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The Future IoT: The Current Generation 5G and Next Generation 6G and 7G Technologies


Abstract and Figures

Internet of things can be referred to as embedded objects, and broad band cellular networking technologies 5G/6G/7G for connecting people and transferring data over the Internet. The Internet of Things (IoT) combines many different objects and communication strategies. The term "Internet of Things" (IoT) refers to the concept of everything connected to the internet. Because it allows for new services and developments, IoT will be critical in the future. There are numerous applications of Internet of Things varying from simple home automation to complex ones like smart cities, smart farming and smart transportation etc. All objects/devices under IoT are connected to a network. In near future, the emerging technology like Internet of Things have a prediction to dominate traditional concept of controlling devices, IoT bring about huge amount of traffic as a result of the strong interaction among the millions of connected things available at the time of deployment to particular application. The increase in the popularity of the Internet of Things has been likened to an increase in the number of barriers. In this study, the current use of 5G edge network infrastructure with IoT enabled, and hybrid and multi-cloud deployments need 6G and 7G technologies, and we examine the current state of IoT, as well as potential conditions and challenges that may influence IoT acquisition. In this paper there is a comparison of different communication technology in the context of IoT. At the end of the paper the impact of 5G, 6G, and beyond 7G technologies have been discussed in the preface of IoT.
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The Future IoT: The Current Generation 5G and
Next Generation 6G and 7G Technologies
Sandeep Bhatia
School of Computing Science and
Galgotias University
Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India
Urvashi Gupta
Research Scholar
SRMIST, Delhi-NCR Campus,
Basetty Mallikarjuna
School of Computing Science and
Galgotias University
Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India
Surender Kumar
Department of ECE
Shastri Park, New Delhi, INDIA
Devraj Gautam
Department of ECE
Shastri Park, New Delhi, INDIA
Soniya Verma
Department of Humanities
Uttar Pradesh, INDIA
Abstract Internet of things can be referred to as embedded
objects, and broad band cellular networking technologies
5G/6G/7G for connecting people and transferring data over the
Internet. The Internet of Things (IoT) combines many different
objects and communication strategies. The term "Internet of
Things" (IoT) refers to the concept of everything connected to
the internet. Because it allows for new services and
developments, IoT will be critical in the future. There are
numerous applications of Internet of Things varying from
simple home automation to complex ones like smart cities, smart
farming and smart transportation etc. All objects/ devices under
IoT are connected to a network. In near future, the emerging
technology like Internet of Things have a prediction to dominate
traditional concept of controlling devices, IoT bring about huge
amount of traffic as a result of the strong interaction among the
millions of connected things available at the time of deployment
to particular application. The increase in the popularity of the
Internet of Things has been likened to an increase in the number
of barriers. In this study, the current use of 5G edge network
infrastructure with IoT enabled, and hybrid and multi-cloud
deployments need 6G and 7G technologies, and we examine the
current state of IoT, as well as potential conditions and
challenges that may influence IoT acquisition. In this paper
there is a comparison of different communication technology in
the context of IoT. At the end of the paper the impact of 5G, 6G,
and beyond 7G technologies have been discussed in the preface
of IoT.
Keywords Future IoT, Smart Things, 5G, 6G and 7G
The Internet refers to a globally effective tool that transmits
real-time data over geographical, cultural, linguistic, and
temporal barriers [1]. The Internet is basically used to connect
people across the globe with each other and make their living
easy by connecting various devices to the internet [2]. From
the past in 4G, there are so many issues in mobile internet and
facing uncertainties and people feel instabilities of Internet
Protocol. The subscribers are not satisfied with 4G, and the
industry looking to improve the network latency with 5G and
6G expands the industries in all things in terms of the low
network latency and high reliability. As when the physical
world would be connected through the internet it would ease
the life of people. The Internet would further act as a
commutator for people [3]. The internet has improved our
daily life in a variety of ways, including health monitoring,
home appliance control, research and development, science,
smart manufacturing, tourism, entertainment, mass
communication and so on. Approximately 200 countries use
IoT technology through data, information, news, and opinion
exchanges [4]. Ultimate goal of IoT is to automate and ease
human life. The high-speed growth of telecommunication
technology all over the industrial partners and IT marketing
in the telecommunication sector, looking over the digital
transformation from 6G to 7G as shown in rough diagram in
Figure 1.
Fig. 1. The digital transformation from 5G to 6G and, jumped to 7G
The IoT is increasing its application area across the globe.
