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Assisted or unassisted Nordic Hamstring Exercise? — Resistance exercise determinants at a glance

Taylor & Francis
Sports Biomechanics
  • Olympiastützpunkt NRW / Westfalen, Dortmund (Olympic Training and Testing Centre Westphalia)

Abstract and Figures

ABSTRACT: The Nordic Hamstring Exercise (NHE) effectively strengthens the knee flexors. Typically conducted without assistance, extended knee angles are not reached with sustained muscle activation in the presence of insufficient eccentric strength and/or fatigue. This might impair the desired neuromuscular adaptations and assessment accuracy. This study investigated kinetic and kinematic differences between assisted and unassisted NHEs (3 × 3 repetitions) performed by sixteen male sprinters (22 years, 181 cm, 76 kg). Kinetic (peak moment, impulse) and kinematic parameters (e.g., time under tension, range of motion to excessive downward acceleration (ROMDWA) were investigated. All analysed parameters significantly differed between assisted and unassisted NHEs (p ≤ 0.003; 0.635≤ ηp² ≤ 0.929) favouring assisted execution, except for peak moments and maximal hip flexion. Repetition 1 of assisted NHEs revealed 21% higher impulses rising to 82% during repetition 9. Equivalent interactions of mode and repetition became apparent for time under tension, ROMDWA, mean and fractional angular velocity. Unassisted NHEs elicited substantially greater inter-repetition fatigue (rep1 vs. rep9): +79% fractional angular velocity (d = 1.01), −41% impulse (d = 1.53), −31% ROMDWA (d = 0.99) and −29% time under tension (d = 1.45). Assisted NHEs ensured higher execution quality and lower between-participant variability by facilitating a controlled full-ROM movement. Three sets of 3 NHEs sufficed to induce substantial fatigue within and across sets.
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Assisted or unassisted Nordic Hamstring Exercise?
— Resistance exercise determinants at a glance
Tobias Alt, Axel J. Knicker, Yannick T. Nodler & Heiko K. Strüder
To cite this article: Tobias Alt, Axel J. Knicker, Yannick T. Nodler & Heiko K. Strüder (2021):
Assisted or unassisted Nordic Hamstring Exercise? — Resistance exercise determinants at a
glance, Sports Biomechanics, DOI: 10.1080/14763141.2021.1893376
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Published online: 16 Mar 2021.
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Assisted or unassisted Nordic Hamstring Exercise? Resistance
exercise determinants at a glance
Tobias Alt
, Axel J. Knicker
, Yannick T. Nodler
and Heiko K. Strüder
Department of Biomechanics, Performance Analysis and Strength & Conditioning, Olympic Training and
Testing Centre Westphalia, Dortmund, Germany;
Institute of Movement and Neuroscience, German Sport
University, Cologne, Germany;
Research Centre for Elite Sports, Momentum, Cologne, Germany
The Nordic Hamstring Exercise (NHE) eectively strengthens the knee
exors. Typically conducted without assistance, extended knee angles
are not reached with sustained muscle activation in the presence of
insucient eccentric strength and/or fatigue. This might impair the
desired neuromuscular adaptations and assessment accuracy. This
study investigated kinetic and kinematic dierences between assisted
and unassisted NHEs (3 × 3 repetitions) performed by sixteen male
sprinters (22 years, 181 cm, 76 kg). Kinetic (peak moment, impulse) and
kinematic parameters (e.g., time under tension, range of motion to
excessive downward acceleration (ROM
) were investigated. All
analysed parameters signicantly diered between assisted and unas-
sisted NHEs (p ≤ 0.003; 0.635≤ ηp² ≤ 0.929) favouring assisted execu-
tion, except for peak moments and maximal hip exion. Repetition 1 of
assisted NHEs revealed 21% higher impulses rising to 82% during
repetition 9. Equivalent interactions of mode and repetition became
apparent for time under tension, ROM
, mean and fractional angu-
lar velocity. Unassisted NHEs elicited substantially greater inter-
repetition fatigue (rep1 vs. rep9): +79% fractional angular velocity
(d = 1.01), −41% impulse (d = 1.53), −31% ROM
(d = 0.99) and
−29% time under tension (d = 1.45). Assisted NHEs ensured higher
execution quality and lower between-participant variability by facilitat-
ing a controlled full-ROM movement. Three sets of 3 NHEs suced to
induce substantial fatigue within and across sets.
Received 18 November 2020
Accepted 16 February 2021
Eccentric resistance training;
exercise quality; hamstring
strength; kinematic analysis;
time under tension
The Nordic Hamstring Exercise (NHE) is an effective resistance training exercise to
improve knee flexor strength, thigh muscle balance and consequently contributes to
enhanced hamstring injury prevention (Al Attar et al., 2017; Van Dyk et al., 2019). Since
2001, NHE training has received significant research interest as its supramaximal eccentric
nature and selective activation of the knee flexors cannot be emulated by any other
resistance training exercises (Brockett et al., 2001; Ebben, 2009; Timmins et al., 2015).
Most athletes—especially if not familiarised—do not possess the strength capacities to
perform the NHE across the entire range of motion while maintaining a constant knee
extension velocity and accurate hip control. An uncontrolled NHE execution in the second
CONTACT Tobias Alt
© 2021 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group
half of the movement might diminish or even prevent neuromuscular adaptations at
comparably long hamstring muscle length (Alt et al., 2018). Different research groups
have demonstrated that only ~50% of unassisted NHE’s range of motion (ROM) were
performed in a controlled fashion (Alt et al., 2018; Delahunt et al., 2016; Ditroilo et al.,
2013; Marshall et al., 2015). During the second half of the exercise, hamstring activation
significantly declined and the knee angular velocity continually increased from the angle at
downward acceleration (DWA) (Delahunt et al., 2016; Ditroilo et al., 2013; Marshall et al.,
2015). These findings emphasised that the physical demands of a single unassisted NHE
repetition are too high for most athletes (Marshall et al., 2015). It is suggested that an
assisted NHE execution—particularly in the presence of insufficient eccentric knee flexor
strength—might be advantageous to guide the execution of NHEs in a controlled fashion
and to ensure a consistently high hamstring activation throughout the entire movement
(Alt et al., 2018; Burrows et al., 2020; Matthews et al., 2015). Nonetheless, the evidence-
based preventive effect of unassisted NHE training is undisputed (Mjolsnes et al., 2004;
Van Dyk et al., 2019), whereas injury prevention studies implementing assisted NHEs are
Toigo and Boutellier (2006) introduced new fundamental resistance exercise deter-
minants related to molecular and cellular muscle adaptations. They highlighted that
muscular adaptations are dependent upon the range of motion, the time under tension
(TUT), as well as the fractional and temporal distribution of one repetition. These
parameters are aggregated in the length-at-use and contraction-mode hypotheses,
meaning that muscles adapt according to their common tasks and imposed demands
(Herzog et al., 1991; Savelberg & Meijer, 2003). Concerning NHE training, the funda-
mental resistance exercise determinants to ensure a controlled exercise execution
should be the following (Alt et al., 2018; Delahunt et al., 2016; Ditroilo et al., 2013;
Marshall et al., 2015):
knee range of motion: ~90° reaching best possible knee extension (~20° to 0°),
time under tension: ~6–7 s lasting eccentric-only movement,
fractional and temporal distribution: aiming at an equal distribution by maintaining
a constant angular velocity across the complete range of motion (100% ROM
The current literature reveals a substantial lack of information about the resistance exercise
determinants of NHE training. To our knowledge, three cross-sectional studies (Ditroilo et al.,
2013; Marshall et al., 2015; Sarabon et al., 2019) and two longitudinal studies (Alt et al., 2018;
Delahunt et al., 2016) ensured a comprehensive and precise exercise prescription by imple-
menting kinematic analyses. Alt et al. (2018) introduced assisted ‘isokinetic’ (constant velo-
city) NHE training sessions and found altered resistance exercise determinants (e.g., lower
peak moments, higher impulses, ROM
and TUT) and other accompanying parameters
(e.g., higher ROM
, lower hip flexion) compared to unassisted sessions. However, no
information is available about the time course of these parameters within a NHE training
session consisting of multiple sets and repetitions. Hence, there is no evidence whether an
assisted or unassisted NHE should be preferentially performed and which of the different
existing training regimens is advisable: 3 sets of 3 repetitions (Alt et al., 2018), 2 to 6 sets of 5
repetitions (Delahunt et al., 2016; Ditroilo et al., 2013; Marshall et al., 2015) up to 3 sets of 12
repetitions (Delahunt et al., 2016; Mjolsnes et al., 2004). This knowledge is deemed to be
essential for coaches, physiotherapists and scientists to design, perform and adjust reasonable
and individual NHE training programmes for athletes of different physical performance levels
and for patients in different stages of the rehabilitation process.
Thus, the aims of the present secondary analysis of an already published cohort (Alt
et al., 2018) were (1) to establish the kinetic and kinematic differences between assisted
and unassisted ‘isokinetic’ NHE execution and (2) to investigate the time course of NHE
performance parameters within NHE training sessions containing 3 × 3 repetitions. Our
hypotheses are as follows: (1) assisted NHE training is advantageous concerning resis-
tance exercise determinants and (2) 3 sets of 3 ‘isokinetic’ eccentric-only repetitions
suffice to induce significant inter-repetition fatigue which impairs exercise quality.
