Tomas Baiget

Tomas Baiget
Ediciones Profesionales de la Información SL · Dirección


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January 2000 - December 2016
University Pompeu Fabra
  • Invited lecturer
  • Project management


Publications (119)
Evolution of scientific journals in the last 40 years and analysis of their current situation considering the 4 factors that are conditioning their evolution and future: 1) movement towards open access, that advances inexorably, 2) great competition with other information channels (repositories, blogs, social networks), as well as between the journ...
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Aunque no sea una gran proeza, lo primero que sentimos los autores es satisfaccion por cumplir 10 anos, dado que muchas publicaciones no llegan a poderlo celebrar. Desde 2007, cada ano hemos publicado un volumen de unas 300 paginas (lo que para hacernos una idea, equivale a 120 revistas mensuales de 25 paginas), que se va gestando de septiembre a f...
Los Anuarios ThinkEPI son publicados por la editorial EPI SCP , editora también de la revista El profesional de la información (EPI ), a principios de cada mes de mayo, desde 2007.
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Resena del informe: Bjork, Bo-Christer ; Solomon, David J. (2014). Developing an effective market for open access article processing charges. Final report to a consortium of research funders comprising Jisc, Research Libraries UK, Research Councils UK, Wellcome Trust, Austrian Science Fund, Luxembourg National Research Fund and Max Planck Institute...
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The problem of the inconsistencies in the authors' signatures has been around for many years, but its significance is increasing due to the great number of people publishing research studies and papers. It is clear that that this is important to always sign in the same way. In the case of the Spanish names, the problem is increased since * there ar...
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The situation of university libraries in front of the current problematic situation of radical changes in the library profession and of intense general economic crisis is described. Internet, digitalization, mobile web, social networks and other technologies require librarians to diversify in many ways, and at the same time these technologies disco...
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The situation of university libraries in front of the current problematic situation of radical changes in the library profession and of intense general economic crisis is described. Internet, digitalization, mobile web, social networks and other technologies require librarians to diversify in many ways, and at the same time these technologies disco...
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1. Hacia una sociedad global Las comunidades y las sociedades crean órganos de gobier-no, en quienes se delega el papel de dirección y gestión de los intereses generales. Las naciones crean el Estado. Resumen El crecimiento de la población, la desaparición de fronteras, la facilidad de transporte y sobre todo las redes de teleco-municaciones han da...
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Review of job opportunities and prospective for librarians and information professionals. Curricula. New roles. Attitudes. Skills.
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Revisión de malas prácticas y comportamientos fraudulentos en revistas científicas. Se realiza un análisis de la bibliografía sobre el tema, y se aportan experiencias personales derivadas de la participación en comités de evaluación y de redacción. La gran competitividad que existe en la sociedad propicia que autores, revisores y editores sientan l...
Conference Paper
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El nuevo escenario digital está modificando la forma en que los medios tradicionales se relacionan con su audiencia y, por consiguiente, la base sobre la que se sustenta la teoría de la agenda-setting. Internet ofrece la oportunidad de superar el carácter monológico del proceso comunicativo y abre la puerta a la participación del público. Este trab...
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An interview with Karen Spence, assistant director of Information Systems, Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), United States Department of Energy, describes the major OSTI databases, repositories and scientific and technical information co-operation projects (especially on energy and environment).
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Recommendations to publish qualitative articles in professional and scientific journals in order to have impact on the scientific community (to be known, to be cited). To publish is always a good task, since it denotes a healthy ambition of the author, but one must do it properly, following the usual standards. In writing you have to think on the r...
Conference Paper
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Se presentan las características principales, objetivos, sistemas de publicación y mecánica de los debates generados del think tank español de biblioteconomía y documentación Grupo ThinkEPI (Estrategia y Prospectiva de la Información). Se estudia su producción científica, la productividad de los autores, comentarios recibidos, cobertura temática y...
Knowledgement and practical use of scientific communication tools in the environment 2.0. Panorama of tools 2.0. Slides used in an instrumental course organized by Dr. Josefa Gallego-Lorenzo on 9-10 July 2009, at the University of León, Spain. Topics treated: a) The photographs as a means of building community, b) Social applications: 1. Mailing li...
During the Spanish Documentation Conference (Fesabid 2009), Zaragoza, 22 May 2009, it was held a workshop on "Training libraries to assist researchers, or how to become adviser to our researchers?". One of its parts "IraLIS system for signing in international format" is presented here. IraLIS is a project carried out by Josep Manel Rodríguez-Gairín...
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During the II Edocpa Conference (Electronic Documents in the Principality of Asturias), Oviedo, Spain, 11-13 June 2008, there was a workshop presentation of the DocuMenea news promotion system. This is a website where anyone can post pieces of news on Library, Information science, Journalism and Information technology, or comment on existing ones....
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Recommendations to moderate the discussion list IweTel in order to optimize its operation. They are the result of the experience of several years of operation (the list was created in 1993). Some of the items are specific to a large list (4,400 people registered in January 2010) and matters related to Library and Information Science. Criteria for a...
