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Awareness, use and associated factors of emergency contraceptive pills among women of reproductive age (15-49 years) in Tamale, Ghana

  • University for Development Studies, School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Abstract and Figures

Background Emergency contraceptive pills (ECPs) are one of the means by which women can use after intercourse to prevent pregnancy. ECPs can be used to reduce the prevalence of unwanted pregnancies and unsafe abortions. This study investigated awareness and use of ECPs among reproductive age (15-49 years) women in Tamale, Ghana. Factors associated with the use of ECPs were also investigated. Methods This cross sectional study was conducted among 200 women of reproductive age (15-49 years) in Tamale, Ghana. Data on socio-demographic variables, awareness and usage of ECPs were assessed by means of a previously validated questionnaire. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were performed to identify factors associated with the use of ECPs. Results Awareness level of ECPs were found to be 69.0% (n = 138); 42.8% (n = 59) got the awareness from a health worker, 31.8% (n = 44) from the radio/TV and 25.4% (n = 35) from family members/friends. Eighty-five percent (n = 117) knew the correct time-frame for an effective use of ECP to prevent pregnancy. Forty percent (39.9%, n = 55) of the participants who had awareness have ever used ECPs. Factors that were found to be associated with the use of ECPs were; participants who said ECPs were affordable (AOR = 6.1, 95% CI = 2.51 – 10.40, p = 0.001), available (AOR 2.1, 95% CI = 0.61 – 6.01, p = 0.001), cultural (AOR = 3.5, 95% CI = 1.01 – 10.15, p = 0.011) and religious unacceptable (AOR = 4.0, 95% CI = 1.02 – 10.0, p = 0.005). Conclusion A relatively high level of awareness and usage of ECPs was found. Factors that were associated with the use of ECPs were availability and affordability. Cultural and religious unacceptability did not hinder the use of ECPs. Health authorities should continue to make ECPs available to women of reproductive age.
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R E S E A R C H A R T I C L E Open Access
Awareness, use and associated factors of
emergency contraceptive pills among women of
reproductive age (15-49 years) in Tamale, Ghana
Anthony Amalba
, Victor Mogre
, Monica NA Appiah
and Winnifred A Mumuni
Background: Emergency contraceptive pills (ECPs) are one of the means by which women can use after intercourse
to prevent pregnancy. ECPs can be used to reduce the prevalence of unwanted pregnancies and unsafe abortions. This
study investigated awareness and use of ECPs among reproductive age (15-49 years) women in Tamale, Ghana. Factors
associated with the use of ECPs were also investigated.
Methods: This cross sectional study was conducted among 200 women of reproductive age (15-49 years) in Tamale,
Ghana. Data on socio-demographic variables, awareness and usage of ECPs were assessed by means of a previously
validated questionnaire. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were performed to identify factors
associated with the use of ECPs.
Results: Awareness level of ECPs were found to be 69.0% (n = 138); 42.8% (n = 59) got the awareness from a health
worker, 31.8% (n = 44) from the radio/TV and 25.4% (n = 35) from family members/friends. Eighty-five percent (n = 117)
knew the correct time-frame for an effective use of ECP to prevent pregnancy. Forty percent (39.9%, n = 55) of the
participants who had awareness have ever used ECPs. Factors that were found to be associated with the use of ECPs
were; participants who said ECPs were affordable (AOR = 6.1, 95% CI = 2.51 10.40, p = 0.001), available (AOR 2.1, 95%
CI = 0.61 6.01, p = 0.001), cultural (AOR = 3.5, 95% CI = 1.01 10.15, p = 0.011) and religious unacceptable (AOR = 4.0,
95% CI = 1.02 10.0, p = 0.005).
Conclusion: A relatively high level of awareness and usage of ECPs was found. Factors that were associated with the
use of ECPs were availability and affordability. Cultural and religious unacceptability did not hinder the use of ECPs.
Health authorities should continue to make ECPs available to women of reproductive age.
Keywords: Emergency contraceptive pills (ECPs), Availability, Affordability, Cultural, Religious, Women of reproductive
age, Tamale, Ghana
Emergency contraception (EC) is defined as any method
women can use after intercourse to prevent pregnancy
[1]. The differing methods of EC include the use of
intrauterine devices and hormone pills (referred to as
emergency contraceptive pills (ECPs), such as the over-
the-counter hormonal method known as Plan B [2]. The
most commonly used EC method in developing coun-
tries including Ghana is the ECPs.
ECPs referred to as postcoital contraception are mostly
hormone-based regimens, including a combination of
ethinyl estradiol with levonorgestrel (Yuzpe regimen)
and levonorgestrel alone [3], Ulipristal acetate30 mg [4].
Just like any other EC method they are administered
after unprotected intercourse. In the past, ECPs were
considered to be effective only within 72 hours after inter-
course; however recent studies have indicated that they
are effective for up to 120 hours [5-7]. Their effectiveness
has been claimed to be between 7580 percent [8].
Increasing the availability and promotion of EC has
the potential to reduce the incidence of unintended
pregnancies [9-11]. Uniquely, it is the only immediate
* Correspondence:
Department of Human Biology, School of Medicine and Health Sciences,
University for Development Studies, P. O. Box TL 1883, Tamale, Ghana
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
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Amalba et al. BMC Women's Health 2014, 14:114
option left for a woman who has had unprotected inter-
course and is unprepared for a pregnancy [12].
Each year, about 210 million women around the world
become pregnant [6] from which about 75 million of these
pregnancies (36%) are unplanned and/or unwanted [13].
Unplanned/unwanted pregnancy is one of the leading
causes of maternal mortality and morbidity in developing
countries [6]. In the developing countries, the World
Health Organization (WHO) estimates that one woman
dies every eight minutes due to unsafe abortion [14,15].
In Ghana, ECPs have now become an integral part of
contraceptive services to prevent conception following
unprotected and unplanned exposure or contraceptive
accidents like burst condom, slippage of diaphragm and
forgotten pills. Also ECPs are used by victims of rape
cases. There has been very extensive campaign and dis-
semination of knowledge on contraceptives. Currently,
the knowledge of any contraceptive method is almost
universal in Ghana, with 98 percent of all women and 99
percent of all men knowing at least one method of
contraception [16]. However, while 47.4% of Ghanaian
women have a history of contraceptive use only 20% are
current users [16].
