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Outcome of Pregnancy in Rare Case of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Diagnosed at 24 Weeks of Gestation



The management of chronic myelogenous leukemia during pregnancy requires balancing the health of both mother and fetus. We report a case of a 22-year-old female who was diagnosed with chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) at 24 weeks gestation and who had an atypical chromosome t(9;22;11) (q34;q11.2;q13) translocation. She was managed with PEG-IFNa through the remainder of the pregnancy and the disease remained stable; she delivered a normal male child. Treatment with dasatinib was initiated 1 week after delivery on patient's request and she went into complete hematologic remission after 1 month of therapy. We discuss the course of the disease and various treatment modalities available for CML during pregnancy.
Volume 8, Issue 4, April 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
IJISRT23APR495 193
Outcome of Pregnancy in Rare Case of
Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Diagnosed at 24
Weeks of Gestation
1. Dr Vishnu Sharma
Department of General Medicine
SMS Medical College
Jaipur, India
2. Vansh Bagrodia
Final MBBS Student
SMS Medical College
Jaipur, India
Abstract:- The management of chronic myelogenous
leukemia during pregnancy requires balancing the health
of both mother and fetus. We report a case of a 22-year-
old female who was diagnosed with chronic myelogenous
leukemia (CML) at 24 weeks gestation and who had an
atypical chromosome t(9;22;11) (q34;q11.2;q13)
translocation. She was managed with PEG-IFNa through
the remainder of the pregnancy and the disease remained
stable; she delivered a normal male child. Treatment with
dasatinib was initiated 1 week after delivery on patient’s
request and she went into complete hematologic remission
after 1 month of therapy. We discuss the course of the
disease and various treatment modalities available for
CML during pregnancy.
Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) is a chronic
myeloproliferative disorder defined by the presence of a
chimeric gene, BCR::ABL. CML accounts for 7% to 15% of
all cases of leukemia in adults. In western countries the
median age of CML patients is about 57 years. In Asia the
median age at diagnosis is <50 years, reflecting in part the
lower median age of the population.1 There is slight male
predominance. There is no association with geographic
distribution or race. The etiology of CML is unknown. High-
dose radiation exposure is a well-established environmental
risk factor. No genetic predisposition is thought to play any
role in pathogenesis of CML. BCR::ABL is created by a
reciprocal translocation of genetic material between the long
arm of chromosome 9 (containing the proto-oncogene c-abl)
and the long arm of chromosome 22 (containing the bcr gene).
This is the Philadelphia chromosome, and it is correctly
annotated t(9;22) (q34.1;q11.21). The translocation results in
constitutive upregulation of tyrosine kinase activity of abl,
which triggers downstream transduction pathways of a
signaling cascade of oncogenic events.
Patients usually present in the initial chronic phase,
exhibiting a cluster of specific clinical and laboratory features.
More than half of patients with CML diagnosed in the chronic
phase are asymptomatic. The median time to the development
of terminal blast phase is 3 to 6 years. The disease typically
progresses through slow evolution into an accelerated phase
and then blast phase, but it can transform rapidly directly into
the blast phase.
The therapeutic landscape of chronic myeloid leukemia
(CML) has profoundly changed over the past few years. Most
patients with chronic phase (CP) now have a normal life
expectancy. Another goal is achieving a stable deep molecular
response (DMR) and discontinuing medication for treatment-
free remission (TFR). First-line treatment is a tyrosine kinase
inhibitor (TKI; imatinib brand or generic, dasatinib, nilotinib,
and bosutinib are available first-line). Allogeneic
transplantation continues to be a therapeutic option
particularly for advanced phase CML. Treatment
discontinuation may be considered in patients with durable
DMR with the goal of achieving TFR.1 The occurrence of
CML during pregnancy poses a unique clinical challenge for
physicians treating these patients and requires balancing
concerns between maternal survival and fetal health in both
the short- and long-term. Interferon-alpha is a safe option due
to its safety profile while TKI’s are not given because of their
teratogenic potential.2
We report the case of a 20 year female G1P0 in 2nd
trimester (at 24 weeks of gestation) presented
withleukocytosis, left shift, thrombocytosis and splenomegaly
on her regular pregnancy checkup. She was suspected for
CML and was investigated for it, the findings of which are
seen in table 1.
9.5 %
Total leukocyte count
Platelet count
12.14 Lakh/Cu mm
Volume 8, Issue 4, April 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
IJISRT23APR495 194
Myelocytes +
5cm BCM
Blasts on Bone Marrow
BCR-ABL (P210)
51.964% IS
1.04 (intermediate risk)
0.8053 (low risk)
Table 1 : Pre-treatment initiation investigations for suspected
Patient was diagnosed with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
in Chronic Phase and put on Interferon-alpha 2b 3 mu/day 3
times/week to be taken until delivery.
