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Emotion-led modelling for people-oriented requirements engineering: the case study of emergency systems

Emotion-led modelling for people-oriented
requirements engineering: the case study of
emergency systems
Tim Miller, University of Melbourne
Sonja Pedell, Swinburne University of Technology
Antonio A. Lopez-Lorca, Swinburne University of Technology
Antonette Mendoza, University of Melbourne
Leon Sterling, Swinburne University of Technology
Alen Keirnan, Swinburne University of Technology
Abstract—In the field of design, it is accepted that users’ perceptions
of systems are influenced by emotion as much as cognition, and
functionally-complete products will not be adopted if they do not appeal
to emotions. While software engineering methodologies have matured
to handle non-functional requirements such as usability, what has not
been investigated fully is the emotional needs of people. That is, what do
users want to feel, and how do they feel about a system? In this paper,
we argue that these emotional desires should be treated as first-class
citizens in software engineering methodology, and present preliminary
work on including emotions in requirements models using emotional
goals. We evaluate these models both with a controlled user study, and
on a case study of emergency systems for older people. The results
of the controlled user study indicate that people are comfortable inter-
preting and modifying our models, and view the inclusion of emotions
as first-class entities as a positive step in software engineering. The
results of our case study indicate that current emergency systems fail
to address the emotional needs their users, leading to low adoption and
low usage. We conceptualised, designed, and prototyped an improved
emergency system, and placed it into the homes of nine older people
over a period of approximately two weeks each, showing improved user
satisfaction over existing systems.
. . . even if a design is elegant and functional, it will
not have a place in our lives unless it can appeal
at a deeper level, to our emotions.” — Hartmut
Esslinger [46, p. 9].
Evidence suggests that inadequate consideration of
requirements are a major cause of software project failure
[12]. In the context of technology adoption, users reject
a technology or use it in limited ways when their needs
and experiences with that technology are not addressed
[23, 24]. As the famous quote from Esslinger above
conveys, this is especially true in the case of social
objectives such as the emotional needs of users. The
consideration of emotion in addition to cognition has
become more prevalent in design in recent years [30],
including human-computer interaction design, but such
considerations have not transferred successfully to soft-
ware engineering, despite evidence showing that a user’s
acceptance of product is typically based on emotion
rather than cognitive [30]. This is especially important in
domestic or social systems, in which workflows are loose
and people do not generally have the well-defined roles
and responsibilities found in organisational settings.
Software engineers are trained to build systems
with desired functionality and non-functional properties.
However, software systems are often designed1poorly,
detracting from the user experience. Cooper [8] refers
to this as “the inmates running the asylum”: software
engineers elicit functional and non-functional require-
ments from users, then design a product to fulfil these
requirements as they themselves would like it to be,
resulting in software that fails to fulfil the desires of
its intended users. This problem is made worse by a
common misconception that problems with the interac-
tion design can be addressed after the development by
simply fixing up the user interface.
From the perspective of software engineering, a first
important step of addressing user experience is eliciting
the emotional desires of stakeholders. A growing appre-
ciation can be found in literature that existing software
engineering methods are limited by not considering
social objectives [2, 39, 51], a view expressed well by
Baxter and Sommerville [2, p. 14] in their comprehensive
review of design methods for socio-technical systems:
Modelling and abstraction is fundamental to software en-
gineering, with models of different types being used by en-
gineers to communicate. The practical use of socio-technical
approaches has to acknowledge this by providing a means of
modelling, and by integrating with existing approaches. [. . . ]
The abstractions currently used in technical system modelling
(e.g., use-cases, objects, etc.) do not seem to us to be sufficient
to represent socio-technical considerations.”
In previous work [27, 36], some of the authors pre-
sented a systematic and repeatable process and method
for understanding the roles and goals within a social
domain for the purpose of informing technology design.
At the heart of the method were agent-oriented models
[43]. Ethnographic data was collected using a variety
of means, and analysed using a grounded analysis. We
used agent-oriented models to record the ground theory
1. By “design” here, we refer to the design of the product, not of the
software architecture or detailed designs.
that resulted from that analysis. An important aim of
the work was to provide a simple yet flexible modelling
notation that could be used to create boundary objects,
which, as Paay et al. [32] demonstrate, can be used
as shared artifacts between stakeholders from different
disciplines. We designed and implemented technology
probes [17], and modelled the data collected from these
probes as agent-oriented models. These models allowed
us to represent human activities as well as software
system behaviour. One novel outcome was the use of
quality goals to represent socially-oriented requirements
such as “having fun” and “being playful”.
In this paper, we improve our previous work by
adding the concept of emotional goals [21] to the notation
and method, which capture the desired feelings of stake-
holders in a socio-technical system, and how these relate
to the system and each other. We call these models people-
oriented software engineering (POSE) models, because of
their focus on the people within the system, as well as
the software.
In this paper, we present a two-part evaluation of
our models. First, we present a user study in which we
compare our notation for capturing user needs against
the well-known social modelling notation i[54]. We
asked a set of participants, some technical and some
non-technical, to answer a series of questions about
an imodel and a POSE model, and measured the
time and accuracy of their responses. We then asked
a set of qualitative questions around their preferences
between the models. The results show that participants
understand POSE models better and more quickly, prefer
POSE models as boundary objects for modelling socio-
technical systems, and prefer the use of explicit emo-
tional goals in models over our previous approach of
using quality goals to represent these social aspects.
Second, we evaluate the concept of emotional goals
via a case study on emergency alarm systems. These
systems allow a person to raise an alarm in the case of
an emergency, and also to “check in” (wellbeing check)
each day to convey that they are well by pressing a
button. We interviewed 12 participants about emergency
systems and their feelings towards technology in gen-
eral. Using the ethnographic data collected, we modelled
the emotional, functional, and quality goals of the key
stakeholders using our models. Based on the findings
of the case study, we discovered that many users of
emergency systems, as well as their families, were not
happy with the way the system operates for them.
While the technological systems themselves were well-
engineered, reliable products that fulfilled the functional-
ity of alarms and wellbeing checks, the emotional needs
of users were not met, leading to failure of the overall
goals of the system. That is, older people did not receive
assistance when needed because they were not carrying
their devices, and did not feel that the wellbeing check
supported their wellbeing. In the process, we learnt
lessons about our models, and how to improve them.
From the resulting models, we designed and built a new
prototype of an emergency system. Evaluation of this
prototype demonstrated an improved user experience
over existing emergency alarms.
We next present our argument as to why emotions
should be embedded as first-class citizens in software
engineering, and in Section 3, we present relevant back-
ground for the paper. In Section 4, we present our
modification to our previous modelling notation to in-
clude emotional goals. In Sections 5 and 6 discuss our
evaluations of this using a user study and the case study
of emergency alarm systems.
In this section, we outline our argument for why emo-
tions should be considered as first-class citizens in soft-
ware engineering methodology.
The consideration of emotions in requirements engi-
neering is not new, but has received insufficient attention
outside of the games community, with only a handful of
papers addressing the issue of how to address emotions
in software engineering [3, 6, 7, 40, 47]. Further, as far as
the authors are aware, integrating emotions fully within
requirements engineering has not been explored, nor
has carrying emotions through the software engineering
lifecycle. As part of our larger research program, we
aim to model emotions as first-class entities in software
engineering, carrying these goals through the software
engineering process, including requirements engineer-
ing, product design, software design, implementation,
testing, and validation.
2.1 The case for emotions
The idea of eliciting emotional desires for product design
is not new, and there has been a large body of work over
the previous two decades; see Desmet and Hekkert’s
editorial for the special issue Design & Emotion in the
International Journal of Design [10] for an excellent
overview of this work.
Norman’s book on emotional design [30] is one of the
most seminal pieces of work on this topic. He argues
that designers must elicit desired user emotions and
explicitly address them as part of the design process.
Norman describes how three levels of the human brain
affect emotion, and what this means for designers:
1) Visceral processing is the automatic, pre-conscious
processing that makes fast judgements. Visceral pro-
cessing is programmed in humans, meaning that
its effect is fairly consistent across different people.
With regards to design, a person’s emotional state is
affected by visceral processing based on the appear-
ance or “look & feel” of a product, such as colours
and style.
2) Behavioural processing is sub-conscious, and is the
part that controls “everyday” behaviour. With re-
gards to design, behavioural processing is about
Norman’s simplified model of emotional design
Level Product characteristics
Visceral design Appearance
Behaviour design The pleasure and effectiveness of use
Reflective design Self-image, personal satisfaction, memories
the use and experience with a product, with the
experience related to “function, performance, and
usability” [30]. Like the visceral level, emotional
responses to the same event at this level are quite
consistent across different people.
3) Reflective processing is conscious, and is the contem-
plative part of processing. It is only at this level
that “the highest levels of feeling, emotions, and
cognition reside” [30]. With regards to design, it
is about the meaning of a product and its use. Of
significance is that the reflective level extends much
longer over time than the visceral or behavioural
levels, which are typically about “now”. Unlike the
previous two layers, emotional responses to the
same event at this level often differ significantly
between individuals.
The reflective level can enhance or inhibit the be-
havioural level, and the behavioural level can in turn
enhance or inhibit the visceral level. Activity can be
initiated “bottom-up” from the visceral level, or “top-
down” from the reflective level, and any activity has
both a cognitive component, which assigns meaning,
and an emotional or affective component, which assigns
value. The emotional state influences the way in which
people think, including cognitive thought.
Norman provides a simple model that maps the three
levels of processing to product characteristics (see Ta-
ble 1). He emphasises that visceral design is all about
immediate impact, and that physical characteristics such
as look, feel, and sound dominate. It can be measured
by showing products to people and observing their
reactions. Behavioural design is more about use, and
appearance does not matter. Behaviour design must
consider functionality, understandability, usability, and
performance, and can be measured quite objectively us-
ing metrics. Reflective design is about culture, meaning,
and self image. Measuring such properties is intrinsically
more difficult than the visceral and behavioural levels,
partly because metrics for reflectiveness are hard to
define, and partly because reflective processing hap-
pens over much longer time periods than visceral or
behavioural processing. Norman emphasises, however,
that reflective processing often determines a person’s
overall impression of a product, so is perhaps the most
important in determining whether people actually use
or recommend a product.
2.2 The case for emotions as first-class citizens in
software engineering
To relate Norman’s three levels to software engineering,
we consider the methods used to achieve them. Good
visceral designs are achieved using aesthetically appeal-
ing interfaces between user and software; in most cases,
they are of the form of graphical user interfaces.
Good behavioural designs are achieved by implement-
ing useful functionality, and making products usable.
These are the common traits that are considered in
software engineering, and are typically divided into
functional and non-functional categories, with usability,
performance, reliability, etc., falling into the latter cate-
gory. These non-functional properties are often termed
qualities,quality goals, or soft goals.
Good reflective design is achieved with software that
appeals to cultural perceptions and messages, and mean-
ing. It is our view that modern software engineering
methodology fails in providing systematic and repeat-
able support for reflective design.
