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Disseminated Cryptococcosis in an HIV-Negative Patient With Liver Cirrhosis and Asplenia: A Rare but Dreadful Disease

  • University of Florida Health Jacksonville


Cryptococcosis (cryptococcal infection) is a severe life-threatening fungal infection. It is seen worldwide, specifically in immunocompromised, mainly in human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS)-infected individuals. Cryptococcal infection can present with meningitis, pneumonia, peritonitis, disseminated cryptococcosis, and cryptococcal fungemia. Here, we report the case of an HIV-negative Caucasian male in his early 50s with liver cirrhosis and asplenia who presented to our hospital with bilateral foot cellulitis and pneumonia. He was eventually diagnosed with disseminated cryptococcosis. Even with appropriate treatment, he developed multiorgan failure and finally expired. The disseminated cryptococcal infection has a very high mortality rate in patients with liver cirrhosis and asplenia. Liver cirrhosis is an independent risk factor, and asplenia is a comorbid condition for cryptococcal infection in HIV-negative patients. Healthcare providers should have a high suspicion of cryptococcosis in these patients. Early testing with cryptococcal antigen assay and initiation of an appropriate antimicrobial regimen can help minimize bad outcomes.
Review began 03/24/2023
Review ended 04/04/2023
Published 04/07/2023
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Disseminated Cryptococcosis in an HIV-Negative
Patient With Liver Cirrhosis and Asplenia: A Rare
but Dreadful Disease
Venu Madhav Chippa , Swetha Chenna , Rahul Gujarathi , Narsimha Candula
1. Internal Medicine, St. Vincent Medical Center, Evansville, USA 2. Internal Medicine, Indiana University,
Indianapolis, USA 3. Hospital Medicine, University of Florida Health, Jacksonville, USA
Corresponding author: Venu Madhav Chippa,
Cryptococcosis (cryptococcal infection) is a severe life-threatening fungal infection. It is seen worldwide,
specifically in immunocompromised, mainly in human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency
syndrome (HIV/AIDS)-infected individuals. Cryptococcal infection can present with meningitis, pneumonia,
peritonitis, disseminated cryptococcosis, and cryptococcal fungemia. Here, we report the case of an HIV-
negative Caucasian male in his early 50s with liver cirrhosis and asplenia who presented to our hospital with
bilateral foot cellulitis and pneumonia. He was eventually diagnosed with disseminated cryptococcosis.
Even with appropriate treatment, he developed multiorgan failure and finally expired. The disseminated
cryptococcal infection has a very high mortality rate in patients with liver cirrhosis and asplenia. Liver
cirrhosis is an independent risk factor, and asplenia is a comorbid condition for cryptococcal infection in
HIV-negative patients. Healthcare providers should have a high suspicion of cryptococcosis in these
patients. Early testing with cryptococcal antigen assay and initiation of an appropriate antimicrobial
regimen can help minimize bad outcomes.
Categories: Internal Medicine, Gastroenterology, Infectious Disease
Keywords: multiorgan system failure, hiv negative, asplenia, liver cirrhosis, disseminated cryptococcal infection
Cryptococcus neoformans (CN) and Cryptococcus gattii (CG) are ubiquitous invasive fungi transmitted through
the inhalation of microscopic spores and cause cryptococcosis [1]. Despite the lung being the site from where
cryptococcus enters the body, meningoencephalitis is the most common clinical manifestation. CN
infections are more common than CG infections and can cause meningitis, peritonitis, pneumonia, urinary
tract infection, cellulitis, osteomyelitis, and even disseminated infection, causing multiorgan failure [2]. The
most common symptoms in patients with cryptococcal infection are fever, nausea, vomiting, headache, neck
stiffness, abdominal pain, difficulty breathing, and dizziness [1,2].
Worldwide, over a million cases of cryptococcosis are reported each year, with approximately 625,000 deaths
[1]. The estimated incidence of cryptococcosis in the United States is about 0.4-1.3 cases per 100,000. In
people with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), the incidence is 2-7 cases per 100,000, with a case
fatality rate of about 12% [2]. The global incidence of cryptococcal infections in human immunodeficiency
virus (HIV) has declined drastically over the last two decades owing to advances in antiretroviral therapy [2].
