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Disorders of body fat distribution in HIV-1-infected patients


Abstract and Figures

Body fat disorders are a common and relevant problem in HIV-1-infected patients that can be associated with metabolic alterations. Many controversies in their definition, pathogenesis, measurement, and management remain unclear. Several factors including HIV-1 infection itself and antiretroviral therapy have been associated with the development of these alterations. Most studies show that the action of drugs on the pathogenesis of lipoatrophy is undeniable. However, they also show that there are considerable differences not only between the different families of antiretroviral drugs, but also between the individual members of these families. The diagnosis of lipodystrophy is limited by the absence of an agreed definition and a reference for normality. Accurate diagnosis, especially in mild-moderate cases, is difficult, almost always subjective, not standardized, and cannot be carried out by a single method. In general, subjective evaluation by the physician and patient, together with simple techniques such as anthropometry, can provide highly valuable information, especially when used over time. Although there is no known therapy to completely reverse lipodystrophy once it becomes established, there is evidence that lipoatrophy can be partially improved by replacing thymidine analogs in certain cases. In addition, reparative surgery may prove useful in moderate or severe cases. Neither the interruption of antiretroviral therapy nor the use of metformin, glitazones or growth hormone analogs can be recommended due to their limited efficacy or associated complications.
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AIDS Reviews. 2009;11
Disorders of Body Fat Distribution in HIV-1-Infected Patients
Santiago Moreno1, Celia Miralles2, Eugenia Negredo3, Pere Domingo4, Vicente Estrada5, Felix Gutiérrez6,
Fernando Lozano7 and Esteban Martínez8
1Hospital Ramón y Cajal, Madrid, Spain; 2Complejo Hospitalario Xeral de Vigo, Pontevedra, Spain; 3Hospital Universitari Germans Trias i
Pujol, Barcelona, Spain; 4Hospital de la Santa Creu i San Pau, Barcelona, Spain; 5Hospital Clínico Universitario, Madrid, Spain; 6Hospital
General Universitario de Elche, Alicante, Spain; 7Hospital Universitario de Valme, Seville, Spain; 8Hospital Clínic - Institut d’Investigaciones
Biomèdiques August Pi i Sunyer, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
AIDS Rev. 2009;11:126-34
Correspondence to:
Esteban Martínez
Unidad de Enfermedades Infecciosas
Hospital Clínic, Universidad de Barcelona
Villarroel 170
08036 Barcelona, España
Body fat disorders are a common and relevant problem
in HIV-1-infected patients. Their clinical presentation in-
volves fat loss (lipoatrophy) and/or fat gain (lipohypertro-
phy) in different parts of the body. Lipoatrophy is usually
observed on the face, buttocks, and limbs, and lipohyper-
trophy generally presents as an accumulation of abdominal
visceral, dorsocervical, mammary, and/or suprapubic fat.
Disorders in the distribution of body fat associated with
HIV-1 infection must be differentiated from wasting syn-
drome and from the body changes associated with aging.
Wasting syndrome is characterized by a generalized loss
of body fat and lean mass. Aging may involve a reduction
in lean mass, and a redistribution of body fat with an in-
crease in the trunk and a reduction in the lower limbs1.
Anthropomorphic changes in HIV infection can be associ-
ated with various metabolic alterations, especially dyslipidemia
and insulin resistance, which are covered by the term “lipo-
dystrophy syndrome.” However, these conceptually different
processes can appear as clinically independent forms2.
These disorders are important because of the effect of
esthetic changes on a patient’s quality of life; the psychologi-
cal repercussions may affect the patient’s working and social
life and compromise adherence to therapy3. However, the
long-term consequences of cardiovascular risk stemming
from metabolic disorders must also be taken into account4.
Body fat disorders are a common and relevant problem in HIV-1-infected patients that can be associated
with metabolic alterations. Many controversies in their definition, pathogenesis, measurement, and
management remain unclear. Several factors including HIV-1 infection itself and antiretroviral therapy
have been associated with the development of these alterations. Most studies show that the action of
drugs on the pathogenesis of lipoatrophy is undeniable. However, they also show that there are considerable
differences not only between the different families of antiretroviral drugs, but also between the individual
members of these families. The diagnosis of lipodystrophy is limited by the absence of an agreed definition
and a reference for normality. Accurate diagnosis, especially in mild-moderate cases, is difficult, almost
always subjective, not standardized, and cannot be carried out by a single method. In general, subjective
evaluation by the physician and patient, together with simple techniques such as anthropometry, can
provide highly valuable information, especially when used over time. Although there is no known
therapy to completely reverse lipodystrophy once it becomes established, there is evidence that lipoatrophy
can be partially improved by replacing thymidine analogs in certain cases. In addition, reparative
surgery may prove useful in moderate or severe cases. Neither the interruption of antiretroviral therapy
nor the use of metformin, glitazones or growth hormone analogs can be recommended due to their
limited efficacy or associated complications. (AIDS Rev. 2009;11:126-34)
Corresponding author: Esteban Martínez,
Key words
Lipoatrophy. Lipohypertrophy. HIV-1 infection. Antiretroviral therapy.
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Santiago Moreno, et al.: Body Fat Disorders in HIV-1 Infection
Disorders of body fat distribution are difficult to define and
measure owing to the absence of “normality” references in
the general population, variability in clinical presentation, and
the lack of standardized, reproducible, and affordable meth-
ods of measuring regional fat. The current definition and
classification are based on the findings of a detailed physical
examination by the physician and the patient’s self-as-
sessment. In some cases, anthropometric measurements
and/or imaging may prove useful for follow-up.
Several attempts have been made to agree on an objective
case definition. A definition based on the following has been
put forward: demographic variables (sex, age), variables re-
lated to HIV-1 infection (duration and stage of infection), an-
thropometric variables (waist-hip index), biochemical variables
(anion gap, HDL cholesterol), and measurements by com-
puted tomography (CT) (ratio of visceral fat to subcutaneous
fat) and dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) (ratio of trunk
fat to leg fat)5. This case definition is 80% accurate and more
sensitive than the usual clinical evaluation, both for diagnosis
and for assessment of the intensity of distribution disorders6.
In addition to being complex and requiring variables
from CT and DXA, this classification groups lipoatrophy
and lipohypertrophy under the common term “lipodystro-
phy.” Today, we know that the pathogenesis of each pro-
cess is different. In fact, there is consensus on classifying
body fat disorders into two clearly differentiated clinical
syndromes, i.e. fat loss or lipoatrophy, and fat accumula-
tion or lipohypertrophy2 (Table 1), although some patients
can present mixed conditions.