We propose that properties desired by people at a
reflective level should be termed emotional desires or
emotional goals. While related terms such as value and
motivation could be used here, we use “emotion” be-
cause our experience suggests that people relate the
term “emotion” to these subjective and hard-to-measure
properties, and because it is more clearly tied to people
rather than software.
Based on Norman’s theories and the discussion above,
we make two observations:
1) Emotional goals or desires are not just another form of
usability. Usability is a behavioural-level experience,
not a reflective level experience. While the usability
of a product can influence the reflective level, as de-
scribed by Norman’s theory, it extends well beyond
immediate use and into long-term reflection.
2) Emotional goals or desires are not just qualities. Simi-
lar to item 1 above, qualities are behavioural, not
reflective. Pragmatically, people relate qualities of a
system to the visceral and behavioural aspects, not
to culture and meaning, so describing the influence
a software system has on the reflective level as a
quality is unsuitable, as it conflates behavioural and
reflective levels. For example, consider the well-
known Facebook application2. A goal of Facebook is
to make people feel part of their friendship group.
Is it reasonable to label this a quality goal, when
its success depends on users’ establishing social re-
lationships with friends and participating in mean-
ingful interaction? A single person using Facebook
will not feel part of their friendship group. Such a
goal can be triggered or helped by the application,
but is only achieved for specific groups of people
over a specific period of time. This property must
be interpreted from a social perspective, as distinct
from the application’s functionality and usability.
2. See
Further to this, as noted by Hudlicka [13], emotions
have scales of intensity, which change over time.
Assigning an intensity to a property such usability
is meaningless. The intensity of an emotion expe-
rienced during an interaction with a system is a
property of the person, not of the system, even
though a system can contribute to this.
Several authors have made the case for emotions in
requirements engineering [3, 5, 6, 7, 40, 47, 20], and
this work is discussed in the related work (Section 3.1).
However, such work has had minimal impact. Maiden
[20] argues that the reason requirements people do not
take emotion seriously is because they are Spocks, in a
reference to the emotion-free Vulcan character from Star
Trek, rather than Kirks, the passionate captain. Require-
ments engineering methodologies tend to focus on the
software, rather than the people. While the last couple
of decades have seen some move away from this, such
as social modelling [54] and user stories, which focus
on why users want something in addition to what they
want, the focus is still very much on the behavioural
why, rather than the reflective why.
Further to this, we propose that emotions need to be
considered further than just requirements engineering –
they must be traceable throughout the entire software
engineering process.
Emotional goals are abstract and subjective, so cannot
be implemented directly. We propose that emotional
goals are not software requirements, but merely drivers
to elicit new requirements, either functional or non-
functional. For example, one of our current projects is on
a web application to support people with psychosis. An
important emotional goal is for the supported person to
feel normal. Such a goal cannot be implemented directly,
because it is a property of a person, not of the system.
In this project the feeling of being normal is conveyed
by the contents of videos in which people recovering
from psychosis narrate their experiences. The emotional
goal feel normal provoked the addition of the functional
requirement of using people with lived experience in the
In addition, unlike other qualities such as performance
and usability, we are not aware of metrics that can be
applied to the system to evaluate whether it makes a
person feel normal, other than asking users directly.
While usability evaluations can be used to measure user
perception, the longer-term nature of reflective process-
ing means that such evaluations must be improved to
evaluate whether emotional goals have been met.
We propose that emotions should be embedded as first
class citizens of people-oriented software engineering
methodology for two reasons:
1) It is clear that the abstract, subjective, and difficult-
to-measure nature of emotional goals make them
challenging. It is our view that by not explicitly
considering emotions throughout the entire soft-
ware engineering process, important emotional con-
siderations risk being sidelined. They can be ig-
nored or missed at the requirements stage, but their
challenging nature means that under constrained
deadlines, they will be the first things discarded in
development if they are not explicitly considered –
yet they are often the most important.
2) Stakeholders are unlikely to communicate emotional
requirements without explicit prompts, as this is
not their view of software as a cold, hard calculat-
ing machine. In our experience, stakeholders focus
on functional requirements, sidelining ‘soft’ issues
such as socially-oriented requirements, including
emotions. Yet, their perception of any system will
depend heavily on their emotional reaction to the
system [30].
While we do not claim this view is required for every
software system, we believe that systems embedded in
social or domestic domains, and systems with loosely-
defined workflow, will benefit from this most.
In this section, we present related work on emotions
in requirements engineering and agent-oriented require-
ments engineering.
3.1 Related work
3.1.1 Emotions in requirements engineering
While the role of emotions is prevalent in the field of
human-computer interaction (e.g. [1, 48]), it has been
scarcely explored in the software engineering literature,
despite its importance being identified by prominent
researchers in the field (e.g. [20, 47]). Existing work
mostly considers emotions in relation to requirements
engineering. In some cases, the emphasis is on acknowl-
edging that emotions can significantly impact the re-
quirements engineering process; for instance Thew and
Sutcliffe [44, 45, 47]. They identify a number of values
and motivations — referred to as soft issues — that can
have different effects on requirements. They distinguish
between those that are critical for the success of the
project from those that have a lesser impact if not treated.
Similarly, Proynova et al. [38] use personal values to
identify features that are then mapped to requirements
that may have otherwise remained uncovered. In both
cases, the authors use personal values to prioritise or
discover requirements. For us, however, emotions have
a definite effect in the requirements, and personal values,
in turn, determine how different people react to the same
In the requirements modelling notation i*, Yu [54] uses
softgoals to model non-functional requirements. Besides
classic non-functional requirements such as “reliable”
or “secure”, other less traditional factors (better aligned
with emotional issues) are also included, such as “trust-
worthy”, “flexible”, “minimal intrusion” or “normal
Colomo-Palacios et al. [6, 7] explicitly ask stakeholders
about their feelings regarding particular requirements.
Their response is recorded in a grid which represents in
the X axis the arousal caused by the requirement and
in the Y axis the pleasure. Comparing the responses
with the evolution of the requirements throughout the
requirement engineering process iterations, they con-
clude that high levels of pleasure and low levels of
arousal seem to indicate accepted requirements. Al-
though Colomo-Palacios et al. provide an interesting
insight on the correlation between pleasure and arousal
and requirements stability, this approach measures stake-
holders’ emotional perceptions of requirements around
emotional-related qualities such as pleasure and arousal,
whereas we aim to use emotions to explore and define
requirements with stakeholders, inline with Maiden’s
argument [20].
In this sense, the work of Ramos et al. [41] is better
aligned with our approach. They present examples of
projects where requirements were affected by emotions,
values or beliefs, and argue that the impact of these
factors, traditionally ignored, is as important as function-
ality or qualities. They advocate identifying these issues
as soon as possible and then tackling them with some
managerial or technical treatment, and suggest a number
of psychological techniques to identify emotional issues
when talking to the stakeholders. Once identified, the
requirements engineering process continues as per usual.
We build on this work to elaborate on the definition of
emotions relevant for the development process and to
define a notation to graphically represent emotions in
the context of the requirements engineering process.
3.1.2 Agent-oriented requirements engineering
With the agent paradigm increasingly becoming a pop-
ular and successful way for modelling complex systems
[29], agent-oriented requirements engineering has been a
focus of much research. Several methodologies for agent-
oriented software engineering have been proposed, such
as Tropos [4], Prometheus [33], Gaia [55], INGENIAS
[35], and ROADMAP [43]. These different methodologies
offer differing processes, methods, and notations for
using the agent paradigm to engineer a complete system.
However, the methodologies have several modelling
concepts in common, including the use of agents or roles
to capture the idea of people and systems interacting,
the use of goals instead of functional requirements to
capture desired behaviour, and the use of quality goals
to capture non-functional requirements. The concepts are
used because it is believed that they offer a natural way
for describing software systems as well as the larger
socio-technical system in which they operate.
In our earlier work [27, 36], we have investigated
software engineering for people-oriented systems. In
particular, we have focused on methods and processes
for identifying the functional goals of users, the qualities
of these functional goals, the roles they play in systems,
and how these goals are translated from requirements
to design, implementation, and validation. We used
the agent-oriented paradigm for high-level modelling
because we are particularly interested in capturing the
goals and needs of the users and stakeholders of systems,
and not just functional and non-functional requirements
of the software. We used the concepts of roles, functional
goals, and quality goals to capture users, what they want
to achieve, and how they want this to be achieved; and
also to capture software requirements.
From the perspective of requirements engineering, we
identify stakeholders of the system, which are modelled
as roles, and elicit information that answers the follow-
ing two questions: (1) what do you want to achieve (func-
tional goals)?; and (2) how should it be achieved (quality
goals)? For example, a potential user may want to be able
to share pictures to their friends (functionality), and they
want this to be fast and easy, hinting at non-functional
qualities of performance and usability.
We believe that a third, yet very important question
should be asked: (3) how do you want to feel? The
emotional factors related to software and systems are
important parts of technology appropriation, as well
as important in determining long-term use [24]. In the
example of sharing pictures with friends, users may
want to feel engaged. Offering a server where photos can
be uploaded satisfies the functional and quality goals,
but not the emotional goals, such as being engaged or
feeling connected. For this, functionality such as tagging,
commenting on, and perhaps modifying photos could be
As far as the authors are aware, there has been no
research integrating emotional factors into the agent-
oriented requirements engineering process. Given that
many agent-oriented modelling notations capture the
essence of goals, roles, qualities, and the connections be-
tween these, we choose to extend Sterling and Taveter’s
notion [43] agent-oriented modelling notation to capture
3.1.3 Integration of ethnographic data into software en-
Using ethnography to inform technology design is not
a new concept. However, despite some excellent work
in the area [15, 16, 51, 39, 42, 32], bridging the gap
between ethnographers and software engineers is still in
its infancy, especially for systems in the social domain
Several existing methods have been successful in com-
bining ethnography with software engineering models
to produce requirements specifications. Hughes et al.
[14] were among the first to recognise the value of
ethnography in software design, and among the first to
recognise the importance using boundary objects to al-
low ethnographers and software engineers to share their
understanding. Viller and Sommerville [49, 50] prescribe
a method for documenting the results of ethnographic
studies using UML use cases and domain models. Millen
[26] presents rapid ethnography, which is a collection of
field work to help understand a socio-technical system
for which technology is being designed. Ethnographers
observe users in the field, and answer a structured
questionnaire after the observations. The resulting data
is used to derive a causal model that informs the sys-
tem design. Diggins and Tolmie [11] model the shared
understanding of terminology between ethnographers
and other field workers using Grounded Innovation Maps,
which is a boundary object that organises ethnographic
data in a manner that is palatable to both system design-
ers and the field workers.
Many of these methods have been successfully applied
to socio-technical systems, however, with a focus on
functionality, they do not capture the emotional needs
of users. We believe that some of the lessons learnt in
our work could be integrated into these methods.
3.2 Motivational modelling and notation
In this section, we present the necessary background on
the modelling notation that we use in our work. We
believe that our ideas can be generalised to other agent-
based notations.
