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International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT)
ISSN: 2249-8958 (Online), Volume-9 Issue-2, December, 2019
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication
Retrieval Number: F8703088619/2019©BEIESP
DOI: 10.35940/ijeat.F8703.129219
Journal Website:
P. Venkatapathi, Habibulla Khan, S. SrinivasaRao
Abstract: Cognitive radio (CR) is a new technology that is
proposed to improve spectrum efficiency by allowing unlicensed
secondary users to access the licensed frequency bands without
interfering with the licensed primary users. As there are several
methods available for spectrum sensing, the energy detection (ED)
is more popular due to its simple implementation. However, ED is
more vulnerable to the noise uncertainty so for that reason, we
present a robust detector using signal to noise ratio (SNR) with
dynamic threshold energy detection technique is combined with
the kernel principal component analysis (KPCA) in Cognitive
Radio Networks (CRN). The primary purpose of kernel function is
to ensure that its dependency relies on inner-product of data
without the feature space data requirement. In this paper, with the
aid of kernel function the spectrum sensing with the leading
eigenvector approach is modified to a feature space of higher
dimensionality. By introducing of efficient detection system with
dynamic threshold facility helps the better detection levels even
low SNR values with quite a lot of noise uncertainty levels. The
simulation results of the proposed system reveal that KPCA
outperforms with that of traditional PCA in terms of false alarm
rate, detector performance when tested under various
uncertainties for orthogonal frequency division multiplexing
Index Terms: Cognitive Radio; Energy Detection; kernel
Principal Component Analysis; Spectrum sensing; Principal
Component Analysis
With the advances of information and communication
technologies and the development of the world economy,
there has been an explosive demand for wireless
communication services. Specifically, wireless internet
access through smart-phones, tablets, and laptops has become
the primary means of personal communication. The wireless
communication applications go beyond the personal
communication services to perform sensing, monitoring
system, patient monitoring, and vehicle network and so on.
Revised Manuscript Received on December 30, 2019.
* Correspondence Author
P. Venkatapathi*, Research Scholar, Department of ECE, KLEF,
Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Dr. Habibulla Khan, Professor, Department of ECE, KLEF, Andhra
Pradesh, India.
Dr. S. Srinivasa Rao, Professor & HOD, Department of ECE, MRCET,
Hyderabad, Telangana, India.
© The Authors. Published by Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and
Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open access article under the CC
BY-NC-ND license (
This proliferation of broad contact through the association
of the network has become an integral part of various types of
wireless communication devices, which already enable users
to communicate with different services from remote
operating areas of the available (and useful) radio spectrum.
The need for wireless services in the communications
industry has led engineers and professionals to focus a great
deal on the rapid development of reliable wireless
communications technologies. According to the views of [2],
the spectrum distribution utilization variation is more useful
to give the chance to users based on this regulatory
committee. Referring to the Fig.1, most of the portion of
bands are underutilized in certain cases and over-utilized in
other cases. So, to fix this problem of scarcity in the
allocation of frequency bands to the secondary users (SUs)
which are not preoccupied with the primary users (PUs)
without any interference. To alleviate the above issue of
detection of channel occupancy, several authors worked on
this theory as well implemented experimental testbeds, some
of them are: In [3], the authors proposed a low complexity
Energy detection (ED) scheme to detect the PU occupancy
with low cost. Although the ED is a simpler mechanism fails
to address the detection at lower signal-to-noise-ratios
(SNR). In [4], the authors proposed a new framework for
detecting the spectrum availability data and adopted
intelligent-decision making method for sensing spectrum.
Fig.1. Signal strength distribution over the wireless
spectrum [3]
Later in [5], the authors contributed to modify the multi-band
spectrum sensing scheme with the aid of search heuristics to
some extent. In [6], the authors investigated the problem of
maximization that can solve the spectrum sensing duration
over the complete period of the sensing cycle.
