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Cross-Layer Design at Network Layer: Issues and Possible Solutions



Technological advancements are happening at rapid pace in the modern world. Given the widespread occurrence of harmful actions and the potential for network duplication, it is crucial to prioritize network security in this ever-changing environment. To address these challenges, it is often necessary to utilize the structure of the network layer and create cross-layer architectures that improve several characteristics such as performance, functionality, and transmission rates. Among the multitude of emergent breakthroughs, cross-layer design stands out as a particularly remarkable advancement. This method not only overcomes many difficulties that are inherent in the traditional layered structure but also greatly improves performance. Nevertheless, despite its advantages, the implementation of cross-layer design presents certain obstacles. This study aims to investigate the issues faced by designers when incorporating cross-layer design into the network layer. Moreover, it presents pragmatic measures to effectively address these difficulties.
Cross-Layer Design at Network Layer: Issues and
Possible Solutions
Vasanthi Gadiparthi
Student ID: 101288075
department of systems and computer
Carleton University
Ottawa, Canada
Abstract Technological advancements are happening at
rapid pace in the modern world. Given the widespread
occurrence of harmful actions and the potential for
network duplication, it is crucial to prioritize network
security in this ever-changing environment. To address
these challenges, it is often necessary to utilize the
structure of the network layer and create cross-layer
architectures that improve several characteristics such as
performance, functionality, and transmission rates.
Among the multitude of emergent breakthroughs, cross-
layer design stands out as a particularly remarkable
advancement. This method not only overcomes many
difficulties that are inherent in the traditional layered
structure but also greatly improves performance.
Nevertheless, despite its advantages, the implementation
of cross-layer design presents certain obstacles. This
study aims to investigate the issues faced by designers
when incorporating cross-layer design into the network
layer. Moreover, it presents pragmatic measures to
effectively address these difficulties.
Keywords- Cross-layer design, OSI Model, Network layer,
Latency, Throughput, Routing.
The Network layer is considered a crucial component at the
core of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) concept.
Located in the third layer, it is responsible for controlling
network addressing and providing functions such as tracking
device locations inside the network. The Network layer is
responsible for performing crucial functions such as Internet
connectivity, Routing, and Addressing.
Technological improvements have given rise to new
obstacles, such as packet loss, security flaws, and time delays.
In order to effectively tackle these difficulties, scholars have
acknowledged the importance of implementing cross-layer
protocols. These protocols have the objective of surpassing
the restrictions imposed by specific layers, therefore allowing
for more comprehensive approach to network administration
and optimization.
Cross-layer design is a novel approach used in wireless
networks to enhance network performance and achieve
specific goals by coordinating the actions of various layers in
the OSI or TCP/IP paradigm. Cross-layer design in the
network layer involves promoting cooperation among
different layers, such as the physical, data connection,
transport, and application layers. The main objective is to
improve network performance and meet specific design
requirements. Typically, network architectures follow a rigid
structured approach, where each layer acts independently and
is controlled by well-defined functions and interfaces.
Nevertheless, cross-layer design deviates from the traditional
approach by enabling the exchange of information and mutual
effect between different layers. This interactive process
enables different components to communicate and adjust
together, resulting in enhanced coordination and overall
Cross-layer design allows the network layer to utilize
knowledge and resources from surrounding levels to enhance
routing performance, resource allocation, and other metrics of
performance. The network layer can use channel condition
information from the physical layer to make educated routing
decisions, which improves data transmission rates and reduces
packet loss. Cross-layer design enables the seamless
incorporation of sophisticated features and methods into the
network layer, including dynamic spectrum allocation and
cognitive radio capabilities. These advancements enable
networks to dynamically adjust to fluctuating environmental
circumstances, ultimately optimizing the efficiency and
Cross-layer design enables the application of focused
solutions to tackle specific design objectives and constraints.
In situations where network security is of utmost importance,
cross-layer techniques can combine security mechanisms
across many layers to strengthen defence mechanisms and
effectively reduce the cyber-attacks. It also signifies a
fundamental change in network architecture, allowing layers
to interact together and create synergies in ways that were
before unknown.
Cross-layer design at the Network layer offers a strong
solution for addressing complex difficulties such as
congestion, quality of service (QoS)[1], routing enhancement,
energy consumption, and mobility management. Although
security is of utmost importance, traditional layered systems
tend to restrict security methods to upper layers, such as the
application or transport layer. This might potentially result in
vulnerabilities. Nevertheless, cross-layer design presents a
fresh strategy by allowing the network layer to cooperate with
neighbouring layers, particularly the transport layer, to
implement sophisticated security mechanisms such as
authentication and encryption, hence enhancing the security
of network traffic. Furthermore, this method enables the
network layer to directly tackle particular security risks that
are endemic to its field, such as DoS (denial-of-service)
assaults. Cross-layer architecture improves the recognition
and response of DoS attacks by enabling smooth information
sharing between network levels regarding traffic patterns and
QoS needs. For example, when the transport layer detects
significant increases in traffic, it can quickly instruct the
network layer to filter out any malicious data. This helps
protect the integrity of the network and prevents any
disruptions. By engaging in synergistic interactions, cross-
layer design strengthens network security and improves
performance in general and robustness in dynamic wireless
The following portions of the paper are organized as follows:
Section II explores the network layer. Section III explains the
concept of cross-layer design in detail. Section IV specifically
addresses cross-layer architecture at the network layer.
