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Gray and white matter alterations in hereditary spastic paraplegia type SPG4 and clinical correlations



Hereditary spastic paraplegias (HSP) are a group of clinically and genetically heterogeneous disorders with the hallmark of progressive spastic gait disturbance. We used advanced neuroimaging to identify brain regions involved in SPG4, the most common HSP genotype. Additionally, we analyzed correlations between imaging and clinical findings. We performed 3T MRI scans including isotropic high-resolution 3D T1, T2-FLAIR, and DTI sequences in 15 adult patients with genetically confirmed SPG4 and 15 age- and sex-matched healthy controls. Brain volume loss of gray and white matter was evaluated through voxel-based morphometry (VBM) for supra- and infratentorial regions separately. DTI maps of axial diffusivity (AD), radial diffusivity (RD), mean diffusivity (MD), fractional anisotropy (FA), and measured anisotropy (MA1) were analyzed through tract-based special statistics (TBSS). VBM and TBSS revealed a widespread affection of gray and white matter in SPG4 including the corpus callosum, medio-dorsal thalamus, parieto-occipital regions, upper brainstem, cerebellum, and corticospinal tract. Significant correlations with correlation coefficients r > 0.6 between clinical data and DTI findings could be demonstrated for disease duration and disease severity as assessed by the spastic paraplegia rating scale for the pontine crossing tract (AD) and the corpus callosum (RD and FA). Imaging also provided evidence that SPG4 underlies a primarily axonal rather than demyelinating damage in accordance with post-mortem data. DTI is an attractive tool to assess subclinical affection in SPG4. The correlation of imaging findings with disease duration and severity suggests AD, RD, and FA as potential progression markers in interventional studies.
Gray and white matter alterations in hereditary spastic paraplegia
type SPG4 and clinical correlations
Tobias Lindig
Benjamin Bender
Till-Karsten Hauser
Sarah Mang
Daniel Schweikardt
Uwe Klose
Kathrin N. Karle
Rebecca Schu
Ludger Scho
Tim W. Rattay
Received: 23 December 2014 / Revised: 20 May 2015 / Accepted: 21 May 2015
ÓSpringer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015
Abstract Hereditary spastic paraplegias (HSP) are a group
of clinically and genetically heterogeneous disorders with
the hallmark of progressive spastic gait disturbance. We
used advanced neuroimaging to identify brain regions
involved in SPG4, the most common HSP genotype. Addi-
tionally, we analyzed correlations between imaging and
clinical findings. We performed 3T MRI scans including
isotropic high-resolution 3D T1, T2-FLAIR, and DTI
sequences in 15 adult patients with genetically confirmed
SPG4 and 15 age- and sex-matched healthy controls. Brain
volume loss of gray and white matter was evaluated through
voxel-based morphometry (VBM) for supra- and infraten-
torial regions separately. DTI maps of axial diffusivity (AD),
radial diffusivity (RD), mean diffusivity (MD), fractional
anisotropy (FA), and measured anisotropy (MA1) were
analyzed through tract-based special statistics (TBSS). VBM
and TBSS revealed a widespread affection of gray and white
matter in SPG4 including the corpus callosum, medio-dorsal
thalamus, parieto-occipital regions, upper brainstem, cere-
bellum, and corticospinal tract. Significant correlations with
correlation coefficients r[0.6 between clinical data and
DTI findings could be demonstrated for disease duration and
disease severity as assessed by the spastic paraplegia rating
scale for the pontine crossing tract (AD) and the corpus
callosum (RD and FA). Imaging also provided evidence that
SPG4 underlies a primarily axonal rather than demyelinating
damage in accordance with post-mortem data. DTI is an
attractive tool to assess subclinical affection in SPG4. The
correlation of imaging findings with disease duration and
severity suggests AD, RD, and FA as potential progression
markers in interventional studies.
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this
article (doi:10.1007/s00415-015-7791-7) contains supplementary
material, which is available to authorized users.
&Ludger Scho
Tobias Lindig
Benjamin Bender
Till-Karsten Hauser
Sarah Mang
Daniel Schweikardt
Uwe Klose
Kathrin N. Karle
Rebecca Schu
Tim W. Rattay
Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Neuroradiology,
University Hospital Tu
¨bingen, Hoppe-Seyler-Str. 3,
72076 Tu
¨bingen, Germany
Department of Neurology, Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain
Research, Hoppe-Seyler-Straße 3, 72076 Tu
¨bingen, Germany
German Research Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases
(DZNE), 72076 Tu
¨bingen, Germany
Dr. John T. Macdonald Foundation Department of Human
Genetics, John P. Hussman Institute for Human Genomics,
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Miami,
FL 33136, USA
J Neurol
DOI 10.1007/s00415-015-7791-7
Keywords Hereditary spastic paraplegia (HSP) SPG4
Hereditary spastic paraplegias (HSP) are neurodegenera-
tive disorders of the spinal cord with the clinical hallmark
of progressive spasticity and weakness of lower limbs.
Cases presenting with spastic paraparesis, often associated
with mild sensory abnormalities and urinary dysfunctions,
are classified as pure HSP (pHSP). In complicated forms
(cHSP), additional parts of the nervous system are affected
as indicated by symptoms like cerebellar ataxia, parkin-
sonism, epilepsy, cognitive deficits, deafness, cataract, and/
or optic atrophy [1]. Hereditary spastic paraplegias are rare
diseases with a prevalence of 2–10:100.000 [2] but are
genetically highly heterogeneous with to date about 80
genes and loci proven to cause HSP [37].
SPG4 is the most common genotype accounting for up
to 50 % of autosomal dominant families [4,8] but also for
up to 20 % of sporadic cases [810]. SPG4 is caused by
mutations in the SPAST-gene [11] and is inherited as an
autosomal dominant trait. The typical phenotype of SPG4
is ‘‘pure’’ HSP although few instances have been described
where SPG4 goes along with cognitive decline, cerebellar
ataxia, and/or peripheral neuropathy [4,68,1214].
Systematic studies of MRI in representative HSP
cohorts are rare and mostly include only few individuals
with defined genotypes. MRI abnormalities reported so far
include thinning of the corpus callosum as in SPG11 [15]
and SPG15 [16], as well as in many rare genotypes like
SPG35 [17] and others.
Cerebellar atrophy is a rather
frequent finding in SPG7 [18,19] but occurs in many other
genotypes as well. White matter changes have been
described in SPG2 with PLP1 mutations but also in several
cases of SPG5, SPG11, SPG15, SPG20, SPG21, SPG26,
and several more. In SPG4, cerebral standard MRI is
normal in most cases although few SPG4 patients with
cerebellar atrophy, white matter lesions, or thinning of the
corpus callosum have been described. Few MRI studies
focused on SPG4 including structural MRI [20], regional
cerebral blood flow analysis [21], diffusion tensor imaging
(DTI) [22], and O
-PET of the motor cortex [23].
Abnormalities belonging to the Dandy-Walker complex
were found in one single family in the posterior fossa in
structural MRI [20].
To identify brain regions involved in SPG4 we applied
advanced imaging techniques to a representative cohort of
SPG4 patients. Using voxel-based morphometry and tract-
based spatial statistics (TBSS), we revealed quantitative
imaging measures for affected regions. Clinical relevance
was determined by the correlation of imaging findings with
deep phenotyping.
