Venelin Terziev

Venelin Terziev
Rakovski National Defence College - Sofia

Full Member of the Russian Academy of Natural History, Prof. Ph.D., D.Sc. (National Security), D.Sc. (Ec.), D.Sc (Social Work)


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Additional affiliations
July 2020 - present
Georgi Rakovski Military Academy, Sofia, Bulgaria
  • Professor (Full)
October 2018 - present
Russian Academy of Natural History
  • Full Member of the Russian Academy of Natural History
January 2018 - present
Burgas Free University
  • D.Sc (Social Work)
March 2012 - June 2014
Free Varna University
Field of study
September 1996 - October 1997
Academy of Economics
Field of study
September 1992 - June 1997


Publications (2,684)
Conference Paper
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Since the mid-1980s, a new phase of tourism has emerged that emphasises the cultural component as part of the tourist experience. This focus has led to realigning the nature of tourism and its impacts. Literature, as part of the culture of different regions, is the bearer of the opportunity for tourism to become a sustainable factor for both attrac...
Conference Paper
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The definition of social efficiency and social technology is the basis of evaluation methods and models, taking into account the wide range of objective and subjective factors. The methods for evaluating the effectiveness of social programs (projects) are related to the orientation of the social system towards social protection and social services...
Conference Paper
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In this publication, we set ourselves the objectively complex task of analyzing the possibilities of strategic decision-making in times of crisis, attempting to make a partial analysis of the ongoing crisis caused by the dynamically changing environment. Crisis circumstances require societies to quickly rethink and develop adequate strategies and a...
Conference Paper
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Since the mid-1980s, a new phase of tourism has emerged that emphasises the cultural component as part of the tourist experience. This focus has led to realigning the nature of tourism and its impacts. Literature, as part of the culture of different regions, is the bearer of the opportunity for tourism to become a sustainable factor for both attrac...
Conference Paper
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In its multiple meaning, the word “programme“ is widely penetrating in the field of social life and is also understood as list, index, notes (of theatre, concert performances, performed roles and their performers, in radio and television broadcasts, of authors of reports, scientific conferences and symposia), etc. Namely the potential range of appl...
Conference Paper
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The definition of social efficiency and social technology is the basis of evaluation methods and models, taking into account the wide range of objective and subjective factors. The methods for evaluating the effectiveness of social programs (projects) are related to the orientation of the social system towards social protection and social services...
Conference Paper
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In this publication, we set ourselves the objectively complex task of analyzing the possibilities of strategic decision-making in times of crisis, attempting to make a partial analysis of the ongoing crisis caused by the dynamically changing environment. Crisis circumstances require societies to quickly rethink and develop adequate strategies and a...
Conference Paper
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In its multiple meaning, the word “programme“ is widely penetrating in the field of social life and is also understood as list, index, notes (of theatre, concert performances, performed roles and their performers, in radio and television broadcasts, of authors of reports, scientific conferences and symposia), etc. Namely the potential range of appl...
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Conference Paper
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In this publication we set an objectively complicated task to analyse the opportunities of strategic decision-making during crisis by attempting to make a partial analysis of the ongoing crisis caused by the COVID 19 pandemic and the emerged military conflict between the Russian Federation and Ukraine. Crisis circumstances require societies to quic...
Conference Paper
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In this publication we set an objectively complicated task to analyse the opportunities of strategic decision-making during crisis by attempting to make a partial analysis of the ongoing crisis caused by the COVID 19 pandemic and the emerged military conflict between the Russian Federation and Ukraine. Crisis circumstances require societies to quic...
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Обсуждение различных проявлений детского поведения является хорошей основой для анализа и исследования. Это создает условия для развития исследований в этом направлении, которые позволят определить эти процессы как существенные и определяющие для конкретного поколения. Все это происходит с определенными обстоятельствами и предположениями, но в коне...
Conference Paper
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Разглеждането и анализирането на творчески клъстери можем да направим чрез призмата на социалната организация. Това в най-кратко определение можем да свържем с група от хора, които споделят общи ценности, мнения, интереси и проблеми, които се стремят да решат чрез осъществяване на съответните стратегически решения. Всички тези дейности са в съответ...
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Неделният ден се прибира фриволно разпилян в своите мисли. Дори не се опитва да придаде притеснение за времето, което е отредено за безметежно спокойствие. Студенината на вечерта ме притиска силно, дори без никаква необходимост, към близкия източник на топлина. Някак неестествено е да го търся да приютява вече топлите ми ръце.