Patient took interferon-alpha 2b for 13 weeks and had a
normal full term delivery. Baby was healthy, weighed 2.6 kg
and no malformations were seen. Investigations to assess the
status of her CML were done after delivery and seen in table
9.9 %
Total leukocyte count
Platelet count
17.68 Lakh/Cu mm
Myelocytes +
5 cm BCM
1.59 (high risk)
0.6393 (low risk)
Table 2 : Post-delivery investigations to assess CML status
Patient was counselled to continue Interferon-alpha 2b
even after pregnancy to facilitate exclusive breast feeding to
infant but she asked to be put on standard therapy for CML
and was thus given Dasatinib 100mg/day OD and achieved
complete hematologic remission after one month of therapy.
CML in pregnancy is a rare condition, with an annual
incidence of 1 per 100,000 pregnancies. The disease during
pregnancy has been traditionally managed conservatively by
leukapheresis, hydroxyurea and interferonbecause it has an
initial chronic phase that may not require an immediate
therapy and pregnancy per se does not affect CML. The
therapeutic management of CML in pregnant women with
TKIs often poses substantial challenges to both patients and
their physicians.3
Our patient was not put on TKI therapy due to its
teratogenic potential. This is supported by various studies.
Like in Pye et al’s. study, of 180 women exposed to imatinib
during pregnancy, outcome data are available for 125 (69%).
Of those with known outcomes, 50% delivered normal infants
and 28% underwent elective terminations, 3 following the
identification of abnormalities. There were a total of 12 infants
in whom abnormalities were identified.4
Our patient was given interferon-alpha 2b for CML
during the course of her pregnancy. The results of a study by
Brojeni et al suggested that IFN-alphaα does not significantly
increase the risk of major malformation, miscarriage, stillbirth
or preterm delivery above general population rates.5
Leukapheresis in pregnant CML patients is generally
used in cases with severe hyperleukocytosis which was not
observed in our patient at any instance and was thus not
considered anytime during the course of her pregnancy.
Hydroxyurea was also not used due to its teratogenic profile
and no need for any other therapy was noticed since the
patient was relatively well controlled on interferon therapy.
Our patient was observed to have controlled CML after
pregnancy and was thus suggested and counseled to continue
Interferon-alpha 2b even after pregnancy to facilitate exclusive
breast feeding to infant since TKIs are secreted in breast milk
thus it is not advisable to give an actively feeding mother TKIs
such as Dasatinib. But the patient wasn't much comfortable
with continuing IFN-alpha due to its flu-like side effects and
also wanted to take the best therapy possible for her, for the
CML. So she asked to be put on standard therapy for CML
and was started on Dasatinib 100mg/day OD whilst the patient
was simultaneously referred to the Pediatrics department for
the proper nursing of her newborn.
Dasatinib is a multi-targeted kinase inhibitor
of bcr/abl and Src kinases that has 100- to 300-fold higher
activity than imatinib.6
Our patient was observed to have complete hematologic
remission after 1 month of dasatinib therapy.
CML occurrence during pregnancy is noted to be a rare
phenomenon and warrants careful therapeutic planning due to
the relative risk of embryotoxicity of TKIs, which is
considered as first-line therapy in CML on one hand, but the
good efficacy and treatment success rates of the same on the
other hand. Interferon-alpha 2b 3 mu/day 3 times/week is
noted to be a safe option in pregnant CML patients managed
without TKIs. Our study supports this fact with its observed
positive outcome of both the pregnancy and fetus.
Conflicts of Interest -
Volume 8, Issue 4, April 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
IJISRT23APR495 195
No conflicts of interest declared.
[1]. Hochhaus, A., Baccarani, M., Silver, R.T. et al. European
LeukemiaNet 2020 recommendations for treating chronic
myeloid leukemia. Leukemia 34, 966984 (2020).
[2]. Conchon, M., Sanabani, S.S., Bendit, I. et al. Two
successful pregnancies in a woman with chronic myeloid
leukemia exposed to nilotinib during the first trimester of
her second pregnancy: case study. J Hematol Oncol 2, 42
[3]. Monika Conchon, Sabri S. Sanabani , Mariana Serpa,
Mafalda M. Y. Novaes, Luciana Nardinelli, Patrícia B.
