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An ontology for representation of knowledge about the diagnosis of diseases and syndromes is described. It allows experts to represent knowledge about the diagnosis of a wide range of diseases. Knowledge of the disease diagnosis including its form, etiology, pathogenesis, variants of the clinical course is represented according to their clinical classification: a set of diagnostic features, alternative symptom complexes with pre-morbid biological, personality and other factors, dynamic signs of symptoms and clinical features altered by the impact of events. The ranking of symptoms by specificity is possible, as well as a description of the conditions predisposing or contributing to the disease, which allows to attribute the disease with a set of specific features. The article includes an informal description of the ontology, as well as its model with a description of the main terms, knowledge, situations and limitations of their integrity in the form of ontological agreements. An example of the use of the ontology for the formation of a knowledge base on diagnosis and differential diagnosis of diseases from the group "Diseases of the digestive organs" is given in the article. The ontology is implemented on the cloud platform of IACPaaS and now is actively used by experts to create knowledge bases in various fields of medicine.
Medical diagnosis ontology for intelligent decision
support systems
Valeriya Gribova1, Dmitry Okun1, Мargaret Petryaeva1, Elena Shalfeeva1
1 Institute for Automation & Control Processes, FEBRUS, Russia
The amount of knowledge in medicine is growing in an avalanche. For making
diagnostic decisions a practical physician needs to take into account a number of
factors: symptoms and syndromes of the disease, its nosological forms, etiologies,
pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, taking into account the individual
characteristics of patients. Differentiation of similar diseases often requires labor-
intensive and time-intensive analysis or studies; precise diagnosis requires
specification of the diagnosis according to the accepted classifier, there is always
incompleteness of information about all the features of an individual patient. In doing
so, time for acceptance of the decision by doctor to make a decision is not increased.
As a result, the number of medical errors is increasing, which, according to the
estimates of literary sources, reaches up to 30% in some countries [1]. The quality of
medical care depends not only on the level of training (competence) of medical
personnel, but also on systems that provide support for decisions of the doctor [2].
For the period from the first works on the creation of intellectual systems (IS) for
medical diagnostics to the present time a huge spectrum of such systems has been
implemented, but they are practically not introduced into the daily practice of a
Common causes of problems with implementation of IS are huge labour required
for development of knowledge bases that are close to the real medical practice. It is
due to the inability to assign this task to highly qualified experts without knowledge
engineers as intermediaries.
In addition, those IS, which task is to make a diagnosis instead of a doctor (or to
offer him a list of possible diagnoses organized by their probability), are not required
by experienced experts if they solve the problem no better than the expert himself.
Those IS that support decisions of the doctor in a difficult situation "at the level of
council of physicians" are rare and the decision support systems usually do not take
into account many of the signs and factors identified from the anamnesis and other
sections of the case record with personal information.
The solution of these problems is the creation of specialized ontology-oriented
shells for the development of differential diagnosis systems for diagnosing diseases at
various stages of their development. In such shells, the model for representation of
information (knowledge and data) should be expert-oriented and understandable by
experts, be corresponding to a wide range of diseases (rather than a specific medical
The aim of the paper is to describe the ontology for differential diagnosis of
diseases, taking into account the dynamics of their development for the development
of support systems for making diagnostic decisions in medicine.
1 Ontology requirements
One of the first ontologies of medical diagnostics close to the real notions of medicine
and matching a wide range of diseases was the "Ontology of medical diagnostics of
acute diseases" [3, 4]. It describes the clinical picture of diseases in the dynamics of
the pathological process (over time), as well as impacts of therapeutic measures and
other events on manifestations of diseases.
Using this ontology the knowledge bases of diseases of some body systems have
been developed: respiratory organs (bronchial asthma, pneumonia), digestive organs
(peptic ulcer, acute appendicitis, acute and chronic pancreatitis, acute and chronic
colitis), eyesight (conjunctivitis, keratitis, glaucoma), etc. [5], and also have been
implemented a some of software services.