Materials and methods
MRI was performed on a 3T whole-body MR system
(Skyra, Siemens, Erlangen, Germany) at the University
Hospital Tu
¨bingen using a 32-channel head coil. 15 adult
patients (online resource 1) with confirmed mutations in
SPG4 (7 females, 8 males; mean age 52.7 ±10.5; all right
handed) and 15 age- and sex-matched healthy volunteers (7
females, 8 males; mean age 51.1 ±9.2; all right handed)
were recruited from the HSP outpatient clinic in Tu
and underwent a standardized clinical examination
including the spastic paraplegia rating scale (SPRS) as a
valid measure of disease severity [24]. Diagnostic MRI was
carried out to exclude pathological conditions not related to
HSP like tumor, infarction, or other focal lesions. Struc-
tural 3D volume data were collected with T1 and T2-
FLAIR contrast; MPRAGE (TR/TE/TI, 2300/2.32/900 ms;
voxel size, 0.9 mm isotropic; acquisition time, 5.19 min),
3D T2-FLAIR (IR-SPACE) (TR/TE/TI, 5000/3872/
1800 ms; voxel size, 0.9 mm isotropic; acquisition time,
6.55 min). Diffusion-weighted images were acquired by
using an EPI Sequence (TR/TE, 13100/91 ms; bandwidth,
1685 kHz; voxel size, 2.0 mm isotropic; bvalue =0 and
1000 s/mm; 64 gradient directions; 80 slices; acquisition
time, 14.52 min).
VBM of supratentorial structures
Voxel-based morphometry (VBM) of supratentorial struc-
tures was carried out on T1-weighted and T2 FLAIR data
sets using the standard routines of SPM12 for multi-
channel segmentation [2527].
After a nonlinear normalization step, images were seg-
mented into tissue types using the multi-spectral segmen-
tation algorithm, isolated from the surrounding non-brain
The resulting whole brain segmentation maps for gray
and white matter of normal controls and SGP4 patients
were then checked for group homogeneity using the VBM
toolbox VBM8 to calculate the standard deviation across
the sample (Gaser, One
patient with poor normalization to the MNI152 template
was identified. Even with improved prealignment, no suf-
ficient normalization to the standardized MNI template
could be achieved, so that this patient and the matched
control were excluded from further analysis.
SPG21, SPG46–SPG50, SPG54, SPG56, SPG63, SPG65–67 and
J Neurol
The segmented normalized and modulated images were
then smoothed by an 8 9898 mm full width at half
maximum (FWHM) filter. Differences between the 2
groups were analyzed by a paired two-sample ttest in
SPM12. Age, sex, and total intracranial volume were used
as covariates. An uncorrected pB0.001 was considered
the level of significance if not stated otherwise. Finally, we
performed an identical VBM analysis for gray and white
matter but without patient 17 to evaluate the potential
influence of a mild periventricular microangiopathy on our
VBM results.
VBM of infratentorial structures
Voxel-based morphometry of infratentorial structures was
carried out on T1-weighted images using the SUIT toolbox
(SUIT, Version 2.7) [28,29], not yet compatible with
multi-channel segmentation.
After a linear normalization step, the cerebellum and
brainstem were segmented into tissue types using the
SPM8 segmentation algorithm [25,30], isolated from the
surrounding non-brain and supratentorial brain structures,
and cropped to an infratentorial volume of interest. All
isolation maps were hand-corrected to exclude tissue of the
occipital lobe and venous sinuses using a 3D image viewer
(MRICroN) [31]. The cropped images were then normal-
ized to a spatially unbiased atlas template of the cerebellum
and brainstem. The segmented gray and white matter
images were re-sliced into SUIT space using the defor-
mation map generated in the normalization step.
The resulting infratentorial segmentation maps of nor-
mal controls and SGP4 patients were then checked for
group homogeneity using the VBM toolbox VBM8. One
patient with poor normalization to the cerebellar template
was identified as the same patient for the supratentorial
analysis. Even with improved prealignment and exten-
sively hand-corrected cerebellar isolation maps, no suffi-
cient normalization to the standardized cerebellar template
could be achieved, so that this patient and the matched
control were excluded from further analysis.
The segmented normalized and modulated infratentorial
images were then smoothed by a 6 9696 mm full width
at half maximum (FWHM) filter. Differences between the
2 groups were analyzed by a paired two-sample ttest in
SPM8. An absolute threshold masking of 0.1 was used to
restrict the analysis to gray and white matter, respectively.
An uncorrected pB0.001 was considered the level of
significance if not stated otherwise.
Tract-based spatial statistics (TBSS), part of fsl version
4.1.1 ([32], were used to
investigate differences between 14 patients and matched
controls along the major white matter tracts without bias
[33], the same cohort as with VBM before.
Prior to the TBSS evaluation, the diffusion data were
corrected for motion during data acquisition and corre-
sponding gradient directions were corrected accordingly.
The two basic diffusion measures axial diffusivity (AD)
and radial diffusivity (RD) were created by fitting a tensor
model to the raw diffusion data. The thereof derived dif-
fusion measures such as fractional anisotropy (FA), mean
diffusivity (MD), and measured anisotropy
(MA1 =AD -MD) were calculated afterwards. All
subjects’ data were then aligned into a common space
using the nonlinear registration tool within fsl. The rec-
ommended FMRIB58-FA standard-space image, already
aligned to the MNI152 template, was used as the target in
The resulting spatially normalized maps of normal
controls and SGP4 patients were then checked for group
homogeneity using the VBM toolbox VBM8. Three further
patients with poor normalization to the FMRIB58-FA
standard-space template were identified and excluded from
further analysis, together with their matched controls.
The mean FA image of all subjects was created and
thinned (threshold FA value of 0.25) to create a mean FA
skeleton which represents the centers of all tracts common
to the group. Finally, each subjects’ spatially normalized
AD, RD, MD, FA, and MA1 data were projected onto the
mean skeleton and the resulting data were fed into voxel-
wise cross-subject statistics. Differences between the 2
groups were analyzed by a paired two-sample t-test using
the randomized tool from fsl. After a cluster-based cor-
rection for multiple comparisons, p\0.05 was considered
the level of significance if not stated otherwise.
Correlation of DTI parameters with clinical data
Based on the VBM and TBSS results, the pontine crossing
tract with fibers from the superior cerebellar peduncles, the
CC (genu, body, and splenium), the posterior corona
radiata for the parietal WM, the posterior thalamic radia-
tion for the occipital WM, and the corticospinal tract as the
clinical focus of the disease were preselected for correla-
tion analyses. Atlas-based ROI-identification of those
structures was carried out using the ICBM-DTI-81 labels
atlas (white matter tract labels created by hand segmenta-
tion of a standard-space average of diffusion MRI tensor
maps from 81 subjects); provided by Dr. Susumu Mori,
Laboratory of Brain Anatomical MRI, Johns Hopkins
University. The atlas labels were used to cut out the
selected structures from the previously created (TBSS)
normalized AD, RD, MD, FA, and MA1 skeletons, and the
mean values were calculated for each subject and label.
J Neurol
Statistical analysis were performed for all 5 white matter
tract labels using the Statistics Toolbox within MATLAB,
version 2013b. The calculated mean DTI values of all
subjects were correlated with age, disease duration, SPRS
total score, and SPRS spasticity subscore (items 7, 8, 9, and
10) through Pearson correlation coefficients and were
corrected for multiple comparisons (Bonferoni-Holms).
VBM of supratentorial structures
Voxel-based analysis of the supratentorial gray matter
(Fig. 1) showed symmetric volume reduction in the medio-
dorsal thalamus (medial pulvinar, latero-dorsal nuclei, and
medio-dorsal nuclei) and in the cingulum (mid cingulate
Voxel-based analysis of the supratentorial white matter
(FDR corrected p\0.001; Fig. 2) revealed symmetric
volume reduction in the deep white matter predominantly
parieto-occipital and to a lesser extent frontal, and in the
corpus and splenium of the corpus callosum.
