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Trends in IT Strategy Implementation: A Systematic Review Across Education and Industry (2000-2022)

  • Indonesian National Institute and Innovation Agency


The rapid and global development of digital technology or digital transformation has encouraged various business sectors to adapt to the field of information technology. The education and industrial sectors are interrelated and need to adapt to developments in digital technology where the eduacton sector is the supplieer of human resources and the industrial sector is one of the purposes of the education sector. The balancing prepareness of thos both sector on IT starategy whoulld be conducted for the optimum of busnis process otuput. One of the indicators of the digital transformation adaptation process is the implementation of the information technology (IT) strategy plan. In this paper, a bibliometric analysis is carried out from database Scopus on IT strategy implementation in the industry and education sectors published within the last two decades to get an overview of the responses of these two sectors to the dynamics of digital transformation. Bibliometric analysis" refers to the quantitative assessment of scholarly publications and research activities within a specific field or discipline. The analysis is based on the papers' growth trends and the thematic maps' evolution over each decade. The compilation comprises a total of 41 journals and 23 proceedings. To enhance our comprehension of thematic evolution, the two articles have been categorized into distinct decade periods: 2000-2010 and 2010-2022. The results show that the industrial sector has more publications with an earlier productivity peak than the education sector. The peak productivity of paper in the two sectors occurred before the COVID-19 pandemic. The productivity rate of papers during and after the COVID-19 pandemic was at a reasonably low value, which can be interpreted as an indicator of readiness for the pandemic events that occurred and their effects. The distribution of the thematic maps of the two sectors is different, with the industrial sector having more variables than the education sector. Industrial thematic objects are scattered in all quadrants, while the education sector has been concentrated in quadrants 2 and 3 in the last decade. The thematic objective's distribution indicates the dynamics of the challenges in implementing the information technology strategy for both sectors over the next two decades.
Trends in IT Strategy Implementation: A Systematic Review Across Education and Industry
Varuliantor Dear1,2 , Nandang Dedi2, Annis Siradj Mardiani2, Heru Nugroho3*
1 School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung 40116, Indonesia
2 Space Research Center, National Research and Innovation Agency, Bandung 40135, Indonesia
3 School of Applied Science, Telkom University, Bandung 40257, Indonesia
Corresponding Author Email:
Copyright: ©2023 IIETA. This article is published by IIETA and is licensed under the CC BY 4.0 license
Received: 9 September 2023
Revised: 29 November 2023
Accepted: 5 December 2023
Available online: 23 December 2023
The rapid and global development of digital technology or digital transformation has
encouraged various business sectors to adapt to the field of information technology. The
education and industrial sectors are interrelated and need to adapt to developments in digital
technology where the eduacton sector is the supplieer of human resources and the industrial
sector is one of the purposes of the education sector. The balancing prepareness of thos both
sector on IT starategy whoulld be conducted for the optimum of busnis process otuput. One
of the indicators of the digital transformation adaptation process is the implementation of
the information technology (IT) strategy plan. In this paper, a bibliometric analysis is
carried out from database Scopus on IT strategy implementation in the industry and
education sectors published within the last two decades to get an overview of the responses
of these two sectors to the dynamics of digital transformation. Bibliometric analysis" refers
to the quantitative assessment of scholarly publications and research activities within a
specific field or discipline. The analysis is based on the papers' growth trends and the
thematic maps' evolution over each decade. The compilation comprises a total of 41 journals
and 23 proceedings. To enhance our comprehension of thematic evolution, the two articles
have been categorized into distinct decade periods: 20002010 and 20102022. The results
show that the industrial sector has more publications with an earlier productivity peak than
the education sector. The peak productivity of paper in the two sectors occurred before the
COVID-19 pandemic. The productivity rate of papers during and after the COVID-19
pandemic was at a reasonably low value, which can be interpreted as an indicator of
readiness for the pandemic events that occurred and their effects. The distribution of the
thematic maps of the two sectors is different, with the industrial sector having more
variables than the education sector. Industrial thematic objects are scattered in all quadrants,
while the education sector has been concentrated in quadrants 2 and 3 in the last decade.