It may be useful to grade the intensity of clinical disorders
using a severity scale. The most well known is the Lipodystro-
phy Severity Grading Scale (LSGS) used in the HOPS (HIV
Outpatient Study)7 cohort, which, after observer- and patient-
based evaluation of the different areas, classifies lipodystro-
phy as mild, moderate, or severe. In order to clinically evalu-
ate facial lipoatrophy, Fontdevila, et al. have proposed a grade
classification based on the relief of facial bone and muscle
structures8. Starting from a normal situation in which the skin
in the malar region protrudes slightly from the orbit to the
nasogenial fold, grade I involves a flattening of malar relief,
grade II includes malar depression, and grade III is character-
ized by skeletization of the face with exposure of facial muscle,
especially the major zygomatic muscle. This classification has
been validated using CT, and has shown significant agree-
ment between different assessors on each of its grades9.
Lipoatrophy and lipohypertrophy have common risk fac-
tors2 and at least three are involved in their pathogenesis:
the patient, HIV-1 infection, and antiretroviral drugs.
The patient-related factors that have been associated with
the onset of lipoatrophy and lipohypertrophy are similar, if
not identical, and include age, sex, baseline body mass in-
dex (BMI), and ethnic group2. Furthermore, mutations in the
tumor necrosis factor (TNF) alpha-promoting gene and in
the interleukin 1 (IL) beta-promoting gene have been re-
ported to affect the incidence of lipoatrophic changes10,11.
However, the association of these mutations with the presence
of lipoatrophy has not been reproduced in the literature.
We have no direct evidence of the involvement of viral
factors in the pathogenesis of lipohypertrophy, although its
onset is similar to that of lipoatrophy in aspects of HIV-1 in-
fection such as CD4 levels, previous diagnosis of AIDS, and
the number of copies of HIV-1 RNA2. As for the action of the
virus on subcutaneous fat, reports on treatment-naive pa-
tients tell us that infection per se can increase expression of
anti-adipogenic and proinflammatory genes and reduce the
expression of pro-adipogenic genes and genes coding for
“trophic” adipocytokines (adiponectin and leptin)12.
Table 1. Classification of body fat distribution disorders associated with HIV-1 infection
Body fat distribution disorders classification
1. Fat loss (lipoatrophy) Face
2. Fat accumulation (lipohypertrophy) Abdominal obesity
Mammary hypertrophy
Accumulation of fat on the dorsal region of the neck
Accumulation of fat on the anterior region of the neck
Accumulation of fat on the side of the neck
Accumulation of fat on the suprapubic region
Localized or generalized lipoma
3. Mixed Alterations
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AIDS Reviews. 2009;11
Most research into the pathogenesis of lipoatrophy and,
to a lesser extent, lipohypertrophy is based on in vitro or
ex vivo studies with patient fat samples. All these studies
show that the action of drugs on the pathogenesis of lipo-
atrophy is undeniable. However, they also show that there
are considerable differences not only between the different
families of antiretroviral drugs, but also between the indi-
vidual members of these families. Nucleoside reverse tran-
scriptase inhibitors (NRTI), especially thymidine analogs,
have been shown to act as mitochondrial toxins due to their
ability to inhibit DNA polymerase gamma, which is essential
for the replication and repair of mitochondrial DNA13. In
addition, NRTI have a negative effect on adipogenesis,
insulin sensitivity, and secretion of adipocytokines14,15. In
general, the same occurs with protease inhibitors (PI), al-
though with some differences: their effect is more intense
on adipocyte differentiation and less marked on mitochon-
drial function16. Furthermore, with the important exception
of atazanavir, PI have an effect on insulin sensitivity in which
GLUT4 glucose transporter channel inhibition plays a role16.
The confluence of the toxicity mechanisms of NRTI and of
PI could explain the additive, even synergistic, effects ob-
served in vivo when both classes are combined.
Non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTI)
have traditionally been considered benign towards adipose
tissue. The recent results of a study involving efavirenz
(EFV) in the development of lipoatrophy17 have no solid
basis in experimental studies. Only one study shows the
anti-adipogenic effects of very high (greater than thera-
peutic) doses of EFV using a molecular mechanism simi-
lar to that reported for PI; that is, an effect by which there
is an alteration in the nuclear localization of sterol regula-
tory binding proteins18. There is no evidence of anti-adi-
pogenic effects of nevirapine on brown adipocytes19.
It is unknown whether fusion inhibitors have an effect on
adipocyte metabolism, and studies on the new antiretroviral
families have not yet been carried out. Nevertheless, integrase
inhibitors are not expected to have serious effects on the bio-
logical features of adipocytes due to the lack of similarity of
the cellular enzymes they act upon. The effect of CCR5
chemokine receptor agonists has not yet been investigated.
Knowledge of the pathogenesis of lipohypertrophy is limit-
ed. The exact mechanisms that lead to visceral adiposity are
mainly unknown, although antiretroviral drugs have been
shown to have characteristic effects on visceral and subcuta-
neous adipose tissue deposits20. Furthermore, in lipohypertro-
phy of dorsocervical tissue and in other areas of the body,
adipocytes have been observed to present a brown fat phe-
notype21. The analysis of gene expression in tissue samples
obtained from buffalo humps has revealed the absence of
traits of inflammation, whereas the low mitochondrial DNA
content and the presence of adipogenesis alteration markers
were similar to those observed in subcutaneous fat21. Further-
more, markers associated with a high state of proliferation
have been detected in the adipose tissue of buffalo humps.
Risk factors
Various studies have identified factors associated with
the development of body fat distribution disorders. These
factors are associated both with HIV-1 infection itself and
with the patient or antiretroviral therapy (Table 2).
As for those factors related to HIV-1 infection, only a few
studies have found an association between viral load and
a greater probability of developing lipodystrophy22,23. To a
great extent, it is unknown whether HIV-1 infection affects
development of this disorder, since the duration of HIV-infec-
tion is generally parallel to the duration of antiretroviral ther-
apy, and the effects of the two variables cannot be sepa-
rated. In the case-control study used for the case definition
of lipodystrophy, patients with this complication presented
a significantly greater duration of HIV-1 infection5.
As for patient-related factors, some authors have found
that age and CD4 count are significantly associated with the
development of body fat distribution disorders. Older age is
associated with the development of lipoatrophy and lipohy-
pertrophy, the lowest nadir of CD4 is associated with lipo-
atrophy, whereas the increase in CD4 count with therapy
has been associated with a greater risk of lipohypertrophy7.
There is no firm evidence that baseline nutritional status
has a significant effect on the onset of these changes,
although some studies have shown that patients with a great-
er BMI than normal (> 25 kg/m2) present a lower risk of li-
poatrophy and a greater risk of developing lipohypertrophy23.
Finally, although the existence of genetic factors is bio-
logically plausible, we do not yet know to what extent or
how these factors can affect the onset of the disorder10,11.