The exclusion of patient 17 with a mild pattern of
periventricular microangiopathy showed no focal atrophy
in the right supramarginal gyrus and in the subcortical
white matter of the supramarginal gyrus, whereas an
analysis including patient 17 revealed some regional vol-
ume reduction in these regions.
No significant volume loss was found for the precentral
VBM of infratentorial structures
Voxel-based analysis of the infratentorial gray matter
showed symmetric volume reduction in the inferior
Fig. 1 Supratentorial VBM results for gray matter. Significantly
(p\0.001) decreased supratentorial gray matter volumes in SPG4
patients compared to controls are displayed on top of MNI152_T1
template in axial view; medio-dorsal thalamus (asterisks) and
cingulum (hash). With correction for multiple comparisons (FDR
p\0.1) no significant volume reduction was left
J Neurol
semilunar lobe of the posterior lobe and in the left lobus
culminis of the anterior vermis.
Voxel-based analysis of the infratentorial white matter
(FDR corrected p\0.05) revealed volume reduction in the
upper brainstem (pons and midbrain) and symmetrically in
the deep cerebellar white matter including the superior,
middle, and inferior cerebellar peduncles (Fig. 3).
TBSS revealed significant differences of AD, RD, FA, and
MA1 values (TFCE corrected p\0.05) between patients
and controls (Fig. 4,5). In general, TBSS disclosed a
widespread reduction of AD and some increase of RD as
the two major effects, both result in no significant change
regarding MD. In MA1 both effects, the reduction of AD
and the increase of RD, are added.
Specifically, SPG4 patients showed lower MA1 in almost
all major subcortical and deep white matter fiber bundles of
the supratentorial and infratentorial brain, including the
genu, body, and splenium of the corpus callosum, the corti-
cospinal tract, the cingulum, the optic radiation, the superior,
middle and inferior cerebellar peduncle. Significance level
up to p\0.003 (TFCE corrected) are found for almost all
major subcortical and deep white matter tracts, predomi-
nantly in the parieto-occipital white matter and to a lesser
extent frontal (lower row in Fig. 4).
The metaparameter FA was reduced to a lesser extent
than MA1 but was also reduced in all major supratentorial
white matter tracts, including the fornix and the chiasma
Fig. 2 Supratentorial VBM results for white matter. Significantly
(FDR corrected p\0.001) decreased supratentorial white matter
volumes in SPG4 patients compared to controls are shown in the deep
white matter predominantly parieto-occipital and to a lesser extent
frontal, and in the corpus callosum. Results are displayed on top of
MNI152_T1 template in axial view
J Neurol
opticum and some additional subcortical frontal white
matter tracts. FA did not reach the statistical significance
level for infratentorial structures.
AD was altered to a lesser extent than MA1 but was also
reduced in all major white matter tracts including the
corticospinal tract. The splenium and the dorsal body of the
corpus callosum was spared.
RD showed an increase in the middle and dorsal parts of
the corpus callosum (splenium and body) and in the pari-
eto-occipital deep white matter. No significant increase for
the corticospinal tract was found.
MD did not reach a level of statistical significance.
Correlation of DTI parameters with clinical data
DTI results correlated closely (correlation coefficients
r[0.6, p\0.0005 corrected for multiple comparisons)
with disease duration for the pontine crossing tract (AD)
and with disease severity (SPRS total score and SPRS
spasticity subscore) for the corpus callosum (RD and FA).
No significant correlation of DTI values with clinical data
could be found for the corticospinal tract. No significant
correlation with age was found. (see online resource 2)
In contrast to standard MR imaging, VBM and TBSS
revealed widespread affection of gray and white matter
in SPG4, including the corpus callosum, medio-dorsal
thalamus, parieto-occipital regions, upper brainstem,
cerebellum, and corticospinal tract. Given the pure
spastic phenotype in most patients of our SPG4 cohort,
the finding of such extensive abnormalities on MRI was
quite unexpected. Alterations in the same direction have
been reported in a voxel-based FA-analysis, which
revealed changes exceeding the corticospinal tracts to
the temporal lobes, but this study included only six
SPG4 patients and diffusion data was acquired with a
highly anisotropic voxel size [34]. Similarly, a recent
DTI study with limited SNR (bvalue 800 s/mm
directions, no average, highly anisotropic voxel size) and
only three SPG4 patients found increased MD and
decreased FA of the semioval centers, peritrigonal white
matter, genu, and trunk of the corpus callosum as well as
the posterior limb of the internal capsule and cerebral
pedicle [22]. No DTI alterations were observed in the
cerebellar white matter. The more widespread affection
Fig. 3 Infratentorial VBM results. Significantly (p\0.05 blue;
p\0.001 pink) decreased infratentorial gray matter volumes in
SPG4 patients compared to controls are presented on top of patients
mean_T1 template (upper row), inferior semilunar lobe (hash) of the
posterior lobe left and right, and left lobus culminis (asterisks) of the
anterior vermis. Significantly (p\0.001 blue; FDR corrected
p\0.01 pink) decreased infratentorial white matter volumes in
SPG4 patients are shown in the upper brainstem and symmetrically in
the deep cerebellar white matter including the superior, middle, and
inferior cerebellar peduncles (lower row). Sagittal, coronal, and axial
views form left to right
J Neurol
in our study is most likely reflecting the advanced
approach with the focus on image quality and SNR (3 T,
32 channel head coil, advanced B0 field shim and patient
specific B1 field shim, isotropic high-resolution proto-
cols, DTI with an acquisition time of 15 min for 64
directions and 80 slices). Our findings are based on a
representative cohort of 15 SPG4 patients including two
patients with cerebellar signs and a broad spectrum of
age ranging from 39 to 73 years.
Extensive white matter changes have also been shown
with DTI in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a com-
parable neurodegenerative motor neuron disease, including
abnormal FA values in the internal capsule, frontal white
matter, genu and splenium of the corpus callosum, and less
significant in the parietal and temporal lobe, and posterior
cingulum [35]. In ALS, frontal white matter was more
affected than parietal white matter, in contrast to our
findings in SPG4 with predominant involvement of the
parieto-occipital white matter. Comparison to other motor
neuron diseases would be interesting, but only very limited
imaging data is yet available due to rarity of these diseases.
Our VBM analyses revealed much less extensive
structural changes than functional DTI in SPG4 but con-
firmed some atrophy of the cerebellum. Alterations of the
posterior fossa have been reported earlier in SPG4 [20] but
were described as being part of a Dandy-Walker complex
what is not the case in our series. In contrast, our findings
do not represent developmental abnormalities but degen-
erative changes with mild but significant cerebellar atro-
phy. Excluding the two patients with clinical cerebellar
involvement from the VBM analysis had no influence on
the presented cerebellar effects. In accordance with our
findings, a detailed pathological study of a genetically
undefined case of late onset autosomal dominant HSP
Fig. 4 TBSS results for measured anisotropy. MA1 skeleton pre-
sented on top of TBSS mean_FA template in sagittal, coronal, and
axial view. Compared to controls, SPG4 patients show decreased
MA1 in almost all major subcortical and deep white matter tracts of
the supratentorial and infratentorial brain (tfce corrected p\0.05
blue and p\0.003 pink) pointing to a subclinical affection far
beyond the corticospinal tract. MA1 together with FA (shown in
Fig. 5) provide the best contrast and most sensitive representation of
the extent of the underlying neurodegeneration in SPG4 patients but
are fairly unspecific marker of microstructural architecture and
J Neurol
found loss of Purkinje cells and neuronal loss in the deep
cerebellar nuclei [36]. Additionally, Seidel and colleagues
found severe neuronal loss in several thalamic nuclei which
has not been reported before in HSP. Interestingly, this
finding nicely matches with our VBM results, which
demonstrate extensive thalamic abnormalities and may
reflect transsynaptic degeneration from the fasciculus gra-
cilis which is known to be clearly affected in HSP (e.g.,
[37]). An influence of mild periventricular microangiopa-
thy present in patient 17 could be ruled out by excluding
this patient from our VBM analysis. The patient included
showed volume reduction in the right supramarginal gyrus
Fig. 5 TBSS results for
different DTI parameters. TBSS
skeletons (tfce corrected
p\0.05) of different DTI
parameters are shown on top of
the mean_FA template in
sagittal, coronal, and axial view.
