Valentyna Stanytsina

Valentyna Stanytsina
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine | ISP · Institute of General Energy



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Valentyna Stanytsina currently works at the Institute of General Energy, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
Skills and Expertise
Additional affiliations
December 2015 - present
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
  • Senior Researcher


Publications (48)
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This research introduces an innovative framework for addressing the escalating issue of greenhouse gas emissions through the integration of game theory with differential equations, proposing a novel model to simulate the regulatory dynamics between emission sources and legislative actions. By blending advanced mathematical modeling with environment...
Російські атаки на енергосистему України, які призводили до знеструмлення цілих міст та припинення централізованого теплопостачання, підкреслили ризики та недоліки залежності від великомасштабного централізованого енергопостачання для громад. В цьому контексті важливо розглядати розвиток енергозабезпечення громад в напрямку їх енергонезалежності. М...
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Energy efficiency is one of the critical areas of ensuring sustainable development. One of the promising technologies in this context is heat pump technology for heat supply. Such technologies have been widely implemented in the EU for several decades. At the same time, very few projects with powerful heat pumps have been implemented in Ukraine, wh...
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An increase in the share of renewables in heat supply systems is a promising direction to reach sustainable development goals and decarbonization. Decision makers should consider various factors, including energy market prices, the availability of biofuels, boiler and auxiliary equipment costs, logistic costs, and the taxation system. In the Europe...
Conference Paper
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One of the important directions for achieving the goals of sustainable development and decarbonization is to increase the share of biofuels, including in heat supply systems. In this case, an important factor in deciding on the use of biofuel boilers is the cost of fuel, which is affected by the delivery logistics. The authors determined the impact...
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The article presents a retrospective review of natural gas consumption and greenhouse gas emissions from its consumption. It is determined that greenhouse gas emissions in the country as a whole decreased from 1990 to 2019 by 62.4%, emissions from natural gas consumption – by 71.7%. The potential for energy saving from structural changes in the eco...
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The article provides an overview of approaches to greenhouse gas emissions taxation and tax rates in European countries. To compare heated boilers with different characteristics, which run on different fuels the average cost of thermal energy for the life cycle LCOH was used. Environmental tax on environmental pollution (as a component of LCOH) is...
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Background Ash and slag disposal areas of Ukrainian thermal power plants accumulate large amounts of waste annually. Objectives The aim of the present study was to analyze the composition of ash and slag wastes generated during combustion of coal at Ukrainian thermal power plants and the potential affects of disposal areas on the environment. Met...
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The total energy intensity of goods, labour and services as an indicator of energy efficiency is introduced in DSTU 3682-98 "Methods of determination of total energy cost of goods, labour and services", but some of its components listed in the standard still do not have clear algorithms for determining them. The article provides an overview of chan...
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In December 2019, the European Commission officially presented The European Green Deal, a new EU economic development program aimed at achieving climate neutrality on the European continent by 2050. Many previous global, European, and national programs also aim to reduce emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere. In this context, one of the direc...
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In December 2019, the European Commission officially presented The European Green Deal, a new EU economic development program aimed at achieving climate neutrality on the European continent by 2050. Many previous global, European, and national programs also aim to reduce emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere. In this context, one of the ways...
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Heat pump station (HPS) as a source of heat supply for district heating system is considered as an alternative to heating boilers on fossil fuels (mainly on natural gas). One of the promising areas of application of powerful HPS, which currently is being studied actively, is their use as consumers-regulators in the control of electrical load in pow...
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Existing methodological approaches to determining the total energy intensity of products and its components are presented. The methodological approach to determining the direct (technological) energy intensity of products on the example of combined production of energy at Combined Heat and Power (CHP) plants with the allocation of energy costs for...