As for antiretroviral therapy, longer duration and prolonged
exposure to thymidine analogs, especially stavudine (d4T),
are associated with a greater risk of developing lipoatrophy
and lipohypertrophy2,24-28. The role of other antiretroviral
drugs is controversial, partly due to difficulties in establishing
causal relationships in combination regimens. In the nucleo-
side/nucleotide analog family, tenofovir (TDF) and abacavir
(ABC) have shown a beneficial effect on the recovery of
subcutaneous fat; therefore, they can be considered as hav-
ing low-risk for lipodystrophy. The importance of didanosine
(ddl) and lamivudine (3TC) or emtricitabine (FTC) in patho-
genesis is unknown, although it is generally considered low.
With regard to PI, prolonged therapy with indinavir or nelfi-
navir has been related to a greater probability of suffering
from lipoatrophy and lipohypertrophy, whereas preliminary
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Santiago Moreno, et al.: Body Fat Disorders in HIV-1 Infection
data with PI boosted with low-dose ritonavir (saquinavir,
atazanavir, lopinavir, tipranavir, darunavir) seem to show
that they represent a lower risk of developing lipodystrophy.
As mentioned above, most studies with EFV and nevirapine
show that NNRTI have a neutral effect. It has even been
observed that prolonged use (> 1 year) of these drugs is
associated with a lower probability of developing lipo-
dystrophy29. In one study, the use of thymidine analogs
with EFV was associated with a greater incidence of lipo-
atrophy (defined as a limb fat loss of at least 20%) than the
same combination with lopinavir/ritonavir (LPV/r)17. How-
ever, this initial finding has been called into question due
to the arbitrariness of the definition of lipoatrophy used,
the lack of correlation between the definition and the clin-
ical diagnosis of lipoatrophy, and the role of several inde-
pendent risk factors in fat loss detected by DXA30. In
addition, one study of the specific effect on adipose tissue
of different antiretroviral drugs has confirmed that the
depletion of mitochondrial DNA and the pathological find-
ings of lipoatrophy are specifically associated with thymi-
dine analogs. No association was found with the non-an-
alogs (EFV) or protease inhibitors (LPV) evaluated31.
The diagnosis of lipodystrophy is limited by the absence
of an agreed definition and a reference for normality. The
ideal method for evaluating body composition should be
accurate, user-friendly, cheap, fast, reproducible, and
harmless. Currently available methods (Table 3) fulfill only
a few of these requirements and, therefore, the choice of
one or the other will depend first on accessibility and
availability, and later on the information we want to obtain,
the type of study, and the number of patients.
Methods for the evaluation
of body composition
Anthropometry is widely used in clinical practice and
epidemiological studies. Skin fold thickness is measured
using standardized techniques. The tricipital fold alone
shows the best correlation with total fat in the general pop-
ulation. Fat mass can be calculated using different equa-
tions constructed from the sum of several folds that are
representative of fat thickness in different body segments.
The most widely used and validated is the Durnin-Womer-
sley equation, which includes the bicipital, tricipital, sub-
scapular, and suprailiac folds34,35. Anthropometry is sim-
ple, noninvasive, and affordable, but its greatest limitation
lies in the wide differences in the fat distribution pattern.
Some attempts have been made to validate ultrasound
for the assessment of subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT)
in several localizations (abdomen, face, arms), but the
results have been disparate. Although attractive because
of its speed, innocuousness, low price, and convenience
for the patient, this technique requires the presence of an
experienced examiner37. Although it has not been widely
evaluated, some recent studies have shown acceptable
inter- and intra-observer variability and a good correlation
with CT when used for the evaluation of intraabdominal fat
and leg fat thickness, but not for the evaluation of subcu-
taneous abdominal, arm and facial fat38. Computed to-
mography and, to a lesser extent, magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI), have been used since the 1980s to mea-
sure abdominal fat by a slice at L4, with a considerable
predictive value in total adipose tissue39.
Bioelectric impedance analysis (BIA) brings together
many of the characteristics of the ideal method (ease of
use, innocuousness, and reproducibility), although it lacks
Table 2. Risk factors for the development of body fat distribution disorders in HIV-1-infected patients receiving antiretroviral therapy
Risk factors for the development of body fat distribution disorders
Patient-related factors Age
Body mass index
Ethnic group
Genetic factors
Factors related to HIV-1 infection Duration of infection
AIDS diagnosis
CD4+ lymphocyte count
Viral load
Factors related to antiretroviral therapy Duration of therapy
Treatment with thymidine analogs
Treatment with protease inhibitors
Treatment with non-nucleoside analogs (?)
Other factors Treatment with other drugs
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AIDS Reviews. 2009;11
the accuracy of the reference methods. In addition, BIA
calculates total fat with no specific information on the dif-
ferent fat compartments. Furthermore, the redistribution of
fat itself affects the calculation of the total fat component.
Therefore, measurement of total fat by BIA is even less
accurate in the presence of lipodystrophy40.
One of the most novel diagnostic techniques is DXA,
which allows us to evaluate body composition by separating
the lean mass and fatty mass components of soft tissue. It
is very accurate in stable subjects 99%). Its main limita-
tions, aside from the high installation cost and the need for
specialized personnel, are the progressive increase in errors
with corpulence and the difficulty to detect sudden changes
in body composition (e.g. alterations to hydration). Despite
the fact that it is currently considered the gold standard for
evaluation of total fat, its limitations must be taken into ac-
count and further studies are necessary33,40. Unfortunately,
there is no simple correlation between the objective measure-
ment of body fat using techniques such as DXA and the
subjective diagnosis of lipoatrophy. This lack of agreement
was made obvious in a recent study in which lipoatrophy was
defined arbitrarily as a loss of at least 20% in limb fat and in
which this objective diagnosis showed very little correlation
with clinical lipoatrophy as perceived by the patient30. In
fact, further studies have shown that fat loss greater than
35% may be necessary to become clinically evident32.
None of the methods mentioned above for calculating
total fat can distinguish changes in each of the compart-
ments and, therefore, any evaluation of fat redistribution
requires the use of several complementary methods33.
Evaluation of central fat accumulation
or lipohypertrophy
Subjective evaluation by the patient and the physician
using a systematic questionnaire continues to be the most
useful method in clinical practice7,33,34. As for anthropom-
etry, the waist-hip index is the most widely accepted indi-
cator of anomalous fat distribution. Abdominal obesity is
defined as an index greater than 0.9 in men and 0.8 in
women. However, several aspects limit its accuracy: the
different measuring points used, the absence of a waist
measurement in obese subjects, and the size of abdomi-
nal organs and muscles. Measurement of isolated folds or
circumferences may be useful when used over time35,36.
Echography is a simple technique that has shown a good
correlation with other techniques, such as CT, for the mea-
surement of intraabdominal fat37,38. Nevertheless, the re-
sults depend on the expertise of the operator and can be
affected by the presence of intraluminal gas or in obese
patients37. Computed tomography is one of the best meth-
ods for measuring the components of abdominal fat. Only
one slice is used (at L4, approximately at the level of the
navel). Several studies have shown that this is the only slice
with a high correlation with multiple slices and lower radia-
tion and examination time. Its main limitations are cost,
radiation, the need for specialized personnel, and limited
availability33,40. Although MRI does not use ionizing radiation,
it is more expensive, examination time is longer, and it de-
limits visceral fat less accurately40. Although DXA is increas-
ingly used for the segmental study of fat, (i.e. to evaluate the
relationship between trunk fat and limb fat), there are few
validation studies. In addition, some limitations should be
taken into account: it is difficult to delimit soft tissue over
bone, with the result that its composition is extrapolated from
neighboring tissue, and it does not allow measurement of the
different abdominal fat components33,40.