Section V focuses on the challenges that are faced in cross-
layer design and presents viable methods to address these
issues. Section VI provides the concluding remarks of the
study, which summarize important discoveries and emphasize
the importance of cross-layer design in developing
communication network topologies.
The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model is a key
paradigm in networking that provides a complete reference
for understanding the operations of networking systems. The
significance of the International Organization for
Standardization (ISO) in today's digital landscape remains
relevant since its foundation. The OSI model was created to
support the growing variety of computing networking
methods during its period. It consists of seven individual
levels, each with specialized functions that are essential for
network functioning. Multiple standards groups collaborate
to establish and oversee the operations of each layer, which
ensures smooth transmission of data and communication
protocols across the layers [2].
The OSI model consists of seven layers: Physical, Data Link,
Network, Transport, Session, Presentation, and Application.
These layers work together in a coordinated manner,
following defined standards [3,4]. The hierarchical
arrangement of these layers enables efficient communication
and data sharing between adjacent layers, while keeping the
interface simple and minimum. The model distinguishes
between top layers, which generally deal with application-
related matters, and bottom levels, which are focused on the
conveyance of data. The Physical and Data Link layers,
which are part of the lower levels, respectively deal with
hardware and software components, which highlights the
model's comprehensive approach to network operation.
One important characteristic of the OSI model is its focus on
layer abstraction, which guarantees that data is only
exchanged between neighbouring layers. Irrespective of the
layout, whether it is top-down or bottom-up, the transfer of
data is limited to adjacent layers, which helps in simplifying
the representation of data across layers. In TCP/IP wireless
networks, layer abstraction conceals the causes of link
termination, enabling the rapid restoration or reestablishment
of connections without diving into the mechanics of
connection termination. This strategy enables a simplified
and consistent methodology for overseeing network
operations, improving compatibility and effectiveness in
various networking contexts.
Figure. 1: Architecture of OSI Model
The Network layer is the central component of the Open
Systems Interconnection (OSI) model, responsible for the
essential task of overseeing network addressing [5,6].
Functioning as the intermediary layer, it acts as a central hub
for routing data packets to their designated destinations.
Furthermore, the Network layer has a crucial function in
tracking the locations of devices in the network, facilitating
efficient routing and guaranteeing successful data
The interaction between the Network Layer and all other
layers follows:
A. Network Layer with Application Layer
The network layer enables the transfer of data packets
between devices over networks, utilizing addressing and
routing methods to ensure efficient delivery. Software
programs at the application layer both produce and utilize
data for a multitude of objectives. The interaction between
these levels takes place when applications make requests for
network services, such as data transmission or quality of
service guarantees, which are subsequently fulfilled by the
network layer. In contrast, the network layer efficiently
transfers data packets from the network to the relevant apps
by utilizing their addresses, hence facilitating smooth
communication and functionality throughout the network.
B. Network Layer with Presentation Layer
The presentation layer is tasked with the responsibility of
formatting and translating data. The network layer
encapsulates data into packets for transmission, while the
presentation layer converts the transmitted data into an
appropriate format to ensure compatibility and readability. In
addition, the presentation layer has the capability to encrypt
or compress data in order to ensure secure and efficient
transmission. The network layer is responsible for delivering
these processed packets to their intended destinations.
C. Network Layer with Session Layer
The session layer is responsible for initiating, controlling,
and ending communication sessions between applications.
The network layer facilitates the routing of packets to their
designated destinations using addresses, while the session
layer manages the construction and maintenance of
communication sessions to ensure dependable data transfer.
In addition, the session layer is responsible for managing
synchronization and fault recovery methods, which support
the network layer's function of facilitating uninterrupted
communication between interconnected devices.
D. Network Layer with Transport Layer
The Transport layer oversees the transmission of data
between hosts, guaranteeing dependable delivery and
regulating the flow of information. The network layer
facilitates the delivery of packets to their intended
destinations, whereas the Transport layer is responsible for
establishing and controlling connections, as well as
segmenting and reassembling data for transmission. In
addition, the Transport layer can employ congestion control
algorithms to enhance network performance, working
alongside the network layer's responsibility of efficient
packet routing.
E. Network Layer with Data-Link Layer
The data link layer is responsible for overseeing the
transfer of data frames between neighbouring nodes across a
physical connection. The network layer encapsulates packets
into frames, facilitating interaction between these layers.
Meanwhile, the data link layer ensures error detection and
correction, as well as media access control. In addition, the
data link layer guarantees dependable point-to-point
connection, which complements the network layer's function
of facilitating end-to-end data delivery.
F. Network Layer with Physical Layer
The network layer is responsible for managing the routing
and forwarding of data packets between networks. It achieves
this by using addressing and routing protocols to ensure
efficient transmission. On the other hand, the physical layer
has the task of transferring unprocessed binary data across the
physical medium, which can be in the form of electrical
impulses, optical signals, or radio waves. The network layer
encapsulates packets into frames, whereas the physical layer
translates these frames into signals that are appropriate for
transmission across the network media. In addition, the
physical layer incorporates methods for signal modulation,
demodulation, and error detection to ensure dependable
transmission and receipt of data. This complements the
network layer's function of allowing communication from
one end to another.
