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Vedvyas Jayprakash Dwivedi

Vedvyas Jayprakash Dwivedi
INDUS University Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India · University Governance and Management (Technology_EC)

Post Doctorate; Ph. D., M.E., B.E. https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5258-2864
Global Collaboration for 360 degree interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary academic excellence, & productive innovation


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September 2020 - present
Gokul Global University Siddhpur, Patan, Gujarat, India
  • Vice Chancellor
  • Academic, Administration, Research, Management, Governance of University for students, staff, society, country and the world
April 2013 - January 2016
Independent Researcher
Independent Researcher
  • Pro-Vice-Chancellor
April 2013 - August 2020
C. U. Shah University
  • Professor
  • Humanity oriented assignments for productive initiatives and contributions
May 2017 - April 2018
University of South America, United States
Field of study
  • Doctor of Letters (Post Doctoral Certificate)
June 2007 - May 2010
Singhania University (on ISRO project)
Field of study
  • Electronics and Communication Engineering
August 2004 - May 2007
Birla Institute of Technology University, Mesra
Field of study
  • Electronics and Communication Engineering


Publications (244)
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Discusses about tools, methods, challenges and opportunities towards enhancing and promoting Indian higher education in 21st century. Recommendations and suggestion are based upon the research/es conducted by the authors and their knowledge and experience of more than 30 years in higher education.
Conference Paper
Any tumor occurs in the body due to uncontrolled and rapid growth of cells at a particular body part and then also affecting the healthy cells in the vicinity. On the off chance that not treated at an underlying stage, it might prove fatal. Despite many important efforts and promising results, accurate predictive testing and classification of these...
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This research analyzes the impact of India's National Education Policy (NEP) on internationalization in higher education. This paper examines the architecture, methodology, and approach of the NEP to internationalization promotion and provides incisive insights into its strengths, limitations, and potential implications for higher education initiat...
To achieve the output of a WSN on Mars’ planetary exploration case, many factors like cloud, snowfall, temperatures, the gaseous structure of the Martian atmosphere, obstacle and terrains, and dust storm occurrence impacting the transmission of the radio wave must be taken into account. Among them, the dust storm impact gives the main contributions...
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21 st Century higher education aims to improve society through quality education and research. Productive transformation of teaching, learning, and evaluation processes in higher education institutions (HEIs) is possible through full-fledged implementation of breakthrough-technologies in 21st-Century HEIs. ICT, Artificial Intelligence and Augmented...
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The TMDC (Transition Metal Dichalcogenide) crystals are widely useful and commonly studied because of their remarkable properties, including a tuneable band gap. These materials having 'MX2' type of arrangement can be easily exfoliated because of the weak Vander Waal's forces between X-M-X layers, where X is a chalcogen atom (Se, S or Te etc.) and...
Low-power two-stage OP-AMP is presented here. The OP-AMP receives 0.9 V supply voltage with variation of 0.8–1 V. Designed OP-AMP was simulated in 16 nm CMOS technology (PTM—Predictive technology models) with variation in supply voltage and temperature. The overall gain of two-stage OP-AMP was found to be greater than 40 dB for 0–80 °C temperature...
Extremely low power, low voltage complete on-chip low drop-out voltage regulator (LDO) is presented. The LDO receives an unregulated supply of 0.5–1 V and regulates it to 0.4 V nominal output utilizing a 0.1 V on-chip reference voltage. A load capacitor of just 1pf is assumed to be present at LDO output. Designed voltage reference and complete LDO...
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In the wake of growing demands from Indian Higher Education System (IHES), educational leaders in present socio-scientific requirements are pivotal to success of policy and strategies. This essay studies methods and approaches for enhancing sustainable productivity of 21st-Century Indian Rural Higher Education Institutions. 'Dwivedi-Joshi Rural-HEI...
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Inverted Pendulum is a popular non-linear, unstable control problem where implementation of stabilizing the pole angle deviation, along with cart positioning is done by using novel control strategies. Soft computing techniques are applied for getting optimal results. The evolutionary computation forms the key research area for adaptation and optimi...
