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Local Practices of Infantile Colic Management and Health Outcomes in Children: A Scoping Review



Infantile colic is a self-limiting condition that occurs in infants. It is a common disturbance occurring in the first three months of life but is generally harmless. The exact aetiology is unknown, but it is associated with a vicious cycle of the infant crying and swallowing of air. Mothers use a number of methods to relieve their infants from this condition. However, there is limited evidence that support the use of complementary and alternative treatments (such as herbal supplements, and a manipulative approach) or behavioural interventions. The impetus of this paper is thus to explore local or alternative methods of the management of infantile colic. A scoping review of existing literature was done to assess all research on local practices of infantile colic management by nurses and doctors in developed countries and work carried out in Africa. This was done to identify what has been done and to identify any gaps in research. The majority of the studies reviewed revealed positive effects of unorthodox or local methods in managing infantile colic although some cause complications for the infants. There are very few published articles on this subject and methods used. The researchers, therefore, recommend more controlled trials to test the effectiveness of the different local substances used to manage infantile colic.
ISSN 2520-5293 (Online), ISSN 1682-5055 (Print)
© Unisa Press 2018
Africa Journal of Nursing and Midwifery
Volume 19 | Number 3 | 2017 | #2165 | 10 pages
T. D. Odetola, RN, PhD
University of Ibadan, Nigeria
M. O. Abiona, BNSc
Ondo State School of Nursing, Nigeria
Infantile colic is a self-limiting condition that occurs in infants. It is a common disturbance
occurring in the rst three months of life but is generally harmless. The exact aetiology is
unknown, but it is associated with a vicious cycle of the infant crying and swallowing of
air. Mothers use a number of methods to relieve their infants from this condition. However,
there is limited evidence that support the use of complementary and alternative treatments
(such as herbal supplements, and a manipulative approach) or behavioural interventions.
The impetus of this paper is thus to explore local or alternative methods of the management
of infantile colic. A scoping review of existing literature was done to assess all research on
local practices of infantile colic management by nurses and doctors in developed countries
and work carried out in Africa. This was done to identify what has been done and to identify
any gaps in research. The majority of the studies reviewed revealed positive effects of
unorthodox or local methods in managing infantile colic although some cause complications
for the infants. There are very few published articles on this subject and methods used. The
researchers, therefore, recommend more controlled trials to test the effectiveness of the
different local substances used to manage infantile colic.
Keywords: infantile colic; local practice; management; health outcome
Odetola and Abiona Infantile Colic Management
Infantile colic is a syndrome characterised by excessive, unexplained paroxysmal crying
in an otherwise healthy baby (Savino 2007). The crying typically starts in the rst
few weeks of life and spontaneously resolves within three to ve months (Landgren,
Lundqvist, and Hallström 2012). Excessive crying is dened as crying that lasts for
more than three hours per day and more than three days per week for at least three weeks
(Leung and Lemay 2004). The crying has been typically described as a high-pitched
scream, occurring mainly in the late afternoon or evening, but may occur at any time.
Characteristically, the infants’ knees are drawn up to the abdomen, the face is ushed
and “pained”, the sts are clenched, the atus is expelled, and there is minimal response
to attempts at soothing the infant (Balon 1997).
Various studies have attributed colic to painful intestinal contractions, lactose
intolerance, the presence of gas in the gut, and parental misinterpretation of normal
crying. However, in recent times, it was hypothesised from various studies that
infantile colic might have a medical or behavioural cause (Savino 2007). The medical
hypotheses include food hypersensitivity or allergies and immaturity of gut function
or gut dysmotility. The behavioural hypotheses include inadequate maternal-infant
interaction (Lucassen et al. 1998), maternal anxiety and difcult infant temperament
(Leung and Lemay 2004). Other recent hypotheses that are being investigated are
hormone alterations and maternal smoking (Savino 2007). The role of gut microora
in the aetiopathogenesis of colic has also been reported. The linking of colic to organic
causes has changed its management interventions which include the use of a wider
range of pharmacological agents such as antispasmodic, defoaming agents, gut hormone
antagonists (Savino 2007), and herbal medicines (Oshikoya, Senbanjo, and Njokanma
Both behavioural and pharmacological interventions have been studied over the
years in the management of colic and have demonstrated a signicant improvement in
the symptoms (Arikan et al. 2008). However, only a few of these interventions have
been conrmed by randomised clinical trials. Infantile colic usually has a favourable
course and outcome, even without treatment. Most infants are free of the symptoms
by the age of four to ve months (Savino 2007). However, most parents are faced with
tremendous stress and are unlikely to tolerate the stress until the symptoms completely
disappear without medical intervention; therefore either medical help is sought or
self-medication practised by the parents (Arikan et al. 2008; Oshikoya, Senbanjo, and
Njokanma 2009). The majority of Nigerians are known to use and consult traditional
healers for healthcare because of poverty and poor enlightenment. Based on this, herbal
medicines are commonly used in childhood illnesses and even in managing colic
(Chinawa et al. 2013).
