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A new sauropod from the Lower Jurassic of Huili, Sichuan, China



Key words Huili, Sichuan; Lower Jurassic; Yimen Formation; Sauropoda; Tonganosaurus The English summary can be seen in the attachment.
48 3
2010 7摇摇摇摇摇摇摇 古 脊 椎 动 物 学 报
VERTEBRATA PALASIATICA 摇摇摇摇摇摇摇摇摇摇pp.185 -202
摇 figs.1 -7
(成都理工大学博物馆成都摇 610059)
新属新种何氏通安龙 Tonganosaurus hei gen. et sp. nov. 。 通安龙具有进步蜥脚类的特点:
椎细长荐前椎发育侧凹前肢较长,为后肢的 0. 80 ;同时,通安龙也具有原始蜥脚类的特
要发现于侏罗纪早期,而进步蜥脚类则主要发现于侏罗纪中晚期由于通安龙兼具原 始蜥脚
中图法分类号:Q915. 864摇 文献标识码:A摇 文章编号:1000-3118(2010)03-0185-18
四川地区中晚侏罗世的恐龙化石材料相当丰富(董枝明等, 1983; 何信禄,1984;
,1997, 1998a; 欧阳辉叶勇,2001) , 仅在自贡大山铺地区就发现了蜀龙峨眉龙等多
个属种(张奕宏,1988; 何信禄等,1988; 彭光照等,2005)然而,早侏罗世的蜥脚类恐龙
化石相当少,到目前为止,发现并已经正式发表的仅有资中龙 Zizhongosaurus (董枝明等,
1983) 和珙县Gongxianosaurus (何信禄等,1998) 两属
2007 ,成都理工大学博物馆根据群众提供的线索,对四川省会理县通安镇的恐龙
化石点进行了考察和发掘,获得了一批新的蜥脚类恐龙化石材料,包括约 20 个脊椎完整
零散的 10 多件背椎神经棘肋骨跖骨及爪骨等鉴于化石材料采集于同一个地,各部
根据野外地层剖面的追索观察,以及与 1 20 万地质图的对比,化石产地的地层层位应为
材料,并建立一新属种何氏通安龙 Tonganosaurus hei gen. et sp. nov. 新材料的发现
1) 国家自然科学基金项目(编号:40572016) 资助
收稿日期:2010-02 -08
1摇 系统描述
蜥臀目 Saurischia Seeley,1888
蜥脚形亚目 Sauropodomorpha Huene,1932
摇摇蜥脚次亚目 Sauropoda Marsh,1878
摇摇摇马门溪龙科 Mamenchisauridae Young & Chao,1972
摇摇摇摇通安龙属(新属)Tonganosaurus gen. nov.
属型种何氏通安龙(新属新种)Tonganosaurus hei gen. et sp. nov.
词源 Tongan, 即通安化石产地的行政区划属四川省会理县通安镇,故将产地作为
化石的属名以资纪念。 “saurus冶(希腊语) ,种名he冶 赠予长期从事恐龙研究
何氏通安龙 Tonganosaurus hei gen. et sp. nov.
前后肢比例为 0. 80 肱骨直而粗壮,其长度为股骨的 0. 75, 角脊发育股骨直而
博物馆,标本登记号:MCDUT 14454。
产地与层位四川省会理县通安镇,下侏罗统益门组(J1y )
标本描述通安龙已复原装架完毕,复原装架后的骨架长度实测为 11. 6 m, 故推测
活体长度为 12 m。 各部位骨骼描述如下
脊椎:脊椎保存有 5个颈椎、6 个背椎、8 个尾椎和 3个零散的背椎神经其中完整
的有一个颈椎一个背椎和两个尾椎脊椎的测量数据见表 1。
颈椎(1, 2A-E): 枢椎保存了前半部分,前关节面的下半缘薄且略有扩展,侧视呈
保存完整,椎体细长,后凹型,椎体参数 R1) = 2. 94, 属长颈椎型椎体侧凹发育,横突向
1) 本文用参数 R来表示椎体的长短程度表达式为 R = 椎体长 / [ (+后宽) / 2 ],这样处理可以排除由于椎体
3期 李奎等:四川会理早侏罗世一新的蜥脚类恐龙 187
1摇 何氏通安龙(新属新种)的椎体测量
摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 Table 1摇 Measurements of vertebrae of Tonganosaurus hei gen. et sp. nov. 摇 (mm)
Ce. 2 40 Ca. 1 88 153 166 0. 55
Ce. 3 168 56 58 105 2. 94 Ca. 2 90 170 150 0. 56
Ce. 4 55 60 Ca. 3 89 152 140 410 0. 61
Ce. 5 65 74 Ca. 4 90 150 140 0. 62
Ce. 17 147 130 112 1. 21 Ca. 5 97 115 127 305 0. 80
Ca. 6 100 120 111 0. 86
D. 2 140 143 133 380 1. 01 Ca. 7 106 117 100 0. 97
D. 4 118 121 155 0. 85 Ca. 8 110 96 80 1. 28
D. 8 126 142 166 0. 76
D. 9 114 146 170 0. 72
D. 10 110 163 162 0. 67
D. 11 110 155 160 0. 69
Note: Ce. cervical 颈椎;D. dorsal 背椎;Ca. caudal 尾椎;LC. length of centrum 椎体长;HV. height of centrum
后高;WC. width of centrum 椎体后宽;MH. maximal height of vertebra 椎体全高;R. parameter of centrum 椎体参数
1摇 何氏通安龙(新属新种)的颈
Fig. 1摇 Cervicals of Tonganosaurus hei gen. et sp. nov.
A. 枢椎左侧视 axis in left side view; B-D. 第三颈椎 the 3rd cervical: B. 左侧视 in left side view, C.
in bottom view, D. 背视 in top view; E-F. 第四颈the 4th cervical: E. 左侧in left side view, F.
后视 in caudal view; G. 第五颈椎左侧视 the 5th cervical in left side view; H. 第十七颈椎左侧视 the
17th cervical in left side view
简字说明 Abbreviations: di. diapophysis lamina 横突板;pa. parapophysis 副突;pl. pleurocoel 侧凹;
poz. postzygapophysis 后关节突;prz. prezygapophysis 前关节突
背椎(2F-L, 3): 第二背椎保存完整,后凹型椎体侧凹发育,其结构简单副突
2摇 何氏通安龙(新属新种)正型标本(MCDUT 14454)
Fig. 2摇 Tonganosaurus hei gen. et sp. nov. ( MCDUT 14454, Holotype)
A-E. 颈椎左侧视 cervicals in left side views: A. 枢椎 axis, B. 第三颈椎 the 3 rd cervical, C. 第四颈椎
the 4th cervical, D. 第五颈椎 the 5th cervical, E. 第十七颈椎 the 17th cervical; F-G. 二背椎 the 2nd
dorsal: F. 侧视 in left side view, G. 前视 in anterior view; H -J. 椎右 侧视 dorsals in right side
views: H. 第四背椎 the 4 th dorsal, I. 第八背椎 the 8th dorsal, J. 第九背椎 the 9th dorsal; K-L. 背椎左
侧视 dorsals in left side views: K. 第十 背椎 the 10th dorsal, L. 十一背椎 the 11th dorsal; M, N, P,
R-T. 尾椎右侧视 caudals in right side views: M. 第一尾椎 the 1st caudal, N. 二尾椎 the 2nd caudal, P.