SPG4 patients compared to
controls show a widespread
reduction (blue) of AD and
some increase (red)ofRDas
the two major effects, and no
significant change in MD. This
results in a reduction of FA and
MA1 where both effects of AD
and RD are added. Thus TBSS,
including the corticospinal tract
(asterisks), indicates most likely
a primarily axonal degeneration
J Neurol
and in the corresponding subcortical white matter, pre-
sumably a local effect of the underlying microangiopathy.
Excluding patient 17 from our TBSS analysis reduced the
statistical power (n=10) considerably but did not change
the analysis qualitatively.
Only a small number of four autopsy studies of geneti-
cally confirmed SPG4 cases [37,38] have been reported so
far. Wharton and colleagues studied the expression of
spastin, the SPG4 protein, in human brains and related
pathology in three SPG4 cases. Using immunohistochem-
istry, they found spastin to be widely expressed in the CNS.
In addition, they demonstrated tau pathology outside the
motor system in their SPG4 cases suggesting a neu-
ropathological affection far beyond the motor system. This
may well represent the morphological background of DTI
abnormalities observed in our study.
The core neuropathology of HSP is a distal degeneration
of the lateral corticospinal tract and the fasciculus gracilis. In
three autopsy cases with genetically confirmed SPG4, distal
degeneration of long tracts in the spinal cord was consistent
with dying back axonopathy [37]. Until recently, no evi-
dence from imaging studies was pointing into the direction of
an axonal process. Here, we show (Fig. 5) that TBSS indi-
cates most likely a primarily axonal degeneration with a
widespread reduction of AD and some increase of RD. AD
reflecting the first eigenvalue of the diffusion tensor model
decreases in axonal degeneration due to the reduced fiber
density [3943]. A recent study supports our findings and the
concept of SPG4-HSP as a distal motor axonopathy [44]. In
the areas with significant VBM white matter reduction, like
in the body and splenium of the corpus callosum, we find an
increase in RD together with no or only minimal decrease of
AD in accordance with reduced microstructural density, e.g.
sponge-like atrophic tissue with more free intercellular
TBSS changes in our SPG4 cohort were largely sub-
clinical as only 2 of 15 patients presented with cerebellar
signs and none was obviously cognitively impaired (see
online resource 1). In general, in SPG4, pure HSP is the
most common phenotype with only few cases reported in
the literature to suffer from ataxia [8,14] or cognitive
impairment [4548]. However, detailed neuropsychologi-
cal testing has not been performed in our cohort and may
well disclose minor neuropsychological deficits as clinical
equivalent of the extended DTI alterations found consis-
tently in our SPG4 patients. Our study recommends DTI as
an attractive tool to assess subclinical affection in SPG4.
Whether DTI changes are suitable as a quantitative mea-
sure of the degenerative process requires prospective lon-
gitudinal MRI studies. Ideally, these should be combined
with repetitive neuropsychological assessments. In addi-
tion, it will be interesting to learn when DTI abnormalities
start in SPG4. As the earliest stages of the disease were not
included in our study (minimal disease duration 11 years
and minimal SPRS 12 points), our study must leave this
question open.
In this VBM and DTI study, we were able to demonstrate a
widespread affection of gray and white matter in SPG4 in
contrast to normal routine MRI. TBSS including the cor-
ticospinal tract presented characteristics of primarily axo-
nal damage with decreased AD and at most mildly
increased RD in accordance with histopathological findings
[37] and electrophysiological assessment [49,50]. Studies
of early or even preclinical stages of SPG4 can help to
unravel the onset of DTI abnormalities. The correlation of
imaging findings with disease duration and severity sug-
gests AD, RD, and FA as potential progression markers in
interventional studies.
Acknowledgments The research leading to these results has
received funding from the European Community’s Seventh Frame-
work Programme (FP7/2007–2013) under grant agreement n°
2012–305121 ‘‘Integrated European—omics research project for
diagnosis and therapy in rare neuromuscular and neurodegenerative
diseases (NEUROMICS)’’ (to TR und LS) and was supported by the
Interdisciplinary Center for Clinical Research IZKF Tu
¨bingen (grant
1970-0-0 to RS), the European Union ((PIOF-GA-2012-326681)
HSP/CMT genetics) to RS, and the German HSP-Selbsthilfegruppe
e.V. (grant to RS and LS).
Conflicts of interest The authors declare that they have no conflicts
of interest.
Ethical standard The study protocol was approved by the local
ethics review board. Informed written consent was obtained from all
subjects prior to examinations. The study has been performed in
accordance with the ethical standards laid down in the 1964 Decla-
ration of Helsinki and its later amendments.
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... decision-making. Therefore, we reevaluated our previously published quantitative MRI study in SPG4 14 with a commercially available CE-certified product to evaluate the clinical use and performance in a known cohort. ...
... MRI was performed as previously published 14 on a 3 T whole-body MR system (Skyra, Siemens, Erlangen, Germany) at the University Hospital Tübingen using a 32-channel head coil. Acquired 3D-T1 datasets of adult SPG4 patients (n = 25, clinical details and mutations see 14 for n = 15 and n = 10 novel cases with confirmed SPAST mutations) and healthy age-and sex-matched controls (n = 25) were analyzed using AIRAmed neural network analysis. ...
... MRI was performed as previously published 14 on a 3 T whole-body MR system (Skyra, Siemens, Erlangen, Germany) at the University Hospital Tübingen using a 32-channel head coil. Acquired 3D-T1 datasets of adult SPG4 patients (n = 25, clinical details and mutations see 14 for n = 15 and n = 10 novel cases with confirmed SPAST mutations) and healthy age-and sex-matched controls (n = 25) were analyzed using AIRAmed neural network analysis. ...
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Usage of MR imaging biomarkers is limited to experts. Automatic quantitative reports provide access for clinicians to data analysis. Automated data analysis was tested for usability in a small cohort of patients with hereditary spastic paraplegia type 4 (SPG4). We analyzed 3T MRI 3D-T1 datasets of n = 25 SPG4 patients and matched healthy controls using a commercial segmentation tool (AIRAscore structure 2.0.1) and standard VBM. In SPG4 total brain volume was reduced by 27.6 percentiles (p = 0.001) caused mainly by white matter loss (− 30.8th, p < 0.001) and stable total gray matter compared to controls. Brain volume loss occurred in: midbrain (− 41.5th, p = 0.001), pons (− 36.5th, p = 0.02), hippocampus (− 20.9th, p = 0.002), and gray matter of the cingulate gyrus (− 17.0th, p = 0.02). Ventricular volumes increased as indirect measures of atrophy. Group comparisons using percentiles aligned with results from VBM analyses. Quantitative imaging reports proved to work as an easily accessible, fully automatic screening tool for clinicians, even in a small cohort of a rare genetic disorder. We could delineate the involvement of white matter and specify involved brain regions. Group comparisons using percentiles provide comparable results to VBM analysis and are, therefore, a suitable and simple screening tool for all clinicians with and without in-depth knowledge of image processing.
... On the neuro-muscular level, key pathologies observed in HSP patients are hyperreflexia, leg spasticity, and muscle weakness [11]. The origin of these pathologies is a degeneration of axons in the cortico-spinal tract which mainly affects the long axons responsible for transmitting signals for lower-limb control [12][13][14][15]. Due to the lengthdependency of the affected axons, early gait changes have been primarily observed in the ankle joint [2,7]. ...