When a baby constantly cries despite the parents’ attempts at consolation, the balance
within the family is disturbed as all of the members of a family are mutually dependent in
a complex system. Colic disturbs mother-child and father-child relationships (Landgren,
Odetola and Abiona Infantile Colic Management
Lundqvist and Hallström 2012), creates chaos and disrupts family life (Landgren and
Hallström 2011). Both mothers and fathers often feel powerless and frustrated and search
desperately and creatively for treatments for colic to soothe their babies’ crying. Parents
become very frustrated when they nd that no intervention seems to help. Therefore
they try various means to soothe the baby (Landgren and Hallström 2011).
Infantile colic is one of the major challenges of parenthood. It is the most common
paediatric problem in the rst year (Oshikoya, Senbanjo, and Njokanma 2009). It is also
one of the common reasons why parents seek medical advice during their child’s rst
three months of life. Sleepless nights and the inability to console a newly arrived baby
cause a great deal of stress, especially among rst-time parents.
Because of the lack of consensus in the literature about the aetiology and
management of colic, healthcare providers do not have a consistent explanation or
approach to management to share with distressed parents. This lack of consistency leads
to confusion for the parents because they are unsure of whom to turn to or what advice
to follow. In a bid to resolve the stress and anxiety posed by the condition in their
infants, most mothers receive advice from friends and family which may conict with
the regimen prescribed by healthcare providers. These mothers also try various local
and unorthodox regimens to help and relieve their babies of the colic.
The purpose of the study was to review existing literature on researches conducted
especially by medical doctors and nurses in local practices of infantile colic management
both in developed countries and in Africa. This review is done to identify local methods
that mothers or caregivers follow to manage their infants with colic.
This study will help in identifying gaps in existing literature on infantile colic
management and will add to the body of knowledge on effective methods of managing
infantile colic.
To investigate local methods of managing infantile colic.
To explore the effectiveness of local or unorthodox methods of managing infantile
To identify gaps in existing literature on infantile colic management.
Odetola and Abiona Infantile Colic Management
Study Design
The researchers conducted a scoping review of existing literature to assess all research
conducted in Africa, West Africa and globally on local practices of infantile colic
management from 2005 to 2015. The researchers wanted to identify what research has
been done, which ones were adjudged effective, where they have been done, and to
identify any gaps in infantile colic management research.
Search Strategy
Systematic searches of literature on local practices of infantile colic management among
mothers published in peer-reviewed journals from 1 January 2005 to 31 December 2015
were performed in PubMed, Web of Science, CINHAL, and Science Direct. Studies
were identied using keyword searches of electronic databases.
Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
Research was included if it was conducted by doctors and nurses.
The study had to contain original research excluding reviews and letters to the
Articles had to be published globally in any peer-reviewed journal with an abstract
in English, and had to include patient outcomes.
Articles had to be published from 2005–2015.
Procedure for Article Selection
The procedure for selecting articles was sequential consisting of the identication of
relevant literature, screening of the articles, assessing the eligibility of full texts, and
nal inclusion of articles. Studies were retrieved from the initial search, and full articles
were downloaded. This process resulted in seven articles that met the criteria being
selected and used for the study.
Data Extraction
Data were extracted from studies that met the inclusion criteria using the researcher-
developed extraction sheet created for the study. The data included the names of the
authors, the title of the study, year of publication, countries of publication and study,
and study type and design.
Odetola and Abiona Infantile Colic Management
Different studies have shown the effectiveness of unorthodox techniques and methods of
managing babies with colic. The studies ranged from descriptive studies to interventional
studies. The different methods of the management of infantile colic are discussed below.
