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Micropenis and the AR Gene: Mutation and CAG Repeat-Length Analysis


Abstract and Figures

Various mutations of the AR gene and expanded CAG repeats at exon 1 of that gene have been reported in patients with hypospadias or genital ambiguity. However, the role of the AR gene has not been systemically studied in those with isolated micropenis lacking hypospadias or genital ambiguity. We studied 64 Japanese boys with isolated micropenis (age, 0-14 yr; median, 7 yr), whose stretched penile lengths were between -2.5 and -2.0 SD (borderline micropenis) in 31 patients (age, 0-13 yr; median, 8 yr) and below -2.5 SD (definite micropenis) in 33 patients (age, 0-14 yr; median, 6 yr). Mutation analysis of the AR gene was performed for exons 1-8 and their flanking introns, except for the CAG and GGC repeat regions at exon 1, by denaturing HPLC and direct sequencing, identifying a substitution of cytosine to thymine at a position -3 in the 3' splice site of intron 1 in a patient with definite micropenis. CAG repeat length at exon 1 was determined by electrophoresis with internal size markers and direct sequencing, revealing no statistically significant difference in the distribution of CAG repeat lengths [median (range) and mean +/- SE: total patients with isolated micropenis, 24 (14-34) and 23.5 +/- 0.38; patients with borderline micropenis, 24 (15-29) and 23.5 +/- 0.53; patients with definite micropenis, 23 (14-34) and 23.5 +/- 0.56; and 100 control males, 23 (16-32) and 23.5 +/- 0.29] or in the frequency of long CAG repeats (percentage of CAG repeats > or =26 and > or =28: total patients with isolated micropenis, 17.2 and 4.7%; patients with borderline micropenis, 19.4 and 6.5%; patients with definite micropenis, 15.2 and 3.0%; and 100 control males, 21.0 and 10.0%). These results suggest that an AR gene mutation is rare and that CAG repeat length is not expanded in children with isolated micropenis.
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Micropenis and the AR Gene: Mutation and CAG
Repeat-Length Analysis
Department of Pediatrics, Keio University School of Medicine, Tokyo 160-8582, Japan
Various mutations of the AR gene and expanded CAG repeats
at exon 1 of that gene have been reported in patients with
hypospadias or genital ambiguity. However, the role of the AR
gene has not been systemically studied in those with isolated
micropenis lacking hypospadias or genital ambiguity. We
studied 64 Japanese boys with isolated micropenis (age, 0–14
yr; median, 7 yr), whose stretched penile lengths were be-
tween 2.5 and 2.0 SD (borderline micropenis) in 31 patients
(age, 0–13 yr; median, 8 yr) and below 2.5 SD (definite mi-
cropenis) in 33 patients (age, 0–14 yr; median, 6 yr). Mutation
analysis of the AR gene was performed for exons 1– 8 and their
flanking introns, except for the CAG and GGC repeat regions
at exon 1, by denaturing HPLC and direct sequencing, iden-
tifying a substitution of cytosine to thymine at a position 3
in the 3 splice site of intron 1 in a patient with definite mi-
cropenis. CAG repeat length at exon 1 was determined by
electrophoresis with internal size markers and direct se-
quencing, revealing no statistically significant difference in
the distribution of CAG repeat lengths [median (range) and
mean SE: total patients with isolated micropenis, 24 (14–34)
and 23.5 0.38; patients with borderline micropenis, 24 (15–
29) and 23.5 0.53; patients with definite micropenis, 23 (14
34) and 23.5 0.56; and 100 control males, 23 (16 –32) and 23.5
0.29] or in the frequency of long CAG repeats (percentage of
CAG repeats >26 and >28: total patients with isolated micro-
penis, 17.2 and 4.7%; patients with borderline micropenis, 19.4
and 6.5%; patients with definite micropenis, 15.2 and 3.0%; and
100 control males, 21.0 and 10.0%). These results suggest that
an AR gene mutation is rare and that CAG repeat length is not
expanded in children with isolated micropenis. (J Clin Endo-
crinol Metab 86: 5372–5378, 2001)
ICROPENIS IS DEFINED as significantly small penis,
as compared with penile lengths of age-matched
normal males (1–3). The underlying mechanism for the de-
velopment of micropenis is either an inadequate production
of gonadal androgens for stimulation of the target organ or
an inadequate response of the target organ to stimulation
(1–3). Micropenis appears as an isolated form or occurs in
association with other genital anomalies such as hypospa-
dias. In this regard, differentiation of male external genitalia
is induced by placental human CG (hCG)-dependent go-
nadal androgens during the critical period for sex develop-
ment, and further growth of the male external genitalia is
primarily caused by fetal LH-dependent gonadal androgens
(1–5). Thus, defective androgen effect during the critical pe-
riod frequently results in micropenis with hypospadias or
genital ambiguity, whereas impaired androgen effect after
the critical period usually leads to isolated micropenis (1–3).
The AR plays a crucial role in male sexual differentiation
by mediating the biological effects of gonadal androgens (4,
5). The AR gene resides on Xq11–12 and consists of eight
exons; exon 1 encodes the transactivation domain, exons 2
and 3 encode the DNA binding domain, the 5 portion of
exon 4 encodes the hinge domain, and the 3 portion of exon
4 and exons 5–8 encode the ligand binding domain (6–9). In
addition, exon 1 contains a highly polymorphic CAG repeat
for the polyglutamine tract, and function studies with dif-
ferent CAG repeat numbers have indicated an inverse rela-
tionship between the CAG repeat length and transactivation
function or expression level of the AR gene (10 –13).
The AR gene has been examined in patients with defective
male sex differentiation. To date, many mutations have been
identified in patients with a wide range of clinical features
from complete female genitalia to normal male genitalia with
infertility (6 –9), including micropenis with hypospadias or
genital ambiguity (14–16). In addition, significant expansion
of the CAG repeat lengths has been reported in patients with
moderate to severe undermasculinization, most of whom
have micropenis with hypospadias or genital ambiguity (17).
These findings imply that the development of micropenis
with associated hypospadias or genital ambiguity can be
related to AR gene mutations or expanded CAG repeat
However, patients with isolated micropenis have not been
systemically studied for the AR gene abnormality, although
some patients with isolated micropenis have been found in
families with AR gene mutations (18, 19). To elucidate the
role of the AR gene in the development of isolated micro-
penis, we examined 64 Japanese boys with isolated micro-
penis for mutation and expanded CAG repeat length of the
AR gene.
