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Effect of molecular beam epitaxy growth conditions on the Bi content of GaAS


Abstract and Figures

We describe how the Bi content of Ga As <sub>1-x</sub> Bi <sub>x</sub> epilayers grown on GaAs can be controlled by the growth conditions in molecular beam epitaxy. Nonstandard growth conditions are required because of the strong tendency for Bi to surface segregate under usual growth conditions for GaAs. A maximum Bi content of 10% is achieved at low substrate temperature and low arsenic pressure, as inferred from x-ray diffraction measurements. A model for bismuth incorporation is proposed that fits a large body of experimental data on Bi content for a wide range of growth conditions. Low growth rates are found to facilitate the growth of bismide alloys with a low density of Bi droplets.
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Effect of molecular beam epitaxy growth conditions on the Bi content
of GaAs1−xBix
X. Lu,1,aD. A. Beaton,1R. B. Lewis,1T. Tiedje,1,2 and M. B. Whitwick1
1Advanced Materials and Process Engineering Laboratory, Department of Physics and Astronomy,
University of British Columbia, Vancouver V6T 1Z4, Canada
2Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Columbia, Vancouver V6T 1Z4, Canada
Received 7 April 2008; accepted 10 April 2008; published online 15 May 2008
We describe how the Bi content of GaAs1−xBixepilayers grown on GaAs can be controlled by the
growth conditions in molecular beam epitaxy. Nonstandard growth conditions are required because
of the strong tendency for Bi to surface segregate under usual growth conditions for GaAs. A
maximum Bi content of 10% is achieved at low substrate temperature and low arsenic pressure, as
inferred from x-ray diffraction measurements. A model for bismuth incorporation is proposed that
fits a large body of experimental data on Bi content for a wide range of growth conditions. Low
growth rates are found to facilitate the growth of bismide alloys with a low density of Bi droplets.
©2008 American Institute of Physics.DOI: 10.1063/1.2918844
The bismide alloy, GaAs1−xBix, has a number of interest-
ing properties that make it potentially useful for devices. For
example, bismuth incorporation produces a much larger re-
duction in the band gap of GaAs than In or Sb alloying, for
the same increase in lattice constant.1Also, Bi is the heaviest
nonradioactive element, therefore, it has a large spin orbit
splitting, which is useful for spin-based semiconductor de-
vices. Applications of this new alloy have been held back
by practical difficulties in growing films with high Bi con-
tent, due to the strong tendency for Bi to surface segregate
and form droplets on the surface under conventional GaAs
growth conditions. The highest Bi content reported to date
in GaAs1−xBixis 8%.2,3In this paper, we explore the influ-
ence of the growth conditions on the Bi content in molecular
beam epitaxy MBEgrowth of GaAs1−xBix, with the goal
of identifying conditions for making films with large Bi
concentrations. In particular, we show how the Bi concen-
tration depends on the Bi and As fluxes and the substrate
The GaAs1−xBixsamples were grown on undoped GaAs
100substrates in a solid source MBE system, equipped
with effusion cells for Ga and Bi, and a two-zone valved
cracker source of As2. The substrate temperature is moni-
tored during growth by optical band gap thermometry.4The
Ga flux was measured with a retractable ion gauge, and cali-
brated from the film thickness measured after growth using
x-ray diffraction. The As flux was obtained from the flux
gauge reading and the calibrated Ga flux using literature val-
ues for the relative ionization efficiency of Ga and As.5The
Bi flux was calibrated by depositing a Bi film on an unheated
wafer and estimating the total amount of deposited Bi from
the volume of the Bi islands observed in atomic force micro-
scope AFMimages. The Bi flux is believed to be a combi-
nation of monomers and dimers.6With in situ diffuse light
scattering, we were able to detect the formation of metallic
droplets on the surface during growth.
Earlier experiments showed that the Bi incorporation is
substitutional.7In this case, x-ray diffraction measurements
of the lattice constant can be used to determine the Bi con-
tent of the GaAs1−xBixepilayers. The Bi content and epilayer
thicknesses were determined by fitting high resolution 004
scans using RADS MERCURY software from Bede Scien-
tific. The surface morphology was measured by AFM.