The network layer serves as a mediator between the transport
layer and the physical medium, enabling the transfer of data
between devices located in separate networks. The sender
device takes data segments from the transport layer and
divides them into smaller units called packets before
transferring them. Subsequently, these packets are
transmitted over the network to the designated receiver.
When the packets reach the receiver device, the network layer
reconstructs them into their original data segments. This
method guarantees the smooth transfer of data across network
boundaries, facilitating communication between devices
situated in diverse network settings. In addition, the network
layer has the responsibility of addressing, routing, and
forwarding packets to their proper destinations, hence
enhancing the efficiency and dependability of data transfer
across networks [7].
The network layer basically performs three essential roles
that are vital for successful data transmission
Figure. 2: Functions of Network Layer
1) Logical addressing: It refers to the process of assigning
distinct identifiers to devices in a network. These identifiers
allow the network layer to efficiently direct data packets to
their intended destinations by using these addresses. Logical
addressing facilitates accurate communication between
devices, irrespective of their physical whereabouts.
2) Routing: The network layer is tasked with establishing the
most efficient route for data packets to travel from the source
to the destination over interconnected networks. It assesses
many aspects such network topology, congestion levels, and
quality of service requirements in order to choose the most
optimal path for transmitting data.
3) Path determination: It refers to the network layer's analysis
of possible routes and the subsequent decision-making
process to identify the optimal way for data packets to travel.
The network layer guarantees the dependable and punctual
transmission of data by determining the most efficient route,
maximizing network resources, and reducing transmission
4)Internetworking: The network layer facilitates the
communication between different networks by joining them
together, enabling data to move from one network to another.
Internetworking, often referred to as inter-network routing,
facilitates uninterrupted communication between devices
situated in distinct networks, irrespective of the underlying
technologies or protocols employed inside each network.
5) Packetizing: Prior to transmission, the network layer
divides data segments received from the transport layer into
smaller, more manageable pieces known as packets.
Packetizing is the process of encapsulating data segments into
packets. These packets contain essential information such
destination addresses, sequence numbers, and error detection
codes. The network layer guarantees efficient and reliable
transmission across the network by dividing data into
packets. This allows packets to be individually routed and
then reassembled at the receiving end, improving data
integrity and transmission efficiency.
Recent technological advancements have resulted in
significant developments and successes that have greatly
influenced different aspects of human life. These
enhancements have shown to be quite beneficial, offering
resolutions to a diverse range of challenges and enhancing
efficiency and convenience in various domains. A notable
progress in wireless networking is the emergence of cross-
layer architecture. This novel network architecture represents
a significant departure from traditional layered models,
offering new opportunities to improve performance, enhance
reliability, and address the complexities inherent in wireless
communication networks.
To have a comprehensive understanding of cross-layer
design, it is crucial to carefully analyze its precise definition
and the implications it entails [8]. Layered architectures, such
as the well-known seven-layer OSI model, divide networking
tasks into multiple layers, each with its own specific
responsibilities and services. The layers operate in a
hierarchical manner, utilizing protocols that are individually
customized to fulfill the requirements of each level. The
architecture imposes restrictions on communication by
prohibiting direct interactions between levels that are not
neighbouring. Neighbouring layers often communicate by
exchanging procedure calls and associated responses. When
designing protocols in a framework that adheres to a layered
architecture, designers have two primary choices. They can
meticulously adhere to the rules and concepts of the reference
architecture. This method entails the development of
protocols in a manner that allows higher-level protocols to
utilize services provided by lower-level protocols without
concern for the implementation details of those services.
Following the architecture means that protocols should not
require any interfaces other than those explicitly specified in
the reference architecture.
Designers can deviate from the reference architecture by
facilitating direct communication between protocols at
nonadjacent layers or exchanging variables between layers.
Cross-layer design involves departing from the traditional
layered architecture. Cross-layer design involves overcoming
the restrictions of the reference architecture in order to enable
direct interactions and information exchange between
different levels. This has the potential to lead to network
topologies that are more efficient and optimized.
Figure 3: Cross-layer Design Architecture
The utilization of cross-layer design is increasingly prevalent
in specialized applications, particularly in domains like
wireless sensor networks, where resources are constrained
and optimizing performance is of utmost significance. The
inherent complexity of wireless networks, compounded by
their ever increasing connectivity and structure, poses
significant challenges to their implementation. Hence,
conventional layered designs that rigidly segregate network
processes are inadequate for managing this level of
complexity. Cross-layer design has emerged as a responsive
and adaptable alternative, significantly transforming network
architecture by facilitating seamless cooperation among
various layers. This method enhances both the efficiency and
effectiveness of wireless networks, enabling them to better
adapt to the unpredictable situations in which they function.
Several research initiatives have investigated wireless
communication models in order to improve efficiency and
optimize power usage. These models allow wireless stations
to efficiently utilize resources, reallocate resources for
different purposes, and dynamically alter their transmission
strategies across different layers to enhance the quality of
multimedia while conserving energy [9]. This methodology
entails the integration of multiple network layers to function
harmoniously and attain optimal performance. Through the
exchange of information across many layers, the network is
able to rapidly adjust to changing conditions and dynamically
modify transmission mechanisms in real-time to meet the
needs of users. Consequently, this approach can enhance
network stability, data transfer speed, and energy efficiency.