Ferreira, Pedro Enrique Dorliac-Llacer, Israel Bendit,
"Successful Pregnancy and Delivery in a Patient with
Chronic Myeloid Leukemia while on Dasatinib
Therapy", Advances in Hematology, vol. 2010, Article
ID 136252, 4 pages, 2010.
[4]. Seonaid M. Pye, Jorge Cortes, Patricia Ault, Alan
Hatfield, HagopKantarjian, Richard Pilot,
GianantonioRosti, Jane F. Apperley; The effects of
imatinib on pregnancy outcome. Blood 2008; 111 (12):
55055508. doi:
[5]. Yazdani Brojeni P, Matok I, Garcia Bournissen F, Koren
G. A systematic review of the fetal safety of interferon
alpha. ReprodToxicol. 2012 Jun;33(3):265-8. doi:
10.1016/j.reprotox.2011.11.003. Epub 2011 Dec 19.
PMID: 22200624.
[6]. N. P. Shah, C. Tran, F. Y. Lee et al., “Overriding
imatinib resistance with a novel ABL kinase
inhibitor,” Science, vol. 305, no. 5682, pp. 399401,
[7]. Kumar S, Apostolova M, Woolley PV. A case of chronic
myelogenous leukemia in pregnancy characterized by a
complex translocation t(9;22;11)(q34;q11.2;q13).
Hematol Rep. 2011 Oct 19;3(3):e27. doi:
10.4081/hr.2011.e27. Epub 2011 Nov 21. PMID:
22593818; PMCID: PMC3269799.
[8]. Moura AC, Delamain MT, Duarte GBO, Lorand-Metze
I, Souza CA, Pagnano KBB. Management of chronic
myeloid leukemia during pregnancy: a retrospective
analysis at a single center. HematolTransfus Cell Ther.
2019 Apr-Jun;41(2):125-128. doi:
10.1016/j.htct.2018.10.001. Epub 2019 Feb 18. PMID:
31079659; PMCID: PMC6517617.
... This is the philadelphia chromosome, and it is correctly annotated t (9;22) (q34.1;q11.21) [1]. ...
Full-text available
We report the case of a 62-year-old female patient who presented to us with complaints of low grade fever, fatigue and left upper abdomen discomfort. Her routine physical examination was unremarkable except for splenomegaly 5 cm below costal margin. Her blood profile showed a WBC count of 122,740/mm 3 with left shift and 1% blast, hemoglobin was 11.3 gm/dL, hema-tocrit was 34.1% and platelet count was 163,000/ mm 3. A battery of investigations were done on the suspicion of chronic myeloid leukemia. Bone marrow was found to be hypercellular and myeloid hyperplasia with 2% blasts.
Full-text available
The therapeutic landscape of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) has profoundly changed over the past 7 years. Most patients with chronic phase (CP) now have a normal life expectancy. Another goal is achieving a stable deep molecular response (DMR) and discontinuing medication for treatment-free remission (TFR). The European LeukemiaNet convened an expert panel to critically evaluate and update the evidence to achieve these goals since its previous recommendations. First-line treatment is a tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI; imatinib brand or generic, dasatinib, nilotinib, and bosutinib are available first-line). Generic imatinib is the cost-effective initial treatment in CP. Various contraindications and side-effects of all TKIs should be considered. Patient risk status at diagnosis should be assessed with the new EUTOS long-term survival (ELTS)-score. Monitoring of response should be done by quantitative polymerase chain reaction whenever possible. A change of treatment is recommended when intolerance cannot be ameliorated or when molecular milestones are not reached. Greater than 10% BCR-ABL1 at 3 months indicates treatment failure when confirmed. Allogeneic transplantation continues to be a therapeutic option particularly for advanced phase CML. TKI treatment should be withheld during pregnancy. Treatment discontinuation may be considered in patients with durable DMR with the goal of achieving TFR.
Full-text available
The management of chronic myelogenous leukemia during pregnancy requires balancing the well-being of the mother with that of the fetus. We report a case of a 26-year-old lady who was diagnosed with chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) at 15 weeks gestation and who had an atypical chromosome t(9;22;11) (q34;q11.2;q13) translocation. She was observed through the remainder of the pregnancy and the disease remained stable; she delivered a normal boy. Treatment with imatinib mesylate was initiated shortly after delivery and she went into molecular complete remission. We discuss the course of the disease and suggest guidelines for managing pregnancy with respect to the currently available agents imatinib, dasatinib and nilotinib.