The experience of more than ten years of using the ontology for the formation of
knowledge bases on the diagnosis of a number of diseases has made it possible to
accumulate and reveal a number of limitations: impossibility of describing the clinical
manifestations of disease for different groups of patients, impossibility of describing
alternative diagnostics and taking into account in the final diagnosis the forms,
variants of disease and its severity level, spectrum of modality values of
Modern systems should be able to diagnose and conduct differential diagnosis with
other diseases at different periods of disease development, analyzing disease
development in the period before visit to doctor and considering that patient can come
to reception at different times from the onset of disease, as in the first hours, so and at
a moment when semiology is quenching.
The ontology of medical diagnostics should have the following basic
1. The possibility of forming symptom-complex diseases taking into account the
categories of users using reference ranges instead of certain "norms" for laboratory
and instrumental indicators [6].
2. The possibility of forming alternative symptom complexes with different
approaches to identifying reliable signs of the disease in order to choose the most
sparing, fast or inexpensive diagnostic process.
3. Ability to clarify the diagnosis, taking into account the etiology, pathogenesis,
variant of the flow, etc. for differential diagnosis of diseases and the selection of
appropriate methods of treatment.
4. Uniform formalization of stages of chronic diseases and periods of development
of acute diseases.
5. Expansion of a number of values of modality, previously represented by
"obligation" and "possibility," the case of "specificity" (for a specific symptom).
6. Taking into account the values of characteristics and characteristics, modified by
the impact of events. The presence of such an element of cause-effect relationships
allows us to take into account external influences exerted on the patient's organism at
different stages of the disease.
7. Accounting for different variants of the dynamics of the values of characteristics.
Such elements of knowledge allow to take into account (on the basis of medical
experience) the diversity of the course of the same diseases in different patients [3, 7].
All these types of connections between the concepts of medical diagnostics make
it possible to form a knowledge base sufficient not only to search for hypotheses
about possible diagnoses, but also to reduce the set of hypotheses about the diagnosis.
The latter is solved by searching for a request for such additional information about
the patient's condition (using the results of observations of the situation and
knowledge of internal processes and the influence of external events on them), the
answer to which will refute previously assumed diagnoses (identifying among the
known measurable signs of differentiators or "partial" [8]). It is possible to diagnose
the combined and complicated pathologies.
2 Basic characteristics of the ontology
The form of the representation of ontologies in general and medical ones in particular
(hierarchical semantic networks) used by the team (authors) and the applied IACPaaS
tools [9] allow to effectively modernize existing ontologies. New versions
(modernized ontologies) are taken as a basis for designing new versions of shells for
IS developers.
Each disease is represented by alternative symptom-complexes (complexes of
complaints and objective studies, laboratory and instrumental studies), necessary
conditions for this disease and can contain details of the corresponding diagnosis in
form, variant, severity, stage, etc. Symptomocomplexes in different diseases can be
different amounts: depending on the course of the disease in different age groups of
patients. A necessary condition for the disease is that event, without which the disease
would not have happened. In complexes of complaints, objective studies, laboratory
and instrumental studies, many features are presented, the changes in the values of
which are symptoms of the disease. Possible causes of the disease are events or
etiological factors that led or contributed to the development of the disease. They are
described by modality and temporal characteristics (interval before the onset of the
disease, duration of the event, etc.). The detailed diagnosis is an additional set of
symptoms (symptom complex), which allows to make an appropriate refinement to
the main diagnosis, taking into account the etiology, pathogenesis, variant of the
course, stage, etc. for more detailed (deep) diagnosis or differential diagnosis of the
disease (see Fig. 1).
In other words, relations (proposals) are introduced into the knowledge model:
• variant of the symptom complex for some disease;
variant of the process of changing the values of the characteristic, characteristic
of some symptom complex;
• special conditions necessary for the onset of a disease;
• a variant of reaction to the impact of the event;
• variant of reaction to the influence of a combination of factors
and some others.