POSE models are based on syntax and semantics of
Sterling and Taveter [43]. Their aim is to make high-level
models palatable to non-technical stakeholders. This is
achieved by using models with a straightforward and
minimal syntax and semantics, and based on the agent
paradigm, which is a natural way to consider socio-
technical systems. The early requirements phase models,
which Sterling and Taveter call motivation models, are
particularly lightweight, and we have adopted them due
to their simple nature, and ability to easily capture the
important concepts of roles, functional goals, quality
goals, and the relationships between them.
Motivational goal models. Motivation goal models are
useful in early stage requirements engineering to cap-
ture initial understandings, and share these with other
stakeholders. Roles and goals capture the users and their
wants, and agents (human or artificial) can then fulfil
these roles. We define these concepts based on Sterling
and Taveter’s definitions.
Definition 1 (Functional goal).Functional goals are based
on motives, and describe an intended state of the envi-
ronment. Functional goals can consist of sub-goals.
Definition 2 (Quality goal).Quality goals are non-
functional goals (sometimes referred to as soft goals).
Quality goals are attached to functional goals, captur-
ing that the functional goal should be achieved while
maintaining the quality.
Definition 3 (Role).Roles are some capacities or posi-
tions that facilitate the achievement of functional goals.
Roles are played by agents, which can be humans or ar-
tificial. Roles have responsibilities, which determine what
the agent must do to achieve the functional goals, and
constraints, which determine the conditions that must be
considered when trying to achieve functional goals.
Figure 1 defines the notation employed by Sterling and
Taveter in their motivational goal models. Functional
(a) Functional goal (b) Quality goal (c) Role
Fig. 1. Sterling and Taveter’s notation for motivational
goal modelling
goals are represented as parallelograms, quality goals are
clouds, and roles are stick-like figures. These constructs
can be connected using arcs, which indicate relationships
between them. Typically, arcs are used to connect the
1) Roles to functional goals: this represents that the agent
playing the role is responsible for achieving the
functional goal. For example, a person playing the
role of Manager is responsible for the functional goal
of approving a piece of external correspondence.
2) Functional goals to quality goals: this represents that
the functional goal should be achieved under con-
sideration of this quality. For example, the func-
tional goal should be achieved efficiently, where
“efficiently” may be defined more precisely.
3) Goals to sub-goals: this represents that the functional
goals are related. We use undirected arcs to denote
that one goal is a sub-goal of the other, and therefore
the sub-goal contributes to achieving the higher-
level goal. To distinguish the goal from its sub-goal,
we place the sub-goal below the goal, thus enforcing
a hierarchical goal model, rather than adopting no-
tation from existing software engineering notations,
such as directed arcs. We have found this to be a
simple and natural way of expressing sub-goals for
non-technical stakeholders.
This notation is lightweight, yet flexible enough to
capture the important high-level goals of stakeholders,
and system qualities.
Motivational scenarios. Motivational scenarios also play
a key role at this level. Motivational scenarios provide
concrete instantiations of the system, provide some tem-
poral alignment with the functional goals in the model,
and help to capture the dynamics of the greater socio-
technical system.
Role models. In addition, role models complement the
motivational goal models and scenarios. Role models are
descriptions of the roles captured on the motivational
models, which include the role name, the responsibilities
of the role, and the constraint under which the role may
In this section, we present our conceptualisation of
emotion-led motivation models, which we call people-
oriented software engineering (POSE) models. POSE mod-
els extend those of Sterling and Taveter [43] by adding
adding emotional goals. We suggest additions to goal
models, motivational scenarios, and role models. We
believe these additions provide a flexible way to model
the emotions of people and agents playing roles in a
4.1 Emotions in systems and software
Before we present our conceptualisation, we first define
what it is that we want POSE models to capture.
Definition 4 (Emotion).An emotion is a feeling that
characterises a state of mind. Examples of emotions
include feeling joy, terror, safe, empowered, or normal.
We aim to produce systems that both support peo-
ple’s emotional desires, and also influence their state of
mind to enhance the feeling of some emotions. Our key
addition to Sterling and Taveter’s models are emotional
goals, conceptualised by Marshall [22]. Emotional goals
are different from functional goals, which address the
functional intent of users, and from quality goals, which
detail the qualities of systems (e.g. “secure” or “usable”).
Emotional goals address how people feel, and as such,
are not properties of a system (or a goal), but of people
engaged in the greater socio-technical system.
Types of emotions. We offer an important distinction
between two types of emotion in the context of systems
and software:
1) Personal emotions: These are the emotions that a per-
son feels (or wants to feel) irrespective of the system
being studied. Examples include emotions such as
feeling loved, feeling safe, or feeling normal. Al-
though the emotions are independent of the system,
it is clearly useful to model those personal emotions
that are in the scope of the system; that is, they can
be influenced by or can influence the system. While
a technological system can influence these emotions,
they are desires of users that exist independently of
any specific support that is provided.
2) Context-specific emotions: These are the emotions that
a person feels (or wants to feel) about a system,
or piece of technology. Examples include feeling
engaged with the system, feeling frustrated by the
system, or feeling that the system is integrated in
their life. These are distinctly emotions about the
system, and exist only in response to the system.
We believe that the above mentioned two different
types of emotion are sufficient to capture the emotional
desires with respect to systems, such that POSE models
can inform system design.
Making a distinction between these two is important
from an engineering perspective, because if some par-
ticular part of a system (or design) is removed, if it
supports a personal emotional desire, additions must be
made to address the emotion. However, this is not (nec-
essarily) the case for context-specific emotional desires.
4.2 Emotional goals
To model emotions, we extend Sterling and Taveter ’s
motivational models to include emotional goals.
Definition 5 (Emotional goal).Emotional goals are non-
functional goals that describe a desired reflective-level
emotion of a role.
Emotional goals differ from quality goals in that they
represent the reflective-level emotions in Norman’s the-
ory [30] (discussed in Section 2), whereas quality goals
(and functional goals) represent intended properties of
the system that affect the behavioural levels, and possi-
bly the visceral levels in some cases; e.g. qualities about
Figure 2 shows the syntax used for emotional goals,
although we omit the lines whenever the relationship
is clear. One can see that the relationship is ternary:
emotions are attached both to a role and to a goal. In
Figure 2, the emotion is related to a functional goal,
but this can also be attached to quality goals and other
emotional goals; e.g. a parent seeing their child excited
to open a birthday gift may excite the parent themselves.
Fig. 2. Notation for modelling emotional goals
Linking of the role to the emotional goal is important,
as this allows us to model conflicting emotional goals
in response to the same goal for different stakeholders.
That is, for a particular goal, it is natural that different
stakeholders may (want to) have different emotional
goals, so the emotional goals are inherently linked to
the people playing the roles, not just the corresponding
system property.
If the emotion is a personal goal, then the syntax from
Figure 2 is read as: “Role Rfeels the personal emotion
EG, and the goal Ghelps to support this emotional
If the emotion is a context-specific goal, then this is
read as: “Goal Gsupports the context-specific emotion
EG for role R.” That is, the system should influence the
role Rto feel the emotional goal EG via the goal G.
In our experience, we have not found it important to
use notational differences between personal and context-
specific emotional goals. Instead, we opt for simplicity
of high-level models, rather than detail, which we find
confuses stakeholders. In our projects, we have used the
context in which the goal falls, or additional information
in other models, to determine the type. However, we
acknowledge that grouping emotional goals by type will
not necessarily be sufficient in all cases.
Our proposal, shown in Figure 3, is to simply anno-
tation context-specific goals with an icon representing a
(a) Personal emotional
(b) context-specific
emotional goals
Fig. 3. Our notation for modelling personal and context-
specific emotional goals
functional goal, to indicate that the emotion is explicitly
tied to the context.
As a minor addition to Sterling and Taveter’s models;
our models add one new symbol, and two concepts (per-
sonal and context-specific emotions). This is certainly
our aim: to offer minor variations on existing notations
and methodologies in order to capture important aspects
of the greater socio-technical system. We believe that
the notation could be readily included into other goal-
oriented notations, such as i[54], KAOS [9], or Jacob-
son’s UML use case diagrams [18].
Example — Gift giving goal model. To illustrate our
notation, we adopt the gift giving model from our earlier
work [27]. The model, shown in Figure 4, consists of
two roles: gift giver and gift receiver. The goals of the
giver are to choose an appropriate gift that makes the
receiver feel special, and to present the gift in a creative
way. The goal of the receiver is not just to receive the
gift as one would during a commercial exchange, but to
acknowledge the receipt of the gift and show that they
appreciate the feelings that the giver is conveying. The
emotional goals play an important part in the description
of gift giving. Simply choosing or giving a gift is not the
primary motivation of the gift giver. Instead, they want
to choose a gift such that the receiver is made to feel
special in the eyes of the giver.
Gifting is a good example to illustrate the complexities
of emotions and social interaction. There are many differ-
ent attributes to gift giving, and these differ over cultures
and even age groups. It is not possible (or perhaps
even desirable) to capture these in one single model. For
example, as described by Otnes and Beltramini [31], one
property of giving gifts is that the gift giver generally
obtains more satisfaction from the interaction than the
receiver. This is not captured by the model in Figure 4,
which is just an illustration of emotional goals.
4.3 Motivational scenarios
For traceability and completeness, we also adapt moti-
vational scenarios to consider emotional goals. Sterling
and Taveter’s motivational scenarios consist of a scenario
name, a scenario description, which specifies how the
roles and goals come together, and a quality description,
which specifies what qualities should result from these
Our straightforward addition to this is to add a field
to the motivational scenario tables: emotional descriptions,
which describes the key emotions that are part of the
Example — Gift giving scenario. A motivational sce-
nario for gift giving is shown in Table 2. The motiva-
tional scenario outlines the process of gift giving, and re-
lates this to the functional, quality, and emotional goals.
The key emotional properties that we aim to achieve in
the gift giving motivational scenario are outlined, and
these can be traced back to corresponding emotions in
the goal model.
Motivational scenario model for gift giving
Scenario Name Gift giving
A gift giver chooses and presents a gift
to the receiver, who acknowledges the
effort that the giver put into choosing
and presenting.
Quality description The gift should be appropriate, and the
interaction should promote a sense of
Emotional descrip-
The gift giving should promote a feeling
of friendship, make the receiver feel
special, and make the giver feel appre-
4.4 Role models
We add emotional considerations to role models. Each
role model describes the emotions that an agent playing
the role may feel, and, if necessary, how the responsibil-
ities and constraints affect this emotion. This is achieved
with two fields in the role models: (1) personal emotional
goals; and (2) context-specific emotional goals. These are lists
describing the relationships of roles to their respective
emotional goals.
In addition, the scopes of the role responsibilities and
constraints are expanded to include emotional aspects.
That is, a role can be responsible for performing a
functional goal that affects the emotions of another role,
or can be constrained by the fact that it has to consider
the emotional goals of a role, including itself.
Quality goals are not part of role models because qual-
ity goals are properties of the system. However, emotions
are included because they are properties related to the
roles as well as the system.
Example — Gift giver role model. Table 3 shows a role
model for the gift giver role. Note that the emotional
goal of making the receiver feel special is considered
a responsibility for the gift giver. A second role model
for the gift receiver must also be considered, but it is
omitted here. While this role model is straightforward
and adds little to our understanding of the domain, in
our case studies, role models are often used to provide
more detail and more precision about the responsibilities
and constraints of agents playing roles that cannot be
captured in goal models.
