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Can we promote Sustainable Travel Behavior Through Mobile Apps? Evaluation and Review of Evidence



Mobile phone applications to monitor and influence one's behavior are numerous. Most developed appear to be health applications but in the past decade, " persuasive technology " has also been leveraged and applied to promote sustainable travel behavior. We discuss the health applications and review and evaluate existing behavior change support systems (BCSS) designed to promote sustainable travel behavior. We extract the persuasive features embedded in these systems and evaluate their persuasive potential by using the persuasive systems design (PSD) model that has been used to evaluate BCSSs in the health domain. Our evaluation reveals that some features crucial for successful travel behavior change, such as tunneling, rehearsal and social facilitation, are missing. Furthermore, we assess studies conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of these BCSSs in changing behavior and find indications that effect sizes are mostly small though methodologically robust studies are largely missing and hence no definitive conclusion yet can be derived. Based on these findings as well as literature related to public health where BCSSs appear to be further developed, we then derive three important suggestions on research needs and applications for further development of BCSSs in the transport policy realm.
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International Journal of Sustainable Transportation
ISSN: 1556-8318 (Print) 1556-8334 (Online) Journal homepage:
Can we promote sustainable travel behavior
through mobile apps? Evaluation and review of
Varsolo Sunio & Jan-Dirk Schmöcker
To cite this article: Varsolo Sunio & Jan-Dirk Schmöcker (2017) Can we promote sustainable
travel behavior through mobile apps? Evaluation and review of evidence, International Journal of
Sustainable Transportation, 11:8, 553-566, DOI: 10.1080/15568318.2017.1300716
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Published online: 01 Mar 2017.
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Can we promote sustainable travel behavior through mobile apps? Evaluation and
review of evidence
Varsolo Sunio and Jan-Dirk Schm
Department of Urban Management, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
Received 27 April 2016
Revised 15 February 2017
Accepted 24 February 2017
Mobile phone applications to monitor and inuence ones behavior are numerous. Most developed appear
to be health applications, but in the past decade, persuasive technologyhas also been leveraged and
applied to promote sustainable travel behavior. We discuss the health applications and review and
evaluate existing behavior change support systems (BCSS) designed to promote sustainable travel
behavior. We extract the persuasive features embedded in these systems and evaluate their persuasive
potential by using the persuasive systems design (PSD) model that has been used to evaluate BCSSs in the
health domain. Our evaluation reveals that some features crucial for successful travel behavior change,
such as tunneling, rehearsal, and social facilitation, are missing. Furthermore, we assess studies conducted
to evaluate the effectiveness of these BCSSs in changing behavior and nd indications that effect sizes are
mostly small though methodologically robust studies are largely missing; hence, no denitive conclusion
yet can be derived. Based on these ndings as well as literature related to public health where BCSSs
appear to be further developed, we then derive three important suggestions on research needs and
applications for further development of BCSSs in the transport policy realm.
Behavior change support
system; persuasive
technology; smartphone;
sustainability; travel behavior
1. Introduction
There has been a burgeoning interest in using technology to
deliver interventions to change behavior ever since Fogg (2002)
introduced his pioneering work on persuasive technology.
This is dened as technology designed to change attitudes and
behavior of users through persuasion (Fogg, 2002). Recently,
Oinas-Kukkonen (2010,2013) coined the concept of behavior
change support system (BCSS), which builds on this tradition
of persuasive technology. Oinas-Kukkonen (2010)denes
BCSS as an information system designed to form, alter, or
reinforce attitudes, behaviors or an act of complying without
using deception, coercion or inducements.In the design of the
information system, a web- or mobile-based platform is often
used. Here, smartphones as a medium of intervention are par-
ticularly noteworthy and promising. With their widespread
adoption and pervasive use in society, smartphones can be lev-
eraged to deliver large-scale and cost-effective behavior-change
interventions (Lathia et al. 2013). Indeed, as Fogg and Eckles
(2007) asserted, the future platform for persuasion and behav-
ior change is mobile.
BCSSs have been implemented in domains such as health-
care/well-being (Lane et al., 2011), energy use conservation
(Weiss, Staake, Mattern, & Fleisch, 2011), education (Mintz
and Aagaard, 2012; Mintz, Branch, March, & Lerman, 2012),
and travel (Froehlich et al., 2009), to name only a few. In the
healthcare/well-being domain, extensive reviews have already
been conducted. These studies include evaluations on the per-
suasiveness of the design features of the health/well-being
BCSSs (Langrial, Lehto, Oinas-Kukkonen, Harjumaa, &
Karppinen, 2012; Lehto & Oinas-Kukkonen, 2010; Lehto &
Oinas-Kukkonen, 2011); content analysis on the extent of
inclusion of health behavior theory constructs (Cowan et al.,
2013); characterizations of behavior change techniques
implemented (Conroy, Yang, & Maher, 2014; Yang, Maher, &
Conroy, 2015); and assessment of their effectiveness (Wang
et al., 2014). Although a number of reviews like these have been
done in the healthcare/wellness domain, we observe that, in the
domain of travel behavior, no review of this kind has been
carried out yet.
Moreover, in recent years, Foggs(2002) framework has also
been applied to the topic of environmental sustainability (DiS-
alvo, Sengers, & Brynjarsd
ottir, 2010). A broad range of envi-
ronmental sustainability issues are being addressed or tackled,
such as energy consumption, water and fuel use, indoor air
quality, and transportation (Brynjarsdottir et al., 2012). The
primary aim is to promote environmental sustainability
through persuasive technology.
In this paper, our interest is on persuasive technology, in
particular BCSSs, designed to promote sustainable travelor
sustainable mobility.Technologyor in particular, informa-
tion and communication technology (ICT)can promote sus-
tainable urban mobility in various ways by changing travel
demand, travel patterns, and urban forms (see, for example,
Cohen-Blankshtain & Rotem-Mindali, 2016), but here, we only
consider ICTs potential effects on travel behavior. Moreover,
we use traveland mobilityinterchangeably. Denitions of
sustainability vary in literature, but it is generally considered
as encompassing environmental, economic, and social
CONTACT Jan-Dirk Schm
ocker Department of Urban Management, Kyoto University, Kyoto 615-8540, Japan.
© 2017 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
2017, VOL. 11, NO. 8, 553566
dimensions. In this paper, we regard sustainability in its narrow
environmental sense of simply minimizing the amount of car
travel or carbon emissions. Unsustainability of travel is thus
usually equated with car use.
To the best of our knowledge, work on sustainable travel
BCSSs began with Ubigreen Transportation Display (Froehlich
et al., 2009). Its purpose is to increase awareness about the
users sustainable travel behavior. Each time the user takes
greener alternatives, Ubigreen senses this and feeds it back as
ambient changes to the background graphics of the users
phone. Later on, other sustainable travel BCSSs were developed:
Peacox (Schrammel, Busch, & Tscheligi, 2012), Quantied
Traveler (Jariyasunant et al., 2015), and MatkaHupi (Jylh
Nurmi, Sir
en, Hemminki, & Jacucci, 2013).
Traditionally sustainable travel behavior has been promoted
through various voluntary behavior change programs (VTBC)
without extensive support systems. Examples include so-called
Travel Feedback Programs(TFP) in Japan (Fujii and
Taniguchi, 2005). In a typical TFP, participants of the program
are given feedback based on their reported travel behavior with
the aim of modifying their behavior without coercion. TFPs
come in several types, differentiated by the location, techniques,
procedures, and communication media used in their imple-
mentation (Fujii and Taniguchi, 2006). With respect to com-
munication media, TFPs have relied so far only on traditional
technologies, namely face-to-face communication, regular mail,
telephone, and email (Fujii and Taniguchi, 2006). This severely
limits the potential of classical TFPs for scaling up (Jariyasun-
ant et al., 2015). Nonetheless, as argued earlier, a new platform
for persuasion has emerged recentlythe mobile platform
which TFPs, or VTBC programs in general, appear to not yet
have taken full advantage of. The mobile platform can broaden
the applicability of VTBC programs while maintaining their
effectiveness (Meloni & di Teulada, 2015). For instance, Quan-
tied Traveler (Jariyasunant et al., 2015), mentioned earlier, is
a mobile-based computational TFP.
Besides their potential in promoting sustainable behavior
change, many of these systems also function as automated trip
diaries, capable of generating travel surveys at large scale.
Smartphones are equipped with sensors that can be used to col-
lect trip data from individuals, often with minimal respondent
burden. These data can then be processed to derive detailed
information about mobility patterns (Rojas, Sadeghvaziri, &
Jin, 2016; Sadeghvaziri, Rojas IV, & Jin, 2016; Patterson and
Fitzsimmons, 2016) and urban activities (Demissie, Correia, &
Bento, 2015).
In this paper, we aim to extract and evaluate the persuasive
elements embedded in travel BCSSs by applying the Persuasive
Systems Design (PSD) model (Oinas-Kukkonen and Harjumaa,
2009; explained below). We are motivated by the need to iden-
tify important persuasive design elements in these BCSSs.
Davies (2012) observed that in non-technology-based VTBC
programs, little regard has been paid to the actual design of
VTBC campaigns and their individual elementsHowever,
there is also a need to understand and theorize the design of
campaigns, both singularly and collectively, as part of overall
policy to change travel behavior on a wide scale.Hence, it is
necessary to evaluate the design of the VTBC program itself, in
addition to its impact on changing behavior. Finally, we
conclude with some propositions and suggestions to advance
the eld.
2. Methods
2.1 Eligibility criteria
There are clearly a large number of studies aiming to change
the travel behavior through various information feedback
(Ampt, 2003; Fujii and Taniguchi, 2005; Richter, Friman, &
arling, 2011). We limited our review by the following criteria:
A study was included if (1) it aimed to change travel behavior
by inuencing the travelers trip, mode, departure time, or
route choices; (2) the intervention used a mobile/smartphone
application and/or website, and (3) it is published in journals
or conferences. Studies that use smartphones as mobile sensors
to automatically detect trip information or construct travel dia-
ries, but do not (explicitly) aim to change behavior, are
excluded. Moreover, those which use smartphones in designing
behavioral modication interventions but have no correspond-
ing publication are likewise excluded. For example, in-Time,
Wiewohin,”“Kongressnavigator,and EcoWalk,which are
cited in Busch, Schrammel, Flu, Kruijff, and Tscheligi (2012),
are not included in this review because we could not identify
sufcient materials describing these.
2.2 Search method
We conducted our literature search in several databases using
keywords such as smartphone,”“travel,”“behavior,”“change,
persuasive,and intervention.We searched articles pub-
lished between January 2005 and June 2015. We screened the
articles based on their titles and abstracts, and those that
seemed to meet the inclusion criteria were selected for further
examination. After we veried that they indeed met the neces-
sary criteria, they were then included in the nal list. A snow-
ball review was then conducted, in which selected articles that
emerged from the literature search were screened and checked
for potential eligible studies. In case when some papers
obtained through this search method are only a part of a bigger
study, supplementary papers are also obtained.