Taking into account the dynamics of the values of the signs allows describing the
diseases taking into account one of the main complexities of the diagnostic process in
medicine - the need to determine a continuously developing process (disease). Each
disease develops for more or less time. From the point of view of the speed of the
development of diseases, the sharpest - up to 4 days, acute - about 5-14 days, subacute
- 15-40 days and chronic, lasting months and years are distinguished. In the
development of the disease, it is almost always possible to distinguish the following
stages: 1) the onset of the disease (sometimes called the latent period); 2) the stage of
the disease itself; 3) the outcome of the disease. Diagnosis, as a rule, is carried out at
the stage of "actual disease". At this stage, the following periods of development are
distinguished: 1) the period of the increase in manifestations of the disease; 2) peak
period (maximum severity of symptoms); 3) the period of extinction of manifestations
of the disease (the gradual disappearance of clinical symptoms).
The symptom of the disease can be simple or compound, its values are presented
by the period of the dynamics of the development of the trait or the disease as a
whole; the necessary conditions for the consideration of the characteristic can be set.
Each period of dynamics is characterized by an upper and lower limit of the duration
of the period, a unit of measurement of boundaries. A simple symptom is modality
(the entry of a symptom into a clinical picture); in each period the characteristic can
have more than one variant of values. Each variant of the values specifies the set of
possible values of the characteristic, the necessary conditions for the presence of the
characteristic, and a description of the change in the value of this characteristic under
the influence of certain events. A composite feature contains a description of the sets
of its own time-varying characteristics with the modality of the entry of characteristic
characteristics into the clinical picture. The characteristic may have a number of
intrinsic characteristics and a plurality of variants of the value of this characteristic.
Fig. 1. The screenshot of the fragment of the ontology of knowledge about diagnosis of
diseases on the IACPaaS platform.
Each variant of the characteristic values contains a lot of its possible values and a
description of the change in the value of this characteristic under the influence of
certain events. The term "value modified by the impact of the event" allows
describing the change in the sign in the dynamics if, after the onset of the disease's
development, before the patient has consulted the doctor, the patient himself took any
measures, or the meanings of the symptoms (complaints, objective state) change
under the influence of some events or manipulations undertaken by the doctor.
3 Application of the formed ontology
Based on the described ontology (using the "Database of Medical Terminology and
Observations" IACPaaS), IACPaaS information resource "Knowledge Base on
Diagnosis of Diseases" was formed, representing a variety of diseases.
The group of diseases "Diseases of the digestive system" consists of groups of
diseases - "Diseases of the esophagus", "Diseases of the stomach and duodenum",
"Bowel diseases", "Diseases of the liver", "Diseases of the gallbladder, biliary tract",
etc. Each group includes diseases with a common set of diagnostic features, which
contains those characteristics that are characteristic of this group. So for the group
"Diseases of the digestive organs" in the complex of diagnostic signs includes one
sign "Pain in the stomach". For the group "Diseases of the gallbladder and bile ducts,"
the diagnostic complex includes 5 signs: "Pain in the abdomen", "Nausea", "Skin
itching", "Body temperature rise", "Stress of the muscles of the anterior abdominal
wall". For the "Cholecystitis" group of diseases, more than 20 signs are already
diagnostic: all the same signs plus "Meteorism", "Vomiting" "Burp", "Nausea",
"Bitterness in the mouth", "Leukocytes", "ESR", "Wall thickness gallbladder on
ultrasound ", etc. The group of diseases "Cholecystitis" according to ICD 10
(International Classification of Diseases), includes the disease "Acute cholecystitis."
The description of the disease includes a description of the symptom complexes for
several age groups of patients (children 0-1 year, children 1-16 years, adults 17-59,
etc.) and the necessary condition for the onset of this disease.
On the basis of the formed ontology, versions of the ontology of the document
containing an explanation of the hypotheses about the diseases corresponding to the
analyzed medical history of the patient are proposed and tested, and recommendations
on the required observations to reduce the set of hypotheses.
4 Conclusion
The publication of ontologies of subject domains representing conceptualizations
close to those used in practice is of independent interest, since they can be used in the
development of a variety of software systems in the relevant areas without the need to
re-conduct a complex analysis of the subject area in each new project. The ontology
proposed in the present work enables the development of software components of an
ontology-oriented shell for the development of differential diagnosis systems for
This ontology allows defining and forming knowledge bases for a medical
knowledge portal, for designing differential diagnosis systems for diseases of any
medical profile with the help of such a shell, or for developing systems for supporting
diagnostic solutions using another technology.
