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Pattern identification of different human joints for different human walking styles using inertial measurement unit (IMU) sensor


Abstract and Figures

A bipedal walking robot is a kind of humanoid robot. It is suppose to mimics human behavior and designed to perform human specific tasks. Currently, humanoid robots are not capable to walk like human being. To perform the walking task, in the current work, human gait data of six different walking styles named brisk walk, normal walk, very slow walk, medium walk, jogging and fast walk is collected through our configured IMU sensor and mobile-based accelerometers device. To capture the pattern for six different walking styles, data is extracted for hip, knee, ankle, shank, thigh and foot. A total six classes of walking activities are explored for clinical examination. The accelerometer is placed at center of the human body of 15 male and 10 female subjects. In the experimental setup, we have done exploratory analysis over the different gait capturing techniques, different gait features and different gait classification techniques. For the classification purpose, three state of art techniques are used as artificial neural network, extreme learning machine and deep neural network learning based CNN mode. The model classification accuracy is obtained as 87.4%, 88% and 92%, respectively. Here, WISDM activity data set is also used for verification purpose.
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Artificial Intelligence Review
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Pattern identification ofdifferent human joints fordifferent
human walking styles using inertial measurement unit (IMU)
VijayBhaskarSemwal1 · NehaGaud2· PraveenLalwani3· VishwanathBijalwan4·
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature B.V. 2021
A bipedal walking robot is a kind of humanoid robot. It is suppose to mimics human
behavior and designed to perform human specific tasks. Currently, humanoid robots are
not capable to walk like human being. To perform the walking task, in the current work,
human gait data of six different walking styles named brisk walk, normal walk, very slow
walk, medium walk, jogging and fast walk is collected through our configured IMU sen-
sor and mobile-based accelerometers device. To capture the pattern for six different walk-
ing styles, data is extracted for hip, knee, ankle, shank, thigh and foot. A total six classes
of walking activities are explored for clinical examination. The accelerometer is placed at
center of the human body of 15 male and 10 female subjects. In the experimental setup,
we have done exploratory analysis over the different gait capturing techniques, different
gait features and different gait classification techniques. For the classification purpose,
three state of art techniques are used as artificial neural network, extreme learning machine
and deep neural network learning based CNN mode. The model classification accuracy is
obtained as 87.4%, 88% and 92%, respectively. Here, WISDM activity data set is also used
for verification purpose.
Keywords Clinical gait· Connectionist learning· Biometrics· Human activities
recognition· Motion analysis· Deep learning
1 Introduction
Gait assessment refers to the study of human locomotion (Semwal 2017; Semwal and
Nandi 2015), which plays a significant role in clinical examination for the identification
of gait abnormality for neurological disorder person (Semwal etal. 2015b; Sivakumar
etal. 2016). This can also be used in biometrics as it is unique and difficult to hide.
Tables1 and  2 show the important comparative study of gait biometrics (Bovi etal.
2011; Patil etal. 2019). The human gait can be utilized for wide number of applications
* Vijay Bhaskar Semwal
Extended author information available on the last page of the article
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e.g., surveillance (Kusakunniran etal. 2009), forensics (Zhang etal. 2011), biometric
identification (Chaki etal. 2019), rehabilitation (Yang etal. 2017), clinical assessment
(Gallow and Heiderscheit 2016) and prosthesis development (Nandi etal. 2009). Real-
time tracking of human walking provide important information about individual’s gait
biometric through which one can investigate different clinical analysis for gait abnor-
mality (Semwal etal. 2018) and reconstruction of gait (Semwal and Nandi 2016). The
human gait is the coordination of two limbs with forward propulsion of Center of Mass
(CoM). The inherent nature of human gait is bipedal & biphasic i.e., swing & stance
phase (Semwal etal. 2013a, 2015c). The gait signatures are captured by changes in the
joints angle of hip, knee, ankle, shank, thigh and foot of left and right human legs (Raj
etal. 2018a).
1.1 Problem description andmotivation
Gait disorder is the most common clinical problem of stroke survivors patients; thus, it
is a major targeted area for the research of post-stroke rehabilitation. Human gait analy-
sis, study of human locomotion & push recovery (Semwal etal. 2013b), is very useful in
diagnosing the patients of neurological disorders, post-stroke hemiparetic patients, reha-
bilitation of patients, analysis of sports-person patterns, unique biometric identification and
other focused research areas. The popularly known human motion capture systems for gait
analysis are vision-based in which markers are positioned on the human body with multi-
ple Infrared (IR) sensors, thus, system is accurate but very cost expensive and should need
a specific controlled environment (Chan etal. 2018). Force plates are also used for gait
analysis but, these devices are very expensive and need specific clinical labs environment
also, it is used to measure the dynamics of lower limbs only (Weiss etal. 2012a).
Table 1 Different physiological based biometric characteristics (Patil etal. 2019)
Biometric traits Universality Distinctiveness Permanence Collectabilty Circumvention
Face High Medium Medium High Low
Iris High High High Medium Low
Palm print High High Medium Medium Medium
Fingerprint High High Medium Medium High
Retina High High High Low Low
Table 2 Different behavior based biometric characteristics (Patil etal. 2019)
Biometric traits Universality Distinctiveness Permanence Collectability Circumvention
Gait Low Medium Low High Low
Speech High Medium High Medium Medium
Signature High Medium Low Medium Low
Keystroke High Medium Low Medium Low
Device uses Low Medium Low High Low
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Pattern identification ofdifferent human joints fordifferent…
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1.2 Author’s contribution
The major contribution of this work is to analyze the six different walking activity using
gait analysis. To achieve the objective following tasks are performed.
The gait data of 25 subjects using IMU based wearable sensors is captured. These sen-
sors are placed to various parts of the body and capture the real time data for different
walking activities.
The mobile phone based accelerometer is used for walking activities tracking. The
9-degree IMU sensor consists of 3-degree of freedom (dof) accelerometer sensor (ax,
ay & az), 3-dof gyroscope sensor (gx, gy & gz) and 3-degree of magnetometer sensor
(mx, my & mz).
In the experimentation, the 6-dof IMU sensor (IMU BWT61CL) is used for accelerom-
eter data. The walking trajectories of 6 joins, namely, Hip, Knee, Ankle, Foot, Shank
and Thigh for gait analysis is also being calculated (Gouwanda etal. 2016).