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Дългогодишният директор на училището в Брегово – Илияна Кръстева, представи първата си стихосбирка „На рамо със залеза“ в Културен център „Жул Паскин“ във Видин.
Conference Paper
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The article is an overview of the monographs “Higher education system and labour market policies in Bulgaria in COVID-19 Crisis and post-crisis periods” and “COVID-19 Pandemics and its impact on Bulgarian universities in the context of the new challenges to the social system and labour market policies” by Venelin Terziev. The monographs address the...
Conference Paper
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The article is an overview of the monographs “Higher education system and labour market policies in Bulgaria in COVID-19 Crisis and post-crisis periods” and “COVID-19 Pandemics and its impact on Bulgarian universities in the context of the new challenges to the social system and labour market policies” by Venelin Terziev. The monographs address the...
Conference Paper
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The article is an overview of the monograph “Balanced Scorecard as a management improvement tool” by Marin Georgiev. The aim of this study is to gather sufficient evidence and arguments in order to prove to society that during the process of change in thinking and especially of effective practical implementation of management models such as the bal...
Conference Paper
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The current development tries to find good examples of realized socio-cultural identity in the conditions of the emerging rules of the global world. He tries to outline one such example in a Bulgarian school and points out the practical implementation of “cultural corridors”, which are brought into real visual implementation. The possible connectio...
Conference Paper
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The article is an overview of the monograph “Balanced Scorecard as a management improvement tool” by Marin Georgiev. The aim of this study is to gather sufficient evidence and arguments in order to prove to society that during the process of change in thinking and especially of effective practical implementation of management models such as the bal...
Conference Paper
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The current development tries to find good examples of realized socio-cultural identity in the conditions of the emerging rules of the global world. He tries to outline one such example in a Bulgarian school and points out the practical implementation of “cultural corridors”, which are brought into real visual implementation. The possible connectio...
Conference Paper
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In this publication we set an objectively complicated task to analyse the opportunities of strategic decision-making during crisis by attempting to make a partial analysis of the ongoing crisis caused by the COVID 19 pandemic and the emerged military conflict between the Russian Federation and Ukraine. Crisis circumstances require societies to quic...
Conference Paper
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In this publication we set an objectively complicated task to analyse the opportunities of strategic decision-making during crisis by attempting to make a partial analysis of the ongoing crisis caused by the COVID 19 pandemic and the emerged military conflict between the Russian Federation and Ukraine. Crisis circumstances require societies to quic...
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Conference Paper
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This creates the conditions for the development of research in this direction, which will define and define these processes as essential and defining for a particular generation. All of this occurs with certain contingencies and assumptions but ultimately defines them as such. The cyclical nature of the processes taking place over a certain interva...
Conference Paper
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This creates the conditions for the development of research in this direction, which will define and define these processes as essential and defining for a particular generation. All of this occurs with certain contingencies and assumptions but ultimately defines them as such. The cyclical nature of the processes taking place over a certain interva...
Conference Paper
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The present article attempts to describe and analyze possible future social transformations in social development. Parallels are drawn with historical facts and events that in past periods had a significant impact on the formation and development of social systems. Answers are sought for the influence of new social leaders on the process of active...
Conference Paper
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The present article attempts to describe and analyze possible future social transformations in social development. Parallels are drawn with historical facts and events that in past periods had a significant impact on the formation and development of social systems. Answers are sought for the influence of new social leaders on the process of active...
Conference Paper
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The article examines the approaches of scientists to the concepts of “institution” and “institutional environment” within the framework of the development of institutional economic theory for the formation of institutional foundations for the financial regulation of social innovation. The subject-institutional composition of participants in the soc...
Conference Paper
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The article examines the approaches of scientists to the concepts of “institution” and “institutional environment” within the framework of the development of institutional economic theory for the formation of institutional foundations for the financial regulation of social innovation. The subject-institutional composition of participants in the soc...
Conference Paper
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Individuals have their own interests, and they can use it as they need. It is important that not to attack or abolish the rights of other people, which means people do not have unlimited economic freedom even it is associated with their own property. The point to be investigate on economic freedom is more freedom leads to higher income, thus less u...
Conference Paper
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In this publication we set an objectively complicated task to analyse the opportunities of strategic decision-making during crisis by attempting to make a partial analysis of the ongoing crisis caused by the COVID 19 pandemic and the emerged military conflict between the Russian Federation and Ukraine. Crisis circumstances require societies to quic...