Evaluation of lipoatrophy
Although the loss of facial fat is the most stigmatizing
external sign that most worries patients with lipodystrophy,
there is still no standardized accurate diagnosis. As is the
case with central accumulation, subjective evaluation by
the patient and physician using a systematic question-
naire continues to be the most useful method in clinical
practice for evaluating facial lipoatrophy7,33,34,41. The vari-
able results obtained with anthropometry and echography
reflect the lack of data in the general population and the
absence of a gold standard. Some researchers have ob-
served a good correlation between subcutaneous fat mea-
surement using echography and other methods of diag-
nosing lipoatrophy38,40, although these results have not
been uniform for other investigators41. In several studies,
single-slice CT and MRI have proven to be reproducible
and able to differentiate between patients with and without
lipoatrophy. They also have a high correlation with the loss
of subcutaneous fat evaluated by other standard meth-
ods40,42. Finally, novel techniques such as laser scan or
3-dimensional photography are cheap and easy to perform
Table 3. Useful diagnostic methods for measurement of
body composition and body fat disorders
Diagnostic methods
Anthropometric measurements
Bioelectric impedance analysis
Computed tomography
Magnetic resonance
Double-energy x-ray absorptiometry
Laser scan
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Santiago Moreno, et al.: Body Fat Disorders in HIV-1 Infection
and are reasonably able to distinguish affected patients43.
However, experience is limited and large-scale validation
studies are necessary.
In conclusion, accurate diagnosis of lipodystrophy, espe-
cially in mild-moderate cases, is difficult, almost always sub-
jective, not standardized, and cannot be carried out by a
single method. For lipoatrophy, baseline evaluation is impor-
tant, as is early, even subclinical diagnosis. In general terms,
subjective evaluation by the physician and patient together
with simple techniques such as anthropometry can provide
highly valuable information, especially when used over
time. The use of more complex methods is limited to clinical
trials or studies for pathogenic and reversibility analyses for
which highly accurate techniques are necessary.
Prevention of lipoatrophy
This strategy is very important for patients about to initiate
antiretroviral therapy as there is no known therapy to com-
pletely reverse this condition once it becomes established.
In recent years, the number of new cases of lipoatrophy has
fallen due to the choice of drugs, and, more specifically,
certain NRTI such as TDF and ABC, which are less harmful
for SAT. This choice is based on wide evidence that regimens
containing zidovudine (ZDV) or d4T induce lipoatrophy with
a greater frequency than those containing TDF or ABC.
Randomized clinical trials of initial regimens have clear-
ly shown the advantages of avoiding thymidine analogs.
Studies comparing TDF with d4T or AZT as initial therapy
have consistently shown a gain in limb fat content mea-
sured by DXA and scarce development of lipoatrophy in
patients taking TDF, in contrast with the limb fat loss ob-
served in those taking AZT or d4T44,45. These results are
supported by the metabolic subanalysis of a large clinical
trial with three treatment arms (EFV + two NRTI, LPV/r +
two NRTI, and EFV + LPV/r), in which lipoatrophy was
defined as a reduction of 20% or more in the adipose tis-
sue of the limbs measured by DXA17. Randomization was
stratified on the basis of the choice of NRTI, so a suitable
balance between the arms was reached. The frequency
of lipoatrophy at week 96 was considerably greater in
patients receiving d4T (42%) or ZDV (27%) than in those
taking TDF (9%). The frequency of lipoatrophy in the latter
was very similar to that of patients on the NRTI-sparing
EFV + LPV/r regimen (8%), yet another argument in favor
of the innocuousness of TDF with regard to peripheral
fat17. Similar data have been obtained in two clinical trials
comparing ABC with d4T. These studies, which used ob-
jective baseline values for measuring body fat, showed
that the patients treated with ABC gained limb fat, where-
as, once again, those treated with d4T lost fat46,47.
Protease inhibitors can also affect SAT, although there
is some variability between them. Clinical trials have pro-
vided different results. In study ACTG384, patients treated
with nelfinavir showed significant peripheral fat loss by
DXA (–13.1%) compared with those who took EFV
(+1.8%)48. Nevertheless, in a subanalysis of study BMS034,
in which sequential examinations with CT and DXA were
made, there were no significant changes in subcutaneous
body fat with atazanavir or EFV after one year of treatment49.
The NNRTI are not generally considered to be associ-
ated with peripheral lipoatrophy. This assessment is based
on clinician’s perception after long-term and widespread
use of NNRTI, as well as on results of several controlled
clinical trials and cohort studies. Recent data from the
aforementioned study ACTG5142 are therefore very
surprising. The prevalence of subclinical fat loss in that
study was greater in patients from the EFV + two NRTI
group than in those from the LPV/r + two NRTI group. The
DXA findings did, however, not correlate with clinically
observed lipo atrophy30. Other recent data from a study
evaluating an induction strategy with LPV/r + ZDV/3TC
followed by a maintenance regimen with LPV/r in mono-
therapy compared with a standard regimen of EFV +
ZDV/3TC are less meaningful to answer this question as
patients in the maintenance phase on LPV/r monotherapy
had no long-term exposure to ZDV, which as discussed
above is associated with lipoatrophy. The patients treated
with the ZDV-containing EFV regimen presented a sig-
nificantly lower limb fat content in the 96-week DXA than
those of the LPV/r group as a whole (triple therapy plus
monotherapy)50. In contrast, another recent long-term
study (extension of study CRPCRA016 up to five years) saw
no significant differences in body fat changes measured
by both anthropometry and bioelectrical impedance between
the three antiretroviral strategies compared (PI + two
NRTI, NNRTI + two NRTI, and PI + NNRTI)51.
In summary, an association between lipoatrophy and
thymidine analogs seems established, while non-thymi-
dine NRTI , PI, and NNRTI seem less so.
Prevention of lipohypertrophy
Contrary to the situation with lipoatrophy, and consistent
with the fact that it has not been possible to establish an
association between the development of trunk lipohyper-
trophy and certain drugs or drug classes, no therapeutic
strategy to prevent this condition is known. Furthermore,
although it is reasonable to think that suitable diet and
physical exercise can help to prevent lipohypertrophy, this
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AIDS Reviews. 2009;11
has not yet been demonstrated in patients who already
have established disease and in whom abdominal fat con-
tent and hypertriglyceridemia fall slightly52.