Sixteen regional to national class male sprinters (21.6 ± 2.5 years, 181.4 ± 7.1 cm,
75.7 ± 9.8 kg) with different training history (2–17 years), training volume (4–12 h/
week) and performance level (100 m season’s best: 10.99–12.90 s) gave their written
informed consent to voluntarily participate in the study. All of them were familiar with
lower extremity resistance training, but not with NHE training. They had neither thigh
muscle nor knee injuries within the last three years. The local ethics commission of the
German Sport University, Cologne confirmed that the requirements of the Declaration of
Helsinki were met. Within the intervention period all participants maintained their
normal physical activity (e.g., sprint and resistance training) which did not demonstrably
affect the relevant outcome parameters (Alt et al., 2018). Thirteen participants performed
all 108 NHE repetitions (54 assisted and 54 unassisted repetitions), whereas three omitted
one NHE session due to reasons which were not related to the NHE training.
Prior to the first session, the anthropometric data of all participants were measured
according to the Hanavan model (Hanavan, 1964). All NHE training sessions were
executed on the isometrically operating dynamometer IsoMed2000 (D&R Ferstl
GmbH, Hemau, Germany) recording raw data at 200 Hz. All relevant test parameters
were synchronised and derived from the gathered moment-time curves by a self-
developed software written in C++. The participants’ motion was captured from above
and laterally by two synchronised high-speed cameras (acA640-120gc, Basler AG,
Ahrensburg, Germany) at 100 fps (TEMPLO 8.2.358, Contemplas, Kempten,
Germany). Retroreflective markers = 15–25 mm) were attached on three bony land-
marks of the right side of the body (acromion, trochanter major, lateral femoral epicon-
dyle) and on a distinctive position on the lever arm representing the location of the lateral
malleolus (Figure 1a, b). Two headlights (Bar Fly 200, Kino Flo® Lightning Systems,
Burbank, California, USA) improved the markers’ visibility. The measuring volume was
statically calibrated with a rigid frame of 912 × 590 x 870 mm (L x W x H). Kinematic
analyses were conducted with Vicon Peak Motus (V10.0.1, New York, New York, USA).
Testing procedure
Data were derived from an earlier study (Alt et al., 2018) and re-analysed to investigate
the kinetic and kinematic differences of assisted and unassisted NHEs. Prior to the
analysed sessions, each participant performed six NHE training sessions (3 sessions per
week with a 47 h inter-session rest), whereas the gradually alternating sequence of
Figure 1. Representative illustrations of (a) assisted (grey lines) and (b) unassisted (black lines) NHE
execution as well as their corresponding (c) moment-time and (d) angular velocity-time histories
across 3 exemplary sets with 3 repetitions each.
assisted (A) and unassisted (U) sessions was stratified (week 1: A A A; week 2: A U A).
The analysed sessions were the first two training sessions of week 3 (U A U) so that
a sufficient familiarisation to NHE execution was ensured by the preceding six accom-
modation visits (Alt et al., 2018). Each session adhered to the identical procedure. After
determining their mass, participants performed an individual warm-up (jogging,
dynamic stretching) for ten minutes. The general warm-up was followed by a specific
preparation at a doorway pull-up bar (Denqbar DQ-0161, Pirna, Germany) (2 x 5
repetitions, 3 min rest). These eccentric-only repetitions were executed at submaximal
intensity (~60%) with a slow self-selected velocity until the DWA angle was reached. The
return into the starting position was assisted by the examiner to avoid any muscular
activity. Afterwards, 3 sets of 3 ‘isokinetic’ NHEs each were performed on the dynam-
ometer (Figure 1a, b). The inter-repetition and inter-set rest periods were set at 10 sec-
onds and 5 minutes, respectively. Each repetition was performed solely eccentrically
while the return to the starting position was to be executed without any hamstring muscle
activation by a push of the arms combined with knee and hip flexion (Alt et al., 2018).
All participants kneeled on the lounger with the knee axis’ orientation matching the
dynamometer’s axis. Prior to each repetition both heels were pushed against two pads
attached to the lever arm (Figure 1a, b). The participants were asked to meet the
following execution quality criteria: (1) to execute eccentric NHEs with a constant knee
extension velocity of ~15°/s across the largest possible ROM
(~90°) targeting a time
under tension of ~6.5 seconds per repetition and (2) to realise minimal hip flexion whilst
(3) the hands were positioned in front of the shoulders (Alt et al., 2018). Minimal hip
flexion was striven to increase the eccentric load on the knee flexors by maximising the
lever arm of the centre of mass to the knee joint. To realise the best possible ‘isokinetic’
NHE execution velocity, the participants received a sagittal visual live feedback provided
by a webcam recording at 30 fps (C200, Logitech, Apples, Switzerland) and a stick figure
moving at target speed shown on a 17” monitor (710 N, SAMSUNG, Seoul, South Korea).
Assisted NHE training sets were conducted via rope-controlled resistance by the exam-
iner which was transferred to the back part of a climbing harness (Petzl, Crolles, France)
worn by the participants (Figure 1a, 2). During every single assisted NHE repetition, the
examiner adapted the resistance to the climbing harness according to the actual move-
ment speed of the participant so that the required constant knee extension velocity was
optimally achieved. Resistance was increased if participants moved faster than the
projected stick figure and contrariwise.
Data processing
Raw data of NHE repetitions were stored as ASCII files before a recursive 5
Butterworth low-pass filter with a cut-off frequency of 6 Hz was applied. The beginning
and the end of a NHE repetition was determined by the first derivative of the moment-
time and knee flexion angle-time curves. Knee and hip joint angles were set at 0° for full
extension and increased with flexion. Figure 1 illustrates representative moment-time (c)
and angular velocity-time curves (d) of assisted and unassisted NHE sets. Peak moment
(PM), angle of peak moment (APM), impulse (J), time under tension (TUT), range of
motion of the knee joint (ROM
), range of motion to downward acceleration
), minimal knee flexion (KF
) and maximal hip flexion angles (HF
) as
well as mean
) and fractional knee extension velocity within 60–30° knee flexion
60–30° KF) were selected as relevant kinetic and kinematic parameters character-
ising NHE execution quality. The knee angle at DWA was identified as coinciding with
the highest angular acceleration in the knee extension velocity-knee flexion angle curve
(Delahunt et al., 2016; Ditroilo et al., 2013). At the beginning of the NHE training period,
we recommended to place the knee joint in front of the shank support (Figure 1a, b) to
enable that the articular cartilage of the tibia head can roll underneath the patella
throughout NHE execution. However, due to inter-individual differences in perception
of convenience, some participants (n = 4) chose a knee position on the lounger or on the
edge of it. Misalignment of the dynamometer and the knee joint axis was mathematically
corrected by calculating the resultant joint moments for each training session. Figure 2
demonstrates the agreement between resultant values and theoretical values derived from
inertial segment properties based on the Hanavan model (Hanavan, 1964). All kinetic
NHE parameters were normalised to body mass allowing inter- and intra-individual
comparison. Percentage differences of each parameter across sets and repetitions served
to estimate fatigue.
Statistical analysis
For all data, normal distribution were confirmed by the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (α ≤ 0.05).
Two-way repeated measures analyses of variance identified the effects of execution mode
(assisted vs. unassisted) and repetition number (repetition 1 to 9) on kinetic and kine-
matic NHE parameters. Bonferroni post hoc tests determined the actual p-values
between the nine NHE repetitions within each execution mode. Variance homogeneity
was assessed by the Levene’s test to examine the between-participant variability of the
two NHE execution modes. The level of significance was set at α ≤ 0.05 for all statistical
tests. All statistical tests were calculated with SPSS V.23.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, Illinois,
USA). Effect sizes are indicated as Cohen’s d (≥0.8 large; 0.8–0.5 moderate, 0.5–0.2 small;
Figure 2. Knee moment curves of a single eccentric-only NHE repetition of different execution
modalities: optimal unassisted execution (black), two assisted repetitions (light and dark grey) and
idealistic anthropometric model (grey dashed range). The magnitude of provided rope assistance can
be quantified by the area between the dashed curve and the respective grey solid line.
<0.2 negligible) and partial eta-squared (ηp²) (≥0.26 large; 0.26–0.13 moderate, 0.13–0.02
small; <0.02 negligible) specifying the meaningfulness of the respective differences
(Cohen, 1988).
Kinetic and kinematic dierences between assisted and unassisted NHE
Table 1 lists all kinetic and kinematic parameters of assisted and unassisted NHEs across 3
sets of 3 repetitions each. Both execution modes significantly differed for all analysed
parameters (p 0.003; 0.635≤ ηp² 0.929). Peak moments as well as angles of peak
moment of assisted NHEs were 17% to 21% and 9° to 16° lower compared to unassisted
executions. In contrast, assisted NHEs revealed significantly larger values for the impulse
(+21% to +82%) (Figure 3a) and ROM
(+6° to +13°). The higher impulses were
associated with a significantly greater TUT (+45% to +93%) (Figure 3b) and constantly
lower ω
(−5°/s to −8°/s), whereas the greater range of motion was related to a higher
range of motion at the end of the exercise (−7° to −14° KF
). Due to a lower ω
KF (−15°/s to −37°/s) (Figure 3c) the ROM
was substantially higher (+23% to +47%)
when assisted NHEs were performed (Table 1). Furthermore, assisted NHE induced a 7° to
9° smaller maximal hip flexion than the unassisted execution mode (Figure 1a, b). Between-
participant variability of assisted NHEs was significantly lower for all parameters compared
to unassisted NHEs, except for APM and HF
(Table 1).