Performance Analysis of Spectrum Sensing in
Cognitive Radio under Low SNR and Noise
Performance Analysis of Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio under Low SNR and Noise Floor
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication
Retrieval Number: F8703088619/2019©BEIESP
DOI: 10.35940/ijeat.F8703.129219
Journal Website:
Also the work recommended the scheme for unknown
constant signals for CR network, the cooperative sensing
scheme, compared the various hard and soft energy-efficient
schemes. Another important work on the cyclostationary
feature detection approach was investigated by the authors in
[7]. In this paper, PCA, KPCA is of particular relevance to
efficient spectrum sensing and is examined along with the
combination of the ED mechanism.
The main contributions and organization of this paper are
summarized as follows: In section 2 we describe background
details of different cognitive radio networks. The section 3
system model. The section 4 discusses about proposed
system. The section 5 deliberates results and discussions.
Finally, in section 6 we concluded the paper.
Cognitive radio technology allow the primary and secondary
users to share the same spectrum by either Overlay technique,
i.e., when white space is sensed, SU starts its transmission in
that white space, or Underlay technique, i.e., SU share the
spectrum by transmitting at the same time as the PU but at
low power so as not to interfere with the PU. Cognitive radios
have the following general model known as cognitive cycle
shown in Fig.2 wherein it has the ability to sense spectrum
with smart technology.
Fig.2. Cognitive Cycle
The primary understanding of the cognitive radio cycle is
necessary because of its abrupt channel variations under
noise uncertainties [11-13], as illustrated in figure.2 clearly,
so one can address the decision of suitable algorithm for
decision mechanism in the CR network.
Let us consider the detection problem in this study can be
characterized as a binary postulate as
H Y n W n=
H Y n W n hS n=+
τ > λ primary user present,
τ < λ primary user absent (3)
where S treated as primary user signal, Y be the secondary
user signal, W treated to AWGN and h is the channel gain.
The decision threshold representation (λ) is useful largely
because it allows the test statistic (τ) as
Fig. 3. Energy detector block diagram [9]
Referring to the Fig. 3 the simple Energy detector mechanism
with two hypothesis can be put in mathematical form as [10].
( )
( ( ))
n Y n
Where Y(n) treated to be received signal, N is the sample size,
𝜏(𝑛) considered as test statistic of energy.
According to the key concept of central limit theorem, the test
data can be put in the form as
( )
~ , 2
H T Normal N N
T> γ signal is present
T< γ signal is absent
Then Pd and Pf can be calculated as:
( )
( )
12 2 2
2 ( )
p p T H Q
= =
( )
p p T H Q
fa Nw
= = 
( )
2 exp 2
Qx ydy
We get the detection probability Pd by suitably substituting
the threshold value in the eq. (7). Another parameter
minimum observation window Nmin can be obtained by
( )
( ) ( )
1 1 1 1 2
2[( ] N Q P Q P SNR Q P
min fa d d
It was clearly shown from eq. (9), if the SNR value is
minimum, then the signal will not be detected. Although the
fixed threshold schemes are widely used in spectrum sensing
for CR networks, they are inflexible with inaccurate decision
making and their fluctuating environment.
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT)
ISSN: 2249-8958 (Online), Volume-9 Issue-2, December, 2019
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication
Retrieval Number: F8703088619/2019©BEIESP
DOI: 10.35940/ijeat.F8703.129219
Journal Website:
So, it results in higher miss detection and false alarm rates
shows that its inefficiency to use for sensing spectrum. So,
therefore, there is a requirement of focusing on mitigation
sensing failure problem [8] by introducing a combined
spectrum sensing method concentrated on the estimated SNR
with an adaptive threshold in the combination of kernel PCA.
Probability of false alarm (
): When the signal is from the
primary user, it is defined as the process of probability
declaration of existence of PU signal during the period of
spectrum vacancy(free) by the SUstated as,
( )
10 P P H H
fa =
The lower the 𝑃𝑓𝑎, the additional the spectrum access the
SUs will acquire.