Herbal Extracts
A study was carried out by Savino et al. (2005) to test the effectiveness of a standardised
extract of Matricaria recutita (chamomile), Foeniculum vulgare (fennel) and Melissa
ofcinalis (lemon balm) (Colimil) in the treatment of breastfed colicky infants. Ninety-
three breastfed colicky infants were enrolled in the study; the diagnosis of infantile
colic was made according to Wessel’s criteria. After a three-day observation period,
the infants were randomly divided into two groups, one treated with a phytotherapeutic
agent (PA) and the other with placebo twice a day for one week. Crying time, and side
effects were recorded. The study shows that colic in breastfed infants improves within
one week of treatment with an extract based on Matricaria recutita, Foeniculum vulgare
and Melissa ofcinalis.
Chashti (2008) also recommended giving the infants extracts from Trachyspermum
copticum, and Foeniculum vulgare (fennel) mixed in the milk for the infant, which
are also effective. Another effective possibility is mixing the extract from Foeniculum
vulgare and Acorus calamus in the milk and giving it to the infant. Similar effects
have been reported for Pimpinella anisum (aniseed) and mastic. In cases in which the
aetiology is related to the warm nature of the food, the modication of the mother’s diet
and consequently the milk consumed by the infant are of importance. In such cases, it
is recommended to give medications of “cold nature” to the infant. Giving the infant
a massage with cold oils such as Viola odorata (sweet violet) (Feyzabadi et al. 2014),
Rosa damascena (damask rose) or even giving the infant some drops of almond oil can
also be effective (Chashti 2008).
Sucrose Solution, Herbal Tea or Hydrolysed Formulas
The effectiveness of massage, sucrose solution, herbal tea or a hydrolysed formula,
each used individually in the treatment of infantile colic was evaluated by Arikan
et al. (2008) using a randomised controlled trial. The study revealed that there was
a signicant reduction in the crying hours per day in all intervention groups. The
difference between the mean duration of the total crying (hours/day) before and after
the intervention in the infants in the hydrolysed formula group was higher than that of
the massage, sucrose and herbal tea group. Similarly, the difference between the mean
duration of the total crying (hours/day) before and after the intervention in the infants in
the massage group was lower than that of the other intervention groups. Therefore, the
study ndings demonstrated that varied interventions such as administering a massage,
Odetola and Abiona Infantile Colic Management
sucrose solution, herbal tea and hydrolysed formula are effective in the treatment of
colic. However, the hydrolysed formula was the most effective in reducing the duration
of crying (hours/day) when compared with the other intervention groups.
Massage or Chiropractic Interventions
Massage is another unorthodox method or local way of managing the colic condition.
According to a study by Sheidaei et al. (2016), massage signicantly improved colic
symptoms during a one-week intervention for all outcomes. In addition, signicant
differences were found between the intervention and control groups for massaging.
Therefore, massage therapy is more effective than rocking for treating infantile colic
symptoms. This study also supports the ndings of a study conducted by Javan,
Feyzabadi, and Kiani (2015), which discovered that one of the most effective treatment
methods for colic in infants is abdomen massage. Based on the study, Trachyspermum
copticum (Ajowan caraway, bishop’s weed or carom) mixed with yolk in diluted form
(Tela) proved very helpful when massaging the infant abdomen. Oils from herbs such
as mastic and olives also yielded positive results when used to massage infants. Another
useful method explored by this interventional study is putting the infant on its mother’s
lap facing downwards and then massaging its spinal cord and back, using oil from Rosa
This chiropractic intervention was also discovered in Nigeria according to a study
by Oshikoya, Senbanjo, and Njokanma (2009,), in which infantile colic was managed
by massaging the infants’ abdomens with anointing oils or herbal mixtures. Mothers
placing their hands on the abdomens of their colicky infants or laying the infants on
their abdomens (56.4%) and applying a hot water bottle to the colicky abdomen (21.8%)
were the other chiropractic interventions practised by the mothers. They also stipulated
that applying a hot water bottle to the abdomen of the infant has been reported to relieve
rectal spasm to aid easier passage of atus. Parents must, however, be cautioned about
the use of this method as they stand the risk of causing burn to the infants’ abdomens.
Arikan et al. (2008) also conducted a study to test the effectiveness of massage as
an intervention with other unorthodox substances in the management of infants with
colic. The massage intervention yielded the least symptomatic improvement among all
other interventions tested, but it was effective in soothing the irritable babies.
Herbal Concoctions
In Nigeria, herbal medicines are usually used to manage babies with colic. The use of
herbal concoctions in the management of childhood illnesses has been reported both in
developed and developing countries. According to a study by Chinawa et al. (2013), the
most commonly used herbal concoction by caregivers is “Gbomoro”. This is a herbal
medication which contains mainly chloroquine, lactose and ascorbic acid (Oshikoya et
al. 2007). It has been hypothesised that when given to infants with colic, it relieves them
Odetola and Abiona Infantile Colic Management
of pain. Pharmacological and toxicological studies are necessary to determine the safety
of this herbal medication in infants.