Smartphones, smart vehicles, and telecommunication
technologies 5G/6G/7G used in almost all applications of IoT
plethora of other gadgets may now all share data via the
Internet [5]. 3G supports wireless telecommunication and it
upgraded 2g and 2.5G used for fast data transfer and better
voice control and for edge networks, then 3G upgrades to 4G
and 5G. 4G upgrades for video conferencing and long-term
evaluation (LTE) to 5G, current 5G is running. The following
application domains are covered by the personal and social
aspects Networking is an important aspect of the internet [6].
For example, a vehicle outfitted with the Internet of Things
(IoT) technology will not only assist drivers by giving maps,
but will also provide real-time in-formation, but will also
provide instructions and propose the best routes to reach the
location [7]. In the year 1999/2000 once SIM card inserted,
then 3G running inside mobile and it supported MAN, it
978-1-6654-7491-7/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE
2023 International Conference on Device Intelligence, Computing and Communication Technologies, (DICCT) | 978-1-6654-7491-7/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/DICCT56244.2023.10110066
Authorized licensed use limited to: SRM University Ghaziabad. Downloaded on May 19,2023 at 08:17:42 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
became a popular network service in IoT and recognized the
‘thing/object’ [8]. In [9], the author discussed 4G, 5G, 6G and
7G impact on IoT enabled applications. The IoT revolution
with emerging communication technologies has been
discussed by the author.
This article is explained in section 2 as the related work of the
integrated environment of upcoming technologies, section 3
demonstrated as methodology and objectives, section 4
provides the explanation and 5th section defines the
references preceded by the conclusion.
IoT is considered to be used across various regions and
platforms. Healthcare, agriculture, smart buildings (schools,
hospitals, and homes), supply chain management,
transportation, and defense are among areas where
technology is being used [10]. The current 5g technology
includes SDN, IoT and AI it supports for core edge
technologies and based application [11]. For the integrated
environment 5G not sufficient minimum 6G required, 6G is
1000 times faster than 5G and improves the SDN, AI and IoT
within the relevant areas of security and privacy [12]. The
network slicing said that multi-access and edge computing
(MEC) shows the integrated environment of end-to-end
network service capability with artificial intelligence (AI),
IoT, and Software Defined Network (SDN), these
technologies guaranteed to transfer the data with a high
service rate and provided the service level agreement (SLA)
as shown in Figure 2.
Fig. 2. The integrated environment of upcoming technologies
The network services will be enhanced from 6G to 7G. IoT
changed the way we want to live upon and automate our
lifestyle. IoT large spread usage has the potential to change
our daily lives. The IoT is very useful for boosting city
smartness and infrastructure in general [13]. 6G operates a
higher energy radio spectrum than 5G, 6G is sufficient for
"smart house" as per security and privacy 6G also not
sufficient, network-enabled medical gadgets looking for
6G/7G gadgets find applications in healthcare [14]. IoT
optimizes the connected devices in terms of energy
consumption and low cost. IoT assists elderly people and
hearing-impaired persons by providing smart gadgets which
facilitate voice recognition. Under IoT enabled smart
transportation, connected cars, bridges embedded with smart
sensors give us new ways to deal with daily life problems like
huge traffic and insufficient space for parking by providing
real time information about the movement of traffic to
peoples [15]. IoT faces security issues as all the things are
vulnerable and anyone can hack it for illegal purposes. The
evolution and concept of smart things required for 7G, as well
as the issues associated with IoT required for 7G, will be
discussed in the paper [16].
As a result of smart things, our society is becoming intelligent
and autonomous. IoT based smart connected things are a
collection of connected gadgets that can be remotely
controlled and monitored through the use of hub location i.e.
central processing workstation and provides online services
to applications [17]. In IoT enabled smart devices, mobile
edge networks build 6G network, it improves access to AI,
SDN and IoT capabilities, the sensors included in smart
products 6G expected to be launched by 2030 [17]. If smart
things automate the objects, the research work starts in 6G
2020. Smart refrigerators, washing machines, televisions, and
other household goods, as well as smart shoes and phones,
are all on the horizon, but security breaches are also the factor
of concern in IoT enabled applications [18].
The present we are moving from 5G to 6G in the coming
future we are jumped to 6G to 7G with an integrated
environment of IoT, AI, and SDN with the layer of openness
and customization, and it's more and more innovative to all
industries, openness, and customization supports agile
services and API interfaces [19]. It is surrounded by the
terahertz communication of frequency band 100 GHz to
10THz exploited in the 6G to 7G era, it has never been used
before and it has no limitations. The network security
provides the post-quantum cryptography and quantum key
distribution (QKD) as shown in Figure 3.