The thematic objective's distribution indicates the dynamics of the challenges in
implementing the information technology strategy for both sectors over the next two
IT strategy, implementation, education,
industry, bibliometric
Industry must overcome several technical issues to deliver
renewable energy in significant quantities. Control is one of
the key enabling technologies for the deployment of renewable
energy systems. Solar and wind power require the effective
use of advanced control techniques. In addition, smart grids
cannot be achieved without extensive use of control
technologies at all levels.
The rapid development of digital technology demands an
adaptation of digital transformation in various business sectors
[1-7]. This needs to be done to maintain the continuity of
business processes and survive the dynamics of changes that
occur. Furthermore, the COVID-19 pandemic phase, which
had an impact on drastic and global changes in various
activities, forced the adaptation process to the development of
digital technology to be carried out more quickly [8-10].
During the COVID-19 pandemic phases, all sectors were
forced to adopt digital transformation to maintain their
business process due to the limitation of physical interaction.
The education sector and the industrial sector have a
reasonably close relationship. The education sector is the
central pillar that produces the human resources that the
industrial sector needs [11]. For the education sector to
produce adequate human resources in the industrial sector,
adaptation to changes in information technology is a must,
both in business processes and in the substance of education
[12]. The inability to adapt to the developments in information
technology implies that the output products from the education
sector do not meet the qualifications needed in the industrial
sector. On the other hand, the industrial sector cannot adapt to
developments in information technology, causing business
Ingénierie des Systèmes d’Information
Vol. 28, No. 6, December, 2023, pp. 1643-1651
Journal homepage:
processes not to run correctly and implying the capability to
survive the changes that occur even though supported by
competent human resources [13-15]. Therefore, the education
and industrial sectors need to adopt digital technology
developments in line with the changes occurring to obtain
balance and synergy. Adoption of digital technology between
the two sectors or one sector will result in disharmony in the
output relations between both sectors. Therefore, information
on digital technology adaptation from the educational and
industrial sectors will be useful for evaluating current
conditions. The application of Information Technology (IT)
strategies, in education and industry is extremely important in
todays world. This is because technology is advancing rapidly
and causing changes across sectors. By understanding the
reasons and motivations behind implementing IT strategies we
can gain insights, into how these fields are evolving.
One indication of the adaptation process of information
technology development dynamics in business processes is the
implementation of an information technology (IT) strategy
[16-19]. The implementation of the information technology
strategy is a sign and direction of the process of adapting the
development of information technology systematically and
measurably. To see global trends in awareness of the industry
and education sectors, one of the analytical metrics that can be
used is to look at the productivity of publications that discuss
these topics [20]. Studying the implementation of IT strategy,
in both education and industry holds importance for reasons.
Firstly it allows researchers and professionals to understand
the approaches and potential challenges that come with
adopting IT in contexts. Secondly it provides a foundation for
creating policies and frameworks that can guide successful
integration of IT. Thirdly gaining insights into the
implementation of IT strategy contributes to building a
workforce of utilizing the advantages offered by emerging
technologies. In essence studying IT strategy in education and
industry plays a role, in shaping a future where technology
empowers us drives innovation and ensures growth in the
global knowledge economy.
The main contribution of this paper is a systematic literature
review of the implementation of information and technology
strategy in the industrial and education sectors based on the
number of publications available over the past two decades.
To the best of our knowledge, the paper that discusses the trend
of IT strategy implementation in the educational sector
together with the industrial sector using bibliometric analyses
could not be found. There are only some papers that discuss
the implementation of IT strategy partially in the educational
and industrial sectors which are also used as databases in this
study [10-15]. This study aims to determine trends in utilizing
information technology strategies, which indicate the response
of information technology development to business process
activities. Analysis was carried out using the bibliometric
method to answer the following research questions (RQ):
RQ-1. Research trends in information technology
strategy implementation from both sectors within the
next 20 years
RQ-2. The implementation of the information
technology strategy after the COVID-19 pandemic is
an indication of the response of the two sectors.
RQ-3. object priority of the information technology
strategy's implementation and its evolution.