Subjects and Methods
Sixty-four Japanese patients with isolated micropenis (age, 0 –14 yr;
median, 7 yr) were studied, after obtaining an appropriate written in-
formed consent that has been approved by the Institutional Review
Board Committee. All patients were seen at the outpatient clinic of
pediatric endocrinology in Keio University Hospital, from August in
Abbreviations: C3 T substitution, Cytosine to thymine substitution;
DHPLC, denaturing HPLC; hCG, human CG.
0013-7227/01/$03.00/0 The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 86(11):5372–5378
Printed in U.S.A. Copyright © 2001 by The Endocrine Society
1993 through December in 1999. The selection criteria included: 1)
stretched penile length below 2.0 sd of the mean in age-matched
normal Japanese boys (20); 2) lack of hypospadias; 3) no gynecomastia;
4) 46,XY karyotype; 5) no demonstrable malformation syndromes
known to be associated with genital abnormalities; and 6) normal
growth and development. Stretched penile lengths were obtained by the
standard method, which included placement of a ruler against the dor-
sum of stretched penis and measurement of the distance between the tip
of glands and the pubic symphisis, with depressing the suprapubic fat
pad as completely as possible (13, 20). Age-appropriate pubertal de-
velopment was observed in cases 28, 29, 31, and 64 (21). Basal serum LH,
FSH, and T levels were within age-matched Japanese reference data in
all cases (22).
The stretched penile length of each patient is summarized in Table 1,
together with the effect of T treatment. Although 2.5 sd has been used
as the lower limit of normal penile lengths (13), 2.0 sd has been
regarded as the lower limit of normal variations for most quantitative
traits. Thus, the patients were divided into 2 groups: 1) borderline
micropenis between 2.0 and 2.5 sd below the mean (cases 131; age,
013 yr; median, 8 yr); and 2) definite micropenis below 2.5 sd of the
mean (cases 32 64; age, 0 14 yr; median, 6 yr). Administration of T
enanthate (25 or 50 mg/dose, im, 14) increased the stretched penile
lengths in all the 46 patients treated (23 with borderline micropenis and
23 with definite micropenis), although the effect was variable among the
For controls, 50 Japanese boys with normal external genitalia who
were diagnosed as having idiopathic short stature after extensive studies
(age, 316 yr; median, 8.5 yr) and 50 Japanese adult males with proven
fertility (age, 25 48 yr; median, 38.5 yr) were similarly analyzed, with
permission. All the 100 control males had a 46,XY karyotype.
Mutation analysis of the AR gene
Each of the eight exons of the AR gene was amplified from genomic
DNA using primers based on the reported genomic sequence of the
human AR gene (GenBank accession number AH002607) (23, 24). PCR
was performed with a thermal cycler PTC200 (MJ Research, Inc.,
Waltham, MA) in a reaction vol of 20
l containing 0.1
g leukocyte
genomic DNA, 10 pmol primers, 5 nmol each deoxynucleotide 5-
triphosphates, and 1 U AmpliTaq Gold DNA polymerase (Perkin-Elmer
Corp., Foster City, CA). The PCR conditions were: denaturation at 95 C
for 10 min; followed by 35 cycles at 95 C for 1 min, 60 C for 1 min, and
72 C for 1 min; and the final extension step at 72 C for 10 min. The PCR
product derived from a normal individual known to have wild-type
sequence and the product amplified from the sample genomic DNA
were mixed, denatured, and reannealed and subjected to denaturing
HPLC (DHPLC) (WAVE, Transgenomic, Inc., Omaha, NE) (2527). Be-
cause of complex heteroduplex formation, the CAG and GGC repeat
regions at exon 1 were not studied. The primer sequences, the PCR
product sizes, and the PCR annealing temperatures are shown in Table
2, together with the DHPLC melting temperatures. When abnormal
chromatographic patterns were detected, the PCR products were se-
quenced on an automated sequencer ABI 310 (Perkin-Elmer Corp.).
CAG repeat-length analysis
The CAG repeat region at exon 1 was amplified by PCR with primers
flanking that region (28) and was examined for the triplet repeat number
in all patients and controls. Amplification was performed in a reaction
vol of 20
l containing 0.1
g leukocyte genomic DNA, 8 pmol fluo-
rescently labeled forward primer, 8 pmol unlabeled reverse primer, 5
nmol each deoxynucleotide 5-triphosphates, and 1 U AmpliTaq Gold
DNA polymerase (Perkin-Elmer Corp.). The PCR conditions were: de-
naturation at 95 C for 10 min; followed by 35 cycles at 95 C for 1 min,
60 C for 1 min, and 72 C for 1 min; and the final extension step at 72 C
for 10 min. The primer sequences are shown in Table 2. The PCR
products were mixed with internal control size markers and were elec-
trophoresed on the autosequencer. The size of the PCR products was
determined by a GeneScan software version 3.1 (Perkin-Elmer Corp.). To
further confirm the precise CAG repeat number, a total of 20 PCR
products with different CAG repeat lengths were subjected to direct
sequencing on the autosequencer. The normality of the CAG repeat
lengths was examined by the
test. The statistical significance in the
median of CAG repeat lengths between different groups was analyzed
by the Mann-Whitneys U test, and that in the frequency of long CAG
repeats (26 or 28) was examined by the Fishers exact probability test.
P 0.05 was considered significant.
Mutation analysis of the AR gene
The results are shown in Table 1. Mutation screening
showed an abnormal chromatographic pattern for exon 2 and
its flanking introns in case 61 (Fig. 1A). This abnormal chro-
matographic pattern was undetected in the remaining cases
and in the 100 control males. Subsequent direct sequencing
of the region in case 61 revealed a substitution of cytosine to
thymine (C3 T) at a position 3 in the 3 splice site of intron
1 (Fig. 1B). There were no abnormal chromatographic pat-
terns for other exons.
Case 61 was born to nonconsanguineous parents, at 40 wk
of gestation, after an uncomplicated pregnancy and delivery.
At birth, his length was 51.0 cm (0.6 sd), and his weight was
3.42 kg (0.4 sd). At 11
yr, 2 months of age, he was seen
in our institution because of isolated micropenis. His height
was 152.6 cm (1.6 sd), and his weight was 57.6 kg (2.5 sd).