Medical treatment
Since the first descriptions of lipodystrophy, several strate-
gies based on the state of the art have been tried, with vary-
ing success rates. The first therapeutic strategy proposed,
based on the belief that PI were the only agents responsible
for the disease, was substitution of the PI with an NNRTI53-55.
Unfortunately, simply switching a PI for an analog did not
lead to significant improvement in morphological changes.
It was subsequently shown that NRTI were involved in the
pathogenesis of lipodystrophy through mitochondrial dys-
function. In vitro results showing a different affinity of analogs
for gamma polymerase led to clinical trials. The resultant
strategy was substitution of thymidine analogs (AZT or d4T),
which were associated with greater mitochondrial toxicity,
by other less toxic drugs. One of the first and most repre-
sentative studies, MITOX, showed a significant recovery of
subcutaneous limb fat after replacing the thymidine analog
with ABC56. Equally favorable results were published after
thymidine analogs were replaced by TDF57,58.
The same pathogenic mechanism was used as an argu-
ment in favor of withdrawing nucleosides and using nu-
cleoside-sparing regimens by combining a PI/r with a
NNRTI17,59,60 or PI/r in monotherapy (mainly LPV/r)61. Cur-
rent data suggest a favorable effect, although there are
few studies and the regimens used are frequently associ-
ated with dyslipidemia and problems of immediate or di-
gestive tolerance. There are no data to allow us to make
a recommendation on avoiding NNRTI or whether they
should be replaced. Finally, and contrary to expectations,
results from studies examining complete interruption of
therapy have been controversial, and interruptions are not
currently recommended under any circumstances62-64.
Parallel to this, insulin resistance and the subsequent
accumulation of central fat attributed to therapy with some
PI mean that co-adjuvant treatments have been proposed
to reverse lipohypertrophy. Insulin-sensitizing agents (thi-
azolidinediones) can correct PI-associated insulin resis-
tance and reverse visceral obesity as does metformin. Hor-
mone treatments, such as testosterone or growth hormone,
have been analyzed in several clinical trials with the same
objective. However, the limited results obtained in most
studies65, together with the not insignificant toxicity they are
often associated with66, do not speak in favor of generalized
use of these treatments to reverse lipodystrophy.
Lastly, promising preliminary results have been obtained
with investigational drugs such as uridine67, leptin68, or
growth hormone analog69. In addition to changes in
therapy, there is no doubt that changes to lifestyle and
diet can be included among the recommendations for the
patient with lipodystrophy. A healthy diet with calorie
restrictions plus exercise can help to reduce some grades
of lipohypertrophy52,70.
Surgical treatment
Despite the above observations, in recent years we
have had to turn to plastic surgery as an alternative to
palliate lipodystrophy in those cases where changes in
body fat are well established and have significantly re-
duced the patient’s quality of life. Therefore, different tech-
niques have been proposed, depending mainly on wheth-
er there is a loss or accumulation of body fat.
Ultrasonic liposuction is used to treat buffalo hump,
gynecomasty, increased abdominal contour, or lipomas
located in other areas. This technique provides more sat-
isfactory results than those of conventional liposuction,
with fewer local postoperative complications. Neverthe-
less, relapse has been reported in up to 15% of cases71.
Surgical resection and breast reduction could be indi-
cated when fat deposits are localized.
Fat loss in the buttocks can be repaired using silicone
gluteal prostheses, with satisfactory results, although im-
plantation requires admission to hospital, has a painful
postoperative period, and is not free from complications.
This technique is not recommended for most patients with
gluteal lipoatrophy, only in those who complain of diffi-
culty sitting down or who present trophic cutaneous dis-
orders. Lastly, facial atrophy, undoubtedly the most stig-
matizing sign, has been treated with several filling products
such as autologous fat or synthetic substances. Infiltration
of autologous fat can provide lasting results (at least more
than one year)72. Its advantages over synthetic materials
are the low risk of infection or rejection and the lower cost.
Its disadvantage is that a large proportion of patients with
lipoatrophy do not have sufficient fat to donate. It is not
advisable to use fat from the buffalo hump, since it can
lead to lipohypertrophy in the area where it is implanted73.
In addition to autologous fat, several synthetic products
are available as fillers. The main difference between them
is their durability, and, consequently, the greater or lesser
need for subsequent adjustments. The use of permanent
synthetic fillers should be recommended with caution:
their results can be unsatisfactory due to the natural mod-
ification of the facial contour with time, and any complica-
tion that arises may be very difficult to treat. The most
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Santiago Moreno, et al.: Body Fat Disorders in HIV-1 Infection
widely used reabsorbable implants are polylactic acid and
hyaluronic acid, whereas the most widely used permanent
implants are polyacrylamides and polyalkylimides73-76.
To conclude, there is clear evidence that lipoatrophy
can be improved by replacing thymidine analogs in cer-
tain cases, although this improvement is slow and limited.
Similarly, lifestyle changes must be recommended to all
patients as they are easy, universally accessible, and bene-
ficial for the patient’s general health. Reparative surgery
may prove useful in moderate or severe cases where the
patient requests it. However, neither the interruption of
antiretroviral therapy nor the use of metformin, glitazones, or
growth hormone to treat lipodystrophy can be recommended
due to their limited efficacy or associated complications.
Furthermore, there is little information on the role of nucleo-
side-sparing regimens or the use of uridine, leptin, or growth
hormone analogs in the treatment of lipodystrophy.
Members of the “HIV Body Fat
Distribution Workgroup”
Aguirrebengoa K, Hospital de Cruces, Barakaldo (Biz-
kaia); Asensi V, Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias,
Oviedo; Blanco F, Hospital Carlos III, Madrid; Del Pozo M,
Hospital Clínico Universitario, Valladolid; Galindo P, Hos-
pital Clínico Universitario, Valencia; Knobel H, Hospital del
Mar, Barcelona; López Aldeguer J, Hospital Universitari
La Fe, Valencia; Palacios R, Hospital Universitario Virgen
de la Victoria, Málaga; Pedrol E, Hospital General de
Granollers, Granollers (Barcelona); Pérez-ElíasJ, Hospital
Ramón y Cajal, Madrid; Podzamczer D, Hospital Univer-
sitario de Bellvitge, Barcelona; Ribera E, Hospital Universi-
tari Vall d’Hebrón, Barcelona; Rivero A, Hospital Reina
Sofía, Córdoba; Sanz J, Hospital Príncipe de Asturias,
Alcalá de Henares (Madrid); Suárez I, Hospital Infanta
Elena, Huelva; Viciana P, Hospital Universitario Virgen del
Rocío, Seville.
The organization of the meetings was supported by
Bristol-Myers Squibb.