Probability of misdetection (
): It is defined as the process
of probability declaration of non-existence of PU signal
during the period of spectrum occupancy by the SU. It is
defined as [15],
( )
md =
Probability of detection (
): Another widely metrics is the
probability of detection (PD) [14],
d fa
( )
Where 𝐻0 and 𝐻1 supposed to be the nonexistence and the
existence of the PU signal. If there is 𝑃𝑑 value to be high that
indicates, the better the PU security is. For finding out the
efficiency of the particular spectrum sensing methods, the
three evaluation parameters are considered as
1P P P
d fa md
+ + =
There have been confused region between the primary signal
and noise variance. To detect the probability of false and miss
detection parameters of the detector with the respect to
various noise levels for spectrum sensing process as depicted
in Fig.4.
Fig.4. Energy Distribution Curve of PU Signal and
The primary requirement for our model is Energy Detector
(ED) with dynamic threshold, instead of fixed threshold with
the kernel principal component analysis approach that it
helps keep the probability detection higher for different SNR.
Generally, PCA is used to reduce the dimensionality of data
which will make spectrum sensing easier.
The received vector for d-dimensional is augmented as
.( ( ), ( .1), ,( ( 1)). T
Y y n y n y n d= + +
H y w=
H y x w=+
The training set contains
( ) ( ) ( )
( , 1 , , ( 1 )
X x n x n x n d= +  +
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( 1 , ( 1 1, , ( 1 1)T
X x n M i x n M i x n M i d
M= + +  + +
Where M denote the number of vectors in the training set and
i is the sampling interval. T represents transpose.
A. Proposed Kernel PCA with leading eigenvector
The key concept of this technique is that it uses eigenvector
as template for spectrum sensing without need of
principal components of feature space. As mentioned earlier
the incorporation of kernel function in the feature space,
works better as compared to the normal PCA which takes
much lesser computations. Let the training set of KPCA is
φ(x1), φ(x2),…., φ(xM) has zero mean, so can be written as
1( ) 0
In the similar way, the sample covariance matrix of φ(xi) is
Hence the leading vector
of Rφ(x) corresponding to the
largest eigenvalue
( )
1( ) ( )
R x x
( )
1 1 1
f f f
R v v
1( ) ( )
1 1 1
Mf f f
x x v v
1( ), ( )
1 1 1
Mf f f
x v x v
= =
According to eq. (18)
is the linear combination of the
feature space data φ(x1), φ(x2),…., φ(xM),
Substituting (19) into (18)
1( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
1 1 1
x x x x
i i i j j j
Mi i j
= = =
Performance Analysis of Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio under Low SNR and Noise Floor
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication
Retrieval Number: F8703088619/2019©BEIESP
DOI: 10.35940/ijeat.F8703.129219
Journal Website:
And left multiplying
, t= 1.2M to the both sides of
eq. (20), results in
1( ), ( ) ( ), ( )
x x x x
i i j i j
( ), ( )
j i j
By bring together the kernel matrix in to the feature space
( )
,)K k x x
i j ij
eq. (21), can be rewritten as
1 1 1 1 1 1
= = =
It can be realized that β is the leading eigenvector of the
kernel matrix K. The normalization of can be derived by
1 ,
( ), ( )
i i i i
( ), ( )
i j i j
1 1 1
1 1 1
in which μ1 is the eigenvalue corresponding to the
eigenvector β11 of K. In the method [15], the primary
principal component of a random point φ(x) in the feature
space can be take out by
( ) ( )
, , ( )
x v x x
( )
k x x
Without knowing
So in this paper, we used the efficient detection scheme
explicitly with unknown
simply relies on the leading
eigenvector with applied covariance matrix for different
feature space. The proposed algorithm can be explained with
the help of flow diagram as illustrated in Fig. 5, shows that
how it can detect the presence of primary user.