Stretched penile length was 2.5 cm (age-matched Japanese
data, 4.8 0.8 cm) (20), testicular volume was 1 ml bilaterally
(age-matched Japanese data, 1.5– 8.0 ml) (30), and pubic hair
development was at Tanner stage 1. His urethral meatus was
placed at the top of the glans. Bone age was 13 yr on the
Japanese standard (31). Basal serum LH was less than 0.2
IU/liter (age-matched Japanese reference value, 0.2–2.83
IU/liter); FSH, 1.1 IU/liter (0.58–5.24 IU/liter); and T, less
than 0.4 nm (0.4 –18.4 nm) (22). After the identification of the
C3 T substitution, a GnRH test (100
g bolus iv; blood sam-
pling at 0, 30, 60, 90, and 120 min) and an hCG test (3000
im for 3 consecutive days; blood sampling on 0d and
4d) were performed at 11
yr of age. Peak serum LH was
5.4 IU/liter (age- and pubertal stage-matched Japanese ref-
erence value, 2.0–11.8 IU/liter), and FSH was 4.8 IU/liter
(5.7–16.6 IU/liter) in the GnRH test (32); and serum T was
increased to 6.3 nm (4.0 –15.0 nm) in the hCG test (33). Fa-
milial pedigree of case 61 is shown in Fig. 1C. The mother had
menarche at 11.7 yr of age (the mean age of menarche in
Japanese girls, 12.25 1.25 yr) (21) and, thereafter, regular
menses. A maternal cousin had micropenis and bilateral
cryptorchidism but lacked gynecomastia. The mother and
the grandmother of case 61 were found to be carriers for the
C3 T substitution identified in case 61. Unfortunately, the
maternal cousin with micropenis and cryptorchidism was
not examined because of his refusal.
CAG repeat-length analysis
CAG repeat length of each patient is shown in Table 1, and
the data are summarized in Table 3. There was no significant
difference in the median of CAG repeat lengths between total
patients with isolated micropenis, patients with borderline
micropenis, patients with definite micropenis, and control
males. Furthermore, although case 39 had a long CAG repeat
number of 34, which was undetected in the 100 control males,
there was no significant difference in the frequency of long
CAG repeats (26 or 28) between total patients with iso-
Ishii et al. Micropenis and AR Gene J Clin Endocrinol Metab, November 2001, 86(11):53725378 5373
TABLE 1. Summary of patients examined in the present study
Patient Genital findings Testosterone enanthate therapy AR gene analysis
Case Age (yr)
Penile length
CYO Dosage (mg)
Increment in
penile length (cm)
CAG repeat number
at exon 1
(cm) (SDS)
Borderline micropenis
1 0 2.3 2.5 50 (25 2) 1.0 No 23
2 0 2.5 2.1 B No 29
3 3 2.3 2.2 50 (25 2) 0.8 No 26
4 4 2.3 2.5 75 (25 3) 0.8 No 17
5 4 2.5 2.2 No 25
6 4 2.5 2.2 50 (25 2) 1.2 No 25
7 4 2.5 2.2 50 (25 2) 1.0 No 24
8 4 2.5 2.2 No 25
9 4 2.5 2.2 50 (25 2) 1.0 No 26
10 5 2.5 2.4 50 (25 2) 1.5 No 23
11 6 3.0 2.2 25 (25 1) 0.5 No 18
12 6 3.0 2.2 25 (25 1) 0.7 No 23
13 6 3.0 2.2 R 75 (25 3) 1.3 No 23
14 6 3.0 2.2 25 (25 1) 0.4 No 26
15 8 2.8 2.3 No 25
16 8 2.8 2.3 75 (25 3) 1.4 No 23
17 8 3.0 2.3 B 50 (25 2) 0.8 No 20
18 9 3.0 2.1 75 (25 3) 1.2 No 21
19 9 3.0 2.1 50 (25 2) 1.0 No 24
20 9 3.0 2.1 L No 29
21 10 3.0 2.1 No 23
22 10 3.0 2.1 50 (25 2) 0.8 No 24
23 10 3.0 2.1 50 (25 2) 1.0 No 24
24 10 3.0 2.1 50 (50 1) 1.0 No 22
25 10 3.0 2.1 No 23
26 10 3.0 2.1 75 (25 3) 1.0 No 15
27 11 3.0 2.3 50 (50 1) 1.5 No 24
28 12 2.5 2.1 50 (25 2) 1.1 No 23
29 12 2.8 2.3 150 (50 3) 1.7 No 26
30 13 3.0 2.2 25 (25 1) 0.5 No 24
31 13 3.0 2.2 B No 25
Definite micropenis
32 0 1.5 4.5 100 (25 4) 2.0 No 20
33 0 2.0 3.3 75 (25 3) 0.8 No 25
34 0 2.0 3.3 75 (25 3) 1.1 No 14
35 0 2.2 2.8 B 75 (25 3) 0.6 No 26
36 1 2.2 2.8 50 (25 2) 0.8 No 23
37 3 2.0 2.8 R 50 (25 2) 0.9 No 20
38 3 2.0 2.8 50 (25 2) 0.9 No 25
39 3 2.0 2.8 50 (25 2) 0.6 No 34
40 3 2.0 2.8 50 (25 2) 1.0 No 25
41 5 1.5 4.4 B 50 (25 2) 0.8 No 23
42 6 2.0 4.2 No 22
43 6 2.5 3.2 50 (25 2) 0.8 No 24
44 6 2.5 3.2 75 (25 3) 1.2 No 21
45 6 2.8 2.6 25 (25 1) 0.5 No 25
46 6 2.8 2.6 75 (25 3) 0.7 No 25
47 6 2.8 2.6 75 (25 3) 0.9 No 20
48 6 2.8 2.6 75 (25 3) 1.2 No 25
49 7 2.5 3.6 No 27
50 7 2.5 3.6 No 23
51 7 3.0 2.6 50 (25 2) 0.5 No 24
52 7 3.0 2.6 L No 23
53 7 3.0 2.6 50 (25 2) 1.3 No 22
54 8 2.5 2.8 25 (25 1) 0.4 No 21
55 8 2.5 2.8 B No 21
56 9 2.0 3.6 50 (25 2) 0.9 No 25
57 9 2.5 2.9 100 (25 4) 1.5 No 21
58 10 2.5 2.8 50 (25 2) 0.8 No 24
59 10 2.5 2.8 No 25
60 11 2.0 3.5 No 23
61 11 2.5 2.9 Yes
62 11 2.5 2.9 100 (50 2) 0.6 No 26
63 11 2.5 2.9 B No 27
64 14 4.5 4.8 No 22
SD score; CYO, cryptorchidism; B, bilateral; R, right; L, left.
Having a C 3 T substitution at a position 3 in the 3 splice site of intron 1.
5374 J Clin Endocrinol Metab, November 2001, 86(11):53725378 Ishii et al. Micropenis and AR Gene
lated micropenis, patients with borderline micropenis, pa-
tients with definite micropenis, and control males.