To get a comprehensive description, the structure of this
paper is written as follows: Chapter 2 briefly describes the
information technology strategy. In Chapter 3, data and
methodology are presented. In Chapter 4, the results obtained,
and their discussion are presented. In the last chapter, the
conclusions of this paper are presented.
Informa Information technology strategy is the initial step
of an organization's or company's awareness response
following the development of digital technology or digital
transformation [21-25]. The information technology strategy
aims to optimize the functions and roles of the information
technology division in the business process activities of a
company or organization. Furthermore, the information
technology strategy is also expected to provide added value
through the resulting business products. It is even likely to be
able to become the initiator of business product expansion.
Without an information technology strategy, the very rapid
adaptation of digital transformation has the potential to not be
followed correctly, so it can disrupt existing business
processes. The steps in the information technology strategy are
divided into three stages, namely:
(1) Review and evaluate the current condition of the
information technology division based on business objectives.
(2) Preparation of an information technology strategy in
accordance with business processes based on the results of the
gaps at the review stage, and
(3) Management and implementation of information
technology strategy, which is structured as a form of digital
Documents such as COBIT 5 [19] and TOGAF [21] are
available to develop an IT strategy. The document can be a
guide that can be adapted to the challenges and uniqueness of
each form of business. COBIT is a framework specifically
designed to help organizations govern and manage their
information and technology processes. In the context of IT
strategy, COBIT provides a set of guidelines and best practices
for aligning IT goals with business objectives. It ensures that
IT activities support the organization's overall strategy and that
risks are effectively managed. TOGAF is an enterprise
architecture methodology and framework used to improve
business efficiency. In the context of IT strategy, TOGAF
provides a structured approach to creating and implementing
an enterprise architecture that supports the organization's
In education, strategy formulation extends beyond
technology adoption; it involves crafting a comprehensive
plan for integrating technology into the curriculum. This
includes defining objectives for enhancing student
engagement, improving assessment methods through
technology, and providing professional development for
educators to effectively leverage new tools. Strategies could
also focus on fostering a technology-driven learning
environment that prepares students for the digital challenges
they will face in the workforce. The strategy formulation stage
in industry involves creating a roadmap for adopting and
leveraging technology to optimize operations, improve
efficiency, and gain a competitive edge. This could include
defining how data analytics will be used to inform decision-
making in manufacturing processes or developing a
cybersecurity strategy to protect sensitive information. The
formulation process is industry-specific, considering the
unique demands and goals of the sector.
However, challenges in implementing IT strategies have
also evolved along with information and communication
technology development dynamics. One indicator that can be
used to view these dynamics is the growth of papers discussing
implementing IT strategies in the public domain [20]. These
papers' development reflects how IT strategy implementation
trends are applied to various sectors. In the education sector,
effective IT strategy implementation is imperative for adapting
to the evolving landscape of learning technologies. In the
industrial sector, where technology is integral to operational
efficiency and innovation, the stages of IT strategy
implementation follow a strategic trajectory. In both education
and industry, the stages of IT strategy implementation are
tailored to the specific challenges and objectives of each sector.
Successful implementation ensures that IT initiatives not only
align with strategic goals but also contribute significantly to
the advancement and competitiveness of the respective
The framework for the study's examination of the published
articles is shown in Figure 1, and it comprises of two stages of
work: data collecting and data analysis. Finding pertinent
articles and extracting useful data are the first steps in the
process. The gathered data is next carefully examined and
categorized in accordance with predetermined criteria. A
thorough examination of the retrieved data is then conducted
to find patterns, trends, and linkages.
Figure 1. Framework for data colleting and analysis process
3.1 Data collection
The first stage, namely data collection, was carried out
based on the keywords "information technology
implementation" and "industry" used in search queries on the
Scopus website database to obtain articles on information
technology implementation in the industrial sector.
Meanwhile, to get reports on implementing information
technology in the education sector, the keywords used are
"information technology implementation" and "education."
Keywords are based on the objectives of the study and are
taken from keywords that are widely used in previous studies.
The Scopus database contains various types of documents.