Fig. 3. The future IoT and current 5G and next 6G and 7G Technology
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Integration of IPv6 and global interoperability, and IoT -
Cloud integration are all examples of IoT interaction and
integration in the global Internet. IoT connects billions of
Smart Things around the world while remaining mindful of
their unique limits [20]. In the forthcoming years, the
intertwining of Smart Things, companies, and people leads
to product, service, and business model innovation. Self-
contained physical or digital entities with sensing,
analyzing, responding, and networking capabilities are
described as smart things [1]. Adding intelligence to
ordinary things in our environment makes our lives more
amazing. The world of connect-ed devices is now at your
fingertips thanks to smart things [2]. Traditional gadgets
are even less intelligent, convenient, secure, safe, and
efficient than smart things. These make it simple to connect
tangible objects to the internet to automate, monitor,
control, and have fun with them from any position, at any
time, above any network, and by anybody. Sensors, GPS,
Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, ambient intelligence, EPC, barcode, and
telemedicine are some of the embedded Internet of Things
technologies that can help with this smartness [3]. Smart
refers to any physical entity that is connected to the internet
Type of
of First
PSTN and
circuit for
Few Mbps
al and
2-6 GHz
al and
IPv6 but
still up-
al and
All Packet
90 GHZ-
al and
Korea by
All packet
90 GHZ-
al and
China and
Japan by
About 20
All Packet
al and
Authorized licensed use limited to: SRM University Ghaziabad. Downloaded on May 19,2023 at 08:17:42 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
that has certain sensing capabilities. Its primary objectives
are as follows
Identify users and their social relationships [4].
Gain access to the info of the user [5].
Determine the user's social context by evaluating
into their framework, interests, and attributes [6].
Infer social aspirations focuses on the cultural
environment [7].
Behavior coordination [8].
In the context of IoT smart phones, as well as
physical things like shoes, brushes, beds, curtains, and
tables [9].
We are moving into a smart world as year by year we move
forward. Smart Things are a collection of connected
gadgets that can be monitored and controlled using a
central processor and online services [5]. In other words,
smart things are transform-ing the physical world into a
vast information system, and Big Data Analytics (BDA) is
aiding in the processing of better decisions [6]. Even
though it was not recognized until 1999 [7]. The Coke
machine was one of the very first of all internet appliances
that came into existence. Programmers working several
feet above the vending ma-chine constructed a server
application to track how long a storage column in the ma-
chine had been vacant [8]. The programmers could use the
Internet to connect to the machine, check its condition, and
see whether there was a cold drink waiting for them if they
went down to it. Now in the current situation in the world,
IoT is gathering momentum and people look to it as a future
[9]. Various forecasts around smart gadgets or innertubes
things have been created based on numerous evaluations.
Ac-cording to the "Internet of Things" paper in 2025, there
might be up to 16 billion linked devices, on average, each
person on the earth owns about 6 gadgets [10]. IMS
research estimates that by 2028, there will be 22 billion
Internet-connected gadgets [11].
The IoT poses substantial hurdles that could prevent it from
attaining its full potential [12]. As per the network security
aspects 5G not sufficient 6G/7G leads the integrated
environment, as well as developing economies and
development, are among the obstacles.
Security: Many IoT deployments face new and distinct
security problems [13]. These obstacles should be resolved
in terahertz communication, as should ensuring the security
of IoT goods and services. 6G/7G provides security
components of the IoT [14].
Privacy: Approaches that respect individual privacy
preferences over a wide range of expectations are
necessary for the IoT to reach its full potential. IoT
consumers can benefit greatly in openness customization
In the world of IoT applications, one of the most
overused buzzwords is "smart connected things". These
applications have a direct impact on our daily lives right
from the wake up until we go to bed late at night. Smart
Phones have invaded even manmade structures, enabling
these applications to be used. Most of us are connected with
technological equipment like servers, computers, tablets,
phones, and most of the time have access to the internet, so
we need to have faster technology driven by 5G and beyond
communication technology [16].
Integrated environment: The capacity of two or more
systems to share data and subsequently use that data is
referred to as interoperability. Because the IoT will contain
a variety of heterogeneous devices, interoperability is
essential, networks and systems must all function together
to build an IoT [17]. Various integrated applications like
threat detection, facial recognition, knowledge based and
decision-making systems require a 6G/7G approach [18].