第四尾the 4th caudal, R. 第六尾椎 the 6th caudal, S. 第七尾椎 the 7th caudal, T. 第八尾椎 the 8th cau鄄
dal; O, Q. 尾椎左侧视 caudals in left side views: O. 第三尾椎 the 3rd caudal, Q. 第五尾椎 the 5th caudal
简字说明 Abbreviation: sp. neural spine 神经棘,其余简字见图 1 for other abbreviations see Fig. 1
3期 李奎等:四川会理早侏罗世一新的蜥脚类恐龙 189
面中为一横向的小椭圆(2G, 3B) , 侧视面中为横向长出的粗棱嵴神经棘的上端面
3摇 何氏通安龙(新属新种)的背
Fig. 3摇 Dorsals of Tonganosaurus hei gen. et sp. nov.
A-C. 第二背椎 the 2 nd dorsal: A. 侧视 in left side view, B. in anterior view, C. in top
view; D-F. 第四背the 4th dorsal: D. 前视 in anterior view, E. 右侧视 in right side view, F. 腹视 in
bottom view; G. 第八背椎右侧视 the 8 th dorsal in right side view; H. 第九背椎右侧视 the 9th dorsal in
right side view; I. 第十背椎左侧视 the 10 th dorsal in left side view; J-K. 第十一背椎 the 11th dorsal: J.
前视 in anterior view, K. 左侧视 in left side view
简字说Abbreviation: n. c. neural canal 神经孔;其余简字见1, 2 for other abbreviations see Fig. 1 and 2
尾椎(2M-T, 4): 保存完整的两个尾椎应为第三第五尾椎前部尾椎为双凹型
关节突呈叶芽状向前上伸出约 30 mm。 前关节突与神经棘之间有薄板连接,薄板稍微向
椎体长小于椎体关节面宽前部尾椎双 凹型,椎体较之前部尾椎变长变细关节面变
4摇 何氏通安龙(新属新种)的尾
Fig. 4摇 Caudals of Tonganosaurus hei gen. et sp. nov.
A-B. 第一尾椎 the 1st caudal: A. in caudal view, B. 左侧视 in left side view; C-D. 第二尾the
2nd caudal: C. 后视 in caudal view, D. 右侧视 in right side view; E-F. 第三尾椎 the 3rd caudal: E. 前视
in anterior view, F. 左侧视 in left side view; G-H. 第四尾the 4th caudal: G. 前视 in anterior view, H.
右侧视 in right side view; I-L. 第五尾椎 the 5th caudal: I. 前视 in anterior view, J. 侧视 in right side
view, K. in bottom view, L. 背视 in top view; M-N. 第六尾the 6th caudal: M. 前视 in anterior
view, N. 右侧视 in right side view; O-P. 第七尾椎 the 7th caudal: O. 前视 in anterior view, P. 右侧视
in right side view; Q-R. 第八尾the 8th caudal: Q. in anterior view, R. 右侧视 in right side view
简字说明 Abbreviation: e. f. s. end face of neural spine 神经棘端面;余简字见图 1-3
for other abbreviations see Figs. 1-3
肩胛骨远端左桡骨远端和左尺骨近端肩带及前肢的测量数据见表 2。
肩带(5, 6): 肩胛骨的长度介于股骨长和肱骨长之间,近端强烈扩展成一扇状,
,其厚度达乌喙骨上下高度的 0. 4 肩胛面(5D),且凹凸不平,其长度约等于
3期 李奎等:四川会理早侏罗世一新的蜥脚类恐龙 191
2摇 何氏通安龙(新属新种)肩腰带肢骨及后脚测量
Table 2摇 Measurements of pectoral and pelvic girdles,limbs and pes of Tonganosaurus hei
摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 gen. et sp. nov. 摇摇摇摇摇摇摇摇摇摇摇摇摇(mm)
TL WP TP WD TD MWD TL / humerus
肩胛骨 scapula (r) 760 379 117 215 30 152 1. 21
肱骨 humerus ( r) 628 283 98 204 124 96 1
桡骨 radius ( r) 498 119 76 112 77 61 0. 79
尺骨 ulna ( r) 520 165 126 63 101 72 0. 61
TL / femur
坐骨 ischium ( r) 573 278 80 97 95 64 0. 67
坐骨 ischium ( l) 570 310 85 110 105 51 0.68
股骨 femur ( r) 840 300 122 256 206 147 1
胫骨 tibia ( r) 562 226 135 169 120 88 0.67
腓骨 fibula ( r) 566 127 61 123 81 47 0. 67
跖骨 metatarsal (r-1) 109 59 66 66 39 44
跖骨 metatarsal (r-2) 166 80 60 67 60 38
跖骨 metatarsal (r-3) 153 54 65 58 45 33
跖骨 metatarsal (r-5) 125 108 32 43 36 33
爪骨 claw (r-1) 170 50 74
乌喙骨 coracoid (r) anteroposterior width 208
maximum thickness 126
superoinferior width 344
diameter of coracoid foramen 40
胸骨 sternum ( r) anteroposterior width 300 width of right鄄and鄄left 195
Note: TL. total length 全长;WP. width of proximal end 近端宽度;TP. thickness of proximal end 近端厚度;WD. width
of distal end 远端宽度;TD. thickness of distal end 远端厚度;MWD. minimum width of shaft 骨干最小宽度;r. right 右侧
;l. left 左侧的
肱骨:直而粗壮,其长度为股骨长的 0. 75。 骨干横截面近椭圆形三角嵴发育
端强烈扩展,呈一扇状,最大宽度为肱骨长度的 0. 45, 近端面粗糙近端前侧的附肌凹
桡尺骨:桡骨纤细,为肱骨长的 0. 79 近端扩展比远端扩展显著,最大宽度约为骨干
,横截面近圆形尺骨为肱骨长的 0. 82 骨干较桡骨粗壮,近端面为异化的三角形,
大宽度为骨干最小宽的 2. 30 突发近端内外侧各为一凹面,内侧凹较深,外侧凹
玉, 域, 芋, 吁和爪骨玉, 以及左股骨的近端和远端左腓骨远端测量数据见表 2
坐骨(6, 7): 近端扩展显著,其宽度为坐骨长度的 0. 54, 而远端扩展不明显,整个
肠骨突之间即为髋臼窝的后下部分坐骨骨干纤细,最窄处的宽度仅为近端宽度的0. 17,
5摇 何氏通安龙(新属新种)的肩带及前肢
Fig. 5 The pectoral girdle and forelimb of Tonganosaurus hei gen. et sp. nov.