Fig. 4. A partial motivation model for gift giving
Role model for Gift Giver
Role Name Gift Giver
Description The Gift Giver chooses and gives a gift to
the receiver.
Responsibilities 1. Choose a gift that makes the receiver feel
2. Present the gift in a creative way.
Constraints The gift should be appropriate.
Personal emotional
The giver wants to feel close to the receiver.
emotional goals
The giver should feel appreciated by the
receiver’s acknowledgement.
4.5 Process model
In this section, we outline our process model for
emotion-led requirements modelling. Figure 5 outlines
the process model that we follow in our requirements
elicitation exercises, which is an extension of the process
outlined in our earlier work [27].
In this model, we advocate an incremental process in
which different activities within the domain are studied
provide an overview of the motivations in the domain.
Identifying these activities is the first step, after which
we study each activity, building on the previous study.
These can be studied concurrently or otherwise.
The third step is to obtain data on the activity, which
is used to inform the model. In our projects, we have
focused in rich ethnographic data, obtained via combina-
tions of interviews, observations, and technology probes,
however the data can be in many forms, from surveys,
brainstorming, domain research, user feedback, etc.
Once data is obtained, modelling commences. Our
initial focus is on the primary emotional goals and their
related roles, as we believe these are the most important
motivators for adopting and continuing to use systems.
Fig. 5. Process model
Next we extract the key functional goals for the system,
and the quality and context-specific emotional goals that
relate to these. In parallel, we define the motivational
scenarios, which depend on all of the types of goals.
Finally, the role models are completed, which involved
both identifying any additional roles that are important
to the system that are not identified with the personal
emotional goals, and also completing the role models
themselves. This process has been described in further
detail in a related paper [37], in which we discuss how to
increase the validity of the results using different levels
of group analysis.
This process is repeated on the different activities that
are identified at the start of the process. For example, if
we are studying ways in which close friends interact,
the activity of gift giving outlined in Figure 4 could
serve as one activity, while the activity of inviting some-
one to lunch could serve as another. Studying several
interactions of this nature provides us with a view of
how friends interact, what motivates them to do so, and
what their specific aims may be as part of interactions. In
our earlier work [27], we discuss how studying several
such activities provides us with a more valuable under-
standing of a domain than trying to generalise all such
In this section, we present a controlled experimental
evaluation of our proposed models. The goals of this
study are to answer the following two research ques-
1) Are POSE models suitable as boundary objects,
compared with existing goal-oriented modelling no-
tations such as i?
2) Do people prefer the use of emotional goals instead
of quality goals for capturing emotional desires?
We compare POSE with ibecause both notations aim
to include the social elements of socio-technical systems,
and iis perhaps the most commonly applied social
modelling language in academia. Like POSE, isupports
concepts such as functional goals, quality goals, roles,
and goal decomposition, but also introduces many ad-
ditional concepts, including tasks, resources, and agents,
and several types of relation between these, including
means-end relationships, decomposition, and dependen-
imodels were designed as a tool for software engi-
neers to map their ideas of how a socio-technical system
operates and to define the problem to be solve. POSE
models were empirically designed as a tool for soft-
ware engineers and non-technical stakeholders to col-
laboratively define their joint understanding of a socio-
technical system. Because non-technical stakeholders are
generally unconcerned with the difference between roles
and agents, and the different types of dependency, these
more detailed concepts are not included in the POSE
Our hypothesis is that POSE models are more suitable
as boundary objects because the sets of concepts are
constrained, allowing people to more easily engage with
the models, and correctly interpret meaning, even if the
notation is unfamiliar, while still maintaining high ex-
pressiveness and flexibility required for social modelling.
5.1 Experiment design
We recruited a total of 20 participants from a range of
backgrounds, and administered surveys to each. Pre-
experiment questions assessed their background, such as
experience in a computing-related field, familiarity with
the modelling notations, etc.
In our final set of participants, we had 10 participants
with training or experience in computing or a cognate
discipline, such as computer science, software engineer-
ing, and web design; and 10 participants without train-
ing in a cognate discipline, including occupations such
law, graphic design, business analysis, and accounting.
We had no participants with experience in ior POSE,
and participants were not informed as to the study goals
(except for the final qualitative question).
Each participant was given a survey document that
consisted of models from two domains: a meeting sched-
uler system, taken from Yu [52], and a patient care
system, taken from Yu [53]. Each participant received one
system modelled in iand the other modelled in POSE.
To mitigate potential bias, we split participants into two
groups, A and B. Group A received the meeting sched-
uler in iand the patient care system in POSE, while
group B received the meeting scheduler in POSE and
the patient care system in i. To mitigate experimenter
bias, we used only imodels from existing literature,
and derived models of these domains in POSE. Fur-
ther, participants worked independently, and requested
to only ask questions to clarify notation (although no
such questions were asked). To mitigate selection bias,
we recruited participants with experience in software
modelling, and some without.
The survey was broken into three tasks3. In task 1,
participants were asked to answer five questions about
the meeting scheduler system, such as which roles are
responsible for certain tasks or which goals (or tasks) are
required to fulfil a particular goal. In task 2, participants
were asked to answer six questions about the patient
care system, of a similar type to that in task 1. In task 3,
participants were presented with two alternative models
of a photo-sharing application: one in iand one in
POSE, each modelled by us. This was the only time
that participants saw alternatives of the same domain.
Participants were then asked qualitative questions about
the models they had seen, and which notation they
found easier to understand, how comfortable they would
feel modifying such a model, and how much information
each captures. In particular, the final question asked
participants which type of model they though better cap-
tures the emotional desires of people involved in systems.
3. The questionnaires are available at
pose-survey-1 and respectively.
Before the participants began, we gave each partic-
ipant a one minute overview of the POSE modelling
notation, and a two minute overview of the inotation.
The inotation was afforded a longer overview because
of the additional concepts it uses. In our experience and
one-two minute overview is about as long as possible
before stakeholders lose focus.
For tasks 1 and 2, we took two measures: time and
correctness. For each question, we timed how long it
took the participant to complete the task. There were no
time limits on tasks. After the questions were completed,
answers were judged on correctness. These two mea-
sures were proxies for how well the participants could
understand the models. The questions in the tasks were
such that assessing correctness was straightforward. We
measured correct answers as 1, incorrect answers as 0,
and partially correct answers as 0.5. A partially correct
answer includes cases such as correctly listing only some
of the tasks that a role is responsible for, instead of
correctly listing all tasks.
5.2 Results
Tables 4 and 5 show the results of the experiment and
qualitative questions respectively. Table 4 shows the
percentage of participants who answered each question
correctly, the mean and standard deviation of the num-
ber of questions correct per participant, and the mean
and standard deviation required to complete the task.
From this table, one can see that on average, par-
ticipants answered more questions correctly from the
POSE models than the imodels, and in a faster average
time. Given that these measures are our proxies for
understandability and usability, they imply that POSE
models are easier to understand by participants. Over
the eleven questions, eight had an equal or higher per-
centage of correct answers, and the overall number of
correct answers given per participant was higher – in
the case of the meeting schedule system, by almost one
complete mark. The times were also lower for the POSE
We attribute these results to the simpler nature of the
modelling notation, and the hierarchical layout of the
models, which lead to a more natural way to read them
(left to right, top to bottom). As well as the quantitative
results, the participants’ comments provide further ev-
idence of this. For example, the two quotes below are
from participants who had a strong preference for POSE
Far more clear, seems to capture what is important,
[and] constrains models to be sensible. [Peter, Com-
puter science student]
It makes implicit use of space rather than explicitly
using lines. [Danny, Experienced software engi-
neer and data modeller]
Table 5 shows the average responses for the qualitative
questions as a distribution over the responses. The expla-
nations each side of the distributions show the extreme
points of the five-point scale used.
From these results, we can see several expected results.
First, participants have a stronger preference for using
POSE models, largely because they are clearer, the icons
are easier to interpret, the models are simpler & “less
busy”, and the relationships are easier to identify. We
attribute this to the deliberately-constrained notation of
the POSE models.
Participants were also not confident that they could
modify imodels if required, but were far more confi-
dent that they could do so with POSE models. One par-
ticipant commented that they would be very confident
modifying a POSE model because they were able to:
... understand who performs task, and whether it is
essential, emotional, or desirable quality of a task.
[Bree, Lawyer]
Another commented that they would be not at all
confident modifying an imodel because the model
presented in the survey was:
Extremely confusing; I have difficulty following it
[Pedro, Computer Science Student].
Many participants considered that imodels capture
more information. From the qualitative comments, this is
almost entirely due to the fact that ihas more types of
relationships between different elements, and little to do
with additional concepts such as tasks, resources, etc.:
Relations and dependencies seem at least more ex-
plicit/detailed. [Phillip, Computer science post-
However, several participants commented that while
icould capture more, it may not be useful:
Yes, but not necessarily relevant/essential informa-
tion. [Tanya, Business analyst]
With regards to modelling emotional goals, there was
a clear preference for the POSE models, with only one
participant expressing a preference for i’s notation. This
participant commented that they preferred i’s way of
modelling emotion because POSE models are:
... organised by hierarchy, in my opinion we can’t
classify emotional things and feelings like this. [In-
grid, Digital media designer]
Despite this, Ingrid preferred the hierarchical nature
of POSE models.
The preference for explicit emotional goals reflects
our previous experience using these models with stake-
holders in projects. We have observed that people like
the explicit emotional goals because emotional goals
provide a clear separation from quality goals. Several
participants expressed similar views:
Love hearts indicate emotion & link back to a person
represented as a figure. [Bree, Lawyer]
Easy to misinterpret the iemotions as other soft
goals. [Nathan, Computer Science postdoc]
Task analysis results
Percentage of correct answers Mean Stdev Mean Stdev
Notation Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Score Score Time Time
Meeting scheduler
i40.0% 25.0% 55.0% 60.0% 70.0% 2.50 1.27 9:21 2:52
POSE 70.0% 60.0% 80.0% 75.0% 60.0% 3.45 1.55 7:40 3:50
Patient care
i70.0% 60.0% 80.0% 50.0% 50.0% 40.0% 3.50 1.39 9:50 3:50
POSE 60.0% 80.0% 70.0% 80.0% 75.0% 40.0% 4.05 1.86 6:43 2:24
Qualitative questions
Property ++ + + ++
Understandability ipreferred 0.0% 5.0% 0.0% 45.0% 50.0% POSE preferred
Modifying iNot at all confident 45.0% 25.0% 25.0% 5.0% 0.0% Very confident
Modifying POSE Not at all confident 0.0% 0.0% 20.0% 50.0% 30.0% Very confident
Concepts icaptures more 15.0% 55.0% 20.0% 5.0% 5.0% POSE captures more
Structure ipreferred 5.0% 10.0% 5.0% 45.0% 35.0% POSE preferred
Emotions ipreferred 0.0% 5.0% 15.0% 35.0% 45.0% POSE preferred
Interestingly, there is no significant difference in the
results between those participants with training in com-
puter science or software engineering, and those with-
out. That is, participants familiar with modelling nota-
tions such as UML, ER modelling, etc., still preferred the
simplified view.