There are various aspects also to look up to for things to
move successfully ahead. If developing countries are to
prosper from IoT, they will need to respond as well [19].
The Internet of things will be driven by advanced cellular
networks 4G, 5G and beyond 6G. There is a need to have
faster communication technology which has low latency,
higher throughput and low cost [20]. The Internet of things
can find applications in rescue operations through
deployment of autonomous military robots for the
detection of the human body. This robot is equipped with
the dedicated sensors to perform the operation of sensing
the human presence and simultaneously send its current
location to remote servers through RFID antenna/ sim card.
So, a more specific application of IoT can be found in
military operations where smart robots can do rescue
operations [21].
In [22], the Internet of things can find its applications in
home automation through voice control and head
movement disabled person can control the home appliances
and this makes it easier to use devices which can't be
controlled manually.
In [23], the Internet of things can be used in the healthcare
sector to protect more service security. In medical
hospitals, healthcare related information is vulnerable,
always there is a risk of data leak. In this paper the author
performs a detailed investigation of the internet of things
execution in the healthcare industry to increase cyber
security and protect data leakage.
In IoT the captured data from sensors need to be
communicated to a remote distance via some networking
technologies like 3G and 4G onwards. With the increasing
number of applications and connected devices in IoT there
is a demand for faster communication technology like 5G,
6G and beyond to achieve higher throughput and low
latency [15].
There is a large impact of 4G. 5G, 6G and 7G on IoT for
transmitting the gathered data from sensors to remote
location which was difficult to transmit by using traditional
techniques of transmission. Using new technology
generation higher data rate with low latency and high
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throughput can be achieved as mentioned in table 1 and
table 2 shows pros and cons of all technology upgrade.
The new diversity applications 6G/7G support digital
manufacture, operation, and administration, it provides
flexibility, redundancy, self-healing, network reliability, and
stability. Smart Things are playing an extremely integral part
of everyday lives, and the possibilities are endless. The best
thing about the Internet of Things is that it improves people's
quality of life, increases operational efficiency, and handles
circumstances where human involvement is impossible. The
Internet of Things, on the other hand, confronts severe
difficulties that could stymie its potential benefits. We will
need to place more emphasis on this.
The future IoT and 6G/7G technologies provide low-carbon
transformation towards the ICT industry. It improves the
network throughput and less resource consumption. And
provide end-to-end AI, IoT, and SDN integrated capability
with open-source cloud infrastructure.
Mobile wireless communication is an emerging concept and
over many years it has fast growth. Efforts are going on to
reduce the various technologies to one standard resulting in
5G to 7G revolution. 5G looking towards wireless world with
no limitation and 6G integrates 5G to provide faster
communication with higher data rate, low latency and higher
throughput. With 6G handoff is the matter of concern leading
the emergence of 7G.
The world tends to move towards wireless completely where
uninterrupted and unlimited access to internet and data
resources with good quality, faster speed, higher bandwidth
and less cost.
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High speed,
MIMO based
Large coverage area,
low power
consumption, more
spectral efficiency
and high security
Global coverage
Less cost of call, Less
handoff and no issue of
data handling capacity
and more
and hard to
Still under
observation, trials are
going on, hard to say
as incompetent
technological support
across the countries,
development high
cost, security
breaches and privacy
issues need to work
High cost of call and similar 5G disadvantages
Similar 5G and 6G issues
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... In the domain of data security within blockchain systems, numerous works have addressed securing IoT data in the context of 5G/6G networks, employing novel cryptographic techniques [20]- [22]. Techniques like zero-knowledge proofs and homomorphic encryption enable secure computations on encrypted data, preserving confidentiality while facilitating authorized data sharing [23], [24]. ...
In the recent years, the network and computer arena has recently expanded not only in number and in type of players but also in technologies, domains, terminals and services. This expansion seeks for intelligent and efficient control, orchestration, and management platforms able to support all the challenging requirements such as dynamicity, diversity, efficiency, sovereignty, sustainability, security, reliability and openness in a timely manner and with limited operator interventions. Solutions such as AI-based or digital twin are anticipated to contribute to the solution. Accordingly, for the 2024 edition, ICIN will discuss about the emergence and future developments of “Intelligent network service management across the compute continuum”.