Figure 1shows
x-ray diffraction scans with Cu K
radiation for three GaAs1−xBixepilayers with Bi content
x=1.4%, 5%, and 10%. The weak x-ray interference fringes
observed in the x-ray scans compared with the simulations
are believed to be due to non-uniformity in the Bi content in
the growth direction as reported earlier.7One source of non-
uniformity in composition in the growth direction is the de-
lay associated with the buildup of a Bi surface layer after the
Bi shutter is opened. Under steady state growth, the surface
is typically saturated with Bi. A typical AFM image of a
GaAs1−xBixepilayer is shown in Fig. 2. This sample is 30 nm
thick with a Bi concentration of 3.6%. The rms surface
roughness is 0.76 nm, with surface features elongated in the
aElectronic mail:
FIG. 1. High resolution x-ray 004
scans for GaAs1−xBixepilayers
with Bi content of 1.4%, 5%, and 10%. The corresponding sample thick-
nesses are 152, 56, and 30 nm, respectively. All samples show weak inter-
ference fringes.
0003-6951/2008/9219/192110/3/$23.00 © 2008 American Institute of Physics92, 192110-1
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direction. Although this sample had a mirrorlike
appearance to the eye, it also showed 0.3
m diameter Bi
droplets with the density of 1.5107cm−2.
Figure 3shows the Bi content of a number of films made
under different growth conditions plotted as a function of the
Bi/As flux ratio. The symbols represent the experimental
data and the lines are fits to the model discussed below. The
solid circles and squares correspond to two groups of
samples grown at the same temperatures and Bi fluxes, but
with varying As fluxes. These results show that the Bi con-
centration increases as the As flux decreases. The two groups
of samples represented by the open symbols and solid tri-
angles are all grown at the same As fluxes, but at different
temperatures and Bi fluxes. The Bi content increases with
decreasing temperature open symbols, and increasing Bi
flux solid triangles. At large Bi fluxes, the concentration of
Bi in the film saturates and Bi droplets eventually form on
the surface during growth.
We have developed a model which provides a quantita-
tive description of how the Bi content depends on the growth
conditions. The model is intended to fit the data as a guide to
future experiments and is based on the following simplified
picture of the surface composition and structure during
growth. Due to the strong tendency for Bi to surface segre-
gate and the relatively low Bi vapor pressure at the growth
temperatures of interest, a metallic Bi surface adlayer accu-
mulates on the surface during growth. This is the primary
source of Bi atoms for incorporation into the GaAs during
film growth. The metallic Bi layer has a surface coverage
equal to
Bi and lies on top of the GaAs1−xBixfilm. Arsenic
has a much higher vapor pressure than Bi and does not ac-
cumulate on the surface except insofar as it bonds to Ga.
Since the As flux exceeds the Ga flux we expect that the film
will be primarily As terminated under the Bi adatom layer.
Three processes can be identified that affect the Bi in-
corporation. These processes are schematically illustrated in
the inset of Fig. 3. In the first process, a Ga atom may insert
between the As-terminated surface of the film and a metallic
Bi atom from the adatom layer, forming an As–Ga–Bi bond.
Bismuth incorporation into the film is associated with the
formation of Ga–Bi bonds. The rate of this process will be
proportional to
BiFGa1−x, where FGa is the Ga flux. The
factor 1−xmeans that we are excluding the second process
in which a Ga atom inserts between a Bi atom bonded to the
surface and a Bi atom in the surface adatom layer. A ratio-
nale for this assumption is that the large size of the Bi atoms
does not favor the formation of next-neighbor Bi bonds of
the form Bi–Ga–Bi. The third process involves the insertion
of an As atom into a Ga–Bi bond, thereby displacing a Bi
atom bonded to Ga, back into the surface wetting layer.