Time course of NHE performance parameters from 3 sets of 3 repetitions
Peak moment, impulse and time under tension showed moderate to large effects of NHE
repetition in both assisted and unassisted execution mode (p ≤ 0.002; 0.246≤ ηp² ≤ 0.465)
(Table 1). Concerning the peak moment this effect was more pronounced in assisted
NHEs—especially at repetition 6 and 9—, whereas the impulse (Figure 3a), time under
tension (Figure 3b) as well as the fractional angular velocity within 60–30° knee flexion
(Figure 3c) of unassisted NHEs were significantly reduced right away from repetition 2
onwards. The impulse of assisted NHEs decreased 11% from repetition 1 to 9 compared
to an inter-repetition fatigue of 41% during unassisted execution. The same was observed
for the TUT (−5% vs. −29%) and ω
60–30° KF (+1% vs. +79%). In addition to these
three parameters, ROM
(0% vs. −31%) and ω
(+9% vs. +30%) demonstrated
large interactions between mode and repetition (p ≤ 0.004; 0.272≤ ηp² ≤ 0.347) (Table 1).
Moderate interactions of mode and repetition became apparent for APM, ROM
(p 0.049; 0.131≤ ηp² 0.157). Maximal hip flexion was affected by neither
repetition nor mode*repetition (p > 0.05; 0.056≤ ηp² ≤ 0.081).
Discussion & implications
The discussion is organised according to the aims of the study: (1) to establish the kinetic
and kinematic differences between assisted and unassisted ‘isokinetic’ NHE execution
and (2) to investigate the time course of NHE performance parameters within NHE
training sessions containing 3 × 3 repetitions. The hypothesis was that assisted NHE
Table 1. Kinetic and kinematic NHE determinants (mean ± SD) obtained from 3 sets of each 3 repetitions of assisted and unassisted NHE. Significant differences (p ≤ 0.05)
between execution modes, repetitions, the interaction of both factors and variance homogeneity are highlighted. Significant differences (p ≤ 0.05) between repetitions
within one execution mode are emphasised by corresponding repetition numbers in italics.
PM [Nm/kg] APM [°] J [Nm∙s/kg] TUT [s] ROM
Assisted Unassisted Assisted Unassisted Assisted Unassisted Assisted Unassisted Assisted Unassisted
Set 1 rep 1 3.61 ± 0.35 4.49 ± 0.35 38.4 ± 8.6 46.9 ± 7.2 18.1 ± 2.8 15.0 ± 5.2 6.98 ± 0.64 4.83 ± 1.17 80.2 ± 8.9 74.2 ± 7.7
rep 2 3.61 ± 0.35 4.38 ± 0.48 38.7 ± 7.1 49.6 ± 8.0 17.1 ± 2.0 13.2 ± 4.2
6.67 ± 0.49 4.56 ± 1.07
80.0 ± 7.6 73.6 ± 7.6
rep 3 3.51 ± 0.35 4.40 ± 0.41 38.0 ± 8.4 52.3 ± 9.3
16.6 ± 1.7 11.1 ± 3.3
6.62 ± 0.42 3.95 ± 0.75
1 2
83.1 ± 7.4 72.1 ± 8.8
Set 2 rep 4 3.62 ± 0.33 4.35 ± 0.53 37.5 ± 5.3 48.5 ± 9.1
18.0 ± 2.1
13.2 ± 5.6
1 3
6.96 ± 0.41
4.55 ± 1.24
80.9 ± 5.6 74.5 ± 9.9
rep 5 3.53 ± 0.32
4.37 ± 0.45 37.3 ± 8.4 52.1 ± 10.6
17.4 ± 1.8 11.8 ± 4.3
6.82 ± 0.43 4.16 ± 1.00
1 2 4
81.9 ± 5.8 74.5 ± 11.3
rep 6 3.45 ± 0.33
1 2 4
4.35 ± 0.53 38.9 ± 8.0 51.5 ± 9.9
16.7 ± 1.8
10.9 ± 3.4
1 2 4
6.68 ± 0.42 3.90 ± 0.76
1 2 4
82.4 ± 5.1 73.3 ± 9.4
Set 3 rep 7 3.59 ± 0.37
4.33 ± 0.53
36.7 ± 7.8 49.4 ± 7.0 17.9 ± 2.2
3 6
12.6 ± 5.3
1 6
6.86 ± 0.48 4.29 ± 1.18
1 2 6
80.9 ± 6.6 71.1 ± 7.9
rep 8 3.54 ± 0.35 4.33 ± 0.51
37.8 ± 8.7 50.9 ± 7.9
17.5 ± 1.8
10.7 ± 4.0
1 4 7
6.95 ± 0.41
3.80 ± 1.05
1 2 4 5 7
81.4 ± 5.8 72.4 ± 7.4
rep 9 3.40 ± 0.33
1 2 4 5 7 8
4.25 ± 0.51
36.9 ± 9.8 53.3 ± 9.2
1 4
16.2 ± 1.6
1 4 5 7 8
8.9 ± 2.6
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
6.60 ± 0.46
4 8
3.43 ± 0.78
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
82.0 ± 6.2 69.1 ± 10.2
Mode p < 0.001; ηp² = 0.862 large p < 0.001; ηp² = 0.760 large p < 0.001; ηp² = 0.781 large p < 0.001; ηp² = 0.929 large p=0.003; ηp² = 0.681
Repetition p = 0.002; ηp² = 0.246 moderate p = 0.254; ηp² = 0.083 p < 0.001; ηp² = 0.465 large p < 0.001; ηp² = 0.391 large p = 0.230; ηp² = 0.082
Interaction p = 0.245; ηp² = 0.085 p = 0.020; ηp² = 0.157
p = 0.012; ηp² = 0.204 moderate p = 0.002; ηp² = 0.247 moderate p = 0.028; ηp² = 0.141
p < 0.001; F = 13.452 p = 0.151; F = 2.072 p < 0.001; F = 66.075 p < 0.001; F = 67.280 p = 0.012; F = 6.410
[%] KF
[°] HF
[°] ω
[°/s] ω
60–30° KF [°/s]
Assisted Unassisted Assisted Unassisted Assisted Unassisted Assisted Unassisted Assisted Unassisted
Set 1 rep 1 100.0 ± 0.0 79.4 ± 20.5 28.7 ± 8.1 35.3 ± 7.1 8.6 ± 8.2 16.2 ± 11.0 11.4 ± 1.6 16.1 ± 4.2 11.4 ± 2.7 26.8 ± 16.3
rep 2 100.0 ± 0.0 71.6 ± 20.1
29.6 ± 8.5 36.9 ± 6.8 9.8 ± 7.7 17.4 ± 9.5 12.3 ± 1.2 16.9 ± 4.6 12.5 ± 2.1 33.2 ± 21.6
rep 3 100.0 ± 0.0 62.3 ± 27.6
27.6 ± 7.8
38.1 ± 8.2 8.8 ± 7.7 17.2 ± 7.3 13.0 ± 1.5
18.7 ± 4.3
1 2
13.1 ± 2.1 38.9 ± 23.7
Set 2 rep 4 100.0 ± 0.0 73.0 ± 26.4 27.3 ± 4.7 36.2 ± 9.3 8.0 ± 6.8 16.6 ± 10.6 12.1 ± 1.3
17.1 ± 4.2
11.6 ± 2.1 31.6 ± 19.9
1 3
rep 5 100.0 ± 0.0 69.7 ± 27.7
27.5 ± 5.3 37.0 ± 11.3 9.6 ± 8.1 17.4 ± 7.3 12.2 ± 1.5 18.5 ± 4.9
1 4
11.8 ± 2.1 36.8 ± 23.2
rep 6 100.0 ± 0.0 56.8 ± 24.2
1 2 4
27.5 ± 5.2 37.8 ± 9.6 10.4 ± 7.5 17.3 ± 8.8 12.4 ± 1.6 19.5 ± 5.2
1 2 4
11.8 ± 2.4 38.1 ± 23.9
1 4
Set 3 rep 7 100.0 ± 0.0 72.0 ± 26.5
27.5 ± 4.6 37.9 ± 8.3 8.5 ± 6.1 16.0 ± 10.2 11.9 ± 1.2
17.7 ± 5.3
1 5 6
11.4 ± 2.1 32.8 ± 22.1
1 3 6
rep 8 96.0 ± 15.9 57.1 ± 27.9
1 2 4 7
29.1 ± 5.1 37.9 ± 8.2 10.0 ± 7.2 17.7 ± 8.5 12.1 ± 1.3 20.0 ± 5.1
1 2 4 7
11.8 ± 2.1 42.3 ± 26.8
1 4 7
rep 9 100.0 ± 0.0 53.4 ± 26.6
1 2 4 7
27.0 ± 6.9 41.0 ± 10.3
9.2 ± 8.0 17.2 ± 8.0 12.5 ± 1.5 20.9 ± 5.9
1 2 3 4 5 7
11.6 ± 2.3 48.0 ± 29.4
1 2 4 5 7
Mode p < 0.001; ηp² = 0.722 large p < 0.001; ηp² = 0.688 large p < 0.001; ηp² = 0.660 large p < 0.001; ηp² = 0.717 large p < 0.001; ηp² = 0.635 large
Repetition p = 0.004; ηp² = 0.272 large p = 0.273; ηp² = 0.077 p = 0.282; ηp² = 0.081 p < 0.001; ηp² = 0.347 large p = 0.006; ηp² = 0.244 moderate
Interaction p = 0.013; ηp² = 0.227 moderate p = 0.049; ηp² = 0.131 moderate p = 0.482; ηp² = 0.056 p = 0.020; ηp² = 0.203 moderate p = 0.007; ηp² = 0.241 moderate
p < 0.001; F = 486.299 p < 0.001; F = 13.251 p = 0.085; F = 2.990 p < 0.001; F = 88.821 p < 0.001; F = 235.416
Footnote: PM (peak moment), APM (angle of peak moment), J (impulse (M*t)), TUT (time under tension), ROM
(range of motion of the knee joint), ROM
(percentage of range of motion to
downward acceleration in relation to ROM
), KF
(mimimal knee flexion angle), HF
(maximal hip flexion angle), ω
(mean angular velocity of the knee joint), ω
60–30° KF (mean angular
velocity within 60–30° knee flexion)
training is beneficial concerning resistance exercise determinants and that 3 sets of 3
‘isokinetic’ repetitions suffice to induce significant fatigue.