2.3 Evaluation method
2.3.1 Persuasiveness
Several frameworks have been introduced to evaluate persua-
siveness of design. The BCSSs included in the study were evalu-
ated based on the framework introduced by Oinas-Kukkonen
and Harjumaa (2009), known as the PSD model. The PSD rep-
resents an extensive conceptualization for technology-based
persuasion and the most sophisticated evaluation method avail-
able (Lehto & Oinas-Kukkonen, 2011). In general, PSD can be
used in a variety of settings: from evaluating the software design
specications to assessing the literature in some problem
domain (Oinas-Kukkonen, 2013).
The PSD model is a conceptualization for designing, devel-
oping, and evaluating BCSSs. In evaluating BCSSs using PSD,
we rst analyze the persuasion context and then the persuasive
system features. Persuasion context analysis includes
identifying the intent (Who is the persuader? What type of
change does the persuader target?), the event (use, user and
technology contexts), and the strategy (message and route).
Next, we analyze the persuasive system features. In the PSD
model, there are four categories for the features: primary task
support, dialogue support, system credibility support, and
social support. Primary task support helps the user achieve or
carry out the primary task or target behavior by means of seven
principles, namely reduction, tunneling, tailoring, personaliza-
tion, self-monitoring, simulation, and rehearsal. Dialogue sup-
port enables user-system interaction to keep the user active and
motivated in using the system. Praise, rewards, reminders, sug-
gestion, similarity, liking, and social role are seven principles of
dialogue support. System credibility support aims to make the
system more believable and thereby more persuasive. It
includes trustworthiness, expertise, surface credibility, real
world feel, authority, third-party endorsements, and veriabil-
ity. Social support leverages social inuence to motivate users
and employs social learning, social comparison, normative
inuence, social facilitation, cooperation, competition, and
recognition (Oinas-Kukkonen and Harjumaa, 2009; Oinas-
Kukkonen, 2010; Oinas-Kukkonen, 2013).
Two methodologies can be used to carry out BCSS evalua-
tion according to the PSD model. The rst, and the most rigor-
ous, is to have two or more research scientists independently
carry out feature-by-feature evaluation of the applications using
the persuasive features specied by the PSD model. After the
independent review is made, the research scientists meet to dis-
cuss ndings and to resolve disparities in their evaluations. In
Langrial et al. (2012), four scientists carry out independent
evaluations, while in Lehto and Kukkonen (2010) and Kelders
et al. (2012), only two perform independent reviews. The sec-
ond, which is less rigorous, consists of one research scientist
preparing a comprehensive evaluation, which is then veried
and commented by one or more research scientists. In Lehto
and Kukkonen (2011), this is the methodology employed: one
research scientist did the coding, which was then checked by
the second scientist.
Moreover, feature-by-feature evaluation can be done by sim-
ply coding descriptions based on published literature without
using the applications (Lehto and Kukkonen, 2011; Kelders
et al., 2012) or by actually using the applications and perform-
ing representative tasks (Lehto and Kukkonen, 2010), or both
(Langrial et al., 2012).
In our study, four research scientists performed the PSD
evaluation. We rst developed a common coding framework
from the seminal paper on PSD by Kukkonen and Harjumaa
(2009), and papers that use the PSD model to evaluate applica-
tions (i.e. Lehto and Kukkonen, 2010; Lehto and Kukkonen,
2011; Kelders et al., 2012; Langrial et al., 2012). This coding
framework (see Table 1) was used by the rst author to prepare
a comprehensive feature-by-feature evaluation of the nine
BCSSs as described in the published reports. The resulting
entries were then put in tabular form, and independently
reviewed and commented by the second author and two other
research scientists. Any disparity was then resolved by all the
four evaluators through a rigorous discussion. It was agreed
that persuasive features would only be reported if all four eval-
uators reached a consensus. Our evaluation is limited only to
published reports, since many of the applications are not down-
loadable from the online stores, and if ever they are, they can-
not be used in Japan. Lastly, in our evaluation, as in Kelders
et al. (2012), we omitted system credibility support because the
published studies do not sufciently report these principles,
making any evaluation difcult to carry out in a manner that is
as objective as possible.
Finally, we note that evaluating persuasiveness of design
using PSD is based on interpretive categorization(Lehto and
Kukkonen, 2011). In many articles cited in this review, their
authors did not state explicitly the persuasive features; in few
others, their authors clearly stated these features even though
they did not necessarily use the same terminologies in the PSD.
Hence, the authors of the present review, in extracting and cat-
egorizing persuasive features, had to use their subjective judg-
mentand herein lies potential bias.
2.3.2 Effectiveness
We then characterize the evaluation studies conducted to assess
the effectiveness of the identied BCSSs. In our characteriza-
tion, we adapt parts of the framework used by Graham-Rowe,
Skippon, Gardner, and Abraham (2011) to assess the efcacy of
77 car-use reduction interventions. In this framework, evalua-
tion studies are characterized in terms of intervention strategy
(structural, psychological), methodological quality of study
design (high, low), and measure type (distance, mode change,
trips/frequency, time/duration). Structural interventions
involve modication of the structures surrounding travel
behavior through physical and/or legislative measures (e.g.
road pricing and bus priority lanes). Psychological interven-
tions are designed to modify perceptions, beliefs, and attitudes
(Graham-Rowe et al., 2011). Since we are interested only in
BCSSs, we only consider psychological intervention strategies.
Three study designs are considered to be of high methodolog-
ical quality: experimental, quasi-experimental, and cohort-ana-
lytic (with control). In experimental designs (e.g., randomized
controlled trials), individuals are allocated randomly to either
intervention or control group. In quasi-experimental designs,
matched but not randomized control groups are used. In the
cohort-analytic (with control) method, groups exposed and
unexposed to an intervention are compared. In this method, the
investigator does not control the intervention exposure but only
observesit (observational study design). These three designs
are considered to be of superior quality because they provide
strongest control of confounding variables.
Low-quality study designs include case-controlled/cross-sec-
tional, and cohort-uncontrolled designs. In case-control or
cross-sectional between-group evaluation, two groups, without
pre-intervention measures, are compared post intervention.
One group is exposed to the intervention, and the other is not.
In cohort-uncontrolled, before- and after-intervention meas-
ures are recorded, but there is no control group for comparison.
In the original framework by Graham-Rowe et al. (2011),
medium and medium/low study designs are also cited, but for
our purposes, we deem it unnecessary to include them here
(Table 2).
The outcome measures are categorized as: (1) distance trav-
eled, (2) number of car trips or frequency or car use, (3) time
spent in a car, and (4) measures of modal shift away from car
Table 1. Coding Protocol used for PSD Evaluation of nine BCSSs (developed from Kukkonen and Harjumaa, 2009; Kelders et al., 2012; Lehto and Kukkonen, 2011; Langrial et al., 2012).
Persuasion strategy Description Coded as element included when the BCSS: Example implementation
Reduction A system that reduces complex behavior into simple tasks
helps users perform the target behavior, and it may
increase the benet/cost ratio of a behavior.
Specically divides the target behavior into
small, simple steps.
A support system for weight management
includes a diary for recording daily calorie
intake, thereby dividing the target behavior
(reducing calorie intake) into small, simple
steps of which one is recording calorie intake.
Tunneling Using the system to guide users through a process or
experience provides opportunities to persuade along
the way.
Delivers content in a step-by-step format with a
predened order.
A support system for the prevention of depression
that delivers the content in sequential lessons
that can only be accessed when the previous
lesson is completed.
Tailoring Information provided by the system will be more
persuasive if it is tailored to the potential needs,
interests, personality, usage context, or other factors
relevant to a user group.
Provides content that is adapted to factors
relevant to a user group, or when feedback is
provided based on information lled out by a
A support system for personal training provides
different information content for different user
groups, e.g. beginners and professional.
Personalization A system that offers personalized content or services has a
greater capability for persuasion.
Provides content that is adapted to one user (ie,
the name of the user is mentioned and/or the
user can adapt a part of the intervention)
A support system personalizes service and content
based on user-inputs and other known
variables e.g., name, gender, age, location,
Self-monitoring A system that keeps track of ones own performance or
status supports the user in achieving goals.
Provides the ability to track and view the users
behavior, performance, or status
A support system for smoking cessation allows
participants to review their smoking by
sending immediate feedback forms and copies
of the personalized assessments to their email
Simulation Systems that provide simulations can persuade by
enabling users to observe immediately the link
between cause and effect.
Provides the ability to observe the cause-and-
effect relationship of relevant behavior.
A support system for smoking cessation includes
an interactive smokers risk tool that simulates
changes in the risk of death due to smoking
based on the smokers history and time of
Rehearsal A system providing means with which to rehearse a
behavior can enable people to change their attitudes or
behavior in the real world.
Provides the ability and stimulation to rehearse a
behavior or to rehearse the content of the
A support system that includes a ying simulator
that helps ight pilots practice for severe
weather conditions.
Praise By offering praise, a system can make users more open to
Offers praise to the participant on any occasion. A support system that aims to promote healthy
nutritional habits compliments participants
when they have eaten two pieces of fruit for
5 days.
Rewards Systems that reward target behaviors may have great
persuasive powers.
Offers some kind of reward when the participant
performs a target behavior relating to the use
or goal of the intervention.
A support system for the treatment of social
phobia gives points to participants when they
engage in exposure exercises.
Reminders If a system reminds users of their target behavior, the users
will more likely achieve their goals.
Provides reminders about the use of the
intervention or the performance of target
A support system to support self-management
among patients with rheumatic arthritis sends
an automatic email message to remind the
participant that the new lesson may begin.
Suggestion Systems offering tting suggestions will have greater
persuasive powers.
Provides a suggestion to help the participants
reach the target behavior.
A support system for weight management
provides low-calorie recipes.
Similarity People are more readily persuaded through systems that
remind them of themselves in some meaningful way.
Is designed to look familiar and designed
especially for the participant.
A support system for the treatment of panic
disorder in teenage girls explains the exercises
through a teenage girl with panic problems.
Liking A system that is visually attractive for its users is likely to
be more persuasive.
Is visually designed to be attractive to the
A support system that aims at encouraging
children to take care of their pets properly has
pictures of cute animals.
Social role If a system adopts a social role, users will more likely use it
for persuasive purposes.
Acts as if it has a social role (eg, a coach,
instructor, or buddy).
A support system to support self-management
among patients with migraine incorporated an
avatar to guide the participant through the
Social learning A person will be more motivated to perform a target
behavior if (s)he can use a system to observe others
performing the behavior.