The ontology of knowledge about differential diagnostics of diseases is placed on
the platform and is already used by specialists to create knowledge bases in various
fields of medicine. Experts interested in the accumulation, improvement and
application of knowledge about diagnostics have the opportunity to join this process
(both for own bases and for collectively used resources).
The work is carried out with the partial financial support of the RFBR (projects
nos. 18-07-01079, 17-07-00956).
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... "Knowledge Ontology of Disease Diagnostics" corresponds to modern diagnostic standards and the level of medical knowledge and describes the clinical picture in the temporal dynamics of the pathological process, as well as the impact of therapeutic measures and other events on its manifestations [22]. Each disease is represented by alternative symptom complexes (they include the complex of patient complaints and an objective examination and a complex of laboratory and instrumental studies), the necessary conditions for the onset of pathology, causes, risk factors, and a detailed diagnosis. ...
The development of electronic services to help doctors in the diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19 is discussed. The existing systems for such purposes are analyzed, and requirements for them are formulated. The architecture of an intelligent medical decision support system and the basic principles of its development using an ontology-oriented approach are given. The unique capabilities of the system are shown, and its information and software components are described.
Ontological models are extensively used in information support systems that offer resources and services for solving management, design, and scientific and technical problems. Specifically, domain ontologies are commonly utilized in decision support systems. In the ontological modeling of complex systems, there arises a need to automate the process-es of handling ontological resources. This work discusses the main software systems and methodologies for ontological modeling, approaches to automating the processes of creating, populating, and using ontological models, and considers the temporal aspect of the ontological representation of objects. The aim of the work is to explore methods for auto-mating the life cycle of ontological resources and to analyze the extent of their adaptation in applied ontologies. The work highlights a relatively high degree of automation in the process of populating ontologies and the use of large lan-guage models in this process. However, it points out the lack of methods for automating the conversion of information from tables and diagrams into ontological models, as well as for validating and processing the content of the model. Promising directions for automating work with ontological resources are also indicated.
The construction of an information repository for a clinical decision support system (CDSS) in the weakly formalized subject area of treating bronchopulmonary diseases is considered. An overview of approaches to creating knowledge bases in this subject area is provided. A method for extracting knowledge is described, which is based on rules from clinical recommendations and the search for dependencies between words in sentences, taking into account the se-quence of rule application. The information repository of the CDSS is populated with ontological and production knowledge bases using the proposed knowledge extraction method. An ontology for the selected subject area was de-veloped, and studies of its quality were conducted through an analysis of the graph topology using cognitive ergonom-ics metrics. The effectiveness of the described knowledge extraction method is demonstrated. An original architecture for a clinical decision support system has been developed.
Terms, concepts and their content are not only the foundations of public communications, the keys to mutual under-standing, knowledge transfer and cognition, but also fundamental elements in the construction of computer ontologies for artificial intelligence systems. The evolution of knowledge in subject areas leads, as a consequence, to the evolution of language, which is forced to change, borrowing words from other areas, expanding their meanings. The concept of systems analysis has a broad interpretation and is actively used in various fields of activity (science, economics, design, engineering, etc.), going deeper and adapting to specific subject and subject areas. The concepts related to system analysis (system, subject area, problem area, etc.) are also evolving. Systems analysis focuses on the relationships be-tween elements of a system and determining its structure and functions; it includes various modeling and optimization methods and is used to solve specific problems and problems. Ontological analysis is associated with the study and description of objects, events, processes and relationships in the subject area, of which the system (or systems) may be a part; describes the structure and properties of the elements that make up the system and the relationships between them; used to create a formal description of a system and provide a general understanding of its components. The re-sult of ontological analysis can be the basis for systems analysis or a part of it. Systems and ontological analyses are aimed at understand complex systems and their components and can be used together. The difference between these concepts is largely determined by the content of the field of study concepts, its boundaries, the object of research as a process, goal setting, the traditions and context that have developed among researchers in specific subject areas. With-in the framework of the accepted nomenclature of scientific specialties of the Higher Attestation Commission, it can be argued that ontological analysis is included in the scientific specialty “Systems analysis, control and information pro-cessing, statistics.”