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The article deals with the dynamics of thermal power of heat generating sources of the district heating system with the analysis of the structure of the fuel balance of heating boilers to cover the need for heat energy for 2010–2017. To determine the efficiency of heat generation in boiler rooms, it is proposed to use a technique for determining th...
Conference Paper
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Зб. тез XXXVIIІ науково-технічної конференції молодих вчених та спеціалістів Інституту проблем моделювання в енергетиці ім. Г.Є. Пухова НАН України, м. Київ, 15 травня 2020 р. / ІПМЕ ім. Г.Є. Пухова НАН України. – 2020. – 147 с.
Conference Paper
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Для оцінювання та порівняння економічної ефективності різних технологій виробництва енергії використовується показник середньої вартості енергії за життєвий цикл-LCOE, у випадку теплової енергії-LCOH (Levelized Cost of Heat)
Conference Paper
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13 лютого 2020 року Комітет ВР з питань енергетики та житлово-комунальних послуг розглянув законопроєкт «Про внесення змін до Закону України «Про ринок електричної енергії» (щодо енергетичної безпеки, балансування енергосистеми та системи накопичення енергії)», яким передбачається, зокрема, і розвиток систем накопичення електроенергії.
Conference Paper
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Environmental factors that will affect the cost of thermal energy as a result of measures to achieve environmental requirements for incineration plants are identified. Algorithms are proposed to take into account the environmental component in the indicator "levelized cost of heat" and to evaluate the impact of environmental tax reductions due to t...
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The article provides a developed integrated method for forecasting energy consumption, which includes an advanced methodology for predicting energy consumption by a normative method and a method for coordinating predictive solutions by a vector method. According to the improved method, the normative method performs the forecast calculations on the...
Conference Paper
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The paper deals with the problem of ambiguity in the legislation of Ukraine of the terms «environmental effectiveness», «environmental monitoring», «atmospheric air monitoring», «environmental monitoring during the implementation of the planned activity», «post-project monitoring», «monitoring the effects of the implementation of the state planning...
Conference Paper
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Приведено розрахунки середньої вартості теплової енергії за життєвий цикл для твердопаливних котлів вітчизняного та імпортного виробництва різної потужності і теплонасосної станції на артезіанських водах. Наведено енергетичний потенціал відходів сільськогосподарських культур в Україні та особливості використання сільськогосподарських відходів в...
Conference Paper
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Зб. тез XXXVII науково-технічної конференції молодих вчених та спеціалістів Інституту проблем моделювання в енергетиці ім. Г.Є. Пухова НАН України, м. Київ, 15 травня 2019 р. / ІПМЕ ім. Г.Є. Пухова НАН України. – 2019. – 100 с.
Conference Paper
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Зб. тез науково-технічної конференції молодих вчених та спеціалістів Інституту проблем моделювання в енергетиці ім. Г.Є. Пухова НАН України, м. Київ, 16 травня 2018 р. / ІПМЕ ім. Г.Є. Пухова НАН України. – 2018. – 92 с. Рекомендовано до друку Вченою радою Інституту проблем моделювання в енергетиці ім. Г.Є. Пухова НАН України (протокол №6 від 24 тра...
Conference Paper
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Як відомо, енергетика є одним з найбільших споживачів паливно-енергетичних ресурсів та одним з лідерів по обсягах викидів шкідливих речовин [1]. ТЕС та ТЕЦ відповідальні за 80% загального обсягу викидів двоокису сірки в Україні та 25% оксидів азоту. На багатьох ТЕС України викиди твердих частинок золи, що утворюються при спалюванні вугілля, вище но...
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The monograph discusses the development of the energy industry in Ukraine. The methods and models of control of separate segments of the market of electric energy are analyzed. Modern methods and means of monitoring of energy objects at the stages of production, transportation and consumption of electric and thermal energy are presented. The result...
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The monograph discusses the development of the energy industry in Ukraine. The methods and models of control of separate segments of the market of electric energy are analyzed. Modern methods and means of monitoring of energy objects at the stages of production, transportation and consumption of electric and thermal energy are presented. The result...
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The indicators of energy efficiency and methods for determining energy consumption for the manufacture of production (services) are discussed: standard for determining the full energy intensity (Ukrainian and Russian version); algorithm for determining technological energy intensity; method of determining the guild, full guild and factory (through)...


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