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A novel optimization algorithm of fuzzy logic controller (FLC) using genetic algorithms is used to characterize the major design parameters of an FLC known as characteristic parameters. The characteristic parameters simplify the design of FLC which are encoded into a chromosome as an integer string. These are optimized by maximizing the evaluated f...
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With the wireless communication advances in the recent years, the level of RF energy present in the environment rises day by day. Only fractional part of RF energy presented is used, on contra, the remaining RF energy is the wastage in the form of waves that become challenging issue to harvest. Here, one of the RF harvesting systems known as Recten...
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The physical quantity of interest can be detected using wireless sensor network. The concept of wireless sensor network used to explore difficult areas to access is extended to underwater applications. Efforts are made to focus on design and development of reliable, feasible and robust system for communication in underwater environment. The scenari...
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The wireless sensor network uses some sort of sensors to detect in general physical quantity of interest. The wireless sensor network has potential to explore difficult-to access area on the earth and the concept is extended to underwater applications in future. Past several years studies has been focused on development of reliable and robust commu...
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Good governance enhances efficiency both in public and private sector organizations. Productivity and good governance are closely associated to aid value for investment both in terms of time and money, and end-user satisfaction. Productivity Enhancement and quality improvement of higher education depend on governance-trends and productive leadershi...
With the sharing of video content over an Internet or communication channel, the compression of it is necessary. This chapter presents an overview of video compression, various types of video compression standards, and video quality matrices.
The working of the standard video codec is discussed in this chapter. The experimental results of this standard video codec are also demonstrated using various types of real-time video streams.
The working of the hybrid video codec is discussed in this chapter. The experimental results of this hybrid video codec are also demonstrated using various types of real-time video streams.
Video compression standard is designed with the help of different techniques. The techniques such as color space conversion, motion estimation, and compensation, transform coding, and entropy coding are widely used in video compression. So, in this chapter, discussion on these techniques is taken place with the help of figures.
In this chapter, the comparative comparison of different video standards is discussed with the help of the obtained results. Also, discussion of obtained results is also given in this chapter.
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Recently, the various methods for RF energy harvesting and reutilizing has become the challenging matter around the world to minimize the wastage of RF energy in the form of electromagnetic waves within the atmosphere. An associate approach of collecting a particular range of frequencies & conversion into dc current- Rectenna is proposed here. Star...
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NASA exploration mission on Mars includes the use of rovers and sensors communicating via wireless sensor networks. The network components have a limited range of transmission, low power consumption, low price and a small lifespan. A wireless network's performance is mainly dependent on the RF environment. A Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) on the Mar...
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Reinforcement Learning is a concept in which an agent takes actions in an environment to maximize its aggregate reward. Agents in Reinforcement Learning algorithms are penalized for bad actions and rewarded for good ones. Deep Reinforcement learning is used to overcome some shortcomings in Reinforcement learning like lack of variety in the open sou...
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The power management has become the major constraint while designing VLSI circuits as parameters like Area, Speed, etc. are critical to be optimized. In this work, a low power 16-bit ALU is designed to perform all arithmetic and logic operations. The present day super computers, mobile gadgets, calculators etc. are using low power ALU systems to pe...
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Pipelining is a technique that exploits parallelism, among the instructions in a sequential instruction stream to get increased throughput, and it lessens the total time to complete the work. . The major objective of this architecture is to design a low power high performance structure which fulfils all the requirements of the design. The critical...
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The researcher have suggested real time depth based on frequency domain hole filling. It get better quality of depth sequence generated by sensor. This method is capable to produce high feature depth video which can be quite useful in improving the performance of various applications of Microsoft Kinect such as obstacle detection and avoidance, fac...
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In the era of modern communication, the transmission of video is the most demanded feature and that makes the bandwidth issues crucial. The only solution to fight with is the video compression techniques/ standards.The High efficiency video coding standard(H.265/ HEVC) is newly evolved standard that is popularly used. this standard is better in sav...