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In connection with the adoption of Federal Law No. 258-FZ of July 31, 2020 “On experimental legal regimes in the field of digital innovation in the Russian Federation,” a number of initiatives have been developed to establish experimental legal regimes in the field of telemedicine. The idea of using digital technologies in medicine is certainly relevant. On the one hand, the prospect of remotely receiving medical services is practically in demand; on the other, the level of technology development currently allows for a significant expansion of their implementation. The need to turn to the institution of an experimental legal regime is due to the fact that the current legislation contains norms that seriously complicate the process of widespread dissemination of telemedicine services.The purpose of the study is to reveal the theoretical characteristics of the concept of telemedicine and its current state, to identify legal obstacles to its development, to conduct a comparative analysis of existing draft programs of experimental regimes, to assess the problems and prospects for the development of telemedicine technologies in modern Russian practice. The study is based on domestic and foreign scientific sources of both legal and medical nature, as well as current and projected legal acts in the field of medical services, digital technologies, and personal data protection. Formal-legal, comparative-legal, statistical, and prognostic methods are used. Several problems that require a conceptual solution, including the issue of the safety of personal data and the issue of responsibility for a medical error resulting from the use of artificial intelligence technology or a technical device have been identified. Both are unlikely to be completely resolved at the current level of legal regulation and technological development. This, however, only confirms the need to introduce appropriate experimental regimes in order to use the accumulated empirical material to find solutions to existing and abstractly predictable problems.
Acute respiratory viral infections (ARVIs) are an important cause of morbidity in the military setting for many decades. It has high rates of seeking medical care and job loss. Due to the stressful living conditions and activities and other abundance of risk factors, the most effective anti-epidemic measures in military teams should be considered the early detection of infected persons and their timely isolation. We used a modern data present a review that focuses on technical level of current software and hardware systems for biometric video analytics and artificial intelligence algorithms, which make it possible to detect early symptoms of infectious diseases. A list of most common symptoms in ARVIs that can be recognized using video surveillance and video analytics was determined. These symptoms can be used as initial empirical data for a comprehensive automated assessment of the person’s individual state parameters. A scheme for the operation of a software and hardware complex for video data analytics for the early detection of infected persons is proposed. This scheme is necessary because some infected persons appear healthy for some time but keep infecting others when they interact with them. The use of independent machine learning based on the principle of a retrospective statistical analysis of locomotor data and other signs identified in infected persons in the prodromal period of the disease can establish reliable diagnostic correlations based on big data. The data accumulation of the features of the preclinical stages of ARVIs using the proposed approach will lead to the formation of a minimum informative set of video analytical signs (markers) that allow them to be reliably recognized in the prodromal period for the purpose of timely isolation and additional examination of the infected persons and to protect non-infected persons. The implementation of the developed direction will improve the effectiveness of anti-epidemic measures through early localization and liquidation of the epidemic.
Since its inception, the Word2vec vector space has become a universal tool both for scientific and practical activities. Over time, it became clear that there is a lack of new methods for interpreting the location of words in vector spaces. The existing methods included consideration of analogies or clustering of a vector space. In recent years, an approach based on probing—analysis of the impact of small changes in the model on the result—has been actively developed. In this paper, we propose a new method for interpreting the arrangement of words in a vector space, applicable for the high-level interpretation of the entire space as a whole. The method provides for identifying the main directions which are selecting large groups of words (about a third of all the words in the model’s dictionary) and opposing them by some semantic features. The method allows us to build a shallow hierarchy of such features. We conducted our experiments on three models trained in different corpora: Russian National Corpus, Araneum Russicum and a collection of scientific articles from different subject domains. For our experiments, we used only nouns from the models’ dictionaries. The article considers an expert interpretation of such division up to the third level. The set of selected features and their hierarchy differ from model to model, but they have a lot in common. We have found that the identified semantic features depend on the texts comprising a corpus used for the model training, their subject domain, and style. The resulting division of words does not always correlate with the common sense used for ontology development. For example, one of the coinciding features is the abstract or material nature of the object. However, at the upper level of models, words are divided into everyday/special lexis, archaic lexis, proper names and common nouns. The article provides examples of words included in the derived groups.