Fig. 5.Proposed kernel PCA flow diagram for spectrum
The simulation was done on MATLAB version R2013a
through which the capability of Kernel PCA based energy
detector is evaluated. Besides, the proposed system is tested
by considering the parameters under various noise
uncertainties for the BPSK modulation technique is used and
input is the OFDM signal. Also, we express the problem of
signal detection in the presence of additive noise and
elucidate the spectrum detection scheme which includes
Kernel PCA with the leading eigenvector-based energy
detector. The first section of the OFDM signal with samples
with length L= 500 is taken as the samples of the primary
user's signal x(n) have taken the probability of false alarm
rate supposed are (0, 1), and sample points of count N=500.
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT)
ISSN: 2249-8958 (Online), Volume-9 Issue-2, December, 2019
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication
Retrieval Number: F8703088619/2019©BEIESP
DOI: 10.35940/ijeat.F8703.129219
Journal Website:
Fig.6. ROC curves for different SNR values at N=500
Fig. 6 clearly shows the ROC curves of PCA+ED at three
different values -20dB, -15dB, -10dB to show the
performance of probability of false alarm on X-axis and
probability of detection on Y-axis. It is obvious that detection
performance of the PCA based energy detector improved by
increasing SNR value.
Fig.7. ROC curves for different N values at SNR = -15dB
Fig.7 clearly shows the ROC curves of PCA+ED at sample
points taken are N=500, 1000, 1500 at fixed SNR= -15dB to
show the performance of probability of false alarm on X-axis
and probability of detection on Y-axis. In addition, to test, the
detection performance of PCA based energy detector is
possible by taking the observations for different values of
false alarm values range of 0 to 1 at regular intervals to find
out the probability of detection. It is obvious that the
detection performance of the KPCA based energy detector
enhanced for growth of N (sample points) values irrespective
of low SNR values.
Fig. 8. ROC curves of Kernel PCA with different noise
uncertainty at N=1500
Fig.9. ROC curves of PCA+ED with different noise
uncertainty at N=1000
Fig. 10. ROC curves of traditional PCA+ED under
various noise uncertainty at N=500
Performance Analysis of Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio under Low SNR and Noise Floor
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication
Retrieval Number: F8703088619/2019©BEIESP
DOI: 10.35940/ijeat.F8703.129219
Journal Website:
It is observed from Fig.8-10, there is a poor performance of
the detector when traditional PCA is applied for increasing
levels of noise uncertainties. Also due to the fixed threshold,
there is a drastic change in the functionality of the energy
Fig.11. ROC curves of Kernel PCA+ED with different
noise uncertainty at N=1500
Fig .11 shows the performance of our proposed Kernel PCA
based energy detection scheme, in which the Pfa on X-axis
and Pd on Y-axis. So, therefore, introducing the dynamic
threshold in place of fixed threshold for KPCA, brings about
improved performance in terms of probability of detection,
false alarm rates for various noise uncertainties.
The expansion of the cognitive radio network brought about
remarkable changes in the industry, wireless gadgets, and
other engineering applications. In this paper, to obtain the
detector performance with the eigenvector ensure that an
efficient model is implemented for kernel PCA. The concept
associated with the inner-product between leading
eigenvectors is taken as the similarity measure for the kernel
PCA approach. The proposed algorithm makes the detection
in an arbitrary dimensional feature space possible. In the
initial stage, it is shown that to improve the performance of
energy detector even at lower SNR values, the PCA scheme
is applied and substantial increment in SNR values and rise in
the data samples. Secondly, the performance of the proposed
algorithm is evaluated under ROC curves for noise
uncertainty, dynamic threshold, and both effects together.
Finally, the dynamic threshold energy detection technique is
combined with the kernel principal component analysis
(KPCA) which given rising to improved performance as
related to that of the fixed threshold mechanism.
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Venkatapathi Pallam, received M. Tech Degree
from JNTU Hyderabad, Telangana, India in
2009.He is currently working toward the Ph.D.
degree in electronics and communication
engineering, KL University, Vijayawada, AP,
India. Also
working as an Assistant Professor at Malla Reddy
College of Engineering, Secunderabad, Telangana,
India. He has 14 years of experience inthe field of
teaching. His area of research Interest includes Wirelesscommunication &
signal processing.