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In Chap. 1, basic information and properties of various video compression standards are briefly discussed. The rest of the book covers various video compression standards in Chaps. 2–4 along with technical background for video compression, working and experimental results of MPEG-2 and modified MPEG-2 standards. In Chap. 2, various terminologies su...
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The ancient Indian subcontinent, the global knowledge leader and creator, has now-a-days been seen emerging as a universal eternal magnet and pivotal hub for aspiring learners and researchers. Beyond the geographical borders this role model great country has been facilitating the concerned stakeholders with high-quality, human value oriented afford...
This chapter presents video watermarking approach using compressive sensing (CS) theory process in sparse domain. The experimental results of these approaches are also demonstrated in this chapter.
This chapter presents using singular value decomposition (SVD)-based video watermarking approaches. The experimental results of these approaches are also demonstrated in this chapter.
This chapter presents video watermarking in the transform domain. The various watermarking approaches using discrete cosine transform (DCT) and discrete wavelet transform (DWT) are described in the chapter. The experimental results of these approaches are also demonstrated in this chapter.
This book provides various watermarking approaches for copyright protection of digital videos. The book provides watermarking approaches in various processing domains such as spatial, transform, hybrid, and sparse. The results are demonstrated for color video frames using monochrome watermark message and grayscale watermark message. The results als...
This chapter presents video watermarking in spatial domain. The various watermarking approaches such as visible and invisible are described in the chapter. The experimental results of these approaches are also demonstrated in this chapter.
This chapter presents video watermarking approaches using combination of DCT, DWT, and SVD in hybrid domain. The experimental results of these approaches are also demonstrated in this chapter.
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The emerging trend in science and technology is due to the advancements in the wireless communication system. The operation of passive components and their characteristics has attracted the attention of various researchers. Passive components, such as microstrip power couplers, operating in microwave spectrum regime can be considered as absolute en...
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This chapter presents various issues in existing biometric system, existing multibiometric system, and existing multibiometric watermarking technique. This chapter is given enhancement required in the existing multibiometric system and multibiometric watermarking technique toward research issues. This chapter is also given proposed research methodo...
This chapter presents literature review in context to existing works with an aim of identifying the present state of research in this domain. This chapter also presents background information regarding biometric watermarking technique and compressive sensing (CS) theory-based encryption technique. The multibiometric watermarking technique is one of...
This chapter presents a summary of the research work done which shows achievements toward mentioned objectives in the book. The major contributions of proposed research work are explained in this chapter. The comparison of proposed watermarking technique with existing watermarking technique is also explained in this chapter. Finally, some possible...
This chapter presents technical details and sparsity property of Curvelet Transform. The hybrid multibiometric watermarking technique using FDCuT-DCT is explained and analyzed in this chapter. The comparison of presented watermarking technique with existing watermarking techniques is also given in this chapter.
This chapter presents technical details and sparsity property of Singular Value Decomposition (SVD). The hybrid multibiometric watermarking technique using DWT-SVD is explained and analyzed in this chapter. The comparison of presented watermarking technique with existing watermarking techniques is also given in this chapter.
Adaptive beamforming (ABF) techniques are used to produce higher gain in the user directions and lower gain in the interferer directions by calculating the excitation weights. It tries to reduce the difference between the desired and actual signal and maximize the signal-to-interference ratio (SIR). But in severe interference environment when the a...
This chapter presents technical details and sparsity property of Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT). The hybrid multibiometric watermarking technique using DCT-DWT is explained and analyzed in this chapter. The comparison of presented watermarking technique with existing watermarking techniques is also given in this chapter.
This chapter presents technical details and sparsity property of Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT). The multibiometric watermarking technique using DWT is explained and analyzed in this chapter. The comparison of presented watermarking technique with existing watermarking techniques is also given in this chapter.
This research paper investigates about the novel approach in the design, fabrication and testing of a microstrip coupled line coupler using Sierpinski Gasket fractal Defected Ground Structure (DGS), which finds applications for microwave lower C-band communication systems. The planar coupled line coupler with an embedded fractal DGS (FDGS) structur...