These advancements are particularly crucial in multimedia
communication because to an increasing demand for top-
notch video and audio content.
Cognitive radio networks employ cross-layer architecture to
enhance sensing performance and reduce sensing time in
comparison to conventional approaches. A recommended
approach is to utilize a distributed consensus-based
cooperative spectrum-sensing methodology, as proposed in
recent research.[17]. This technique integrates functions
spanning the physical layer, media access control (MAC)
layer, and network layer. The main role of the physical layer
is to gather sensory information, which is subsequently
transmitted to the MAC layer for the purpose of consolidating
data. The network layer utilizes the aggregated data to make
informed decisions on the allocation of spectrum. Cognitive
radio networks can improve their efficiency by implementing
a collaborative method that covers many levels of the
network protocol stack. This approach enhances spectrum
sensing and decision-making processes.
A. Categorization of Cross-Layer Design
There are two primary categories of cross-layer design. The
first classification consists of two methods: the non-manager
technique and the manager method. These methods differ in
how they share information among layers inside a single
node. [12-15] The second classification involves the
centralized approach and the dispersed method, which are
differentiated by the network organization used to deliver
cross-layer information. Essentially, these classifications
define distinct approaches for integrating and coordinating
communication between levels in network design.
The classification is determined by the manner in which
information is transmitted between layers inside a singular
Non-manager method: The non-manager method in cross-
layer architecture facilitates direct communication between
any two layers in the TCP/IP protocol stack. This technique
preserves the five-layer structure of the TCP/IP architecture
while modifying the functions of specific layers as necessary.
Essentially, it allows layers to communicate with greater
flexibility and immediacy, circumventing the conventional
limitations imposed by rigid layer boundaries.
Figure.4: Non-manager method
Manager method: The manager's technique in cross-layer
design employs a vertical plane as a central manager to permit
data interaction with one or many tiers inside the TCP/IP
protocol stack. In contrast to the non-manager approach, this
solution preserves the five-layer structure of the TCP/IP
paradigm without making any changes to it. Instead, it alters
the functioning of particular layers by facilitating the transfer
of data with the vertical plane. This enables coordinated
communication between layers without fundamentally
altering the hierarchical nature of the protocol stack.
Figure.5: Manager method
The classification is based on the network's structure, which
enables the efficient sharing of information across different
Centralized Method: The centralized technique
involves using a central node or tier in a hierarchical
structure to enhance communication between network
nodes. In cellular networks, it is typical to use this
method where the main node is responsible for
dynamically assigning slots or channels to lower-level
sensor nodes in real-time.
Distributed Method: The distributed technique operates
without any dependence on a centralized node or tier.
This approach is commonly seen in ad-hoc networks,
where each individual node autonomously sends data
either directly or through multi-hop communication to
reach the desired destination node.
B. Cross-Layer design goals:
Cross-layer designs aim to achieve specific objectives, which
are envisioned within a coordination model that defines the
supported functionality. This coordination model includes
three planes of coordination: security, Quality of Service
(QoS), [9-11] and mobility, which cover the five protocol
layers of TCP/IP. Each coordination plane in wireless
networks includes a set of protocols, algorithms, or modified
protocols to enable cross-layer functionality and address
specific difficulties.
Figure 6: Goals of Cross-Layer Design
1. Security: The security coordination plane in cross-layer
designs includes protocols that target security concerns
across all five TCP/IP protocol layers. Encryption techniques
such as SSH and Wi-Fi-protected access can be incorporated
into the coordination plane of a cross-layer design that
prioritizes secure communication. These encryption methods
can be used at different levels of the network to guarantee
security from one end to the other. At the application layer,
end-to-end encryption can be accomplished by implementing
protocols such as SSH and SSL. [9,13] Similarly, the IPsec
protocol can be employed at the network layer to enable
encryption that spans from one end of the communication to
the other. In addition, wireless networks like IEEE 802.11 can
be utilized at the data connection and physical layers to apply
encryption algorithms in order to enhance security measures.
2. QoS: The primary purpose of the QoS coordination plane
is to improve the quality of wireless transmission over all five
protocol layers. Nevertheless, the unique attributes of the
physical and data link layers in wireless networks might
create situations where the upper layers require access to
information from these lower two layers in order to enhance
Quality of Service (QoS). [16-19] The authors of research
linked as examine a range of issues that impact the Quality of
Service in wireless networks. In another cited work labelled
as [19], researchers present an adaptive modulation strategy
in conjunction with the core principles of merging coset
codes. They later utilize this strategy to improve the
efficiency of an adaptive MQAM technology called Mary
Quadrature Amplitude Modulation. This leads to the creation
of a trellis coded adaptive MQAM using this approach.
3. Mobility: The authors in [13] investigate the importance of
mobility in cross-layer design frameworks specifically
designed for wireless mobile networks. The authors
emphasize the importance of including cross-layer design to
accommodate the ever-changing movement in wireless
networks. They provide various approaches to achieve cross-
layer design that takes into consideration mobility. These
tactics involve using mobility prediction to improve network
performance, incorporating location data into routing
decisions, and using network-layer insights to enhance
handoff management procedures. Additionally, they observe
that the performance of wireless communication may be
negatively impacted by issues such as channel fading, high
bit error rates, and transmission delays, all of which can
significantly hinder mobility. Therefore, specific cross-layer
design strategies that aim to improve the quality of service
can also tackle issues connected to mobility.