Full-text available
Here we report the case of an 18-year-old woman with chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) who became pregnant while undergoing treatment with dasatinib. Before pregnancy, she received imatinib mesylate therapy but could not tolerate the treatment. The regimen was then changed to dasatinib at a dose of 70 mg b.i.d. While she was in hematological remission and on dasatinib therapy, she became pregnant. The unplanned pregnancy was identified after the patient had experienced four weeks of amenorrhea. Because the patient elected to continue the pregnancy to term, dasatinib was stopped immediately. Meanwhile, CML hematological relapse occurred and then she was treated with interferon-alpha (IFN-alpha) (9 million IU/day) throughout the pregnancy without a complete hematological response. She successfully gave birth to a male baby at 33 weeks by cesarean section delivery with no sequelae or malformations. Although this experience is limited to a single patient, it provides a useful contribution for counselling patients inadvertently exposed to dasatinib during pregnancy.
Full-text available
The occurrence of chronic myeloid leukemia in pregnancy is rare and its management poses a clinical challenge for physicians treating these patients. We report a 30-year-old woman with chronic myeloid leukemia who became pregnant twice successfully. Philadelphia-positive CML in its chronic phase was diagnosed at 16 weeks of her first gestation. At that time, she received no treatment throughout her pregnancy. At 38 weeks of gestation, a normal infant was delivered by cesarean section. At six weeks postpartum, the patient underwent imatinib mesylate therapy but she could not tolerate the treatment. The treatment was then changed to nilotinib at 400 mg orally b.i.d. Two years later, she became pregnant again while she was on nilotinib 200 mg b.i.d. The unplanned pregnancy was identified during her 7.4 weeks of gestation. Because the patient elected to continue her pregnancy, nilotinib was stopped immediately, and no further treatment was given until delivery. Neither obstetrical complications nor structural malformations in neonates in both pregnancies were observed. Both babies' growth and development have been normal. Although this experience is limited to a single patient, the success of this patient demonstrates that the management of chronic myeloid leukemia in pregnant women may be individualized based on the relative risks and benefits of the patient and fetus.
Resistance to the ABL kinase inhibitor imatinib (STI571 or Gleevec) in chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) occurs through selection for tumor cells harboring BCR-ABL kinase domain point mutations that interfere with drug binding. Crystallographic studies predict that most imatinib-resistant mutants should remain sensitive to inhibitors that bind ABL with less stringent conformational requirements. BMS-354825 is an orally bioavailable ABL kinase inhibitor with two-log increased potency relative to imatinib that retains activity against 14 of 15 imatinib-resistant BCR-ABL mutants. BMS-354825 prolongs survival of mice with BCR-ABL-driven disease and inhibits proliferation of BCR-ABL-positive bone marrow progenitor cells from patients with imatinib-sensitive and imatinib-resistant CML. These data illustrate how molecular insight into kinase inhibitor resistance can guide the design of second-generation targeted therapies.
Imatinib has now been in use for almost 10 years. Despite this cumulative experience, little is known about its effects on pregnancy; as a result, there are few published data to facilitate the counseling of women who conceive while taking imatinib. The results we now present provide information which may be of use in such circumstances. Of 180 women exposed to imatinib during pregnancy, outcome data are available for 125 (69%). Of those with known outcomes, 50% delivered normal infants and 28% underwent elective terminations, 3 following the identification of abnormalities. There were a total of 12 infants in whom abnormalities were identified, 3 of which had strikingly similar complex malformations that are clearly a cause for concern. It appears that although most pregnancies exposed to imatinib are likely to have a successful outcome, there remains a risk that exposure may result in serious fetal malformations.
A systematic review of the fetal safety of interferon alpha
  • Yazdani Brojeni
  • P Matok
  • Garcia Bournissen
  • F Koren
Yazdani Brojeni P, Matok I, Garcia Bournissen F, Koren G. A systematic review of the fetal safety of interferon alpha. ReprodToxicol. 2012 Jun;33(3):265-8. doi: 10.1016/j.reprotox.2011.11.003. Epub 2011 Dec 19. PMID: 22200624.
Management of chronic myeloid leukemia during pregnancy: a retrospective analysis at a single center
  • A C Moura
  • M T Delamain
  • Gbo Duarte
  • I Lorand-Metze
  • C A Souza
  • Kbb Pagnano
Moura AC, Delamain MT, Duarte GBO, Lorand-Metze I, Souza CA, Pagnano KBB. Management of chronic myeloid leukemia during pregnancy: a retrospective analysis at a single center. HematolTransfus Cell Ther. 2019
  • Apr-Jun
Apr-Jun;41(2):125-128. doi: 10.1016/j.htct.2018.10.001. Epub 2019 Feb 18. PMID: 31079659; PMCID: PMC6517617.