Mutation analysis failed to unequivocally identify a caus-
ative mutation in the AR gene of our patients. It may be
possible that such a mutation remained undetected as an
abnormal chromatographic pattern by the DHPLC analysis,
because the sensitivity of DHPLC analysis is between 95 and
100% (27, 34). It may also be possible that a mutation existed
in an unexamined region, such as the promoter, the intron,
or the triplet repeat regions. The results, nevertheless, sug-
gest that a mutation of the AR gene is rare in children with
isolated micropenis, and this is consistent with the previous
report by Lee et al. (2) that there was only 1 patient with
androgen insensitivity syndrome found in 45 patients with
isolated micropenis, though the diagnosis was based on en-
docrine studies and family history.
AC3 T substitution was identified in the consensus se-
quence of the splice acceptor site in case 61. In this regard,
this substitution was not detected in the 100 control males,
and the heterozygosity for the C3 T substitution in the
mother and the grandmother would raise the possibility that
micropenis of the maternal cousin could also be attributable
to the same substitution. In addition, cytosine accounts for
approximately 74% of the nucleotides at position 3inthe
3 splice site consensus sequence (35), and the same splice
acceptor site substitution (a C3 T change at position 3in
the 3 splice site) in the intron 6 of the lipoprotein lipase gene
has been suggested as a causative mutation in patients with
familial lipoprotein lipase deficiency (36). However, endo-
crine studies in case 61 failed to show results consistent with
androgen insensitivity syndrome, such as elevated serum LH
level; and the occurrence of an abnormal splicing has not
been demonstrated by expression studies using genital skin
fibroblasts in case 61. In addition, there has been no report
documenting the same substitution in patients with andro-
gen insensitivity syndrome. Thus, it is uncertain, at present,
whether the C3 T substitution in the consensus sequence of
the splice acceptor site in case 61 is a true mutation or a rare
The CAG repeat length was not expanded in patients with
isolated micropenis, nor was the frequency of long CAG
repeats increased. In addition, the CAG repeat number of 34
in case 39, though it was absent in the 100 control males
examined in this study, has been reported in normal Japanese
males (37). The results suggest that the genotype of CAG
repeat length has no discernible effect on the development of
isolated micropenis in our patients. However, this would not
necessarily imply that CAG repeat lengths are not expanded
in other patient populations with isolated micropenis. For
example, previous reports on azoospermia have shown both
positive and negative results for the association between
expanded CAG repeat lengths and infertility (13, 38 41). It
is likely that the CAG repeat length in the AR gene consti-
tutes one of multiple genetic factors relevant to the devel-
TABLE 2. The primer sequences, the product sizes, and the PCR annealing and DHPLC melting temperatures
Forward primer
Reverse primer
Product size (bp) PCR temp. (C) DHPLC temp. (C)
Mutation analysis
Exon 1-b 5-CAGCAAGAGACTAGCCCCAGGC-3 314 60 63, 64
Exon 1-c 5-CTTAAGCAGCTGCTCCGCTGACC-3 599 60 62, 63
Exon 1-d 5-GTCTACCCTGTCTCTCTACAAGTC-3 320 60 62, 63
Exon 2 5-GCCTGCAGGTTAATGCTGAAGACC-3 379 60 58, 59, 60
Exon 3 5-GTTTGGTGCCATACTCTGTCCACT-3 413 60 57, 58, 59
Exon 4 5-AATGGTGATTTTCTTAGCTAGGGC-3 394 60 57, 59, 61
Exon 6 5-CTCTGGGCTTATTGGTAAACTTCC-3 294 60 58, 59, 60
Exon 7 5-CTTTCAGATCGGATCCAGCTATC-3 416 60 59, 60, 61
CAG repeat
length analysis
The primer sequences are based on Allen et al. (28) (the CAG repeat region), Lubahn et al. (29) (exon 2 forward, exon 6 forward, exon 7 reverse,
and exon 8 forward primers), and our design (the remaining primers). Exon 1-a to 1-e indicate five primer sets covering the long exon 1; the
region amplified with exon 1-a contains the CAG repeat region, and that amplified with exon 1-e contains the GGC repeat region.
Ishii et al. Micropenis and AR Gene J Clin Endocrinol Metab, November 2001, 86(11):53725378 5375
opment of androgen-related disorders and that expansion of
the CAG repeat length can be detected as a positive modi-
fying factor in some patient populations but not in other
patient populations.
In contrast to our results, Lim et al. (17) have reported that
both the median of the CAG repeat lengths and the frequency
of long CAG repeats are significantly larger in 78 males, most
of whom had micropenis with hypospadias or genital am-
FIG. 1. A, Chromatographic patterns for exon 2 and its flanking introns of the AR gene, obtained under the melting temperature of 60 C in
DHPLC; left, A normal chromatographic pattern in a control male, indicating a single homoduplex peak (arrowhead); right, an aberrant
chromatographic pattern in case 61, demonstrating both homoduplex (arrowhead) and heteroduplex (arrow) peaks. B, DNA sequences of the
boundary of intron 1 and exon 2 of the AR gene. Capital and small letters indicate exon and intron sequences, respectively. Case 61 has a C3 T
substitution at a position 3 in the 3 splice site of intron 1 (arrow). C, Familial pedigree of case 61. Case 61 is indicated by an arrow. A maternal
cousin (III-6) has micropenis and undescended testes. Mutation analysis of the AR gene has been performed in three persons in this family (II-8,
III-3, and IV-1), revealing that the grandmother (II-8) and the mother (III-3) of case 61 are heterozygotes for the C3 T substitution at the intron
1 of the AR gene. Asterisks represent individuals with micropenis, and solid symbols indicate those with the C3 T substitution.
5376 J Clin Endocrinol Metab, November 2001, 86(11):53725378 Ishii et al. Micropenis and AR Gene
biguity, although their CAG repeat lengths remain within the
normal range. Indeed, the median of CAG repeat lengths in
patients reported by Lim et al. (17) (median, 25; range, 1431;
mean se, 24.5 0.38) is significantly larger than that in our
patients (P 0.02 by the Mann-Whitneys U test). The dis-
cordance may be attributable to the difference in a genetic
and environmental background between the patient popu-
lations analyzed. However, because the extent of undermas-
culinization is more severe in patients described by Lim et al.
(17) than in those examined in this study, the genotype of
long CAG repeat may be more prevalent in patients with
micropenis with associated hypospadias or genital ambigu-
ity than in those with isolated micropenis.
The present study, therefore, implies that structural
changes of the AR gene are very rare, if any, in patients with
isolated micropenis. This would not be surprising, because
isolated micropenis is a highly heterogeneous condition, sub-
ject to various genetic and environmental factors. For exam-
ple, a mutation of any gene involved in the androgen pro-
duction or action could result in isolated micropenis (4244).