Since a Ga–Bi bond is broken in this process, we assume that
it is thermally activated with a rate proportional to
FAseU1/kTx. Putting these processes together we obtain the
following rate equation:
The constant ais a dimensionless fitting parameter that takes
into account the relative cross sections for the Ga and As
insertion reactions. In steady state, we have dx/dt= 0. In this
case the rate equation can be solved for x,
aFAs +
The Bi surface coverage
Bi is needed before we can
evaluate Eq. 2. The surface coverage has been measured on
GaAs as a function of temperature and flux and found to
obey a Langmuir isotherm with a surface binding energy of
U0=1.80.4 eV.8Although the earlier studies were carried
out at higher fluxes and higher temperatures 450600 °C
than the present experiments, we expect the surface coverage
FIG. 3. The dependence of Bi content on growth conditions plotted as a
function of the Bi/As flux ratio. The symbols represent the experimental
data and the lines are fits based on the proposed model. The solid circles
with Bi flux of 0.05 nm−2 s−2and solid squares with Bi flux of
15 nm−2 s−1correspond to two groups of samples grown at the same tem-
peratures and Bi fluxes, but with varying As fluxes. The samples represented
by the open symbols with As flux of 2.2 nm−2 s−1 andBifluxof
0.16 nm−2 s−1and solid triangles with As flux of 2.2 nm−2 s−1are all
grown at the same As fluxes, but at different temperatures and Bi fluxes. The
two solid lines cut off when the As/Ga flux ratio reaches unity. Further
reduction in As flux will cause Ga droplets to form.
FIG. 2. Color onlineTypical AFM image of GaAs1−xBixepilayer with
Bi content of 3.6%. The sample is 30 nm thick. Image shows a
500500 nm2scan. The rms roughness is 0.76 nm, with surface features
elongated in the 011
192110-2 Lu et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 192110 2008
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to be described by a similar Langmuir model in our case. An
important difference is that, in the present case, the surface
of interest is on a growing film, which absorbs some of the
Bi from the surface layer as it grows. Therefore, it is reason-
able to replace the Bi flux or pressurein the expression for
the Langmuir isotherm with the net flux, in which the incor-
porated Bi has been subtracted as follows:
Bi =bFBi xFGaeU0/kT
1+bFBi xFGaeU0/kT .3
When substituted into Eq. 2, this equilibrium expression
for the surface coverage gives the correct low temperature
limit for the Bi concentration, namely x=FBi /FGa, when all
the incident Bi atoms incorporate into the film.
Equation 2provides a good description for the con-
centration of incorporated Bi as a function of the growth
conditions, as shown in Fig. 3. In this figure, the various
solid and broken lines are computed from the model in
Eq. 2, with b=8.510−11 nm s, a=2.5108,U0=1.3 eV,
and U1=0.8 eV. The surface binding energy 1.3 eVis
similar to the value reported earlier 1.80.4 eVif the
experimental uncertainties are taken into account. The solid
lines in Fig. 3show that the Bi content increases with de-
creasing As flux, when the Bi flux and the substrate tempera-
ture are held constant, in agreement with the model. The
broken lines show the dependence on Bi pressure and
substrate temperature, with the As flux held constant. In
particular, the broken line at 300 ° C shows that the Bi
content saturates at high Bi flux in the model, when other
growth parameters are kept fixed, in agreement with the
In Eqs. 2and 3, the Ga flux, which is proportional to
the growth rate, enters only as a ratio with the Bi and As
fluxes. This means that if all three fluxes are scaled by the
same parameter, the Bi content will remain the same. One
could conclude that the growth rate is not a critical factor in
Bi incorporation. However, it turns out that the growth rate is
important in controlling the formation of Bi droplets. Bi at-
oms incident on the sample surface can do one of three
things: incorporate into the film, evaporate back into the va-
por or attach to a Bi droplet on the surface. In order to
prevent formation of Bi droplets, the flux of deposited Bi
atoms must be less than the sum of the rates of evaporation
and incorporation or
0FBi xFGa EBi.4
The evaporation rate
Bi is controlled by the substrate tem-
perature and the Bi surface coverage
Bi which is typically
close to one, in the growth of high Bi concentration films. If
the inequality in Eq. 4is violated, that is if the Bi flux
exceeds the incorporation rate by more than the rate of Bi
evaporation, then droplets will form. As the data in Fig. 3
show, in order to achieve a high Bi content, a low growth
temperature is required. At low temperatures, the Bi evapo-
ration rate will also be low. This means that, for low tem-
perature growths, the Bi flux must be rather precisely con-
trolled to match the incorporation rate, as the excess Bi has a
low evaporation rate. The ratio of the Bi evaporation rate to
the Bi incorporation rate can be viewed as a measure of the
process latitude. The process latitude can be maximized by
slowly growing, so that any excess Bi has a chance to evapo-
rate. In this case, the Bi flux does not have to be as accu-
rately matched to the incorporation rate. By reducing the
growth rate to 0.07
m/h, we have been able to grow mir-
rorlike films with Bi concentrations as high as 10%, and a
reduced density of Bi droplets 1.7106cm−2.
