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Role of iot-cloud ecosystem in smart cities: Review and challenges


Abstract and Figures

Smart Cities is one of the most important Internet of Things (IoT) applications. Billions of smart devices on IoT produce volumes of data directed to cloud for storage and processing. Sending complete data to cloud is least preferred from resource utilization perspective comprising of bandwidth and storage. Therefore, cloud computing paradigm limitations conquered by fog computing, acting as a bridge between IoT and cloud. Further, the limited computational capacity of end-devices in IoT infrastructure and inherited pros and cons of cloud and fog computing necessitates for all three paradigms to work together to full fill the needs of sustainable infrastructure for smart city. Keeping in view the need of integrating fog computing paradigm (due to its limited storage and computational capabilities), with IoT and cloud infrastructure, this article reviews the literature on role of IoT & cloud ecosystem in smart cities along with parameters of evaluation and future research directions in smart cities.
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Role of IoT-Cloud Ecosystem in Smart Cities : Review and Challenges
Ridhima Rani
, Vijaita Kashyap, Meenu Khurana
Chitkara University Institute of Engineering and Technology, Chitkara University, Punjab, India
article info
Article history:
Received 14 September 2020
Accepted 3 October 2020
Available online xxxx
Smart city
Cloud computing
Fog computing
Smart Cities is one of the most important Internet of Things (IoT) applications. Billions of smart devices
on IoT produce volumes of data directed to cloud for storage and processing. Sending complete data to
cloud is least preferred from resource utilization perspective comprising of bandwidth and storage.
Therefore, cloud computing paradigm limitations conquered by fog computing, acting as a bridge
between IoT and cloud. Further, the limited computational capacity of end-devices in IoT infrastructure
and inherited pros and cons of cloud and fog computing necessitates for all three paradigms to work
together to full fill the needs of sustainable infrastructure for smart city. Keeping in view the need of inte-
grating fog computing paradigm (due to its limited storage and computational capabilities), with IoT and
cloud infrastructure, this article reviews the literature on role of IoT & cloud ecosystem in smart cities
along with parameters of evaluation and future research directions in smart cities.
Ó2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the National Conference on
Functional Materials: Emerging Technologies and Applications in Materials Science.
1. Introduction
The world population that resides in cities will be rising up to
50%, by the year 2050, and will undoubtedly increase to 70% [1].
With the rise in number of people with more demand for services,
it becomes imperative to think over an idea of building smart cities
by adopting information from communication technologies (ICT)
[2]. Smart-cities are constructed with the integration of electronics,
sensors, networks etc. The latest ICTs are important for a smart city
with smart meters, smart phone technologies, smart hospitals,
artificial intelligence, Radio Frequency Identification, and fog-
computing, cloud-computing, Internet of Things (IoT) as infrastruc-
ture. An IoT network consists of concrete objects immersed with
software, smart sensors, electronics and connections among them
to transfer and exchange the data [3,4]. Due to interconnection of
virtual and physical world through electronic devices in streets,
houses, vehicles, and buildings, IoT-based smart cities offer ser-
vices to public and administration such as surveillance systems,
smart-homes, smart-parking, vehicular-traffic, climate systems,
ecological pollution, smart energy, and smart grids [5]. Nowadays,
development of IoT infrastructure in smart-city applications is fac-
ing many challenges [6]. Therefore, in smart city architecture, sen-
sors are integrated with cloud to analyze the streaming data for
making decisions. IoT and cloud computing paradigm works to
provide inputs and information to the tasks which are executed
by integrated sensors, vehicles, humans and mobiles [7,8]. Cloud-
computing paradigm comprises of pool of resources to provide
storage and processing services to applications on demand. The
main challenges that are still faced by research community in
cloud computing are scalability and elasticity [9]. There are many
issues in cloud computing which hinders various functions and
services (smart healthcare, smart cities, smart home), from signif-
icant profits of cloud computing. These problems include lack of
geographical location-awareness, need of mobility and unreliable
delays [10]. Therefore, fog or edge computing plays vital role to
deal with the cloud computing limitations. Fog computing is a col-
lection of resources such as routers, computers, storage data cen-
ters etc, that reside on the edge of a network within close
proximity of end user. Presumably, cloud expansion near the edge
of the network. The purpose of using fog computing is to reduce
delays, computational cost, unreliable geographical location and
energy consumption issues on data computation and storage while
sending the heavy computations to the central cloud for processing
[11] in smart city, an application of IoT [12] as shown in Fig. 1.