HIV/AIDS, decompensated liver disease, cell-mediated immunosuppressive regimen without calcineurin
inhibitors, long-term steroid use, and autoimmune diseases are independent risk factors for invasive
cryptococcosis [3]. Decompensated cirrhosis patients with Child-Pugh class B and C are more likely to have
extrapulmonary cryptococcosis which is associated with increased mortality [4]. Invasive procedures, long-
term steroid use, antibiotics use, malnutrition, asplenia, active cancer, diabetes mellitus, and solid organ
transplantation are comorbid conditions for cryptococcosis in HIV-negative patients [5]. With increased
awareness and testing, cryptococcosis is increasingly reported in patients with cirrhosis, accounting for 6-
21% of all systemic fungal infections with a mortality rate of up to 76% [6,7].
Many cases of disseminated cryptococcal infection with liver cirrhosis are reported in medical literature and
only two cases with asplenia. The disseminated cryptococcal infection was not previously reported in
patients with combined asplenia and liver cirrhosis. This case report highlights the increased probability of
invasive cryptococcal infection in asplenia with liver cirrhosis. We encourage healthcare providers to
identify this dreadful infection early to improve patient outcomes.
Case Presentation
A Caucasian male in his early 50s was sent from his podiatrist’s office to the emergency room for non-
healing bilateral foot ulceration, cellulitis, productive cough, and fever. His past medical history was
significant for alcoholic liver cirrhosis, no ascites or paracentesis, and non-healing bilateral chronic foot
1 2 3 3
Open Access Case
Report DOI: 10.7759/cureus.37243
How to cite this article
Chippa V, Chenna S, Gujarathi R, et al. (April 07, 2023) Disseminated Cryptococcosis in an HIV-Negative Patient With Liver Cirrhosis and
Asplenia: A Rare but Dreadful Disease. Cureus 15(4): e37243. DOI 10.7759/cureus.37243
ulcers requiring multiple rounds of oral and intravenous (IV) antibiotics. He was currently not on any
medications. His previous wound cultures grew methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. He had quit
alcohol four years ago and had never smoked.
On examination, his temperature was 38.9°C (102.1°F), pulse rate was 117 beats/minute, respiratory rate was
20 breaths/minute, and blood pressure was 146/85 mmHg. He appeared in mild respiratory distress. Lungs
were clear to auscultation with slightly decreased breath sounds in the left base and regular S1-S2 with
tachycardia. His abdomen was non-distended and non-tender with normal bowel sounds. Bilateral
extremities skin showed multiple superficial wounds on the dorsum of the feet, with erythema and purulent
A basic workup in the emergency room showed an elevated white blood cell count (WBC) (18,600/µL) and
lactic acid (5 mmol/L). Other laboratory values were normal, including liver function tests, creatinine,
electrolytes, hemoglobin, platelets, coagulation panel, and urinalysis. He was admitted to the medical floor.
X-rays of both feet showed no osteomyelitis, and a chest X-ray showed a small left lower lobe consolidation
and a trace left pleural effusion.
He was admitted for sepsis from left-sided pneumonia and possible recurrent cellulitis of bilateral foot
ulcerations secondary to chronic venous stasis. Blood culture and wound culture were obtained, and he
received goal-directed IV fluid resuscitation for sepsis and was started on IV vancomycin and piperacillin-
The following day he complained of worsening shortness of breath, requiring high-flow oxygen and a
transfer to the intensive care unit (ICU). To better identify the cause of his symptoms, a computerized
tomogram (CT) of the chest, abdomen, and pelvis without IV contrast was performed. CT showed bilateral
lung consolidation (more on the left), with moderate left and small right pleural effusions and slight ascites
(Figure 1).
FIGURE 1: CT of the abdomen without contrast.
CT of the abdomen without contrast showing cirrhosis (blue arrow), ascites (yellow star), and absent spleen (red
A CT of the bilateral lower extremities without contrast showed subcutaneous edema suggestive of cellulitis.
He underwent emergent left-sided thoracentesis to relieve his hypoxia and respiratory distress, and pleural
fluid analysis showed elevated WBC, lactate dehydrogenase, and neutrophils, as shown in Table 1.
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Characteristics Patient’s range Normal range
Color Yellow Straw color
Appearance Cloudy clear
RBC (/mm3)<10,000 <10,000
WBC (/mm3)2,229 1,000
Neutrophil (%) 78 1
Lymphocytes (%) 15 23
Monocytes (%) 4 0-1
Macrophages (%) 0 75
Mesothelial cells (%) 1 1-2
Basophils (%) 0 0-1
Eosinophils (%) 2 1
LDH (U/L) 320 No reference range established
Protein (g/dL) 2 No reference range established
Albumin (g/dL) 1 No reference range established
pH 7.5 7.6–7.64
TABLE 1: Pleural fluid analysis.
