Tugra Karademir

Tugra Karademir
Sinop University · Computer Education



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Tugra Karademir currently works at the Department of Computer Education and Instructional Technologies, Ankara University. Tugra does research in Teacher Education, Higher Education and Teaching Methods. Their most recent publication is 'Psychological variables of estimating distance learners' motivation.'


Publications (43)
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3B baskılama teknolojisinin kullanımı 21. yüzyıl becerilerinin gelişiminde öğrencilere önemli fırsatlar sunmaktadır. Söz konusu teknolojinin sosyal bilgiler eğitiminde kullanımına yönelik cesaretlendirici çalışmaların son yıllarda artmaya başladığı görülmektedir. Bu bağlamda, çalışmada 3B baskılama teknolojisinin sosyal bilgiler eğitiminde kullanım...
In this study, the answer to the question “Why should teachers know learning management systems?” is investigated from the perspective of pre-service teachers, aiming to understand the acceptance and underlying implicit meanings of LMS usage. Seventy pre-service teachers studying in different fields participated voluntarily in the study. The resear...
New approaches are frequently used to provide students with twenty-frst century skills. In this direction, robots are quickly integrated in today’s educational environments. However, studies in which robots are integrated into the curriculum as a pedagogical tool and examine its efect on twenty-frst century skills are limited. This research examine...
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New approaches are frequently used to provide students with twenty-first century skills. In this direction, robots are quickly integrated in today's educational environments. However, studies in which robots are integrated into the curriculum as a pedagogical tool and examine its effect on twenty-first century skills are limited. This research exam...
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oday, it is important to have high-level skills such as entrepreneurship and creativity, which are considered among the 21st century skills, for a successful education and business life. In the development of these skills, different applications from traditional practice environments are needed. In this direction, the aim of the research is to exam...
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In this study, the contribution of the 3D computer modeling to the twenty-first century’s common competencies was evaluated from the perspective of secondary school students. The one-group post-test only design was used in the study. The instruments of the data collection process were an achievement test and a questionnaire developed by the researc...
In the study, the use of 3D simple hologram material (3DHM) in pre-school education is evaluated with different aspects from pre-school pre-service teachers’ perspectives. Forty pre-service teachers selected by the criterion sampling method were included in the study which was designed with triangulation design. At the end of the five-week study in...
In this research, robot training was conducted with teacher candidates in the department of special education, and the effectiveness of robot training was analyzed at the end of the training program. The design of the study is phenomenology. The study has been carried out with 44 teacher candidates from special education, selected by a purposeful s...
Foreign language education environments have become more colourful, interesting and effective with the use of digital learning materials over recent years. This research is aimed at developing a platform for designing self-guided digital learning materials to be used in teaching Turkish as a foreign language with an effort to promote the use of dig...
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This study focused on the effects of variables related to nomophobia levels of youths for adults; and exhibited a nomophobia profile of an adult by means of the significant variables about adults. Two hundred-ten adults from 30 different occupational groups participated in the research. The relational research design was used in the research. Data...
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Bu araştırmada STEM eğitiminin okullar da yaygınlaştırılması sürecinin önemli bir paydaşı olduğu düşünülen Bilişim Teknolojileri öğretmenlerinin STEM konusundaki görüşleri dört farklı boyutta belirlenmiştir. Bu boyutlar günümüzdeki STEM eğitimi uygulamalarının güçlü yönleri, eksikleri, STEM’in uygulanması ve sürdürülebilirliğinde paydaşlara düşen g...
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This study attempts to explore for different profiles of information seeking behaviors on Facebook and to analyze whether or not personality, time management, gender and Facebook use are viable differentiating students based on the their profiles. The data were collected through self-report scales from 196 university students of the three public un...
The study aims to construct an innovation-based digital learning material (DLM) development ecosystem that penetrates and sustains within the school culture in order to diffuse and maintain DLM development. Sixty-two teachers from 21 different branches participated in this nested mixed design study. Data were collected through scales and interviews...
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Bu araştırmada, Tondeur ve diğerleri (2017) tarafından geliştirilen öğretmen adaylarına yönelik “Bilgi ve İletişim Teknolojisi Yeter-likleri Ölçeği’nin” Türkçe uyarlaması amaçlanmış ve psikometrik analizleri gerçekleştirilmiştir. Doğrulayıcı faktör analizi ve psikometrik analizler 331 öğretmen adayı üzerinde yürütülmüştür. Doğrulayıcı faktör analiz...
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Bu araştırmada, okul öncesi öğretmen adaylarının gözünden çocukları dijital oyun bağımlılığına iten nedenlerin ve bu nedenler arasındaki ilişkilerin ortaya koyulması amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda araştırmanın desenini, nitel araştırma desenlerinden temel yorumlayıcı (basic interpretive) desen oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmanın katılımcılarını 201...
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Bu çalışmada özel eğitim bölümü öğretmen adaylarının deneyimlerinden yola çıkarak dijital öğrenme materyallerinin (DÖM) özel eğitimde kullanımı betimlenmiş ve kullanmayı tercih ettikleri DÖM geliştirme ortamları gerekçeleri ile ortaya koyulmuştur. Araştırmada fenomenoloji deseni kullanılmış ve araştırma bir devlet üniversitesinde öğrenim gören 49 ö...
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Mobile technologies are useful. However, several mobile technologies also have disadvantages for students besides their advantages. Cyberloafing is one of these critical situations that the students could experience. Several studies on cyberloafing were conducted worldwide. The present study aimed to analyse these studies based on variable frequenc...
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Bu araştırmada Bilişim Teknolojileri (BT) öğretmenlerinin ortaya koyduğu öğrenme etkinlikleri ile birlikte öğrenme davranışlarına odaklanılmıştır. Araştırma kapsamında, 67 BT öğretmeninin katıldığı iki günlük atölye etkinliği düzenlenmiştir. Atölye çalışmasında çeşitli illerde görev yapan farklı uzmanlık ve mesleki deneyime sahip BT öğretmenleri bi...