The objective of this paper is to review the articles related to
smart cities in IoT-Cloud paradigm along with parameters of eval-
uation. The article also identifies the challenges for future research
direction for researchers in industry and academia.
2214-7853/Ó2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the National Conference on Functional Materials: Emerging Technologies and Applications in
Materials Science.
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E-mail address: (R. Rani).
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Please cite this article as: R. Rani, V. Kashyap and M. Khurana, Role of IoT-Cloud Ecosystem in Smart Cities : Review and Challenges, Materials Today: Pro-
This article is divided into the following four parts: Section 1
gives an introduction on role of IoT & cloud ecosystem in smart city
applications and how the ecosystem can be benefitted after its
integration with fog computing. Section 2 reviews the literature,
and Section 3 elaborates on challenges of smart cities & future
research directions. Section 4 concludes the paper after analyzing
the future research directions.
Table 1 depicts the parameters of evaluation used by different
research articles reviewed in the literature.
2. Literature review on role of IoT-Cloud ecosystem in smart
Considering various parameters of evaluation depicted in
Table 1 this section reviews the literature and depicts the tools
and techniques, and findings of various research articles in Table 2
along with a pictorial representation of articles reviewed in Fig. 2
with their year of publication.
Qian et al. [13] proposed another framework Hybrid IoT that
supports well-organized transmission, caching and computation
of big data generated by dispersed and substantial IoT devices
which are deployed in smart cities. Ultra dense networking based
computation offloading and hierarchical multiple-access between
cloud and medium access control layer supports smart city vision.
Fan et al. [14] uses a pseudo random-number generator and
quadratic- residuals, and guarantees the security of planned vali-
dation scheme, based on Cloud for RFID healthcare system. The
proposed scheme also ensures conflict to certain attacks and data
privacy in mobile communications.
Garg et al. [15] proposed a model for surveillance in transporta-
tion system. They overcome the problem of security threats in aer-
ial vehicles by using the real-time analytics and applications at
different levels. They have used the probabilistic data structure
approach to detect the cyber-threats in smart vehicles. The ultra
aerial vehicles operate as a data provider by collecting the data
from vehicles and aggregators gives the security while transferring
the load to edge devices. The authors guarantee the security of the
strange movements of the vehicles in real time.
Lin et al. [16] studied the architecture of drones and analyze the
security and privacy of the unmanned aerial vehicles. The author
focused on lightweight cryptography to find the solution for data
leakage, confidentiality of data, and ease of access of data.
Kumar et al. [17] have proposed a model for energy saving for
next generation smart cities. They have used a cloud based infras-
tructure for making decisions to save the energy for different
Fig. 1. Smart City with Cloud and Fog Layers.
Table 1
Parameters of evaluation for smart cities in IoT-cloud paradigm.
#Ref. Computation delay Computation cost Resource allocation Bandwidth Security Energy
[13] UU✗✗U
[14] UU U
[15] UUU U
[16] ✗✗✗ ✗U
[17] UUU UU
[18] ✗✗✗ ✗U
R. Rani, V. Kashyap and M. Khurana Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx
gadgets. They focused on reducing the overload on the main grid
by providing continuous DC capacity to all low-voltage machines
with less reliance on the main grid. With this reason the overall
burden of energy on the building during peak hours is diminished
by making it self-sustainable related to the demands in energy.
Dener, M. [19] surveyed different research articles which are
describing the role of cloud computing in providing storage, com-
puting, database and numerous application services for access over
the internet. These services provided by cloud are helpful for the
integration and exchange of information among different systems
in smart city.
Khattak et al. [20] presents a novel framework that integrates
vehicular-networking clouds with IoT, and referenced as VCoT.
The article gives a deep insight on role of IoT-VC (VCoT) for differ-
ent real-world applications like, intelligent traffic light, smart
homes, and smart city for automation and general control along
with associated challenges.