Conference Paper
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In this publication we set an objectively complicated task to analyse the opportunities of strategic decision-making during crisis by attempting to make a partial analysis of the ongoing crisis caused by the COVID 19 pandemic and the emerged military conflict between the Russian Federation and Ukraine. Crisis circumstances require societies to quic...
Conference Paper
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Individuals have their own interests, and they can use it as they need. It is important that not to attack or abolish the rights of other people, which means people do not have unlimited economic freedom even it is associated with their own property. The point to be investigate on economic freedom is more freedom leads to higher income, thus less u...
Conference Paper
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Управление процессами, а в более широком масштабе – стратегическое управление подвергается сложному испытанию в условиях кризиса, в том числе, процессы целеполагания и планирования действий. По сути, речь идет об антикризисном управлении, но мы содержательно характеризуем его как стратегическое, потому что цели и задачи управления поставлены в стра...
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The present article attempts to describe and analyze possible future social transformations in social development. Parallels are drawn with historical facts and events that in past periods had a significant impact on the formation and development of social systems. Answers are sought for the influence of new social leaders on the process of active...
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Невисокото дърво се е озовало в краката ни и се перчи дори с остатъците от малобройност на листата си, но пък затова добре узрелите ябълки си стоят неоткъснати с обагрените нюанси на червеното. Душите ни чуват стъпките, които шумолят с поскърцването на овехтелите листа и треви и с подрънкването на някои преплетени жици в близкия дувар. Ябълките са...
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Просвещението е част от съзряването на едно общество и по своята цел и същност то е онова различие, което формира неговата идентичност, сила и възможност за развитие. Наречено още „век на разума“ Просвещението е епоха, която не просто издига в култ човека и неговата мъдрост, но и налага съзнанието, че е нужна промяна на обществения ред. Това едва л...
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Иван Хаджийски – твърде млад за своите прозрения и мисли казва, че думите „българин“ и „българска работа“ у нас често се употребяват като най-унизителни нарицания. Българинът, в черните очила на нашето самоподценяване, е онова двукрако без перушина, което населява сивите пространства от двете страни на Балкана и което заради парче хляб е способно н...
Conference Paper
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In Bulgaria, a legal commission on academic ethics has been operating since recently; it is a subsidiary body to the Minister of Education and Science. The regulations of this special body are structured through the Law of Academic Staff Development of the Republic of Bulgaria. Its functions are related to the implementation of certain control of t...
The study comes as a result and in response to the identified priorities of the social policy in Bulgaria and logically outlines the actions for an effective management of the social processes tailored to the dynamic social environment. The essential characteristics of the social policy, its relations with the social management, and the opportuniti...
The study presents the mechanisms influencing the development of innovations in industrial business organizations in the Republic of Belarus, еmphasizing the stimulation of the innovative development of organizations from the real sector of the economy, research, and education sector. The innovation policy plays an important role in the development...
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For almost a decade now Europe has been striving to achieve smart, sustainable and integrative growth. Although virtually all resources have been involved in fulfilling it, it is more than obvious that smart growth has a leading role to play while education and science are strongly and unconditionally linked to it. This study seeks and analyses the...
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Всичко тук е оцеляло въпреки изминалото време, въпреки буреносните облаци и проливни дъждове, въпреки промените в света отвън, въпреки… Слънцето се е препречило пред погледа ни и не допуска да помръднем от яркия му взор. Дърветата са се строили безмълвно в краищата на оскъдното платно. Горещият въздух е превзел всяка свободна част на пространството...
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Търсенето на смисъл в човешкото съществуване има различни и крайни измерения. Всичко това се определя от много обстоятелства, а често дори не зависи от подредеността на нашите желания. Обществото ни винаги е имало и ще има нужда да чува своите мъдри гласове. То, значението и ролята на общественото мнение, за нас понякога е твърде голямо.
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Утрото на 15 септември винаги е поразлично и като усещане, и като същност. По-възрастните усещат онзи привкус на притесненост и някаква определена доза носталгия към това, което се е случило преди години. Най-малките са в трепетно очакване на нещо ново и различно, което се случва в техния млад живот. И ако трябва да бъдем откровени и честни пред се...
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В България има още две населени места, носещи същото име – в община Благоевград и в община Смолян. Но това, за което става дума тук, се намира на около тридесетина километра от Севлиево и далеч по-близо до Априлци
Conference Paper
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In this publication we set an objectively complicated task to analyse the opportunities of strategic decision-making during crisis by attempting to make a partial analysis of the ongoing crisis caused by the COVID 19 pandemic and the emerged military conflict between the Russian Federation and Ukraine. Crisis circumstances require societies to quic...