Gout belongs to the group of microcrystalline arthritides and is a systemic tophus manifested by inflammation of various tissues caused by deposition of monosodium urate crystals. Verification of gout diagnosis in Russia takes on average four to eight years from the beginning of the disease. This period is sufficient for the development of various complications (for example, gouty nephropathy) and disability of patient, and, therefore, it is necessary to revise the existing strategy for the diagnosis of this disease. One of the options for improving the provision of medical care can be attributed to the creation of a clinical decision support system (CDSS), which is based on the knowledge of experts, formalized as a knowledge base (KB). Aim . To develop a KB structure for CDSS for gout diagnosis. Material and Methods. Clinical information for gout diagnosis, presented as a nomenclature of medical concepts and logical schemes, which were collected on the basis of federal clinical recommendations, various literature sources and expert knowledge were used as materials. The ontological method was used as a method of knowledge structuring. Combined semantic network and frames were used as the methods of representation. Results . While developing KB structure, a combination of two methods of knowledge representation including semantic network and frames was used. An ontological approach was used in terms of knowledge structuring. The structure was built on the clinical knowledge collected in cooperation with experts in gout diagnosis. Compared with similar developments of diagnosing diseases based on knowledge engineering methods, the main feature of developed KB structure was the use of a separate type “Syndrome” concept as an aggregator accepted in medicine, significantly reducing the volume of KB for diseases. Conclusion . The KB structure was developed comprising the use of seven types of concepts and 11 types of relationships. The structure involved the use of ontological approach and combination of two models of knowledge representation, namely: a semantic network and a frame model.
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Objectives. The creation of ontologies of subject areas is considered. The goal is to develop a mathematical model of ontology and the information system for ontological modeling. The task is to reduce the complexity of ontological modeling. Methods. As research methods, the theory of hybrid intelligence systems, the theory of sets, elements of mathematical logic, methods for developing the information systems, comparative analysis of information systems, informal analysis of information system were used. Results. Mathematical model of ontology using the concept of metaobject is developed. Ontological modelling based on this model involves specification, conceptualization and formalization. A glossary of terms is being built at the specification stage. At the conceptualization stage, objects in the subject area and their hierarchy are defined, and then connections between objects are identified. In the formalization stage, the metaobjects and the relationships between metaobjects that correspond to objects and the relationships between objects were defined. This is considered as the ontology of the subject area. During the actualization stage, the parameters of subject area objects and their values, classes, subclasses, and instances of classes were defined. Parameters, parameter values, classes, subclasses, and instances of classes are implemented in ontology as metaobjects of relative types. An information system with a unique architecture has been developed, namely a hybrid intelligence system for the automation of ontological modelling. Conclusion. The article conducts a comparative analysis of the developed information system with the systems used today for creation of ontologies. The analysis showed that the information system developed by paper author in most parameters is not inferior to considered systems and at the same time easier to use and expand. The mathematical model of ontology and the information system for ontological modeling of subject areas, developed by author, are tested in practical creation of ontology on ecology. On the basis of the conducted comparative analysis and informal analysis of practical use, it is concluded that ontological modeling with the help of the information system developed by author reduces the labor intensity and decreases the time of ontologies creation.