In this paper, the application of compressive sensing theory for digital video has been reviewed and analyzed. The compressive sensing (CS) is a new signal processing theory which overcomes the limitation of Shannon–Nyquist sampling theorem. The compressive sensing exploits the redundancy within the signal to get samples of the signal at sub-Nyquis...
In this paper, a watermarking algorithm is proposed and analyzed using RDWT-SVD and Compressive Sensing for multiple watermarks protection. In this algorithm, the multiple watermarks are inserted into single host medium. Here three watermarks are converted into its CS measurements using compressive sensing procedure before embedding into host mediu...
In this paper, a hybrid approach based on cryptography and steganography is proposed for the security of medical image over an open communication channel. This hybrid approach is designed and analyzed using various image processing transforms and Compressive Sensing (CS) theory. In this approach, medical image information is embedded using Discrete...
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Nowadays medical data in terms of image files are often exchanged between different hospitals for use in telemedicine and diagnosis. Visible watermarking being extensively used for Intellectual Property identification of such medical images, leads to serious issues if failed to identify proper regions for watermark insertion. In this paper, the Reg...
In this paper, a blind medical image watermarking scheme based on Fast Discrete Curvelet Transform (FDCuT) and Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) is proposed. FDCuT is applied on the medical image to get different frequency coefficients of its curvelet decomposition. On the high frequency curvelet coefficients of the medical image, block wise DCT is a...
Conference Paper
In this paper, the application of compressive sensing theory for digital video has been reviewed and analyzed. Compressive sensing (CS) is a new signal processing theory that overcomes the limitation of the Shannon-Nyquist sampling theorem. The compressive sensing exploits the redundancy within the signal to get samples of the signal at sub-Nyquist...
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This paper proposed a non-blind watermarking technique based on different wavelet decomposition levels for biometric image protection. In this technique, a biometric image is used as a watermark instead of a standard image, logo or random noise pattern type watermark. For watermark embedding, the original host image and the watermark biometric imag...
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A hybrid watermarking scheme for multimedia data such as digital image, digital video is proposed in this paper. The scheme utilizes various image processing transforms and Compressive Sensing (CS) to achieved fragility and security for multimedia data.the compressive sensing is applied on the singular value of wavelet coefficients of watermark ima...
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This paper proposed a non-blind watermarking technique based on different wavelet decomposition levels for biometric image protection. In this technique, a biometric image is used as a watermark instead of a standard image, logo or random noise pattern type watermark. For watermark embedding, the original host image and the watermark biometric imag...
The bufferless Optical Burst Switched (OBS) Network, suffers severely from heavy contention loss. The existing reactive contention resolution schemes solve contention without any try to minimize the occurrences of contention. Therefore, we are presenting novel proactive scheme for reducing the occurrence of contention known a Dynamic Hybrid Cluster...
Conference Paper
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Subspace based directions of arrival (DOA) methods often suffer severe performance degradation in low strength of desired signal. This paper introduces a complete adaptive antenna system suitable for DOA and adaptive beamforming (ABF) of linear antenna arrays. A complete implementation of adaptive antenna system using Particle Swarm Optimization (P...
Conference Paper
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This research paper investigates about the novel approach in the design and analysis of Couplers operating at 5 GHz, which finds its application for next generation communication systems. The concept of Defected Ground Structure (DGS) in the design of planar coupler is useful for next generation communication systems. The Planar Coupler with an emb...
Conference Paper
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This paper describes how Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is appropriate for Adaptive Beamforming (ABF). The required direction of receiving signal is maintained by directing the major lobe. The ability of an adaptive antenna array to direct the beam is achieved by implementing a beamforming algorithm by varying the phase of the element in linear...
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The present decade has seen the growth of both, the software and hardware for three dimensional televisions in real time applications. Depth map is fundamental key of 3-Dimensional algorithms. Reliable depth map is an acceptance in 3D transmission, analysis and compression of algorithm. Computer vision and pattern recognition research fields use se...