Assisted vs. unassisted NHE execution mode
The rationale for applying rope-assisted NHEs at a constant knee extension velocity was
to meet the demands of the length-at-use and contraction-mode hypotheses (Herzog
et al., 1991; Savelberg & Meijer, 2003). In order that muscles adapt according to their
common tasks and imposed demands, NHEs should contain a high fractional and
temporal portion at comparably long muscle length (Toigo & Boutellier, 2006).
Adaptations at long fascicle length are of major importance because a long hamstring
fascicle length has been hypothesised as an important preventive characteristic for ham-
string injuries (Timmins et al., 2015). Furthermore, the slow angular velocity of 15°/s and
the long concomitant time under tension of ~6–7 s complied with the recommendations
for optimal muscle-tendon adaptation (Bohm et al., 2015).
As Table 1 emphasises, assisted NHE executions met the required exercise determinants,
whereas unassisted NHEs revealed large between-participant variabilities and fundamental
deviations of TUT, ROM
and ω
60–30° KF. When executing unassisted NHEs,
participants were not able to maintain a constant ω
across the full ROM
(Figure 1d)
(Alt et al., 2018). Right from the first repetition, significant differences between the two
analysed NHE execution modes became apparent in all parameters (Table 1). With rising
repetition number, the difference between assisted and unassisted NHEs gradually
increased up to +82% (J) and +93% (TUT) (Figure 3a, b). These results underline that
most participants did not have the strength capacities to conduct an unassisted ‘isokinetic’
NHE across the full ROM
. Additionally, this fact is supported by the large standard
deviations of the impulse and ω
60–30° KF (Figure 3a, c) demonstrating vast inter-
individual differences in NHE execution quality. Only if these inter-individual differences
are quantified, subsequent adaptations can be interpreted in a meaningful way. To our
knowledge, no longitudinal study is available so far which provided this information.
Assisted NHEs revealed favourable resistance exercise determinants concerning eight out
of ten analysed parameters (Table 2) with respect to ensuring high execution quality and
hamstring function assessment accuracy. Maximal hip flexion cannot be explicitly assigned
to one execution mode because recent studies suggested that NHE with flexed hip joints
will further promote strength adaptation at long hamstring muscle length (Hegyi et al.,
2019; Sarabon et al., 2019). Therefore, it is not yet clear if NHE execution with a flexed hip
joint is preferable compared to best possible hip extension. Extended hip joints increase the
eccentric load on the knee flexors by maximising the lever arm of the centre of mass to the
knee joint. The only resistance exercise determinant which favoured unassisted NHEs was
the intensity as peak moments were 17% to 21% lower during assisted executions (Table 1).
Higher intensity leads to higher tendon loading (Bohm et al., 2015) and due to a higher
fractional angular velocity (Figure 3c) to higher muscle-tendon strain rates. These are
reasonable adaptation triggers provided that the time under tension and muscle activation
are not impaired (Delahunt et al., 2016; Ditroilo et al., 2013; Marshall et al., 2015). Thus,
appropriate NHE training should combine a high intensity, high impulses, as well as a high
temporal and fractional distribution within a range of motion near full knee extension. If
these guidelines cannot be fulfilled by unassisted NHE execution, as in the case of
unfamiliarised, unexperienced and weak athletes and patients, assisted NHEs should be the
method of choice to execute the exercise properly and to acquire adequate strength
capacities (Alt et al., 2018; Burrows et al., 2020; Matthews et al., 2015). Depending on the
individual moment-angle characteristics of the athlete, assistance can be provided across
Figure 3. Inter-repetition courses of the impulse (a), the time under tension (b) and the mean angular
velocity within 60–30° knee flexion
) (c) obtained from 3 sets of each 3 repetitions of assisted
(grey) and unassisted (black) NHE. The associated significant effects between execution mode and
repetition number are indicated in Table 1.
10 T. ALT ET AL.
the entire NHE repetition (Figure 2, light grey line) or within suited portions of the
movement (dark grey line).
Based on the present results (Table 2), the hypothesis that assisted NHE training is
advantageous concerning resistance exercise determinants can be confirmed.
Fatigue-induced eects of 3 sets of 3 NHE repetitions
Current literature introduced different NHE training regimens: 3 sets of 3 repetitions (Alt
et al., 2018), 2 to 6 sets of 5 repetitions (Delahunt et al., 2016; Ditroilo et al., 2013;
Marshall et al., 2015) up to 3 sets of 12 repetitions (Delahunt et al., 2016). However, there
is no clear evidence how many repetitions suffice to induce a significant fatigue. Marshall
et al. (2015) investigated 6 sets of 5 repetitions each conducted at an average cadence of
30°/s. They found no significant differences of fractional angular velocity, but determined
reduced isokinetic peak moments (−8% to −17%) after set 2 to 6. To our knowledge, this
study was the first which evaluated inter-repetition and inter-set fatigue effects by
assessing NHE kinetics and kinematics.
Independent of NHE execution mode, the peak moment, impulse, time under tension,
, ω
and ω
60–30° KF were significantly affected by repetition-induced
exhaustion (Table 1). While the peak moments of unassisted NHEs remained almost
unchanged, assisted NHEs suffered from a stepwise inter-repetition and inter-set decre-
ment (Figure 1c). Unassisted NHEs revealed this phenomenon regarding inter alia the
mean angular velocity (Figure 1d), impulse (Figure 3a), time under tension (Figure 3b)
and the fractional angular velocity (Figure 3c). From repetition 1 to 3, the impulse
(−26%), time under tension (−18%) and fractional angular velocity (+45%) of unassisted
NHEs demonstrated significant changes. Although the inter-set rest of 5 minutes lead to
a certain degree of recovery, these three parameters became fundamentally altered up to
repetition 9 (−41%; −29%; +79%). Despite rope-assistance, peak moments, impulses and
time under tension were significantly reduced comparing repetition 1 to 9 (Table 1). This
effect emphasises the high physical demands of NHEs on eccentric hamstring strength
(Alt et al., 2018; Brockett et al.; Ebben, 2009; Timmins et al., 2015). Other kinematic
parameters, such as the knee and hip flexion angles remained nearly unchanged under-
lining that movement execution was not affected by fatigue.
Regarding these results, it is doubtful if exercise quality and intensity can be main-
tained at a sufficiently high level when performing 3 sets of 8–12 NHE repetitions per
Table 2. Benefits of assisted and unassisted NHEs with respect to ensuring a high
execution quality and to meeting the required exercise determinants as well as
parameters which cannot be explicitly assigned.
Assisted NHE Draw Unassisted NHE
Angle of peak moment (APM) Maximal hip flexion (HF
) Peak moment (PM)
Impulse (J)
Time under tension (TUT)
Range of motion (ROM
Downward acceleration (ROM
Minimal knee flexion (KF
Mean angular velocity (ω
Fractional angular velocity (ω
60–30° KF)
training session. Unfortunately, no kinetic and kinematic performance parameters of
such high volume NHE training regimen are available (Delahunt et al., 2016; Mjolsnes
et al., 2004). However, the results of a recent study suggest that strength increases
following a high volume NHE training (4 weeks of 2 x 4 x 8-10 repetitions) are not
higher compared to a low volume regimen (4 weeks of 1 x 2 x 4 repetitions) (Presland
et al., 2018). Furthermore, it is well-known that optimal tendon adaptation requires high
intensities (~90%) and a sufficiently high time under tension (~3 s) (Bohm et al., 2015).
Regarding these specific demands, low volume NHE training (2 sets of 4 reps per session)
is not inferior to high volume regimen (4–5 sets of 8–10 reps) (Presland et al., 2018).
Accordingly, the hypothesis that 3 sets of 3 ‘isokinetic’ NHE repetitions suffice to
induce significant fatigue can be confirmed for assisted execution. For unassisted NHEs,
already 2 sets of 3 repetitions lead to significant fatiguing effects.
Limitations & perspectives
The present results rely on a heterogenous group of sprinters varying in training history,
training volume and performance level. A study incorporating homogenous samples of
weak and strong athletes could identify if assisted or unassisted NHEs are more effective
in promoting eccentric hamstring strength.