Daniel et al. [21] proposed a management policy that maintains
as short operational latency as possible and minimum latency of
requests in an IoT enabled architecture for smart cities services
based on cloud. The author focused on special cases such as rush
hours, outages and considered predictability and periodicity
assumptions as well for proving that operational latency is not
unreasonably long in comparison to analyzed articles.
Perera et al. [22] elaborates on the need of integration of fog and
cloud computing. Keeping in view key benefits and characteristics
of fog computing like latency management, higher availability,
minimizing big data based on priority with the supported use case
scenarios, the author suggested a sustainable infrastructure for
smart cities based on IoT.
Kaur et al. [23] proposed architecture, dependent on cloud and
IoT for the advancement of smart cities. The author focused on the
different characteristic of cloud and deployed them with IoT to
make smart cities better. Their method is basically for reducing
the cost of infrastructure and investment in smart city. The author
took case- study of Dubai smart city with some applications based
scenario and proposed architecture of healthcare in smart city.
Elhoseny et al. [24] framed a smart cities system in which the e-
learning approach is familiarized. It is possible to change in learn-
ing method to the progression of technologies like cloud, internet
of things & big data, but it is a challenging task to make a smart
learning system for smart cities. A smart-learning framework
based on big-data and able to work in smart environment is
Massobrio et al. [25] presented an analysis of big-data based on
smart city using cloud computing infrastructure. Map Reduced
parallel model is used and implemented using the Hadoop frame-
work. Basically, they focused on two cases one is public transport
services and another is the estimation of origin to destination
matrix. The former one is using old locations data and latter one
is using the data from ticket sales. The practical result shows that
the model is supporting huge volume of data proficiently.
Dingfu Jiang [26] proposed a data-aggregation algorithm based
on Markov-chain for solving data transmission issues during com-
munication. Solution to the problem achieved by sending the data
again. Practically, it has been proved that sending data again meets
the real needs of smart cities by sharing and exchanging the infor-
mation via various sensors.
Kakderi et al. [27] have proposed a method for public/city
establishment based on cloud computing. Basically, the author
focused on the roadmap with the main roadblock when moving
with the ease of services by decision-making. The article also
focused on the acceptance of cloud computing by the government
Kumar et al. [28] have presented a Bayesian-Coalition-Game
which is based on cloud service for distribution of content in smart
cities. These contents are accessed from anywhere through inter-
net vehicles as they are placed at the cloud. Using the Markov Deci-
sion Process the vehicles act as players in this game and build a
combination among them. They have used various parameters to
evaluate the performance of this model and showed that it is suc-
cessful in smart city for internet of vehicles.
Table2depicts thetools and techniques usedby differentresearch
articles reviewed in the literature along with their findings.
Fig. 2 depicts the diagrammatical view of articles referred in the
review process with years of publication.
3. Challenges and future research directions
Based on the literature review and the parameters of evaluation
depicted in Table 1 this section presents the challenges and future
research directions in designing smart cities using IoT & Cloud
(i) The author in [13] worked on computation delay and end-
to-end computation cost parameters to improve heteroge-
neous IoT-Network design at physical and medium access
control (MAC) layer. Various resource allocation solutions
still needs to be designed to meet low-latency, massive-
connectivity, high-reliability and high-volume demands for
transfer, calculation and storage of big data. In addition to
that there is a need to design many new ways to access large
IoT devices with limited radio resources, and to provide high
data rate computation-offloading to mobile edge computing
(MEC) servers.
(ii) The author in [14] worked on security and privacy to provide
authenticated RFID based light-eight protocol for smart-
healthcare in cloud computing, using computational costs
and resource allocation as parameters of evaluation. There
are still certain limitations in the proposed approach; there-
fore, it can be improved to provide a secure wireless-
communication in the wireless-body-area-network as an
area of future research for smart healthcare systems with
bandwidth and latency as parameters of evaluation.
(iii) The author in [15] used triple bloom filter and unmanned
aerial vehicles (UAV) to provide security and cyber-threat
detection in intelligent transportation systems (ITS). Compu-
tation cost, security and storage-as-a-resource are used as
parameters of evaluation. No work is done on redundant
data elimination collected by UAVs to achieve more efficient
storage space utilization. So, it can be proposed as future
research direction with bandwidth, improved latency and
computation cost as parameters of evaluation in ITS in smart
(iv) The author in [16] worked on security and privacy using
authentication and protected identity using data-security
solutions. The author worked on security parameter only
2011 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
References Reviewed
Year of publicaon
Fig. 2. References with year of publication.