A-B. 右肩带右侧视 the right pectoral girdle in right side views: A. 肩胛骨 scapula, B. 乌喙骨 coracoid;
C. 肩胛骨近端视 scapula in proximal end view; D. 乌喙骨的肩胛面 scapular surface of coracoid; E.
sternum: E-1. 前视 in anterior view, E-2. 后视 in caudal view; F-H. 右肱骨 right humerus: F. 近端
in proximal end view, G. 远端视 in distal end view, H. 前视 in anterior view; I-K. 右桡骨 right radi鄄
us: I. 前视 in anterior view, J. 内侧视 in inside view, K. 远端视 in distal end view: L-N. 右尺骨 right
ulna: L. 前视 in anterior view, M. 近端视 in proximal end view, N. 远端视 in distal end view
简字说明 Abbreviations: co. f. coracoid foramen 乌喙孔;d. c. deltopectoral crest 三角嵴;
ex. co. exocondyle 外髁;in. co. innercondyle 内髁
第四转节发育,呈脊状,上下长为股骨全长的 0. 14, 位于股骨中上部后内侧远端以
外髁突向两侧扩展,髁间沟较深,约有 70 mm。
胫骨:胫骨粗壮,近端扩展显著,其宽度为骨干最小宽度的 2. 50,胫骨翼发育远端
略微扩张,端视面为荷叶状,其宽度为骨干最小宽的 2. 00,骨干前后略扁,内缘中上部呈
弧形,内边缘较薄,外边缘直而厚,后侧面上部微凹胫骨长度为股骨长度的 0. 67
2. 70,不足胫骨近端宽度的一半远端略为扩张,宽度为骨干最小宽的 2. 61, 骨干内外侧
骨干横切面为三角形腓骨长度为股骨长度的 0. 67
后脚:跖骨短而粗壮,跖骨长与近端高的比值为 1. 65, 近端面为浑圆矩形,骨干腹
部收缩,表面光滑跖骨与跖骨相似,均较纤细,骨干长与近端高的比值分别为 2. 51
2. 35, 近端面呈梯形,远端面呈浑圆形骨干表面光滑,中部收缩明显跖骨 V背视呈
3期 李奎等:四川会理早侏罗世一新的蜥脚类恐龙 193
6摇 何氏通安龙(新属新种)正型标本(MCDUT 14454)
Fig. 6摇 Tonganosaurus hei gen. et sp. nov. ( MCDUT 14454, Holotype)
A. 右肩胛骨右侧视 right scapula in right side view; B. 右乌喙骨右侧视 right coracoid in right side view;
C. 右胸骨背视 right sternum in top view; D. 右股骨后视 right femur in caudal view; E. 右肱骨前视 right
humerus in anterior view; F. 右尺骨后视 right ulna in caudal view; G. 右桡骨后视 right radius in caudal
view; H. 右胫骨后视 right tibia in caudal view; I. 右腓骨后视 right fibula in caudal view; J. 坐骨左
侧视 left ischium in left side view; K. 右坐骨右侧视 right ischium in right side view; L-O. 右跖骨,域,
, 吁背视 right metatarsals玉,, 芋 and 吁 in dorsal views; P. 右爪侧视 right claw玉in lateral view
简字说Abbreviation: 4th . tr. fourth trochanter 第四转节;其余简字见5 for other abbreviations see Fig.5
扇形近端扩展强烈,左右宽为跖骨 V长度的 0. 86,近端背部中央有一粗嵴,往下稍有延
伸即后消失骨干最小宽仅为近端宽度的 0. 30, 位于骨干中下部远端略微扩展跖骨
7摇 何氏通安龙(新属新种)的腰带后肢和后脚
Fig. 7摇 Pelvic girdle, hindlimb and pes of Tonganosaurus hei gen. et sp. nov.
A-C. 右股骨 right femur: A. 近端视 in proximal end view, B. 后视 in caudal view, C. 远端视 in distal
end view; D-F. 右腓骨 right fibula: D. 近端视 in proximal end view, E. in anterior view, F. 远端
in distal end view; G-H. 右胫 right tibia: G. 后视 in caudal view, H. 远端视 in distal end view;
I-K. 左坐骨 left ischium: I. 近端视 in proximal end view, J. 左侧视 in left side view, K. 远端视 in distal
end view; L. 右坐骨右侧right ischium in right side view; M. 右跖骨背视及近端视 right metatarsal in
top and proximal end view, a-d. Me. 玉, 域, 芋 and 吁 respectively; N. 右爪骨背视和侧视 right claw
玉 in dorsal and lateral views
简字说明 Abbreviations: ac. acetabulum 髋臼;ili. p. ilium peduncle 肠骨突;pub. p. pubic peduncle 耻骨
;其余简字见图 5,6 for other abbreviations see Fig. 5 and 6
2摇 比较与讨论
2.1摇 与晚三叠世蜥脚类的比较
晚三叠世的蜥形类 ( sauropodomorpha) 多属原蜥脚类( Yates, 2003 ) , 蜥脚类仅有一
,为出土于泰国东北部 Nam Phong 组的伊森龙 Isanosaurus ( Buffetaut et al., 2000,
2002) 伊森龙属于原始蜥脚类,区别于通安龙的特点有:颈椎椎体短,背椎神经弓高
3期 李奎等:四川会理早侏罗世一新的蜥脚类恐龙 195
经棘的前后长大于左右宽肱骨近端宽为长度0. 34, 远端宽为长度的 0. 29, 股骨长
的粗嵴,也不呈 S因此,二者区别较大
2.2摇 与早侏罗世蜥脚类的比较
国内已公开发表的早侏罗世的蜥脚类有 3:产于云南的昆明龙 Kunmingosaurus,
于四川的珙县龙 Gongxianosaurus 和资中龙 Zizhongosaurus
昆明龙(Young, 1940; ,1998b;方晓思李佩贤,2008) 与通安龙明显不能归于同
骨的三角脊不发育珙县(何信禄等,1998) 与通安龙不同特点表现在:椎体两侧无侧
,脊椎的板状构 ,颈椎平凹型,构造简单,神经棘小,前肢为后肢长度的
0. 70 ~ 0. 75, 乌喙骨无乌喙孔资中龙的脊椎无侧凹,脊椎神经棘较低,股骨头不发育,
状构造复杂,颈椎后凹型,前后肢比例为 0. 80, 股骨头发育,肱骨的三角脊发育,乌喙孔发
迄今为止,国外已正式发表的早侏罗世的蜥脚类恐龙共有 6:津巴布韦的火山齿龙
Vulcanodon (Raath, 1972) , 印度南部科塔组( Kota Formation) 的巴拉帕龙 Barapasaurus
(Jain et al., 1975, 1979)和科塔龙 Kotasaurus (Gillette, 2003), 印度南部 Upper Dharma鄄
ram 组的莱姆帕拉佛龙 Lamplughsaura (Kutty et al., 2007), 非洲摩洛哥的塔邹达龙 Tazou鄄
dasaurus (Ronan et al., 2004) 德国 登龙 Ohmdenosaurus ( Wild, 1978; Gillette,
的颈椎粗短,第三颈椎的长高比仅为 1. 65, 肩胛骨近端与远端的扩展程度近等,前肢为后
肢长度的 0. 74, 肱骨远端没有髁突,肱骨三角脊和股骨的第四转节相当发育;塔邹达龙颈
,神经棘向后倾斜的程度大,后下肢短,腓骨不足股骨长度的 0. 65; 欧姆登龙的荐前椎
2.3摇 与国内中-晚侏罗世蜥脚类的比较
中国的中侏罗世的蜥脚类恐龙相当繁 ,四川盆地有 6:原颌龙 Protognathosaurus
(张奕宏,1988), 蜀龙 Shunosaurus (董枝明等,1983), 酋龙 Datousaurus (董枝明唐治路,
1984) , 大山铺Dashanpusaurus (彭光照等,2005) , 秀龙 Abrosaurus (欧阳辉,1989)和峨
眉龙 Omeisaurus (Young, 1939, 1958; 何信禄等,1988; 唐烽等,2001) ;云南地区有 3:
蜀龙 Shunosaurus (付丽娅张加华,2004), 川街龙 Chuanjiesaurus (方晓思等,2004 ) 和元
谋龙 Yuanmousaurus (吕君昌等,2005); 新疆有 3:巧龙 Bellusaurus (董枝明,1990),
拉美丽龙 Klamelisaurus (赵喜进,1993) 和拉伯龙 Lapparentosaurus ( Farida et al., 2005)
原颌龙和蜀龙归于鲸龙科 Cetiosauridae Lydekker, 1888, 该科的科征为:颈椎椎体短,
背椎神经棘高,荐前椎不发育侧 ,前后肢比例小,仅为 0. 67。 酋龙大山铺龙和秀龙归
于圆顶龙科 Camarasauridae Cope, 1877, 该科的科征为:颈椎椎体短,后部颈椎和前部背
神经棘不分叉,前后肢比例为 0. 80,因此,不宜将通安龙归入鲸龙科和圆顶龙科的各属
窝构造发育;前后肢比例为 0. 80, 肱骨和股骨均直而粗壮然而,峨眉龙与通安龙的不同
国内晚侏罗世的蜥脚类分布较为分 ,共有 6:四川的大安龙 Daanosaurus (