Provides the opportunity and stimulates
participants to see others using the
intervention or performing the target
A support system for weight management
provides the option, and stresses the
importance, of posting physical activity self-
monitoring data on the discussion board and
commenting on the performance of others.
Social comparison System users will have a greater motivation to perform the
target behavior if they can compare their performance
with the performance of others.
Provides the opportunity for participants to
compare their behavior to the target
behavior of other participants and stimulates
them to do this.
A support system for drug abuse prevention for
teenagers automatically compares the
response of the participant to other users of
the intervention.
Normative inuence A system can leverage normative inuence or peer
pressure to increase the likelihood that a person will
adopt a target behavior
Provides normative information on the target
behavior or the usage of the intervention
A support system to promote self-management
among patients with COPD provides feedback
on the level of physical activity of the
participant by comparing it to the physical
activity of well-managed COPD patients
Social facilitation System users are more likely to perform target behavior if
they discern via the system that others are performing
the behavior along with them.
Provides the opportunity to see whether there
are other participants using the intervention.
A support system that provides opportunity to
contact others using the same intervention
(e.g. discussion group, peer-to-peer forums,
chat rooms).
Cooperation A system can motivate users to adopt a target attitude or
behavior by leveraging human beingsnatural drive to
Stimulates participants to cooperate to achieve a
target behavior.
A support system for the promotion of physical
activity stimulates participants to form groups
and to achieve the group goal of a certain
number of steps each week.
Competition A system can motivate users to adopt a target attitude or
behavior by leveraging human beingsnatural drive to
Stimulates participants to compete with each
other to achieve a target behavior.
A support system for diabetes management
among children includes a leaderboard in
which the children who enter blood glucose
levels at the right times receive the highest
Recognition By offering public recognition for an individual or group, a
system can increase the likelihood that a person/group
will adopt a target behavior.
Prominently shows (former) participants who
adopted the target behavior.
A support system for treatment of anxiety includes
a testimonial page where successful users of
the intervention tell their story.
use or away from single car occupancy. Section 3.3 presents the
results of our assessment of the efcacy evaluation studies of
the BCSSs using this categorization.
3. Results
3.1 Overview of BCSSs
Our search method yielded nine unique BCSSs that met our
inclusion criteria, and these BCSSs are listed and described
in Table 3. We note that these BCSSs differ quite signi-
cantly in the size of the consortium involved and hence
probably also in the amount of resources available for their
development. Five of these nine BCSSs (Peacox, SuperHub,
Tripzoom, MatkaHupi, and I-Tour) are part of larger proj-
ects, sponsored by for example the European Commission.
In addition, Personal Environmental Impact Report (PEIR)
is a collaboration between academics and industry. The
remaining three BCSSs (IPET, Ubigreen, and QT) appear to
be smaller scale academic projects. Moreover, all nine
BCSSs are from the developed countries in Europe (Italy,
Finland, and Austria) and the United States only, and none
from developing countries.
3.2 Persuasiveness evaluation using PSD
3.2.1 Persuasion context
The persuaders behind the BCSSs (intent) were either consortia
of public and private partners, or stand-alone universities. All
the BCSSs target some behavioral and attitudinal changes
(change type). The event contains the use, user, and technology
contexts. Some BCSSs explicitly identify the use scenarios (use
context); the target users (user context), however, are not
directly mentioned, but only assumed by the authors to be the
population at large.
In so far as message is concerned, we observe that all the
BCSSs use carbon emissions as one of the attributes for feed-
back/feedforward information to induce sustainable mobility
behavior. We can observe the increasing popularity of utilizing
carbon emission information also from other transport litera-
ture. While there is no conclusive evidence yet regarding the
effect of carbon information on behavior change of a popula-
tion at large (Avineri and Waygood, 2013), three experiments
conducted by Gaker, Vautin, Vij, and Walker (2011) among
UC Berkeley undergraduates suggest that presenting carbon
impact of transport alternatives can inuence transport deci-
sions such as mode choice, and therefore, can potentially be
used to promote sustainable transport behavior. In addition,
other attributes are also used in BCSSs: time, cost, calories,
environmental impact, and exposure. Time and cost are
Table 2. Framework for characterizing the effectiveness evaluation study (adapted
from Graham-Rowe et al., 2011).
Intervention strategy Methodological quality Outcome measure
Psychological High: Distance
Structural Experimental, quasi-experimental,
and cohort-analytic
(with control)
Mode change
and cohort-uncontrolled
Table 3. Overview of BCSSs reviewed/evaluated in this paper.
Name of BCSS,
implementation country
and main reference Description of main functionality and objective
IPET, Italy (Meloni, Sanjust,
Delogu, & Sottile, 2014)
IPET is an Individual Persuasive Eco-Travel Technology. IPET is not, strictly speaking, a BCSS but a technological platform for
large-scale implementation of voluntary travel behavior change program. The BCSS (or the mobile application) is called
Activity Locator. The system collects relevant trip information; converts the data into an activity-travel diary; and provides,
through mail or a website, a personalized travel plan in place of car.
MatkaHupi, Finland
a et al., 2013)
MatkaHupi automatically tracks the carbon emissions of the transportation modes and uses this information to recommend
the traveler a set of challenges, such as Reduce this weeks CO2 by 10%or Walk 3 km.
QT, United States,
(Jariyasunant et al., 2015)
QT (Quantied Traveler) is a computational travel feedback system that aims to change mode or trip choice, without need for
traditional travel counselors. The system automatically collects trip data, converts them into a travel diary, and gives
quantitative feedback (time and money spent, calories burned and CO
emitted) to the traveler.
Peacox, Austria
(Schrammel et al., 2013)
PEACOX, or Persuasive Advisor for CO2-reducing cross-model trip planning, is a multimodal navigation smartphone
application that aims to help users travel with lower carbon impact. Suggestions can be We estimated that you could walk
29% of your car and 41% of your PT trips to save more CO2or Improve your Rank by reducing your CO2 Consumption.
We recommend walking instead of using your car/PT for short trips.
Tripzoom, Netherlands
(Broll et al., 2012)
Tripzoom is a mobile application that constructs individual mobility proles and patterns from mobile sensing. Based on these
data, it then encourages the users to change their behavior by offering appropriate incentives and providing feedback
from the community.
SuperHub, Italy
(Carreras et al., 2012)
SUPERHUB (SUstainable and PERsuasive Human Users moBility in future cities) is a mobile application and open-source
platform that aims to raise in citizens a personal awareness of the carbon impact of their daily mobility, thus fostering a
more environmental-friendly behavior. As an open-source platform, it collects, mines, and aggregates data from a variety
of mobility sources/providers, then builds eco-friendly and suitable multimodal journey plans for citizens.
I-Tour, Italy (Magliocchetti,
Gielow, De Vigili, Conti, &
De Amicis, 2011)
I-Tour, or intelligent Transport system for Optimized Urban Trips, is a personal mobility assistant that aims to promote
sustainable travel choices. To encourage use of public transport, the system supports routing across a multimodal transport
PEIR, United States
(Mun et al., 2009)
PEIR, the Personal Environmental Impact Report, is an application that automatically calculates and provides estimates of ones
environmental impact (carbon and sensitive site impact) and exposure (smog and fast food exposure).
Ubigreen, United States
(Froehlich et al., 2009)
Ubigreen Transportation Display uses iconic feedback (tree or polar bear) and ambient changes in the graphics of the users
mobile phones to provide awareness about green mobility behavior. Rewards can be earned by taking sustainable
associated with the utility of transport modes. Calories burned
are increasingly being included to promote active transporta-
tion as a means to combat the global problem of obesity. The
rest of the attributes are BCSS-specic.
The route of aiming to inuence users is both direct and
indirect depending on the BCSS: Some explicitly and directly
ask the users to reduce carbon emissions (direct route), whereas
others indirectly do this by simply providing carbon feedback,
without explicitly asking the users to reduce their footprint
(indirect route).
3.2.2 Persuasive features
The distinctive persuasive features assimilated in the nine
selected mobility BCSSs are described next. We begin with
BCSSs that contain most of the persuasive features: Peacox,
SuperHub, IPET, and Tripzoom.
Peacox has seven primary task support, six dialogue support
and six social support features. It is a multimodal navigation
smartphone application that guides users through a step-by-
step process of route searching (tunneling) and aims to help
them travel with lower carbon impact. It is a route choice plan-
ner (rehearsal), which is able to provide prognosis of emitted
carbon for each trip option (simulation). Routes that help users
save more emissions are highlighted (suggestion, reduction).
Peacox also gives other tailored and personalized recommenda-
tions (tailoring and personalization) such as We estimated
that you could walk 29% of your carand 41% of your PT trips
to save more CO2or Improve your Rank by reducing your
CO2 Consumption. We recommend walking instead of using
your car/PT for short trips.Peacox calls this shift potential.
Feedbacks on users performance through detailed CO2 and
PM10 statistics or a tree showing overall CO2 status are also
provided (self-monitoring). Users who saved carbon emissions
or completed challenges are praised or given positive feedback
(praise) and badges (rewards). They are also regularly reminded
to save carbon emissions (reminder). Users also have their own
personal accounts (similarity), with attractive features (liking).
Peacox allows comparison of ones performance with others
(social comparison), especially with ones in-group (normative
inuence), and viewing the details of otherstrips (social learn-
ing). It also calls for the best to win (competition) or for every-
one to cooperate (cooperation). Finally, it displays statistics
leader board (recognition).
SuperHub also includes many support features: seven pri-
mary task support, six dialogue support, and ve social support.
It seriously proles the users in order to tailor, customize and
rank mobility offers(reduction) so that the solutions are close
to the usersneeds (tailoring). It also allows users to self-moni-
tor their progress through personalized statistics and charts
(personalization) or track their behavior change status or past
trips (self-monitoring). Moreover, it supports a multimodal
multicriteria journey planner (rehearsal) and allows calculation
of CO2-footprints using various transport modes (simulation).
Once the user is close to achieving his goals (or has achieved
them), s/he is congratulated (praise) or given incentives includ-
ing discounts or concessions on travel or within local establish-
ments (reward). He is also prompted to set and review his
individual, mobility-related behavioral goals (reminder and sug-
gestion). SuperHub continuously updates itself over time of
users preferences in terms of mobility options (similarity). One
unique feature of SuperHub is its persuasive games, which offer
the users opportunities to learn more about sustainability
through games (tunneling). Its interface is also visually
appealing (liking). Users can also compare their scores with
their friends or others in the community (social comparison,
normative inuence, competition, recognition) and share trip
plans (social learning).