R. Rani, V. Kashyap and M. Khurana Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx
using Zone service providers (ZSPs) for internet of drones
(IoDs). A lot of work still needs to be done to further enhance
the existing security solutions, like energy efficient intrusion
detection and prevention systems for detecting malicious
cyber-activities is future research direction for IoDs. Simi-
larly, secure data aggregation approaches to reduce commu-
nication cost and energy, is another area of research for IoDs
with confidentiality and access control as parameters of
(v) A DC nanogrid based on cloud for smart cities in [17] is
working on different parameters like bandwidth, resource
allocation (CPU, Memory), energy, migration-cost etc. The
author has not worked for security of these cloud based
DC nanogrids and no machine learning based approach is
yet proposed for efficient management of energy generated
by these nanogrids. So, these two areas can be explored as
future research directions for implementing DC nanogrids
by integrating IoT-Fog paradigm with cloud computing.
(vi) The author in [33] designed architecture for intelligent
transportation in smart city based on big data analytics.
The objective was to process large volume of data in smart
transportation, considering throughput and response time
as parameters of evaluation. As the volume of data increases
with time in smart transportation, we can suggest a future
research area to remove duplicates from this large volume
of data to further improve storage space efficiency in this
4. Conclusion
Smart city as an application of IoT and cloud ecosystem is grow-
ing at a rapid rate due to increase in sensing technology and
decrease in cost. Therefore, in such cities to deal with emergency
situations, smart systems are required. Although, the articles
reviewed, elaborates on the cloud, IoT and fog or edge computing
contribution in smart cities. All around discussions and conversa-
tions among specialists and architects, on fields related to smart
cities and IoT advancements should be continually driven, for the
provisioning of explicit plans of action. The challenges that are still
existing and their research directions are depicted. A large portion
of these investigations have neglected the real time systems in
smart cities. Therefore, this limitation persuades us to investigate
the work with more references in the future, to deal with delay
sensitive and real time applications.
CRediT authorship contribution statement
Ridhima Rani: Writing - original draft, Writing - review & edit-
ing, Conceptualization, Methodology. Vijaita Kashyap: Resources,
Visualization. Meenu Khurana: Formal analysis.
Declaration of Competing Interest
The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
to influence the work reported in this paper.
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Author Year Tools/Techniques Findings
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R. Rani, V. Kashyap and M. Khurana Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx
... Ridhima Rani et al. [18] have proposed that this study provides an overview of the literature on the role of the Internet of Things and cloud ecosystems in smart cities, as well as evaluation parameters and future research guidelines in smart cities. The whole conversations and discussions between experts and architects on topics related to smart cities and advances on the Internet of Things must be constantly revived to ensure clear action plans. ...
Full-text available
Energy theft is a significant problem that needs to be addressed for effective energy management in smart cities. Smart meters are highly utilized in smart cities that help in monitoring the energy utilization level and provide information to the users. However, it is not able to detect energy theft or over-usage. Therefore, we have proposed a multi-objective diagnosing structure named an Energy Theft Prevention System (ETPS) to detect energy theft. The proposed system utilizes a combination of machine learning techniques Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU), Grey Wolf Optimization (GWO), Deep Recurrent Convolutional Neural Network (DDRCNN), and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM). The statistical validation has been performed using the simple moving average (SMA) method. The results obtained from the simulation have been compared with the existing technique in terms of delivery ratio, throughput, delay, overhead, energy conversation, and network lifetime. The result shows that the proposed system is more effective than existing systems.
... IoT technologies have various application fields, such as smart cities, automotive, precision agriculture, and healthcare. [14] reviews IoT and cloud computing in smart cities. [15] analyzes IoT technology in the automotive industry and its future trends. [16] studies the performance of IoT networks in precision agriculture using LoRa technology. ...