In conclusion, we have explored the effect of the growth
conditions on the Bi concentration in GaAs1−xBixgrown by
MBE. A model has been developed that describes the mea-
sured Bi content as a function of the Bi and As fluxes and the
substrate temperature. We find that low growth rates facili-
tate the growth of films with high Bi concentrations and low
Bi droplet density.
This work was supported by the Natural Sciences and
Engineering Research Council of Canada and Zecotek
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8E. C. Young, S. Tixier, and T. Tiedje, J. Cryst. Growth 279,3162005.
192110-3 Lu et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 192110 2008
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... Low growth temperatures are usually employed to facilitate higher Bi incorporation, although Bi clustering can be induced within the bulk with a generally poor crystal quality at the highest Bi concentrations; 2) the material flux ratios, which also influence the formation of Bi droplets at the surface; 3) the growth rate; 4) the surface reconstruction of the terminating layer during growth; and 5) the tensile or compressive state of the sample imposed by the substrate. [26][27][28][29][30][31] Molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) and metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy are the growth methods that until now have been applied with better results to GaAsBi alloys, although the latter presents an intrinsic limitation in reaching high quantity of Bi diluted in the GaAs matrix because of the high sample temperature values necessary for decomposing the volatile species in the reactor. The characterization techniques usually utilized to assess the sample quality are as follows: 1) diffraction techniques: X-ray diffraction (XRD), reflection high energy electron diffraction (RHEED); 2) optical techniques: photoluminescence, reflectance anisotropy spectroscopy (RAS); 3) photoemission techniques: X-ray photoemission spectroscopy and ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy; 4) scanning probe techniques: scanning tunneling microscopy and atomic force microscopy. ...
Reflectance Anisotropy Spectroscopy (RAS) has been recently applied to Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) of GaAsBi alloys. The presence of the voluminous Bi atoms induces strain in the crystal lattice, modifying the substrate symmetry of the centrosymmetric GaAs(001) and then producing clear signatures in the anisotropy spectra of the GaAsBi layers. In particular, the amplitude of the characteristic structure measured below 2.5 eV has been shown to be directly related to the Bi concentration, while the sign has a meaningful correlation to the strain conditions present in the sample. In this paper, we extend the application of RAS to “faulted” GaAsBi samples, i.e. samples that after growth result not satisfactory for research because of problems or errors risen during the complex deposition process (wrong growth temperature, excess or deficiency of Bi flux, formation of dislocations, etc.). We demonstrate that also in these cases RAS offers a useful characterization of the sample, possibly (if RAS runs during the deposition) singling out the occurrence of faults eventuality, and thus validating its potential applicability to an all‐optical real time monitoring of the deposition process. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
... As shown in the scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) image in Fig. 2(a), energy-dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDS) in Fig. 2(b), and the cross-sectional TEM image in Fig. 2(c), the 10 nm quaternary QW has a graded lower interface and an abrupt upper interface with maximum y Bi ¼ 0.018, likely due to Bi surface segregation during epitaxy. [25][26][27] The reference samples consisted of GaAs:Si, GaAs 1-x N x , and GaAs 1-x-y N x Bi y films. N mole fractions of x N ¼ 0.03 (GaAsN) and x N ¼ 0.007, 0.019, and 0.024 (GaAsNBi) were determined using x-ray rocking curves in conjunction with nuclear reaction analysis as described in Ref. 28. ...