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Mobile technologies are useful. However, several mobile technologies also have disadvantages for students besides their advantages. Cyberloafing is one of these critical situations that the students could experience. Several studies on cyberloafing were conducted worldwide. The present study aimed to analyse these studies based on variable frequenc...
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Mobile technologies are useful. However, several mobile technologies also have disadvantages for students besides their advantages. Cyberloafing is one of these critical situations that the students could experience. Several studies on cyberloafing were conducted worldwide. The present study aimed to analyse these studies based on variable frequenc...
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Bu araştırmada farklı robot kitleri ile hazırlanan ve müzik yapmaya yarayan robotların eğitimde kullanımı konusundaki öğretmen görüşleri, bu robotların hangi müzik dersi kazanımlarına uygun olduğu ve bu konuda Müzik ve Bilişim Teknolojileri ve Yazılım dersi öğretmenlerinin nasıl bir eş güdümde çalışması gerektiği belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Araştır...
This article describes how a group of student intern teachers (n = 51) in a one to one teacher education iPad program were asked to reflect using Experience Sampling Method (ESM) on their use of technology in the classroom during internship. Interns also completed summative reflections and class discussions. Data collected both in online and paper-...
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The correlation between distance education motivation levels of students and their online experiences and satisfaction is studied in this paper; and the reasons of their satisfaction and dissatisfaction according to their motivation levels are described. In this study, 183 students, who were taking English and Turkish courses at Ankara University b...
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Assessment of ICT knowledge and skills is as important as gaining these knowledge and skills. There are two commonly used assessment types as (multiple-choice) Test Based Assessment (TBA) and Practice Based Assessment (PBA) and the question that which one is better still remains controversial. In this research, the focus of the study was examining...
Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge, one of the frameworks proposed in order to popularize the use of technology in a classroom environment, has been customized and has taken the form of Web Pedagogical Content Knowledge. The Relational Screening Model was used in this study. It aims to determine whether a profile of preservice teachers bas...
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Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have been rapidly prevailed among the children and youths. Personal technologies facilitating the students to gain some learning experiences both in and out of the schools also include many threats. It is important for students to have high awareness of safe internet and computer use to overcome with...
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The contribution of pre-service teachers using Web 2.0 tools for peer interaction to provide the other pre-service teachers is more remarkable than pre-service teachers who use Web 2.0 tools for individual purposes. This research aims to determine the change of technology perceptions of pre-service teachers studying in learning environments created...
Conference Paper
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The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between lifelong learning tendencies of preservice teachers and their epistemological believes on internet. The research was carried out in four government Universities, in Turkey, 2015-2016 with 119 pre-service teacher. In research Lifelong Learning Tendencies Scale and Internet-Specific Epistem...
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This study was aimed to determine student’s views regarding the contribution of the e-portfolio system to developing computer skills of students studying with peer and individual. Forty-nine students studying in a large public university participated in this research using converge mixed method. The students studied on e-portfolio system individual...
Conference Paper
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The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between lifelong learning tendencies of pre-service teachers and their epistemological believes on internet.
Conference Paper
The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between lifelong learning tendencies of pre-service teachers and their epistemological believes on internet.
Conference Paper
The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between lifelong learning tendencies of pre-service teachers and their epistemological believes on internet.
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The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between lifelong learning tendencies of pre-service teachers and their epistemological believes on internet.
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The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between lifelong learning tendencies of pre-service teachers and their epistemological believes on internet.
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In this study, it was aimed to examine the m-learning attitudes of teachers in terms of different variables. Today, advances in technology have changed the ways information is obtained, generated and spread. Technological developments, particularly those which affect spreading of information, became the main factor in determining the content of edu...
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Along with the dissemination of mobile technologies and wireless networks in teaching and learning environments, research has shown that students tend to cyberloaf during the courses. As a result, their performance is impeded and they could be distracted from the course. In order to prevent cyberloafing behaviors, in some occasions, information and...
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zet Araştırmada Bilişim Teknolojileri ve Yazılım (BTY) dersinin, eğitim teknolojisi alanında faaliyet gösteren uluslararası kuruluşların belirlediği öğrenci yeterlik ölçütleri bağlamında değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. BTY dersi okullarda ilk olarak Bilgisayar dersi olarak müfredatta yer almış ancak 1997 tarihinden bu yana özellikle dersin seçmeli...
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The purpose of this study is to identify the disorientation tendencies of students on social networks and propound the points which should be highlighted in order to avert disorientation while creating a learning environment in those areas. A finite sample size of thirty undergraduate students studying at the Department of Science Teaching at Facul...


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