Since the introduction of ECPs in Ghana, limited studies
have been conducted to assess awareness and usage of
ECPs among women of reproductive age. The few studies
available were conducted among college students.
This study investigated the awareness and use of ECPs
among reproductive age (1549) women in Tamale,
Ghana. Furthermore factors associated with the use of
ECPs were investigated.
This cross-sectional study was conducted from April to
July, 2012 among reproductive age women (15-49 years)
in Tamale, Ghana. Tamale is the capital city of the
Northern region of Ghana, located about 500-600 km
North of Accra, the Capital city of Ghana.
During the study, Tamale was clustered into three elect-
oral constituencies (Tamale central, north and south) from
which 200 participants were included in the study. Purpos-
ively, 115 women were approached in Tamale central, 100
consented to the study yielding a response rate of 87.0%.
From Tamale North and South, 53 and 55 women respect-
ively were approached, from which 50 women each from
North and south consented to the study (response rate of
94.3% and 90.0% respectively). The inclusion of partici-
pants was voluntary and informed consent was obtained
from each participant. Participants were also assured of
confidentiality of any data taken. All participants were
approached in their homes. The study was approved by the
Ethics Committee of the University for Development Stud-
ies, School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Ghana.
A previously validated [6,17], 10-item questionnaire was
developed to collect information on participantsknow-
ledge and usage of ECPs as well as associated factors.
Data on socio-demographic variables such as gender, age
and educational status were obtained. Cultural and reli-
gious acceptability as well as availability and affordability
were assessed using yes/no questions that were included
in the questionnaire. For example, does your religion
accept the use of ECPs? Yes or No?Awareness was
assessed by the question; have you ever heard of EC?
Yes or No. Knowledge levels of participants were
assessed using questions relating to the appropriate time
to use ECPs. Format of the knowledge questions in-
cluded single statements yes or no questions and mul-
tiple choice questions. Participants were asked to choose
the best answer in response to the multiple choice ques-
tions. All questionnaires were anonymous and did not
have any identifiers. In order to ensure confidentiality all
the questionnaires were administered to the participants
by a female research assistant in a well secluded area,
free from any form of disruption.
Statistical analysis
All statistical analysis was conducted using GraphPad Prism
version 5 (GraphPad software, San Diego California USA, and
two-tailed pvalues. The results were expressed as propor-
tion and compared using Fishers exact test or χ
for trend
analysis as appropriate. Univariate logistic regression ana-
lysis was conducted to identify factors associated to the use
of ECPs. Significant independent variables from the univari-
ate analysis were included into a multivariate model and
analysed. A level of p < 0.05 was considered as statistically
significant. The educational status of the participants was
classified into either lowor higheducational status. Par-
ticipants who had primary and junior high level of educa-
tion were combined to form loweducational status.
Those who had attained senior high level of education and
beyond were considered as highlevel of education.
The general characteristics of the women are presented
in Table 1. Generally, 67.5% (n = 135) had attained a high
level of education, 84.5% (n = 169) were married, 44.0%
(n = 88) self-employed, 49% (n = 98) Muslims and 34.5%
(n = 69) had an income level below 200GHC ($ 77). The
cost of ECPs ranged from 5GHC to 20GHC ($1.5 to $6)
depending on the brand.
Awareness, knowledge and usage of emergency
contraceptive pills (ECP)
Presented in Table 2 are womensawareness, knowledge
and usage of emergency contraceptive pills (ECPs). One
Amalba et al. BMC Women's Health 2014, 14:114 Page 2 of 6
hundred and thirty-eight women (69.0%) had awareness
on ECPs, from which 42.8% (n = 59) said they got the
awareness from a health worker, 31.8% (n = 44) from the
radio/TV and 25.4% (n = 35) from family members/
friends. About 85% (n = 117) of those who had aware-
ness on ECPs, knew the correct time-frame for an effect-
ive use of ECPs to prevent pregnancy recognizing the
need to take the first dose within 72 hours after having
unprotected sexual intercourse. As presented in Table 2,
50.0% (n = 69) of those aware of ECPs said they would
use ECP in case of breakage of a condom during sexual
intercourse;17.4% and 21.9% (78.8%) chose the options
that that ECPs can be used in case of rape and failure to
follow regular methods respectively.
Less than 13% (n = 17) said ECPs were not readily
available to them; however 92.0% said it was affordable.
With regards to cultural and religious acceptance, 63%
(n = 87) said ECPs were not culturally acceptable, how-
ever 44.9% (n = 62) said the usage of ECPs was accept-
able in their religion.
With regards to the usage of ECPs, 39.9% (n = 55) of
the women had ever used ECPs, and they used it to pre-
vent unsafe abortion (14.5%, n = 8), unwanted pregnancy
(80%, n = 44) and for child spacing (5.5%, n = 3).
Factors associated with the use of ECPs
Univariate logistic analysis was conducted to identify
factors associated with the use of ECPs and presented in
Table 3. Women who reported that ECPs were available
had 4.8 times the odds of using them as women who re-
ported they were not available. Other factors that were
found to be associated with the use of ECPs were
women who said ECPs were affordable (Crude OR = 7.0,
Table 1 Socio-demographic characteristics of the women
Variable Frequency %
Age (years)
15-29 101 50.5
30-49 99 49.5
Educational status
Low 65 32.5%
High 135 67.5%
Marital status
Married 169 84.5
Not married 31 15.5
Occupational status
Unemployed 53 26.5
Self-employed 88 44.0
Civil servant 59 29.5
Religious status
Christianity 95 47.5
Moslem 98 49.0
Traditionalist 7 3.5
Monthly income
Below GHC 200 69 34.5
Between GHC 200-500 50 25.0
Above GHC 500 57 28.5
None 24 12.0
Table 2 Womens awareness and knowledge levels and
factors affecting usage of ECPs
Variable Frequency %
Awareness on ECPs
Yes 138 69.0
No 62 31.0
Asked only among those reporting
awareness (n = 138)
Source of information
Health worker 59 42.8
Radio/TV 44 31.9
Family members/friends 35 25.4
*Time frame for use of ECPs
Used 72 hours before sex 12 8.7
Used 72 hours after unprotected sex 117 84.7
Taken when pregnant 5 3.6
Taken everyday 4 2.9
*When would you use ECPs?