RBC: red blood cell; LDH: lactic acid dehydrogenase
Follow-up lactic acid was 7.8 mmol/L and 11 mmol/L. Ultrasound of the abdomen did not show any ascitic
fluid amenable for paracentesis. He had a negative HIV antibody (enzyme-linked immunoassay) test and
polymerase chain reaction.
On hospital day four, his mentation deteriorated. He became hypotensive and anuric and developed
respiratory failure requiring intubation. Vancomycin trough levels were normal, and we thought that the
ongoing sepsis might be the reason for the overall decline in the clinical situation. Admission blood cultures
grew CN. We were convinced he might have disseminated cryptococcal infection and immediately started
him on liposomal amphotericin B. We could not administer flucytosine because of his end-stage liver
disease. Serum cryptococcal antigen measured by indirect enzyme immunoassay (EIA) was 1:32.
Follow-up blood and pleural fluid cultures grew CN. Because of fungemia and altered sensorium before
intubation, a lumbar puncture was performed on day five, which showed an elevated opening pressure with
significant cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) cryptococcal antigen titer, as shown in Table 2.
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Characteristics Patient’s range first tap Patient’s range second tap Normal range
Pressure (cm of HO) 40 30 5–20
Appearance Hazy Hazy Clear
Protein (mg/dL) 1.88 2.00 1.8–4.5
Glucose ( mg/dL) 33 35 50–80
Microscopic examination Yeast Yeast None
Cell count Lymphocytes 34%, monocytes 54% Lymphocytes 36%, monocytes 52% None
CSF cryptococcal antigen titer 1:640 1:640
WBC count (cells/µL) 128 99 0–5
TABLE 2: Cerebrospinal fluid analysis.
CSF: cerebrospinal fluid; WBC: white blood cell
He underwent repeated spinal taps with a slight improvement in opening pressures, and persistent yeast
forms were seen on microscopic examination. He was finally diagnosed with a disseminated cryptococcal
infection, likely secondary to liver cirrhosis, asplenia, and a recent course of prolonged antibiotics. His
wound culture only grew Klebsiella and Pseudomonas.
Unfortunately, his hospital course deteriorated. He developed shock and acute renal injury and required
vasopressors and continuous renal replacement therapy. He developed disseminated intravascular
coagulation and multiorgan failure with no meaningful outcome and progressively deteriorating health. His
family decided to provide comfort care. The patient passed peacefully on day 14 of hospital admission.
Disseminated cryptococcosis is defined by either a positive blood culture (fungemia) or a single positive
culture from at least two organ systems [8]. Cirrhotic patients have compromised immunity, making them
more prone to opportunistic infections, particularly CN. Asplenic patients are more prone to encapsulated
bacterial infections, but some case reports suggest the prevalence of fungal infections, specifically CN.
Although the respiratory tract is the usual port of entry for cryptococcus, the gastrointestinal tract can also
serve as another potential entry site in immunocompromised patients with HIV, liver cirrhosis, and a history
of renal disease [9].
In a retrospective study by Chuang et al., in HIV-uninfected patients with cryptococcosis, 36% had liver
cirrhosis, 33% had diabetes mellitus, and 27% had autoimmune diseases. All patients with liver cirrhosis and
disseminated cryptococcosis died within the first month [10]. A retrospective study by Zhou et al. showed
that increased activated partial thromboplastin time and Child-Pugh class B or C were associated with
increased mortality with cryptococcosis in liver cirrhosis. The Model for End-stage Liver Disease sodium
score was significant for predicting 30-day mortality, and the Child-Pugh score was more helpful in
predicting 90-day mortality [11]. The risk factors for cryptococcus in our patient were a Child-Pugh score of
9 (class B), asplenia, and multiple rounds of antibiotics before this hospital admission.
The host immune response to cryptococcal infection includes cell-mediated (T cell and natural killer cell)
and humoral (antibody) immunity. In cirrhosis, innate and adaptive immunity failure leads to altered
intracellular signaling pathways, damaging gastrointestinal tract lymphoid tissues, and circulating immune
cells. This phenomenon, called cirrhosis-associated immune dysfunction syndrome, is thought to contribute
to the increased incidence of systemic fungal infections in cirrhosis [12]. The precise mechanism for
increased mortality from fungal infections in asplenia in humans is not known. Still, animal models suggest
the abnormal antimicrobial function of peritoneal macrophages (PM phi) affects intracellular fungal
(Candida) destruction and increases mortality [13].