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Background In Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia (HSP) type 4 (SPG4) a length-dependent axonal degeneration in the cortico-spinal tract leads to progressing symptoms of hyperreflexia, muscle weakness, and spasticity of lower extremities. Even before the manifestation of spastic gait, in the prodromal phase, axonal degeneration leads to subtle gait changes. These gait changes - depicted by digital gait recording - are related to disease severity in prodromal and early-to-moderate manifest SPG4 participants. Methods We hypothesize that dysfunctional neuro-muscular mechanisms such as hyperreflexia and muscle weakness explain these disease severity-related gait changes of prodromal and early-to-moderate manifest SPG4 participants. We test our hypothesis in computer simulation with a neuro-muscular model of human walking. We introduce neuro-muscular dysfunction by gradually increasing sensory-motor reflex sensitivity based on increased velocity feedback and gradually increasing muscle weakness by reducing maximum isometric force. Results By increasing hyperreflexia of plantarflexor and dorsiflexor muscles, we found gradual muscular and kinematic changes in neuro-musculoskeletal simulations that are comparable to subtle gait changes found in prodromal SPG4 participants. Conclusions Predicting kinematic changes of prodromal and early-to-moderate manifest SPG4 participants by gradual alterations of sensory-motor reflex sensitivity allows us to link gait as a directly accessible performance marker to emerging neuro-muscular changes for early therapeutic interventions.
... HSP pathology, however, is not restricted to the longest axons, since additional degeneration of short projections is often involved. For instance, thin corpus callosum is usually a hallmark of SPG11 but has also been associated with SPG4, which is usually of a pure phenotype (Lindig et al., 2015, da Graca et al., 2018. ...
Mutations in the Spastic Gait 4 (SPG4) gene account for up to 40% of all cases of Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia (HSP), a neurodegenerative disorder affecting mainly the corticospinal tract, and characterized by progressive spasticity of lower limbs. The degeneration has predominantly been attributed to a defective microtubule severing activity of spastin protein. Mounting evidence, however, now highlights the additional role of spastin in regulating the Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) function as a key element in the pathophysiology of SPG4-HSP. In the current study, we used human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) to explore pathologic mechanisms, caused by mutations in SPG4. To this purpose, we generated iPSCs from two patients carrying the same c.1684C>T nonsense mutation in SPG4. We genome corrected the SPG4 mutation via the CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing tool to generate isogenic controls, and then compared these to healthy individuals. We show that SPG4, SPG4 genome corrected iPSCs and iPSCs derived from control individuals, differentiate with similar efficiencies into mature cortical neurons, which display similar electrophysiological signatures. We found that SPG4 derived neurons lack 30-40% spastin protein compared to control neurons. Upon CRISPR/Cas9 SPG4 genome correction, we were able to fully restore spastin levels to the levels of control neurons. We investigated how mutations in spastin affect the regulation of neuronal calcium homeostasis by the ER. We measured the extent of thapsigargin releasable Ca2+ from the ER Ca2+ pool and the amount of store operated calcium entry (SOCE) in neural precursor cells (NPCs) and neurons derived from SPG4 patient’s iPSCs, SPG4 genome-corrected isogenic control iPSCs and healthy individuals’ iPSCs. While mutations in spastin did not result in any SOCE changes in iPSCs derived NPCs, they did lead to a detrimental reduction of SOCE in SPG4-iPSCs derived cortical neurons. This phenotype was fully restored after genome correction of the SPG4 mutation using CRISPR/Cas9 technology. The overexpression of either one of the spastin isoforms in 293T cells also resulted in a substantial reduction of SOCE, indicating that spastin dosage is crucial for effective SOCE. We further demonstrate that spastin interacts with Stromal interaction molecule 1 (STIM1) and that the expression of spastin induces the re-distribution of STIM1, with M1 spastin localizing to STIM1 clusters in 293T cells and in human iPSCs derived cortical neurons. Thus, our data strongly indicate an involvement of spastin in regulating neuronal calcium homeostasis via regulation of SOCE, suggesting that dysregulation of SOCE contributes to the susceptibility of cortical neurons affected in SPG4-HSP.
... Systematic studies of MRI in representative HSP cohorts are rare and are often limited for homogenous genetic groups to the most common form with mutations in the SPAST gene, SPG4. MRI studies of the spinal cord are lacking but include structural cortical MRI [10,11], regional cerebral blood flow analysis [12], diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) [13], resting-state [14], and O 15 -positron emission tomography (PET) of the motor cortex [15]. ...
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Spinal diffusion tensor imaging (sDTI) is still a challenging technique for selectively evaluating anatomical areas like the pyramidal tracts (PT), dorsal columns (DC), and anterior horns (AH) in clinical routine and for reliably quantifying white matter anisotropy and diffusivity. In neurodegenerative diseases, the value of sDTI is promising but not yet well understood.The objective of this prospective, single-center study was to evaluate the long fiber tract degeneration within the spinal cord in normal aging (n = 125) and to prove its applicability in pathologic conditions as in patients with molecular genetically confirmed hereditary spastic paraplegias (HSP; n = 40), a prototypical disease of the first motor neuron and in some genetic variants with affection of the dorsal columns. An optimized monopolar Stejskal-Tanner sequence for high-resolution, axial sDTI of the cervical spinal cord at 3.0 T with advanced standardized evaluation methods was developed for a robust DTI value estimation of PT, DC, and AH in both groups.After sDTI measurement at C2, an automatic motion correction and an advanced semi-automatic ROI-based, standardized evaluation of white matter anisotropy and diffusivity was performed to obtain regional diffusivity measures for PT, DC, and AH. Reliable and stable sDTI values were acquired in a healthy population without significant decline between age 20 and 65. Reference values for PT, DC, and AH for fractional anisotropy (FA), mean diffusivity (MD), and radial diffusivity (RD) were established.In HSP patients, the decline of the long spinal fiber tracts could be demonstrated by diffusivity abnormalities in the pyramidal tracts with significantly reduced PTFA (p
... SPG4 usually presents as pure HSP, but rarely, complex phenotypes are seen, including cerebellar ataxia, executive dysfunction, epilepsy, psychosis, WMHLs, arachnoid cyst of the posterior fossa, polyneuropathy, hand tremors, and amyotrophy of the hand muscles [10,15,[18][19][20][21]. In accordance with this, modern methods of MRI revealed a widespread affection of gray (and secondarily white) matter in SPG4 cases, including corpus callosum, medio-dorsal thalami, parieto-occipital regions, upper brainstem, and cerebellum, suggesting at least subclinical involvement of structures other than the pyramidal tract [22]. ...
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Hereditary spastic paraplegia (HSP) is among the most genetically diverse of all monogenic diseases. The aim was to analyze the genetic causes of HSP among adult Serbian patients. The study comprised 74 patients from 65 families clinically diagnosed with HSP during a nine-year prospective period. A panel of thirteen genes was analyzed: L1CAM (SPG1), PLP1 (SPG2), ATL1 (SPG3A), SPAST (SPG4), CYP7B1 (SPG5A), SPG7 (SPG7), KIF5A (SPG10), SPG11 (SPG11), ZYFVE26 (SPG15), REEP1 (SPG31), ATP13A2 (SPG78), DYNC1H1, and BICD2 using a next generation sequencing-based technique. A copy number variation (CNV) test for SPAST, SPG7, and SPG11 was also performed. Twenty-three patients from 19 families (29.2%) had conclusive genetic findings, including 75.0% of families with autosomal dominant and 25.0% with autosomal recessive inheritance, and 15.7% of sporadic cases. Twelve families had mutations in the SPAST gene, usually with a pure HSP phenotype. Three sporadic patients had conclusive findings in the SPG11 gene. Two unrelated patients carried a homozygous pathogenic mutation c.233T>A (p.L78*) in SPG7 that is a founder Roma mutation. One patient had a heterozygous de novo variant in the KIF5A gene, and one had a compound heterozygous mutation in the ZYFVE26 gene. The combined genetic yield of our gene panel and CNV analysis for HSP was around 30%. Our findings broaden the knowledge on the genetic epidemiology of HSP, with implications for molecular diagnostics in this region.