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The main target of stereo matching algorithms is to find out the three dimensional (3D) distance, or depth of objects from a stereo pair of images. Depth information can be derived from images using disparity map of the same scene. There are many applications of computer vision like People tracking, Gesture recognition, Industrial automation and in...
Conference Paper
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Adaptive beamforming (ABF) techniques used to produce higher gain in the user directions and lower gain in the interferer directions by calculating the excitation weights. It tries to reduce the difference between the desired and actual signal and maximize the signal to interference ratio (SIR). But in severe interference environment when the actua...
In this research paper, a novel compact stacked patch array configuration which consists of two units with rotated horizontal slotted parasitic patch and an embedded Defective Ground Structure is designed. The effect of the rotation, slots, embedded DGS on the electrical performance and parameters of the antenna structure has been mathematically an...
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The capability of adaptive antenna array lies in forming higher gain in the user directions and lower gain in the interferer directions. The technique used to produce such radiation pattern by calculating the excitation weights are called the adaptive beamforming (ABF) techniques. It tries to minimize the error between the desired and actual signal...
Conference Paper
In this research paper, a novel compact stacked patch array configuration which consists of two units with rotated horizontal slotted parasitic patch and an embedded Defective Ground Structure is designed. The effect of the rotation, slots, embedded DGS on the electrical performance and parameters of the antenna structure has been mathematically an...
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Competency development, Curriculum Development, Higher education, Quality Assurance, Multi-Stakeholders, Sustainable development
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The key design issues of antennas at terahertz frequency applications is wide bandwidth, there is a necessity to numerically analyze the electrical and physical parameters of the antenna structures. Simultaneously electro-geometrical modelling of the antennas with Defective Ground Structures is a technological challenge towards the high frequency c...
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In this paper, watermarking technique with compressive sensing theory have been analysed for security of biometric image against imposter manipulations in the multibiometric system. The compressive sensing theory is used for providing security to watermark biometric image before embedded into the host biometric image. These proposed watermarking te...
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Nowadays in medical science, patience are examined by various medical images. The acquisition of these types of images is very expensive and time lengthy process. Also storage of medical images is one of the problems by considering the number of patience increase day by day. So overcome to problem related to size of storage and lengthy process time...
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This paper presents the design and analysis of miniaturized nano size planar radiators resonating at Terahertz frequency using substrates which differ in dielectric permittivity. These structures are analyzed by varying the electromagnetic gap (mechanical distance) between the patches along with the rotation of the upper patch. Electrical performan...
The used of biometrics for human identification and verification are rapidly increasing in the last few decades. The increasing use of biometrics over non secure channels and networks raise the issue of security of biometrics. The various security approaches are used for protection of biometrics over non secure networks. The watermarking approach i...
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In this paper the design and analysis of the stacked patch antenna with Defective Ground Structures on substrate namely Polymide at terahertz frequency is presented. W shaped DGS structure is introduced on the ground plane of the stacked patch antenna. Electrical parameters like return loss, gain, and bandwidth are compared between stacked patch an...
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The robustness and security of the biometric watermarking approach can be improved by using a multiple watermarking. This multiple watermarking proposed for improving security of biometric features and data. When the imposter tries to create the spoofed biometric feature, the invisible biometric watermark features can provide appropriate protection...
The Paper presents an investigation on electromagnetically coupled patch antennas on two different substrates namely Arlon and Polymide at terahertz frequency. The analysis is carried out with two parameters namely by varying the distance of separation of patches and varying the substrates. The electrical performance of the proposed models like ret...
This paper analyses the mathematical design of a linear antenna array in overcoming the problem of interfering signal near to the user signal. A mathematical modelling of modified version of Schelkunoff polynomial method with Particle Swarm Optimization has been presented. The radial displacement and phase on Schelkunoff unit circle are fixed for m...


Questions (13)
Which are the ways and means to  keep calm in situations of crisis ?
Can we imagine and visualise the technology of 2100 A.D.? Today we are planning about 2020 or 2025. Its all based on our imaginations, visualizations...expectations...predictions.


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