Cryptococcal infection can present as meningitis, pneumonia, peritonitis, and fungemia. Sometimes pleural
effusion is also present along with pneumonia. Both pleural and ascitic fluid is usually exudative with
predominant lymphocytes and culture negative for bacterial growth.
Testing for cryptococcal disease has evolved over the last few years, with particular improvements in
cryptococcal latex antigen (CrAg) testing. The sensitivity of CrAg is 97.5%, and the specificity is 85-100%. A
new point-of-care lateral flow immunoassay is currently being used with a sensitivity and specificity of 99%
2023 Chippa et al. Cureus 15(4): e37243. DOI 10.7759/cureus.37243 4 of 6
and has a rapid turnaround time of as little as 12 hours [14]. In a retrospective, observational study by Cheng
et al., the most common cryptococcal infection in liver cirrhosis is meningitis, pneumonia, fungemia, and
skin and bone infection [4]. Blood, CSF, pleural fluid, and peritoneal fluid cryptococcal antigen assays
rapidly identify cryptococcal infection in high-risk populations. Microscopic examination and cultures are
incredibly beneficial but can delay diagnosis, thus missing the opportunity for early treatment [15]. The
Infectious Disease Society of America (IDSA) recommends that all patients with pulmonary cryptococcosis
and fungemia get tested for cryptococcal meningitis regardless of the risk factors. In a retrospective study by
Bradley et al., around 40% of patients without HIV who had pulmonary cryptococcosis had disseminated
disease, including meningitis [16]. Our patient had pulmonary, meningeal, and bloodstream cryptococcal
infections. All patients should get tested for HIV.
The current standard of therapy for cryptococcal meningitis and disseminated cryptococcal infection
constitutes induction therapy with amphotericin B plus flucytosine for two weeks, followed by consolidation
with 400 mg daily for fluconazole for eight weeks and 200 mg/day for six months as maintenance therapy
(IDSA recommendation). Despite dose-limiting toxicity from amphotericin B, it is the standard treatment for
disseminated cryptococcal infection as it is fungicidal. Using lipid carriers-liposomal formulation, lipid
complex formulation, and a colloidal dispersion reduces the side effects of amphotericin B. Resistance to
amphotericin B is extremely rare. Flucytosine should be used with amphotericin B as it is highly hepatotoxic
and myelotoxic [17]. A study by Tariq et al. showed that antifungal therapy is underutilized in non-HIV
immunocompromised populations [18]. A retrospective study published in July 2022 by Liu et al. showed
amphotericin B, flucytosine combined with voriconazole rapidly improves clinical manifestation, decreases
CSF opening pressure, clears cryptococcus in CSF in the early phase, substantially shortens the
hospitalization time in non-HIV and non-transplant-associated cryptococcal meningitis [19].
Screening for cryptococcal antigen is of limited use in asymptomatic HIV-negative patients. A prospective
study by Suh et al. showed that serum cryptococcal antigen positivity is very low in non-infectious
hospitalized liver cirrhosis patients [20]. Further studies are needed to evaluate this recommendation.
However, in people with HIV/AIDS, the CrAg test can positively detect the cryptococcal antigen in serum 22
days before symptoms of meningitis develop and helps save lives [21].
Our case demonstrates the importance of considering cryptococcal infection even in well-compensated liver
cirrhosis (Child-Pugh class B) and other comorbid factors such as asplenia and prolonged antibiotics use. Our
case was challenging because the patient presented with sepsis from both cellulitis and pneumonia, which
later became a disseminated cryptococcal infection. Despite appropriate antimicrobial treatment, his
hospital course worsened rapidly and was ultimately fatal. Unfortunately, we did not perform the serum
CrAg test in our emergency room. Performing a serum CrAg test in the emergency room is helpful in either
ruling in or ruling out cryptococcus infection early. It facilitates the early initiation of appropriate antifungal
treatment in patients with risk factors.