... One-third of patients with SPAST-HSP develop cognitive impairment or psychiatric comorbidities, 1,6 and neuroimaging studies found a number of structural and functional abnormalities even in patients with pure disease. 7,8 The pathogenesis of the disease is not yet understood; spastin regulates microtubule dynamics 9 but is also involved in lipid metabolism, 10 formation of the endoplasmic reticulum, and membrane remodeling, 11 any or all of which may be impaired in HSP. The most puzzling aspect of the disease, however, is its extraordinary phenotypic variability. ...
Purpose: Hereditary spastic paraplegia type 4 is extremely variable in age at onset; the same variant can cause onset at birth or in the eighth decade. We recently discovered that missense variants in SPAST, which influences microtubule dynamics, are associated with earlier onset and more severe disease than truncating variants, but even within the early and late-onset groups there remained significant differences in onset. Given the rarity of the condition, we adapted an extreme phenotype approach to identify genetic modifiers of onset. Methods: We performed a genome-wide association study on 134 patients bearing truncating pathogenic variants in SPAST, divided into early- and late-onset groups (aged ≤15 and ≥45 years, respectively). A replication cohort of 419 included patients carrying either truncating or missense variants. Finally, age at onset was analyzed in the merged cohort (N = 553). Results: We found 1 signal associated with earlier age at onset (rs10775533, P = 8.73E-6) in 2 independent cohorts and in the merged cohort (N = 553, Mantel-Cox test, P < .0001). Western blotting in lymphocytes of 20 patients showed that this locus tends to upregulate SARS2 expression in earlier-onset patients. Conclusion: SARS2 overexpression lowers the age of onset in hereditary spastic paraplegia type 4. Lowering SARS2 or improving mitochondrial function could thus present viable approaches to therapy.
Background and purpose White matter (WM) damage is the main target of hereditary spastic paraplegia (HSP), but mounting evidence indicates that genotype‐specific grey matter (GM) damage is not uncommon. Our aim was to identify and compare brain GM and WM damage patterns in HSP subtypes and investigate how gene expression contributes to these patterns, and explore the relationship between GM and WM damage. Methods In this prospective single‐centre cohort study from 2019 to 2022, HSP patients and controls underwent magnetic resonance imaging evaluations. The alterations of GM and WM patterns were compared between groups by applying a source‐based morphometry approach. Spearman rank correlation was used to explore the associations between gene expression and GM atrophy patterns in HSP subtypes. Mediation analysis was conducted to investigate the interplay between GM and WM damage. Results Twenty‐one spastic paraplegia type 4 (SPG4) patients (mean age 50.7 years ± 12.0 SD, 15 men), 21 spastic paraplegia type 5 (SPG5) patients (mean age 29.1 years ± 12.8 SD, 14 men) and 42 controls (sex‐ and age‐matched) were evaluated. Compared to controls, SPG4 and SPG5 showed similar WM damage but different GM atrophy patterns. GM atrophy patterns in SPG4 and SPG5 were correlated with corresponding gene expression ( ρ = 0.30, p = 0.008, ρ = 0.40, p < 0.001, respectively). Mediation analysis indicated that GM atrophy patterns were mediated by WM damage in HSP. Conclusions Grey matter atrophy patterns were distinct between SPG4 and SPG5 and were not only secondary to WM damage but also associated with disease‐related gene expression. Clinical trial registration no. NCT04006418.
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In Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia (HSP) type 4 (SPG4) a length-dependent axonal degeneration in the cortico-spinal tract leads to progressing symptoms of hyperreflexia, muscle weakness, and spasticity of lower extremities. Even before the manifestation of spastic gait, in the prodromal phase, axonal degeneration leads to subtle gait changes. These gait changes - depicted by digital gait recording - are related to disease severity in prodromal and early-to-moderate manifest SPG4 subjects. We hypothesize that dysfunctional neuro-muscular mechanisms such as hyperreflexia and muscle weakness explain these disease severity-related gait changes of prodromal and early-to-moderate manifest SPG4 subjects. We test our hypothesis in computer simulation with a neuro-muscular model of human walking. We introduce neuro-muscular dysfunction by gradually increasing sensory-motor reflex sensitivity based on increased velocity feedback and gradually increasing muscle weakness by reducing maximum isometric force. By increasing hyperreflexia of plantarflexor and dorsiflexor muscles, we found gradual muscular and kinematic changes in neuro-musculoskeletal simulations that are comparable to subtle gait changes found in prodromal SPG4 subjects. Predicting kinematic changes of prodromal and early-to-moderate manifest SPG4 subjects by gradual alterations of sensory-motor reflex sensitivity allows us to link gait as a directly accessible performance marker to emerging neuro-muscular changes for early therapeutic interventions.
Introduction : Hereditary spastic paraplegias (HSP) include a clinically and genetically heterogeneous group of conditions. Novel imaging modalities have been increasingly applied to HSP cohorts which helps to quantitatively evaluate the integrity of specific anatomical structures and develop monitoring markers for both clinical care and future clinical trials. Areas covered : Advances in HSP imaging are systematically reviewed with a focus on cohort sizes, imaging modalities, study design, clinical correlates, methodological approaches, and key findings. Expert opinion : A wide range of imaging techniques have been recently applied to HSP cohorts. Common shortcomings of existing studies include the evaluation of genetically unconfirmed or admixed cohorts, limited sample sizes, unimodal imaging approaches, lack of postmortem validation, and a limited clinical battery, often exclusively focusing on motor aspects of the condition. A number of innovative methodological approaches have also be identified, such as robust longitudinal study designs, the implementation of multimodal imaging protocols, complementary cognitive assessments, and the comparison of HSP cohorts to MND cohorts. Collaborative multicentre initiatives may overcome sample limitations, and comprehensive clinical profiling with motor, extrapyramidal, cerebellar, and neuropsychological assessments would permit systematic clinico-radiological correlations. Academic achievements in HSP imaging have the potential to be developed into viable clinical applications to expedite the diagnosis and monitor disease progression.
Objectives: Hereditary spastic paraplegia (HSP) is a group of genetic neurodegenerative diseases characterised by upper motor neuron (UMN) impairment of the lower limbs. The differential diagnosis with primary lateral sclerosis (PLS) and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) can be challenging. As microglial iron accumulation was reported in the primary motor cortex (PMC) of ALS cases, here we assessed the radiological appearance of the PMC in a cohort of HSP patients using iron-sensitive MR imaging and compared the PMC findings among HSP, PLS, and ALS patients. Methods: We included 3-T MRI scans of 23 HSP patients, 7 PLS patients with lower limb onset, 8 ALS patients with lower limb and prevalent UMN onset (UMN-ALS), and 84 ALS patients with any other clinical picture. The PMC was visually rated on 3D T2*-weighted images as having normal signal intensity, mild hypointensity, or marked hypointensity, and differences in the frequency distribution of signal intensity among the diseases were investigated. Results: The marked hypointensity in the PMC was visible in 3/22 HSP patients (14%), 7/7 PLS patients (100%), 6/8 UMN-ALS patients (75%), and 35/84 ALS patients (42%). The frequency distribution of normal signal intensity, mild hypointensity, and marked hypointensity in HSP patients was different than that in PLS, UMN-ALS, and ALS patients (p < 0.01 in all cases). Conclusions: Iron-sensitive imaging of the PMC could provide useful information in the diagnostic work - up of adult patients with a lower limb onset UMN syndrome, as the cortical hypointensity often seen in PLS and ALS cases is apparently rare in HSP patients. Key points: • The T2* signal intensity of the primary motor cortex was investigated in patients with HSP, PLS with lower limb onset, and ALS with lower limb and prevalent UMN onset (UMN-ALS) using a clinical 3-T MRI sequence. • Most HSP patients had normal signal intensity in the primary motor cortex (86%); on the contrary, all the PLS and the majority of UMN-ALS patients (75%) had marked cortical hypointensity. • The T2*-weighted imaging of the primary motor cortex could provide useful information in the differential diagnosis of sporadic adult-onset UMN syndromes.