... These advancements will unlock the potential for highly immersive IoT applications, such as massive-scale augmented reality experiences, remote robotic control with minimal delay, and the real-time monitoring of vast and complex systems [5]. The convergence of IoT with 5G and 6G technologies will propel the growth of smart cities, precision agriculture, industrial automation, and personalized healthcare, further blurring the lines between the physical and digital worlds [6]. ...
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The rapid growth of Internet of Things (IoT) devices and the increasing need for low-latency and high-throughput applications have led to the introduction of distributed edge computing. Flying fog computing is a promising solution that can be used to assist IoT networks. It leverages drones with computing capabilities (e.g., fog nodes), enabling data processing and storage closer to the network edge. This introduces various benefits to IoT networks compared to deploying traditional static edge computing paradigms, including coverage improvement, enabling dense deployment, and increasing availability and reliability. However, drones’ dynamic and mobile nature poses significant challenges in task offloading decisions to optimize resource utilization and overall network performance. This work presents a novel offloading model based on dynamic programming explicitly tailored for flying fog-based IoT networks. The proposed algorithm aims to intelligently determine the optimal task assignment strategy by considering the mobility patterns of drones, the computational capacity of fog nodes, the communication constraints of the IoT devices, and the latency requirements. Extensive simulations and experiments were conducted to test the proposed approach. Our results revealed significant improvements in latency, availability, and the cost of resources.
An extremely potent AI solution for animal care is created when Microsoft Custom Vision Service is combined with Azure IoT stack, particularly in hospitals with a shortage of monitoring manpower. The GUI and configuration files for Azure logic apps are unique. Here are various human charity and animal care charity agencies across who need an intelligent solution which can help them in continuous monitoring of animals in the process of their treatments. Human and animal posture detection is an intelligent care solution in India. It is designed using Microsoft technology stack. The whole idea behind the solution is to provide continuous monitoring of humans and animals in the hospital. And in case any improper gestures/postures are detected, then the solution can inform concerned doctors or care takers through mobile alerts. In this chapter, the authors have proposed architecture for hospital monitoring and this system has been implemented in real-time.
The Internet of Senses (IoS) is an emerging field that aims to enhance human-machine interaction by enabling individuals to experience the digital world with their senses. This article, which explores a highly novel research topic, is at the forefront of Ericsson engineers' investigations, providing pioneering insights into the subject matter.IoS employs technologies such as virtual and augmented reality, haptic feedback, and olfactory and gustatory systems to provide multi-sensory experiences. This article provides an overview of the latest trends and innovations in IoS, highlighting its potential for human well-being and progress as well as the challenges that need to be addressed to ensure its safe and ethical implementation. The article also emphasizes the role of 6G in enabling IoS and the potential benefits of incorporating the chemical senses into digital technology. Overall, the IoS has the potential to revolutionize human-machine interaction and create immersive digital experiences.
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Over the last several decades, the need inasmuch as wireless communication has skyrocketed. The next generation appropriate to communication, known as 5G, will soon be in widespread use throughout the globe. It is predicted that the sixth-generation (6G) wireless communications system would be deployed between 2027 also 2030 with complete support inasmuch as artificial intelligence. More capacity greater data rate also lower latency; better security also enhanced quality appropriate to service. (QoS) are some essential challenges that need towards be solved beyond 5G, compared towards the 5G system. in this study, the future network architecture appropriate to 6G wireless communication is described. Al, terahertz communication also wireless optical technology is some appropriate to the emerging technologies discussed in this article. Other topics coved include block chain, three dimensional networking also quantum communications, unmanned aerial vehicles, cell free communication, integrated wireless information also energy transfer, integrated sensing also communications, integrated wireless information also energy transfer, integrated sensing also communication, dynamic network slicing, also backscatter coherence. In addition, 6G communication requirements also potential technologies inasmuch as envisaged applications are discussed. On the way towards accomplishing this aim, we’ll discuss possible roadblock also new paths inasmuch as study.
Conference Paper
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Conjunction with the use of the internet, communication technologies have become an integral part of our lives. As a consequence of that the number of addressable objects in the network environment has increased significantly, and this rate is increasing with a remainder acceleration day by day. Therefore, generating, sending, collecting, and analyzing large amounts of data requires complex, fast, and functional new structures. After the development and proliferation of the internet, the advanced technology has undoubtedly been realized thanks to the rapid spread of information. There are great advances in fields such as education, industry, defense, and health. Hence, communication technologies also require continuous development. Along with the developing technology, many technical terms have entered the literature. Some of those; The Internet of Things (IoT) is 6G and 7G. In this paper, we conducted a literature review of IoT, 6G, 7G and beyond, which are seen as the future technologies. Finally, we evaluated the contributions and difficulties of these technologies, which have entered our lives with a very limited use, to science.