5.3 Threats to validity
There are two main threats to external validity. First,
only two domains were modelled and used as part
of the experiment. Additional studies would improve
the generalisability of the results. Second, while 20 is
a reasonable number, the sample is biased towards pro-
fessionals, mostly with university degrees in areas where
modelling notations such as decision trees are used, and
did not include other representatives, such as children
or older people.
A threat to internal validity is that time and correct-
ness were used as proxies for understandability and
usability, and may not be entirely accurate. Another in-
ternal threat is the questions posed, which may have po-
tentially biased the results towards POSE. However, we
explicitly included questions that we believed would be
easier to answer in i, such as identifying which things
a role was responsible for (Question 5 of the patient care
system), which we believed would be straightforward to
identify in idue to their use of actor boundaries.
5.4 Discussion
The results of this evaluation support our hypothesis
that POSE models are suitable boundary objects. With
one of our primary criteria being a modelling notation
that is palatable to non-technical stakeholders, many of
whom will not have the desire to learn a new notation,
it is paramount that a simple and clear notation is
used. On top of this, we did not see a large divergence
in results between participants with computer science
training and those without. That is, the participants with
a computer science background also preferred the POSE
notation over i. From this, we conclude that POSE
models have the capability to carry the voice of the user,
and keep many stakeholder groups involved throughout
the requirements process.
In Section 5, we demonstrated the general suitability of
POSE models for emotional modelling. In this section,
we extend this work to a case-study evaluation of POSE
models on a real development project. The case study
is of emergency systems, discussed in the introduction.
The primary focus of this evaluation is to answer the
following qualitative research questions:
1) Do our motivation models capture the important
emotional aspects of peoples’ needs?
2) Does the consideration of emotions provide us with
useful information to improve systems and soft-
3) Are the resulting models useful as communication
tools between stakeholders, including software en-
Thus, this evaluation is a preliminary investigation
into the use of emotional goals, and emotions in general,
for improving software and systems.
6.1 Emergency systems
Our case study is that of emergency systems. The aim of
these systems is to support a person, generally an older
person, to remain living at home longer.
Emergency systems typically have two features: (1)
an emergency alarm: the older person can raise an alarm
if they require emergency attention, via e.g. pushing a
button on a pendant worn around their neck or wrist;
and (2) a wellbeing check: the older person informs a
service provider that they are well, on a daily basis,
via e.g. a button on a base station. If no indication
of wellbeing is received during a specified period, the
service provider initiates checks on the older person.
The emergency system is installed in an older person’s
home, and data from the system is monitored by a
service provider. If the older person raises an alarm,
the service provider contacts the person to ask if they
require help, or to check that the call is not a false
alarm (accidental triggering of the alarm). If they fail
to make contact, or they make contact but the older
person is in need of help, the service provider calls a
nominated relative or friend to provide assistance, and
ultimately, emergency services (e.g. ambulance) if none
of the nominated contacts can attend.
For the wellbeing check, the older person is required
to register their wellbeing each day, generally between a
fixed period of time; e.g. 7am–11am. If they do not check
in by the end of the period, the service provider calls the
older person. In most cases, the older person has simply
forgotten to press the button. If they cannot be reached,
a similar process as for raising an emergency is initiated.
6.2 Method
To uncover user needs and emotions in the emergency
system domain, we undertook an ethnographic study
using range of data collection methods, primarily in-
terviews and participant observation. We interviewed a
range of people about emergency alarms and technol-
ogy in general, we modelled the findings using POSE
models, and used these models as communication tools
with various stakeholders. This section details the study
6.2.1 Study design
To answer the research questions identified at the start of
this section, we designed the study along the following
1) We modelled our initial thoughts on the relevant
functional, quality, and emotional goals for emer-
gency systems, based on existing literature and any
anecdotal stories that we had heard. This gave us a
baseline model against which to compare our final
model, and helped to guide the interviews (research
question 1).
2) We interviewed 12 participants, categorised into
three groups: (a) older people who have or had
previously had an emergency alarm (four people);
(b) relatives of older people who have or had pre-
viously had an emergency alarm (four people); and
(c) older people who had never had an emergency
alarm (four people).
3) The interview data was analysed using ethno-
graphic content analysis to extract the key themes
or aspects, such as functionality, qualities, and emo-
tions desired by different stakeholders.
4) The key themes or aspects were modelled using
POSE models (research question 1).
5) The emotional goals were used to inform new func-
tional and quality goals for the model, and to then
provide some high-level design concepts for new
emergency systems (research question 2).
6) Finally, the models were used as communication
tools between the research team, our partners, and a
separate team of software engineers who developed
a new prototype for us (research questions 2 and 3).
6.2.2 Participants
Our primary data collection technique was face-to-face
interviews. We interviewed 12 people about their use of
technology in general, and on emergency systems. All
participants lived in Melbourne, Australia. In addition,
we took notes on the interview participants and their
domestic environment, such as where their emergency
alarm was located.
As mentioned previously, our interview participants
consist of three broad groups:
1) Four participants were older people who either
have or have had an emergency system installed
in their home. Their ages ranged from 85–91. Three
of the four participants lived on their own, while
the fourth lived with their spouse. All were sup-
ported in their wellbeing by family, friends, and
neighbours, and all had the emergency system as
additional support.
2) Four participants were family members (either chil-
dren, nieces, or nephews) of older people who either
had or have had an emergency system installed
at home. In all cases, the older person lived on
their own during the period in which they had the
system installed, and all had the emergency system
as additional support.
3) Four participants were older people who never had
an emergency system installed in their home, and
had not used one before. Their ages ranged from 69–
79. All participants in this category lived with their
spouse. From this group, we expected insights from
people who are not taking up emergency systems.
6.2.3 Data collection
The main source of data collection was via semi-
structured interviews with each of the participants. We
interviewed each participant once, with each interview
taking between 30–60 minutes. The interviews were
focused on the three different types of goals: functional,
quality, and emotional; and how these should be played
out in emergency systems and in technology in general.
Some participants were contacted for follow-up ques-
tions. All interviews were recorded and transcribed.
Interviews were semi-structured, allowing the par-
ticipants to explore their thoughts and feelings. Each
interview followed a similar pattern of asking three
broad types of questions about technology in general,
and about emergency systems:
1) What should technology (emergency systems) do
for you? This question relates to functional goals.
2) How should it be? This question relates to quality
3) How do you want to feel? The question relates to
emotional goals.
These questions were not asked directly as they are
stated above, but were based on these themes.
For those participants with experience in using emer-
gency systems, we also asked questions regarding the
contexts surrounding the emergency system, including
why they signed up, what problems they experienced
using the system, the key benefits of the system, what
actions they believe are required to use the system,
and what they believe happens when they initiate an
6.2.4 Data analysis
The interview data was analysed using ethnographic
content analysis according to Patton [34]. This involves
careful reading of the interview data, highlighting im-
portant and recurring themes from the participants’
responses. It identifies core consistencies and meaning
of the data. At least two researchers would analyse each
interview, and would compare their findings to reach
an agreement on the important themes. This summary
data was then presented to the research group, consisting
of six people, and was subject to further analysis in
the group until we reached agreement on the important
themes over all interviews. The focus of this analysis was
on the emotional and quality attributes of the emergency
Pedell et al. [37] provide further details of the field
study, including the ethnographic method followed, in-
formation about the participants, the questions, and the
findings, and also how the ethnographic data informed
and supported the models.
6.2.5 Limitations
There are several limitations to our evaluation. First, we
consider only one system, and as such, generalising to
all systems is not possible. Second, we have not repeated
our evaluation, so cannot determine how repeatable it is
from a software engineering perspective; that is, whether
another team would come up with the same models
from the same data. Despite this, content analysis [34]
is a well-accepted ethnographic technique, and informs
much of this part of the approach. Finally, the case study
is subject to bias, in that we knew that our initial baseline
models would be used for comparison, which may have
distorted our approach.
In this section, we present the results of the emergency
system case study, and discuss some of the lessons learnt.
We divide the presentation into what we learnt about
emergency systems design, and what we learnt about
our modelling approach.
We briefly discuss the design of a new emergency sys-
tem based on our findings, which we have prototyped
and evaluated. Pedell et al. [37] present more detailed
results and discussion about the design of emergency
systems, the prototype, and the resulting prototype eval-
uation. Our focus in this paper is on the emotional goals
and related models.
7.1 Emergency systems
First, we discuss what we learnt about the design of
emergency systems. We present this by contrasting the
models that we derived prior to the interviews with the
models that were informed by the interviews. These goal
models provide a sufficient overview of our particular
findings. Figure 6 shows the goal model prior to the in-
terviews, while Figure 7 shows it after the interviews. We
present our findings based on the changes and otherwise
between these two models. While functional and quality
goals have also changed, our analysis here is limited to
emotional goals. In Figure 7, we highlight changes made
to the emotional, quality and functional goals.
In this paper, we concern ourselves only with the
emotional goals. For each finding, we present a short
quote from interviews with participants, to supports this
finding, however each emotional goal is backed by ad-
ditional ethnographic data. Further details are available
in Pedell et al. [37].
7.1.1 Confirmation of existing emotional goals
Reassured. Our first model (Figure 6) seems to correctly
capture the idea that the primary motivation for wanting
to install an emergency system into a relative’s home is
to provide the carer or relative with reassurance that the
older person is safe. The interview data confirms this.
For example:
We just felt that if she had a fall or something
happened to her ... we would at least know that she
was OK [Christine – daughter of an emergency
system user].
Safe. Feeling safe is a key theme for the people using
the pendants:
... but basically because I’ve got this, I’ve got con-
fidence when I’m on my own [Jane – emergency
system user].
Independent. From anecdotal evidence, we had learnt
that independence was a key theme in emergency sys-
tems. However, we learnt the perceptions of indepen-
dence vary greatly between different people who had
an emergency system.
Fig. 6. The goal model prior to the interviews
On the one hand, emergency systems were seen to
preserve independence for many people who would oth-
erwise have to live in a shared home, or with relatives:
I think she felt that she’d got her independence back.
“I can stay here by myself because I’ve actually
now got something that if something happens to me,
she is not going to fret” [Feelings of her mother
described by Christine].
On the other hand, emergency systems were seen by
some as a threat to their independence:
It threatened her independence. She felt that it
branded her in a way that made her less independent
[Feelings of his aunt described by Joe].
Thus, some people felt that having an emergency
system attracted a stigma that they could not take care
of themselves because they were old.
We identified a clear distinction between these two
groups. The group that felt the emergency systems gave
them a feeling of independence had asked to have it
installed. That is, they felt that they could no longer live
independently without support for their wellbeing, and
this system gave them their independence by allowing
them to stay in their home for longer. The group that
felt their independence threatened had been told by their
relatives that they would need one. That is, the relative
gave them an ultimatum of living in a nursing home, or
getting an emergency system.