After rape 24 17.4
When condom breaks 69 50.0
Forgot to take the pill 30 21.7
Undue pressure from partner 15 10.9
Availability of ECPs
Yes 121 87.7
Affordability of ECPs
Yes 127 92.0
Cultural acceptance of ECPs
Yes 51 37.0
Religious acceptance of ECPs
Yes 62 44.9
Personal usage of ECPs
Ever used 55 39.9
Asked only among those reporting
use of ECPs (n = 55)
Why did you use ECPs?
To prevent unsafe abortion 8 14.5
To prevent unwanted pregnancy 44 80.0
For birth spacing 3 5.5
*Women were asked to choose one answer or the best answer in response to
this question.
Amalba et al. BMC Women's Health 2014, 14:114 Page 3 of 6
95% CI = 2.96 16.40, p = 0.001), culturally (Crude OR =
4.6, 95% CI = 1.63 12.78, p = 0.003) and religious
unacceptable (Crude OR = 5.1, 95% CI = 1.97 13.33,
p = 0.004).
Presented in Table 4 is the results of multivariate
analysis of factors affecting the use ECPs, adjusting for
age, marital status and socio-economic status. Availabil-
ity of ECPs, its affordability as well cultural and religious
unacceptability still remained significant predictors of
the use of ECPs.
This study assessed the awareness, knowledge and use of
emergency contraceptive pills (ECPs) as well as factors
associated with its use among reproductive age women
in Tamale, Ghana.
The awareness level of ECPs among the reproductive
women in this study was found to be 69.0%, which is
higher than the level reported among Egyptian women
(24.5%) aged 19-49 years [14], among women in California
(38.2%) aged 18-44 years [18] and 11.2% among
educated women in India [19] and among university
students in Ghana (43%) [20] and Cameroon (63%)
[21]. Our findings however are lower than those
reported among English reproductive women (90%)
[22-24] and University students in the USA (94%) [25]
and Jamaica (84%) [26].
In contrast to several studies [7,14,19,27,28], health
workers were the major source of information on ECP for
the study participants rather than radio/television and
other sources like family and friends. However, our find-
ings are in agreement with the results of Irfan and col-
leagues who found a large proportion of women saying
they knew about EC through a health care provider [29].
Another important finding of this study was that,
about 85% of the participants who had awareness on
ECPs were able to determine the correct time frame for
using ECPs. This is higher than the 38% reported among
reproductive age women in California [18], 14.9% re-
ported among female college students in India and 18%
in University students in Nigeria [30]. Several studies
have reported that many women who are aware of the
existence of ECPs do not have adequate knowledge on
the appropriate interval between unprotected inter-
course and taking the ECPs [31,32]. Probably, our find-
ings could be attributed to the fact that a large
proportion of the study participants had a high level of
Table 3 Univariate analysis of factors affecting the usage of EC among the women
Variable n/N* Rate of usage Crude OR (95% CI) P value
Marital status
Married 45/116 38.8% 0.8 (0.30 1.91) 0.637
Not married 10/22 45.5% 1
Availability of ECPs
Yes 46/89 51.7% 4.8 (2.06 10.95) 0.001
No 9/49 18.4% 1
Affordability of ECPs
Yes 43/91 47.3% 7.0 (2.96 16.40) <0.001
No 12/47 25.5% 1
Cultural acceptance of ECPs
Yes 5/31 16.1%
No 50/107 46.7% 4.6 (1.63 12.78) 0.003
Religious acceptance of ECPs
Yes 6/38 15.8% 1
No 49/100 49.0% 5.1 (1.97 13.33) 0.004
Age (years)
15-29 31/70 44.3% 1.5 (0.73 2.89) 0.301
30-49 24/68 35.3% 1
*Number of participants with usage/number of subjects in each category.
Table 4 Multivariate analysis of factors affecting the use
of ECPs among the women
Variable AOR (95% CI) P value
Intercept 0.008
ECPs are available 2.1 (0.61 6.01) 0.001
ECPs are affordable 6.1 (2.51 10.40) 0.001
Cultural unacceptability 3.5 (1.01 10.15) 0.011
Religious unacceptability 4.0 (1.02 10.05) 0.005
Cox and Snell = 0.13, Nagelkerke = 0.23.
Amalba et al. BMC Women's Health 2014, 14:114 Page 4 of 6
education. Also the participants indicated health workers
as their major source of information on ECPs, which
might have contributed to the high level of knowledge
on the correct time frame to use ECPs. These factors
have been shown to influence knowledge and awareness
levels of ECPs in several studies [18,19,31].
In agreement with several findings we found that par-
ticipants said they would use ECPs in cases of rape, un-
protected intercourse, and failed regular methods
[6,7,14]. This finding was also confirmed by the reasons
participants gave for using ECPs which included preven-
tion of unwanted pregnancies and unsafe abortions.
About 40% of the women who had awareness on ECPs
had ever used them. This is higher than the 24.5% re-
ported among Egyptian women aged 18-49 years [14].
The higher prevalence of ECP use in this study as com-
pared to others studies [18,19,31] could be due to the
fact that a large proportion of the women said ECPs
were available (92.0%) and affordable (87.7%). Further
confirming our findings, our univariate and multivariate
logistic regression analysis indicated that participants
who said ECPs were available and affordable were more
likely to use them as compared to those who said it was
not. This suggests that availability and affordability may
be significant determinants of the use of ECPs. To in-
crease the current usage prevalence and to consequently
realize the benefits of ECP in reducing unwanted pregnan-
cies and abortions, the health authorities should continue
to make ECPs available to reproductive age women.
Surprisingly, women who said the use of ECPs were
not acceptable in their culture and their religion was
significantly more likely to use ECPs compared to their
counterparts who said their culture and religion ac-
cepted it.
Most of the women interviewed in this study were
either Muslims or Christians. In both religions, sex is
generally considered for procreation. In Catholicism all
forms of abortion and emergency contraception are pro-
hibited [33] except for measures normally taken to save
a mother that result in the death of the foetus [34]. In
Islam abortion of a viable foetus is considered a serious
crime equivalent to that of murder [35]. However, the
prevailing view in Islam is that emergency contraception
and abortion are permissible in certain situations [36].