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BACKGROUND Hereditary spastic paraparesis is a genetically heterogeneous condition. Recently, mutations in the spastin gene were reported in families linked to the common SPG4 locus on chromosome 2p21-22. OBJECTIVES To study a population of patients with hereditary spastic paraparesis for mutations in the spastin gene ( SPG4 ) on chromosome 2p21-22. METHODS DNA from 32 patients (12 from families known to be linked to SPG4 ) was analysed for mutations in the spastin gene by single strand conformational polymorphism analysis and sequencing. All patients were also examined clinically. RESULTS Thirteen SPG4 mutations were identified, 11 of which are novel. These mutations include missense, nonsense, frameshift, and splice site mutations, the majority of which affect the AAA cassette. We also describe a nucleotide substitution outside this conserved region which appears to behave as a recessive mutation. CONCLUSIONS Recurrent mutations in the spastin gene are uncommon. This reduces the ease of mutation detection as a part of the diagnostic work up of patients with hereditary spastic paraparesis. Our findings have important implications for the presumed function of spastin and schemes for mutation detection in HSP patients.
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Mutations in the SPG4 gene (SPG4-HSP) are the most frequent cause of hereditary spastic paraplegia, but the extent of the neurodegeneration related to the disease is not yet known. Therefore, our objective is to identify regions of the central nervous system damaged in patients with SPG4-HSP using a multi-modal neuroimaging approach. In addition, we aimed to identify possible clinical correlates of such damage. Eleven patients (mean age 46.0 ± 15.0 years, 8 men) with molecular confirmation of hereditary spastic paraplegia, and 23 matched healthy controls (mean age 51.4 ± 14.1years, 17 men) underwent MRI scans in a 3T scanner. We used 3D T1 images to perform volumetric measurements of the brain and spinal cord. We then performed tract-based spatial statistics and tractography analyses of diffusion tensor images to assess microstructural integrity of white matter tracts. Disease severity was quantified with the Spastic Paraplegia Rating Scale. Correlations were then carried out between MRI metrics and clinical data. Volumetric analyses did not identify macroscopic abnormalities in the brain of hereditary spastic paraplegia patients. In contrast, we found extensive fractional anisotropy reduction in the corticospinal tracts, cingulate gyri and splenium of the corpus callosum. Spinal cord morphometry identified atrophy without flattening in the group of patients with hereditary spastic paraplegia. Fractional anisotropy of the corpus callosum and pyramidal tracts did correlate with disease severity. Hereditary spastic paraplegia is characterized by relative sparing of the cortical mantle and remarkable damage to the distal portions of the corticospinal tracts, extending into the spinal cord.
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Auch wenn die Liste der Paraplegiegenorte schon vor der Ära des Next-Generation-Sequencing (NGS) umfangreich war, ist die Zahl der unlängst entdeckten neuen Paraplegiegene kaum noch zu übersehen. Derzeit sind 52 Genorte für die hereditären spastischen Spinalparalysen (HSP) vergeben und dabei 35 HSP-Gene identifiziert worden. Aufgrund der großen phänotypischen Überschneidung zwischen vielen HSP-Formen ist eine klinisch geführte Diagnostik oft nicht zielführend. Mit Abstand die häufigste Form der HSP ist die spastische Paraplegie 4 (SPG4) mit SPAST-Mutationen, die sowohl bei dominanten als auch bei scheinbar sporadischen HSP-Formen nachgewiesen werden. Hier reicht eine Gensequenzierung zur Diagnostik nicht aus, da in 10–20 % der SPG4-Fälle eine Deletion ganzer Exons vorliegt. Eine Bestimmung seltenerer HSP-Formen gelingt am effizientesten durch NGS-basierte Paneldiagnostik oder „whole exome sequencing“ (WES). Abstract Even before the advent of next generation sequencing (NGS), multiple loci for hereditary spastic paraplegias (HSPs) had already been identified. In the last 2 years, dozens of new disease genes have been added, accounting for a total of 52 established HSP loci and 35 known HSP disease genes. With overlapping phenotypes for distinct genetic entities, the clinical diagnosis is often demanding and high-throughput genetic testing has to parallel a diagnostic workflow. Notwithstanding this aspect, spastin (SPAST) mutations evidently constitute the most important genetic cause in autosomal dominant paraplegia 4 (SPG4). Recently, large studies established that SPAST mutations are even causative in roughly 10 % of sporadic HSP patients. In this review, we suggest a diagnostic routine for HSP and elaborate on how detailed phenotyping and extensive genotyping will assist in the diagnosis of many more HSP subtypes. This ultimately will set a basis for selective clinical observations and therapy development.
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Total intracranial volume (TIV/ICV) is an important covariate for volumetric analyses of the brain and brain regions, especially in studies of neurodegenerative diseases, where it can provide a proxy of maximum pre-morbid brain volume. The gold-standard method is manual delineation of brain scans, but this requires careful work by trained operators. We evaluated Statistical Parametric Mapping 12 (SPM12) automated segmentation for TIV measurement in place of manual segmentation and also compared it with SPM8 and FreeSurfer 5.3.0. For T1-weighted MRI acquired from 288 participants in a multi-centre clinical trial in Alzheimer's disease we find a high correlation between SPM12 TIV and manual TIV (R(2)=0.940, 95% Confidence Interval (0.924, 0.953)), with a small mean difference (SPM12 40.4±35.4ml lower than manual, amounting to 2.8% of the overall mean TIV in the study). The correlation with manual measurements (the key aspect when using TIV as a covariate) for SPM12 was significantly higher (p<0.001) than for either SPM8 (R(2)=0.577 CI (0.500, 0.644)) or FreeSurfer (R(2)=0.801 CI (0.744, 0.843)). These results suggest that SPM12 TIV estimates are an acceptable substitute for labour-intensive manual estimates even in the challenging context of multiple centres and the presence of neurodegenerative pathology. We also briefly discuss some aspects of the statistical modelling approaches to adjust for TIV.