Dr. Habibulla Khan, received Ph. D degree from
Andhra University in the year of 2007. Presently
working as Professor and dean students affaire
inthe KL University. He published various nationa
land international journals & conferences. He is a
member of professional bodies like IEEE, ISTE
and IETE. His area of research Interest includes
wireless communications & signal processing. He
published more number of papers in various
national and international journals & conferences. His area of research
Interest includes wireless communications, signal processing and antennas.
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT)
ISSN: 2249-8958 (Online), Volume-9 Issue-2, December, 2019
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication
Retrieval Number: F8703088619/2019©BEIESP
DOI: 10.35940/ijeat.F8703.129219
Journal Website:
Dr. S. Srinivasa Rao, received the B.Tech degree
from Madras Institute of Technology, Anna
University, and the M. Tech and Ph.D fromJNTU
Hyderabad, Telangana, India. Presently working
as Professor and Head of the Department at Malla
Reddy College of Engineering and Technology,
Secunderabad. He has 26 years of
experience in the field of teaching. He is a
member of professional bodies like IEEE, ISTE
and IETE and also reviewer for springer’s
international journal on wireless personal communication. He
published more number of papers in various national and international
journals & conferences. His area of research Interest includes wireless
communications & signal processing.
ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
Full-text available
The increasing scarcity in the available spectrum for wireless communication is one of the current bottlenecks impairing further deployment of services and coverage. The proper exploitation of white spaces in the radio spectrum requires fast, robust, and accurate methods for their detection. This paper proposes a new strategy to detect adaptively white spaces in the radio spectrum. Such strategy works in cognitive radio (CR) networks whose nodes perform spectrum sensing based on energy detection in a cooperative way or not. The main novelty of the proposal is the use of a cost-function that depends upon a single parameter which, by itself, contains the aggregate information about the presence or absence of primary users. The detection of white spaces based on this parameter is able to improve significantly the deflection coefficient associated with the detector, as compared to other state-of-the-art algorithms. In fact, simulation results show that the proposed algorithm outperforms by far other competing algorithms. For example, our proposal can yield a probability of missdetection 20 times smaller than that of an optimal soft-combiner solution in a cooperative setup with a predefined probability of false alarm of 0.1.
Full-text available
Spectrum sensing has been identified as a key enabling functionality to ensure that cognitive radios would not interfere with primary users by reliably detecting the primary user channels when they are not being used by the primary systems. In a cognitive radio system, signal detection mechanism is required for spectrum sensing in order to identify occupied and vacant TV channels and hence to detect the availability of the vacant spectra. In this paper the prototype for detection of the spectrum holes is discussed using energy detection mechanism. System parameters are analyzed and their relationship to each other and to the overall signal processing has been explored.
This paper focuses on improving the detection performance of spectrum sensing in cognitive radio (CR) networks under complicated electromagnetic environment. Some existing fast spectrum sensing algorithms cannot get specific features of the licensed users' (LUs') signal, thus they cannot be applied in this situation without knowing the power of noise. On the other hand some algorithms that yield specific features are too complicated. In this paper, an algorithm based on the cyclostationary feature detection and theory of Hilbert transformation is proposed. Comparing with the conventional cyclostationary feature detection algorithm, this approach is more flexible i.e. it can flexibly change the computational complexity according to current electromagnetic environment by changing its sampling times and the step size of cyclic frequency. Results of simulation indicate that this approach can flexibly detect the feature of received signal and provide satisfactory detection performance compared to existing approaches in low Signal-to-noise Ratio (SNR) situations.
Cognitive radio (CR) can bring about remarkable improvement in spectrum utilization. Different cognition cycles have been proposed in recent years. However, most of the existing works only emphasize functional or operational aspects of cognition cycle, regardless of other indispensable aspects and the connection between them. To deal with the emerging situation of "data rich, information vague, knowledge poor" in cognitive radio networks (CRNs), we propose the hierarchical cognition cycle (HCC) as a new transdisciplinary research field in this paper. HCC investigates a fundamental problem, which is how to manage available resources in the complex environment to meet various demands in CRN. A comprehensive theoretical framework of HCC is established in terms of the core, the essence loop, the function loop, the operation loop, and the external loop of HCC. The reduction of uncertainty in CRN is studied and several new metrics in HCC are defined. Furthermore, a few research challenges ahead are presented as well.