The unique properties of Wireless Local Area Networks
(WLANs), such as shared medium access, interference,
mobility, and variable channel conditions, have led to a
substantial focus on cross-layer design. WLANs commonly
employ the IEEE 802.11 standard for both medium access
control and the physical layer. In the 802.11 WLAN
framework, any wireless network devices that may connect
to the wireless medium are called stations. [20] The stations
are equipped with wireless network interface cards (WNICs)
and can be classified into two main types: access points and
clients. Access points function as gateways, connecting
wireless local area networks (WLANs) to the wired network.
They create Basic Service Sets (BSS), which combine to
generate an Extended Service Set (ESS). The access points
inside an Extended Service Set (ESS) are connected through
a wired network called the Distribution System. These access
points offer services to clients in certain areas of the Basic
Service Set (BSS). In 802.11 WLANs, communication
usually happens within one hop, requiring clients to establish
connection solely with the access point.
Wireless local area networks (WLANs) have a notable
advantage in efficiently transporting data at high speeds,
which can be further enhanced by implementing Cross-Layer
design concepts. This increased transmission rate enables the
transport of data with different levels of quality, such as high-
definition video material, over wireless networks. The
authors of a recent paper, referred as [21], suggest a new
method to facilitate vertical handover between UMTS and
WLAN networks by utilizing SCTP (Stream Control
Transmission Protocol). The solution utilizes a cross-layer
design framework to guarantee a smooth handover procedure
between the two networks by integrating information from
various layers of the protocol stack. The suggested solution
effectively exploits the congestion control mechanism
inherent in SCTP to reduce handover delays and ensure
consistent Quality of Service (QoS) during the transition.
Although WLANs are highly effective in delivering fast
communication rates within small areas, they nevertheless
struggle to handle massive amounts of data. In order to
overcome this constraint, a proposed approach in recent
studies involves utilizing terahertz (THz) wireless-based
multi-node cooperation (MNC) techniques to facilitate the
transmission of high-bit-rate videos [22].
Cross-layer design, done at the network layer, aims to
optimize the collaboration between the network layer and
neighbouring levels such as transport and physical layers.
The ultimate goal is to improve the overall performance of
the network. This method seeks to alleviate the negative
impacts of typical obstacles such as congestion, latency, and
packet loss, specifically in wireless network settings. Cross-
layer design aims to boost network performance by
optimizing interactions across multiple protocol levels,
resulting in improved efficiency and reliability in data
transfer [23].
In conventional network architectures typified by
hierarchical models, the network layer often works
autonomously from other layers, with each layer functioning
independently. Nevertheless, the incorporation of cross-layer
design at the network layer undermines the separation
between levels, promoting interactions between the network
layer and neighbouring layers. This integration improves
network performance by enabling the transfer of information
between layers. This collaboration enables the optimization
of numerous characteristics, such as packet size, transmission
power, and routing paths, at the network layer through cross-
layer design. As a result, total network efficiency is
improved. Moreover, this method helps to reduce problems
such as link failures, bandwidth constraints, and routing
inefficiencies, which are especially common in wireless
networks. Cross-layer architecture enhances the overall
quality of service by allowing the network layer to adjust to
changing network conditions.
Network coding is a technique used in the Network layer to
improve the efficiency and reliability of data transmission in
communication networks. Network coding, also known as
packet-coded networks, was introduced by Ahlsede et al [24].
It involves the process of encoding packets in order to
maximize network performance. In this strategy, nodes in the
network perform two main functions: duplicating packets and
transmitting them. This is different from traditional network
operations, where nodes only relay packets sent by source
Mobility Management :
Mobility management is a crucial and difficult task in
providing uninterrupted wireless network connectivity and
mobile services to users moving across different locations.
This activity involves two essential areas: location
management and handoff management [26]. Location
management involves a range of activities, such as
addressing, registering and updating locations, tracking, and
paging. Handoff management refers to the process of
coordinating the smooth transfer across network cells by
initiating handoffs, routing connections, and ensuring a
seamless transition. These aspects are crucial in allowing
mobile devices to maintain connectivity and access
uninterrupted services while users move across different
Location Management: it is an essential procedure in
wireless networks that enables the efficient transmission
of data packets to mobile devices that regularly alter
their position. This method consists of two essential
operations: location registration and location paging.
During the process of location registration, a mobile
node transmits its updated location to the network using
specialized messages, guaranteeing the exact update of
its corresponding location information. Location paging
refers to the network's process of accurately
determining the exact location of a mobile device in
order to route calls or packets to it. These actions are
crucial for facilitating smooth communication for
mobile devices inside the network, guaranteeing
uninterrupted connectivity regardless of changes in
Handoff Management: Handoff management in
mobile networks involves the complex procedure of
maintaining a seamless connection between a mobile
device and the network while the device moves between
multiple locations. This entails commencing the
handoff procedure, establishing a fresh connection at
the device's new attachment point, and guiding data
packets via the revised connection path. The main
purpose of handoff management is to promote smooth
data transmission, which guaranteeing continuous
connectivity and communication for mobile devices as
they transition inside the network
Due to the mobility of mobile devices, the physical location
of a device is no longer immediately linked to its network
address [27]. Therefore, controlling mobility involves the
process of address translation. Hence, the optimal strategy is
to modify the path of data packets destined for the mobile
device in order to reach its new connection point at the
network layer. By incorporating mobility management at this
layer, upper-level protocols can be protected from the
specific attributes of the physical medium, guaranteeing that
mobility stays imperceptible to applications and higher-level
Introducing cross-layer design at the network layer has the
potential to improve performance and efficiency. However, it
also brings up complexity such as detailed system
architecture, routing issues, and advanced modalities. In the
upcoming talk, we will examine the obstacles faced by cross-
layer design in the network layer and investigate possible
methods to address these problems.