Finally, the 6 features of raw data named subject-id, time stamp, ax, ay, az, and activi-
ties name is being provided as input for machine learning (ML) algorithm. The ANN
(Nandi etal. 2016), ELM (Semwal etal. 2019) and DNN (Semwal etal. 2017b) based
ML algorithm is being applied for classification.
From the obtained results, better accuracy is achieved as compared to previous work.
The walking pattern of different joints can be utilized for the assessment & recovering of
rehabilitation of individuals with abnormal gait. The muscular activity pattern of a healthy
subject is compared with rehabilitation walk. The proposed technique is very robust &
accurate in clinical analysis. We have reported 87.84%, 88% and 92% accuracy using ANN,
ELM and CNN model respectively for clinical walking data.
1.3 Organization ofresearch article
The remainder section of this paper is divided as follows. The second section is literature
review about gait analysis techniques and comparison of different biometric identification.
This selection also, presents the study of various gait capturing techniques and various gait
classification techniques. Section3, describes about data collection and prepossessing of
raw data. This section also, describes data set description and different human walking
activities recognition tasks. The fourth section is methodology and proposed algorithm.
The fifth section is about results and analysis of different joints angle analysis. This section
also, presents the classification of human gait using neural network, deep learning based
CNN model and ELM. The fifth and final section describes our conclusion and future
2 Literature review ofrelated work
There are three popularly known techniques to capture the gait data using Kinect sensor,
IMU sensor and force plate sensor based approach for gait analysis. The Kinect sensor
extract 3D virtual skelton data of human being and joint position information data is being
extracted from the stick model. This system analyzes the spatio-temporal features such as
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V.B.Semwal et al.
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gait cycle time, stride length, left & right steps length, and kinematic features like hip,
knee, ankle joints angle. The kinect based technique is further categorized into 2 parts,
model based approach and model free approach. The model based approach is view and
scale invariant but required a lot of parameters. Whereas, IMU & accelerometer sensor
based technique is noninvasive and less parameters. Table3 present the comparison of all
gait data collection techniques.
Hsu et al. (2018) proposed the multiple wearable sensors based technique to analyz-
ing and classifying the gait data of neurological disorders patients. They have collected
gait data for patience suffering from freezing of gait, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy and
stroke (Hsu etal. 2018). The seven sensor were placed on 20 subjects to collect features.
They applied many machine leaning for classification out of which Multi-layer Perceptron
(MLP) outperform others. Clinical gait assessment can also be utilized for early diagno-
sis of gait abnormality in neurological disorder subjects. Lau etal. (2009) applied support
vector machine (SVM) for analyzing of walking conditions of stroke survive patient with
dropped foot. In Patil etal. (2019), used different types of classification techniques to iden-
tify the patients suffering from neurological disorders and stroke patients. The performance
of the ELM classifier was found to be the best in terms of accuracy and performance time.
In Adil etal. (2016) proposed surface electromyography (sEMG) signal in order to recog-
nize drop foot of the stroke patients and provide a therapy as they needed for rehabilita-
tion. They used ELM classifier to classify the healthy and weak muscles of the human
leg and the performance was also compared with the SVM and ANN. The performance
of the ELM can be further increased by eliminating sensitivity of its hyper parameters by
considering a variable length optimization using particle swarm algorithm (Ekinci 2006).
This technique was also used to optimize the hidden layers neurons of ELM corresponding
to input weights and biases. Another approach was proposed by Guo etal. (2019) to iden-
tify gait disorders in Parkinson’s disease by using machine learning algorithms in 2019.
This model was used to classify four different types of gait abnormality. Another novel
approach was proposed by Mekruksavanich and Jitpattanakul (2019) where wearable sen-
sors on smartphones were used to collect data. The study was made to classify gait patterns
for three different activities like walking upstairs, walking downstairs and walking on floor
(Mekruksavanich and Jitpattanakul 2019) using different types of learning techniques.
Gait can also be used as a biometric characteristic which can find its application in vari-
ous fields like surveillance and forensics (Connor and Ross 2018; Semwal etal. 2017a; Chel-
lappa et al. 2007; Anusha and Jaidhar 2019). A number of techniques have been proposed
like utilizing mutual information obtained from a query and gallery sample. This method uses
the region of interests (ROI) extracted from gait energy image to perform classification and
identification. In another approach Li etal. (2019), proposed a method in which subject is
identified from extracting skeleton information obtained from single depth sensors. Another
application of gait analysis is in clinical and medical purposes where the patients suffering
Table 3 Different technique to acquire the human gait data
Data acquisition technique References
IMU sensor based Semwal etal. (2017b), Akdoğan and Yilmaz
(2014), Sivakumar etal. (2018)
Computer vision Chellappa etal. (2007), Anusha and Jaidhar (2019)
Model free approach using kinect Guo etal. (2019), Akdoğan and Yilmaz (2014)
Model based approach using kinect Bovi etal. (2011), Milovanovic (2008)
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Pattern identification ofdifferent human joints fordifferent…
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from neurological disorders can analyze their gait abnormalities and can design personalized
treatment (Papavasileiou etal. 2017). Human gait classification is also an important area of
research interest where a number of techniques are implemented to study and analyze the gait
pattern for different human locomotion activities like walking, running, climbing, etc (Bovi
etal. 2011). Chen etal. (2018) proposed deep convolutional neural networks (DCNNs) based
on multistatic radar micro-Doppler signatures for gait classification. A new gait based gender
classification method based on kinect sensor was proposed by Ahmed and Sabir (2017) and
Blumrosen etal. (2016).
Bayat etal. (2014) proposed the mobile based accelrometer for data capturing of different
human activity (Bayat etal. 2014). Lockhart etal. (2011, 2012) presented smart phone based
sensor mining architecture for capturing different human activity walking, sitting, jogging,
stand up, stand down and running for total six activities. Later they have used neural network
and deep learning based CNN model for classification (Weiss and Lockhart 2012b; Lockhart
et al. 2011). The other previously used gait features are listed in Table4 and classification
approach are listed in Table5.
3 Preliminaries
In this section, we are providing the full 3- link manipulators Inverse kinematics (IK) solution:
In this solution, manipulator is of R–R–R type is considered, whose rotations are restricted
within the following ranges:
Here, Eq.1 represents the joint angle range of different joints and Fig.1 shows a simple
structure of a planar 3-link robotic arm.