, 2005) , 四川云南甘肃和新疆等地的马门溪龙 Mamenchisaurus ( Young, 1954; 杨钟
赵喜进,1972; Russell and Zheng, 1993; 李奎蔡开基,1997; 张奕宏等,1998; 王正新
,2003; 欧阳辉叶勇,2001; 晓思,2004) , 新疆的天山龙 Tienshanosaurus (Young,
1937) 蝶龙 Hudiesaurus (Dong, 1997) , 山东的盘足龙 Euhelopus (Wiman, 1929) , 以及甘
肃和新疆的嘉峪龙 Chiayusaurus大安龙与通安龙不同的特点表现在:大安龙的颈椎粗
的特征是:后部颈椎和前部背椎的神经棘分叉,前部尾椎 凹型 ,天山龙的前肢
2.4摇 与国外中-晚侏罗世蜥脚类的比较
国外中-晚侏罗世的蜥脚类恐龙(McIntosh, 1990; Upchurch, 1995, 1998; Wilson and
Sereno, 1998; Myers and Fiorillo, 2009) 可归于如5:鲸龙科 Cetiosauridae, 圆顶龙科
Camarasauridae, 梁龙科 Diplodocidae, 龙科 Brachiosauridae 和巨龙科 Titanosauridae。
通安龙与鲸龙科和圆顶龙科的不同特点见上一节(2. 3)。 梁龙的前部尾椎前凹型,
前肢较短,仅为后肢长的 0. 67 而通安龙的前部尾椎双凹型,前后肢比例为 0. 80。
腕龙科(Monbaron et al., 1999; Rauhut, 2001)与通安龙最大的不同点表现在:腕龙的前肢
3期 李奎等:四川会理早侏罗世一新的蜥脚类恐龙 197
中部收缩,后部颈椎及背椎的板状构造及坑窝构造极为发育,前后肢比例为 0. 80, 肱骨和
股骨均直而粗壮董枝明唐治路(1984)、何信禄等(1988) 和李奎(1998a) 等均将峨眉龙
归入马门溪龙科因此,笔者也暂将通安龙归于马门溪龙科 Mamenchisauridae Young &
Chao, 1972, 建新属通安龙属 Tonganosaurus gen. nov. ,其特点比峨眉龙属原始通安龙
量的心血绘制全部的骨骼图件,徐星研究员David Hone 博士和 Corwin Sullivan 博士仔细
LI Kui摇 YANG Chun鄄Yan摇 LIU Jian摇 WANG Zheng鄄Xin
(Museum of Chengdu University of Technology Chengdu 610059 likui9988@ sina. com. cn)
Key words Huili, Sichuan; Early Jurassic; Yimen Formation; Sauropoda; Tonganosaurus
A new sauropod, Tonganosaurus hei gen. et sp. nov. from the Yimen Formation (Lower
Jurassic) of southern Sichuan, China, is described on the basis of a collection of bones. These
fossils include about 20 vertebrae, a complete right pectoral girdle and right forelimb, the distal
end of a left scapula, a pair of complete ischia, a complete right hindlimb, the proximal and
distal ends of a left femur, right metatarsals ( mt. I, II, III and V), a right pedal ungual, and
ten neural spine and rib fragments. The third cervical and anterior caudals are most similar in
shape to those of the mamenchisaurid Omeisaurus (from the Middle Jurassic, Sichuan Basin) ,
and quite different from those of other sauropods. The material was therefore assigned to the
Family Mamenchisauridae Young & Chao, 1972 and a new genus and species were established.
This represents the first discovery of a sauropod in the Lower Jurassic of China since Gongxiano鄄
saurus was found in Sichuan Basin. The Tonganosaurus material is of great importance for un鄄
derstanding the phylogenetics of the early Sauropoda.
Saurischia Seeley,1888
Sauropodomorpha Huene,1932
摇 摇 Sauropoda Marsh,1878
摇 摇 摇 Mamenchisauridae Young & Chao,1972
摇摇摇摇Tonganosaurus gen. nov.
摇摇Diagnosis As for the type and only known species.
Type speciesTonganosaurus hei sp. nov.
Tonganosaurus hei sp. nov.
( Figs. 1 -7)
摇 摇 Etymology The generic name is from the type locality of Tonganosaurus, Tong爷an, Hui鄄
li, Sichuan. The specific name, hei, refers to He Xinlu, who spent a lifetime in dinosaur re鄄
Diagnosis Pleurocoels are developed in all presacral vertebrae, and the bone texture is
solid. Pleurocoels are large and deep. Cervical centra are slender. A ventral keel is present on
each cervical centrum. Posterior cervical centra have well developed laminae and cavities. Both
laminae and pleurocoels are well developed in the dorsal vertebrae. Cervical and anterior dorsal
centra are opisthocoelous, middle dorsal centra are platycoelous, posterior dorsal and anterior
caudal centra are amphicoelous. Centra lack a cancellous structure. Forelimb length is 0. 80 of
hindlimb length. Humerus is straight and robust, and deltopectoral crest is well developed. Fe鄄
mur is straight and robust with a well developed 4th trochanter.
Holotype An incomplete skeleton of a long鄄necked sauropod (MCDUT 14454) .
Locality and horizon The town of Tong爷 an in the south of Sichuan Province, China.
The Lower Jurassic Yimen Formation.
Remarks The cervical centra are slender, with well鄄developed parapophyses and ventral
keels. The pleurocoels are simple in structure, each having a deep anterior part and a shallow
posterior part. The neural arches are low, and the middle part of each vertebra is constricted.
The neural arches of the posterior cervicals bear well developed laminae.
The anterior dorsal centra are opisthocoelous, and are longer than wide. The terminal sur鄄
face of each parapophysis is elliptical. The neural spines in this region are high and plate like,
and the parapophyseal laminae expand horizontally on both sides. The neural arches are complex,
with well鄄developed laminae and pleurocoels. The mid鄄dorsal centra are platycoelous. The poste鄄
rior dorsal centra are amphicoelous, and more slender than the middle and anterior dorsal centra.