CN is a common fungal infection in HIV and AIDS patients. Still, this dreadful infection can also affect other
immunocompromised people (liver cirrhosis, diabetes mellitus, etc.). A high index of suspicion should be
kept for cryptococcal infection in high-risk individuals as it has very non-specific symptoms such as fever,
nausea, headache, and dizziness. Serum, CSF, and peritoneal fluid CrAg testing should be done along with
blood and CSF cultures, and CrAg tests have a rapid turnaround time. Indian Ink CSF fluid analysis can also
be used but has low sensitivity. Disseminated cryptococcal infections typically have poor outcomes even
with aggressive treatment, and early identification might play a role in improving outcomes.
Additional Information
Human subjects: Consent was obtained or waived by all participants in this study. Conflicts of interest: In
compliance with the ICMJE uniform disclosure form, all authors declare the following: Payment/services
info: All authors have declared that no financial support was received from any organization for the
submitted work. Financial relationships: All authors have declared that they have no financial
relationships at present or within the previous three years with any organizations that might have an
interest in the submitted work. Other relationships: All authors have declared that there are no other
relationships or activities that could appear to have influenced the submitted work.
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... Similar to our study, some previous studies reported extra-pulmonary cryptococcoses in HIV-negative patients from different world regions. [34][35][36][37] Moreover, in 64.71% of patients, no apparent underlying diseases were reported. This is nearly similar to previous studies from China, in which 71% and 60% of cases showed no apparent risk factor. ...
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Objective Cryptococcosis is a fatal infection that can affect both immunocompetent and immunocompromised patients, and it is little understood in China’s various regions. This research aimed to look at the epidemiology, risk factors, and antifungal susceptibility pattern of Cryptococcus neoformans in eastern Guangdong, China. Methods A six-year (2016–2022) retrospective study was conducted at Meizhou People’s Hospital, China. Demographical, clinical, and laboratory data of cryptococcal patients were collected from hospital records and statistically analyzed using the chi-square and ANOVA tests. Results Overall, 170 cryptococcal infections were recorded, of which meningitis accounted for 78 (45.88%), cryptococcemia for 50 (29.41%), and pneumonia for 42 (24.7%). The number of cases increased 8-fold during the study duration. The median age of patients was 58 years (Inter quartile range: 47–66), and the high proportion of cases was from the male population (n = 121, 71.17%). The underlying diseases were identified only in 60 (35.29%) patients, of which 26 (15.29%) were severely immunocompromised, and 26 (15.29%) others were mildly immunocompromised. A statistically significant difference was reported for chronic renal failure, and anemia (p < 0.05) persisted in cases of three infection types. A high number of non-wild type (NWT) isolates were found against amphotericin B (n=13/145, 8.96%), followed by itraconazole (n=7/136, 5.15%) and voriconazole (n=4/158, 2.53%). Only six isolates (3.79%) were multidrug-resistant, four of which were from cryptococcemia patients. Compared to meningitis and pneumonia, cryptococcemia revealed a higher percentage of NWT isolates (p < 0.05). Conclusion In high-risk populations, cryptococcal infections require ongoing monitoring and management.
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Background: Our previous study explored Amphotericin B (AMB) plus 5-flucytosine (5-FC) combined with fluconazole (FLU) therapy in the induction period, which seemed to be better than the previous AMB + 5-FC antifungal therapy in non-HIV and non-transplant-associated CM. However, based on our clinical finding, the outcomes of some CM patients who received AMB plus 5-FC combined with FLU antifungal therapy were still poor. Therefore, we need to explore new antifungal methods in non-HIV and non-transplant-associated CM during the induction period. Methods: Clinical data from 148 patients admitted to the Third Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat Sen University from January 2011 to December 2020 were collected. These patients were stratified based on antifungal treatment methods in the induction period (group I with AMB + 5-FC + VOR, group II with AMB + 5-FC + FLU, group III with AMB + 5-FC). Results: The first hospitalization time of Group I (median: 25 days, IQR: 20-34.5) was significantly shorter than that of Group II (median: 43 days, IQR: 29-62) (p < 0.001) and Group III (median: 50.5 days, IQR: 43-77.5) (p < 0.001). After 2 weeks of follow-up, Group I (26/49) had more patients reaching CSF clearance (p = 0.004) than Group II (18/71) and Group III (7/28). In multivariable analysis, Group II (OR: 3.35, 95%CI 1.43-7.82, p = 0.005) and Group III (OR: 3.8, 95%CI 1.23-11.81, p = 0.021) were associated with higher risk about CSF clearance failure at 2 weeks follow-up than Group I. After 10 weeks of follow-up, the incidence of hypokalemia in Group I was significantly lower than that in Group II (p = 0.003) and Group III (p = 0.004), and the incidence of gastrointestinal discomfort in Group I was significantly lower than that in Group II (p = 0.004). Conclusion: AMB plus 5-FC combined with VOR may rapidly improve clinical manifestation, decrease CSF OP and clear the cryptococci in CSF during the early phase, substantially shorten the hospitalization time, and reduce the incidences of hypokalemia and gastrointestinal discomfort.