This study examined bilateral NHE kinetics. Prospective studies should quantify the
contribution of each thigh to the generated eccentric work. Shank orientation should be
modified from a negative to a positive inclination or to a horizontal orientation (Sarabon
et al., 2019) to realise full knee extension (Figure 1a, b). Even during assisted NHE
a minimal knee flexion of 28° remained (Table 1) due to the participants’ fear of slipping
off the edge. If the shank is more horizontally aligned, a greater ROM
up to almost full
knee extension will be possible. Future studies should determine individual relationships
between NHE training stress and NHE performance as well as related isokinetic para-
meters to recognise responders and non-responders. Finally, the transfer of NHE-
induced improved hamstring strength to sport-specific loading and relevant performance
parameters (e.g., joint power peak moments, impulses) during e.g., sprinting is of major
Assisted NHE execution mode was favourable to ensure high execution quality and to
meet the required exercise determinants. However, assisted NHE training requires
additional equipment and is therefore less feasible for on-field training. It must still be
investigated whether assisted NHE training promotes muscle-tendon adaptations at
comparably long hamstring length and whether it reduces injury risk to a greater extent
than unassisted NHEs. This knowledge is deemed to be essential for coaches, phy-
siotherapists and scientists to design, perform and adjust reasonable and individual
NHE training programmes for athletes of different physical performance levels and for
patients in different stages of the rehabilitation process (Al Attar et al., 2017). It might
contribute to a targeted injury prevention of hamstring strain injuries and related injuries
such as anterior cruciate ligament tears (Van Dyk et al., 2019). Future studies should
expand the previous kinetic, kinematic and electromyographic analyses to investigate the
effects of different NHE training modalities (assisted vs. unassisted; bilateral vs. unilat-
eral; neutral vs. flexed hip; unloaded vs. loaded; fast vs. slow velocity; constant-velocity vs.
accelerated vs. decelerated NHEs) on eccentric hamstring strength and fascicle length
12 T. ALT ET AL.
(Presland et al., 2018; Sarabon et al., 2019; Timmins et al., 2015) to develop individualised
training regimen adjusted to different profiles of requirements (e.g., high vs. low physi-
cal performance level).
Practical implications
NHE execution on specific devices (Hegyi et al., 2019; Opar et al., 2013; Sarabon et al., 2019)
or isometric dynamometers (Alt et al., 2018) is recommended to assess exercise determinants,
performance parameters and exercise quality. If not available, wall bars, doorway pull-up bars
or any other solid and rigid object can serve to provide adequate counter-pressure for the
heels. Despite extensive research since 2001, standardised NHE execution is lacking as most
studies execute partner-assisted NHE training (Delahunt et al., 2016; Ditroilo et al., 2013;
Mjolsnes et al., 2004). This procedure has two major disadvantages that impede its scientific
demands. Firstly, the applied resistance from hands to shanks/heels is mostly insufficient for
mature athletes to perform a NHE across the full ROM
. Beyond inadequate strength
capacities of the athletes this deficient fixation results in ROM
of below 30% (Delahunt
et al., 2016; Ditroilo et al., 2013; Marshall et al., 2015). Secondly, looking from a more
scientific perspective, it is not possible to determine the generated forces/moments quantify-
ing e.g., training stimuli and fatigue and derive adequate exercise determinants.
Assisted NHE execution is recommended to acquire proper exercise quality by lower
inter-individual variability and to reduce the fear of uncontrolled falling, especially within
early training stages of inexperienced athletes or patients. It is advisable to conduct NHEs
always across the full ROM
close to full knee extension (~20° to 0° KF). The intensity of
effort is important to increase hamstring strength and fascicle length (Roig et al., 2009;
Timmins et al., 2016). That’s why a nearly constant movement velocity during the second
half of the NHE’s ROM
(=100% ROM
) should be particularly paramount where
peak moments occur (Figures 1d, 2, 3c). In order to achieve this guideline, assistance can be
provided by a partner being located in front of the athlete and adjusting the pressure of his
hands to the athlete`s shoulders according to the respective movement velocity.
The use of additional weights during unassisted NHE execution with extended hip
joints should be exclusively limited to experienced athletes to avoid injuries caused by
excessive strain rates (Hegyi et al., 2019). Unilateral NHE training is only recommended
if an uncontrolled falling is restricted by any sort of assistance. Due to increasing inter-set
fatigue during unassisted NHEs which highly varied between participants (Figure 3a-c),
it might be more reasonable to use muscular failure (Toigo & Boutellier, 2006)—
associated with a large increase of angular velocity at the end of a repetition (Figure
1d, rep6 and rep9)—as completion criterion of a set rather than a prescribed repetition
number. This can contribute to more individualised NHE training regimen respecting
actual daily performance state.
Assisted NHEs were favourable to ensure a high execution quality to meet the required
exercise determinants. Furthermore, between-participant variability was significantly lower
in assisted than unassisted NHEs. Only if the athlete’s/patient’s physical performance level
is adequate, controlled full-ROM NHEs in unassisted fashion are recommended to ensure
a consistently high hamstring activation throughout the entire movement and subsequent
adaptations at comparably long hamstring muscle length. If these guidelines are fulfilled,
exercise intensity can be reasonably estimated and reproduced. An exercise volume of 3 sets
of 3 eccentric-only NHE repetitions induced substantial fatigue within and across sets and
can be considered as adequate exercise stimulus Further research is needed to establish
which NHE execution modalities elicit the best adaptations.
The authors would like to thank all participants who volunteered to participate in this study and
demonstrated great motivation and commitment. Dr. Werner Groß-Alt deserves our sincere
gratitude because his skills in informatics made these insights possible.
Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).
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... 14,15 However, most athletes-especially if not familiarized-do not possess the strength capacities to perform the NHE across the entire ROM while maintaining a constant knee extension velocity and accurate hip control. 16,17 The knee flexion angle at which the movement velocity during the NHE irreversibly increases is called downward acceleration (DWA) or breakpoint angle. 18 Previous studies demonstrated that this variable is valid for a meaningful assessment of NHE performance and training progression. ...
... 25,29 The second approach focuses on high muscle activation in the injury-related knee angles (∼30°to 0°knee flexion). 11,17,23 In this ROM, the hamstring fascicles are operating at a relatively long length (descending limb of the force-length relation) and the contribution of the series elastic and passive components to the generated moments is substantial. 2,6 Besides, the TUT is an important parameter to elicit the desired neuromuscular and tendinous adaptations. ...
... 2,30,31 Therefore, muscular fatigue within a NHE set should be as low as possible to maintain highest possible tendon involvement by reducing the repetition volume. 3,17 This approach has been shown to elicit neuromuscular adaptations similar to a high-volume NHE regimen. 3 To the best of our knowledge, the differences between v inc and v con NHE executions have not been investigated yet. ...
Context: Different resistance exercise determinants modulate the musculotendinous adaptations following eccentric hamstring training. The Nordic Hamstring Exercise (NHE) can be performed 2-fold: the movement velocity irreversibly increases toward the end of the range of motion or it is kept constant. Design: This cross-sectional study aimed to investigate if the downward acceleration angle (DWAangle) can be used as a classification parameter to distinguish between increasing and constant velocity NHE execution. Furthermore, the kinetic and kinematic differences of these 2 NHE execution conditions were examined by analyzing the DWAangle in relation to the angle of peak moment. Methods: A total of 613 unassisted NHE repetitions of 12 trained male sprinters (22 y, 181 cm, 76 kg) were analyzed. Results: The majority of analyzed parameters demonstrated large effects. NHEs with constant velocity (n = 285) revealed significantly higher impulses (P < .001; d = 2.34; + 61%) and fractional time under tension (P < .001; d = 1.29; +143%). Although the generated peak moments were significantly higher for constant velocity (P = .003; d = 0.29; +4%), they emerged at similar knee flexion angles (P = .167; d = 0.28) and revealed on average just low relationships to the DWAangle (Rmean2=22.4%). DWAangle highly correlated with the impulse (Rmean2=60.8%) and δ (DWAangle-angle of peak moment; Rmean2=83.6%). Conclusions: Relating DWAangle to angle of peak moment assists to distinguish between significantly different NHE execution, which will potentially elicit different musculotendinous adaptations. These insights are essential for coaches and athletes to understand how to manipulate eccentric hamstring training to change its purpose.
... 14,15 However, most athletes-especially if not familiarized-do not possess the strength capacities to perform the NHE across the entire ROM while maintaining a constant knee extension velocity and accurate hip control. 16,17 The knee flexion angle at which the movement velocity during the NHE irreversibly increases is called downward acceleration (DWA) or breakpoint angle. 18 Previous studies demonstrated that this variable is valid for a meaningful assessment of NHE performance and training progression. ...
... 25,29 The second approach focuses on high muscle activation in the injury-related knee angles (∼30°to 0°knee flexion). 11,17,23 In this ROM, the hamstring fascicles are operating at a relatively long length (descending limb of the force-length relation) and the contribution of the series elastic and passive components to the generated moments is substantial. 2,6 Besides, the TUT is an important parameter to elicit the desired neuromuscular and tendinous adaptations. ...
... 2,30,31 Therefore, muscular fatigue within a NHE set should be as low as possible to maintain highest possible tendon involvement by reducing the repetition volume. 3,17 This approach has been shown to elicit neuromuscular adaptations similar to a high-volume NHE regimen. 3 To the best of our knowledge, the differences between v inc and v con NHE executions have not been investigated yet. ...