IPET is embedded with seven primary task support, six dia-
logue support, and four social support features. Under primary
task support, IPET guides the users through a process (tunnel-
ing), consisting of three steps: data collection of car usersactual
behavior, construction of activity-travel diaries, and provision
of a personalized travel plan (PTP). The PTP is a detailed plan
that can be used to rehearse the target sustainable behavior
(rehearsal). It also simplies the complex process of consider-
ing different alternatives of transport (reduction)by identify-
ing a prospective sustainable travel behavior that is highly
customized and based on the individuals particular needs and
characteristics (tailoring).Moreover, the PTP makes immedi-
ate comparison of the unsustainable car and the proposed sus-
tainable alternative modes using four measures: travel time,
cost, distance traveled, and calories burned or carbon emitted
(simulation). Users can also monitor their own behavior (self-
monitoring) which allows them to view their movements and
feedback quantitiesin a personal website (personalization).
Under dialogue support, IPET rst identies an alternative
transport solution (suggestion) and then monitors and com-
pares the actual behavior with the suggested behavior. If users
follow the sustainable advise, they will be congratulated (praise)
and given badges (rewards). If they continue to use car for their
trips, they will receive regret messages, and hence will be con-
tinuously reminded to try traveling sustainably (reminder). In
designing the messages and PTP, persuasive graphics are
usedin order to attract the participants (liking). All the infor-
mation is displayed on a dedicated personal webpage (similar-
ity). Finally, under social support, IPET automatically
calculates the scores, so that participants can see the results of
their performance and those of others (social learning), com-
pare their scores (social comparison) and their rank with others
(competition). The names of top scorers can be seen by other
users (public recognition).
Tripzoom embeds four primary task support, six dialogue
support, and ve social support features. Tripzoom proposes a
set of challenges to users (e.g. Take the bike to work, Go for a
walk during your lunch break), which dare them to improve
their regular travel behavior (reduction, suggestion, tailoring).
Their performance is then translated in terms of saved money,
CO2, health and collected points, which can serve as feedback
(self-monitoring). TripZoom has a Metab, where detailed
information about the users mobility prole, including visited
places, trails, or statistics is provided (personalization and
similarity). Users who master challenges are congratulated
(praise) or given incentives (rewards). There are also illustra-
tionswhich can be either positive or negativethat can
remind them of their goals (reminder). Tripzoom also exploits
several social support features. Through the Community
Tab,one can compare his performance with that of others
(social comparison). Aggregated data and comparison with
averages can also give clues about community norms (norma-
tive inuence). In the Friends Tab,one can share their travel
behavior with friends or obtain concrete and more detailed
mobility behavior of others (social learning) or view ranking
among friends (a source of competition and public
The next three BCSSs we describe have strong support in
other features, but have very weak social support: I-Tour, Mat-
kaHupi, and Ubigreen.
I-Tour has six primary task support and three dialogue
support features but only one social support feature. I-Tour
is a personal multimodal travel assistant. It guides users
through a route selection search process (tunneling)using
various visualization modes, which can be selected to iden-
tify the best route (reduction). The visualization mode is a
visually attractive circular graph-like structure (liking)
showing routes to nal destination (rehearsal)thatis
dynamically adjusted depending on user preferences and
other contextual information (tailoring, personalization and
similarity), such as time, distance, cost, or emission gener-
ated to reach the nal destination (simulation). A recom-
mended route option (providing fastest, most sustainable,
shortest, or cheapest solution) is highlighted, while less
favorableoptionsarenot(suggestion). With I-Tour, one can
also see if others are traveling by the same leg of a particu-
lar route (social facilitation).
MatkaHupi contains ve primary task support, ve dialogue
support, and no social support features. By means of automatic
sensing of behavior and trips taken by the user, MatkaHupi tar-
gets behavior change through challenges that are tailored
according to individual behavior (tailoring). The challenges are
simple and direct (reduction), such as walk 3 km, cycle 3k and
tram 3 km.Through an appealing visual feedback (liking), the
users can track their progress toward their goals/challenges
(self-monitoring). Moreover, users can also view their trip his-
tory (personalization and similarity). After each detected trip,
MatkaHupi checks if the same trip can be made faster and with
lesser emission (simulation), and if so, proposes an alternative
route plan for the future (suggestion). It also works as a journey
planner for public transportation (rehearsal). After the user
completes the challenges, he is congratulated (praise) and
awarded a badge and some points (reward).
Ubigreen Transportation Display has two primary task sup-
port and ve dialogue support features but assimilates no social
support feature. It is a mobile phone application that provides
iconic feedback about ones green transportation behavior (self-
monitoring). The icon can either be a polar bear or tree, and
the user can select which of the two he can use for his ambient
display (personalization). Ubigreen tracks transport behavior of
the user either through automatic sensing or self-report (simi-
larity), and each time the user rides a green transportation such
as bus or train, this green mode is emphasized with its corre-
sponding benets (saving money, getting exercise, etc.), thus
serving as a suggestion for his next transport mode (suggestion).
Moreover, the user also earns some small graphical rewards,
which culminates in a complete tree or bear (praise and
reward). Since the ambient wallpaper represents a critical area
of persuasion, care is taken to ensure it is visually attractive
The last two BCSSs, in addition to the just-described Ubi-
green, have weak primary task support: PEIR and Quantied
In PEIR, only two primary task support (but four dialogue
support and ve social support) features are present. Personal-
ized estimates of environmental impact (carbon and sensitive
site) and exposure (smog and fast food) are given as feedback
(self-monitoring). The feedback can be viewed from a visually
appealing interactive map (liking) and is broken down weekly
or daily, as well as via a time browser, through a personal web-
site (personalization and similarity). If ones impact and expo-
sure are low relative to friends, green icons of trees appear;
conversely, if they are high, smoky and smoggy icons appear
(praise). These icons can also serve as reminders to travel sus-
tainably (reminder). Users can also see the performance of
others (social learning), and their ranking relative to their
friends, encouraging competition (social comparison, competi-
tion and recognition). Aggregate statistics from friends can also
provide information about norms (normative inuence).
Quantied Traveler (QT) assimilates the least number of
features: two primary task support, one dialogue support, and
three social support features. QT gathers data from users and
automatically transforms such raw data into trip diaries
and footprints (time, money, calories, and CO2 emitted), which
is then presented as personalized feedback to the user (self-
monitoring) in his own personal website (personalization and
similarity). QT also exploits social inuences: QT users can
view the average performances of other users (social learning),
enabling peer comparisons (social comparison). The average
statistics of these peer groups (SF Bay area, US average, Berke-
ley students) can provide clues to norms (normative inuence).
3.2.3 Discussion
Table 4 summarizes the presence of support features in the nine
evaluated BCSSs.
In Table 4, under the primary task support category, we
observe that personalization (found in all applications), and
self-monitoring (in eight applications) appear to be the most
commonly utilized techniques. Personalization is easily imple-
mented because of the capability of all the BCSSs to automati-
cally sense travel footprints and present them in the personal
accounts of the users. Self-monitoring enables tracking of
behavior or performance with respect to certain measures (e.g.
carbon emission, cost, calories burned, time spent, distance
traveled per mode, etc.), aggregated in a variety of ways, such
as by day, week, or month. Only I-Tour does not support self-
monitoring, as this is unnecessary, because this BCSS only
promotes sustainable multimodal routing options without
checking or monitoring the users actual behavior.
In the same table, we notice that tunneling is the least uti-
lized feature (nD4). Tunneling means guiding the user
through a process or stages of behavior change. We revisit this
point again in our recommendation and argue that to improve
the effectiveness of BCSS, there is a need to incorporate formal
behavior change models, especially those which explicitly take
into account the temporal sequence of stages in a behavioral
change process. Tunneling can be used together with tailoring
(in the above table, tailoring is seen to be less utilized as well).
BCSSs can guide users through appropriate stages in a process
(tunneling) only if they are sensitive to the usersprole and
characteristics (tailoring).
Moreover, simulation and rehearsal are also less utilized
features (nD5 for both). BCSSs that support rehearsal provide
journey or trip plans to the users, while those that support sim-
ulation provide the means of observing the benet or effect of
following such a plan in the form of, say, prognosis or equiva-
lent points. Later, we argue as a recommendation the need for
more BCSSs to include these features of simulation and
rehearsal in order to facilitate an effective behavior change.
Under the human-computer dialogue category, similarity
and liking are supported in all or most applications. Persuasive
technology places strong importance on the appeal of the
design (liking). Since the applications also have sensing capabil-
ity, it is easy for them to mimic their users in some way (simi-
larity). Rewards are implemented in the form of badges, points/
icon, discounts, or concessions given as incentives every time
the desired behavior is performed. Suggestions are recommen-
dations to try alternative modes, routes, travel plans, or pursue
mobility challenges or goals. Reminders enable the user to con-
tinue pursuing their goal or to review them. Praises are con-
gratulatory remarks as a form of approval for desired behavior.
None of the applications support a social role (i.e. it does not
support communication between users and real agents offering
advice). Lehto and Kukkonen (2011) also found that none of
web-based alcohol and smoking interventions support social
role per se.
Finally, the design principles that belong to the social sup-
port category are social facilitation, social comparison, norma-
tive inuence, social learning, cooperation, competition, and
recognition. Table 4 shows that some BCSSs (I-Tour,
MatkaHupi, and Ubigreen) do not have any social support
feature at all (or only have one). Moreover, social facilitation
and cooperation (nD1 for both) are not present in almost all
applications. In our conclusions and recommendations, we also
elaborate further how BCSSs can further enable social facilita-
tion and cooperation, as they have a signicant inuence on
behavior change.
3.3 Assessment of efcacy evaluation studies
In the previous section, we evaluated the persuasive features of
the BCSSs to determine to what extent they assimilate the Per-
suasive Design Model. This gives us an idea of the persuasive
potentialof the systems. While it is true that for achieving
better outcomes from BCSSs, they should be designed by using
PSD frameworks and models(Oinas-Kukkonen, 2010), sepa-
rate efcacy evaluation of these persuasive technologies needs
to be carried out.
One of the issues with studies on persuasive sustainability
systems (e.g. energy conservation, responsible resource con-
sumption, etc.) is that they lack user evaluation (Brynjarsdottir
et al., 2012). Many of them report system evaluation that
addresses proof-of-concept, technicality, and usability con-
cerns, but they do not evaluate intervention-induced behavior
change. A few studies have behavioral change evaluations, but
these are run on small sample sizes, short-term eld study
durations, with limited evidence of lasting behavioral impact.
Of the nine mobility BCSSs reviewed in this study, seven
include system usability evaluations. However, only three (QT,
Peacox, and SuperHub) attempt to evaluate the effectiveness of
behavioral change interventions. We are aware that the devel-
opment of these mobility BCSSs is still ongoing, with design
issues as their foremost concern at the moment. We present in
Table 5 some details of the behavior change evaluation carried
out by these three studies.