Still, in this study, the papers used are limited by the kind of
journal and proceedings used to understand the data better.
The use of the journal paper as a database is based on the peer
review process, which guarantees the data is valid. Meanwhile,
the use of the conference paper was based on the consideration
of scientific promotion phases in the academic public domain,
although without a tight peer review process as in the journal
paper. Utilizing sources beyond the two categories of
publications as databases is aimed at circumventing the
inclusion of unverified material.
The number of publications obtained for the industrial
sector consists of 28 journals and 17 proceedings. At the same
time, the number of publications obtained for the education
sector consisted of 13 journals and five proceedings. The total
of all documents is 41 journals and 23 proceedings. To
understand thematic evolution better, the two articles are
divided into two decade periods, namely the 20002010 and
20102022 groups.
3.2 Data analysis
Data analysis was performed using the Bibliometric
analysis tools provided by Aria and Cuccurullo [26].
Bibliometric is a method used to measure and evaluate
published results [27]. There are two methods of bibliometric
principles for analyzing and evaluating a research activity,
namely performance analysis and scientific mapping [28]. The
performance analysis aims to assess the research
implementing group, such as personnel, countries, agencies,
and the impact of the research activities. Meanwhile, the
scientific mapping method aims to find information precisely
from the conceptual structure of research themes [29]. In this
study, a general analysis was carried out to see the growth in
the number of publications, and the scientific mapping method
was used to see the thematic changes in the publication of
papers in the industrial and educational sectors.
Despite occurring during the COVID-19 pandemic, the
number of publications tended to be stable and decline after
the growth peak. The results also show that the object of the
IT priority implementation strategy in the industrial sector has
more variables than the education sector. The evolution of
thematic objects from the two sectors is also different; the
industrial sector looks more dynamic than the education sector.
Figure 2 presents the number of publications with the
keywords "information technology strategy implementation"
produced in 20002022. The productivity rate of articles in the
industrial sector has been higher than in the education sector
since 2000. The industrial sector has experienced a significant
increase in articles from 2011 to 2015. However, publications
produced from 2015 to 2018 have a downward trend, whereas
in 2018, no publications were generated. In the early phase of
the COVID-19 pandemic in 2019, IT strategy publications in
the industrial sector remained unchanged from 2018, but in
2020, IT strategy publications began to appear and persist in
one paper per year until 2022. The trend in the number of
papers is thought to be influenced by many factors, one of
which is the readiness of the industrial sector since 2011, so
that during the pandemic period, the industrial industry was
ready and only required adjustments. In 2012, the industrial
sector can also be affected by global social issues that affect
preparation from aspects of information and communication
technology, such as the 2012 doomsday issue [30].
In the education sector, the growth rate of IT strategy
implementation publications is quite different from that in the
industrial sector. From 2000 to 2016, the publications
produced had the highest score of 2 and tended to average 1
publication per year. In 2017, there was an increase in
publications, which reached three articles, but in the following
year, the value decreased again, with one publication per year.
No publications were produced during the initial period of the
COVID-19 pandemic until 2021. However, in 2022, there will
be one IT strategy publication in the education sector. The
growth trend of publications in the education sector, which
tends not to change and is at a low level, is thought to be
caused by several factors, including (i) the implementation of
the IT strategy in the education sector, which has been
prepared with the development of information and
communication technology since 2017, or (ii) the unaffected
educational business processes from the dynamics of IT
technology development. The trend in the number of
publications obtained in the past twenty years indicates that
awareness of IT strategy implementation in the two sectors has
a different period, where the industrial sector is earlier than the
education sector.
Figure 3 presents a thematic map of the IT strategy
implementation research in the Industrial sector, which can be
used to identify the priority classification of the object. The
priority object of IT strategy implementation in the industrial
sector leads to Business Analysis Activities, Data warehouse,
Information Technology, Information Services, Company and,
Budget control which in the Quadrant-1 group (Q1). In
Quadrant-2 (Q2), which is a group that has not yet been
developed but is a priority centralization, the object activities
are leading to Management information system activities,
Strategic planning, Industrial construction, Decision making,
and Human resource management. In Quadrant 3 (Q3),
namely, objects that are not a priority or principal and have
been developed consisting of electronic mail, IT strategy, and
Hardware. Several objects from the Q3 group also overlap
with the Q1 group, meaning these components have been and
are still being developed. In Quadrant 4 (Q4), which is not
major and not developed, there are components of outsourcing
and computer software.