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Background Medical personnel in hospitals often works under great physical and mental strain. In medical decision-making, errors can never be completely ruled out. Several studies have shown that between 50 and 60% of adverse events could have been avoided through better organization, more attention or more effective security procedures. Critical situations especially arise during interdisciplinary collaboration and the use of complex medical technology, for example during surgical interventions and in perioperative settings (the period of time before, during and after surgical intervention). Methods In this paper, we present an ontology and an ontology-based software system, which can identify risks across medical processes and supports the avoidance of errors in particular in the perioperative setting. We developed a practicable definition of the risk notion, which is easily understandable by the medical staff and is usable for the software tools. Based on this definition, we developed a Risk Identification Ontology (RIO) and used it for the specification and the identification of perioperative risks. Results An agent system was developed, which gathers risk-relevant data during the whole perioperative treatment process from various sources and provides it for risk identification and analysis in a centralized fashion. The results of such an analysis are provided to the medical personnel in form of context-sensitive hints and alerts. For the identification of the ontologically specified risks, we developed an ontology-based software module, called Ontology-based Risk Detector (OntoRiDe). Conclusions About 20 risks relating to cochlear implantation (CI) have already been implemented. Comprehensive testing has indicated the correctness of the data acquisition, risk identification and analysis components, as well as the web-based visualization of results.
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Background Although signing a vaccination (or immunization) informed consent form is not a federal requirement in the US and Canada, such a practice is required by many states and pharmacies. The content and structures of these informed consent forms vary, which makes it hard to compare and analyze without standardization. To facilitate vaccination informed consent data standardization and integration, it is important to examine various vaccination informed consent forms, patient answers, and consent results. In this study, we report a Vaccination Informed Consent Ontology (VICO) that extends the Informed Consent Ontology and integrates related OBO foundry ontologies, such as the Vaccine Ontology, with a focus on vaccination screening questionnaire in the vaccination informed consent domain. Results Current VICO contains 993 terms, including 248 VICO specific terms and 709 terms imported from 17 OBO Foundry ontologies. VICO ontologically represents and integrates 12 vaccination informed consent forms from the Walgreens, Costco pharmacies, Rite AID, University of Maryland College Park, and the government of Manitoba, Canada. VICO extends Informed Consent Ontology (ICO) with vaccination screening questionnaires and questions. Our use cases and examples demonstrate five usages of VICO. First, VICO provides standard, robust and consistent representation and organization of the knowledge in different vaccination informed consent forms, questionnaires, and questions. Second, VICO integrates prior knowledge, e.g., the knowledge of vaccine contraindications imported from the Vaccine Ontology (VO). Third, VICO helps manage the complexity of the domain knowledge using logically defined ontological hierarchies and axioms. VICO glues multiple schemas that represent complex vaccination informed consent contents defined in different organizations. Fourth, VICO supports efficient query and comparison, e.g., through the Description Language (DL)-Query and SPARQL. Fifth, VICO helps discover new knowledge. For instance, by integrating the prior knowledge imported from the VO with a user’s answer to informed consent questions (e.g., allergic reaction question) for a specific vaccination, we can infer whether or not the patient can be vaccinated with the vaccine. Conclusions The Vaccination Informed Consent Ontology (VICO) represents entities related to vaccination informed consents with a special focus on vaccination informed consent forms, and questionnaires and questions in the forms. Our use cases and examples demonstrated how VICO could support a platform for vaccination informed consent data standardization, data integration, and data queries.
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Nowadays medical application especially diagnosis of some heart diseases has been rapidly increasedbecause its importance and effectiveness to detect diseases and classify patients. In this research, wepresent the design of an expert system that aims to provide the patient with background for suitablediagnosis and treatment (Especially Angina Pectoris and Myocardial infarction). The proposedmethodology is composed of four stages. The first stage is receiving the symptoms from the patient. Thesecond stage is requesting from the patient to make some analysis and investigation to help the system tomake a correct decision in the diagnosis. The third stage is doing diagnosis of patient according toinformation from patient (symptoms, analysis and investigation). The four stage is determining the name ofappropriate medication or what should be done until the patient recovers (step therapy), so this system isable to give appropriate diagnosis and treatment for two heart diseases namely; angina pectoris andinfarction. There are several programs used for diagnosis and system analysis, such as CLIPS andPROLOG. A medical expert system in this search made by Visual Prolog 7.3 is proposed.
