, FP False Positive and False Negative
A thorough description of the models performance
evaluation metrics is shown in below Table III.
B. Explaination of Model training and testing
The three deep learning models were executed using
TensorFlow [16], an open-source platform and Python
programming language in Visual Studio Code using
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 GPU. The open-access dataset
has been taken from the Kaggle containing 12,515 images.
Pre-trained Inceptionv3, consisting of 48 layers, trained on
more than one million images form ImageNet database is
loaded from Keras library. The last layer of this model has
four neurons to classify WBCs into 4 different types.
Utilizing the fine-tuning technique, the model is retrained
with a batch size of 32 for 50 epochs and having sparse
categorical cross entropy loss function. L1, L2, two layers of
dropout and Early stop regularizers were used to prevent
over fitting of the model. The hyperparameters of the model
are depicted in Table II.
Input size
Number of epochs
Batch Size
Learning rate
Loss function
Sparse Categorical Cross entropy
Train-Validation-Test split ratio
Output Activation Function
C. Analysis of the results
Training and validation curves for accuracy and loss
of the three models are shown in Fig. 3. It is observed
that Inceptionv3 has outperformed among the three
Accuracy and Loss graphs of Inceptionv3
Accuracy and Loss graphs of MobileNetV3
Accuracy and Loss graphs of VGG-19
Fig. 4. Accuracy and Loss graphs for Training and Validation
D. Confusion Matrix
A confusion matrix is a tool for precisely evaluating
classifier’s outcome. Every diagonal component represents
correctly categorized output. The results which are not
classified correctly are displayed on off-diagonal. The
confusion matrix for all three models are displayed in Fig. 5.
Fig. 5. Confusion matrix for proposed methods
In our experiment, Inceptionv3 gave superior results than
MobileNetV3 and VGG-19. We have considered
Inceptionv3 for comparison with existing methods from
literature. The comparison results are shown in Table IV.
Deep Learning Model
GoogleNet, Resnet-50
EfficientNet with
This work
Pre trained Inceptionv3
From these experiments, it is observed that Inceptionv3
has superior accuracy.
In this work, we have experimented on three D.L models
which are Inceptionv3, MobileNetV3 and VGG-19 for the
task of leukocyte classification. The classification accuracy
of Inceptionv3, MobileNetV3 and VGG-19 are
99.76%,99.25% and 86.5% respectively. This concludes that
D.L models can be efficiently used for leukocyte
classification which will aid in automatic processing of
WBCs. In future detection of aberrant WBCs as part of the
classification model which could aid in early disease
prediction may be explored. Further, taking into account
RBCs and blood platelets during training and validation will
allow the suggested model to be more generalizable in the
future. These techniques could be utilized to develop an
online application that allows medical personnel to upload an
image of a stained blood smear that can be prepared in
advance of a patient's visit to the doctor for preliminary
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... Tusneem et al.[119] also used CNN and demonstrated its strength, with a 99.7% classification accuracy. Kakumani et al.[120] utilized a pretrained InceptionV3 model on the Kaggle dataset and achieved 99.76% classification accuracy.4. Limitations of previous studies and future challengesML/DL researchers have made significant advances in increasingly accurate classification of WBCs in recent years. ...
Full-text available
Machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) models are being increasingly employed for medical imagery analyses, with both approaches used to enhance the accuracy of classification/prediction in the diagnoses of various cancers, tumors and bloodborne diseases. To date however, no review of these techniques and their application(s) within the domain of white blood cell (WBC) classification in blood smear images has been undertaken, representing a notable knowledge gap with respect to model selection and comparison. Accordingly, the current study sought to comprehensively identify, explore and contrast ML and DL methods for classifying WBCs. Following development and implementation of a formalized review protocol, a cohort of 136 primary studies published between January 2006 and May 2023 were identified from the global literature, with the most widely used techniques and best-performing WBC classification methods subsequently ascertained. Studies derived from 26 countries, with highest numbers from high-income countries including the United States (n = 32) and The Netherlands (n = 26). While WBC classification was originally rooted in conventional ML, there has been a notable shift toward the use of DL, and particularly convolutional neural networks (CNN), with 54.4% of identified studies (n = 74) including the use of CNNs, and particularly in concurrence with larger datasets and bespoke features e.g., parallel data pre-processing, feature selection, and extraction. While some conventional ML models achieved up to 99% accuracy, accuracy was shown to decrease in concurrence with decreasing dataset size. Deep learning models exhibited improved performance for more extensive datasets and exhibited higher levels of accuracy in concurrence with increasingly large datasets. Availability of appropriate datasets remains a primary challenge, potentially resolvable using data augmentation techniques. Moreover, medical training of computer science researchers is recommended to improve current understanding of leucocyte structure and subsequent selection of appropriate classification models. Likewise, it is critical that future health professionals be made aware of the power, efficacy, precision and applicability of computer science, soft computing and artificial intelligence contributions to medicine, and particularly in areas like medical imaging.