Integrating cross-layer design at the network layer presents
many issues that require thoughtful analysis and possible
remedies. The issues include a range of factors, including as
Quality of Service (QoS), efficient routing, optimizing
throughput, reducing packet loss, improving energy
economy, and minimizing latency. Furthermore, the
implementation of cross-layer design at the network layer
raises significant concerns regarding security, which will be
thoroughly explored in the following section. In order to
effectively tackle these issues, it is crucial to investigate
inventive methods and tactics that are customized for each
particular problem faced in the execution of cross-layer
A. Quality of Service(QoS):
The importance of Quality of Service (QoS) in wireless
networks and cross-layer design has been well recognized,
and there are several approaches available to improve QoS
performance. Now, let's explore the effects of Quality of
Service (QoS) functionality on the transmission of real-time
video. This study utilizes collaboration across the network
layer, MAC layer, and physical layer to construct an online
route. The queue length and Signal-to-Interference-plus-
Noise Ratio (SINR) are used as cross-layer measurements.
The distribution of traffic across various paths to enable real-
time transmission is guided by the queue length, determined
at the MAC layer, and the SINR, evaluated at the physical
layer [28]. A formula is used to restrict the number of packet
retransmissions in order to reduce packet loss at the MAC
layer. Additionally, dynamic multipath routing is
implemented at lower layers to minimize distortions in the
end-to-end communication. The technique is expanded to
include Multi-Path Source Routing (MPSR), which uses
connection status information from relay nodes to determine
the network routing at each hop. During the process of
transmitting data, it follows many paths. When the data is
received, the destination node uses a route selection
algorithm to check the integrity of the packets, reducing
distortion and improving the quality of service of the system.
Setton et al. proposed a cross-layer methodology that
facilitates improved communication and adaptability
between the upper and bottom levels in response to network
conditions. Although this architecture provides a system of
organization with multiple layers, improving communication
between these layers is still a difficult task. Adopting adaptive
resource allocation, which is especially advantageous for
video transmission, greatly enhances performance. The
Lagrangian dual method is utilized for power optimization in
cognitive radio, while the discrete stochastic method is
employed to solve channel allocation. These techniques
enable the dynamic tracking of network changes. Moreover,
the utilization of information from secondary users in
cooperative spectrum sensing is a highly effective approach
in cognitive radios [23].
B. Routing:
A research study implemented a route management technique
that utilized Received Signal Strength (RSS) to improve TCP
performance and reduce packet loss in Mobile Ad hoc
Networks (MANETs) [29]. This approach constructs a path
and tests all Quality of Service (QoS) parameters at each node
prior to broadcasting. The request is transmitted only if all
parameters are satisfied; otherwise, the algorithm initiates a
restart of the procedure and resets the route. After confirming
the route and ensuring that all nodes adhere to the rules, the
request is sent, enabling data flow in both directions between
the source and destination nodes. This algorithm minimizes
the probability of packet loss, resulting in increased data
transfer rate and improved Quality of Service (QoS) [28]. A
hierarchical HSDPA (Hierarchical Service Differentiation
Packet Aggregation) was suggested as a cross-layer design
strategy to enhance routing and minimize energy usage. By
handling requests in a hierarchical manner, this strategy
minimizes the amount of unnecessary work and energy used.
When comparing the HSDPA algorithm with the CBRP
routing protocol, a cluster-based approach was used. The
results showed that the HSDPA algorithm performed
significantly better, with an 86% improvement. This indicates
that the HSDPA algorithm is both robust and scalable.
C. Throughput:
Throughput, a fundamental term in the field of networking,
quantifies the volume of data that is transmitted between a
sender and a receiver within a certain period of time, usually
represented in units of bits per second. Recently, the task of
achieving high throughput has become a notable obstacle,
prompting researchers to investigate cross-layer design
alternatives. HSMD (Hybrid Symbol Mapping Diversity) is
an innovative approach that incorporates white Gaussian
noise to improve the effectiveness of the system.
Nevertheless, the presence of multipath fading presents a
difficulty to this method, which has led to the creation of
Dynamic Symbol Mapping Diversity as explained in [30].
The use of dynamic transmission approaches, which adjust
based on algorithms, is three times more effective than
classical symbol mapping diversity, especially in reducing
the impact of multipath fading.
In a separate study [31], the authors suggest using
optimization tactics that are tailored to the specific
application in order to improve system performance. These
strategies use both top-down and bottom-up approaches. The
simulation results exhibit substantial enhancements. In
addition, Markov decision processes are used in [23] to
address the issue of optimizing TCP performance in
Cognitive Radio (CR) networks across different layers. This
architecture enhances TCP throughput by taking into account
elements such as spectrum sensing, physical-layer
modulation, and coding schemes. The simulation results
confirm that CR networks have a considerable effect on TCP
throughput and that there is potential for significant
improvement by simultaneously adjusting low-layer
characteristics [32-33].