Pleurocoels, laminae and cavities are developed on all dorsal centra, and the pleurocoels are sim
ple in structure. The middle part of each dorsal centrum is strongly constricted.
The anterior caudal centra are amphicoelous, and the middle part of each centrum is con鄄
stricted. The width of each centrum exceeds its length, but the length is approximately equal in
each case to the height of the centrum at its midpoint. The neural arches are equivalent in
height to their centra. The plate鄄like neural spine is centrally positioned on the centrum and in鄄
clined slightly posteriorly, with a rounded terminal face. The prezygapophyses and postzy鄄
gapophyses are constricted and attenuated.
The forelimb to hindlimb length ratio is 0. 80, whereas the length ratios of the radius to the
humerus and of the tibia to the femur are 0. 79 and 0. 67 respectively. The humerus is straight
and robust. The proximal surface is larger than the distal surface, and the deltopectoral crest is
well developed. The femur, which bears a well developed 4th trochanter, is also straight and ro鄄
bust, and the proximal surface exceeds the size of the distal one as in the humerus. The dia鄄
physis of the ischium is moderately slender, and the iliac peduncle is identical to the pubic pe鄄
duncle in shape and size. The proximal end of the scapula is broad and thick, whereas the
3期 李奎等:四川会理早侏罗世一新的蜥脚类恐龙 199
scapular blade is narrow and thin.
Comparison and discussion Well鄄preserved sauropodomorph skeletons are relatively un鄄
common in the Late Triassic, and most of the ones that have been recovered belong to prosauro鄄
pods. A major exception is the primitive sauropod Isanosaurus, from the Nam Phong Formation
of Thailand ( Buffetaut et al., 2000, 2002). Isanosaurus has a rather short neck, and the 4th
trochanter on the femur is S鄄shaped. By contrast, Tonganosaurus has gracile cervical centra and
a long neck, and the 4th trochanter is low and straight.
In China, Early Jurassic sauropods are less. There are only three previously recorded gen鄄
era: Kunmingosaurus from Yunnan Province, and Gongxianosaurus and Zizhongosaurus from Si鄄
chuan Province. Kunmingosaurus lacks pleurocoels in the dorsal vertebrae and a clearly deve鄄
loped 4t h trochanter on the femur, while in Tonganosaurus the dorsal centra have pleurocoels
and the 4th trochanter of the femur is well developed. Gongxianosaurus and Zizhongosaurus also
lack pleurocoels, and their neural arches are without well developed diapophyseal laminae and
cavities. As a result, Tonganosaurus cannot be synonymous with any of these previously de鄄
scribed Early Jurassic Chinese sauropod taxa.
Well鄄preserved sauropod skeletons from Lower Jurassic strata outside China include speci鄄
mens of Vulcanodon from Zimbabwe, Barapasaurus and Kotasaurus from the Kota Formation of
India (Jain et al., 1975, 1979; Gillette, 2003) , Lamplughsaura (Kutty et al., 2007) from the
Upper Dharmaram Formation of India, Tazoudasaurus from Morocco, and Ohmdenosaurus from
Germany. These dinosaurs differ from Tonganosaurus as follows. Vulcanodon lacks pleurocoels
and has a gracile femur, in contrast to the presence of presacral pleurocoels and a robust femur
in Tonganosaurus. In Barapasaurus the humerus and femur are moderately gracile with the
proximal and distal ends about equally expanded, so that there is no particularly strong expan鄄
sion of the proximal end of the femur. We can distinguish Kotasaurus from Tonganosaurus on
the basis of osteological details including simple dorsal vertebrae and less expanded humerus
with slight twist at both ends. The forelimb to hindlimb length ratio is 0. 74 in Lamplughsaura,
and in lateral view the deltopectoral crest of the humerus appears so large that its width exceeds
that of the humeral shaft. However, Tonganosaurus has a moderately long forelimb that is 0. 80
as long as the hindlimb, and the deltopectoral crest is comparatively small. Tazoudasaurus dif鄄
fers from Tonganosaurus in lacking pleurocoels on the dorsal centra, and the dorsal vertebrae of
the former taxon have high neural arches but low neural spines. Ohmdenosaurus differs from
Tonganosaurus in lacking pleurocoels on the cervical and dorsal vertebrae and in having a gra
cile femur. 摇
Sauropods from the Middle Jurassic of China are abundant. Described taxa include Protog鄄
nathosaurus,Shunosaurus,Datousaurus,Dashanpusaurus,Abrosaurus and Omeisaurus from Si鄄
chuan Province; Shunosaurus,Chuanjiesaurus and Yuanmousaurus from Yunnan Province; and
Bellusaurus,Klamelisaurus and Lapparentosaurus from the Xinjiang Autonomous Region. Pro鄄
tognathosaurus and Shunosaurus are members of Cetiosauridae Lydekker, 1888. In cetiosaurids
the cervical centra are short, the dorsal centra lack pleurocoels, and the forelimb to hindlimb
length ratio is 0. 67. Datousaurus,Dashanpusaurus and Abrosaurus belong to the Camarasauri鄄
dae Cope, 1877. Camarasaurids also have short cervical centra, and the neural spines of the
posterior cervicals and anterior dorsals are bifurcate, whereas the anterior caudals are procoe鄄
lous. Omeisaurus,Yuanmousaurus and Chuanjiesaurus have several derived characteristics,
such as complex pleurocoels and the development of cancellous structure throughout the cervical
part of the column. In addition, Omeisaurus and Tonganosaurus share numerous characteristics:
long, thin cervical vertebrae with low and long neural spines; well developed ventral keels and
parapophyses on the cervical centra; pleurocoels on the presacral centra are developed; presa鄄
cral centra are constricted near the midpoint; many well鄄developed laminae and cavities in the
neural arches of the posterior cervicals and anterior dorsals; a forelimb to hindlimb ratio of
about 0. 80, and a robust, straight humerus and femur. However, many details of the osteology
of Omeisaurus, including complex pleurocoels of presacral centra, the cancellous bone texture
of centra, anterior caudals with high neural arch, indicate that we can not attribute Tongano鄄
saurus and Omeisaurus to the same genus. Bellusaurus has wide cervical centra with high neural
spines, and the anterior caudal vertebrae are procoelous. The presacral centra of Klamelisaurus
are opisthocoelous, the posterior cervical and anterior dorsal neural spines are bifurcate, and
the anterior caudals are procoelous. The architecture of the dorsal neural arches is more com鄄
plex in Lapparentosaurus than in Tonganosaurus.
Six genera of Late Jurassic sauropods are known from China: Daanosaurus from Sichuan
Province, Mamenchisaurus from Sichuan, Yunnan, Gansu and Xinjiang, Tienshanosaurus,
Hudiesaurus and Chiayusaurus from Xinjiang, and Euhelopus from Shandong. The cervical cen鄄
tra of Daanosaurus are short. Mamenchisaurus is the most derived sauropod known from the Si鄄
chuan Basin, and derived characteristics that differentiate this taxon from Tonganosaurus in鄄
clude: complex pleurocoels, well鄄developed cancellous structure in all cervicals, anterior cau鄄
dals that are typically procoelous, and bifurcate posterior cervical and anterior dorsal neural
spines. Tienshanosaurus,Hudiesaurus,Chiayusaurus and Euhelopus are also more derived than
Tonganosaurus in that their posterior cervical and anterior dorsal neural spines are bifurcate,
and in that their anterior caudals are procoelous. In Tienshanosaurus the forelimb is also com鄄
paratively short.