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Analyzing time-dependent data acquired in a continuous flow is a major challenge for various fields, such as big data and machine learning. Being able to analyze a large volume of data from various sources, such as sensors, networks, and the internet, is essential for improving the efficiency of our society’s production processes. Additionally, this vast amount of data is collected dynamically in a continuous stream. The goal of this research is to provide a comprehensive framework for forecasting big data streams from Internet of Things networks and serve as a guide for designing and deploying other third-party solutions. Hence, a new framework for time series forecasting in a big data streaming scenario, using data collected from Internet of Things networks, is presented. This framework comprises of five main modules: Internet of Things network design and deployment, big data streaming architecture, stream data modeling method, big data forecasting method, and a comprehensive real-world application scenario, consisting of a physical Internet of Things network feeding the big data streaming architecture, being the linear regression the algorithm used for illustrative purposes. Comparison with other frameworks reveals that this is the first framework that incorporates and integrates all the aforementioned modules.
This chapter introduces a secure and efficient multi-user data search scheme for cloud storage. The scheme relies on garbled bloom and cuckoo filters for encoding outsourced keyword tables. Using distributed point function, cuckoo hashing, and segmentation designs, the scheme can achieve high server-side computational efficiency for single-keyword searches and also ensure constant downlink overheads for multi-keyword conjunctive searches. The scheme also incorporates a dual encryption method and a set-constrained pseudorandom function-based authorization algorithm, which can preserve data privacy and enforce access control while preventing collusion attacks leveraging message authentication codes and cover-free systems. For honest-but-curious and malicious models, the scheme’s security is analyzed through simulations. A proof-of-concept prototype and extensive experiments demonstrate its practicality and efficiency in computation, communication, and storage.
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The accelerated development of technologies within the Internet of Things landscape has led to an exponential boost in the volume of heterogeneous data generated by interconnected sensors, particularly in scenarios with multiple data sources as in smart cities. Transferring, processing, and storing a vast amount of sensed data poses significant challenges for Internet of Things systems. In this sense, data reduction techniques based on artificial intelligence have emerged as promising solutions to address these challenges, alleviating the burden on the required storage, bandwidth, and computational resources. This article proposes a framework that exploits the concept of data reduction to decrease the amount of heterogeneous data in certain applications. A machine learning model that predicts a distortion rate and its corresponding reduction rate of the imputed data is also proposed, which uses the predicted values to select, among many reduction techniques, the most suitable approach. To support such a decision, the model also considers the context of the data producer that dictates the class of reduction algorithm that is allowed to be applied to the input stream. The achieved results indicate that the Huffman algorithm performed better considering the reduction of time-series data, with significant potential applications for smart city scenarios.
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The concept of smart cities, which aim to enhance the quality of urban life through innovative technologies and policies, has gained significant momentum in recent years. As we approach the era of next-generation smart cities, it becomes crucial to explore the key enabling technologies that will shape their development. This work reviews the leading technologies driving the future of smart cities. The work begins by introducing the main requirements of different smart city applications; then, the enabling technologies are presented. This work highlights the transformative potential of the Internet of things (IoT) to facilitate data collection and analysis to improve urban infrastructure and services. As a complementary technology, distributed edge computing brings computational power closer to devices, reducing the reliance on centralized data centers. Another key technology is virtualization, which optimizes resource utilization, enabling multiple virtual environments to run efficiently on shared hardware. Software-defined networking (SDN) emerges as a pivotal technology that brings flexibility and scalability to smart city networks, allowing for dynamic network management and resource allocation. Artificial intelligence (AI) is another approach for managing smart cities by enabling predictive analytics, automation, and smart decision making based on vast amounts of data. Lastly, the blockchain is introduced as a promising approach for smart cities to achieve the required security. The review concludes by identifying potential research directions to address the challenges and complexities brought about by integrating these key enabling technologies.
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IoE components are becoming an integral part of our lives and support the operation of systems such as smart homes, smart cities, or Industry 4.0. The large number and variety of IoE components force the creation of flexible systems for data acquisition, processing, and analysis. The work presents a proposal for a new flexible architecture model and technology stack designed for the diagnostics and monitoring of industrial components and processes in an IoE device environment. The proposed solutions allow creating custom flexible systems for managing a distributed IoT environment, including the implementation of innovative mechanisms like, for example: predictive maintenance, anomaly detection, business intelligence, optimization of energy consumption, or supervision of the manufacturing process. In the present study, two detailed system architectures are proposed, and one of them was implemented. The developed system was tested in near-production conditions using a real IoT device infrastructure including industrial systems, drones, and sensor networks. The results showed that the proposed model of a central data-acquisition and -processing system allows the flexible integration of various IoE solutions and has a very high implementation potential wherever there is a need to integrate data from different sources and systems.