Along with the dynamics that have occurred in 20 years, the
evolution of thematic maps can also occur. In Figure 4, a
comparison of the Thematic maps of Information Technology
Strategy implementation research in two different decades is
presented. In the first decade, from 2000 to 2010, the
components in Quadrant 1 include Information Technology
Strategy, Budget control, and Company resource planning. In
the first decade phase, there were two activity objects that
intersected between Quadrant 2 and Quadrant 3. However, in
the following decade, the subject of activity from the
intersection of the two quadrant groups evolved totally into
Quadrant 1, which means that the object becomes important
and stated as a priority objective to do. In addition to shifting
to Quadrant 1, there is also a shift in activity subject to
Quadrant 4, which means that the object is no longer needed
and is not a priority. The evolution of thematic maps over the
past two decades is an indication that there are dynamics in the
implementation of the Information Technology Strategy.
Figure 5 presents a thematic map of IT strategy
implementation research in the education sector. The main
focus and priority of the IT strategy implementation paper in
the education sector consists of information technology,
curriculum, and engineering research, which are in Quadrant
1. Meanwhile, in Quadrant 2, the activity object that is a
priority but has not yet been developed and needs to be
developed is the information system. Quadrant 3 consists of
personal objects and the Internet, which are not priorities but
have been developed. In Quadrant 4, personal training is the
object activity that does not need to be developed because it is
not the primary object. The thematic map of the education
sector looks more straightforward than that of the industrial
sector, which is thought to be caused by differences in core
business values. In the education sector, the product is to
produce human resources, so the primary focus is on the
curriculum to improve human or personnel competence. Those
primary focuses differ in the industrial sector, where the
products are in the form of goods or services and many objects
are prioritized to be developed.
Figure 2. Number of publication of implementation of IT
strategy in industrial and education sector from 2000 to 2022
Figure 3. Thematic map of implementation information and technology strategy in industrial sector
Figure 4. Evolution of thematic map in indusrial sector from (a) 2000-2010 and (b) 2011-2020
Figure 6 presents a thematic map of two different time-
decade groups in the paper on the implementation of IT
strategies in the education sector. In the early decades,
research subjects were distributed in Quadrant 2 and Quadrant
3. However, the research subjects shifted in the next decade to
become part of Quadrant 1 and Quadrant 4. Subjects in
Quadrant 1 in the second decade only consisted of information
technology and curriculum that shifted from Quadrant 3.
While objects that are in Quadrant 4 in the second decade
consist of humans, which are the contents of Quadrant 2 in the
first decade. Based on this thematic evolution, the education
sector has a relatively small IT strategic priority.
Figure 7 presents an analysis of multiple correspondence
analysis (MCA) from papers on the implementation of IT
strategies in the industrial sector and the education sector.
MCA reflecting the aspect or parts that focused to be analysed
which reveal what points that focused. Comparing two eperiod
of MCA anayls will reveal the key points or concern of the
problems in IT startegy implementation in both sectors.In the
industrial sector, the MCA analysis obtained shows that there
are two main groups of keywords, namely information systems
and information services. The information system keyword
group dominates the similarity of the concepts in each paper.
Meanwhile, the "information services" keyword group was
only found in a few papers. The distribution of the similarity
of concepts based on these keywords shows that the objects in
the implementation of strategies in the industrial sector are
quite varied. MCA in the education sector shows different
results; namely, there is only a single group of related
keywords in all the papers used. The distribution of the objects
in the group is not widespread, which means that the object
variants are not sufficiently developed. The results of the
MCA analysis in the two sectors reflect how the trends in
information technology implementation have changed in the
last two decades.