We probe the conduction-band offsets (CBOs) and confined states at GaAs/GaAsNBi quantum wells (QWs). Using a combination of capacitance–voltage (C–V) measurements and self-consistent Schrödinger–Poisson simulations based on the effective mass approximation, we identify an N-fraction dependent increase in CBO, consistent with trends predicted by the band anti-crossing model. Using the computed confined electron states in conjunction with photoluminescence spectroscopy data, we show that N mainly influences the conduction band and confined electron states, with a relatively small effect on the valence band and confined hole states in the quaternary QWs. This work provides important insight toward tailoring CBO and confined electron energies, both needed for optimizing infrared optoelectronic devices.
... Additionally, the Raman spectrum of high-BEP NWs demonstrates two low frequency peaks at 70 cm −1 and 96 cm −1 . The energy positions of these modes coincide with the known E g and A 1g modes of metallic Bi [41][42][43] , implying that some Bi atoms in the high-BEP NWs are not incorporated into GaAs but rather form metal droplets on the NWs surface, consistent with 16,17 . Finally, alloying with Bi leads to a red shift of the dominant GaAs-like LO and TO modes accompanied by broadening and asymmetry of these Raman lines. ...
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GaAsBi nanowires represent a novel and promising material platform for future nano-photonics. However, the growth of high-quality GaAsBi nanowires and GaAsBi alloy is still a challenge due to a large miscibility gap between GaAs and GaBi. In this work we investigate effects of Bi incorporation on lattice dynamics and carrier recombination processes in GaAs/GaAsBi core/shell nanowires grown by molecular-beam epitaxy. By employing photoluminescence (PL), PL excitation, and Raman scattering spectroscopies complemented by scanning electron microscopy, we show that increasing Bi-beam equivalent pressure (BEP) during the growth does not necessarily result in a higher alloy composition but largely affects the carrier localization in GaAsBi. Specifically, it is found that under high BEP, bismuth tends either to be expelled from a nanowire shell towards its surface or to form larger clusters within the GaAsBi shell. Due to these two processes the bandgap of the Bi-containing shell remains practically independent of the Bi BEP, while the emission spectra of the NWs experience a significant red shift under increased Bi supply as a result of the localization effect.
Incorporation of bismuth (Bi) into the III–V semiconductors expands the bandgap towards the mid-infrared range by bandgap bowing and spin-orbit splitting, providing new opportunities and functionalities in optoelectronic applications. However,...
We have investigated the influence of non-stoichiometry and local atomic environments on carrier transport in GaAs(N)Bi alloy films using local-electrode atom probe tomography (LEAP) in conjunction with time-resolved terahertz photoconductivity measurements. The local concentrations of N, Bi, and excess As, as well as Bi pair correlations, are quantified using LEAP. Using time-resolved THz photoconductivity measurements, we show that carrier transport is primarily limited by excess As, with the highest carrier mobilities for layers with yBi > 0.035.
In this work, we show how diffraction-based chemically sensitive dark-field transmission electron microscopy (DFTEM) reveals the presence of Bi hetero-antisites (BiGa) at the interface of Ga(As,Bi)/(Al,Ga)As quantum well (QW) structures grown by molecular beam epitaxy on GaAs(001). The presence of BiGa is demonstrated by the striking appearance of “dark-lines” at the interfaces under two-beam DFTEM imaging conditions using the (002) diffraction spot. Additional analytical scanning (S)TEM procedures reveal Ga depletion and Bi accumulation at the exact position of the dark-lines, consistent with BiGa at this location. The precise location of the dark-lines agrees with the position of growth interruptions made to adjust substrate temperature and the As/Ga flux ratio and, most importantly, the realization of a Bi pre-treatment before QW growth. We believe the Bi pre-treatment may have favored formation of BiGa hetero-antisites. We validate the use of g002 DFTEM for further investigations of the intricate bismuth incorporation into the lattice and its dependence on the growth conditions. Finally, g002 DFTEM imaging is positioned as a very powerful technique for the detection of point defects in general in materials with the zinc-blende crystal structure, beyond dilute bismide alloys.