Both, Dr. Esteban Martinez and Dr. Santiago Moreno
have been involved in speaking activities and/or have
received research grants from Abbott, Boehringer Ingelheim,
Bristol-Myers Squibb, Gilead, GlaxoSmithKline, Janssen
Cilag, Merck Sharp & Dohme, Roche, and Schering
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... The clinical presentation of body fat disorders is fat loss (lipoatrophy) and/or fat gain (lipohypertrophy) (Moreno et al., 2009). Lipoatrophy involves peripheral fat wasting, with loss of subcutaneous tissue in the face, arms, legs, and buttocks, whereas lipohypertrophy is characterized by the accumulation of abdominal visceral, breast, dorsocervical, or suprapubic fat. ...
... 34, nº 1 (january) participants according to their lipodystrophy symptoms. Three clusters were specified in the analysis procedure, this number was selected on the basis of evidence about the diversity of symptoms (Moreno et al., 2009;Waters & Nelson, 2007). The model was analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM). ...
... These groups also differed in the sociodemographic profile. The cluster profile found was consistent with the empirical evidence showing that there are certain risk factors related to the patient and to exposure to antiretroviral drugs (age, sex, time elapsed since diagnosis, and long exposure to certain antiretroviral drugs) that are associated with the development of lipoatrophy and lipohypertrophy (Cabrero et al., 2010;Domingo et al., 2012;Moreno et al., 2009). ...
Full-text available
This study examined the effects of perceived discrimination on the well-being of people with HIV and the mediating role of self-exclusion as a function of the participants' symptoms of lipodystrophy. An ex post facto study with a sample of 706 people with HIV was conducted. Self-perception of lipoatrophy and lipohypertrophy, perceived discrimination, self-exclusion and psychological well-being were measured. Results of hier-archical cluster analysis showed participants could be categorized into three groups: no lipodystrophy, mixed syndrome with predominant lipoaccumu-lation and lipoatrophy. Results of structural equation modeling revealed that the negative effects of perceived discrimination on well-being were mediated to a large extent by self-exclusion. Invariance analysis revealed that the mediating role of self-exclusion was not the same in the three clus-ters. Complete mediation of self-exclusion in the groups without lipo-dystrophy and with predominant lipoaccumulation was confirmed. Regard-ing lipoatrophy, the negative effects of perceived discrimination were greater and only partly mediated by self-exclusion. In conclusion, having lipodystrophy exposed people to more discrimination; lipoatrophy was the most stigmatizing condition.
... However, this population has still faced other health-relevant disorders and complications. These include HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders [3][4][5][6], hypertension and cardiovascular diseases [7][8][9][10], renal impairment [11,12], lipodystrophy [13][14][15][16][17], dyslipidemia [18,19], premature/rapid aging [7,[20][21][22], insulin resistance, and diabetes mellitus [23][24][25]. The main attributing factors are lifestyle, host factors, HIV-related inflammation, and ART [26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34]. ...
... The pleiotropic effects of Metformin have recently gained more attention, from improving lipid profiles [51,52] and regulating inflammatory markers in either obese individuals with type 2 diabetes or experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis animal models [53,54] to ameliorating tumor establishment, progression, and cancer-related mortality rate [55,56]. Metformin treatment has also been shown to impact HIV comorbidities such as lipodystrophy [13][14][15][16][17], cardiovascular diseases [57][58][59], and gut microbiota diversity [49,50,60] in HIV-infected individuals with or without type 2 diabetes. Several small clinical trials indicate possible effects of Metformin on HIV reservoirs in non-diabetic HIV-infected individuals who are treated by antiretroviral therapy for viral suppression [61][62][63]. ...
Antiretroviral therapy has effectively suppressed HIV infection and replication and prolonged the lifespan of HIV-infected individuals. In the meantime, various complications including type 2 diabetes associated with the long-term antiviral therapy have shown steady increases. Metformin has been the front-line anti-hyperglycemic drug of choice and the most widely prescribed medication for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. However, little is known about the effects of Metformin on HIV infection and replication. In this study, we showed that Metformin treatment enhanced HIV gene expression and transcription in HIV-transfected 293T and HIV-infected Jurkat and human PBMC. Moreover, we demonstrated that Metformin treatment resulted in increased CREB expression and phosphorylation, and TBP expression. Furthermore, we showed that Metformin treatment increased the recruitment of phosphorylated CREB and TBP to the HIV LTR promoter. Lastly, we showed that inhibition of CREB phosphorylation/activation significantly abrogated Metformin-enhanced HIV gene expression. Taken together, these results demonstrated that Metformin treatment increased HIV transcription, gene expression, and production through increased CREB phosphorylation and recruitment to the HIV LTR promoter. These findings may help design the clinical management plan and HIV cure strategy of using Metformin to treat type 2 diabetes, a comorbidity with an increasing prevalence, in people living with HIV.
... However, this population has still faced other health-relevant disorders and complications (3,4). These include hypertension and cardiovascular diseases (5)(6)(7)(8), renal impairment (9,10), lipodystrophy (11)(12)(13)(14)(15), dyslipidemia (16,17), premature/rapid aging (5,18,19), insulin resistance, and diabetes mellitus (20)(21)(22), many of which are associated with antiretroviral therapy (23). The incidence of type 2 diabetes is higher among HIV-infected individuals, as antiretroviral therapy, specifically its component protease inhibitors, is most commonly linked to insulin resistance (20,(24)(25)(26)(27). ...
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Antiretroviral therapy has effectively suppressed HIV infection and replication and prolonged the lifespan of HIV-infected individuals. In the meantime, various complications including type 2 diabetes associated with long-term antiviral therapy have shown steady increases. Metformin has been the front-line anti-hyperglycemic drug of choice and the most widely prescribed medication for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. However, little is known about the effects of Metformin on HIV infection and replication. In this study, we showed that Metformin treatment enhanced HIV gene expression and transcription in HIV-transfected 293T and HIV-infected Jurkat and human PBMC. Moreover, we demonstrated that Metformin treatment resulted in increased CREB expression and phosphorylation, and TBP expression. Furthermore, we showed that Metformin treatment increased the recruitment of phosphorylated CREB and TBP to the HIV LTR promoter. Lastly, we showed that inhibition of CREB activation significantly abrogated Metformin-enhanced HIV gene expression. Taken together, these results demonstrated that Metformin treatment increased HIV transcription, gene expression, and production though increased CREB phosphorylation and recruitment to the HIV LTR promoter. These findings may help design the clinical management plan and HIV cure strategy of using metformin to treat type 2 diabetes, a comorbidity with an increasing prevalence, in people living with HIV.
... Bei der generalisierten Variante steht die Behandlung der metabolischen Begleiterscheinungen wie der Hypertriglyzeridämie oder des Diabetes mellitus im Vordergrund [8]. Gerade bei kosmetisch störenden und stigmatisierenden Veränderungen im Gesicht ist zudem eine chirurgische Intervention, beispielsweise mittels Einbringen eines Implantats, möglich [9]. Bei Patienten mit schwer zu beherrschender Lipodystrophie und begleitender Hypertriglyzeridämie oder Diabetes mellitus ist in den USA eine subkutane Therapie mit Metreleptin, einem Leptinanalogon, zugelassen [10]. ...