Conference Paper
In this paper, we study primary user emulation attacks (PUEA) issue in a cognitive radio network. Most literatures about the PUEA discuss methods to deal with the attacks in a system model where the positions of the primary user and secondary users are fixed. Hence, we focus on the PUEA problem in a system model where the secondary users are motional. Based on the network model with motional secondary users, we discuss how the attacker emulates the primary user. Then, a hybrid PUEA defense strategy based on a combination of energy detection and variance detection is proposed. The performance of the hybrid PUEA defense strategy is analyzed on the premise that the system has particular performance requirements. Simulation results show that our proposed hybrid PUEA defense strategy always performs well. This is the first analytical treatment to study PUEA problem in the scenario with motional secondary users.
Conference Paper
This extended abstract outlines a novel optimization approach for multi-band linear collaborative spectrum (LCS) sensing based on harmony search heuristics. Besides, the description of a centralized system architecture is also included in this manuscript, which is capable of processing the captured spectrum measurements from several nodes in a LCS fashion and storing the decisions made on the spectrum occupancy. In particular, the value of the coefficients participating in the LSC sensing technique are optimized based on a maximum throughput criteria. The performance rendered by the heuristics utilized in this work are assessed and compared, through extensive simulations, to those of a state-of-the-art layout instead resorting to a genetically-inspired solver for the aforementioned optimization. This work is currently under development under the funded FP7 project CREW (Cognitive Radio Experimentation World).
In this letter, we consider hierarchical cooperative spectrum sensing based on two-threshold energy detection in cognitive radio networks. In order to solve the sensing failure problem in conventional two-threshold energy detection, soft combination of the observed energy value from different cognitive radio users is investigated. Encouraged by the performance gain of soft combination of energy falling between the two thresholds, we further propose a new softened hard combination scheme to reduce the communication overhead. Results show that the proposed method achieves a good tradeoff between sensing performance and communication overhead.
In cognitive radio networks, secondary users can opportunistically utilize the unused spectrum holes that are originally licensed to primary users. Therefore, spectrum sensing for seeking unutilized spectrum is a key element to establish cognitive radio network successfully, and cooperative spectrum sensing is a promising way to obtain more trustable sensing results. This paper considers the scenario in which secondary users monitor multiple channels employing cooperative spectrum sensing. Based on the concept of group-based management for spectrum sensing, we propose sensing allocation algorithm in which SUs are allowed to sense the channel which they can monitor reliably. The simulation results show that detection performance is improved in comparison with the conventional scheme.
Spectrum sensing is the key enabling technology for cognitive radio networks. The main objective of spectrum sensing is to provide more spectrum access opportunities to cognitive radio users without interfering with the operations of the licensed network. Hence, recent research has been focused on the interference avoidance problem. Moreover, current radio frequency (RF) front-ends cannot perform sensing and transmission at the same time, which inevitably decreases their transmission opportunities, leading to the so-called sensing efficiency problem. In this paper, in order to solve both the interference avoidance and the spectrum efficiency problem, an optimal spectrum sensing framework is developed. More specifically, first a theoretical framework is developed to optimize the sensing parameters in such a way as to maximize the sensing efficiency subject to interference avoidance constraints. Second, in order to exploit multiple spectrum bands, spectrum selection and scheduling methods are proposed where the best spectrum bands for sensing are selected to maximize the sensing capacity. Finally, an adaptive and cooperative spectrum sensing method is proposed where the sensing parameters are optimized adaptively to the number of cooperating users. Simulation results show that the proposed sensing framework can achieve maximum sensing efficiency and opportunities in multi-user/multi-spectrum environments, satisfying interference constraints.