Gripe water has been in use for over a century to treat colic with little or no response.
This may explain the 4.6 per cent of mothers who used it as self-medication. It has
been determined that the alcohol content of gripe water provides a soothing effect, the
bicarbonate provides a neutralising effect on the gastric acid, and the carminative in the
plant extract causes the soothing of the infant in the presence of excess gas in the lumen
that may cause pain. This treatment is, however, not entirely harmless. Therefore the
proper dosage has to be scientically determined (Chinawa et al. 2013).
Although the majority of mothers did not attribute the colic to any disease, they
were willing to use herbal concoctions to treat the abdominal colic, as no caregiver is
comfortable watching a child in pain and discomfort. The use of native concoctions for
infants with colic may be viewed as a common practice among mothers of different
cultures and tribes in Nigeria, but the types of herbal medicine used may likely differ.
For instance, “Ororo Ogiri” was the most used herbal medicine in a particular study
(Oshikoya, Senbanjo, and Njokanma 2009). It is derived from putreed Cucumeropsis
mannii (melon) seeds, and is used as a local food seasoning among the Yoruba tribe
in Nigeria. When dissolved in water and taken by adults, it relieves indigestion by
causing excessive atulence. Its use in the treatment of infantile colic was based on the
hypothesis that it removes the excess intraluminal gas in the infant by causing atulence.
The majority of the mothers (87.7%) studied by Chinawa et al. (2013) apply various
substances or medications for colic which range from paracetamol (33.1%), Gbomoro
(16.2%), teething powder (15.4%), salt water (13.2%), Buscopan (7.7%) and gripe water
(4.6%). Mothers usually attribute symptoms of most childhood illnesses to abdominal
colic. This may have led to unnecessary and sometimes harmful management. The
study by Oshikoya, Senbanjo, and Njokanma (2009) revealed various herbal substances
used to manage babies with this condition of which 48 (26.2%) were “Ororo Ogiri”.
Nospamin (49.5%) and gripe water (43.0%) were the two frequently prescribed and
self-medicated medicines for infants with colic. However, the efcacy of these herbal
drugs is yet to be evaluated.
However, various complications can arise from the use or excessive use of herbal
concoctions. Hepatic encephalopathy and death from the use of herbal preparations
(such as preparations from Allium sativum L. (garlic) and Allium ascalonicum L
(shallots)) that contain naphthalene tablets have been reported by some workers. Other
documented harmful effects of these herbal preparations have also been reported
(Chinawa et al. 2013).
Some studies have shown that the practice of acupuncture had different effects on the
treatment of infantile colic (Ernst 2009; Landgren, Lundqvist, and Hallström 2011).
Odetola and Abiona Infantile Colic Management
Acupuncture is a frequently used alternative treatment modality in Scandinavia and
is also used for infantile colic (Reinthal, Lund, and Lundeberg 2011). Acupuncture is
an original Chinese treatment method using thin steel needles penetrating through the
skin and into connective tissue and muscle bres. The neurophysiologic basis for the
observed effects, especially the pain-inhibiting effects, is relatively well understood.
Acupuncture is a safe procedure when used by trained practitioners, and the risk of
serious adverse effects is low in children (Adams et al. 2011).
Two controlled trials of children with infantile colic treated with acupuncture have
been published (Landgren and Hallström 2011; Reinthal, Lund, and Lundeberg2011).
Both studies concluded that acupuncture signicantly reduced the crying and pain-
related behaviour without noticeable adverse effects. Effect sizes were small, and there
was no blinding validation. General practitioners were educated within the programmes
of the Norwegian Society of Medical Acupuncture and used a standardised bilateral
needling of the point ST36 when treating infantile colic. Acupuncture point ST36 is
located in the proximal part of the anterior tibia muscle and is the acupuncture point
considered for ailments of gastro-intestinal nature in traditional Chinese medicine
(Deadman, Al-Khafaji, and Baker 2008). A postulated neurophysiologic mechanism
explains a benecial effect on gut dysmotility by way of the parasympathetic vagal
reexes, as well as a centrally opioid-mediated pain inhibitory pathway (Takahashi
When Holgeir et al. (2013) carried out a study with the aim to test the hypothesis
that such acupuncture treatment has an effect above no-treatment control in infantile
colic, it was discovered that the trial of acupuncture treatment for infantile colic showed
no statistically signicant or clinically relevant effect.