The manipulator, in our case consists of three movable links that can move limited to a
plane only. The Human leg is considered as 3-link manipulator.
The links of above manipulator are linked by rotational joints whose axis of rotation are
perpendicular to the planes of the joints.
We will use some extra constraints in our model so that we can restrict our sample space in
first quadrant only. We have done so, because in most of the practical cases robot will have
to work only in the first quadrant.
3.1 Forward kinematics
The forward kinematic equations are given in Eqs.3 and 4. Where
are the cartesian
coordinate and
are joints coordinate.
0, 𝜋
2∈ [−
3∈ [−
2, 𝜋
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Table 4 Different gait feature for data acquisition techniques
Different features category Name of features References
Time domain feature Mean absolute value root mean square,
wave from length, zero crossing, variance
Lau etal. (2009), Prakash etal.
(2018), Sabir etal. (2019)
Gait spatio-temporal features Gait cycle time, stride length, left & right s
teps length
Yang etal. (2017)
Kinematics features Hip, knee, ankle, foot, shank & thingh joints angle Semwal etal. (2013a)
Combined features (gait temporal and time
Average, SD, average absolute difference, average
resultant acceleration time between peaks, binned distribution
Semwal etal. (2015b), Dua etal.
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Pattern identification ofdifferent human joints fordifferent…
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Here, Eqs. 3 and 4 are not sufficient to locate the end effector completely within the
plane. Its orientation is also required. Therefore, position can be given by Eqs.3 and 4 and
the orientation is represented by Eq.5.
Hence, it is completely clear from aforementioned equations that they can be solved eas-
ily. Therefore, extra efforts is not required for forward kinematic solutions. Now, we will
try to get inverse kinematic solutions using the Eqs.35.
3.2 Analytical approach
We can find the inverse kinematics solution by simply solving the forward kinematics
equations for the joint angles. In this section, firstly, simple 2-link manipulator inverse kin-
ematics solution is derived and presented in Sect.3.2.1. Afterwards, using the 2-link solu-
tion, 3-link manipulators inverse kinematic solution is derived and presented in Sect.3.2.2.
3.2.1 Inverse kinematics solution for2‑link manipulator
Table 5 List of state of art machine learning algorithm for Gait identification
Classification technique References
Adaboost, decision tree, random forest Semwal etal. (2017b), Ahmed etal. (2018a, b), Chiu etal.
SVM, ELM, MLP Semwal etal. (2017b), Huan etal. (2018b), Raj etal. (2018b),
Gupta etal. (2014, 2020)
Dynamic Bayesian, RBF-Kernal Milovanovic (2008), Akdoğan and Yilmaz (2014), Huan etal.
(2018a, 2019)
Self-organizing map Zhang etal. (2019), Semwal etal. (2015a)
CNN, RBM, DNN Semwal etal. (2017b), Chiu etal. (2019), Raj etal. (2019),
Mahfouf etal. (2018)
Fig. 1 Solution to 3-link problem
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From Fig.1, we can derive the following equations:
But also,
Using tangent rule:
And also,
Note Now, we can easily expand this concept for higher order complex problems.
3.2.2 Inverse kinematics solution for3‑link manipulator
Let’s consider solving 3-link manipulator problem using the results obtained from the
2-link manipulator.
In Fig. 1, positions
are estimated from simple trigonometric equations as
(𝛼)= l
(𝜃2)=cos(𝜋𝛼)=−cos(𝛼)= l
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Pattern identification ofdifferent human joints fordifferent…
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Now, the problem reduces like that of a simple 2-link manipulator. And we can do
this for any number of links.
The formulation of 3-link solutions by considering Fig.1 as follows:
From Eqs.35
Thus, we can find the joint angles from the aforementioned equations.
4 Proposed methodology
The entire research work involves the two majors steps. Figure2 represents the detailed
flow chart of our working methodology. The first step involves following steps: data
acquisition through IMU sensor, pre-processing of data, feature extraction for human
activities recognition using different learning algorithm. The next working hypothesis
is joints angle calculation from accelerometer’s raw data (Raj etal. 2018b). We have
solved the inverse kinematics (Raj etal. 2019) to extract the joints angles value using
Algorithm1. The detailed solution of 2-link and 3-link manipulator’s inverse kinemat-
ics has been provided in Sect.3.
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4.1 Data representation
4.1.1 Data acquisition andcalibration
Figure 3 represents the data collection technique of different subjects using IMU sensor
and mobile based accelerometer. Total 25 subjects was considered, out of which 15 were
male and 10 were female. We have also collected data for pregnant women. The sensor
was placed on 6 joints and CoM position of each subjects. It was asked to each subjects to
perform the 6 different walking styles. Figure4 shows the number of samples collected for
different walking styles. The data was collected on frequency 100Hz.
Fig. 2 Flow chart of detailed working
Fig. 3 Different subject(s) data collection using IMU sensor
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4.1.2 Data set description
The data set is collected for 25 subjects using wearable accelerometer (6-Degree IMU sen-
sors) for six different walking activities named: brisk walk, normal walk, very slow walk,
medium walk, jogging and fast walk for clinical examination purpose. We have considered
the subject from different age group, gender and also collected data for pregnant woman
data. Each data file is having following column: time(s) stamp, activities name, acceler-
ation, angular velocity and joint angles. The details of all the columns are presented in
4.2 Feature engineering
4.2.1 Feature extraction andprocessing
We have used 6 features for our data set. All the data was labeled into 6 different walking
style as given in Fig.4. We have used subject id, time stamp, activities name, ax, ay, az.
The data is processed by providing label to each samples.
4.2.2 Proposed algorithm tocalculate thejoint angles
Algorithm 1: describes the way how we have calculated joint angles value?. In Algo-
rithm1, L1, L2 and L3 represents thigh length, shank length and foot length respectively,
and current position coordinates of foot when placed on ground is represented by X and Y.
Fig. 4 Distribution of different
walking activities samples
Table 6 Description of data
Notation Description
Time (s) It shows the time stamp
ax (g), ay (g), az (g) Represents the acceleration about x, y and z axis
wx (deg/s), wy (deg/s), wz (deg/s) Show the angular velocity about x, y, & z axis
Angle X (deg), Angle Y (deg), Angle Z (deg) Various joint angle value in degree
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4.2.3 Model fitting andclassification
This section present the parameters used by ELM, ANN & deep learning architecture.