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Търсенето е част от човешкия ни живот. То е същността и необходимостта да правим постоянно своите избори. А дали те са справедливи, честни или случайни се определя от това какъв ще бъде крайният резултат от тях. Винаги си мисля, че справедливостта и честността, а не фриволните трепети и желания, трябва да ни водят и направляват когато правим своите...
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У овој публикацији поставили смо објективно компликован задатак да анализирамо могућности стратешког доношења одлука током кризе покушавајући да направимо делимичну анализу текуће кризе изазване пандемијом ЦОВИД-19 и насталим војним сукобом између Руске Федерације и Украјине. Кризне околности захтевају од друштава да брзо преиспитају и развију адек...
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This research analyses the role of universities as a driving force of development, as part of a developing high-tech society that sets different standards and focus areas. The reversed top-down direction with the set requirements and criteria for growth gave university education and science a high formalism, which is expressed in self-sufficient ac...
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Socialising and education are processes related to overall personal development. Through them, the individual is prepared to contribute to different aspects of society, assimilating into any societal culture. The role education plays as a social and societal activity aiming to prepare those growing up to take the rightful place as full-fledged memb...
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Socialising and education are processes related to overall personal development. Through them, the individual is prepared to contribute to different aspects of society, assimilating into any societal culture. The role education plays as a social and societal activity aiming to prepare those growing up to take the rightful place as full-fledged memb...
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Conference Paper
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This research analyses the role of universities as a driving force of development, as part of a developing high-tech society that sets different standards and focus areas. The reversed top-down direction with the set requirements and criteria for growth gave university education and science a high formalism, which is expressed in selfsufficient aca...
Conference Paper
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The drafting and adoption of laws in the social sphere is always preceded by a long discussion, which is accompanied by sharp discussions. All changes in this area directly or indirectly affect the entire population of the country. In the first years of adoption of the new legislation, its enforcement was accompanied by many problems and sharp soci...
Conference Paper
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This article discusses prominent Bulgarian physician-scientists known for their significant contribution to the Bulgarian medical sciences, who apart from pursuing their scientific careers authored numerous literature works like poems, sketches, essays, etc. They are scientists whose poetry, prose and journalism carry a message and have no less art...
Conference Paper
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Socialising and education are processes related to overall personal development. Through them, the individual is prepared to contribute to different aspects of society, assimilating into any societal culture. The role education plays as a social and societal activity aiming to prepare those growing up to take the rightful place as full-fledged memb...
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During the development of socioeconomic systems with a certain periodicity, there arise crises initiated by the impact of political, financial, economic, epidemiological, and other nature events. Over the past few years, the global community faced the spreading and destabilizing effects of COVID-19 on all areas of life, business, production, commer...
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Денят не е поразен от намръщени облаци и ни е предоставил своята възможност да го приемем с неприсъщото си спокойствие. Дългата метална платформа е заградила пространството между стръмността на брега и е създала усещането за преграда, която ни отделя от проблясъците на голямата река. Малкото хора, навъртащи се по това време тук, са онези, които нам...
Conference Paper
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This research analyses the role of universities as a driving force of development, as part of a developing high-tech society that sets different standards and focus areas. The reversed top-down direction with the set requirements and criteria for growth gave university education and science a high formalism, which is expressed in self-sufficient ac...
Conference Paper
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Socialising and education are processes related to overall personal development. Through them, the individual is prepared to contribute to different aspects of society, assimilating into any societal culture. The role education plays as a social and societal activity aiming to prepare those growing up to take the rightful place as full-fledged memb...
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This article discusses prominent Bulgarian physician-scientists known for their significant contribution to the Bulgarian medical sciences, who apart from pursuing their scientific careers authored numerous literature works like poems, sketches, essays, etc. They are scientists whose poetry, prose and journalism carry a message and have no less art...
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This article discusses prominent Bulgarian physician-scientists known for their significant contribution to the Bulgarian medical sciences, who apart from pursuing their scientific careers authored numerous literature works like poems, sketches, essays, etc. They are scientists whose poetry, prose and journalism carry a message and have no less art...
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The drafting and adoption of laws in the social sphere is always preceded by a long discussion, which is accompanied by sharp discussions. All changes in this area directly or indirectly affect the entire population of the country. In the first years of adoption of the new legislation, its enforcement was accompanied by many problems and sharp soci...


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