Figure 5. Thematic map of implementation information and technology strategy in education sector
Figure 6. Evolution of thematic map in education sector for (a) 2000-2010, and (b) 2011-2022
Figure 7. MCA map for (a) Industrial and (b) Education sector
A literature study on IT strategy implementation in the
education and industrial sectors based on the number of
publications could be used as an indicator of how both sectors
respond to the digital transformation. In the industrial sector,
the peak of paper growth occurred in 2012. Meanwhile, in the
education sector, 2017 The number of publications after the
growth peak tended to be stable and decreased, even though it
was during the COVID-19 pandemic. The growth trend in the
number of publications reflects that both sectors responded to
the dynamics of information technology before the pandemic.
The results also show that the object of the IT priority
implementation strategy in the industrial sector has more
variables than the education sector. The evolution of thematic
objects from the two sectors is also different; the industrial
sector looks more dynamic than the education sector. This
information generally indicates how the education and
industrial sectors respond to digital transformation in business
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Revolusi industri 4.0 telah memberikan dampak berupa perubahan mendasar pada peradaban manusia di berbagai sektor, salah satunya sektor pendidikan. Sektor pendidikan merupakan modal dasar yang utama bagi perkembangan dan kemajuan generasi penerus bangsa ke depannya yang perlu melibatkan semua pihak dan diperlukan juga regulasi yang baik ke depannya, melalui upaya peningkatan kualitas pendidikan dan pengajaran. Artikel ini bersifat deskriptif dengan tujuan penelitian adalah untuk melihat dampak yang terjadi pada sektor pendidikan, khususnya pada pendidikan dasar dan menengah akibat dari revolusi industri 4.0. Pembelajaran digital yang terjadi saat ini adalah salah satu akibat dari revolusi industri 4.0. Siswa dan guru tidak harus bertemu secara fisik untuk melakukan proses pembelajaran, sumber belajar bisa diakses dimana dan kapan saja. Generasi yang dihasilkan diharapkan dapat membuat perubahan nyata untuk masa depan dalam menghadapi segala transformasi yang terus berkembang Metode yang digunakan adalah dengan melakukan kajian literatur (literature review) pada penelitian�penelitian yang secara spesifik membahas revolusi industri 4.0 di sektor pendidikan. Kajian yang dilakukan meliputi aspek sektor pendidikan, peningkatan kualitas, teknologi dan literasi. Secara garis besar, keempat aspek tersebut merupakan kunci utama dalam melakukan pembangunan pendidikan di era revolusi industri 4.0. Tidak hanya dalam hal pembangunan pendidikan, jika dilakukan secara serius maka akan membuat Indonesia lebih maju lagi.
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Recently, we heard much more about digitalization and related processes around the world. In other words, digitalization is already an important part of modern trends. The main aspects of digitalization, digital transformation and its impact on the financial services of the banks have been discussed and analyzed in this article. Along with the effect of digitalization on everyone’s life, the influence on financial services of the banks and on their businesses are also important. It is noted that banks need to make changes in their approaches to financial services, business models and strategies in accordance with the new requirements. The paper also focuses on the start of a new digital age in financial markets and the need for the regulator to adopt a new approach over the course of its existence. Formation of the reality of regulators working with wider companies and areas, the need to analyze the larger databases, the importance of extensive use of digital opportunities for more effective run of their functions have been examined. It is stated that the supervisors should be interested in technological development, take the leadership in its application, have to consider possible development trends, new regulations with financial institutions, as well as large bigtech companies. In this regard, the measures taken by the European regulatory authorities, innovations have been analyzed, as well. Emphasizing the importance of defining a common framework approach by the ECB, aspects of the policy set by national regulators within that framework are examined. The obvious positive advantages of new technological solutions application are also discussed. Thus, possibility of modern technological development to create a fertile ground for concealing a number of criminal acts, such as money laundering, terrorism, fraud and tax evasion is noted. Keywords: digitalization, digital transformation, financial supervision, digital finance, financial stability, financial services, risk management. JEL Classification G21, O14, K20 Formulas: 0; fig.: 0; tabl.: 0; bibl.: 27.