Depending on the Islamic school and length of gestation
of the foetus, religious opinion varies from unconditional
permissibility to unconditional prohibition [37]. The
values that an individual woman holds may not be in
keeping with the documented official teachings of her
religion or the expected cultural norms reported by
other members of the same culture [38]. Through edu-
cation and interaction with health workers, women have
realized the need to live a quality life and also take good
care of their children. This might have contributed to
the high use of ECPs despite reporting religious and
culturally unacceptability.
The use of ECPs by women against religious and
cultural unacceptability could also be due to the notion
that using ECPs is less unacceptable in comparison with
other methods of terminating unwanted pregnancies
such as abortion, which could easily be stigmatized.
It is worth noting the limitations of this study. Due to
the nature of the cross-sectional design, cause and effect
could not be investigated. Also the study participants
comprised of reproductive age women in Tamale, which
is an urban town. Hence its difficult to generalize the
findings of this study to women from the rural commu-
nities of Ghana. However, this study is explorative in
nature to evaluate the awareness and use of EC among
women and forms as a basis for future elaborative
A relatively high awareness level and use of ECPs has
been found. Factors found to be associated with the use
of ECPs were availability and affordability. Religious and
cultural unacceptability did not hinder the use of ECPs.
Health authorities should continue to make ECPs avail-
able to reproductive age women.
Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
AA: Analysis and Interpretation of the data. VM: Drafting of the manuscript
and critical revision of the manuscript. MNAA: Concept and Design. WAM:
Data Acquisition. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
Authors wish to thank Dr. Nafiu Amidu, Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of
Medical and Biomedical Sciences, for his guidance and support during the
manuscript write up.
Author details
Department of Human Biology, School of Medicine and Health Sciences,
University for Development Studies, P. O. Box TL 1883, Tamale, Ghana.
Department of Allied Health Sciences, School of Medicine and Health
Sciences, University for Development Studies, Tamale, Ghana.
Received: 6 May 2014 Accepted: 18 September 2014
Published: 22 September 2014
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Cite this article as: Amalba et al.:Awareness, use and associated factors
of emergency contraceptive pills among women of reproductive age
(15-49 years) in Tamale, Ghana. BMC Women's Health 2014 14:114.
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Amalba et al. BMC Women's Health 2014, 14:114 Page 6 of 6
... Emergency contraception (EC) refers to postcoital contraceptive methods that are used after unprotected sexual intercourse, to prevent unwanted pregnancy 10 . Unwanted pregnancy is a significant public health issue and poses a major challenge to the reproductive health of women. ...
... Emergency contraceptive pills are mostly hormone-based regimens consisting of combination of ethinyl estradiol with levonorgestrel and levonorgestrel alone. Previously ECPs were considered to be effective only within 72 hours after unprotected intercourse but recent studies have indicated some ECPs are effective for upto 120 hours 10 . Although success of the family planning program and practice of contraceptives in Bangladesh has been widely acclaimed, many challenges still remain. ...
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Background: Regular contraceptive use and emergency contraception are tools to prevent population explosion. Objective: To assess the contraceptive practices and awareness of emergency contraceptive pills among rural women of reproductive age. Methods: The cross sectional study is conducted over 3months (December 2021 to February 2022) among 345 women of reproductive age (15-49 years) who living with their husbands in selected rural residence at Mostafapur village under Sadar Upazilla in Cumilla district. Women who were pregnant, had a child younger than 2 years, or had any physical & psychological disorder were excluded. Participants are selected by convenience sampling technique, data are collected by face to face interview with a semi-structured questionnaire to assess socio-demographic characteristics, contraceptive practices and awareness of emergency contraceptive pills. Data are analysed by SPSS software. Results: In this study, majority (48.7%) of the participants are in the age group 25-34 years. Most of them are housewives (92.2%) and 33.0%has secondary education. The mean (±SD) monthly family income of the participants is 25463.77 (±15971.158) tk and 58.3% of the participants has 1-2 children. About the current practice of contraceptive method, 52.2% of the participants practice and OCP is the widely used method (58.3%), 44.40% take decision by both husband and wife. About reasons for using contraceptives, majority (38.3%) of them use due to spacing of birth and 27.2% cases do not use due to husband disapproval. Regarding awareness of ECPs, 55.9% of them aware of and Norpill is the widely heard method (20.7%). 27.4% of the participants’ source of information is frommedia: TV/Radio. About correct time of taking ECPs, 33.60%of them have no knowledge. Regarding conditions where ECPs are to be taken, majority 39.7% of them have no knowledge. About benefits of taking ECPs, majority (79.30%) of them know it can prevent pregnancy. Conclusion Contraceptive practices and awareness of ECPs are not satisfactory among rural women. So national wide campaign program should be conducted to improve this field. Central Medical College Journal Vol 6 No 1 January 2022 Page: 22-27
... In South Africa, a similar study revealed 17% awareness among young women.16,17 Amalba et al,18 study showed the awareness of EC among reproductive women in Ghana found to be 69%, which is much higher than the previous studies. Such differences in the awareness level in different countries may be due to their culture differences and government policies. ...
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Introduction: As per data from WHO, 21.6 million unsafe abortions occurred globally in 2008, out of which 47,000 women died from abortion-related complications, contributing to 13% of global maternal mortality.(1) Emergency contraceptive can be used after intercourse to prevent pregnancy in case of unprotected intercourse, contraceptive failure or sexual assault. A considerable proportion of these abortions can be prevented by the timely use of emergency contraception. To study the knowledge of emergency contraceptives among urban educated women Material & Methods: This is a hospital-based prospective study. The study conducted on 250 married literate women in reproductive age group (18-45 Yrs). Attending the OPD of Obstetrics and Gynecology department of IIMSR (Lucknow). Predesigned interview schedules were provided to women asking about awareness regarding emergency contraceptives. Results: Approximately 41.2% of study subjects were aware of emergency contraceptives and among them only 27.18% had ever used emergency contraceptives, 25.2% of the population was using regular method of contraception and 30.8% had used some form of contraception. association between ever heard about emergency contraceptive methods and socio demographic characteristics among study subjects there were significance differences among them except marital status. Conclusion: Emergency contraceptives is an effective means of preventing unwanted pregnancies, but unfortunately majority of women lack awareness about the emergency methods. Attempts should be centered on making availability of health education regarding emergency contraceptives. Key words: Emergency Contraception, awareness, knowledge, prospective study, contraceptive
... A total of 1236 reproductive age women were included in the analysis and only 17.19% (95% CI: 15.18, 19.40) were found to be knowledgeable about emergency contraceptives. This study was lower than a study conducted in Drie Dawa (34.1%) [7], Tigray (40.4%) [36], Jima University (65.7%) [37], south Ethiopia (72.2%) [38], south eastern Nigeria (51.6%) [22], Tamale Ghana (69%) [39]. However, this finding is higher in study conducted in Bangladesh (14%) [40]. ...