D. Packet loss:
Packet loss refers to the failure of data packets to reach their
intended destination, which has a negative impact on network
performance. It leads to decreased data transfer rates, greater
latency, and overall degradation of the network. In response
to this difficulty, a new model presented in [34] utilizes a
hidden Markov model to forecast the occurrence of packet
loss in Wi-Fi networks. This model takes into account
important Wi-Fi factors such as signal-to-noise ratio and
channel occupancy. It uses clustering techniques to simplify
the complexity of the Markov chain's states. This model has
been trained using actual network data. It is capable of
making strong predictions in many scenarios without the need
for re-parameterization. This improves its dependability
when compared to other existing models.
An additional approach to enhance the dependability of the
system is the synopsis model, which entails replicating
packets and transmitting them to numerous nodes. The
technique, [35] referred to as packet replication, reduces the
likelihood of packet loss by keeping duplicate copies at
multiple nodes. Packet replication is especially advantageous
in wireless networks that are prone to signal degradation and
interference. It reduces data loss and improves the overall
resilience of the network.
E. Latency:
Reducing latency at the network layer is a crucial issue,
which has led academics to create cross-layer
implementations with the goal of minimizing latency. An
implementation is being developed that specifically targets
the multihop protocol at the MAC network layer. This
implementation utilizes a Q-learning method to optimize the
selection of nodes and reduce the total number of nodes. This
strategy effectively decreases the number of nodes involved
by utilizing the network layer to monitor data packets [36].
A model is introduced in [36] to dynamically modify the
contention window size according to the number of sender
nodes in the network. This proactive protocol predicts
changes in the number of nodes depending on the present
status of the network.
Nevertheless, in reference [37], the authors faced difficulties
in forecasting the traffic pattern of VANETs while suggesting
a backoff technique that relies on estimating the number of
active nodes. The introduction of metro passenger
information systems in VANETs has brought about new
applications that utilize the application layer to improve the
transmission of video data in metros. A video transmission
quality improvement has been achieved by utilizing an
optimization technique based on SMDP [38].
In communication-based train control systems, cross-layer
design is used to address latency issues. Performance
improvements are attained by modifying Multiple-Input
Multiple-Output (MIMO) settings in the physical layer, as
explained in reference [39], referred to as Space-Modulated
Discrete Precoding (SMDP).
F. Network Lifetime
Improving energy efficiency is crucial for extending the
lifespan of the network, especially in wireless sensor
networks (WSNs). This research focuses on wireless sensor
networks (WSNs) and their use of a cross-layer routing
system to improve energy efficiency. [41] presents two
primary methodologies: firstly, a cross-layer routing strategy
that chooses energy-efficient routes for connecting future
nodes, and secondly, a cross-layer MAC technique that uses
an adaptive sleep scheduling algorithm. This MAC approach
ensures that routing nodes maintain an active state while
others remain idle, hence maximizing energy efficiency.
Addressing routing protocol design issues within Wireless
Sensor Networks (WSNs) is crucial in the current setting.
This article explores different routing protocols and their
associated problems and solutions. Some notable instances
include the use of the DECROP routing approach to reduce
power usage, the utilization of ONCP for controlled
scalability, and the implementation of ARPEES to reduce
energy consumption. These are just a few strategies that have
been employed.
There has been a significant increase in attention in recent
years about cross-layer design proposals specifically
designed for wireless networks. The increase in activity has
prompted a wide range of solutions that focus on specific
areas of performance limitations, resulting in a variety of
suggestions that try to improve certain aspects of network
layers. Implementing cross-layer design at the network layer
shows potential for improving network performance,
increasing quality of service, addressing routing difficulties,
and reducing latency problems. However, it also poses certain
technological and security challenges that require careful
attention. This study examines the fundamental aspects of
cross-layer design at the network layer, discussing its benefits
and difficulties, and proposing possible solutions for the
obstacles. In addition, we thoroughly examine security issues
related to cross-layer design in the network layer and propose
solutions to reduce the associated risks. Ongoing research and
innovation in this field are crucial to improve current methods
and develop new techniques that may address changing
difficulties. The need for skilled and effective cross-layer
design will become even more crucial as technology
progresses and network infrastructure becomes more
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Open System Interconnection (OSI) model is the best means to understand the way the internet works and the communication of computers over a network system. It is considered as the standard model for network communication. This article describes the OSI model with an example and provides a brief description of the seven layers of the OSI model.
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Immersive virtual reality (VR) video is becoming increasingly popular owing to its enhanced immersive experience. To enjoy ultra-high resolution immersive VR video with wireless user equipments such as head-mounted displays (HMDs), ultra-low-latency viewport rendering and data transmission are the core prerequisites, which could not be achieved without a huge bandwidth and superior processing capabilities. Besides, potentially very high energy consumption at the HMD may impede the rapid development of wireless panoramic VR video. Multi-access edge computing (MEC) has emerged as a promising technology to reduce both the task processing latency and the energy consumption for HMD, while bandwidth-rich THz communication is expected to enable ultra-high-speed wireless data transmission. In this paper, we propose to minimize the long-term energy consumption of a THz wireless access based MEC system for high quality immersive VR video services support by jointly optimizing the viewport rendering offloading and downlink transmit power control. Considering the time-varying nature of wireless channel conditions, we propose a deep reinforcement learning based approach to learn the optimal viewport rendering offloading and transmit power control policies and an asynchronous advantage actor-critic (A3C) based joint optomization algorithm is proposed. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm converges fast under different learning rates, and outperforms existing algorithms in terms of minimized energy consumption and maximized reward.