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Objectives To present a system that uses knowledge stored in a medical ontology to automate the development of diagnostic decision support systems. To illustrate its function through an example focused on the development of a tool for diagnosing pneumonia. Materials and methods We developed a system that automates the creation of diagnostic decision-support applications. It relies on a medical ontology to direct the acquisition of clinic data from a clinical data warehouse and uses an automated analytic system to apply a sequence of machine learning algorithms that create applications for diagnostic screening. We refer to this system as the ontology-driven diagnostic modeling system (ODMS). We tested this system using samples of patient data collected in Salt Lake City emergency rooms and stored in Intermountain Healthcare's enterprise data warehouse. Results The system was used in the preliminary development steps of a tool to identify patients with pneumonia in the emergency department. This tool was compared with a manually created diagnostic tool derived from a curated dataset. The manually created tool is currently in clinical use. The automatically created tool had an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of 0.920 (95% CI 0.916 to 0.924), compared with 0.944 (95% CI 0.942 to 0.947) for the manually created tool. Discussion Initial testing of the ODMS demonstrates promising accuracy for the highly automated results and illustrates the route to model improvement. Conclusions The use of medical knowledge, embedded in ontologies, to direct the initial development of diagnostic computing systems appears feasible.
A model for generation of directed graphs of information by the directed graph of metainformation for a two-level connected directed graph model of information units is described. It can be used as a basis in computer tools for editing information with a complex structure with different levels of abstraction and invariance to technological spaces (subject domains) in a common conceptual framework for carriers of this information, making it unnecessary to organize specialized training for these carriers or to involve professional intermediaries.
A two-level model of information units is described. It can be used as a basis for computer tools for editing information with a complex structure with different levels of abstraction and invariance to technological spaces (subject domains) in a common conceptual framework for carriers of this information. Using editing tools which are based on this model makes it unnecessary to organize specialized training for these carriers or to involve professional intermediaries.
In this paper we present an ontology-based clinical decision-support framework for handling comorbidities by alignment of ontology modeled clinical practice guidelines (CPG). Our knowledge management approach to develop clinical decision support systems for co-morbid conditions entails: (a) knowledge synthesis to derive disease-specific clinical pathways (CP) from evidence-bases sources, (b) knowledge modeling to abstract medical and procedural knowledge from the CP, (c) knowledge representation to computerize the CP in terms of a CP ontology, and (d) knowledge alignment by aligning multiple CP to develop a unified CP knowledge model for co morbid diseases. We present the COMET (Co-morbidity Ontological Modeling & ExecuTion) system that provides decision support to handle co morbid chronic heart failure and a trial fibrillation. COMET is web-accessible and is designed for family practitioners.
We here present our research and experience regarding the design and implementation of a knowledge-based preoperative assessment decision support system. We discuss generic design considerations as well as the practical system implementation. We developed the system using semantic web technology, including modular ontologies developed in the OWL web ontology language, the OWL Java application programming interface and an automated logic reasoner. We discuss how the system enables to tailor patient information collection according to personalized medical context. The use of ontologies at the core of the system’s architecture permits to efficiently manage a vast repository of preoperative assessment domain knowledge, including classification of surgical procedures, classification of morbidities and guidelines for routine preoperative tests. Logical inference on the domain knowledge according to individual patient’s medical context enables personalized patients’ reports consisting of a risk assessment and clinical recommendations such as relevant preoperative tests.
Internist-I is an experimental computer program capable of making multiple and complete diagnoses in internal medicine. It differs from most other programs for computer-assisted diagnosis in the generality of its approach and the size and diversity of its knowledge base. To document the strengths and weaknesses of the program we performed a systematic evaluation of the capabilities of INTERNIST-I. Its performance on a series of 19 clinicopathological exercises (Case Records of the Massachusetts General Hospital) published in the Journal appeared qualitatively similar to that of the hospital clinicians but inferior to that of the case discussants. The evaluation demonstrated that the present form of the program is not sufficiently reliable for clinical applications. Specific deficiencies that must be overcome include the program's inability to reason anatomically or temporally, its inability to construct differential diagnoses spanning multiple areas, its occasional attribution of findings to improper causes, and its inability to explain its "thinking".
Врачебные ошибки -проблема не только врача // Менеджер здравоохранение
  • Г И Галанова
Галанова, Г.И. Врачебные ошибки -проблема не только врача // Менеджер здравоохранение. -2014. -№8. -С.49-52.