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Introduction. The scale and destructive consequences of the unlawful impact on cyberspace is a key problem of modern geopolitics, and cyber reliability is recognized as one of the most important security priorities by the subjects of international relations.Problem Statement. Monitoring of cyber incidents and anomalies in information and communication systems and prompt response to risks determined by cyber threats require the development of a system of indicators and criteria for cybersecurity assessment.Purpose. Summarize the international experience of assessing the cybersecurity, to position countries by their level of development in the global space, to identify strengths and weaknesses in cybersecurity management, and to ensure effective protection of cyberspace at the national level.Materials and Methods. Used the component indices of the international rankings characterizing the potential of the digital economy (ICT IDI, NRI, EGDI) and the participation of countries in the field of cybersecurity(GCI and NCSI).Results. It has been argued that cybersecurity ratings play the role of a kind of identifier of the relative advantages and vulnerabilities of the national cyber strategies, and indicate the need for their review in order tostrengthen protection against cyber-attacks and improve the cyber risk management system. In countries with a high level of economic development, which is largely based on the contribution of IT technologies to the national production, the cybersecurity potential is significantly higher, regardless of geolocation. The discovered correlation between GCI, information society development indices (IDI, NRI, EGDI) and GDPper capita confirms that the digital transformation of the economy and society acts as a key driver of economicdevelopment if the information- and cyber-security are assured only. The best practices are highlighted, andcritically weak segments of the national cybersecurity are identified.Conclusions. Using the NCSI indicators, the preparedness of Georgia and Ukraine to prevent the implementation of fundamental cyber threats and to manage cyber incidents and large-scale cyber crises is assessed.
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Digital transformation is in a period of strong development, playing an important role in the development of public and private organizations. Its implications are still being clarified. However, up to now, the category of digital transformation has many different conceptions. Therefore, the objective of the paper contributes to the interpretation and discovery of the perception of digital transformation, the cognitive development of digital transformation, the positive aspects of the digital transformation process, the achievements achieved, the urgency of the digital transformation before the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and challenges and limitations in the initiative of the contingent of civil servants and leaders in the digital transformation process. The research method is mainly based on the available documents from journals, books, research works, and the views of the authors expressed on the websites as a basis for making the analysis evaluate. The discoveries in the research will contribute to building the theoretical basis and direction in making some suggestions for leaders. In practical terms, research has shown that digital transformation can be a challenge, but perceive and prepare for leadership thinking innovation that drives successful digital transformation across countries, especially emerging countries is essential. Doi: 10.28991/esj-2021-SPER-03 Full Text: PDF
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Palavras-chave: Covid-19, crise, transformação digital, hotel, pandemia.
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The unprecedented global lockdown during the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted an interesting ethical dilemma. While lockdowns are central to saving lives, economic malaise from business and social discontinuities is the opportunity cost. To maintain this fragile balance during a crisis, there is an obvious need for digitally transforming socio-economic operations to maintain continuity. This digital transformation case study highlights how, unlike traditional digital transformation initiatives that rely on relatively closed organizational operations with established lines of control and communication, digital transformation for crisis continuity planning relies on a variety of global actors, from independent entrepreneurs and institutions to businesses and ad hoc collaborative agencies. The crisis continuity planning case helps students understand that digital transformation is a multi-stakeholder, multi-actor effort that ties together technology, business process reengineering, and public policy for a sustainable solution to a crisis. This teaching case study end with a proposed crisis continuity planning digital transformation framework that outlines five distinct digital transformation characteristics that can improve crisis continuity planning—from pandemics to disasters.
Society is undergoing a digital transformation as artificial intelligence (AI) and other technologies are developed to optimize decision-making and operational performance. This trend is particularly prevalent in the energy industry. The legal considerations of AI in the context of contract law, tort law, and regulatory law present unique challenges for lawyers attempting to advise on appropriate risk-management strategies. The current state of the law, and the different jurisdictional approaches to AI, demonstrate that how these legal challenges are addressed may have significant impacts on the risks and rewards realizable through AI. The rapid evolution of AI and its complex nature may hinder the effectiveness of societal institutions charged with legislating, regulating, and applying the law to AI-related matters.