Many Internet of Things (IoT) network and security studies have suggested to design a secure transmission scheme based on cryptographic methodology to guarantee that a transmitted requested service is securely delivered to the end-user. However, most of the IoT security schemes presented in the literature focus only on protecting the transmission data between sender and receiver without considering any potintial cost that may result from their schemes. Cryptographic mathematical operation always incur some cost in transforming plaintext to ciphertext that may result in increasing the latency of providing the IoT application in real-time to end-user. With sending thousands of queries messages, encryption, verifying and decrypting each received message separately will result in a time delay, especially when a large number of similar queries are received at the same time. Therefore, applying incompatible cryptographic schemes in an IoT network system may not be practical for protecting IoT applications. In this work, we design a lightweight privacy-preserving (LPP) scheme to protect the IoT transmission network system with a feature for reducing the latency issues resulting from cryptographic computation cost on each ciphertext. The results of a security analysis substantiate the ability of the proposed scheme to withstand a range of security attacks against the IoT transmission network. Additionally, these results show that the proposed scheme registers a high efficiency in reducing both ciphertext size and computational cost.
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During disasters, individuals witness various dreadful scenes and situations. These scenes and situations generate a sense of panic and cause panic attacks to individuals. Panic attacks cause various disorders like Panic Disorder, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and Anxiety Disorder, etc. On the other side, smart cities are becoming the mainstay for urbanization. Hence, the increasing incidents of disruptions due to disasters require the smart cities to adopt emergency response and resilience as the most critical dimension for its design so that the disaster-related risks can be prevented and controlled. This dimension of smart city design helps in minimizing the disruption, human, and socio-economic loss through Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and called smart disaster management. In this paper, a Fog-Cloud centric Internet of Things (IoT)-based cyber physical framework is proposed, which prioritizes the evacuation of the panicked stranded individuals and provides timely medical support. The physical subsystem of the framework acquires data from stranded individuals and disaster-affected environment and provides various information services to the respective stakeholders (evacuation personnel and stranded individuals). Whereas, the cyber subsystem of the proposed framework, initially at the Fog layer classifies the Panic Health Status (PHS) of the stranded individuals in real-time based on the acquired health data and analyzes the novelty of the data for avoiding unnecessary data traffic to Cloud. After PHS diagnosis, the cyber subsystem uses Bayesian Belief Network (BBN) to monitor the panic health sensitivity of the stranded panicked individuals using disaster-related health and environmental data, at the Cloud layer. This subsystem also builds the evacuation map using acquired disaster-related environmental data at the Cloud layer. Based on the evacuation map and monitored panic health sensitivity of the individuals, the subsystem prepares evacuation strategy, which prioritizes the evacuation of the stranded individuals. The vital points of this proposed framework are the immediate panic-related diagnostic and curative alert generation to the mobile devices of the stranded individuals from the Fog layer, and the preparation of the evacuation strategy based on the evacuation map and panic health sensitivity monitoring of the stranded individuals, at the Cloud layer. The experimental evaluation of the proposed framework depicts the classification efficiency of Support Vector Machine (SVM) for classifying the PHS of the stranded individuals in real-time, and efficiency of Data Novelty Analysis (DNA) for avoiding unnecessary data traffic, at the Fog layer. The experimental evaluation also acknowledges the efficiency of evacuation map building using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), and panic health sensitivity monitoring using BBN at the Cloud layer.
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Fog computing (FC) is used to reduce the energy consumption and latency for the heterogeneous communication approaches in the smart cities' applications of the Internet of Everything (IoE). Fog computing nodes are connected through wired or wireless medium. The goal of smart city applications is to develop the transaction relationship of real-time response applications. There are various frameworks in real-world to support the IoE in smart-cities but they face the issues like security, platform Independence, multi-application assistance, and resource management. This article is motivated from the Blockchain and Fog computing technologies and presents a secured architecture Blockchain and Fog-based Architecture Network (BFAN) for IoE applications in the smart cities. The proposed architecture secures sensitive data with encryption, authentication, and Blockchain. It assists the System-developers and Architects to deploy the applications in smart city paradigm. The goal of the proposed architecture is to reduce the latency and energy, and ensure improved security features through Blockchain technology. The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed architecture performs better than the existing frameworks for smart-cities.