The proposed architecture of neural network includes three hidden layer with 100 neu-
rons, 6 inputs neurons (represents Hip, Knee, Ankle, Thigh, Shank & Foot) and 6 out-
put neurons corresponds 6 walking activities.
Illustration of Table7: It represents the learning parameter used by ANN model.
The optimizer used by ANN model was ‘adam’ and cross entropy considered as loss
function for 50 epochs. The hidden layer activation function was ‘relu’ and output
layer activation function was ‘softmax’.
The next classifier was ELM and all the set of parameters used by ELM are reported
in Table8. Table9 shows the parameters used by CNN model.
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5 Results anddiscussions
To evaluate the performance of proposed methodology, experiments were conducted using
GPU machine with a Intel 2.50-GHz, i7 CPU and 32.0-GB RAM. The code was executed
on Google colab using GPU. The grid search was preformed to find the best set of param-
eters for each of the classifiers. Next, tenfold cross validation is performed to reduce vali-
dation error. Finally, all the classifiers i.e., ANN, ELM and DNN were implemented using
TensorFlow-Keras Python libraries.
5.1 Experiment outcome condition anddiscussion
First step for the experimentation is the data collection. In this process, IMU sensor was
placed at six different positions, namely, shank, thigh, hip, knee, ankle and foot for captur-
ing the six different activity.
The IMU sensor has given accelerometer value which is converted into joint
angle(degree). This objective is achieved using the inverse kinematics algorithm solution
which considers Center of Mass(CoM) at reference points. The detail description of inverse
kinematic solution is provided in Sect.3 (preliminaries).
Table 7 Set of parameter for
ANN Parameter Value
No. of hidden layer 3
Hidden layer neurons 100
Hidden layer activation function relu
Output layer activation function softmax
Solver ‘Lbfgs’
Alpha 0.0001
Momentum 0.9
Epoch 50
Table 8 Set of parameter for
ELM Parameter Value
Hidden neurons 100
Activation function ‘multiquadric’
Rbf-width 0.4
Table 9 Set of parameter for
DNN Parameter Value
No. of convolution layers 4
Activation function of hidden layers: ‘relu
No. of output layer neuron 6
Activation function of output layer Soft max
Sub sampling Max pooling
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Illustration of Fig.5: It shows the 6 joint angle trajectories for five different walks. In
Fig.5, hip, shank, knee, ankle, thigh, & foot joint trajectories are represented by (a), (b),
(c), (d) and (e) respectively. In this figure, jogging is excluded due to it required more
5.2 Model validation andtraining accuracy
The classification of different walking activities were preformed using three different clas-
sifiers named ANN, ELM and Deep learning model CNN. The ANN has reported test-
ing accuracy 87.84% whereas ELM and DNN based model has reported 88% & 92%
Illustration of Figs.6 and 7: In Fig.6, the obtained overall classification accuracy per-
centage using ANN, ELM and CNN is presented. In Fig.7, different testing accuracy per-
centage of each class output is provided.
5.3 Performance analysis anddiscussion
In this section, we have provided the obtained results of various performance matrix such
as accuracy, precision, recall, f-score and support value to classify the individual walking
Illustration of Tables10 and 11: it was observed from Table10, obtained accuracy of
CNN is better than remaining tested classifiers. In precision, ANN obtains the highest
value. In recall, ELM outperforms over others. Finally, in F1-score, ANN shows the supe-
rior performance. Table11 shows the different performance of different classifier as indi-
vidual and combined for classifying the different walking activities.
5.4 Data‑set validation
In the comparative analysis, the proposed data-set is compared with the existing data-set
WISDM in terms of classification accuracy. The classifier models, namely, ANN, ELM
and DNN are applied on both the data-set.
Illustration of Table12: From the obtained results, it was observed that the obtained
classification accuracy of WISDM data-set is 87% in ANN, 85% in ELM & 90% in DNN.
In the proposed data-set, 87%, 88% and 92% classification accuracy was achieved in ANN,
ELM and DNN. Hence, the proposed data-set shows the variety of data and also obtains the
better results in both ELM and DNN classifiers. It shows the validity of collected data-set
correctly. This data-set can be considered as a benchmark data-set for the future research.
6 Conclusion andfuture research direction
This section consists of conclusion of this research article and future research direction.
6.1 Conclusion
In this paper, walking problem of humanoid robot was addressed using the deep learn-
ing models, namely, ANN, ELM, and DNN. To achieve the objective, firstly, six different
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Fig. 5 Different joints angle curves. a Hip joint, b shank joint, c knee joint, d ankle joint, e thigh joint, f
foot joint
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walking activities were explored for clinical examination purpose, namely, (1) brisk walk,
(2) normal walk, (3) very slow walk, (4) medium walk, (5) jogging & (6) fast walk. From
the aforementioned activities, we have collected data for 25 subjects using 6-degree IMU
sensor and mobile-based accelerometers. In the next step, joint trajectories pattern of hip,
Fig. 6 Accuracy percentage of different classifier
Fig. 7 Different activity classification percentage
Table 10 Metrics showing
combined results Model Accuracy Precision Recall F1-Score Support
ANN 0.87 1.00 0.99 0.99 459
ELM 0.88 0.99 1.00 0.99 459
CNN 0.92 0.96 0.97 0.96 459
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ankle, knee, shank, foot and thigh were compared for five walking activities. Finally, deep
learning models have been applied, namely, ANN, ELM and DNN for the classification of
different walking activities. From the obtained results, it was observed that 87.84%, 88%
and 92% accuracy was achieved using ANN, ELM and DNN respectively. Hence, DNN
is the most suitable deep learning model for the different walking activities classification.
This research work can be utilized for the generation of robot walking trajectories and can
be adopted for various applications such as clinical patient monitoring, surveillance, foren-
sic application. In addition, the collected data set for 25 subjects is made available publicly
for research purpose.
6.2 Future research direction
In the future, this work can be extended for more varieties of human activities and collec-
tion for better features. In addition, the computer vision based technique will be explored
in future.