Sauropod dinosaur remains, which have been discovered and collected from the Mid鄄Late
Jurassic of other countries ( McIntosh, 1990; Upchurch, 1995, 1998; Wilson and Sereno,
1998; Myers and Fiorillo, 2009 ) , belong to five families: Cetiosauridae, Camarasauridae,
Diplodocidae, Brachiosauridae and Titanosauridae.
Features distinguishing Tonganosaurus from cetiosaurids and camarasaurids were enumera鄄
ted above.
In diplodocids the anterior caudals are procoelous, the forelimbs are comparatively short,
and the forelimb to hindlimb length ratio is 0. 67. By contrast, the anterior caudals of Tongano鄄
saurus are amphicoelous, and the forelimb to hindlimb length ratio is 0. 80.
Brachiosaurids (Monbaron et al., 1999; Rauhut, 2001) can be easily distinguished from
Tonganosaurus on the basis of their numerous unique characteristics: for example, the forelimb
is longer than the hindlimb and the neural spines of the posterior cervical and anterior dorsal
vertebrae are bifurcated. Titanosaurids Sternfeld, 1911 differ from Tonganosaurus in typically
having procoelous anterior caudals and posteriorly inclined dorsal neural spines.
In conclusion, Tonganosaurus is different from all other sauropods currently known from
the Late Triassic to the Late Jurassic, both in China and abroad. Among the sauropods men鄄
tioned above, Omeisaurus from the Middle Jurassic of Sichuan is most similar to Tonganosau鄄
rus. The similarities are as follows: thin and long cervical vertebrae, low and long neural
spines, well developed ventral keels and parapophyses on the cervical vertebrae, well developed
pleurocoels on the presacral centra, presacral centra are constricted near the mid鄄point, ex鄄
tremely well鄄developed laminae and cavities in the posterior cervical and dorsal vertebrae, a
forelimb to hindlimb length ratio of 0. 80, and a straight and robust humerus and femur. How鄄
ever, Tonganosaurus has simply constructed presacral centra, while Omeisaurus has complex
presacral centra. Furthermore, the ratio of humeral length to femoral length in Tonganosaurus is
0. 75, compared to 0. 80 in Omeisaurus. Dong and Tang (1984), He et al. (1988), Li
(1998a) and others have attributed Omeisaurus to the Family Mamenchisauridae Young &
Chao, 1972, so we attribute Tonganosaurus to this family as a newly established genus. This
new genus is more primitive than Omeisaurus in its characteristics.
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... The centrum is subcircular shaped in outline at the anterior articular surfaces, while the posterior articular surface is slightly deformed mediolaterally. The transverse process is positioned closer to the upper half of the centrum with its base not extending to the neural arch, which is similar to those of the anterior caudals in Yuanmousaurus jiangyiensis (Lü et al., 2006), Tonganosaurus heii (Li et al., 2010), Mamenchisaurus youngi (Ouyang and Ye, 2002) and Lingwulong shenqi (Xu et al., 2018). The anterior transverse process of Omeisaurus junghsiensis is situated much higher at the junction of centrum and neural arch (Yang, 2014). ...
... The transverse process is distinctly directed laterally and slightly backward. It is well developed as a rod-like structure with an oval-shaped cross section, which is similar to those of anterior caudals of Tonganosaurus heii and Chuanjiesaurus anaensis (Li et al., 2010;Sekiya, 2011). In Omeisaurus tianfuensis, Shunosaurus lii, and Mamenchisaurus youngi, the transverse process of anterior caudal centra is dorsoventrally compressed and wing-like (He et al., 1988;Ouyang and Ye, 2002;Peng et al., 2005). ...
... Compared to the eusauropod caudal centra from the Sichuan Basin, the newly discovered anterior caudal centrum from Qamdo (Fig. 2a) is weakly amphicoelous, which is more similar to that of Tonganosaurus (MCDUT 14454), Shunosaurus (ZDM 5003), Omeisaurus (ZDM 5005) and even Lingwulong (LGP V001b) from the northern China, than to Mamenchisaurus (ZDM 0083) which bears the procoelous anterior caudals, and Dashanpusaurus (ZDM 5028) which has amphiplatyan anterior caudals (Ouyang and Ye, 2002;Peng et al., 2005;Li et al., 2010;Xu et al., 2018). Furthermore, the caudal centra from Qamdo differ from those in eusauropods from the Middle Jurassic Chuanjie Basin of Yunnan. ...
... Late Early Jurassic is a critical period in the evolution of sauropodomorph dinosaurs, witnessing the decline of basal sauropodomorphs, and the early evolution of sauropods (Pol et al. 2020). China is well known for its diverse array of basal sauropodomorphs from the Early Jurassic horizons such as the Lufeng Formation and Fengjiahe Formation in Yunnan Province of southwestern China (Young 1941a(Young , 1941b(Young , 1951Ye 1975;Dong et al. 1983;Zhao 1985;Bai et al. 1990;Dong 1992;Zhang and Yang 1995;;Lü et al. 2007;Li et al. 2010;Sekiya and Dong 2010;Sekiya 2010;Wang et al. 2017Wang et al. , 2019aZhang et al. 2018aZhang et al. , 2020Peyre De Fabrègues et al. 2020 (Table 1). Lü et al. (2007) reported a new species of basal sauropodomorph Yunnanosaurus youngi from Banqing Village, close to the township of Jiangyi, Yuanmou County in Yunnan Province, but with a Middle Jurassic age (Zhanghe Formation). ...
... Geotectonically, the Chuxiong Basin, the transition zone, and Sichuan Basin are located at the western margin of Yangzi Block (Zhu et al. 1999;Yang et al. 2017a;Mietto et al. 2021). The basins developed from Proterozoic-Middle Triassic marine cratonic basins into Late Triassic-Cenozoic foreland basins (Zhang and Cao 2002;Li et al. 2010;Shi and Guo 2019). ...
... Several Mesozoic intermontane basins in the adjacent areas of the Sichuan and Yunnan are well exposed (Liu and Chen 1992;Zhang et al. 1994;Tang 1996;Tan et al. 2003;Li et al. 2010;Fu and Tan 2011;Bai et al. 2017;Tong et al. 2018;Ke et al. 2020. Zhao et al. 2020). ...
The age of Yunnanosaurus youngi, a non-sauropod basal sauropodomorph, was reported as the Middle Jurassic. However, no basal sauropodomorphs have been reported worldwide in the Middle Jurassic previously, and only one clade of sauropodomorphs, Sauropoda, existed in the Middle Jurassic and became extinct by the end of the Cretaceous. Here, we further investigated the locality and its horizon of Yunnanosaurus youngi in Jiangyi, Yuanmou County, Yunnan Province, China. We found the species horizon is actually from the Lower Jurassic Fengjiahe Formation, and its age is probably Pliensbachian. Furthermore, the three known Yunnanosaurus-bearing horizons in Chuxiong, Yunnan can be correlated lithostratigraphically. Abbreviations FJHF: Fengjiahe Formation; LFF: Lufeng Formation; P: profile; TJB: Triassic-Jurassic boundary; YNOQ: quarry of Yunnanosaurus youngi; ZHF: Zhanghe Formation.