The three studies are similar in many aspects. All the studies
assess changes not only in actual behavior but also in pro-envi-
ronmental shifts in attitudes and motivations. Only QT reports
a signicant change in travel behavior (driving distance) as a
result of the intervention, while Peacox and SuperHub report
no signicant change. Since QTseld study duration is short
though (3 weeks), this raises doubts regarding the long-lasting
impact of the intervention. Finally, as all employ cohort-uncon-
trolled evaluations (e.g. before-after comparison, without ade-
quate control groups), these must be considered to be of low
methodological quality (Graham-Rowe et al., 2011; Fujii,
Table 4. Presence of primary task, dialogue, and social support features in nine BCSSs.
Category Persuasive Feature PEACOX Super-Hub IPET Tripzoom I-Tour Matka-Hupi Ubi-green PEIR QT
Primary task support Personalization (n D9)  
Self-monitoring (n D8)   
Reduction (n D6) 
Tailoring (n D5) 
Simulation (n D5)  
Rehearsal (n D5)  
Tunneling (n D4)  
Dialogue support Similarity (n D9)  
Liking (n D8)  
Praise (n D7)   
Suggestion (n D7)  
Rewards (n D6)   
Reminders (n D5)  
Social Role (n D0)
Social support Social learning (n D6)  
Social comparison (n D6)  
Norm. Inuence (n D5)  
Competition (n D5)  
Recognition (n D5)  
Social facilitation (n D1)
Cooperation (n D1)
Bamberg, Friman, & G
arling, 2009) and threatens the validity
of any result.
It seems that there is, at this point, no possibility for a more
robust evaluation of the efcacy of persuasive sustainability sys-
tems, as many are still in their early or ongoing stages of design
development. In contrast, in the health domain, a number of
BCSS studies include effectiveness evaluations, based on suf-
cient sample size with control groups (Wang et al., 2014).
4. Conclusion and recommendations
We considered in this review nine mobility BCSSs and exam-
ined the persuasiveness of their design features using the Per-
suasive System Design Model. We also assessed the quality of
the study conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the BCSSs
in changing behavior.
In assessing the quality of the studies, we nd that of the
three studies that include behavior change evaluations (QT,
Peacox, and SuperHub), two report no signicant shift toward
sustainable travel behavior as a result of the BCSS interven-
tions. No denitive conclusion can be derived from these stud-
ies regarding the effectiveness of the BCSSs though since a
robust evaluation was not conducted in the rst place. Their
study design employs only (1) a small sample size, partly
because of large dropouts and (2) uncontrolled cohorts (before-
after comparison, without any control group). Although the
foremost concern of BCSSs right now is design development,
we recommend proper evaluations of BCSSs using methodo-
logically robust study designs such as Randomized Controlled
Trial, Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial, or Controlled
Before and After studies as suggested by Arnott et al. (2014)
and Graham-Rowe et al. (2011).
In the absence of proper evaluation studies of the efcacy of
mobility BCSSs, it is instructive to look into studies on health
BCSSs, where evaluation studies appear to be more developed.
We nd that, if the meta-analysis of health BCSSs is any indica-
tion, we can reasonably assume that, in general, the interven-
tion effect size of BCSSs is signicant but small (Bamberg et al.,
2015). Hence, the challenge for future studies is to develop
BCSSs in the domain of travel with greater intervention effect.
In the following, based on our review, we suggest three proposi-
tions that can be pursued in future work, which address the
small effect size of BCSSs. These recommendations will be
further supported by empirical evidence from studies in the
health domain.
First, we observe that tunneling and tailoring features are
less utilized. Thus, as will be explained below, we suggest to
incorporate a stage-based behavior change model in the design
of the BCSSs. Stage-based models explicitly specify the stages in
the process of behavior change that users will go through, lead-
ing to the desired behavior. These models can be used to rst
determine the userscurrent stage membership (tailoring) and
then to guide them to progress toward the next stages in the
process (tunneling). Second, we also notice that the simulation
and rehearsal features are underutilized. Behavior change in
mobility requires formation of an implementation intention,
which is greatly facilitated by a provision of an appropriate
travel plan (rehearsal) with its corresponding benets (simula-
tion). Third, our persuasive design evaluation reveals that social
facilitation and cooperation are least supported. We therefore
suggest, following again ndings from health BCSSs as well as
other literature, to incorporate these social support features in
the design of the mobility BCSSs. We discuss each of these rec-
ommendations further in the next sections.
4.1 Explicit reference to a behavior change theory
As pointed out by some authors, many BCSSs were developed
using techniques solely drawn from persuasive technology liter-
ature (Klein, Mogles, & Van Wissen, 2014; Arnott et al., 2014;
Bamberg et al., 2015). Too little effort is given on grounding
the BCSSs in an explicit behavior change theory. Among the
mobility BCSSs included in this paper, we note that only one
BCSS, the Quantied Traveler, is grounded explicitly on a
behavior change theory.
In the literature, this seems to be commonplace though not
only for transport applications. Klein et al. (2014) notes that
intelligent support systems have become increasingly popular
for the use of behavior interventions in recent years, [but] those
systems are rarely based on models of behavior change.A
notable exception to this is the eMate system, an intelligent
BCSS for therapy adherence for patients with type 2 diabetes,
HIV, and cardiovascular diseases (Klein et al., 2011,2014).
This health BCSS is based on an integrated model of human
behavior change, called Computerized Behavior Intervention
or COMBI (discussed below). Bamberg et al. (2015) is also in
Table 5. Details on evaluation of effectiveness of BCSSs.
BCSS (location)
Quality of study
design Intervention, Duration Measure type Outcomes
QT (California) Low (cohort-uncontrolled) N D135 subjects;
3 weeks
Pro-environmental attitudes
Signicant: driving distance (¡), awareness
(C), attitudes (C), intention (C)
Not signicant: distance of walk/bike/transit
Peacox (ITS Vienna) Low (cohort-uncontrolled) N D24 subjects;
8 weeks
Modal change
Pro-environmental attitudes
Signicant: attitude toward transport
modes (C)
Not signicant: environmental concern,
modal change
Helsinki, Milan)
Low (cohort-uncontrolled) N D471 subjects;
8 weeks
Carbon emissions
Pro-environmental attitudes
and motivation
Not signicant: environmental attitudes,
Only the result of the second trial is reported since the document for the nal trial is not yet published.
the process of developing a BCSS of this type in the mobility
domain, called PrimaKlima Bielefeld.
Arnott et al. (2014) suggests that developing a successful
BCSS depends not only on the creative and appropriate imple-
mentation of the behavior change techniques, but also on
explicitly grounding it on established theoretical constructs
from behavioral theories. In the health sector, a few meta-anal-
yses seem to support this conclusion (Bamberg et al., 2015).
One signicant meta-analysis is by Webb, Joseph, Yardley, and
Michie (2010), which nds that the extent of a BCSSs theoret-
ical foundation [is] positively correlated with its effectiveness.
An example of a theory-based BCSS demonstrated to be effec-
tive through randomized controlled trial is Happy Ending, a
digital program on nicotine withdrawal (Brendryen, Drozd, &
Kraft, 2008).
By using a formal behavior theory in the design of a support
system, we can understand the underlying mechanisms of
behavior change and how these mechanisms can be inuenced
to establish the desired behavior(Klein et al., 2014). This is
especially important because empirical evidence increasingly
shows that modality stylesof individuals are very much inu-
enced by deeply entrenched habits and ingrained lifestyles, and
are therefore difcult to change (Vij, Carrel, & Walker, 2013).
In fact, this may be the reason why travel behavior change pro-
grams to date have statistically signicant but only small inter-
vention effects (Fujii et al., 2009;M
oser and Bamberg, 2008).
Hence, by carefully understanding the possible mechanisms of
behavior change, we can exploit them to increase the effective-
ness of these programs in changing behavior.
In addition, as pointed out by Brynjarsdottir et al. (2012)in
their critical review of 36 persuasive sustainability systems,
many of these systems design their persuasion around a narrow
understanding of sustainability as mere optimization of simple
[behavioral] metrics,and consequently, their common persua-
sion tactic is simply to tweak behaviors with the goal of adjust-
ing actions to be more in line with benchmarks of
sustainability.However, this may sidestep difcult lifestyle
choices that may in fact be necessary to work toward a more
sustainable society.By adopting a holistic model of behavior
change, we can consider multiple metrics of sustainability that
allow us to see the bigger picture.
QT, the only BCSS explicitly informed by a behavior change
theory, is based on the theory of planned behavior (TPB). One
criticism against this theory, however, is that it fails to take into
account the time dimension of behavior change. As other mod-
els such as e.g. the Transtheoretical Modelsuggest, behavior
change is a transition through a temporally ordered sequence
of different stages. Moreover, as Riley et al. (2011) point out,
static behavior change models, such as TPB, seem inadequate
to inform mobile intervention development as these interven-
tions become more interactive and dynamic.Recently,
Bamberg (2013) introduced a cumulative theory that incorpo-
rated the dynamic stage concept, called the Stage Model of Self-
Regulated Behavior Change Theory. Because it is a dynamic
theory, it may prove suitable in the BCSS platform. To date,
however, except for the aforementioned PrimaKlimathat
appears to be under development, no mobility BCSS based on
this theory has been developed so far to the best of our knowl-
edge. Other models, such as the Computerized Behavior
Intervention or COMBI (Klein et al., 2011,2014), may also be
suitable to be implemented in the BCSS platform. COMBI is a
computational model of behavior change that integrates con-
structs from the most inuential theories such as the Trans-
theoretical Model, Social Cognitive Theory, TPB, Attitude
Formation, Self-Regulation Theory, Relapse Prevention Model,
and Health Belief Model.
4.2 Greater integration with shared mobility services
It is well known that goal initiation is not sufcient for a success-
ful goal achievement. Formation of implementation intention is
also important (Gollwitzer, 1999). This is also true in a success-
ful mobility behavior change (Fujii and Taniguchi, 2005). Imple-
mentation intention, which entails a plan for when, where, and
how to implement the target mobility behavior, mediates the
effect of behavioral intention on behavior (G
arling and Fujii,
2002). Mobility BCSSs can facilitate the formation of implemen-
tation intention by exploiting the rehearsal feature, i.e. by pro-
viding people a trip/travel plan that they can use to rehearse the
target behavior. However, as the previous section shows, very
few mobility BCSSs have this feature: of the nine BCSSs we
examined here, only ve support the rehearsal feature in the
form of PTPs (iPET), journey planner (MatkaHupi), or dynamic
trip plans (Peacox, SuperHub, and I-Tour). The rehearsal fea-
ture can be combined with the simulation feature by showing
potential outcomes of the trip plan to the users.