Full-text available
The machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) models contribute to exceptional medical image analysis improvement. The models enhance the prediction and improve the accuracy by prediction and classification. It helps the hematologist to diagnose the blood cancer and brain tumor based on calculations and facts. This review focuses on an in-depth analysis of modern techniques applied in the domain of medical image analysis of white blood cell classification. For this review, the methodologies are discussed that have used blood smear images, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), X-rays, and similar medical imaging domains. The main impact of this review is to present a detailed analysis of machine learning techniques applied for the classification of white blood cells (WBCs). This analysis provides valuable insight, such as the most widely used techniques and best-performing white blood cell classification methods. It was found that in recent decades researchers have been using ML and DL for white blood cell classification, but there are still some challenges. 1) Availability of the dataset is the main challenge, and it could be resolved using data augmentation techniques. 2) Medical training of researchers is recommended to help them understand the structure of white blood cells and select appropriate classification models. 3) Advanced DL networks such as Generative Adversarial Networks, R-CNN, Fast R-CNN, and faster R-CNN can also be used in future techniques.
Full-text available
White Blood Cells are essential in keeping track of a person’s health. However, the pathologist’s experience will determine how the blood smear is evaluated. Furthermore, it is still challenging to classify WBCs accurately because they have various forms, sizes, and colors due to distinct cell subtypes and labeling methods. As a result, a powerful deep learning system for WBC categorization based on MobilenetV3-ShufflenetV2 is described in this research. Initially, the WBC images are segmented using an efficient Pyramid Scene Parsing Network (PSPNet). Following that, MobilenetV3 and an Artificial Gravitational Cuckoo Search (AGCS)-based technique are used to extract and select the global and local features from the segmented images. Finally, the WBC images are divided into five classes using a ShufflenetV2 model. The proposed approach is evaluated on blood cell count and detection (BCCD) and Raabin-Wbc datasets and achieves 99.19% and 99% accuracy, respectively. Moreover, the results are satisfactory when compared to existing algorithms.
Full-text available
Accurate and robust human immune system assessment through white blood cell evaluation require computer-aided tools with pathologist-level accuracy. This work presents a multi-attention leukocytes subtype classification method by leveraging fine-grained and spatial locality attributes of white blood cell. The proposed framework comprises three main components: texture-aware/attention map generation blocks, attention regularization, and attention-based data augmentation. The developed framework is applicable to general CNN-based architectures and enhances decision making by paying specific attention to the discriminative regions of a white blood cell. The performance of the proposed method/model was evaluated through an extensive set of experiments and validation. The obtained results demonstrate the superior performance of the model achieving 99.69 % accuracy compared to other state-of-the-art approaches. The proposed model is a good alternative and complementary to existing computer diagnosis tools to assist pathologists in evaluating white blood cells from blood smear images.
Full-text available
Blood cell count is highly useful in identifying the occurrence of a particular disease or ailment. To successfully measure the blood cell count, sophisticated equipment that makes use of invasive methods to acquire the blood cell slides or images is utilized. These blood cell images are subjected to various data analyzing techniques that count and classify the different types of blood cells. Nowadays, deep learning-based methods are in practice to analyze the data. These methods are less time-consuming and require less sophisticated equipment. This paper implements a deep learning (D.L) model that uses the DenseNet121 model to classify the different types of white blood cells (WBC). The DenseNet121 model is optimized with the preprocessing techniques of normalization and data augmentation. This model yielded an accuracy of 98.84%, a precision of 99.33%, a sensitivity of 98.85%, and a specificity of 99.61%. The proposed model is simulated with four batch sizes (BS) along with the Adam optimizer and 10 epochs. It is concluded from the results that the DenseNet121 model has outperformed with batch size 8 as compared to other batch sizes. The dataset has been taken from the Kaggle having 12,444 images with the images of 3120 eosinophils, 3103 lymphocytes, 3098 monocytes, and 3123 neutrophils. With such results, these models could be utilized for developing clinically useful solutions that are able to detect WBC in blood cell images.