In this regard, because detailed endocrine studies including
GnRH and hCG tests were not performed, several disorders
affecting androgen production in Leydig cells (such as de-
creased LH signaling and defective steroidogenesis) and
those impairing androgen action in the external genitalia
(such as reduced 5
-reductase activity and defective post AR
signal transduction) may have remained undetected in the
present study. Similarly, various endocrine disruptors are
known to have a deleterious effect on the differentiation of
male external genitalia during fetal development (45). In this
context, because some endocrine disruptors impair the func-
tion of hormone receptors [including AR and LH receptor
(4547)], functional rather than structural abnormality of the
AR gene may be relevant to the development of isolated
In summary, the present study suggests that an AR gene
mutation is rare and CAG repeat length at exon 1 is not
expanded in children with isolated micropenis. Further
studies will permit a better clarification on the relevance of
the AR gene abnormalities to the development of isolated
We thank Dr. Mike J. McPhaul (University of Texas Southwestern
Medical Center at Dallas, TX) for reviewing the manuscript.
Received January 12, 2001. Accepted July 11, 2001.
Address all correspondence and requests for reprints to: Tomohiro
Ishii, M.D., Department of Pediatrics, Keio University School of Med-
icine, 35 Shinanomachi, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-8582, Japan. E-mail:
This work was supported by a grant for Pediatric Research from the
Ministry of Health and Welfare, a grant from Keio University Medical
Science Fund, and a grant from Pharmacia Fund for Growth and De-
velopment Research.
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TABLE 3. The results of the CAG repeat-length analysis
Control subjects Patients with micropenis
Fertile males
(n 50)
Normal boys
(n 50)
(n 100)
(n 64)
(n 31)
(n 33)
Mean SE 23.2 0.23 23.7 0.46 23.5 0.29 23.5 0.38 23.5 0.53 23.5 0.56
Median 23 23 23 24 24 23
Range 1728 1632 1632 14 34 1529 1434
Frequency (%)
(CAG) n 26 18 24 21 17.2 19.4 15.2
(CAG) n 28 6 14 10 4.7 6.5 3
Penile length between 2.5 and 2.0 SD.
Penile length below 2.5 SD.
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5378 J Clin Endocrinol Metab, November 2001, 86(11):53725378 Ishii et al. Micropenis and AR Gene
... Penis formation and growth are androgen dependent, and androgen-dependent penile growth, which is important for adult penis length, takes place in three different periods: in late gestation, in the first 4 years after birth, and at puberty (1). Defective androgen effect during the critical period frequently results in micropenis with hypospadias or genital ambiguity, whereas impaired androgen effect after the critical period usually leads to isolated micropenis (2,3). If the measured penile length is more than 2.5 standard deviations (SDs) below the mean for the age, it is termed micropenis. ...
... The AR gene has been examined in patients with defective male sex differentiation. Although AR gene CAG and GGN repeat polymorphisms in micropenis cases accompanied by hypospadias or cryptorchidism, in infertility, and in spermatogenic failures have been reported (6,(15)(16)(17)(18)(19)(20)(21), there is only one study involving isolated micropenis and CAG repeat polymorphisms (2). In addition, no study has been reported regarding isolated micropenis and GGN repeat polymorphisms. ...
... Penile length was measured when the penis was fully stretched, not flaccid; the glans penis was held with the thumb and forefinger, and the measurement was taken from the pubic ramus to the distal tip of the glans penis over the dorsal side. The suprapubic fat pad was pressed inwards as much as possible, and, if present, the foreskin was retracted during the measurement (2,3). Patients with excess weight/obesity were excluded from the study. ...
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Background/aim: In micropenis cases accompanied by external genital abnormalities such as hypospadias and cryptorchidism, infertility and spermatogenic failures have been reported to correlate with androgen receptor ( AR ) gene CAG and GGN repeat polymorphisms. While there is one study on isolated micropenis and CAG repeats, no study related to GGN repeats has been reported. We investigated the relation between CAG and GGN repeats in the AR gene with development of penis length in boys with isolated micropenis. Materials and methods: A total of 24 Turkish boys with isolated micropenis (<–2.5 SD) and 64 healthy controls who had normal basal serum gonadotropin levels were examined. Genotyping was performed by DNA sequencing of the patients and controls. Results: The distribution of CAG and GGN repeat lengths in our patients and controls was within the normal range and did not significantly differ between the patients and the controls. Conclusion: CAG repeat length in the AR constitutes one of multiple genetic factors relevant to the development of isolated micropenis, and the expansion of this repeat can be detected as a likely modifying factor. Moreover, the interactions of other genes that may be involved in the etiology of isolated micropenis with CAG and GGN repeats have to be taken into consideration.
... Micropenis is a condition in which the penis is more than 2.5 standard deviations (SD) shorter than the mean of an age-matched reference without hypospadias or epispadias [1,2] . Micropenis can result from various disorders including hypo-or hypergonadotropic hypogonadisms as well as androgen resistance including androgen insensitivity syndrome and 5 alpha-reductase deficiency [2][3][4][5] . Thus, the human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) tests provide key information determining the etiology of micropenis. ...
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Background/aim: To evaluate the accuracy of the human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) stimulation test in children with micropenis in predicting later Leydig cell function. Methods: We conducted a retrospective investigation of testosterone response to a 3-day hCG test (3,000 IU/m2/day) in prepuberty to indicate the need for hormone replacement therapy (HRT) in adolescence. Results: Fifty Japanese boys (range, 0.8-15.4 years of age; median, 8.9) with micropenis were enrolled. Thirty-four spontaneously developed puberty and preserved the ability of testosterone production (group 1), while 16 did not develop any pubertal signs without HRT (group 2). Serum testosterone levels after the hCG test (post-hCG T) in group 2 (range, <0.05-1.1 ng/ml; median, 0.24) were significantly lower than in group 1 (range, 0.5-8.7 ng/ml; median, 2.4; p < 0.0001). Based on true positives who required continuous HRT, the area under the receiver-operating characteristics curve for post-hCG T was 0.983 [95% confidence interval (CI), 0.90-1.00]. The post-hCG T cut-off level corresponding to the Youden index was 1.1 ng/ml (95% CI, 1.0-1.1), with a sensitivity of 100.0% (95% CI, 79.4-100.0) and a specificity of 94.1% (95% CI, 80.3-99.3). Conclusions: The hCG test in prepubertal children with micropenis can be useful for predicting Leydig cell function in pubertal or postpubertal adolescents. The post-hCG T cut-off level of 1.1 ng/ml is recommended to screen for those who will likely require HRT for pubertal development.
... (e.g. 15,16,19,20) could be used to obtain DNA substrates on the basis of genomic DNA. Using our novel approach for CAG repeat quanti®cation, 50 fmol speci®c DNA substrate, an amount usually insuf®cient for DNA sequencing, allowed analysis. ...