... This Formation is divided into lower and upper members (Stratigraphic table of Sichuan 1978, unpublished), which are generally equivalent to the Lower Shaximiao Formation and Upper Shaximiao Formation, respectively (Peng et al. 2005). The age of the Shaximiao Formation was originally regarded as Middle Jurassic (Sha et al. 2010;Li et al. 2010;Li et al. 2018), but its upper member could be Late Jurassic (Peng et al. 2005;Huang 2018). The specimen in this study was recovered from the lower to middle portion of the lower member of the Shaximiao Formation. ...
A new species of Omeisaurus, O. puxiani sp. nov., from the Middle Jurassic of Southwest China is reported. The holotype consists of partial articulated vertebrae, forelimb, hind limb and other materials of an individual. Comparative study and cladistic analysis show that this new taxon belongs to Omeisaurus, and bears a unique combination of character states, such as all presacral vertebrae opisthocoelous, complex pneumatic fossa system in middle cervical centra, lateral fossae of dorsal centra divided by secondary septa, end of anterior caudal neural spines expanding posteriorly, edge of humerus deltopectoral crest turning posterolaterally and ratio of length of ulna to humerus of 0.69. The previously reported single middle cervical (S66) from the same locality and horizon can be referred to this new species. The discovery of Omeisaurus puxiani enriches the diversity of the genus of Omeisaurus and provides additional information to help understanding the evolutionary history of this genus in Eastern China. Abbreviations No. 208 HEGT: Chongqing Laboratory of Geological Heritage Protection and Research, No. 208 Hydrogeological and Engineering Geological Team, Chongqing Bureau of Geological and Mineral Resource Exploration and Development Chongqing, Chongqing, China; GSC: Chongqing Institute of Geological Survey, Chongqing, China; IVPP: Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China; ZDM: Zigong Dinosaur Museum, Zigong, Sichuan, China
We report five new dinosaur track sites in Chaya County, about 120 km southeast of Changdu City. The track assemblages are dominated by sauropods (45 tracks), which have been identified tentatively as cf. Brontopodus. Also present are two thyreophoran trackways consisting of 13 tracks that show strong similarities with the ichnogenus Deltapodus, the potential trackmakers of which were probably stegosaurids. The sauropod tracks from the Chaya region are dominated by large tracks with different affinities if compared to those of the Changdu area. The isolated sauropod tracks from Changdu and Chaya regions show similar morphological patterns, but those from the Chaya region lack large scale tracks. This paper compares and discusses the known ichno and body fossil records of sauropods, theropods, and ornithischians from the Middle Jurassic of Yunnan, Sichuan, and eastern Tibet and their importance for our understanding of dinosaur faunas from this region. The absence of basal neornithischian records in the Yunnan and Changdu regions is likely a preservational bias but also an ecological pecularity cannot be completely excluded. The palaeogeographic position of the four sampled skeleton and track sites suggests the possible existence of a corridor through which faunal exchanges were taking place throughout the Jurassic.
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Jurassic strata are widely distributed in the eastern part of Tibet Autonomous Region, and have yielded many dinosaur bones. However, none of these specimens has been studied extensively, and some remain unprepared. Here we provide a detailed description of some new sauropod material, including several cervical vertebrae and a nearly complete scapula, recovered from the Middle Jurassic of Chaya County, East Tibet. The cervical vertebrae have short centra that bear ventral midline keels, as in many non-neosauropod sauropods such as Shunosaurus . Moreover, the cervical centra display deep lateral excavations, partitioned by a septum. The scapula has proximal and distal ends that are both expanded as in mamenchisaurids and neosauropods. However, relatively small body size and lack of fusion of neurocentral sutures in the cervical vertebrae suggest that the available material is from a juvenile, and the length of the cervical centra may have increased relative to the size of the rest of the skeleton in later ontogenetic stages. Phylogenetic analysis provides limited evidence that the new Tibetan sauropod specimen belongs to Eusauropoda, being more derived than Shunosaurus , but is basal to Mamenchisauridae. The new material provides important information on the morphological transition between Shunosaurus and mamenchisaurids, and extends the known biogeographic range of early-diverging sauropods in the Middle Jurassic of East Asia.
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The Early Jurassic Jenkyns Event (~183 Ma) was characterized in terrestrial environments by global warming, perturbation of the carbon cycle, enhanced weathering and wildfires. Heating and acid rain on land caused a loss of forests and affected diversity and composition of land plant assemblages and the rest of the trophic web. We suggest that the Jenkyns Event, triggered by the activity of the Karoo-Ferrar Large Igneous Province, was pivotal in remodelling terrestrial ecosystems, including plants and dinosaurs. Macroplant assemblages and palynological data show reductions in diversity and richness of conifers, cycadophytes, ginkgophytes, bennetitaleans, and ferns, and continuation of seasonally dry and warm conditions. Major changes occurred to sauropodomorph dinosaurs, with extinction of diverse basal families formerly called ‘prosauropods’ as well as some basal sauropods, and diversification of the derived Eusauropoda in the Toarcian in South America, Africa, and Asia, and wider diversification of new families, including Mamenchisauridae, Cetiosauridae and Neosauropoda (Dicraeosauridae and Macronaria) in the Middle Jurassic, showing massive increase in size and diversification of feeding modes. Ornithischian dinosaurs show patchy records; some heterodontosaurids and scelidosaurids disappeared, and major new clades (Stegosauridae, Ankylosauridae, Nodosauridae) emerged soon after the Jenkyns Event, in the Bajocian and Bathonian worldwide. Among theropod dinosaurs, Coelophysidae and Dilophosauridae died out during the Jenkyns Event and a diversification of theropods (Megalosauroidea, Allosauroidea, Tyrannosauroidea) occurred after this event with substantial increases in size. We suggest then that the Jenkyns Event terrestrial crisis was marked especially by floral changes and origins of major new sauropodomorph and theropod clades, characterized by increasing body size. Comparison with the end Triassic Mass Extinction helps to understand the incidence of climatic changes driven by activity of large igneous provinces on land ecosystems and their great impacts on early dinosaur evolution.
The Sichuan Basin, also known as “Red Basin”, is famous for its abundance of Mesozoic dinosaur fossils, especially in Zigong area during the Jurassic era, and the Middle Jurassic Shunosaurus and the Late Jurassic Mamenchisaurus faunal assemblages are the most representative. The Qinglongshan dinosaur fossil site is located in Fuxing, to the northwest of Rong County, Zigong City. This new site was recovered from the Middle Jurassic Lower Shaximiao Formation, and the geological age is roughly equivalent to the famous Dashanpu dinosaur fossil site. More than 600 dinosaur fossils were concentrated in the excavation area, including teeth; cervical, dorsal and caudal vertebrae; and various parts of the appendicular skeletons. This fossil site is significant as it provides information on non‐avian dinosaur life during the poorly understood Middle Jurassic.