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GaAsBi nanowires (NWs) are promising for optoelectronic applications in the near- and mid-infrared wavelengths due to the optical properties of the Bi-containing compound and the nanowire structure benefits. In general, synthesizing the GaAsBi NWs results in uncontrollable metamorphic structures and spontaneous Bi-containing droplets. Here, we explore the potential of using the droplets as catalysts to form GaAsBi nanowires (hence, the vapor–liquid–solid growth mechanism) on GaAs (111) substrates by molecular beam epitaxy. The GaAsBi NWs experience a two-step growth: Bi droplet deposition and GaAsBi nanowire growth. The optimal droplet deposition temperature (250 °C) is defined based on the droplet morphologies. The gradation of growth temperatures of GaAsBi NWs to 250 °C, 300 °C, and 350 °C results in high-aspect-ratio NWs, tilted NWs, and low-aspect-ratio NWs, respectively. Structural investigation shows that the optimal (low-aspect-ratio) NW has the composition of GaAs0.99Bi0.01 with the catalytic droplet of Ga0.99Bi0.01 decorated on its tip. Detailed structural analyses show that the Bi content progressively increases from the NW stem to the wire–substrate interface. The satisfying GaAsBi NW morphology does not warrant the expected superior optical results. Photoluminescence study suggests that the NW has a strong carrier thermalization from the NW stem to the wire–substrate interface influenced by the graded NW growth temperature profile.
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GaAsBi nanowires represent a novel and promising material platform for future nano-photonics. However, the growth of high-quality GaAsBi nanowires and GaAsBi alloy is still a challenge due to a large miscibility gap between GaAs and GaBi. In this work we investigate effects of Bi incorporation on lattice dynamics and carrier recombination processes in GaAs/GaAsBi core/shell nanowires grown by molecular-beam epitaxy. By employing photoluminescence (PL), PL excitation, and Raman scattering spectroscopies complemented by scanning electron microscopy, we show that increasing Bi-beam equivalent pressure (BEP) during the growth does not necessarily result in a higher alloy composition but largely affects the carrier localization in GaAsBi. Specifically, it is found that under high BEP, bismuth tends either to be expelled from a nanowire shell towards its surface or to form larger clusters within the GaAsBi shell. Due to these two processes the bandgap of the Bi-containing shell remains practically independent of the Bi BEP, while the emission spectra of the NWs experience a significant red shift under increased Bi supply as a result of the localization effect.
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Recently, significant attention has been devoted to exploring the large bandgap bowing and spin-orbit splitting in GaBixAs1-x. alloys. We attribute the origins of these effects to a restructuring of the alloy valence band induced by an anticrossing interaction between the delocalized GaAs p-like states and the resonant localized Bi p-like states. Hybridization of like-symmetry states leads to the splitting of the heavy hole, light hole and spin-orbit split-off bands into sets of E+ and E- subbands. The splitting is confirmed experimentally by photomodulated reflectance spectroscopy in alloys with Bi concentrations up to x = 0.084. The bandgap bowing is a direct consequence of the strong upward shift of the uppermost heavy and light hole E+ bands with increasing Bi concentration, while the much slower ascent of the spin-orbit split-off E+ band produces the large rise in the spin-orbit splitting energy.
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GaBiAs layers have been grown by molecular beam epitaxy at low (270–330 °C) temperatures and were characterized by several experimental techniques. It was shown that the spectral photosensitivity cutoff wavelength reaches ∼ 1.4 μm when the growth temperature is as low as 280 °C. Optical pump–terahertz probe measurements made on these layers have evidenced that the electron trapping time decreases with decreasing growth temperature from 20 to about 1 ps. GaBiAs layers were used for manufacturing photoconductive terahertz emitters and detectors, which, when excited with Ti:sapphire laser pulses, have demonstrated a signal bandwidth of 3 THz.