Infantile colic affects newborns for up to three months. It is a self-limiting condition.
Owing to the stress this condition causes parents or caregivers, the majority of the
parents or caregivers try a variety of treatments ranging from pharmacological to non-
pharmacological methods. These treatments all have an effect on the colicky infant.
Local or herbal treatments had also proven to be effective in managing this condition,
but the majority of these products or substances have yet to be studied to determine
their efcacy and side effects in infants. It is therefore recommended that clinical trials
be carried out on these products and unconventional ways of managing infantile colic.
The researchers wish to thank Kazeem Oshikoya, Idowu Senbajo and Olisame-
dua Njokanma for going the extra mile in investigating the local methods used by
Nigerian mothers in managing infantile colic. The researchers also wish to thank the
Odetola and Abiona Infantile Colic Management
mothers who participated in the study, the Medical Librarian, Dr J. U. Igbeka, from
the Latunde Odeku Medical Library, and the College of Medicine at the University of
Ibadan for granting permission to use their library portal.
Adams, D., F. Cheng, H. Jou, S. Aung, Y. Yasui, and S. Vohra. 2011. “The Safety of Pediatric Acupuncture:
A Systematic Review.”Pediatrics 128 (6): 1575–87.
Arikan, D., H. Alp, S. Gözüm, Z. Orbak, and E. K. Cifçi. 2008. “Effectiveness of Massage, Sucrose
Solution, Herbal Tea or Hydrolysed Formula in the Treatment of Infantile Colic.” Journal of Clinical
Nursing17 (13): 1754–61.
Balon, A.J. 1997. “Management of Infantile Colic.” American Family Physician 55 (1): 235–42.
Chasti, M. A. 2008. Exir-e-Azam [Great elixir]. Tehran: Research Institute for Islamic and Complementary
Chinawa, J. M., A. C. Ubesie, G. N. Adimora, H. A. Obu, and C. B. Eke. 2013. “Mothers’ Perception and
Management of Abdominal Colic in Infants in Enugu, Nigeria.” Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice
16 (2): 169–73.
Deadman, P., M. Al-Khafaji, and K. Baker. 2008. A Manual of Acupuncture. 3rd ed. Hove: Journal of
Chinese Medicine.
Ernst, E. 2009. “Chiropractic Spinal Manipulation for Infant Colic: A Systematic Review of
Randomised Clinical Trials.” International Journal of Clinical Practice 63 (9): 1351–53.
Feyzabadi, Z., R. Javan, R. Mokaberinejad, J. Aliasl. 2014. “Comparing Insomnia Treatment in Iranian
Traditional Medicine and Modern Medicine.” History of Medicine Journal 6 (19): 185–208.
Holgeir, S., S. Trygve, F. Arne, and B. Mettte. 2013. “Acupuncture for Infantile Colic: A Blinding-validated,
Randomized Controlled Multicentre Trial in General Practice.” Scandinavian Journal of Primary
Health Care 31 (4): 190–6.
Javan, R., Z. Feyzabadi, and M. Kiani. 2015. “Management of Infantile Colic; Based on
Traditional Iranian Medicine.” International Journal of Pediatrics 3 (5.1): 909–13.
Landgren, K., and I. Hallström. 2011. “Parents’ Experience of Living with a Baby with Infantile Colic –A
Phenomenological Hermeneutic Study.” Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences 25 (2): 317–24.
Landgren, K., A. Lundqvist, and I. Hallström. 2012. “Remembering the Chaos – But Life Went on and the
Wound Healed. A Four Year Follow Up with Parents having had a Baby with Infantile Colic.” Open
Nursing Journal 6: 53–61.
Leung, A. K., and J. F. Lemay. 2004. “Infantile Colic: A Review.” Journal of the Royal Society for the
Promotion of Health 124 (4): 162–6.
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Lucassen, P. L. B. J., W. J. J. Assendelft, J. W. Gubbels, J. T. M. van Eijk, W. J. van Geldrop, and
A. K. Neven. 1998. “Effectiveness of Treatments for Infantile Colic: Systematic Review.” BMJ 316:
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Reactions in Nigerian Children.” Paediatric and Perinatal Drug Therapy 8: 81–88.
Oshikoya, K. A., I. O. Senbanjo, and O. F. Njokanma. 2009. “Self-medication for Infants with Colic in
Lagos, Nigeria.” BMC Pediatrics 9: 9.