Full-text available
White blood cells (WBCs) play a significant role in the human immune system, and the content of various subtypes of WBCs is usually maintained within a certain range in the human body, while deviant levels are important warning signs for diseases. Hence, the detection and classification of WBCs is an essential diagnostic technique. However, traditional WBC classification technologies based on image processing usually need to segment the collected target cell images from the background. This preprocessing operation not only increases the workload but also heavily affects the classification quality and efficiency. Therefore, we proposed one high-efficiency object detection technology that combines the segmentation and recognition of targets into one step to realize the detection and classification of WBCs in an image at the same time. Two state-of-the-art object detection models, Faster RCNN and Yolov4, were employed and comparatively studied to classify neutrophils, eosinophils, monocytes, and lymphocytes on a balanced and enhanced Blood Cell Count Dataset (BCCD). Our experimental results showed that the Faster RCNN and Yolov4 based deep transfer learning models achieved classification accuracy rates of 96.25% and 95.75%, respectively. For the one-stage model, Yolov4, while ensuring more than 95% accuracy, its detection speed could reach 60 FPS, which showed better performance compared with the two-stage model, Faster RCNN. The high-efficiency object detection network that does not require cell presegmentation can remove the difficulty of image preprocessing and greatly improve the efficiency of the entire classification task, which provides a potential solution for future real-time point-of-care diagnostic systems.
Conference Paper
Blood and its components play a very important role in human life and it considers the best indicator in determining many biological conditions. Pathologists used optical microscopic blood images to diagnose diseases; some of these diseases are Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), Leukemia, after recognizing white blood cells (WBCs) from those images. Recently, a Computer-aided diagnosis system is used for diagnosing blood from its microscopic images. In this research, microscopic WBCs images were classified using a hybrid system where Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) used as features extractor and different machine learning algorithms used as classifiers, then the performances of these classifiers were evaluated to recognize the best of them. These algorithms include Support Vector Machine (SVM), k-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) and Random Forest, for training and test parameters we used five features that were extracted from the images. According to results of performance, the RF performed better than the other methods with a testing accuracy reached 98.7%.
White blood cells are cells in the blood and lymph tissue produced by the bone marrow in the human body. White blood cells are an important part of the immune system. The most important task of these cells is to protect the human body against foreign invaders and infectious diseases. When the number of white blood cells in the blood is not enough for the human body, it can cause leukopenia. As a result of this situation, the resistance of the human body against infections and diseases decreases. In this respect, determining the number of these cells in the human body is a specialist task. Detection and treatment of this symptom is a labor-intensive process carried out by specialist doctors and radiologists. Image processing techniques have recently been widely used in biomedical systems for the diagnosis of various diseases. In this study, it is aimed to use image processing techniques to improve the classification performance of deep learning models in white blood cells classification. To perform the classification process more efficiently, the Maximal Information Coefficient and Ridge feature selection methods were used in conjunction with the Convolutional Neural Network models. The Maximal Information Coefficient and Ridge feature selection methods extracted the most relevant features. Afterward, the classification process was realized by using this feature set. In this study, AlexNet, GoogLeNet, and ResNet-50 were used as feature extractor and quadratic discriminant analysis was used as a classifier. As a result, the overall success rate was obtained as 97.95% in the classification of white blood cells. The experimental results showed that the use of the convolutional neural network models with feature selection methods contributed to improving the classification success of white blood cell types.
Conference Paper
The measure of White Blood Cells (WBC) in the blood is an important indicator of pathological conditions. Computer vision based methods for differential counting of WBC are increasing due to their advantages over traditional methods. However, most of these methods are proposed for single WBC images which are pre-processed, and do not generalize for raw microscopic images with multiple WBC. Moreover, they do not have the capability to detect the absence of WBC in the images. This paper proposes an image processing algorithm based on K-Means clustering to detect the presence of WBC in raw microscopic images and to localize them, and a VGG-16 classifier to classify those cells with a classification accuracy of 95.89%.
White Blood Cells play an important role in observing the health condition of an individual. The opinion related to blood disease involves the identification and characterization of a patient's blood sample. Recent approaches employ Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) and merging of CNN and RNN models to enrich the understanding of image content. From beginning to end, training of big data in medical image analysis has encouraged us to discover prominent features from sample images. A single cell patch extraction from blood sample techniques for blood cell classification has resulted in the good performance rate. However, these approaches are unable to address the issues of multiple cells overlap. To address this problem, the Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA) method is used in this paper. CCA method views the effects of overlapping nuclei where multiple nuclei patches are extracted, learned and trained at a time. Due to overlapping of blood cell images, the classification time is reduced, the dimension of input images gets compressed and the network converges faster with more accurate weight parameters. Experimental results evaluated using publicly available database show that the proposed CNN and RNN merging model with canonical correlation analysis determines higher accuracy compared to other state-of-the-art blood cell classification techniques.