Those people who felt the system threatened their
independence tended not to wear the emergency pen-
dant. Joe, who insisted that his aunt have an emergency
system installed, described that the two times that his
aunt fell over and was unable to get up — in one case,
breaking her hip — she was not wearing her pendant
either time, and had to wait until neighbours or Joe
himself visited. His aunt later admitted that she only
wore the emergency pendant when she knew Joe was
coming to visit.
7.1.2 Removal of existing emotional goals
Accessible, unified, and natural. The three context-
specific emotional goals in Figure 6 that we had initially
considered as important did not reveal themselves as
themes from the interview data. We note that these were
the only context-specific emotional goals that we had
considered, and thus, these were all different to those of
our participants. This results demonstrates the impor-
tance of stakeholder input for these types of systems.
7.1.3 Addition of new emotional goals
In touch — personal goal. A new theme was the feeling,
for the older person, of being in touch with others
— especially family and friends, which is modelled in
Fig. 7. The goal model after the interviews
Figure 7. We expect that this is especially prevalent in our
interview data because most of the emergency system
users in our study were living alone, and felt isolated —
something that is common with many emergency system
users in Australia. This more general emotional goal of
being in touch is supported by the emergency systems
in a small way, in that the older persons felt that they
were not totally alone:
Very comforting that you’ve got that contact, other-
wise you’re on your own [Jane, emergency system
Two participants noted that they enjoyed talking with
the support staff, even if over the phone, noting how
courteous and caring they were.
In control — context-specific goal. One theme that
was identified was that of being in control. Participants
stressed the importance of being in control of their lives
(not just in control of technology):
Technology ... should enable me to do things that I
can’t do otherwise. It should not be an instrument
of control or surveillance [Martin, non user].
The emergency systems were seen to be a source of
resentment regarding the control in their life, which
stressed out some users:
We actually turned off the services at the end of the
month, because we were not happy with it. It was
stressing my mother, it was stressing me [Lucas,
son of emergency system user].
The feeling of being in control is closely related to
that of feeling independent. Our analysis showed that
some people could feel independent, but not have the
feeling of control over the emergency system. For this
reason, we modelled the feeling of “in control” as a
context-specific emotional goal (Figure 7) — while an
older person wants to feel in control of their own life,
an emergency system cannot give them this control, but
should be designed to give them control of the system
Integrated — context-specific goal. A recurring theme
about emergency systems and technology in general is
that they should feel integrated into one’s life, modelled
in Figure 7. For example, in the context of emergency
systems, any disruption that it would cause to the older
person’s regularly daily routine was considered a nega-
The biggest problem is it didn’t get integrated into
my mother’s life and part of the routines that she
had. If I use jargon, she didn’t ever really appropriate
the technology. It didn’t become part of her life. And
she never really viewed it positively [Lucas, son of
emergency system user].
7.1.4 Modification of existing emotional goals
Cared for Cared about. An important finding of our
study is the feeling of caring. We initially modelled feel-
ing cared for as an emotional goal in Figure 6. However,
from our interview data, it became clear that none of the
older persons wanted to be cared for. In particular, two
older women who had worked in the aged care sector
all their career did not want to receive care:
She worked for disability services all her life. This
transition was difficult for her, because she went
from being the carer to being someone who didn’t
want to be cared for [Joe, nephew of emergency
system user].
Instead, the participants in our study were more con-
cerned with being cared about, which has been modelled
in Figure 7. The older persons appreciated that their
families, friends, and neighbours cared enough about
them to want to them to be safe:
We were actually clear on the objectives of why
we were doing it. And, again, that was an easy
message, saying, “Look, we’re not here to alarm,
but we’re doing it because we care” [Lucas, son
of emergency system user].
This theme was common, and some participants felt
that older people were treated patronisingly when get-
ting care they did not particularly want. The distinction
is important for the interaction design of systems: the
systems should support the notion that people care
about the older person, while not making them feel like
7.1.5 Summary of findings about emergency systems
From the interviews and analysis, we learnt several
important considerations about emergency systems, and
technology design in general. As well as the obvious
feeling of safety, two prominent emotions were that the
older person wanted to feel in control of the system, and
more generally, they wanted to feel in touch — some-
thing that emergency systems could contribute to, but
do not currently address particularly well. In addition,
we learnt that the older people did not want to be cared
for, but they wanted to be cared about.
7.2 Design improvement
In this section, we discuss the design of a prototype
emergency system that we believe fulfils some of the
key emotional goals. A more detailed description of this
design and how it came about, as well as detailed results
of a field study trailing this prototype, are presented in
other work [37].
This prototype is not intended to offer a serious and
complete replacement for emergency systems, but in-
stead demonstrates how emotional goals, and the ethno-
graphic data supporting them, can be used to guide the
design process, and how more general socially-oriented
systems can achieve some of the goals of emergency
This improvement focuses on adding new functional
and quality goals to complement or fulfil some of the
emotional goals identified. Our particular focus is on the
emotional goals of the older person, as the emotional
goal of feeling reassured for family members and carers
is strongly supported by existing emergency systems, so
the design is based around the wellbeing check.
7.2.1 System design and implementation: staying in
We have implemented a complete prototype, with a
particular focus on the I’m in touch goal from Figure 7.
The prototype contains (among other functionality) a
digital photo frame on a tablet, which displays photos
sent to it from relatives and friends, via email. The
older person can place the frame in a location of their
choosing, and can view photos, comment on photos,
which sends the comments back to the sender (these can
be further replied to by the sender), and scroll through
older photos. When the older person has not interacted
with the frame for a specific amount of time, where the
time is configurable for each person, the carer can contact
the person. The older person can press a button that is
the same as the previous wellbeing check. Additionally,
the tablet’s accelerometer is used to detect movement,
which is logged as interaction with the system.
Any interaction from the older person establishes that
they are well, so the wellbeing check is not required if
they move or interact with the picture frame. Settings
can be changed, so that instead of the older person
being required to interact within a fixed period, they can
specify different time periods, giving them control.
Allowing the sender of the message to acknowledge a
response via another message permits a two-way com-
munication, which fulfils the emotional goals of feeling
in touch and cared about (Figure 7).
As an illustration of how we use POSE models to
design more specific requirements for systems, Figure 8
shows part of a goal model for our new system. This
goal model breaks down the goal I’m in touch into more
specific goals that are closer to functional requirements.
This model is not complete, but is for illustration pur-
poses only.
We have translated the goal of feeling “in touch”
directly into a functional goal called I’m in touch (Fig-
ure 7). The primary idea is that instead of sending a
one-way signal via a button, the older person using the
emergency system to stay in touch with their family, who
can respond (and therefore acknowledge) this, delivering
a sense of being in touch, while also fulfilling the goal
of communicating that they are well.
In Figure 8, we decompose this functional goal into a
more refined set of goals that are specific to our product
design. For example, to communicate with a carer or
relative, an older person can look at a picture (implicitly
communicate), or they can like the picture or send a
message (explicitly communicate).
The design was inspired by our participants, many of
whom talked about how much their family means to
them, and proudly displayed photos of their families on
tables, bookshelves, etc. In particular, one participant hid
Fig. 8. Part of a refined goal model for the emergency system.
his emergency system base station by covering it with
photo frames containing pictures of his grandchildren.
7.2.2 System evaluation
This prototype was placed into the homes of nine older
people over a period of approximately two weeks each.
Interviews were conducted both before and after the
deployment period to evaluate how well the design and
implementation fulfilled the goal model from Figure 7.
The evaluation demonstrated four key findings:
1) Those older people who had or have had an emer-
gency alarm reported a more positive experience us-
ing the prototype developed according to emotional
goals than using their existing alarm.
2) The older people enjoyed the social interaction of
viewing photos and sending messages to their car-
3) The benefits of the emotion-led design are particu-
larly apparent when the users are not particularly
tech-savvy, or when they are an existing emergency
system user.
4) Some participants still did not feel in control, as
they did not want carers to be informed about their
Further details on the prototype, on the evaluation
study, including the results are available in Pedell et al.
7.3 Emotion-led modelling
In this section, we discuss some of the lessons that we
learnt about our emotion-led modelling.
7.3.1 Personal vs. context-specific emotional goals
In Section 4.2, we made a clear distinction between per-
sonal and context-specific emotional goals. In previous
work on emotions and emotional goals [3, 5, 40, 47, 21],
we have not seen such a distinction made.
It was not until we attempted to model the outcomes
of initial brainstorming session for the emergency system
case study that this difference was identified. When
analysing and finding the key emotional factors, it be-
came clear that some factors were personal and persisted
outside of the scope of emergency systems, and some
were tied directly to the system itself.
In our initial attempts to model these two distinc-
tions, we used notational differences, such as placing
the role between the functional goal and emotional goal
for context-specific emotional goals. However, as we
progressed further, we realised that our research group
and other stakeholders could determine the difference
from the context, so we used one syntax for both.
7.3.2 All quality goals are implicitly context-specific
emotional goals
In both our initial brainstorming and our data analysis,
we found that many of the quality goals that were
derived also came up as emotional goals — mainly
context-specific emotional goals. For example, the goal
of the call for help being immediate was derived as both
a quality goal and an emotional goal from different
analyses. This is consistent with Norman’s theory [30]:
events are processed at one level, but the emotional
response can trigger responses at other levels. Therefore,
if one desires a particular quality in a system, then
they also want to feel (or perceive) that the system has
that quality. In short, each quality goal has an implicit
emotional goal associated with it.
In initial data collection, we often categorised both,
however, during modelling, we categorise these as either
quality goals (related to behavioural level) or emotional
(related to reflective). In the example of an immediate call
for help, this is clearly related to system performance,
so is behavioural. However, there could also be a clear
reflective emotional response to this, and quality goals
in models can be read this way.
7.3.3 Emotion-led models as analysis tools
The resulting model in Figure 7 is simple, and conveys
only part of the important information of the domain;
e.g. we supplement the goals with quotes in Section 7.1
to provide additional context. While it is easy to dismiss
the model as being superfluous in the context of sur-
rounding discussion and quotes, this does not consider
that the quotations and analysis of them are a result of
the modelling. That is, we use a grounded analysis to
sift, select, and organise the many pieces of information
and abstract them into a sensible and coherent grounded
theory, which we record using our models. The quotes
in the paper were selected because they represented
particular emotional goals, rather than being picked
directly out of the large amount ethnographic data.
Our transcribed interviews consisted of almost 40,000
words. We found that the modelling provided a useful,
structured way to sift and organise ethnographic data.
The difficulty is, of course, in gauging the right level
of detail, and deciding what should be discarded, what
should be included, and what should be merged with
other concepts. Including all relevant detail would result
in a unwieldy model that is not useful for commu-
nication, while including too little would result in a
meaningless model. Having validated the emergency
alarm models with several participants, we believe that
our models are at an appropriate level for understanding
the problem domain.
7.3.4 Emotion-led models as communication tools
In much of our previous work [28, 27, 36], our focus
has been on the use of agent-oriented models as shared
communication tools between stakeholders. In our expe-
rience, the lightweight notation and focus on high-level
concepts make them useful in early-phase requirements
This section presents our experiences in using this
novel emotion-led models for communicating with
stakeholders in this project.