Reinthal, M., I. Lund, and T. Lundeberg. 2011. “Infantile Colic: More than the Mother.” Acupuncture in
Medicine 29 (4): 246.
Savino, F. 2007. “Focus on Infantile Colic.” Acta Paediatrica 96 (9): 1259 64.
Savino, F., F. Cresi, E. Castagno, L. Silvestro, and R. Oggero. 2005. “A Randomized Double-Blind
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19 (4): 335–40.
Sheidaei, A., A. Abadi, F. Zayeri, F. Nahidi, N. Gazerani, and A. Mansouri. 2016. “The Effectiveness of
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Full-text available
Background Infant colic is a self-limiting condition reported in the past decade. It is a syndrome distinguished by uncontrollable crying in a healthy baby and begins in the early weeks of life and settles around six months. This study aimed to explore the understanding of infant colic and the cultural practices regarding its management by women in a particular village of Limpopo province in South Africa. Methods A qualitative phenomenological, exploratory and descriptive design was used to explore cultural practices regarding the management of infant colic by women at the particular village of Vhembe District, Limpopo province. Participants were selected based on their availability or accessibility for study purpose. Data was collected through unstructured interview, observational notes and field notes from 16 participants. The central question was: “What is your understanding of infant colic, and how do you manage it?” Tesch’s eight steps of open-coding was used to analyse data. Ethical clearance to conduct the study was obtained from the University of Venda Research Ethics Committee. The local authorities permitted interaction with the participants in the villages. The trustworthiness of the study was ensured through credibility, dependability, transferability and confirmability. Results The misconceptions about infant colic, use of self-medication, cultural norms, taking the baby to the traditional and religious practitioners emerged during the analysis. Conclusion The traditional approach to managing infant colic not be ignored because their forefathers discovered the formula, and it must be included and respected by citizens in the country.
Full-text available
Introduction Infantile colic is a common disorder in the three first months of childhood. There is no clear management in treating this disease which may lead to psychosocial consequences in parents. Due to the importance of infantile colic in Traditional Iranian Medicine (TIM) in this study was conducted. Materials and Methods In this review article, we searched the words for colic infantile like "Maghs e Atfal" in the clinical textbooks of TIM and electronic databases were searched for "Infantile Colic", "Herbal Medicine", "Traditional Medicine" and "Complementary Medicine" keywords to obtain any relevant study. Results In TIM, infantile colic is called "Maghs e Atfal". TIM scholars believed that it can be caused by bloating in stomach, eating a lot of food or milk and subsequently mal-digestion. The treatment is based on the probable etiology. In bloating in stomach, the first step is to modify breast milk by the mother's eating anti-flatulence drugs and avoiding any flatulent food. Foeniculum vulgare and Trachyspermum ammi are recommended to be consumed with milk by the child. Conclusion According to the benign nature of the colic, complementary medicine can be a priority in treatment. In this viewpoint, the mother's diet modification, and consequently of her milk, are very important. Avoiding any flatulent food and consumption of anti-flatulence plants are based on its treatment.
Full-text available
Background: Infantile colic, cry-fuss and sleep problems are transient in the initial months of life, but they contribute to maternal depression, parenting stress and family mental health problems. In this randomized clinical trial, we aimed to explore the efficacy of massage therapy compared to rocking in reducing infantile colic symptoms including duration and number of cries, sleep duration and severity of infant colic. Methods: This was a single blind RCT study with a one-week follow-up. One hundred colicky infants aged younger than 12 weeks old were randomly assigned into massage and rocking groups. Infants in the massage group received a massage for 15-20 minutes once during a day and once at night before sleeping for a week. In the control group, mothers rocked their infants gently for 5-25 minutes when the symptoms of colic appeared. Parents recorded the details of the colic symptoms in a diary every day. A GEE approach was applied to explore the effect of the intervention. Results: Efficiency of massage therapy was significantly higher than rocking. At the end of the study, the mean number of daily cries was 4.26±1.40 in the massage and 6.9±2.14 the rocking groups (p<0.01). The mean of the severity score was 1.39±0.19 less in the massage group (p<0.01). Moreover, the mean differences of massage and rocking groups were -0.82±0.20 hour (p<0.01) and 0.72±0.35 (p= 0.04) in the duration of cries and duration of sleep, respectively. Conclusion: Massaging significantly improved colic symptoms during a one-week intervention for all outcomes. In addition, significant differences were found between the intervention and control groups in favor of massaging. Therefore, massage therapy is more effective than rocking for treating infant colic symptoms.