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Despite being a canonical presenting feature of mitochondrial disease, the genetic basis of progressive external ophthalmoplegia remains unknown in a large proportion of patients. Here we show that mutations in SPG7 are a novel cause of progressive external ophthalmoplegia associated with multiple mitochondrial DNA deletions. After excluding known causes, whole exome sequencing, targeted Sanger sequencing and multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification analysis were used to study 68 adult patients with progressive external ophthalmoplegia either with or without multiple mitochondrial DNA deletions in skeletal muscle. Nine patients (eight probands) were found to carry compound heterozygous SPG7 mutations, including three novel mutations: two missense mutations c.2221G>A; p.(Glu741Lys), c.2224G>A; p.(Asp742Asn), a truncating mutation c.861dupT; p.Asn288*, and seven previously reported mutations. We identified a further six patients with single heterozygous mutations in SPG7, including two further novel mutations: c.184-3C>T (predicted to remove a splice site before exon 2) and c.1067C>T; p.(Thr356Met). The clinical phenotype typically developed in mid-adult life with either progressive external ophthalmoplegia/ptosis and spastic ataxia, or a progressive ataxic disorder. Dysphagia and proximal myopathy were common, but urinary symptoms were rare, despite the spasticity. Functional studies included transcript analysis, proteomics, mitochondrial network analysis, single fibre mitochondrial DNA analysis and deep re-sequencing of mitochondrial DNA. SPG7 mutations caused increased mitochondrial biogenesis in patient muscle, and mitochondrial fusion in patient fibroblasts associated with the clonal expansion of mitochondrial DNA mutations. In conclusion, the SPG7 gene should be screened in patients in whom a disorder of mitochondrial DNA maintenance is suspected when spastic ataxia is prominent. The complex neurological phenotype is likely a result of the clonal expansion of secondary mitochondrial DNA mutations modulating the phenotype, driven by compensatory mitochondrial biogenesis.
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Background: Hereditary cerebellar ataxias (HCA) and hereditary spastic paraplegias (HSP) are two groups of neurodegenerative disorders that usually present with progressive gait impairment, often leading to permanent disability. Advances in genetic research in the last decades have improved their diagnosis and brought new possibilities for prevention and future treatments. Still, there is great uncertainty regarding their global epidemiology. Summary: Our objective was to assess the global distribution and prevalence of HCA and HSP by a systematic review and meta-analysis of prevalence studies. The MEDLINE, ISI Web of Science and Scopus databases were searched (1983-2013) for studies performed in well-defined populations and geographical regions. Two independent reviewers assessed the studies and extracted data and predefined methodological parameters. Overall, 22 studies were included, reporting on 14,539 patients from 16 countries. Multisource population-based studies yielded higher prevalence values than studies based primarily on hospitals or genetic centres. The prevalence range of dominant HCA was 0.0-5.6/10(5), with an average of 2.7/10(5) (1.5-4.0/10(5)). Spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 (SCA3)/Machado-Joseph disease was the most common dominant ataxia, followed by SCA2 and SCA6. The autosomal recessive (AR) HCA (AR-HCA) prevalence range was 0.0-7.2/10(5), the average being 3.3/10(5) (1.8-4.9/10(5)). Friedreich ataxia was the most frequent AR-HCA, followed by ataxia with oculomotor apraxia or ataxia-telangiectasia. The prevalence of autosomal dominant (AD) HSP (AD-HSP) ranged from 0.5 to 5.5/10(5) and that of AR-HSP from 0.0 to 5.3/10(5), with pooled averages of 1.8/10(5) (95% CI: 1.0-2.7/10(5)) and 1.8/10(5) (95% CI: 1.0-2.6/10(5)), respectively. The most common AD-HSP form in every population was spastic paraplegia, autosomal dominant, type 4 (SPG4), followed by SPG3A, while SPG11 was the most frequent AR-HSP, followed by SPG15. In population-based studies, the number of families without genetic diagnosis after systematic testing ranged from 33 to 92% in the AD-HCA group, and was 40-46% in the AR-HCA, 45-67% in the AD-HSP and 71-82% in the AR-HSP groups. Key messages: Highly variable prevalence values for HCA and HSP are reported across the world. This variation reflects the different genetic make-up of the populations, but also methodological heterogeneity. Large areas of the world remain without prevalence studies. From the available data, we estimated that around 1:10,000 people are affected by HCA or HSP. In spite of advances in genetic research, most families in population-based series remain without identified genetic mutation after extensive testing. © 2014 S. Karger AG, Basel.
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Hereditary spastic paraplegias (HSPs) are neurodegenerative motor neuron diseases characterized by progressive age-dependent loss of corticospinal motor tract function. Although the genetic basis is partly understood, only a fraction of cases can receive a genetic diagnosis, and a global view of HSP is lacking. By using whole-exome sequencing in combination with network analysis, we identified 18 previously unknown putative HSP genes and validated nearly all of these genes functionally or genetically. The pathways highlighted by these mutations link HSP to cellular transport, nucleotide metabolism, and synapse and axon development. Network analysis revealed a host of further candidate genes, of which three were mutated in our cohort. Our analysis links HSP to other neurodegenerative disorders and can facilitate gene discovery and mechanistic understanding of disease.
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Hereditary spastic paraplegias (HSPs) are characterised by lower limb spasticity due to degeneration of the corticospinal tract. We set out for an electrophysiological characterisation of motor and sensory tracts in patients with HSP. We clinically and electrophysiologically examined a cohort of 128 patients with genetically confirmed or clinically probable HSP. Motor evoked potentials (MEPs) to arms and legs, somato-sensory evoked potentials of median and tibial nerves, and nerve conduction studies of tibial, ulnar, sural, and radial nerves were assessed. Whereas all patients showed clinical signs of spastic paraparesis, MEPs were normal in 27% of patients and revealed a broad spectrum with axonal or demyelinating features in the others. This heterogeneity can at least in part be explained by different underlying genotypes, hinting for distinct pathomechanisms in HSP subtypes. In the largest subgroup, SPG4, an axonal type of damage was evident. Comprehensive electrophysiological testing disclosed a more widespread affection of long fibre tracts involving peripheral nerves and the sensory system in 40%, respectively. Electrophysiological abnormalities correlated with the severity of clinical symptoms. Whereas HSP is primarily considered as an upper motoneuron disorder, our data suggest a more widespread affection of motor and sensory tracts in the central and peripheral nervous system as a common finding in HSP. The distribution patterns of electrophysiological abnormalities were associated with distinct HSP genotypes and could reflect different underlying pathomechanisms. Electrophysiological measures are independent of symptomatic treatment and may therefore serve as a reliable biomarker in upcoming HSP trials.
Autosomal dominant hereditary spastic paraplegia (AD-HSP) is a group of genetically heterogeneous neurodegenerative disorders characterized by progressive spasticity of the lower limbs. Five AD-HSP loci have been mapped to chromosomes 14q, 2p, 15q, 8q and 12q. The SPG4 locus at 2p21–p22 has been shown to account for ∼40% of all AD-HSP families. SPG4 encoding spastin, a putative nuclear AAA protein, has recently been identified. Here, sequence analysis of the 17 exons of SPG4 in 87 unrelated AD-HSP patients has resulted in the detection of 34 novel mutations. These SPG4 mutations are scattered along the coding region of the gene and include all types of DNA modification including missense (28%), nonsense (15%) and splice site point (26.5%) mutations as well as deletions (23%) and insertions (7.5%). The clinical analysis of the 238 mutation carriers revealed a high proportion of both asymptomatic carriers (14/238) and patients unaware of symptoms (45/238), and permitted the redefinition of this frequent form of AD-HSP.
The aim of this study was to identify potential diagnostic markers of Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia (HSP). We investigated the white matter features of spastic gait (SPG)11- and SPG4-linked HSP, using diffusion tensor imaging performed with a 3-Tesla (3T) scanner. We examined four patients with SPG11 mutations, three with SPG4 mutations, and 26 healthy controls. We obtained maps of fractional anisotropy (FA) and mean diffusivity (MD), which we analyzed through both region of interest -based approach and tract-based spatial statistics (TBSS). Compared with healthy controls, SPG11 patients presented increased MD and decreased FA in the semioval centers, frontal and peritrigonal white matter, posterior limb of the internal capsule, and throughout the corpus callosum. Similar alterations were seen in the SPG4 patients at the levels of the semioval centers, the posterior limb of the internal capsule, the left cerebral pedicle, the genu and trunk of the corpus callosum, and the peritrigonal white matter on t