ABSTRACT: Different resistance exercise determinants modulate the musculo-tendinous adaptations following eccentric hamstring training. The Nordic Hamstring Exercise (NHE) can be performed twofold: the movement velocity irreversibly increases towards the end of the range of motion or it is kept constant. This cross-sectional study examined the kinetic and kinematic differences between increasing (vinc) and constant velocity (vcon) NHE execution by analysing the downward acceleration angle (DWAangle) in relation to the angle of peak moment (APM). A total of 613 unassisted NHE repetitions of twelve male sprinters (22 years, 181 cm, 76 kg) were analysed. The majority of analysed parameters demonstrated large effects. NHEs with vcon revealed significantly higher impulses (p<0.001; d=2.34 +61%) and fractional time under tension (p<0.001; d=1.29; +143%). Although the generated peak moments were significantly higher for vcon (p=0.003; d=0.29; +4%), they emerged at similar knee flexion angles (p=0.167; d=0.28) and revealed on average just low relationships to the DWAangle (R2mean=22.4%). DWAangle highly correlated with the impulse (R2mean=60.8%) and δ(DWAangle-APM) (R2mean=83.6%). Relating DWAangle to APM assists to distinguish between significantly different NHE execution which will potentially elicit different musculo-tendonous adaptations. These insights are essential for coaches and athletes to understand how to manipulate eccentric hamstring training to change its purpose.
... 23,24 Therefore, consistently high muscle activation and a certain time under tension at injury-related extended knee angles (approximately 30°to 0°of knee flexion) [20][21][22]25 were essential for angle-specific adaptations after eccentric training. 26 These adaptations are needed for effective injury prevention and rehabilitation as well as for performance enhancement 5,19,27 because the muscle-tendon units must withstand higher moments 2,15,28,29 at longer muscle length, which promotes muscle-tendon adaptations such as the addition of sarcomeres in series. 30 Furthermore, the biceps femoris is selectively activated at extended knee angles 27 and when hip extension is superimposed on eccentric knee flexion. ...
... 30 Furthermore, the biceps femoris is selectively activated at extended knee angles 27 and when hip extension is superimposed on eccentric knee flexion. 31 To delay the onset of DWA in the first third of ROM and promote consistently high muscle activation during the progressively increasing gravity-induced overload, 15,29 facilitations such as assistance (eg, elastic bands), 27,28,[32][33][34] shank inclination, 35 and hip-flexion angle 27,35 are suitable tools for customizing and progressing the NHE. Therefore, their implementation is recommended for beginners and young, injured, or weaker individuals 6,7,36,37 to gradually learn and adapt the NHE technique according to their specific needs and physical capacities. ...
... An NHE progression might help reduce the consistently high incidence of hamstring injury 9,10,19 by enlarging the "muscle's safe operating range," 32 promoting muscle-tendon interaction, 38,39 and avoiding excessive fatigue due to individual overloading. 26,28 Consequently, the purpose of our exploratory case study was to investigate the kinetics, kinematics, and electromyographic (EMG) activity of NHE variations (facilitations and intensifications) as performed by 1 participant with a high level of expertise to establish a scientifically evaluated stepwise progression to the NHE. Furthermore, we wanted to determine which exercise modifications (shank inclination, additional load, hip flexion) had greater influence on NHE kinetics and muscle activation. ...
Background The Nordic hamstring exercise (NHE) is commonly implemented to selectively improve eccentric knee-flexor strength. However, the standard version of the exercise (leveled shanks, extended hip joint) is too strenuous for most individuals, whose muscle activity rapidly decreases at extended knee angles. Hitherto, a gradual approach to the exercise has been missing. In this exploratory case study, we investigated elite performance to introduce a stepwise progression to the NHE. Objective To determine the extent to which exercise modifications (shank inclination, additional load, hip flexion) altered NHE mechanics. Data Collection and Analysis One male long jumper (age = 33 years, height = 171 cm, mass = 69 kg) with high-level expertise in the NHE performed 20 exercise variations. The corresponding kinematics, kinetics, and electromyographic activity of the biceps femoris long head (BFlh) and semitendinosus (ST) muscles were evaluated. Results Exercise variations demonstrated gradually increased peak moments from 69% (zigzag pose) to 154% (inclined bent single-legged version) versus a standard NHE. Shank inclination and additional load elicited small to moderate effects on peak moments, BFlh, and ST (0.24 ≤ d ≤ 0.72), whereas hip flexion largely affected all tested variables (2.80 ≤ d ≤ 6.66), especially muscle activity (BFlh = −63%; ST = −55% of maximal voluntary isometric contraction). Commentary These insights will help practitioners and scientists design multifaceted stepwise NHE progressions by creating differentiated stimuli that best match the strength capacities of individuals and address their specific needs.
... The participants were then instructed to lower their bodies towards the floor within ~7-8 s (as controlled by a metronome and by counting out loud) to ensure a controlled execution. 30 They were also instructed to continue resisting falling down after the break-point and to 'catch' their upper body as late as possible after the break-point to maximize the knee range of motion. ...
... Additionally, we compared the joint moments from the set-up of two force platforms below each knee as used for the NHC, with a second set-up where we measured ground reaction forces at one knee and one heel and showed that the results were very similar ( Figure S5 and S6). Moreover, the rapid increase in the knee joint moment during the fall in the NHC is also in line with previous findings among relatively strong individuals (personal communication with T. Alt based on findings reported in 30 ). ...
... This is consistent with findings of larger increases in fascicle length following weighted NHC's compared to unloaded NHC's, 51 but contrasts suggestions of others to primarily perform assisted NHC's. 30 Second, a combination of exercises may be required to optimally train hamstring strength because the investigated exercises target different muscles. Specifically, although the peak hamstring muscle forces were generally higher in the NHC as compared to the RCH and DL, the peak forces for the biceps femoris long head and semimembranosus in the NHC lasted only very short compared to the peak forces in the DL and were also associated with a strong reduction in muscle activation ( Figure 2). ...
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Knowledge about muscular forces and fascicle behavior during hamstring exercises can optimize exercise prescription, but information on these outcomes across different exercises is lacking. We aimed to characterize and compare lower‐limb muscle forces as well as biceps femoris long head muscle fascicle behaviour between three hamstrings exercises: the Nordic hamstring curl (NHC), single‐leg Roman chair (RCH), and single‐leg deadlift (DL). Ten male participants performed the exercises while full‐body kinematics, ground reaction forces, surface muscle activation and biceps femoris long head fascicle behavior were measured. Mean fascicle length was highest in the DL, followed by the RCH and NHC. Fascicle lengthening was higher in the NHC compared to the RCH and DL, with no difference between the RCH and DL. Biceps femoris short and long head, semitendinosus, and semimembranosus peak forces were generally higher in the NHC compared to the RCH and DL, while mean forces during the eccentric phase were generally not different between the NHC and RCH. Peak forces in the NHC coincided with low biceps femoris long head and semimembranosus muscle activation. The NHC generally has the highest peak hamstring muscle forces and results in more fascicle lengthening when compared to the DL and RCH. The NHC may therefore be most effective to promote increases in fascicle length. While the NHC may be effective to promote biceps femoris short head and semitendinosus strength adaptations, the RCH and DL may be more effective to promote strength increases in the biceps femoris long head and semimembranosus.
... The break point is the knee flexion angle at which subjects are no longer able to maintain the required movement speed [7,8]). However, most athletes demonstrate a premature ending of the controlled eccentric action of the NHE because of insufficient strength capacities [7][8][9][10]. This is a major limitation of current NHE studies to address because consistently high muscle activation in the injury-related extended knee angles (~ 30° to 0° knee flexion) represents an important target for prevention and rehabilitation [1,6] to optimally mirror sport-specific demands [11]. ...
... Although NHE execution should always promote the 'supramaximal' stimulus characteristics, the ability to perform a full-ROM NHE mirrors the capacity to withstand high eccentric loads at extended knee angles which reduces the risk of muscle and knee injuries [1,2,5,6]. Commonly, only ~ 50% of the NHE's eccentric portion (range of motion to downward acceleration; ROM DWA ) is executed in a controlled manner [7,8,10,12]. Within the second half of the exercise, hamstring activation usually significantly declines and angular velocity continually increases [7,8,12]. ...
... Poor NHE execution technique (e.g., ROM DWA less than 30°-45°, excessive hip flexion and lower back arch) and compliance might diminish or even prevent adaptations at long hamstring muscle length occurring at extended knee angles. Therefore, an assisted NHE execution is recommended to induce suitable adaptations and exercise-specific performance increases [9,10,[13][14][15][16]. Apart from external assistance, an inclination of the shank reduces the eccentric load of the hamstrings and thus facilitates NHE execution [17]. ...
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Background The Nordic Hamstring Exercise (NHE) is very popular for selective eccentric hamstring strengthening. However, NHE-related research is hindered by insufficient details about implementation and reporting. Available tools to assess study quality (e.g., PEDro or TESTEX scale) are too unspecific to account for the specific demands of NHE. Therefore, this study aimed to introduce two rating scales for Assessing Nordic Hamstring Exercise Quality (ANHEQ) of assessment and intervention studies. Methods Eighteen graduated sports scientists, sports physiotherapists and elite coaches with scientific experience independently evaluated the quality of published NHE studies via ANHEQ scales, each comprising eight items and a maximal 13-point score. Inter-rater agreement was analyzed by using criterion-based reference values, while Krippendorff´s alpha determined inter-rater reliability. Systematic differences of the summated ANHEQ scores were determined using Friedman tests. Results Inter-rater agreement was 87 ± 5% for NHE assessments and 88 ± 6% for interventions with single items ranging from 71 to 100%. Alpha values for inter-rater reliability ranged from fair (.250) to perfect (1.00) depending on the item. Total ANHEQ scores revealed coefficients of .829 (almost perfect) and .772 (substantial) without significant inter-rater differences ( p = .292). Conclusions The ANHEQ scales are suitable tools to rate NHE execution quality and data presentation. They facilitate a comprehensive review of NHE-related evidence and potentially improve the design and reporting of future NHE studies.