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span>A smart city is a community that uses communication and information technology to improve sustainability, livability, and feasibility. As any community, there are always unexpected emergencies, which must be treated to preserve the regular order. However, a smart system is needed to be able to respond effectively to these emergent situations. The contribution made in this survey is twofold. Firstly, it provides a comprehensive exhaustive and categorized overview of the existing surveys for smart cities. The categorization is based on several criteria such as structures, benefits, advantages, applications, challenges, issues, and future directions. Secondly, it aims to analyze several studies with respect to emergent situations and management to smart cities. The analysis is based on several factors such as the challenges and issues discussed, the solutions proposed, and opportunities for future research. The challenges include security, privacy, reliability, performance, scalability, heterogeneity, scheduling, resource management, and latency. Few studies have investigated the emergent situations of smart cities and despite the importance of latency factor for smart city applications, it is rarely discussed.</span
The articles in this special section focus on the application of the Internet of Things in smart cities. Smart cities are creating emerging innovation in academia, industry, and government. A city may be called “smart” when investments in human and social capital and traditional and modern communication infrastructure fuel sustainable economic growth and a high quality of life, with wise management of natural resources through participatory governance. A smart city is also defined as a city connecting the physical infrastructure, the ICT infrastructure, the social infrastructure, and the business infrastructure to leverage the collective intelligence of the city. Smart cities are usually established relying on both advanced infrastructures and modern information and communication technologies. The articles in this section cover the most recent research and development on the enabling technologies for IoTbased smart cities and to stimulate discussions on state-of-the-art and innovative aspects in the field.
In recent decade, the number of devices involved with the Internet of Things (IoT) phenomena has increased dramatically. Parallel to this, fog computing paradigm has been introduced in order to support the computational demand of latency-sensitive and real-time IoT applications. The main support the fog paradigm can provide for these applications is through enabling computing at the edge of the network closer to the end users and IoT devices. Moreover, in sustainable smart cities, fog computing can be utilized as an efficient framework to reduce delays and enhance energy efficiency of the system. This article considers possible fog computing applications and potential enabling technologies towards sustainable smart cities in the IoT environments. In addition, different caching techniques and the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), and various Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) techniques in caching data for fog-based IoT systems are comprehensively discussed. Finally, the potential and challenges of such systems are also highlighted.
Finding a framework that provides continuous, reliable, secure and sustainable diversified smart city services proves to be challenging in today’s traditional cloud centralized solutions. This article envisions a Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) solution that enables node collaboration among IoT devices to provide reliable and secure communication between devices and the fog layer on one hand, and the fog layer and the cloud layer on the other hand. The solution assumes that collaboration is determined based on nodes’ resource capabilities and cooperation willingness. Resource capabilities are defined using ontologies, while willingness to cooperate is described using a three-factor node criteria, namely: nature, attitude and awareness. A learning method is adopted to identify candidates for the service composition and delivery process. We show that the system does not require extensive training for services to be delivered correct and accurate. The proposed solution reduces the amount of unnecessary traffic flow to and from the edge, by relying on node-to-node communication protocols. Communication to the fog and cloud layers is used for more data and computing-extensive applications, hence, ensuring secure communication protocols to the cloud. Preliminary simulations are conducted to showcase the effectiveness of adapting the proposed framework to achieve smart city sustainability through service reliability and security. Results show that the proposed solution outperforms other semi-cooperative and non-cooperative service composition techniques in terms of efficient service delivery and composition delay, service hit ratio, and suspicious node identification.