Acknowledgements The author(s) would like to thank all the participants who have allowed us to capture
the data using a wearable device. Special thanks to Human motion capturing & analysis unit of MANIT
Bhopal and Motion Capturing Sensor laboratory of Institute of Technology Gopeshwar, Uttarakhand
for providing opportunity to collect data and providing the basic computing facility. The data set is also
Table 11 Metrics showing individual results
Model Walking style Slow walk Brisk walk Natural walk Medium walk Jogging Fast walk
ANN Accuracy 0.87 0.92 0.83 0.90 0.85 0.85
Precision 0.96 0.96 0.77 0.67 0.66 0.69
Recall 0.96 0.96 0.76 0.68 0.67 0.70
F1 0.96 0.96 0.77 0.67 0.66 0.69
Support 117 120 120 120 120 120
ELM Accuracy 0.88 0.92 0.81 0.91 0.86 0.85
Precision 0.89 0.95 0.78 0.69 0.71 0.75
Recall 0.88 0.94 0.79 0.68 0.72 0.76
F1 0.98 0.94 0.78 0.68 0.71 0.75
Support 117 120 120 120 120 120
CNN Accuracy 0.92 0.94 0.84 0.93 0.95 0.93
Precision 0.85 0.86 0.71 0.73 0.72 0.72
Recall 0.83 0.87 0.71 0.73 0.74 0.73
F1 0.83 0.86 0.71 0.73 0.72 0.72
Support 117 120 120 120 120 120
Table 12 Comparison with
WISDM & our data set Model WISDM (Kwapisz etal.
Collected dataset
ANN 0.87 0.87
ELM 0.85 0.88
DNN 0.90 0.92
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available publicly for research purposes. One can download from here:Data- set Link. We also would like to
express our thanks to SERB, DST govt. of India for funding project under the schema of Early career award
(ECR), DST No: ECR/2018/000203 dated on 04/06/2019. We would also like to thank Uttarakhand Techni-
cal University, Dehradun for providing CRS Scheme project to our one research collaborator Mr. Vishwa-
nath Bijalwan, Assistant Professor, Institute of Technology, Gopeshwar.
Funding The work is supported by SERB, DST, Government of India to Dr. Vijay Bhaskar Semwal under
Early Career Award(ECR) with DST No: ECR/2018/000203 dated 04-June-2019.
Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.
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Authors and Aliations
VijayBhaskarSemwal1 · NehaGaud2· PraveenLalwani3· VishwanathBijalwan4·
Neha Gaud
Praveen Lalwani
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Pattern identification ofdifferent human joints fordifferent…
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Vishwanath Bijalwan
Abhay Kumar Alok
1 Maulana Azad Nation Institute ofTechnology Bhopal, Bhopal, M.P., India
2 SCSIT DAVV Indore, Indore, India
3 VIT Bhopal, Bhopal, M.P., India
4 Institute ofTechnology Gopeshwar, Gopeshwar, U.K., India
5 Indian Institute ofTechnology Patna, Patna, India
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... It involves synergistic activities of many muscles, such as the trunk and limbs, and various joints. The gait parameters of hemiplegic patients differ from normal gait parameters, reflecting gait abnormalities [53]. Therefore, determining a rehabilitation gait quickly, accurately, and naturally for patients with different body morphologies and disease conditions is essential to rehabilitation training. ...
... Normal walking requires the alternating involvement of various lower limb muscle groups. Normal variation of muscle groups during walking constitutes the gait characteristics of an individual, and variation beyond a certain range due to pathological factors constitutes abnormal gait [53]. Each skeletal muscle has three parts: a muscle belly and two tendon ends. ...
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This review delves into the growing field of flexible and stretchable strain sensors utilized in human gait analysis, focusing on determining knee bending angle and muscle activities when a human subject walks. Recent advancements have enabled these sensors to accurately capture biomechanical parameters while accommodating the body's natural movements. We examine the principles underlying these sensors' design and fabrication techniques, emphasizing their flexibility, stretchability, and biocompatibility for seamless integration into wearable systems. Through critical evaluation of existing methodologies, we assess the reliability and validity of these sensors in quantifying gait parameters. Furthermore, we discuss this technology's clinical and research implications, highlighting its potential in personalized rehabilitation and sports performance optimization. We provide an overview of flexible strain sensors and their application for analyzing human walking gait, especially for observing walking gait in rehabilitation programs. First, we present the basic working principles of various flexible strain sensors. Second, by the application of flexible strain sensors as walking gait monitoring. Finally, current challenges and future opportunities in this research area are discussed. By synthesizing current knowledge and outlining future directions, this review aims to provide insights for researchers and practitioners seeking to leverage flexible and stretchable strain sensors for comprehensive human gait analysis.
... This method can effectively extract features and implicit information from the large amount of data. Recently, researchers have used deep neural networks to map input signals to the target object space for locomotion mode recognition [25], [26], [27] and continuous kinematic estimation [19], [28], [29], [30], [31], [32], [33], [34], [35], [36], [37], [38], [39]. A wide range of inputs are used in these works, such as the partly limb or joint kinematics from IMUs, electromyography (EMG) signals, force sensitive resistors sensors (FSRs) and human physiological characteristics (e.g., age, gender, height, mass and BMI). ...
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Many challenges exist in the study of using orthotics, exoskeletons or exosuits as tools for rehabilitation and assistance of healthy people in daily activities due to the requirements of portability and safe interaction with the user and the environment. One approach to dealing with these challenges is to design a control system that can be deployed in a portable device to identify the relationships that exist between the gait variables and gait cycle for different locomotion modes. In order to estimate the knee and ankle angles in the sagittal plane for different locomotion modes, a novel multimodal feature-decoupled kinematic estimation system consisting of a multimodal locomotion classifier and an optimal joint angle estimator is proposed in this paper. The multi-source information output from different conventional primary models are fused by assigning the non-fixed weight. To improve the performance of the primary models, a data augmentation module based on the time-frequency domain analysis method is designed. The results show that the inclusion of the data augmentation module and multi-source information fusion modules has improved the classification accuracy to 98.56% and kinematic estimation performance (PCC) to 0.904 (walking), 0.956 (running), 0.899 (stair ascent), 0.851 (stair descent), respectively. The kinematic estimation quality is generally higher for faster speed (running) or proximal joint (knee) compared to other modes and ankle. The limitations and advantages of the proposed approach are discussed. Based on our findings, the multimodal kinematic estimation system has potential in facilitating the deployment for human-in-loop control of lower-limb intelligent assistive devices.