... For the generalized form, treatment of the accompanying metabolic symptoms such as hypertriglyceridemia or diabetes mellitus is of primary concern [8]. In addition, especially in the case of cosmetically disturbing and stigmatizing changes in the face, surgical intervention is possible, for example by insertion of an implant [9]. In patients with difficult-to-control lipodystrophy and concomitant hypertriglyceridemia or diabetes mellitus, subcutaneous therapy with metreleptin, a leptin analog, has been approved in the United States [10]. ...
... More than 20 years after the introduction of triple combinations, HIV/HAART-associated lipodystrophy syndrome (HALS) still shadows the huge success of antiretroviral therapy [48,49]. However, substantial progress has been made in understanding pathogenic mechanisms such as host genetic determinants, the impact of HIV infection per se, and the role of antiretroviral therapy. ...
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The first cases of AIDS in Spain were reported in 1982. Since then over 85,000 persons with AIDS have been cumulated, with 60,000 deaths. Current estimates for people living with HIV are of 145,000, of whom 20% are unaware of it. This explains the still high rate of late HIV presenters. Although the HIV epidemic in Spain was originally driven mostly by injection drug users, since the year 2000 men having sex with men (MSM) account for most new incident HIV cases. Currently, MSM represent over 80% of new yearly HIV diagnoses. In the 80s, a subset of young doctors and nurses working at Internal Medicine hospital wards became deeply engaged in attending HIV-infected persons. Before the introduction of antiretrovirals in the earlier 1990s, diagnosis and treatment of opportunistic infections was their major task. A new wave of infectious diseases specialists was born. Following the wide introduction of triple combination therapy in the late 1990s, drug side effects and antiretroviral resistance led to built a core of highly devoted HIV specialists across the country. Since then, HIV medicine has improved and currently is largely conducted by multidisciplinary teams of health care providers working at hospital-based outclinics, where HIV-positive persons are generally seen every six months. Antiretroviral therapy is currently prescribed to roughly 75,000 persons, almost all attended at clinics belonging to the government health public system. Overall, the impact of HIV/AIDS publications by Spanish teams is the third most important in Europe. HIV research in Spain has classically been funded mostly by national and European public agencies along with pharma companies. Chronologically, some of the major contributions of Spanish HIV research are being in the field of tuberculosis, toxoplasmosis, leishmaniasis, HIV variants including HIV-2, drug resistance, pharmacology, antiretroviral drug-related toxicities, coinfection with viral hepatitis, design and participation in clinical trials with antiretrovirals, immunopathogenesis, ageing, and vaccine development.
... Lipodystrophy, the presence of lipoatrophy (a decrease in body fat) or lipohypertrophy (an increase in body fat), is common in individuals living with HIV, caused both by infection and treatment [12,13]. Lipoatrophy generally occurs in the arms, face, legs, and buttocks, while lipohypertrophy generally occurs in the abdominal region, the neck, or in the form of 1 3 lipomas [14]. Antiretroviral therapy (ART) has been well documented as a potential cause for lipodystrophy in HIVinfected individuals, however the specific mechanisms are not well understood (see [15,16] for details on biological pathways). ...
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Body image disturbance is a common problem reported among sexual minority men living with HIV, and is associated with poor antiretroviral therapy (ART) adherence. Recently, a novel integrated intervention (cognitive behavioral therapy for body image and self-care; CBT-BISC) was developed and pilot tested to simultaneously improve body image and ART adherence in this population. Although CBT-BISC has demonstrated preliminary efficacy in improving ART adherence, the mechanisms of change are unknown. Utilizing data from a two-armed randomized controlled trial (N = 44 sexual minority men living with HIV), comparing CBT-BISC to an enhanced treatment as usual (ETAU) condition, sequential process mediation via latent difference scores was assessed, with changes in body image disturbance entered as the mechanism between treatment condition and changes in ART adherence. Participants assigned to CBT-BISC reported statistically significant reductions in body image disturbance post-intervention, which subsequently predicted changes in ART adherence from post-intervention to long term follow-up (b = 20.01, SE = 9.11, t = 2.19, p = 0.028). One pathway in which CBT-BISC positively impacts ART adherence is through reductions in body image disturbance. Body image disturbance represents one, of likely several, mechanism that prospectively predicts ART adherence among sexual minority men living with HIV.
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Objectives Adiponectin levels are inversely related to cardiovascular risk and are low in diabetics and obese persons. We examined the association between adiponectin concentration and HIV‐associated lipodystrophy, which remains unclear. Methods The Study to Understand the Natural History of HIV/AIDS in the Era of Effective Therapy (SUN) was a prospective cohort study of HIV‐infected adults conducted in four US cities. Lean body and fat masses were assessed using dual‐energy X‐ray absorptiometry scans. Using baseline data from 2004 to 2006, we defined lipodystrophy using a sex‐specific fat mass ratio and performed cross‐sectional analyses of associated risks using multivariable logistic regression. Results Among 440 male participants (median age 42 years; 68% non‐Hispanic white; 88% prescribed combination antiretroviral therapy; median CD4 lymphocyte count 468 cells/μL; 76% with viral load < 400 HIV‐1 RNA copies/mL; 5% diabetic; median body mass index 25 kg/m²), median concentrations of leptin and adiponectin were 3.04 ng/L [interquartile range (IQR) 1.77–5.43 ng/L] and 8005 μg/mL (IQR 4950–11 935 μg/mL), respectively. The prevalence of lipodystrophy was 14%. Lipodystrophy was significantly associated with increasing age [prevalence ratio (PR) 1.50; 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.10–2.06, per 10 years], adiponectin < 8005 μg/mL (PR 5.02; 95% CI 2.53–9.95), ever stavudine use (PR 2.26; 95% CI 1.36–3.75), CD4 cell count > 500 cells/μL (PR 2.59; 95% CI 1.46–4.61), viral load < 400 copies/mL (PR 3.98; 95% CI 1.25–12.6), highly sensitive C‐reactive protein < 1.61 mg/L (PR 1.91; 95% CI 1.11–3.28) and smoking (PR 0.42; 95% CI 0.22–0.78). Conclusions Among men in this HIV‐infected cohort, the prevalence of lipodystrophy was similar to previous estimates for persons living with HIV, and was associated with lower adiponectin levels, potentially indicating increased cardiovascular disease risk.
Recently, there have been significant advances in the fight against human immunodeficiency virus, which have increased the hopes of definitively halting its dissemination and of starting the decline of the epidemic it has caused. Transmission of the infection was drastically reduced when infected patients were given antiretroviral treatments, which boosted the diffusion of treatments to middle- and low-income countries. Global therapy coverage has doubled in recent years; meanwhile the incidence of new infections has decreased. Various curative strategies are also actively being investigated, including those aiming to induce cell resistance to the infection through gene therapy and the elimination of latent virus reservoirs. This article reviews the current situation and future developments in terms of controlling the pandemic and, eventually, curing the infection.