Huntington’s disease (HD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder with autosomal‐dominant inheritance. The disease is caused by a CAG trinucleotide repeat expansion located in the first exon of the HD gene. The CAG repeat is highly polymorphic and varies from 6 to 37 repeats on chromosomes of unaffected individuals and from more than 30 to 180 repeats on chromosomes of HD patients. In this study, we show that the number of CAG repeats in the HD gene can be determined by restriction of the DNA with the endonuclease EcoP15I and subsequent analysis of the restriction fragment pattern by electrophoresis through non‐denaturing polyacrylamide gels using the ALFexpress DNA Analysis System. CAG repeat numbers in the normal (30 and 35 repeats) as well as in the pathological range (81 repeats) could be accurately counted using this assay. Our results suggest that this high‐resolution method can be used for the exact length determination of CAG repeats in HD genes as well as in genes affected in related CAG repeat disorders.
... Genomic DNA was extracted from the patient's peripheral lymphocytes. The AR coding region and flanking intronic sequences of all the exons were amplified by PCR, followed by direct sequencing as previously described (6). A hemizygous mutation (c.2125G>A, p.E709K) Androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS) is an X-linked recessive disorder caused by mutation in the gene for the androgen receptor (AR) with 46,XY karyotype (OMIM 300068). ...
... As previously described, the AR gene contains a great number of CAG repeats, which could result in various polyglutamine tracts. Longer polyglutamine tracts could cause a reduced transcriptional activation of AR.2425 Previous reports described ambiguous results regarding the association between expanded CAG repeat polymorphism and micropenis in the Japanese.2428 However, our results indicated that the genotype of CAG repeat polymorphism has no discernible effect on penile length. ...
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This study aimed to investigate the correlations among androgen receptor (AR) CAG repeat polymorphism, sex hormones and penile length in healthy Chinese young adult men. Two hundred and fifty-three healthy men (aged 22.8 ± 3.1 years) were enrolled. The individuals were grouped as CAG short (CAG S ) if they harbored repeat length of ≤20 or as CAG long (CAG L ) if their CAG repeat length was >20. Body height/weight, penile length and other parameters were examined and recorded by the specified physicians; CAG repeat polymorphism was determined by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method; and the serum levels of the sex hormones were detected by radioimmunoassay. Student's t-test or linear regression analysis was used to assess the associations among AR CAG repeat polymorphism, sex hormones and penile length. This investigation showed that the serum total testosterone (T) level was positively associated with the AR CAG repeat length (P = 0.01); whereas, no significant correlation of T or AR CAG repeat polymorphism with the penile length was found (P = 0.593). Interestingly, an inverse association was observed between serum prolactin (PRL) levels and penile length by linear regression analyses (β = -0.024, P = 0.039, 95% confidence interval (CI): -0.047, 0). Collectively, this study provides the first evidence that serum PRL, but not T or AR CAG repeat polymorphism, is correlated with penile length in the Han adult population from northwestern China.
... No evidence of abnormal AR binding was found in these patients [5]. The length of the CAG trinucleotide on exon 1 that encodes for the polyglutamine tract (with a polyglutamine length of 28 or more) has been associated with male infertility [6], but no association between the CAG trinucleotide repeat and micropenis has been observed [7]. Severe micropenis has also been described in association with a polymorphism in the steroidogenic factor-1 gene [8]. ...
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Partial androgen insensitivity syndrome (PAIS) is the milder variant of androgen receptor (AR) defects. The subtle effects of AR mutations present in a patient with micropenis, peno-scrotal hypospadias, infertility, clitoromegaly and posterior labial fusion. We studied the association of isolated micropenis with the genetic defects resulting in androgen resistance, that is, AR gene defects and 5-alpha reductase type 2 (SRD5A2) deficiency. We describe two cases of isolated micropenis: one in a 14-year-old boy and the other in a 3-year-old boy who was followed until he was 10 years old. There were no findings of hypospadias, cryptorchidism or gynecomastia in either of these patients. Serum gonadotrophin and androgen levels were obtained and karyotyping was done. Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) stimulation testing assessed the functional capacity of the testes. DNA was extracted from peripheral leukocytes, and all exons of the SRD5A2 and AR genes were amplified by polymerase chain reaction and sequenced. In both patients, baseline testosterone (T) level was low and the values were elevated after hCG testing. The sequence of the SRD5A2 gene was normal in patient 1, and a heterozygous polymorphism, V89L, was found in patient 2. Two known mutations, P390S and A870V, were identified in patients 1 and 2, respectively. Mutations in the AR gene can be associated with isolated micropenis without other features of PAIS, such as hypospadias or gynecomastia. This underlines the importance of including AR gene analysis in the evaluation of isolated micropenis with normal plasma T to ensure proper management of the patient and appropriate genetic counseling for the family.
... Leukocyte genomic DNA was amplified for the 15 exons and flanking introns of the PTPN11 gene by PCR with 15 sets of primers (Table 1). PCR amplification was performed as described previously (12). Mutation analysis was performed using two complementary approaches: exon 3 and exon 8, which have previously been shown to be mutation hot spots (7), were screened by direct sequencing of the PCR products. ...
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Noonan syndrome is an autosomal dominant disorder defined by short stature, delayed puberty, and characteristic dysmorphic features. Tartaglia et al. (Nature Genetics, 29:465-468) have recently shown that gain-of-function mutations in the gene PTPN11 (protein-tyrosine phosphatase, nonreceptor-type 11) cause Noonan syndrome in roughly half of patients that they examined. To further explore the relevance of PTPN11 mutations to the pathogenesis of Noonan syndrome, we analyzed the PTPN11 gene in 21 Japanese patients. Mutation analysis of the 15 coding exons and their flanking introns by denaturing HPLC and direct sequencing revealed six different heterozygous missense mutations (Asp61Gly, Tyr63Cys, Ala72Ser, Thr73Ile, Phe285Ser, and Asn308Asp) in seven cases (six sporadic and one familial). The mutations clustered either in the N-Src homology 2 domain or in the protein-tyrosine phosphatase domain. The clinical features of the mutation-positive and mutation-negative patients were comparable. The results provide further support to the notion that PTPN11 mutations are responsible for the development of Noonan syndrome in a substantial fraction of patients and that relatively infrequent features of Noonan syndrome, such as sensory deafness and bleeding diathesis, can also result from mutations of PTPN11.