... In other words, they personalize the gait trajectory to suit every patient better. The work of Semwal et al. [17]- [20] focuses on learning the unique pattern of human joints when doing different styles of walking (brisk, normal, very slow, medium, and fast) and jogging. They measure the gait joint angles delta with various methods, such as learning-based techniques. ...
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In recent years, the focus on gait therapy research has intensified, driven by a desire to enhance session efficiency. Accelerating rehabilitation timelines is imperative to accommodate a larger patient population annually. For instance, the Centro de Rehabilitacion Infantil Teleton, a prominent rehabilitation center in Mexico, operates at total capacity, leading to patient rejections. The acceleration of rehabilitation relies on encouraging patients to engage in active muscle efforts. Significant strides have been made in this direction, leveraging motivational techniques like virtual reality. However, a crucial aspect that requires attention is the customization of the environment to adapt to the evolving motivational states of patients. This personalized approach is an essential dimension that remains to be fully explored. Our research addresses this gap by introducing a rehabilitation scenario with a patient in a walking machine while immersed in a virtual reality environment and having a brain-computer interface tracking his affective states encompassing engagement, boredom, meditation, frustration, and excitement. The virtual reality environment dynamically adjusts in real-time using affect to trigger motivational stimuli. A study involving 27 participants, with 13 in the control group and 14 in the experimental group, showed the potential of this approach. The results indicate a significant improvement in the active effort for subjects in the experimental group, yielding an efficiency increase of 54.25% with a p-value below 0.05.
... However, EMG sensors are prone to signal loss and motion artifacts as they take input from surface electrodes. Recent devices such as Walkaide have been using accelerometers and gyroscope sensors typically packaged [11][12][13][14] Non-invasive Movement analysis, gait analysis, and balance assessment, human activity recognition Electromyography (EMG) [9,10] Invasive/Non-invasive Muscle function assessment, biofeedback, prosthetic control. Force Sensors [15] Non-invasive Gait analysis, balance assessment, monitoring weight distribution. ...
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Automatic detection of foot lift is one of the most important events of Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES). The FES system is used for the correction of Foot Drop (FD). FD is a condition where a person is unable to lift their foot from the ground due to complications that may arise after a stroke or spinal cord injury. It is crucial to accurately detect the patient's foot lift event when correcting FD through FES as the pulse should only be applied when the person lifts their foot. The FES system applies the electrical pulse based on the input of the foot-lift detection sensor. A conventional FES system employs a sensor that is affixed on the heel to detect the lifting of the foot, but the connecting cables make the patient uncomfortable. To address this problem, IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit)-based sensors have been used, but they have some disadvantages, such as false triggering, low accuracy, and calibration. In this paper, we have presented an algorithm for detecting foot-lift events with high accuracy using a single IMU sensor through the application of deep learning techniques. We have recorded data from 10 healthy people and 10 foot drop patients. We have implemented Artificial Neural Network (ANN), K-Nearest Neighbour (KNN), and Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) models on these data and compared the results of these three models. The proposed algorithm aims to improve the precision of stimulation in the FES system.
... The average thigh and shank measurements were 42 and 45 cm, respectively. This experiment includes optically monitoring and recording of [32][33][34][35][36] the variation in the angle at the lower limb joints and the analysis of the captured videos using Kinovea software. The camera records the positions of the joints at every 0.025 s for a total duration of 20 s. ...
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The motivation of this study is to develop effective and economical assistive technologies for people with physical disabilities. The novelty in this manuscript is the application of the average value-based technique to accurately represent the involved biomechanics of the lower limb joints during the human gait cycle. This mathematical formulation of lower limb joints’ biomechanics forms the first objective for modeling and final exoskeleton prototype development. To account for modeling the characteristics of human locomotion, the nth-order linear differential equation with constant coefficients is considered with appropriate modification. The physical characteristics of an individual are represented by the constant coefficients (P0, P1, P2, and P3) of the modified infinite series, which are obtained by processing experimental data collected using an optical technique. The differential terms of the infinite series are replaced by difference terms (δbavg, δ2bavg, and δ3bavg) since the data were captured as a set of digital values. The work presented here is based on the experimental results of individuals suitably categorized according to their physical nature like age and other physical structure. The optically monitored positional values of the lower limb joints of the individual subjects while they are completing the gait cycles are used for getting values of different terms of the model. The data collected through the conduct of experiments are used for finding the values of the terms of the differential equation. The model is effectively validated through experimental results. It was determined that the representation’s accuracy fell within the ±5% acceptable tolerance limit. The model is prepared for healthy as well as disabled persons, through which the disability is quantified. The resulting model can be used to develop assistive devices for people with physical disabilities. This results in the rehabilitation process and thereby helps the reintegration into society, subsequently allowing them to lead a normal life.
... Lower limb activity recognition (LLAR) has gained significance due to its practicality in several domains, such as monitoring the health of the elderly, surveillance and security systems, detecting human falls, and numerous more applications [1], [2]. Surface electromyography signals (sEMG), being a kind of neurological signals, are often used in many healthcare applications [3], such as controlling prosthetics or exoskeletons, evaluating neuromuscular diseases, monitoring physical activity, and numerous others [4]. ...
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Surface Electromyography (sEMG) signal classification and analysis have attracted particular attention because of their many biological applications. These can be utilized for kinesiological research, motion intention recognition, human-machine interaction, rehabilitation, and disease diagnosis. Due to the interference of noise, these signals are challenging to process. To attenuate noise interference from sEMG signals, a denoising method based on Variational Mode Decomposition (VMD) with selected Intrinsic Mode Functions (IMFs) based on Correlation Coefficient (CC) and Empirical Wavelet Transform (EWT) is proposed in this study. The suggested method applies the EWT to the specific IMFs obtained by VMD, decomposing the raw signal with noise into several IMFs based on correlation coefficients. To increase the signal separability, stability and to extract the low-frequency information of the signal, apply EWT on selected IMFs; it decomposes IMFs into the multiresolution analysis (MRA). Following segmentation, 16 Features are recovered using the time domain, frequency domain, and entropy with an overlapping window technique of 250ms and 50% overlap. Later, four machine learning classifiers— Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA), Support Vector Machine (SVM), Naive Bayes (NB), and Ensemble Subspace k-nearest Neighbor (KNN) — are used to identify the three lower limb movements. The results obtained for an Ensemble Subspace KNN classifier have a 98.9% accuracy, a 98.8% F1-Score, and a 98.7% sensitivity. Lastly, machine learning (ML) is used in this work to create a new feature extraction technique for lower limb activity prediction based on VMD-EWT with CC.