In contrast, in health-based BCSSs, as pointed out by the
review of Lehto and Kukkonen (2010), simulation and
rehearsal are rather common features. In these health BCSSs, a
typical example of simulation was calculating how much calo-
ries a specic physical activity burns, or the type and duration
of exercise needed to burn the calories from, e.g., a chocolate
bar. The rehearsal feature was supported by providing workout
plans and exercise ideas to the user. As a highlight, [two BCSSs]
provided extensive video-based, customizable workout build-
ers.In another review of mobile health applications for physi-
cal activity, Conroy et al. (2014) observed that most of them
have features that provide instruction on how to perform the
behaviorand model/demonstrate the behavior,which sup-
port the formation of implementation intention. Moreover,
there have been studies in the health sector showing the
effectiveness of implementation intentions in changing
behavior (B
elanger-Gravel, Godin, & Amireault, 2013). As a
consequence, one health BCSS recently developed for cardiac
rehabilitation explicitly included implementation intentionin
the design approach (Antypas and Wangberg, 2014).
How can mobility BCSSs support further the rehearsal
feature? Lately, due to advances in technology, both hardware
and software, multimodal integrationor the seamless connec-
tion of various modesis becoming a reality. These technologi-
cal advances, together with the ubiquity of internet-enabled
smartphones, enable users to plan and organize their trips on a
very short notice or even en route. For instance, Peacox, as a
journey planner application, is able to provide cross-modal trip
plans to users. Such provision of trip plans is akin to making
implementation plans in the traditional VTBC programs. Tang
and Thakuriah (2012) showed that mere provision of real-time
bus information, through a system called CTA Bus Tracker, can
increase transit ridership.
An important application are the recent developments in
ridesharing, as reviewed by several authors (Agatz, Erera,
Savelsbergh, & Wang, 2012; Chan and Shaheen, 2012; Siddiqi
and Buliung, 2013; Furuhata et al., 2013). In ridesharing, travel-
ers are grouped together into common trips by car or van
(Chan and Shaheen, 2012). In recent years, as ridesharing
becomes more dynamic, i.e. real time, it is being considered as
one travel demand management strategy that can alleviate con-
gestion, while maintaining an acceptable level of service (Sid-
diqi and Buliung, 2013). In the United States, ridesharing is
increasingly being discussed as a powerful strategy to reduce
congestion, emissions, and fossil fuel dependency.
Dynamic ridesharing is being touted as a promising and
attractive alternative to private car usage because of its potential
to provide immediate access to door-to-door transportation.
Moreover, it allows users to share costs on car usage. Furuhata
et al. (2013) summarize it best: Conceptually, ridesharing is a
system that can combine the exibility and speed of private
cars with the reduced cost of xed-line systems.In other
words, dynamic real-time ridesharing combines tailored trip
and cost-sharing.
In the coming years, ridesharing is likely to take greater
modal share as it tries to include greater technology interopera-
bility and multimodal integration (Chan and Shaheen, 2012).
Interoperability here means allowing open source data sharing
among ride-matching companies, which will enable members
to nd matches across all databases.Integration means seam-
less connection of ridesharing with other transportation modes,
such as public transit and carsharing.Hence, with further
technological advances, ridesharing can capture more market
share, as it positions itself as a very attractive alternative to pri-
vate car use.
In summary, a mobility BCSS is hypothesized to have a
greater intervention effect if it includes provision of a dynamic,
cross-modal trip planning tool (rehearsal), together with poten-
tial effects or outcomes (simulation feature). There is no
available evidence yet for this, but if empirical data from the
health BCSSs and the increasing adoption of ridesharing in the
recent years are any indicationa trend greatly facilitated by
the fact that ridesharing has become more dynamic and cross-
modalwe can be condent that a mobility BCSS that supports
cross-modal planning in real time may have greater chances of
causing behavior change.
4.3 Social interaction
Various studies have already shown that social information
drawn from ones social network can be a potentially powerful
tool to trigger sustainable travel behavior change (Bamberg,
Fujii, Friman, & G
arling, 2011; Ettema, Arentze, Timmermans,
2011; Abou-Zeid and Ben-Akiva, 2011; Axsen and Kurani,
2012; Kormos, Gifford, & Brown, 2015; Zhang, Schm
Fujii, & Yang, 2016). This review, in fact, shows that the major-
ity of the BCSSs have assimilated at least ve of the seven social
support features. Nonetheless, we also observe that two of these
social support featuressocial facilitation and cooperation
are largely missing in most applications.
Social facilitation means facilitating social interaction among
the users. In health-based BCSSs, the most common means of
social facilitation are asynchronous peer discussion forums
and synchronous chat rooms,for example, discussion forum,
peer-to-peer forum, chat room, and online and support com-
munity (Lehto and Kukkonen, 2011). In contrast to mobility
BCSSs, social facilitation is a widely used element in health
BCSSs (Lehto and Kukkonen, 2010; Kelders et al., 2012). None-
theless, these studies are inconclusive yet on whether social
facilitation is effective in changing behavior (for instance, better
adherence to interventions). Even though conclusive studies are
not yet available, we consider social facilitation a promising
direction to pursue as this offers social support, which is identi-
ed by Ploderer, Reitberger, Oinas-Kukkonen, and van
Gemert-Pijnen (2014) in their review as one of the key
approaches for future work of BCSSs in general. Social facilita-
tion by means of exchanges in online and ofine communities
can provide social support such as esteem support, intimacy,
companionship and validationor material aid as well as
informational support like advice and help in problem-solving
(Ploderer et al., 2014).
In contrast to this, cooperation is largely not supported, not
only in mobility BCSSs, but also in health BCSSs (Lehto and
Kukkonen, 2010; Lehto and Kukkonen, 2011; Kelders et al.,
2012) and therefore provides area for improvement. Ploderer
et al. (2014), in the same review, present some guidelines on
how cooperation can be implemented in BCSSs. They note that
many systems are designed for individual use, though some
have partially collective orientation, which facilitate interaction
between individuals. They thus suggest developing BCSSs for
collective, rather than the usual single, use. They cite as an
example the Tidy Street project (Bird and Rogers, 2010), which
focuses on the average electricity consumption of households
in the street, instead of individual households, in order to foster
cooperation and collaboration. In the domain of travel, users
can register in travel behavior change or shared-use mobility
programs in groups (e.g. as a family or co-workers) instead of
merely as single participants.
5. Summary and further research
There are numerous BCSS. Most developed appear to be
health applications, but the last ten years also saw the develop-
ment of BCSSs for travel behavior. Using the PSD, we evaluate
the persuasive potential of nine BCSSs designed to promote
sustainable travel behavior. We extract the persuasive features
embedded in these support systems and nd that tunneling,
tailoring, rehearsal, simulation, social facilitation, and coopera-
tion are not widely present. In contrast, in the health domain,
these features, except cooperation, are commonly used.
Furthermore, we assess studies conducted to evaluate the
effectiveness of these BCSSs in changing travel behavior and
nd indications that effect sizes are mostly small though
methodologically robust studies are largely missing; hence, no
denitive conclusion can be derived yet. We then propose
three suggestions on research needs and applications for fur-
ther development, especially addressing the small size of the
intervention effects.
In proposing that smart devices be utilized as medium of
intervention for promoting sustainable behavior change, a
caveat must be mentioned. Aside from the expected bias toward
a younger population group, there is some evidence that usage
of these devices generates a negative effect against sustainable
behavior. While studies such as Guo, Derian & Zhao (2015)
suggest that usage of such devices can enrich use of travel time
on public transport such as buses, bringing them positive util-
ity, a study by Julsrud and Denstadli (2017)nds that active
users of smart devices (equipped travelers) tend to bear criti-
cal (negative) attitudes to public transport. Moreover, the
amount of time spent in the usage of ICT may generate more
motorized travel, including by car (Hong and Thakuriah,
2016). This is, however, beyond the scope of our present study
and should be addressed in future research.
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... Ce modèle propose un cadre pour la conception, le développement et l'évaluation d'actions de persuasion basées sur la technologie. Sunio et Schmöcker (2017) se reposent sur ce modèle pour évaluer 9 BCSS dont le but est de promouvoir la mobilité durable. Le principe est largement implémenté dans le domaine de la Santé, mais l'est encore relativement peu pour la Mobilité ( (Sunio & Schmöcker, 2017)). ...
... Sunio et Schmöcker (2017) se reposent sur ce modèle pour évaluer 9 BCSS dont le but est de promouvoir la mobilité durable. Le principe est largement implémenté dans le domaine de la Santé, mais l'est encore relativement peu pour la Mobilité ( (Sunio & Schmöcker, 2017)). Les applications persuasives pour les déplacements sont basées sur le feedback. ...
... Dans les études sur le marketing individualisé, une attention trop faible est accordée à la conception des campagnes (Davies, 2012;Sunio & Schmöcker, 2017). L'intégration du message dans l'application (ergonomie), la construction du message (texte, RI et image), l'argumentation (le texte du message) et les critères de diffusions sont autant de paramètres qui impactent la perception du message (Davies, 2012;Sunio & Schmöcker, 2017), et donc le comportement. ...
Pour répondre aux défis environnementaux, à la saturation des axes routiers, au bien-être des habitants… les autorités organisatrices de mobilité estiment qu’elles devront renforcer les actions favorisant le report modal qui ont été entreprises ces dernières années et faire preuve d’innovation pour en déployer de nouvelles. En complément des mesures traditionnelles (renfort d’offre de mobilité et mesures coercitives), des mesures de management de la mobilité (sensibilisation, information, pédagogie…) sont timidement déployées depuis plusieurs dizaines d’années et font l’objet d’un intérêt croissant ces dernières années. Toutefois, leur manque d’ancrage théorique permet difficilement de prendre la mesure de leur contribution au report modal. Nous avons donc proposé de transposer à la mobilité le modèle transthéorique (TTM) initialement créé pour accompagner les fumeurs à arrêter la cigarette. Ce modèle décrit le changement de comportement comme un processus en 5 étapes. Nous montrons que sa transposition à la mobilité met en évidence le processus long du changement de pratique modale. Il décrit le report modal comme un changement en plusieurs étapes dont chacune implique des dispositifs appropriés pour favoriser le passage de l’individu à l’étape suivante. Or, nous montrons également que les mesures actuelles pour encourager le passage de la voiture vers des solutions de mobilité alternatives se concentrent principalement sur l’étape du passage à l’action. Elles visent alors à impulser un changement de pratique observable. Les outils pour mesurer le changement modal se concentrent aussi sur le comportement observable (réduction du kilométrage en voiture, évolution des parts modales…). Nous montrons que le recours au modèle transthéorique pourrait faire évoluer cette approche du report modal et permettrait de concevoir des dispositifs plus variés parce qu’il permet de prendre en compte le processus qui précède le passage à l’action, jusqu’alors ignoré par les acteurs de la mobilité. En formalisant ces étapes préliminaires du changement de comportement de mobilité, le modèle transthéorique permet dès lors d’agir sur ces aspects. Nous avons analysé l’applicabilité du modèle à la mobilité en fondant un dispositif visant le report modal sur cette formalisation. Dans le cadre de cet exercice, nous avons créé puis déployé un système de messages incitatifs au report modal intégré à une application d’information voyageurs multimodale et nous avons évalué ses effets sur le changement de comportement. Nous avons ainsi montré que le modèle est particulièrement adapté à une visée opérationnelle. Il facilite le cadrage du projet pour identifier le type de dispositif le plus adapté à déployer. Il permet également de mesurer les effets des dispositifs sur les étapes qui précèdent le changement observable de comportement pour ainsi faire apparaître des effets jusqu’alors invisibles.