The Xixipo dinosaur tracksite in the Chuanjie Formation of Yunnan Province is one of the 14 Chinese sites yielding sauropod tracks from between the Triassic–Jurassic and Jurassic–Cretaceous boundaries, but is only one of the two that represent the Middle Jurassic. Although it is a small site, it adds incrementally to the overall track record of the region and allows comparison with the body fossil record and classification of the Chuanjie Formation as a Type 3b or Type 4b deposit in which both the body fossil and trace fossil record, in this case representing sauropodomorphs, are similar in composition and frequency of occurrence. We argue that the sauropod trace and body fossil records, while based on different categories of evidence, are very important. Integrating and correlating all available data from both records increases our understanding of sauropod communities, and both are equally valuable for this. In addition, we also discuss narrow to wide gauge, coeval sauropod trackways from China, and the relationship between the potential trackmaker of China's Jurassic Brontopodus-type trackways and mamenchisaurids and, beginning from the Late Jurassic, representatives of this type and titanosauriform sauropods.
The Late Jurassic Tendaguru Formation of Tanzania, southeastern Africa, records a rich sauropod fauna, including the diplodocoids Dicraeosaurus and Tornieria, and the brachiosaurid titanosauriform Giraffatitan. However, the taxonomic affinities of other sympatric sauropod taxa are poorly understood. Here, we critically reassess and redescribe these problematic taxa, and present the largest phylogenetic analysis for sauropods (117 taxa scored for 542 characters) to explore their placement in Eusauropoda. Janenschia robusta has played a prominent role in discussions of titanosaur origins, with various authors referring at least some remains to Titanosauria, a clade otherwise known only from the Cretaceous. Redescription of the holotype of Janenschia, and all referable remains, supports its validity and placement as a nonneosauropod eusauropod. It forms a clade with Haestasaurus from the earliest Cretaceous of the UK, and the Middle/Late Jurassic Chinese sauropod Bellusaurus. Phylogenetic analysis and CT scans of the internal pneumatic tissue structure of Australodocus bohetii tentatively support a non-titanosaurian somphospondylan identification, making it the only known pre-Cretaceous representative of that clade. New information on the internal pneumatic tissue structure of the dorsal vertebrae of the enigmatic Tendaguria tanzaniensis, coupled with a full redescription, results in its novel placement as a turiasaur. Tendaguria is the sister taxon of Moabosaurus, from the Early Cretaceous of North America, and is the first turiasaur recognized from Gondwana. A previously referred caudal sequence cannot be assigned to Janenschia and displays several features that indicate a close relationship with Middle–Late Jurassic East Asian mamenchisaurids. It can be diagnosed by six autapomorphies, so we erect the new taxon Wamweracaudia keranjei gen. et sp. nov. The presence of a mamenchisaurid in the Late Jurassic of southern Gondwana indicates an earlier and more widespread diversification of this clade than previously realized, prior to the geographic isolation of East Asia. Our revised phylogenetic dataset sheds light on the evolutionary history of Eusauropoda, including supporting a basal diplodocoid placement for Haplocanthosaurus, and elucidating the interrelationships of rebbachisaurids. The Tendaguru Formation shares representatives of nearly all sauropod lineages with Middle Jurassic–earliest Cretaceous global faunas, but displays a greater range of diversity than any of those faunas considered individually. Biogeographic analysis indicates that the Tendaguru sauropod fauna was assembled as a result of three main phenomena during the late Early and/or Middle Jurassic: (1) invasions from Euramerica (brachiosaurids, turiasaurs); (2) endemism in west Gondwana (dicraeosaurids, diplodocids); and (3) regional extinctions that restricted the ranges of once widespread groups (mamenchisaurids, the Janenschia lineage). Multiple dispersals across the Central Gondwanan Desert are required to explain the distributions of Jurassic sauropods, suggesting that this geographic feature was at most a filter barrier that became easier to cross during the late Middle Jurassic.
A new mamenchisaurid dinosaur, Anhuilong diboensis gen. et sp. nov. from the Middle Jurassic of Eastern China is reported here. The holotype consists of complete left humerus, ulna and radius of an individual. Comparative study and cladistic analysis shows this new taxon belongs to Mamenchisauridae and bears a unique combination of characters, such as low ratios of the average of the greatest widths of the proximal end, mid-shaft and distal end of the humerus/length of the humerus, total length of ulna to humerus and total length of radius to humerus; the lateral edge of the deltopectoral crest directs caudolaterally, the lateral accessory condyle on the craniodistal edge of humerus is more robust than the medial one, and the cross-sectional shape of the ulna at mid-shaft is elliptical with highest ratio of transverse to craniocaudal diameter among mamenchisaurids. Phylogenetically, Anhuilong is the sister taxon of Huangshanlong, and with Omeisaurus they together form the sister clade to all other members of Mamenchisauridae. Including Huangshanlong, two mamenchisaurids have been found in eastern China, and indicates that Mamenchisauridae was already a diverse sauropod clade in China by the Middle Jurassic.
The dinosaur fossils at Sanxingzhen, Jianyang, Sichuan, are found in the Latter Jurassic Penglaizhen Formation. They are identified as Mamenchisaurus sp. through abundant researches. This is the first time to find the Mamenchisaurus fossils in the top of the Latter Jurassic Penglaizhen Formation. The discovery not only enlarges the range of Mamenchisaurus' geographical history, but also points out a new way to look for sauropoda of Latter Jurassic in Sichuan and the neighbouring areas. At the same time, according to the continuous discovery and the progressive expansion of geographical history of Mamenchisaurus, this paper suggests that the geologic age of Mamenchisaurus should be reconsidered.
Mamenchisaurus (Young, 1954), composed of seven species, is the most representative dinosaur in the Late Jurassic of China. It is the biggest individual among dinosaurs of that time in China, and has the longest neck, the most species, and the widest geographical distribution. Mamenchisaurus undoubtedly belongs to Bothrosauropodoidea with a high skull and spatulate teeth. Mamenchisaurus developed in the Sichuan Basin in the early part of the Late Jurassic. Its geographical distribution is restricted to East Asia, and it is the sauropod with the most endemic features in the Late Jurassic of East Asia. Its ancestor appears to be the main genus of dinosaur in the Middle Jurassic - Omeisaurus (Young, 1939).
Mamenchisaurus jingyanensis, a new species of sauropod dinosaur, from the Upper Jurassic of Sichuan Basin, China, is desribed in this paper. Diagnosis of M. jingyanensis: A gigantic sauropod, about 20-26 m in length. Skull moderately high and light. Naris small and situated in the anterior part of skull. Mandible slender. Teeth typically spatulate in form. Cervical vertebrae extremely long. The pleurocoels of dorsals poorly developed. The spines of the anterior dorsals bifurcated. The anterior caudals remarkably procoelous. Humerus robust and straight.
A new sauropodomorph dinosaur specimen is described and identified as a prosauropod. It is tentatively placed as the sister taxon of Riojasaurus incertus from Argentina. The systematic position of all commonly accepted sauropodomorph dinosaurs from the Lower Elliott Formation of South Africa is reviewed and it is found that none can be positively identified as prosauropod. Euskelosaurus browni is a nomen dubium based on material that cannot be identified further than Sauropodomorpha. Blikanasaurus cromptoni and Antetonitrus ingenipes are basal sauropods. Melanorosaurus readi is probably another basal sauropod but opinion remains divided. Plateosauravus cullingworthi presents conflicting character data and at present is classified as Sauropodomorpha incertae sedis. Consequently the specimen described here represents the only prosauropod specimen currently recognized in the Lower Elliot Formation of South Africa.