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To our knowledge, this is the first case report of a transudative pleural effusion with positive Cryptococcal antigen and culture. We describe a 32-year-old male with end-stage liver disease (ESLD) who presented to an outside hospital with dyspnea and a large pleural effusion. An initial pleural fluid analysis was positive for Cryptococcal Ag. However, the infection was eventually found to be widespread as he had positive Cryptococcal Ag and cultures in his pleural fluid, serum, and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). His antimicrobial regiment was escalated from fluconazole to amphotericin B and flucytosine. His medical condition deteriorated, and the patient passed away. Due to its rarity and range of clinical severity, diagnosis of disseminated Cryptococcosis can be delayed. We present this case to bring awareness of this diagnosis as a differential in immunocompromised patients regardless of a transudative pleural effusion.
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Background Cirrhosis is an end-stage liver disease and is reported as an independent risk factor for cryptococcosis. Information about cryptococcosis in cirrhotic patients remains sparse. Methods HIV-uninfected cryptococcosis cases with cirrhosis admitted to Huashan Hospital from July 2005 to June 2020 were reviewed. Efficacy and safety of antifungal treatments, clinical outcome, and prognostic factors of mortality were evaluated. Results A total of 49 cryptococcosis patients with cirrhosis were included. Sites of infection involved central nervous system (n=38), lung (n=21), bloodstream (n=11), skin (n=1), and bone (n=1). Nine patients (18.4%) had pulmonary cryptococcosis alone. Viral hepatitis B infection (57.1%) was the most common cause of cirrhosis. Patients with decompensated cirrhosis (Child-Pugh B and C) were more likely to have extrapulmonary cryptococcosis than those with compensated cirrhosis (90.7% vs. 64.7%; P = .049). In patients with cryptococcal meningitis (CM), 7 were treated with amphotericin B with/without flucytosine, 5 with amphotericin B plus fluconazole with/without flucytosine, and 12 with fluconazole with/without flucytosine. Fluconazole (>400 mg/d) was well tolerated and only 1 patient had mild adverse drug reaction. At 1-year follow-up, all patients treated with fluconazole with/without flucytosine survived while mortality rate was 14.3%-20.0% in remaining groups. In addition, Child-Pugh C cirrhosis (hazard ratio [HR], 7.555; 95% CI, 1.393-40.971) and time to diagnosis >120 days (HR, 18.619; 95% CI, 2.117-163.745) were independent factors for 1-year mortality in patients with CM. Conclusions Severity of cirrhosis was associated with developing extrapulmonary cryptococcosis and mortality in CM. Early diagnosis and intervention of cryptococcosis are key for outcome.
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Cryptococcosis is an important opportunistic infection and a leading cause of meningitis in patients with HIV infection. The antifungal pharmacological treatment is limited to amphotericin B, fluconazole and 5- flucytosine. In addition to the limited pharmacological options, the high toxicity, increased resistance rate and difficulty of the currently available antifungal molecules to cross the blood–brain barrier hamper the treatment. Thus, the search for new alternatives for the treatment of cryptococcal meningitis is extremely necessary. In this review, we describe the therapeutic strategies currently available, discuss new molecules with antifungal potential in different phases of clinical trials and in advanced pre-clinical phase, and examine drug nanocarriers to improve delivery to the central nervous system.