Full-text available
Background: Insomnia is one of the most prevalent sleep disorders which affect the quality of life. Due to high prevalence of this disease and the side effects of sedative drugs and an increase in people tend to use herbal remedies, this study was designed. This study aims at investigating various treatments for insomnia in Iranian traditional medicine and comparing them with current therapies in modern medicine. Materials and methods: This study is reviews Iranian traditional medicine textbooks and their contents about insomnia and its treatments which are separately expressed and explained. In addition, new articles are reviewed as well to be able to compare modern and traditional treatments. Results: In the viewpoint of Iranian traditional physicians, sleep hygiene is essential to treat insomnia For this purpose, they suggest some special foods, simple and complex drugs and soma activities. They prescribe different types of drug use, such as intranasal and topical drug consumption. In addition, they suggest anointing the forehead or feet, and foot massage as treatments of insomnia. Reviewing modern treatments of insomnia with In Iranian traditional medicine’s treatment revealed that in Iranian traditional medicine, both topical methods and oral medication are suggested, whereas in modern medicine often oral therapy and cognitive-behavioral therapy are used and topical treatments are rarely adopted. Conclusions: It seems that topical application of drug in insomnia treatment which is suggested in Iranian traditional medicine can reduce the side effects are caused by oral consumption of the drugs. This study can be helpful to remove some of the side effects of modern medicine and we hope that by combining traditional and modern therapies, a more helpful treatment for insomnia is achieved. Keywords Insomnia, sahar, Iranian traditional medicine.
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Objective: Infantile colic is a painful condition in the first months of infancy. Acupuncture is used in Scandinavia as a treatment for infantile colic. A randomized controlled trial was carried out with the aim of testing the hypothesis that acupuncture treatment has a clinically relevant effect for this condition. Design: A prospective, blinding-validated, randomized controlled multicentre trial in general practice. Research assistants and parents were blinded. Setting: 13 GPs' offices in Southern Norway. Intervention: Three days of bilateral needling of the acupuncture point ST36, with no treatment as control. Subjects: 113 patients were recruited; 23 patients were excluded, and 90 randomized; 79 diaries and 84 interviews were analysed. Main outcome measures: Difference in changes in crying time during the trial period between the intervention and control group. Results: The blinding validation questions showed a random distribution with p = 0.41 and 0.60, indicating true blinding. We found no statistically significant difference in crying time reduction between acupuncture and control group at any of the measured intervals, nor in the main analysis of differences in changes over time (p = 0.26). There was a tendency in favour of the acupuncture group, with a non-significant total baseline-corrected mean of 13 minutes (95% CI -24 to + 51) difference in crying time between the groups. This was not considered clinically relevant, according to protocol. Conclusion: This trial of acupuncture treatment for infantile colic showed no statistically significant or clinically relevant effect. With the current evidence, the authors suggest that acupuncture for infantile colic should be restricted to clinical trials.
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Background: Abdominal colic is common in infants but generally harmless. The exact aetiology is unknown but it has been associated with vicious cycle of crying and swallowing of air by the infant. The excessive crying associated with it can result in a lot of distress for family members creating unnecessary panics. We sought to find the perception and management of abdominal colic by mothers in Enugu. Objective: Objective of this study is to determine the perception and 'home management' of abdominal colic in infants by mothers in Enugu, south-east Nigeria and the factors associated with them. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional survey involving 177 mothers that presented with their infants at the pediatric outpatient clinic of the University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital, Ituku Ozalla, Enugu between June and November 2011. A pretested questionnaire was used after obtaining their consent. Results: A total of one hundred and seventy-seven mothers participated in this study. They were aged 20 to 60 years with mean age of 34 ± 7.3 years. Most of them (99.4%) believed that babies can have abdominal colic. While 41.3% attributed no problems to colic, the rest believed that it causes loose/greenish stools (12.4%), fever (16.4%) and vomiting (9.6%) etc. Most of the mothers (87.7%) do apply medications for colic which range from paracetamol (33.1%), Gbomoro (16.2%), teething powder (15.4%), salt water (13.2%), Buscopan (7.7%) and gripe water (4.6%). Conclusions: Mothers attribute symptoms of childhood illnesses to abdominal colic. This may have led to unnecessary and sometimes harmful management. There is need for health education of mothers and potential mothers.