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Background Emergency contraceptives (EC) are used to avoid unintended pregnancy, hence avoiding its incidence and its effects. In Ethiopia, emergency contraception is commonly accessible, especially in the big cities. However, there is virtually little understanding of or awareness of EC and Ethiopia has a high abortion rate. Therefore this study was aimed to assess the magnitude and associated factors for emergency contraceptive knowledge in Ethiopia. Methods The study was based on secondary data analysis of the Ethiopian Demographic and Health Survey 2016 data. A total weighted sample of 1236 reproductive age women was included. A multilevel mixed-effect binary logistic regression model was fitted to identify the significant associated factors of emergency contraceptive knowledge. Statistical significance was determined using Adjusted Odds Ratio (AOR) with 95% confidence interval. Results Overall magnitude of emergency contraceptive knowledge was observed to be 17.19% (95% CI: 15.18, 19.40) with intra-class correlation (ICC) 57% and median odds ratio (MOR) 6.4 in the null model. Women’s age 25–34 (AOR = 2.6; 95% CI: 1.2, 5.5), and 35–49 (AOR = 1.5; 95% CI: 1.06, 3.3), secondary and above educational level (AOR = 3.41; 95% CI: 2.19, 4.88), media exposure (AOR = 2.97; 95% CI: 1.56, 5.64), Being in metropolitan region (AOR = 2.68; 95% CI: 1.46, 4.74), and women being in urban area (AOR = 3.19; 95% CI: 1.20, 5.23) were associated with emergency contraceptive knowledge. Conclusion Emergency contraceptive knowledge in this study was low. Women age, educational level, media exposure, residency, and region were significantly associated with emergency contraceptive knowledge. Therefore, to enhance understanding and use of ECs in the current Ethiopian setting, it is imperative to ensure exposure to EC information, particularly in rural regions.
... After unprotected sexual contact, after sexual abuse, after the improper use of routine contraception, or after not using contraception, emergency contraception (EC) is advised (Ahmed et al., 2012;Adhikari et al., 2009). It is made in a variety of ways, including IUDs and emergency contraceptive pills (ECP) (Amalba et al., 2014). 120 million women worldwide every year need contraception but do not utilize it. ...
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Emergency contraception, if highly aware, easily available, and widely used can prevent a significant number of unwanted pregnancies. In many developing countries, the consequences of unintended pregnancies are more detrimental to the health and well-being of women than in developed countries. Therefore, this independent study was planned to carry out to help to know the level of knowledge about the ECPs among the women of reproductive age in selected char and riverine areas of Bangladesh. A cross-sectional type of study was conducted to determine the level of knowledge, attitude, and practice among 384 Married eligible women in the char and riverine areas of Hobiganj, Pabna, and Bhola districts of Bangladesh. The result from this study shows that among all the respondents, 21.75% of respondents' level of knowledge on ECPs was excellent and 38.39% of respondents' level of knowledge was good. Respondents' level of knowledge on ECP was significantly associated with age group, highest educational attainment, family type, age of last child, the intention of pregnancy in respondent and her husband, and current using any contraceptive method. Thus, it can be recommended that techniques to advance ECP use be centered around spreading exact data through conventional schooling and correspondence by clinical staff and through varying media which could give solid and precise information on ECPs.
... A lot of sub-Saharan Africa countries women are interested in limiting births in addition to spacing births, and many are on action [7]. In SSA, modern contraceptives and other family planning strategies are not frequently used, which leads to unintended pregnancies [8,9]. Despite the fact that limiters outnumber spacers in several countries, very little research has been conducted on the group of women in sub-Saharan Africa who wish to limit (or halt) [10]. ...
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Background A high fertility rate can have a number of expensive consequences for developing nations, such as limiting economic growth, adversely impacting women and their children’s health, and reducing access to quality education, nutrition, and employment. The problem is more obvious in Ethipia’s high fertility regions. Therefore, this study aimed to assess predictors of desire to limit childbearing among reproductive age women in high fertility regions in Ethiopia. Methods The analysis was based on secondary data using the 2016 Ethiopian Demographic and Health Survey. Stata version 14 software was used for analysis. A multi-level mixed-effect logistic regression analysis was fitted. Adjusted Odds Ratio at 95% confidence interval was used to show the strength and direction of the association. Statistical significance was declared at a P- value less than 0.05. Results The overall desire to limit childbearing in high fertility regions in Ethiopia was 37.7% (95% CI: 36.28, 39.17). Age; 25–34 (AOR = 3.74; 95% CI: 2.97, 4.73), 35–49 years (AOR = 14; 95% CI: 10.85, 18.06), women education; Primary education (AOR = 0.73; 95% CI: 0.61, 0.88), secondary and higher (AOR = 0.29; 95% CI: 0.19, 0.43), from the community level variables Oromia National Regional state (AOR = 5.86; 95% CI: 2.82, 12.23), high proportion of community level poverity (AOR = 0.67; 95% CI: 0.45, 0.98), and high proportion of community level media exposure (AOR = 1.53; 95% CI: 1.07, 2.19) were statistically significant factors for desire to limit childbearing in high fertility regions of Ethiopia. Conclusion Nearly four in ten women had the desire to limit childbearing in high fertility regions in Ethiopia. Thus, to fulfill the women’s desire to limit childbearing, Ministry of Health and health facilities are needed to increase financial support strategies and Family planning programs that enable pregnant women from poor households to use health services. In addition, increasing community level media exposure are important interventions.