Communication within the research team. The models
were used extensively and effectively within the research
team to keep track of our current understanding of the
domain. As well as providing a way to document our
understanding, they were used in meetings to discuss
findings, design ideas, and future work.
Communication of results. Our POSE models were used
as a way to communicate our results, much as they have
been in this paper. As well as a presentation of the model
to record our understanding, we presented reports to
one of our funding bodies based on the structure of the
model. That is, headings in the report were taken directly
from the model, and discussions centred around the
goals on the model. In addition to providing a structure
for reports, we found that this provided readers with
a clear summary of results that could be referred to in
order to put the results in perspective.
Communication with developers. Our POSE models
were given to the team that developed our prototype. As
well as giving the development team an understanding
of the domain, the models helped us to provide them
with clear motivation for the functionality that they were
One unexpected use of the models in this context was
the developers employing them as a project management
tool. The development team, who are separate from
our research team, use a lean software development
process, and, roughly speaking, manage progress by
noting which stage of completion project tasks are in.
The development team used the goal model to derive
the tasks, adding each goal as a task to their project plan,
and “ticking off” goals once the corresponding task is
Although we have used the goal models for similar
purposes in the past, and Marshall [21] reports on using
goal models for project management, the development
team on the project were unaware of this work. Clearly,
the goal models worked for them, and were used directly
in the development.
Communication with aged-care providers. Although
we have not typically shown the models to aged-care
providers, in discussing our work with them, the models
and the particular abstraction we have chosen continues
to provide a structured way to communicate what we
have learnt from the project.
Abstraction and hierarchy. Consistent with our previ-
ous work [28], the higher-level graphical goal models
were more useful as shared artifacts in meetings and
discussions than the more detailed role models. Further,
the hierarchical nature of the goal models allowed us to
focus on the highest-level models for the most part, and
then drill down into more detail at the lower level for
more specific discussions.
Notation. The emotional goal notation is straightfor-
ward. However, one problem that we are encountering in
our projects is that they result in a significant increase in
repeated role figures and arcs on the models, compared
to models without emotional goals. That is, they do not
increase the number of roles, but result in repeated roles
on models, or additional arcs that cross each other. We
identify three reasons for this: (1) we often represent
additional information that we did not otherwise con-
sider, by asking additional questions about emotions; (2)
the notation of an emotional goal requires three graph
nodes (a role, an emotion, and a functional goal), and
two arcs; and (3) it is often the case that emotional goals
are attached to functional goals in which the roles that
achieve the goals are not the same as the role that has
the emotional goal. For example, in the gifting model
in Figure 4, the roles attached to the emotional goals are
not the same as the roles that achieve the functional goal
that fulfils those emotional goals.
Despite this, our models have not become overcompli-
cated in our view, because we use the hierarchical nature
of the models to split them into several smaller models.
We also avoid excessive arcs by implicitly using space to
convey the relations instead of lines. In our experience,
this is possible in most cases, and our experiments
from Section 5 demonstrate that it is preferred by many
Summary of communication benefits. Overall, we
found our goal models to be effective communication
tools between different stakeholders. The models do
not capture all of the ethnographic data, nor all details
required to build a system. However, as tool for rep-
resenting a shared understanding of the problem, we
found them useful.
We ultimately did not show the goal models to our
participants. However, we are currently working on
other projects in which end users are encouraged to
create and edit goal models. We are finding that models
that include emotional goals resonate with stakeholders
— especially non-technical stakeholders. We are explor-
ing areas such as depression care, sleep disorders, and
other areas related to wellbeing, and are finding that
non-technical stakeholders embrace POSE models. The
idea of considering emotions at a early stage resonates
especially strongly in these areas in which the user’s
state of mind is paramount.
7.4 Discussion
In this section, we reflect on the research questions
identified at the start of Section 6.
Can our emotion-led goal models capture important emo-
tional aspects of peoples’ needs? Based on our findings,
we captured many of the important emotional aspects
for the emergency systems. As well as extracting the
important themes from the ethnographic data, the eval-
uation of our prototype showed high user satisfaction,
especially for the group of users who had previous
experience with an emergency system.
Our models do not capture all relevant information,
and further, the quality of the models is only as good
as the data that backs them. However, we believe that
the high-level view of motivations, including functional,
quality, and emotional goals, is an important factor in
software and systems engineering.
Does the consideration of emotions provide us with useful
information to improve systems and software? Evaluations of
our prototype provide support that that the considera-
tion of emotions can lead to improved systems and soft-
ware, and ultimately, better outcomes for users. Further
evidence for this is the continued engagement from our
industry partner who develops software for emergency
systems, and interest from several new partners in the
aged-care service industry.
While we believe that considering emotions would
have the most visible impact in socially-oriented sys-
tems, we also believe that the consideration on emotions
can have an impact on systems employed in organisa-
tions, which is consistent with related findings [25].
Are the resulting models useful as communication tools
between stakeholders, including software engineers? While
we can offer only anecdotal evidence of support for this
question, our experience in this and other projects indi-
cates that the most valuable aspect of POSE models is not
as a summary of the ethnographic field data for our own
purposes, but as a tool to share our understanding of this
data with others. Being able to present a 1–2 page dia-
gram outlining the most important motivations of users
is key to communicating and motivating system design.
The use of the models by the team that developed the
prototype further demonstrates the value of the models
for organising and understanding the key motivations.
In this paper, we introduced a straightforward notation
of modelling emotional goals in agent-oriented mod-
elling. We distinguish between two types of emotional
goals: personal emotional goals, which model the emotional
desires of users; and context-specific emotional goals, which
model the desired effects that a system has on its users.
These models were evaluated both via a controlled
user study, and in the context of emergency systems,
demonstrating that emotional goals can capture the key
emotional desires of users, and can lead to improved
design of systems and software. We have designed,
implemented, and evaluated a new prototype for an
emergency system, focusing on the “wellbeing check”,
and demonstrated that asking a few simple questions re-
garding users’ emotions can lead to improved outcomes
of systems.
Based on our project, we have attracted further fund-
ing from grant schemes and industry partners to apply
our emotion-led models in areas such as depression
care, support for sleep deprivation, and home care for
the elderly, and applications for promoting low-carbon
living. While some of these are currently undergoing
trials that appear to be successful, further work needs
to be done.
Our future work will focus on mapping the idea of
emotional goals from requirements to software design,
implementation, testing, and system evaluation, allow-
ing us to trace emotion-led requirements throughout the
software development lifecycle. Furthermore, we will
aim at gaining deeper understanding on how we can
map emotional goals to system designs, providing more
systematic methods for considering emotions in design.
Finally, as a method of validation and repeatability of our
modelling approach, the study data will be interpreted
and modelled by others.
In recent work [19], we have considered how to accom-
modate the differing reactions between individuals at the
reflective level. We used the notions of personas [8] and
scenarios to evaluate how different people may react to
the same designs. Cooper [8] defines personas as hypo-
thetical archetypes for actual users. For several projects,
we have used ethnographic data to derive several rich,
realistic personas representing different people who hold
a stake in proposed systems. We then walk through pre-
defined scenarios to help us reason empathetically in
place of those personas, improving our evaluation of
design decisions, and potentially leading to new design
This research is funded by the Australian Research
Council Discovery Grant DP130102660 and the Smart
Services CRC.
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... It is widely argued that in designing most software applications much effort is placed upon the utilitarian goals (functional and quali ty goals), which make a software system usef ul. However, overlooking key drivers of engagement such as people's emotions and values, which cause a software system to be pleasurable to use, can result disappointment and system re-ejection depending upon the nature of the software system and emotional goals even if utilitarian goals are well implemented (Thaw and Sutcliffe,2017;Bentley, Johnston, and Baggy, 2002;Draper, 1999;Gouging, 1994;Hassenzahl, Beu, and Burmester, 2001;Krumbholz et al., 2000;Miller et al., 2015;Proynova et al., 2011). It is due to this fact that from the human perspective, what they would or would not like to feel (emotional goal) in some applications are just as much or more important than what a system is supposed to accomplish (Callele, Neufeld, and Schneider, 2006;Bahsoon, Emmerich, and Macke, 2005). ...
... For this purpose, in this section, we outline a process model for analysing emotional goals by using the EG-SAT. As shown in Figure 6, the input to the process model is a list of emotional goals, which can elicited using any technique such as the EAF (Sherkat et al., 2018), POSE (Miller et al., 2015), ethnography (Neuman, 2005), etc. What makes t hese methods different from others is not only the processes and techniques that they use for emotional goals elicitation but also the context in which emotional goal elicitation technique is employed. ...
... For instance, in the EAF emotional acquisition process ( Sherkat e t al., 2018), emotional goal elicitation process a d a p t s to the meta-concepts that the elicitation framework introduces. In the POSE (Miller et al., 2015), a quite different and simpler meta-model based on the ethnography is used. Regardless of the elicitation method, this activity en-compasses what stakeholder would or would not like to feel by using a software system. ...
Technical Report
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Executive Summary This final report supports the completion of the Cooperative Research Centre for Low Carbon Living (CRC LCL) Research Project (RP) 3015: Increasing knowledge and motivating collaborative action on Low Carbon Living through team-based and game-based mobile learning (2014-2018). The project aims to address a challenge which is central to the CRC LCL's stated purpose, of overcoming barriers to the adoption of low-carbon construction processes, products and services. Regardless of technological advances or policy changes toward energy efficient and low carbon building design, the quality of construction practices needs to improve to harness the significant opportunities available in the market. The central question for this project was: How might we facilitate a sense of responsibility toward embedding sustainable practice into the culture of the tradespeople and builders? Input from project industry partners, as well as semi-structured interviews and surveys with trades instructors, builders and students supported the contention that leveraging situated peer to peer and authentic learning on the building site (contextualising rather than abstract instruction), combined with social learning strategies might be well suited to addressing these issues during teaching of trades apprentices, builders and design professionals. This project therefore focussed on how this could be facilitated by mobile learning (M-Learning) using smart-phone technology to align the learning needs of apprentices, the instructional needs of trainers, and builders needs for work-site efficiency, business benefits through continuous improvement, compliance, quality assurance tracking, and documentation. It recognises that “…learning and acting are interestingly indistinct, learning being a continuous, life-long process resulting from acting in situations” (Brown, Collins and Duguid 1989).
... Interest in studying the aaect of software developers has risen considerably in the last ve years, although we have just started to understand the tip of the iceberg [53]. To our knowledge, no studies have ooered an estimation of the happiness distribution of developers, and only a small number of causes of developers' aaect have been examined in a few studies. ...