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To elucidate parent´s experience of having had a baby with colic four years previously and of how the colic and care influenced the family in a long-term perspective. METHODOLOGY AND PARTICIPANTS: A qualitative inductive follow-up study with 13 individual and one focus group interview including four parents. Altogether ten mothers and seven fathers representing 12 families, who had been interviewed when they were in the midst of the colicky period four years ago, were in the present study interviewed between December 2010 and May 2011. Parents' narratives were analysed using content analysis. Parent´s memories of the exhausting colic period were vivid, but when the colic had healed the family relationships also healed. Although it had taken longer time for some parents to attach to their child they now experienced a close relationship with their four year old child and felt confident in their role as parent. The colic scream was still unbearable and evoked negative feelings in the parents. Parents had decreased confidence in Child Health services and made suggestions for improvements in the health care approach. Most of all they wished for an effective treatment of infantile colic. The family relationships were healed and the colic left only few residual symptoms but parents still had decreased confidence in the Child Health Center. Consequently, there is a need to raise awareness to parents' situation when having a child with infantile colic.
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Infantile colic is diagnosed in a seriously fussy or colicky infant who is otherwise healthy and well fed but has paroxysms of irritability and fussing or crying for more than 3 h a day, for more than 3 days a week for more than 3 weeks. Thus, the clinical diagnosis is based on the children's crying behaviour.1 2 Pathogenesis of infantile colic is unclear but may be related to food allergy, flatulence, intestinal hormonal imbalances, parental factors and deregulation of the autonomic nervous system.3 4 In a recent prospective single blind controlled study on the effects of minimal acupuncture in infantile colic it was found that light needling (minimal acupuncture) at LI4 significantly reduced the rated crying intensity as compared with the control group. Pain-related behaviour, such as facial expression, was also significantly less …
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Acupuncture is increasingly used in children; however, the safety of pediatric acupuncture has yet to be reported from systematic review. To identify adverse events (AEs) associated with needle acupuncture in children. Eighteen databases were searched, from inception to September 2010, irrespective of language. Inclusion criteria were that the study (1) was original peer-reviewed research, (2) included children from birth to 17 years, inclusively, (3) involved needle acupuncture, and (4) included assessment of AEs in a child. Safety data were extracted from all included studies. Of 9537 references identified, 450 were assessed for inclusion. Twenty-eight reports were included, and searches of reference lists identified 9 additional reports (total: 37). A total of 279 AEs were identified, 146 from randomized controlled trials, 95 from cohort studies, and 38 from case reports/series. Of the AEs, 25 were serious (12 cases of thumb deformity, 5 infections, and 1 case each of cardiac rupture, pneumothorax, nerve impairment, subarachnoid hemorrhage, intestinal obstruction, hemoptysis, reversible coma, and overnight hospitalization), 1 was moderate (infection), and 253 were mild. The mild AEs included pain, bruising, bleeding, and worsening of symptoms. We calculated a mild AE incidence per patient of 168 in 1422 patients (11.8% [95% confidence interval: 10.1-13.5]). Of the AEs associated with pediatric needle acupuncture, a majority of them were mild in severity. Many of the serious AEs might have been caused by substandard practice. Our results support those from adult studies, which have found that acupuncture is safe when performed by appropriately trained practitioners.
Aims: Children constitute a vulnerable group with regard to rational drug prescribing since many new drugs are marketed for their use without evidence from clinical trials. The paucity of information about the incidence of adverse drug reactions (ADRs) in developing countries, especially Nigeria has necessitated this study. The study was therefore aimed at documenting the types of ADRs in children admitted to the Lagos State University Teaching Hospital, Ikeja.Methods: It was both a retrospective and prospective study. The retrospective study was performed from January 2004 to June 2006. The prospective study involved all patients admitted to the children's ward for various forms of paediatric medical conditions over a 6 month period between July and December 2006. Suspected ADRs noted in the hospital records were used for the retrospective study. For the prospective study pharmacovigilance by a multi-disciplinary team was performed.Results: 3139 children were admitted to the children's ward over the 30 month retrospective study and 682 children were admitted over the 6 month prospective study. Altogether, 17 children (0.4%) were admitted due to ADRs and 27 children (0.7%) experienced an ADR in hospital. Antibiotics were the group of drugs most likely to be associated with an ADR. Skin reactions were the most frequent ADR. Two children died as a result of their ADR.Conclusion: ADRs are a significant problem in children in Nigeria. We conclude that a functional monitoring and reporting system for ADRs in children needs to be put in place for early detection. Such a scheme will hopefully result in increased awareness amongst health professionals and parents about reducing the risk of an ADR.