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Our society is increasingly interconnected through multiple types of networks, and humankind is changing their habits accordingly, adapting to the use of new technologies. We explore the psycho-social characteristics that determine people’s behavior through the communication channels. We discuss some structures of networking in the field of Library...
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Report of the main concepts and comments heard at the 31st Online Information Conference (formerly Online Information Meeting) in London, organized by Incisive Media - VNU Exhibitions . Topics covered: Web 2.0 influence in libraries, behaviour of young people as users of information services, the Wikipedia phenomenon, the evolution of knowledge man...
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SAD (Statistics Enquiry Service) of the Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya (Idescat) handles bespoken requests for statistical information from users who need special tables that are not available on the web, or users who can not find the data they they are seeking. It is based on a work-flow software. It complements other dissemination services (...
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DocuMenea is introduced as a social web tool, based on Menéame’s software, and focused in Librarianship, documentation and closed fields. A selection of most interesant news is offered with a social ranking based on user’s votes.
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An author's sign style standardization analysis per scientific area in RECERCAT repository is introduced. The goal is to ascertain their degree of awareness when it comes to sign in a so stable form over time, as best for their recovery in databases.
EL 25 DE JUNIO DE 2007 la Fundación Lilly presentó la base de datos Medes, que recoge las referencias bibliográficas con resumen de 55 revistas médicas españolas. En acto presentación participó el catedrático Pedro García Barreno, miembro de la Real Academia Española y de la Real Academia de Ciencias.En el momento de escribir esta nota Medes contie...
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The characteristics of the EXIT Directory (Experts in information management), officially launched in June of 2005, are described. After two years online (July of 2007), its use was evaluated and analyzed, taking into account its operations, impact, visibility, and acceptance on the part of the professional community it serves: librarians, informat...
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¿Cuándo empezaste a escribir en blog?– En noviembre de 2001 inauguré en mi web una sección llamada sencillamente Blog (http://jamillan. com/blog.htm). Se trataba de una sucesión de notas, con la típica ordenación cronológica inversa. Era generalista: trataba tanto temas de edición digital como cualquier otro que me llamara la atención. Lo que me pa...
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To be a profession that has always lived to the expenses of the public administrations, has caused that the present librarians-information scientists be lost in front of the idea to be put under the market economy and to sold their services to companies as professionals able of, al less, to self-finance. The author thinks that this is one of the ca...
One of the fundamental pillars of the information retrieval is the name of the authors. And this is a reason why the standardization of authors names is an important aspect for the Web, and for the OAI archives. The problem is specially crucial for the academic individuals, who base their personal recognition on his bibliography. In Spain and the L...
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Introductory presentation of the course, in which a general review of diverse aspects that are judged fundamental in the development of the scientific documentation is done: "explosion of the information", classifications and thesauri, databases, performance measurement of the scientists (Thomson ISI, Scopus, In-Recs), predominance of the English l...
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Standardization is essential for proper transfer, storage and recovery of information. Standardization affects all aspects of information usage, and not only for professionals in information processing. The most prominent aspectsof professional practice in this field are adressed, including the IraLIS solution for citing Spanish authors with multip...
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One of the most valued aspects of information services in general is the immediacy of the answers, be these positive or negative. The Digital Dossier Transmitter is a work–flow system implemented by the Idescat’s Enquiry Service that allows queries from citizens about statistical information to be managed electronically, resulting in considerably s...
One of the most valued aspects of information services in general is the immediacy of the answers, be these positive or negative. The Digital Dossier Transmitter is a work-flow system implemented by the Idescat's Enquiry service that allows queries from citizens about statistical information to be managed electronically, resulting in considerably s...
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Se seleccionen i revisen quinze fets, circumstàncies, tendències, invents o productes, tots de l¿àmbit de la tecnologia, que l¿autor considera que han marcat els canvis pels quals ha passat la professió de bibliotecari-documentalista els últims quinze anys. Prèviament, es presenta un panorama de quina era la situació, pel que fa a la tecnologia, ca...
Our society is increasingly interconnected through multiple types of networks, and humankind is changing their habits accordingly, adapting to the use of new technologies. We explore the psycho-social characteristics that determine people’s behavior through the communication channels. We discuss some structures of networking in the field of Library...
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Review of a 1 day course at El Escorial. Organized by Universidad Complutense, Caja Madrid & Fundación Lilly. Full programme: . No proceedings were published. Among the speakers and participants there was a variety of profiles: publishers, executive peo...
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Datos generales de un estudio llevado a cabo en España - y promovido por la agencia de suscripciones Swets Information Services - sobre el uso e implantación de revistas, bases de datos y otros recursos de información electrónicos. Los resultados muestran una ya notable aceptación del soporte electrónico, aunque el papel sigue teniendo sus partidar...
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In March 2003 the Advisory Commission of Libraries and Documentation (Cabid) of the Chilean Universities Rectors Counsel (Cruch) published the 2nd edition of its Standards for Chilean university libraries. Important innovations are introduced, considering that currently not all the students of the universities are attending classes physically, not...