... Globally, an estimate of 40% unplanned pregnancy was reported among women of reproductive age 2 . Modern contraceptives remains the most cost-effective methods of averting unplanned pregnancies 3,4 . However, in spite of the wide range of effective choice of modern contraceptives available to women of reproductive age alongside its benefits, global statistics suggests low utilization with growing rate of unplanned pregnancy 4 . ...
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Background: Utilization of modern contraceptives is an important public health action to prevent unplanned pregnancy unsafe abortion and its complication thereby reducing maternal and child morbidity and mortality rate. Utilization of modern contraceptives can effectively control population explosion especially in developing countries. However, low utilization has been reported among women of reproductive age in rural community. This study thus examined the awareness and utilization of modern contraceptives among women of reproductive age in rural community. Methods: This study adopted a descriptive research survey design.206 respondents were selected using purposive sampling. A self-developed structured questionnaire was used to collect data. Data were analysed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 21. Descriptive statistics of tables and percentages were used to analyze data collected and hypothesis was tested using chi-square at 0.05 level of significance. Result: The finding showed high level of awareness (99.5%) of modern contraceptives among women of reproductive age in rural community but low current utilization (21.4%) of modern contraceptives was recorded among rural women of reproductive age and the most commonly utilized method was injectable (10.7%) followed by oral pills (5.8%). Hypothesis result shows that there was no significant relationship between awareness and utilization of modern contraceptives (x 2 = 0.357; df = 1; p = 0.275). Conclusion: Modern contraceptives utilization was found to be low, creating awareness about benefits of modern contraceptives and effective counseling would improve utilization of modern contraceptives among rural women of reproductive age.
... Contraceptive use is essential to achieving fertility desire and pregnancy spacing [9]. However, it is considered to be low in SSA [10]. ...
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Abstract Background Fertility desire is one of the predictors of contraceptive behavior and fertility-related outcomes. However, information is scarce on individual and community-level factors of women’s fertility decisions in sub-Saharan Africa. Objective To assess fertility decisions and their associated factors in Sub-Saharan Africa. Methods The 35 Sub-Saharan African country’s most recent demographic and health surveys (DHS) data conducted from 2008 to 2020 was used. A total of 284,744 (weighted) married women were used for analysis. The proportion of fertility decisions with their 95%CI was estimated. To assess the factors associated with fertility decisions, both random effect and fixed effect analyses were conducted. In the fixed analysis, particularly in the multivariable analysis, adjusted relative risk ratio (aRRR) with its 95% confidence interval (CI) was reported and variables with a p-value
... The sources of other nutrition-related health information such as hand washing, immunization, use of insecticides treated bed net (ITN) were radio (81.4%), TV (75%), health professionals (97.1%), social media (1.8%), family and friends (25.4%) [21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31]. ...
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Dietary perception, behavior, and nutritional status can all be influenced by exposure to information. Behavior change communication that is appropriately designed and implemented is critical for motivating optimal dietary behavior. On the other hand, inadvertent or deliberate misinformation can drive unhealthy dietary behaviors. As part of the process to develop food-based dietary guidelines (FBDGs) for Ghana, this rapid evidence review examined the nature, extent, sources, and medium of food and nutrition information dissemination and promotion in Ghana. PubMed, Cochrane, Google Scholar, and Open Access Theses Dissertations (OATD) databases were searched systematically using keywords to identify relevant peer-reviewed and grey literature. The review included 31 documents, after excluding 1,302 documents for ineligibility (based on irrelevant title, abstract, and duplicates). Limited reporting of undernutrition was found in print and electronic media. Unhealthy foods, including sugar-sweetened beverages, snacks, yogurt, instant noodles, candy/chocolate, and ice cream were frequently advertised through various communication media. Children are highly exposed to food advertisements, which target them. Promotional characters, animation, billboards, and front-of-store displays; product-branded books, and toys are common strategies for food marketing and advertisement in Ghana. The most frequently reported sources of health and nutrition information were television, radio, social media, health professionals, families, and friends. Children and adults experienced changes in food preferences and choices as a result of exposure to food advertised on television. The commonly used traditional media were radio and television; printed newspaper use has declined tremendously in the past decade. Social media use (particularly WhatsApp, Facebook, and YouTube) is highest in urban areas, and is growing rapidly; young adults are the most active users of social media platforms. Experts recommend regulation as a mitigation for nutrition miscommunication and inaccurate promotion. The current review highlights the need for regulation of food marketing, and advertisement to safeguard a healthy food environment in Ghana. Key words: advertisement, promotion, diet, regulation, social media, food, Ghana
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Background Despite efforts to increase modern contraceptive use in Ghana, prevalence rates remain low; particularly in Northern Ghana. This study, therefore, sought to determine the predictors of modern contraceptive use among couples in Northern Ghana. This research was the baseline assessment for a broader study aimed at determining the effect of an intervention to improve outcomes of modern contraception. Methods The study was a cross-sectional design. Data was collected from 508 couples (1016 participants), using a multistage sampling technique; both members of each couple were interviewed separately. Univariate and stepwise multivariate logistic regression were used to identify predictors associated with modern contraceptive use. Qualitative data were analyzed to triangulate the findings from the quantitative data. Results More than 97% of couples were Muslims. Qualitative data indicates that Muslims are less inclined to use Modern Contraceptives. Most participants had no education. The regression model shows that all demographic characteristics were not significant in Model 3 for men. Socio-culturally, men who gave the reason of “unconcerned” for men’s non-involvement in contraceptive adoption, had less odds of using modern contraception (AOR=0.19). Men with high subjective norms were more than 15 times more likely to use modern contraception. Female farmers were less likely to use contraceptives (AOR= 0.45). Women who reported that “nothing prevented men” from getting involved in contraceptive adoption had greater odds of adopting modern contraception (AOR= 11.15). Women with good perceived behavioral control were more likely to use modern contraception (AOR=5.03). Women with high enacted stigma and men and women with high interspousal communication were more likely to adopt modern contraception. Conclusion Taking cognizance of demographic and sociocultural characteristics and behavioral constructs is needed when determining the predictors of modern contraceptive use among couples in Northern Ghana.