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The strict boundary of the five layers in the TCP/IP network model provides the information encapsulation that enables the standardizing of network communications and makes the implementation of networks convenient in terms of abstract layers. However, the encapsulation results in some side effects, including compromise of QoS, latency, extra overload, etc. Therefore, to mitigate the side effect of the encapsulation between the abstract layers in the TCP/IP model, a number of cross-layer designs have been proposed. Cross-layer designs allow information sharing among all of the five layers in order to improve the wireless network functionality, including security, QoS, and mobility. In this article, we classify cross-layer designs by two ways. On the one hand, by how to share information among the five layers, cross-layer designs can be classified into two categories: non-manager method and manager method. On the other hand, by the organization of the network, cross-layer designs can be classified into two categories: centralized method and distributed method. Furthermore, we summarize the challenges of the cross-layer designs, including coexistence, signaling, the lack of a universal cross-layer design, and the destruction of the layered architecture.
A cross-network cross-layer design method is proposed to exploit the trunking, diversity, and best service assignment gains available in a heterogeneous wireless network (HWN), consisting of orthogonal radio access networks (RANs) and interference-limited RANs. Accounting for traffic-level dynamics and channel fading, we jointly design the distribution strategy for elastic and inelastic traffic, and the radio resource management strategy for RANs, in a network-separable control architecture. Optimal and quantified near-optimal radio allocation schemes are proposed for each type of RAN, which are combined into an on-line design framework that over time provides asymptotically optimal performance, maximizing the sum throughput utility for elastic traffic while guaranteeing the throughput requirements of inelastic traffic. Extensive simulation results demonstrate substantial performance improvement against suboptimal alternatives.
Both cognitive radio and femtocell have been considered as promising techniques in wireless networks. However, most of previous works are focused on spectrum sharing and interference avoidance, and the energy efficiency aspect is largely ignored. In this paper, we study the energy efficiency aspect of spectrum sharing and power allocation in heterogeneous cognitive radio networks with femtocells. To fully exploit the cognitive capability, we consider a wireless network architecture in which both the macrocell and the femtocell have the cognitive capability. We formulate the energy-efficient resource allocation problem in heterogeneous cognitive radio networks with femtocells as a Stackelberg game. A gradient based iteration algorithm is proposed to obtain the Stackelberg equilibrium solution to the energy-efficient resource allocation problem. Simulation results are presented to demonstrate the Stackelberg equilibrium is obtained by the proposed iteration algorithm and energy efficiency can be improved significantly in the proposed scheme.
In this paper, radio resource allocation in a heterogeneous wireless access medium is investigated. Mobile terminals (MTs) are equipped with multiple radio interfaces and are assumed to have multi-homing capabilities. A novel algorithm, namely prediction based resource allocation algorithm, is proposed for the resource allocation. Unlike the existing solutions in literature, the proposed algorithm does not require a central resource manager to perform the radio resource allocation. The MT plays an active role in the resource allocation operation by requesting a bandwidth share from each available network based on the available resources at the network, such that the total allocated bandwidth from different networks satisfies the MT service requirement. The proposed algorithm is suitable for implementation in a dynamic environment with call arrivals and departures, and relies on network cooperation to perform the decentralized radio resource allocation in an efficient manner. Simulation results are presented to investigate the performance tradeoffs of the proposed algorithm.
We present an algorithm to dynamically allocate transmission power to maximize the throughput-utility in an interference-limited network under an instantaneous sum power constraint with time-varying channels. We consider the equivalent problem of maximum admission with queue stability constraint through Lyapunov optimization. The resultant non-convex minimization problem is solved by an online algorithm consisting of two components: first, successive convex approximations to randomly choose a local minimum, and second, a modified pick-and-compare method for low-complexity convergence to a global minimum. We prove the optimality of this approach, derive its tradeoff between throughput-utility and delay, and demonstrate its performance advantage against existing methods.
Recently, there is great interest in considering the energy efficiency aspect of cellular networks. On the other hand, the power grid infrastructure, which provides electricity to cellular networks, is experiencing a significant shift from the traditional electricity grid to the smart grid. When a cellular network is powered by the smart grid, only considering energy efficiency in the cellular network may not be enough. In this paper, we consider not only energy-efficient communications but also the dynamics of the smart grid in designing green wireless cellular networks. Specifically, the dynamic operation of cellular base stations depends on the traffic, real-time electricity price, and the pollutant level associated with electricity generation. Coordinated multipoint (CoMP) is used to ensure acceptable service quality in the cells whose base stations have been shut down. The active base stations decide on which retailers to procure electricity from and how much electricity to procure. We formulate the system as a Stackelberg game, which has two levels: a cellular network level and a smart grid level. Simulation results show that the smart grid has significant impacts on green wireless cellular networks, and our proposed scheme can significantly reduce operational expenditure and CO_2 emissions in green wireless cellular networks.