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Background: Spontaneous peritonitis is an infection of ascitic fluid without a known intra-abdominal source of infection. spontaneous fungal peritonitis (SFP) is a potentially fatal complication of decompensated cirrhosis, defined as fungal infection of ascitic fluid in the presence of ascitic neutrophil count of greater than 250 cells/mL. Aim: To determine the prevalence of fungal pathogens, management and outcomes (mortality) of SFP in critically ill cirrhotic patients. Methods: Studies were identified using PubMed, EMBASE, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials and Scopus databases until February 2019. Inclusion criteria included intervention trials and observation studies describing the association between SFP and cirrhosis. The primary outcome was in-hospital, 1-mo, and 6-mo mortality rates of SFP in cirrhotic patients. Secondary outcomes were fungal microorganisms identified and in hospital management by anti-fungal medications. The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute quality assessment tools were used to assess internal validity and risk of bias for each included study. Results: Six observational studies were included in this systematic review. The overall quality of included studies was good. A meta-analysis of results could not be performed because of differences in reporting of outcomes and heterogeneity of the included studies. There were 82 patients with SFP described across all the included studies. Candida species, predominantly Candida albicans was the fungal pathogen in majority of the cases (48%-81.8%) followed by Candida krusei (15%-25%) and Candida glabrata (6.66%-20%). Cryptococcus neoformans (53.3%) was the other major fungal pathogen. Antifungal therapy in SFP patients was utilized in 33.3% to 81.8% cases. The prevalence of in hospital mortality ranged from 33.3% to 100%, whereas 1-mo mortality ranged between 50% to 73.3%. Conclusion: This systematic review suggests that SFP in end stage liver disease patient is associated with high mortality both in the hospital and at 1-mo, and that antifungal therapy is currently underutilized.
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Among fungal pathogens, Cryptococcus neoformans has gained great importance among the scientific community of several reasons. This fungus is the causative agent of cryptococcosis, a disease mainly associated to HIV immunosuppression and characterized by the appearance of meningoencephalitis. Cryptococcal meningitis is responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths every year. Research of the pathogenesis and virulence mechanisms of this pathogen has focused on three main different areas: Adaptation to the host environment (nutrients, pH, and free radicals), mechanism of immune evasion (which include phenotypic variations and the ability to behave as a facultative intracellular pathogen), and production of virulence factors. Cryptococcus neoformans has two phenotypic characteristics, the capsule and synthesis of melanin that have a profound effect in the virulence of the yeast because they both have protective effects and induce host damage as virulence factors. Finally, the mechanisms that result in dissemination and brain invasion are also of key importance to understand cryptococcal disease. In this review, I will provide a brief overview of the main mechanisms that makes C. neoformans a pathogen in susceptible patients. Abbreviations: RNS: reactive nitrogen species; BBB: brain blood barrier; GXM: glucuronoxylomannan; GXMGal: glucuronoxylomannogalactan
The term cirrhosis-associated immune dysfunction (CAID) comprises the distinctive spectrum of immune alterations associated with the course of end-stage liver disease. Systemic inflammation and immune deficiency are the key components of CAID. Their severity is highly dynamic and progressive, paralleling cirrhosis stage. CAID involves two different immune phenotypes: the low-grade systemic inflammatory phenotype and the high-grade systemic inflammatory phenotype. The low-grade systemic inflammatory phenotype can be found in patients with compensated disease or clinical decompensation with no organ failure. In this phenotype, there is an exaggerated immune activation but the effector response is not markedly compromised. The high-grade systemic inflammatory phenotype is present in patients with acute-on-chronic liver failure, a clinical situation characterized by decompensation, organ failure and high short-term mortality. Along with high-grade inflammation, this CAID phenotype includes intense immune paralysis that critically increases the risk of infections and worsens prognosis. The intensity of CAID has important consequences on cirrhosis progression and correlates with the severity of liver insufficiency, bacterial translocation and organ failure. Therapies targeting the modulation of the dysfunctional immune response are currently being evaluated in preclinical and clinical studies.