With the rapid development and deep application and cooperation of new concepts and technologies brought by the Internet of Things and cloud computing all over the world, all walks of life have gradually moved towards a ”smart” modern society. These technologies have gradually penetrated into the field of smart cities. The traditional urban system, the system that has been handed down since ancient times, has a very inefficient and cumbersome mode of operation, and the information between the systems has not been effectively shared and interconnected. In order to solve this series of problems, this study first studies the development of the Internet of Things, cloud computing-related technologies and smart cities, and then focuses on the key technologies of the Internet of Things and cloud computing in the field of structure and application. Under the support of these two technologies, proposed a smart city system based on Internet and cloud computing. System architecture, application system design, application support platform, various transmission networks and typical sensors are studied in detail and on different levels. In smart city systems based on the Internet of Things, sensor networks are often placed in unreliable communication environments, and this usually causes the transmission of information to fail. Whether the sensor chooses to transmit again after the information transmission fails is an optimized problem. This research study proposes a data aggregation algorithm based on Markov chain to solve the problem of transmitting such data again. The experimental results show that the system can realize information sharing, exchange and fusion between various sensing subsystems, solve the previous information island phenomenon and meet the actual needs of smart cities.
Vehicular ad hoc networks, cloud computing, and the Internet of Things are among the emerging technology enablers offering a wide array of new application possibilities in smart urban spaces. These applications consist of smart building automation systems, healthcare monitoring systems, and intelligent and connected transportation, among others. The integration of IoT-based vehicular technologies will enrich services that are eventually going to ignite the proliferation of exciting and even more advanced technological marvels. However, depending on different requirements and design models for networking and architecture, such integration needs the development of newer communication architectures and frameworks. This work proposes a novel framework for architectural and communication design to effectively integrate vehicular networking clouds with IoT, referred to as VCoT, to materialize new applications that provision various IoT services through vehicular clouds. In this article, we particularly put emphasis on smart city applications deployed, operated, and controlled through LoRaWAN-based vehicular networks. LoraWAN, being a new technology, provides efficient and long-range communication possibilities. The article also discusses possible research issues in such an integration including data aggregation, security, privacy, data quality, and network coverage. These issues must be addressed in order to realize the VCoT paradigm deployment, and to provide insights for investors and key stakeholders in VCoT service provisioning. The article presents deep insights for different real-world application scenarios (i.e., smart homes, intelligent traffic light, and smart city) using VCoT for general control and automation along with their associated challenges. It also presents initial insights, through preliminary results, regarding data and resource management in IoT-based resource constrained environments through vehicular clouds.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is an emerging technology that proffers to connect massive smart devices together and to the Internet. On the basis of IoT, a smart city is endowed with real-time monitoring, ubiquitous sensing, universal connectivity, and intelligent information processing and control. An IoT-based smart city can offer various smart services to citizens and administrators, thus improving the utilization of public resources regarding transportation, healthcare, environment, entertainment, and energy. The integration of transmitting, computing, and caching is having a profound impact on the development of flexible and efficient IoT in smart cities. However, with the introduction of ultra dense networking (UDN) and mobile edge computing (MEC), we have to carefully consider a joint problem across the physical layer and MAC layer to enable the efficient transmission, computation, and caching of big IoT data generated by massive IoT devices distributed in a city. In doing so, efficient multiple access and computation offloading should be addressed in the physical layer and MAC layer, respectively. In this article, we propose a scalable and sustainable IoT framework that integrates UDN-based hierarchical multiple access and computation offloading between MEC and cloud to support the smart city vision. The proposed integrated framework can substantially reduce the end-to-end delay and energy consumption of computing data from massive IoT devices. Numerical comparison results are presented to show the efficiency of the proposed framework. In addition, we discuss a number of open research issues in implementing the proposed framework. Introduction
Cloud-based RFID provides a new solution for the smart healthcare environment, and cloudbased RFID healthcare systems have many advantages over traditional healthcare systems, such as efficient medical assets management and medical information sharing. However, in the cloudbased RFID healthcare system, the untrusted cloud server manages private medical information, and these private data are transmitted on the public wireless channel, which exposes them to a high risk of leakage. Furthermore, attacks on the system may lead to serious consequences. Assuming a tag is implanted in an artificial organ and doctors use readers to monitor and control it, an attacker's tampering with these data may pose a risk to the life of this patient. Thus, privacy and security issues need to be considered in the cloud-based RFID healthcare environment. In this article, we propose a lightweight authentication scheme based on quadratic reSIDuals and pseudo random number generator to guarantee the security of the cloud-based RFID healthcare system. It ensures data privacy and is resistant to typical attacks in mobile communication. Compared to other RFID authentication schemes, the proposed scheme provides strong security with fewer resources, thereby achieving a compromise between costs and security requirements of the smart healthcare system.