Conference Paper
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The happy-productive worker thesis states that happy workers are more productive. Recent research in software engineering supports the thesis, and the ideal of flourishing happiness among software developers is often expressed among industry practitioners. However, the literature suggests that a cost-effective way to foster happiness and productivity among workers could be to limit unhappiness. Psychological disorders such as job burnout and anxiety could also be reduced by limiting the negative experiences of software developers. Simultaneously, a baseline assessment of (un)happiness and knowledge about how developers experience it are missing. In this paper, we broaden the understanding of unhappiness among software developers in terms of (1) the software developer population distribution of (un)happiness, and (2) the causes of unhappiness while developing software. We conducted a large-scale quantitative and qualitative survey, incorporating a psychometrically validated instrument for measuring (un)happiness, with 2,220 developers, yielding a rich and balanced sample of 1,318 complete responses. Our results indicate that software developers are a slightly happy population, but the need for limiting the unhappiness of developers remains. We also identified 219 factors representing causes of unhappiness while developing software. Our results, which are available as open data, can act as guidelines for practitioners in management positions and developers in general for fostering happiness on the job. We suggest future research in software engineering should consider happiness in studies of human aspects and even in seemingly unrelated technical areas.
This paper describes the development and evaluation of a framework that combines expert-based and clustering methods for resolving conflicts in requirements elicited from stakeholders. The purpose of the framework was to identify and resolve conflicts among expectations by multiple stakeholders that often arise during the requirements elicitation phase. By means of qualitative and quantitative research approaches, face-to-face oral interviews, quantitative surveys, brainstorming sessions, and focus groups, scenarios were generated with stakeholders of a given problem domain. Our approach was implemented within an interactive system that empirically supports the adequacy of our framework with the involvements of experts and other stakeholders of the chosen problem domain. In addition, we presented a dataset of requirements with their weight scales that formed the basis for resolving conflicting views by stakeholders by applying scientific criteria. The framework was validated in a real-life case study. The results demonstrated 85.71% of correctly clustered instances of requirements, based on which the experts agreed that the interactive system was good enough for resolving conflicting subjective views in requirements analysis. The research performed has the two-fold threat to validity, which suggests (i) the need to adequately capture and harmoniously represent the views by different stakeholders in a multicultural and multidisciplinary domain and (ii) the need to validate the framework in other real life case studies in different domains. The research performed has a high potential for reducing software development costs and saving time at the early stage of the development of software products.
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Software development comprises the use of multiple Third-Party Libraries (TPLs). However, the irrelevant libraries present in software application’s distributable often lead to excessive consumption of resources such as CPU cycles, memory, and modile-devices’ battery usage. Therefore, the identification and removal of unused TPLs present in an application are desirable. We present a rapid, storage-efficient, obfuscation-resilient method to detect the irrelevant-TPLs in Java and Python applications. Our approach’s novel aspects are i) Computing a vector representation of a .class file using a model that we call Lib2Vec. The Lib2Vec model is trained using the Paragraph Vector Algorithm. ii) Before using it for training the Lib2Vec models, a .class file is converted to a normalized form via semantics-preserving transformations. iii) A eXtra Library Detector (XtraLibD) developed and tested with 27 different language-specific Lib2Vec models. These models were trained using different parameters and >30,000 .class and >478,000 .py files taken from >100 different Java libraries and 43,711 Python available at and, respectively. XtraLibD achieves an accuracy of 99.48% with an F1 score of 0.968 and outperforms the existing tools, viz., LibScout, LiteRadar, and LibD with an accuracy improvement of 74.5%, 30.33%, and 14.1%, respectively. Compared with LibD, XtraLibD achieves a response time improvement of 61.37% and a storage reduction of 87.93% (99.85% over JIngredient). Our program artifacts are available at library detectionCode similarityParagraph vectorsSoftware bloatObfuscation
Conference Paper
Humans are a key part of software development, including customers, designers, coders, testers and end users. In this keynote talk I explain why incorporating human-centric issues into software engineering for next-generation applications is critical. I use several examples from our recent and current work on handling human-centric issues when engineering various ‘smart living’ cloud- and edge-based software systems. This includes using human-centric, domain-specific visual models for non-technical experts to specify and generate data analysis applications; personality impact on aspects of software activities; incorporating end user emotions into software requirements engineering for smart homes; incorporating human usage patterns into emerging edge computing applications; visualising smart city-related data; reporting diverse software usability defects; and human-centric security and privacy requirements for smart living systems. I assess the usefulness of these approaches, highlight some outstanding research challenges, and briefly discuss our current work on new human-centric approaches to software engineering for smart living applications.
In modern software development, considering the viewpoints of stakeholders is an important step in building the right system. Over the past decade, several authors have proposed solutions to capture and model these viewpoints. While these solutions have been successful, emotions of stakeholders have been largely ignored. Considering the emotional needs of stakeholders is important because both the users ' perceptions of a product and their use of a product are influenced by emotion as much as cognition. Building on recent work in modelling the emotional goals of stakeholders, the authors extend an existing viewpoint framework to capture emotions, and to use emotions in models from early-phase requirements to detailed software design. They demonstrate the models and framework with a case study of an emergency alarm system for older people, presenting a complete set of models for the case study. The authors introduce recent experience in using emotional models in requirements elicitation within an agile process.
Human emotions have been widely researched in many disciplines such as psychology, philosophy, neuroscience and medicine. Their importance cannot be underestimated. Unfortunately, so far in software engineering, requirements engineers focus mostly on gathering functional and quality requirements and rarely consider how stakeholders feel or would like to feel when using a software product. Incorporating the user’s emotional goals in software engineering can be very challenging considering that emotions are very complex and subjective. Moreover, when it comes to incorporating user emotions in software engineering, existing methodologies or frameworks provide very little guidance to software professionals. In this paper, the authors present work on evaluating emotional goals in a software engineering context. The authors describe the development of a questionnaire as an evaluation tool and evaluate the questionnaire in the context of a digital photo frame placed in the homes of nine older persons living on their own. Further improvements to the tool are proposed based on the findings from the study.
Conference Paper
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Multiple stakeholders need to be taken into consideration when designing and implementing public sector services and processes. It will be asked in this article whether agent-oriented modeling could be beneficial to understand the interactions between these stakeholders and to support the design of proactive, user-friendly, and usable services of e-government. We propose a methodology for service design that can help to design better and more proactive services and hereby promote service design thinking in the public sector. For this on-going research, we take a look into how the family benefits service works in Estonia. To aid this task, structured interviews were conducted with the officials of the Social Insurance Board. The current article makes a contribution to a new way of approaching the design and development of public electronic services.
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It is common practice in software engineering to develop a product for the "user". The concepts of users and actors typically oversimplify the variety of people that could use a system in a given scenario. By developing the system for actors, many software engineers effectively develop the system for themselves, embodying the abstract actors with their own personalities - i.e. how would I use the system if I was this actor? A single perspective may be sufficient for situations with a well-defined workflow, however, many systems in the social and domestic domains should consider people's emotional response to systems, which impact product acceptance. To ensure that emotional desires are met and that a product appeals to the intended audience, we advocate the use of personas within emotional scenarios. Personas and scenarios can be used to explore the diversity of people's background, emotions and motivations, and how they would react emotionally to design decisions. We describe our experience using personas and emotional scenarios in three projects related to people's health, where emotions are ever present, in the domains of aged wellbeing and mental health.
Older adults want to live independently in their home for as long as possible, and technologies can support them with this goal. However, solutions to help with living alone are often designed from a technical perspective, ignoring the needs and preferences of older adults. This results in strong attitudes and feelings against, and limited adoption of, these technologies. In this chapter, the authors use ethnographic methods to inform the development of solutions taking into account the emotional needs of end-users. They present a three-staged approach by applying it in the domain of personal emergency alarms. First, the authors identify the shortcomings of current emergency alarm systems as perceived by older adults. Then, they develop a prototype that addresses some of the issues identified, focusing on emotional needs. Finally, the authors conduct a trial with the prototype. The results show that considering emotions during system design can improve user experience.
In this paper, we examine the role of peoples’ emotions or feelings about a system and the associated system qualities in encouraging adoption and effective use of systems. In two different contexts, we examine the use of a learning management system in an educational setting and a personal emergency alarm system in an aged care setting. This study reveals that technology appropriation – a term used to capture adoption and ongoing use, is driven by different emotions depending on whether users are in the adoption decision-making stage or during actual use. Findings from this study also suggest that social factors influence peoples’ emotions in the decision to adopt a system. However, as people use a system over time, it is the non-functional system qualities, based on personal experiences with the look, feel, functionality and features that trigger positive and negative emotional responses. Our findings therefore propose that these emotional responses should be considered during system design and implementation to encourage appropriation and avoid rejection of systems.
In this paper we examine the support mechanisms that encourage and support early, medium and longer-term use of technologies. In two longitudinal studies, we examine use of a Learning Management System and the software application EndNote in an educational setting. Our findings suggest that providing classroom-based training for users may be a good mechanism encouraging adoption and early use. However, in the medium and longer-term, access to a variety of support mechanisms are necessary to encourage and support the appropriation process. Findings from these studies reveal that, in the medium and longer-term, localized oneon- one support, peer-support and availability of advanced training in the form of one-on-one contact with the trainer at critical time periods are key factors in encouraging productive use and avoiding rejection of the technology in the longer-term.
We outline an approach for eliciting, understanding, and representing the cultural aspects of the domestic environment for the purpose of system design. We use agent models as shared artefacts to represent the everyday cultural life of the home. These representations build an understanding between the people that own this culture and the people responsible for technology development. We argue the necessity of knowing about a formal representation of these cultural aspects to inform design decisions and develop technologies that truly satisfy and support the everyday life of families. Our aim is to express socially-oriented requirements for technology. We show the usefulness of this approach on a case study that investigates interactions between grandparents and grandchildren who are geographically separated.
The authors promote agent-oriented models to identify, represent and evaluate high-level abstractions of digital media design projects. A major aspect is the introduction of emotional goals, in addition to functional goals and quality goals to describe feelings such as having fun, being engaged and feeling cared for. To establish emotional goals, digital media design methods and processes were employed including the development of emotional scripts, user profiles, mood boards and following an iterative participatory design process. This approach proved to be highly successful, not only to represent emotional goals such as fun, tension and empathy, but also to facilitate the ideation, creation and progressive evaluation of projects. The process supports communication between designers, developers and other stakeholders in large multidisciplinary development teams by providing a shared language and common artefact. The process is demonstrated in the development of a Multiplayer Online Role Play Game (MORPG) called Aspergion that promotes respect for people with Asperger's Syndrome.
In this paper, we describe research results arising from a technology transfer exercise on agent-oriented requirements engineering with an industry partner. We introduce two improvements to the state-of-the-art in agent-oriented requirements engineering, designed to mitigate two problems experienced by ourselves and our industry partner: (1) the lack of systematic methods for agent-oriented requirements elicitation and modelling; and (2) the lack of prescribed deliverables in agent-oriented requirements engineering. We discuss the application of our new approach to an aircraft turnaround simulator built in conjunction with our industry partner, and show how agent-oriented models can be derived and used to construct a complete requirements package. We evaluate this by having three independent people design and implement prototypes of the aircraft turnaround simulator, and comparing the three prototypes. Our evaluation indicates that our approach is effective at delivering correct, complete, and consistent requirements that satisfy the stakeholders, and can be used in a repeatable manner to produce designs and implementations. We discuss lessons learnt from applying this approach.