Objective: To investigate Vietnamese community pharmacists and pharmacy customers' knowledge, attitudes, and practices about emergency contraceptive pills (ECPs). Study design: We recruited 400 pharmacists and 396 customers via a non-probability convenience sampling technique. We used univariate and multivariate linear regression models to determine factors associated with the knowledge and attitudes towards ECPs among pharmacists and customers. We selected variables in the multivariate models through the Bayesian Model Averaging method using R software (version 4.2.3). Results: In medicine outlets, levonorgestrel and mifepristone (ECPs) were highly available. The average knowledge scores on ECPs among pharmacists and customers were 9.98±2.00 and 6.24±2.33, respectively. Many pharmacists did not have adequate knowledge of ECPs' mechanism of action, dosage, and contraindications. Customers lacked knowledge about their legislation, effectiveness, and side effects. The attitudes towards ECPs among participants were relatively positive. Reliable information sources about ECPs (such as the package leaflet, courses, and books) played an essential role in increasing ECP knowledge and attitudes (p<0.001). The availability of ECPs (p<0.001), being educated (p<0.01 and 0.01), and daily sales (p<0.001) were significantly associated with pharmacists' knowledge/attitudes. Age, education level, marital status, and occupation were significantly associated with customers' knowledge. Participants' knowledge of was significantly associated with their attitude towards ECPs (p=0.02 and p<0.001, respectively). Conclusions: The knowledge of ECPs among pharmacists was relatively good, while that of customers was poor. There is a need to have policies and interventions to enhance the knowledge and attitudes towards ECPs for both pharmacists and customers. Implication: Community pharmacies are ideal settings to dispense contraceptive methods, especially over-the-counter ECPs. Community pharmacists can help ensure the availability of ECPs in medicine outlets, increase women's access to ECPs, and counsel customers on up-to-date and comprehensive knowledge about these medications, thereby guaranteeing rational ECP use.
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In Nepal, Emergency Contraception (EC) could play a critical role in reducing unintended pregnancies, but very few people aware about it. This paper aims to investigate the level of awareness and factors influencing awareness of EC among college students. A cross-sectional study was carried out in April-May 2006. Structured self-administered questionnaires were administered to 1,137 college students (573 males and 564 females) in Kathmandu valley. The association between awareness of EC and the explanatory variables were first assessed in bivariate analysis using the Chi-square test. The associations were further explored using a multivariate logistic analysis. Only about two-thirds of college students (68%) had ever heard about EC. Bivariate analysis shows that males were more aware (72%) of EC than were females (64%). Similarly, the awareness level was significantly higher among younger, unmarried youth who were from outside Kathmandu Valley, who lived with friends, and who had received reproductive health (RH) education in school/college. The study also found that students' sex, permanent place of residence (district), and RH education are significant predictors of awareness of EC. Males are 1.5 times more likely to be aware of EC compared to females. Furthermore, students who lived in Kathmandu Valley were 41% less likely to be aware of EC than were students from outside Kathmandu Valley. On the other hand, those students who received RH education in school/college were almost nine times more likely to be aware of EC compared to those who did not receive such education. Awareness of the EC is low among college students in Nepal. Health education initiatives should target students as they are more likely to be sexually active. There is a need to further educate students about EC which can help to reduce unintended pregnancies, many of which result in unsafe abortion and take a large toll on women's health.
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Objective Despite the fact that emergency contraceptive (EC) methods have been available and registered for a long time in Egypt and some other Middle Eastern countries, EC remains relatively unknown and is discussed controversially in such countries. Considering the importance of EC in preventing unintended pregnancies, this study was conducted to investigate the awareness and use of EC methods among women of childbearing age at the family health care centers in Alexandria, Egypt. Methods A descriptive cross sectional study was carried out on 151 women of child-bearing age (19–49 years) attending two family health centers who were randomly selected. An interview schedule was used to collect the desired data in 4 domains: socio-demographic characteristics and history of unwanted pregnancy; knowledge about EC; attitude toward EC; and uses of EC. Results Most of the study subjects (75.5%) did not know EC, approximately an equal proportion (78.8% and 79.4%) stated that EC could be used after unprotected intercourse and in case of failed regular methods respectively. Only 21.5% ever used EC. Conclusion The current study revealed that the majority of women in reproductive age, had a lack of awareness about EC methods and also did not use it before.
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Background Emergency Contraception is not officially available to the public sector in Laos. The potential of emergency contraception to prevent unwanted pregnancies is well documented in developed countries, but in Laos no studies of ECPs exist. This study aimed to assess knowledge of and attitudes towards emergency contraceptive pills (ECPs) in Vientiane, the capital city of the Lao PDR. Methods A cross-sectional survey was conducted among 500 young adults in entertainment venues by using the convenience sampling between May to July, 2007. Data were obtained through face-to-face interview. Participants were asked about socio- demographic characteristics, knowledge, attitudes related to ECPs, and source of information about ECPs. Data analysis was performed with chi-square test and logistic regression (p < .05). Results Only 22.4 percent of respondents had heard of ECPs and of these only 17.9 percent knew the correct time-frame for effective use. Most of the respondents (85%) agreed on the need for ECPs to be available in Laos and 66.8 percent stated that they would use them should the need arise, if they were available. Among those who said they would not use ECPs, 63.8 percent were concerned about possible health effects, or other side effects. Awareness of ECPs was associated with increasing age (OR = 2.78, p = .025) and male sex (OR = 2.91, p = .010). Conclusions There is needed to provide effective health education about the method, timing of use, and how to obtain ECPs through both informal, peer channels, and also through formal channels such as health care providers.
Twenty-four experts from around the world, representing the fields of research, policy, communications, women's advocacy and medicine, gathered at the Rockefeller Foundation Conference Center in Bellagio, Italy in April 1995 to discuss emergency contraception. The conference was hosted by South-to-South Cooperation in Reproductive Health and co-sponsored by the International Planned Parenthood Federation, Family Health International, the Population Council and the World Health Organization. The conference was supported by the Rockefeller Foundation.