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One of the fastest growing sectors is wireless technology, which is evolving in all areas of mobile and wireless communications. Wireless technology has increased greatly in the last decade. 7.5 Generation (G) represents the history of wireless technology today. With 6G and 7G, data transmission rates will be higher over Future Generation wireless technology. With new technologies emerging in all fields of mobile and wireless communications, wireless technology continues to emerge as one of the hottest sectors with a high rate of development. Currently, 5G mobile communications systems are just getting started. Our current infrastructure supports a number of technologies, including voice over IP (VoIP), broadband data access over wireless, and more. This paper discusses several generations of wireless technologies from 0G to 7G. Wireless technology is important and beneficial to society. In this paper, we compare all of the generations and explain how each generation uses technology in its execution, application, and usage.
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The healthcare technologies in COVID-19 pandemic had grown immensely in various domains. Blockchain technology is one such turnkey technology, which is transforming the data securely; to store electronic health records (EHRs), develop deep learning algorithms, access the data, process the data between physicians and patients to access the EHRs in the form of distributed ledgers. Blockchain technology is also made to supply the data in the cloud and contact the huge amount of healthcare data, which is difficult and complex to process. As the complexity in the analysis of data is increasing day by day, it has become essential to minimize the risk of data complexity. This paper supports deep neural network (DNN) analysis in healthcare and COVID-19 pandemic and gives the smart contract procedure, to identify the feature extracted data (FED) from the existing data. At the same time, the innovation will be useful to analyse future diseases. The proposed method also analyze the existing diseases which had been reported and it is extremely useful to guide physicians in providing appropriate treatment and save lives. To achieve this, the massive data is integrated using Python scripting language under various libraries to perform a wide range of medical and healthcare functions to infer knowledge that assists in the diagnosis of major diseases such as heart disease, blood cancer, gastric and COVID-19.
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From past year wireless technology makes tremendous growth. Evolution and revolution of wireless technology is reached at 7.5G. Wireless technology FG (Future Generation) mobile communications will have higher data transmission rates than 6G and 7G. Wireless technology is continuously one of the hottest areas that are developing at a high speed, with advanced techniques emerging in all the fields of mobile and wireless communications. Current times are just the beginning for deploying 5G mobile communication systems. At present we have many technologies each capable of performing functions like supporting voice traffic using voice over IP (VoIP), broadband data access in mobile environment etc., but there is a great need of deploying such technologies that can integrate all these systems into a single unified system. 8G presents a solution of this problem as it is all about seamlessly integrating the terminals, networks and applications. In this paper an attempt has been made to provide a study of different cellular technologies namely 4G, 5G, 6G, 7G, and FG respectively and detail comparison among them.
This article introduces automatic brain tumor detection from a magnetic resonance image (MRI). It provides novel algorithms for extracting patches and segmentation trained with Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)'s to identify brain tumors. Further, this study provides deep learning and image segmentation with CNN algorithms. This contribution proposed two similar segmentation algorithms: one for the Higher Grade Gliomas (HGG) and the other for the Lower Grade Gliomas (LGG) for the brain tumor patients. The proposed algorithms (Intensity normalization, Patch extraction, Selecting the best patch, segmentation of HGG, and Segmentation of LGG) identify the gliomas and detect the stage of the tumor as per taking the MRI as input and segmented tumor from the MRIs and elaborated the four algorithms to detect HGG, and segmentation to detect the LGG works with CNN. The segmentation algorithm is compared with different existing algorithms and performs the automatic identification reasonably with high accuracy as per epochs generated with accuracy and loss curves. This article also described how transfer learning has helped extract the image and resolution of the image and increase the segmentation accuracy in the case of LGG patients.
In this article, the proposed feedback-based resource management approach provides data processing, huge computation, large storage, and networking services between Internet of Things (IoT)-based Cloud data centers and the end-users. The real-time applications of IoT, such as smart city, smart home, health care management systems, traffic management systems, and transportation management systems, require less response time and latency to process the huge amount of data. The proposed feedback-based resource management plan provides a novel resource management technique, consisting of an integrated architecture and maintains the service-level agreement (SLA). It can optimize energy consumption, response time, network bandwidth, security, and reduce latency. The experimental results are tested with the IFogSim tool kit and have proved that the proposed approach is effective and suitable for smart communication in IoT-based cloud.