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The present study set forth the reference values for penile size and determined the prevalence of buried penis in Japanese full-term newborns. The stretched penile length was measured and the presence of buried penis was assessed at 1-7 days of age in 547 Japanese full-term newborn infants born between 2008 and 2012 in Tokyo. The stretched penile lengths were compared at 1-12 hours and 1-7 days of age in 63 infants and by two observers in 73 infants to estimate postnatal changes and interobserver variation, respectively. The mean stretched penile length was 3.06 cm (SD, 0.26; 95% confidence interval [CI], 3.04-3.08) and the mean ratio of penile length to body length was 6.24×100(-1) (SD, 0.55×100(-1)), both of which were significantly smaller than those in Caucasian newborn infants. Buried penis was identified in 20 of 547 infants (3.7%; 95% CI, 2.1-5.2%). The first measurements of penile length at 1-12 hours were significantly smaller than the next measurements at 1-7 days (95% CI of the difference, 0.22-0.34). The 95% CI for the limits of agreement in the penile lengths measured by the two observers was -0.58 to -0.40 for the lower limit and 0.33 to 0.51 for the upper limit. These findings indicate that the penile length should be assessed after 24 hours of age by the reference standard of the same ethnicity for identifying micropenis and that buried penis is not uncommon in Japanese full-term newborns.
Although treatment of different types of sexual dysfunction has improved in the past decade with the introduction of phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, response rates to these targeted therapies are variable. There are a number of studies in the published literature that provide proof-of-concept that genetic variation contributes to the variable response. Pharmacogenomics will most likely be one part of our therapeutic armamentarium in the future and will provide a stronger scientific basis for optimizing drug therapy on the basis of each patient's genetic constitution. This article will review English language medical literature on the state-of-the-art genetic polymorphisms of drug targets, transporters and signaling molecules as well as pharmacogenetic studies of sexual dysfunction and suggested possible applications. Collectively, the data demonstrate that pharmacogenomics in the field of sexual medicine is still in its infancy. More research will provide further intriguing new discoveries in years to come.
EcoP15I ist ein Vertreter der multifunktionalen, heterooligomeren Typ III Restriktionsendonukleasen. Typ III Restriktionsendonukleasen sind wegen der Lage ihres Spaltortes, ca. 25 bp vom Erkennungsort entfernt, von besonderem Interesse für Anwendungen in der Medizin und funktionellen Genomanalyse. EcoP15I erkennt die DNA-Sequenz 5''-CAGCAG und benötigt für eine effektive DNA-Spaltung zwei invers orientierte Erkennungsorte auf einem DNA-Molekül. Nach dem bisherigen DNA-Translokations-Modell bindet je ein EcoP15I-Protein an je einen Erkennungsort und startet dann durch ATP-Hydrolyse vermittelte DNA-Translokation. Die Kollision der beiden EcoP15I-DNA-Komplexe initiiert die DNA-Doppelstrang-Spaltung. Experimente zur Erkennungsort-Suche von EcoP15I zeigen, dass über längere Distanzen offenbar nicht das "Sliding", sondern ein dreidimensionaler Prozess die bevorzugte Bewegung von EcoP15I an der DNA ist. Eine erhöhte Anzahl von Wiederholungen von CAG-Trinukleotiden (CAG-Repeats) im Exon 1 des Gens für Chorea Huntington (Huntington Disease - HD) führt zur Manifestation dieser neurodegenerativen Erkrankung. Für die Diagnostik der Erkrankung ist die exakte Bestimmung der Anzahl der CAG-Repeats von Bedeutung. Diese Arbeit zeigt die Spaltung von HD Gen Exon 1 DNA durch EcoP15I. Die halbautomatische, hoch-sensitive Analyse dieses Spaltmusters ermöglicht die exakte Bestimmung der Anzahl der CAG-Repeats. Diese Arbeit liefert den ersten Nachweis für die DNA-Translokation durch eine Typ III-Restriktionsendonuklease. Die postulierten EcoP15I-DNA-Schlaufen wurden mit Hilfe der Rasterkraftmikroskopie (SFM) abgebildet. Dadurch wird das DNA-Translokations-Modell der DNA-Spaltung durch EcoP15I bestätigt. Es werden Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede des gesamten DNA-Spaltvorganges der Typ III Restriktionsendonuklease EcoP15I in bezug auf andere Restriktionsendonukleasen diskutiert.
Conference Paper
Purpose: Hypospadias has no known single etiology but it has been linked to androgen insensitivity caused by mutations of the androgen receptor gene. The purpose of this study was to search ibr such mutations in cases of various degrees of isolated hypospadias to determine whether such an association exists and, if so, with any particular anatomical subgroup. Materials and Methods: Isolated deoxyribonucleic acid from the penile tissue of 40 patients undergoing reconstructive surgery was screened for mutations of the coding regions of the androgen receptor gene using single strand conformational polymorphism analysis. In cases with abnormal single strand conformational polymorphism findings sequence analysis of the deoxyribonucleic acid was performed to define the mutation. Results: A missense mutation of exon 2 of the androgen receptor gene was noted in 1 patient with isolated distal penile shaft hypospadias. Sequence analysis revealed that the mutation changed amino acid residue 546 from proline to serine. No abnormalities were detected in the other 39 patients. Conclusions: Isolated distal shaft hypospadias is associated with mutations of the androgen receptor gene but these mutations appear to be a rare cause of hypospadias.
This is the third of a series of atlases attempting to provide standards of reference for determination of maturational status in selected portions of the skeleton. Like its predecessors relating to the hand (Greulich and Pyle) and the knees (Pyle and Hoerr) it utilizes the "inspectional method" for recognition of "maturity indicators." Maturity indicators are defined as "osseous features in the contour of a developing bone which can be used as a reliable maturational landmark in the sequence of ossification of the bone." The sequence is not appreciably altered by race or sex. The methods by which the authors selected specific maturity indicators are described in the text accompanying the 31 plates, which cover the range from 38 weeks gestational age to 18 years and add the foot of a healthy young woman aged 28 years. During the first year of life, standards are provided at approximately monthly intervals. Six-month
Reduced conversion of testosterone (T) to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) results in defective virilization in karyotypic males. Different mutations in the 5α-reductase type 2 gene cause the phenotypic variability of the disease. In this report we describe four prepubertal patients with a predominantly male phenotype who carry homozygous point mutations in the 5α-reductase type 2 gene and address the specific T and DHT response to different human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) stimulation tests. For molecular genetic analysis, DNA from peripheral blood leucocytes was studied. The coding region of the 5α-reductase type 2 gene was characterized by exon-specific polymerase chain reaction amplification, non-radioactive single strand polymorphism analysis, and direct sequencing. Three different homozygous point mutations (Gly196−Ser, Arg227−Gln and Ala228−Thr) were identified in the patients. In contrast, in the DNA from 100 phenotypically normal males only two heterozygous abnormalities (Ile196−Ile, ΔMet157) were characterized. For hormonal studies, T and DHT were measured in serum before and after hCG stimulation employing different protocols. HCG stimulation with 5000 IU/m2 once and prolonged stimulation with seven injections of 1500 IU hCG per single dose every other day were used. Conclusion While abnormal T/DHT ratios were identified with both hCG protocols in the patients, prolonged stimulation lead to higher T values and to higher T/DHT ratios, and hence to a better discrimination of pathologic results.