Recently, there have been significant advances in the fight against human immunodeficiency virus, which have increased the hopes of definitively halting its dissemination and of starting the decline of the epidemic it has caused. Transmission of the infection was drastically reduced when infected patients were given antiretroviral treatments, which boosted the diffusion of treatments to middle- and low-income countries. Global therapy coverage has doubled in recent years; meanwhile the incidence of new infections has decreased. Various curative strategies are also actively being investigated, including those aiming to induce cell resistance to the infection through gene therapy and the elimination of latent virus reservoirs. This article reviews the current situation and future developments in terms of controlling the pandemic and, eventually, curing the infection. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier España, S.L.U. and Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna (SEMI). All rights reserved.
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Central and/or intraabdominal (IA) fat is an independent predictor of obesity-related metabolic abnormalities in young and middle-aged subjects. The elderly are "fatter" at any given relative weight and often have similar metabolic abnormalities. In this study we compare body composition, circumferences, and specific fat depots areas in a population of healthy young and older men. Although the two groups were similar in body mass index and percent body fat, their distribution of adiposity was different. The young subjects had 16% and 10% larger thigh (p = .0001) and arm (p less than .01) circumferences respectively, while the ratio of waist-to-hip circumference was greater in the older subjects (0.93 +/- 0.04 vs 0.97 +/- 0.04, p = less than .01). The most striking differences between the groups were noted on computed tomography, with a twofold greater IA fat area (72.6 +/- 38.2 vs 143.6 +/- 56.2 cm2, p less than .0001), and a twofold lesser thigh subcutaneous fat area (156.3 +/- 69.3 vs 82.4 +/- 29.7 cm2, p less than .001) in the older subjects. We conclude there is an age-related central and intraabdominal redistribution of adipose mass, even in healthy older subjects. Since these changes occur in the absence of clinical disease, the associations between metabolic abnormalities and a central and or IA distribution of adiposity in the elderly must be investigated further.
Background: Simpler and less toxic antiretroviral strategies are needed to maximize treatment compliance without sacrificing potency, at least for drug-experienced HIV-infected patients currently on regimens containing protease inhibitors (PIs). Small nonrandomized studies have suggested a beneficial role of PI-sparing regimens on lipodystrophy. Objectives: To assess the virologic, immunologic, and clinical benefit of switching the PI to nevirapine in patients with HIV-associated lipodystrophy and sustained viral suppression before entry in the study. Design: Open-labeled, prospective, randomized, multicenter study. Setting: Seven reference inpatient centers for HIV/AIDS in Spain. Patients: One hundred six HIV-infected adults with clinically evident lipodystrophy who sustained HIV-RNA suppression for at least 6 months with PI-containing antiretroviral combinations. Intervention: Replacement of the PI with nevirapine during 48 weeks (Group A) versus continuing the prior PI (Group B). Measurements: Several virologic and immunologic analyses, standard and specific biochemical tests, and anthropometric and dual X-ray absorptiometry measurements. Results: At week 48, an HIV-1 RNA level <400 copies/ml was maintained in 79% and 77% of patients in Groups A and B, respectively, whereas 74% and 72% of patients had viral load levels <50 copies/ml. Absolute CD4+ counts significantly increased in both groups compared with baseline values, and a significant decrease in CD38+CD8+ cells was observed in Group A (p < .01) but not in group B. Overall, no significant changes in anthropometric or body shape measurements were found after 48 weeks. Fasting total cholesterol and triglyceride levels decreased in Group A (but not in Group B) compared with baseline values (p < .05), although no significant differences were seen between groups at the end of the study. Subjects in Group A reported a better quality of life (QOL) index than controls (p < .001), with the main reason reported being the greater simplicity of the new drug regimen. Conclusions: Protease inhibitor-sparing regimens, including nevirapine, seem to be an effective alternative for PI-experienced patients. Nevirapine-based triple therapies allow maintained control of HIV-1 RNA levels and improve the immunologic response at 48 weeks of follow-up in patients with prior sustained virologic suppression. The switch to nevirapine significantly improved the lipidic profile in Group A, although there were no differences between groups at the end of the study. Additionally, no significant changes were seen in terms of lipodystrophy-related body shape changes 1 year after the PI substitution. Finally, nevirapine-containing regimens have a simpler dosing schedule, and this facilitates high adherence and improves QOL.
Methods We randomly assigned persons infected with HIV who had a CD4+ cell count of more than 350 per cubic millimeter to the continuous use of antiretroviral therapy (the viral suppression group) or the episodic use of antiretroviral therapy (the drug con- servation group). Episodic use involved the deferral of therapy until the CD4+ count decreased to less than 250 per cubic millimeter and then the use of therapy until the CD4+ count increased to more than 350 per cubic millimeter. The primary end point was the development of an opportunistic disease or death from any cause. An important secondary end point was major cardiovascular, renal, or hepatic disease. Results A total of 5472 participants (2720 assigned to drug conservation and 2752 to viral suppression) were followed for an average of 16 months before the protocol was modified for the drug conservation group. At baseline, the median and nadir CD4+ counts were 597 per cubic millimeter and 250 per cubic millimeter, respectively, and 71.7% of participants had plasma HIV RNA levels of 400 copies or less per mil- liliter. Opportunistic disease or death from any cause occurred in 120 participants (3.3 events per 100 person-years) in the drug conservation group and 47 participants (1.3 per 100 person-years) in the viral suppression group (hazard ratio for the drug conservation group vs. the viral suppression group, 2.6; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.9 to 3.7; P
The objective of this study was to evaluate how much limb fat is needed to be lost for lipoatrophy to become clinically evident. Antiretroviral drug-naive patients from a randomized trial comparing stavudine or abacavir plus lamivudine and efavirenz, who had subjective assessment to detect clinically evident lipoatrophy (standardized questionnaire) and objective measurements of limb fat (dual X-ray absorptiometry) at baseline, 48 weeks, and 96 weeks were included. ROC curves were used to assess the sensitivity and specificity of several cut-off values of absolute and percent limb fat loss for diagnosing lipoatrophy. Of 54 patients included, 13 (24%) had subjective lipoatrophy at 96 weeks. After 96 weeks, median limb fat change was -2.3 kg (interquartile range: -5.2, +0.2) and 0.4 kg (interquartile range: -7.2, +3.4) in patients with and without lipoatrophy, respectively. Median percent limb fat change was -45.5% (interquartile range: -78.0, +3.7) and 5.5% (interquartile range: -62.8, +95.6), respectively. The cut-off values of absolute and percent limb fat loss showing the best sensitivity and specificity values were -1.5 kg (sensitivity, 77%; specificity, 76%) and -30% (sensitivity, 85%; specificity, 73%). At least 30% limb fat is needed to be lost in HIV-infected patients for lipoatrophy to become clinically evident.