... 14,15 However, most athletes-especially if not familiarized-do not possess the strength capacities to perform the NHE across the entire ROM while maintaining a constant knee extension velocity and accurate hip control. 16,17 The knee flexion angle at which the movement velocity during the NHE irreversibly increases is called downward acceleration (DWA) or breakpoint angle. 18 Previous studies demonstrated that this variable is valid for a meaningful assessment of NHE performance and training progression. ...
... 25,29 The second approach focuses on high muscle activation in the injury-related knee angles (∼30°to 0°knee flexion). 11,17,23 In this ROM, the hamstring fascicles are operating at a relatively long length (descending limb of the force-length relation) and the contribution of the series elastic and passive components to the generated moments is substantial. 2,6 Besides, the TUT is an important parameter to elicit the desired neuromuscular and tendinous adaptations. ...
... 2,30,31 Therefore, muscular fatigue within a NHE set should be as low as possible to maintain highest possible tendon involvement by reducing the repetition volume. 3,17 This approach has been shown to elicit neuromuscular adaptations similar to a high-volume NHE regimen. 3 To the best of our knowledge, the differences between v inc and v con NHE executions have not been investigated yet. ...
Until now the reproducibility of the short latency stretch reflex of the internal rotator muscles of the glenohumeral joint has not been identified. Twenty-three healthy male participants performed three sets of external shoulder rotation stretches with various pre-activation levels on two different dates of measurement to assess test-retest reliability. All stretches were applied with a dynamometer acceleration of 104°/s2 and a velocity of 150°/s. Electromyographical response was measured via surface EMG. Reflex latencies showed a pre-activation effect (ƞ2 = 0,355). ICC ranged from 0,735 to 0,909 indicating an overall “good” relative reliability. SRD 95% lay between ±7,0 to ±12,3 ms.. The reflex gain showed overall poor test-retest reproducibility. The chosen methodological approach presented a suitable test protocol for shoulder muscles stretch reflex latency evaluation. A proof-of-concept study to validate the presented methodical approach in shoulder involvement including subjects with clinically relevant conditions is recommended .
... 23,24 Therefore, consistently high muscle activation and a certain time under tension at injury-related extended knee angles (approximately 30°to 0°of knee flexion) [20][21][22]25 were essential for angle-specific adaptations after eccentric training. 26 These adaptations are needed for effective injury prevention and rehabilitation as well as for performance enhancement 5,19,27 because the muscle-tendon units must withstand higher moments 2,15,28,29 at longer muscle length, which promotes muscle-tendon adaptations such as the addition of sarcomeres in series. 30 Furthermore, the biceps femoris is selectively activated at extended knee angles 27 and when hip extension is superimposed on eccentric knee flexion. ...
... 30 Furthermore, the biceps femoris is selectively activated at extended knee angles 27 and when hip extension is superimposed on eccentric knee flexion. 31 To delay the onset of DWA in the first third of ROM and promote consistently high muscle activation during the progressively increasing gravity-induced overload, 15,29 facilitations such as assistance (eg, elastic bands), 27,28,[32][33][34] shank inclination, 35 and hip-flexion angle 27,35 are suitable tools for customizing and progressing the NHE. Therefore, their implementation is recommended for beginners and young, injured, or weaker individuals 6,7,36,37 to gradually learn and adapt the NHE technique according to their specific needs and physical capacities. ...
... An NHE progression might help reduce the consistently high incidence of hamstring injury 9,10,19 by enlarging the "muscle's safe operating range," 32 promoting muscle-tendon interaction, 38,39 and avoiding excessive fatigue due to individual overloading. 26,28 Consequently, the purpose of our exploratory case study was to investigate the kinetics, kinematics, and electromyographic (EMG) activity of NHE variations (facilitations and intensifications) as performed by 1 participant with a high level of expertise to establish a scientifically evaluated stepwise progression to the NHE. Furthermore, we wanted to determine which exercise modifications (shank inclination, additional load, hip flexion) had greater influence on NHE kinetics and muscle activation. ...
The Nordic Hamstring Exercise (NHE) is commonly implemented to selectively improve eccentric knee flexor strength. However, the standard version of the exercise (levelled shanks, extended hip joint) is too strenuous for most individuals so that a sustained high muscle activation at longer muscle length is deficient. Unfortunately, a gradual approach to the exercise is missing so far. This single-case study aimed to investigate elite performance to introduce a stepwise progression to the NHE. The purpose was to determine which exercise modifications (shank inclination, additional load, hip flexion) exhibit a greater influence on NHE mechanics. One male long jumper (33 years, 171 cm, 69 kg) with high NHE expertise performed 20 exercise variations (facilitations and intensifications) within three test sessions. The corresponding kinematics, kinetics and electromyographic activity of the biceps femoris long head (BFlh) and semitendinosus (ST) were evaluated. Exercise variations demonstrated gradually increased peak moments (PM) from 69% (‘zigzag’ pose) to 154% (inclined bent single-leg version) compared to a standard NHE. A 30° shank inclination and a 5 kg additional load elicited small to moderate effects on PM, BFlh and ST (p≤0.033: 0.24≤d≤0.72), whereas a 90° hip flexion largely affected all tested parameters (p<0.001: 2.80≤d≤6.66), especially muscle activation (-63% BFlh, -55% ST). The present results assist practitioners and scientists to design individual stepwise NHE progressions in different settings from elite sports to early rehabilitation. These insights are important to create differentiated stimuli to best match the strength capacities of each individual and to address its specific needs.
... A reasonable volume of the standard NHE for general strengthening purposes is 2-3 sets of three repetitions. 7 To attain the best transfer to acceleration and high speed sprints, the ankles are in a neutral or slightly dorsiflexed position ( Figure 1). The major focus and the ultimate training goal are achieving the highest possible activation of the hamstrings across the entire range of motion. ...
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The Nordic Hamstring Exercise (NHE) improves the strength of the hamstring muscles, as well as prevents and rehabilitates the injuries of said muscles. However, the eccentric demand of NHE may influence the athlete’s performance, making compliance with these programmes difficult. The aim is to analyse the acute impact on sprint performance after the passing of 24, 48, and 72 hours respectively since an NHE-based session (4 sets of 10 repetitions) had taken place. Participants were randomly divided into an experimental group (EG) (n = 12 male participants) who carried out an NHE session and a measurement of their 30 m sprint performance in each of the three subsequent days, and a control group (CG) (n = 12 male participants) who did not take part in the NHE session. The results show a significant reduction of maximum power within 24 hours (t = 3.57, d = 0.22, P < .0273) as well of the production of high speed horizontal force up to after 48 hours (t = 4.82, d = 0.22, P < .0001) in the EG. These results may suggest separating weekly NHE sessions from competition or demanding training in which sprint performance should not be affected by at least 72 hours.
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The Nordic hamstring exercise (NHE) is performed to increase hamstring strength, elicit morphological changes, and reduce injury risk. However, to date, the NHE assisted by the means of an external resistance has not been investigated. Thus, this study compared the eccentric knee flexor strength, rating of perceived exertion (RPE), and electromyographic responses of the biceps femoris (BF) and semitendinosus (ST) when performing the NHE under assisted or unassisted conditions. Sixteen professional soccer players (aged 19.4 6 2.2 years) performed 5 sets of 3 NHE unassisted and with assisting loads (5-20% of the body mass) using the Keiser machine. Eccentric knee flexor strength was measured from the subjects' dominant limb. Peak surface electromyography (sEMG) of the BF and ST was recorded from the dominant limb; the ratio was also calculated. Subjects rated the intensity of each condition of the NHE on a ten-point RPE Borg scale. All assisted conditions displayed significantly lower (p , 0.05) absolute and relative eccentric knee flexor strength than unassisted conditions. Rating of perceived exertion for each loading condition was significantly lower (p , 0.05) as the assisting load increased except for the difference between the 10 and 15% assisted conditions. Surface electromyography of the BF and ST was not significantly lower (p , 0.05) during all assisted conditions compared with the unassisted NHE, neither there were significant between-muscle differences or sEMG ratios AU2. Our findings suggest that the assisted NHE reduces the load and difficulty of the exercise. Practitioners can use the assisted NHE to manipulate intensity and difficulty if that is appropriate for their programming.
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The purpose of this study was to present and biomechanically evaluate several variations of the Nordic hamstring exercise (NHE), achieved by altering the slope of the lower leg support and by asumming different hip flexion angles. Electromyographic and 2D kinematic measurements were conducted to analyse muscle activity (biceps femoris, semitendinosus, gluteus maximus, erector spine and lateral head of the gastrocnemius), knee and hip joint torques during 6 variations of NHE. The study involved 18 adults (24.9 ± 3.7 years) with previous experience in resistance training, but with little or no experience with NHE. Increasing the slope of the lower leg support from 0° (standard NHE) to 20° and 40° enabled the participants to perform the exercise through a larger range of motion, while achieving similar peak knee and hip torques. Instructions for increased hip flexion from 0° (standard NHE) to 25°, 50° and 75° resulted in greater peak knee and hip torque, although the participants were not able to maintain the hip angle at 50° nor 75°. Muscle activity decreased or remained similar in all modified variations compared to the standard NHE for all measured muscles. Our results suggest that using the presented variations of NHE might contribute to optimization of hamstring injury prevention and rehabilitation programs, by providing appropriate difficulty for the individual’s strength level and also allow eccentric strengthening at longer hamstring lengths.