Normal polymorphic size variation of the exon 1 CAG microsatellite of the androgen receptor (AR) is associated with prostate cancer, benign prostatic hyperplasia and male infertility. Furthermore, abnormal expansion of the satellite leads to Kennedy's disease. We have shown recently that the AR N-terminal domain (NTD), which contains the polyglutamine (polyQ) stretch (encoded by the CAG repeat), functionally interacts with the C-termini of p160 coactivators. In the present study we explored possible AR CAG size effects on the p160 coactivator-mediated transactivation activity of the receptor. First, we mapped the p160 coactivator interaction on the AR NTD and found an interaction surface between amino acids 351 and 537. Although this region is 'downstream' from the polyQ stretch, it is still within the AR NTD, is implicated in constitutive transactivation activity of the receptor, and thus might be subject to polyQ size modulation. Indeed, cotrans- fection experiments in cultured prostate epithelial cells, using AR constructs of varying CAG sizes and p160 coactivator expression vectors, revealed that increased polyQ length, up to a size of 42 repeats, inhibited both basal and coactivator-mediated AR transactivation activity. AR expression in these cells, on the other hand, was unaffected by the same increased CAG repeat size range. We conclude that the AR NTD contributes to AR transactivation activity via functional interactions with p160 coactivators and that increasing polyQ length negatively affects p160-mediated coactivation of the AR. This molecular mechanism thus might explain, at least in part, the observed phenotypic effects of the AR CAG size polymorphism.
The human androgen-receptor gene (HUMARA; GenBank) contains a highly polymorphic trinucleotide repeat in the first exon. We have found that the methylation of HpaII and HhaI sites less than 100 bp away from this polymorphic short tandem repeat (STR) correlates with X inactivation. The close proximity of the restriction-enzyme sites to the STR allows the development of a PCR assay that distinguishes between the maternal and paternal alleles and identifies their methylation status. The accuracy of this assay was tested on (a) DNA from hamster/human hybrid cell lines containing either an active or inactive human X chromosome; (b) DNA from normal males and females; and (c) DNA from females showing nonrandom patterns of X inactivation. Data obtained using this assay correlated substantially with those obtained using the PGK, HPRT, and M27 beta probes, which detect X inactivation patterns by Southern blot analysis. In order to demonstrate one application of this assay, we examined X inactivation patterns in the B lymphocytes of potential and obligate carriers of X-linked agammaglobulinemia.
A total of 101 different examples of point mutations, which lie in the vicinity of mRNA splice junctions, and which have been held to be responsible for a human genetic disease by altering the accuracy of efficiency of mRNA splicing, have been collated. These data comprise 62 mutations at 5' splice sites, 26 at 3' splice sites and 13 that result in the creation of novel splice sites. It is estimated that up to 15% of all point mutations causing human genetic disease result in an mRNA splicing defect. Of the 5' splice site mutations, 60% involved the invariant GT dinucleotide; mutations were found to be non-randomly distributed with an excess over expectation at positions +1 and +2, and apparent deficiencies at positions -1 and -2. Of the 3' splice site mutations, 87% involved the invariant AG dinucleotide; an excess of mutations over expectation was noted at position -2. This non-randomness of mutation reflects the evolutionary conservation apparent in splice site consensus sequences drawn up previously from primate genes, and is most probably attributable to detection bias resulting from the differing phenotypic severity of specific lesions. The spectrum of point mutations was also drastically skewed: purines were significantly over-represented as substituting nucleotides, perhaps because of steric hindrance (e.g. in U1 snRNA binding at 5' splice sites). Furthermore, splice sites affected by point mutations resulting in human genetic disease were markedly different from the splice site consensus sequences. When similarity was quantified by a 'consensus value', both extremely low and extremely high values were notably absent from the wild-type sequences of the mutated splice sites. Splice sites of intermediate similarity to the consensus sequence may thus be more prone to the deleterious effects of mutation. Regarding the phenotypic effects of mutations on mRNA splicing, exon skipping occurred more frequently than cryptic splice site usage. Evidence is presented that indicates that, at least for 5' splice site mutations, cryptic splice site usage is favoured under conditions where (1) a number of such sites are present in the immediate vicinity and (2) these sites exhibit sufficient homology to the splice site consensus sequence for them to be able to compete successfully with the mutated splice site. The novel concept of a "potential for cryptic splice site usage" value was introduced in order to quantify these characteristics, and to predict the relative proportion of exon skipping vs cryptic splice site utilization consequent to the introduction of a mutation at a normal splice site.
This article has no abstract; the first 100 words appear below. RESISTANCE to the action of androgens, like other forms of hormone resistance, is characterized by partial or complete absence of the usual effects of the hormones and normal or increased hormone production.¹ Since androgens are important for normal male sexual development and fertility, defects in androgen action are often associated with abnormal sexual differentiation, infertility, or both. This article reviews the phenotypic variation and the range of molecular defects that have been identified in persons with mutations causing androgen resistance. Male Phenotypic Development During embryogenesis the indifferent gonad in males is converted to a testis in response to a testis-determining . . . Supported by a grant (DK03892) from the National Institutes of Health. Source Information From the Department of Internal Medicine, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, 5323 Harry Hines Blvd., Dallas, TX 75235–8857, where reprint requests should be addressed to Dr. Griffin.
We have isolated and characterized the gene encoding the human androgen receptor. The coding sequence is divided into eight coding exons and spans a minimum of 54 kilobases. The positions of the exon boundaries are highly conserved when compared to the location of the exon boundaries of the chicken progesterone and human estrogen receptor genes. Definition of the intron/exon boundaries has permitted the synthesis of specific oligonucleotides for use in the amplification of segments of the androgen receptor gene from samples of total genomic DNA. This technique allows the analysis of all segments of the androgen receptor gene except a small region of exon 1 that encodes the glycine homopolymeric segment. Using these methods we have analyzed samples of DNA prepared from a patient with complete androgen resistance and have detected a single nucleotide substitution at nucleotide 1924 in exon 3 of the androgen receptor gene that results in the conversion of a lysine codon into a premature termination codon at amino acid position 588. The introduction of a termination codon into the sequence of the normal androgen receptor cDNA at this position leads to a decrease in the amount of mRNA encoding the human androgen receptor and the synthesis of a truncated receptor protein that is unable to bind ligand and is unable to activate the long terminal repeat of the mouse mammary tumor virus in cotransfection assays.