Purpose - Under uncertain circumstances, digital technologies are taken as digital transformation enablers and driving forces to integrate with medical, healthcare and emergency management research for effective epidemic prevention and control. This study aims to adapt complex systems in emergency management. Thus, a digital transformation-driven and systematic circulation framework is proposed in this study that can utilize the advantages of digital technologies to generate innovative and systematic governance. Design/methodology/approach - Aiming at adapting complex systems in emergency management, a systematic circulation framework based on the interpretive research is proposed in this study that can utilize the advantages of digital technologies to generate innovative and systematic governance. The framework consists of four phases: (1) analysis of emergency management stages, (2) risk identification in the emergency management stages, (3) digital-enabled response model design for emergency management, and (4) strategy generation for digital emergency governance. A case study in China was illustrated in this study. Findings - This paper examines the role those digital technologies can play in responding to pandemics and outlines a framework based on four phases of digital technologies for pandemic responses. After the phase-by-phase analysis, a digital technology-enabled emergency management framework, titled "Expected digital-enabled emergency management framework (EDEM framework)" was adapted and proposed. Moreover, the social risks of emergency management phases are identified. Then, three strategies for emergency governance and digital governance from the three perspectives, namely "Strengthening weaknesses for emergency response," "Enhancing integration for collaborative governance," and "Engaging foundations for emergency management" that the government can adopt them in the future, fight for public health emergency events. Originality/value - The novel digital transformation-driven systematic circulation framework for public health risk response and governance was proposed. Meanwhile, an "Expected digital-enabled emergency management framework (EDEM model)" was also proposed to achieve a more effective empirical response for public health risk response and governance and contribute to studies about the government facing the COVID-19 pandemic effectively.
Purpose This paper proposes adequate strategies that companies, public administrators and organisations in the education industry can undertake to successfully face the challenges of digital transformation in a regional innovation system. This research considers stakeholders that operate in the Tyrol–Veneto macroregion (the Tyrol, South Tyrol and Veneto areas), a significant case of moderately innovative European macroregion. Design/methodology/approach This study undertakes explorative research based on a qualitative method. It adopts a place-based multi-stakeholder approach to emphasise the role of three categories of stakeholders (companies, educational system and regional governments) in facing digital changes. More precisely, interviews with 60 stakeholders from the Tyrol–Veneto macroregion were conducted and examined via both text mining analysis and content analysis. First, correspondence factor analysis was performed using IRaMuTeQ software to identify homogeneous subsets of concepts (pillars–i.e., macroareas of strategic actions). Second, two coding phases were implemented using NVivo software to detect strategic fields of action and specific strategic actions undertaken to address the challenges of digital transformation. Findings The results highlight that digital transformation is a pervasive challenge of regional innovative system that requires a multifaceted set of strategic actions falling into three main pillars. The first pillar, named “culture and skills”, includes three strategic fields of action as follows: digital education, talents and digital culture. The second pillar, named “infrastructures and technologies”, points out the need of information, interaction and artificial intelligence as key strategic fields of action. The third pillar, named “ecosystems”, highlights the importance of investing in medium- to long-term visions, partnerships and life quality. In brief, this study shows that standalone interventions are insufficient to tackle digital transformation from a systemic perspective. Moreover, this study outlines the potential contribution of each category of stakeholder to foster the digitalisation of the Tyrol–Veneto macroregion. Practical implications This study highlights the importance of developing digital culture and skills before investing in digital infrastructure and technology in a moderately innovative macroregion. Companies should alter their vision before reconfiguring their business models, invest in smart working and establish contacts with start-ups. In addition, this study recommends that public administration should mainly invest in digital education and partnerships, while, in terms of education and training organisations, it suggests providing digital skills to several cohorts of both students and workers. Policy implications call for the creation of new occasions of cooperation among stakeholders by fostering “table talks” as strategic and policy actions and by making more financial resources available to encourage the digital transformation processes. Originality/value The results of this study may be adapted to the characteristics of other regional innovative systems and used as a reference point in terms of the improvement of business, market and local development.