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Research question Does the Nordic hamstring exercise (NHE) prevent hamstring injuries when included as part of an injury prevention intervention? Design Systematic review and meta-analysis. Eligibility criteria for selecting studies We considered the population to be any athletes participating in any sporting activity, the intervention to be the NHE, the comparison to be usual training or other prevention programmes, which did not include the NHE, and the outcome to be the incidence or rate of hamstring injuries. Analysis The effect of including the NHE in injury prevention programmes compared with controls on hamstring injuries was assessed in 15 studies that reported the incidence across different sports and age groups in both women and men. Data sources MEDLINE via PubMed, CINAHL via Ebsco, and OpenGrey. Results There is a reduction in the overall injury risk ratio of 0.49 (95% CI 0.32 to 0.74, p=0.0008) in favour of programmes including the NHE. Secondary analyses when pooling the eight randomised control studies demonstrated a small increase in the overall injury risk ratio 0.52 (95% CI 0.32 to 0.85, p=0.0008), still in favour of the NHE. Additionally, when studies with a high risk of bias were removed (n=8), there is an increase of 0.06 in the risk ratio to 0.55 (95% CI 0.34 to 0.89, p=0.006). Conclusions Programmes that include the NHE reduce hamstring injuries by up to 51%. The NHE essentially halves the rate of hamstring injuries across multiple sports in different athletes. Trial registration number PROSPERO CRD42018106150.
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ABSTRACT: The Nordic Hamstring Exercise (NHE) is effective for selective hamstring strengthening to improve muscle balance between knee flexors and extensors. The purpose of this study (within subject design of repeated measures) was to determine the effects of a standardized 4-week NHE training on thigh strength and balance with concomitant kinetic and kinematic monitoring. Sixteen male sprinters (22 years, 181 cm, 76 kg) performed a standardised 4-week NHE training consisting of three sessions per week (each 3 x 3 repetitions). Six rope-assisted and six unassisted sessions were performed targeting at a constant knee extension angular velocity of ~15°/s across a ~90-100° knee joint range of motion. Kinetic (peak and mean moment, impulse) and kinematic parameters (e.g., ROM to downward acceleration, ROMDWA ) were recorded during selected sessions. Unilateral isokinetic tests of concentric and eccentric knee flexors and extensors quantified muscle group-, contaction mode- and velocity-specific training adaptations. Peak moments and contractional work demonstrated strong interactions of time with muscle group, contraction modes and angular velocities (η²>0.150). NHE training increased eccentric hamstring strength by 6-14% as well as thigh muscle balance with biggest adaptations at 150°/s two weeks after NHE training. Throughout the training period, significant increases (p<0.001) of peak (η²=0.828) and mean moments (η²=0.611) became apparent, whereas the impulse and the ROMDWA of unassisted NHE repetitions remained unchanged (p>0.05). A 4-week NHE training significantly strengthened the hamstrings and improved muscle balance between knee flexors and extensors. Despite the slow training velocity, biggest adaptations emerged at the highest velocity two weeks after training ended.
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Background Hamstring injuries are among the most common non-contact injuries in sports. The Nordic hamstring (NH) exercise has been shown to decrease risk by increasing eccentric hamstring strength. Objective The purpose of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to investigate the effectiveness of the injury prevention programs that included the NH exercise on reducing hamstring injury rates while factoring in athlete workload. Methods Two researchers independently searched for eligible studies using the following databases: the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials via OvidSP, AMED (Allied and Complementary Medicine) via OvidSP, EMBASE, PubMed, MEDLINE, SPORTDiscus, Web of Science, CINAHL and AusSportMed, from inception to December 2015. The keyword domains used during the search were Nordic, hamstring, injury prevention programs, sports and variations of these keywords. The initial search resulted in 3242 articles which were filtered to five articles that met the inclusion criteria. The main inclusion criteria were randomized controlled trials or interventional studies on use of an injury prevention program that included the NH exercise while the primary outcome was hamstring injury rate. Extracted data were subjected to meta-analysis using a random effects model. ResultsThe pooled results based on total injuries per 1000 h of exposure showed that programs that included the NH exercise had a statistically significant reduction in hamstring injury risk ratio [IRR] of 0.490 (95 % confidence interval [CI] 0.291–0.827, p = 0.008). Teams using injury prevention programs that included the NH exercise reduced hamstring injury rates up to 51 % in the long term compared with the teams that did not use any injury prevention measures. Conclusions This systematic review and meta-analysis demonstrates that injury prevention programs that include NH exercises decrease the risk of hamstring injuries among soccer players. A protocol was registered in the International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews, PROSPERO (CRD42015019912).
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Purpose: To investigate the kinematic and muscle activation adaptations during performance of the Nordic hamstring exercise (NHE) to a 6-week eccentric hamstring training programme using the NHE as the sole mode of exercise. Methods: Twenty-nine healthy males were randomly allocated to a control (CG) or intervention (IG) group. The IG participated in a 6-week eccentric hamstring exercise programme using the NHE. Results: The findings of the present study were that a 6-week eccentric hamstring training programme improved eccentric hamstring muscle strength (202.4 vs. 177.4 nm, p = 0.0002, Cohen's d = 0.97) and optimized kinematic (longer control of the forward fall component of the NHE, 68.1° vs. 73.7°, p = 0.022, Cohen's d = 0.90) and neuromuscular parameters (increased electromyographic activity of the hamstrings, 83.2 vs. 56.6 % and 92.0 vs. 54.2 %, p < 0.05, Cohen's d > 1.25) associated with NHE performance. Conclusion: This study provides some insight into potential mechanisms by which an eccentric hamstring exercise programme utilizing the NHE as the mode of exercise may result in an improvement in hamstring muscle control during eccentric contractions.
Background: In the bilateral Nordic hamstring exercise (NHE), hamstrings operate at relatively short lengths, which may limit this exercise’s efficacy in hamstring injury prevention. Objectives: To examine knee flexion torque, and biceps femoris long head (BFlh) and semitendinosus (ST) high-density electromyography (HD-EMG) activity during unilateral and bilateral NHE performed with either neutral (NHE0) or 90° flexed (NHE90) hips. Methods: Exercises were performed on a novel device at eccentric 1-repetition maximum load defined for 90-15° knee range of motion. Torque and EMG signals normalised to maximal voluntary isometric activity were compared in different phases of the exercises with Statistical Parametric Mapping. Results: Lower EMG levels were observed in NHE90 than in NHE0, mainly in the second half of the movement. Knee flexor eccentric torque was higher in NHE90 than in NHE0 from the beginning until 87% of the bilateral movement, and over the entire unilateral movement. In NHE0, ST activity was higher compared to BFlh during the initial movement phase, but lower close to knee extension. Torque and EMG activity were generally similar in the bilateral and unilateral modes. Conclusion: If performed with neutral hips, NHE selectively activates BFlh near full knee extension. Performing NHE with hips flexed to 90° is preferable when higher passive torque and ST selectivity are targeted at a longer muscle length. Performing these exercises unilaterally could help to train each limb separately with a similar torque and EMG output to the bilateral conditions. Adaptations to these exercises should be examined.
Purpose To determine the time course of architectural adaptations in the biceps femoris long head (BFLH) following high or low volume eccentric training. Methods Twenty recreationally active males completed a two week standardised period of eccentric Nordic hamstring exercise (NHE) training, followed by four weeks of high (n=10) or low volume (n=10) training. Eccentric strength was assessed pre and post intervention and following detraining. Architecture was assessed weekly during training and after two and four weeks of detraining. Results After six weeks of training, BFLH fascicles increased significantly in the high (23 ± 7%, P<0.001, d=2.87) and low volume (24 ± 4%, P<0.001, d=3.46) groups, but reversed following two weeks of detraining (high volume, ‐17 ± 5%, P<0.001, d=‐2.04; low volume, ‐15 ± 3%, P<0.001, d=‐2.56) after completing the intervention. Both groups increased eccentric strength after six weeks of training (high volume, 28 ± 20%, P=0.009, d=1.55; low volume, 34 ± 14%, P<0.001, d=2.09) and saw no change in strength following a four week period of detraining (high volume, ‐7 ± 7%, P=0.97, d=‐0.31; low volume, ‐2 ± 5%, P=0.99, d=‐0.20). Conclusions Both low and high volume NHE training stimulate increases in BFLH fascicle length and eccentric knee flexor strength. Architectural adaptations reverted to baseline levels within two weeks after training, but eccentric strength is maintained for at least four weeks. These observations provide novel insight into the effects of training volume and detraining on BFLH architecture, and may provide guidance for the implementation of NHE programmes. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Background: The architectural characteristics of muscle (fascicle length, pennation angle muscle thickness) respond to varying forms of stimuli (eg, training, immobilisation and injury). Architectural changes following injury are thought to occur in response to the restricted range of motion experienced during rehabilitation and the associated neuromuscular inhibition. However, it is unknown if these differences exist prior to injury, and had a role in injury occuring (prospectively), or if they occur in response to the incident itself (retrospectively). Considering that the structure of a muscle will influence how it functions, it is of interest to understand how these architectural variations may alter how a muscle acts with reference to the force-length and force-velocity relationships. Objectives: Our narrative review provides an overview of muscle architectural adaptations to training and injury. Specifically, we (1) describe the methods used to measure muscle architecture; (2) detail the impact that architectural alterations following training interventions, immobilisation and injury have on force production and (3) present a hypothesis on how neuromuscular inhibition could cause maladaptations to muscle architecture following injury.