... By fusing the EMG data with two types of data from inertial measurement, Liu et al. (2021) enhanced a muscle synergy-inspired method of locomotion mode identification. IMUs were used to achieve pattern identification of different human joints and joint angle prediction (Semwal et al. 2022;Sung et al. 2021). IMUs and foot gait analysis system were combined for recognizing human movement gait phase (Song et al. 2022). ...
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The precise gait phase detection with lightweight equipment under variable conditions is crucial for low limb exoskeleton robots. Therefore, the kinematics and dynamics information are investigated. In this paper, a novel radius-margin-based support vector machine (SVM) model with particle swarm optimization (PSO) in feature space called PSO-FSVM is proposed for gait phase detection. The proposed method addresses the dual objectives of maximizing margin while minimizing radius, employing PSO to fine-tune the parameters of the FSVM. This enhancement significantly bolsters the classification accuracy of the SVM. For the measurement of gait features with a lightweight sensor system, the plantar pressure insoles equipped with flexible and elastic sensors are designed. To evaluate the effectiveness of our method, we conducted comparative experiments, pitting the proposed PSO-FSVM against other support vector machine variants, across four treadmill speeds. The experimental results indicate that the proposed method achieves an accuracy of over 98% at four different speeds indoors. Furthermore, the proposed method is compared with other algorithms (SVM, k-nearest neighbor (KNN), adaptive boosting (AdaBoost), and quadratic discriminant analysis (QDA)) under outdoor experiments. The experimental results demonstrate that the average recognition accuracy of this method reaches 96.13% under variable speed conditions, with an average accuracy of 98.06% under slow walking conditions, surpassing the performance of the above four algorithms.
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Shoulder rehabilitation is considered one of the most effective treatments for restoring functional abilities, reducing shoulder pain, and enabling the leading of an active life, improving mobility, strength, and endurance. However, the burdens of travel and time may prevent patients from taking part in such rehabilitation programs. The increased availability of wearable sensors and the development of machine learning (ML) algorithm has shown the feasibility of remote home-based rehabilitation therapy. In this study, we proposed a wearable system based on 3 magneto-inertial sensors to classify shoulder rehabilitation exercises. The classification has been performed by 5 different supervised ML algorithms (i.e., k-Nearest Neighbours, Support Vector Machine, Naïve Bayes, Decision Tree, and Random Forest) to find out the most performant one. The feasibility of the wearable system was assessed on nineteen healthy subjects during six rehabilitation exercises. Each exercise was performed six times, for a total of 684 samples. The data were analysed and classified using the five mentioned classification models. Performances of the algorithms in accurately classifying exercise activity were evaluated with the k-fold cross-validation method and the nested validation method. The results demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms in recognizing all the exercises. Features derived from acceleration, angular velocity, and orientation data were shown to reach the optimal predictive accuracies. Future work should focus on evaluating the performance of such systems on data acquired on patients with musculoskeletal disorders and on the inclusion of more shoulder rehabilitation exercises in the protocol.
Accurate alignment of a fixed mobile device equipped with inertial sensors inside a moving vehicle is important for navigation, activity recognition, and other applications. Accurate estimation of the device mounting angle is required to rotate the inertial measurement from the sensor frame to the moving platform frame to standardize measurements and improve the performance of the target task. In this work, a data-driven approach using deep neural networks (DNNs) is proposed to learn the yaw mounting angle of a smartphone equipped with an inertial measurement unit (IMU) and strapped to a car. The proposed model uses only the accelerometer and gyroscope readings from an IMU as input and, in contrast to existing solutions, does not require global position inputs from global navigation satellite systems (GNSS). To train the model in a supervised manner, IMU data is collected for training and validation with the sensor mounted at a known yaw mounting angle, and a range of ground truth labels is generated by applying a random rotation in a bounded range to the measurements. The trained model is tested on data with real rotations showing similar performance as with synthetic rotations. The trained model is deployed on an Android device and evaluated in real-time to test the accuracy of the estimated yaw mounting angle. The model is shown to find the mounting angle at an accuracy of 8 degrees within 5 seconds, and 4 degrees within 27 seconds. An experiment is conducted to compare the proposed model with an existing off-the-shelf solution.
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This work presents an on-device machine learning model with the ability to identify different mobility gestures called human activity recognition (HAR), which includes running, walking, squatting, jumping, and others. The data is collected through an Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense board with a sampling rate of 119 Hz, which is embedded with an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) sensor. The same board is used as a microcontroller to identify human gestures by developing an end-to-end edge computing application. A deep neural network model is trained and then compressed for deployment on the board to create a self-contained, embedded device capable of identifying the type of gesture performed. Three deep learning models, namely Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP), Convolutional Neural Network-Long Short Term Memory (CNN-LSTM) & CNN-Gated Recurrent Unit (CNN-GRU), are evaluated in the identification of the mobility gestures. The observed accuracy of the models is 96%, 97.1% and 97.8%, respectively, MLP, CNN-LSTM & CNN-GRU across the different gesture categories. The study shows the utility of embedded devices with deep neural network-based models, which can provide low cost, minimal power usage, and meet data privacy requirements in HAR. ARTICLE HISTORY
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Developing a correct model for a biped robot locomotion is extremely challenging due to its inherently unstable structure because of the passive joint located at the unilateral foot-ground contact and varying configurations throughout the gait cycle, resulting variation of dynamic descriptions and control laws from phase to phase. The present research describes the development of a hybrid biped model using an Open Dynamics Engine (ODE) based analytical three link leg model as a base model and, on top of it, an Artificial Neural Network based learning model which ensures better adaptability, better limits cycle behaviors and better generalization while negotiating along a down slope. The base model has been configured according to the individual subjects and data have been collected using a novel technique through an android app from those subjects while walking down a slope. The pattern between the deviation of the actual trajectories and the base model generated trajectories has been found using a back propagation based artificial neural network architecture. It has been observed that this base model with learning based compensation enables the biped to better adapt in a real walking environment, showing better limit cycle behaviors. We also observed the bounded nature of deviation which led us to conclude that the strategy for biped locomotion control is generic in nature and largely dominated by learning.