GaAs_1-xNx and GaAs_1-x-yN_xBiy epitaxial layers, grown by Metal Organic Vapor Phase Epitaxy and Molecular Beam Epitaxy, respectively, were characterized by Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry (RBS), Nuclear Reaction Analysis (NRA) and Elastic Recoil Detection (ERD) in random and channeling geometries using 2 - 3.73 MeV He beams and 50 MeV Cu beam respectively. The total amount of incorporated Bi and N in the layers was quantified by means of RBS (for Bi) and NRA/ERD (for N) in random orientation. The substitutional fraction of Bi and N in the samples can be estimated by using RBS and NRA along channeling directions. The results reveal that for these high quality layers all the Bi atoms are located at subsititutional sites with a total Bi concentration up to 2 at.% while 70 ˜ 80% of total N atoms in the layer are located at substitutional sites for the samples with 1 at.% N in GaAs_1-x-yN_xBiy and higher N content (3 at.%) in GaAs_1-xN_x.
The incorporation factor of arsenic during molecular beam epitaxy of GaAs using As4 and Ga was experimentally determined. It was found that the incorporation factor of As4 significantly exceeded the value 0.5 for a wide spectrum of growth conditions. In several cases it is close to unity. The relative sensitivity coefficient, η of the Bayard–Alpert ion gauge was defined for arsenic in the form of As4 and As2.
GaAs1−xBix epilayers with bismuth concentrations up to x = 3.1% were grown on GaAs by molecular beam epitaxy. The Bi content in the films was measured by Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy. X-ray diffraction shows that GaAsBi is pseudomorphically strained to GaAs but that some structural disorder is present in the thick films. The extrapolation of the lattice constant of GaAsBi to the hypothetical zincblende GaBi alloy gives 6.33±0.06 Å. Room-temperature photoluminescence of the GaAsBi epilayers is obtained and a significant redshift in the emission of GaAsBi of ∼ 84 meV per percent Bi is observed. © 2003 American Institute of Physics.
Recent developments in the field of molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) have rekindled interest in the subject of pseudomorphism: the stabilization of metastable phases by epitaxy. These developments have led to the growth of metastable films of α‐Sn, α‐Sn:Ge alloys, and Ba x Ca 1-x F 2 solid solutions. Unlike the early examples of pseudomorphism, these films are relatively thick, i.e., ≳0.5 μm. This has permitted the first quantitative study of strain anisotropy in pseudomorphic films by the technique of double‐crystal x‐ray diffraction. The growth and investigation of such films using MBE techniques is a new and fertile area of materials research driven by the potentially useful properties which the films exhibit. In contrast with the relative ease with which α‐Sn, α‐Sn:Ge, and fluoride solid solutions can be grown by MBE, attempts to prepare metastable InSb 1-x Bi x solid solutions have encountered major problems due to the surface segregation of competing liquid eutectic phases on the growth surface. These developments are reviewed and future directions of research in the field of pseudomorphic growth by MBE are discussed.
The presence of a bismuth surfactant is found to increase the nitrogen incorporation in the dilute nitride GaNxAs1−x by as much as 60% during growth by molecular beam epitaxy. Films with nitrogen concentrations in the 0.4–0.95% range were grown using an RF plasma source for nitrogen. The Bi surface coverage is inferred from reflection high-energy electron diffraction as a function of Bi flux and substrate temperature, and the nitrogen content is obtained by high-resolution X-ray diffraction. At constant substrate temperature the nitrogen content is found to increase with Bi coverage, which has the form of a Langmuir isotherm when plotted as a function of Bi flux.
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  • E C Young
  • S Tixier
  • T Tiedje
  • Lu
E. C. Young, S. Tixier, and T. Tiedje, J. Cryst. Growth 279, 316 ͑2005͒. 192110-3 Lu et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 192110 ͑2008͒ Downloaded 29 Mar 2013 to This article is copyrighted as indicated in the abstract. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at:
  • C Young
  • S Tixier
  • T Tiedje
C. Young, S. Tixier, and T. Tiedje, J. Cryst. Growth 279, 316 2005. 192110-3
  • S Wei
  • M Tixier
  • S Chicoine
  • A Francoeur
  • T Mascarenhas
  • F Tiedje
  • Schiettekatte
Wei, S. Tixier, M. Chicoine, S. Francoeur, A. Mascarenhas, T. Tiedje, and F. Schiettekatte, Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. B 219, 671 2004.