Background Liver cirrhosis is associated with immune deficiency, which causes these patients to be susceptible to various infections, including cryptococcus infection. Mortality in cirrhotic patients with cryptococcosis has increased. The present study was to explore the risk factors of mortality and the predictive ability of different prognostic models. Methods Forty-seven cirrhotic patients with cryptococcosis at a tertiary care hospital were included in this retrospective study. Data on demographics, clinical parameters, laboratory exams, diagnostic methods, medication during hospitalization, severity scores and prognosis were collected and analyzed. Student's t test and Mann-Whitney test were used to compare characteristics of survivors and non-survivors at a 90-day follow-up and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) manifestations of cryptococcal meningitis. Multivariate Cox regression analysis was used to identify the independent risk factors for mortality. Kaplan-Meier curves were used to analyze patient survival. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves were used to evaluate the different prognostic factors. Results The 30- and 90-day survival rates were 93.6% and 80.9%, respectively, in cirrhotic patients with cryptococcosis. Cryptogenic liver diseases [hazard ratio (HR) = 7.567, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.616-35.428, P = 0.010], activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) (HR = 1.117, 95% CI: 1.016-1.229, P = 0.022) and Child-Pugh score (HR = 2.146, 95% CI: 1.314-3.504, P = 0.002) were risk factors for 90-day mortality in cirrhotic patients with cryptococcosis. Platelet count (HR = 0.965, 95% CI: 0.94-0.991, P = 0.008) was a protective factor. APTT (HR = 1.12, 95% CI: 1.044-1.202, P = 0.002) and Child-Pugh score (HR = 1.637, 95% CI: 1.086-2.469, P = 0.019) were risk factors for 90-day mortality in cirrhotic patients with cryptococcal meningitis. There was significant difference in the percentage of lymphocytes in CSF between survivors and non-survivors [60.0 (35.0-75.0) vs. 95.0 (83.8-97.2), P < 0.001]. The model of end-stage liver disease-sodium (MELD-Na) score was more accurate for predicting 30-day mortality both in patients with cryptococcosis [area under curve (AUC): 0.826, 95% CI: 0.618-1.000] and those with cryptococcal meningitis (AUC: 0.742, 95% CI: 0.560-0.924); Child-Pugh score was more useful for predicting 90-day mortality in patients with cryptococcosis (AUC: 0.823, 95% CI: 0.646-1.000) and those with cryptococcal meningitis (AUC: 0.815, 95% CI: 0.670-0.960). Conclusions These results showed that cryptogenic liver diseases, APTT and Child-Pugh score were associated with mortality in cirrhotic patients with cryptococcosis and cryptococcal meningitis. MELD-Na score was important for predicting 30-day mortality, and Child-Pugh score was critical for predicting 90-day mortality.
Disseminated Cryptococcus neoformans infection rarely causes peritonitis in non–HIV-infected patients but does affect cirrhotic patients. Diagnostic challenges delay treatment, and mortality is high. We performed a literature search of proven cryptococcal peritonitis cases in HIV-negative adults with underlying cirrhosis, included our own case, and collected demographic, infection risk factor, diagnostic, treatment, and outcomes data. We identified 16 articles and 21 cases. Most patients were men. Alcohol abuse was the leading cause of underlying cirrhosis (n = 10, 48%). Eight (38%) patients experienced an upper gastrointestinal bleed (UGIB) within a month before peritonitis presentation. Peritoneal fluid analysis was abnormal and lymphocytic predominant. Half the patients were fungemic. When performed, peritoneal fluid cryptococcal antigen (CrAg) test results were positive. Amphotericin B was the primary treatment. Mortality was high at 76%. In conclusion, C. neoformans is an opportunistic pathogen that causes peritonitis in non-HIV, cirrhotic patients. People with recent UGIB seem to be at risk. Cryptococcus species infection should be suspected in patients with clinical signs and symptoms of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis whose lymphocytic-predominant peritoneal fluid and cultures are negative for bacterial growth. Peritoneal CrAg testing expedites diagnosis because growth on fungal media is slow. Mortality remains high, despite standard therapy with amphotericin B.
The benefits of screening for cryptococcal antigenemia and of preemptive antifungal treatment in HIV-infected patients have been proven. Liver cirrhosis is an important risk factor for cryptococcal infections. Cryptococcal infections are rapidly fatal in patients with liver cirrhosis, especially when diagnosis is delayed. However, screening for cryptococcal antigenemia has not been investigated in these patients. The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of cryptococcal antigenemia in hospitalized patients with liver cirrhosis. This prospective study was conducted at Seoul National University Hospital from July 2017 to January 2018. We included patients with liver cirrhosis who were admitted regardless of symptoms or signs suggesting cryptococcal infections. The severity of cirrhosis was evaluated from Child-Pugh and model for end-stage liver disease (MELD) scores. Serum cryptococcal antigenemia was determined using a latex agglutination test. A total of 294 patients were included in the analysis, comprising 104 (35.4%), 100 (34.0%), and 90 (30.6%) patients in Child-Pugh classes A, B, and C, respectively. There were 21 cases of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, and 14 of hepatic encephalopathy, but none of cryptococcal peritonitis or meningitis. In addition, none of the patient specimens tested positive in the serum cryptococcal latex agglutination test (one-sided 97.5% confidence interval, 0% ∼ 1.2%). Liver cirrhosis is a major risk factor for cryptococcal infections, but the prevalence of serum cryptococcal antigen positivity in patients with liver cirrhosis is very low. Therefore, screening for cryptococcal antigenemia and preemptive antifungal treatment in cirrhotic patients might not be beneficial.