... MM focuses on the reallocating space to favor sustainable modes of transportation, while TDM is centered around modifying the travel behavior to manage the car demand and encourage users to transition to sustainable modes [6]. Te advent of integrating the behavior change concept into travel planning services is to shape, manipulate, and transform users' behavior towards more sustainable patterns [9]. Such ICT services can serve as strategic tools across various stages of travel decision-making by providing information and recommendations. ...
... A travel personalization tool can be defned as a means of adjusting and tailoring travel services to incorporate contextual information and specifc preferences, as well as to generate user-centric outputs [12]. Several application trials have attempted to support personalization in urban travel planning by considering certain user's mobility preferences and inputs, such as location, age, and gender [9], thus providing customized travel plans. However, these services have not attained the desired level of comprehensive consideration of factors and resultant measures yet. ...
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The necessity for an external control mechanism that optimizes daily urban trips becomes evident when considering numerous factors at play within a complex environment. This research introduces an activity-based travel personalization tool that incorporates 10 travel decision-making factors driven by the genetic algorithm. To evaluate the framework, a complex artificial scenario is created comprising six activities in a daily plan. Afterwards, the scenario is simulated for predefined user profiles, and the results of the simulation are compared based on the users’ characteristics. The simulations of the scenario successfully demonstrate the appropriate utilization of activity constraints and the efficient implementation of users’ spatiotemporal priorities. In comparison to the base case, significant time savings ranging from 31.2% to 70.2% are observed in the daily activity chains of the simulations. These results indicate that the magnitude of time savings in daily activity simulations depends on how users assign values to the travel decision-making parameters, reflecting the attitudinal differences among the predefined users in this study. This tool holds promise for advancing longitudinal travel behavior research, particularly in gaining a more profound understanding of travel patterns.
... A respective alternative pathway for a super app transition and very novel solution could therefore involve locally built super apps that are developed bottom-up and regulated by the public sector. That is, an app that is designed based on diverse local stakeholder needs and tailored to the unique characteristics of each community, which are key requirements to foster sustainable mobility behaviors through the use of apps (Sunio and Schmöcker, 2017;Andersson et al., 2018). ...
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In this perspective paper, we propose to integrate the concepts of Mobility-as-a-Feature (MaaF, an extension of MaaS) and the 15-minute city (15mC). The 15mC concept maintains that daily necessities and services, such as shopping, healthcare, and leisure should be accessible without private cars within 15 minute. In line with MaaF, these services could be integrated with a variety of mobility options into a single app. This novel approach is poised to offer a seamless customer experience, better resource utilization, enhanced urban mobility, improved and more inclusive access to services, and greater community connectivity. We call them local super apps: a new model to drive equitable and sustainable urban transitions. We substantiate this preliminary idea with evidence from literature, practical applications, and a user survey (N = 1,019), while also discussing future research avenues to further develop the concept of local super apps.
... Schrammel et al. (2015), for example, focus on one specific feature, i.e., (individual and collaborative) challenges as behavior change techniques to support users in engaging in more sustainable travel mode decision and investigate what aspects make users willing to participate in these challenges. In the same vein, Sunio and Schmöcker (2017) reviewed and evaluated existing behavior change support systems (BCSS) designed to promote sustainable travel behavior and emphasized the need to guide users through the process of behavior change by providing concrete recommendations to realize pro-environmental travel behaviors. ...
... By doing so, airlines save money and passengers are able to keep track of their rewards. Sunio & Schmöcker (2017) stated, There are lots of applications for mobile phones that can help change people's lifestyle. Some of the most popular ones are for staying healthy, whereas some others are to encourage people to travel in a more eco-friendly way. ...
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In recent years, digital transformation has changed the way an organization operates. In the tourism industry, such transformation becomes the necessity as technology keeps developing. Travel can be made easier in some ways, one of which is through the development of travel applications. It is crucial to identify the tourists’ needs and the expectations regarding the user-friendly travel applications. There are in fact a number of applications sprung up in the tourism sector, however, only some of them fulfil the criteria. This study is conducted to develop applications that are considered users-friendly and meet both the needs and the expectations of the tourists. It further investigates what tourists need and expect concerning the related applications. The novelty of this research lies in identifying the expectations and needs of travel apps among millennial by raising case studies in three tourist destinations, namely Borobudur and Dieng, both are in Central Java, and Bayan Village in Lombok. This is a research with a qualitative method. The primary data were obtained through focus group discussions (FGD) and online interviews, whereas the secondary data were generated through literature study. The results indicated that the tourists’ expectations and needs for travel applications are categorized into two groups, the first is the technical aspect and the second is the application content. It was found that tourists require applications with attractive look, supported by clear and updated information. In addition, the applications should be easy to use, help build the enthusiasm to visit, make travel more convenient.
... Design strategies tailored to reducing CO2 emissions include organizing groups, ensuring anonymity, facilitating mutual surveillance, cultivating mutual aid, and combining positive and negative feedback [12]. For promoting sustainable travel behavior through mobile apps, persuasive strategies such as social comparison, normative influence, competition, and recognition have been identified [13]. Additionally, persuasive design principles for sustainable energy use include four key components: observing cause-and-effect links, providing performancetracking systems, offering timely suggestions, and presenting visually attractive praise [14]. ...
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INTRODUCTION: In the field of information system design, mobile-based platforms have emerged as a significant and indispensable component in recent years. This research examines the incorporation of sustainable responsibility by a household appliance brand into the consumer experience of a retail mobile application through experience design.OBJECTIVES: The primary objective of this study is to develop strategies for consumer experience design driven by sustainability, thereby fostering the adoption of sustainable consumption behaviours that yield positive implications for the environment, public life, and brand values.METHODS: A combination of quantitative and qualitative methods was employed, encompassing preliminary user interviews, questionnaire surveys, and in-depth user interviews. Initially, design research explored consumers' comprehension of sustainability, sustainable consumption demands, behavioural habits, and experiential expectations. Subsequently, design strategies were derived through insight clustering analysis, considering functional information, interaction experience, and marketing interaction.RESULTS: The study illustrated sustainable consumer experience design through the interface and interaction design of a retail mobile application, serving as a touchpoint for an online retail system. The overall effectiveness of the design solution was assessed through usability and consumer experience tests and the results were positive and evidently conducive to improve the retail mobile application.CONCLUSION: Based on the evaluation of the design proposal, three key elements were identified for the experience design of retail mobile systems driven by sustainable responsibility: accentuating the sustainable attributes of products, enhancing consumer autonomy and competence, and aligning marketing endeavours with sustainable values.
... Many governments around the world are attempting to tackle the environmental, social, and economic issues caused by widespread motorisation and the overuse of private cars via the development of sustainable transport (e.g., public transport, walking, and cycling) [1][2][3][4][5]. Sustainable travel behaviour, as defned by Sunio and Schmöcker [6], refers to decreased environmental, social, and economic impacts when an individual makes a travel mode choice that often difers from that of a car. Terefore, sustainable transport development has become widely recognised as a key initiative for developing an environmentally, socially, and economically sustainable neighbourhood [7,8]. ...
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Transit-oriented development (TOD) is an urban designed model aimed at attracting more sustainable travellers. However, not all TOD projects succeed in maintaining a high rate of sustainable travel behaviour. To examine the impacts of TOD on residents’ travel behaviour, this paper applies binary logistic regression to analyse survey data for 1,298 residents living in the TOD areas in Hangzhou collected in 2020. The results show that socioeconomic characteristics, built environment factors, and travel attitudes play important roles in influencing their travel mode choices. Furthermore, the number of children in households and higher levels of car ownership significantly influence residents’ sustainable travel behaviours. However, it appears that only a limited number of factors can convince car users to shift to sustainable modes of travel, such as their workplace being accessible by metro and attitudes towards changes in accessibility. This research study contributes to the existing literature in terms of enhancing the understanding of travel mode choice behaviours, particularly with regard to people who live near public transport infrastructure, as well as formulating evidence-based TOD policies to achieve more sustainable transport systems.
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This review is an analysis of the literature on public transport and mobile ticketing systems and their gamification. The review is divided into three main topics: (i) Behavioral Change in relation to Public Transport, (ii) Gamification, and (iii) Gamification in Public Transport and Mobile Ticketing. This study shows the diversity of the theme of gamification applied to the transport sector and demonstrates its potential to attract and retain more customers for more sustainable means of transport.
This study explored the effectiveness of various employer-based travel demand management strategies in promoting multimodality and mode substitution among employees in Washington state using a mixed multinomial logit model. The study found that employee transportation coordinators played an important role in encouraging the use of sustainable travel modes. Spatial analysis revealed that individuals who lived and worked in proximity were more likely to adopt multimodal transportation. The study also highlighted the convenience of driving alone and the lack of information on sustainable alternatives as two major barriers to the adoption of sustainable transportation modes and recommended educational campaigns to increase awareness. To inform practice, this study identified transit subsidies, parking pricing, and work schedule flexibility as the most effective TDM strategies to promote multimodality and mode substitution, followed by compressed workweeks, and providing easy access to transit and amenities.