CONTEXT: The reproductive health hazards of unintended pregnancies and unsafe abortions are well documented. The potential of emergency contraceptives to prevent unwanted pregnancy in developed countries has been described, but in Nigeria, the awareness about the method is poor and no study has looked at efficacy. METHODS: Between September and October 2001, a randomly selected sample of female undergraduate students at the University of Benin, Nigeria, were surveyed about their demographic information, sexual history and contraceptive use, and their awareness and knowledge of emergency contraception. RESULTS: Of the 880 respondents, 43% were sexually active, 39% had ever practiced contraception and 34% had ever had an induced abortion. Overall, 58% of respondents reported knowing about emergency contraception; sexually active respondents were significantly more likely than those who were not and those who had ever practiced contraception were more likely than those who had not to be aware of emergency contraceptives. However, only 78% of respondents who reported knowing about emergency contraception knew the correct time frame in which emergency contraceptives must be used to be effective. CONCLUSION: There is an urgent need to educate Nigerian young people about emergency contraception, emphasizing available methods and correct timing of use.
As the global population continues to grow, family planning is fast becoming one of the most critical issues facing the planet. While many organizations-most prominently the United Nations-are trying to implement policies that will help curb the population explosion, these measures are frequently blocked by those professing conservative religious beliefs. In many of the world's religions there is a restrictive and pronatalist view on family planning, and this is one legitimate reading of those religious traditions. As the essays in this volume demonstrate, however, this is not the only legitimate or orthodox view. Seeking to counteract the simplistic idea that all religions are completely antagonistic toward family planning, this book presents alternative interpretations of religions' views about family planning. Arguing for the existence of equally valid traditions that allow contraception and abortion, it seeks to escape the confines of oversimplified either/or, pro-choice/pro-life arguments. It points the way forward toward a more open discussion of family planning. Dispelling the notion that the world's religions are uniformly conservative on issues of family planning, the book shows that the parameters of orthodoxy are wider and gentler than that, and that the great religious traditions are wiser and more variegated than a simple repetition of the most conservative views would suggest.
Background. The Government's White Paper, The Health of the Nation, published in 1992, identifies action to reduce the numbers of unwanted pregnancies as a priority in the area of sexual health. Estimates suggest that nearly half of all women who become pregnant do not plan to do so and many women presenting for abortion could have used emergency contraception had they known of its availability and how to obtain it. Aim of study. To assess women's knowledge, awareness and use of emergency contraception, and to investigate women's views of how access to information about emergency contraception might be improved. Method. A sample of 1354 women aged 16 to 49 was identified from a national omnibus survey of 125 000 individuals. Seven hundred and ninety eight interviews were conducted by telephone with women aged 16 to 49 over a one week period in November 1994. Quotas were set for age, social grade and region. Women aged 16 to 24 were deliberately oversampled, because of the higher incidence of unwanted and unintended pregnancy in this age group. Results. The response rate was 59 per cent. There was found to be very little 'spontaneous' awareness of the term, 'emergency contraception'. When a list of various contraceptive methods was read aloud, however, 97 percent of the sample had heard of the misleadingly named 'morning after pill'. Less than a quarter of these were able to say accurately how long emergency contraceptive pills could be used following unprotected sex or contraceptive failure. Two fifths of those aware of emergency contraception reported having first heard of it from leaflets or books or articles in magazines. Only 14 per cent had heard of it from a doctor or other health professional. Twelve per cent of respondents reported having used emergency contraception at some time. Almost half of this sub group reported some level of dissatisfaction with the service they were offered.
Objectives - To assess women's knowledge and attitudes in relation to emergency contraception and to identify ways in which these might be improved. Design - Postal survey: questionnaire seeking level of knowledge of emergency contraception, and attitudes to use, publicity and availability. Population - A stratified random sample of 2,000 Grampian women aged 18 to 47. Women were identified through the Community Health Index. Results - Most women (94%) were aware of emergency contraception and identified an appropriate source. Fewer (39%) knew the correct timing for its use. These figures were generally higher among younger, single women. The popular media represented the commonest source of information, and GPs and Family Planning Clinics were cited rarely. Increased advertising was considered desirable by 71% (mainly older women); only 36% (mainly younger, single women) considered over-the-counter availability desirable. Reasons for these responses and factors influencing them were explored. Conclusions - Knowledge of emergency contraception is greatest among those most likely to use it, but deficient mainly in relation to the correct timing for its use and to intrauterine methods. Publicity should concentrate on the timing of its use. The popular media are an important publicity vehicle, but health professionals appear to be under-used. Many women hold opinions on advertising and over-the-counter availability of emergency contraception which will have to be considered if deregulation proceeds.
Many biomedical aspects of emergency contraception have been investigated and documented for >30 years now. A large number of social science questions, however, remain to be answered. In this article, we review the rapidly growing but geographically lopsided literature on this topic. Using computer database searches supplemented by reference reviews and professional correspondence with those active in the field, we gathered literature on the social science and service delivery aspects of emergency contraception published in English up through December 1998, as well as a few unpublished papers from the same time and slightly later, representing regions where published material is practically nonexistent. Methodologically acceptable papers are summarized in our tables and text, and form the basis for suggested improvements in existing emergency contraceptive services. The review also offers ideas for designing new emergency contraception services where they do not yet exist. We conclude by proposing an agenda for further social science research in this area.
Objective To assess women's knowledge and attitudes in relation to emergency contraception and to identify ways in which these might be improved. Design Postal survey: questionnaire seeking level of knowledge of emergency contraception, and attitudes to use, publicity and availability. Population A stratified random sample of 2000 Grampian women aged 18 to 47. Women were identified through the Community Health Index. Results Most women (94%) were aware of emergency contraception and identified an appropriate source. Fewer (39%) knew the correct timing for its use. These figures were generally higher among younger, single women. The popular media represented the commonest source of information, and GPs and Family Planning Clinics were cited rarely. Increased advertising was considered desirable by 71% (mainly older women); only 36% (mainly younger, single women) considered over-the-counter availability desirable. Reasons for these responses and factors influencing them were explored. Conclusions Knowledge of emergency contraception is greatest among those most likely to use it, but deficient mainly in relation to the correct timing for its use and to intrauterine methods. Publicity should concentrate on the timing of its use. The popular media are an important publicity vehicle, but health professionals appear to be under-used. Many women hold opinions on advertising and over-the-counter availability of emergency contraception which will have to be considered if deregulation proceeds.