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Human Activity Recognition (HAR) has attracted much attention from researchers in the recent past. The intensification of research into HAR lies in the motive to understand human behaviour and inherently anticipate human intentions. Human activity data obtained via wearable sensors like gyroscope and accelerometer is in the form of time series data, as each reading has a timestamp associated with it. For HAR, it is important to extract the relevant temporal features from raw sensor data. Most of the approaches for HAR involves a good amount of feature engineering and data pre-processing, which in turn requires domain expertise. Such approaches are time-consuming and are application-specific. In this work, a Deep Neural Network based model, which uses Convolutional Neural Network, and Gated Recurrent Unit is proposed as an end-to-end model performing automatic feature extraction and classification of the activities as well. The experiments in this work were carried out using the raw data obtained from wearable sensors with nominal pre-processing and don’t involve any handcrafted feature extraction techniques. The accuracies obtained on UCI-HAR, WISDM, and PAMAP2 datasets are 96.20%, 97.21%, and 95.27% respectively. The results of the experiments establish that the proposed model achieved superior classification performance than other similar architectures.
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Gait analysis refers to the study of human locomotion which plays an important role in clinical assessment for the identification of gait abnormality for neurological disorder persons and for athletes. This can also be used in biometrics as it is unique and difficult to hide. The human gait is considered a very unique for each subject. This chapter tried to answer the question, what are the significant features to identify the different activity of human? The second research question which this chapter has addressed was how one can efficiently identify the different activity of walking and provide the generic solution. In this chapter, artificial neural network is used to classify the human gait and compared with ELM. The dataset contains data collected from the various tasks like: walking at natural speed (N), walking very slow (XS), walking slow (S), walking medium (M), walking fast (L), walking on toes (T), walking on heels (H), stair ascending (U), and stair descending (D). These nine behaviors are classified on the basis of the following features like Pelvic Ant/Posterior Tilt, Hip Flex/Extension, Hip Ad/Abduction, Hip Internal/External Rotation, Knee Flexion/Extension, and Ankle Dorsi/Plantar flexion. The algorithm used for the classification is ELM as it provides good classification results in less computational time. The performance is also compared with SVM and KNN algorithms. This chapter also incorporates PCA technique to determine the top gait features. The results showed that the classification accuracy of ELM is better than SVM and KNN. To provide the generic solution and less complex model the ensemble learning is being explored. The combination of different classifier provides the average performance which avoid over fitting and less dependence on hyper-parameter. The ensemble learning technique has provided the much need generic to our proposed solution for multi activity gait classification.
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People gender and activities recognition are becoming a hot topic in our daily applications through gait information. The very well-known applications are safety-health, security, entertainment and billing. Numerous data mining and machine learning algorithms have been proposed for such issue. Equally, many technologies could be used to observe the people activities to identify their gender and activities. However, the existing solutions and applications suffer from privacy and cost to deploy the solution and their obtained accuracy. For example, when the CCTV camera or Kinect sensors technology are used to identify people, such technologies will violate the privacy since most of the people do not want to take their pictures or videos during their daily activities. Therefore, to tackle such issue, this paper presents a new scheme to identify the gender of the people via onboard Smartphone sensors including accelerometer sensor. Such a scheme requires little interaction with the people; individuals would simply have to hold his/her smartphone and walk normally. Four different data mining techniques and machine learning algorithms are used to identify people gender including: Decision Tree (DT), Support Vector Machine (SVM), k-Nearest Neighbor (k-NN) and Deep learning algorithm (recurrent-neural-network long-short-term-memory ‘RNN-LSTM’). Further, a set of experiments are conducted via Android-based smartphones (to read smartphone accelerometer sensor) and MATALB-2018a packages used to perform the validity of the scheme. The obtained results from the experiments show that the accuracy of the gender identification is about 94.11% via deep learning algorithm (RNN-LSTM) and is around 83.75% by using DT algorithm.
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This study reports a novel approach for biometric gait pattern classification using Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) algorithm. Clinical gait analysis can be used for early detection of gait abnormality in brain or neurological disorder subjects. In many cases gait abnormality cannot be detected through visual observation alone, but becomes apparent only in a quantitative analysis of subject’s gait. This can also help us understand the neuro-muscular mechanics associated with brain disorders. Human gait is also of profound interest to the research community in the field of biometric identification and bipedal robot locomotion due to its uniqueness and efficiency. This paper explores multi-class gait classification using four machine learning methods (KNN, SVM, ELM, MLP) and evaluates their performance for multi class gait classification. The proposed method achieves very good results. TheELM is used first time in to analyses the neuromuscular of patients suffering from multiple sclerosis and stroke .
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As a cutting-edge research topic in computer vision and graphics for decades, human skeleton extraction from single-depth camera remains challenging due to possibly occurring occlusions of different body parts, huge appearance variations, and sensor noise. In this paper, we propose to incorporate human skeleton length conservation and symmetry priors as well as temporal constraints to enhance the consistency and continuity for the estimated skeleton of a moving human body. Given an initial estimation of the skeleton joint positions provided per frame by the Kinect SDK or Nuitrack SDK, which do not follow the aforementioned priors and can prone to errors, our framework improves the accuracy of these pose estimates based on the length and symmetry constraints. In addition, our method is device-independent and can be integrated into skeleton extraction SDKs for refinement, allowing the detection of outliers within the initial joint location estimates and predicting new joint location estimates following the temporal observations. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of our approach in several cases.
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This article proposes a new method used to optimize the design process of nature-walking gait generator that permits biped robot to stably and naturally walk with preset foot-lift magnitude. The new Jaya optimization algorithm is innovatively applied to optimize the biped gait four key parameters initiatively applied to ensure the uncertain nonlinear humanoid robot walks robustly and steadily. The efficiency of the proposed Jaya-based identification approach is compared with the central force optimization and improved differential evolution (modified differential evolution) algorithms. The simulation and experimental results tested on the original small-sized biped robot HUBOT-4 convincingly demonstrate that the novel proposed algorithm offers an efficient and stable gait for humanoid robots with precise height of foot-lift value.