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To support increasingly complex planning activities, many agencies are facing the challenges of obtaining highly nuanced travel behavior data while managing shrinking financial resources. Recent advancements in smartphones and GPS technologies present new opportunities to track travelers' trips. Many studies have applied GPS-based data to planning and demand analysis, but cell phone (mobile phone) GPS data have not received much attention. Google location history (GLH) data provide an opportunity to explore the potential of cell phone GPS data. This paper presents the findings of a study that used GLH data, including the data-processing algorithm used to derive travel information, and their potential applications to understanding travel patterns. For the pilot study, GLH data were obtained from 25 participants over a 1-month period. The data showed that GLH provides a sufficient amount of high-resolution data that can be used to study people's movement without a burden on the respondent. The algorithms developed in this study worked well with the pilot data. However, because of the limitations of the pilot data as a result of the sample size and sample representation, conclusions cannot be drawn from the results of the analysis conducted in this study. Nevertheless , this pilot study shows the potential of mobile phone GPS data as a supplement or complement to conventional data. Given the high rate of penetration of smartphones and the low respondent burden, these data could facilitate the investigation of various issues, such as the reason for less frequent long-distance travel, daily variations in travel behavior, and human mobility patterns on a large spatiotemporal scale. Detailed travel information from people and households is critical to the understanding of an individual's travel behavior to support transportation planning decisions. Such information is traditionally obtained from household travel surveys, which suffer from low response rates, a high respondent burden, and significant costs for survey implementation (1-3). With advances in technologies, recent research shows the promise of passive data, such as those retrieved from GPS devices and smartphones, to supplement, complement, or replace the data obtained from traditional household travel surveys. A significant body of research has examined the use of GPS data and their ability to serve as an alternative to data from household travel surveys (4, 5). In such studies, the GPS device was generally fixed to a participant's vehicle or a participant was asked to carry the device daily (6-9). Although these studies indicated that the use of GPS could provide detailed travel trajectory data with a sufficient level of accuracy, the use of GPS had some limitations. The cost of purchasing the GPS units and administering the survey (mailing the units to the participants and retrieving them) could severely limit the size and length of this type of survey. A certain level of respondent burden also existed. For example, a participant could forget to charge the device or leave it at home, which rendered it useless. Later studies started to explore the use of cell phone (mobile phone) data, particularly the call detail record (CDR) data (10). These data are produced and stored by network providers whenever a subscriber uses a cell phone, such as to make a call, send a text, or browse the Internet. The CDR log records the time of the activity that triggers the recording as well as the location of the user via triangulation. Because of the proliferation of cell phones, a large sample of data can be obtained at minimum cost. Recent data indicate cell phone penetration rates of 128% in developed countries and 89% in developing countries (11). However, because the location information is indirectly measured, the CDR data tend to be less accurate than GPS data because the CDR data are measured via triangulation, which means that during each use, the signal of the phone is discovered by multiple cellular network towers (12). Therefore, the accuracy of these data can deteriorate for many reasons, including a low number of available towers as well as tower switching to improve overall cellular network performance. In addition, the cell phone must be in use to trigger recording, which means that no information is provided when the phone is inactive. This could leave significant gaps in the trajectory traces, which would compromise the usability of the data. In an effort to search for other data sources that overcome the limitations of current data sources, the goal of this study was to explore the potential of data that can be obtained from cell phones with an integrated GPS system. The advantages of the use of cell phone GPS data is the high degree of accuracy of the data, the high penetration rate of cell phones, and the low response burden for users of mobile devices. According to Wikipedia, the smartphone penetration rate was about 56% in the United States in 2013, and this share is expected to increase every year (13). Furthermore, cell phone GPS data have an average accuracy of 31 ft, which is higher than that of the CDR data, which have an accuracy of 164 to 984 ft (14). Thus, cell phone GPS data hold great promise for use in travel pattern analysis. A quick review of the literature indicates that very few studies have focused on cell phone GPS data, as most existing studies are based on either GPS or CDR data. Nevertheless, these studies still provide valuable insights into the data-processing algorithm and the potential applications of that algorithm. A major challenge of passively collected data is that the participants provide no input, so researchers mainly rely on data-mining techniques to derive useful information that can help describe people's mobility patterns. One of the major tasks is to detect trip ends, that is, the locations that the users have visited. When a researcher is faced with records consisting of thousands of data points indicating daily movement, the differences between points that are in motion and those that are still is not
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The uptake of mobile media with internet connection has increased rapidly in almost every part of the world, and this has significantly changed how public transport passengers use their travel time. Pre-existing studies have documented that use of mobile ICT while travelling has the potential to enriched use of travel time and in some cases strengthen positive attitudes to public transport. The alternative hypothesis – that mobile communication technologies make travellers more critical and demanding, e.g., due to the risk of interference – has so far hardly been explored through empirical studies. Based on a web-based survey of travellers in two of the largest cities in Norway (Oslo and Trondheim), this paper investigates how use of smart devices are related to general attitudes towards public transportation services. A segmentation of travellers in three clusters based on their mobile use habits, shows that the most active group of mobile media users – a group of younger and middle-aged urban dwellers – were those who bore the most critical attitudes to the public transport services. In contrast, the groups that used their mobile phones rarely, or less actively, on their public transport trips were more satisfied. The findings suggest that a new generation of “equipped travellers” has developed expectations of their public transport journeys that today's service providers may have problems to fulfil. Thus, there is a risk of the most active smartphone users developing negative attitudes to public transport if (or when) their experiences are not improved.
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Traditional data acquisition methods, such as surveys and diaries, used in transportation studies have become burdensome and inefficient in comparison to the emerging sources of passively collected data. These newer data sources have the ability to improve data quality and accuracy and the potential to complement conventional data. This paper presents a comprehensive review of studies that have utilized passively collected data, such as data from personal or vehicle GPS devices, mobile phone network data, and - more recently - smartphone GPS data. This review focuses on the data-processing algorithms that have been used to derive travel information from trajectory traces, as well as the variety of applications that have been conducted on the basis of these data. Some applications of these data have included origin-destination estimation, real-time traffic monitoring, and human mobility pattern analysis. Although passively collected data have great potential, issues with possible sample bias and a lack of demographic data require further research. This study may help people interested in employing these data to understand better the current practices, as well as the potential and the challenges associated with the data.
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To support the increasingly complex planning activities, many agencies are facing the challenges of obtaining highly nuanced travel behavior data while managing shrinking financial resources. Recent advancements in smart phones and Global Positioning System (GPS) technologies present new opportunities to track travelers’ trips. Many studies have applied GPS-Based data in planning and demand analysis but cellphone GPS data has not received much attention. Google Location History (GLH) data represent an opportunity to explore the potential of these data. This paper presents a study using GLH data, including the data processing algorithm in deriving travel information and the potential applications in understanding travel patterns. GLH data are obtained from 25 participants in a one-month period for the pilot study. It shows that GLH provides sufficient high resolution data that can be used to study people’s movement without respondent burden. The developed algorithms in this study work well with the pilot data. However, due to the limitations of the pilot data, in terms of sample size and sample representation, the analysis conducted in the study cannot be used to draw any conclusions. Nevertheless, this pilot study shows the potential of utilizing mobile phone GPS data as a supplement or complement to conventional data. Given the high penetration of smartphones and the low respondent burden, these data provide the opportunity to facilitate the investigation of various issues, such as less frequent long-distance travel, daily variations in travel behavior, and human mobility pattern in large spatio-temporal scale.
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Voluntary Travel Behaviour Change programs aim to improve both community information and awareness about personal contributions to the negative effects produced by private car use. Indeed, providing individuals with feedback (travel time and costs, CO2 emitted, etc.), as well as information about existing alternatives to the car, has been shown to motivate people to reduce car use.
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While the internet has long been used for commercial ends, its use as communication medium or distribution channel in order to promote environmentally friendly behaviors is rather uncommon up to now. The paper gives an overview of those technological features of mobile applications and the Web 2.0 that seem relevant from an intervention perspective as well as experience that have been made so far with such web-based support systems. One important conclusion is that web-based interventions, too, can only be effective when adequately informed by behavioral theory. The Stage Model of Self-Regulated Behavioral Change (Bamberg, 2013a, 2013b) provides a framework that is suited for the development of dynamic and interactive web-based interventions. The main part of the article gives a detailed overview of how the model can be used to develop a web-based support system to promote environmentally friendly everyday mobility behavior.
An experiment that used an application of a pragmatic smartphone travel survey developed to minimize respondent burden while collecting primarily passive data between destinations is described; invited participants came from known population, Concordia University. Respondent burden was reduced by optimizing battery usage, requiring little from respondents apart from downloading and installing an app, completing a short survey, and allowing the app to run in their smartphones' background. The experiment showed that a surprisingly large number of people (892) contacted by e-mail were willing to participate in the study, with a resultant surprisingly large amount of data as well (4,154 respondent days). Moreover, the overall age distribution of the sample was found to be closer to the true population than a traditional origin-destination (O-D) survey capturing the same population. Differences in travel behavior results from the O-D survey appear plausible given what is known about both smartphone and traditional surveys. That respondents were not asked to validate their data reduced respondent burden, but some validated data are necessary to derive meaningful information from collected data. The collection of some less accurate data when GPS is not available is an important avenue to reduce the identification of missing trips. The authors view this experiment as a data point, among others, in attempts to understand the trade-offs involved in the development of smartphone applications. The authors hope it will contribute to the use of such applications on a larger scale in data collection initiatives.
Although interpersonal influence is thought to play in important role in proenvironmental consumption behavior, mechanisms of influence are not well understood. Through literature review, we identify five theoretical perspectives on interpersonal influence: contagion, conformity, dissemination, translation, and reflexivity. We apply these perspectives to car buyer perceptions of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs), a technology with attributes that can be perceived as functional, symbolic, private, and societal. The context is a PHEV demonstration project in which 275 interpersonal interactions were elicited from interviews with 40 individuals in 11 different social networks in northern California. Results demonstrate how perspectives shape research findings. Contagion, conformity, and dissemination provide useful concepts regarding perceptions of functional, symbolic and societal PHEV attributes, respectively. However, translation and reflexivity provide language and theoretical depth to describe observed perceptions and motives, while also addressing dynamics in these perceptions and in consumer values. Utilizing these differing perspectives facilitated observation that participants are more amenable to developing new, prosocietal interpretations of PHEVs if they: (i) easily form a basic functional understanding of PHEV technology, (ii) are in a transitional state in their lifestyle practices, and (iii) find supportive prosocietal values within their social network. Results demonstrate the importance of integrating complementary research perspectives to better understand consumer valuation of technologies with environmental benefits.
The effects of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) on mobility have been investigated for several decades; however, few studies have focused on the amount of time spent using ICT and its implications on travel behaviour, and how such relationships may vary with the characteristics of residential location. This study focuses on the Internet use for non-work purposes and two research questions are examined: Does the amount of time spent on the Internet affect motorized trip generation and motorized travel distance? How do these effects vary according to residential location such as urban, town and rural areas where the levels of accessibility are different? We find there is a non-linear relationship between the amount of time spent on the Internet for personal purposes and motorized mobility (i.e., auto and public transit trips), with both very low-end as well as very high-end Internet users having lower levels of motorized mobility, while moderate-intensity users having higher levels of motorized mobility. However, these effects vary according to residential location; for example, people living in urban areas have different levels of motorized mobility according to the amount of time spent online, while no significant impact is identified for people living in rural area.