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In a very competitive business environment, not all the information providers offer the same. Some people even believe that they have enough information with internet free sources. The information professionals have to differentiate the various services and products available to them, and to chose carefully the provider that not only give them more...
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Swets Subscription Service Companies and Blackwell's Information Services has created a new company in the United Kingdom called Swets and Blackwell's Information Services, an agency of highly influential magazine subscriptions in the new era of electronic information. Until recently, these agencies "only" intermediate between libraries and publish...
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When an article on the history of the Internet was first suggested, our reaction was, “But doesn’t everyone already know how it started?” Having lived the experience “or, perhaps more aptly, having survived it”, we had become like veterans of any major event who assume that certain facts will always be maintained in the collective memory. However,...
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Bases de donnees, hebergeurs en ligne et documentalistes connaissent une evolution similaire face a l'apparition de nouveaux intermediaires de l'information sur le Web. Ils doivent a la fois affronter le phenomene de la desintermediarisation de l'information et un marche tres competitif. Les bases de donnees pionnieres telles que Dialog/Datastar, o...
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Characteristics and main results of «MSStudy II» [Study for assessing the situation of the markets for electronic information services in the European economic area (EEA)] are presented. The project, that was promoted by the Direction General XIII of the European Commission, has been carried out in Spain by the Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya (...
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Anàlisi del mercat de la informació en suport electrònic (bases de dades en línia i en CD-ROM, webs, etc.), no gratuïta i enfocada principalment a l'ús professional, a Catalunya. Estadístiques comparatives amb Madrid i la resta d'Espanya de vendes d'informació electrònica segons tipus de proveïdor, temàtica, multimèdia, Internet, etc., i altres var...
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This report is one of the 5 parts of which the MSStudy II (second Member States Study is made up on the "Situation of the markets of the electronic information in the countries of the European Economic Area". This document refers exclusively to Spain. MSStudy is subsidized to 50% by the Info2000 programme of the DGXIII of the European Commission (E...
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November 1998 commemorates the 25th anniversary of the installation of the first Spanish terminal for online information retrieval. The author remembers some historic data and analyses the evolution of this technology that arrived to Spain through two separated actions: One leaded in 1973 by INTA (National Institute of Aerospace Technology), depend...
New generations of professional people use “metadata” as a new word related to the Internet only. This short note tries to remind the previous use of this word and the concept itself.
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Professional cooperation increases thanks to computer mediated communication with other colleagues. Both government bodies and private companies are discovering Internet as an important source of information. In this paper we analyse the possibilities of accessing the Internet from Spain. Las posibilidades de cooperación profesional aumentan en la...
Conference Paper
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Esta comunicación pretende difundir entre los profesionales españoles de la información y la documentación una nueva herramienta llamada IweTel. Se trata de la primera teleconferencia permanente de comunicación electrónica en España sobre Información y Documentación. Ha sido puesta en marcha en noviembre de 1993 por la revista INFORMATION WORLD EN...
Conference Paper
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The continuous training of library and information professionald counts on new media that promote the exchange of experiences, news, etc. This presentation describes some of these systems, with particular attention to the electronic fora (listservs, Usenet and teleconferences) and electronic journals. A brief inventory of the existing systems on li...
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Definition of “serendipity” and historical origins of this word. Serendipity can not be foresen, but it doesn’t happen totally randomly. Librarians and information scientists can prepare the situations for serendipity findings take place.
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The history, current situation and main characteristics of the Internet are explained. This is the first article on the Internet published in Spanish.
A system (SOCRATE) has been used in Spain since 1978 to re-transmit searches from the searching terminal to a second, remote terminal, where an end user or an inexperienced searcher (or both together) can observe the development of the search strategy and interact with the search. Certain operative requirements have slowed its adoption, but at CIDC...
It is very difficult to quantify the value of information in general because its value is relative depending on the circumstances of its production, distribution and consumption. The only clear measure for everybody, and the one that is of interest for a country's economy, is the amount of money that will be paid for it, i.e. the market value. Stil...
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Se presentan las características y los principales resultados del «MSStudy II», un proyecto para evaluar la situación de los mercados de los servicios de información electrónica en el Area económica europea (AEE), [Study for assessing the situation of the markets for electronic information services in the European economic area (EEA)] que, impulsad...
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Results of a survey carried out by the Institut d’Estadística de Catalunya (Idescat) and the Asociación Multisectorial de la Información (Asedie) on the main patterns of information usage in Spanish pharmaceutical laboratories. These results have constituted a case study within the MSStudy II project under the auspices of the DGXIII of the European...
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General Magic, Inc., Sunnyvale, CA, was a company founded in 1990 as a spinoff of Apple Computer. It was established to create a platform for personal communications products and services and license the technology to a wide variety of manufacturers and service providers. It ceased operations in 2002 after an unsuccessful attempt to raise capital o...
This note is writen at the beginning of the Open Access movement era. PLoS has been founded a few months ago with its model "authors pay", and everybody is questioning the rol that publishers should play in the scientific information flow. Authors begin to be allowed to deposit their articles on their own web sites.


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